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196608 [2016/02/28 14:29] caroryan_me.com196608 [2016/02/28 16:15]
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 Jim Brown Jim Brown
-A lot was saidhe fuly meeting, solet get stuck straight into +A lot was said at the July meeting, so let'get stuck straight into 
-it without preamble. Peter Key was weldomed, and with nothing arising +it without preamble. Peter Key was welcomed, and with nothing arising 
-from the June Minutes,.we hoard correspondence. DeniseHull back from +from the June Minutes, we heard correspondence.  
-the Hinterland and likely to be son seon in the Club: Nurses' Assoc- +  * Denise Hull back from the Hinterland and likely to be soon seen in the Club: 
-iation has $409000 insurance cover on all persons entering the Clubroom On ).egj tmate business: PpAdy-Pallin had forwarded entry form S for the brient6ering:wpekondr letter from Rev. 'Father Cogh19.n regarding byclists at his hut on Scotts Main RangesuggestiOn to buy a stock-of Paddy's Camping/Walkkng handbook for resale to br,..nd new walkers and various +  * Nurses' Association has $40,000 insurance cover on all persons entering the Clubroom legitimate business: 
-publications. Oh, we forgot - a letter from Clem Armstrong proposing some form of life Membership.: +  * Paddy Pallin had forwarded entry forms for the orienteering weekend 
-Well, Dot Butler undertook to replz, to Fr. Coghlan alpdirt the cyclists at the hut, and Ron Knightley admitted there may be something in life membership and agreed to submit a Constitutional AmendMent. On Barbara +  * Letter from Rev. Father Coghlan regarding cyclists at his hut on Scotts Main Range 
-Evans' motion it Was agreed to stock Paddy's book and to replenish stock as the books sold. +  * suggestion to buy a stock of Paddy's Camping/Walking handbook for resale to brand new walkers 
-The President said we could provide the party of five including ona wench who would have alost weekend at the S & R. practice Volunteers to see him 7,ater-No additional personal ritk insurance was considered necessary. +  * various publications.  
-Ron Knightley now suggested thu Secretary ihould not read excerpts +  * Oh, we forgot - a letter from Clem Armstrong proposing some form of life Membership. 
- from advertisements in the correspondenceDavid said he felt it introduced a lighter touch, and Frank Ashdown moved that we have all such items read. Theie were some murmurs that it should be at.-the Secretary's discretion but the motion went through without the flptien+ 
-. + 
-Gordon Redmond ruported income for the month well above expenditure and a closing balance for June of $288. Walking had been fairly active in June, with the Vasey's Kanangra-Jenolan walk in the wet attended by 11 members and six prospectives: on 4/5 JUne Belo. Younger leda party of 5 in the Carrington Falls area, while Barbara Evans St. Helena jaunt on 19th Juno had 21 starters, including 11 proSpeetives, John' Whie'aay walk of 26th June brought out 23 (7 proSpectivosand Glf,dys Roberts-led 11 along-Cockle and Cowan Creeks. Five members were with Ron K4ightley on a jaunt around Mt. 'King George on 17-19 Juno, and-fivo again Cl ProspectiSre) on Don Finch'Nattai.River trip of 24L..26 June Roger Lockwood's-Party was 2 all membersprospectiyes in Angorawa-Creek. The early July walks (David Ingrams on 3rd Jul5?:)'with 7 people Out of Minte and 'Alan Pike's trip on the Cox River and Yellow Dog the following Weekend brought ,Ai (2 prosPectives) abroad. +Well, Dot Butler undertook to reply to Fr. Coghlan about the cyclists at the hut, and Ron Knightley admitted there may be something in life membership and agreed to submit a Constitutional Amendment. On Barbara Evans' motion it was agreed to stock Paddy's book and to replenish stock as the books sold. 
-. :. . ..- + 
-Edna Stretton, deputising for the Social,aecretary, said the Colour +The President said we could provide the party of five including one wench who would have a lost weekend at the S & R practice. Volunteers to see him later. No additional personal risk insurance was considered necessary. 
-Slide Competition -of 31st,.:1;n:two sections - Australian + 
-and Overseas. Total slides"-66a ribtited by each member (in both categories combined) to be limited to 12. +Ron Knightley now suggested the Secretary should not read excerpts from advertisements in the correspondenceDavid said he felt it introduced a lighter touch, and Frank Ashdown moved that we have all such items read. There were some murmurs that it should be at the Secretary's discretion but the motion went through without the option
-August, 1966 The Sydney Bushwaiker 3. + 
- =1.1.  +Gordon Redmond reported income for the month well above expenditure and a closing balance for June of $288.  
- 11......1.1.1... + 
-7e felt sure there wouldbe a Federation Bulletin in the Magazine, so didn'take any notes  so sorry, but you've missed out +Walking had been fairly active in June:  
-Parks and Playgrounds report referred to the proposed car park under +  - The Vasey's Kanangra-Jenolan walk in the wet attended by 11 members and six prospectives 
-Hyde Park, pleasure at the saving of Kurraba Point, further efforts to reserve land at La Perouse, dismay at the authority being given to Local +  - 4/5 June Bob Younger led a party of 5 in the Carrington Falls area 
-Government bodies to provide space for sorting activities in pork lands, and concern at the proposed car park near the Zoo entrance. There we:009 +  - 19 June Barbara Evans jaunt to St. Helena had 21 starters, including 11 prospectives. 
-too, rumours of a hut at ara being offered for sale and after some discussion it was agreed that, if the facts could be confirmed, we -write to the Minister for Lands reiterating our views on transfer of ownership. +  - 26 June John White'day walk brought out 23 (7 prospectives 
-Now came General Business and the President asking us to consider what kind of Christmas Party we wanted; while Gordon Redmond complained of +  26 June Gladys Roberts led 11 along Cockle and Cowan Creeks.  
-inaudible speakers at meetings Frank Rigby had cuase for complaint too  an insufficiency of contributors to the magazine leadir4 to an unbalanced +  - 17-19 June Ron Knightley had five members on a jaunt around Mt. King George 
-production. There wore so many things that could be reported if people would only take the trouble to do so. On the production side, he added that +  24-26 June Don Finch had 5 members and (1 prospective) on his Nattai River trip 
-Shirley Dean could do with more assistants in the regular job of collation +  - Roger Lockwood's Party was 2 all members prospectiyes in Angorawa Creek. 
-P d dispatch. 'n+  - 3 July David Ingrams with 7 people out of Minto and Alan Pike's trip on the Cox River and Yellow Dog the following Weekend brought 11 (2 prospectives) abroad. 
 +Edna Stretton, deputising for the Social secretary, said the Colour 
 +Slide Competition of 31st August would be in two sections - Australian 
 +and Overseas. Total slides contributed by each member (in both categories combined) to be limited to 12. 
 +We felt sure there would be a Federation Bulletin in the Magazine, so didn'take any notes so sorry, but you've missed out
 +Parks and Playgrounds report referred to the proposed car park under Hyde Park, pleasure at the saving of Kurraba Point, further efforts to reserve land at La Perouse, dismay at the authority being given to Local Government bodies to provide space for sporting activities in park lands, and concern at the proposed car park near the Zoo entrance. There we too, rumours of a hut at Era being offered for sale and after some discussion it was agreed that, if the facts could be confirmed, we write to the Minister for Lands reiterating our views on transfer of ownership. 
 +Now came General Business and the President asking us to consider what kind of Christmas Party we wanted; while Gordon Redmond complained of inaudible speakers at meetings Frank Rigby had cause for complaint too an insufficiency of contributors to the magazine leading to an unbalanced production. There wore so many things that could be reported if people would only take the trouble to do so. On the production side, he added that Shirley Dean could do with more assistants in the regular job of collation and dispatch. 
 Neville Page followed with a plea for the Subscriptions side and Neville Page followed with a plea for the Subscriptions side and
 mentioned that many regular "subscribers" had not in fact subscribed yet mentioned that many regular "subscribers" had not in fact subscribed yet
-this year* +this year
-Frank Leyden introduced the most weighty item of the evening when + 
-he asked that the Club write to Kosciusko State Park Trusturging continuation of the lease of Albina Ski Lodge to the Alpine ClUt, Ho pointed +Frank Leyden introduced the most weighty item of the evening when he asked that the Club write to Kosciusko State Park Trusturging continuation of the lease of Albina Ski Lodge to the Alpine Club. He pointed out that the building was erected before proclamation of a primitive area was considered, that it provided the best means for people to enjoy the finest ski country, and would fail if not operated by dedicated volunteers. Gordon Redmond supported the motion, but a variety of other speakers had misgivings. 
-out that the building was erected before proclamation of a primitive area was considered, that it provided the best means for people to enjoy the + 
-finest ski country, and would fail if not operated by dedicated volunteers. Gordon Redmond supported the motion, but a variety of other speakers had misgivings. +Bob Duncan pointed out that the primitive area would cover a very small area relatively, and as yet there was no final determination on cessation of the lease. He felt the Club could not endorse special legislation for the sake of one organisation and if that were allowed, it would be difficult to resist the claims of others to operate in the Tops area. Unfortunately drivers of snow vehicles did not always wait for deep snow and could do a good deal of damage to the soil and vegetation. Frank Rigby sounded a similar note: although he doubted that the area was or would be "primitive", he felt that retention of the hut as shelter for ski tourers generally was the proper course, rather than as an adjunct of a particular club. 
-Bob Duncan pointed out that the primitive area would cover a very small area relatively, and as yet there was no final determination on cessation of the lease. He felt the Club could not endorse special legislation for the sake of one organisation and if that wore allowed, it would be difficult to resist the claims of others to operate in the Tops area. Unfortunately divers of snow vehicles did not always wait for deep snow and could do a good deal of damage to the soil and vegetation. Frank Rigby sounded a similar note: although he doubted that the area was or would be "primitive", he felt that retention of the hut as shelter for ski tourers generally was + 
-the proper course, rather than as an adjunct of a particular clUb+A question was asked as to the proposals in the Kosciusko Park Master Plan considered by Federation, and the President replied that, as he recalled it, preservation of Albina Hut as a shelter was envisaged. Ron Knightley said he supported the motion, although with different sentiments to the mover. The Albina Club had done much of the original work and maintenance on the hut: there should be no further buildings, but the existing building should remain and its tenure should continue to be with its present lessees. 
-A question was asked as to the proposals in the Kosciusko Park Master Plan consideredby Federation, and the President replied that, as he recalled it, preservation of Albina Hut as a shelter was envisaged. Ron Knightley said he supported the motion, although with different sentiments to the +He felt the letter to the Trust should explain our overall views on primitive areas carefully, also our reasons for a difference in this case. 
-mover. The Albino Club Iad done much of the original work and maintenance on the hut: there should be no further buildings, but the existing building + 
-4. The Sydney Bushwalker August, 4966+Alex Colley said bluntly it couldn't be squared with our parks policy and would be very embarrassing. We should do nothing at all in the matter. Alan Rigby repeated that the Master Plan followed our concept that a primitive area should have no buildings except as vital shelters. As for the improved road to the Summit - it could not be expected that a road available for 50 years would be closed. Ross Wyborn was in agreement with the ideas that we could not make exceptions to our conservation policy and any huts should be controlled by the Park Trust. 
 +The motion went to the vote and was lost. 
 +By now it was so late that many of the people had withdrawn and the President drew a blank with Room Stewards and also couldn't get a quorum for a "lost" party for S & R. So the honour of being lost will go to another club. It was all over at 10.08 pm and quite late enough too. 
-should remain and its tenure should continue to he with its prpspnt lessees. +NEED A SUITABLE SLEEPING BAG OR DOwN CLOTHING? 
-Ho fe*b lha letter to the Trust should explain our overall vies on primiiive areas carefully, also our reason S for a difference i this case. +SAVE MONEY ---- BUY IN AUSTRALIA AND PICK UP IN NEW ZEALAND. 
-.A1ex;.Col1ey said bluntly it couldn't be squared with our pa4cs policy and wpulp be very embarrassing. We should do nothing at all in the matter. Alan Rigby repeated that the Master Plan f011owed our concept that a primirtiv area should have no buildings except as vital sheltul. As for the ipp7ovea road to the Summit  it could not be expected thtt:a road avai4b3'e for 50 years would be closed. Ross WYborn was, in ai;r6amont with the jtaeq that we could not make exoertions to our bonservatioh policy and any #ut4 should be controlled by the Park Trust. . +FAIRY DOWN SLEEPING BAGS EXPEDITION CLOTHING
-The;motion went to the vote and was lost0 +
-ty haw it was so late that many of the people had withdrdwn and the Presideht drew a blank with Room Stewards and also couldn't tei a quorum for a "lost" party for S & R. So the honour of being lost will go to ano-dhr club. It was all over at 10.08 p m. and quite late enough too. +
-all, +
-August, 1966 The Sydney Bushwalker 5 + 
-Dot Butler. +---- 
-Party: Don Finch, Peter Kaye, Margaret Dogterom, Johanna Hallman, Brian Harding, Dot Butler, Roger Lockwood. + 
-The wireless was issuing gale warnings to shipping and impending icy weather warnings to graziers as our party of seven set out from Sydney on Friday night, 15th July, four in Peter'V.'and three in Brian's jeep. + 
-'The first snow hit us about Springwood, sweeping out of huge black clouds and peppering the windscreen with tiny ice particles. The higher'we went up the mountain raod the thicker it became. By the time we hit Katoomba everything was white; the road, the roadside banks, the lawns and-roofs and trees. Througha white Blackheath and Mr. Victoria, the jeep travelling in four wheel drive, steadily but with an eerie soundlessness on the soft snow. Down the winding mountain road to a bleak deserted Caves House. Can she make it up the Porcupine? Careful swings round the hairpin bends. Up to the top at last. Masses of snow on the Kanangra Road, blowing across in great blinding flurries wherever a gap admitted the full force of the westerly wind. +==== KANANGRA MT. COLONG & RETURN. ==== 
-The planned stopping place for the night was to have been several miles along the Boyd trail, but the thought of setting up a midnight camp in such icy surroundings was unanimously voted out so we stopped when we + 
-saw Budthingaroo tin shed looming out of the murk. Brian poised the jeep +By Dot Butler 
-with its nose pointing downhill, we hauled out our packs and mach a swift + 
-dash through the snow in our sandshoes, through the wire fence and into the hut. Here were three mattresses; in a matter of seconds we were in our sleeping b,,,gs and bedded down out of the cold. Brian had a look at his thermometer  25 degreesNobody stirred for the next siw hours, then Brian, disturbed by a rat or possum scuffing about inside, got up and as the other car had not arrived, he went badk towards Caves House to find the rest of the party, including the Leader. +**Party**: Don Finch, Peter Kaye, Margaret Dogterom, Johanna Hallman, Brian Harding, Dot Butler, Roger Lockwood. 
-Roger and I got the fire going and within an hour the jeep was back + 
-with the other four. The V.7. had given up the unequal struggle halfway up the Porcupine and was now crouching on the lee side of a hairpin bend where it could stay till our return on Sunday night. It's four occupants had spent the night in their sleeping bags, sitting up, till Brian woke them. +The wireless was issuing gale warnings to shipping and impending icy weather warnings to graziers as our party of seven set out from Sydney on Friday night, 15th July, four in Peter'VW and three in Brian's jeep. 
-- 7e had a quick breakfast, then all piled into the jeep and so off to the Boyd trail. We left our vehicle a couple of hundred yards down this, then shouldered our Lacks and away through the snow, wearing all our warm clothes and stepping carefully at first in the hope of keeping our sandshoes dry. 7e were clad of the open track: plunging through snowcovered bushes would have been really frigid. Margaret had no wool cap so she wore a borrowed blue shirt wrapped round her bead and tied underneath by the arms. It looked ravishing. This was her first snow bushwalk. It was a good thing + 
-6  The Sydney Bushwalker August, 1966 +The first snow hit us about Springwood, sweeping out of huge black clouds and peppering the windscreen with tiny ice particles. The higher we went up the mountain road the thicker it became. By the time we hit Katoomba everything was white; the road, the roadside banks, the lawns and roofs and trees. Through a white Blackheath and Mt. Victoria, the jeep travelling in four wheel drive, steadily but with an eerie soundlessness on the soft snow. Down the winding mountain road to a bleak deserted Caves House. Can she make it up the Porcupine? Careful swings round the hairpin bends. Up to the top at last. Masses of snow on the Kanangra Road, blowing across in great blinding flurries wherever a gap admitted the full force of the westerly wind. 
-=.. + 
-she was wearing a reasonable heavy pack or she would have been completely carried away in her enthusiasm and all we would have seen would have been her shoes disappearing up through the branches of the highest gumtrees. +The planned stopping place for the night was to have been several miles along the Boyd trail, but the thought of setting up a midnight camp in such icy surroundings was unanimously voted out so we stopped when we saw Budthingaroo tin shed looming out of the murk. Brian poised the jeep with its nose pointing downhill, we hauled out our packs and made a swift dash through the snow in our sandshoes, through the wire fence and into the hut. Here were three mattresses; in a matter of seconds we were in our sleeping bags and bedded down out of the cold. Brian had a look at his thermometer 25 degreesNobody stirred for the next six hours, then Brian, disturbed by a rat or possum scuffing about inside, got up and as the other car had not arrived, he went back towards Caves House to find the rest of the party, including the Leader. 
-It was a glorious exhilarating walk in the high keen air, all the morning through the snowy bushland. It was not till we began to drop down towards the Komung that the white cover became patchy and then finally disappeared. + 
-About midday we had lunch in a sunny spot by Lannigan's Creek. The map was spread out and studied at length. Mt. Oolong seemed p, long way off and Don wondered whether we were going to make it by nightfall. Tell, we can only give it a try. So there we are on our way again along the ridge with Oolong looming like the Dig Rick that it is, huge and purple on the skyline. Spilling down from the summit was a great stilled avalanche of grey stones. This was to be our route to the top. By 4 o'clock we had reached it and in half an hour were running round the large flat expanse of summit looking for the ideal sampsite. Don and Brian went questing off down the eastern slope looking for water, while the rest of us found a nice grassy flat under enormous gumtrees. There was so much dead timber that we were able to erect a big windbreak wall about four feet high and in the lee of it we sat, with a glorious smokeless fire at our feet, cooking eating and loafing. The boys had come back at dark without having found water, instead the water bucket contained some rather dirty looking snow they had scraped up. Nobody really felt thirsty enough to sample it. +Roger and I got the fire going and within an hour the jeep was back with the other four. The VW had given up the unequal struggle halfway up the Porcupine and was now crouching on the lee side of a hairpin bend where it could stay till our return on Sunday night. It's four occupants had spent the night in their sleeping bags, sitting up, till Brian woke them. 
-The whole forest was hung with long strings and sheets of shed bark, still clinging to trunks and branches, and rustling and clattering in the night wind. It was a sight such as this that so upset the early explorers, especially Derallier. Dreaming nostalgically of the tidy English forests of his homeland, he wrote of these "long loose dangling sheets of bark which give the woods a desolate and untidy appearance." + 
-we didn't look at it that way. rie gathered up great piles of bark, over which we erected the tent, and on this we slept snug and warm all over, from seven o'clock that night till seven the next morning. Johanna and Roger slept by the Fire. Johanna woke in the night scared. The fire had died down. She thought she was all alone. The hark was beating with eerie rattles on the tree trunksF the huge eucalpts stretched towards the sky, +We had a quick breakfast, then all piled into the jeep and so off to the Boyd trail. We left our vehicle a couple of hundred yards down this, then shouldered our packs and away through the snow, wearing all our warm clothes and stepping carefully at first in the hope of keeping our sandshoes dry. We were glad of the open track: plunging through snow-covered bushes would have been really frigid. Margaret had no wool cap so she wore a borrowed blue shirt wrapped round her bead and tied underneath by the arms. It looked ravishing. This was her first snow bushwalk. It was a good thing she was wearing a reasonable heavy pack or she would have been completely carried away in her enthusiasm and all we would have seen would have been her shoes disappearing up through the branches of the highest gumtrees. 
-their branches hung with myriads of stars, and a wombat, over whose hole + 
-we had apparently erected our windbreak logs, made furtive sounds of disapproval. Then it started to snow lightly. Roger awoke and put some more logs on the fire. The heat kept the snow at bay, so Johanna wrapped hersslf tighter in her groundsheet and decided to stick it out rather than make a dash for the tents. +It was a glorious exhilarating walk in the high keen air, all the morning through the snowy bushland. It was not till we began to drop down towards the Kowmung that the white cover became patchy and then finally disappeared. 
-a m. saw us sliding out of our whitepowdered -Cents to breakfast + 
-by the warm fire. Then up and away, but first, so we can say we've been to the highest point on Colong, we must go and climb up the trig station. +About midday we had lunch in a sunny spot by Lannigan's Creek. The map was spread out and studied at length. Mt. Colong seemed long way off and Don wondered whether we were going to make it by nightfall. Well, we can only give it a try. So there we are on our way again along the ridge with Colong looming like the Big Rick that it is, huge and purple on the skyline. Spilling down from the summit was a great stilled avalanche of grey stones. This was to be our route to the top. By 4 o'clock we had reached it and in half an hour were running round the large flat expanse of summit looking for the ideal campsite. Don and Brian went questing off down the eastern slope looking for water, while the rest of us found a nice grassy flat under enormous gumtrees. There was so much dead timber that we were able to erect a big windbreak wall about four feet high and in the lee of it we sat, with a glorious smokeless fire at our feet, cookingeating and loafing. The boys had come back at dark without having found water, instead the water bucket contained some rather dirty looking snow they had scraped up. Nobody really felt thirsty enough to sample it. 
-August, 1966 The Sydney Bushwalker 7. + 
-This huge cylindrical pile of rock was well dusted over with snow. It was cold to the fingers as we swarmed up it, getting finger and toe holds in the small cracks between the granite. 7Te road through the nmes in the book, added our own, then climbed down again, the loose snbwcovored rocks not being very much to Johanna's liking. +The whole forest was hung with long strings and sheets of shed bark, still clinging to trunks and branches, and rustling and clattering in the night wind. It was a sight such as this that so upset the early explorers, especially Berallier. Dreaming nostalgically of the tidy English forests of his homeland, he wrote of these"long loose dangling sheets of bark which give the woods a desolate and untidy appearance." 
-We folloWed a ridge down till we struck the old Yerranderie road, through the paperbarks on the swampy flat, then up Mt. Armour and the dead end road that peters out just above Church Creek. Here we saw the marked trail of the party who hadbeen here a few weeks earlier investigating the + 
-proposedlimestone quarry lease. The whole panorama of country we had been +We didn't look at it that way. We gathered up great piles of bark, over which we erected the tent, and on this we slept snug and warm all over, from seven o'clock that night till seven the next morning. Johanna and Roger slept by the Fire. Johanna woke in the night scared. The fire had died down. She thought she was all alone. The bark was beating with eerie rattles on the tree trunks, the huge eucalypts stretched towards the sky, their branches hung with myriads of stars, and a wombat, over whose hole we had apparently erected our windbreak logs, made furtive sounds of disapproval. Then it started to snow lightly. Roger awoke and put some more logs on the fire. The heat kept the snow at bay, so Johanna wrapped herself tighter in her groundsheet and decided to stick it out rather than make a dash for the tents. 
-over in the past two days was so completely untouched anl free from human dispoiliation that the mere thought of a great gaping scar on the Freen hillside hurt like a personal blow. There must be other areas, already messed up, where they can get their necessary limestone and leave this graceful hillside unmarred. + 
-At the bottom of the ridge we struck the trail that led through a +am saw us sliding out of our white-powdered tents to breakfast by the warm fire. Then up and away, but first, so we can say we've been to the highest point on Colong, we must go and climb up the trig station. 
-gap in the hills and so to the Komung70 walked along this a couple of miles on the sandy river flats and across the river pebbles, the tall + 
-casuarinas whispering in the light breeze. There Christie's Creek joins the Komung we stopped for lunch on a grassy sunwarmed bank. Margaret +This huge cylindrical pile of rock was well dusted over with snow. It was cold to the fingers as we swarmed up it, getting finger and toe holds in the small cracks between the granite. We read through the names in the book, added our own, then climbed down again, the loose snow-covered rocks not being very much to Johanna's liking. 
-and I had a swift dip in the icy water. 'lay on our sleeping bags soaking up the sun while we ate lunch  peace, solitude, sun and bright air and sky, where merely to be alive Was a grand affair. + 
-But it can't last forever. Into this Paradise creeps the serpent; in this case it is Time Donnie starts consulting his watch and working out mileage. That time will we have to leave if we are to be up to Kanangra road before dark? He decided we must leave by twenty past one. That gives us+We followed a ridge down till we struck the old Yerranderie road, through the paperbarks on the swampy flat, then up Mt. Armour and the dead end road that peters out just above Church Creek. Here we saw the marked trail of the party who had been here a few weeks earlier investigating the proposed limestone quarry lease. The whole panorama of country we had been over in the past two days was so completely untouched and free from human dispoiliation that the mere thought of a great gaping scar on the green hillside hurt like a personal blow. There must be other areas, already messed up, where they can get their necessary limestone and leave this graceful hillside unmarred. 
-another half hour of glorious loafing and we all lie back and soak up the sun again. Except Brian. Brian says he will go now and make a qui& dash + 
-to Kanangra and bring back the jeep to the Tops to save us the 6 ? mile walk 4 1.. +At the bottom of the ridge we struck the trail that led through a gap in the hills and so to the KowmungWe walked along this a couple of miles on the sandy river flats and across the river pebbles, the tall casuarinas whispering in the light breeze. Where Christie's Creek joins the Kowmung we stopped for lunch on a grassy sunwarmed bank. Margaret and I had a swift dip in the icy water. We lay on our sleeping bags soaking up the sun while we ate lunch  peace, solitude, sun and bright air and sky, where merely to be alive was a grand affair. 
-to the Boyd trail where our transport is parked. So away he goes and in due + 
-course we all reluctantly pack up and start off up the 'steep slope of Gambage Spire. Margaret has ,:stn a conglomeration of goodies  sOup, +But it can't last forever. Into this Paradise creeps the serpent; in this case it is TimeDonnie starts consulting his watch and working out mileage. What time will we have to leave if we are to be up to Kanangra road before dark? He decided we must leave by twenty past one. That gives us another half hour of glorious loafing and we all lie back and soak up the sun again. Except Brian. Brian says he will go now and make a quick dash to Kanangra and bring back the jeep to the Tops to save us the 6? mile walk 4 to the Boyd trail where our transport is parked. So away he goes and in due course we all reluctantly pack up and start off up the steep slope of Cambage Spire. Margaret has eaten a conglomeration of goodies - soup, instant pud., sardines, sour orange, etc., etc. "Isn't your stomach a marvellous thing," she says enthusiastically, "what it can take!" 
-instant pud., sardines, sour orange, etc., etc. "Isn't your stomach a marVellous thing," she says enthusiastically, "That it can take!" + 
-It's a steep pull up the Spire. The three boys get ahead of the three femmes. At the top of the ridge we tailend Susies overshoot the mark and continue along a wrong spur. We have hardly gone five minutes down this when we discover our error, as we can see our correct ridge sweeping away to the left, so we retrace our steps and start racing along this so as to catch up to the boys. "Fancy doing a thing like that!" we told ourselves. "That nug map readers!" "That a poor shoving we'd make at Paddy's Orienteering contest." +It's a steep pull up the Spire. The three boys get ahead of the three femmes. At the top of the ridge we tail-end Susies overshoot the mark and continue along a wrong spur. We have hardly gone five minutes down this when we discover our error, as we can see our correct ridge sweeping away to the left, so we retrace our steps and start racing along this so as to catch up to the boys. "Fancy doing a thing like that!" we told ourselves. "What mug map readers!" "That a poor shoving we'd make at Paddy's Orienteering contest." 
-8. The Sydney Bushwalker August, 1966 + 
-  =1. `  +We went flat out till we met the Gingera Trail. We turned left along this and kept up our speed, feeling very conscious-smitten that we couldn't overtake the boys. We were gaining the high plateau top and into the snow again when who should come bounding up the trail behind us but Don and Roger and Peter! Rather shamefaced they told us they had overshot the mark at the top of the ridge and gone down a wrong spur. They were not quite prepared for the gales of laughter that greeted this confession. "Fancy doing a thing like that!" we shouted. "What mug map readers!" "What a poor showing you'd make at Paddy's Orienteering Contest." "Now if you really don't want to go astray you ought to get us to lead you." Margaret was nearly doubled up with laughter. 
-We went flat cut till we met the Gingera Trail. We turued left along this and kept up our speed, feeling very conscioussmitten that we couldn't overtake the boys. We were gaining the high rlateau top and into the snow again when who should come bounding up the trail behind us but Don and Roger and Peter! Rather shamefaced they told us they had overshot the mark at the top of the tidge and gone down a wrong spur. They were not quite prepared for the gales of lAughter that greeted this confession. "Fancy doing a thing like that!" we shouted. "What mug map readers!" "That a poor showing you'd make at Paddy's Orienteering Contest." "Now if you really don't want to go astray you ought to get us to load you." Margaret was nearly doubled up with laughter. + 
-We felt so elated by this freak of fortune that we decided we'd have +We felt so elated by this freak of fortune that we decided we'd have a party and eat the rest of our food. Below a rocky escarpment beside the trail was a plastic bucket full of water, collected from a drip from the rocks. We had to break a 2inch crust of ice on it before we could get a drink. Roger put a match to an empty biscuit packet to get rid of it, but in a split second eager hands were piling on dead bracken, twigs and wood, and in a matter of seconds this vital spark of heat became a nice warm fire. Then, as Margaret pronounced this the best and mightiest trip ever, we felt that climbing Big Rick in all that snow was almost on a par with the first ascent of Everest and we put our six pairs of arms around our six shoulders and danced round and round the fire singing the famous Hillary anthem, "we knocked the bastard off! We knocked the bastard off!" 
-a party and eat the rest of our food. Below a rocky escarpment beside the trail was a plastic bucket full of water, collected from a drip from the rocks. We had to break a 2inch crust of ice on it before we could get a drink. Roger put a match to an empty biscuit packet to got rid of it, but in a plit second eager hands were piling on dead bracken, twigs and wood, and in a matter ofseconds this vital spark of heat became a nice warm fire. Then, as Margaret pronounced this the best and mightiest trip ever, we felt that climbing Big Rick in all that snow was almost on a par with the first ascent of Everest r-,nd we put cur six pairs of arms around + 
-our six shoulders and danced round_ and round the fire singing the famous Hillary -anthem, "we knocked the bastard off! 70 knocked the bastard off!" +But time was creeping on, so we put the fire out and pushed off to the Tops. An icy wind was gusting wildly over the bleak upland, almost blowing the lighter ones off their feet at times. We raced along at top speed, our bare ears nearly dropping off with the cold. When we got within sight of the road we saw a car there but by the time we reached the road this slight chance of a lift had gone. Nor were Brian and the jeep in sight, so in the waning light we plodded off along the freezing road. On the roadside bushes small twittering birds were making an unusual racket as they settled down for the night, bearing cut Duncan's story that the smaller the bird the bigger the noise it has to make to warm up its small body so that it won't freeze and drop off its perch. Fluffing out its feathers and going in for a protracted bout of evening song is equivalent to Bushwalkers warming up their sleeping bags by the fire and having a heavy argument before they go to bed about who is going to get up first in the morning to cook the porridge. This is a necessary survival mechanism. 
-But time was creeping on, so we put the fire out and pushed off to the Tops. An icy wind Was gusting wildly over the bleak wjand, almost blowing the lighter ones off their feet at times. We raced along at top speed, our bare ears nearly dropping off with the cola. When we got within sight of the +
-road we saw a car there but by the time we reached the road this slight chance +
-of a lift had gone. Nor were Brian and the jeep in sight, so in the waning +
-light we plodded off along the freezing road. On the roadside bushes small twittering birds were making an unusual racket as they settled down for the +
-night, bearing cut Duncan's story that the smaller the bird the bigger the +
-noise it has to make to warm up its small body so that it won't freeze and drop off its perch. Fluffing cut its feathers and going in for a protracted -bout of evening song is equivalent to Bushwalkers warming up their sleeping bags by +
-the firs and having a heavy argument before they go to boa about who is going to get up first in the morning to conk the porridge. This is a necessary +
-survival mechanism.+
 About 6 o'clock we saw the gleam of Brian's fire just off the road. He About 6 o'clock we saw the gleam of Brian's fire just off the road. He
-had been an hour tinkering with the Jeep's innards, and Ina just about-got+had been an hour tinkering with the Jeep's innards, and had just about got
 her going. Despite two tins of antifreeze, the radiator had frozen up, her going. Despite two tins of antifreeze, the radiator had frozen up,
-and eyen the oil was solid when he probed it with the dipstick. He lit a +and even the oil was solid when he probed it with the dipstick. He lit a 
-fire ander the engine, like New Zealanders say they warm up the cows in the South Island before they milk them, but I don't believe it. But a fire under the engine can be tor much o-P LLi o Brian had been pushing the jeep off it and back over it again and again for the past hour till +fire under the engine, like New Zealanders say they warm up the cows in the South Island before they milk them, but I don't believe it. But a fire under the engine can be too much of a good thing, so Brian had been pushing the jeep off it and back over it again and again for the past hour till the ice thawed. Unfortunately one of the radiator pipes had burst but he repaired this with Donnie's plastic bandage and, except for having to refill the radiator every 50 miles, it did the trick. 
-August, 1966 The Sydney Bushwslker + 
-the ice thawed. Unfortunately one of the radiator pipes had burst but he rep-,,ired this with Donnie 's plastic bandage and, except for having to refill the radiator every 50 miles, it aid the trick. +We drove off with the seven of us packed like sardines till we reached the VW, still lurking by the wayside on the Porcupine Hill. Her four passengers got aboard and we didn't meet again till a hamburger stop half way down the mountain road. Here we learned that Margaret's stomach, Whose capacity for variety she had been applauding earlier in the afternoon, decided it would play the stooge no longer and revolted. What a pity! All that good food! 
-Iffe drovd Off with tlla of us paclodin like sardines till we reached the V.T., still lurking by the wayside on the Porcupine Hill. Her four passengers got aboard and we didn't meet again till a hamburger stop half way down the motntain road. Here we learned that Margaret's stomach, Whose capacity for v-riety she had been applauding earlier in the afternoon, decided it would play the stooge nn longer and revolted. What a pity! All that good food! + 
-We stood at the counter by the wayside stall along with the semitrailer drivers munching our toasted hamburgers, then all aboard and home about 1 a m.+We stood at the counter by the wayside stall along with the semitrailer drivers munching our toasted hamburgers, then all aboard and home about 1 am. 
 Snow trips like this are so out of the ordinary they make a well known bushwalk into a mighty adventure. There should be more of them. Snow trips like this are so out of the ordinary they make a well known bushwalk into a mighty adventure. There should be more of them.
-The Australian Section of the New Zealand Alpine Club + 
-will be holding a + 
-at the S.B.w.Club room on Thursday, 15th September at 8 p m. + 
-Films shown will include  "Between Heaven and Earth"  the famous mountaineering film on Gaston Rebuffat's book, which won first prize at an International Film Festival. + 
-"Terra Incognity (The Islands of Kerguelen" The French Antarctic Base. (Colin Putt called here on his Heard Island Expeditioni+//The Australian Section of the New Zealand Alpine Club 
 +will be holding a// 
 +at the S.B.W. Club room on Thursday, 15th September at 8 p m. 
 +Films shown will include "Between Heaven and Earth" the famous mountaineering film on Gaston Rebuffat's book, which won first prize at an International Film Festival. 
 +"Terra Incognity (The Islands of Kerguelen"The French Antarctic Base. (Colin Putt called here on his Heard Island Expedition) 
 "A Mountaineering Team climbs the Eiffel Tower." "A Mountaineering Team climbs the Eiffel Tower."
-EVERYBODY rELCOME See Dot Butler for further details. + 
-10. The Sydney Bushwalker Aw7ust, 1966 +EVERYBODY WELCOME See Dot Butler for further details. 
-By "Observer". +---- 
-Who was the bushwalker who put Rinsc in her coffee instead of powaered + 
-milk? "sincerely hope that her palate has returned to normal. May + 
-we suggest respectfully that in future shs forgets washing-up in the bush and leaves the Rinso at home. - +==== ONE MORE MONTH ==== 
-John Scott, who doggedly TALKED from Tanganderry to Katnomba in May + 
-while othersrode in luxury on bicycles (??)is planning to do the same thing again, only this time without stopping (except for snacks). John will walk alone and finds it difficult to explain just why this adventure calls him so - "an affair of the spirit, perhaps", he says. Many'bushwalkers are like this - is it a deep desire to feel at one with Nature, for a period at least? +By "Observer" 
-We might have known it would snow on the week-end of July 15-17th(See Dot Butler's article in this issue)It was precisely this very + 
-same week-end last year thar record snowfalls occured in thJ Blue Mountains, causing such havoc at places like Blue Gum. Leaders please note this weekend for future reference. +Who was the bushwalker who put Rinso in her coffee instead of powdered milk? We sincerely hope that her palate has returned to normal. May we suggest respectfully that in future she forgets washing-up in the bush and leaves the Rinso at home. 
-You should have heard the sorems when members of ilan Pike's recent + 
-walk had to cross the icy-cold Cox River and it was not much more than +John Scott, who doggedly WALKED from Wanganderry to Katoomba in May while others rode in luxury on bicycles (??)is planning to do the same thing again, only this time without stopping (except for snacks). John will walk alone and finds it difficult to explain just why this adventure calls him so - "An affair of the spirit, perhaps", he says. Many bushwalkers are like this - is it a deep desire to feel at one with Nature, for a period at least? 
-ankle deep/ either. "They don't know what suffering is", ommented one + 
-old,-timer. Ho was remembering the wetter winters, when the Cox, equally as cold then, was waist to shoulder deep and was a real obstacle to be +We might have known it would snow on the weekend of July 15-17th (see Dot Butler's article in this issue)It was precisely this very same weekend last year that record snowfalls occurred in the Blue Mountains, causing such havoc at places like Blue Gum. Leaders please note this weekend for future reference. 
-recYcned with.+ 
 +You should have heard the screams when members of Alan Pike's recent walk had to cross the icy-cold Cox River and it was not much more than ankle deep/ either. "They don't know what suffering is", commented one old-timer. He was remembering the wetter winters, when the Cox, equally as cold then, was waist to shoulder deep and was a real obstacle to be reckoned with. 
 Denise Hull is back in Sydney for a visit after 18 months in the Northern Territory. "The city is not for me any more - I can see no sense in it." says Denise. Neither can many bushwaikers, especially when it comes to conurbations the size of Sydney. Denise Hull is back in Sydney for a visit after 18 months in the Northern Territory. "The city is not for me any more - I can see no sense in it." says Denise. Neither can many bushwaikers, especially when it comes to conurbations the size of Sydney.
 This "Observer" had the privilege of being on Alan Rigby's last bushwalk. This "Observer" had the privilege of being on Alan Rigby's last bushwalk.
-I say "privilege" bocaUse I will always be able to remember him the way he was around the campfire on the night befOreAle.;died, in the surroundings he loved best. "This is the very heart, the reward:of bushwalking" he said, +I say "privilege" because I will always be able to remember him the way he was around the campfire on the night before he died, in the surroundings he loved best. "This is the very heart, the reward of bushwalking," he said, 
-with utter contentment as he recounted s6verti of thossfascinating stories +with utter contentment as he recounted several of those fascinating stories 
-from hi S 6normous..repetoire. Could anyone say good-bye to this world in a better way? +from his enormous..repetoire. Could anyone say good-bye to this world in a better way? 
 On August 17 we have an unusual event, an Auction. The idea is to bring ANYTHING along to go under the Auctioneer's hammer. It doesn't have to be just bushwalking gear although this will be most welcome. On August 17 we have an unusual event, an Auction. The idea is to bring ANYTHING along to go under the Auctioneer's hammer. It doesn't have to be just bushwalking gear although this will be most welcome.
 Of course we want plenty of bidders, too, so roll up, there will probably be some bargains going. Of course we want plenty of bidders, too, so roll up, there will probably be some bargains going.
-. -,$ W.. ,,',70,,_ 
-7 fV:%":' 
-" , 
-sr.,,..,....,s..K.ow..o........,,..A,.....i.....,.....~o..x m.,....,..=*w mgvww 4 
-4 I 1 
-!4 ,?"'''  1 
-Bushwalkers have always required specialised Li 
-or unusual to the uniniLated. 'I \T" I i 
-gear. The equipment they require is only novel 
-1J , 
-Paddymade bushwalking gear is tailored to the W  
-i or 
-bushwalkers needs because we understand the special requirements of bushwslkers  over the years continuous refinement and improvement is always taking place. 
-Ask to see one this month at Paddys 
-PADDY PALLIN PTY. LIMITED 109A Bathurst Street, 
-1st Floor, Cnr. George Street, Sydney. Phone 26-2685. 
-model sleeping bag. An improvement on the "Hothem" 14':',L)44f The latest piece of improved gear is the "Bogong" 
-model  it is built on the box quilting principle, :i ' V )0 
-of breathing nylon. It weighs 10 ozs less and is W 
- 6 FeLI 
-extra cold places where only the best is good < y-,r4 1>\ l' 
-even warmer than the "Hotham". Just the bag for 
-,,, u- e 0 
-I 2. 
-bC  ''-';? 
 +Bushwalkers have always required specialised gear. The equipment they require is only novel or unusual to the unitiated. 
 +Paddymade bushwalking gear is tailored to the bushwalkers needs because we understand the special requirements of bushwalkers - over the years continuous refinement and improvement is always taking place. 
 +The latest piece of improved gear is the "Bogong" model sleeping bag. An improvement on the "Hotham" model it is built on the box quilting principle, of breathing nylon. It weighs 10 ozs less and is even warmer than the "Hotham". Just the bag for extra cold places where only the best is good enough. 
 +Ask to see one this month at Paddys - 
 +109A Bathurst Street, 
 +1st Floor, Cnr. George Street, Sydney. Phone 26-2685. 
- gc_k.A.,7L-+===== FINDING YOUR 7AY BY THE STARS =====
- , . t 
- \ I  
-August, 1966 The Sydney Bushwaiker 13. 
 By "Starstruck" By "Starstruck"
-(Condensed from a Talk given by Er. To Petry in the Clubroom on July. 27). 
-First of all you must become familiar with the eight stars listed 
-below. To do this, you should buy a Star chart for about 50 cents 
-at any bookstore or newagent and study the night sky with the aid of the chart. The rest is just simple mental arihmetic. 
-On the dates given, the star is on the meridian (i e. the North South line) and north of the zenith at 9 p m. exactly. 
-HAMAL  6th December 
-ALDABARAN 13th January. 
-SIRIUS 15th February 
-REGULUS 7th A:]:27i1 
-SPICA 28th MAY 
-FOMALHAUT 20th October 
-The star will advance 1 to the west of north for each day after the given date. It will also advance 15 to the west of north for each hour after the given time of 9 1.m. 
-Select one of the two stars whose given dates aro ne'arest to the 
-date of Observation. You may select either star dorending upon visibility conditions, time of night etc. (If you can estimate North from both 
-. stars, this give you a double check). Chock the time accurately, Apily the corrections as above to obtain the direction of North. 
-Suppose Observation is made at 10 p m. on 26th August and that ALTAIR is selected. 
-i) 26th August is 9 days earlier than the given date of 4th September, therefore, ALTAIR will be 90 east (i e. to your right) of the meridian at 9 p m. 
-ii) 10 p m. is lhour later than the given time of 9 p m. therefore ALTAIR would be 15o west (i e. to your loft) of its position at 9 p m. 
-Now from (i), AFAIR is placed 90 east of the meridian, and from (ii 
-ALTAIR is placed 15 west of the meridian, therefore ALTAIR will be 15-9 9 = 
-6 TEST of the meridian at 10 pm. on 26th August. +//(Condensed from a Talk given by Mr. Tom Petry in the Clubroom on July. 27).// 
-14The Sydney Bushwalker  AiligList 1966 + 
-It follows +**TO FIND TRUE NORTH** 
-6 to the east +First of all you must become familiar with the eight stars listed below. To do this, you should buy a Star Chart for about 50 cents at any bookstore or newsagent and study the night sky with the aid of the chart. The rest is just simple mental arithmetic. 
-To be Ecre p m. on 26th + 
-at True North+On the dates given, the star is on the meridian (ie. the North South line) and north of the zenith at 9 p m. exactly. 
-from this that you will have to estimate an angle of (i e. to your right) to find True:North. + 
-accurate, you should observe ALTAIR at 9/15 hrs after +| __STAR__ | __DATE__ | 
-August (i e. at exactly 9.36 p m.)when it will be precisely +| HAMAL | 6th December | 
-TO FIND SOUTH (Approx) +| ALDABARAN | 13th January | 
- i) Southern Cross-Method:+| SIRIUS | 15th February | 
 +| REGULUS | 7th April | 
 +| SPICA | 28th May | 
 +| ANTARES | 15th July | 
 +| ALTAIR | 4th September | 
 +| FOMALHAUT | 20th October | 
 +The star will advance 1 degree to the west of north for each day after the given date. It will also advance 15 degrees to the west of north for each hour after the given time of 9 pm. 
 +Select one of the two stars whose given dates are nearest to the date of observation. You may select either star depending upon visibility conditions, time of night etc. (If you can estimate North from both stars, this gives you a double check). Check the time accurately, Apply the corrections as above to obtain the direction of North. 
 +Suppose Observation is made at 10 pm on 26th August and that ALTAIR is selected
 +  26th August is 9 days earlier than the given date of 4th September, therefore, ALTAIR will be 9 degrees east (i eto your right) of the meridian at 9 pm. 
 +  - 10 pm is 1 hour later than the given time of pm. therefore ALTAIR would be 15 degrees west (i e. to your left) of its position at 9 pm. 
 +Now from (1), ALTAIR is placed 9 degrees east of the meridian, and from (2) 
 +ALTAIR is placed 15 degrees west of the meridian, therefore ALTAIR will be 15-= 6 degrees WEST of the meridian at 10 pm. on 26th August
 +It follows from this that you will have to estimate an angle of 6 degrees to the east (ie. to your right) to find True North. 
 +To be more accurate, you should observe ALTAIR at 9/15 hrs after 9pm on 26th August (ie. at exactly 9.36pm) when it will be precisely at True North. 
 +**TO FIND SOUTH (Approx) 
 +__1 Southern Cross-Method: 
 The two pointers point to the head of the Cross. Run your eye The two pointers point to the head of the Cross. Run your eye
 (or a stick broken to correct length) from the head of the Cross to the (or a stick broken to correct length) from the head of the Cross to the
-foot, then extend this line times its length in the same direction to obtain South. +foot, then extend this line 4.5 times its length in the same direction to obtain South. 
-iiSirius  Canopus Method:+ 
 +__2)  Sirius - Canopus Method:__ 
 Join Sirius to Canopus, then extend this line the same amount again Join Sirius to Canopus, then extend this line the same amount again
 in the same direction to obtain South. in the same direction to obtain South.
 Note: The above data will be reasonably accurate anywhere in eastern N.S.W. Note: The above data will be reasonably accurate anywhere in eastern N.S.W.
 Frank Rigby. Frank Rigby.
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