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196301 [2015/12/14 12:39] tyreless196301 [2015/12/14 13:31] tyreless
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 |Some helpful hints and Recipies for New Members going on their first long Trip.|M.Rodgers|14| |Some helpful hints and Recipies for New Members going on their first long Trip.|M.Rodgers|14|
 |Good Walking Country - Extracts.| |16| |Good Walking Country - Extracts.| |16|
-|The Tin Canoe Trip - Stage I.|A. Kenway|17|+|The Tin Canoe Trip - Stage 1.|A. Kenway|17|
 |Science, Naturally.| |18| |Science, Naturally.| |18|
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 ====SWDG.==== ====SWDG.====
-I knew he had some vital thing, a talent// +I knew he had some vital thing, a talent\\ 
-Some touch of genius apart from making flesh// +Some touch of genius apart from making flesh\\ 
-And blood from other than, well,// +And blood from other than, well,\\ 
-Say the normal ingredients.//+Say the normal ingredients.\\ 
 +(The moment gone of course, like the things\\ 
 +One should have said, the elegant reply).\\ 
 +Did we see Borovansky's Strong Man? We saw\\ 
 +Les Amants Eternelles or some such name.\\ 
 +Well that was Clem. The strong man.\\ 
 +Ordering this Ice-cream the woman said\\ 
 +"The little fellow --" and I told her\\ 
 +The actor in a serious farce was dead.
-(The m6ment gone of course, like the things One should hgVe said, the elegant reply). Did we see Bordvans1yl'6-Stibng Man? We saw +=====Natural History of Pseudonyms.=====
- Les Amants Eternelles or s6iine such name. . Well that was Clem; The strong man. +
-Ordering this Ice-tcream the womgn said "The li-ttle fel1o .=-" and I told her The actor in a serious farce was dead. +
-6 The Sydney, Bush-maker January 1963 +
-.0......* +
-Among many primitive tribes, to allow a man'sroper name to escape into the demaih of the spirits-the air is to do that-man a grave injustice. Along with hair, to and finger, nails_and'body-mastes a -man's name-im6 to be car6fully-guai4ded;- the finger nails to be hidden', the name-tobe known only to one or two elders(, If either Comes into-- +
-possegsion-of the manes enemies drastic magici-can_be'morked, his manhood +
-destroyed (.5r -his wife present him-mith twins fUJ teethed at:theif. delivery. A man eg name is very poteht, very:personal.:and is not to be kanwn by all.' Ami-ing the English, George Ori7e11..died cOnvinced that if his real name ever gam the black and white of printers ink hi g myriad +
-enemies-mould destroy him piec6meal and paipfuIlyb This ig not-necessarily a sign of losg or dei"angement of mental-powers. In -a i5erson ihn believed +
-that television was-omnipresent and persnally malign on strongly held +
-dogma confirms the other and certifies to great intelligence and perception.+
- Thus a scribes relationship with his Oitor should-be-as secret as +====Engaliegh==== 
-the disposition of his nail iorings. The advantages to-bnth arc nuiernus. If the afithor has been indiscreet in his writing fflind you, in hi g ynuth, + 
-and appropriate pseudonym will allow the editor to present new work as such; the integrityvirginity indeed, of his editorship will be maintained and the miter need not necessarily 11-.3..010 the attitudes of his youth. The edit,sr also +Among many primitive tribes, to allow a man's proper name to escape into the domain of the spirits of the air is to do that man a grave injustice. Along with hair, toe and finger nails_and body wastes, a man's name is to be carefully guarded; the finger nails to be hidden, the name to be known only to one or two elders. If either comes into possession of the man's enemies drastic magic can be worked, his manhood destroyed or his wife present him with twins fully teethed at their delivery. A man's name is very potent, very personal and is not to be known by all. Among the English, George Orwell died convinced that if his real name ever saw the black and white of printers ink his myriad enemies would destroy him piecemeal and painfully. This is not necessarily a sign of loss or derangement of mental powers. In a person who believed that television was omnipresent and personally malign on strongly held dogma confirms the other and certifies to great intelligence and perception. 
-if he is sufficiently inventive can write six articles under gix pseudonyms and pregent a picture of thriving health,, The wells inspintin ran dry + 
-as often as=water holes in-the Laberynth. A 6onth of fflin,-boredom and the +Thus a scribe'relationship with his editor should be as secret as the disposition of his nail parings. The advantages to both are numerous. If the author has been indiscreet in his writing mind you, in his youthan appropriate pseudonym will allow the editor to present new work as such; the integrityvirginity indeed, of his editorship will be maintained and the writer need not necessarily keep the attitudes of his youth. The editor also if he is sufficiently inventive can write six articles under six pseudonyms and present a picture of thriving healthThe wells of inspiration run dry as often as water holes in-the Laberynth. A month of rain, boredom and the necessity to mow the lawn occasionally can promote flood of contributions. The subterfuge, if it successfully scrapes past one issue, is legitimate. 
-necessity to mow the lawn occasionally cr:n promote. P. flood of contributions. The subterfuge, if it successTully scrapes pr st one issue, is 1e,7,itimate+ 
-Pseudonyms can to an extent prnvide-instant personality. One' g cothpanions +Pseudonyms can to an extent provide instant personality. One's companions on a walk are not always inclined to tolerate a facetious report of losing their way immediately after leaving the railway station. A suitable pen name can imply that the writer received his information at least at third hand, that he was in no may connected with the misadventure and in any case wag perfectly sober when he left the hotel. If one is the only carnivore among six vegetarians one could write learnedly of the glories of other meals, the magnificent cooks one has known, the mystical qualities of "carne kowmung" which should be cooked "lunghidal caro bone", i.e. far from its beloved or slightly green. If one signed the article Francis Bacon, honour, prejudice and anomyninty are all preserved. 
-on a walk are not always inclined to tolerate a facetious report of losing their way immediately after leaving the railway etation. A suitable pen name can imply that the writer received his information at least at third hand, that he was-in no may connected with the misarlventure arid in any case wag perfectly sober ilhen He left the hotel. If nne is the only Carnivore among six vegetarians oh6 cold write learnedlyof the grOries of ther meals, the magnificent cOoks one Ms lanwnr..the mystieal qualities of "carne komung"-which should-be cockednlunghidal care bone", i e. far torn itg - beloved or slightly green. If one sighed the article Francis Bacon, honour, prejudice and anomyninty are all preserved,, + 
-,   - +Closely allied to pseudonyms are the species known as sobriquets. Since they are given rather than sought they can be recognised by brighter colour, greater aptness and at times a certain malice. Having expressed a feeling of contentment and great strength after breakfasting on a thousand fish it was perhaps natural to be called "Whitebait"but when after half a lifetime one is accused of having made a love philtre of the eyes and poisoning The Girl it can be seen that the malice of sobriquets is more durable than the bright colours at their birth. 
-Closely allied to pseudcixtms are -61-iaspecies own as sobriquets. Since they are given rather than sought they oar he recognised by brighter colour, greater aptness and at times a certain maliceayint expressed a feeling of contentment and gra-at strength aTtei: brealOsting. on a thousand fish it was perhaps natural to be called Whitebaitbithen after half a lifetime + 
-January 1963 The Sydney Bushwalker 7 +In fact the greater the malice the more apt is the sobriquetprovided of course that it is known only to certain people and not at all to the subject. To relieve the monotony of wandering up and down the wrong ridges one can use that part of one's mind that is not involved in purely mechanical functions, i.e. pushing aside impenetrable salley trying to salivate one's throat, to think up suitable sobriquets for the leader. (This spare part of one's mind is normally occupied in wondering where one is, whether the camp site will be another lyre-birds nest and, after several days of constant wracking, whether one will see one'loved ones again. Finding other exercise for this pert of the brain slows down the onset of ah overwhelming psychosis and is to be recommended for all who would follow. 
-one is-accused of having made a love philtre-of the eyes arid poisoning The Girl it can be 'S'een that the malice of sobriquets is more durable than the bright colours -at their birth. + 
-In fact the greater the malice the mnre-apt is the gobriquet,- Oovided of course-that it is knr4n-oay to certain people and:not at all to-the subject. To relieve the monerboriy of wandering up and down the wrong ridges one can use thgt part of one's mind that is not involved in purelY mechanical functions, i e. pushing aside imperietrable salley trying to salivate one's throat, to think up suitable sbriquets for ffle leader, CrhiS" spare part of one's mind is normally nocupied in wondering where one is, whether the camp site will be anothCx lyre-birds iiest and, after several days of crThstant wraching- whether one-will see one'lovod ories agaihv Finding other exercise for-this pert nf-the brain slows crriwn the oriset of ah nirerwhelming, jpqrlrei'and is to be recommended for all who would follow. +At various stages on one trip I coined and kept to myself at least a dozen sobriquets for the leader. (It was an over-organised adventure; Day and Night Navigators, Financial Secretary, Advance Scout and Deputy Collector of Dingo Traps)Unfortunately each disaster, and there were many, made the previous sobriquet less apt. As Prince Henry, (The Navigator) led us out from the bus I had the unbounded faith and zeal of a lieutenant of da Gama setting off for the Cape. When we were cloud bound, benighted on Curroebilly could still view the situation calmlyIt was, after all, Mallory country, steep, rocky unexplored and some one was sure to fall over a cliff; there were enough cliffs for each to fall over separately. The following night having draped me tent over a lyre-bird mound, the next mound to the ornithologist,took no part in the vulgar squabble about our whereabouts. (This of course took place before "This is for the birds" became common coinage). 
-At varioUs stages-on one trip -I coined and kept to myself at lest + 
-a dozen sobriquets foii-the leader. (It was an over-organiS-ed adventure; D'ay and-Night Navigators, Finan6ial Secretary, Advance Scout and Deputy Collector of Dingo TapsUnfortunately each disaster, and there were many, mgde theprevious sobriquet les'apt. As Prince Henry', (The Navigatnr) led us out from the-bus I had the unbounded faith and-zeal-of a lieutenant Of da GgIng setting 6ff for the Cape. When we iivere cloud brund, benighted on Currogftillk' -6oUld still View the situation calmlyIt was, after all, Zallory countty, steep, rockyunexplored gnd some 6ne was-sure to fall over a cliff; there were enough cliffs for each -V) fall over Oparately, The following night beiarig draped Oy terit over a lyre-bird mound, the hext-mnund to the ornithologist,tonk-ho part in the vulgar sNabble about our wher6abKuts: (This of course took place before "This is for the birds" became common coinage). +That complete overwhelming psychosis mentioned earlier was much in evidence. In the thirteen members of the party there were fourteen types, mine being the split personality-genus. That pert of my mind responsible for speechnoble thoughts, epigrams was completely numbed, the areas responsible for the recording of pain, fatigue and increasing apprehension had in riot. I went the greater part of the day with not a single sobriquet entering my mind. One come late in the day, in a brief moment of peace. 
-That complete overwhelming psych6eisi ! mentioned earlier ikas much in evidence. In the thirteen members of the party thee were fourteentypes, mine being thesplit-personal#y-genus. That pert of my mind responsible for gpeechnAble thughts, epigrams was completely numbed, the areas responsible for the recnrding of pain, fatigue and incregsing appreherision bad in riot. I went the greater part of the day with not a single sobriquet entering my mind. One come late in the days in a brief moment of peace. + 
-The Party, minus the Advance' Sceut;-Night N'avi6etor and the DeputyCollector had gained the peak5f Pigeon House. The Advance scout hadn't +The Party, minus the Advance Scout, Night Navigator and the Deputy Collector had gained the peak of Pigeon House. The Advance Scout hadn'paused at this most rewarding of views; the Financial Secretary had sent him off to Drury's to hold the bus, fearing his sinecure might dissipate if the bus went back to Nowra and had to return; the Night Navigator was helping the Deputy Collector up the wrong track. We sat alone; Whitebait, The Girl, Princess Petticoat and The Leader. The setting sun sketched with a black pencil every ridge we had di-navigated, every knob we had di-climbed, every clump of salley we had disected. It was a moment of supreme satisfaction. We knew unmistakeably where we were and only slightly less surely how we had got there. 
-paus6d at-this-most i4ewdrding of views; the Financial Secretary had sent him off to Drury's to Told the bus, feaftng his sinecure might dissipate if the bus went bacletn NoWra and had to return; ,the U4.;ht-Navige tor was helping the Deputy Collector up the wrong track. Ne sat alone; Whitebait, The Girl, Princess Petticoat and The Leader. The settinr sun sketched with + 
-8 The Sydney Bushwalker Ji'aluary 1963 6 +Princess Petticoat said, "I'm sure there is one ridge we didn't climb"
-a black pencil every i4idge we had di-navigated, every knob ie had-diclimbed, every cluit of salley we had disected. It was a moment of supreme satisfaction. We knew Unniistakeably where we were and only slightly less surely how we had got there., + 
-Princess Petticoat said, "I'm sure there is one ridge we didn't climb"." +The germ of a sobriquet flashed into my mind. The Grand Old Duke of York? NoHe had ten thousand men. Something biblical, the tribes of EgyptNo. The Scarlet Pimpernel. He had been herethere, everywhere. It would doIt wouldn't be a perennial like Dormie or Wandelburg, but it would do. 
-The Om of a sobriquet-flashed into tr mind. The Grand Old Duke of York? No He had ten thousand men. Something biblical, the tribesof EgyptNo'.The Searlet Pimpernel. He had beef herethere, everywhere. It wnuld do', It wouldn't be a perennial like Dormie or 1.andelburE, but it would do. + 
-The Scarlet Pimpernel tied another piece nf tent cord around his shoes, The Girl chewed another dry aspirin, I haped the Princess to her feet. It was-getting dark and we didn't want to be too fflr behind the Night Navigator. +The Scarlet Pimpernel tied another piece of tent cord around his shoes, The Girl chewed another dry aspirin, I helped the Princess to her feet. It was getting dark and we didn't want to be too far behind the Night Navigator. 
-FEBIZu,:aY 3 +=====Day Walks===== 
-Commodore Heights Cottage ,Rock - Cr,mmodore HoiL4hts: 10-mils. + 
-This should be an interestirig trip throagh the Eastern potion of,KUrinoi Chase in th6 Broken BaS' - Cowan Creek area, Nnte the "R" shown in the programme. Considdring the:way in which the scrub has thickened during recent:months, that little doesn't be "maybe". +|February 3|Commodore Heights Cottage Rock - Commodore Heights. 10 miles. This should be an interesting trip through the Eastern potion of Kuringai Chase in the Broken Bay - Cowan Creek area. Note the "R" shown in the programme. Considering the way in which the scrub has thickened during recent months, that little "R" doesn't be "maybe". Transport. Let the leader know in good time so that he can arrange transport. JU3I88(B). Map. Broken Bay Military or Hawkesbury River Tourist. Leader: Stuart Brooks.| 
-Transport.- Le theleader know ingood time so that he can arrange transport. JU3I88-(B). +|February 17|Heathcote - Lake Eckersley and return - Swimming Carnival. For those who cannot camp overnight but wish to attend the Carnival, this walk is available to ensure that you arrive in time for the first event. Lake Eckersley is a first class spot for swimming at any time. Train: 8.2O a.mCronulla train from Central Electric Station t Sutherland. Change at Sutherland for rail motor to Heathcote. Fare: 5/6 return. Map: Port Hacking Tourist or Camden Military. Leader: Brian Harvey.| 
-Map. Broken Bay Military or Hawkesbury River Tourist.. Leader: Stuart Brooks, + 
-FEBRUARY 17 Heathcnte - Lake Eckersley_and return - SIAIMAING CARNIVAL, +=====Federation Report - November 1962===== 
-For those who cannot camp overnight but wish to attend the + 
- Carnival, this walk is available to ensure that you arrive in-tim6 for the first event. loke Eckersleyis a first class spot for swinfdrag at any time. +====Search and Rescue==== 
-Train; S:2O 6,14Gronulla train from Contn'Electric - - Station t Sutherland. CHANGE LiT SUTHERLAND for rail motor to Heathcot-6. + 
-Fare:.. 5/6 t eturn... Map: 'Port Hac-Ring Tr,urist orCamden +210 campers attended the Demonstration week-end during Octoberbut not so many took part in the practical work
-Military.  + 
-Leader: Brian Harvey.' +====Conservation==== 
-411111111 + 
-F +In view of the recent construction of fire trails, it has bean suggested that a roadless, primitive-area be set aside in the Blue Mountains National Parkpossibly the whole of the Grose Canyon and Wentworth Creek
-..1 "your calloUsed feet tread many new ttacks this ear and all ymur walks and camps be enjoyable. +====Blue mountains National Park==== 
-Ust in case-ynur feet ara'n't tough and calloused and 6u'd like to-Put a lot more 6-(=ofortable miles behind ou, take _a lank at Paddyikt,footwear for this. year,. + 
-0OX8: RAner rjloi and frool made in.Switzerladlmost impossible to wear out and,supremely comfoztable+Road access is now available to within a couple of hundred yards of the Red Hand Cave at Glenbrook. It is hoped that the Public Recreation Reserve along the Nepean River from Erskine Creek to Glenbook will be added to the Park. The Blue Gum Forest, the Edward Hallstrom Reserve at Blackheath, Glenbrook Creek and the Nepean lookout at Erskine Creek are to be added to the Park. The Victoria Falls track has been repaired at the top, but is closed below the Falls at present, pending repairsIt is proposed to stock Bedford Creek with fish, probably Perch
-p sear6t ?-thouggnds of-wool loops inside the sock o tuAhion your foot; abgorb shocks and moisture - omething like a-terry towel lining but better.- he price 27/9 pr+ 
-_ +=====Heathcote Primitive Area==== 
-, + 
- ,.... +A grant of £250 from the State Government has been received by the TrustMetal signs are to be erected at various pointsThe Electricity Commission is placing notices on gates across its access roads to the effect that vehicles may not proceed but walkers are permittedAn extension of about 50% of the acreage of the area is anticipatedThe erection of fireplaces and clearing of walking tracks is in progress
-...,e- + 
--4:- +====Bushwalker Annual==== 
-+4 + 
-/ +The Editor reports that the response to her request for articles has been very good. The new issue is expected to be on sale late in January 1963. The printing will run to 3,000 copies and a much better sales effort is required if the issue is to pay for itself. The fact is, unless this issue is a success, there is not likely to be any further issues will be possible
-+====Tracks and Access==== 
-edek and Janus made in Noi4Vrayexti4a thick greasy  001, these are becoming more' and Tiore popular with alkers and are wonderful value from 13/6 to 15/6+ 
-addy's Pin kids" (and crreysY the ever popular miners ocka walkere favourite_for years - 10/6 +There is a sign on the Bell road to Pierces Passbut the Pass is not yet cleared of heavy lawyer vine infestation. 
-OTSNse-i and improved m'cSdelsrf-Paddy's well-known liking boot iith-Sherpa 8oles. Nov) availablc in tter last foi.' greater comfoft nd still backed by - guarantee of quality,Two models 6.2.6& + 
-ning in p6pularity, the 3-per  HuSki +====Note==== 
-le; tight, 'flexible, comfortable'. G^,-d for-3 peks t ip6 to Sunday walks, specially constructed for hwalkers 4.16.6.+ 
 +As you no doubt have read elsewhere Paddy has terrific range of socks in stock nowThe best we saw on a recent inspection were marked "200% wool." Our inquiry brought to light the reason
 +These socks were made from wool shorn from only those sheep who had led double lives.
-.bnails; clinkers, tricounis and even :crampons for toose who need them. 
-Good walking in 1963. 
-A magnificent publication by the Geehi , Club 7/6. 
-PAD ';Y P 
-Lightweight Ccmp Gear 
-10 The Sydney Bushvalker January 1963 FEDERATION REPORT NOVENBER 1962 
-SEARCH AP RESCUE:' 210 ca015ers. attended the Demonstration week-.end during October, but not so many took: part in the practical work. 
-CONSERVATION: In view of the recent construction of fire trails, it has bean suggested that a roadless, primitive-area be set aside in-the Blue Mountains National Park, possibly the whole of the Grose Canyon and Wentworth Greek. 
-BLUE MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PI1RK.Read access is now available to within a couple of hundred yards o'f the Red Hand Cave at Glenbrook. It is hoped that the Public-Recreation Reserve-along the Nepean River from Erskine Creek to Glenbook will be added to the Park. -The Blue Gum Forest, the ENai4d Hallstrom Reserve at Blackheath, Glanbrr,ok Creek and the:Nepean lookout at Erskine Creek are to 6e added to the Park.- The Victoria Frlls track has been repaired at the tnpl-bUtis nosed below-the Falls at presentl-pending repairs. It is proposed to stock Bedford Creek with fish, probably Perch. 
-HEATHCOTE PRIMITIVE AREA. A grant of E250 froffi the State GovernEent has been received by the Trust'.' Metal signs are to be erected at vafinus points. The-Electncity Commission is placing notices C5n gates across its access roads to the effect that vehicles may not proceed but - walkers are permitted. An extention of about 506 -1-/ the acreage of the area is anticipated. The erection of fireplaces and clearing of walking trackes is in progress 
-BOSHWAIZER ANNUAL. The Edit6r reports that the response to her redjuest for articles has been very goo4 The new issu6 is expefted to be on sale late in January 1963. The printing will run to 3000 copies and a much better sales effort is required if the isSue is - (-) pay for itself. The fact, unless this issue is a sUccess, there is not likely to be any further issues will be possible. 
-TRACKS AND ACCESS': There is a 5ign nn the Bell-road to Pierces Pass, but the Pass is not yet clearedof hepv lawyer vine infestation: 
--as g ot no doubt hale read elsewhere Paday ha S a terric range orsockt in stock now. The best we saw on a recent - inspection were marked "200% wool." Our inquiry brought to light the i'eason. 
-These sOcks were made from wool shorn from only those sheep who had led double lives. 
-January. 1963 The Sydney Bushwalker 
196301.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/14 08:30 by tyreless

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