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-THE SY D EY BUSHWALKER +====== The Sydney Bushwalker====== 
-)(- + 
-Cr")r +Established June 1931. 
-c- + 
-+A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers Incorporated, Box 4476 GPO, Sydney, 2001. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening from 7.45 pm at the Ella Community Centre, 58a Dalhousie Street, Haberfield (next to Post Office). Prospective members and visitors are invited to visit the Club on any Wednesday (except 27/9/89 and 4/10/89). To advertise in this magazine please contact the Business Manager. 
- 'Ir..... -e- + 
-z +---- 
-Established June 1931 + 
-Mc fir.isrva, (4).04..a. +|**Editor**|Morag Ryder, Box 347 PO, Gladesville 2111Telephone 809 4241.| 
-A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Incorporated,Box 4476 GPO, Sydney, 2001. Club meetings are Wednesday evening from 7.45 pm at the Ella Community Centre, +|**Business Manager**|Anita Doherty, 2 Marine Crescent, Hornsby Heights2077.| 
-Street, Haberfield (next to the Post Office). Prospective +|**Production Manager**|Helen Gray.| 
-visitors are invited to visit the Club any Wednesday (except +|**Typist**|Kath Brown.| 
-4/10/89). To advertise in this magazine please contact the +|**Illustrators**|Morag Ryder.| 
-Manager. +|**Printers**|Morag Ryder, Les Powell, Barrie Murdoch.| 
-Bush Walkers held every 58a Dalhousie members and 27/9/89 and Business + 
-EDITOR +=== August 1989 === 
-PRODUCTION MANAGER TYPIST +===== In This Issue: ===== 
-Morag Ryder, Box 347 PO, Gladesville 2111 Telephone 809 4241 +| | |Page| 
-Anita Doherty, 2 Marine Crescent,Hornsby Heights +|While the Billy Boils|The Editor| 2| 
-2077 +|Waterproof Cameras| | 2| 
-Helen Gray Kath Browh Morag Ryder +|Bill Burke - Honorary Active|Bob Younger| 3| 
-Morag Ryder, Les Powell, Barrie Murdoch +|The Saga of Zobel Gully|George Mawer| 4| 
-AUGUST 1989 +|High on the Khumbu|Wendy Lippiatt & Sever Sternhell| 7| 
-While the Billy Boils Waterproof Cameras +|Anyone Can Be a Good Cook - Part 2|Stuart Brooks|10| 
-Bill Burke - Honorary Active +|Conservation - Kanangra-Boyd Sold?| |11| 
-The Saga of Zobel Gully +|Yes, Accidents DO Happen| |11| 
-High on the Khumbu +|Kakadu Capers|Russel Willis|12| 
-Anyone Can Be a Good Cook - Part 2 +|The July General Meeting|Barry Wallace|15| 
-Conservation - Kanangra-Boyd Sold? +|Federation Notes|Jeff Bridger|16| 
-Yes, Accidents DO Happen Kakadu Capers +|Social Notes| |16| 
-The July General Meeting Federation Notes +|Footnotes| |16| 
-Social Notes + 
-Footnotes +===== Advertisements: ===== 
-Advertisements  + 
-Canoe & Camping - Gladesville & Kogarah Bay Blackheath Taxis & Tourist Services +| |Page| 
-Eastwood Camping Centre +|Canoe & Camping - Gladesville & Kogarah Bay| 6| 
-Page The Editor 2 +|Blackheath Taxis & Tourist Services| 9| 
-2 +|Eastwood Camping Centre|14| 
-Bob Younger 3 + 
-George Mawer 4 +---- 
-Wendy Lippiatt + 
-& Sever Sternhell 7 +===== While The Billy Boils. ===== 
-Stuart Brooks LO + 
-ii +I recently made one of my solo jaunts to Mt. Solitary. After looking around, I camped near Melvilles Lookout. Sitting beside my little fire, I kept thinking of what I had seen around the campsites. Not just the usual collection of foil, plastic bags and assorted filth, but something far more worrying. 
-Russel Willis 12 + 
-Barry Wallace 15 +The young trees are disappearing. Ragged stumps and green leafy twigs stuffed into bushes tell the story. It took me about 10 minutes to find enough wood for my fire, but everywhere there was evidence of people too lazy to search. They would much rather bring a tomahawk and show what superb axmen they are - by hacking down a sapling. 
-Jeff Bridger 16 + 
-16 +Camping areas such as Glenbrook are now denuded of all but the largest trees. Should popular campsites be supplied with firewoodEasy enough in such places as Audley or Glenbrook, but the top of Solitary is another matter. So is the foot of Cambage Spire, the Gingra track and the caves at Mount Owen. As increasing numbers of people go camping, readily available dead wood disappears, and the saplings follow soon after. Yet a cold night without a fire is a dismal prospect. 
-16 + 
-+So what __is__ the answer ... any suggestions? 
-14 +
-Page 2 The Sydney Bushwalker August 1989 +
-I recently made one of my solo jaunts to Mt. Solitary. After lookingaround, I camped near Melvilles Lookout. Sitting beside my little fire, I kept thinking of what I had seen around the campsites. Not just the usual collection of foil, plastic bags and assorted filth, but something far more worrying. +
-The young trees are disappearing. Ragged stumps and green leafy twigs.stuffed into bushes tell the story. It took me about 10 minutes to +
-find enough wood for my fire, but everywhere there was evidence of people too lazy to search. They would much rather bring a tomahawk and/0 show what superb amen they are - by hacking down a sapling. +
-Camping areas such as Glenbrook are now denuded of all but the largest trees. Should popular campsites be supplied with firewoodEasy enough in such places as Audley or Glenbrook, but the top of Solitary is another matter. So is the foot of Cambage Spire, the +
-Gingra track and the caves at Mount Owen. As increasing numbers of foro) people go camping, readily available dead wood disappears, and the saplings follow soon after. Yet a cold night without a fire is a dismal prospect. +
-So what is the answer ... any suggestions?+
 See you on the track ... See you on the track ...
-Do you leave your camera at home becuase it might get wet? A pity, because creeks and rivers make great photographic subjects, and Waterfalls are always best in the rainy season. Ever thought of using a +Morag. 
-water resistant camera when walking? One of the following might be + 
-useful. +---- 
-Make Weight Lens Max Focusing Flash Approx Comments + 
-Apert. Price +===== Waterproof Cameras. ===== 
-CANON        + 
-AS Aqua 385 g 35f 4.5 fixed yes $380 waterproof +Do you leave your camera at home becuase it might get wet? A pity, because creeks and rivers make great photographic subjects, and waterfalls are always best in the rainy season. Ever thought of using a water resistant camera when walking? One of the following might be useful. 
-       to 10M + 
-       floats +|Make|Weight|Lens|Max Apert.|Focusing|Flash|Approx Price|Comments| 
-CHINON        +|Canon AS Aqua|385 g|35f|4.5|fixed|yes|$380|Waterproof to 10M. Floats.| 
-Splash 370 g 35f 3.9 auto P9 $329 waterproof +|Chinon Splash|370 g|35f|3.9|auto|yes|$329|Waterproof to 3 M| 
-       to 3 M +|Konica|340 g|40-60|3.5-5.2|auto|yes|$420|Splash proof. Focus lock.| 
-KONICA 340 g 40-60 3.5-5.2 .   $420 Splash proof +|Minolta Weathermatic|400 g|35-50|3.5-5.6|auto|yes|$425|Waterproof to 5 M. Floats.| 
-       focus lock +|Olympus AF 1|225 g|35f|2.8|auto|yes|$400|Splash proof. Focus lock.| 
-MINOLTA        + 
-Weather- 400 g 35-50 3.5-5.6  $425 waterproof +---- 
-matic       to 5 M + 
-       floats +===== Bill Burke - Honorary Active ===== 
-OLYMPUS        + 
-AF 1 225 g 35f 2.8  $400 Splash proof +by Bob Younger 
-       focus lock + 
-August 1989 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 3 +Congratulations to Bill Burke on his award as an Honorary Active member of our fraternity. 
-Congratulations to Bill Burke on his award as an HonoTary Active member of our fraternity. +Bill was one of the trustees of our property "Coolana" from its purchase in 1969 until we became a corporation and the rules changed. Bill also served as Business Manager for the Sydney Bushwalker magazine for many years. In addition to these official tasks Bill is one of the most reliable and experienced members of our organisation. He joined in 1938, just prior to the Second World War. Some of his early trips were with Bill Hall and Alex Colley, and Alex remembers Mrs Carlon saying in a horrified tone, "You are not taking that young lad on your tiger walks, are you?" Mr. and Mrs. Carlon ran a farm "Tyrol" on Galong Creek in the Megalong Valley and encouraged any bushwalker passing by to call in and let them know about their exploits and the activities of other bushwalkers they knew. 
-Bill was one of the trustees of our property "Coolana" from its purchase in 1969 until we became a corporation and the rules changed. Bill also + 
-served as Business Manager for the Sydney Bushwalker magazine for many years. In addition to these official tasks Bill is one of the most reliable and +Alex also remembers Bill's early trepidation about joining a 33-mile walk along the Cox River and Cedar Creek with the legendary Gordon Smith and others of similar ilk. Bill acquitted himself with style and then undertook a more severe 45-miler. This type of activity suited him very well and he soon acquired a reputation in his own right despite being affectionately known as "Little Billy Burke" by the lady tigers. Bill Hall remembers an interlude on the Cox River during which Bill Burke announced that he would be joining the A.I.F. as soon as possible. Some members of the party tried to dissuade him from such a rash and perilous decision, pointing out the hazards of such an occupation. Bill disregarded this well-meant advice and joined up anyway. 
-experienced members of our organisation. He joined in 1938, just prior to +
-the Second World War. Some of his early trips were with Bill Hall and Alex +
-Colley, and Alex remembers Mrs.Carlon saying in a horrified tone, "You are not +
-taking that young lad on your tiger walks, are you?" Mr. and Mrs. Carlon ran +
-a farm "Tyrol" on Galong Creek in the Megalong Valley and encouraged any bush- walker passing by to call in and let them know about their exploits and the activities of other bushwalkers they knew. +
-Alex also remembers Bill's early trepidation about joining a 33mile walk along the Cox River and Cedar Creek with the legendary Gordon Smith and others of similar ilk. Bill acquitted himself with style and then undertook a more +
-severe 45-miler. This type of activity suited him very well and he soon +
-acquired a reputation in his own right despite being affectionately knowr as +
-"Little Billy Burke" by the lady tigers. Bill Hall remembers an interlude on +
-the Cox River during which Bill Burke announced that he would be joining the +
-A.I.F. as soon as possible. Some members of the party tried to dissuade him +
-from such a rash and perilous decision, pointing out the hazards of such an +
-occupation. Bill disregarded this well-meant advice and joined up anyway.+
 This decision resulted in his involvement in quite a few of the major campaigns in the Middle East, the combat on Crete and eventually in New Guinea when Australian troops were recalled to defend Australia against invasion by the Japanese. Miraculously Bill survived all this mayhem and his letters home to the SBW Comforts Committee were published in the magazine and are a valued part of our archives. This decision resulted in his involvement in quite a few of the major campaigns in the Middle East, the combat on Crete and eventually in New Guinea when Australian troops were recalled to defend Australia against invasion by the Japanese. Miraculously Bill survived all this mayhem and his letters home to the SBW Comforts Committee were published in the magazine and are a valued part of our archives.
-My earliest recollections of Bill began in the late 1940 to early 1950s when he and his family attended reunions and regularly joined the clan at SBW campsites at Era on summer weekends. Since then Bill has 'led a lot of bush walks in different and interesting areas in New South Wales and has participated + 
-in extended trips in Tasmania and New Zealand. Bill is renowned for his +My earliest recollections of Bill began in the late 1940 to early 1950s when he and his family attended reunions and regularly joined the clan at SBW campsites at Era on summer weekends. Since then Bill has 'led a lot of bushwalks in different and interesting areas in New South Wales and has participated in extended trips in Tasmania and New Zealand. Bill is renowned for his concern for new members and the effect of occasional hardships on his walking companions. This concern is exemplified by his willingness to join the Federation of Bushwalkers Search and Rescue team when called upon to lend a hand. 
-concern for new members and the effect of occasional hardships on his walking + 
-companions. This concern is exemplified by his willingness to join the +The challenge of navigating and exploring new country appeals to Bill and he has quite a few "firsts" to his credit. Another of his "firsts" ls the introduction of "Happy Hour" before the evening meal on bushwalks. The serving of hot lemon barley water with a dash of rum is now almost obligatory on winter walks. This practice is consistent with Bill's interest in good catering which results in good meals and his advice in the production of interesting food lists is much in demand. 
-Federation of Bushwalkers Search and Rescue team when called upon to lend a hand. + 
-The challenge of navigating and exploring new country appeals to Bill and he has quite a few "firsts" to his credit. Another of his "firsts" ls +Ski-ing is probably another first for Bill as many members have been introduced to this activity during holidays at his Kandahar Ski Lodge in the Perisher Valley. Bill has acted as "Mine Host" at this most comfortable lodge for at least 25 years. That's a lot of ski-ing.  
-the introduction of "Happy Hour" before the evening meal on bushwalks. The + 
-serving of hot lemon barley water with a dash of rum is now almost obligatory +Someone reminded me of Bill's great adage that "The Lord will provide" and this has been vindicated on more than one occasion. The most revered occurred when a party was assessing the difficulty of crossing a swiftly flowing and flooded river. Bill had no sooner restated his well-known faith in divine providence when a large truck appeared from nowhere and delivered the party safely through the torrent. 
-on winter walks. This practice is consistent with Bill's interest in good + 
-catering which results in good meals and his advice in the production of interesting food lists is much in demand. +Good on you Bill! Congratulations once again on your Honorary Active Membership. 
-Ski-ing is probably another first for Bill as many members have been introduced to this activity during holidays at his Kandahar Ski Lodge in the Perisher Valley. Bill has acted as "Mine Host" at this most comfortable + 
-lodge for at least 25 years. That's a lot of ski-ing. +---- 
-Someone reminded me of Bill's great adage that "The Lord will provide" and this has been vindicated on more than one occasion. The most revered occurred when a party was assessing the difficulty of crossing a swiftly flowing + 
-and flooded river. Bill had no sooner restated his well-known faith in +===== The Saga Of Zobel Gully. ===== 
-divine providence when a large truck appeared from nowhere and delivered the party safely through the torrent. + 
-Good on you Bill! Congratulations once again on your Honorary Active +On the 27th/28th of May, George Newer and Carol Lubbers decided to explore Zobel Gully. The route wasMount Banks, Pierces Pass, Grose River, Zobel Gully, Explorers Range, Mount Banks. The result was as follows. 
-Membership. + 
-######## +Last weekend in May, grey skys lower dull'y\\ 
-Page 4 The Sydney Bushwalker August 1989 +I think I'll go exploring, try doing Zobel Gully\\ 
- 1b +Talked to Kath and Jim Brown, George and Helen Gray\\ 
-THE SAGA OF ZOBEL GULLY +Seems its fairly easy and Carol can get away. 
-On the 27th/28th of May, George Newer and Carol Lubbers decided to explore Zobel Gully'. The route wasMount Banks, Pierces Pass, Grose River, Zobel + 
-qt +Two weeks ago we'd had, a quick look from the top\\ 
-Gully , Exppprers Range, Mount Banks. The result was as follows. +Got to the second waterfall, before we had to stop\\ 
-M b 4i +Below was wider and clearer, coachwoods tall and slim\\ 
-ovt +"Up from the bottom, thats the way" said Jim. 
--\\*Ni + 
-41F pi F, +Saturday moarning at Banks car park, cold dry and clear\\ 
-f +Quick breakfast, last checks, of maps food and gear\\ 
-Last weekend iri May, caw skys lorear ' y +Down Pierces Pass, to a noisy Grose River\\
-I think ru OD exploring, try doing Zobel Gully Talked to Kath and Jim Brown, George and Helen Gray S4NIMB fai* easy and Carol can get away. +
-TWo weeks ago we'd had, a quick look from the top Got to the second waterfall, before we had to stop Below was wider and clearer, coachwoods tall and slim "Up from the bottam, thats the way" said Jim. +
-Saturdiwnritning at Banks car park, cold dry and clear Quick breakfast, last checks, of maps food and gear Down Pierces Pass, to a noisy Grose River+
 "Can't cross that dry", I started to shiver. "Can't cross that dry", I started to shiver.
-But we found a way over, with reasonable ease + 
-With water not much higher up than our knees +But we found a way over, with reasonable ease\\ 
-Off on the trail, toward Blue GUms' tall trees+With water not much higher up than our knees\\ 
 +Off on the trail, toward Blue Gums' tall trees\\
 One stop for a nibble, same bickeys and cheese. One stop for a nibble, same bickeys and cheese.
-The day was now cloudy, but with view of the tops Past Blue Gum and Govett's, we decided to stop + 
-For lunch between Mount Hay, and Edgeworth David Head Standing up in the rain, in a stoney river bed. +The day was now cloudy, but with view of the tops\\ 
-Not so many walkers down this way today +Past Blue Gum and Govett's, we decided to stop\\ 
-We've only seen five, since we got under way +For lunch between Mount Hay, and Edgeworth David Head\\ 
-One on the track with an air of presumption +Standing up in the rain, in a stoney river bed. 
-The other four lunching, at Grose-Govett Junction. All out for the day, 'just for pleasure' they said + 
-And later tonight, they'll be home wanm n bed +Not so many walkers down this way today\\ 
-Not us, the explorers, we'll be down the Grose+We've only seen five, since we got under way\\ 
 +One on the track with an air of presumption\\ 
 +The other four lunching, at Grose-Govett Junction. 
 +All out for the day, 'just for pleasure' they said\\ 
 +And later tonight, they'll be home warm in bed\\ 
 +Not us, the explorers, we'll be down the Grose\\
 So lets get a move on, the nights getting close. So lets get a move on, the nights getting close.
-Try to be there by four and make early camp Have a big fire, get a lttle less damp But time melted away, likemid summer hail + 
-As we floundered along, arian old bruMby trail. +Try to be there by four and make early camp\\ 
---.....aall We needed a camp on the left, not the right +Have a big fire, get a lttle less damp\\ 
-1 +But time melted away, like mid summer hail\\ 
-In case tie Grose River should rise overnight +As we floundered along, on an old brumby trail. 
-"Its bet that we cross now, before daylight can fade" +We needed a camp on the left, not the right\\ 
-'+In case tie Grose River should rise overnight\\ 
 +"Its bet that we cross now, before daylight can fade"\\
 So we chose what to us, seemed a place we could wade. So we chose what to us, seemed a place we could wade.
-But the water though slcwr, was deeper than guessed C= And the icy cold stuff, came right up to my chest I reached the tar bank, threw my pack on the ground Then back to grab Carol, before she was drowned. + 
-She was just a bit short, for that stream on the day And in very real danger, of floating away +But the water though slower, was deeper than guessed\\ 
-We clitibed up the bank, going higher and higher To find us a camp site, a bit flatter and dryer. +And the icy cold stuff, came right up to my chest\\ 
-August 1989 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 5 +I reached the far bank, threw my pack on the ground\\ 
-But no luck, it kept getting thicker and thicker +Then back to grab Carol, before she was drowned. 
-Dense scrub, vines, saw grass, rocks,logs and bush litter "Head dcmnstream" said Carol, we try but can't progress So back to the river bank, hell - what a mess! + 
-An hour until dark, its raining and wePe wet Perhaps to cross back over, could be the best bet Than up on our left, a sight most endearing A flat place, big trees - we came to a clearing. f"-- +She was just a bit short, for that stream on the day\\ 
-Not big but enough, for a tent and a fire bright Made by some cows, who were out for the night T op +And in very real danger, of floating away\\ 
-he rain'stped, the fires lit, wood aciii wattle and beeches Then Carol came back, with the water and leeches +We clitibed up the bank, going higher and higher\\ 
-It rained overnight, but the morning was clear And we set off for Zobel, after drying same gear "We're not in a hurry - the day is still fine,+To find us a camp site, a bit flatter and dryer. 
 +But no luck, it kept getting thicker and thicker\\ 
 +Dense scrub, vines, saw grass, rocks, logs and bush litter\\ 
 +"Head dcmnstream" said Carol, we try but can't progress\\ 
 +So back to the river bank, hell - what a mess! 
 +An hour until dark, its raining and we're wet\\ 
 +Perhaps to cross back over, could be the best bet\\ 
 +Then up on our left, a sight most endearing\\ 
 +A flat place, big trees - we came to a clearing. 
 +Not big but enough, for a tent and a fire bright\\ 
 +Made by some cows, who were out for the night\\ 
 +The rain'stopped, the fires lit, wood and wattle and beeches\\ 
 +Then Carol came back, with the water and leeches
 +It rained overnight, but the morning was clear\\ 
 +And we set off for Zobel, after drying some gear\\ 
 +"We're not in a hurry - the day is still fine,\\
 Lets keep to the left side - find the old shale mine" Lets keep to the left side - find the old shale mine"
-That worked for awhile, but the scrub got too dense Like trying to bash trough a barbed wire fence + 
-We moved into the creek, up through rocks and vegetation TO a small dry cave, with evidence of long past habitation. +That worked for awhile, but the scrub got too dense\\ 
-A pick with sapling handle, a rusted frying pan +Like trying to bash trough a barbed wire fence\\ 
-A shovel with no handle, a billy from a big fruit can +We moved into the creek, up through rocks and vegetation\\ 
-Charcoal writing on the wall, past visitors in time Saying simply 'Lowry and Gerkin, 8th May 1969"+To a small dry cave, with evidence of long past habitation. 
-A ramp up to the right, a nose up to the cliffline + 
-But very slow in more thick scrub, and lots of lawyer vine Carol had instructions on where to find the mine +A pick with sapling handle, a rusted frying pan\\ 
-a bit, but just ran out of time. +A shovel with no handle, a billy from a big fruit can\\ 
-We looked and. 'backed and forthed' +Charcoal writing on the wall, past visitors in time\\ 
-\Avg +Saying simply 'Lowry and Gerkin, 8th May 1969". 
-We hugged the cliff into the creek, bush bashing all the way "It must be further down the slope, can't look note tpday+ 
-ip4144411,4., +A ramp up to the right, a nose up to the cliffline\\ 
-.1+But very slow in more thick scrub, and lots of lawyer vine\\ 
-Saw tooth ferns, thick and shoniaAr high, "Take care - +Carol had instructions on where to find the mine\\ 
-Don't make the next 3 netres down, one big step through thin air" +We looked and 'backed and forthed' a bit, but just ran out of time. 
-Into the gully proper now, canopied rainforest trees Green, dripping wet and mossy and not a breath of breeze We worked on up, in and out of the creek, to a 'stopper' +  
-waterfall +"It must be further down the slope, can't look more today"\\ 
-No chance of getting up pest that ,sheer sides 6 metres tail. +We hugged the cliff into the creekbush bashing all the way\\ 
-We found a...E.dmp that took us out, to high up on Mbunt Caley Clear skys now, with spendid views, down across the valley From the Grose to the cliff line was the worst I suppose+Saw tooth ferns, thick and shoulder high, "Take care -\\ 
 +Don't make the next 3 metres down, one big step through thin air" 
 +Into the gully proper now, canopied rainforest trees\\ 
 +Green, dripping wet and mossy and not a breath of breeze\\ 
 +We worked on up, in and out of the creek, to a 'stopper' waterfall\\ 
 +No chance of getting up pest that, sheer sides 6 metres tail. 
 +We found a ramp that took us out, to high up on Mount Caley\\ 
 +Clear skys now, with spendid views, down across the valley\\ 
 +From the Grose to the cliff line was the worst I suppose\\
 No doubt there are easier paths than the one which we chose. No doubt there are easier paths than the one which we chose.
-So come with us in summer, when the day are long and bright We'll swim lots in the daytime, sing around the fire at night We'll point you off up Zabel, you could travel by the stars Us? - we'll stroll up Pierces Pass, and then back to the cars! + 
-Poem by GEORGE MAWER +So come with us in summer, when the day are long and bright\\ 
--HE SYDNEY BUSHW E +We'll swim lots in the daytime, sing around the fire at night\\ 
-265 VICTORIA ROAD GLADESVILLE 211 +We'll point you off up Zabel, you could travel by the stars\\ 
-PHONE (02) 817 5590 HOURS HON-FRI 9-5.30 +Us? - we'll stroll up Pierces Pass, and then back to the cars! 
-THURS - 9-7 + 
-SAT - 9-4 (PARKING AT REAR, OFF PITTWATER ROAD+Poem by George Mawer. 
-226 PRINCES HIGHWAY KOGARAH BAY 2217 PHONE (02) 546 5455 HOURS --HON-FRI 9-5.30 + 
-THURS - 9-7 +---
-SAT -9-4 + 
- COLD WEATHER PROTECTION CLOTHING AND RAINGEAR +265 Victoria Road, Gladesville, 2111. Phone (02) 817 5590. Hours: Mon-Fri 9-6, Thurs 9-7, Sat 9-4(Parking at rear off Pittwater Road)
- INFORMATION SERVICE FOR CANOEISTS AND WALKERS +226 Princes Highway, Kogarah Bay, 2217. Phone (02) 546 5455. Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5.30, Thurs 9-7, Sat - 9-4
- ALL TYPES OF SPRAY COVERS  WIDE RANGE OF JACKETS CAG5  FACE MASKS +  * Lightweight food for backpackers and canoeists 
- FOOTWEAR  MANY TYPES OF BUOYANCY LIFE VESTS  HELMETS +  * Cold weather protection clothing and raingear 
-"t7'. +  * Mapsbooks and leaflets 
-August 1989 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 7 +  * Information service for canoeists and walkers 
--by Wendy Lippiatt & Sever Sternhell+  * Compasses 
 +  * Survival gear 
 +We stock the largest range of canoeing gear in N.S.W. 
 +Quality touring craft of all types. High quality, performance competition craft. 
 +  * huge range of paddles for all types of canoeing 
 +  * Wetsuits 
 +  * Surf skis 
 +  * All types of spray covers 
 +  * Wide range of jackets cags 
 +  * Face masks 
 +  * Footwear 
 +  * Many types of buoyancy life vests 
 +  * Helmets 
 +===== High On The Khumbu. ===== 
 +by Wendy Lippiatt & Sever Sternhell 
 Trekking in Nepal is hardly an unusual adventure and the Everest region (The Khumbu) is one of the most popular destinations, but we feel that our trip with Jenny Pry and Peter Sternhell in early winter (December 2, 1988 to January 12, 1989) is worth describing because we managed to visit all the major accessible locations in the Khumbu quite comfortably and without any serious problems due to high altitude. In particular, none of us showed any signs of impending Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), a non-trivial consideration given that the period of October-December 1988 saw at least six deaths of AMS in the Khimbu region alone. Trekking in Nepal is hardly an unusual adventure and the Everest region (The Khumbu) is one of the most popular destinations, but we feel that our trip with Jenny Pry and Peter Sternhell in early winter (December 2, 1988 to January 12, 1989) is worth describing because we managed to visit all the major accessible locations in the Khumbu quite comfortably and without any serious problems due to high altitude. In particular, none of us showed any signs of impending Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), a non-trivial consideration given that the period of October-December 1988 saw at least six deaths of AMS in the Khimbu region alone.
-Our own happy cirumstances were undoubtedly at least partly due to inherent physiological make-up of our party and to good luck, but we claim credit for following a prudent route in the high country chosen with acclimatisation as the major consideration. We were certainly far better acclimatised to 16,000 feet than ever before (Peter and Wendy had one previous trip to Nepal each and &eV had two - only Jenny was a kidnapped virgin). To some + 
-extent therefore this report is meant as a possible help for the planning of one type of Nepal trek without in any way attempting to fill the role of the ubiquitous trekking books of which that by Stephen Bezruchka ("A Guide to Trekking in Nepal") was found to be most helpful together with the Khumbu Himal 1:50,000 map printed in Germany and widely available in both Sydney and Nepal.+Our own happy cirumstances were undoubtedly at least partly due to inherent physiological make-up of our party and to good luck, but we claim credit for following a prudent route in the high country chosen with acclimatisation as the major consideration. We were certainly far better acclimatised to 16,000 feet than ever before (Peter and Wendy had one previous trip to Nepal each and Sev had two - only Jenny was a kidnapped virgin). To some extent therefore this report is meant as a possible help for the planning of one type of Nepal trek without in any way attempting to fill the role of the ubiquitous trekking books of which that by Stephen Bezruchka ("A Guide to Trekking in Nepal") was found to be most helpful together with the Khumbu Himal 1:50,000 map printed in Germany and widely available in both Sydney and Nepal. 
 We flew to Kathmandu by Thai Airways ($1240 return), which involves an overnight stop at Bangkok. It is useful to arrange a package price for overnight stay at the Airport Hotel ($38 per person, including breakfast) well ahead, otherwise one pays at least twice as much. We flew to Kathmandu by Thai Airways ($1240 return), which involves an overnight stop at Bangkok. It is useful to arrange a package price for overnight stay at the Airport Hotel ($38 per person, including breakfast) well ahead, otherwise one pays at least twice as much.
-We got in on the return trip, but had to pay the full amount on the trip out. In Kathmandu we lodged at the Kathmandu + 
-Guest House, which is at the +We got in on the return trip, but had to pay the full amount on the trip out. In Kathmandu we lodged at the Kathmandu Guest House, which is at the top ($12-$15 per double room with own shower operating about 50% of time) of the economy range and is situated right in the centre of Thamel, the area where most trekkers congregate. We booked well ahead by mail and also returned there after completing our trek. Kathmandu Guest Hause is built around an old palace, of which the most conspicuous remaining features are the intricately carved timber columns in the shapes of tigers with the most pronounced genitals, some with tiny monkeys attached. 
-top ($12-$15 per double room c.10 Ovu + 
-with own shower operating +[ Map of Khumbu Region ] 
-0 5 lo km + 
-about 50% of time) of the SCALE economy range and is sit- +Even though a weekend intervened, it took us only three days to organise a sherpa (guide) and two porters and obtain trekking permits, but we had an introduction and previous correspondence to help us. It would take a long article to describe our complex brush with the Nepalese bureaucracy: sufficient to state that we nearly caused a major trekking company to lose its licence and made endless trouble all around. We finished up with an arrangement which proved quite satisfactory: Bir Bohador, our sherpa (actually not a member of the Sherpa tribe but a Tamang) was most helpful and pleasant and our two porters, Buddha and Manbadhur, proved to be strong, willing and cheerful lads. These three cost us $US25 per day including all their expenses, somewhat above the going rate ($10 per day for a sherpa and $5 per day for porters) but well worth ir for the quality of the people and the avoidance of hassles. 
-uated right in the centre + 
-Ronoro +By the crack of dawn on December 6, all of us got on the bus to Jiri, which we reached after 13 hours of medium to severe discomfort. We sat two to a two-person seat, after persuading the Nepalese, who sit three to such a seat, that we were too fat for this arrangement. On the way back, although much thinner, we took the precaution of booking three places for each two of us. The alternative access by air in and/or out of Lukla was rejected hecause of possible problems with acclimatisation and the absolute certainty of shambles at the Lukla air strip. Proceeding the way we did costs 6 days extra each way walking to reach Namche Bazaar (3446 m, 11,300 ft), the gateway to the Everest region, but it delivers the trekker in a fit condition and is independent of flying weather as well as the corruption and chaos at Lukla. 
-of Thamel, the area where f Eversibi + 
-44:557) +This portion of the trek consists largely of terraced fields, rhodadendron forests, iittle villages and minor mountain passes. The topography is such that one tends to cross ridges rather than to follow valleys with the result that each day has at least one roughly 3000 foot climb. Relying on local accommodation ("tea housing") as we did, one gets somewhat closer to the people than trekking with an organised group using tents and, it being out of season, we never had the slightest problem finding a place to eat and sleep. For the benefit of anybody planning this trip, our stopping places were Bhandar, Sete, Jumbesi (a delightful little Sherpa town), Nunthala, Bubsia (above Khari Khola) and Choplung, where we had a fairly elaborate meal uniformly flavoured with kerosene. 
-most trekkers congregate. + 
-We booked well ahead by Ww4) +At Jumbesi we fell in with a Swedish lady travelling with her sherpa and a porter. She provided interesting additional company for a week as she subsisted principally on local beer, rum and cigarettes, eschewing the inevitable dhai baht (rice with lentils) or potatoes. We lost her at about 14,000 ft at Dingboche when she developed slight altitude problems, but learned later that she finally made it half-way up Kala Pater, which was her aim. 
-mail and also returned 7 LHemec + 
-which the most conspicuous remaing features are the intricately carved timber columns in the shapes of tigers with the most pronounced genitals, some with tiny monkeys attached. +Just before Khara Khola, we crossed the Dudh Kosi (Milk River) and followed it upstream, walking high above it most of the time, until it turned east just before Namche Bazaar. The Dudh Kosi originates in a glacier near Gokyo (see sketch map) and is joined just west of Jengboche by Imja Khola, which originates from the Imja Glacier near the Island Peak. The system of the main valleys of the Khumbu region is completed by a river originating from the Khumbu glacier at the foot of Mount Everest, which joins Imja Khola near Periche. It was the aim of our trek to reach the settlements at the heads of all three valleys, i.e. Chhukhung, Jabuche and Gokyo and take day walks from each. We succeeded in carrying out most of this. 
-there after completing our trek. Kathmandu Guest Hause is built +
-prn.,.*, (61691 +
-around an old palace, of +
-Phok +
-A woo- ree,k Rdae. R1114 +
-Rivers' %Jai.% 0 VI 11c.3 +
-D )6,rhak +
-Air 51rip +
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-Reul& Walked +
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-Gle.eo'cr +
-Even though a weekend intervened, it took us only three days to organise a sherpa (guide) and two porters and obtain trekking permits, but we had an introduction and previous correspondence to help us. It would take a long article +
-Page B The Sydney Bushwalker August 1989 +
-to describe our complex brush with the Nepalese bureaucracy: sufficient to state that we nearly caused a major trekking company to lose its licence and made endless trouble all around. We finished up with an arrangement which proved quite satisfactory: Bir Bohador, +
-our sherpa (actually not a member of the Sherpa tribe but a Tamang) was most helpful and pleasant and our two porters, Buddha and Manbadhur, proved to be strong, willing and +
-cheerful lads. These three cost us $US25 per day including all their expenses, somewhat above the going rate ($10 per day for a sherpa and $5 per day for porters) but well worth ir for the quality of the people and the avoidance of hassles. +
-By the crack of dawn on December 6, all of us got on the bus to Jiri, which we reached after 13 hours of medium to severe discomfort. We sat two to a two-person seat, after persuading the Nepalese, who sit three to such a seat, that we were too fat for this arrange- +
-ment. On the way back, although much thinner, we took the precaution of booking three places +
-for each two of us. The alternative access by air in and/or out of Lukla was rejected hecause of possible problems with acclimatisation and the absolute certainty of shambles at +
-the tukla air strip. Proceeding the way we did costs 6 days extra each way walking to reach Namche Bazaar (3446 m, 11,300 ft), the gateway to the Everest region, but it delivers the rrekker in a fit condition and is independent of flying weather as well as the corruption and rhaos at Lukla. +
-This portion of the trek consists largely of terraced fields, rhodadendron forests, iittle villages and minor mountain passes. The topography is such that one tends to cross +
-ridges rather than to follow valleys with the result that each day has at least one roughly +
-3000 foot climb. Relying on local accommodation ("tea housing") as we did, one gets somewhat closer to the people than trekking with an organised group using tents and, it being +
-.jut of season, we never had the slightest problem finding a place to eat and sleep. For +
-the benefit of anybody planning this trip, our stopping places were Bhandar, Sete, Jumbesi a delightful little Sherpa town), Nunthala, Bubsia (above Khari Khola) and Choplung, where we 'lad a fairly elaborate meal uniformly flavoured with kerosene. +
-At Jumbesi we fell in with a Swedish lady travelling with her sherpa and a porter. +
-She provided interesting additional company for a week as she subsisted principally on local beer, rum and cigarettes, eschewing the inevitable dhai baht (rice with ientils) or potatoes. WE lost her at about 14,000 ft at Dingboche when she developed slight altitude problems, but earned later that she finally made it half-way up Kale Pater, which was her aim. +
-lust before Khara Khola, we crossed the Dudh Kosi (Milk River) and followed it upstream, walking high above it most of the time, until it turned east just before Namche Bazaar. The ludh KOS3 originates in a glacier near Gokyo (see sketch map) and is joined just west of +
-rengboche by Imja Khola, which originates from the Imja Glacier near the Island Peak. The +
-system of the main valleys of the Khumbu region is completed by a river originating from the +
-Khumbu glacier at the foot of Mount Everest, which joins Imja Khola near Periche. It was +
-the aim of our trek to reach the settlements at the heads of all three valleys, i.e. Chhukhung, abuche and Gokyo and take day walks from each. We succeeded in carrying out most of this.+
 Early in the afternoon of Tuesday, December 13 we reached Namche Bazaar, a major town dramatically situated in an amphitheatre overlooked by spectacular peaks of Kongde (6093 m) and Tamserku (6623 m). The latter is one of the most beautiful mountains in the world and appears on innumerable postcards, film clips and posters. Early in the afternoon of Tuesday, December 13 we reached Namche Bazaar, a major town dramatically situated in an amphitheatre overlooked by spectacular peaks of Kongde (6093 m) and Tamserku (6623 m). The latter is one of the most beautiful mountains in the world and appears on innumerable postcards, film clips and posters.
-Namche, like Kathmandu itself, is a place for shopping, strolling and gaping: it has + 
-a high-mountain flavour with herds of Yaks driven through the main streets which are alternat wely muddy or hazardously frozen. We spent two nights there at the local "Hilton" named +Namche, like Kathmandu itself, is a place for shopping, strolling and gaping: it has a high-mountain flavour with herds of Yaks driven through the main streets which are alternately muddy or hazardously frozen. We spent two nights there at the local "Hilton" named the Tamserki View Lodge to acclimatise, clean up (one of us had not washed for eight days) and organize the main portion of the trip - cold weather gear can be bought/hired here. Namche at 3446 m (11,300 ft) can be considered as the beginning of the high altitude section and we counted our "High on the Khumbu" days from there. 
-the Tamserki View Lodge to acclimatise, clean up (one of us had not washed for eight days) and organize the main portion of the trip - cold weather gear can be bought/hired here. Namche at 3446 m (11,300 ft) can be considered as the beginning of the high altitude section and we counted our "High on the Khumbu" days from there. + 
-On day three, we set out in perfect weather on th@ direct and highly scenic route from Namche to Tengboche, which is only a few easy hours, but a critical 1400 feet up. Because the trail descends to cross the Dudh Kosi, there is in fact a 2040 ft climb to Tengboche +On day three, we set out in perfect weather on the direct and highly scenic route from Namche to Tengboche, which is only a few easy hours, but a critical 1400 feet up. Because the trail descends to cross the Dudh Kosi, there is in fact a 2040 ft climb to Tengboche which, given the altitude, is not trivial. Our party had no problems and enjoyed the day enormously, especially the early portion where there are spectacular views of Ama Dablam and the great wall of Nuptse/Lhotse at the head of the valley with Mount Everest peeping as a black pyramid beyond Nuptse. The tips of Everest and Lhotse jut into the jet stream and are almost always surmounted by a plume of snow blown off their tops. 
-which, given the altitude, is not trivial. Our party had no problems and enjoyed the day + 
-enormously, especially the early portion where there are spectacular views of Ama Dablam and +On the narrow trail contouring high above the Dudh Kosi, one meets occasional trekkers and more often small strings of yaks carrying loads and equipped with sharp horns which must be passed inches away from various vital organs. Fortunately the beasts are generally placid and their handlers take great pains to protect tourists from direct contact with them, perhaps aware of the fact that there are three great religions in Nepal: Hinduism, Bhuddism and Tourism. Tengboche consists of a small group of buildings perched on a narrow ridge and grouped around a famous gompa (Bhuddist monastery). We chose the most dilapidated of the lodges, because the windows faced Ama Dablam which we could thus admire by moonlight and at sunrise from the warmth of our beds as well as at sunset. The night was the coldest yet, but it was not cold by the Khumbu standards where -20° is not uncommon in winter. 
-August 1989 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 9 + 
-the great wall of Nuptse/Lhotse at the head of the valley with Mount Everest peeping as a black pyramid beyond Nuptse. The tips of Everest and Lhotse jut into the jet stream and are almost always surmounted by a plume of snow blown off their tops. +On day four, we reached Dingboche, once purely a yarsa (Sherpa encampment for summer grazing of yaks), but now also a group of trekking lodges. Dingboche is spectacularly situated under Ama Dablam and at about 14,350 ft it is a popular acclimatising spot. The trail between Tengboche and Dingboche follows the valley of Imja Khola at various altitudes and is very scenic. 
-On the narrow trail contouring high above the Dudh Kosi, one meets occasional trekkers and more often small strings of yaks carrying loads and equipped with sharp horns which must be passed inches away from various vital organs. Fortunately the beasts are generally placid and their handlers take great pains to protect tourists from direct contact with them, perhaps aware of the fact that there are three great religions in Nepal: Hinduism, Bhuddism and Tourism. Tengboche consists of a small group of buildings perched on a narrow ridge and grouped around a famous gompa (Bhuddist monastery). We chose the most dilapidated of the lodges, because the windows faced Ama Dablam which we could thus admire by moonlight and at sunrise from the warmth of our beds as well as at sunset. The night was the coldest yet, + 
-but it was not cold by the Khumbu standards where -20 is not uncommon in winter. +It was a most enjoyable day in perfect weather and we stopped for lunch at Pangboche, the site of another famous Bhuddist monastery which also boasts a (fake) yetti skull, which we duly inspected and photographed. We chanced upon a most impressive religious ceremony with haunting music. Two of us also received blessed scarves from the Lama (you have to buy them first, of course). There is no doubt that this blessing, and the fact that we always kept to the left of the mani stones, stupas and prayer flag poles (religious structures with the Great Mantra - Om Mani Phadme Hum on them) was responsible for the lack of untoward incidents on the trek. Equally, there is no doubt that the heavy unseasonal snowfall later in the trek was caused by Peter standing on top of a mani stone to take a photograph, to the great disgust and alarm of our sherpa. 
-On day four, we reached Dingboche, once purely a yarsa (Sherpa encampment for summer grazing of yaks), but now also a group of trekking lodges. Dingboche is spectacularly + 
-situated under Ama Dablam and at about 14,350 ft it is a popular acclimatising spot. The +To be continued. 
-trail between Tengboche and Dingboche follows the valley of Imja Khola at various altitudes and is very scenic. + 
-It was a most enjoyable day in perfect weather and we stopped for lunch at Pangboche, the site of another famous Bhuddist monastery which also boasts a (fake) yetti skull, which we duly inspected and photographed. We chanced upon a most impressive religious ceremony with haunting music. Two of us also received blessed scarves from the Lama (you have to buy +---- 
-them first, of course). There is no doubt that this blessing, and the fact that we always kept to the left of the mani stones, stupas and prayer flag poles (religious structures with the Great Mantra - Om Mani Phadme Hum on them) was responsible for the lack of untoward incidents on the trek. Equally, there is no doubt that the heavy unseasonal snowfall later in the trek was caused by Peter standing on top of a mani stone to take a photograph, to the great disgust and alarm of our sherpa. + 
-TO BE CONTINUED +=== Belvedere Taxis Blackheath. === 
-############ + 
-BLACKHEATH TAXIS & TOURIST SERVICES +10 & 18 seater mini bus taxi. 047-87 8366. 
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-Page 10 The Sydney Bushwalker August 1989 +---- 
-PART 2 by Stuart Brooks +===== Anyone Can Be A Cook - Part 2. ===== 
-I suppose the most casual, and yet most unlucky, cook I have met was Bob Duncan. + 
-Bob's method of packing for a weekend walk was simplicity itself. When, early on Saturday +by Stuart Brooks 
-morning, the leader yelled out, "Moving off in two minutes!" Bob's frantic cry, "Cripes I + 
-haven't started to pack yet!" would invariably cut the air. Rushing to the boot of his car, +I suppose the most casual, and yet most unlucky, cook I have met was Bob Duncan. Bob's method of packing for a weekend walk was simplicity itself. When, early on Saturday morning, the leader yelled out, "Moving off in two minutes!" Bob's frantic cry, "Cripes I haven't started to pack yet!" would invariably cut the air. Rushing to the boot of his car, he would drag forth a crumpled pack and stuff into it a jumper, sleeping bag, groundsheet and parka. Then, turning to a big old box full of tins of food in various stages of decay - some new with labels, some old and rusty without - he would commence thrusting tins into his pack, without really looking. Muttering "Saturday lunch" - "Saturday dinner" - "Sunday breakfast" - "Sunday Lunch" - "spare" - "emergency". Duncan's packing for a weekend walk has been timed at thirty five seconds. 
-he would drag forth a crumpled pack and stuff into it a jumper, sleeping bag, groundsheet and parka. Then, turning to a big old box + 
-full of tins of food in various stages of decay - some new with labels, some old and rusty without - he would commence thrusting tins into his pack, without really looking. Muttering "Saturday lunch" - "Saturday dinner" - "Sunday breakfast" - "Sunday Lunch" - "spare" - "emergency". Duncan's +I recall a tranquil Sunday morning on Kanangra Creek. We had come down Danae Brook the day before and I was basking in the early morning sun, enjoying the retrospect and perfectly cooked rolled oats with brown sugar and cream, half listening to the tinkle of Kanangra Creek and half to Dot Butler and Wilf Hilder arguing out a technicality. It was one of those idyllic moments. It was, however, completely shattered by the emergence of Duncan who commenced to slurp his way through "Sunday breakfast" - a very large can of sliced beetroot. 
-packing for a weekend walk has been timed at thirty five seconds. + 
-I recall a tranquil Sunday morning on Kanangra Creek. We had come down Danae Brook the day before and I was basking in the early morning sun, enjoying the +But there was the time when Bob was anxious to impress. He had brought along steaks, marinated and wrapped in foil, vegetables the same, and goodness knows what for dessert. Most of us had finished cooking and the fire had died down to a heap of red embers when Bob decided it was time to put his steaks on. Carefully, he buried all his pre-wrapped food in the glowing embers and turned to carry on his discussions interspersed with the odd song. 
-retrospect and perfectly cooked rolled oats with brown sugar and cream, half listening to the tinkle of Kanangra Creek and half to Dot Butler and Wilf Hilder arguing out a technicality. It was one of those idyllic moments. It was, however, completely shattered by the emergence +
-nf Duncan who commenced to slurp his way through "Sunday breakfast" - a very large can of sliced beetroot. +
-But there was the time when Bob was anxious to impress. He had brought along steaks, +
-marinated and wrapped in foil, vegetables the same, and goodness knows what for dessert. most of us had finished cooking and the fire had died down to a heap of red embers when Bob +
-decided it was time to put his steaks on. Carefully, he buried all his pre-wrapped food in +
-the glowing embers and turned to carry on his discussions interspersed with the odd song.+
 It was a chilly evening and, bit by bit, behind Bob's back, others were throwing sticks on the fire to generate a bit of warmth. I suppose you have seen the TV ad, "My God the chips!"? Duncan was halfway through the seventh verse of "The cat came back" when he stopped ir mid-chorus, "My God, the steaks!" It was a chilly evening and, bit by bit, behind Bob's back, others were throwing sticks on the fire to generate a bit of warmth. I suppose you have seen the TV ad, "My God the chips!"? Duncan was halfway through the seventh verse of "The cat came back" when he stopped ir mid-chorus, "My God, the steaks!"
 On hands and knees he scrabbled at the blazing inferno, eventually retrieving most of his victuals - a trifle overdone. I never did find out what impression that meal created  On hands and knees he scrabbled at the blazing inferno, eventually retrieving most of his victuals - a trifle overdone. I never did find out what impression that meal created 
 I suppose one of the more charismatic cooks I have walked with would have to be Bill Gillam. Bill was a blend of gourmet, wine buff, professional scientist and frustrated actor. I suppose one of the more charismatic cooks I have walked with would have to be Bill Gillam. Bill was a blend of gourmet, wine buff, professional scientist and frustrated actor.
-Bill was gettinb a bit thin on top as a mere 40-year-old. However he was quick to point out a number of attributes balding men had that were not possessed by their more hairy brethren. Bill's lack of thatch was more than compensated for by a heavy and dark growth of beard. Invariably, on a walk, he would shave before dinner. With his high forehead, aquiline features + 
-and thespian leanings, shaving was not just the mundane chore most of us suffer. BIll, with +Bill was getting a bit thin on top as a mere 40-year-old. However he was quick to point out a number of attributes balding men had that were not possessed by their more hairy brethren. Bill's lack of thatch was more than compensated for by a heavy and dark growth of beard. Invariably, on a walk, he would shave before dinner. With his high forehead, aquiline features and thespian leanings, shaving was not just the mundane chore most of us suffer. Bill, with a few deft strokes of the razor and aided by flickering campfire light and a bit of acting ability, could have you believe he was anyone he chose. I have had dinner in the bush with Abraham Lincoln, Sir Francis Drake, Van Gogh, Roy Rene.... 
-a few deft strokes of the razor and aided by flickering campfire light and a bit of acting + 
-ability, could have you believe he was anyone he chose. I have had dinner in the bush with +One memorable evening was just after my wife had been raised to full membership of SBW. Bill insisted we have a celebratory dinner on our next walk. On the banks of the Wollongambe we had a perfect campsite. Bill had brought along a bottle of his best red and one of those old fashioned candles. The former, he opened - to breathe, of course - the latter he cut into about eight pieces each of which he lit and used to decorate a small rock face near our fire. Bill's camp fire was (unlike Duncan's) a masterpiece of controlled energy release. A heap of embers for the steaks, low flames to simmer the vegies in the centre and at the other end, a crackling fire for the soup and coffee water. 
-Abraham Lincoln, Sir Francis Dkake, Van Gogh, Roy Rene   +
-One memorable evening was just after my wife had been raised to full membership of SBW. Bill insisted we have a celebratory dinner on our next walk. On the banks of the Wollongambe +
-we had a perfect campsite. Bill had brought along a bottle of his best red and one of those +
-old fashioned candles. The former, he opened - to breathe, of course - the latter he cut into +
-about eight pieces each of which he lit and used to decorate a small rock face near our fire. +
-Bill's camp fire was (unlike Duncan's) a masterpiece of controlled energy release. A heap of +
-embers for the steaks, low flames to simmer the vegies in the centre and at the other end, a crackling fire for the soup and coffee water. +
-August 1989 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 11+
 That evening Bill had elected to be Profumo - disgraced and recently deposed Secretary of War in the British Cabinet. He (Profumo, not Bill) had been exposed by the Press - (so what else is new) - for dallying with a young lady who was also keeping company with (shock, horror) a senior member of the Russian embassy. What with the firelight and a newly-shaped beard, Bill made a passably good Profumo. That evening Bill had elected to be Profumo - disgraced and recently deposed Secretary of War in the British Cabinet. He (Profumo, not Bill) had been exposed by the Press - (so what else is new) - for dallying with a young lady who was also keeping company with (shock, horror) a senior member of the Russian embassy. What with the firelight and a newly-shaped beard, Bill made a passably good Profumo.
 The steaks were retrieved without incident and were (unlike Duncan's) cooked to perfection. The red wine had not been bruised, the Wollongambe was playing a sort of Haydn quartet in the background. It was a memorable meal. The steaks were retrieved without incident and were (unlike Duncan's) cooked to perfection. The red wine had not been bruised, the Wollongambe was playing a sort of Haydn quartet in the background. It was a memorable meal.
-BUt I hear my mate's tenor voice carolling through the dripping wilderness on his way back to the cave. It is time to get the fire going and start dinner.+ 
 +But I hear my mate's tenor voice carolling through the dripping wilderness on his way back to the cave. It is time to get the fire going and start dinner. 
 Fortunately, with parboiled sausages in foil, "surprise" peas and "deb" potato, anyone can be a good cook. Fortunately, with parboiled sausages in foil, "surprise" peas and "deb" potato, anyone can be a good cook.
-* * * * * * * * + 
-Recently, the NPWS sent their new plan of management for Kanangramawd to various conservation groups, asking for submissions. The plan contained ominous references to 'development' within the park. The Victorian State Government has recently 'developed' +---- 
-The Grampians for mass market tourism, with some expensive, high profile publicity. This + 
-'marketing' of National Parks means the public expects such things as cabins, car parks, visitors centres, hard surfaced roads, litter collection and guided tours. +===== kanangra-Boyd National Park - Sold. ===== 
-If you don't think it can happen here, remember that our present State Government believes that all public utilities should be self funding, and already there are 4WD tours operating in the Snowy Mountains. To be profitable, accommodation must have at least 60% + 
-occupancy, and that means mass consumption tourism. Lodges have to offer all md cons, including tennis courts, saunas and swimming pools. The 'wild' environment has to be urbanised and sanitised for those who are really terrified of wilderness, but are bored and want to do 'something different'+Recently, the NPWS sent their new plan of management for Kanangra-Boyd to various conservation groups, asking for submissions. The plan contained ominous references to 'development' within the park. The Victorian State Government has recently 'developed' The Grampians for mass market tourism, with some expensive, high profile publicity. This 'marketing' of National Parks means the public expects such things as cabins, car parks, visitors centres, hard surfaced roads, litter collection and guided tours. 
-In very short order Kanangra Walls could resemble Echo Point at Katoomba. A vast accommodation and recreation complex complete with a couple of golf courses built on Marrilman Heath, overlooking Colboyd Range. Tour operators would bring ever growing numbers of people into fragile areas. All the comforts of civilisation must be brought in, and frequently all the ,rubbish of civilisation left behind. The operators would inevitably demand more and more roads, to take their customers everywhere a itehicle could possibly be driven.+ 
 +If you don't think it can happen here, remember that our present State Government believes that all public utilities should be self funding, and already there are 4WD tours operating in the Snowy Mountains. To be profitable, accommodation must have at least 60% occupancy, and that means mass consumption tourism. Lodges have to offer all mod cons, including tennis courts, saunas and swimming pools. The 'wild' environment has to be urbanised and sanitised for those who are really terrified of wilderness, but are bored and want to do 'something different'. 
 +In very short order Kanangra Walls could resemble Echo Point at Katoomba. A vast accommodation and recreation complex complete with a couple of golf courses built on Marrilman Heath, overlooking Colboyd Range. Tour operators would bring ever growing numbers of people into fragile areas. All the comforts of civilisation must be brought in, and frequently all the rubbish of civilisation left behind. The operators would inevitably demand more and more roads, to take their customers everywhere a vehicle could possibly be driven. 
 Do you think this would add to your wilderness experience? Do you think this would add to your wilderness experience?
-#41.k + 
--04A, 414 +---- 
------ + 
-YESACCIDENTS DO HAPPEN - +=== Yesaccidents do happen. === 
-although we are lucky they are so rare. Be prepared - come to the Search and Rescue Practice which Federation is holding on 16-17 September. The place - the Wattagans, + 
-meet at Pine Forest Picnic Area. Contact --- John Porter for all details. +Although we are lucky they are so rare. Be prepared - come to the Search and Rescue Practice which Federation is holding on 16-17 September. The place - the Wattagans, meet at Pine Forest Picnic Area. Contact John Porter for all details. Ph. 797 9784 (home)
-Ph. 797 97814 (home) + 
-Page 12 The Sydney Bushwalker August 1989+---- 
 During last May-June, 26 mei-doers of the S.B.W. participated in extended walks in Keep River N.P. (NT), Bungle Bungle N.P.(10) and Kakadu N.P. (NT). Jan Mbbandas and Alex CiMbleris organized these walks through a commercial organization called "Willis' Walkabouts", operated by Russell Willis from Darwin. During last May-June, 26 mei-doers of the S.B.W. participated in extended walks in Keep River N.P. (NT), Bungle Bungle N.P.(10) and Kakadu N.P. (NT). Jan Mbbandas and Alex CiMbleris organized these walks through a commercial organization called "Willis' Walkabouts", operated by Russell Willis from Darwin.
198908.txt · Last modified: 2019/05/17 13:02 by tyreless

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