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195210 [2016/06/21 10:53] tyreless195210 [2016/06/22 11:23] tyreless
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 A further meeting of this section had worked out scales, size of sheets, title blocks, etc. Four lectures over two field weekends had been arranged. The order of preparing maps had been made somewhat along the following lines :- A further meeting of this section had worked out scales, size of sheets, title blocks, etc. Four lectures over two field weekends had been arranged. The order of preparing maps had been made somewhat along the following lines :-
-  Wild Dogs, The Castle and Pigeon Haase, Kanangra Tops, Gangerangs, Wolgan-Capertee, Kangaroo River, Girraween, Butcher's Creek, Barrington North, South of the Shoalhaven.+Wild Dogs, The Castle and Pigeon Haase, Kanangra Tops, Gangerangs, Wolgan-Capertee, Kangaroo River, Girraween, Butcher's Creek, Barrington North, South of the Shoalhaven.
 Ten pounds was granted to the Mapping section for the purchase of materials. Ten pounds was granted to the Mapping section for the purchase of materials.
Line 357: Line 357:
 ---- ----
 +Paddy has just received an advance copy of "Skyline" Magazine of the Launceston Walking Club. It is an excellent production and contains a number of articles well worth reading. It beats me how our brother walkers from the Southern Isle manage to produce these magazines when we in Sydney years ago gave away the production of an annual as a hopeless proposition. Copies are available at 2/6d.
 +===Miners Sox.===
 +Paddy now has stocks of miners sox at 8/- per pair - sizes 10" to ll 1/2". They come in a delicate petunia colour. They are the goods for wet trips and in fact for all walking.
 +===Aluminium fry-pan plate outfit.===
 +Do you old hands remember those extra light frying pan-plate combination outfits which Paddy stocked years ago? Well, he now has a similar set consisting of an 8" Fry pan and similar sized plate with a lip to make it fit over the pan for use as an oven. Detachable handle - the whole lot complete for 7/9d.
 +===Aluminium Jars.===
 +This is something else Bushwalkers have been seeking for years. Aluminium food jars with push in lids. They come in three sizes, 1/2 pint, 3/4 pint, and 1 pint. And do they cost a fortune? No sir. 2/6d., 2/9d., and 3/6d. is the modest price of these articles.
-Paddy has just received an advance copy of 'Skyline" Magazine of the Launceston Walking Club. It is an excellent production and contains a number of articles well worth reading. It beats me how our brother walkers from the Southern Isle manage to produce these magazines when we in Sydney years ago gave away the production of an annual as a hopeless proposition. Copies are available at 2/6d. 
-Miners Sox. Paddy now has stocks of miners sox at 8/- per pair - sizes 10 to ll. They come in a delicate petunia colour. They are the goods for wet trips and in fact for all walking. 
-Aluminium fra.pan_plate outfit. Do you old hands remember those extra light fryTirg-Fan-plate combination outfits which Paddy stocked years ago? Well, he now 
-has a similar set consisting of an 8" Fry pan and similar sized plate with a lip to make it fit over the pan for use as an oven. Detachable handle - the whole lot complete for 7/9d. 
-Aluminium Jars. This is something else Bushwalkers have ETgn sg7271g for years. Aluminium food jars with push in lids. They come in three sizes, i pint, i pint, and 1 pint. And do they cost a fortune? No sir. 2/6d., 2/9d., and 3/6d. is the modest price of these articles. 
 That's all for now. Cheerio folks. That's all for now. Cheerio folks.
-'PHONE. M 2678. 
-pjk) IT ON 
-u THE 
-r`RSE FOR_ Fi TEST 'vvp,LA, +201 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. 'Phone M2678
-z + 
-0 +---- 
-0 + 
-Q +===Don't Miss Out On The 25th Anniversary Party!=== 
-a + 
-21+Get your tickets and make up your table. 
 +=====A Message From The President.===== 
 Friday 21st October, 1927, to Friday 17th October, 1952 - 25 years less 4 days. Friday 21st October, 1927, to Friday 17th October, 1952 - 25 years less 4 days.
-I wonder if the original group ever expected to see such an anniversary party, youngsters and oldstersall in together celebrating aar birthday, just a quarter of a century after their original idea to form a mixed walking club. + 
-Every week-end Club members are out in the bush enjoying themselves and the Physical effort used in deriving this pleasure is repaid to them in relaxation of mind, freedom from everyday cares and worries, and with good fellowship. You must put something into bushwalking to get anything out of it, and its "taste" is the sweeter because it is your own initiative Which is bringing in its reward. +I wonder if the original group ever expected to see such an anniversary party, youngsters and oldsters all in together celebrating our birthday, just a quarter of a century after their original idea to form a mixed walking club. 
-The Club has grown by this very method. Members are putting bad k into the Club some of their experience and workday skills to further the interests of bush- walkers generally. Every time you give information about a certain area to a fellow :member you are putting back somethingevery walk you lead, every walk you attend, you are putting back somethingevery time yaa come back from a trip and chew the rag", making your listeners want to get out and do some more walking you are also putting something back into the Club's common fund of knowledge and friendliness. + 
-This year I have one of the official positions it the Club, and I seam to be getting more eajoyment from its activities than ever before, Which makes me believe that the more effort you put into anything, the greater the satisfaction gained. +Every week-end Club members are out in the bush enjoying themselves and the physical effort used in deriving this pleasure is repaid to them in relaxation of mind, freedom from everyday cares and worries, and with good fellowship. You must put something into bushwalking to get anything out of it, and its "taste" is the sweeter because it is your own initiative which is bringing in its reward. 
-The process is a circle, and so is never-ending insofar as individual members serve the Club so that the Club can serve the interests of each and every member. A few more trips around the ring and we'll be fifty years old 90200 And so it goes   + 
-MALCOLM McGREGOR+The Club has grown by this very method. Members are putting back into the Club some of their experience and work-a-day skills to further the interests of bushwalkers generally. Every time you give information about a certain area to a fellow member you are putting back something every walk you lead, every walk you attend, you are putting back something every time you come back from a trip and "chew the rag", making your listeners want to get out and do some more walking you are also putting something back into the Club's common fund of knowledge and friendliness. 
-As a member for over twenty of the twenty-five years of the Club's history Paddyvery sincerely wishes the Club many happy years of bushwalking in the future. Members come and go; even presidents come and go (though we seem reluctant to part with some of them), but the sane aims and aspirations carry the work on. +This year I have one of the official positions in the Club, and I seem to be getting more enjoyment from its activities than ever before, which makes me believe that the more effort you put into anything, the greater the satisfaction gained. 
-The Club has been the means of openilag up new physical and spiritual horizons to hundreds of people and has provided them with many happy memories which will grow more precious as the years roll by. It has made its voice heard when the interests of Conservation were at stake and above all it has helped a small section of the community liter ally to keep two feet on the earth and keep sane in these crazy tines. + 
-The development of the business of Paddy Pallin has from the first been closely associated with the Club. From te very beginning Paddy determined that any business between him and walkers must be on the basis of mutual benefit. With the growth of the Club and the development of interest in walking generally the business of Paddy Pallin has grown steadily and prospered during the twenty-two years since its establishment. During that time Paddy has endeavoured to render service to Sydney Bushwalkers.and walkers generally and he trusts that the happy relationship now existing will continue to grow and flourish.+The process is a circle, and so is never-ending insofar as individual members serve the Club so that the Club can serve the interests of each and every member. A few more trips around the ring and we'll be fifty years old... And so it goes... 
 +Malcolm McGregor
 +=====Many Happy's To S.B.W.===== 
 +As a member for over twenty of the twenty-five years of the Club's history Paddy very sincerely wishes the Club many happy years of bushwalking in the future. Members come and go; even presidents come and go (though we seem reluctant to part with some of them), but the same aims and aspirations carry the work on. 
 +The Club has been the means of opening up new physical and spiritual horizons to hundreds of people and has provided them with many happy memories which will grow more precious as the years roll by. It has made its voice heard when the interests of Conservation were at stake and above all it has helped a small section of the community literally to keep two feet on the earth and keep sane in these crazy tines. 
 +The development of the business of Paddy Pallin has from the first been closely associated with the Club. From the very beginning Paddy determined that any business between him and walkers must be on the basis of mutual benefit. With the growth of the Club and the development of interest in walking generally the business of Paddy Pallin has grown steadily and prospered during the twenty-two years since its establishment. During that time Paddy has endeavoured to render service to Sydney Bushwalkers and walkers generally and he trusts that the happy relationship now existing will continue to grow and flourish. 
 This occasion cannot be let pass without grateful remembrance of the sterling assistance rendered by members of S.B.W. after the disastrous fire which destroyed the shop and factory on Christmas Day 1950. It was not only the physical work done but the friendliness of the gesture which sustained Paddy daring a very trying period. This occasion cannot be let pass without grateful remembrance of the sterling assistance rendered by members of S.B.W. after the disastrous fire which destroyed the shop and factory on Christmas Day 1950. It was not only the physical work done but the friendliness of the gesture which sustained Paddy daring a very trying period.
 May the Club live long and ever foster the friendly fellowship of Walkers. May the Club live long and ever foster the friendly fellowship of Walkers.
-0 +Paddy Pallin
-A quarter century! The years are flying - Vihere are the prophets Who so et have said: + 
-The Club is doomed"'The Club is slowly,dyine? Believe me, we are not ye Z; wholly dead. +=====Twenty-Fifth Birthday.===== 
-Still When the bus disgorges us for Era  + 
-Our hearts leap with the old remembered thrill As, tottering down the track, we see draw nearer The dunes, the valley, Peter Page's hill. +A quarter century! The years are flying -\\ 
-Our mileage, is not much, as speedsters reckon; We pause more often to admire the view; +Where are the prophets who so et have said:\\ 
-But stillwe hobble out, When. bushflowers beckon, Our troth with them each springtide to renew. +"The Club is doomed""The Club is slowly dying?"\\ 
-Yearly we out fresh notches in the tally. +Believe me, we are not yet wholly dead. 
-Of mountain peaks we shall not climb again; + 
-Heights are for Youth: but we have still the valley, The sunlit Cox, Euroka in the rain. +Still when the bus disgorges us for Era \\ 
-Long may that Youth, 'and others who come after, +Our hearts leap with the old remembered thrill\\ 
-Walk the buth tracks, seek out the life that r5tree, Meet perils, scars - and hakeas - with laughter (Mingled at times with mild profanity) +As, tottering down the track, we see draw nearer\\ 
-And while we celebrate, not yet quite blotto, We would exhort them this all things above:To keep the good old independent motto Of S.B.W.: We wonTt be druvl +The dunes, the valley, Peter Page's hill. 
 +Our mileage, is not much, as speedsters reckon;\\ 
 +We pause more often to admire the view;\\ 
 +But still  we hobble out, when bushflowers beckon,\\ 
 +Our troth with them each springtide to renew. 
 +Yearly we cut fresh notches in the tally.\\ 
 +Of mountain peaks we shall not climb again;\\ 
 +Heights are for Youth: but we have still the valley,\\ 
 +The sunlit Cox, Euroka in the rain. 
 +Long may that Youth, and others who come after,\\ 
 +Walk the buth tracks, seek out the life that's free,\\ 
 +Meet perils, scars - and hakeas - with laughter\\ 
 +(Mingled at times with mild profanity)
 +And while we celebrate, not yet quite blotto,\\ 
 +We would exhort them this all things above:\\ 
 +To keep the good old independent motto\\ 
 +Of S.B.W.: We won'be druv! 
 Kath McKay. Kath McKay.
-24. + 
 +=====The History Of The Club Symbols.===== 
 By Paddy Pallin. By Paddy Pallin.
-All members have seen the beautifully carved symbols Which are used at reunions for the initiation of the President. Being symbols they naturally stand for something and the particular things they stand for are the objects of the Club. Now, at reunions, symbols and objects have on a few occasions been confused and When I wrote a letter gently chiding the President (not that it was his fault, poor fellow!) I paid the penalty of opening my mouth by being given a job - namely, to tell the Club the origin of the Symbols for this special issue of the magazine. + 
-I must be in the habit of speaking out of turn for When on a committee elected to organise the 1937 Reunion (I think the year is right) I suggested that in the initiation of the President, symbols be used to signify the objects of the Club. 1-l5 a reward for this bright idea I suffered the usual penalty and was given the job of devising and making the symbolsI therefore (with the help of a friend who could draw better than I) made froMwhite card four symbols, nanely a rucksack, a map of Australia, a flannel flower and clasped hands. They had eyelets punched into them and were strung on cord to hang round the Presidentrs neck. The script for the ceremony explains itself and was as follows :- +All members have seen the beautifully carved symbols which are used at reunions for the initiation of the President. Being symbols they naturally stand for something and the particular things they stand for are the objects of the Club. Now, at reunions, symbols and objects have on a few occasions been confused and when I wrote a letter gently chiding the President (not that it was his fault, poor fellow!) I paid the penalty of opening my mouth by being given a job - namely, to tell the Club the origin of the symbols for this special issue of the magazine. 
-Retiring President+ 
-"Are you he Whom the Club in council elected as their president for the coming year?" +I must be in the habit of speaking out of turn for when on a committee elected to organise the 1937 Reunion (I think the year is right) I suggested that in the initiation of the President, symbols be used to signify the objects of the Club. As a reward for this bright idea I suffered the usual penalty and was given the job of devising and making the symbolsI therefore (with the help of a friend who could draw better than I) made from white card four symbols, namely a rucksack, a map of Australia, a flannel flower and clasped hands. They had eyelets punched into them and were strung on cord to hang round the President'neck. The script for the ceremony explains itself and was as follows :- 
-"I am". + 
-"Do you solemnly undertake to uphold the honour of the Club at all tines and pursue those objects for which the Club was founded?" +|Retiring President|"Are you he whom the Club in council elected as their president for the coming year?"| 
-"I do". +|President Elect|"I am".| 
-"I therefore hand you the symbols cf +|Retiring President|"Do you solemnly undertake to uphold the honour of the Club at all tines and pursue those objects for which the Club was founded?" 
-of ace." (Does so one by one as follows.) "Here is a Rucksack to renind you that the Club was formedto amalgamate those who esteem walking as a means of recreation. +|President Elect|"I do".| 
-Here is a 11E2., to indicate that the Club is always striving to be an institution of mutual aid in regard to routes, and ways and means of appreciating the great outdoors. +|Retiring President|"I therefore hand you the symbols of office." (Does so one by one as follows.) "Here is a __Rucksack__ to remind you that the Club was formed to amalgamate those who esteem walking as a means of recreation. Here is a __Map__ to indicate that the Club is always striving to be an institution of mutual aid in regard to routes, and ways and means of appreciating the great outdoors. And now a __Flannel Flower__ the Badge of the Club which signifies that we strive to establish a definite regard for the welfare and preservation of the wild life and natural beauty of this country. To help others appreciate these natural gifts. And here __Clasped Hands__ to symbolise that we try to promote social activity amongst members. I therefore call upon the retiring president to hand over the bone - the president's badge of office.| 
-And now a Flannel Flower the Badge of the Club vErffisig=e7 that we strive to establish a definite regard for The welfare and preservation of the wild life and natural beauty of this opurtry. +| |Past President hands over the bone. (Speech.)
-President Elect: Retiring President: +These symbols were used for two years and for the 1939 Reunion the old symbols were handed over to Harry Savage and he carved from horn the present set. The new symbols are substantially the same design as the old ones with the exception that the __boot__ was substituted for the rucksack to symbolise walking (maybe someone thought the rucksack was too much of an advert. far a certain firm of camp gear suppliers). 
-President Elect: Retiring President: +
-..  +
-....L.:7d' 0 ri +
-Alla/ \ +
--5 +
-26. +
-"To help others appreciate these natural gifts. +
-And here Clasped Hands to symbolise that we try to promote sonfal.activity amongst members. +
-I therefore call upon the retiring +
-president to hand over the bone - the president's badge of office. +
-Past President hands over the bone. (Speech.) +
-These symbols were used for two years and for the 1939 Reunion the old symbols were handed over to Harry Savage and he carved from horn the present set. The new symbols are substantially the sane design as the old ones with the exception that the boot was sabstituted for the rucksack to symbolise walking (maybe sameone thought the rucksack was too much of an advert. far a certain firm of camp gear suppliers).+
 Having explained all that I'll try and keep my mouth shut in future and save myself a few jobs. Having explained all that I'll try and keep my mouth shut in future and save myself a few jobs.
-, + 
-The S.-B.W. sprung from the loins of the Mountain Trails Club, with the support of various people 'Who were not members of the older Club. The first meeting of the S.B.L.took place when Alan Rigby moved at a meeting of the M.T.C. that new walking Club be formed here and now". The M.T.C. meeting was accordingly declared closed, + 
-and the first meeting of the new Club opened immediately. The date +====The Beginning.==== 
-October 21st, 1927. + 
-  Se +The S.B.W. sprung from the loins of the Mountain Trails Club, with the support of various people who were not members of the older Club. The first meeting of the S.B.W.took place when Alan Rigby moved at a meeting of the M.T.C. that "new walking Club be formed here and now". The M.T.C. meeting was accordingly declared closed, and the first meeting of the new Club opened immediately. The date October 21st, 1927. 
-DUNPHY, Myles 21/10/27 - 11/11/27 (x) +---- 
-KILPATRICKCharl es 11/11/27 - 14/ 9/28  + 
-CHARDON, Harold 14/9/28 - 2/11/28  +====List Of Secretaries.==== 
-KILPATRIOKCharl es 9/11/28 - 13/ 9/29  + 
-DEBT, Jack 13/ 9/29 - 12/ 9/30  +|Dunphy, Myles|21/10/27 - 11/11/27 (x)| 
-CHARDON, Harold 12/ 9/30 - 10/10/30 (x) +|KilpatrickCharles|11/11/27 - 14/ 9/28| 
-ROOTS, Walter 10/10/30 - 8/ 3/35  +|Chardon, Harold|14/9/28 - 2/11/28| 
-LAWRY, Dorothy S/ 3/35 - 12/ 3/37  +|KilpatrickCharles|9/11/28 - 13/ 9/29| 
-CROKER, Richard 12/ 3/37 - 10/ 3/39  +|Debert, Jack|13/ 9/29 - 12/ 9/30| 
-MOPPETT, Thomas 10/ 3/39 - 6/ 9/40  +|Chardon, Harold|12/ 9/30 - 10/10/30 (x)| 
-MOFFETT, Jean 13/ 9/40 12/ 3/43  +|Roots, Walter|10/10/30 - 8/ 3/35| 
-GALLIOTT, Hilma 12,/ 3/43 - 14/ 4/44  +|Lawry, Dorothy|8/ 3/35 - 12/ 3/37| 
-DRUCE, Beverly 14/ 4/44 - 13/ 4/45  +|Croker, Richard|12/ 3/37 - 10/ 3/39| 
-GALLIOTTHilmn 13/ 4/45 - 10/ 3/50  +|Moppett, Thomas|10/ 3/39 - 6/ 9/40| 
-BROWN, Jim 10/ 3/50 - 14/ 3/52  +|Moppett, Jean|13/ 9/40 12/ 3/43| 
-MARTIN, Gladys 14/ 3/52  +|Galliot, Hilma|12,/ 3/43 - 14/ 4/44| 
 +|Druce, Beverly|14/ 4/44 - 13/ 4/45| 
 +|GalliotHilma|13/ 4/45 - 10/ 3/50| 
 +|Brown, Jim|10/ 3/50 - 14/ 3/52| 
 +|Martin, Gladys|14/ 3/52 -| 
 ( x ) -Acting Secretary. ( x ) -Acting Secretary.
 By Alex Colley. By Alex Colley.
195210.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/25 17:33 by tyreless

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