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193506 [2013/02/22 20:59] – external edit [2014/11/01 05:39] – [Why Wear Winter Woolies When Weather Wax Wery Wintry? A Personal Parley With Paddy Pallin.] emmanuelle_c
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-"T H E SYDNEY BUSHWALEF., . +====== "The Sydney Bushwalker" ====== 
-A Journal devoted to matters of Ln:.3erest to Members of + 
-the Sydney Buell nlitere4 Syelaoy Now South Walea+A Journal devoted to matters of interest to Members of the Sydney Bush Walkers, Sydney, New South Wales. 
-No. 25. JUNE 1::135+ 
-0 +No. 25. JUNE 1935
-Publishing Committee:+ 
 +__Publishing Committee:__ 
 Miss Brenda White (Editor). Miss Brenda White (Editor).
-Misses Dorothy Lawry & Marie Byles,+ 
 +Misses Dorothy Lawry & Marie Byles,  
 Messrs. Myles Dunphy, Graham Harrison & Jack Debert. Messrs. Myles Dunphy, Graham Harrison & Jack Debert.
 +===== Editorial ===== 
 Once again we are right in the heart of the best walking season, and rarely have we had finer weather for May and June, crisp cool mornings, and fine starry nights, albeit rather chilly, making big camp fires -very welcome. Once again we are right in the heart of the best walking season, and rarely have we had finer weather for May and June, crisp cool mornings, and fine starry nights, albeit rather chilly, making big camp fires -very welcome.
-Various long trips have been undertaken bylmembers, some to the ever popular Immung, and others as far South as Wilsonts Promintory. Era and the surf still have their devotees, as also have the creeks and rivers of the National Park and Woronora areas, while rarely a holiday week-end goes by without some making their way to the Blue Gum Forest + 
-With all this activity there should be many experiences worth publishing, also a large selection of photographic gems from which to choose illustrations for the Annual, which is definitely being published in Octoler, in place of the ordinary issue. +Various long trips have been undertaken by members, some to the ever popular Kowmung, and others as far South as Wilson's Promontory. Era and the surf still have their devotees, as also have the creeks and rivers of the National Park and Woronora areas, while rarely a holiday week-end goes by without some making their way to the Blue Gum Forest
-But time is now very short, and much work remains to be done, so please let the Publishing Committee have your contributions at the earliest possible moment, and thus help to make our second printed Annual a .record one.+ 
 +With all this activity there should be many experiences worth publishing, also a large selection of photographic gems from which to choose illustrations for the Annual, which is definitely being published in October, in place of the ordinary issue. 
 +But time is now very short, and much work remains to be done, so please let the Publishing Committee have your contributions at the earliest possible moment, and thus help to make our second printed Annual a record one. 
 Several members who recently visited Victoria were, as usual, well entertained by our friends of the Southern capital, where we also have in residence some old and valued members of the Club, who, by all accounts, seem to enjoy life as much as they did while living in Sunny New South Wales. Several members who recently visited Victoria were, as usual, well entertained by our friends of the Southern capital, where we also have in residence some old and valued members of the Club, who, by all accounts, seem to enjoy life as much as they did while living in Sunny New South Wales.
 Judging by the latest programme, the newly-formed Social Committee seems to have been putting in some very good work, with promise of more to come. Judging by the latest programme, the newly-formed Social Committee seems to have been putting in some very good work, with promise of more to come.
-The Dramatic Club is in full swing, and, not having heard of any free fights, we assume that the General Commi'.tee LE working harmoniously - so altogether, socially, financially, and last but not least (we hope) "walkingly", the Club seems to be heading for its Sth birthday in fine style. + 
-- 2 - +The Dramatic Club is in full swing, and, not having heard of any free fights, we assume that the General Committee is working harmoniously - so altogether, socially, financially, and last but not least (we hope) "walkingly", the Club seems to be heading for its 5th birthday in fine style. 
 +===== Exploring Unclimbed Mountains ===== 
 +__On the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand.__ 
 (continued from last issue) By Marie B. Byles. (continued from last issue) By Marie B. Byles.
-As we sat beside our brand new cairn on the top pf our first peak there loomed through the mist on our left a rocky aiguille which looked suspiciously higher than the summit we were on. Frank declared it was not, and Frank would probably be the better judge, but Marjorie and I had our suspicions, and still haveAnyhow, higher or not, we thought we might as well climb it. + 
-So off we set along the snow ridge and dumped our rucksacks and ice-axes at the foot of the rocks. We soon found that the arrete involved a knife-like edge of schistFrank led up, and I followed, or rather I did not, and that was the trouble; I took a route of my awn which looked easier, but led me right to the top, and I soon found myself clinging prayfully, and apparently not too elegantly, to +As we sat beside our brand new cairn on the top of our first peak there loomed through the mist on our left a rocky aiguille which looked suspiciously higher than the summit we were on. Frank declared it was not, and Frank would probably be the better judge, but Marjorie and I had our suspicions, and still haveAnyhow, higher or not, we thought we might as well climb it. 
-a thin slab with a sharp tilt on one side and nothingness on the other, with the disconcerting sound of surpressed laughter from Harry and Marjory, who for some + 
-reason seemed to find my posture amusing. After a frantic struggle to get up the steep tilt without handholds or foot-holds, I did eventually reach the upper end, but merely to hear Frank call out, "It's not worth your while coming, +So off we set along the snow ridge and dumped our rucksacks and ice-axes at the foot of the rocks. We soon found that the arrête involved a knife-like edge of schistFrank led up, and I followed, or rather I did not, and that was the trouble; I took a route of my own which looked easier, but led me right to the top, and I soon found myself clinging prayfully, and apparently not too elegantly, to a thin slab with a sharp tilt on one side and nothingness on the other, with the disconcerting sound of suppressed laughter from Harry and Marjory, who for some reason seemed to find my posture amusing. After a frantic struggle to get up the steep tilt without handholds or foot-holds, I did eventually reach the upper end, but merely to hear Frank call out, "It's not worth your while coming, 
-Maim4anie, we can't get any further this way!" All my struggles in the middle of airy space, gone for nothingt But when I looked at the thin tilted edge of mica schist that led upwards, I had not the slightest desire to renew my desperate +Marjorie, we can't get any further this way!" All my struggles in the middle of airy space, gone for nothing! But when I looked at the thin tilted edge of mica schist that led upwards, I had not the slightest desire to renew my desperate contortions. It looked no thicker than cardboard on the top, and there were no hand - or foot-holds below the top. I am confident that it would not have stood Marjorie'weight, let alone Frank's. We descended, I taking very good care to return by Frank's route, and not my own. We had a look at another possible way up, but it was far from straight forward, and as we had made a late start - after seven in the morning the afternoon was far advanced, and we thought it wiser to return. 
-contortions. It looked no thicker than cardboard on the top, and there were no hand - or foot-holds below the top. I am confident that it would not have stood Marjorie'waight, let alone Frank's. We desoended, I taking very good + 
-care to return by Frank's route, and not my awn. We had a look at another possible way up, but it was far from straight forwara, and as we had made a late +However, we at least intended to return by a different way, and make a traverse of the mountain, though which particular species of traverse, I leave to Frank and Marjorie. We started down a rocky gully, and with us also started down a continuous stream of rocks large and small. We moved one at a time, so as to give the lower person opportunity of getting under cover before the next one started the barrage. Then we reached a "gutter", too long for each to descend in turn, that is, too long for the length of rope between each person, and too dangerous for all to be in together. So once again we had to return having left the route much safer by removing many of its superfluous rocks. But, as a matter of fact when we viewed our route from Mount Butzbach at a later date, 
-start - after seven in the morning the afternoon was far advanced, and we thought it wiser to return. +we found it ended in a precipice capped by blind, or hanging, glaciers. So that even had we survived the gutter, we should still eventually have had to return. 
-I + 
-However, we at least intended to return by a different way, pad make a traverse of the mountain, though which particular species of traverse, I leave to Frank and Marjorie. We started down a rocky gully, and with us also started dawn a continuous stream of rocks large and small. We moved one at a time, so as to give the lower person opportunity of getting under cover before the next +Such was the ascent of our first virgin peak. We then thought it was unnamed, and for identification it passed under various cognomens from New Year Peak to Sunrise Mountain. But later, when we saw it from Mount Butzbach uncovered by mist, we considered that it was probably the Mounts Query and/or doubtful of the map, but of this more anon. 
-one started the barrage. Then we reached a "gutter", too long for each to + 
-descend in turn, that is, too long for the length of rope between each person, and too dangerous for all to be in together. So once again we had to return having left the route much safer by removing many of its superfluous rocks. But, as a matter of fact when we viewed our route from Mount Butzbach at a later date, +Frank set the alarm for 1-45 the following morning and we were off by lantern light before 3 a.m.  It was a starlit, dewy night, and we were soon wet above the knees in the long grass lying between our camp, about 3500feet and the Mueller Pass, 4500 feetFrom the Pass we descended down a slope, of mixed scree and grass, most unpleasant going. A steep slope of good scree is just fun, for you can put your faith in the Lord, and run, but when it is mixed up with grass and plants, you cannot run and are always sitting down unintentionally on the most pointed of the stones. For some reason the schist does not seem to make good scree; it appears to powder into soil without first turning into stones, with the result that what ought to be a scree slope supports a partial vegetation between fair-sized loose rocks. 
-we found it ended in a precipice capped by blind, or hanging, glaciers. So + 
-that even had we survived the gutter, we should still eventually have had to return. +We were glad to reach the Zora Glacier, about a thousand feet below. Our objective was Mount Fettes on the other side, the mountain Frank and I had discussed the day before. We crossed the glacier, hearing on the way a splendid glacier-stream, or moulin, as it is called, racing below the ice exactly like a mill-stream that gives it its name. Then we went up the little rock gully directly opposite the Mueller Pass with what we had called Te Keo, or the pointed peak, on our right, and the peak intermediate between it and Fettes on our left. It was extremely easy going, just a rock scramble with a little snow in between, and we neither roped nor cramponed until we reached the col at the top of the ridge. 
-Such was the ascent of our first virgin peak. We then thought and for identification it passed under various cognomens from New + 
-Sunrise Mountain. But later, when we saw it from Mount Butzbach mist, we considered that it was probably the Mounts Query and/Or r map, but of this more anone +The day had dawned with a lovely alpine glow on our first peaks, but it now belied its promise; a bitter wind sprung up and brought the mist low upon the mountains. As we went along the snow-slopes, we seemed to be looking down vertical steeps into a white abyss. 
-it was unnamed, Year Peak to uncovered by oubtful of the + 
-Frank set the alarm for 1-45 the following morning and we were light before 3 a.m.  It was a starlit, dewy night, and we were the knees in the long grass lying between our camp, about 3500feet Mueller Pass, 4500 feetFrom the Pass we descended down a slopeoff by lantern soon wet above +"Fine view, that!" said Frank ironically, waving his arm over the white nothingness. "I ask you, have you ever seen anything finer?" 
-and the + 
-of mixed sekree +It was true that we had not seen anything finer, but it was a view that was: getting a little too familiar! 
-and grass, most unpleasant going. A steep slope of good scree is just fun, for you can put your faith in the Lord, and run, but when it is mixed up with grass and + 
-plants, you cannot run and are always sitting down unintentionally on the most pointed of the stones. For some reason the schist does not seem to make good +But, apart from the cold and the mist, the climb continued to be easy. The snow-slopes led upward at a gentle grade. And Frank tried to persuade us to take off our crampons. But Marjorie and I, being lightweights, have a fondness for spikes on frozen snow and resolutely stunk to our crampons. But crampons with the kind of strap Marjorie and I had, were a bother to take on and off, and Frank did not consider it worth while our taking them off to climb over the rocks of the intermediate peak. Now crampons on rock, anyhow on my feet, always remind me of a cat on tiles, or keas' claws sliding down the iron roof of an alpine hut, and lacking the bravery of a cat or a kea, I generally end by getting stuck. Frank waited patiently while I took an infinity of time trying to get round a corner where there simply wasn't room for my feet and my crampons also. Of course Marjorie being a superb rock-climber does not mind what she wears, and would, I believe, cheerfully scale the most difficult rock-peak in high-heeled dancing shoes. 
-scree; it appears to powder into soil without first turning into stones, with the result that what ought to be a scree slope supports a partial vegetation + 
-between fair-eized loose rocks. +Once over the snow-ridge beyond the intermediate peak we saw a thing that made my heart sink into my crampons - foot-steps in the snow! That was the sequel to the proud boast of the day before. And who was it who had sullied the maiden purity of the snow? Who had for stalled us at our chosen peak two days before at most? We followed the foot-steps up to the little rock arrête to the summit, and on the top we found the expected cairn, and in it a card bearing the answer to our questions - Messrs A.J. Scott, R.S. Russell, and G.C.N. Johnson on the 4th. of January. It was now the sixth. It was rather like Scott arriving at the South Pole to find Amundsen had got there first, only this time it was Scott who got in first. However, as Mr Johnson was an old boy of Fettes College, Edinburgh, we could not very well grudge them the victory, more especially as he had reverently laid his college hatband on the summit as an offering from the patron god of his college to the patron god of his peak. 
-We were glad to reach the Zora Glacier, about a thousand feet below. Our + 
-objective was Mount Fettes on the other side, the mountain Frank and I had +Clouds swirled round the mountain and occasionally between them we would get a fleeting glimpse of Cook's River or Mount Cook. We tried to get a photo of the latter, but though I lay on my tummy for twenty minutes with my finger on the camera while Marjorie posed uncomfortably on a suitable rock, it was all in vain, the clouds never once lifted to give us a chance. 
-discussed the day before. We crossed the glacier, hearing on the way a splendid glacier-stream, or moulin, as it is called, racing below the ice exactly like a mill-stream that gives it its name. Then we went up the little rock gully + 
-directly opposite the Mueller Pass with what we had called Te Keo, or the pointed +It was bitterly cold, except, curiously enough, on the very summit, and as we had left our rucksacks as well as our ice-axes at the foot of the rocks, we were by now feeling hungry as well as chilly. To sit on the exposed snow-slopes below was impossible, so eventually we descended a suitable schrund and ate Aulsebrook'hiking biscuits and dates in the shelter of the ice wall. 
-peak, on our right, and the peak intermediate between it and Fettes an our left. It was extremely easy going, just a rock scramble with a little snow in hetween, and we neither roped nor cramponed until we reached the col at the top of the + 
-ridge. +On our return we climbed the summit of the intermediate peak, but alas there were scratches on the rocks. I tried to believe they might be the work of ancient glacial action, but in honesty I have to admit they were really very modern nail marks. 
-The day had dawned with a lovely alpine glow on our first peaks, but it now + 
-belied its promise; a bitter wind spring up and brought the mist low upon the mountains. AS we went along the snow.-slopes, we seemed to be looking down vertical steeps into a white abyss. +Then we climbed To Keo, not a very high peak, probably only a little over 7000 feet, but it at any rate was virgin, and from the Mahitahi side the most conspicuous peak of the lot, so we built our cairn and put it in the rucksack along with the other virginsWe sauntered down the easy glacier-rounded slopes of To Keo, stopping often to admire the alpine flowers, daisies of almost countless varieties, the largest being the size of small plates, the most striking growing with eight or a dozen blooms on one stalk. Golden rhununculi with black eyes, white gentians in pin-cushion clusters, but loveliest of all were the little rock-gardens of dark-green, mossy plants, starred with golden gems and crystal flowers. What would not the city-dweller give to transport such a rockery to his garden! 
-"Fine view, thatt" said Frank ironically, waving his arm over the white nothingness. "I ask you, have you ever seen anything finer?" + 
-It was true that we had not seen anything finer, but it was a view that was: getting a little too familiars +We had tea on the Muller side of the Zora, watching avalanches thundering down from the hanging glaciers opposite, such a booming thunder for such a tiny puff of white smoke! The clouds hung heavily down to seven thousand feet, and of our mountains we saw nothing. 
-But, apart from the cold and the mist, the climb continued to be easy. The + 
-snow-slopes led upward at a gentle grade. And Frank tried to persuade us to take off our crampons. But Marjorie and I, being lightweights, have a fondness for spikes on frozen snow and resolutely stunk to our crampons. But drampons +We reached the bivvy at 5 p.m., fourteen hours, having traversed the whole of Fettes Range and climbed about 6000 feet in all. Now we had to turn to on the far more Herculean task of removing the results of the blow-flies' efforts to propagate their species inside our carefully tied-up rucksacks, sleeping-bags and tucker-bags! One admits that the propagation of the species is a necessary and natural function, but surely blow-flies might be a little more moderate in the number of their progeny. Theirs would certainly be a fruitful field for Dr. Marie Stopes! 
-with the kind of strap Marjorie and I had, were a bother to take on and off, and Frank did not consider it worth while our taking them off to climb over the rocks + 
-of the intermediate peak. Now crampons on rock, anyhow on my feet, always remind me of a cat on tiles, or keas' claws sliding down the iron roof of an alpine hut, +Even after we turned-in to sleep we heard Frank indignantly turning blow-flies off the perches where they had gone peacefully to sleep for the night. 
-and lacking the bravery of a cat or a kea, I generally end by getting stuck. + 
-Frank waited patiently while I took an infinity of time trying to get round a corner where there simply wasn't room for my feet and my crampons also. Of course Marjorie being a superb rock-climber does not mind what she wears, and would, I believe, cheerfully scale the most difficult rock-peak in high-heeled dancing shoes. +And now you know why Marjorie named our camp, "Blow-fly, Bivvy". 
-Ones over the snow-ridge beyond the intermediate peak we saw a thing that made my heart sink into my crampons - foot-steps in the maws That was the sequel to the proud boast of the day before. And who was it who had sullied the maiden purity of the snow? Who had for stalled us at our chosen peak two days before at most? We followed the foot-steps up to the little rock arA,te to the summit, and on the top we found the expected cairn, and in it a card bearing the answer to our questions - Messrs A.J. Scott, R.S. Russell, and G.C.N. Johnson on the 4th. of January. It was now the sixth. It was rather like Scott arriving at + 
-the South Pole to find Amundsen had got there fi7st, only this time it was Scott who got in first. However, as Mr Johnson was an old boy of Fettes College, Edinburgh, we could not very well grudge them the victory, more especially as he had reverently laid his college hatband on the summit as an offering from the patron god of his college to the patron god of his peak. +We slept the sleep of the just that night, and heard nothing until the alarm woke us to the sound of a howling tempest. When it grew light we saw the rain sheeting up the Talley at the rate of an express train and the fury of a host of demons. We were well underneath the rock, but the rain was beginning to blow in on us and find its way through the crevices in the wall we had built. We fastened the tent and fly in front by means of ice-axes, and Harry's shirt which he had trustingly hung up to dry was commandeered to fill up the remaining gap. As for the crevices in the wall, grass, paper, and everything available was stuffed in, Frank in his enthusiasm utilizing his own safety razor to say nothing of Marjorie'puttees and Harry'socksThen we lay down in our sleeping bags, packed like sardines in a tin with not an inch to spare between us, not even for Marjorie to kick! The storm increased in fury as the day wore on, and when I peeped out in the afternoon, there was nothing to see but a white world of driving water; even the rain curtains were swallowed up in the general sheet which swept up the valley with such fierceness one could hardly stand up against it. When I had tried out my little tent under the hose on the lawn, people looking on had said, "But you never get rain as heavy as that!Don'you, just? The hose was like a gentle shower compared with the tempest that raged round our bivvy. 
-Clouds swirled round the mountain and occasionally between them we would get +
-a fleeting glimpse of Cook's River or Mount Cook. We tried to get a photo of the latter, but though I lay on my tummy for twenty minutes with my finger on the camera while Marjorie posed uncomfortably on a suitable rock, it was all in vain, the clouds never once lifted to give us a chance. +
-It was bitterly cold, except, curiously enough, on the very summit, and as we had left our rucksacks as well as our ice-axes at the foot of the rocks, we were by now feeling hungry as well as chilly. To sit on the exposed snow-slopes below Was impossible, so eventially we descended a suitable schrund andate Aulsebrookts hiking biscuits and dates in the shelter of the ice wall. +
-On our return we climbed the summit of the intermediate peak, but alasI there were scratches on the rocks. I tried to believe they might be the work of ancieni glacial action, but in honesty I have to admit they were really very modern nailmarks. +
-Then we climbed To Keo, not a very high peak, probably only a little over +
-7000 feet, but it at any rate was virgin, and from the Mahitahi side the most +
-conspicuous peak of the lot, so we built our cairn and put it in the rucksack along with the other virginsWe sauntered down the easy glacier-rounded slopes of To Keo, stopping often to admire the alpine flowers, daisies of almost countless varieties, the largest being the size of small plates, the most striking +
-growing with eight or a dozen blooms on one stalk. Golden rhununculi with black +
-eyes, white gentians in pin-cushion clusters, but loveliest of all were the little rock-gardens of dark-green, mossy plants, starred with golden gems and crystal flowers. What would not the city-dweller give to transport such a rockery to his gardenI +
-We had tea on the Muller side of the Zora, watching avalanches thundering +
-dawn from the hanging glaciers opposite, such a booming thunder for such a tiny +
-puff of white smokel The clouds hung heavily down to seven thousand feet, and +
-of our mountains we saw nothing. +
-We reached the bivvy at 5 p.m., fourteen hours, having traversed the whole of Fettes Range and climbed about 6000 feet in all. Now we had to turn to on the far more Herculean task of removing the results of the blow-flies' efforts to propagate their species inside our carefully tied-up rucksacks, sleeping-bags and tucker-bagsI One admits that the propagation of the species is a necessary and natural function, but surely blow-flies might be a little more moderate in the number of their progenyo Theirs would certainly be a fruitful field for Dr. Marie Stopes1 +
-Even after we turned-in to sleep we heard Frank indignantly turningslow-flies off the perches where they had gone peacefully to sleep for the night. +
-And now you kniir why Marjc.rie named our camp, "Blow-fly, Bivvy"+
-We slept tio lee o cf thc just that night, and heard nothing until the alarm woke us to the sound of a howling tempest. When it grew light we saw the rain sheeting up the Talley at the rate of an express train and the fury of a host of demons. We were wel:. uraderneath the rock, but the rain was beginning to blow in on us and find its way through the crevices in the wall we had built. We fastened the tent and fly in front by means of ice-axes, and Harry's shirt which he had trustingiy hung up to dry nms cmmandeered to fill up the remaining gap. As for the crevices in the wall, grass, paper, and everything available was stuffed in, Frank in his enthusiasm utilizing his own safety razor to say nothing of Marjoriets puttees and Harryts socks Then we lay down in our sleeping bags, packed like sardines in a tin with not an inch to spare between us, not even for Marjorie to kickl The storm increased in fury as the day wore on, and when I peeped out in the afternoon, there was nothing to see but a white world of driving water; even the rain curtains were swallowed up in the general sheet which swept up the valley with such fieroencs one could hardly stand up against it. When I had tried out my little tent under the hose on the lawn, people looking on had said, "But you never get rain as heavy as that lDontt you, just? The hose was like a gentle shaver compared with the tempest that raged round our bivvy.+
 "What do you do if you find yourself in a tent in rain like this?" I asked Frank. "What do you do if you find yourself in a tent in rain like this?" I asked Frank.
 "You just pack up and go home", he replied laconically. "You just pack up and go home", he replied laconically.
-It rained like that for two days, and on the third day I woke to hear the rain still streaming off our rock, and Frank calling out$ + 
-"Someonets left the tap running. Turn it off at noel+It rained like that for two days, and on the third day I woke to hear the rain still streaming off our rock, and Frank calling out
-We lay damn to doze again. It was while trying to doze during the day that I cot dreadful nightmares - or daymares - as to what was happening in my office during my absence. Time and again I found myself struck off the roll of s4licitors or forced to foot bills for anything up to a hundred pounds for disi-ursements on behalf of clients who would not pay. It turned mut afterwards that everything had been managed exceptionally well during my absence, 1Nut no wireless to that effect relieved the uneasy hours when I tried to doze away the daylight. + 
-On the third day there were occasionally breaks between the rain clouds; Marjorie and Frank woke up sufficiently to continue the argument about traverses while Harry joined in a discussion on politics. I learned that Australia is a well-governed country; the first time I ever heard such a thing suggested and I was very surprised. One lives to learnt +"Someone'left the tap running. Turn it off at once!" 
-The fourth day was even better. On the strength of a few lucid intervals everyone indulged in a wash, and Frank considered that a shave would nnt be out of place. It was then that the fate of the safety razor was realized. After lunch it had actually cleared and we decided to stretch our legs by going up the Matariki Glacier and traversing the range from the Matariki Ool to the Mueller Pass taking in the izeak between. It was a pleasant climb for Marjorie and me, Ilut not for the heavier guides who dared not put their weight on the frail handholds of + 
--6 - +We lay down to doze again. It was while trying to doze during the day that I got dreadful nightmares - or daymares - as to what was happening in my office during my absence. Time and again I found myself struck off the roll of solicitors or forced to foot bills for anything up to a hundred pounds for disbursements on behalf of clients who would not pay. It turned out afterwards that everything had been managed exceptionally well during my absence, but no wireless to that effect relieved the uneasy hours when I tried to doze away the daylight. 
-the slate and phyllite which served to support Marjorie and MB. In the veins of the rock were perfectly formed quartz crystals growing like plants. We had found much quattz crystal in this district, but there was an exceptionally large amount on this peak. So we called it Crystal Peak. + 
-Everybody felt more cheerful that evening; Marjorie "lost" the ammunition so that the guides could shoot no more keas, but she eventually "found" six cartridges which Frank said was a very stingy supply. The shooting of keas except for food, was a second perennial source of controversy between Marjorie and Frank. I felt Marjorie's arguments were stronger, but when it came to frightening the birds away before they could be shot, Frank generally won, especially as the keas seemed to aid and abet him by refusing to be frightened away. The keas, which were put into the billyoan, were stewed on an outside fire for which Harry gathered some small scrub. +On the third day there were occasionally breaks between the rain clouds; Marjorie and Frank woke up sufficiently to continue the argument about traverses while Harry joined in a discussion on politics. I learned that Australia is a well-governed country; the first time I ever heard such a thing suggested and I was very surprised. One lives to learnt
-The mists dropped law that evening, and were still law when we left at 4 a.m. for Mount Strachan , the chief Mecca of the expedition. As we topped the Mueller Pass we saw through the mist the pale orange glacier of Mount Strachan, faint and ethereal against the dim, hidden, sapphire sky. -+ 
 +The fourth day was even better. On the strength of a few lucid intervals everyone indulged in a wash, and Frank considered that a shave would not be out of place. It was then that the fate of the safety razor was realized. After lunch it had actually cleared and we decided to stretch our legs by going up the Matariki Glacier and traversing the range from the Matariki Col to the Mueller Pass taking in the peak between. It was a pleasant climb for Marjorie and me, but not for the heavier guides who dared not put their weight on the frail handholds of 
 +the slate and phyllite which served to support Marjorie and MB. In the veins of the rock were perfectly formed quartz crystals growing like plants. We had found much quartz crystal in this district, but there was an exceptionally large amount on this peak. So we called it Crystal Peak. 
 +Everybody felt more cheerful that evening; Marjorie "lost" the ammunition so that the guides could shoot no more keas, but she eventually "found" six cartridges which Frank said was a very stingy supply. The shooting of keas except for food, was a second perennial source of controversy between Marjorie and Frank. I felt Marjorie's arguments were stronger, but when it came to frightening the birds away before they could be shot, Frank generally won, especially as the keas seemed to aid and abet him by refusing to be frightened away. The keas, which were put into the billycan, were stewed on an outside fire for which Harry gathered some small scrub. 
 +The mists dropped low that evening, and were still low when we left at 4 a.m. for Mount Strachan, the chief Mecca of the expedition. As we topped the Mueller Pass we saw through the mist the pale orange glacier of Mount Strachan, faint and ethereal against the dim, hidden, sapphire sky. 
 "Bet, it's going to be a perfect day", said Frank and no one contradicted him. "Bet, it's going to be a perfect day", said Frank and no one contradicted him.
-By the time we reached the glacier the mists had disappeared and the deeplytrevassed slope of white stretched as far as we could see above us, clean and clear. It would have been a difficult glacier to negotiate earlier in the year, but the heat of the drought had broken down many of the seracs and schrunds. Even so, those that remained made it an interesting snow-and-ice-climb. We could not be sure from below which was the true summit, so we made for the snow-peak to the left, topped it at 8.30 a.m. only to find a much higher rocky summit an the right. The sky was flecked with cirrus clouds and a piercing wind was already blowing on the exposed rook arrtte. We therefore redonned our crampons and went up by the steep but sheltered, frozen snow-slope. + 
-All the way up I had been looking fearfully for signs of footsteps in the snow. But there were none. The snows were uncontaminated by man, and the summit rocks (6359 ft.) which we reached at 9.15 a.m., were innocent of any cairn. And to match a first-class climb, a peerless view stretched out around us. Sheltered from the wind we lay in the sun and looked across the Zora Glacier to range upon range of black rook alternating with white ice, rising up tier above tier till they culminated in the crowned head of Mount Cook. Never before did we realize haw the Maori's "Aorangi" towers above everything, the queen and goddess of the subject mountains round her. +By the time we reached the glacier the mists had disappeared and the deeply crevassed slope of white stretched as far as we could see above us, clean and clear. It would have been a difficult glacier to negotiate earlier in the year, but the heat of the drought had broken down many of the seracs and schrunds. Even so, those that remained made it an interesting snow-and-ice-climb. We could not be sure from below which was the true summit, so we made for the snow-peak to the left, topped it at 8.30 a.m. only to find a much higher rocky summit an the right. The sky was flecked with cirrus clouds and a piercing wind was already blowing on the exposed rook arrête. We therefore redonned our crampons and went up by the steep but sheltered, frozen snow-slope. 
-Clouds floated in the valleys like unsubstantial ranges above which towered the sharp peaks of reality, or like billawstof silent seas below which on the west we could dimly discern the white breakers of the real ocean breaking on the shoreline whence we had come, ages past, it seemed. The soft murmuring of the mountain winds communing with the sea alone broke the stillness and seemed to make manifest the spirit of beauty floating among the high places. + 
-Mount Dechan lay further along the range, but separated from us by a yawning gulfIt was this gulf that made us decide to tackle it from the Otoko valley +All the way up I had been looking fearfully for signs of footsteps in the snow. But there were none. The snows were uncontaminated by man, and the summit rocks (6359 ft.) which we reached at 9.15 a.m., were innocent of any cairn. And to match a first-class climb, a peerless view stretched out around us. Sheltered from the wind we lay in the sun and looked across the Zora Glacier to range upon range of black rock alternating with white ice, rising up tier above tier till they culminated in the crowned head of Mount Cook. Never before did we realize how the Maori's "Aorangi" towers above everything, the queen and goddess of the subject mountains round her. 
--7-. further south. + 
-After lunch we started back down the glacier, a glacier that will remain in my memory as a foretaste of the white heat of hell. The mocking clouds lay below us instead of above, and nothing broke the fierce rays of the Hun that stre.ani down onto a field of flawless white, to be reflected back with an added intensity onto our unhappy faces. Next time I go mountain-climbing I am determined to invent a kind of nose bag such as the ladies wear in Port Said. Marjorie often climbs in a woollen balaclava to protect her face, but that sounds a little hot to me; Zinc ointment is good, but one always seems to forget to put it on some vital spot, so altogether I fear it will have to be the nose bag. +Clouds floated in the valleys like unsubstantial ranges above which towered the sharp peaks of reality, or like billows of silent seas below which on the west we could dimly discern the white breakers of the real ocean breaking on the shoreline whence we had come, ages past, it seemed. The soft murmuring of the mountain winds communing with the sea alone broke the stillness and seemed to make manifest the spirit of beauty floating among the high places. 
-The wind, too, mocked us like the clouds. At eight thousand feet it was blowing the white, powdered =ow from the peaks. But no breath of its cooling air broke the still glare of the glacier. The only respite was a few minutes while Marjorie Was feeling her way down into a schrund, and I stoodi in a cave of shadowed ice and leant my head against its refreshing cold. Below, Harry stood hatless in the dazzling heat. Why he did not get sunstruck is one of the marvels of nature we shall never understand.+ 
 +Mount Dechan lay further along the range, but separated from us by a yawning gulfIt was this gulf that made us decide to tackle it from the Otoko valley further south. 
 +After lunch we started back down the glacier, a glacier that will remain in my memory as a foretaste of the white heat of hell. The mocking clouds lay below us instead of above, and nothing broke the fierce rays of the sun that streamed down onto a field of flawless white, to be reflected back with an added intensity onto our unhappy faces. Next time I go mountain-climbing I am determined to invent a kind of nose bag such as the ladies wear in Port Said. Marjorie often climbs in a woollen balaclava to protect her face, but that sounds a little hot to me; Zinc ointment is good, but one always seems to forget to put it on some vital spot, so altogether I fear it will have to be the nose bag. 
 +The wind, too, mocked us like the clouds. At eight thousand feet it was blowing the white, powdered snow from the peaks. But no breath of its cooling air broke the still glare of the glacier. The only respite was a few minutes while Marjorie was feeling her way down into a schrund, and I stood in a cave of shadowed ice and leant my head against its refreshing cold. Below, Harry stood hatless in the dazzling heat. Why he did not get sunstruck is one of the marvels of nature we shall never understand. 
 Altogether it was a glacier such as Geoffrey Windthrop Young described in that poem about the plunge into the glacier pool afterwards. Here there was no glacier pool, but we did gradually descend into the shadow of those gentle clouds and reach the relief of soft, green, grassy slopes where a peaty rill sang sweet, mellow songs, luring us to drink its waters nearly dry. Altogether it was a glacier such as Geoffrey Windthrop Young described in that poem about the plunge into the glacier pool afterwards. Here there was no glacier pool, but we did gradually descend into the shadow of those gentle clouds and reach the relief of soft, green, grassy slopes where a peaty rill sang sweet, mellow songs, luring us to drink its waters nearly dry.
-Arrived back at camp we had a late lunch, packed up and proceeded dawn to base camp againFor we had catalogued and cairned all the peaks we could at the head of the Mahitahi river and the Zora glacier, but there still remained a first class peak above our base camp. Our packs may be imagined, but would scarcely be envied even by bush walkers, for we were endeavouring to transport all our gear together with about a week's food in one relay. Primus stoves, billies, sleeping bags, and all attachable things were draped over the outside long after the inside capacity of the ruoksacks had been thoroughly exhausted. Our guides must have shouldered ninety pounds each, and all of us thought longingly of Himalayan expeditions with their long streams of porters and the white man marching free. Sad to relate my awn pack was too heavy for me; I completely overdid it, arrived at camp at my last gasp, and was ill for a week afterwards. It is so much easier "to stick it out" than admit failure and give in. One realizes too late that though it is easier "to stick it out", it is wiser to give + 
-in. I record this as a warning to others, but I know no one will Ile warned. +Arrived back at camp we had a late lunch, packed up and proceeded down to base camp againFor we had catalogued and cairned all the peaks we could at the head of the Mahitahi river and the Zora glacier, but there still remained a first class peak above our base camp. Our packs may be imagined, but would scarcely be envied even by bush walkers, for we were endeavouring to transport all our gear together with about a week's food in one relay. Primus stoves, billies, sleeping bags, and all attachable things were draped over the outside long after the inside capacity of the rucksacks had been thoroughly exhausted. Our guides must have shouldered ninety pounds each, and all of us thought longingly of Himalayan expeditions with their long streams of porters and the white man marching free. Sad to relate my own pack was too heavy for me; I completely overdid it, arrived at camp at my last gasp, and was ill for a week afterwards. It is so much easier "to stick it out" than admit failure and give in. One realizes too late that though it is easier "to stick it out", it is wiser to give in. I record this as a warning to others, but I know no one will be warned. I never am myself, so I cannot expect others to be. 
-I never am myself, so I cannot expect others to be. + 
-Next day I felt ghastly, and perhaps it was as well that rain drove us hack from our climb when we had ascended only a couple of thousand feet or so up the dry gully behind our camp onto the grass slopes above the tree-line. The bell birds sang to us from the crimson rata trees as we ate breakfast the following +Next day I felt ghastly, and perhaps it was as well that rain drove us back from our climb when we had ascended only a couple of thousand feet or so up the dry gully behind our camp onto the grass slopes above the tree-line. The bell birds sang to us from the crimson rata trees as we ate breakfast the following morning, which shows we were decidedly late in getting up, I heard Frank calling out earlier, but I thought, or pretended to think, for I was still feeling most unwell, that he was calling keas, and Marjorie nothing loath agreed with me; we both snuggled down again until the rising smoke made the previous explanation impossible. It was 4.20 a.m. before we left, too late when you realize that though our peak would not be as much as 7500 feet, yet as our camp was only about 2500 feet, we had a 3000 foot climb before us, and unless we were at the summit by 9 a.m,, it would be too late, for the inevitable clouds that grow to life in the valleys as the day advances, would already have risen up and shut out the view. 
-morning, which shows we were decidedly late in getting up, I heard Frank calling out earlier, but I thought, or pretended to think, for I was still feeling most unwell, that he was calling keas, and Marjorie nothing loath agreed with me; we 1,.,oth snuggled down again until the rising smoke made the previous explanation impossible. It was 4.20 a.m. before we left, too late when you realize that +
-though our peak would not as muoh as 7500 feet, yet as our camp was only about 2500 feet, we had a 3000 foot climb before us, and unless we were at the summit by 9 arm" it would be too late, for the inevitable clouds that grow to life in the valleys as the day advances, would already have risen up and shut out the view.+
 This time we chose the baby glacier, the source of the stream beside our camp, instead of the dry gully. It proved an excellent route until the rising sun, loosening the rocks, changed it from a mountaineers highway to a shoot for stones, which we watched in safety from the grass-slopes, dancing merrily over our footsteps of fifteen minutes previously. This time we chose the baby glacier, the source of the stream beside our camp, instead of the dry gully. It proved an excellent route until the rising sun, loosening the rocks, changed it from a mountaineers highway to a shoot for stones, which we watched in safety from the grass-slopes, dancing merrily over our footsteps of fifteen minutes previously.
-From the baby glacier we went up the shingle ar/:(ete and thence onto the glacier on the Makawhio side, the valley into which we had had such tantalizing but unsatisfying glimpses from our first peak. It was hemmed in by an impregnable bulwark of rocky ramparts varied only by the peaks we had climbed that day. And below the crags we could see a blue river winding down a deep gorge and passing out of sight.+ 
 +From the baby glacier we went up the shingle arrête and thence onto the glacier on the Makawhio side, the valley into which we had had such tantalizing but unsatisfying glimpses from our first peak. It was hemmed in by an impregnable bulwark of rocky ramparts varied only by the peaks we had climbed that day. And below the crags we could see a blue river winding down a deep gorge and passing out of sight. 
 The view from the summit not only solved the nature of the head of the Makawhio valley, but cleared up many other problems relating to the geography of the district. For after all it was only the second time we had obtained any view worth mentioning. We discovered that it must be Mount Butzbach we were on, and that the peaks of our first climb must be the Mount Query and Doubtful of the map, placed somewhat out of their true position in relation to the Zora Glacier. It also removed the last doubt that the source of the Mahitahi river is at the Mueller Pass and not as shown on the map. The view from the summit not only solved the nature of the head of the Makawhio valley, but cleared up many other problems relating to the geography of the district. For after all it was only the second time we had obtained any view worth mentioning. We discovered that it must be Mount Butzbach we were on, and that the peaks of our first climb must be the Mount Query and Doubtful of the map, placed somewhat out of their true position in relation to the Zora Glacier. It also removed the last doubt that the source of the Mahitahi river is at the Mueller Pass and not as shown on the map.
 Once again serried ridges of the Alps rose up one above the other to the crown of Cook, but this time on the west we could see the whole horizon of the ocean above two small peaks that lay between us and it. Once again serried ridges of the Alps rose up one above the other to the crown of Cook, but this time on the west we could see the whole horizon of the ocean above two small peaks that lay between us and it.
-We traversed the peak and, descending by the rock arrete, arrived back in camp with plenty of time to wash clothes and remove biddy-biddies from them. riddybiddies are seed-balls with fish-hook claws, and they took the place of blow-flies in demanding our attentions at the end of a long day. But, sad to relate, we shortly discovered that blow-flies dawn at base camp had also developed the totally uncalled-for habit of laying lavae: + 
-The climb had been as good as a tonic to Mia, but bush-walking for eleven and +We traversed the peak and, descending by the rock arrête, arrived back in camp with plenty of time to wash clothes and remove biddy-biddies from them. Biddy-biddies are seed-balls with fish-hook claws, and they took the place of blow-flies in demanding our attentions at the end of a long day. But, sad to relate, we shortly discovered that blow-flies down at base camp had also developed the totally uncalled-for habit of laying larvae! 
-a half hours with a pack, albeit a light one, undid all the good of the climb. We left camp at 6 a.m. for Condonis farm. Each time we rested I collapsed, and had eventually to submit to being dosed with brandy, vile stuff which made me wonder haw ever any one could become addicted to it. It was doubtless an exquisitely 'eautiful bushland through which we passed, but I felt I hated it, and longed to get out of it into the pure, clear air of the mountain tops.+ 
 +The climb had been as good as a tonic to Mia, but bush-walking for eleven and a half hours with a pack, albeit a light one, undid all the good of the climb. We left camp at 6 a.m. for Condonis farm. Each time we rested I collapsed, and had eventually to submit to being dosed with brandy, vile stuff which made me wonder how ever any one could become addicted to it. It was doubtless an exquisitely beautiful bushland through which we passed, but I felt I hated it, and longed to get out of it into the pure, clear air of the mountain tops. 
 At weary last we emerged from the forest, the valley widened out and we reached the cache where we had parted from the horses coming out. Here we parked most of our stuff, and tramped on leisurely with wider views around and At weary last we emerged from the forest, the valley widened out and we reached the cache where we had parted from the horses coming out. Here we parked most of our stuff, and tramped on leisurely with wider views around and
 better able to enjoy the lovely scenery. They say a sick body makes the mind especially sensitive to beauty. Anyhow I shall never forget the loveliness of that rushing, blue-grey river where paradise ducks flopped over the boulders better able to enjoy the lovely scenery. They say a sick body makes the mind especially sensitive to beauty. Anyhow I shall never forget the loveliness of that rushing, blue-grey river where paradise ducks flopped over the boulders
-pretending to be lame so as to distract our attention from their babies near by. Crystal-clear rills rippled out from the silvan glades of the forest to join the blue-grey river, Rata flamed against the blue sky, and scarlet lichen painted the grey shingles at the river side. Then the mountains flattened out, grassy +pretending to be lame so as to distract our attention from their babies near by. Crystal-clear rills rippled out from the silvan glades of the forest to join the blue-grey river, Rata flamed against the blue sky, and scarlet lichen painted the grey shingles at the river side. Then the mountains flattened out, grassy flats edged the river, a telephone line wandered out, and lastly a house, and we were back in civilization after a fortnight of pemmican, biscuit and kea - not forgetting the kea-soup! 
-flats edged the river, a telephone line wandered out, and lastly a house, and +
-we were back in civinzation after a fortnight of pemmican, biscuit and kea - not forgetting the kea-soupl+
 (To be continued in our next). (To be continued in our next).
-JACK DEBERT INTERVIEW'S TOM HERBERT (PARLORPHONE RECORDING).+===== Jack Debert Interview's Tom Herbert (Parlorphone Recording). ===== 
 "Hullo, Tom". "Hullo, Tom".
-"Hullo, Jack. Where's that perpetual grin of yours to-day? You must be gettin( + 
-prosperous for when things are bad you- grin is well in evidence"+"Hullo, Jack. Where's that perpetual grin of yours to-day? You must be getting prosperous for when things are bad your grin is well in evidence". 
-"Oh, this is serious, Tom. The editor of "The Sydney Bushwalker" has asked me to seek an interview with you. Now be serious for awhile till I jot down a few notes"+ 
-"Oh,goodl Well put down the usual opening phrase - "After waiting three hours ir the ante-room I was conducted by a uniformed attendant through miles of corridors and Iffs.A at length ushered into the chamber of the Fresenco".+"Oh, this is serious, Tom. The editor of "The Sydney Bushwalker" has asked me to seek an interview with you. Now be serious for awhile till I jot down a few notes.
 +"Oh,good! Well put down the usual opening phrase - "After waiting three hours in the ante-room I was conducted by a uniformed attendant through miles of corridors and was at length ushered into the chamber of the Presence". 
 "Look, Herbert, cut out the hooey and try to be presidential". "Look, Herbert, cut out the hooey and try to be presidential".
-"Presidential What awe, what dignity, what lofty disdain that word connotes+ 
-How could I? I wish the tlub mould find some other title for its chief +"PresidentialWhat awe, what dignity, what lofty disdain that word connotesHow could I? I wish the Club could find some other title for its chief executive officer; something more in keeping with the 'happy-go-luckyspirit of the Club". 
-executive officer; something more in keeping with the 'happy-go-luckyspirit of the Club"+ 
-"Ahl /happy-go-lucky spirit'. Tell me more about that".+"Ah! 'happy-go-lucky spirit'. Tell me more about that". 
 "Well, Jack, that's the Club's greatest attraction to me. It's a spirit that harmonises with my temperament. I have no interest in machines and things mechanical, synthetic things without emotion, things that clash and clang. They are all around us and to fly from them is a delight to be coveted. My interest is in people and personalities and in free and easy outdoor wanderings where you can feel you are human and not a cog in the mechanical maelstrom". "Well, Jack, that's the Club's greatest attraction to me. It's a spirit that harmonises with my temperament. I have no interest in machines and things mechanical, synthetic things without emotion, things that clash and clang. They are all around us and to fly from them is a delight to be coveted. My interest is in people and personalities and in free and easy outdoor wanderings where you can feel you are human and not a cog in the mechanical maelstrom".
 "And how does the S.B.W. attract you more than any other recreational club?" "And how does the S.B.W. attract you more than any other recreational club?"
-"Our Club offers a refreshing haven from jaded work-a-day reality. At the Club you meet and chat with your fellow members. You may talk of airy nothings and you laugh as much as you talk - and what a tonic that isi One big family of happy kids glad to drop the formality and seriousness of things commercial and just bubble over with glee. When wandering in the bushland and mountains the 
-10 +"Our Club offers a refreshing haven from jaded work-a-day reality. At the Club you meet and chat with your fellow members. You may talk of airy nothings and you laugh as much as you talk - and what a tonic that is! One big family of happy kids glad to drop the formality and seriousness of things commercial and just bubble over with glee. When wandering in the bushland and mountains the 
-same merry chaffing wL11 go cn. If any of your little laughable oddities become noticeable you will promptly earn a nickname that will overshadow your +same merry chaffing will go on. If any of your little laughable oddities become noticeable you will promptly earn a nickname that will overshadow your real name"
-real name"+ 
-UYou seem to have lived dawn your old nickname of 'Mandelberg. +“You seem to have lived down your old nickname of Mandelberg
-71Well, I suppose I deserved the name when it was first applied. To save packing space in my sack I used to hang on the outside of it billy can, mug and anything else with a handle. In addition there might hang sundry items of wet + 
-clothing that I wanted to dry and my resemblance to a second-hand shop was greeted with the cry of "MandelbergC I learnt my lesson and reformed".+“Well, I suppose I deserved the name when it was first applied. To save packing space in my sack I used to hang on the outside of it billy can, mug and anything else with a handle. In addition there might hang sundry items of wet clothing that I wanted to dry and my resemblance to a second-hand shop was greeted with the cry of "Mandelberg” I learnt my lesson and reformed". 
 "And what of Club friendships? Do you think they are a phase of the 'happy-go-lucky' or do you think they are lasting?" "And what of Club friendships? Do you think they are a phase of the 'happy-go-lucky' or do you think they are lasting?"
 "Well of course some of them have developed into marriage but they speak for themselves. My experience is that when you make friends out on the track you do so without any illusions. There's no 'make-believe' there, you know and esteem your fellow bushwalkers as they really are without the frill and veneer that are so deceiving in the ballroom and in social circles". "Well of course some of them have developed into marriage but they speak for themselves. My experience is that when you make friends out on the track you do so without any illusions. There's no 'make-believe' there, you know and esteem your fellow bushwalkers as they really are without the frill and veneer that are so deceiving in the ballroom and in social circles".
 "Do the Club's outdoor activities appeal to you more strongly than any one of your other sporting pastimes?" "Do the Club's outdoor activities appeal to you more strongly than any one of your other sporting pastimes?"
-"I think the appeal is more lasting. By mountains, rivers and t,ushland you + 
-exult in your freedom from restraint and revel in the fresh air, sunshine and scenery and in that priceless companionship of good fellows who are sharing the delights and difficulties of a trip with you. And then there is the camp fire at the end of the day's activity. Having fed well you feel at peace with all the world as you recline before a blazing log fire and yarn and sing and smoke and yarn again. It's at times like these that you can open your heart and talk with freedom to pals who will give sympathetic response. Around a camp fire you listen to and discuss the varying opinions of life and all its complexities with a frankness that another environment would discourage"+"I think the appeal is more lasting. By mountains, rivers and bushland you exult in your freedom from restraint and revel in the fresh air, sunshine and scenery and in that priceless companionship of good fellows who are sharing the delights and difficulties of a trip with you. And then there is the camp fire at the end of the day's activity. Having fed well you feel at peace with all the world as you recline before a blazing log fire and yarn and sing and smoke and yarn again. It's at times like these that you can open your heart and talk with freedom to pals who will give sympathetic response. Around a camp fire you listen to and discuss the varying opinions of life and all its complexities with a frankness that another environment would discourage". 
-"Well if you have no further questions, that is all I have to say. These are + 
-my personal views on what you might call "The Club and Myself" and I would like +"Well if you have no further questions, that is all I have to say. These are my personal views on what you might call "The Club and Myself" and I would like to see the views of other members published. The manner in which the Club appeals to the various members would make intensely interesting reading". 
-to see the views of other members pliblished. The manner in which the Club appeals to the various members would make intensly interesting reading".+
 "I intend to seek the views of other members, Tom, and I will also invite them to make comments on any of your views". "I intend to seek the views of other members, Tom, and I will also invite them to make comments on any of your views".
 "Go right ahead, Jack. Now will I ring for the uniformed attendant to conduct you out". "Go right ahead, Jack. Now will I ring for the uniformed attendant to conduct you out".
-"Goodbyet I'm going before you get frivolous again". "Cheeriot Jack"+ 
-11 +"Goodbye! I'm going before you get frivolous again". 
 +"Cheerio! Jack"
 +===== Why Wear Winter Woolies When Weather Wax Wery Wintry? A Personal Parley With Paddy Pallin===== 
 When I arrived at Paddy's place I found Paddy rubbing his hands vigorously. "Hullo" I said, "Feeling the cold?" "Well" said Paddy, "It depends what you When I arrived at Paddy's place I found Paddy rubbing his hands vigorously. "Hullo" I said, "Feeling the cold?" "Well" said Paddy, "It depends what you
 mean". "Haw do you mean?" I asked. mean". "Haw do you mean?" I asked.
 IfI ea rubbing my hands because it's cold, not because I'M cold" said Paddy enigmatically, but his glance at a pile of sleeping bags explained his meaning. "Aha" I said, "Good for the sleeping bag industry, eh". IfI ea rubbing my hands because it's cold, not because I'M cold" said Paddy enigmatically, but his glance at a pile of sleeping bags explained his meaning. "Aha" I said, "Good for the sleeping bag industry, eh".
 "What are your views an sleeping bags?" was my neat question. 'Veil there are two views of sleeping bags", replied Paddy, "the inside and the outside. I "What are your views an sleeping bags?" was my neat question. 'Veil there are two views of sleeping bags", replied Paddy, "the inside and the outside. I
Line 173: Line 203:
 PADDY PALLIN, 312 George St. over Hallam's, Opp, Nynyard Station, Phone 33101. PADDY PALLIN, 312 George St. over Hallam's, Opp, Nynyard Station, Phone 33101.
 our interview terminated, but we'll our interview terminated, but we'll
-l2  + 
 (concluded) (concluded)
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 We rose at 7.40. and after eating spent considerable time drying our clothes and shaving etc. At 10.45. on our departure the sun was shining through the We rose at 7.40. and after eating spent considerable time drying our clothes and shaving etc. At 10.45. on our departure the sun was shining through the
-- 18 - 
 clouds and giving promise of a fine day. Our track was the one up the ridge below Cedar Creek. This proved to be clearly defined and followed the ridge, which would be the Korrowall Buttress, for some distance, then gradually winding clouds and giving promise of a fine day. Our track was the one up the ridge below Cedar Creek. This proved to be clearly defined and followed the ridge, which would be the Korrowall Buttress, for some distance, then gradually winding
 dawn to Kedumba Creek. Against Jockts better judgement we followed, the KeduMba dawn to Kedumba Creek. Against Jockts better judgement we followed, the KeduMba
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 sweat, and lovely, cool Kowmung. Perhaps folk wonder how we could enjoy a trip wherein were so many seemingly unpleasant things, yet this stands out as one of the most enjoyable, the aesthetic compensations far outweighed the few physical discomforts. sweat, and lovely, cool Kowmung. Perhaps folk wonder how we could enjoy a trip wherein were so many seemingly unpleasant things, yet this stands out as one of the most enjoyable, the aesthetic compensations far outweighed the few physical discomforts.
 Succeeding pages tell of the first reunion, of boat race parties, Rowing Parties on the Nepean, the Barrisonsl 'House Cooling', of blue gums tall and straight, swimming carnivals and sports, of arguments re 'limitation', Succeeding pages tell of the first reunion, of boat race parties, Rowing Parties on the Nepean, the Barrisonsl 'House Cooling', of blue gums tall and straight, swimming carnivals and sports, of arguments re 'limitation',
-- 20 - 
 corstion, ploy, mystery hiking and many other things; days in whiok tal* nub grew v000m me until it became a living vital thing, essential to my very beim, corstion, ploy, mystery hiking and many other things; days in whiok tal* nub grew v000m me until it became a living vital thing, essential to my very beim,
 F=t7,-_or o-1. I find many pages filled with stories of the Wild Dogs, 191aok, white, blue, yellow and brindle, and mixed with these are tales of fog, of rata; and wind and cold, of pleasant camps, wonderful panoramas, and of course, the comradeship of friends, Never will I forget the Wild Dogs nor the happy times they have brought to me. F=t7,-_or o-1. I find many pages filled with stories of the Wild Dogs, 191aok, white, blue, yellow and brindle, and mixed with these are tales of fog, of rata; and wind and cold, of pleasant camps, wonderful panoramas, and of course, the comradeship of friends, Never will I forget the Wild Dogs nor the happy times they have brought to me.
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 R.D. BROWNE, Bon. Social Secretary. R.D. BROWNE, Bon. Social Secretary.
193506.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/28 17:01 by emmanuelle_c

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