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194010 [2012/09/29 11:32] – external edit [2014/02/06 23:00] allchin09
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-Monthly Bulletin devoted to matters of interest to ''The Sydney Bush Walkers, 5 Hamilton Street, Sydney + 
-+Monthly Bulletin devoted to matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers, 5 Hamilton Street, Sydney 
-e- .:1;. 4 a+
 No.70 OCTOBER, 1940 Price 3d. No.70 OCTOBER, 1940 Price 3d.
-EditorDorothy Lawry, + 
-Acting Business Manager and ProductionBrian Harvey Subscriptions:- Ordinary, Doreen Harris"On Service" Grace JollyOther members of the Jessie Martin, Merle Hamilton, Mary Stoddart, +|Editor |Dorothy Lawry| 
-Publication Staff ) and Arthur Salmon.+|Acting Business Manager and Production |Brian Harvey
 +|Subscriptions |Ordinary, Doreen Harris "On Service" Grace Jolly|  
 +|Other members of the Publication Staff |Jessie Martin, Merle Hamilton, Mary Stoddart, and Arthur Salmon
-Editorial   + 
-At Our Own Meeting se. +|Editorial | Page 1| 
-Phyllis Roots - An Appreciation  Katoomba-Kanangra-Katoomba by W.T.W. +|At Our Own Meeting | Page 2| 
-Case Book of Dr,Dolittle,No.2 - Paddy's Advt. Around Australia's Capital by Bertie Whinier +|Phyllis Roots - An Appreciation  | Page 3| 
-Pagel +|Katoomba-Kanangra-Katoomba by W.T.W. | Page 4| 
-1/ 3 +|Case Book of Dr.Dolittle,No.2 - Paddy's Advt. | Page 7| 
-" 4 +|Around Australia's Capital by Bertie Whinier | Page 8| 
-H 7 +|Another Letter from R.C.C.'s Mapping Section | Page 10| 
-+|Goodman Bros. - Advertisement | Page 11| 
-Another Letter from R.C.C...'s Mapping Section 10. +|Federation Notes | Page 12| 
-'Goodman Bros. - Advertisement 11 +|Search & Rescue Week End | Page 13| 
-Federation Notes *WO " 12 +|Club Gossip | Page 15| 
-Search & Rescue Week End    " 15 +|Memory Corner | Page 16| 
-Club Gossip    15 + 
-Memory Corner SOO    " 15 +EDITORIAL 
-v.... 6.44.  + 
-EDITORIAL' +There are such things as walking clubs whose members only meet at weekends to go walking together, but the S.B.W.. has never been like that. Jack Debert has reminded us again and again, "after all, this is a walking club!" and why -- because the S.B.W. is also a focal point round which the lives of its members are built. Its activities are so varied that each member can find scope for his or her talent - administrative, social, artistic or literary! 
-There are such things as walking clubs whose members only meet at week- Ands to go walking together, but the S.B.W.. has never been like that. Jack )ebert has reminded us again and again, "after all, this is a walking club:" and why -- because the S.B.W. is also afocal point round which the lives of its members are built. Its activities are so varied that each member can find scope for his or her talent - administrative, social, artistic or literaryl + 
-For the information of the newer member's, as well as the entertainment of 'all our readers, and, maybe the inspiration of Some with a talent for weaving words, in this issue we start a new feature - "Memory Corner"There we propose to republish each month one of the Club Songs with a short account of-the story that lies behind it, or a tale of one of the early adventures of Club Memberst-or an article or poem that has appeared in a previous issue of this magazine,+For the information of the newer members, as well as the entertainment of all our readers, and, maybe the inspiration of some with a talent for weaving words, in this issue we start a new feature - "Memory Corner"There we propose to republish each month one of the Club Songs with a short account of the story that lies behind it, or a tale of one of the early adventures of Club Members, or an article or poem that has appeared in a previous issue of this magazine. 
-Old members are invited to supply material for "Memory Corner" and everyone is invited to produce songs or articles, etc. to carry on the S.B.W. traditions,+ 
 +Old members are invited to supply material for "Memory Corner" and everyone is invited to produce songs or articles, etc. to carry on the S.B.W. traditions
-Two new members were welcomed at the Half-YearlY Meeting on 13th Seotember, they were, Miss Beverley Druce and Mr. Noel Haviland.' + 
-At the same meeting we learned of the resignati:On of Daryl O'Dea from membership, and of Tom Moppett from the position of Honorary Secretary. These days Tom is wearing the badge of the R.A.A.F. Reserve. +Two new members were welcomed at the Half-Yearly Meeting on 13th September, they were, Miss Beverley Druce and Mr. Noel Haviland. 
-The Club'E100 "nest egg" is also doing War Work now; the Committee has received an acknowledgment from the Federal Treasurer of this contribution to the Interest Free Loan, + 
-We are glad the Hon.Social Secretary is still managing to show a small profit on each function. He reported that ninetyone people enjoyed the dinner dance at Elizabeth Bay House on August 28th, and there was a profit of 3/8d.!+At the same meeting we learned of the resignation of Daryl O'Dea from membership, and of Tom Moppett from the position of Honorary Secretary. These days Tom is wearing the badge of the R.A.A.F. Reserve. 
 +The Club'£100 "nest egg" is also doing War Work now; the Committee has received an acknowledgment from the Federal Treasurer of this contribution to the Interest Free Loan
 +We are glad the Hon.Social Secretary is still managing to show a small profit on each function. He reported that ninety one people enjoyed the dinner dance at Elizabeth Bay House on August 28th, and there was a profit of 3/8d.! 
 Certificates were presented to Winners of the various events at the recent Sports Carnival and, on behalf of those members who were at the Carnival, the President handed Bill Henley a memento of the occasion, which was his birthday as well as a very busy day for him as handicapper, starter and judge. Could we hold a Carnival without Bill? We doubt it. Certificates were presented to Winners of the various events at the recent Sports Carnival and, on behalf of those members who were at the Carnival, the President handed Bill Henley a memento of the occasion, which was his birthday as well as a very busy day for him as handicapper, starter and judge. Could we hold a Carnival without Bill? We doubt it.
-At about this point the Chairman took the opportunity of expressing the Club's appreciation of Tom Moppetts work As Hon,Secretary and its gratification that Jean Tf imbles, who has been Tom'AsSistant, was prepared to carry on as Hon. Secretary+ 
 +At about this point the Chairman took the opportunity of expressing the Club's appreciation of Tom Moppetts work As Hon.Secretary and its gratification that Jean Trimbles, who has been Tom'Assistant, was prepared to carry on as Hon.Secretary
 Next came the important business of, electing a number of new officers, namely:- Next came the important business of, electing a number of new officers, namely:-
-Honorary SecretaryJean Trimble + 
-Hon.Assistant SecretaryJoyce Trimble +|Honorary Secretary Jean Trimble| 
-Committee Member Winifred DUncombe (Dune.) +|Hon.Assistant Secretary Joyce Trimble| 
-Convenor of Sub-cotmittee re Club RoomsL.G.Harrison (Mouldy) +|Committee Member Winifred Duncombe (Dunc.)| 
-Substitute Delegate to Federation Dorothy Lawry +|Convenor of Sub-committee re Club RoomsL.G.Harrison (Mouldy)| 
-Honorary Orgahiser for 1940 ConcertJoan Savage +|Substitute Delegate to FederationDorothy Lawry| 
-Six jobs filled, just like that !+|Honorary Organiser for 1940 ConcertJoan Savage
 +Six jobs filled, just like that! 
 Then Sub-section (kk) of Section 5 of the Constitution had two sentences added to it, as forecast in the notice of the meeting. Then Sub-section (kk) of Section 5 of the Constitution had two sentences added to it, as forecast in the notice of the meeting.
-Last, but not least, the President announced that recently it had been noticed that there was a growing practice of taking dogs on official trips. After due consideration the Committee had decided, for a number of reasons, to request members to refrain from'taking dogs on official trips. One of the most 
-, serious reasons for this ban is that dogs naturally run on ahead, particularly 
-' when they are thirsty and scent water, With running Streams practically nonexistent and even pools very rare" owing to the drought, every care has to be taken with drinking water - and most humans don't like drinkilig after dogs, - se, no dogs on bushwalks while the drought lasts, please I! 
-Before procea. 4, !ag totthe 15124iness of the Half-Yearly Meeting our President very sorrowfully anAbunoed theAaeath of one of the Club's most valued members 
-PhiZ Rpots,- and pa i'd a tribute to the work both Val and-Phil had done for the Club during theireleven years of membershiii, 
-&D]ne of us had already heard that Phil's ,sufferings had ended on Sep- 
-tember kth and had epressed. to Wal our deeP n1104thy for him and the three "Imps". lne all endorsed ,Richard proker's remark's on the splendid member the Club has lest, ,and realised that we shall not meet her like again, 
-'within a year of' joining the 8.BIT. Wal and Phil had stepped into the breach and accepted the positions of Hon.Secretary and Hon,Assistatt S.ecretary which they filled so,ably for four,years, Then Phil became a member of the Social Committee for the following twelve months, before being elected Hon; Social Secretary by the General Meeting that made Wal our President. ,happily f9r the Sydney. Bushwalkers, within six months wal was promoted by his firm to open a larax?,ch in BrIsbane and so. "the Rootses" had. to withdraw from the service of the Clubi andhe Federation, of which he was alsoPresident. (Though they have been living, in gueensland for the past three years, wal and Phil cherished their bushwalking memories and their bushwalking friends, and for them tha big event of each year was their visit to Sydney and the Blue Mountains,..This yeati alas, Vial alone is reVisiting the,old,.wellloved camps)6 
-In addition to all the work she did for the S.B.V. Phil ran their home tos:t efficiently and trained their three kiddies - there was only aweneth when Phil became our Honorary Assistant Secretary - and both she and Vial were among the most activ'e walkers i. ;the Club, 
-If any man could echo.Robert touis.Stevenson e tribute to his wife it is 1al Roots. 
-"Truptyl dusky, vivid.. true  
-ith ay66-6f,go4aild bramble-dew, Steel-true and blade-straight, 
-The- eise4-4-1t1,41c4...  
-_ , - 'MaiYe-bimate. 
-c!lionpurlangervalpurt,fire; +Last, but not least, the President announced that recently it had been noticed that there was a growing practice of taking dogs on official trips. After due consideration the Committee had decided, for a number of reasons, to request members to refrain from taking dogs on official trips. One of the most serious reasons for this ban is that dogs naturally run on ahead, particularly when they are thirsty and scent water. With running streams practically nonexistent and even pools very rare owing to the drought, every care has to be taken with drinking water - and most humans don't like drinking after dogs, - so, no dogs on bushwalks while the drought lasts, please!! 
-'41love 'that 11,fe 10111dAkever Death quenchorev,4,1-tirt. + 
-The mightymasterft,,. +PHYLLIS ROOTS. 
-Gave -to-he.. -, - +  
-"Teachertendez*I-comrade/ -wife I. +Before proceeding to the business of the Half-Yearly Meeting our President very sorrowfully announced the death of one of the Club's most valued members - Phil Roots - and paid a tribute to the work both Wal and Phil had done for the Club during their eleven years of membership. 
-. . . + 
-fellow-,farer:true ,through life, +Some of us had already heard that Phil's sufferings had ended on September 4th and had expressed to Wal our deep sympathy for him and the three "Imps". Well all endorsed Richard Croker's remarks on the splendid member the Club has lost, and realised that we shall not meet her like again. 
-Heart-wholeand soul-free + 
-   +within a year of joining the SBW Wal and Phil had stepped into the breach and accepted the positions of Hon.Secretary and Hon.Assistant Secretary which they filled so ably for four years. Then Phil became a member of the Social Committee for the following twelve monthsbefore being elected Hon.Social Secretary by the General Meeting that made Wal our President. Unhappily for the Sydney Bushwalkerswithin six months Wal was promoted by his firm to open a branch in Brisbane and so "the Rootses" had to withdraw from the service of the Club and the Federationof which he was also President(Though they have been livingin Queensland for the past three yearsWal and Phil cherished their bushwalking memories and their bushwalking friends, and for them the big event of each year was their visit to Sydney and the Blue MountainsThis year alas, Wall alone is revisiting the old, well-loved camps). 
-The auut ft the,r. Gave to me." + 
-, +In addition to all the work she did for the SBW Phil ran their home most efficiently and trained their three kiddies there was only Gweneth when Phil became our Honorary Assistant Secretary - and both she and Wal were among the most active walkers in the Club. 
-Having caught an early train which left town at 5.17 p m. on Friday,7th June last, we reached Katoomba, the juMping-off poinMor so many trips, at about 7.30 p m. +If any man could echo Robert Louis Stevenson's tribute to his wife it is Wal Roots. 
-Reinforced with hot coffee to keep off cold and drowsiness, we took a car to the top of the Devil's Hole, whence we set off at eight o'clock. Devil's Hole, always a drag at the end of a long trip, proved of little trouble at the beginning of this one and, 'after slipping and sliding on loose rocks and wet logs, we reached the foot in good time and began to lengthen out on the flat, easy track. + 
-On a moonlight night Megalong Valley offers many attractions to the walker who is willing to forego a few hourssleep in order to 6over a large part of the walk on Friday night. To the east Narrow Neck tovirerA above, large and majestic, brightly lit on its great, bare rock faces, and dark and mysterious in sheltered corners where the moon does not penetrate. One strides through an avenue of tall gums, between the limbs and foliage of which the moonlight shin, casting fantastic shadows on the white track. +"Trusty, dusky, vivid, true 
-The Cox was reached, via Black Jerry's Ridge, at 10.45 p mand a halt was called for chocolate. Thenon once again, this time accompanied by the pleasant sound of the river flowing placidly by our sides. Truly, the river banks are alive at night! 'Possums, wallabies and other fauna scattered to one side with many 'a rustling as we came along, disturbing their nocturnal gatherings. +With eyes of gold and bramble-dew, 
-'Towards midnight, an opening on our right indicated that we had reached Jenolan Rivert and Breakfast Creek showed up about forty minutes later. Finally. We halted at 1.00 a m., a little above Heartbreaker, and after cocoa, crawled into our sleeping-bags to sleep soundly until 5.30 a m. +Steel-true and blade-straight, 
-We were away rather later than hoped (at 6.40 a m.), walking down theCox in the early morning was very Pleasant, and exhilarating, and we were quite warm when Kanangaroo was reached at 8.27 a m. Here we had chocolate and a few minutesconversation with Mr,carlon Briari-HarVey and Alf.Watts, who were camping there for several days. +The great artificer  
-Arthur and 1, who were inclined to race ahead, reachedKanangra Creek a few minutes ahead of the other two and, at 9.42 we all proceeded up the Creek, in which there was little water, and, for many long stretches, only boulders covered with dry, green slime indicated where water once flowed in abundance. However, higher up, where the Gorge becomes narrower, 'water was more plentiful. +Made by mate. 
-We were astonished at the number of wombats to be found on the river banks as we went along. Apparently the by conditions are driving them more and more to the main waterways for subsistence. -Until recently, wombats were quite a novelty, but now one meets them at every bend. - + 
-We stopped for lunch promptly at noon and secured a well-earned re:t until 1.10 p m. Shortly after resuming, we obtained our first glimpse of Kanangra Walls, still a long way off, but becoming rapidly closer. We were all very Aelighted to be in sight of our objective and to know that we were well up to +"Honouranger, valour, fire; 
-schedule. +A love that fire could never tire, 
-At 1.50 p m.e ,Oidied that ;4 must be below Craft's walls, and the great ascent began. The spur 'chosen,lwas steep but not difficult and, after fighting our way through pat64es of thick mountain holly, we-finallYireached the Walls at 2.45 p m. we suckled oranges and surveyed the long slope up which we had come, for fifteen minute61 and then on once again. Soon we were on top of the main walls, enjoying once again the thrillingi breathtaking view of Ganerang, rising step by step from High and Mighty to Couldmaker, of Thyrat, of Kanangra Deep and The Spires, and then, ,td the south, of the magnificent Kowmung country No matter how many, times one goeS to aanangra, one can never tire of the glorious cyclorama one-obtains from the many vantage points, nor can one forget the first inspiring view of one's first visit. +Death quench or evil sir, 
-As the afternoon was well advanced, Ron and Norm decided to waste no time, and left immediately to pick up the Gingra Track, for we hoped to reach the Kowmung that night. Arthur and I wishing to complete the tour, hurried along to the famous dance-floor cave, where, incidentally, we found no water. At 4.15 p ma we set out along the Gingra, and found good, running water about +The mighty master 
-twenty minutes down the track. Darkness had fallen before we caught up with +Gave to her. 
-Ron and Norm, and we still had a considerable way to go. Most of the way the track is good, and easy to follow even at night, but in one or two spots one is liable to go astray. This we did on Third Top. Instead of keeping to the crown of the ridge, the track skirts round on the left side of the Top,and the ridge changes direction slightly, bearing to the left. Anyhow, we kept to the top of the ridge and continued on until we found that we were going + 
-south instead of north-east. We retraced our steps to the summit of Third Top +"Teacher, tender, comradewife, 
-and endeavoured t6 pick up the track. ' we were unable to do this in the darkness and finally, after long discussion, we decided to make a dry camp where we were though it was only 8.00 p m. Fortunately a plantiful supply of Wood was available, and, despite the stony nature of the ground, all were 'asleep by 9.30 p m. +fellow-farer true through life, 
-Sunday morning found us iip. early and, after a hasty breakfast of biscuits and-dates, looking for the track at about 6.30 a m. I fear that, in our hurry to be off again, we failed to appreciate sufficiently the beauty of the sunrise as dawn broke over the distant mountains. we soon picked up the track, and in under two hours Arthur and I were speeding down the gentle slope of Gingra to the Kowmung with the others only a few minutes behind irle spent from 8.20 a m. to 10.25 a m. having a swim and breakfast, and discussing our +Heart-whole and soul-free 
-ill fortune in missing the track on the previous evening, +The august father 
-We set off rather more slowly after breakfast in order to allow our somewhat liberal meals to settle. HoWever, we soon quickened up on the easy cowpads as we were rather behind schedule, and, after picking our way through the massive rock formations of the Lower Kowmung Canyon, reached the Cox at 1.20 p m. We spent twentyfive minutes here for a snack, but not too much, as we had now to climb White Dog, which we did, reaching Kelpie Rocks at 2.30 p m. +Gave to me." 
-Although not comparable with that from Splendour Rock, the view from here is pleasant; one can sees, large stretch of the Cox, bordered with casuarinas and grassy banks, and one notices regretfully the wide expanse of dry sand and the narrow stretch of water, glistening here and there with sunlight, where once a full stream flowed. + 
-From Kelpie Rocks we followed a well-defined ridge tpwards40 +KATOOMBA - KANANGRA - KATOOMBA  
-the base of +by W.T.
-Mt.Mouin, and then turned and headed for Debert's Nob. CiAr-Hill was scaled by 4.25 p m. and ten minutes later, we were beginning the:long-familiar walk into Katoomba. Darkness soon fell upon us, and so, for the third night in succession, we walked by torchlight, but on this occasion in order to catch a train. By this time all our batteries, with the,dxception of Norm's, were very low and we had tp pick our way carefully in many parts. + 
-At last, at 7.25 p m.. we reached the Tourist Road on Narrow Neck and soon were in the Golf Club., whence we rang for a car, and where we met very kind hospitality, in the form of milk and cream cakes. These were consumed with relish for we had had no real lunch that day. +Having caught an early train which left town at 5.17 p m. on Friday, 7th June last, we reached Katoomba, the jumping-off point for so many trips, at about 7.30 p.m. 
-Before the train arrived at 8p m. we managed to pick up a " illyful of plum-pudding as well as apple-pies and cream, which had been ordered in anticipation on the previous,Friday night, and to these you may rest assured we did justice. + 
-Thus concluded an eightyone mile week-end walk from Katoomba to Kanangra Walls and back.+Reinforced with hot coffee to keep off cold and drowsiness, we took a car to the top of the Devil's Hole, whence we set off at eight o'clock. Devil's Hole, always a drag at the end of a long trip, proved of little trouble at the beginning of this one and, after slipping and sliding on loose rocks and wet logs, we reached the foot in good time and began to lengthen out on the flat, easy track. 
 +On a moonlight night Megalong Valley offers many attractions to the walker who is willing to forego a few hours sleep in order to cover a large part of the walk on Friday night. To the east Narrow Neck towers above, large and majestic, brightly lit on its great, bare rock faces, and dark and mysterious in sheltered corners where the moon does not penetrate. One strides through an avenue of tall gums, between the limbs and foliage of which the moonlight shin, casting fantastic shadows on the white track. 
 +The Cox was reached, via Black Jerry's Ridge, at 10.45 p.mand a halt was called for chocolate. Then on once again, this time accompanied by the pleasant sound of the river flowing placidly by our sides. Truly, the river banks are alive at night! 'Possums, wallabies and other fauna scattered to one side with many a rustling as we came along, disturbing their nocturnal gatherings. 
 +Towards midnight, an opening on our right indicated that we had reached Jenolan River and Breakfast Creek showed up about forty minutes later. Finally. We halted at 1.00 a.m., a little above Heartbreaker, andafter cocoa, crawled into our sleeping-bags to sleep soundly until 5.30 a.m. 
 +We were away rather later than hoped (at 6.40 a m.), walking down the Cox in the early morning was very pleasant, and exhilarating, and we were quite warm when Kanangaroo was reached at 8.27 a.m. Here we had chocolate and a few minutes conversation with Mr.CarlonBrian Harvey and Alf.Watts, who were camping there for several days. 
 +Arthur and I, who were inclined to race ahead, reached Kanangra Creek a few minutes ahead of the other two and, at 9.42 we all proceeded up the Creek, in which there was little water, and, for many long stretches, only boulders covered with dry, green slime indicated where water once flowed in abundance. However, higher up, where the Gorge becomes narrower, water was more plentiful. 
 +We were astonished at the number of wombats to be found on the river banks as we went along. Apparently the dry conditions are driving them more and more to the main waterways for subsistence. Until recently, wombats were quite a novelty, but now one meets them at every bend.  
 +We stopped for lunch promptly at noon and secured a well-earned rest until 1.10 p.m. Shortly after resuming, we obtained our first glimpse of Kanangra Walls, still a long way off, but becoming rapidly closer. We were all very delighted to be in sight of our objective and to know that we were well up to schedule. 
 +At 1.50 p.m. we judged that we must be below Craft's walls, and the great ascent began. The spur chosen was steep but not difficult and, after fighting our way through patches of thick mountain holly, we finally reached the Walls at 2.45 p m. we suckled oranges and surveyed the long slope up which we had come, for fifteen minutes, and then on once again. Soon we were on top of the main walls, enjoying once again the thrilling breathtaking view of Gangerang, rising step by step from High and Mighty to Couldmaker, of Thyrat [Thurat], of Kanangra Deep and The Spires, and then, to the south, of the magnificent Kowmung countryNo matter how many, times one goes to Kanangra, one can never tire of the glorious cyclorama one obtains from the many vantage points, nor can one forget the first inspiring view of one's first visit. 
 +As the afternoon was well advanced, Ron and Norm decided to waste no time, and left immediately to pick up the Gingra Track, for we hoped to reach the Kowmung that night. Arthur and I wishing to complete the tour, hurried along to the famous dance-floor cave, where, incidentally, we found no water. At 4.15 p.m. we set out along the Gingra, and found good, running water about twenty minutes down the track. Darkness had fallen before we caught up with Ron and Norm, and we still had a considerable way to go. Most of the way the track is good, and easy to follow even at night, but in one or two spots one is liable to go astray. This we did on Third Top. Instead of keeping to the crown of the ridge, the track skirts round on the left side of the Top, and the ridge changes direction slightly, bearing to the left. Anyhow, we kept to the top of the ridge and continued on until we found that we were going south instead of north-east. We retraced our steps to the summit of Third Top 
 +and endeavoured to pick up the track. We were unable to do this in the darkness and finally, after long discussion, we decided to make a dry camp where we were though it was only 8.00 p.m. Fortunately a plentiful supply of wood was available, and, despite the stony nature of the ground, all were asleep by 9.30 p.m. 
 +Sunday morning found us up early and, after a hasty breakfast of biscuits and dates, looking for the track at about 6.30 a.m. I fear that, in our hurry to be off again, we failed to appreciate sufficiently the beauty of the sunrise as dawn broke over the distant mountains. We soon picked up the track, and in under two hours Arthur and I were speeding down the gentle slope of Gingra to the Kowmung with the others only a few minutes behind. We spent from 8.20 a.m. to 10.25 a.m. having a swim and breakfast, and discussing our ill fortune in missing the track on the previous evening
 +We set off rather more slowly after breakfast in order to allow our somewhat liberal meals to settle. However, we soon quickened up on the easy cowpads as we were rather behind schedule, and, after picking our way through the massive rock formations of the Lower Kowmung Canyon, reached the Cox at 1.20 p m. We spent twenty five minutes here for a snack, but not too much, as we had now to climb White Dog, which we did, reaching Kelpie Rocks at 2.30 p.m. Although not comparable with that from Splendour Rock, the view from here is pleasant; one can see a large stretch of the Cox, bordered with casuarinas and grassy banks, and one notices regretfully the wide expanse of dry sand and the narrow stretch of water, glistening here and there with sunlight, where once a full stream flowed. 
 +From Kelpie Rocks we followed a well-defined ridge towards 
 +the base of Mt.Mouin, and then turned and headed for Debert's Nob. Clear Hill was scaled by 4.25 p.m. and ten minutes later, we were beginning the long-familiar walk into Katoomba. Darkness soon fell upon us, and so, for the third night in succession, we walked by torchlight, but on this occasion in order to catch a train. By this time all our batteries, with the exception of Norm's, were very low and we had to pick our way carefully in many parts. 
 +At last, at 7.25 p.m. we reached the Tourist Road on Narrow Neck and soon were in the Golf Club, whence we rang for a car, and where we met very kind hospitality, in the form of milk and cream cakes. These were consumed with relish for we had had no real lunch that day. 
 +Before the train arrived at 8 p.m. we managed to pick up a billy-full of plum-pudding as well as apple-pies and cream, which had been ordered in anticipation on the previous Friday night, and to these you may rest assured we did justice. 
 +Thus concluded an eighty one mile week-end walk from Katoomba to Kanangra Walls and back. 
 Two or three months ago the S.B;W. Library received a present of some book's, amongst which was the'"Sportsman/S Manuall17 1937 Edition, an Ameriean publication. One member who had been browsing through this Manual was so taken with the following "Handy Kink For Outdoor iahusiasts" that he. suggested the reprinting of this. Two or three months ago the S.B;W. Library received a present of some book's, amongst which was the'"Sportsman/S Manuall17 1937 Edition, an Ameriean publication. One member who had been browsing through this Manual was so taken with the following "Handy Kink For Outdoor iahusiasts" that he. suggested the reprinting of this.
Line 271: Line 301:
 But our Harold arriv0 with the nest day's sunrise, He arrived like the Milk in the morn. But our Harold arriv0 with the nest day's sunrise, He arrived like the Milk in the morn.
 Frank Duncan. Frank Duncan.
194010.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/11 18:08 by sbw

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