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197508 [2014/03/13 20:18] apaddock2197508 [2014/03/13 21:32] apaddock2
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 The Kameruka Bushwalkers organised this trip, from 19th to 30th June. They had one seat to fill in their chartered 6-seater plane and asked could the S.B.W. come to their rescue, so I accepted the offer. The members of the party were David Marks, Dennis Ritson, Peter the Pilot, Libby Thornhill, John and myself. We spent the previous night at Dave's place at Burwood, ready for a dawn getaway. The Kameruka Bushwalkers organised this trip, from 19th to 30th June. They had one seat to fill in their chartered 6-seater plane and asked could the S.B.W. come to their rescue, so I accepted the offer. The members of the party were David Marks, Dennis Ritson, Peter the Pilot, Libby Thornhill, John and myself. We spent the previous night at Dave's place at Burwood, ready for a dawn getaway.
-The first question was, would we actually get away? The man who owned the plane had it up for sale and had almost found a buyer, but the sale fell through. Then he made a last minute demand for cash when we had been expecting the hiring to be a cheque transaction. Lengthy telephone calls and a hasty draining-off of all our cash reserves at last solved this unexpected demand. We sped off for Bankstown in two taxis and were introduced to Peter and the plane. We stowed the 6 packs in the minute cargo-hold in the tail, crammed ourselves into the 6 passenger seats and Peter taxied out on the runway, consulted his book of instructions, twiddled a couple of things on the control-panel and the propeller (singular, I noted with a little apprehension) began to whirr. We were away! But no over the ether came an insistent voice, "Romeo-Papa-Victor! Romeo-Papa-Victor! Your cargo door is not locked!" Peter stopped the engine, crawled out and shut the door on our packs, got in again andwe were really off. I felt I was a passenger in the twin-pram in which I used to push Rona and my sister's twins when they were babies. It is only a matter of accustoming yourself the the fact that you are up there - sometimes above the clouds at 9,000' - with only a fine aluminium shell, plastic lined, between you and everything that's out there and reconciling yourself to the fact that if the motor conks out there is nothing you can do about it anyway. You can then start to enjoy the view.+The first question was, would we actually get away? The man who owned the plane had it up for sale and had almost found a buyer, but the sale fell through. Then he made a last minute demand for cash when we had been expecting the hiring to be a cheque transaction. Lengthy telephone calls and a hasty draining-off of all our cash reserves at last solved this unexpected demand. We sped off for Bankstown in two taxis and were introduced to Peter and the plane. We stowed the 6 packs in the minute cargo-hold in the tail, crammed ourselves into the 6 passenger seats and Peter taxied out on the runway, consulted his book of instructions, twiddled a couple of things on the control-panel and the propeller (singular, I noted with a little apprehension) began to whirr. We were away! But no over the ether came an insistent voice, "Romeo-Papa-Victor! Romeo-Papa-Victor! Your cargo door is not locked!" Peter stopped the engine, crawled out and shut the door on our packs, got in again and we were really off. I felt I was a passenger in the twin-pram in which I used to push Rona and my sister's twins when they were babies. It is only a matter of accustoming yourself the the fact that you are up there - sometimes above the clouds at 9,000' - with only a fine aluminium shell, plastic lined, between you and everything that's out there and reconciling yourself to the fact that if the motor conks out there is nothing you can do about it anyway. You can then start to enjoy the view
 +We went via Charleville, Longreach, Mt. Isa to Katherine. The only problem en route was that the man who dealt out the Shell aviation fuel at one of our refuelling stations was on strike and it looked like we would be grounded till he made up his mind to come back. We had a carnet, paid for in advance, with the Shell Company. Any other company's fuel had to be paid for in cash. There was again a hasty assessing of our now considerably dwindled cash resources and between us we were able to get together enough to pay the B.P. dealer. But it was a close go. 
 +We were met at Katherine by the administratcr of the Aboriginal Welfare Dept. with the unwelcome news that the permit Dave had gone to such trouble to get from Canberra to allow us to go into the Aboriginal Reserve had been rescinded by the old men of the tribe, and no explanation given. Our Administration friend was very sorry but there was nothing that could be done about it. However he did the next best thing and drove us out to the Katherine Gorge next day for a boat trip up the river. There are rock bars which break the river up into seven long pools. We putted up the first amongst pandanus palms and magnificent tropical trees, with waterbirds everywhere and the occasional crocodile sunning itself on a partly submerged log by the muddy bank. A short walk over the rocky river-bed brings you to the second pool and another boat. Now our course was through a beautiful red rock open canyon, with long slender palms waving on the skyline. We have reserved the remainder of the pools for next time. 
 +Our Administration friend picked us up and drove us back to the airstrip. We had to make the next hop to the isolated little GeoPeko uranium mine at Jabiru. Peter was not qualified to fly by night, so always we had to be landed before the sun dipped below the horizon. Peter, of course, had his times and distances all worked out, but we in the back seats spent a good bit of time in wondrous suspenseful speculation as we whirled over the vast uninhabited wastes of Arnhem Land. 
 +With a bit of time to spare before the sun disappeared, we did a great circle out over the upper reaches of the East Alligator River and the rugged mountainous escarpments and gorges through which we were going to bushwalk. Fascinating country! Then we sought out the tiny lonely airstrip and bounced to a halt with time to spare. Dennis 
 +climbed up a tower to spy out the land, but it was the sound of the generator at the mine, generating the evening's lighting, that gave us our clue which way to head. Down the red earth road, through the Capricornian bush, and we came upon telegraph poles with flying foxes hanging from the wires and then the mine outbuildings. Luck led us to a spacious recreation room and we were soon taken in tow by a garrulous engineer. We prepared our meal at his house, viewed the company's evening picture show, and retired to sleep in two different houses. Everyone is very hospitable to strangers, and we could have got Libby married off ten times over. 
 +Next day one of the men drove us in his truck sixty miles to the crossing on the East Alligator River. From here we were to walk four days, following up the river then cutting across country through a range and so back to Jabiru. 
 +Following a river should not be difficult, but we soon found that unless you kept the water of the main river in view you could be lured away even more than 90 degrees off course following one of the anabranches, or the long billabongs that arc off in mares' tails over the flat country. It took a little bit of sorting out for the first few hours, when some crossed a billabong while the others remained on its near bank. I had climbed a rocky escarpment as a look-out point for lost members, but couldn't spot anyone out among the billabongs. Making my way back through the tangled thickets I was having a loud conversation with a malley fowl, "There's no need to panic, Chooko; I won't hurt you." Suddenly came a call and there was the lost party, sitting by the riverbank. From then on we all kept, together, although Libby kindly gave me a tin of sardines in case I should have become separated again when the next meal came around. 
 +Arnhem Land is buffalo land. You meet them everywhere. The mothers are formidable foes if separated from their young, so whenever we came upon them unexpectedly we took good care that they were all galloping together, heads thrust forwards and horns back, and of course away from us. 
 +Our first night's camp in alligator country was fraught with tension. Being on the banks of the river made us easy targets, and as we chased around selecting a camp-site, each with thoughts of self-preservation in mind, everyone was remembering the story we had heard of the woman who was recently eaten alive. We lit a big fire between us and the water, and Dennis got up at frequent intervals to scan the dark water with his torch. "I want you all to come down here and give me a second opinion," quoth he. So down we would troop, to find the suspicious object he was focussing on was a floating log and what looked like eyes were knots on the wood. Sometimes we climbed up and made camp away from the water, just to be sure. 
 +New country is always fascinating. Besides the buffalo there were wild pigs wallowing in the black mud, and wallabies, dingoes, emus, lizards, not to mention brown snakes and taipans - nobody was really sure how to distinguish between these two. David would have close-up frontal encounters zooming in with his movie camera, but once when the snake reared up and looked like business Dave made off hastily, dropping his red bag that contained photographic gear and exposed film, and it took quite some time to find it again, with all the company combing the underbrush, at the same time keeping a wary eye open for the hidden snake. 
 +There were the usual Bushwalker adventures of route finding in unknown country. Once, rather than swim a billabong, we had to climb up through a small range, then back again to the river. Pretty rugged going up among the rocks, but very interesting. 
 +On our second day the river spread out into a lake about a mile wide with many water birds - ducks and jabirus and magpie geese with legs on them like footballers, and white egrets and herons, and darting over the banks were russet and blue kingfishers. Whirring flights of quail rose at our approach. At night curlews wailed in rising crescendo of panic. It gave Dave the shivers - like a woman being strangled, he said. We wondered whether he spoke from first-hand experience. 
 +When we left the river we took a compass course across low country, finding water when we needed it wherever the paperbarks and pandanus grew. The last day was a long one. We had hoped to get back to Jabiru by dark, but were still steering our course by starlight, and eventually tried to home in on the generator's noise. This was not such a wise move though, as we found we were cut off from the now lit-up camp by a billabong which seemed to run for miles. So we had to backtrack to get around it, and it was six very weary Bushwalkers who eventually trailed into the recreation room and were revived by cans of beer. 
 +Libby and I spent the night with the Ranger and his wife in their 60 ft. caravan. Next day he drove us out to Mt. Brockman, a place sacred to the aboriginals and very rich in rock paintings. He is apprehensive as to what may happen to this priceless treasure when the mine is finally established (its working has been held up for four years while an environment impact study is being conducted). The mountain is only two miles away from the boundary of the company's lease. 
 +Mt. Brockman is to be included in a new northern national park - the Kakudu National Park. We climbed around its base, looking at the beautiful rock paintings on the red walls of the bat-filled caves and feeling the spirit of antiquity upon everything. We had to leave sooner than we would have liked as we had to reach Gove Peninsula before sundown. 
 +Gove Peninsula is the northernmost tip of Arnhem Land. We stayed the night with a pleasant young couple, the husband being one in charge of the bauxite mine. We swam in the warm Arafura Sea and ran along the beach, and had a guided tour around the mine workings. There is a fantastic endless belt which carries the bauxite for two miles from the diggings to the process plant. (We could do with something like that to carry pebbles from the Kangaroo River to our hut building site!) 
 +Our next destination was Urapunga and the Roper River Mission. One of the elders of the tribe, who spoke quite good English, met our plane and offered us the hospitality of his house for a cup of tea and use of the toilets. His pump was not working, so the boys repaired it for him. An interesting aspect of the toilets was that when you pulled the chain a large green frog came swimming out of the dwindling surge and clambered up again to his damp home in the cistern. 
 +Lots of photographs were taken of the little aboriginal children on the beach. Libby bought a bark painting from the store. She asked an artist on the beach would he touch up a spot on it. He looked at it in some disgust, dismantled all the trimmings and set to and repainted the whole thing. 
 +That night we went to a beaut barbecue party and were given some large fillets of barramundi to take away with us.
-We went via Charleville, Longreach, Mt. Isa to Katherine. The only problem en route was that the man who dealt out the Shell aviation fuel at one of our refuelling stations was on strike and it looked like we would be grounded till he made up his mind to come back. We had a carnet, paid for in advance, with the Shell Company. Any other company's fuel had to be paid for in cash. There was again a hasty assessing of our now considerably dwindld cash resources and between us we were able to get together enough to pay the B.P. dealer. But it was a close go4 
-We were met at Katherine by the aaministratcr of the Aboriginal Welfare Dept. with the unwelcome news that the permit Dave had gone to such trouble to get from Canberra to allow us to To into the Aboriginal Reeerve had been rescinded by the old men of tho tribe, and no explanation given. Our Administration friend was vc?cy sorry but there was nothing that could be done about it However he did the next best thing and drove us out to the Katherine Gorge next day for a boat trip up the river. There are rock bars which break the river up into seven long pools. We putted up the first amongst pandanus palms and magnificent tropical trees, with waterbirds everywhere and the occasional crocodile sunning itself on a partly submerged log by the muddy bank, A short walk over the rocky river-bed brings you to the second pool and another boat. Now our course was through a beautiful red rock open canyon, with long slender palms waving on the skyline. We have reserved thc remainder of the pools for next time 
-Our Administration friend picked us up and drove us back to the airstrip. We had to make the next hop to the isolated little GeoPeko uranium mine at Jabiru. Peter was not qualified to fly by night, so always we had to be landed before the sun dipped below the borizon. 
-Peter, of course, had his times and distances all worked out, but we in 
-the back seats spent a good bit of time in wondrous suspenseful speculation as we whirled over the vast uninhabited wastes of Arnhem Land. 
-With a bit of time to spare before the sun disappeared, we did a great circle out over the upper reaches of the East Alligator River and 
-the rugged mountainous escarpments and gorges through which we were 
-going to bushwalk. Fascinating country! Then 70 sought out the tiny 
-lonely airstrip and bounced to a halt with time to spare. Dennis 
-climbed up a tower to spy out the land, but it was the sound of the generator at the mine, generating the eveninc's lighting, that gave us. 
-our clue which way to head. Down the red earth road, through the 
-Capricornian bush, and we came upon telegraph poles with flying foxes 
-hanging from the wires and then the mine outbuildings. Luck led us to 
-a spacious recreation room and we Tore soon taken in tow by a garrulous engineer. We prepared our meal at his house, viewed the company's evening picture show, and retired to sleep in two different houses. Everyone is very hospitable to strangers, and 70 could have got Libby married off ten times over. 
-Next day one of the men drove us in his truck sixty miles to the 
-Crossing on the East Alligator River. From hero 70 were to walk four 
-Page 9 
-August 9 1975. 
-Lightweight bUshwalking. 
-and camping gear. 
-Don't be lumbered with a winter bag in 
-Our new 'Supertight' summer weight bags are nearly half the packed size and weight (21bs) of our regular sleeping bags. Nylon covering, superdown filled. Packs into 9" length x 514" dia. Can also be used during winter as an "inner-bag". 
-Kiandra model: Pillow flap, hooded bag. Well filled. Compact, warm and lightvveight. Excellent for warmer summer nights and times when carrying weight can be reduced. Approx 33/41bs. 
-Hotham model: Superwarm hooded bag made for cold sleepers and high altitudes. 'Box quilted' with no 
-'through' stitching. All bags can be fitted with zippers and draught resisting overlaps. Weight 4141bs. 
-Everything for the bush- walker, from blankets and air mattresses, stretchers, boots, compasses, maps, books, stoves and lamps to cooking ware and freeze dried and dehydrated foods. 
-One, two or three man. From TA to 3%lbs. Choice of three cloths. 
-Supplied with nylon cords and overlapped doors. No wails. 
-Two, three or four man. From 314 to 4'/albs. Choice of 
-three cloths. 
-Supplied with nylon cords and overlapped doors. 
-This 'shaped' rucksack is excellent for children. Use- full day pack. Weight 14ozs. 
-A single pocket, shaped rucksack. Suitable for overnight camping. Weight 11/21bs. 
-Has sewn-in curved bottom 
-. for extra comfort in carrying.' 
- Will hold 30113s. 2 pocket 
- model 11/41bs. 3 pocket 
-model 116Ibs. 
-Extra large bag with four external pockets and will carry about 40Ibs of camp gear. Weight 2Y4lbs. 
-69 LIVERPOOL ST. SYDNEY 26-2686 61-7215 
-Page 10 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER August, 1975. 
-days, following wp)the river then cutting across country through a range and so back to Jabiru. 
-Following a river should not be difficult, but we soon found that unless you kept the water of the main river in view you could be lured 
-away even more than 90 degrees off course following one of the anabranches, 
-or the long billabongs that arc off in mares' tails over the flat country. It took a little bit of sorting out for the first few hours, when some crossed a billabong while the others remained on its near bank. I had 
-cliMbed a rocky escarpment as a look-out point for lost members, but 
-couldn't spot anyone out among the billabongs. Making my way back through the tangled thickets I was having a loud conversation with a malley fowl, "There's no need to panic, Chooko I won't hurt you." Suddenly came a 
-call and there was the lost party, sitting by the riverbank. From then on we all kept ,together, although Libby kindly gave me a tin of sardines 
-in case vi should have become separated again when the next meal came around. 
-Arnhem Land is buffalo land. You meet them everywhere. The 
-mothers are formidable foes if separated from their young, so whenever we 
-came upon them unexpectedly we took good care that they were all 
-galloping together, heads thrust forwards and horns back, and of course away from us. 
-Our first night's camp in alligator country was fraught with tension. 
-Being on the banks of the river made us ea.:J3, targets, and as we chased around selecting a camp-site, each with thoughts of self-preservation in 
-mind, everyone was remembering the story we had heard of the woman who was recently eaten alive. We lit a big fire between us and the water, and Denlas got up at frequent intervals to scan the dark water with his torchk. "I want you all to come down here and give me a second opinion," quoth So down we would troop, to find the suspicious object he was 
-focussing ol21 was a floating log9 and what looked like eyes were knots on 
-the wood. Sometimes we climbed up and made camp away from the water, just to be sure. 
-New country is always fascinating. Besides the buffalo there were wild pigs wallowing in the black mud, and wallabies, dingoes, emus, lizards, not to mention brown snakes and taipans =body was really sure how to distinguish between these two. David would have close-up frontal encounters zooming in with his movie camera, but once when the snake reared up and looked like business Dave made off hastily, dropping his red bag that contained photographic gear. and exposed film, and it took quite some time to find it again, with all the company combing the underbrush, at the same time keeping a wary eye open for the hidden snake._ 
-There were the usual Bushwalker adventures of route finding in unknown country. Once, rather than swim a billabong, we had to climb up through a small range, then back again to the river. Pretty rugged going 127) among the rocks, but very interesting. 
-On OUT second day the. river spread out into a lake about a mile wide with many water birds - ducks and jabirus and magpie geese with 
-Page 11 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER August, 1975. 
-legs Ali them like fc) b ba,llers, and white egrets and herons, and darting over the banks were russet and blue kingfishers. Whirring flights of 
-quail rose at our approach. At night curlews wailed in rising crescendo 
-of panic. It gave Dave the shivers - like a woman being strangled, he said. We wondered whether he spoke from first-hand experience. 
-When we left the river we took a compass course across low country, finding water when we needed it wherever the paperbarks and pandanus 
-grew. The last day was a long one. We had hoped to get back to Jabiru 
-by dark, but were still steering our course by starlight, and eventually tried to home in on the generator's noise. This was not such a wise move though, as we found we were out cff from the now lit-up camp by a billabong which seemed to run for miles. So we had to backtrack to get around it, and it was six very weary Bushwalkers who eventually trailed into the recreation room and were revived by cans of beer. 
-Libby and I spent the night with the Rancor and his wife in their 
-60 ft. caravan. Next day he drove us out to Mt. Brockman, a place sacred to the aborir;inals and very rich in rock paintings. He is apprehensive 
-as to what may happen to this priceless treasure when the mine is finally established (its working has been held up for four years while an environment impact study is being conducted). The mountain is only two miles away from the boundary of the company7s lease. 
-Mt. Brochman is to be included in a new northern national park - 
-the Kakudu National Park. We climbed around its base, looking at the beautiful rock paintings on the red walls of the bat-filled caves and feeling the spirit of antiquity upon everything. We had to leave 
-sooner than we would have liked as we had to reach Gove Peninsula before sundown. 
-Gove Peninsula is the northernmost tip of Arnhem Land. We stayed 
-the night with a pleasant young couple, the husband being one in charge of the bauxity mine. We swam in the warm Arafura Sea and ran along the beach, and had a guided tour around the mine workings. There is a fantastic endless belt which carries the bauxite for two miles from the 
-diggings to the process plant. (We could do with something like that to carry pebbles from the Kangaroo River to OUT hut building site!) 
-Our next destination was Urapunga and the Roper River Mission. One of the elders of the tribe, who spoke quite good English, met our plane and offered us the hospitality of his house for a cup of tea and use of the toilets. His pump was not working, so the boys repaired it 
-for him. An interesting aspect of the toilets was that when you pulled 
-the chain a large green frog came swimming out of the dwindling surge 
-and clambered up again to his damp home in the cistern. 
-Lots of photographs were taken of the little aboriginal children 
-on the beach. Libby bought a bark painting from the store. She asked 
-an artist on the beach would he touch up a spot on it. He looked at 
-it in some disgust, dismantled all the trimmings and set to and repainted the whole thing. 
-Page 12 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER August, 1975. 
-*xxxx*************** M OUNTAIN 
-WALKING ...... CAMPING Opoo000 CLIMTING ...... CANOEING 0 0 0 WALKING ...... CAMPING ...... CLIMBING ...... CANOEING o4doe 
-17 Alexander Street, Crow's Nest, 2065 (On the corner of Falcon Street) Telephone 439-3454. 
-HIGH LOAD PACKS (Weight 3 ib 10 oz) 
-* * * * * * * * * 
-Page 13 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALICR August 1975., 
-. . 
-That night we went to a b,oaut barbecue party and were given some 
-large fillets of barramundi to take away with us. 
 We had been making enquiries along the way as to the whereabouts of a mysterious "lot city" of Arnhem Land, recently shown on T.V., but no We had been making enquiries along the way as to the whereabouts of a mysterious "lot city" of Arnhem Land, recently shown on T.V., but no
 one was sure of its location. At Roper River, however, we struck pay one was sure of its location. At Roper River, however, we struck pay
197508.txt · Last modified: 2014/03/14 17:42 by apaddock2

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