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194906 [2012/09/29 11:33] – external edit [2016/02/25 09:59] – [Safety First in the Bush - Of Accidents] kennettj
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 A monthly Bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushwalkers, C/- Ingersoll Hall, 256 Crown St., Sydney. A monthly Bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushwalkers, C/- Ingersoll Hall, 256 Crown St., Sydney.
-willImagd..111=11... + 
-Price 6d. +**No175 JUNE 1949 Price 6d.** 
-.1 41RIE, 1949 + 
-Editor: Alec Colley, 55 Ki/Tibilli Production AsstBill Gillam +|**Editor**| Alex Colley, 55 Kirribilli Ave., Milson's Point|  
-Ave., Milsonrs Point. Sales and SubsHelen Brooks +|**Production Asst**| Bill Gillam  
-Production and Business ManagerTyped by Jean Harvey and, +|**Sales and Subs**| Helen Brook| 
-Brian Harvey SOef1==t-rritt:rg- +|**Production and Business Manager**| Brian Harvey | 
-CONTENTS+|**Typed** | Jean Harvey | 
 Editorial - Manners in the Bush Editorial - Manners in the Bush
 At Our May Meeting At Our May Meeting
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 The Bushcraft Association Protests, by Brian Harvey Federation Notes, by Brian Harve The Bushcraft Association Protests, by Brian Harvey Federation Notes, by Brian Harve
 Gear for Ski-ers, (Paddy's Advt.) Gear for Ski-ers, (Paddy's Advt.)
-Manners in the Bush + 
-mmmlsmwmftlomOdawpemmmmmmmsmmmmmw mmmmmmosw..hmw mig..a.WW.W4 +====== Editorial -  Manners in the Bush ====== 
-111:72 + 
-+In voicing the Committee'disapproval of the practices of going on walks without arranging tent accommodation and of using other peoples fires, water etc, the President will have the support
-12 +
-13 +
-14 +
-15 +
-16 +
-18 +
-In voicing the Committeers disapproval of the practees of going on walks without arranging tent accommodation and f).0 using other peoples fires, water etc., the President will have the support+
 of all but the professional scroungers. of all but the professional scroungers.
-Apart from the fact that it is ill-mannered to do this sort of + 
-thing, there are reasons why it is specially to be avoided in walking. Bushwalking is one of the most strenuous of recreations. +Apart from the fact that it is ill-mannered to do this sort of thing, there are reasons why it is specially to be avoided in walking. Bushwalking is one of the most strenuous of recreations. Every ounce counts in the pack. After a hard day's walk it is an effort to make camp, get wood and water, and prepare a meal. But if everyone does their bit there is a very real spirit of comradeship, and very often the hardest walks leave the most pleasant of memories. 
-Every ounce count o in the pack. After a hard day's walk it is an + 
-effort to make camp, get wood and water, and prepare a meal. But +To arrive on a walk without a tent, or any arrangement to share one, is scrounging in its lowest form. More often than not the Cuckoo in the nest will not offer to carry the nest the next day. Furthermore he may over-rate his popularity - people mightn't like sharing a tent with him. If they do it may mean a cold, uncomfortable or wet night's camping because of the overcrowding. There is no excuse for inserting oneself into a tent in this way. It is abominable manners and plain common sense should be enough to prevent such so-called "thoughtlessnesseven if it weren't for the instructions on the back of the walks programme. Nor is there any excuse for prospectives. Club members go to a lot of trouble to bring new members into the Club and the least the prospectives can do is to read the instructions they are given. 
-if everyone does their bit there is a very real spirit of pomradeship, and very often the hardest walks leave the most pleasant of memories. + 
-2 +The sharing of camp fires has always been a touchy point, particularly with the old members. One food party, or a couple of individuals, is enough for one fire. Otherwise people are treading on each others' gear or knocking over billies as they shift things on and off the fire. Lighting the fire and getting the wood can be one of the hardest tasks for tired bushwalkers and the uninvited billy-dumper is an urger of the first rank. 
-To arrive on a walk without a tent, or any arrangement to share one, is scrounging in its lowest form. More often than not the Tackoo in the nest will not offer to carry the nest the next day. Furthermore he may over-rate his popularity - people mightn't-, like _sharing a tent with him. If they do it may mean a cold, uncomfortable or wet night's camping because of the overcrowding. There is ao excuse for inserting oneself into a tent in this way. It is abominable manners and plain common sense should be enough to prevent such so-called "thoughtlessness even if it weren't for the instructions on the back of the walks programme. Nor is there any excuse for prospectives. Club members go to a lot of trouble to bring new members into the Club and the least the prospectives can do is to read the instructions they are given. + 
-The sharing of camp fires has always been a touchy point, particularly with the old members. One food party, or a couple of individuals, is enough for one fire. Otherwise people are treading on each others' gear or knocking over billies as they shift things on and off the fire. Lighting the fire and getting the wood can be one of the hardest tasks for tired bushwalkers and the uninvitedbilly-dumper is an urger of the 'first rank. +The same observations apply to the users of other people's water bags, and the ones who never carry water but drink it if anybody else does. Another example of bad manners is to turn up on week-end walk without previously informing the leader. 
-The same observations apply to the users of other :.,2ople,s + 
-water bags, and the ones who never carry water but drink it if ay- body else does. Another example of bad manners is to turn up on sa week-end walk without previously informing the leader. +It is traditional in the Club for the experienced to help the inexperienced and for the stronger to help the weaker, but there is no excuse for imposing on the good nature of one's mates, nor for leaving one's manners at home when one walks out the door with a pack. 
-It is traditional in the Club for the experienced to help the inexperienced and for the stronger to help the weaker, but there is no excuse for imposing on the good nature of one's mates, nor forleaving one's manners at home when one walks out the door with a pack. + 
-AT OUR MAY MEETING.+====== At Our May Meeting ====== 
 The President was in the chair and there were about 65 membe:rs present. The President was in the chair and there were about 65 membe:rs present.
 One new member, 'Ron Host, was welcomed. One new member, 'Ron Host, was welcomed.
Line 98: Line 97:
 Y-, Y-,
 "Would we rather have the trusteeship of these 350 acres be given to any other body than the Garawarra Park trustees? Do we favour the National Park trustees? Or National Fitness Council? Or perhaps a combination of the three bodies plus representation by existing shack-owners? Have we thought seriously about our future use of the land, if good management, good fortune and the good offices of the authorities make it legally possible for bushwalkers and other nature-lovers to use this quiet and lovely place, free of the triple curses of hcu-;es, roads and tourist throngs? We know how these things have (5,icc,ted nearby Garie, Wattamolla ard Stanwell Park." "Would we rather have the trusteeship of these 350 acres be given to any other body than the Garawarra Park trustees? Do we favour the National Park trustees? Or National Fitness Council? Or perhaps a combination of the three bodies plus representation by existing shack-owners? Have we thought seriously about our future use of the land, if good management, good fortune and the good offices of the authorities make it legally possible for bushwalkers and other nature-lovers to use this quiet and lovely place, free of the triple curses of hcu-;es, roads and tourist throngs? We know how these things have (5,icc,ted nearby Garie, Wattamolla ard Stanwell Park."
-Myles Dunphy was followed by Allan Hardie who said we were just talking in the dark. His speech certainly confirmed this vie, Herb. Morris said that if the motion achieved its purpose it would pze,rit Era becoming a second Garie by the construction of a road. Me Lco alluded to a fund built up by the shack owners for the purpo.::e cr buying the Gara estate. Peter Price was able to inform us that this fund had been returned to the contributors since the National l'tness Movement had cone into the picture. Myles Dunphy's motion was then put to the meeting an. carried. It was resolved to writa to the National Fitness Movement and ask it to support our represental;ions to the Minister for Lands. A sub-committee consisting of Maurie Berry, Myles Dunphy and Marie Byles was elected to represent the Club at any meeting called by the National Fitness Council to discuss Era Lands.+ 
 +Myles Dunphy was followed by Allan Hardie who said we were just talking in the dark. His speech certainly confirmed this viewHerb Morris said that if the motion achieved its purpose it would pze,rit Era becoming a second Garie by the construction of a road. Me Lco alluded to a fund built up by the shack owners for the purpo.::e cr buying the Gara estate. Peter Price was able to inform us that this fund had been returned to the contributors since the National l'tness Movement had cone into the picture. Myles Dunphy's motion was then put to the meeting an. carried. It was resolved to writa to the National Fitness Movement and ask it to support our represental;ions to the Minister for Lands. A sub-committee consisting of Maurie Berry, Myles Dunphy and Marie Byles was elected to represent the Club at any meeting called by the National Fitness Council to discuss Era Lands.
 The next business was to nominate two members to fill vacancies on the Garawarra trust. Alen Strom and Arthur Gilroy were nominated by the meeting. The next business was to nominate two members to fill vacancies on the Garawarra trust. Alen Strom and Arthur Gilroy were nominated by the meeting.
- A request from the organiser of the Forestry Advisory Council for motions to be discussed at the Council's Annual Conference was the subject of two further motions, one asking for the Council's support in our representations to the Minister for Lands re the Garawarra lands, and the other for their support of our representations for the resumption of lots 14 and 15, Narrow Neck Peninsula. Myles Dunphy pointed out that we had authoritative support in our campaign against bnildings on the Narrow Neck. The new Drofessor of Town Planning at Sydney University had drawn attention to the buildings on the cliff edge which were spoiling the scenery at Katoomba. A proposal by Eric Rowen that the matter of the Mark Morton Primitive Reserve be referred to the F.A.C. was not adopted on the advice of our ex-delegate, Dorothy Lawry. +  
-After this the discussion moved to matters of domestic concern. The President said that it had core to the notice of the Committee that people had turned up on walks without having previously made arrangements about tents. It was a very old rule, and was always printed on the back of the walks programme, that people must arrange their own accommodation. In other ways too Club customs should be observed. It was not the thing, for instance, to grab all the water after it had been carried up from several hundred feet below. Nor was it right to butt in on fires. At the same time members should +A request from the organiser of the Forestry Advisory Council for motions to be discussed at the Council's Annual Conference was the subject of two further motions, one asking for the Council's support in our representations to the Minister for Lands re the Garawarra lands, and the other for their support of our representations for the resumption of lots 14 and 15, Narrow Neck Peninsula. Myles Dunphy pointed out that we had authoritative support in our campaign against bnildings on the Narrow Neck. The new Drofessor of Town Planning at Sydney University had drawn attention to the buildings on the cliff edge which were spoiling the scenery at Katoomba. A proposal by Eric Rowen that the matter of the Mark Morton Primitive Reserve be referred to the F.A.C. was not adopted on the advice of our ex-delegate, Dorothy Lawry. 
-not forget to give a helping hand to those who needed it. Bill Gillam followed this up by referring to another had habit - that of turning up on walks without previously informing the leader. On a recent Friday night programme walk, of which he was the leader, nobody had + 
- said they were coming, but when ho arrived in the Club room at 7.30 p m. he found that one member and several prospectives had turned up without giving notice. +After this the discussion moved to matters of domestic concern. The President said that it had come to the notice of the Committee that people had turned up on walks without having previously made arrangements about tents. It was a very old rule, and was always printed on the back of the walks programme, that people must arrange their own accommodation. In other ways too Club customs should be observed. It was not the thing, for instance, to grab all the water after it had been carried up from several hundred feet below. Nor was it right to butt in on fires.  
-However the blood of the conservationists was roused and they were soon at it again. Brian Harvey moved that we write to t7 + 
-Editor of Ilome" Magazine expressing indignation at an article which, in effect, incited the public to break the Flora and Fauna Acts.+At the same time members should not forget to give a helping hand to those who needed it. Bill Gillam followed this up by referring to another bad habit - that of turning up on walks without previously informing the leader. On a recent Friday night programme walk, of which he was the leader, nobody had said they were coming, but when he arrived in the Club room at 7.30 p m. he found that one member and several prospectives had turned up without giving notice. 
 +However the blood of the conservationists was roused and they were soon at it again. Brian Harvey moved that we write to to 
 +Editor of "Home" Magazine expressing indignation at an article which, in effect, incited the public to break the Flora and Fauna Acts.
 Dennis Gittoes said there was not much point in writing to the clitor - the letter would never be published anyway. Dorothy Lawry thought that at least it would put the Editor on his guard against future articles - he would probably find but What the law was. The motion was carried. Next it was resolved, on a motion by Betty Hurley, to write to the Department of Local Government and the National Park Trust, advising them of the infringementa of the law. Allen SltD-on said that, as Secretary of the Wild Life Preservation Soof e: y', had already written to these bodies. He had previously wril-ft..?ri to the National Park Trust, but had not even received an accep tanc, notice in reply. This prompted an unseconded amendment to the mo:Jion that we should send our letters by registered mail. Dennis Gittoes said there was not much point in writing to the clitor - the letter would never be published anyway. Dorothy Lawry thought that at least it would put the Editor on his guard against future articles - he would probably find but What the law was. The motion was carried. Next it was resolved, on a motion by Betty Hurley, to write to the Department of Local Government and the National Park Trust, advising them of the infringementa of the law. Allen SltD-on said that, as Secretary of the Wild Life Preservation Soof e: y', had already written to these bodies. He had previously wril-ft..?ri to the National Park Trust, but had not even received an accep tanc, notice in reply. This prompted an unseconded amendment to the mo:Jion that we should send our letters by registered mail.
 Eric Rowen suggested that we should hold periodical sales of gear and his suggestion was adopted. Eric Rowen suggested that we should hold periodical sales of gear and his suggestion was adopted.
 It was decided to nominate Allen Strom as a member of the Fauna Protection Panel which is about to be forned under recent legislation. It was decided to nominate Allen Strom as a member of the Fauna Protection Panel which is about to be forned under recent legislation.
 The meeting closed at 10.5 p m. The meeting closed at 10.5 p m.
 WAN. 111....1,1101441..M.I.I.WM...11111411.1111111.R.POIM WAN. 111....1,1101441..M.I.I.WM...11111411.1111111.R.POIM
 Keeper of Time-Tables and Curator of Maps: Jim Brown. Assistant Walks Secretary: Alan Mayblom. Keeper of Time-Tables and Curator of Maps: Jim Brown. Assistant Walks Secretary: Alan Mayblom.
 Assistant Duplicator Operator: Roy Bruggy. Assistant Duplicator Operator: Roy Bruggy.
 Assistant Librarian: Betty Hurley. Assistant Librarian: Betty Hurley.
  Ia... a. .M0110.4111.110 Mile ml,  Ia... a. .M0110.4111.110 Mile ml,
 The photographic committee would like all photographs to be ia the Club room by 7.30 on Friday, June 24th. the night of the exhibition. They would also like the title and the name of the exhibitor to be attached to, or written on, the prints. A great deal of the interest of the exhibition centres round the subject matter of the photographs and in past exhibitions there have always been numerous people trying to find out what the photograph depicted and who took it. Mr. Eade from the Photographic Society will be the judge, and the best photograph will be published on a full page of the magazine. The second and third photographs will be published together on the one page. The photographic committee would like all photographs to be ia the Club room by 7.30 on Friday, June 24th. the night of the exhibition. They would also like the title and the name of the exhibitor to be attached to, or written on, the prints. A great deal of the interest of the exhibition centres round the subject matter of the photographs and in past exhibitions there have always been numerous people trying to find out what the photograph depicted and who took it. Mr. Eade from the Photographic Society will be the judge, and the best photograph will be published on a full page of the magazine. The second and third photographs will be published together on the one page.
-EATE. 1949. + 
-to mt trust these pamphleteers Listen to the cynic's warning. +====== Hall's Scenic Holiday Tour ====== 
-The Duchess"+ 
-Punctually at 7030 a m. Good Friday morning, Mr. Vvilliam Hall and his party of sixteen clambered on to the 21 seater bus 1e3%1Ing their camp site of the night before "on the Cambewarra Road, near Bomtaderry Station"+EASTER 1949. 
-They set off, in a soft mist, for Mongarlowe 85 miles away. + 
-The first stop was to see THE WATERFALL, a goodly fall of water into +"Do not trust these pamphleteers Listen to the cynic's warning."\\ 
-a long, deep gorge with a vista of hills to the far horizon, The fear of the majority of the party about standing alose to the edge to look down into the gorge below aroused speculation in the mind of one as +"The Duchess". 
-to whether most bushwalkers had a neurotic trend - "Fain would I climb but I fear to fall" attitude. + 
-At Nerriga the bus driver stopped to make enquiries about a short cut to Mongarlowe. The well stocked store supplied the varied taste of the members of the party with edibles. One of the girls was seen to go behind the counter, have a whispered conversation with the storekeepers wife and then tear out of the store in a d6sperate +Punctually at 7.30 a m. Good Friday morning, Mr. William Hall and his party of sixteen clambered on to the 21 seater bus leaving their camp site of the night before on the Cambewarra Road, near Bombaderry Station. 
-hurry. The guess of those witnessing this little scene was quite wrong, the outcome was the purchase of a torch bulb and battery. + 
-About 12 miles from Nerriga, under the direction of 1:r. William Hall and his Booking Clerk, Mr. Alex. Colley, the 131)s driver turned +They set off, in a soft mist, for Mongarlowe 85 miles away. The first stop was to see THE WATERFALL, a goodly fall of water into a long, deep gorge with a vista of hills to the far horizon, The fear of the majority of the party about standing close to the edge to look down into the gorge below aroused speculation in the mind of one as to whether most bushwalkers had a neurotic trend - "Fain would I climb but I fear to fall" attitude. 
-off through a gate on the left on to a private made road, taking the left hand branch. + 
-After much gate opening by Mr. William Hall, the bus arrived safely at the stopping off place. Donning woollies and wind jackets, or vice versa, according to taste, the party struggled into their packs and commenced the walk along a road which lead to a farmhouse. The farmer c'im postmaster offered the usual misdirections that +At Nerriga the bus driver stopped to make enquiries about a short cut to Mongarlowe. The well stocked store supplied the varied taste of the members of the party with edibles. One of the girls was seen to go behind the counter, have a whispered conversation with the storekeepers wife and then tear out of the store in a desperate hurry. The guess of those witnessing this little scene was quite wrong, the outcome was the purchase of a torch bulb and battery. 
-countrymen invariably seem to give walkers. + 
-A little further on by the side of a small running creek the +About 12 miles from Nerriga, under the direction of Mr. William Hall and his Booking Clerk, Mr. Alex. Colley, the bus driver turned off through a gate on the left on to a private made road, taking the left hand branch. After much gate opening by Mr. William Hall, the bus arrived safely at the stopping off place. Donning woollies and wind jackets, or vice versa, according to taste, the party struggled into their packs and commenced the walk along a road which lead to a farmhouse. The farmer come postmaster offered the usual misdirections that countrymen invariably seem to give walkers. 
-party lunched sumptously. With the idea of going around Currockbilly + 
-to the right and climbing it from there, the party resumed walking +A little further on by the side of a small running creek the party lunched sumptuously. With the idea of going around Currockbilly to the right and climbing it from there, the party resumed walking after lunch. The way at first was easy, too easy presumably, so the leader lead the party up a nice ridge, in a misty rain, and left them perched on a granite outcrop on top, while he and the more practical ones went off to find a camp site in the unpromising surroundings. 
-after lunch. The way at firrst was easy, too easy presumably, so the leader lead the party up a nice ridge, in a misty rain, and left them perched on a granite outcrop on top, while he and the more practical ones went off to find a camp site in the unpromising surroundings. + 
-The more pessimistic sat huddled in ground sheets against the cold wind, while the romantics perched like Olympian Jove or Jupiter, enjoying the height, the blowing mist and feeling Godlike shut off from the world below. +The more pessimistic sat huddled in ground sheets against the cold wind, while the romantics perched like Olympian Jove or Jupiter, enjoying the height, the blowing mist and feeling God like shut off from the world below. (Quotations are from a leaflet given to the members of the party before they set out. - Ed,) 
-Quotations are from a leaflet given to the members of the party before they set out. - Ed,) +  
- A camp site was found ina slightly dipping saddle of the ridge. Tents were soon erected, fires started, bedding collected. Several went off to find water and returned some time later without any. A soak close handy was then used for cooking waterand, after the usual hearty dinner, most people retired early to their tents, unwashed and warm, to sleep in comfort-,thil e,the rain dripped a lullaby. +A camp site was found in a slightly dipping saddle of the ridge. Tents were soon erected, fires started, bedding collected. Several went off to find water and returned some time later without any. A soak close handy was then used for cooking water and, after the usual hearty dinner, most people retired early to their tents, unwashed and warm, to sleep in comfort while,the rain dripped a lullaby. 
-Next morning the partyset off in good humour and after walking for about half-an-I:bur found they were gradually climbing off the ridge. A conference was called and the decision made finally that the direction was wrong, Currockbilly was well behind instead of out in front, it would not be climbed -that trip and our steps had to be retraced to the rocky outcrop of the previous evening. + 
-It was Interesting to notice some people use rock formation as +Next morning the party set off in good humour and after walking for about half an hour found they were gradually climbing off the ridge. A conference was called and the decision made finally that the direction was wrong, Currockbilly was well behind instead of out in front, it would not be climbed that trip and our steps had to be retraced to the rocky outcrop of the previous evening. 
-a guide to position, others like to ponder on maps and compass, while + 
-a few prefer to lift up their eyes to the far distances, being rewarded by a sight of Currockbilly eMerging from the mist. +It was interesting to notice some people use rock formation as a guide to position, others like to ponder on maps and compass, while a few prefer to lift up their eyes to the far distances, being rewarded by a sight of Currockbilly eMerging from the mist. 
-From their old friend the rocky outcrop the walkers continued along the top of the ridge, admiring the extensive view into the valley below and the hills beyond as they walked. The country was reminiscent o: Kosciusko and at on place suggestions were made that it was like Lake Albino without the lake. + 
-Lunch was eaten at the top of a long valley which rose to a d p in, the range saddle_and then dropped slightly to water and trees. +From their old friend the rocky outcrop the walkers continued along the top of the ridge, admiring the extensive view into the valley below and the hills beyond as they walked. The country was reminiscent of Kosciusko and at on place suggestions were made that it was like Lake Albino without the lake. Lunch was eaten at the top of a long valley which rose to a pin, the range saddle and then dropped slightly to water and trees.After lunch, the party walked, clambered and stumbled along the top of the range, making very slow progress. 
-After lunch, the party walked, clambered and stumbled along the t9p of the range, making very slow progress. + 
-The Booking Clerk ,said he knew of a lovely campsite off on one side of the ridge, and it was clear and flat. So down the seventeen went to this remembered campsite only to find it was now jungle and that small bushes had to be pulled out to find places for tents. The G4nga Din's of the party went off again for water, returning hours later with buckets full. As the leader told the girls not to go out of sight in the jungle for fear of being lost,, they all promised to take the leader along when they required to go for a walk. Again +The Booking Clerk said he knew of a lovely campsite off on one side of the ridge, and it was clear and flat. So down the seventeen went to this remembered campsite only to find it was now jungle and that small bushes had to be pulled out to find places for tents. The Gunga Din's of the party went off again for water, returning hours later with buckets full. As the leader told the girls not to go out of sight in the jungle for fear of being lost, they all promised to take the leader along when they required to go for a walk. Again unwashed, and a trifle thirsty, the party retired early to bed, after food had been consumed. 
-unwashed, and a trifle thirsty, the party rettred early to bed, after food had been consumed. + 
-Next morning, a large hill in front had to be climbed up, mostly +Next morning, a large hill in front had to be climbed up, mostly large rocky masses. Then down the party started to climb until it was decided they were an the wrong ridge. A little sidling and back 
- large rocky masses. Then down the party started to climb until it +again on to the right ridge. The day consisted of climbing up hills or mountains, according to one's viewpoint, and stopping to discuss the way which should lead on to Wog Wog Creek and on to Yadbora Creek to complete that day's walk. The views were extensive and beautiful and one enthusiastic camera owner called to another to take the beautiful view. The retort that he was taking it not because it was beautiful, but because it was ... (censored - Ed.) seemed to indicate a little dissatisfaction with the terrain. 
-was decided they were an the wrong ridge. A little sidling and back + 
-again on to the right ridge. The day consisted of climbing up hills+At last it was decided that we would go down and find Wog Wog Creek. So down we went, down a long, long slope, with many a slip and slide on the small stones underfoot to Wog Wog Creek. The less tired or the more cleanly, immediately washed all available parts of their bodies, had long drinks of water and some chocolate ration. But with some lagging, the party camped only about a mile further along Wog Wog Creek. 
- or mountains, according to one's viewpoint, and stopping to discuss + 
-the way which should lead on to Wog Wog Creek and on to Yadboro Creek tp complete that day's walk. The views were extensive and beautiful and one enthusiastic camera owner called to another to take the beautiful view. The retort that he was taking it not because it was bdautiful, but because it was ... (censored - Ed.) seemed to indtcate a little dissatisfaction with the terrain. +With break of day, the thought of 20 miles to be walked before 3.30 p m. when the party was scheduled to meet the bus at Drury's farm - goaded all to rise and get an early start. Walking in yesterday until Yadbora Creek was reached, the party then began to walk in today (which was Easter Monday). 
-At last it was decided that we would go down and find Wog Wog Creek. So down we went, down a long, long slope, with many a slip and slide on the small stones underfootto Wog Wog Creek. The less tiredor the more cleanly, immediately washed all available parts of their bodies, had long drinks of water and some chocolate ration. But with apme lagging, the party camped only about a mile further along Wog Wog Creek. +
-With break of day, the thought of 20 miles to be walked before 3.30 p m. when the party was scheduled to meet the bus at Drury's farm - goaded all to rise and get an early start. Walking in yesterday until Yadbora Creek was reached, the party then began to walk in today (which was Easter Monday).+
 On the way to Yadbora Jess Martin, being chided for halting when the party was in a hurry, murmured something about not being able to move, an excuse which was treated with derision, as only a few miles had been walked by then. Further entreaties for her to hurry brought forth the response, "I can't, my foot's caught in a trap", and it was too, in a big fox trap. Being told about this incident later, the Booking Clerk wanted to know if she had set the trap again. On the way to Yadbora Jess Martin, being chided for halting when the party was in a hurry, murmured something about not being able to move, an excuse which was treated with derision, as only a few miles had been walked by then. Further entreaties for her to hurry brought forth the response, "I can't, my foot's caught in a trap", and it was too, in a big fox trap. Being told about this incident later, the Booking Clerk wanted to know if she had set the trap again.
-Someone also brought forth a bright idea, which could possibly be considered at length at a General Yeeting, that members of small stature when walking in tall bracken should be outfitted with flags, so that their progress could be marked. Another suggestion was that they should be provided with periscopes so that they would at least eee something through the undergrowth. + 
-Along cattle pads, crossing end re-crossing the creek, casting around for another pad, climbing up, going down, the party pounded along to reach the Clyde river by lunch time. Here Phil Hall, who knew the track into Drury's farm, was despatched early with a lightened vck, to warn the bus driver that we would not be at the rendezvous at the time mentioned. +Someone also brought forth a bright idea, which could possibly be considered at length at a General Meeting, that members of small stature when walking in tall bracken should be outfitted with flags, so that their progress could be marked. Another suggestion was that they should be provided with periscopes so that they would at least see something through the undergrowth. 
-When the rest of the party continued on after lunch, the track p,roved elusive and a ridge or two was climbed before a track was taken. But as this proved a traitor, leading in the wrong direction, it was abandoned for a nice steep ridge to climb. The party being very used to climbing after the preliminary practice of the previous days it soon arrived practically at the top, where a massive rock expanse blocked further "oopwards". So around the side they went to discover The Track climbing up and aver. This was good, and all pounded along spurred by the passing of time. But the track was not eonstant and was lost and found again many tines until, with dusk eoming on, having dropped down on a cattle pad, the party discovered they were ping in the wronLdirection. This provided some discussion, resulting in a sfrr7E-a-zainTii--6.17Ossing of the creek, the finding of a cattle pad leading in the right direction on to a broad timber track which soon faded out and left the party debating in the dark. Torches were lighted, weary feet forced on back along the timber track which now generously ran to a broad road. Following the road along for a distance, another creek was crossed where a grassy paddock ad the sound of a cow bell, brought forth cries that we were + 
-approaching Drury's. On the last rise up to Drury's, a motor was +Along cattle pads, crossing end re-crossing the creek, casting around for another pad, climbing up, going down, the party pounded along to reach the Clyde river by lunch time. Here Phil Hall, who knew the track into Drury's farm, was despatched early with a lightened stick, to warn the bus driver that we would not be at the rendezvous at the time mentioned. 
-heard to start over in the hollow. Feeling this was OUR MIS, the party yelled and flashed torches but to no avail for when we eventually reached the rendezvouz at 6.35 p m. we were greeted with the information that the bus had left only five minutes before9 but would be back the next morning at ten. We found too that our advance scout had also got lost. So readers, Mr. William Hall and his party missed fulfilling their walking itinerary by only 5 minutes. + 
-As promised the bus returned next morning, and the partyrather elated by an unexpected extra day's holiday, got aboard for the drive back to Bombaderry.+When the rest of the party continued on after lunch, the track proved elusive and a ridge or two was climbed before a track was taken. But as this proved a traitor, leading in the wrong direction, it was abandoned for a nice steep ridge to climb. The party being very used to climbing after the preliminary practice of the previous days it soon arrived practically at the top, where a massive rock expanse blocked further "upwards". So around the side they went to discover The Track climbing up and over. This was good, and all pounded along spurred by the passing of time. But the track was not constant and was lost and found again many times until, with dusk coming on, having dropped down on a cattle pad, the party discovered they were going in the wrong direction. This provided some discussion, resulting in a slightly hazardous crossing of the creek, the finding of a cattle pad leading in the right direction on to a broad timber track which soon faded out and left the party debating in the dark. Torches were lighted, weary feet forced on back along the timber track which now generously ran to a broad road. Following the road along for a distance, another creek was crossed where a grassy paddock ad the sound of a cow bell, brought forth cries that we were approaching Drury's.  
 +On the last rise up to Drury's, a motor was heard to start over in the hollow. Feeling this was OUR BUS, the party yelled and flashed torches but to no avail for when we eventually reached the rendezvouz at 6.35 p m. we were greeted with the information that the bus had left only five minutes before but would be back the next morning at ten. We found too that our advance scout had also got lost. So readers, Mr. William Hall and his party missed fulfilling their walking itinerary by only 5 minutes. 
 +As promised the bus returned next morning, and the party rather elated by an unexpected extra day's holiday, got aboard for the drive back to Bombaderry. 
 At Milton everyone alighted to send telegrams from the Post Office to anxious wives, mothers and sisters. And for many years to come the Milton Post Office staff will tell of that Tuesday which was their busiest day ever. At Milton everyone alighted to send telegrams from the Post Office to anxious wives, mothers and sisters. And for many years to come the Milton Post Office staff will tell of that Tuesday which was their busiest day ever.
-There is no more to tell except that the dividend anticipated in our pamphlet was not "declared and distributed on the way back in the bus?, and that the party arrived in Sydney at 5 o'clock on Tuesday night. + 
-wassnewanutorrmlea....e m.../. +There is no more to tell except that the dividend anticipated in our pamphlet was not "declared and distributedon the way back in the bus and that the party arrived in Sydney at 5 o'clock on Tuesday night. 
-@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0@@@@@@@P@@gf,0@@@g@ME@Mff,),PPI.@@@@@&0@@@@Pg@@@@@@@@ + 
-FROM BLACKHEATH?? +====== Safety First in the Bush Of Accidents ====== 
-.@ + 
-@ RING OR WRITE +By Jim Brown.  
-'PHONE BAHEATH 81 OR 146 LOOK FOR T C 3210 OR T V 175 J@ + 
-OR BOOK AT_SIMONDIO OPP.STATION. +It happened to S.B.W. last year. They were not the result of bad leadership. The victims were not careless walkers - rather the reverse. The behaviour of the parties in each case was commendable - satisfactory first aid was rendered, there was no panic, sane thoughtful organisation saved the patient a great deal of suffering and cheated a sensation hungry press of publicity of a kind damaging to bushwalking. 
-@@@@@Q@Q@@@@@@@@P@@@@@@@@@@@@g@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Pg@P@@g@@@@@@@@@@ +
-Block 1)y courtc sy of Kocloks Ltd. +
-c-1-S-14C W Ulf +
-by R. COTTER +
-1.6t. +
-It happened to S.B.W. last year. They were not the result of +
-bad leadership. The victims were not careless walkers - rather the reverse. The behaviour of the parties in each case was commendable - satisfactory first aid was rendered, there was no panic, sane thoughtful organisation saved the patient a great deal of suffering and cheated a sensation-hungry press of publicity of a kind damaging to bushwalking.+
 Yet it appears that accidents are inseparable from bushwalking. I daresay that applies to most sports - except ludo and snakes and ladders. The great difference is that your battered footballer of bruised pug can call on a host of doctors. You can't. A medico's fees are apt to be steep in proportion to the hills that he climbs in succouring you, so that a broken leg on the Gangerangs means a drain on your cheque book as well as a nightmare stretcher trip. It makes quite an insurance of watching your step, especially in tiger country. And does any member feel that its the least little bit clever to become a burden to the rest of the party in showing how fast he can run down a stony spur? Yet it appears that accidents are inseparable from bushwalking. I daresay that applies to most sports - except ludo and snakes and ladders. The great difference is that your battered footballer of bruised pug can call on a host of doctors. You can't. A medico's fees are apt to be steep in proportion to the hills that he climbs in succouring you, so that a broken leg on the Gangerangs means a drain on your cheque book as well as a nightmare stretcher trip. It makes quite an insurance of watching your step, especially in tiger country. And does any member feel that its the least little bit clever to become a burden to the rest of the party in showing how fast he can run down a stony spur?
-Rolling stones may gather no moss. Tombstones do. Bt rolling stones have gathered an awful lot of bushwalkers at different Y,mes. Careful walkers, too. Rolling stones or rocks were the cause of several injuries, including a broken legin past years: and the same old trouble was associated with mishaps to Eric Pegram and Frank Young last year. Big stones that roll away beneath some oners feet and career down a mountain, mowing down anyone in their path - little stones that slip away from under your awn feet - between them, they're the greatest accident hazard in walking. The moral is twofold - + 
-(a) Be careful not to start stones rolling,+Rolling stones may gather no moss. Tombstones do. But rolling stones have gathered an awful lot of bushwalkers at different times. Careful walkers,too. Rolling stones or rocks were the cause of several injuries, including a broken leg in past years: and the same old trouble was associated with mishaps to Eric Pegram and Frank Young last year. Big stones that roll away beneath some one'feet and career down a mountain, mowing down anyone in their path - little stones that slip away from under your own feet - between them, they're the greatest accident hazard in walking. The moral is twofold -\\ 
 +(a) Be careful not to start stones rolling,\\
 (b) Spread the party across the hill - not up and down the slope. (b) Spread the party across the hill - not up and down the slope.
-There, I've said that as a duty. I donrt expect it will have the least effect on most people. So we:11 go on getting injured, + 
-and it only remains to make sure that you'll know what to do (and what not to do) when someone collects his issue. So - when did you study +There, I've said that as a duty. I don'expect it will have the least effect on most people. So we'11 go on getting injured, and it only remains to make sure that you'll know what to do (and what not to do) when someone collects his issue. So - when did you study something about first aid? When did you last go to an instructional weekend and hear Roley's capital potted lecture? Are you certain there'always a first aid kit in your party? 
-something about first aid? When did you last go to an instructional weekend and hear Roley's capital potted lecture? Are you certain therers always a first aid kit in your party? + 
-A couple of case histories. Suppose you are ascending Kedumba Pass on a hot afternoon, when one of the party calls out, and you find him leaning against a tree, with a flushed face and labouring breath. After sitting him down, you find his pulse is very rapid, +A couple of case histories. Suppose you are ascending Kedumba Pass on a hot afternoon, when one of the party calls out, and you find him leaning against a tree, with a flushed face and labouring breath. After sitting him down, you find his pulse is very rapid, and he suddenly becomes sick and giddy, and complains of acute thirst. What's wrong with him? is it polluted water from Kedumba Creek, or something more? That do you do about it? 
-and he suddenly becomes sick and giddy, and complains of acute thirst. + 
-What's wrong with him? is it polluted water from Kedumba Creek, or something more? That do you do about it? +Consider our old mate, the rolling stone. On this occasion, you're climbing the western flank of Solitary in a party of 7 people when a stone is dislodged - just a medium-sized one - and it bowls down and strikes that new little prospective girl on the skull.(She was too intent on picking out her footing to see or hear it coming.) She is thrown to the ground and by the time you reach her, she is in a dazed condition. There's a small cut just above the right eye. Her face grows pale and her skin rapidly becomes cold
-Consider our old mate, the rolling stone. On this occasion, you're climbing the western flank of Solitary in a party of 7 people when a stone is dislodged - just a medium-sized one - and it bowls down and strikes that new little prospective girl on the skull. +
-(She was too intent on picking out her footing to see or hear it +
-coming.) She is thrown to the ground and by the time you reach her, she is in a dazed condition. There's a small cut just above the right eye. Her face grows pale and her skin rapidly becomes cold+
 and her breath shallow. On checking her pulse it is fast but feeble. What do you treat her for? How; Do you think a doctor necessary? And if you send some people back to Katoomba for a doctor, do you think she should be moved in the meantime and, if so, have you enough hands to do the moving? and her breath shallow. On checking her pulse it is fast but feeble. What do you treat her for? How; Do you think a doctor necessary? And if you send some people back to Katoomba for a doctor, do you think she should be moved in the meantime and, if so, have you enough hands to do the moving?
-There's another angle on that. On Solitary your return route is obvious. There are other places where very serious consideration + 
-should be given to the best and easiest way of getting out, and if a rendezvous is to be arranged with rescuers coming out. +There's another angle on that. On Solitary your return route is obvious. There are other places where very serious consideration should be given to the best and easiest way of getting out, and if a rendezvous is to be arranged with rescuers coming out. 
-Let me add the story of my experience with Angus McWhirter. + 
-Just the two of us. On the Grose between Hungerford's and Wentworth +Let me add the story of my experience with Angus McWhirter. Just the two of us. On the Grose between Hungerford's and Wentworth Creeks - a day's march from Blackheath or Richmond or Faulconbridge. Angus' foot skidded on a greasy boulder and he fell twenty or thirty feet, rolling over and over like a sack of spuds. When I reached him in more circumspect descent, I found his left shin bone broken and protruding through the skin. He had a number of small cuts, and the symptoms of shock were developing (skin cold and sweating, rapid weak pulse, faintness). What would you do? What did I do? 
-Creeks - a day's march from Blackheath or Richmond or Faulconbridge. Angus' foot skidded on a greasy boulder and he fell twenty or thirty + 
-feet, rolling over and over like a sack of spuds. When I reached him in more circumspect descent, I found his left shin bone broken and protruding through the skin. He had a number of small cuts, and the +Well, I could see he wouldn't survive a stretcher trip to civilisation, so with infinite regret I climbed back up the mountain, and rolled a few stones down - big ones. Poor Angus. When I reported at Richmond, the Telegraph" put out its usual block "Hiker leaves sick mate in bush". 
-symptoms of shock were developing (skin cold and sweating, rap..d +
-weak pulse, faintness). What would you do? What did I do? +
-Well, I could see he wouldn't survive a stretcher trip to civilisation, so with infinite regret I climbed back up the mountain, and rolled a few stones down - big ones. Poor Angus. When I reported at Richmond, the hTelegraph" put out its usual block "Hiker leaves sick mate in bush".+
 Next month I shall be equally gruesome - about being burnt off. Hope I'm not decreasing magazine sales and subs. Hope I am increasing S R volunteers. Next month I shall be equally gruesome - about being burnt off. Hope I'm not decreasing magazine sales and subs. Hope I am increasing S R volunteers.
 +====== Lot Again ====== 
 By Betty Hurley. By Betty Hurley.
-At a recent meeting of the S.B.W. there appeared to be a certain amount of muddled thinking concerning Lot 7. + 
-With the exception of our recent attempt at re-afforestation we +At a recent meeting of the S.B.W. there appeared to be a certain amount of muddled thinking concerning Lot 7. With the exception of our recent attempt at re-afforestation we have not carried out a conservation policy at Era. Frequent use as a camping area is sufficient to prevent this.  
-have not carried out a conservation policy at Era. Frequent use as a camping area is sufficient to prevent this. We can however justifiably refer to it as a "walkers' camping reserve". + 
-15. +We can however justifiably refer to it as a "walkers' camping reserve". We claim that Lot 7 under its present ownership is safe for future generations of walkers, while forgetting that we have no means of knowing what changed circumstances, or those future generations of walkers may effect. Other tenants at Era also claim to have preserved their land for posterity, but again, there is no guarantee that their heirs and assigns will carry out such a policy. 
-We claim that Lot 7 under its present ownership is safe for + 
-future generations of walkers, while forgetting that we have no means of knowing what changed circumstances, or those future generations of walkerg, may effect. Other tenants at Era also claim to have pre- served their land for posterity, but again, there is no guarantee +If we oppose the resumption of the whole area, what guarantee have we of its use in the future? If we were to ask National Fitness to resume Era lands with the exception of Lot 7 on the grounds that 
-that their heirs and assigns will carry out such a policy. +this Lot is already reserved, the S.B.W. could justly be accused of acting in a self-interested manner. Bushwalkers have gained a certain amount of influence as Conservationists, and such an accusation
-If we oppose the resumption of the whole area, what guarantee have we of its use in the future? If we were to ask National Fitness +
-to resume Era lands with the exception of Lot 7 on the grounds that +
-this Lot is already reserved, the S.B.W. could justly be accused of acting in a self-interested manner. Bushwalkers have gained a +
-certain amount of influence as Conservationists, ard such an accusation+
 would undoubtedly lessen that influence. We must continue to fight for the resumption of the whole area and its addition to Garawarra Park, thus carrying out the intention of members before Era became would undoubtedly lessen that influence. We must continue to fight for the resumption of the whole area and its addition to Garawarra Park, thus carrying out the intention of members before Era became
 "OURS". "OURS".
 +====== The Bushcraft Association Protests ====== 
 By Brian G. Harvey. By Brian G. Harvey.
 At the May Federation Meeting, Mr. Graves, a delegate from the Bushcraft Associations produced a copy of our May magazine, and, at his suggestion, my article therein was read to the Council by the acting Hon. Secretary. At the conclusion Mr. Graves submitted a letter from the Editor of "Home" Magazine acknowledging certain undisclosed At the May Federation Meeting, Mr. Graves, a delegate from the Bushcraft Associations produced a copy of our May magazine, and, at his suggestion, my article therein was read to the Council by the acting Hon. Secretary. At the conclusion Mr. Graves submitted a letter from the Editor of "Home" Magazine acknowledging certain undisclosed
Line 238: Line 241:
 (At the conclusion of the meeting Mr. Graves was invited to reply through our pages, but declined.) (At the conclusion of the meeting Mr. Graves was invited to reply through our pages, but declined.)
 ....,1011 .41 ....,1011 .41
 +====== Federation Notes ====== 
 By Brian G. Harvey. By Brian G. Harvey.
 "OUTDOORS & FISHING" MAGAZINE. The ederation Sub-Committee is to Uon-ftraie iabmcs-Tion-ToilicatioRarticles concerning Federation's ideals and urges members of affiliated clubs, in a private capacity, to write articles or accounts of trips, for that magazine. "OUTDOORS & FISHING" MAGAZINE. The ederation Sub-Committee is to Uon-ftraie iabmcs-Tion-ToilicatioRarticles concerning Federation's ideals and urges members of affiliated clubs, in a private capacity, to write articles or accounts of trips, for that magazine.
 CROMACH CLUE OF AUSTRALIA was admitted to affiliation with a Presidea,-Vice President, 7Tgcretary Treasurer, and seven "common members". They have been in existence six months and admittance is by invitation only, and after satisfactorily completing "three outings", two of which shall be walks". Their constitution" states they will subscribe to the Federation's Constitution. We believe "Cromach" is Gaelic for "walking stick". CROMACH CLUE OF AUSTRALIA was admitted to affiliation with a Presidea,-Vice President, 7Tgcretary Treasurer, and seven "common members". They have been in existence six months and admittance is by invitation only, and after satisfactorily completing "three outings", two of which shall be walks". Their constitution" states they will subscribe to the Federation's Constitution. We believe "Cromach" is Gaelic for "walking stick".
Line 251: Line 259:
 a Ellen= witlare"..i7;al of the notice of rescission of the motion adopted at the April meeting "that the N.S.W. Bushcraft Association be invited either to subscribe to Federation's aims and constitution or else consi der whether they should tender their resignation". The Association will now have to act in the matter and theIrreply is awaited with interest. A letter was received from the Wild Life Preservation Society expressing "disgust that the Federation permits the Bushcraft Association to remain in the Federation, particularly after publication of the r-elevant article in "Home" magazine...." They believe the wild cat of National Park is a marsupial and is therefore a protected a Ellen= witlare"..i7;al of the notice of rescission of the motion adopted at the April meeting "that the N.S.W. Bushcraft Association be invited either to subscribe to Federation's aims and constitution or else consi der whether they should tender their resignation". The Association will now have to act in the matter and theIrreply is awaited with interest. A letter was received from the Wild Life Preservation Society expressing "disgust that the Federation permits the Bushcraft Association to remain in the Federation, particularly after publication of the r-elevant article in "Home" magazine...." They believe the wild cat of National Park is a marsupial and is therefore a protected
 .m. .m.
 The May meeting was held on Friday 13th under the sign of The May meeting was held on Friday 13th under the sign of
 Taurus the Bull. On that night the full moon rose in Scorpio and Taurus the Bull. On that night the full moon rose in Scorpio and
Line 258: Line 266:
 were never at a loss for words. For once everybody was in were never at a loss for words. For once everybody was in
 agreement and "seldom was heard a disconsolate word. But the heavenly bodies will never arrange themselves just that way again. agreement and "seldom was heard a disconsolate word. But the heavenly bodies will never arrange themselves just that way again.
-The stars must have smiled too on the Butlers, who are the proud parents of two very beautiful twin boys.+ 
 +**The stars must have smiled too on the Butlers**, who are the proud parents of two very beautiful twin boys.
 wasels...massyymm....* wasels...massyymm....*
-But they did not smile upon everybody. Our assistant- + 
-Treasurer, Allan Hardie, was walking along the Pacific Highway, perhaps pondering on the Club finances, when a car ran into him from +But they did not smile upon everybody. Our assistant-Treasurer, Allan Hardie, was walking along the Pacific Highway, perhaps pondering on the Club finances, when a car ran into him from behind. He landed in hospital unconscious with his arm broken in two places, and we hear that his first request on coming to was for his account book. He is now about town again so we will not miss his oratory at the June meeting.
-behind. He landed in hospital unconscious with his arm broken in +
-two places, and we hear that his first request on coming to was for +
-his account book. He is now about town again so we will not miss +
-his oratory at the June meeting.+
 oran rtmoommnlatIMEN.4101....P100.1M. oran rtmoommnlatIMEN.4101....P100.1M.
 Jean Laing has announced her engagement to David Petherbridge. Jean Laing has announced her engagement to David Petherbridge.
  vommap s...a.  vommap s...a.
Line 272: Line 279:
 4th June. We wish them all the best. 4th June. We wish them all the best.
  IaNIRMII.C111111.  IaNIRMII.C111111.
 At the May Committee meeting Roy Bruggy was appointed as a At the May Committee meeting Roy Bruggy was appointed as a
 second assistant duplicator operator. His correct title should be second assistant duplicator operator. His correct title should be
Line 277: Line 285:
 hope members will accord him the respect he deserves. hope members will accord him the respect he deserves.
  ....smosnislammanCie  ....smosnislammanCie
-Thou shalt obey the commands of thy President and + 
-When be bange'fb. the Bone upon the table, thou shalt shut up. +Thou shalt obey the commands of thy President and when be banged the Bone upon the table, thou shalt shut up. 
-Thai] (lhalt not covet thy neighbour's tent; thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's rucsac, nor his sleeping bag, Nor his g!ncvind-sheet, nor his tomahawk, nor his billy-c-In Nor anything that is thy neighbour's, for cannot Paddy Supply all these things?+ 
 +Thai] (lhalt not covet thy neighbour's tent; thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's rucsac, nor his sleeping bag, Nor his ground-sheet, nor his tomahawk, nor his billy-can. Nor anything that is thy neighbour's, for cannot Paddy Supply all these things? 
 Thou shalt not sit around the camp fire making an unholy din, For this would unsettle the slumber of the President; Neither shalt thou keep up thy chatter on ret'ining,-lebt Thy tent be suddenly uprooted. Thou shalt not sit around the camp fire making an unholy din, For this would unsettle the slumber of the President; Neither shalt thou keep up thy chatter on ret'ining,-lebt Thy tent be suddenly uprooted.
-Three of "The Commandments" - + 
-from an old'S.P.W. Songbook. +Three of "The Commandments" - from an old S.B.W. Songbook. 
-01:.111MAINAIIIad.INFOI,  + 
-Anders Perssons Bircli Touring Ski 00000 '8: 5: O. +
-Johansen & Nilsen Norwegian Solid Hickory +
-Skis from E,14: 0: O. +
-Tempo Bindings Touring 30/- and 34/ed. +
-Terapi., Kandahar 63/- +
-All Ostbye Waxes 3/6d. +
-Ostbye Klister 4/ed. +
-Gsellin Ski Lacquer 4 oz. bottles 8/6d. Norwegian greasy wool socks, grey and colours, from 8/3414 to 12/11d. +
-Plush skins 37/6d. +
-masrmurs..1uwasea arra m mn=1.71.... +
-Aluminium Stocks 77/6d0 +
-Bogong Bindings Kandahar type with Bildstein 78/ed0 +
-Kandahar 03/- +
-Touring 45/- Australian waxes various prices. +
-Beltsacks Mitts Rucksacks White Blizzard +
-Jackets. +
-Full Price List on request from +
-Gear for Skiers. +
-BX3595. 327 George Streets Sydney.+
194906.txt · Last modified: 2016/02/25 14:44 by kennettj

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