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*-x x x x-x xx)( xxxx x*x XXX x*x xx x x x*x X x-x-x-*x XXX xx-x*xxxxxx.*xxx THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER xxxxxxxxx*xxxxxx*xxxxxx*xxxx xxxx A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers, 14 Atchison Street, St. Leonards. POSTAL ADDRESS z Box 4476 G. P O. , Sydney, N. S.W. 20010 Meetings at the Club Rooms on Wednesday evenings after 7.30 p m. Enquiries regarding the Club Mrs. Marcia Shappert, Tel. 30-2028. XXX* JUNE, 1974._ Editor: Spiro Ketas, 104/10 Wylde Streets,. Pott's Point, 2011. Tel. 357-1381 (Home) Typist: Kath Brown Duplication: Frank Taeker Business Manager: Bill Burke, 3 Coral Tree Drive, Carlingford, 2118. MT THIS ISSUE: The May General Meeting . by Jim Brown Page 2 Camera Obscura Don Matthews 4 Yerranderie Ray Hookway 7 Paddy Pallin Advertisement 10 Piners at Port Davey Ken Church 11 Walks Secretary's Notes for Stay Bob Hodgson 13 Mountain Equipment Advertisement 14 Europe in Midwinter (cant) Frances Colley 16 *x-xx xxixxxx x4(-x-x*x X x-xx xxxxxxxxxxxxx x-x-*-x-x xxxx x-)HE-*x XX Page 2 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1974- THE HAY GENERAL 1321-1I'MTG. by Jim Brown. President Barry Wallace was away interstate, so it was Spiro in the chair to welcome two members who had actually been admitted a month or so previously, but only now being grected officially - John Redforn and Tom Wonman. Following reading of April's minutes, Alex Colley outlinod the support:being sought for preservation of the Boyd Plateau country, including providers of transport and meals in addition to those “actively” passively resisting.. There was a mite of doubt whether S.B.W. is a listed affiliate of the Australian Conservation Foundation and OUT status is to be oxaminod. In a meagre budget of correspondence thore was an appeal from the Hobart Walking Club for assistanco in the construction of additional shelter noar the King's property on tho S.W. Coast. It was agreod that this question would be furthor discussed in Juno after which voluntary contributions may be sought. The Treasurer's statement explained some ups and downs in our working funds - thc ups resulting from some bonds disposed of late in the 1973-4 Club year, and the downs including fairly heavy expenditure in April, including a batch of magazine covers, leaving us with 8942 in the kitty. So thc meeting came to a Walks Report commencing at Easter, when Bob Younger's scheduled visit to the Colong arca was cancelled owing to a combination of fuel shortage and bad weather in the previous few days. However, Joe Marton took 16 to thc Flarrumbungles, whore 2t day walks done, nd David Rostron with Party of 5 wore venturing ovcr Jagungal,- Grey haro and.Valontine Falls area, the loader sufforing somothing in the naturo of a slippod disc on the way to a. Tate on the last day. Bob Hodgson reported on a trip conducted by Phil Butt with 11 starters in the Snowball - Woila Crock country, with a nico variety of steep, knife-edged spurs and pleasant valleys. The party foUnd mushrooms (or were they mushrooms?) obout 1 ft in diameter. The following week-.end, like s2 many this past summer and autumn, was wet. Hans Beck's party of 3 in the Cox - Galong area was “almost washed away”, while Tony Denham's Upper Groso River trip wont in very' damp c)nditions. Wilf Hilder's lengthy day walk around Gorringong Falls was postponed, and John Holly roportcd that the seven folk on David Ingram's Hcathcoto Crook trip found the country “soggy”. On the mid-week Anzac Day holiday Jo Marton had no loss than 18 people up at Katoomba and walking by 7.30 a m. Showery conditions slowod the progress towards Idt,Solitary but by limiting the lunch-halt to.30.mins they roachod tho western crest and returned to the cars by 4.0 p m. Sam Hindo's project for the same day was cancellod. For the last April wock-end there was Jim Vatiliotis' Clyde River trip - again under clammy conditions which prevented an ascent of Talatrang, though a fine Sunday allo-Jed the party of 10 to bag Pigeon House. Supplemonting this was rL leisurely camp with strolls from the Groy's Page 3 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June,. 1974.. Woodhill Gap base, where 12 people in the hut on Saturday night produced what Don Matthews styled “Lower Slobbovia”. A day trip on Sunday was the Idtered form of Gladys Roberts' “autumn colours” excursion at Mt.Wilson, with 3 people, while Bill Hall escorted 13 on a day jaunt in the Hacking River territory over a routo which varied a bit from the original plan. Commencing May's outings, Spiro (party of 6) found moist conditions again, with mist along Boyd Range and a wet camp at Mt. Colong. Improved conditions on Sunday saw the party at lunch on the Kowmung below Cambage Spiro and to the cars about 6.30 p m. Alastair Batty and team of 10 also had mist and rain accompanying them to the Budawangs whore, as a result of delays on Saturday, ascent of the Castle was abandoned and_ Monolith Valley was the limit of penetration. It was not Barry Wallace's week-end - he sustained a sprained ankle and collidod with a kangaroo on the drive home. The Saturday trip was apparently a non-goer, and there were 17 along for the day jaunt to Kanuka Crook: and back on an increasingly scrubby ridge from St. Helena. Federation doings were reported in the previous magazino, but arising from Council's decision to sock opinion onits organisation, Kath Brown asked that our should be given some instructions and suggestod that members Who had definito opinions on the operation of.Fedoration should comment. This brought several speakers to their feet to say that Federation had once boon an important voice in conservation matters hilt. with the formation of othor organisations whose whole raison d'etre was conso rvation, its significance had paled, oscept in the S. and R. aspect. It was proposed that, instead of monthly meetings, Fodoration Counbil should meet only twice a year, leaving management sub-committees to handle the rest of its affairs. It was recognised this would need a major review of Federation's Constitution, if adopted, and also some'amendment of our own charter. At this stage it was accepted we should not instruct our delegates immediately, but should obtain a moro comprehensive view Of Club opinion at the Juno General Hooting before deHning cur. proposals. Spiro also notified his resignation as a Federation Delegate. Peter Downs referred to activities of sand and gravel mining firms in the Ebenozor area and moved we writo to the State Pollution Control Commission supporting the opposition voiced by local Preservation Societies. This was carried, and with the sands running out for the May mooting we retired at 9.50 p m. * ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: As follOws:- Tull members. Married 'COuples. - Full-time Students Non-active =floors 7.00 p a. 4.00 p a. :3.50 p a. 01.50 p a. Page 4 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Juno, 1974 ( ,'.i… , .,….___ \ /.7.,, \ ',1-1-1 ….. '…\. . \ / ' .(`'-(7,7“..c ' S - / i L,..,,..,….., ..,1_ MUCH ADO…. or CAMERA OBSCURA. by Don Matthews. Illustrated. by Helen Gray. -I know I'd road it somcwhoro, and tonight I found the photographic newspaper wherein I'd read it. “Yellow flit or” (it said) “gives hotter tonal quality to outdoor' portraiture….” (amongst the many other qualitios it imparts to panchromatic film). took my zoom lens to thc Reunion, and particularly to the dampor competition, and I put the yellow filter on. Goorge, who knows about these things, and whoso judgment I respect, said, “What, you've got a yellow filter? You'll ruin them.” Perhaps he thought I was using colour film. Anyhow, the picture of him saying it as he raised a piece of . ce.? damper towards his mouth, was the best of thO bunch, yellow filter or not. This comeback to photography. has its dray/backs. Once I had a prowar secondhand camera, and know by experience what would or would- not be worth a shot ;black and white, of courses I missed the colour cra, and now I'm madly in pursuit of black and white perfection again,- but this time with a plcthora of gadgets whioh are irrosistablc but of doubtful value. Page 5 THE SYDNEY BUSHUALKER Juno, 1974 I moan, cither you're an artist or you're not Thore's a groat doal of variety in those shots I took of tho damper competition. Somo are clear and bright, some arc a bit hazy - almost fogged, you might think. Of course, I took quito a fo.7 from a fair distanco away, si -\ . ; , ' -:\ 4 s . . . ,a1CL NI”\. (- I 1 f4 ; \L:fi / I . = ( ( e:' \\/' \<\, ) 7 V i - Turking in the high grDss and zoom-ing in looking for the unposed Posture. “as tho haze duo to the heat from the ashos of the campfire?” I mused. “Was Georgo right about the filter? Was it camera shako from the strain of holding up several kilograms of camora? or was it a combination of thc dull flat light and lack of contrast duo to the thirtoon laments of the lens, coated though they might be?” Regardless of the quality, there arc some quite interesting expressions. More- than that, sooing that I've known most of the victims for along time-, there are some downright spot-on, typical, it-couldn't-be-anyono-else expressions that give me a great deal of pleasure. - Then, of course, with a Zoom, you can vary the depth of focus and accentuate the main subject, whilst reducing the others to a non-disturbing blur. My aunt, who takes perfectly clear pictures with a plastic-eyed box; does not approve. “Look,” she said, “only one out of four of those people is sharp.” This could cause problems. For example: Snow Brown is in focus, but the back of Spirn's head is not. Will Spiro be willing to stand relative obscurity for the sake of art? I'll have to wait until a roguos gallery night, and then pin them on the notice-board. And perhaps next year I'll slip in a roll of colour film. Perhaps I should have a second camera. Now there's an idea! Meanwhile, if you can't gazc upon these artistic masterpieces at a slide night, at least you may road and wonder at the verso which accompanies the prints which for fow weeks at least, will adorn t7-.c wall of our spare room. They are glued onto a piece of butchers paper and aro appropriately Page 6 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1974 Oh, yes, the verses “This tattered document I sometime found A relic of an episode profound, A record of some prehistoric rite. Wherein the celebrants first rend, then bite, A substance from the ashes, wrapped in foil, The product of much craftiness and toil. A :trahge and powerful remedy, perchance? A nostrum which may very well enhance Athletia prowess, even illness hamper. What's that! It's just an ordinary Damper??” And now I must prepare for my next project, which is the local primary school Valkathon;. Think of the challenge three hundred kids all coming out through the gate at once.. If the shutter doesn't jam, and if the wind,-on mechanism'dOeSn't slip, I'll tell you about the results next time. titled. This is necessary. Bill Burke, for example9 is not about to hurl a discus? (Apolog tes OnCI +0 Don's excejiert+ He is admiring of a damper. the crust '- 0+o , frOrn +he 111 Jrz) …–“, ' _ /- (G',:i., . ) '. L '” L e ) ,,,, …\\…..r.,, iL –/ `, _ ,…,.. . ' - / \_)-1. , .- -./ ,.. ' ,./. , — -& ) /1“' , -
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,):7 % i . .\,` '1 I il : ' ' \……….):),,,, .”—' N …..–% _.) Page 7 THE SvDNEY. BUSHWALKER June, 1974. YERRANDERIE. by Ray Hookway. The first white man to enter the Yerrandorie area was Ensign Francis Barallier. In 1802 Governor King sent Barallier to find a route over the Bluo Mountains. To circumvent a regulation that soldiers were not permitted to go exploring, King sent Barallier on an “EMbassy to the King of the Yountains”. Some confusion exists regarding Barallier's exact route, but investigations by Else Mitchell in 1938 indicate that Barallier reached what is now Yerranderie on November 24th9 18029 crossed through Byrnes Gap, proceeded down either Church or Cedar Crook, along the Kowmung and up Middle Christys as far as Barallior's Falls. Ho then turned back, not knowing that he was only about 4 miles from the Kanangra plateau and a crossing of the Blue Mountains. His explorations, however, led to a steady stream of squatters Till settled along the Nattai, Tonalli and Wollondilly rivers. Silver was first discovered in 1871 by Billy Russel and Billy George, at a spot later to become the Foldsvorth Mine, two miles east of Yorrandorio Post Office. The first mining title was issued in 1874 and by 1885 about 20 leases had_ been issued but little mining_dono as transport difficulties made it uneconomical. The main Yorranderie load was discovered by John Viga Bartlett in 1898 and by the end of the year about 80 mon were engaged in mining in an area of clout 500 acres. One sample from Bartlotts St. George lode assayed 3000 ozs of silver to the ton (silver was 24 o oz), and a Webb Mackie recovered from 60 tons of ore, 3420 ozs silver, 20 tons of load ($25.05 a ton) and 6 ozs of gold ($7.75 an oz), a total of $1,352. However, returns were patchy and the total return for Mr. Bartlett in 1898 was only $1,600. Between 1898 and 1921 Mr. Bartlett's Colon Peak Mine produced nearly $1.5 million in silver. The record of this mine was unique as practically no capital was raised during its life, all costs being met from the ore won. In 1908 -the Wollondilly Nino (later the Yerranderie) employed 351 men and the ore output was 7402 tons, having a value of $228,058. A peak in ore output at Yorranderie was reached in 1910 and by December 1914 the main two mines had exhausted -their first grade ore. First grade orewas hand selected and dressed underground, second grade ore was concentrated locally by gravity methods. Because of selective mining first grade ore comprised 50/60% of the total. Up until 1925 when motor trucks wore introduced ore was shipped to Juno, 1974. THE SYDNEY BUSHTALKER Pagc 8 YERRANDERIE SILVER 11=41/D Y !line 1. Colon Poaks (Bartlotts) 2. Silver Peak or Borcblock 3. Wollondilly 4. Wonga 5. Burragorang 6. Great Western or Nevada 7. The Silver King 8. Coffey's 9. Piece of Pork 10. St,, George 11. Feldsworth (off map) 12. Myall Ridge (off Map) -132 Silver Star or Tern! 14. The Great Peak J /5←8 0 “Tonc.\\' do. Soker Skof Po5+ \\10Ci ce Co+kol Y6, ierranclQr-iie Peak (11-1,!.. Fo Pao k ) “1”“IPON mins. aryki poi icz Stai-ion 2 Page THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1974. Camden, 42 miles, by waggons drawn by six or more horses, thence by rail to the Sulphide Corporation smelter at Cockle Creek. In 1922 when this smelter closed the mines were forced to ship their ore to Port Pine in South Australia. In 1914 there appeared enough second grade ore available for the Government Geologist to propose a railway to Yorranderie from Picton Lakes, and surveys were undertaken, but in 1916 the then Government Geologist warned that mineral prospects could not warrant the expenditure and the project was dropped. It tho peak of mining there were 14 mines operating, but between 1923 and 1925 this had dropped to four, Colon Peak, Silver Peak, Wollondilly and Wonga The workings on the western side of the Tonalli Gap road belonged to the Silver Peak Mine which commenced in 1904 and7LL'twenty-years made 36507000.. Mine workings wore extensive. Three muatipPir boilers-pith a total capacity of 300 H.P. drove one surface winch and one underground winch on the main shaft.- Fifty tons of material per &lift could be handled and 30/40 tons milled in the steam driven hammer and roller mill. Two concentrating tables handled the second grade ore. Recovery from the mill was 60/70% of the assay value and unrecoverod metals left in the slime assayed 10/18 ozs silver to the ton. Most of the mess at Silver Peak resulted from the treatz:ent of thc slimes in 1935 to recover this residue. Mr. Bartlett's Colon Peak lane which was located about 500 feet N.W. of the rearof the Baker shop had four main shafts. One shaft 700 ft long extended under the Baker shop to a spot S.W. of the Post Office. - All mines closed during the general mining strike in 1929/30 when miners who earned 010 for a 44 hour week struck for higher wages and a 40 hour week, and from then till 1938 only sporadic mining or treatment of the mullock heaps was carried out. The total production of all mines to 1930 was over $4 million. In 1927 there were over 500 people in Yerranderie. Three geivral stores, a Baker, a Butcher, a Milkman and a Hotel which took up to 0240 in good. weeks. (The license was later transferred to St. Mary's.) Three established chvrches attended to the community's religious needs and crib games, picture shows arid- dances in the community hall provided entertainment. Fourteen differently pitched mine whistles regulated their working day. In 1955 a visiting journalist reported a population of 25 all former miners and most on silicosis pensions, and in 1959 the filling of the Warragamba Dam spelt the end for YerrandeTie. Many people believe that Yerranderic will live again and that rising metal prices coupled with world shortages will render mining economical. Several recent prospecting leases have been issued and test drillings have been made. Miss V. Lhuede, a director of Tonalli iing, who owns 1,100 acres Page 10 STIVEY BUSHWALKER June 9 1974. Lightweight bushwalking jand camping gear. CLOTHING FOR ALL OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Pouch Parka; Pullover type hooded jacket in proofed nylon. Front zip pocket and zip at throat. Draw cord in hem. So compact it fits into its own pocket. Weight 8ozs, 'Eidex' hooded oilskin zip front parkas, considered by experienced walkers to be an indispensible item of their gear. Weight 11b 7ozs. Improved model, made to Paddy's specifications. All sizes. Everything for the !well dressed' bushwalker 'heavy wool shirts, wind jackets, duvets, overpants, string singlets, bush hats, webbing belts etc. BUNYIP RUCKSACK This 'shaped' rucksack is excellent for children. Useful! day pack. Weight 14ozs. SENIOR RUCKSACK A single pocket, shaped rucksack. Suitable for over- night camping. Weight 1%1b5. BUSHMAN RUCKSACK Has sewn-in curved bottom for extra comfort in carrying. Will hold 30lbs. 2 pocket model 11Albs. 3 pocket model l'Albs. PIONEER RUCKSACK Extra large bag with four external pockets and will carry about 40lbs of camp gear. Weight 2141bs. '44 1, KIANDRA MODEL Hooded bag. Extra well filled. Very compact. Approx HOTHAM MODEL Super warm box quilted. Added leg room. Approx 41/21bs, SUPER LIGHT MODEL Half the weight and packed size of regular bags. 9” x 5Y2- dia. 2lbs. Everything for the bushwalker, from blankets and air mattresses, stretchers, boots, compasses, maps, books, stoves and lamps to cooking ware and freeze dried and dehydrated foods. egle 69 LIVERPOOL ST. SYDNEY 26-2686 61-7215 Page 11 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1974. of Yorranderie land, including the old Post Office, believes the mines could be re-opened, but has come to believe that this would ruin the fascination of the place. She would now rather see it become an artists' colony. Bushwalkors who have visited the area will share her feelings. References: Dept Mines Geological Survey of Eincral Resources No.35 Royal Australian Historical Society Journal Vol.23-24 1937-38 PINERS AT PORT DAVEY. by Ken” Church. In the year 1875 Surveyor J. Reid Scott read a paper to the Royal Society in Hobart In his address he described his second visit-toTort Davey, where there was a village of timber-cutters engaged in harvesting the centuries-old Huon pines. Scott's report road, in part:- “The road from Victoria to the Graycroft is so overgrown and blocked up, that the journey from Hobart Town to Port Davey by that route could. not well be made now under four days, and I would not advise a stranger'tO attempt it at all. On the second occasion I went and returned by water, going down with Captain Lloyd in the “Swansea Packet”, and returning with Captain Domincy in the “Ripple”. The inhabitants were little changed during the four years -which had elapsed. I found the same well-remembered faces, and received the same cordial welcome and hospitality as before. The children had, of course, grown up beyond recognition. Doherty, the oldest inhabitant, who has been there yea' since 1849, placed a hut at Observatory Point at my disposal, and Captain Lloyd lent me a good. whaleboat. Those at Port Davey settlement numbered about 50, with c n isolated settlement at Spring River. The houses at Bramble Cove were now all unoccupied, as settlers-.ioved closer to the modring-place. A sad accident befell Er. George Baker, who slipped from a platform and struck'his loft shoulder acainbt the tree. There was no chance for nearly a month to get him to Hcbart Town for medical. treatment, because of the persistent gales which blew in 1866. His arm had withered. The Davey River has been followed up and the timber cleared until the present beds are reached about eighteen miles up, Doherty, Woolley, and- others are working' further up 5 there are numerous young trees growing up, Page 12 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1974. which should be preserved until they have reached a certain size. When a vessel comes for a load, from 10 to 18 logs are fastened together to form a raft and towed alongside the vessel at the usual anchorago. The men are generally employed in pine-getting during February, March, April and Hay, with occasional visits homo for rations. After that they arc on constant watch for floods and go up the river to clear down the logs; some are four foot in diameter. Langley, beforo mcntionod, kept a careful and minute diary for several years, with entries such as the following:- 18639 April 3 - Tont in the dinghio to a stdmp to make :7., fire and boil the kettle for breakfast. 18639 April 7 - Log getting; I.,ongley and Doherty cut off a log, up to our waistbands in water. 18639 July 4 - Water two foot up the posts of the bunk this morning. Hard to boil the kettle on a Stump. 1864, Oct. 12 - Took rations to the Badger Box. Water up to our waists. 1867, Aug. 22 - Did not go to bed last night as tho 7,-Juter was rising until daylight. Hitched the boat to the bed,post. 1868, Oct. 6 - Flood over tho second stop this morning. And many others to a similar effect. Longloy's diary for the years 1863-1868 will give a fair sample of a pinor's employment. The huts are covered with bark, with a thatch of grass along the ridge, and arc generally 14 x 10 foot at the ground. The sleeping bunk, raised about three feet, occupies the 72ho1e of one-end, and can accommodate six people easily. The other end is enclosed by the fireplace, if on high ground; but those in the flats are left open in front, with the floor slabbod. I find that Longloy's time is occupied each roar as follows- 100 days each ycar up the river foiling timber and clearing down; 135 days at work at home, catching logs, squaring, saving, rafting, and loading ship, ro r. pairing boats, huts, gardening; 55 days hunting, fishing, getting mutton- birds; 55 days visiting Hobart Tovin, including voyage and detentions; 20 days unemployed,.boings Sundays, holidays, or bad weather. In the season ending June 1864, they got pine logs to the extont of 58,336 foot, the quantity varying each trock, owing to track or crook clearing. The size of the trees rocordod also varies much. Logs 10 or 11 foot Page 13 TEE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Juno, 1974. in girth are counted large. The avorago secm to bo 6 or 7 foot in girth. It is a matter for consideration whothor tho supply of timber should bo preserved, and the dostruction of tho beds prevented, by prohibiting the cutting of any trees under a certain size - ” * WMKB SECRETARY'S NOTES FOR JULY. by Bob Hodgson. 1974 5, 6, 7 July - Alan Pike is off to conquer the mighty Guougang, starting from Carlon's Farm. No fears of getting cold on this trip, although the Sunday will be quite leisurely (?) following the grassy banks of the, Colts River. Sunday 7 On his last trip around the Bantry Bay area, Alistair Battyc was delighted by the beautiful creeks in that area and vowed ho would return and follow one of those rolativoly unpolluted crooks all the Tay doun to Bantry Sunday 7 .Ocean views galore with. Khth Brown on a delightful Sunday ramble frorll Lilyvalo to Otford via Burning Palms. 12,13,14 July This walk is worth every ounce (correction, gram) of thc onorgy that you will expend. Ray Hookway, starting at Bats Camp, will load you through some of the most scenic spots in the Blue Mountains, to the “Ghost Town!' of Yorronderio Cad bbk, Via-tho famous Colong Coves. 12,13,14 July - Limited numbors only, so bock early for this very hard ski tour with Rod Poters.. From GutheRa Power Station up the Munyrmg and north to that mighty odifico Jagungal. Sunday 14 - Carl Bock is up to something different again. This time it's a pleasant ferry from Brooklyn to Little Patonga9 then a dolightful stroll with Panoramic views of the Haykosbury and Broken Bay to Wondabyne. 19,20,21 July - As Gough is going toshut down the munitions factories, the army will have to hoard its bullots, so you will be quite safc with Tony Denham little jaunt fror:. Sassafras through the firing range into ono of the most :interesting areas of the Buda7nngs9-using the good tracks to Ht. Sturgiss, then down to Sluico Box Falls and return via Folly Point. 20921 July Fodcration Search and Rescuo practice. Meeting at the Gordon Falls Reserve, Leura. The search for the “lost” Party will take place in the Mount Solitary - Cedar Crook area on Saturday. On Sunday a mock rock roscuo will be Page 14 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1974. *M* M OUNTAIN E.Q..UIPMENT. * * * * * * * * IF YOU ARE BUYING OR HIRING HIRING OR BUYING BUYING OR -HIRING HIRING OR BUYING. GEAR FOR WALKING 000040 CAMPING 040000 CLWING 000000 CANOEING WALKING CALTING CLINBING 000000 CANOEING 000000 THINK OF MOUNTAIN EQUIPMEMT .17 Alexander Street, Crow's Nest, 2065. (On the corner of Falcon Street) Telephone 439-3454. for FAIRYDOWN SLEEPING BAGS HIGH LOAD PACKS (Weight 3 lb. 10 oz.) AND ALL THE OTHER THINGS YOU COULD POSSIBLY NEED Page 15 THE SYDNEY BUSHWAIKER June, 1974. staged on one of the Three Sisters. Sunday 21 Sunday 21 - If you don't care to rescue any mock rocks, Peter Miller will welcome your company, just up the road at Blackheath, on his variety-packed walk down the Grand Canyon and up Govetts Leap, then round the cliff tops back to Evans Lookout. - Margaret Reid leads a. sedate stroll from “Cjondabyne up onto Kariong Ridge, where there are glorious views of the Hawkesbury and Broken Bay. Also many aboriginal carvings are to be found in this area. 26927928 July - Frank Tacker is at it again, this time it's Faulconbridge Creek that is going to cop the bashing. You will follow the Creek from its source at Faulconbridge to where it becomes Springwood Creek and on down to the Grose River, whore it is easy going all the way back to Faulconbri 26927,28 July - You shouldn't need any needling to come along on like Short's trip to Russolls Needle and the Nattai. Mike informs us that he knows a nifty way out of Rocky Waterholes Creek that will Save a lot of hard slogging on the way out to Hill Top. 8.47 Country train - return tickets to Mittagong. Please note: Mike's correct phone number and oxtension is 69-0444, Ext. 513 (B). 26727728 July -. Ski touring in the heart of the Snowy Mountains with Wilf Hildar. A must for the enthusiast. Guthega up onto Ht. Anton; then following the peaks arodnd to Rawsons Hut, then back across the wide open tops to Wrights Creek, then a long downhill slide back to Guthega. Sunday 28 You thought we had forgotten about Royal National Park day trips, hadn't you? Ebryl Watman to the rescue with a very pleasant Hoathcoto to Engadine trip via Kangaroo Creek. Good tracks all the way. *** SPECIAL NOTICE. Anyone wishing to go to Bali for 26 days? Nothing organised. Twelve S.B.W. members are interested and we must have 15 to get the cheap air fare ($335 return). Departing 13th December, Qantas, returning 7th January, Pan Am. COntact Owen Marks (Te1.30-1827) or Helen and George Gray (Te1.86-6263) as soon as possible. The general idea is to stay in native villages in Government Rest Houses, which are very inexpensive. But you may make any other arrangements you like as long as You travel with the party and are a club member. Page 16 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Jun,), 1974. DEEPEST SY1LTATHY. The Club ox-bonds its deepest sympathy to Dot Butler on the accidental death last month of her son, Norman.. * * * * * * * EUROPE IN MIDWINTER. From letters home by Frances Colley.) Vienna. Went on a tour today to the “Romantic Valley of the Blue Danube”. First we went to a huge monastery at Melk (?), which didn't look much like a monastery except for a few cloistered walks here and there. Like a palace, it once used to house 400 monks, and now only 45 are there. It was freezing inside - long empty marble hallways. They don't have it heated now and from the lack of stoves I don't think it would have been very warm even at its peak. We are in the world of the. Hapsburgs here - Maria Theresa and Empe-cor Franz Joseph. Vienna must have once been a very wealthy city when it was the centre of Europe. Now it is rather decayed and like most other European cities at this time of year - very grey and misty. At any rate the Danube when we got there wasn't very blue. Apparently it is usually frozen at this time of the year, but it is slightly warmer now and so the river was running swiftly. We then went on to a medieval village of Durnstein which had a ruined castle where Richard the Lionheart was imprisoned for two years. The sense of great age and history one gets over here is incredible - something Australia does really lack. We still haven't seen any cities even faintly resembling Sydney with its newness and skyscrapers. Even looking at the map of Vienna it is obvious it is a very old city, as the streets radiate out from the city centre and there are several circular streets going around the city which at one time must have been the sites of the city walls. Rome. Went for two tours today and were amazed by Rome both by the bright, warm sunshine here and all the countless number of ruins which they treat in such a nonchalant manner. This morning we went to the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel- saw the inside really so have no idea what the outside looks like. The Sistine Chapel was stupendous, incredibly huge and-it is hard to believe that Michaelangelo worked for four years on his back with a light attached to his head. The top part of the ceiling looks rounded and I could only half believe the guide when he said it was really flat and it was only Michaelangelo's brilliant use of perspective that makes it look rounded. Rome is the first city we have been to that is bigger than Sydney it has four million. The old statues, ruins and such things are everywhere. We saw ruins of the Temple of Saturn, the Temple of Julius Caesar, the Roman Forum - a huge area which was the meeting place for the Romans.

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