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 +====== The Sydney Bushwalker. ======
 +A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers, The N.S.W. Nurses' Association Rooms, "Northcote Building", Reiby Place, Sydney. Box No. 4476 G.P.O., Sydney. 'Phone JW1462.
 +=== 328. April 1962. Price 1/-. ===
 +|**Editor**|DStuart Brooks, 5 Ingalara Rd, Wahroonga. 484343|
 +|**Business Manager**|Brian Harvey|
 +|**Reproduction**|Denise Hull|
 +|**Sales & Subs.**|Lola Wedlock|
 +|**Typed by**|Shirley Dean|
 +===== Contents =====
 +| | |Page|
 +|Editorial| | 1|
 +|Anzac| | 4|
 +|Reunion Report| | 5|
 +|A Our Annual General Meeting|Alex Colley| 8|
 +|Hkiing in Burma's Holy Hills|Marie B. Byles|10|
 +|Coming Walks| |12|
 +|The Rescue in Kanangra Gorge|Dot Butler|14|
 +|Social Notes| |20|
 +===== Advertisements =====
 +| |Page|
 +|Paddy's Advertisement|13|
 +|Plumbing Troubles (Roy Cragg's Ad.)|19|
 +as I sit here a new day begins and, with the ending of the late show, all is quiet, except for the occasional patter of tiny feet bent on urgent missions.
 +Presently, shadowy figures materialise from out of the gloom, shining with ghostly radiance and cluster round my chair. As my eyes grow accustomed to this unearthly light, I realise the faces are familiar - that smile could only belong to Colley; that nose, only to Knightly; and of course I'd recognise Dot Butler's feet anywhere. The one with the moustache and very happy look has just got to be Don Abdul Matthews.
 +__1st Ghost__. "Well look who's burning the midnight oil! Its good to see someone else having a go. We've certainly had our share."
 +__2nd Ghost__. "Do the.... good. Might make him a bit quieter if he has some work to do."
 +__3rd Ghost__. "Oh, leave him alone, you two. He'll get by somehow, just like we did."
 +__4th Ghost__. "He'll end up as pale and care-worn as we are too, but, whether or no, he's my friend for life." (Attempts to kiss my feet).
 +__1st Ghost__. "I suppose we should give him some help. Now, let me see. Yes. Suppose we teach him plagiarism."
 +__2nd Ghost__. "Such long words, my friend, Alexis,\\
 +Will surely give this lad complexes -\\
 +He knows not what you mean!\\
 +But I'll wager on my oath\\
 +He'll out-do you and Butler both\\
 +At this noble art."
 +(Knightly always was the poetic type.)
 +__3rd Ghost__. Well I did get some help from other club's mags., but they're a bit hard to get hold of."
 +__4th Ghost__. "I have thirty years' issues of S.B.W he can have. There's plenty of good stuff in them."
 +__1st Ghost__. "What will Frank Ashdawn think?"
 +__2nd Ghost__. ".... Frank Ashdown!"
 +(Unfortunntely, a fit of coughing from the girls' bedroom did not permit me to hear this advice regarding Frank.)
 +__3rd Ghost__. If you boys are going to be impolite, I'm going." (climbs hand over hand up the blind cord, walks upside down across the ceiling and disappears.)
 +__4th Ghost__. "Dot's becoming very refined, isn't she? Must be Boy Brown's influence. We'd better give him a dose of 'flu for that!" (all nod vigorously).
 +__1st Ghost__. "It's funny, but bushies are the best talkers you'd meet anywhere - but ask them to jot down a few lines!!!"
 +__2nd Ghost__. "You're right, you know. Remember all that stuff we used to dish up together to fill the mag, when we were short?"
 +__4th Ghost__. "They don't seem to realise that, to an editor, just a snippet of verse (doesn't even have to be original) is like a year's free subscription to anyone else."
 +__1st Ghost__. "I liked those quotations of yours, Don. Mallory and all that stuff. You'd think __anyone__ could dig them out, wouldn't you! But I guess half of them can't even read."
 +__2nd Ghost__. Yes, if half the energy went into a bit of private research as went into arguing at general meetings, you could being out a mag. every week. Be a bit tough on Denise though, not to mention the post master at Willoughby."
 +__3rd Ghost__. (suddenly re-appearing). "What's good on the stock market, Alex?"
 +__ 4th Ghost__. Go rattle your bones down in Danae Brook, Dot. This is important."
 +Suddenly a voice comes from the other side of the house. "For goodness sake stop muttering to yourself and come to bed or I'll never get you up in the morning."
 +The figures have gone. I pack my papers and head for the bathroom.
 +=== Hatswell's Taxi & Tourist Service. ===
 +For all your transport from Blackheath contact Hatswell's Taxi & Transport Service. Ring, write, wire or call any hour - day or night.
 +'Phone: Blackheath W459 of W151.
 +Booking office: 4 doors from the Gardners Inn Hotel (look for the neon sign).
 +Speedy 5 or 8 passenger cars available. Large or small parties catered for.
 +  * Kanangra Walls: 30/- per head (minimum 5 passengers)
 +  * Perry's Lookdown: 4/- per head (minimum 5 passengers)
 +  * Jenolan State Forest: 20/- per head (minimum 5 passengers)
 +  * Carlon's Farm: 12/6 per head (minimum 5 passengers)
 +We will be pleased to quote trips or special parties on application.
 +.,Inzacs, and, in particular, those who loved 'the bush -
 +4e dhall remember you in the days
 +qhen the warth winds sigh -through the lonely house,. With a scent of the burning desert ways
 +Nhere fire and storm 8nd smoke carouse;
 +We shall remember you in the spring
 +."then the wattles flash a secret sign:
 +When winter'hailStorms blow thundering:
 +then hillside harvests stand line on line.
 +. .
 +then: dearest comrade, yr:)ur strOng right hand n d the thought of your merry, Steadfast eyes All come like a breath of a far-off land
 +'Where spirits like yours are glad and wise:
 +.uld apart from the world and from Time's rebuke We two dnall read the Eternal book,
 +,lnd the loud wind sinks te a'16W'rbfrain
 +While we walk in those green paStured fields again.
 +New Zealand. -nneGlently jilson
 +Pte John Rignold. 13th Battalion 1st IF
 +I have seen them going the whole of the day and practically through the night without pause or rest - always with a sweet smile and gentle and, Comforting words to the sufferers - always by your cot at the slightedt mdvement of the patient or sufferer - talidng, whenever occasion arose, to take our - thoughts away from the horrors that one sees all around - offering to write our, letters and making a hundred other offers of assistance.
 +Nothing that I.have seen in all this dreadful war has filled me with so Much gratitude and admiration es the services rendered so willingly, so gently, by the Nurses, and Sisters of the Expediti,7mary Forces.
 +H.L. Galway. 3. aistralia. 1916
 +The Iliad on the splendid achievements of the men of nzac has yet to be written. The..fine spirit,in which.. the evacuation of_Gallipoli was taken by those men and by their kinsman in :Australia, is one of which this young nation may well be proud. Such spirit is a presage of ultimate victory.
 +- Whatever regrets,there:May be for mistakes. which. robbed the noblest devotion and heroism of reward; and however poignaht the reflection may be that :so many brave men died in vain, the story of a glorious failure will ever be :::cherished throughout every corner of the world where the British flag flies.
 +April 1962
 +lae Sydney ,Bushwalker REUNION REPORT
 +One thing the reunion has proved - there are a lot of aleoholics who are not anonymous.
 + I don't think I have ever seen so many people in tents. 'Why, on Sunday even the heat was intense. (If you think:that's weak, you should have seen some of the characters getting around on nday),
 +, The smallest one to walk dawn under her own steam (with a,little help) was the lileon lass, aged 15 months - obviously good material. (Now its
 +no good rushing to phone the Hon. c6C or putting in a report to Committee if you have a younger child who made the grade unaided should have broadcast it more.)
 +. some excellent groundwork was do ne by the Godfrey and his. motor mower; in hacking tracks through the Kunai Lnass. Despite a few disparaging, remarks ,7,./ad grumbles - ("This is THL end!" - "Oh no! Not fire trails in Aloods Cie") the ohly ones ever seen to spurt the tracks and bash throuEh the long virgin grass were a couple of odd bods tramping through the bush late on Saturday night searching for stretchers.
 +The scene was like a bushwalkers' FarnboroUgh, with all the old models 'patting on a brave frhnt-,.. nd the-lateet adclit-i,ott- standing c-Infident and gleaming amidst the sombre background of their mr5re time and trail-wnrh counter,- parts. (Lest anyone be offended, I must hasten to make it perfectly clear that this last paragraph refers exclusive]y to items of er'uipment).
 +' The biggest bonanza was the Knightly entourage (neat word, eh?) boasting, as it did, a 10 x 8 marquee with floor, aluminium deck chairs, beach umbrella and pressur& gas stove (Prospectives please note that this is not standard walking gear).
 +The moet'unusual set-up Was undoubtedly the Putt double -abdul, New Zealand style, long and lean with 3 feet of open wall all round. (If it had walls, young Harry would probably just pull them down anyway).
 +The camp fire was a great success. Paddy led the singing in his own vivacious manner - first with the small fry and later with the more mature types.
 +Tara played his flute, to the envy of many a younger one whose lungs are a bit wheezy, and Christine Kirkby entranced everyone with her descant and treble recorder playing, the lic,uid music being most appropriate to the surroundings.
 +-s usual DM- talent Produced a series of entertaining sketches and it was encouraging to see the younger ones contributing their share. The Noble children with Nancy Mop-oett Eave us,The Mad Psychiatrist' and under difficult conditions for young voices did an excellent job.
 +The Lyre Bird starred Eddie, VvaEL, Putto and.:Don Matthews with oriEinal costumes by the house of Kirkby. The.-Lyre bird's tail work like a charm
 + and :possession for it was hotly contested next day.:
 +6. The Sydney Bushwalkur _pril 1962 La Perouse starred Ray Kirkby, Dave Ingram, Eddie (sheIstireless),
 +Knightly and a host of extras (Pretty scabby lot actually). Jim Brown,
 +ably assisted by Malcolm McGregor and Grace Rigg gave us the problems involved in running a T.V. advertising office.
 + ,-.u drey.Kenway and Bob Godfreypresiti a "srngwithout words: arid Eileen Taylor and Jack Wren a golfing sketch.-
 +Later, Jim Brown auctioned off a number of slaves delivered to his care by Aodul Matthews all the way from lier, and we lc,arned a few things about.' them we hadn't previously realised, Th.) Adding was brisk fnr..the younger - more attractive slaves but little enthusiasm- could be raised in the large crowd for some of the older, 3more stringy ones.. (ell, let's face it.. iould zL_1.2 like to own Frank _Stdown or Paddy:).
 +To cap it all off, Kevin rdi1 produced a. pck full of _surprises, and initiated the yaatits crop of new members. Paddy ;and Bill 7odgers (nnd we believe, Molly t6.0) scored a cup of tea in bed, and v.71rious odd shouts broke the stillness from time to time through the ensuing hours, aS the hapless members (unCer. pain of very. moVing treatment) carried nut their chores.
 +Supper was produced and served a la shdnwn; and closely resembled the original feeding of the multitudes. The battlers carried on at Zillara'. and Malcolm McGregor produced his own private song book to augment the club issues and some fine singing ansued,lpeing Occasionally drowned-out,h2wever, by the gOssip. and giggling going. on on the other side of the fire.  
 +On Sunday morning there were a lot of bleary--dyed people staggering around,
 +though a few, valiantly persistent amidst the effervescence of youth, tried to get a little extra sleep.
 +Under Eddie's (that girl's still here) professional eye (or voice) the children's competitions went off with much gusto, no tears, lusty digging and
 +some fine models. Meantime, the older children were playing up-stream, throwing
 +coloured powder all over each other. Before long the erstwhile peaceful Grose resembled the massacre of St. Francis with its brilliant red water and an occasional many-hued body floating down.
 +Audrey Kenway cleared up the damper competition with a very succulent
 +sample. n otherwise successful competition was marred by one unfortunate episode. _L competitor (who shall be nameless) resorted to the use of eggs in her damper, and was disc ualifiedi Futilely she argued that it was a roc egg and had, in fact, ceased to be an egg when it was 'petrified eons ago. trust there will be no repetition in future years. -mongst th- extraneous activities going on, we heard Jenny Madden delivbr an impassioned address on the rights of womanhood (they appan3nt1y do have some) and the Coneys demolished their house and built a new One (on paper of course) en that ,Ilex could see the sun set.
 +.1nd so, in th6 words of Fitzpatrick " 2,9 we say farewell to this glittering spectacle, this riot of colour, these natural voiden beaches, these shady woodlands,. and the interesting inhabitants with their own poculi--ir songs and legends the last figure we see as the'sun sinks SLAwly in the west, is that well-known ex tribal leader, Gentl(J Jack, swinging around the camp sites with his big smile and a long-handled shovel on his shoulder."
 +April 1962 The Sydney Bushwalker
 +P.S. Before you parents get too excited, be warned that there is
 +no truth,in the rumour that Putto has volunteered to mind all the children at next year's reunion.
 +Official Census of 1962 --nnu a.1  Re-union.
 +Membershin Members 92
 +Non-mbr husbands and/or
 +wivs of Active members
 +Children of above
 +Non-active Nembershin Members 6
 +Children of snme 4
 +Past Membership' Ex-members 8
 +children of same 5
 +Pro ecti-cemberthip Prospective Members 6
 +Visitors Friends - dult Children
 +Dissection Adults Children
 +That first time we come in buses end campud Nearer th: riv,:x. Wasn't this the tree
 +You said Listen bell birds. There's Jack
 +I always liked him, sonlthing long ego.
 +d11 they sing those rounds? Thu one I like - Poor Tommy Tinker; you've brought ice;
 +The children sing it now. Black 'Abel. Vory nice.
 +She was a talrgirl r:Ith-r thin. No thnt Was her friend, yml always did confuse them. Came a few times then went to England, Italy and the rest. Yes someone she met there: Someone keeps in touch. Surburban drudge. We crossed the Cox in really bitter weather, We used to go to symphonies together.
 +8. The Sydney Bushwalker 1962
 +elex Colley.
 +Our thirty-fourth ennual General Meeting commenced with a welcome to new member Fred Thynne.
 +re uested at our last meeting, Brian Harvey, Magazine Business Manager, had made inquiries about a new duplicator, 2rian reported that, as a result of his investigations, he was of the opinion that a Rota machine, costing Z129.7.6 would be suitable The net cost to the Club, after allowing l5 for a trade-in of the old machine, would be Z114.7.6. He moved that we purchase the machine, the cost to be Dorm Z50 by the Club and Z64.7.6 by
 +the magazine, which could afford this amount by reason of accumulated surpluses bringing cash in hemd and at bank to.Z96.10. (Members will recall that Fred Kennedy donated Z50 to Club funds for thiS purpose the real net cost to
 +Club funds would therefore be nil under Brian's preprial). The motion was well received. Jack Gentle pointed out thatthe dunli-Cator was the hardest Worked machine in the Club, Clem Hallstrom's main concern was that we were not spending enough, and he moved an atendment that the amount should be. increased
 +by E40. This was debated at some length, Brian. told is that the only difference between the model he proposed and the next most expensive, costing another 70 was that the more expensive machine was electrically operated. Colin Putt said that, from an engineering viewpoint, if the machine was strong enough to withstand the battering of mechaniea1 motivation it would be adequately strong for hand operation. Colin counselled spending the money immediately on a new machine before we had time to think of something else ouite useless to spend. it bn...Ray Kirkby was of the opinion that our choice should be determined by Whether it was
 +the machine or the operator, -Denise Hull, that would wear. In reply Brian
 +strongly recommended the hand operated machine, He said it would do the job adenuatay and was simple and easy to service, His motion was carried.
 +Next Jack Gentle explained to the meeting the purpese of his constitutional amendment. He said that one of the reasons for writing letters to Federation, instead of leaving Club business to our delegates, was that Federation delegates were not on committee and did not always attend general uketings. He thought it would be an advantage too if the term of our delegates corresponded with the-
 +Club year. This would enable Federation delegates from other Clubs to get to
 +know them before the annual election of Federation delegates in July. The amendment was carried,
 +In his walks report ilf Hilder told us. that his exploration of the Block- up area at the beginning of Fobru3ry had been atteinded by three'nrospectives who had walked and swat very well, The 3aturday walk on the Grose on the same weekend was hot. Camp; sites alc5ng the Grose, Always few, are now non-existent between the FaulconbridFc track and BUrreany.7 Cron:. On the week-end of 16, 17 and 18, the weather was so bad that '-ftuart Brooks:with'four members and four prospectives wasunable t6 determine his exact -6nsitien in the Mists which enoympassed Mountain Lagoon, with Frank Lshdown's bench trip witheBrian Harvey's Boat trip were cancelled, 4ice Fmith's Wood-'sCreek Burralow Creek trip on the next week-end was attended by. 6 members and 1 proSpective. The instructional week,-end, led by Dick Child, was enjoyed by 6 Members, 10 prospectives and 1 visitor. ilf also told us that the Gundangeroo area was now covered by two Lands Department maps.
 +1962 The Sydney Bushwalker  9.
 +In response to a request from Federation, Brian Harvey moved, and it was resolved, that the e.B.4 provide suitable camp fire entertainment, in
 +keeping with the commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of the reservation of Bluegum forest, at the Federational annual reunion to be held there this year. Ron Knightley's sacgestion, l Roots was made the convenor of a committee to ergenise the entertainment. Delegates reported that Federation
 +was seriously concerned about our report (from last meeting) of the proposed
 +bulldozed road over Cloudmaker.
 +It was decided to leave the annual subscripti n and entrance fee unchanged.
 +. Jim Brown reported mox'se dot:, traps in welkinp celAntry (one went off and grazed his Shoe). The traps are on the c;assafras-Tolwnng Road, beyond the good motor road. and on the track along the south side of Jerricknorra Creek near the Gap leading to Hadboro Creek.
 +In general business Elsie Bruggy appealed for lady search and rescue members. Phyllis Ratcliffe suggested that, in our lectures to scouts we Should tell them more about light-weight gear, and in partici:liar; advise little scouts not to carry big heavy ropes, great gridirons and other backbreaking paraphenalia.
 +. Heather Joyce offered the thanks of S. and R. to the penple-out on two _.recent searches. One hundred and two had turned out for the Katdomba search, thich had occasioned very favourable comment from the police. It might prove possible to recompense searchers from public funds.
 +Nhile these discussions took place the election of officdrs went on. It- ve s after 10 p m. when he President closed the meeting and called upon members to "reune".
 +full list of office-bearers will be published next month.
 +Polish up the wide angle lenses and mposure meters, oil the tripod and get cracking:
 +" Why?" you ask. - Foolish yeu:
 +.apparently you haven't heard that they're looking for a Eend scenic shot (in colour, naturally) for this year's N.P...1 Xmas card.
 +. Don't forget, What Helen Barrett has done, any of yr,u can do (except of course, for talking George Gray into getting married. 1.nyway, why the beard now, George?)
 +So if yo q have something-good in the way rmf ,71 colour Slide, or as soon as you get such, produce it fnr scrutiny'.
 +See Tom linppett (41-8873), John White (a2271 - B) or the Editor. Suggest you place it in an envelope, with your name on it. (the envelope, you clot).
 +10 The Sydney Bushwalker .1pri...1"1962
 +Marie B. Byles.
 +1 suppose you would call it hiking, not bushwalking, though there is plenty of wild prickly jungle in the Sagaing Hills near Mandalay. Indeed, they are almost impassable without a path, and you cannot very well wear walking shoes and socks because you have to Slip them off every time you see statues of white lions for these mean sacred ground, either a monastery or a pagoda.
 +' But even though it was only hiking I thoroughly enjoyed the days I was taken on pilgrimage up the sacred againg hills this Christmas. They were a break in the life at meditation centres of which I have told in Journey into Burmese Silence that ..lien and Unwin have just published. Nearly every crest of these holy hills is crowned with a white and gold pagoda instead of a prosaic cairn or trig station and you are always meeting mythological beasts and golden Buddha statues and curious Nuts, the effigies of nature-spirits.
 +crossed the wide Irrawaddy river in a bat like abird apinted with gay designs, climbed up the muddy blnks to a flagged footpath whose entrance' was guarded by two lifelike dragons. Their tails mere firmly held by a mythological bird perched on a stone archway. This bird likes eating dregons as a ;change of diet from worms, but as the dragons don't like being eaten there is sometimes a difference of epinion between them..
 +The path mounts steeply passing varinu6 humble bamboo nunneries roofed same- times with the very latest roofing material, corni-getedynn which must, make them something like ovens in-Summer. 'hove them are paletial m-masteries, of course all with corrigated iron roofs! One is so magnificent that-even a luxourous hotel could hardly better it. The 3againg Hills are compoe'ed of a metamorphosed limestone riddled with caves. In this palatial monastery the caves have been carefully rounded, floored and whitelmshed. They provide comfnrtable bedrooms warm in winter and a cool escape in summer from the space beneath the corrigated iron, I imagine,
 +Higher up, the nunneries and monasteries become fewer and fewer, likewise the huge concrete' water tanks with cement catchment areas generally guarded by two faithful dragons whose long tails keep away both rubbish and human beings.
 +Some of the paths pass through shady jungle whose taller trees, such as frangipani, and tamarind have been imported but which would now grow wild. Some 'of'them lead you up frightfully steep steps the first ten or so of' which are as high as they are -wide, and the others not much gentler so that you almost feel as if you were rock-climbing. Others again are sloping colonades roofed with corrigated iron in picturesque tiers and sugeorted on huge teak wood columns. J'en the flagged paths are not roofed over they can get very hot in the tropical sun when you are wearing only thin Slippers.
 +However, there are large earthenware pots containing drinking water - except being a foreigner it is unwise to drink unboiled water.- at convenient resting
 +1962 The Sydney Bushwalker 11.
 +places, and tea-Shops and stalls at all the principal shrines, and no lack of strictly teetotal. beveragps for the hundreds of pilgrims Who come every sabbath day and sometimes on other days also Many of them have came from the most distant parts of Burma and it it usually these'Who fill the offering bokes at the Shrines with especially generousdonations for the upkeep of the pagodas. And pagodas need ceaseless upkeep; usually some part of them spoils the photograph by being draped in scaffolding or bamboo-matting or women labourers carrying anything up to 140 lbs on their heads
 +But perhaps the most satisfying aspect of the sacred hills nre the countleSs small pagodas falling into ruinwhich no one bothers to repair. Gradually-the coating of white washed concrete chips off aided by a few earthcuakes and reveals the red bricks beneath, the most vulnerable of all materils to the trembling of
 +the earth, One large pagoda Ms h3d a huge piece bitten nut of it by an earthcuake and now stands perilously above monasteries, nunneries and a lime-makers village. I said these ruinous pagodas are the best feature of the hills; this is not on account of their beauty but because they insure that the hills will never be over pn?ulat,A; for you may never destrgy a pagoda or build on its sacred Lround, and always must you remove your shoes in its pracints even though the prickles are as big as needles and far stronger.
 +little further up the Irrawaddy ric)-er arc the'sacred hills of Mingun where you may travel along sandy tracks in bulli-cck wagF;ins; far pleasanter for tender white feet in the noonday tropic sun. Here the lower hills'ar composed of hardened sand, former 111Uvia1 flats of the river. Birds hollow out holes in them for nests and monks for meditation caves, but as the caves are prone to fall in,
 +the meditator wrIuld have to be fairly proficient to sit in them without distraction.
 +Alway-s from the tops of the hills you look oler hUngle and gleaming white  shrines to the calm blUe waters of the Irrawaddy river, whose banks in winter are
 +planted with a patchwork of crops bordered with a fringe of emerald green rice. Here the hard-working peasant, his wife and his faithful bullocks ploughs the earth
 +With the same wooden Plough that has been used for thousands of yeart and sow and
 +reap the harvest. He does not mind much whether he pays his taxes to U Nu's Government or General Ne Win's or to some rebel chief, On special days he visits the shrines; at other times he makes gifts to monks and pagodas and puts flowers before the effigies of the NUts. There is no hunger in-Burma and at all times hecalls his bullocks by endearing names, pets his children and is always ready to laugh and be friendly.
 +The sacred hills are a delic htful district for hiking provided you go with a heart that does not mind taking off shoes and going down with the-face on the gmand before sacred shrinee and orange-robed monks - nuns do not count:
 +Overheard in the clubroom. "le 's a real puritan. HuTs myver cot over being born in bed with a 1,1dy.
 +SEN Crossword L '
 +1 across. - Silence a letter to make a product that wasn't very popular A rencint social evening.
 +pamiNG LKS.
 +APRIL. St. Anthony's - Flaunted House Yeola Kiama. 25m.. R.
 +13.14.1 Leader; Peter Stitt. 1.a33817e*tn 23 (3)'. Private transport.
 +.11 mystery walk. Be warned, Peter has not -been ,here and is 'going
 +on Boy BroWn's advice.. Good wilkini; country, so Should be Quite intersting ould probably be classed '3.S a test yialk.
 +19.20.21. Easter' (as if you didn't know).
 +22.23. There are three official walk s Eoing. Prospectives should note that while these are not m-Irked as t. -.,-stwalks they may be accepted as such on a recommendation of the leader. -"Moral; Look after the luader.
 +Cars to  The Vince - the Castle rmd. return - 30m - R. 'Fascinating, Spectacul'Ir country P nd ,ond walking. You can 2.6arn a
 +' bit bout it before you go y rending Colin 'Vatsnn's article in this year's "The BushwalkDr"  If you haven't a copy (3/-) see David Ingram.
 +Leader Eric dcock U 3257. Private transport.
 +2. Glen Davis - Capertee R. - Mt. Uraterer - Capertoe R Wolgan R. - Newnes Glen Davis. 14.8ra. R.
 +trip for the rugged and energetic. (A poor sense of smell will also be an advantage if Wilftakes his acetylene lamp). This is ciillenging, ibteresting country where if you take your eye off the map and compass Pr more than 5 minutes, you're a case for S & R.' See Wilf Hader - 1B3144 - Private Transport.
 +Badgery's - Iron Pot Ck Tolwong Plateau - Tim's Gully -Shoalhaven R Badgery's - M.
 +This is good walking-country. Half the walk is on the tops till"' ough woodlands half along the river, River crnssings are mcessary but ,most can be wa,ded, if the river is low enough. Hov rever, you'll hare to swim the Block--Up abnut 150 yards. (If you're like the leader and can't make that distance you'll just float down on your Dack, too). Leader -.)-tuart Brooks - J..4343. V Private Transport.
 +Blackheath - Blue Gum - Locklay's Pylon - Leurn. Leader Johnhite -Mx2271 (B) -.4W6526 -  
 +perennial favourite you'll 'really enjoy -'Rutpe'd. Grnse,s6ehery. Beautiful Blue um.Foresi. ,-lnd2,n_intere_stinE walk up Lnckleys. 12.50 pm train from Central. to laackheath.
 +4.5.6 Barallier - MUrrun Ck Bindnck Gorge - Murrun CR - Barallier - 25m R. Rugged stuff. - trip for the coeri ed walker, to whom it should prove most interesting
 +Leader - Mick Elfick Private Transport.
 +5.6 Glenbrook - St. Helena - Western Ck Martin's lookout - Springwood4 Pleasant country. Should be a nice relaxing kind of walk. Leader Lynette White - JF6065,- (B).
 +,11,11H0 S GOING 74AL.160G ?? - you J.I.FLE I t.
 +Then here is hn..n dy reminder list -t,c5 help you put the right gear in your and really
 +Batteries Boot3 aces Tent Cord First Aid.
 +Dried Vegetables Lemon & Lime Powder Windja cket Torch & Spare Globes Heat Tablets Primus Stove Water, Bucket Food Containers Shoulder. Pads Maps & Compass Tin Opener Leather Dressing
 +Socks Sleeping Bag Cover Waterproof Rucksack-- lining ,A Rugged Rough-wool -Norwegia n Jumper,.
 +  -
 +NO !!! ,
 + You're taking the &Ix; on a camping trip with
 +the' kids.- an air-bed or stretcher will ease the ageing bones. ne have pletity cif 41z incly - items just for car campers. Come in.
 +'LL BE BUSY AT ESTER - so see us soon ;!!
 +Ask to see our latest super  lightweight rrylon-groundsheetcapes weight- ,9 ozs ,
 +APDV PAWN r:ct
 +Lighiweight Camp Gear.
 +BM 2683
 +14. Th'e -pril2.
 + .
 +Dot Butler.
 +_Tice steep country south-east from 'Tendlan is gashed by a series of na-se thousand foot deep chasms down _whose precipitous sides waterfalls roarr-then tumble as swift flowing creeks down dark narrow boulderzfilled gorges. They are savage, lorply places, visible only to the tourist on ,Kanangra Plateau as near-vertical cliffs hung with close vegetation ,and dripping ferns, in- the early morning sea of mist out of which isolated black peaks peep like islands in an eerie polar sea. To the eager young climber or bush-viralker this is the country of his dreams, where his call to adventUre is fulfilled n aura of excitment hangs round the place names - Murdering Gully, Kanangra Gorge; Danai Brook, Thurat Rift, the Pooken Deep.
 +Fired by enthusiasm a party of young people, members of the 8ydne-y University Climbing 'Club, set out for the big adventure, a descent of Kanangra. Gotge, retur*ing to the Plateau byway of Murdering Gully. They Carefully_ practiced their ,newlf learnt art of abseiling, being careful to select adecuate belays to tie the
 +-approved 'knots and handle the ropes correctly. The accident happened so suddenly,
 +Some -of the boys had successfully descended the cliff by the w.71-berfal1, but a long time elapsed before the rest of the party showed up. It was nearing dusk. Young Dick Donaghey had climbed to a ledge beside the waterfall to t'iire ,assistance to one of the girls as he came down. He grimed encouragement - "It's ,nearly over, he said and stepped forward impulsively to help ,her. His foot slipped on the wet slimey rock and his horrified friends saw him slide -down a
 +waterfall chute to lie, an inert her-T, in the creek some 30 feet beloi He was in great pain as they picked him up and. carefully carried him to the only bit of
 +level ground they could find, a few sTruare yards F.t the side 'of the gorge sheltered by a small clump of trees. Here they spent an an.,-TiouS nirtt, 'sleeping fitfully, and at first light:on rskinday morning the fastest "members of the group set out for help. They drove back to Caves House and 'got the loan of ropes, axes and a stretcher, end as luck would have it they also got Bob Binks who was just returning from a fishing trip with a cou-ole of friends. Bob had decided that instead Of heading
 +straight for home he would make a side trip to show them Kanangra Walls, when he was accosted by this group of worried boys. "'Are you a medical practitioner?"
 +asked their spokesman deferentially. "Yes," said-Bob, "I am a medical practitioner."
 +"Are you a practicing nua lified medical practioner?" "Look," said Bob who didn't think he could get his tongue- around a sentence like that, Let's cut'-the formalities, I can see you're in trouble. I'm a doctor; whatcan I do to helpyou?"
 +So the relieved boys' poured out the whole story and Bob went straight 'back with them.
 +Back in the gorge a silent group sat with their injured friend. There was little they could do to ease his pain. vben Bob arrived he diagnosed the trouble, gave pain-Idlling drugs, strapped up the broken feet with adhesive bandages
 +bandaged up the sprained wrist and 'Cut' chin, and Stayed with the patient till late
 +afternoon, It soon became evident that the party was not strong enough to try
 +rescue operations. l 'qhen they tried out tie borrowed stretcher its sh'aft's broke
 +and ,it is still lying down in Kan-ng;ra Gorge, 'unused. Leaving five of the ,boys
 +with Dick, Bob and the rest of the -party 4itabed out of the Gorge, drove down to ,Caves House, and sent an r.O.S. -bhrough to Sydney th it thi s was a search and Rescue job, and all available manpower, especially'rock-,climbxs, would be needed. bwiftly Paddy Pallin, Ninin Melville and the va,rious'Clubs' S. & R. contact officers went into action,,and the tele-o hone wires ran hot.
 +,April 1962 The Sydney Bushwalker 15
 +Meanwhile, how are the potential rescuers spending their time, u/aware
 +of what is in store for them? Speaking for the Bushwalkers, it so happened that this week-end was their annual Reunion. Round the merry campfire Paddy had pranced all Saturday night, leading the community in solg, and as one of the re-
 +uners I didn't get any sleep either, but who cares, we can fall into bed and
 +sleep like logs when we get home on Sunday night. That sounds very nice in theory,
 +but What actually happens? I have just hit the pillow at 9 p m. when the phone
 +rings. Can I set out immediately for a rescue down Kanangra Gorge? Yes, of course
 +Itm available. Very well then, David Roots will collect Rus Kippax and Les Tattersall of the Rock Climbing Club and then will pick up me. Be ready to leave in half an hour, So I put on my shorts and shirt again, get out the pack:and put in nylon rope, sling and Karabiner, 8 bananas and a tin of herrings which seems to be the only food left in the house, and a sleeping bag, hoping there may a chance for an hour's sleep when we get to Kanangra. Then the Rootsie's waggon arrives and we are away.
 +Crammed in the front seat we made the long journey through the night, and just as dawn was streaking the sky saw the half dozen cars pulled up by the roadside near the nud hut site. A sleeping-bagged figure sat up in one of the cars and a torch Showed up Paddy's face. "Try to get half an hour's sleep till the others arrive," he said. So we rolled into our bags and tried to sleep, but not very successfully, and then Nin was getting the party up and organised. He put Dave Roots in charge of the cliff rescue operations, so he and Rus and Les and
 +I, together with Colin Oloman who had brouent up the news of the accident, dodging the newspaper reporters and photographers, took off about 6 a m. to go down into the gorge and reconnoitre the best way to bring Dick out. Colin led us. down the way his party had gone, but instead of following their route down by the side of the waterfall we did a couple of long abseils which got us down more quickly, and by abOut 9 o'clock we were down having our first look at-the natient. He was a Quiet, dark, good-looking Ind, It was a pity his chivalry had pot him in this predicament.
 +We now had a close inspection of the three possible mays out, chose the one we-liked best and sent up a pre-arranged signal to Col Oloman who had waited up
 +above the waterfall, He went back to the waiting cars to bring the men and equipment to the top of our rescue route, and for two or three hours while awaiting their arrival with the ropes and stretcher we reconnoitred up and down the rock faces, cleared away some of the debris and vegetable growth on our selected route, and then had a brief snooze in the sun. Dave Roots and Rus got their heads together and worked out the mechanics of the flying-fox ropeways they would need, Dave lugging around a small pack heavy with his beloved pitons, expansion bolts, escaliers, piton hammer and all the rest of the ironmongery. Is it U or non-U to climb mountains with all these mechanical aids? I had rather inclined to the latter belief, but have now completely reversed my opinion; without David and his irontongery they would never have got the boy out. David worked with all the ardour of an artist at his mok, and enjoyed every minute of it.
 +Ndw here is a pleasant little entre-act which may entertain the audience.
 +Rus asked me to do a bit of scouting around up the precipice to see if I could find an alternative way out for the camp-followers, i e. those who weren't directly engaged in ferrying the stretcher across, 50 that they wouldn't clutter up the route. Accordingly I went up a wall and up a craggy bit of rock outcrop and then found myself in a high hanging gulley with a 30 ft. mudslide which led to the
 +16 The 3.vdne-7 Bushwalker pril 1962
 +tree line above. Thinking, it would he infer if I had an ice axe to dig steps
 +up the mud, I cast around for a likely piece-of stick to use and f(lund something 'about 15 inches long that looked like a useful tool, 1/Then I finally surmounted the climb and was about to throw away my trusty tool I tool: a lodk at it '-Ind -discovered it was a human leg bone, Now here was an enthralling mystery for the police to solve:. But how was I to take the bone bock? I couldn't climb with it in my hand, and if I threw it down I might lose it Should I climb down with it clenched between my teeth? I eyed it speculatively, but it looked too (2.risiy for 'that, so I finally shoved it down my shirtfront and descended. By the time I got back to the boys the rest of the party Was arriving, smd the stretcher vas on its way down. I showed my trophy to one of the lads who was a vet atudent, but he said it wasn't any animal bone that he lmsw3. I.could have told him thet." They urged me to throw it away as it was bed luck, but no I wanted tO keep it to show to Dr. Binks. I put it on top of my peck with my jumpers but later on when: i retrieved my peck the 'bone had vanished, 'it'-out an Exhibit te police would have nothing to go on so there thc,story will have to close the mystery remain unsolved.
 +The boys don in the gully had now strapped Dick intO the canvas and bamboo stretcher loaned by the Police, and could be seen as tiny ant-like figures
 +bringing him up the rocky moraint to the base of the cliff,' Here the full difficulty of the situation burst upon theme How were the bearers going to be able to help with the stretcher when the cliff was nearly verticalf-slightly bulging and had nothing in the way of handholds and-footholds except for a narrow line suitable for only one person'at a time? A rope was taken 'up the cliff to a small tree about a hundred feet above, but it was clearly impossible to=drag up the stretcher, by brute force over the bulge. 'I had been telling Rus Kippax how, at an S & P. Demonstration a coupleeof years back, I had been the victim and Col Putt had " rescued" me by picka-backing me like a sack of coals slung over 'his shoulder by my arms and lying down 4 his back, Looking down from my high perch where I was helping the boys peg-out a ropeway along the cliff face I saw that Rue had decided to try this method, Dick was unstrapped from the stretcher, tied to Rues back by means of a bos'un's chair7 with his poor bandaged feet dangling, &nd Rue startedhis Herculean'clim; He was belayed from the tree up top hand had a thin nylonbendline to pull on When necessary, but he took the whole of Dick's weight as he dlimbed, Yarmak (Graham Nelson) followed behind. give a shove if and when-possible, the boy e up top -heaved on the belay rope, and inch by ineh up they cetme. The rope tying Dick round us'' slipped ,up and nearly throttled him. There were frantic shouts -of 'Es e off:" 'Ease off. Rus collected his,breath for a few seonds,- then it wis7oh again. BY the time lie, ,surmounted, thG climb the boys were hauling in the last of the 12b ft of rope, and Rus collapsed on the ledge' just about done in God whet 'an-effort: and whnt a man!
 +Now the stretcher was pulled un, Dick was stranned in atain, 'end the interesting business of launching him on the first of '?.00tsie's fling foxes begen. Dave had hammered into the rouk an expansion bolt5 to which a link was attached. The itpewhichatz to bear the stretcher was threaded though this, theh carried across the _cliff face for about a hundred feet and threaded through another expansion boat"Half a dozen slings were tied round Dick in the stretcher, karabiners were hooked through the loops, and bY much careful manoeulileing he was hooked on to the bearing rQ1De. BY means of a rope attached to the foot end of the stretcher he was then pulled across
 +.pril 1962 The Sydney Bushwelkor 17.
 +to the extreme end of the rope, lifted off onto the small ledge hardly big enough to take the stretcher, let alone the helpers, ferried along another bit of ledge and launched on the next aerial ropeway. This one had no landing platform, as the only belay available was a tree growing out from the side of the cliff, with only enough room for Rus to stand and pull the stretcher across. However, if
 +we could lassoo the bearing rope from a little side waterfall chute we could pull him across the necessary five or six feet and land him there. This called for some very precise judgement, because the for end of the rope had to be slackened as the near end of the rope was pulled in to the chute, and both sets of operators were out of sight and call of each other, However, by sending a messenger back and forth across the face, bringing :nd relaying messages the job was done, and it was with more than mare relief that we got him safely pulled in and lr nded.
 +Now it was necessary to manhandle the stretcher up e tricky bit of rock to
 +a knife-edge ridge which lies like a partition between the two parts of the gulley. The track clearers had done good work here with the-axes and the sweating bearers did the rest. On the ride top they took a well earndd reat, while the Ca= followers came up behind, untying and coiling up the ropes, and bringing along the packs. Yarmak with half a thousand feet of rope coiled around him, looked like an advertisement for Michigan tyres as he crept around the ledges.
 +- Now it was necessary to slide the stretcher down from this ridge into the creek in the next gully. Downhill was obviously much easier than uphill, and the bearers slid down with great gusto and surprised even themselves when they arrived so quickly at the creek, Here another well earned rest, and while we were resting Who should comp clambering dawn but good old Paddy, and a little later Bob Binks. They had a little reassuring chat with Dick, Who had borne all this juggling about of his defenceless body with uncomplaining fortitude. He had supreme confidence in his rescrare That's a good may to be, when you have no choice.
 +- -"I was in your shop on Friday," said Dick. "Do you remember me? I bought
 +a ding from you." ". Oh py goodness," cried Paddy, "Don't say it was my sling that let you down!'
 +Down at the creek bed a pleasant surprise awaited us. :fhile we had been entirely engrossed in the goings in the first gully, Ron etridrop and his helpers had been hard at it in this gully and a whole set of ropes had been erected up the steep mountain side, so it was only a matter of hooking on our burden and hauling away. It was now about 3 p m. have him out by dark, we told Paddy as he and Bob started back up the creek the way they had come. I don't think Paddy quite believed this, or else he didn't want to raise the hopes of Dick's mother waiting beck at, Caves House incase she should be disappointed. ,.inyhow the news got beck to the Press and the ,.B.0 that the patient was not likely to be brouEht out that night. While an avid public was being regaled with this bit of news the rescuers worked on relentlessly. By now they had properly pot the fool of things, and they ceme up like a rocket - the stretcher and six bearers;  a set of relieving beaters at the side, several bods behind to push if reeuired, all thb camp followers with the spare ropes and packs, While up at the hauling end-six or eight boys hauled on the rope to such good effect that the karebimr (tied to a tree and uSed as a pulley) ran hot and the rope began to char, It was then a case of Ease off! Erase off"! While the karabiner cooled down and a fresh sling was used to tie it to the tree.
 +The Sydney MueLwalkar ,nril 1962
 +By about 5o'c1ock n fine rain startc,d to spit, but we all ignored it and
 +it soon gave up, Final4 the route led up a slope where a number of loose rocks were dislodged and went hurtling down towards the stretcher. The bearers scattered. with loud shouts and curses, and Dick's guardian angel safeguarded his defenceless head as the great blocks 1. 11-st and exploded all around him. Finally up to the plateau top by 6,30 p m just as dark came on and a thick mist enveloped the whole scene, Here Nin Melville was waiting with a number of torches, so all 'who had spare hands took one and an eerie walk began with torches ahead flashing through the swirling gloom, and shouts of "Don't go too far to the left or you'll go over the precipice. We don't want another accident on our hands l,' 'Dan't go too far to the right or you'll finish up in the swamp:" "Don't go so fast, you in front; you're leaving the stretcher party. behind!"
 +We walked across the Plateau by instanct, came to the correct creek-crossing in the dark and when about a mile from the cars Nin let out piercing whistles which were answered by honkf ng of car horns, and we came in by radar as it were.
 +Dick was transferred to Bob Bthks Station waggon with a nice soft mattress
 +in it, taken down to Caves House to a waiting mother who ran to him and kissed him through the window; and then Bob drove them down to Sydney and the North Shore Hospital for Dick,
 +The rescuers. sorted out their gear as best they could be means of someone's
 +arc light, then Rus and Rootsie and Les and I drove off through the dark, a.- glance
 +- back showing the edifying scene of press reporters taking down somebody's statements
 +in little notebooks, and those somebodies weren't us. 
 +Down to Caves House, there Dick's brother was manfully delving, into his  pocket every time another car arrived, and shouting the occupants to drinks.. 72Ve finished up thirty-five of us in, the louhc-e, where rough walking types are not --
 +usually welcomed, drinking beer and answering roll call. One boy who was
 +still a bit shakey le:nocked over his glass of beer. We mopped it up with asmall handkerchief and wrung it back into his glass, leaving it for the drinks waiter. It would be a pity if the Caves House proprietor thought we were rough uncoUth types, Who go around making messes, ,nd here, too I was re-united with my pack. Some kind person had picked it up down in the second gully and brought it all this way for me, He didn't know my shoes were in it, I Had been doing-all the rock- face climbing bare-footed but when we got into the scree gullie I could have Used :them. With a feeling of thankfulness I clothed myself in my Shoes and gave Rootsie teak his nylon socks
 +Then Heigh-ho for home and bed by 2 am, Tuesday No sleep since the nrevious Friday night. It will take wild hones to get me up dliring the next twelve hours. The'family got their own by'eakfast and got themselves off to school, while deep uncOnsciousness washed over my sleeping body. Suddenly the telephone rang piercingly. I leapt out of bed, Said a sweet voice on the other end of the line, "Is that Mrs Butler? "I think so," said I, not being nuite sure. "Cou]d I interest you in a raffle ticket for the gpastio Centre?' oni" prompted a malevolent- voice inside me, "Say  it Tell her where to rut her ticket! But years of training in politeness came to my aid and I said sweetly, "No thank you., not today,"-and hung up and went back to bed Other people suffered worse than that though, Rus, fOr. instance, was woken up at 6 a m, with reporters and photographers from six different papers pounding on the front door. He is thinking of retiring to a monastery.
 +:._nother working bee was held at Lovett Bay, Pittw ater, on 24-25th March under thu guidance of John hhite. The object was to clear the tracks from
 +the Kuringai Trust's 4harf at...Lor-Vett_Bay:_to.:The Flagstaff and to -;iest, Head Road via Pockley's Glen. _bout 3 turned up during the 3aturday and the track to The Flagstaff Lor'skout, -was _076ancid up completely ;Ind is now negotiable withodt, the need to search amongst the scrub 7.nc3. bracken in Rn" effort:to locate a rate
 +the tops. 7 'From-, The Fl_clgStaff tb West Head ,-R.o4d,'foilowin Iltre 3tod..dart 's calmed track, is7' somethat  overgrovynafter the tet Summer; 'but a -fire access trail coming up from Lovett Bay is available over part -:of the 'way. '7est, is now a good gravel-motor road apparently ,prepared forHbiten sealing.- It is well used by Sunday motorists and should be avoided by -walkers. 
 +Some good work was done clearing the Pockley's Glen track west from the shelter shed at, Lovett Bay, lout there remains a lot to be 'done before this track will be easily negotiable. Watch for the dates of future working bees in this 'scenic area and don't be scared by the title "working bee" as a definite picnic- camping week-end atmosphere is noticable throughout the proceedings.
 +The Sydney Bushwaker 
 +PLUMBING TR 0' S ? ? ?
 +ril. 1962
 +DO YOU'-1,1L..0
 +:- OR DOES
 +No job is too small - for anyplumbing installations or alterati-ns
 + Contact Roy Craggs in the S.B.W. Club-rooms or contact Joe Crags, Carpenter and Painter, /41 Rosamond Street, Hornsby, ephone JU2203
 +20  . The Sydney Bushwalknr ,qpril 1962. olo from our eocial Secreta
 +The reason why " Back of Beyond" was not screened as programmed, was that I was under the mistaken impression that the Shell Company was sending one of their men along with the film and projector. I have since discovered that we were to have picked up the film from The Shell library, borrowed a 16mm projector and screened it ourselves. The fault is mina entirely and
 +I wish to extend my humble apologies to you all especially to those who made a big effort to get into see it.
 +Molly Rodgers.
 +P.S. I hope to have ' Back of Beyond on the September to December programme, that is, if I haven't got the sack in the meantime. 
 +    &&&&&
 +Spcial 7.6/pert  for March.
 +46 members nd friends attended the thdatr pnrty to see Luisillo and his Spanish !Dance Theatre on 6th March, ax]d IlLid a very enjoyable evening.
 +We left the theatre with the clicking of cestaniAs end-the rythmicsteaming of agile feet in our ears. Proceeds from the evening amounted to E5.15.0.
 +On 21st March, Ninian Melville, Federation's '3eaxich and :Rescue Field Organiser, gave us an interesting and timely lecture on safety in the Bush. Ninian maintained that most accidents stemmed from carelessness nnd thet the most dangerous time of day for accidents was 5 o'clock in the evening when lighting begins to fail and bodies are weary.
 +D _.Y WiLKS.
 +April 29. Campbelltown - bus to ,,ppin - George's River - Yedderburn - The Woolwath Campbelltrmn.
 +This trip will visit a small section of George's River, then alnng the tops to O'Hare's Creek just above The-Woolwash, country which is rarely walked these days,
 +8..25 a m. GOulburntrnin Central Steam Station to Campbelltnwn.
 +10 a m. bus.Campbelltown to 2.pnin.
 +Fares: Campbelltown return 7/6 plus about 2/6 bus fare.
 +Map, Camden Military. Leader: David Ingram.
 +May 6. -t the time of going to press, no day welksehave been volunteered for May 13. these two dates on the ferthcming Ivalks Programme.
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