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 by Patrick McBride. by Patrick McBride.
-Last December I spent two fascinating and very enjoyable weeks in South Africa and Rhodesia, most of it not relevant to bushwalking, so I am going to restrict this article to the part that is the three days I spent on foot in the Umfolozi Nature Reserve. This reserve is just under 50,000 hectares in area, about half the size of the Blue Mountains National Park, and is situated in-Zululand, in the north-east of the Republic. Approximately one-third is open to visitors and criss-crossed with roads along which they may drive and view the game; the rest is kept as a +Last December I spent two fascinating and very enjoyable weeks in South Africa and Rhodesia, most of it not relevant to bushwalking, so I am going to restrict this article to the part that is the three days I spent on foot in the Umfolozi Nature Reserve. This reserve is just under 50,000 hectares in area, about half the size of the Blue Mountains National Park, and is situated in Zululand, in the north-east of the Republic. Approximately one-third is open to visitors and criss-crossed with roads along which they may drive and view the game; the rest is kept as a wilderness area and visitors are only allowed entry on a twice-weekly "Wilderness Trail" which lasts three days. 
-wilderness area and visitors are only allowed entry on a twice-weekly "Wilderness Trail" which lasts three days. + 
-I drove up from Durban on the Friday afternoon, equipped with a box of groceries from Woolworths (usual disclaimers) on the back seat and my trusty Spiro Ketas sandshoes on the floor beside me. Since no vehicles are allowed to travel the reeerve after sunset I had allowed myself plenty of time and it was still mid-afternoon when I pulled into Masinda, the starting point for Wildoness Trails. There was hardly time to notice the round thatched buildings and neatly trimmed lawn before I was meeting the other members of the party and Allen Hallett, the Trails Officer who was to accompany us. They were mildly surprised to learn I was from overseas as these walking trails are well off the normal tourist beat, and they had assumed I was a Jolburg man because of the car regitration. +I drove up from Durban on the Friday afternoon, equipped with a box of groceries from Woolworths (usual disclaimers) on the back seat and my trusty Spiro Ketas sandshoes on the floor beside me. Since no vehicles are allowed to travel the reeerve after sunset I had allowed myself plenty of time and it was still mid-afternoon when I pulled into Masinda, the starting point for Wildeness Trails. There was hardly time to notice the round thatched buildings and neatly trimmed lawn before I was meeting the other members of the party and Allen Hallett, the Trails Officer who was to accompany us. They were mildly surprised to learn I was from overseas as these walking trails are well off the normal tourist beat, and they had assumed I was a Jo'burg man because of the car regitration. 
-We were relaxing outside our huts afterwards in deck chairs, + 
-enjoying the last rays of sunlight and scanning the hillside opposite with binoculars when I had my first introduction to the style of African hiking ("bushwaiking" is a term unknown to the local folk). One of the Zulu staff came to collect the provisions we wanted cooked that night, and having given him the steak and veges, we settled back to our remote game spotting. Before dark we were able to tally three rhinos and numerous +We were relaxing outside our huts afterwards in deck chairs, enjoying the last rays of sunlight and scanning the hillside opposite with binoculars when I had my first introduction to the style of African hiking ("bushwaiking" is a term unknown to the local folk). One of the Zulu staff came to collect the provisions we wanted cooked that night, and having given him the steak and veges, we settled back to our remote game spotting. Before dark we were able to tally three rhinos and numerous wildebeeste and zebras. Then at the appointed time we adjourned inside the hut and the three cooks turned up, laden with steaming, covered plates and proceeded to lay the table. Much the same system applied at camps on the trail except that instead of a linen tablecloth we had a tarpaulin spread on the ground. It was never necessary for us to do menial chores such as firelighting or washing up. The rest of the party were less impressed by all this; they had houseboys at home and took such attention as a matter of course. I really don't know how I'll manage back in Australia - perhaps I should look for some gullible prospectives. 
-wild6beeste and zebras. Then at the appointed time we adjourned inside the hut and the three cooks turned up, laden with steaming, covered plates and proceeded to lay the table. Much the same system applied at camps on the trail except that instead of a linen tablecloth we had a tarpaulin spread on the ground. It was never necessary for us to do menial chores such as firelighting or washing up. The rest of the party were less impressed by all this; they had houseboys at home and took such attention as a matter of course. I really don't know how Ifll manage back in Australia - perhaps I should look for some gullible prospectives. + 
-The following morning was cool and sunny and we set off soon after breakfast, walking in single file with the Trails Officer in the lead and a non-white ranger, also armed, bringing up the rear. This may seam undesirable regimentation in what should be one of the most free of sports, but the presence of dangerous animals makes an armed and experienced guide a reasonable safety measure. In practice the trail +The following morning was cool and sunny and we set off soon after breakfast, walking in single file with the Trails Officer in the lead and a non-white ranger, also armed, bringing up the rear. This may seem undesirable regimentation in what should be one of the most free of sports, but the presence of dangerous animals makes an armed and experienced guide a reasonable safety measure. In practice the trail was just like a three-day bushwalk with the Trails Officer as leader and the party proved one of the most easy-going and companionable groups have walked withNever did I feel a stranger in a strange land. 
-Page 15 THE SYDNEY BUSINALKER April, 19760 + 
-was just like a three-day bushwalk with the Trails Officer as leader and the party proved one of the-most easy-going and companionable groups have walked with Never did I feel a stranger in a strange land. +The bushveld through which we travelled was curiously park-like, consisting of gently rolling hills with a grass cover and scattered low trees, hardly the sort of background one expects for some of the world's largest and fiercest wildlife. Except on the borders of the river few of the trees stood taller than 5 metres and both leaves and grass were of a rich green colour, almost artificial-looking to Australian eyes. 
-The bushveld through which we travelled was curiously park-like, consisting of gently rolling hills with a grass cover and scattered low trees, hardlythe sort of Eackground one expects for some of the world's largest and fiercest wildlife. Except on the borders of the river few of the trees stood taller than 5 metres and both leaves and grass were of a rich green colour, almost artificial-looking to Australian eyes. + 
-We followed the trail upwards to a small hill which dropped away sharply on the other side to the river. Here was a large rock which mado an excellent lookout point and we sat down and relaxed to admire the view below us. The bed of the river was wide and choked with sandbanks, a result of farming methods up-river which cause severe erosion and fast rum-off. The water itself was muddy and slow moving. On the opposite bank tall spreading fig :tees shaded an expanse of bright green grass which gave way to bushveld further inland. A troop of baboons was squabbling somewhere on the scarp below us and a flock of heron-like birds were calling with raucous voices as they flew along the water. +We followed the trail upwards to a small hill which dropped away sharply on the other side to the river. Here was a large rock which made an excellent lookout point and we sat down and relaxed to admire the view below us. The bed of the river was wide and choked with sandbanks, a result of farming methods up-river which cause severe erosion and fast run-off. The water itself was muddy and slow moving. On the opposite bank tall spreading fig trees shaded an expanse of bright green grass which gave way to bushveld further inland. A troop of baboons was squabbling somewhere on the scarp below us and a flock of heron-like birds were calling with raucous voices as they flew along the water. 
-Out rest over, we scraMbled down to the border and waded across the UMfolozi, aprocedure I got to know quite well. The water was warm, gently flowing and up to the waist in depth. Somehow it happened that lunch, or evening camp, was always on the opposite bank of the river. + 
-Our two nights on the trail were spent at a semi-permanent camp beside the White Umfolozi River where we enjoyed the luxury of tents and stretchers. The only other furniture was the seating round the campfire which consisted of two logs and a rhino skull so the wil,eess aspect was well maintained. There was an unobtrusive enclosing fence of wire netting and thornbush and we were told this was a fairly recent innovation. Earlier parties had had the excitement of discovering lion wandering through the camp at night and Park officials felt it was only a matter of time before someone was taken. We ourselves were quite happy to have the fence there. +Our rest over, we scrambled down to the border and waded across the Umfolozi, a procedure I got to know quite well. The water was warm, gently flowing and up to the waist in depth. Somehow it happened that lunch, or evening camp, was always on the opposite bank of the river. 
-As far as walking itself went the pace was leisurely and We covered about 16 km each day, mostly following pads made by the animals, although the countryside is open enough to allow walking in any direction. Our provisions and gear for the night were carried in on asses so we had no more than cameres, binoculars and lunch to weigh us down. Temperatures were mild in the morning turning to hot and humid by midday and then in the early afternoon a brief thunderstorm generally occurred to bring cooler conditions. We speht the hottest part of the day with a lunch stop and siesta, after cooling ourselves off with a swim in the river. There are crocodiles in the Umfolozi but the water is too muddy to see them and no-one seems much concerned. + 
-What made this trip out of the ordinary was the feeling of excitement always present of not knowing what animal might lie ahead behind a bush +Our two nights on the trail were spent at a semi-permanent camp beside the White Umfolozi River where we enjoyed the luxury of tents and stretchers. The only other furniture was the seating round the campfire which consisted of two logs and a rhino skull so the wilderness aspect was well maintained. There was an unobtrusive enclosing fence of wire netting and thornbush and we were told this was a fairly recent innovation. Earlier parties had had the excitement of discovering lion wandering through the camp at night and Park officials felt it was only a matter of time before someone was taken. We ourselves were quite happy to have the fence there. 
-Page 16 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1976. + 
-or over the next rise. The richness of South African fauna is incredible and makes the Australian bush seem a desert by comparison. It was a rare ten minutes that we did not catch sight of nyala, warthog or a herd of impala or hear the sneezy snorts of wildebeeste as they sensed our presence. Teeming with game is the only expression.+As far as walking itself went the pace was leisurely and we covered about 16 km each day, mostly following pads made by the animals, although the countryside is open enough to allow walking in any direction. Our provisions and gear for the night were carried in on asses so we had no more than cameres, binoculars and lunch to weigh us down. Temperatures were mild in the morning turning to hot and humid by midday and then in the early afternoon a brief thunderstorm generally occurred to bring cooler conditions. We spent the hottest part of the day with a lunch stop and siesta, after cooling ourselves off with a swim in the river. There are crocodiles in the Umfolozi but the water is too muddy to see them and no-one seems much concerned. 
 +What made this trip out of the ordinary was the feeling of excitement always present of not knowing what animal might lie ahead behind a bush or over the next rise. The richness of South African fauna is incredible and makes the Australian bush seem a desert by comparison. It was a rare ten minutes that we did not catch sight of nyala, warthog or a herd of impala or hear the sneezy snorts of wildebeeste as they sensed our presence. Teeming with game is the only expression. 
 Despite the numbers of the wildlife, and particularly of rhino, dangerous encounters are rare and we had only one mildly alarming experience. Despite the numbers of the wildlife, and particularly of rhino, dangerous encounters are rare and we had only one mildly alarming experience.
-The party was filing down a gentle slope of scattered thornbush and rather more strung out than was desirable. While not actually drowsy the heat of the afternoon and the steady walking had us less alert than usual. + 
-was walking right at the back and closest to the Zulu boy when he clicked a warning and pointed to a clump of bushes ahead. Two rhino were resting there, partly concealed and motionless, no doubt half asleep on this warm afternoon. A couple of seconds later before we could warn them the front of the party nearly walked into the rhino and man and beast suddenly became aware of each other. +The party was filing down a gentle slope of scattered thornbush and rather more strung out than was desirable. While not actually drowsy the heat of the afternoon and the steady walking had us less alert than usual. was walking right at the back and closest to the Zulu boy when he clicked a warning and pointed to a clump of bushes ahead. Two rhino were resting there, partly concealed and motionless, no doubt half asleep on this warm afternoon. A couple of seconds later before we could warn them the front of the party nearly walked into the rhino and man and beast suddenly became aware of each other. 
-With a muffled snort the rhino dashed to the side and then stopped abruptly, looking very agitated as they tried to size up the situation. Their agility and speed was amazing and quite alarming at such close Quarters. Allen and his offsider had just moved to action stations between us and the rhino when the latter displayed their renowned unpredictability and charged. Before we had time to seek safety in the nearest tree (and six of us would have looked funny trying to all fit in a three- metre thornbush) two quick shots rang out as Allen fired near the feet of the leading rhino and caused them both to veer away from us. + 
-When the sound of heavy bodies crashing through the bush had died away we settled down in the shadeto let our adrenalin burn off and someone asked Allen the inevitable question - Which animal did he consider the most dangerous? At the time the rest of us had the feeling it ought to be rhino but he nominated lion, giving as reason that he had had more dangerous encounters with lion. His rifle holds three bullets and the first is always a soft-nosed one to stop a charging lioness. +With a muffled snort the rhino dashed to the side and then stopped abruptly, looking very agitated as they tried to size up the situation. Their agility and speed was amazing and quite alarming at such close quarters. Allen and his offsider had just moved to action stations between us and the rhino when the latter displayed their renowned unpredictability and charged. Before we had time to seek safety in the nearest tree (and six of us would have looked funny trying to all fit in a three-metre thornbush) two quick shots rang out as Allen fired near the feet of the leading rhino and caused them both to veer away from us. 
-All too quickly the three days were up and we found ourselves back at MAsinda, regretting the end of the walk and exclaiming what a pity it was to have to return to our work-a-day lives - at least the others were + 
-was still on holidays+When the sound of heavy bodies crashing through the bush had died away we settled down in the shade to let our adrenalin burn off and someone asked Allen the inevitable question - which animal did he consider the most dangerous? At the time the rest of us had the feeling it ought to be rhino but he nominated lion, giving as reason that he had had more dangerous encounters with lion. His rifle holds three bullets and the first is always a soft-nosed one to stop a charging lioness. 
 +All too quickly the three days were up and we found ourselves back at Masinda, regretting the end of the walk and exclaiming what a pity it was to have to return to our work-a-day lives - at least the others were, I was still on holidays
 Seeing Africa this way left a very vivid impression and I can still recall the exhilaration of walking the bushveld as I write these lines. If you get the chance to visit Africa, take it. Seeing Africa this way left a very vivid impression and I can still recall the exhilaration of walking the bushveld as I write these lines. If you get the chance to visit Africa, take it.
-Not all hiking in South Africa is like the Wilderness Trail and there are many Reserves without dangerous animals such as Giants Castle where normal hiking is practised. If you wish to walk in Umfolozi it is necessary to book about three months ahead and further details may be obtainedfrom the writer or fromNatal Parks, Game and Fish Preserv- + 
-ation Board, P.O. Box 662, Pietermaritzburg, M.A. * * * * * * * * +Not all hiking in South Africa is like the Wilderness Trail and there are many Reserves without dangerous animals such as Giants Castle where normal hiking is practised. If you wish to walk in Umfolozi it is necessary to book about three months ahead and further details may be obtained from the writer or from Natal Parks, Game and Fish Preservation Board, P.O. Box 662, Pietermaritzburg, R.S.A. 
-* * * * * * * * + 
-Page 1 7 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Apri]71976. +---- 
 +=====Werong - February, 1976.===== 
 by Jim Brown. by Jim Brown.
-Returning from a telephone discussion with Editor Neville Page + 
-about the material in a forthcomingmagazine, Kath said "Neville wants me to write something about the nudists we saw at Werong. I don't know about that. It's no use just giving the bare facts. You've got to develop a theme and dress it up a bit." +Returning from a telephone discussion with Editor Neville Page about the material in a forthcoming magazine, Kath said "Neville wants me to write something about the nudists we saw at Werong. I don't know about that. It's no use just giving the bare facts. You've got to develop a theme and dress it up a bit." 
-Now I kno* Kath doesn't make corny gags like that - she leaves that side of the coin to-me. But what can I say except give the unadorned facts?+ 
 +Now I know Kath doesn't make corny gags like that - she leaves that side of the coin to me. But what can I say except give the unadorned facts? 
 It was the day walk of 15th February - a sultry, sticky day if ever. At Otford Station we had 20 starters, with five of the Younger clan to join us on the top road. Explaining what was ahead of us, I told the party we would go over the hill, down to Bulgo, along the rocks to Werong or Hell Hole Beach, which I said "was one of those nominated as a legitimate nude bathing beach, but because of the difficulty of approach, I didn't think anyone would take it up". It was the day walk of 15th February - a sultry, sticky day if ever. At Otford Station we had 20 starters, with five of the Younger clan to join us on the top road. Explaining what was ahead of us, I told the party we would go over the hill, down to Bulgo, along the rocks to Werong or Hell Hole Beach, which I said "was one of those nominated as a legitimate nude bathing beach, but because of the difficulty of approach, I didn't think anyone would take it up".
-Well, that's where I was wrong. We went up a hill, down a hill, and along about mile of rocks in the oppressive heat, and when we got + 
-to Werong, the nudists were there. About 25 or 30 people were at Werong, and of these perhaps 10 or 12 male bathers or sunbakers were in a state of nature. Of the 3 cr 4 women present all were wearing bikinis or more. +Well, that's where I was wrong. We went up a hill, down a hill, and along about 3/4 mile of rocks in the oppressive heat, and when we got to Werong, the nudists were there. About 25 or 30 people were at Werong, and of these perhaps 10 or 12 male bathers or sunbakers were in a state of nature. Of the 3 or 4 women present all were wearing bikinis or more. 
-Having a mixed party including some of reasonably tender years, I decided to consult an oracle. The only oracle available was another Past President in Bob Younger and he wasn't much help. I asked him if he intended to be "with it" and then, :as an afterthought "or without it". He told me it was a damned ambiguous question and he proposed not to be with it pr without it. In fact, all the walkers bathed in conspicuous respectability, and retreated up to the hillside for lunch. + 
-Observations so far suggested the Werong contingent was made up +Having a mixed party including some of reasonably tender years, I decided to consult an oracle. The only oracle available was another Past President in Bob Younger and he wasn't much help. I asked him if he intended to be "with it" and then, as an afterthought "or without it". He told me it was a damned ambiguous question and he proposed __not__ to be with it or without it. In fact, all the walkers bathed in conspicuous respectability, and retreated up to the hillside for lunch. 
-of habitues. Of those on the beach only one or two had a white-skinned area around the loins indicating they usually wore trunks. I felt sure the Savage sun of 15th February would soon broil them. I found myself humming over and over that old ballads+ 
-"Now Sin:bad was a sailor and you know what sailors are - - - (Here a missing couplet I couldn't remember) +Observations so far suggested the Werong contingent was made up of habitues. Of those on the beach only one or two had a white-skinned area around the loins indicating they usually wore trunks. I felt sure the savage sun of 15th February would soon broil them. I found myself humming over and over that old ballad:- 
-He saw a batch of mermaids combing out their locks. The naked truth upset him and he ended on the rocks." + 
-The mermaids never appeared. Werong is no place for the male voyeur. It may qualify for Cleo magazine. I did notice that the lantana around Werong is thicker than usual, but someone seems to have been at some pains to clear the tracks. I can understand that. I would clear the lantana if I were in the habit of going about in the altogether. About 2.30 p m. we finally left Werong and its swinging colony to the sun and surf and the lantana. On the way up the track we passed several parties still moving towards the beach. Maybe the place is growing notorious. * * * * * * * * * * +"Now Sinbad was a sailor and you know what sailors are - - -\\ 
-Page 18 THE SYDNEY BUSHWAIKER April, 1976. +(Here a missing couplet I couldn't remember)\\ 
-*************** Box 553 P.O., Christchurch, New Zealand ************** +He saw a batch of mermaids combing out their locks.\\ 
-FOR THE CHEAPEST GEI1R IN AUSTRALASIA+The naked truth upset him and he ended on the rocks." 
-We have a prompt mail order service to Australian customers FREE POSTAGE ON ALL ORDERS. Below is a list of some of the gear we stock prices quoter in New Zealand dollars (NZ $1 A $0.83). + 
-We prefer payment by bank draft in New Zealand currency.  +The mermaids never appeared. Werong is no place for the male voyeur. It may qualify for Cleo magazine. I did notice that the lantana around Werong is thicker than usual, but someone seems to have been at some pains to clear the tracks. I can understand that. I would clear the lantana if I were in the habit of going about in the altogether. About 2.30 p.m. we finally left Werong and its swinging colony to the sun and surf and the lantana. On the way up the track we passed several parties still moving towards the beach. Maybe the place is growing notorious. 
-Typhoon Oilskin parkas Standard model 21.00 + 
-(all sizes) Delux model 24.00 +---- 
-Cagoules, neoprene coated nylon 18040 + 
-Zip parkas, neoprene coated nylon 23.00 +=====Alp Sports.===== 
-Long woollen socks 4050 + 
-Short woollen socks 2,75 +===For the cheapest gear in Australasia.=== 
-Jumpers, 100% natural black greasy wool 20.00 + 
-Jumpers, pure wool, fairisle patterns 19.00 +We have a prompt mail order service to Australian customers - free postage on all orders. Below is a list of some of the gear we stock prices quoted in New Zealand dollars (NZ $1 A $0.83). We prefer payment by bank draft in New Zealand currency.  
-Balaclavas, pure wool 2.40 + 
-Hats, pure wool, fairisle patterns 2,75 +|Product|$| 
-Light woollen shirts, check patterns 9.50 +|Typhoon Oilskin parkas Standard model|21.00| 
-Ranger, heavy wool shirts, check patterns 14.50 +|Typhoon Oilskin parkas - Delux model|24.00| 
-Mountaineer, heavy wool shirts, checks & tartans 17.00 +|Cagoules, neoprene coated nylon|18.40| 
-Trousers, woollen tweed 14.50 +|Zip parkas, neoprene coated nylon|23.00|| 
-Day sacs from 15,00 +|Long woollen socks|4.50| 
-K-2 double wall tents 94.00 +|Short woollen socks|2.75| 
-L-2 special medium rucksacks 65.00 +|Jumpers, 100% natural black greasy wool|20.00| 
-K-2 special large rucksacl-s 66.00 +|Jumpers, pure wool, fairisle patterns|19.00| 
-K-2 standard medium rucksacks 61.50 +|Balaclavas, pure wool|2.40| 
-K-2 standard large rucksacks 63.00 +|Hats, pure wool, fairisle patterns|2.75| 
-K-2 Intermediate rucksacks 47.50 +|Light woollen shirts, check patterns|9.50| 
-K-2 Junior rucksacks 35.00 +|Ranger, heavy wool shirts, check patterns|14.50| 
-K-2 Aarn I climbing & skitouring pack 50.00 +|Mountaineer, heavy wool shirts, checks & tartans|17.00| 
-K-2 Aarn II pack 44,50 +|Trousers, woollen tweed|14.50| 
-Wintest nylon, tents from 37.00 +|Day sacs from|15.00| 
-Everest sleeping bags from 77.00 +|K-2 double wall tents|94.00| 
-Everest Mummy sleeping bags from 73.00 +|K-2 special medium rucksacks|65.00| 
-Twenty Below sleeping bags from 61.50 +|K-2 special large rucksacks|66.00| 
-Explorer sleeping bags from 50.00 +|K-2 standard medium rucksacks|61.50| 
-AND MUCH MORE WRITE FOR A PRICE LIST (Address above) +|K-2 standard large rucksacks|63.00| 
-Page 19 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1.976. +|K-2 Intermediate rucksacks|47.50| 
-,403 +|K-2 Junior rucksacks|35.00| 
-7*.1 By +|K-2 Aarn I climbing & skitouring pack|50.00| 
-Puffing Billy +|K-2 Aarn II pack|44.50| 
-There I was, enjoying my super-lightweight, multi-purpose, fully- collapsible aluminium chair when Spiro insinuatedhimself into the group with that confidential, moustachioed, you-can't-say-no smile of his. +|Wintest nylon, tents from|37.00| 
-"We've just decided," said he, "that you're writing up the reunion." "And who is we?" I demanded imperiously. +|Everest sleeping bags from|77.00| 
-"Well," responded Spiro, his all-seeing, all-knowing, black eyes +|Everest Mummy sleeping bags from|73.00| 
-darting around in search of hypothetical conspirators, "Me and - er - Helen and -er - Dot and+|Twenty Below sleeping bags from|61.50| 
 +|Explorer sleeping bags from|50.00| 
 +And much moore - write for a price list (Address above) 
 +=====Reunion '76==== 
 +By Puffing Billy
 +There I was, enjoying my super-lightweight, multi-purpose, fully-collapsible aluminium chair when Spiro insinuated himself into the group with that confidential, moustachioed, you-can't-say-no smile of his. 
 +"We've just decided," said he, "that you're writing up the reunion." "And who is __we__?" I demanded imperiously. 
 +"Well," responded Spiro, his all-seeing, all-knowing, black eyes darting around in search of hypothetical conspirators, "Me and - er - Helen and - er - Dot and..." 
 "Say no more," I urged. "With enemies like that, who dares refuse?" "Say no more," I urged. "With enemies like that, who dares refuse?"
-So here it is + 
-Having read the instruotions and listened attentively to Dot Butler's +So here it is... 
-spiel at the Annual General, we parked the car and looked around for the + 
-promised bamboo tent poles. "Have to find them," I assured my chauffeur. +Having read the instructions and listened attentively to Dot Butler's spiel at the Annual General, we parked the car and looked around for the promised bamboo tent poles. "Have to find them," I assured my chauffeur. "Remember, Dot said she'd put them here because tent poles and timber are scarce at the camping spot." 
-"Remember, Dot said she'd put them here because tent poles and timber are scarce at the camping spot."+
 Bamboo tent poles? Never a sign of bamboo tent poles. Muttering curses at the perfidy of women and Dot in particular, we started down the hill, gathering tent-poles, abdul sticks and scarce-at-the-camping-spot firewood. Bamboo tent poles? Never a sign of bamboo tent poles. Muttering curses at the perfidy of women and Dot in particular, we started down the hill, gathering tent-poles, abdul sticks and scarce-at-the-camping-spot firewood.
-Somewhere down the hill, staggering along behind my armful of timber, I suddenly found ileople .and tents and camp fires 0. and Putto + 
-making johnny cakes and Dot.+Somewhere down the hill, staggering along behind my armful of timber, I suddenly found people... and tents... and camp fires... and Putto making johnny cakes... and Dot. 
 "Where's those !!??11 bamboo tent poles!" I roared at her. "Why, right here," she answered with a you-couldn't-be-angry-with-me smile (oh, couldn't I?), "I thought I'd save you all the trouble and bring them down." "Where's those !!??11 bamboo tent poles!" I roared at her. "Why, right here," she answered with a you-couldn't-be-angry-with-me smile (oh, couldn't I?), "I thought I'd save you all the trouble and bring them down."
-Having too much appreciation of the ridiculous to be angry"for long(and don't you need it in S.D.W0?)we forgave her and set about reuning. Having also an appreciation of the priorities, we unfolded the chairs, broke out the necessities from the esky, settled back with a couple of iced tubes and remarked in plaintive, suitably-loud voices that we couldn't have lunch yet, as we'd first have to pitch the tent and stow the gear because rain was threatening. And lo a good fairy appeared beside us and the good fairy was Margaret Putt and each hand was prof erring one of Putto's johnny cakes and if you haven't tasted Putto's johnny cakes, you've missed the next best thing to sex. + 
-Lunch over and tent up, we made our first inspection of the S.B.W. hectares comprising Coolana. From the group near the terrace earmarked for the reunion campfire, we proceeded down the road past the spot where the Browns were dining in regal seclusion - until latex corners blossomed their site into a satellite village. Not the Snow Browns, mark you +Having too much appreciation of the ridiculous to be angry for long (and don't you need it in S.B.W.?)we forgave her and set about reuning. Having also an appreciation of the priorities, we unfolded the chairs, broke out the necessities from the esky, settled back with a couple of iced tubes and remarked in plaintive, suitably-loud voices that we couldn't have lunch yet, as we'd first have to pitch the tent and stow the gear because rain was threatening. And lo a good fairy appeared beside us and the good fairy was Margaret Puttand each hand was proferring one of Putto's johnny cakes and if you haven't tasted Putto's johnny cakes, you've missed the next best thing to sex. 
-Page 20 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1976. + 
-the Kath and Jim Browns. The Snow-Browns, along with the Don Finches, had given advance notice of nonattendance due to high states of being in the pudding club. Had they forgotten that Woods Creek reunion years ago, with Kath McInnes looking the shape of an uncOoked damper? No panic, you'll remember Debbie didn't arrive for another 36 hours. Whew! +Lunch over and tent up, we made our first inspection of the S.B.W. hectares comprising Coolana. From the group near the terrace earmarked for the reunion campfire, we proceeded down the road past the spot where the Browns were dining in regal seclusion - until later comers blossomed their site into a satellite village. Not the Snow Browns, mark youthe Kath and Jim Browns. The Snow Browns, along with the Don Finches, had given advance notice of non-attendance due to high states of being in the pudding club. Had they forgotten that Woods Creek reunion years ago, with Kath McInnes looking the shape of an uncooked damper? No panic, you'll remember Debbie didn't arrive for another 36 hours. Whew! 
-Suddenly, as we rounded a curve and dipped over a hill, our ears were assailedby sounds of voices commanding, hammers hammering and female chattering. And right there, before our boggling eyes was a skeletons + 
-the skeleton of a monstrous shelter shed, with foremen Gray, Shappert, Beck, Hodgson, Cotton and Vaattiliottis (as Spiro said, you can't spell these Greek names in striae) supervising a whole anthill of workers. +Suddenly, as we rounded a curve and dipped over a hill, our ears were assailed by sounds of voices commanding, hammers hammering and female chattering. And right there, before our boggling eyes was a skeleton: the skeleton of a monstrous shelter shed, with foremen Gray, Shappert, Beck, Hodgson, Cotton and Vaattiliottis (as Spiro said, you can't spell these Greek names in strine) supervising a whole anthill of workers. 
-How was that for opportunism?reunionfull of journeymen, wives and sweethearts. And if you cybernetics merchants ever wanted a lesson in control, you got it when someone hit Hans Beck's finger with a heavy setting maul. In deference to the ladies and the kids, not a syllable escaped his grimacing lips. But, oh myi did his Adam's apple work overtime. + 
-With the trusses up, a truce was called, buckets were filled from the laidon water supply, and we dispersed to our respective camp sites, spread over the hillside from the camp fire to the lush green banks by the river. +How was that for opportunism?reunion-full of journeymen, wives and sweethearts. And if you cybernetics merchants ever wanted a lesson in control, you got it when someone hit Hans Beck's finger with a heavy setting maul. In deference to the ladies and the kids, not a syllable escaped his grimacing lips. But, oh my! did his Adam's apple work overtime. 
-Came dark, the fun began. Under the batton of maestro Bob Younger, by the light of the PuttHajinaketas bonfire, we romped melodiously through the song sheet, to the accompaniment of Bob Hodgson's and Peter Scandrett's mouth organs. Interspersed, of course, with literary, dramatic (?) and comic gems along the way. + 
-Dot Butler spun us the great Gilbertian yarn of the "Nancy Bell". +With the trusses up, a truce was called, buckets were filled from the laid-on water supply, and we dispersed to our respective camp sites, spread over the hillside from the camp fire to the lush green banks by the river. 
-An "elderly naval man" in the form of a whitebearded Jim Brown, with crew by way of Barry Wallace, Craig Shappert, Bob Younger, Spiro and midshipmite Susan Gray and various others .. + 
-..... gave a hitch to his trousers which +Came dark, the fun began. Under the batton of maestro Bob Younger, by the light of the Putt-Hajinaketas bonfire, we romped melodiously through the song sheet, to the accompaniment of Bob Hodgson's and Peter Scandrett's mouth organs. Interspersed, of course, with literary, dramatic (?) and comic gems along the way. 
-Is a trick all seamen lam+ 
-And having got rid of a thumping quid+Dot Butler spun us the great Gilbertian yarn of the "Nancy Bell". An "elderly naval man" in the form of a white-bearded Jim Brown, with crew by way of Barry Wallace, Craig Shappert, Bob Younger, Spiro and midshipmite Susan Gray and various others... 
 +"..... gave a hitch to his trousers which\\ 
 +Is a trick all seamen larn,\\ 
 +And having got rid of a thumping quid\\
 He spun this painful yarn." He spun this painful yarn."
 We were then regaled with the story of how J.B. was marooned with his fellow mariners and in the last dire distress of starvation ate them all up (even Spiro!) until in the end: We were then regaled with the story of how J.B. was marooned with his fellow mariners and in the last dire distress of starvation ate them all up (even Spiro!) until in the end:
-" He never larfs, and he never smiles + 
-Ana he never larks nor plays, +"He never larfs, and he never smiles\\ 
-But he sits and croaks, and a single joke +Ana he never larks nor plays,\\ 
-He has, which is to says +But he sits and croaks, and a single joke\\ 
-'Oh, I am the cook, and the captain bold +He has, which is to say:\\ 
-And the mate of the Nancy brig, +'Oh, I am the cook, and the captain bold\\ 
-And the bosun tight and the midshipmite +And the mate of the Nancy brig,\\ 
-And the crew of the captain's gig.' +And the bosun tight and the midshipmite\\ 
-Lest we should doubt their virtuosity, a quartet of the same crew, miraculously reincarnated, with Jim Brown as the chairleech, recreated the February general meeting of the Burning Palms Chapter of the Bloodsuckers of Australia. Commencing with their entreaty to the Great Leech Above: +And the crew of the captain's gig.'
-Page 21 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1976. + 
-a a.41 +Lest we should doubt their virtuosity, a quartet of the same crew, miraculously reincarnated, with Jim Brown as the chair-leech, recreated the February general meeting of the Burning Palms Chapter of the Blood-suckers of Australia. Commencing with their entreaty to the Great Leech Above: 
-"Blood, blood, beautiful blood, + 
-Warms your inside when you're crawling through mud, So send us a scout troop, +"Blood, blood, beautiful blood,\\ 
-We don't care what blood group, +Warms your inside when you're crawling through mud,\\ 
-And see us go loop-loop+So send us a scout troop,\\ 
 +We don't care what blood group,\\ 
 +And see us go loop-loop\\
 For their beautiful blood." For their beautiful blood."
 They continued their deliberations until walkers were seen coming down the Squeeze Hole track, when they closed with the anthem: They continued their deliberations until walkers were seen coming down the Squeeze Hole track, when they closed with the anthem:
-"With joy we watch our prey parade Over mossy logs thru' jungle shade Resting their limbs in grassy glade - + 
-In grassy glade. +"With joy we watch our prey parade\\ 
-And always we have found before They bring to us a goodly store Of flowing, red, nutritious gore. +Over mossy logs thru' jungle shade\\ 
-Bushwalkers, bushwalkers,+Resting their limbs in grassy glade -\\ 
 +In grassy glade.\\ 
 +And always we have found before\\ 
 +They bring to us a goodly store\\ 
 +Of flowing, red, nutritious gore.\\ 
 +Bushwalkers, bushwalkers,\\
 Our old bloody mates!" Our old bloody mates!"
-Next in line was Owen Marks, usurping S.A.Premier Don Dunstan's poetry-reading talents. He chose a 40-page story, drama, tragedy and comedy (with Owen, it had to be all four) on the theme, + 
-"The Lady Jane was tall and slim, +Next in line was Owen Marks, usurping S.A. Premier Don Dunstan's poetry-reading talents. He chose a 40-page story, drama, tragedy and comedy (with Owen, it __had__ to be all four) on the theme, 
-The Lady Jane was fair3 + 
-And Sir Thomas, her Lord, was stout of limb, +"The Lady Jane was tall and slim,\\ 
-But his cough was short, and his eyes were dim, +The Lady Jane was fair;\\ 
-And he wore green "specs" with a tortoiseshell rim, +And Sir Thomas, her Lord, was stout of limb,\\ 
-And his hat was remarkably broad in the brim, +But his cough was short, and his eyes were dim,\\ 
-And she was uncommonly fond of him, And they were a loving pair." But alas and alacki There was also another lover. +And he wore green "specs" with a tortoiseshell rim,\\ 
-Dung Khan, the Dalai Lama, was just loosening his vocal chords for +And his hat was remarkably broad in the brim,\\ 
-a special request but was eclipsed by the sudden onset of the initiation of new members. Carol Gibbons, Rudolph Werner, Frank Roberts, Stephen Knightley, Bill Blackburn and John Fox were blindfolded, paired off and given spoons and billies of porridge with which to feed each other. Bill Blackburn's beard adorned with smears of goo is a sight to make even strong men split their sides, but alas the expected sight of "Stephanie" Knightley's long blonde locks encased in porridge did not eventuate because Frank Roberts was just too, too wily. He instructed Stephanie to blow and simply followed the aeolian pathway to the target. Shame! +And she was uncommonly fond of him,\\ 
-Among all this, it was discovered that Robyn Preston has always excaped initiation. A wild bush chase in the dark failed to capture her, but - .shekee.21 +And they were a loving pair." 
-As signals from the subsidiary fire made it known that supper was nearly cooked, Helen Gray was inducted as our new President with that unique mixture of pomp and comic relief that only hoary Past Presidents and the S.B,W. rabble can amalgamate. As our fourth woman President, Helen was vested with the President's symbols of office. Jim Brown, + 
-Page 22 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 19760 +But alas and alack! There was also another lover. 
-Barry Wallace, Spiro Hajindketas, Frank Rigby, Bob Younger and Ron Knightley were enough to hang her with Harry Savage's beautifully oarved horn flannel- flower, clasped hands, boot and map of Australia. Plus, of course, the Bone.+ 
 +Dung Khan, the Dalai Lama, was just loosening his vocal chords for a special requestbut was eclipsed by the sudden onset of the initiation of new members. Carol Gibbons, Rudolph Werner, Frank Roberts, Stephen Knightley, Bill Blackburn and John Fox were blindfolded, paired off and given spoons and billies of porridge with which to feed each other. Bill Blackburn's beard adorned with smears of goo is a sight to make even strong men split their sides, but alasthe expected sight of "Stephanie" Knightley's long blonde locks encased in porridge did not eventuate because Frank Roberts was just too, too wily. He instructed Stephanie to blow and simply followed the aeolian pathway to the target. Shame! 
 +Among all this, it was discovered that Robyn Preston has always escaped initiation. A wild bush chase in the dark failed to capture her, but - __she'll keep__! 
 +As signals from the subsidiary fire made it known that supper was nearly cooked, Helen Gray was inducted as our new President with that unique mixture of pomp and comic relief that only hoary Past Presidents and the S.B.W. rabble can amalgamate. As our fourth woman President, Helen was vested with the President's symbols of office. Jim Brown, Barry Wallace, Spiro Hajindketas, Frank Rigby, Bob Younger and Ron Knightley were enough to hang her with Harry Savage's beautifully carved horn flannel-flower, clasped hands, boot and map of Australia. Plus, of course, the Bone. 
 The moment for salivating now having arrived, we all queued up for the snag sandwiches and tomato sauce. Women and children last, would you believe? The moment for salivating now having arrived, we all queued up for the snag sandwiches and tomato sauce. Women and children last, would you believe?
-Sunday morning brought back the hammering hammers again as the roof went up on the shed, the Frank Bigbys cooked their breakfast in last night's embers, Don Matthews lurked over all With his telephoto lens, and the damper contest proceeded. Some there were reluctant to enter the contest, pleading that they had no flour. But Spiro, that master politician who disarms all logic, produced ten kilos of it, free! + 
-At 10.30, the cry of "Hero Come The Judge!" called the asseMbled cooks and onlookers to attention. For the benefit of new members - and, we hope, for some of the cooks - the Judge explained that a damper contest, as all could see from the results displayed, is divided into a number of subsections the true, or damper subsection; the chapattie subsection; the johnnycake subsection; the meadow-cake subsection; and the charcoal subsection. Moreover, it is an art, fit only for the purist; with flour, water and salt as the only permissible ingredients - no additivas like eggs, butter, milk, sticks, raw sausages, rum or dirt from under the fingernails. +Sunday morning brought back the hammering hammers again as the roof went up on the shed, the Frank Rigbys cooked their breakfast in last night's embers, Don Matthews lurked over all with his telephoto lens, and the damper contest proceeded. Some there were reluctant to enter the contest, pleading that they had no flour. But Spiro, that master politician who disarms all logic, produced ten kilos of it, free! 
-Possessing, himself, a slight pollution of the taste buds, he called upon a substitute taster in the form of Helen Rowen, who showed her true diplomacy by declaring a dead heat, one female and one male - the creators thereof being Joan Rigby and Frank Roberts. "And they used Ely flour!" bemoaned the dethroned champion, Spiro. + 
-As we repaired to the river where hardy types like Bob Hodgson, Jim Vatiliotis, Peter Stitt and various kinder went for a voluntary swim (and Dot Stitt went for a not-so-voluntaryone), we were joined by the Frank Youngs from across the river by canoe, Rowan ma and pa from Bundanoon, +At 10.30, the cry of "Here Come The Judge!" called the assembled cooks and onlookers to attention. For the benefit of new members - and, we hope, for some of the cooks - the Judge explained that a damper contest, as all could __see__ from the results displayed, is divided into a number of subsectionsthe true, or damper subsection; the chapattie subsection; the johnnycake subsection; the meadow-cake subsection; and the charcoal subsection. Moreover, it is an art, fit only for the purist; with flour, water and salt as the only permissible ingredients - no additives like eggs, butter, milk, sticks, raw sausages, rum or dirt from under the fingernails. 
-and the Raymondes, with Dorothy Hasluck, from being lost the night before. They hadreadthe instructions and knew there'd be a sign to point the way. But who, in the dark and tharain, would know that a sign saying "M.B.S." was actually "S.B.W." upside down? + 
-And so the weekend was nearly over. We went back to our fire, eased our way between the vaa..ious McInneses who'd taken it over, emptied the eaky, folded the chairs and motored home. +Possessing, himself, a slight pollution of the taste buds, he called upon a substitute taster in the form of Helen Rowen, who showed her true diplomacy by declaring a dead heat, one female and one male - the creators thereof being Joan Rigby and Frank Roberts. "And they used __my__ flour!" bemoaned the dethroned champion, Spiro. 
-But not, of course, before consulting Jim Brown's computer which had faithfully kept track of the pulsating hordes to record 58 adults including 20 with more than 20 years' membership apiece, plus 20 children and Geoffrey McInnes. Fair dinkum, he's a different species, that one; when he grows up, he'll outdo S4ro, Paul Hogan and his mum all rolled in together. + 
-************+As we repaired to the river where hardy types like Bob Hodgson, Jim Vatiliotis, Peter Stitt and various kinder went for a voluntary swim (and Dot Stitt went for a not-so-voluntary one), we were joined by the Frank Youngs from across the river by canoe, Rowan ma and pa from Bundanoon, and the Raymondes, with Dorothy Hasluck, from being lost the night before. They had read the instructions and knew there'd be a sign to point the way. But who, in the dark and the rain, would know that a sign saying "M.B.S." was actually "S.B.W." upside down? 
 +And so the weekend was nearly over. We went back to our fire, eased our way between the various McInneses who'd taken it over, emptied the esky, folded the chairs and motored home. 
 +But not, of course, before consulting Jim Brown's computer which had faithfully kept track of the pulsating hordes to record 58 adults including 20 with more than 20 years' membership apiece, plus 20 children and Geoffrey McInnes. Fair dinkum, he's a different species, that one; when he grows up, he'll outdo Spiro, Paul Hogan and his mum all rolled in together. 
 Lightweight bushwalking and camping gear. Lightweight bushwalking and camping gear.
-THE MOUNTAINEER DE-LUXE +===H Frame packs the Mountaineer De-luxe=== 
-This capacious pack can comfortably carry 70 tbs or more. The bag is made from tough lightweight terytene/ cotton, proofed fabric with special P.V.C. reinforced base. Bag size 20" x 17" x 9" and has proofed nylon extension throat complete with double draw cord for easy positive closureThe large protective flap has full sized zip pocket of waterproof nylon. It has liberal sized outside pocket. The whole bag is quickly and easily detached from the frame to form a 3' sleeping bag cover for cold, wet conditions. The frame is specially designed for comfortable load carrying with complete nylon web back harness and chrome tanned leather shoulder straps and three inch breeching strap for long hard wear. Weight 6lbs. + 
-BUNYIP RUCKSACK This 'shaped' rucksack is excellent for children. Usefull day pack. Weight 14ozs+This capacious pack can comfortably carry 70 lbs or more. The bag is made from tough lightweight terytene/cotton, proofed fabric with special P.V.C. reinforced base. Bag size 20" x 17" x 9" and has proofed nylon extension throat complete with double draw cord for easy positive closureThe large protective flap has full sized zip pocket of waterproof nylon. It has liberal sized outside pocket. The whole bag is quickly and easily detached from the frame to form a 3' sleeping bag cover for cold, wet conditions. The frame is specially designed for comfortable load carrying with complete nylon web back harness and chrome tanned leather shoulder straps and three inch breeching strap for long hard wear. Weight 6lbs. 
-A single pocket, shaped rucksack. Suitable for overnight camping. Weight 1%lbs. +===Bunyip rucksack=== 
-Has sewn-in curved bottom for extra comfort in carrying Will hold 30lbs. 2 pocket model 11/4lbs. 3 pocket model l'Albs+This 'shaped' rucksack is excellent for children. Use-full day pack. Weight 14 ozs
-Extra large bag with four external pockets and will carry about 40Ibs of camp gear. Weight 2%lbs. +===Senior rucksack=== 
-KIANDRA MODEL Hooded bag. + 
-Extra well +A single pocket, shaped rucksack. Suitable for overnight camping. Weight 1 1/2 lbs. 
-filled. Very + 
-compact. +===Bushman rucksack=== 
-Approx 33hlbs+ 
-HOTHAM MODEL Super warm +Has sewn-in curved bottom for extra comfort in carryingWill hold 30lbs. 2 pocket model 1 1/4 lbs. 3 pocket model l 1/2 lbs
-box quilted. + 
-Added leg +===Pioneer rucksack=== 
-room. + 
-Approx +Extra large bag with four external pockets and will carry about 40 lbs of camp gear. Weight 2 1/4 lbs. 
-weight and packed size of regular bags. 9" x SW' dia. 2lbs.+===Kiandra model=== 
 +Hooded bag. Extra well filled. Very compact. Approx 3 3/4 lbs
 +===Hotham model=== 
 +Super warm box quilted. Added leg room. Approx 4 1/2 lbs. 
 +===Superlight model=== 
 +Half the weight and packed size of regular bags. 9" x 5 1/2" dia. 2 lbs.
 Everything for the bushwalker from blankets and air mattresses, stretchers, boots, compasses, maps, books, stoves and lamps to cooking ware and freeze dried and dehydrated foods. Everything for the bushwalker from blankets and air mattresses, stretchers, boots, compasses, maps, books, stoves and lamps to cooking ware and freeze dried and dehydrated foods.
-69 LIVERPOOL STSYDNEY -- 26-2686 61-7215 + 
-Page 24 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1976.+Paddy Pallin 
 +69 Liverpool StSydney - 26-2686 61-7215 
 Annual subscriptions are now due and the rates are:- Annual subscriptions are now due and the rates are:-
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