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193502 [2014/09/16 19:38] – [BLUE GUM WORKING BEE.] emmanuelle_c193502 [2014/09/17 16:49] – [Jock's Reef Trip] emmanuelle_c
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 Whether the next floods will destroy all the good work is yet to be seen, but I am sure the fight against erosion is not so hopeless when we have on our side the zeal and determination of those men who answered the call to protect our beloved Blue Gum Forest. Whether the next floods will destroy all the good work is yet to be seen, but I am sure the fight against erosion is not so hopeless when we have on our side the zeal and determination of those men who answered the call to protect our beloved Blue Gum Forest.
-===== "SONG OF THE HIGHWAY" =====+===== "Song of the Highway" =====
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 For more than the great highway.\\ For more than the great highway.\\
 Though my clothes are worn, all tattered and torn,\\ Though my clothes are worn, all tattered and torn,\\
-What do I care, such a wonder -er as I,\\ +What do I care, such a wonder-er as I,\\ 
-Folk just pass me by, \\ +Folk just pass me by, Yet my friends there, are all \\ 
-Yet my friends there, are all The birds, the trees, a song in the breeze,\\ +The birds, the trees, a song in the breeze,\\ 
 The church bells ringing ding dong,\\ The church bells ringing ding dong,\\
 They're my friends in need, and my friends indeed,\\ They're my friends in need, and my friends indeed,\\
 As I am tramp, tramp, tramping along. As I am tramp, tramp, tramping along.
-These are the words of the song which was such a hit at the last concert - learn them in in time for the Annual Reunion which takes place in a few weeks' time.+These are the words of the song which was such a hit at the last concert - learn them in time for the Annual Reunion which takes place in a few weeks' time.
 Editor. Editor.
-===== "MAITLAND BAY" =====+===== "Maitland Bay" ===== 
 +Once upon a time there was a man who made maps so that people might know where he had been, and sometimes, where they were - and how to get home. 
 +Then some of his friends thought, "This map-making is a good game, specially when we picture bits of the country which have not been drawn before. It makes us feel so important to name the places we have seen." So they all began to make maps, and before very long there were so many maps that a special Government Department was formed, collected the maps, added the map-makers to its staff(?), and made more and more maps. 
 +Now, some of the maps were good, and some were not so good; some were bad, and some were very bad. And one of the bad things about the maps was the way the same name had been given to ever so many different places - which was very confusing, as everyone had to admit. But the people who went to these places often overcame this difficulty by the simple process of giving the places new names. Some folk said this was very wrong; and some folk said it was sensible. 
 +How could a party be sure of meeting if its rendezvous was to be "Boat Harbour" and the maps showed no less than three places of that name within fifty miles of each other? On the other hand, how could the members of the party be sure of finding their way to "Maitland Bay" when no such name appeared on the maps? It was a knotty problem. Still, they found that many people had heard of the wreck of the "Maitland" in the "Maitland Gale" many years ago; quite a number of people had a fair idea of the locality in which she piled up on the rocks; and some fishermen and yachtsmen even remembered seeing the boilers of the old "Maitland" still lying on the rocks off a certain point - so the party did assemble at the rendezvous. 
 +Later, another difficulty appeared, The leader proved to be a strict conservative, and insisted on calling the place "Boat Harbour" as per map, though most of his followers were rationalists and persisted in claiming to have been at "Maitland Bay". Now, what is going to happen if any of them want an alibi? More were they that week-end? 
 +And how is it to be designated in the Deed of Gift? For it is the expressed intention of the party to give the place away to a certain zealous advocate of its reservation as a recreation and camping area. Why give it away? Merely because of the enthusiastic welcome they received from the local inhabitants! Positively overwhelmed the visitors were, and yet, in spite of their shrinking (and moaning), these shy strangers could not tear themselves away from so beautiful a place... 
 +For years past the greeting between folks meeting casually in this "fishermen's paradise" has been, not 'Good day', but 'How are they biting?', and those who had only been there in the cool weather thought, in their innocence, that the query referred to the fish. Now they know better. They bite enthusiastically, and successfully, even through khaki drill shirts - the mosquitoes of "Maitland Bay"
 +Why will fishermen leave dead fish lying around on the beach for weeks and weeks and weeks? 
 +"Let us go out to the boilers again" "And How long ago was she wrecked?" "What happened?" "Were there any survivors?" "How many were drowned when the 'Maitland' went down?" 
 +No matter how gay the party, how bright the sun, how fresh the breeze, how sparkling the waves in the perfect curve of the bay, not for long can the thoughts dismiss the mental picture of that ship in distress. 
 +What tremendous force there must have been in the waves which destroyed the ship and carried those four great boilers forty or fifty yards across the reef, almost into the deep water of the bay! How terrible to have been one of the puny men tossed and broken by those waves! And yet, man's work has withstood the buffetting of wind and waves for thirty years or more; for many years to come the great, rusted boilers will lie there on the rocks, a memorial to the men who go down to the sea in ships.
-Once upon a time there was a man who made maps so that people might know where he had been, and: sometime3, where they were - and haw to get home. 
-Then some of his friends thought, "This map-making is a good game, specially when we picture bits of the country which have not been drawn before. It makes las feel so important to name the places we have seen." So they all began to make maps, and before very long there were so many maps that a special Government Department was formed, collected the maps, added the map-makers to its staff(?), and made more and more maps 
-Now, some of the maps were good, and some were not so good; some were bad, and some were very bad. And one of the bad things about the maps was the way the same name had been given to ever so many different places -which was very confusing, as everyone had to admit. But the people who went to these places often overcame this difficulty by the simple process of giving the places new 
-names Some folk said this was very wrong; and some folk said it was sensible, 
-How could a party be sure of meeting if its rendezvous was to be "Boat Harbour" and the maps showed no less than three places of that name within fifty miles of each other? On the other hand, how could the members of the party-be sure of finding their way to "Maitland Bay" when no such name appeared on the maps? It was a knotty problem. Still: they found that many people had heard of the wreck of the "Maitland" in the "Maitland Gale' many-years ago; quite a nuMber of people had a fair idea of the locality in which she piled up on the rocks; and some fishermen and yachtsmen even remembered seeing the boilers of the old "Maitland" still lying on the rocks off a certain point - so the party did assemble at the rendezvous. 
-Later, another difficulty appeared, The leader proved to be a strict conservative, and insisted on calling the place "Boat Harbour" as per map, though most of his followers were rationalists and persisted in claiming to have been at "Maitland. Bay". Now, what is going to happen if any of them want an alibi? More were they that week-end? 
-And how is it to be designated in the Deed of Gift? For it is the expressed intention of the party to give the place away to a certain zealous advocate of its reservation as a recreation and camping area Why give it away? Merely because of the enthusiastic welcome they received from the local inhabitants& Positively overwhelmed the visitors were, and yet, in spite of their shrinking 
-(and, moaning), these shy strangers could not tear themselves away from BO beautiful a place.... 
-For years past the greeting between folks meeting casually in this "fishermen's paradise" has been, not 2Good.4ay2, but glow are they biting?', and those who had only been there in the cool weather thought, in their innocence, that the query referred to the fish. Now they know better. ' They bite enthusiastically, and successfully, even through khaki drill shirts - the mosquitoes of "Maitland Bay". 
-Why will fishermen leave dead fish lying around on the beach for weeks and weeks and. weeks? 
-"Let us go out to the bolle.:.'s again" "11,7m long ago WAS she wrecked?" 
-"What happened?" Were the-,e su-z-vivors?" '11low many were drowned when 
-the 'Maitland' went down?I' 
-No matter how gay the party, how bright the sun, haw fresh the breeze, haw sparkling the waves in the perfect curve of the bay, not for long can the thoughts dismiss the mental picture of that ship in distress. 
-What tremendous force there must have been in the waves which destroyed the ship and carried those four great boilers forty or fifty yards across the reef, almost into the deep water of the bsyt Haw terrible to have been one of the puny men tossed and broken by those waves S And yet, man's work has withstood the buffetting of wind and waves for thirty years or more; for many years to come the great, rusted boilers will lie there on the rocks, a memorial to the men who go down to the sea in ships. 
 Sentinels, adding a touch of stark reality to the beauty of the bay, and a sense of the joy of conflict to the pleasures of a lazy summer's day; from the spirit of the boilers come drifting across the bay, starting a responsive chord drumming in our ears, the words of John Masefield - Sentinels, adding a touch of stark reality to the beauty of the bay, and a sense of the joy of conflict to the pleasures of a lazy summer's day; from the spirit of the boilers come drifting across the bay, starting a responsive chord drumming in our ears, the words of John Masefield -
-"My road calls me, lures me + 
-West, east, south, and north; Most roads lead men homewards, +"My road calls me, lures me\\ 
-My road leads me forth +West, east, south, and north; \\ 
-To add more miles to the tally +Most roads lead men homewards,\\ 
-Of grey miles left behind, In quest of that one beauty+My road leads me forth\\ 
 +To add more miles to the tally\\ 
 +Of grey miles left behind,\\ 
 +In quest of that one beauty\\
 God put me here to find." God put me here to find."
-- D. L. + 
 +- D. L. -
 ===== A BLUE GUM EPISODE ===== ===== A BLUE GUM EPISODE =====
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 the top and told them they would miss the train, but they reached one end of the platform just as it got to the other. the top and told them they would miss the train, but they reached one end of the platform just as it got to the other.
-"Jock' Reef Trip"+===== "Jock' Reef Trip" ===== 
 Jock Marshall is a man of parts as you are all mare\\ Jock Marshall is a man of parts as you are all mare\\
-And to his fol-tile brain there came this grand idea -\\+And to his fertile brain there came this grand idea -\\
 He'd see the Queensland Barrier Reef and find some rarer birds -\\ He'd see the Queensland Barrier Reef and find some rarer birds -\\
 And with his cheery smile he said these fateful words: \\ And with his cheery smile he said these fateful words: \\
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 And then with tales of fish and coral, sand and gleaming strand\\ And then with tales of fish and coral, sand and gleaming strand\\
 He tempted us to go and see this lovely land.\\ He tempted us to go and see this lovely land.\\
 The idea sounded extra good; I turned it round and round\\ The idea sounded extra good; I turned it round and round\\
 And then decided, gathered all my friends around.\\ And then decided, gathered all my friends around.\\
 "Hear well what Jock's to say" quoth I,"and come along with me\\ "Hear well what Jock's to say" quoth I,"and come along with me\\
-For I intend to go - there's many things to see; +For I intend to go - there's many things to see;\\ 
-There's coral and there's shells, there's fish of every shape and hue And tropic seas with palms, trepang and turtles too, +There's coral and there's shells, there's fish of every shape and hue\\ 
-The while in golden splendour rides the sun in sapphire shy, A molten copper ball afloat in azure dye"+And tropic seas with palms, trepang and turtles too,\\ 
-Bob Savage heeded first and vowed a vow he'd be along, And this decided Harry, mho, in accents strong +The while in golden splendour rides the sun in sapphire shy,\\ 
-Proclaimed his wish to join and start a crowd of S.B.Wis, While pthers rushed about and spread the gladsome news. +A molten copper ball afloat in azure dye". 
-Then in came Pinky Webber, gently nurtured from his birth, Not quite so big as Bob nor half so round of girth, + 
-But all the same a good "stout fella'', happy with his snigger. Thelma then arose and cried "The ranks are bigger, +Bob Savage heeded first and vowed a vow he'd be along,\\ 
-I am coming too, hoorah!but I must have a lady friend," +And this decided Harry, who, in accents strong\\ 
-Then Dunc thought once again, for she did not intend +Proclaimed his wish to join and start a crowd of S.B.W's,\\ 
-At first to think at all of going, but was gently lured +While others rushed about and spread the gladsome news.\\ 
-By talk of many snaps, her dithers thus being cured. + 
-We travelled north by train through thirteen hundred miles of trees To Proserpine, a township close by tropic seas, +Then in came Pinky Webber, gently nurtured from his birth,\\ 
-And Pinky moaned throughout the ride, with many a sigh as well, For many miles of trees to him were just plain Hell. +Not quite so big as Bob nor half so round of girth,\\ 
-'Twas Christmas day we shipped to Hayman, isle of promised jay, And yet the voyage was not all bliss without alloy. +But all the same a good "stout fella", happy with his snigger.\\ 
-At first the sea was calm and even Thel felt very well +Thelma then arose and cried "The ranks are bigger,\\ 
-But soon the waves grew bigger and the boat dipped to the swell. +I am coming too, hoorah! but I must have a lady friend,"\\ 
- From breeze to wind and mind to gale the air began to hurry, +Then Dunc thought once again, for she did not intend\\ 
- Thelma's face being turned to hue of mottled curry, +At first to think at all of going, but was gently lured\\ 
-'Till at last in accents weary she began to sing "Dear God)I wish to die, so sink the - thing"+By talk of many snaps, her dithers thus being cured.\\ 
-But all was well by noon for the boat was truly manned And just in time for lunch we anchored off the sand. + 
-Now Monty's to the fore, a lad of weird and craggy build With nobby knees and legs, whom someone should have killed +We travelled north by train through thirteen hundred miles of trees\\ 
-When young enough to swat, for rushing madly to the sea, +To Proserpine, a township close by tropic seas,\\ 
-Gesticulating mild and free he yells out "Wheeeet +And Pinky moaned throughout the ride, with many a sigh as well,\\ 
-Until the sea birds quail and the eagle moans in pain, For Monty's glad we've come - he's met the boat again. +For many miles of trees to him were just plain Hell.\\ 
-Our Bobbie stood as large as life, most beefyon the sand, +'Twas Christmas day we shipped to Hayman, isle of promised jay,\\ 
-While Harry dived in fun and foundeOgout of hand. +And yet the voyage was not all bliss without alloy.\\ 
--12 - +At first the sea was calm and even Thel felt very well\\ 
-Held bent his neck upon the beach and sprained some vertebra3+But soon the waves grew bigger and the boat dipped to the swell.\\ 
-And Doc arrived at once and parked him in the sick bay. +From breeze to wind and mind to gale the air began to hurry,\\ 
-Now Jock was there in all his glory - battered pants and hat - +Thelma's face being turned to hue of mottled curry,\\ 
-An Iologist of note who murders birds - and all thatt +'Till at last in accents weary she began to sing\\ 
-He likes his little self and so dome, and all the maids +"Dear GodI wish to die, so sink the - thing".\\ 
-In ones and twos and crowds upon his hut made raids +But all was well by noon for the boat was truly manned\\ 
-To gaze upon him hard at work with scissors, jars, and wogs',+And just in time for lunch we anchored off the sand. 
 +Now Monty's to the fore, a lad of weird and craggy build\\ 
 +With nobby knees and legs, whom someone should have killed\\ 
 +When young enough to swot, for rushing madly to the sea,\\ 
 +Gesticulating mild and free he yells out "Wheeee!"\\ 
 +Until the sea birds quail and the eagle moans in pain,\\ 
 +For Monty's glad we've come - he's met the boat again.\\ 
 +Our Bobbie stood as large as life, most beefy on the sand,\\ 
 +While Harry dived in fun and foundered out of hand. 
 +He'bent his neck upon the beach and sprained some vertebrae,\\ 
 +And Doc arrived at once and parked him in the sick bay.\\ 
 +Now Jock was there in all his glory - battered pants and hat -\\ 
 +And 'ologist of note who murders birds - and all that!\\ 
 +He likes his little self and so do we, and all the maids\\ 
 +In ones and twos and crowds upon his hut made raids\\ 
 +To gaze upon him hard at work with scissors, jars, and wogs',\\
 Once but a scientist he's going to the dogs. Once but a scientist he's going to the dogs.
-4 + 
-Along came Daisy Booth and Penny who were two teachers stern, +Along came Daisy Booth and Penny who were two teachers stern,\\ 
-With looks of deep intent to see what they could learn. Midst many folds of wonderous costumes, bloomered to the knee +With looks of deep intent to see what they could learn.\\ 
-They staggered under yards of cloth - a sight to see, +Midst many folds of wonderous costumes, bloomered to the knee\\ 
-And when in time they courage took and slept upon the beach +They staggered under yards of cloth - a sight to see,\\ 
-Alone in splendid state and firmly out of reach, +And when in time they courage took and slept upon the beach\\ 
-They queried what to guard against, and Jock in elfin glee Just laughed a laugh and said behind, his hand to me: +Alone in splendid state and firmly out of reach,\\ 
-"I'll tell them now about an awful danger, and the jokeIll Tickle them to death - beware the Local Yokel"+They queried what to guard against, and Jock in elfin glee\\ 
-Shortly on the pulsing air their girlish screams arose; +Just laughed a laugh and said behind, his hand to me: 
-'Twas hours before their snores did show their calm repose. Now Chappy and Es were girls of extra young and tender years+ 
 +"I'll tell them now about an awful danger, and the joke'll\\ 
 +Tickle them to death - beware the Local Yokel".\\ 
 +Shortly on the pulsing air their girlish screams arose;\\ 
 +'Twas hours before their snores did show their calm repose.\\ 
 +Now Chappy and Es were girls of extra young and tender years\\
 Untroubled by mock modesty or foolish fears. Untroubled by mock modesty or foolish fears.
-They came aboard the lugger just as bold as bold could be + 
-Attired in shirt and shorts for all the world to see, The same as Dune and Thel who never give a jolly hoot; +They came aboard the lugger just as bold as bold could be\\ 
-They only wear what's cool and that is all there's to b+Attired in shirt and shorts for all the world to see,\\ 
-The engine popped, the sails strained, and we were off at last +The same as Dunc and Thel who never give a jolly hoot;\\ 
-To far off Bushy Isle, it not so very fast, +They only wear what's cool and that is all there's to't.\\ 
-For soon the popping stopped, the engine was a cheap old Ford, And Bob the cook said IblastIand and "Please Oh Lord Do extricate me from this blanky engineering curse"+The engine popped, the sails strained, and we were off at last\\ 
-We travelled like a snail as slow as any hearse, +To far off Bushy Isle, it not so very fast,\\ 
-While Bob and Bobby too both tinkered at the works. +For soon the popping stopped, the engine was a cheap old Ford,\\ 
-Once more with vain regret and in spasmodic jerks +And Bob the cook said 'blast' and 'damn' and "Please Oh Lord\\ 
-With strangled grunts and plops at last it chugged along 'in top' +Do extricate me from this blanky engineering curse". 
-A credit to the "Bobs" and plus an extra knot. + 
-We called at Lindeman to see Eel Ward with whiskers long . +We travelled like a snail as slow as any hearse,\\ 
-His head a mass of chestnut hair, and stature strong, Yet handsome in his wild array, a smile on kindly face,+While Bob and Bobby too both tinkered at the works.\\ 
 +Once more with vain regret and in spasmodic jerks\\ 
 +With strangled grunts and plops at last it chugged along 'in top'\\ 
 +A credit to the "Bobs" and plus an extra knot.\\ 
 +We called at Lindeman to see Mel Ward with whiskers long .\\ 
 +His head a mass of chestnut hair, and stature strong,\\ 
 +Yet handsome in his wild array, a smile on kindly face,\\
 And Mrs. Ward, a girl of very charming grace. And Mrs. Ward, a girl of very charming grace.
-She paints and works with Mel and often helps him in his lab, + 
-For he's an lologist too who hunts the predatory crab. +She paints and works with Mel and often helps him in his lab,\\ 
-We sailed all through the following day the wind abaft the stern +For he's an 'ologist too who hunts the predatory crab.\\ 
-Until by sundown we could dimly just discern +We sailed all through the following day the wind abaft the stern\\ 
-One tiny tree-clad island in infinity of sea, +Until by sundown we could dimly just discern\\ 
-A reef-girt gem in Lilliputian majesty. +One tiny tree-clad island in infinity of sea,\\ 
-The tide was quickly ebbing as we anchored by the reef; +A reef-girt gem in Lilliputian majesty.\\ 
-We splashed across the coral, up the beach so brief +The tide was quickly ebbing as we anchored by the reef;\\ 
-To find a decent campsite for our night among the trees,+We splashed across the coral, up the beach so brief\\ 
 +To find a decent campsite for our night among the trees,\\
 To leeward on the isle and sheltered from the breeze. To leeward on the isle and sheltered from the breeze.
-The skipper killed a turtle and the steaks proved good to eat, Although the eggs were not so favoured as the meat. +The skipper killed a turtle and the steaks proved good to eat,\\ Although the eggs were not so favoured as the meat. 
-- 13 - + 
-The darkness settled like a pall upon our island home And through the inky bla:Aness we began to roam +The darkness settled like a pall upon our island home\\ 
-In search of ,turtles, when without the slightest little warning, Quicker even than the storm, of Christmas morning +And through the inky blackness we began to roam\\ 
-Heaven loosed its very worst with thunder cracks and lightning, Thl wind in screaming squalls and sounding very frightening With the rain in beating torrents lashing us around, +In search of turtles, when without the slightest little warning,\\ Quicker even than the storm, of Christmas morning\\ 
-The tents being merely rags all flattened to the ground. +Heaven loosed its very worst with thunder cracks and lightning,\\ 
-Net morning very early we were breakfasted and out +The wind in screaming squalls and sounding very frightening\\ 
-Upon the shore to roam at will and gaze about - +With the rain in beating torrents lashing us around,\\ 
-The day, a day of burning heat with sun of brassy shade, +The tents being merely rags all flattened to the ground.\\ 
-With nature's fantasy in glamourous light arrayed, + 
-The reef around us lay perhaps a thousand yards or so +Next morning very early we were breakfasted and out\\ 
-To south and west a wave-washed sea plateau, +Upon the shore to roam at will and gaze about -\\ 
-With an its edge a rocky islet rising sheer+The day, a day of burning heat with sun of brassy shade,\\ 
 +With nature's fantasy in glamorous light arrayed,\\ 
 +The reef around us lay perhaps a thousand yards or so\\ 
 +To south and west a wave-washed sea plateau,\\ 
 +With an its edge a rocky islet rising sheer\\
 Its outline etched in bold relief quite stark and clear. Its outline etched in bold relief quite stark and clear.
-To this we made our way midst coral pool and sand + 
-With many-coloured crustacea an either hand. +To this we made our way midst coral pool and sand\\ 
-We saw great stars and urchins, clams with multicoloured lips +With many-coloured crustacean on either hand.\\ 
-Of scarlet, green and brown, while fish like tiny ships +We saw great stars and urchins, clams with multicoloured lips\\ 
-Cruised in and out of fairy gardens gay with weed and shells +Of scarlet, green and brown, while fish like tiny ships\\ 
-The while anemones and crabs in limpid wells +Cruised in and out of fairy gardens gay with weed and shells\\ 
-And crevices of sun flecked light all foraged for their food, +The while anemones and crabs in limpid wells\\ 
-And sea birds wheeled with cries above us where wy stood. +And crevices of sun flecked light all foraged for their food,\\ 
-The morning passed so soon we gave no thought to time or tide - +And sea birds wheeled with cries above us where we stood. 
-The stretch of coral seemed so very safe and wide + 
-But when the ebb was full and it began at length to turn, +The morning passed so soon we gave no thought to time or tide -\\ 
-We had recourse to hurry for in some concern +The stretch of coral seemed so very safe and wide\\ 
-We saw the channels ever deeper and the white capped seas .+But when the ebb was full and it began at length to turn,\\ 
 +We had recourse to hurry for in some concern\\ 
 +We saw the channels ever deeper and the white capped seas. \\
 Much like an octopus, its hunger to appease Engulf a little fish - enaroach upon us fast, Much like an octopus, its hunger to appease Engulf a little fish - enaroach upon us fast,
 But very wet and tired we struggled through at last. But very wet and tired we struggled through at last.
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 Of all the wondfrous reefs and ocean glories seen. Of all the wondfrous reefs and ocean glories seen.
 ===== SOCIAL NOTES. ===== ===== SOCIAL NOTES. =====
 The usual Xmas treat for children was held at Lilyvale on the 16th. December, 1934. The weather was very stormy, but in spite of that the children, of whom there were 64 had an excellent day. The cakes, lollies, fruit, etc. provided for the children's delectation were made the most of, the sports programme was contested with its usual vim, and the Xmas Tree with its accompanying burden was a great success. The usual Xmas treat for children was held at Lilyvale on the 16th. December, 1934. The weather was very stormy, but in spite of that the children, of whom there were 64 had an excellent day. The cakes, lollies, fruit, etc. provided for the children's delectation were made the most of, the sports programme was contested with its usual vim, and the Xmas Tree with its accompanying burden was a great success.
-The crowning happening of the day was that which occurred on the trip home. One of the children being of an enquiring turn of mind deoided to find out what would happen when the communication cord of the train was pulled. He found out. So did everybody else on the train. There was 10 minutes excitement before the porter gave up trying to find the culprit. We only hope they will not repeat the experiment every year. + 
-The Annual Xmas Camp held at worth Era was about the best held by the Buskwalkers since their inception, with perhaps the possible exception of the first Xmas Camp. There were between 40 and 50 members present during portion if not the whole of the time. There was a very jolly spirit prevalent and everybody enjoyed themselves throughly, and although there were a few storms, the weather generally was quite good. +The crowning happening of the day was that which occurred on the trip home. One of the children being of an enquiring turn of mind decided to find out what would happen when the communication cord of the train was pulled. He found out. So did everybody else on the train. There was 10 minutes excitement before the porter gave up trying to find the culprit. We only hope they will not repeat the experiment every year. 
-The God of Love has been very busy amongst Bushwalkers this last month or two, and Cupid seems to have shot his arrows very straight. We wish to congratulate and give our very best wishes to Elsie Robinson and Reg Hewitt, Peggy Hugill and Jim Cranitoh, and Hilda MacCartney and Rupert Blunt. We sincerely hope these couples will be very happy and have the very best that life can give them. + 
-In alliance with Cupid, Mr. Stork has also been busy, and we have toannounce the birth of a son to our erstwhile Treasurer and his wife Esme. We hope that Esme will teach him to stand on his feet and that Oscar will assist him with the call of the Jaguars. Here'Toolee, John Oscar'+The Annual Xmas Camp held at worth Era was about the best held by the Buskwalkers since their inception, with perhaps the possible exception of the first Xmas Camp. There were between 40 and 50 members present during portion if not the whole of the time. There was a very jolly spirit prevalent and everybody enjoyed themselves thoroughly, and although there were a few storms, the weather generally was quite good. 
 +The God of Love has been very busy amongst Bushwalkers this last month or two, and Cupid seems to have shot his arrows very straight. We wish to congratulate and give our very best wishes to Elsie Robinson and Reg Hewitt, Peggy Hugill and Jim Cranitch, and Hilda MacCartney and Rupert Blunt. We sincerely hope these couples will be very happy and have the very best that life can give them. 
 +In alliance with Cupid, Mr. Stork has also been busy, and we have to announce the birth of a son to our erstwhile Treasurer and his wife Esme. We hope that Esme will teach him to stand on his feet and that Oscar will assist him with the call of the Jaguars. Here'Too'ee, John Oscar!
 Social Secretary. Social Secretary.
193502.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/22 10:58 by emmanuelle_c

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