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193410 [2014/09/06 15:31] – [TRAIL-RIDING AT KOSCIUSKO] emmanuelle_c193410 [2014/09/08 14:11] – [NECESSARY ITEMS OF GEAR THAT SHOULD ALWAYS BE LEFT AT HOME.] emmanuelle_c
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 His doubts might have been intensified had he known that one of the two women had barely learned to ride and did not know one side of a horse from the other. However, all went well to begin with. Lucy led the packhorses at a good pace across the open grassy sheep country to Thredbo, and I followed quite creditably. We camped near the fishing shack - belonging to a solicitor on the Thredbo River, hobbled the horses and parked them in the adjoining paddock. A paddock, I was soon to learn, is the be-all and end-all of a horse-rider's life. With it he sleeps in peace; without it he worries all night as to where the horses will be in the morning; and few were the paddocks we were to find in the course of the days that followed. His doubts might have been intensified had he known that one of the two women had barely learned to ride and did not know one side of a horse from the other. However, all went well to begin with. Lucy led the packhorses at a good pace across the open grassy sheep country to Thredbo, and I followed quite creditably. We camped near the fishing shack - belonging to a solicitor on the Thredbo River, hobbled the horses and parked them in the adjoining paddock. A paddock, I was soon to learn, is the be-all and end-all of a horse-rider's life. With it he sleeps in peace; without it he worries all night as to where the horses will be in the morning; and few were the paddocks we were to find in the course of the days that followed.
-In the morning I thought I would improve the shining hour and save time by catching the horses, so I went gingerly up to the likeliest, but he took a mighty hop and left me looking pathetically after his retreating figure. Until then I was under the _impression that a hobbled horse could move neither quickly nor far. I found, both now and henceforth, that popular ideas on such matters are wholly erroneous. After looking helplessly after the retreating animal, I thought it wiser to call Lucy. She with a master hand spoke kind but firm words, and la and behold! he was bridled before you could say "Jack Robinson". Once bridled he was as meek as a lamb. Curious that a horse is a wild animal until he feels man's hand upon him; then he is tamer than a cat or a dog; at least if he is a quiet horse, and these were quiet to a fault. I soon learned the art of saddling the horses, including the packhorse, and I could also hobble them for the night and picket them with the correct knots, but the art of catching them is one about which I am still a little dubious, and, whenever I did catch them successfully, I had the feeling it was more by good luck than good management.+In the morning I thought I would improve the shining hour and save time by catching the horses, so I went gingerly up to the likeliest, but he took a mighty hop and left me looking pathetically after his retreating figure. Until then I was under the impression that a hobbled horse could move neither quickly nor far. I found, both now and henceforth, that popular ideas on such matters are wholly erroneous. After looking helplessly after the retreating animal, I thought it wiser to call Lucy. She with a master hand spoke kind but firm words, and la and behold! he was bridled before you could say "Jack Robinson". Once bridled he was as meek as a lamb. Curious that a horse is a wild animal until he feels man's hand upon him; then he is tamer than a cat or a dog; at least if he is a quiet horse, and these were quiet to a fault. I soon learned the art of saddling the horses, including the packhorse, and I could also hobble them for the night and picket them with the correct knots, but the art of catching them is one about which I am still a little dubious, and, whenever I did catch them successfully, I had the feeling it was more by good luck than good management.
-That day's ride took us along the side of the smiling Thredbo River that ripples along between grassy treeshaded banks under the bright bare heights of Kosciusko Plateau rising above their lower, wooded slopes into the clear cloudless blue sky. Matthew Arnold never visited Australia, but I always think it was heights like these, devoid of snow or trees, that he had in mindwhen he wrote:+That day's ride took us along the side of the smiling Thredbo River that ripples along between grassy treeshaded banks under the bright bare heights of Kosciusko Plateau rising above their lower, wooded slopes into the clear cloudless blue sky. Matthew Arnold never visited Australia, but I always think it was heights like these, devoid of snow or trees, that he had in mind when he wrote:
 "And high the mountain-tops in cloudy air,\\ "And high the mountain-tops in cloudy air,\\
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 We did not wake to a hurricane, but an angry dawn recalled the proverb, "Red in the morning's the shepherd's warning". I was cursing the poor horses and was too worried to eat any breakfast. A terse entry in my diary recorded that we departed at 6.30 but anxiety dried the ink on my pen, so to speak, before I could write any more, and this was to have sequel later. A heavy pack on the back is a severe physical burden, but to me the mental burden of the horses seemed far heavier.  We did not wake to a hurricane, but an angry dawn recalled the proverb, "Red in the morning's the shepherd's warning". I was cursing the poor horses and was too worried to eat any breakfast. A terse entry in my diary recorded that we departed at 6.30 but anxiety dried the ink on my pen, so to speak, before I could write any more, and this was to have sequel later. A heavy pack on the back is a severe physical burden, but to me the mental burden of the horses seemed far heavier. 
-Once on the main ridge again, we saw a heap of stones that might have been Gungarten, especially as it had a cairn On the top. I climbed to the cairn but found it was not trig station, and that Gungarten proper must be that distant summit seemingly miles away, and meantime the angry clouds were sweeping up, and the thunder growled threateningly across the distant fells, and there were we alone on the lonely moorland - with the horses!+Once on the main ridge again, we saw a heap of stones that might have been Gungartan, especially as it had a cairn on the top. I climbed to the cairn but found it was not trig station, and that Gungartan proper must be that distant summit seemingly miles away, and meantime the angry clouds were sweeping up, and the thunder growled threateningly across the distant fells, and there were we alone on the lonely moorland - with the horses!
-We went on it the usual mile-an-hour pace of horse's over trackless country, I between whiles doing the usual scouting round on foot to find the best route. Once we picked up a trail that took us to a deserted camp, and then another that took us to a deserted shepherd's tent in a desolate valley. Above the tent pole a red flag floated bravely in the stormy breeze, and under a bush at its foot lay a mysterious pile of a dozen Kosciusko Hotel dinner plates. How they came there unbroken, and for what purpose they could have been purloined, and whether they had any connection With the red flag, are riddles I leave my communistic friends to answer.+We went on it the usual mile-an-hour pace of horse's over trackless country, I between whiles doing the usual scouting round on foot to find the best route. Once we picked up a trail that took us to a deserted camp, and then another that took us to a deserted shepherd's tent in a desolate valley. Above the tent pole a red flag floated bravely in the stormy breeze, and under a bush at its foot lay a mysterious pile of a dozen Kosciusko Hotel dinner plates. How they came there unbroken, and for what purpose they could have been purloined, and whether they had any connection with the red flag, are riddles I leave my communistic friends to answer.
-It was a desolate place, but it might be useful if the storm came up before we reached the Tin Hut to which we were making, so NV took a careful note of its position. Hauever, the trig on Gungarten gradually began to gather distinctness,, and shortly after, we picked up a-first class trail and I had no longer to go trail-hunting on foot. Them we struck a fence marked an the snow-lease map, a landmark which we hailed with joy, little knowing that fences were shortly to become the bane of our existence. Anyhow, for the time being I knau all was well. +It was a desolate place, but it might be useful if the storm came up before we reached the Tin Hut to which we were making, so we took a careful note of its position. However, the trig on Gungartan gradually began to gather distinctness, and shortly after, we picked up a first class trail and I had no longer to go trail-hunting on foot. Then we struck a fence marked on the snow-lease map, a landmark which we hailed with joy, little knowing that fences were shortly to become the bane of our existence. Anyhow, for the time being I knew all was well. It could thunder and rain as much as it pleased. Over the next rise would be __THE__ Tin Hut. Most of the huts are made of tin, but this is the only one that has __THE__ honour of being so described. The Tin Hut __was__ over the next rise, but alas! the sound of dogs' barking greeted us from afar. This meant that the shepherds, who come up in the Summer, had come up already, and that there would be no room in the hut for us also. However, it was a haven of security amid the lowering clouds and lonely wastes, and best of all, there was a paddock! We turned the horses in, hobbled them and left them knowing that they would stay "put". Then we pitched and trenched the tent securely against the bad weather, Lucy lay down for her usual three hour siesta - to make up for getting up at 4 a.m. -, and I went off to climb Gungartan.
-Itcould thunder and rain as much as it pleased. Over the next rise would be +
-THE Tin Hut. Most of the huts are made of tin, but this is the only one that has TE.7 honour of being so described. The Tin Hut was over the next rise, but alas!the sound of dogs' barking greeted us from afar.---This meant that the shepherds, who come up in the Summer, had come up already, and that there would be no room in the hut for us also. However, it Was a haven of security amid the lowering clouds and lonely 'wastes, and best of all, there was a paddock! We turned the horses in, hobbled them and left them knowing that they would stay "put"-Then we pitched and trenched the tent securely against the'bad weather, Lucy lay down +
-for her usual three hour siesta - to make up for getting up at 4 a.m. -, and I +
-went off to climb Gungarten. +
-As I tramped over the boggy moorland with the mist drifting on and off the fells, I dreamed I was back among the hills of Scotland. The mist concealed the tops and they might have been three thousand feet above me for all I knew, and the magic glamour of the Scottish Highlands seemed borne on the wind from those shrouded heights. I had to climb three summits before I discovered which was the right one. This was partly because the mist concealed them, and partly +
-because none of them is more than a couple of' hundred feet above the valley, and +
-each of them is very much like the others, the highest being distinguished only by the trig sign on top. Still, even if they were not as high 'above: their - valleys as the Scottish mountains, it was good to be among them, horseless and free hearted, with the mist and thunder -hovering round to give that little dash of fear which makes a thing worth doing. ',could not help feeling haw very romantic it would be if I were struck by lightning just as I was climbing the cairn. But nothing happened! +
-Despite the chained-up dogs and four melancholy-looking doughnuts in a tin, the shepherds did not return for the night, and we woke to find ourselves still alone among the ever-lasting hills. The sun rose above an ocean of mist stretching to the far horizon,' frozen waves on an Arctic sea that never 10T4. Then as the sun tinted them with the 6rimson glory of dawn upon a glacier, they flung phantasmal spray against the rocky hills, spray that gradually drifted upwards and over the mountains towards us, till we too were wrapped in mist. +
-I eventually dragged the long-suffering Lucy out of the tent by telling her she was missing the most perfect sunrise. Whatever she thought about it, she merely asked whether ,I intended. to start with the mist on the moorlands. I told her I did, andwrorb and caught the horses -. one of the few times, :'I caught.them all three all by myself without any help from Lucy's magic words and master hand. +
-The mist had almost lifted when we set forth along the trail. _1 knew that this should take us dawn the valley to Mawsonts Hut on the Valentine Creek, but it kept suspiciously to the tops, and after we had gone a couple of miles, it went right over the other side of the range and dawn towards Jihdallyne direction, Our correct valley lay peacefully over on the 1Nest, but between us and it there rose a five-wire fence. There was a mournful hymn we used to sing in Sunday +
--10 - +
-school about, "But Jordon rolled between". Jordon would have been a much simpler, proposition for horses than a five-wire fence. It looked as if we would have to retrace our stbps for two miles to get round it, but just then it providentially changed from five wires to brush wood. It was a simple matter to take dawn one section, let the horses through and build it up again, and soon we had crossed the intervening valley and were safely going dawn the trail along the enchanting Valentine River. The clear stream sparkled along over a stony bed, daisies sprinkled the open, grassy banks, and far ahead we could see Jagungal, the Mecca of the expedition, and the only conspicuous and isolated mountain on the whole plateau. It seemed conscious of the days when it WAS 'S. fiery volcano pouring forth brimstone and ashes over the country side, and its conical peak with its rugged basalt rocks stood out in bold contrast to the rounded hills and granite boulders of the rest of the plateau. We had seen it from Mount Bimber nearly a hundred miles away, and to-day it lw ahead of us all the way. +
-We aMbled pleasently dawn the river banks in the mellow sunshine and the crisp clear air, till we came to another fence. We were obviously not the first people who had sought for a gate through it. But the others had hunted on horseback, the correct method, Ludy said, though I always foUnd it much quicker to get off and go 'an foot. Anyhow I found the gate all right - about half a mile away in the next valley, and a few miles beyond it was MawsonleEut - and a large cake of salt lick which kept the horses happy for fully half anhour.+
-Jagungal still. 107 ahead of us, and for two hours more we walkedpleasantly over marshy, grassy uplands and chattering brooks till we came to another gateless fence where we thought it wise to make camp. +As I tramped over the boggy moorland with the mist drifting on and off the fells, I dreamed I was back among the hills of ScotlandThe mist concealed the tops and they might have been three thousand feet above me for all knew, and the magic glamour of the Scottish Highlands seemed borne on the wind from those shrouded heights. I had to climb three summits before discovered which was the right one. This was partly because the mist concealed them, and partly because none of them is more than a couple of hundred feet above the valley, and each of them is very much like the others, the highest being distinguished only by the trig sign on topStilleven if they were not as high above their valleys as the Scottish mountains, it was good to be among themhorseless and free heartedwith the mist and thunder hovering round to give that little dash of fear which makes thing worth doing. I could not help feeling how very romantic it would be if I were struck by lightning just as was climbing the cairnBut nothing happened!
-It was a hot afternoon when I.set off to climb Jagungal, hot for Kosciusko anyhow, although a cool breeze tempered thb scorching 8.112/light. It took me about forty-five minutes to climb from it's foot; .I .therefore conclUded it must be over a thousand, feet above the highest valley beneath it, gad it,seemed to be +
-fully two thousand above the lowest. Around it the hills and valleys stretched out in unending sameness, seemingly all of the same size, shape and hue. +
-"Look away", Lucy used to say, "walk a few yards, and the mountain, you were looking at has disappeared"As I gazed over those sweeping moorlands stretching in all directions without distinctivemark or, sign, I realized she was right, and I felt for the compass,in my pocketothePae sure guide amid those wastes, and the one hope should I miss those two particular trees on that particular green ridge beneath which our tent leg hidden.. +
-From'the summit of Jagungal I could pick out beyond the rolling uplands the . pointed Jounima peaks, over fifty miles away, but Bimberi was lost in_the midst of many similarjiounded mountains. +
-There was a sharprfrost that night and the tent stood up by itself when I took out the pegs and pole, but the 'day was as hot as before, and the backs of my hands were getting painfully burnt although, between scouting for the trail and walking Dolly up and dawn hill, they held the reins for only a short time each day. In the end I was reduced to wearing thick woollen gloves -to keep the sun off, these being the only ones I had. , +
-That day took us back to Mawsonts and on to Grey Mare-Hut, crossing on the way two lovely sparkling rivers and two sharp ridges, arid sighting the Valentine Falls up the valley. In the Grey Mare meadows we nearly stepped an a large black snake, and ran more than half a chance of being gored by a ferocioUs bull who pawed the ground and snorted fire and threatenings at us til;,Lu4 drove' his herd away, and he followed them, gallantly protecting his followers +
-from behind. We put the horses in a small paddock, and in the morning found +
-it full up with cattle, despite the fact that it was surrounded by a wire fence. It is a pity horses are not as clever as cattle at getting through wire fencest +
-followed Lucyts example that afternoon and took a rest, indulging between whiles in a little 'clothes washing - strictly limited because had not even the proverbial one shirt to wash the other. +
-Gray Mare ogong was the objective for the next -day,and I arose in the bright moonlight at 3 a.m., intending to get back early in the morning, hastily..gobbled a few nuts and some cold water, -and set forth for the best tramp of the trip, cool, fresh, frosty air, -a long:lonely-walk: wide views far horizons - and.- no horses +
-Alas! Alas! I do not know if it was the hasty mixture of nuts and _cold water, or whether it was some of the salad vegetables I had been sampling, in emulation +
-of the horses, but' anyhow:by:the time reached the tops I began to feel desperately sick, and could hardly drag one foot 'after the other, At five 'o'clock I .. eould go no further and lay `down:to rest in the 'early sunlight:- It Was -a ..perfect dawn. The birds chirped above the dewy grass, ruby robins ',hopped on the gnarled branches, and 11_4n:famed IiWas in English meadows on a Spring morning.: Beyond the deep Geehi valley the dark blue heights lay silent and mysterious :before the dawn, and the "diiit_anit''Motaitiiins of pale -Sapphire lay cradled in .their midst. Then, as the sun rose and the heat 'intensified,. the Chirping of birds changed the buaz of insects, the Mountains -turned- frOm-blue to grey and ,brown, and an Australian Summer clay -had. been born. The 'sun -streamed through the cloudless .air onto the brown forest in the valleys beneath, and, :thoUgh.I was still shivering +
-with a slight 'tet-ers I sought r the `shade of `a rock. - +
-In a couple of' hours the desperately .sickfeeling.had,partly gone, and. thought I might struggle to Grey Mare Trig; It was probably 's: foolish thing to do, but the one mountain, .Sgurr Alas dair, that I lost through sheer cowardice, has so deeply.Itirned _itself 'into 'my s6u3.' thatt never --turn'biak now if it is Sat  all possible to'gO'on. ": It was -t dreary 'walk, and :I was -so miserably weary that every half hour Ihadtti lie down -and- rest.' 'However .1.._lbs.gged'the 'trig; -and +
-that was the main':thine.:-. And-from it I-wda able to pick -out; 'in-the ffir lstance, the summit of -KOsCitikO, the-rOof of Australia; not because it Stood olit7.-aboNie anything else;  bUt:because of the --ribbon 'Le 'road winding to the top of it. I could also pick out Mount -Townsend; but it looked no different from other mountains_ round it, mountains ,which disappear when you look:the other way. Jagungal alone,:was.:Still conspicuously itself and dependent on no road or map to locate it. +
- I struggled back sicker and xearier than ever and with no adventures except second large sn.ake in.a swamp-under Grey Mare Hill. 'Poor Lucy had-packed up ready for starting, but she nobly unpacked again and fed me with hot water through the afternoon and evening. +
-Mid-day next day saw the .sick feeling gone, and a.11 of -us back at -Mawsonts Hut where the horses again had a. gorgeous time at the salt-lick ,-had--two and a half days to return to andabyne and. we determined to start back:leisurely, so that no matter what :contingencies occurred we would be -certain to have the horses +
-back by the prescribed hour noon on Monday, New Year's Day.. - +
-After some hunting for gates we eventually found a good trail that took us about three miles on our way. Then we met a cross.feng_eand simply could not find the least trace of a gate. And therescarcely-six yards away on the other side of the main fence, was a trail much better than the one we were J232., and +
-pursuing its.gateless way as far as we could see.  And "Jordon rolled between" once morel So tantalizingly near, and yet about six miles away; If only we had. been on foot how easy to duck under the fence and. get onto iti +
-'Bat we were not on. foot, alad_the shades of night were falling uncomfortably fast., so we thought it wise to -make camp on the edge of the nearby swamp with its sitallow, tadpole pools. The horses as usual were hobbled' as 'tightly as possible +
-avd the bell sounded unpleasantly close when we were trying to .get to sleepbut -when we woke in the morning they.,were, - again, as usual, way back along the +
- trail whence we had comet Lucy -saddled the tethered horse and went after them, +
--though I always maintained .right up to the end that it was very .much quicker to +
-go on foot. +
-We retraced our steps, got 'on-the right-trail and followed .it merrily till we were faced with the 'problem of:whether we should cross the main fence or not. These fences were beginning to .get on our nerves;  _One track lay on the Ji.ndabyne side of the fence -,..and one on the 'other. It "seemed-.common :sense to -keep on the side nearest our destinationi:  But:co=on sense does not work where fences are concerned. -The :ohosen:track got-i`e.inter and.tainteri,and we seemed to -progress +
-at less than a  mile hour ';`, Jagungal :-hacL to :-be on. --our South-west before we descendedbut he Persistentlyztayed North-west -all the morning. When at last we thought- his pdsitiOn"was :good.'-'enough, '-we ventured down through dead and living bushwhere Luay had great difficulty in negotiating the packhorse without breakinMent pole, or pulling-.anything off. ..,Just,,as the ground started to level out and we picked,up a,trail,wort.hy of the name, we met two shepherds, and it seemeil almost strange to see human beings once again; they told us we were not far out +
-after all - hJ.f. smile fur:ther'-ard'allfWoUld-hate been well. +
- - . +
-Anyhow we,.were..rier' the .worst then, and we soon dropped down to grassy +
-meadows and dancing bi..00ks; +
-On account-Of the-fact -that'We were' nearing flame -.'fourteen miles the-shepherds said - we were afraid that hobbled horses .might scent- the wind of home, depart thither, and. leave follow at our leisure _with their saddles and saddle bags. It was not a prospect :that appealed to us at all. We therefore unkindly parked them in a deserted stook yard.where _the only .feed _consisted of young stining neetles , the .Sort., you ;loll up to make . spinach. . But the -horses 'did not like the feed one little bit. They just stood. and sulked. +
-We ourselves:;.-camped,n.ot farifrom the Clear-.flowing Gungarlin River in which I washed my-.9nep,;:d only shirt.)1E- :7 1,1 +
-The hors-eLipaid outL for -the-foodless:might-by dragging dreadfully the next +
-day, so that by aid-day we had only reached the Eucombene River. However, we +
-had day to spare, andaccording to the map it was only eight miles by the +
-road and. less still by the short cut to -the Creel. - +
-While Lucy took-her three- hour sieste..'r.prospeCted - onffoot, of course - and found the short outs or thought I"had; and in the late afternoon we ,Ctarted off along it; passe&,a, neglected farm and. reachedsOme ringbarked country whence no proper track emerzed..,'We started along a. kind of a one, but it eventually petered out and we found. ourselves just as daylight was fading: in the midst of trackless bush with the wild gorgeof the Eticombene River- below us I was far from, sure that I 'could get out the way we 'had 'come,' but the horses knew better than I; Lucy gave them ,a free rein, 'and. shortly we were back in the rint-Iarked +
-country whence we had a, mad. trot back in the gathering gloom.'  +
-Once again we camped beside a wide soft-flowing river, but this time we put the horses in a good clover paddock, having first done a little fencing to make +
--13 - +
-it horse-proof. +
-Nest morning we found what must certainly have been the correct short cut to the Creel, but there was no time then for trying short cuts, and I recalled the story of a little friend whose mother said. +
-"Well, Portia, I think we'll take this short cut to the station"+
-"No, no, Mummy, please don't", was the reply, "M% really haven't time; we shall miss the train". , +
-Anyhow it was only eight miles by road, and perhaps a couple more from the bush to the road and we had till noon to do it, and as we were off soon after +
-6 aom. there was ample time. We enquired the .first farm house - the first inhabited one we had passed. "About fourteen miles", was the surprising answer, HeavensWhy the shepherds and half, ago had said it was only that from the foot of the mountains! We consoled ourselves with the fact that the farmer lady had looked a trifle mentally defective, and,approached the next +
-farm house. "Fifteen miles"! Good heavens4 Were we getting further and further off? Then about a mile on we met a notice board which said fifteen, and we came to the doleful conclusion that the first lady had been optimistic rather than mentally defective. Thus it,was that we had about twenty miles to do before noon on Monday the last day. However, we stepped on the juice, so to speak, and by 10.30 a.m. trotted triumphantly up to the post office in Jindabyne to ring up the owner to come and fetch his horses. +
-"Why, you are the young ladies they have sent the police and search parties,. after"! said'thepostI mistress. - +
-"Us! Search parties"! I was frightfully indignant. We had undertaken to have the horses back by noon and it was only 10.30." --Haw dared they? The poor post mistress gOt thetlull benefit of my indignation. +
-"It is curious", she said eventually", but they certainly expected. you back +
-" . +
-by Monday"+
-"And isn't this Monday"? I asked bewildered. +
-"No, itts,Tuesday",, .she'said.- +
-So that was the sequel-to my diary entrY ' "Depart 6.30 a.m." and no mention of the day of the week,' and perhaps also the sequel to my proud boast only the day before that I had never missed a boat or .a train in my life. +
-Fortunately none of the searchers had got further than the hotel, and we parted on good terms with'both the policeman and the -owner of the horses, the latter promising us_really first class animals if ever we cane back again.+
 +Despite the chained-up dogs and four melancholy-looking doughnuts in a tin, the shepherds did not return for the night, and we woke to find ourselves still alone among the ever-lasting hills. The sun rose above an ocean of mist stretching to the far horizon, frozen waves on an Arctic sea that never was. Then as the sun tinted them with the crimson glory of dawn upon a glacier, they flung phantasmal spray against the rocky hills, spray that gradually drifted upwards and over the mountains towards us, till we too were wrapped in mist.
 +I eventually dragged the long-suffering Lucy out of the tent by telling her she was missing the most perfect sunrise. Whatever she thought about it, she merely asked whether I intended to start with the mist on the moorlands. I told her I did, and met and caught the horses - one of the few times I caught them all three all by myself without any help from Lucy's magic words and master hand.
 +The mist had almost lifted when we set forth along the trail. I knew that this should take us down the valley to Mawson's Hut on the Valentine Creek, but it kept suspiciously to the tops, and after we had gone a couple of miles, it went right over the other side of the range and down towards Jindabyne direction. Our correct valley lay peacefully over on the West, but between us and it there rose a five-wire fence. There was a mournful hymn we used to sing in Sunday school about, "But Jordon rolled between". Jordon would have been a much simpler, proposition for horses than a five-wire fence. It looked as if we would have to retrace our steps for two miles to get round it, but just then it providentially changed from five wires to brush wood. It was a simple matter to take down one section, let the horses through and build it up again, and soon we had crossed the intervening valley and were safely going down the trail along the enchanting Valentine River. The clear stream sparkled along over a stony bed, daisies sprinkled the open, grassy banks, and far ahead we could see Jagungal, the Mecca of the expedition, and the only conspicuous and isolated mountain on the whole plateau. It seemed conscious of the days when it was a fiery volcano pouring forth brimstone and ashes over the country side, and its conical peak with its rugged basalt rocks stood out in bold contrast to the rounded hills and granite boulders of the rest of the plateau. We had seen it from Mount Bimberi nearly a hundred miles away, and today it lay ahead of us all the way.
 +We ambled pleasantly down the river banks in the mellow sunshine and the crisp clear air, till we came to another fence. We were obviously not the first people who had sought for a gate through it. But the others had hunted on horseback, the correct method, Lucy said, though I always found it much quicker to get off and go on foot. Anyhow I found the gate all right - about half a mile away in the next valley, and a few miles beyond it was Mawson's hut - and a large cake of salt lick which kept the horses happy for fully half an hour.
 +Jagungal still lay ahead of us, and for two hours more we walked pleasantly over marshy, grassy uplands and chattering brooks till we came to another gateless fence where we thought it wise to make camp.
 +It was a hot afternoon when I set off to climb Jagungal, hot for Kosciusko anyhow, although a cool breeze tempered the scorching sunlight. It took me about forty-five minutes to climb from it's foot; I therefore concluded it must be over a thousand feet above the highest valley beneath it, and it seemed to be fully two thousand above the lowest. Around it the hills and valleys stretched out in unending sameness, seemingly all of the same size, shape and hue. "Look away", Lucy used to say, "walk a few yards, and the mountain you were looking at has disappeared". As I gazed over those sweeping moorlands stretching in all directions without distinctive mark or sign, I realized she was right, and I felt for the compass in my pocket, the one sure guide amid those wastes, and the one hope should I miss those two particular trees on that particular green ridge beneath which our tent lay hidden.
 +From the summit of Jagungal I could pick out beyond the rolling uplands the pointed Jounima peaks, over fifty miles away, but Bimberi was lost in the midst of many similar rounded mountains.
 +There was a sharp frost that night and the tent stood up by itself when I took out the pegs and pole, but the day was as hot as before, and the backs of my hands were getting painfully burnt although, between scouting for the trail and walking Dolly up and down hill, they held the reins for only a short time each day. In the end I was reduced to wearing thick woollen gloves to keep the sun off, these being the only ones I had.
 +That day took us back to Mawson's and on to Grey Mare Hut, crossing on the way two lovely sparkling rivers and two sharp ridges, and sighting the Valentine Falls up the valley. In the Grey Mare meadows we nearly stepped on a large black snake, and ran more than half a chance of being gored by a ferocious bull who pawed the ground and snorted fire and threatenings at us till Lucy drove his herd away, and he followed them, gallantly protecting his followers from behind. We put the horses in a small paddock, and in the morning found it full up with cattle, despite the fact that it was surrounded by a wire fence. It is a pity horses are not as clever as cattle at getting through wire fences.
 +I followed Lucy's example that afternoon and took a rest, indulging between whiles in a little clothes washing - strictly limited because I had not even the proverbial one shirt to wash the other.
 +Grey Mare Bogong was the objective for the next day, and I arose in the bright moonlight at 3 a.m., intending to get back early in the morning, hastily gobbled a few nuts and some cold water, and set forth for the best tramp of the trip, cool, fresh, frosty air, a long lonely walk, wide views far horizons - and no horses!
 +Alas! Alas! I do not know if it was the hasty mixture of nuts and cold water, or whether it was some of the salad vegetables I had been sampling, in emulation of the horses, but anyhow by the time I reached the tops I began to feel desperately sick, and could hardly drag one foot after the other. At five o'clock I could go no further and lay down to rest in the early sunlight. It was a perfect dawn. The birds chirped above the dewy grass, ruby robins hopped on the gnarled branches, and I dreamt I was in English meadows on a Spring morning. Beyond the deep Geehi valley the dark blue heights lay silent and mysterious before the dawn, and the distant Mountains of pale sapphire lay cradled in their midst. Then, as the sun rose and the heat intensified the chirping of birds changed to the buzz of insects, the mountains turned from blue to grey and brown, and an Australian Summer day had been born. The sun streamed through the cloudless air onto the brown forest in the valleys beneath, and, though I was still shivering with a slight fever I sought the shade of a rock.
 +In a couple of hours the desperately sick feeling had partly gone, and I thought I might struggle to Grey Mare Trig. It was probably a foolish thing to do, but the one mountain, Sgurr Alasdair, that I lost through sheer cowardice, has so deeply burned itself into my soul that I never turn back now if it is at all possible to go on. It was a dreary walk, and I was so miserably weary that every half hour I had to lie down and rest. However I bagged the trig, and that was the main thing. And from it I was able to pick out, in the far distance, the summit of Kosciusko, the roof of Australia, not because it stood out above anything else, but because of the ribbon of road winding to the top of it. I could also pick out Mount Townsend, but it looked no different from other mountains round it, mountains which disappear when you look the other way. Jagungal alone was still conspicuously itself and dependent on no road or map to locate it.
 +I struggled back sicker and wearier than ever and with no adventures except a second large snake in a swamp under Grey Mare Hill. Poor Lucy had packed up ready for starting, but she nobly unpacked again and fed me with hot water through the afternoon and evening.
 +Mid-day next day saw the sick feeling gone, and all of us back at Mawson's Hut where the horses again had a gorgeous time at the salt-lick. We had two and a half days to return to Jindabyne and we determined to start back leisurely, so that no matter what contingencies occurred we would be certain to have the horses back by the prescribed hour noon on Monday, New Year's Day.
 +After some hunting for gates we eventually found a good trail that took us about three miles on our way. Then we met a cross fence and simply could not find the least trace of a gate. And there, scarcely-six yards away on the other side of the main fence, was a trail much better than the one we were on, and pursuing its gateless way as far as we could see.  And "Jordon rolled between" once more! So tantalizingly near, and yet about six miles away. If only we had been on foot how easy to duck under the fence and get onto it!
 +But we were not on foot, and the shades of night were falling uncomfortably fast, so we thought it wise to make camp on the edge of the nearby swamp with its shallow, tadpole pools. The horses as usual were hobbled as tightly as possible and the bell sounded unpleasantly close when we were trying to get to sleep, but when we woke in the morning they were, - again, as usual, - way back along the trail whence we had come! Lucy saddled the tethered horse and went after them, though I always maintained right up to the end that it was very much quicker to go on foot.
 +We retraced our steps, got on the right-trail and followed it merrily till we were faced with the problem of whether we should cross the main fence or not. These fences were beginning to get on our nerves! One track lay on the Jindabyne side of the fence, and one on the other. It seemed common sense to keep on the side nearest our destination.  But common sense does not work where fences are concerned. The chosen track got fainter and fainter, and we seemed to progress at less than a mile an hour. Jagungal had to be on our South-West before we descended, but he persistently stayed North-West all the morning. When at last we thought his position was good enough, we ventured down through dead and living bush, where Lucy had great difficulty in negotiating the packhorse without breaking the tent pole, or pulling anything off. Just as the ground started to level out and we picked up a trail worthy of the name, we met two shepherds, and it seemed almost strange to see human beings once again; they told us we were not far out after all - half a mile further and all would have been well.
 +Anyhow we were over the worst then, and we soon dropped down to grassy meadows and dancing brooks.
 +On account of the fact that we were nearing home - fourteen miles the shepherds said - we were afraid that hobbled horses might scent - the wind of home, depart thither, and leave us to follow at our leisure with __their__ saddles and saddle bags. It was not a prospect that appealed to us at all. We therefore unkindly parked them in a deserted stock yard where the only feed consisted of young stinging nettles, the sort you boil up to make spinach. But the horses did not like the feed one little bit. They just stood and sulked.
 +We ourselves camped not far from the clear flowing Gungarlin River in which I washed my one and only shirt.
 +The horse paid us out for the foodless night by dragging dreadfully the next day, so that by mid-day we had only reached the Eucumbene River. However, we had a day to spare, and according to the map it was only eight miles by the road and less still by the short cut to the Creel.
 +While Lucy took her three hour siesta I prospected - on foot, of course - and found the short cut, or thought I had, and in the late afternoon we started off along it; passed a neglected farm and reached some ring-barked country whence no proper track emerged. We started along a kind of a one, but it eventually petered out and we found ourselves just as daylight was fading in the midst of trackless bush with the wild gorge of the Eucumbene River below us. I was far from sure that I could get out the way we had come, but the horses knew better than I; Lucy gave them a free rein, and shortly we were back in the ring-barked country whence we had a mad trot back in the gathering gloom.
 +Once again we camped beside a wide soft-flowing river, but this time we put the horses in a good clover paddock, having first done a little fencing to make it horse-proof.
 +Next morning we found what must certainly have been the correct short cut to the Creel, but there was no time then for trying short cuts, and I recalled the story of a little friend whose mother said.\\
 +"Well, Portia, I think we'll take this short cut to the station".\\
 +"No, no, Mummy, please don't", was the reply, "We really haven't time; we shall miss the train".
 +Anyhow it was only eight miles by road, and perhaps a couple more from the bush to the road and we had till noon to do it, and as we were off soon after 6 a.m. there was ample time. We enquired hopefully at the first farm house - the first inhabited one we had passed. "About fourteen miles", was the surprising answer, Heavens! Why the shepherds a day and half ago had said it was only that from the foot of the mountains! We consoled ourselves with the fact that the farmer lady had looked a trifle mentally defective, and approached the next
 +farm house. "Fifteen miles"! Good heavens! Were we getting further and further off? Then about a mile on we met a notice board which said fifteen, and we came to the doleful conclusion that the first lady had been optimistic rather than mentally defective. Thus it was that we had about twenty miles to do before noon on Monday the last day. However, we stepped on the juice, so to speak, and by 10.30 a.m. trotted triumphantly up to the post office in Jindabyne to ring up the owner to come and fetch his horses.
 +"Why, you are the young ladies they have sent the police and search parties after"! said the post mistress.\\
 +"Us! Search parties"! I was frightfully indignant. We had undertaken to have the horses back by noon and it was only 10.30. How dared they? The poor post mistress got the full benefit of my indignation.\\
 +"It is curious", she said eventually, "but they certainly expected you back by Monday".\\
 +"And isn't this Monday"? I asked bewildered.\\
 +"No, it's Tuesday" she said.
 +So that was the sequel to my diary entry "Depart 6.30 a.m." and no mention of the day of the week, and perhaps also the sequel to my proud boast only the day before that I had never missed a boat or a train in my life.
 +Fortunately none of the searchers had got further than the hotel, and we parted on good terms with both the policeman and the owner of the horses, the latter promising us really first class animals if ever we came back again.
 (continued) (From Dunc's Diary) (continued) (From Dunc's Diary)
-__Tuesday 9th. January.__ up at 4.45 a.m., fried eg04.-porridge and coffee for Tieiraiit. Ray andRoxy washed up while the rest of us explored Annie Rowan +__Tuesday 9th. January.__ up at 4.45 a.m., fried eggs, porridge and coffee for breakfast. Ray and Roxy washed up while the rest of us explored Annie Rowan Creek which wound its way up between big mountains. We walked about 3 1/2 miles and then left Annie Rowan Creek with regret at 8.15 a.m. Pretty good walking to Houston Creek where we had a fizz drink and chocolate. Went on with Ninian leading, me next, when all of a sudden Ninian rushed back and dumped his pack in front of me in the path and cut down a sapling, a tiger snake had come down the bank at him, about half of it 18" off the ground. I watched it while Ninian cut his stick, it was waving its body about in the air, and then all of a sudden it slid back into the bushes and we couldn't find it.
-Creek which wound its way up between big mountains. We walked about 3i- miles and then left Annie Rowan Creek with regret at 8.15 a.m.Pretty good walking to Houston Creek where we had a fizz drink and chocolate. Went on with Ninian leading, me next, when all of a sudden Ninian rushed back and dumped his pack in front of me in the path and cut down a sapling, a tiger snake had come dawn the 'bank at him, about half of it 18" off the ground. I watched it while Ninian mit hirs stick, +
--14 - +
-it was waving its body about in the air, and then all of -a sudden it slid back into the bushes and we couldn't find it. +
-After that Wal, Ray, Ninian and myself carried snake sticks. Ray bet Wal a diamond bicycle he would catch the first snake, they decided what they were going to do with the skins. Ray cut his stick with a fork in the end and made a slip loop on it out of a piece of tent rope, and reckoned he Was going to catch his snakes alive. Walls snake stick was about 2 feet long and two or three inches thick and he said it smelled like a water melon. +
-Arrived at Permanent Water. Creek at 1.20 where we had lunch, bread and cheese, bread and jam and tea, then very rough going through blackberries, lawyer vines, past another creek, more blackberries and stinging nettles to the junction of the Capertee and Wolgan (which form the Colo) at 6.30 p.m. ; all very tired; saw a goanna up a tree. , Ninian, and I crossed the Colo and.looked for a camp spot but couldn't find one, came back and up side of taillus, and "found a very bad spot on a steep slope about fifty very rough, prickly feet above the water. Ray erected his tent and carved oUt_,the banks to make a spot flat enough to sleep on. Rene curried mutton and spuds, stewed peaches and custard. We fell out of bed all night. The river was very high with flood rubbish coming dawn. +
-wednesday, 10th. January. Heard Lyre-birds all morning, saw yellow hammers +
-aid whip-birds, of, omelettes made out of the remains of dozen eggs +
-carried by Ray in a cardboard box which had done the sandwich act in his pack and melted the box and soaked all through his spare clothes, he had sat on them; (Omelettes a great success, even ifdo say it myself "as shouldn't"), porridge, bread and jam, coffee., 'Started 10.55 a.m., intending to reach Wollemi Creek that night, very rough going, Colo in flood. +
-We scrambled along cliffs over land-slides, very steep, needing careful going, round a sharp bend to the right whare.we got on an old survey traverse very much overgrown with scruh,'very hard going.- River had overflowed banks from 10 to 20 feet and left mud over everything. Bread ran out at breakfast time so we lunched on rice and milk, on,a narrow grassy ledge. Ninian- and I -climbed the cliffs to have a look-see, but couldn't see anything that looked like Wbllemi Creek. Left lunch camp at 3.30.F.m.,, terribly, rough, camped at 5.30 p.m., on a.flat in among Kanukas after lettilag ourselves down over a ledge. Rene, Roxy and I had a bath in the river. A lizard, a bearded water dragon I'm toia-, was on a kanuka by the rock where Rene WA sitting washing herself, and I tried to catch it in my towel to give to Ray, but it got away from me and ran over, Rene who was in her birthday suit, and you should have heard the yell. +
-We had stewed mutton, with macroni, stewed apples iand doughboys and custard for tea, slept in tents, had a good night in our tent, boys had a terrible bed, mostly holes, Ray slept by the fire in a gully. +
-Thursday, llth. January: Up at 5.10 a.m., cooked three dampers, had breakfast, boiled eggs, damper and porridge, coffee. Ray cooked the eggs and around one of them he found a piece of paper with "SNAKES"' printed in big block letters, and on another piece of paper was "100,000" in the same size type, so he stuck "100,000 SNARES" on the back of his pack with porridge. Left camp at 10.20a.m., dread - fully rough, no sign of Wollemi Creek, we kept getting blocked by cliffs end having to climb up above them. In one place we had to come right back to climb out, a very difficult climb of about 500 feet on crumbling rock, spent morning climbing along side of cliffs in undergrowth over our heads till we were up pretty high, then we climbed dawn a watercourse to the river's edge for lunch of damper, tea and jam. More rough going along Lorelei Gorge until we got stuck by a cliff+
-dropping sheer into the water, and it was a toss up whether we should climb up and over, or cross some rapids which looked very strong and deep with the rocks rather far apart. After .a bit of discussion, and. as it was getting 'dark, we decided on what we thought the lesser. of two evils, that is the rapids. We stretched a tent rope across the widest partNinian itaking it across by jumping on the rocks and tying the end of the rope on to a tree on the opposite bankand we all scrambled across the best we could with lots of help from Ray and Ninian+After that WalRay, Ninian and myself carried snake sticks. Ray bet Wal diamond bicycle he would catch the first snakethey decided what they were going to do with the skins. Ray cut his stick with a fork in the end and made slip loop on it out of a piece of tent rope, and reckoned he was going to catch his snakes aliveWal'snake stick was about feet long and two or three inches thick and he said it smelled like watermelon.
-We had travelled about ij miles since morning and were on a bend where the Colo swings North to join Wollemi CreekBy this, time it was pretty dark so Ninian, Ray and I chose camp spot on a sandy spit near the river and. a bit 'muddybut Rene went back a bit andchose a ledge about five feet wide with .a :steep rock cliff at the back and a steep sandy slope to the river in front. We had no room for a camp-fire so we made a cooking fire at one end of the ledge, and. Rene cooked pea soup, rice, peaches and custard: Had a good night in spite of the fact that our legs were sticking over the ledge, no room. to erect tents so we used. them as blankets. (In fact; from .then On the same remarks apply, with one exception). We thought Wollemi Creek was ,round the bend, so we decided we would rest the 'next day and do some washingWe had, been seeing dingo or fox' and wombat tracks in the mud all along the river, but that was all we sew of 'them. +
-Friday, 12th.. January. Declared. a _day of rest, so we camped all day on our ledge in Lorelei Gorge, .breakfast eggs and bacon and coffee. Roxy's new sand shoes had worn right through the soles, and the ,uppers turned. up and looked at her, so Ray stitched them to a piece of my ground sheet and covered the stitches with sticking plaster. We did our -washing, went. swimming and swam and waded down the river in our bathing costumes looking for Wollemi Creek.. I :Stubbed my toe on rock in.ethe water and I -guessI nearly broke it, the toe ,I mean. We collected. our washing and I cooked four dampers, found some worms and went fishing. I caught perch weighing about pound  and then a tiny. little one which We used for bait, then Ninian,caught .a 2 lb. perch and I caught two eels' about three and four pounds respectively, Ray. and Ninian got them off the hook for me; I'm not - keen on eels on my line.. We fished till we couldn't see the corks, then had tea, dried vegetable soup, .spuds, peat's and custard, :then _a yarn and to bed. +
-Saturday, 13th: January. Breakfast of :porridge, eels and fish, damper and coffee. Left camp at 8.45 a.m.crossed the river ,a few:yards below where we camped and decided to .climb to the top and _try and cutl-off r a corner by..walkin.g across the tops..t: Donned Fabrex leggings and commenced to climb up the gully at 9.15 a.m., got to the top of .saddle, ,Roxy'nose bleeding several times_ .on. the way up, cut across tops for abou.t_tr/C".miles, very thick ;going, we passed Wollemi Creek by doing this. .According,to_Ninients aneroid we were 3,150 feet up. We reached the edge again overlooking the Colo, started to climb down at 12 o'clock, got down about 100 feet and stuck on a ledge, Ninia.n managed to get dawn with his pack and I started to follow and found couldn't with My pack, so tried to.lower it over ledge and got it stuck; couldn't lift it up and was frightened to let it go, so called to Ray to help me, but he was in the same difficulty so he let his pack drop and. it went for yards 'down the mountain, eventually sticking on tree, he then lowered a tent rope which I tied to my pack and let ,it down and scrambled +
- down myself to the next ledge abotit 50 feet lower and as Ninian was taking my pack from me there, they sang out above ."Look out for that rock"; I-had ray head. tied. up with a scarf and. my straw 'hat on, and. I crouched. close to the .side of the cliff so I wouldn't get knocked off. The rock caught me on top of the head. and cut my head an.d.there was a horrible bluggy mess all over me and the landscape before you could say "Jack Robinson". Ninian stopped the bleeding by putting a 'pad:of+
-wadding on the cut and binding my head very tight with a bandage, so telling the others to bring my pack and he would get me down, we started off, yours truly feeling fairly dizzy. +Arrived at Permanent Water Creek at 1.20 where we had lunch, bread and cheesebread and jam and tea, then very rough going through blackberries, lawyer vinespast another creekmore blackberries and stinging nettles to the junction of the Capertee and Wolgan (which form the Colo) at 6.30 p.m.; all very tired; saw goanna up a tree. Ninian and I crossed the Colo and looked for camp spot but couldn'find onecame back and up side of taillus, and found very bad spot on a steep slope about fifty very roughprickly feet above the water. Ray erected his tent and carved out the banks to make a spot flat enough to sleep on. Rene curried mutton and spudsstewed peaches and custard. We fell out of bed all night. The river was very high with flood rubbish coming down.
-It took us exactly 2* hours to come straight dawn from cleaned most of the gore off me before the others arrived, job getting my pack dawn as well as his own. At one time cliff on top of Rene and nearly knocked her off with it. +
-river at the bottom, tea, damper and anchovy paste, jam. +
-top to bottom. Ninian +
-Ray had a terrible he lowered it over a We had lunch on the +
-Ray went' on ahead and found a camp spot at 4.30 p.m. on a nice sandy spit with pretty silky-oaks and wattle trees shading it; he than came back and took my pack from me. Rene washed my head with cooled boiled water and .a little Condy's crystals and cut the hair and loose skin away and tied me up, and I went fishing but it was getting too late to see the cork, so only caught one perch. I went to lie dawn beside the fire where Rene was cooking tea, and banged my head on a rock and saw all the stars in the universe for a moment. my jaw was very stiff and sore. We had pea soup, spuds, stewed prunes and custard for tea. We had a good bed round the fire. We were about five miles below Wollemi Creek. +
-Sunday, 14th. January. :Cooked three dampers, sardine and potato patties for breakfast, with porridge and coffee. Left camp at 9.55, very hard going through blackberries and raspberries over our headsthe boys bashed their way through with a thick wattle stickstep by step; we put-our time in while we were waiting to move up a stepeating-lovely big juicy raspberries and getting ourselves bitten by bull ants and jumper ants, the latter were the worst as they would jump at our legs as soon as we got near themAs we were in single file on narrow path often one or two of us had to dance on a nest of them till those in front were able to move up a bit, and then the ants were good and mad ready to jump on the next one who had to walk over their nest. There was also luxuriant growth of stinging nettlei the whole -my dawn the Colo, but we had so many ants, lawyer vines, blackberries and raspberries to contend with that the mere fact of stinging nettles brushing round us up to our necks didn'worry us. At least we could push our way through nettles alonewhereas we had to belt our way through the other things. Ninian said, when md if he got back to Sydney, and got stuck in a crowd in Pitt Street, he would cut himself a waddy and bash his way through them, he said he was going to run a survey over the Railway department from the outside, it wouldn't be any trouble to' him scaling up the outside of the building. 1 think we could all double pretty well for monkeys. +
-We now started to look for WollengaMbe Basin, we had crossed over to,the left hand side of the river and were walking along that side making very poor' progress. Ninian climbed up a rock and his feet slid from under him, and he came terrible bang on his chest on a sharp rock, which shook him up somewhat. We came to a creek coming in on the left hand bank, but as we had no record on our map of that side of the Colo we do not know the name of it, there were plenty of wombat tracks about in the sand and mud: We stopped and had lunch and a swimand tested the depth of the water to see if We could cross, but decided to stay on the left hand side for awhile, had damper and cheese with jam and tea. Carried an for s. while but found the going so bad we crossed to the right hand bank on which we stayed till 5.50when we camped in a pretty little glade with stringy bark trees, black wattles and sassafras. We were all Pretty tired and my head was very sore as +
-had banged it on trees as I passed under themWe carried our fish from the night before for bait, and Ray and went fishing. I lost my hook and lino and Ray had his hook straightened out, then I hooked a walloping big eel, but 1 couldn't get+
-him out of the water, so I turned him over to Ray who got down on a flat rock in mid-stream, and it took him, nearly half an hour to land it for me, it wrapped itself round the rocks and made them all slippery and fought like the very devil; at last Ray managed to get him killed and had three penntorth of fun getting back off the slimy rock to the bank. The eel was about 2'6" long and weighed about aix pounds. I fixed my line up again and lost a couple more hooks, then hooked another big beauty which Ray killed and landed for me, this one was about a pound lighter than the first one. Just about this time Roxy came on the scene, and I fixed up a line for her, and she had no sooner put it in the water than she got a bite, three or four big fish got off her line and took her bait or hook till at last she got real mad, every time she would get them right up close to the bank and they would get off. At last she hooked a lovely big one about 5 lbs weight, Ray did for him and in the process lost Niniants sheath knife in the river. As it was then pretty dark and Rene had the tea cooked, we packed up fishing and Ray tied our eels up with a rope and he and wal carried them back to camp for U.SNal was fishing alongside me all the time and never got a bite, and Ray was nearly as bad. We had pea soup, spuds, peaches and custard for tea aad went to sleep immediately after. As it was Sunday night we were going to be real good and sing hymns round the camp fire, but the next thing we knew Rene woke us up at 20 to 12 to go to bed. We camped approximately three miles below the creek where we had lunch. +__Wednesday, 10th. January.__ Heard Lyrebirds all morning, saw yellow hammers and whipbirds. Breakfast of omelettes made out of the remains of dozen eggs carried by Ray in a cardboard box which had done the sandwich act in his pack and melted the box and soaked all through his spare clothes, he had sat on them; (Omelettes a great success, even if I do say it myself "as shouldn't"), porridge, bread and jam, coffee. Started 10.55 a.m., intending to reach Wollemi Creek that night, very rough going, Colo in flood. 
-(To be continued in:our next.)+ 
 +We scrambled along cliffs over landslides, very steep, needing careful going, round a sharp bend to the right where we got on an old survey traverse very much overgrown with scrub,very hard going. River had overflowed banks from 10 to 20 feet and left mud over everything. Bread ran out at breakfast time so we lunched on rice and milk, on a narrow grassy ledge. Ninian and I climbed the cliffs to have a look-see, but couldn't see anything that looked like Wollemi Creek. Left lunch camp at 3.30 p.m., terribly, rough, camped at 5.30 p.m., on a flat in among Kanukas after letting ourselves down over a ledge. Rene, Roxy and I had a bath in the river. A lizard, a bearded water dragon I'm told, was on a kanuka by the rock where Rene was sitting washing herself, and I tried to catch it in my towel to give to Ray, but it got away from me and ran over Rene who was in her birthday suit, and you should have heard the yell. 
 +We had stewed mutton, with macaroni, stewed apples and doughboys and custard for tea, slept in tents, had a good night in our tent, boys had a terrible bed, mostly holes, Ray slept by the fire in a gully. 
 +__Thursday, llth. January:__ Up at 5.10 a.m., cooked three dampers, had breakfast, boiled eggs, damper and porridge, coffee. Ray cooked the eggs and around one of them he found a piece of paper with "SNAKES"' printed in big block letters, and on another piece of paper was "100,000" in the same size type, so he stuck "100,000 SNAKES" on the back of his pack with porridge. Left camp at 10.20 a.m., dread fully rough, no sign of Wollemi Creek, we kept getting blocked by cliffs end having to climb up above them. In one place we had to come right back to climb out, a very difficult climb of about 500 feet on crumbling rock, spent morning climbing along side of cliffs in undergrowth over our heads till we were up pretty high, then we climbed down a watercourse to the river's edge for lunch of damper, tea and jam. More rough going along Lorelei Gorge until we got stuck by a cliff dropping sheer into the water, and it was a toss up whether we should climb up and over, or cross some rapids which looked very strong and deep with the rocks rather far apart. After a bit of discussion, and as it was getting dark, we decided on what we thought the lesser of two evils, that is the rapids. We stretched a tent rope across the widest part, Ninian taking it across by jumping on the rocks and tying the end of the rope on to a tree on the opposite bank, and we all scrambled across the best we could with lots of help from Ray and Ninian. 
 +We had travelled about 1 1/2 miles since morning and were on a bend where the Colo swings North to join Wollemi Creek. By this time it was pretty dark so Ninian, Ray and I chose a camp spot on a sandy spit near the river and a bit muddy, but Rene went back a bit and chose a ledge about five feet wide with a steep rock cliff at the back and a steep sandy slope to the river in front. We had no room for a camp-fire so we made a cooking fire at one end of the ledge, and Rene cooked pea soup, rice, peaches and custard. Had a good night in spite of the fact that our legs were sticking over the ledge, no room to erect tents so we used them as blankets. (In fact, from then on the same remarks apply, with one exception). We thought Wollemi Creek was round the bend, so we decided we would rest the next day and do some washing. We had, been seeing dingo or fox and wombat tracks in the mud all along the river, but that was all we saw of them. 
 +__Friday, 12th. January.__ Declared a day of rest, so we camped all day on our ledge in Lorelei Gorge, breakfast eggs and bacon and coffee. Roxy's new sand shoes had worn right through the soles, and the uppers turned up and looked at her, so Ray stitched them to a piece of my ground sheet and covered the stitches with sticking plaster. We did our washing, went swimming and swam and waded down the river in our bathing costumes looking for Wollemi Creek. I Stubbed my toe on a rock in the water and I guess I nearly broke it, the toe I mean. We collected our washing and I cooked four dampers, found some worms and went fishing. I caught a perch weighing about 1/2 pound and then a tiny little one which we used for bait, then Ninian caught a 2 lb. perch and I caught two eels about three and four pounds respectively, Ray and Ninian got them off the hook for me; I'm not keen on eels on my line. We fished till we couldn't see the corks, then had tea, dried vegetable soup, spuds, pears and custard, then a yarn and to bed. 
 +__Saturday, 13th. January.__ Breakfast of porridge, eels and fish, damper and coffee. Left camp at 8.45 a.m., crossed the river a few yards below where we camped and decided to climb to the top and try and cut off a corner by walking across the tops. Donned Fabrex leggings and commenced to climb up the gully at 9.15 a.m., got to the top of saddle, Roxy's nose bleeding several times on the way up, cut across tops for about two miles, very thick going, we passed Wollemi Creek by doing this. According to Ninian's aneroid we were 3,150 feet up. We reached the edge again overlooking the Colo, started to climb down at 12 o'clock, got down about 100 feet and stuck on a ledge, Ninian managed to get down with his pack and I started to follow and found couldn't with my pack, so tried to lower it over ledge and got it stuck, couldn't lift it up and was frightened to let it go, so called to Ray to help me, but he was in the same difficulty so he let his pack drop and it went for yards down the mountain, eventually sticking on a tree, he then lowered a tent rope which I tied to my pack and let it down and scrambled down myself to the next ledge about 50 feet lower and as Ninian was taking my pack from me there, they sang out above ."Look out for that rock"; I had my head tied up with a scarf and my straw hat on, and I crouched close to the side of the cliff so I wouldn't get knocked off. The rock caught me on top of the head and cut my head and there was a horrible bluggy mess all over me and the landscape before you could say "Jack Robinson". Ninian stopped the bleeding by putting a pad of wadding on the cut and binding my head very tight with a bandage, so telling the others to bring my pack and he would get me down, we started off, yours truly feeling fairly dizzy. 
 +It took us exactly 2 1/4 hours to come straight down from top to bottom. Ninian cleaned most of the gore off me before the others arrived. Ray had a terrible job getting my pack down as well as his own. At one time he lowered it over a cliff on top of Rene and nearly knocked her off with it. We had lunch on the river at the bottom, tea, damper and anchovy paste, jam. 
 +Ray went on ahead and found a camp spot at 4.30 p.m. on a nice sandy spit with pretty silky-oaks and wattle trees shading it; he than came back and took my pack from me. Rene washed my head with cooled boiled water and a little Condy's crystals and cut the hair and loose skin away and tied me up, and I went fishing but it was getting too late to see the cork, so only caught one perch. I went to lie down beside the fire where Rene was cooking tea, and banged my head on a rock and saw all the stars in the universe for a moment. My jaw was very stiff and sore. We had pea soup, spuds, stewed prunes and custard for tea. We had a good bed round the fire. We were about five miles below Wollemi Creek. 
 +__Sunday, 14th. January.__ Cooked three dampers, sardine and potato patties for breakfast, with porridge and coffee. Left camp at 9.55, very hard going through blackberries and raspberries over our heads, the boys bashed their way through with a thick wattle stick, step by step; we put our time in while we were waiting to move up a step, eating lovely big juicy raspberries and getting ourselves bitten by bull ants and jumper ants, the latter were the worst as they would jump at our legs as soon as we got near them. As we were in single file on a narrow path often one or two of us had to dance on a nest of them till those in front were able to move up a bit, and then the ants were good and mad ready to jump on the next one who had to walk over their nest. There was also a luxuriant growth of stinging nettles the whole way down the Colo, but we had so many ants, lawyer vines, blackberries and raspberries to contend with that the mere fact of stinging nettles brushing round us up to our necks didn't worry us. At least we could push our way through nettles alone, whereas we had to belt our way through the other things. Ninian said, when and if he got back to Sydney, and got stuck in a crowd in Pitt Street, he would cut himself a waddy and bash his way through them, he said he was going to run a survey over the Railway department from the outside, it wouldn't be any trouble to him scaling up the outside of the building. I think we could all double pretty well for monkeys. 
 +We now started to look for Wollangambe Basin, we had crossed over to the left hand side of the river and were walking along that side making very poor progress. Ninian climbed up a rock and his feet slid from under him, and he came a terrible bang on his chest on a sharp rock, which shook him up somewhat. We came to a creek coming in on the left hand bank, but as we had no record on our map of that side of the Colo we do not know the name of it, there were plenty of wombat tracks about in the sand and mud. We stopped and had lunch and a swim, and tested the depth of the water to see if we could cross, but decided to stay on the left hand side for a while, had damper and cheese with jam and tea. Carried an for a while but found the going so bad we crossed to the right hand bank on which we stayed till 5.50, when we camped in a pretty little glade with stringy bark trees, black wattles and sassafras. We were all pretty tired and my head was very sore as I had banged it on trees as I passed under them. We carried our fish from the night before for bait, and Ray and went fishing. I lost my hook and line and Ray had his hook straightened out, then I hooked a walloping big eel, but I couldn't get him out of the water, so I turned him over to Ray who got down on a flat rock in mid-stream, and it took him, nearly half an hour to land it for me, it wrapped itself round the rocks and made them all slippery and fought like the very devil; at last Ray managed to get him killed and had three penn'orth of fun getting back off the slimy rock to the bank. The eel was about 2'6" long and weighed about six pounds. I fixed my line up again and lost a couple more hooks, then hooked another big beauty which Ray killed and landed for me, this one was about a pound lighter than the first one. Just about this time Roxy came on the scene, and I fixed up a line for her, and she had no sooner put it in the water than she got a bite, three or four big fish got off her line and took her bait or hook till at last she got real mad, every time she would get them right up close to the bank and they would get off. At last she hooked a lovely big one about 5 lbs weight, Ray did for him and in the process lost Ninian'sheath knife in the river. As it was then pretty dark and Rene had the tea cooked, we packed up fishing and Ray tied our eels up with a rope and he and Wal carried them back to camp for usWal was fishing alongside me all the time and never got a bite, and Ray was nearly as bad. We had pea soup, spuds, peaches and custard for tea and went to sleep immediately after. As it was Sunday night we were going to be real good and sing hymns round the camp fire, but the next thing we knew Rene woke us up at 20 to 12 to go to bed. We camped approximately three miles below the creek where we had lunch. 
 +(To be continued in our next.)
Line 250: Line 234:
 Pryde Damper MOTS Damper. (couldn't be much damper) Pryde Damper MOTS Damper. (couldn't be much damper)
-there asked me about "the baby'', she being under the impression that I was the father. What a knock for Wally! We left, at 10.20 and after a goodwalk out to lst. Narrow- Neck made. camp at 11.35 _p.m.+there asked me about "the baby", she being under the impression that I was the father. What a knock for Wally! We left, at 10.20 and after a goodwalk out to lst. Narrow- Neck made. camp at 11.35 _p.m.
 Saturday, 15th. We were moving_ about at ,6.30 a.m... . There, was a very .keen wind and we were glad when the sun reached.-us. By 8 otolock we had finished breakfast, packed and were ready to start off. The birds were wonderful and the bright sunlight on the cliff faces had- a glorious effect. We went round the head of Diamond Falls Swamp which was very boggy. We both. were feeling a. bit off colour, so 'had a spell at Corral Swamp  at 10.20. - I wakened with .a start, at 11.30 and found Wally still asleep. Glen.,Raphael at 1.40 ,p.m.meant :lynch. That spot is getting into a very bad. state with the litter of tins, papers, bedding, etc. We burnt off quite alot and. then started at 3.15 for .Clear Hill. The:wind was ooming from N.W. in very heavy gusts that occasionally Made us stagger when it caught the packs. I ,found e.,zap with the name Colin Smith,. Pay Office, inscribed. Judging by the routes pencilled- in, Smith seems' to have been round the country Saturday, 15th. We were moving_ about at ,6.30 a.m... . There, was a very .keen wind and we were glad when the sun reached.-us. By 8 otolock we had finished breakfast, packed and were ready to start off. The birds were wonderful and the bright sunlight on the cliff faces had- a glorious effect. We went round the head of Diamond Falls Swamp which was very boggy. We both. were feeling a. bit off colour, so 'had a spell at Corral Swamp  at 10.20. - I wakened with .a start, at 11.30 and found Wally still asleep. Glen.,Raphael at 1.40 ,p.m.meant :lynch. That spot is getting into a very bad. state with the litter of tins, papers, bedding, etc. We burnt off quite alot and. then started at 3.15 for .Clear Hill. The:wind was ooming from N.W. in very heavy gusts that occasionally Made us stagger when it caught the packs. I ,found e.,zap with the name Colin Smith,. Pay Office, inscribed. Judging by the routes pencilled- in, Smith seems' to have been round the country
 quite a lot.. quite a lot..
Line 257: Line 241:
 Sunday 16th. On rising at 6.0 found a nice fresh bright Morning with the dun just touching the hills. Spch.a variety of birds there were flitting about, and calls of every description. By. the time breakfast was over the sun was well Sunday 16th. On rising at 6.0 found a nice fresh bright Morning with the dun just touching the hills. Spch.a variety of birds there were flitting about, and calls of every description. By. the time breakfast was over the sun was well
 into the gully, and we enjoyed the wealth Of wattle bloom 'acres of yellow and green. The wattle certainly- is pest ,t-o':getn. thrOUgh. with a. pack, but the glorious colouring .colpensated a lot. We had". aftaich-needed bath in a 'Small rock- pool, and in the creek.,,,b.,ed._ taw some fossilised ifoOd_ and some tiny orchids. Slow going brought us to our old King's Birthday_ caMp-SpOt:for lunch at 12.30. Off again at 1.55 through Black Horse "Gap, where we .took various bearings of the positions of Mouin, Bimlow, Tab/eland, etc.. to check up, and then round the Eastern side of Warrigal along "The Wombat- Parade's. This is a harrow track about one foot wide close under' the cliffs at the head of the taillus slope, and it runs right round to Merrilderrigal. All sorts of -animals seem to use, -judging by into the gully, and we enjoyed the wealth Of wattle bloom 'acres of yellow and green. The wattle certainly- is pest ,t-o':getn. thrOUgh. with a. pack, but the glorious colouring .colpensated a lot. We had". aftaich-needed bath in a 'Small rock- pool, and in the creek.,,,b.,ed._ taw some fossilised ifoOd_ and some tiny orchids. Slow going brought us to our old King's Birthday_ caMp-SpOt:for lunch at 12.30. Off again at 1.55 through Black Horse "Gap, where we .took various bearings of the positions of Mouin, Bimlow, Tab/eland, etc.. to check up, and then round the Eastern side of Warrigal along "The Wombat- Parade's. This is a harrow track about one foot wide close under' the cliffs at the head of the taillus slope, and it runs right round to Merrilderrigal. All sorts of -animals seem to use, -judging by
-. the tracka. I got a nasty spill and for a few minutes thought Mr ankle had gone, but it wait only a sharp wrench. Through Merri Merrigal,and then a slide down the taillus -until we struck water -and made camp at 5.30. Got a. good fire going and. sat until about 10 "p.m4-,-vrhen- we had coffee and cake and turned. in after::a perfect day. It was, a glorious moonlight night with bright stars. .+. the tracka. I got a nasty spill and for a few minutes thought Mr ankle had gone, but it wait only a sharp wrench. Through Merri Merrigal,and then a slide down the taillus -until we struck water -and made camp at 5.30. Got a. good fire going and. sat until about 10 "p.m4-,-vrhen- we had coffee and cake and turned. in after a perfect day. It was, a glorious moonlight night with bright stars. .
 Monday, 17th, Astir :at--6 a.m. to' find another nice day promised. Rough scramble up the taillus slope to Morn i Merrigal, and thenfound a way up the cliffs to the top of Dingo. Put our names in the bottle, rebuilt the cairn and. added a pole. Monday, 17th, Astir :at--6 a.m. to' find another nice day promised. Rough scramble up the taillus slope to Morn i Merrigal, and thenfound a way up the cliffs to the top of Dingo. Put our names in the bottle, rebuilt the cairn and. added a pole.
 We got some wonderful views of the country ranging from King's Tableland, over Burragorang right round. almost to Megalong Valley, and. took some bearings. Left our packs at the only way down the cliffs ,and went out`to.Splendour Rock. The views were magnificent but the light bad for photography: We noticed, there has been a second, rock fall at Kan.angra 'since the big one about Easter, but could not exactly locate the position. There are now two distinct white tracks down the cliffs. We got some wonderful views of the country ranging from King's Tableland, over Burragorang right round. almost to Megalong Valley, and. took some bearings. Left our packs at the only way down the cliffs ,and went out`to.Splendour Rock. The views were magnificent but the light bad for photography: We noticed, there has been a second, rock fall at Kan.angra 'since the big one about Easter, but could not exactly locate the position. There are now two distinct white tracks down the cliffs.
Line 271: Line 255:
 but he did not know any---iiore;'=-SO.,far through the trip-itwas- very noticeable how Wally would eat anything- except bread, to -as 'flto oonserVe our supply, but at lunch time we had up,- so there Was nothing-to do but make a damper. When there was enough7-a-sh:he ,started, and --gave me minute Instructions: After about an hour he tested A.t -and pronOunced-it_done, and lai-d it aside till the morning to cool off. Much to my _disgust when _it was ,cutwe found it to be ia.s nearly perfect as could be, really splendid .example of bush cooking. He is now 'retiring on his laurels wise man.. but he did not know any---iiore;'=-SO.,far through the trip-itwas- very noticeable how Wally would eat anything- except bread, to -as 'flto oonserVe our supply, but at lunch time we had up,- so there Was nothing-to do but make a damper. When there was enough7-a-sh:he ,started, and --gave me minute Instructions: After about an hour he tested A.t -and pronOunced-it_done, and lai-d it aside till the morning to cool off. Much to my _disgust when _it was ,cutwe found it to be ia.s nearly perfect as could be, really splendid .example of bush cooking. He is now 'retiring on his laurels wise man..
 - Wednesday, 19th. .Got anc.ea.rlys.tart -'on and after -breakfast shaved which we - Wednesday, 19th. .Got anc.ea.rlys.tart -'on and after -breakfast shaved which we
-both needed after 5 days _growth-.. Shortly after passing 'dalong Creek -we''Cut Up' to Black Jerry's Ridge* which -saved a lot of walking and time.- On the map. there is a track shown from Black, Jerry'-s_ crossing da.long and Tin Pot Creeks, but we could. find no trace of it. The sim was very strong and it was hot work 'getting to the top, so we had. several 4611d. T-Just 'after reaching the road at -Euroka we met the Carlon family, coning from ichurch` and wehad a long yarn. The 'bushwireless had, been at work and they knew we were in the district and expected us  The track referred to above has been obliterated _for -sone years. Got to Megalong at 1.5, had lunch and. left again _at 2.0 for Katoomba via nThe Devil's Hole". Made good. speed and got to the top_ at 4.40, On reaching the station we found the last train had left at 4.49 p.m." and that there WoUld not be another, until 2.0 a.m.; so we went to the "All British" 'Cafe and had:a meal and argued. about what to do. Decided to ring up messages for our people at home and catch a train at 4.0. It was a dreary stay in thewaiting room, but we rolled. up in our blankets and. got some snatches of sleep.+both needed after 5 days _growth-.. Shortly after passing 'dalong Creek -we Cut Up' to Black Jerry's Ridge* which -saved a lot of walking and time.- On the map. there is a track shown from Black, Jerry'-s_ crossing da.long and Tin Pot Creeks, but we could. find no trace of it. The sim was very strong and it was hot work 'getting to the top, so we had. several 4611d. T-Just 'after reaching the road at -Euroka we met the Carlon family, coning from ichurch` and wehad a long yarn. The 'bushwireless had, been at work and they knew we were in the district and expected us  The track referred to above has been obliterated _for -sone years. Got to Megalong at 1.5, had lunch and. left again _at 2.0 for Katoomba via nThe Devil's Hole". Made good. speed and got to the top_ at 4.40, On reaching the station we found the last train had left at 4.49 p.m." and that there WoUld not be another, until 2.0 a.m.; so we went to the "All British" 'Cafe and had:a meal and argued. about what to do. Decided to ring up messages for our people at home and catch a train at 4.0. It was a dreary stay in thewaiting room, but we rolled. up in our blankets and. got some snatches of sleep.
 .Thursday, 20th. The train was well crowded but we got seated comfortably and. had some more sleep. Parted. at Strathfield after a good trip, which I enjoyed every bit as much B.3 I think Wally did. .Thursday, 20th. The train was well crowded but we got seated comfortably and. had some more sleep. Parted. at Strathfield after a good trip, which I enjoyed every bit as much B.3 I think Wally did.
Line 277: Line 261:
 Practically every pedestrian camper suffers at some time or other from H. P. (Heavy Pack). It generally comes on in the first mile or two and lasts according to the stamina of the camper (and the length of the trip) from a few hours to several days. H.P. is a serious complaint and should not be treated lightly. It has spoilt the enjoyment of many a trip and should therefore be given weighty consideration. Your friends can't tell you about it, because generally speaking they don't know. Short of jettisoning part of the camp gear there is practically no cure for H.P. once the trip has begun. Practically every pedestrian camper suffers at some time or other from H. P. (Heavy Pack). It generally comes on in the first mile or two and lasts according to the stamina of the camper (and the length of the trip) from a few hours to several days. H.P. is a serious complaint and should not be treated lightly. It has spoilt the enjoyment of many a trip and should therefore be given weighty consideration. Your friends can't tell you about it, because generally speaking they don't know. Short of jettisoning part of the camp gear there is practically no cure for H.P. once the trip has begun.
 Therefore if you have ever suffered from the malady, resolve now to attack the problem right away. Therefore if you have ever suffered from the malady, resolve now to attack the problem right away.
-The first essentials are a pair of household soales which will weigh by ounces, and if possible a spring balance which will weigh up to 25 lbs.+ 
 +The first essentials are a pair of household scales which will weigh by 1/2 ounces, and if possible a spring balance which will weigh up to 25 lbs. 
 These items are - to be used only at home of course - These items are - to be used only at home of course -
 The next requirements are a note book and pencil, and the treatment can then begin. The next requirements are a note book and pencil, and the treatment can then begin.
-Clear the floor of a room -- or verandah, and neatly arrange thereon every-bit of camping gear you possess. Then get out the scales, note book and pencil, and having placed a cushion on the floor proceed to pack the gear you would use for a 3 day trip. (if the patient suffers from Rheumatism, stiff joints or old age the treatment may be carried out an a large table, carefully cleared-and covered with newspaper.) When this has been done weigh the pack nacksack. If it is more than 25 lbs. H.P. has got a very severe hold and wil require drastic treatment. Make a note of the total weight and then proceed to weigh eaok item separately. The separate weights added together should equal the total weight - (but this rarely happens first try).+ 
 +Clear the floor of a room - or verandah, and neatly arrange thereon every bit of camping gear you possess. Then get out the scales, note book and pencil, and having placed a cushion on the floor proceed to pack the gear you would use for a 3 day trip. (if the patient suffers from Rheumatism, stiff joints or old age the treatment may be carried out on a large table, carefully cleared and covered with newspaper.) When this has been done weigh the pack nacksack. If it is more than 25 lbs. H.P. has got a very severe hold and will require drastic treatment. Make a note of the total weight and then proceed to weigh each item separately. The separate weights added together should equal the total weight - (but this rarely happens first try). 
 The next step is to read carefully through the list, and see if you are getting full value for weight. A little consideration will probably help you to reduce the weight by several pounds. The next step is to read carefully through the list, and see if you are getting full value for weight. A little consideration will probably help you to reduce the weight by several pounds.
-Next get out all your food containers and weigh them. Glass jars and bottles are to be avoided as they aggravate-the complaint.tins should be suspected-and carefully weighed,and even aluminium containers should be reduced -to minim= numbers and size::.....+ 
-- +Next get out all your food containers and weigh them. Glass jars and bottles are to be avoided as they aggravate the complaint. All tins should be suspected and carefully weighed, and even aluminium containers should be reduced to minimum numbers and size. 
-. If these instructions ire R..guied out, the otitis() or causes of H.P. will be readily discoveredmb leaving the offending item out or substituting it for a similar but lighter article.+ 
 +If these instructions are carefully carried out, the cause or causes of H.P. will be readily discovered and can easily be remedied by leaving the offending item out or substituting it for a similar but lighter article. 
 Dieting is not necessary during the treatment. Dieting is not necessary during the treatment.
-In this as in all other gear problems Paddy Pallin is.anxious to assist do not hesitate to discuss the matter with him. The-,gear-Ast contained in his booklet "Bushwalking and Camping" (priCe 6d) giving the weights -of a typical outfit, should prove a useful basis of comps.rision.+ 
 +In this as in all other gear problems Paddy Pallin is anxious to assist do not hesitate to discuss the matter with him. The gear list contained in his booklet "Bushwalking and Camping" (price 6d) giving the weights of a typical outfit, should prove a useful basis of comparison. 
 Inserted in the interests of good camping. Inserted in the interests of good camping.
-by P.A. Pallin, + 
-312 George Street, +by P.A. Pallin,\\ 
-Phone:, B.3101 Over Hallamts (opposite Wynyard Station.) +312 George Street,\\ 
-SYDNEY.+Over Hallam'(opposite Wynyard Station.)\\ 
 +Phone: B.3101
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193410.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/11 10:51 by emmanuelle_c

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