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199610 [2016/12/07 13:02] – [THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER October 1996] joan199610 [2016/12/07 14:17] (current) – [The September 1996 General Meeting] joan
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 |Delegates to Confederation:| Ken Smith and Jim Callaway| |Delegates to Confederation:| Ken Smith and Jim Callaway|
-====== In this issue: ======+===== In this issue =====
 |Chronic Operas Information Required |P. 2.| |Chronic Operas Information Required |P. 2.|
 |A Visit to Pigface Point| P. 2.| |A Visit to Pigface Point| P. 2.|
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 |Memorabilia Information Required| P. 9.| |Memorabilia Information Required| P. 9.|
 |September 1996 General Meeting Notes| P. 11| |September 1996 General Meeting Notes| P. 11|
-|Quo Vadis The Sydney Bushwalker?| | 
-What direction do you wish our monthly club +**Quo Vadis //The Sydney Bushwalker//?**
-magazine to take? +
-I Do you want it delivered to you on the second Monday each month? +
-2 Do you want it to contain photographs and line drawings? +
-3 Do you want it printed on standard quality paper? +
-4 Do you want a fresh illustration on the front cover each month? +
-5 Do you want it laid out by a desk top publishing program which allows for a more modem and better quality finish? +
-6 Do you have other suggestions? +
-With the support of many club members it has been my intention to improve both the style and content of the magazine and it is now up to club members to decide what happens to the magazine from here on. +
-Please ,let George Mawer know what you require. deter Miller - Acting Editor +
-Front cover illustration by Alan Rigby+
-**70TH ANNIVERSARY CHRONIC OPERAS**\\+What direction do you wish our monthly club magazine to take? 
 +  - Do you want it delivered to you on the second Monday each month? 
 +  - Do you want it to contain photographs and line drawings? 
 +  - Do you want it printed on standard quality paper? 
 +  - Do you want a fresh illustration on the front cover each month? 
 +  - Do you want it laid out by a desk top publishing program which allows for a more modem and better quality finish? 
 +  - Do you have other suggestions? 
 +With the support of many club members it has been my intention to improve both the style and content of the magazine and it is now up to club members to decide what happens to the magazine from here on. Please let George Mawer know what you require.  
 +Peter Miller - Acting Editor 
 +===== 70th Anniversary Chronic Operas =====
 The CHRONIC OPERAS were a dynamic part of the club's past. They were written, performed and sung by members, many of whom had great talent in an era when singing around a piano, telling yarns and making your own fun were the only forms of entertainment available. The CHRONIC OPERAS were a dynamic part of the club's past. They were written, performed and sung by members, many of whom had great talent in an era when singing around a piano, telling yarns and making your own fun were the only forms of entertainment available.
Line 61: Line 65:
 By Jacqui Calandra By Jacqui Calandra
-In March, 1992 Caroline Jones did a radio interview with Dr. Ted Trainer, a senior lecturer in Social Work at the University of NSW: a member of that endangered species of human beings who still believe in the 60s ideal of a comfortable life-style with minimum negative impact on the natural environment. Moreover, for 20 years this (gentle) wiry dissident has been successfully combining a professional career with life on his alternative lifestyle education site at Pigface Point (East Hills), 20 minutes by fast train from Central Station. Visitors are occasionally welcome - watch the SBW Walks Program. +In March, 1992 Caroline Jones did a radio interview with Dr. Ted Trainer, a senior lecturer in Social Work at the University of NSW: a member of that  endangered species of human beings who still believe in the 60'ideal of a comfortable lifestyle with minimum negative impact on the natural environment. Moreover, for 20 years this (gentle) wiry dissident has been successfully combining a professional career with life on his alternative lifestyle education site at Pigface Point (East Hills), 20 minutes by fast train from Central Station. Visitors are occasionally welcome - watch the SBW Walks Program. 
-The site demonstrates: + 
- What can be done with low dollar and resource costs per capita. +**The site demonstrates:** 
-and collectors etc). +  What can be done with low dollar and resource costs per capita and collectors etc)
- Non-alienated labour. Integration of work and leisure. +  * Various alternative (windmills, garbage gas, water wheels, Pelton wheels, solar panels and collectors etc) 
- Community workshops, +  Non-alienated labour. Integration of work and leisure. 
-hobby pottery, forges etc. +  Community workshops,hobby pottery, forges etc. 
- Overlaps: how garbage disposal can solve the fertiliser problem. +  Overlaps: how garbage disposal can solve the fertiliser problem. 
- Ecologically appropriate methods of food production such as permaculture. +  Ecologically appropriate methods of food production such as permaculture. 
- Adequate standards - what about Total Quality Management - are we over achieving at great cost? +  Adequate standards - what about Total Quality Management - are we over achieving at great cost? 
- The satisfaction of the simple and self-sufficient life. How this compares with the quality of life in an affluent, effluent society. +  The satisfaction of the simple and self-sufficient life. How this compares with the quality of life in an affluent, effluent society. 
-What one can observe there: + 
-home-made windmill on a 17 metre tower, pedal powered grinder, a large wet land', model showing the way in which neighbourhoods can be designed or remodelled to be highly self sufficient. +**What one can observe there:** 
-As well as all these wonders the visitor will appreciate Ted's "economic rationalism" of quite a different order. For all those who truly believe that the Gross National Product must be reduced to forestall the greenhouse crisis2, which otherwise is almost inevitable, a visit to Pigface Point and a dose of Ted's eloquence is indeed inspiring.+  *A mill driven by river tides, beehives, solar parabolas, mud bricks, a 4.5 metre water wheel, a teaspoon turbine, a Home-made windmill on a 17 metre tower, pedal powered grinder, a large wet land model¹ showing the way in which neighbourhoods can be designed or remodelled to be highly self sufficient. 
 +As well as all these wonders the visitor will appreciate Ted's "economic rationalism" of quite a different order. For all those who truly believe that the Gross National Product must be reduced to forestall the greenhouse crisis, which otherwise is almost inevitable, a visit to Pigface Point and a dose of Ted's eloquence is indeed inspiring. 
 1. See Goodbye to the Flush Toilet, pl5b, Carol Hupping Stoner, Rodale 1977. Also Redesigning the Domestic Waste System, Leigh Davison, Southern Cross University, Lismore. 1. See Goodbye to the Flush Toilet, pl5b, Carol Hupping Stoner, Rodale 1977. Also Redesigning the Domestic Waste System, Leigh Davison, Southern Cross University, Lismore.
-2. Sydney Morning Herald, 30 September, 1996. +2. Sydney Morning Herald, 30 September, 1996.  
- Various alternative A mill driven by river tides, + 
-technologies (windmills , beehives, solar parabolas, +===== Alan Rigby 1901-1966 =====
-garbage gas, water wheels, mud bricks, a 4.5 metre water +
-Pelton wheels, solar panels wheel, a teaspoon turbine, a +
-October 1996 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 3 +
-ALAN RIGBY 1901-1966+
 Alan designed the The Sydney Bushwalker cover and the club badge. Alan designed the The Sydney Bushwalker cover and the club badge.
 This article was written by his son Jeff who is also an artist. Illustrations by Alan Rigby. This article was written by his son Jeff who is also an artist. Illustrations by Alan Rigby.
-Alan Rigby was born in + 
-Rockdale, Sydney on +Alan Rigby was born in Rockdale, Sydney on 11.8.1901, the second of four brothers. He displayed a talent for drawing at an early age and after leaving school at the age of 14 and working as a clerk for some years began studying architecture. 
-11.8.1901, the second of + 
-four brothers. He displayed a talent +However, with the death of his father and the departure of his eldest brother Clive for the Western Front 
-for drawing at an early age and after +in 1917, the family faced great financial hardship and uncertainty. 
-leaving school at the age of 14 and + 
-working as a clerk for some years +Alan had to withdraw from his studies but then embarked on a career as a commercial artist. He attended drawing classes at the Royal Art Society but later went to East Sydney Technical College and was one of its first students in the life class when the college was in its infancy making its transformation from a gaol to place of education. 
-began studying architecture. +Alan's drawing became fluent and economical and his ability to articulate the subject with ease and truthfulness was remarkable. In those times the practise of commercial art was founded on strong draughtsmanship, a complete knowledge of black and white reproduction and the capacity to letter quickly and accurately by hand. 
-However, with the death of his father + 
-and the departure of his eldest +After his training Alan worked at the Richardson Studio where he made the acquaintance of the 17-year-old Enid Greenacre. They realised that they had already met two years before when Alan and his cousin, Jack Gillespie, had arrived in Burragorang from a walk down the Christies Creek and Enid and her sister Olive were returning from a holiday. They later became engaged and were married in 1932. (An article on Enid Rigby will be printed in the November issue of The Sydney Bushwalker.) 
-brother Clive for the Western Front + 
-in 1917, the family faced great +Alan was a keen cyclist and together with his cousin Jack, Walter Tarr and others made many trips as far south as the Snowy Mountains and north to the Queensland border. He later estimated that he had ridden a total of 80,000 kms, all without the benefit of gears! 
-financial hardship and uncertainty. + 
-Alan had to withdraw from his +About 1921 he attended a lecture at Sydney Technical College on the subject of bushwalking (as it became known). The speaker was Myles Dunphy. Alan was very quick to show enthusiasm for "mountain trailing" or "trailing" as Myles then called it. Myles had formed his Mountain Trails Club in 1914 and by this time it contained ten members. 
-studies but then embarked on a +Bushwalking was practically unknown in those early times and Myles and his friends went out for weeks at a time with swags and rifles. They only had parish maps which showed large white areas between the courses of the main rivers and creeks. It was true exploration and, little by little, a full understanding of the countryside was gained. Alan was deeply impressed by Myle's incisive intellect, his sense of romance and adventure and his contention that somehow a balance must be struck between society's material needs and those of the natural environment. In 1923 Alan was invited to join the club and in the years to come the friendships made there were to provide a cornerstone for himself and his future family. 
-career as a commercial artist. He +
-attended drawing classes at the +
-Royal Art Society but later went to +
-East Sydney Technical College and +
-was one of its first students in the +
-life class when the college was in its +
-infancy making its transformation +
-from a gaol to place of education. +
-Alan's drawing became fluent and economical and his ability to articulate the subject with ease and truthfulness was remarkable. In those times the practise of +
-commercial art was founded on strong draughtsmanship, a complete knowledge of black and white reproduction and the capacity to letter quickly and accurately by hand. +
-After his training Alan worked at the Richardson Studio where he made the acquaintance of the 17- year-old Enid Greenacre. They realised that they had already met two years before when Alan and his cousin, Jack Gillespie, had arrived in Burragorang from a walk down the Christies Creek and Enid and her sister Olive were returning from a holiday. They later became engaged and were married in 1932. (An article on Enid Rigby will be printed in the November issue of The Sydney Bushwalker.) +
-Alan was a keen cyclist and together with his cousin Jack, Walter Tarr and others made many trips as far south as the Snowy Mountains and north to the Queensland border. He later estimated that he had ridden a total of 80,000 k ms, all without the benefit of gears! +
-About 1921 he attended a lecture at Sydney Technical College on the subject of bushwalking (as it became known). The speaker was Myles Dunphy. Alan was very quick to show enthusiasm for "mountain trailing" or "trailing" as Myles then called it. Myles had formed his +
-Mountain Trails Club in 1914 and by this time it contained ten members. +
-Bushwalking was practically unknown in those early times and Myles and his friends went out for weeks at a time with swags and rifles. They only had parish maps which showed large white areas between the courses of the main rivers and creeks. It was true exploration and, little by little, a full understanding of the countryside was gained. Alan was deeply impressed by Mile's incisive intellect, his sense of romance and adventure and his contention that somehow a balance must be struck between society's material needs and those of the natural environment. In 1923 Alan was invited to join the club and in the years to come the friendships made there were to provide a cornerstone for himself and his future family.+
 After leaving Richardson's Studio, Alan and Enid created their own studio. Their business grew and in time they employed about six people. Their clients included P & 0 and the E & A shipping lines which provided work dear to Alan's heart, being a great lover of ships and the sea. There were also the department stores of which provided fashion and figure work for Enid. After leaving Richardson's Studio, Alan and Enid created their own studio. Their business grew and in time they employed about six people. Their clients included P & 0 and the E & A shipping lines which provided work dear to Alan's heart, being a great lover of ships and the sea. There were also the department stores of which provided fashion and figure work for Enid.
-Continued next page. +
-A Commemorative Exhibition of drawings and +
-photographs by Alan Rigby 1901 - 1966 will be +
-held at the National Parks and Wildlife Heritage +
-Centre, Govetts Leap Road, Blackheath +
-from +
-Saturday, November 2 to Sunday November 17. +
-October 1996 THE SYDNEY BUSIIWALKER Page 4+
 Apart from their commercial work they both made beautiful landscape drawings. Later in life Enid painted landscapes in oils but not Alan, despite his keen interest in painting and his friendships with a number of artists. As time went by he was more and more drawn to photography. Perhaps it gave him relief from brushes and pencils, perhaps it was more suited to his practical and technical sensibility and coupled with the exercise of bushwalking it was a welcome relief from sitting all day drawing. Apart from their commercial work they both made beautiful landscape drawings. Later in life Enid painted landscapes in oils but not Alan, despite his keen interest in painting and his friendships with a number of artists. As time went by he was more and more drawn to photography. Perhaps it gave him relief from brushes and pencils, perhaps it was more suited to his practical and technical sensibility and coupled with the exercise of bushwalking it was a welcome relief from sitting all day drawing.
 Throughout the 1920's and 30's they enjoyed their bushwalking and spent their honeymoon walking down the Cox. When the Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 they became members and lead many walks. Throughout the 1920's and 30's they enjoyed their bushwalking and spent their honeymoon walking down the Cox. When the Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 they became members and lead many walks.
-In April 1931, a joint Mountain Trails Club and SBW party led by Alan visited Blue Gum Forest to find an axeman at work ready to fell those magnificent trees. The party was outraged and a campaign to save thebecame a trustee for the reserve for a time (as did Joe Turner, another surviving foundation SBW member in 1996). He took many photos during the campaign some of which were published in the Sydney Morning Herald. The Blue Gum Campaign was one of the first in NSW and it remained of special significance for all those who made it possible.+ 
 +In April 1931, a joint Mountain Trails Club and SBW party led by Alan visited Blue Gum Forest to find an axeman at work ready to fell those magnificent trees. The party was outraged and a campaign to save the forest was started.  £150.00 was needed to buy the lease and after a number of years of hard work on the part of both clubs this goal was achieved and Blue Gum Forest was gazetted as a public recreation reserve on 2nd March, 1934. Alan became a trustee for the reserve for a time (as did Joe Turner, another surviving foundation SBW member in 1996). He took many photos during the campaign some of which were published in the Sydney Morning Herald. The Blue Gum Campaign was one of the first in NSW and it remained of special significance for all those who made it possible. 
 It 1936 Alan and Enid built a house in Warrawee on a heavily timbered block. Slowly they developed a beautiful garden which was to absorb them for many years. It involved some immensely heavy work for Alan but he was able to take it easily in his stride. It 1936 Alan and Enid built a house in Warrawee on a heavily timbered block. Slowly they developed a beautiful garden which was to absorb them for many years. It involved some immensely heavy work for Alan but he was able to take it easily in his stride.
-Increasing deafness rendered him unfit for military service in World War II although he did serve on the Volunteer Harbour Patrol and made some reconnaissance walks to determine routes by which troops could be moved. During the 1940's with the birth of their sons, Roger, + 
-Continued next page+Increasing deafness rendered him unfit for military service in World War II although he did serve on the Volunteer Harbour Patrol and made some reconnaissance walks to determine routes by which troops could be moved. During the 1940's with the birth of their sons, Roger, Byron and Jeff, together with preoccupations with home and business, walking activities fell somewhat in abeyance. However, there were biannual camps with MTC at Miara on Heathcote Creek and pilgrimages to Clear Hill as well as occasional longer trips. 
-forest was startedE150.0.0 was needed to buy the lease and after a number of years of hard work on the part of both clubs this goal was achieved and Blue Gum Forest was gazetted as public recreation reserve on 2nd March1934. Alan + 
-October 1996 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 5+During the 1950's Alan began to walk in earnest again and he and Enid rejoined the SBW and became members of the National Parks Association and were involved once again in matters of conservation. He was now in his sixties and his powerful, stocky physique still allowed him to make the hardest of trips and what he may have lacked in speed he made up for with grit and stamina
 +In 1966 the campaign to prevent limestone mining at Church Creek was in full swing and on the weekend of the 23rd and 24th July an NPA party, including Alan and sons Roger and Jeff, visited the area to take photographsOn Sunday after spending the morning photographing the limestone outcrop at Church Creek, Alan, Wilf Hilder and Jeff began to climb back up MtArmour and returned towards Batsh Camp via Armour's RangeDuring the afternoon he pointed out where he and others had carried Myles out of the Kowmung with suspected heart trouble in the January heat of 1936. When the others exclaimed at the obvious difficulty of the job, he replied "oh well, we loved Myles"
 +A short time later, under the shadow of Mt. Marrup not far from Squatting Rock Gap, he died of a massive heart attack. Although untimely, it was a fitting end for one whoas Myles once commented, "had an artist's eye and an acute sense of the fitness of things". 
 +A Commemorative Exhibition of drawings and photographs by Alan Rigby 1901 - 1966 will be held at the National Parks and Wildlife Heritage Centre, Govetts Leap Road, Blackheath 
 +from Saturday, November 2 to Sunday November 17 October 1996  
 +===== Walk softly in the Bush ===== 
 +**Minimal Impact Code for Bushwalking in Queensland Parks October 1996** 
 As more people discover the pleasures of bushwalking, the need for care in protecting the natural bushland becomes apparent. Overused campsites, blazed trails, trampled vegetation, litter and degraded walking tracks have become too common. As more people discover the pleasures of bushwalking, the need for care in protecting the natural bushland becomes apparent. Overused campsites, blazed trails, trampled vegetation, litter and degraded walking tracks have become too common.
-Responsible bushwalkers today observe 'minimal impact' bushwalldng practices - a code of ethics and behaviour aimed at preserving the ecological and wilderness 'values of bushwalking areas. Unless we learn to walk with less impact on the enviromnent, the number of bushwalkerS allowed to use some locations may have to be reduced. + 
-Plan Your Trip With Care +Responsible bushwalkers today observe 'minimal impact' bushwalking practices - a code of ethics and behaviour aimed at preserving the ecological and wilderness values of bushwalking areas. Unless we learn to walk with less impact on the environment, the number of bushwalkers allowed to use some locations may have to be reduced. 
-Good planning is the key to successful bushwalking with minimal impact. + 
-You must obtain a camping permit before leaving to camp out overnight. Bookings are compulsory for some parks. The ranger will provide you with up to date information on camping and park conditions. Limits are placed on group sizes in sorn. parks. Campsites may be closed because of fire threat or for regeneration. +**Plan Your Trip With Care**\\ 
-Camp or walk with a small party(4-8). Larger parties tend to have a disproportionately greater impact on the environment. +  Good planning is the key to successful bushwalking with minimal impact. 
-Plan your walking times so you can camp at a designated campsite, rather than having to create another site. This is particularly important with larger groups. +  You must obtain a camping permit before leaving to camp out overnight. Bookings are compulsory for some parks. The ranger will provide you with up to date information on camping and park conditions. Limits are placed on group sizes in sorn. parks. Campsites may be closed because of fire threat or for regeneration. 
-Obtain permission before crossing private property. +  Camp or walk with a small party (4-8). Larger parties tend to have a disproportionately greater impact on the environment. 
-Essential Equipment+  Plan your walking times so you can camp at a designated campsite, rather than having to create another site. This is particularly important with larger groups. 
 +  Obtain permission before crossing private property. 
 +**Essential Equipment**\\
 Taking the right equipment will help you to walk with minimal impact. As well as your normal bushwalking gear, please take: Taking the right equipment will help you to walk with minimal impact. As well as your normal bushwalking gear, please take:
-A fuel stove and fuel for cooking. +  * A fuel stove and fuel for cooking. 
- A free standing tent requiring few pegs. +  A free standing tent requiring few pegs. 
- A sleeping mat for personal comfort. +  A sleeping mat for personal comfort. 
- A hand trowel for human waste disposal. +  A hand trowel for human waste disposal.
-Cooking, campfires and fuel stoves. +
-Fuel stoves are essential. Many national parks are now 'fuel stove only' areas. Using fuel stoves minimises the risk of bushfires and reduces environmental degradation. +
-There are many practical reasons for using fuel stoves. They are safer, faster and cleaner; are easier to use in wet weather, don't leave unsightly scares at the site and make it easier to clean up properly afterwards. Consider using a stove on all bushwalking trips. +
-Campfires +
-The pleasant tradition of gathering around a campfire is causing increasing environmental damage to bushwalking sites. Gathering firewood leads to trampling around campsites, removes vital habitat for insects, reptiles, birds and small mammals and prevents normal recycling of nutrients. +
-Escaped campfires can become devastating bushfires, causing great danger to bushwalkers and the environment. Think about the effects of lighting a fire in a given Continued next page. +
-From page 4. +
-Byron and Jeff, together with preoccupations with home and business, walking activities fell somewhat in abeyance. However, there were biannual camps with MTC at Miara ' on Heathcote Creek and pilgrimages to Clear Hill as well as occasional longer trips. +
-During the 1950's Alan began to walk in earnest again and he and Enid rejoined the SBW and became members of the National Parks Association and were involved once again in matters of conservation. He was now in his sixties and his powerful, stocky physique still allowed him to make the hardest of trips and what he may have lacked in speed he made up for with grit and stamina. +
-In 1966 the campaign to prevent limestone mining at Church Creek was in full swing and on the weekend of the 23rd and 24th July an NPA party, including Alan and sons Roger and Jeff, visited the area to take photographs. On Sunday after 'spending the morning photographing the limestone outcrop at Church Creek, Alan, Wilf Hilder. and Jeff began to climb back up Mt. Armour and returned towards Batsh Camp via Armour's Range. During the afternoon he pointed out where he and others had carried Myles out of the Kowmung with suspected,, heart trouble in the January heat of 1936. When the others exclaimed at the obvious difficulty of the job, he replied "oh well, we loved Myles"+
-A short time later, under the shadow of Mt. Man-up not far from Squatting Rock Gap, he died of a massive heart attack. Although untimely, it was a fitting end for one who, as Myles once commented, "had an artist's eye and an acute sense of the fitness of things"+
-Minimal Impact Code for Bushwalking in Queensland Parks. +
-October 1996 +
-Page 6 +
-Continued from page 5+**Cooking, campfires and fuel stoves**\\ 
-area.If youhave any doubts - don't do it! If you light a campfire, be a responsible bushwalker and follow these general rules for fire safety: +Fuel stoves are essential. Many national parks are now 'fuel stove only' areas. Using fuel stoves minimises the risk of bushfires and reduces environmental degradation. There are many practical reasons for using fuel stoves. They are safer, faster and cleaner; are easier to use in wet weather, don't leave unsightly scares at the site and make it easier to clean up properly afterwards. Consider using a stove on all bushwalking trips
- Don't light fires in an area ortime + 
-of severe fire danger or in a place where wind could scatter live embers. +**Campfires**\\ 
- Light fires only in an area clear of surrounding vegetation and four metres awaY from tents. +The pleasant tradition of gathering around a campfire is causing increasing environmental damage to bushwalking sites. Gathering firewood leads to trampling around campsites, removes vital habitat for insects, reptiles, birds and small mammals and prevents normal recycling of nutrients. Escaped campfires can become devastating bushfires, causing great danger to bushwalkers and the environment. Think about the effects of lighting a fire in a given area.  
- Keep fires small. Don't put rocks around them (their heat can cause bums to ground vegetation)Use a safe, existing fireplace rather than making a new one. + 
- Use only dead, fallen wood. Dead standing trees are often used by animals for nesting and shelter. +If you have any doubts - don't do it! If you light a campfire, be a responsible bushwalker and follow these general rules for fire safety: 
- Be absolutely sure the fire is out. Douse it with water. If the ground beneath is still hot, douse it again. Do not cover with earth - embers can smoulder for days. +  Don't light fires in an area or time of severe fire danger or in a place where wind could scatter live embers. 
-A place to camp+  Light fires only in an area clear of surrounding vegetation and four metres awaY from tents. 
 +  Keep fires small. Don't put rocks around them (their heat can cause burns to ground vegetation)Use a safe, existing fireplace rather than making a new one. 
 +  Use only dead, fallen wood. Dead standing trees are often used by animals for nesting and shelter. 
 +  Be absolutely sure the fire is out. Douse it with water. If the ground beneath is still hot, douse it again. Do not cover with earth - embers can smoulder for days. 
 +**A place to camp**\\
 With modern camping equipment you can leave a campsite looking untouched. With modern camping equipment you can leave a campsite looking untouched.
- Choose low impact campsites. Camp at an existing site where possible, or search for a spot where you don't have to remove rocks or branches or damage vegetation. +  * Choose low impact campsites. Camp at an existing site where possible, or search for a spot where you don't have to remove rocks or branches or damage vegetation. 
- Sandy or hard surfaces are better +  Sandy or hard surfaces are better than boggy or vegetated areas. 
-than boggy or vegetated areas. +  Camp away from vulnerable frontal dunes in coastal areas. 
- Camp away from vulnerable +  Never dig trenches around your tent or cut vegetation for bedding. 
-frontal dunes in coastal areas. +  Aim to leave camp sites as you found them, or cleaner. Remove rubbish and dismantle unnecessary or unsafe fireplaces.
- Never dig trenches around your tent or cut vegetation for bedding. +
- Aim to leave camp sites as you found them, or cleaner. Remove rubbish and dismantle unnecessary or unsafe fireplaces+
-Hygiene in the bush +
-Buhwalkers' must observe proper sanitation and hygiene 'methods and must avoid polluting water in any way. +
-Use toilets if available. Away from toilets, ensure all faecal matter and toilet paper are properly buried (15cm deep) well away from tracks, campsites, water courses and drainage channels (100m). Carry out sanitary pads and tampons. +
-When bathing or washing cooking equipment or clothes, always wash at least 100m from streams and lakes. Waterways should be kept free of all pollutants like soap, detergents, shampoo, sunscreens and food scraps. +
-Take your rubbish home - +
-don't rubbish the bush. +
-Minimal impact bushwalkers take great care to avoid leaving any rubbish. They carry it all out. +
-Pack to minimise rubbish. Avoid taking items such as bottles, cans, excess wrappings and aluminium foil. Take a rubbish bag. +
-Don't bum or bury rubbish. This disturbs the soil, and buried rubbish is often dug up and scattered by animals. +
-Do the park a favour and pick up other peoples rubbish too. +
-Even food scraps should be carried out as they disturb the natural. nutrient balance and can create weed problems. +
-Remember: +
-pack it in - pack it out. +
-Track tips +
-Cutting corners on walking tracks and marking unofficial bushwalking routs are unacceptable practices for modem bushwalkers. You can help protect vegetation and limit erosion; +
-Keep on the track and do not cut comers, particularly in wet weather. Shortcutting promotes erosion and degradation and can confuse other bushwalkers. +
-Avoid walking on fragile vegetation. Whenever possible, stay on rock and hard ground. +
-Walk softly. Choose your footwear for the terrain, softer soled shoes can lessen the impact of every footstep. +
-Do not mark your walking route. Blazed trees are prone to fungal attack and may die; extra markers, even tape, can confuse later groups of walkers. +
-Walk safely. Become skilled in bush navigation, leave a walking itinerary and take maps. Large scale searches for overdue bushwalkers can have a marked impact on the local environment. They are also expensive and can be dangerous for the searchers. +
-How can you help +
-Bushwalkers are a vital source of information to park staff who are interested in the condition of campsites, trails and water points, sightings of animals and bushfires. You will be making a real contribution to the management of the park if you talk to or write to the ranger on your return. +
-Promote minimal impact ;bushwalldng by following the code and discussing issues with your bushwalking friends. +
-Further information about the subject may be found in recent publications available from outdoor equipment stores and environmental bookshops. +
-Protect your recreation +
-opportunities. +
-Bushwalk with minimal +
-impact. +
- NT +
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-trarigia +**Hygiene in the bush**\\ 
-:Vogl NOX: +Bushwalkers must observe proper sanitation and hygiene methods and must avoid polluting water in any way. 
-role/nano +  * Use toilets if available. Away from toilets, ensure all faecal matter and toilet paper are properly buried (15cm deep) well away from tracks, campsites, water courses and drainage channels (100m). Carry out sanitary pads and tampons. 
-Ii +  * When bathing or washing cooking equipment or clothes, always wash at least 100m from streams and lakes. Waterways should be kept free of all pollutants like soap, detergents, shampoo, sunscreens and food scraps. 
-THEMA-41E5"F SOURCE +  * Take your rubbish home don't rubbish the bush. 
-4.1:0 I %Is  +  * Minimal impact bushwalkers take great care to avoid leaving any rubbish. They carry it all out
-trlidinghours+  * Pack to minimise rubbish. Avoid taking items such as bottlescansexcess wrappings and aluminium foil. Take a rubbish bag. 
-fiffEC lePter Vern+  * Don't burn or bury rubbish. This disturbs the soil, and buried rubbish is often dug up and scattered by animals. 
-eastwood 3 Trelawney Street +  * Do the park a favour and pick up other peoples rubbish too. 
-camping Eastwood NSW 2122 +  * Even food scraps should be carried out as they disturb the natural nutrient balance and can create weed problems. 
-centre Telephone (02) 858 3833 + 
-_ping OU to enjoy the Austraban and World nvironnitent+**Remember: pack it in - pack it out.** 
-October 1996 TI-IE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 8 + 
-FIRST AID -+**Track tips**\\ 
 +Cutting corners on walking tracks and marking unofficial bushwalking routes are unacceptable practices for modern bushwalkers. You can help protect vegetation and limit erosion. 
 +  * Keep on the track and do not cut corners, particularly in wet weather. Shortcutting promotes erosion and degradation and can confuse other bushwalkers. 
 +  * Avoid walking on fragile vegetation. Whenever possible, stay on rock and hard ground. 
 +  * Walk softly. Choose your footwear for the terrain, softer soled shoes can lessen the impact of every footstep. 
 +  * Do not mark your walking route. Blazed trees are prone to fungal attack and may die; extra markers, even tape, can confuse later groups of walkers. 
 +  * Walk safely. Become skilled in bush navigation, leave a walking itinerary and take maps. Large scale searches for overdue bushwalkers can have a marked impact on the local environment. They are also expensive and can be dangerous for the searchers
 +**How can you help**\\ 
 +Bushwalkers are a vital source of information to park staff who are interested in the condition of campsites, trails and water points, sightings of animals and bushfires. You will be making a real contribution to the management of the park if you talk to or write to the ranger on your return. Promote minimal impact bushwalking by following the code and discussing issues with your bushwalking friends. 
 +Further information about the subject may be found in recent publications available from outdoor equipment stores and environmental bookshops. Protect your recreation opportunities. Bushwalk with minimal impact. 
 +===== First Aid =====
 Notes supplied by Patrick James Notes supplied by Patrick James
 This is the third of a series of articles on this important subject This is the third of a series of articles on this important subject
-Snake Bite Treatment+ 
 +**Snake Bite Treatment**\\
 (continued from September issue) (continued from September issue)
-Immobilise the limb with a splint and sling or, if the leg is affected, bind one leg to the other. )Keep the casualty under observation. If the casualty become unconscious,, turn onto their side and ensurthat airways and breathing are unrestricted. Minimise movement and if possible bring medical attention to the casualty. + 
-8 Insect Bite +Immobilise the limb with a splint and sling or, if the leg is affected, bind one leg to the other. Keep the casualty under observation. If the casualty become unconscious, turn onto their side and ensure that airways and breathing are unrestricted. Minimise movement and if possible bring medical attention to the casualty. 
-Red-back spiders, funnel-web spiders, ticks, leeches, bees, hornets, wasps, ants, mosquitos and sandflies can and do bite, usually not all at once. + 
-Signs & Symptoms+**8 Insect Bite**\\ 
 +Red-back spiders, funnel-web spiders, ticks, leeches, bees, hornets, wasps, ants, mosquitoes and sandflies can and do bite, usually not all at once. 
 +Signs & Symptoms\\
 These vary depending on the insect and the patient's response to the bite. Some people can have a severe allergic reaction (called anaphylactic shock) to insect bites. These vary depending on the insect and the patient's response to the bite. Some people can have a severe allergic reaction (called anaphylactic shock) to insect bites.
-Treatment + 
-Assume spider bites are venomous and treat as for snake bite. Ticks can be removed with kero, methylated spirits or Teatree oil, be sure that the whole of the tick is out and do not to leave the tick head in the skin. Leeches can be removed as for a tick, with salt, insect repellent, or with a small flame. Bee (hornets and wasps) stings Should be removed by scraping with the blade of a knife or +Treatment\\ 
-a long finger nail. Ant bites can be considered as bee stings. For all bites and stings, except spider bites, apply a cold compress to the affected area, rest the casualty, apply antihistamine cream if available. Keep the patient under observation for anaphylactic shock. If bitten near the mouth, throat or neck be prepared for transfer to hospital. (Allergic reaction could cause swelling and blockage of the airway.) For mosquito and sandfly bites use antihistamine cream. Better still is to use an insect repellent and minimise the amount of exposed skin. +Assume spider bites are venomous and treat as for snake bite. Ticks can be removed with kero, methylated spirits or Teatree oil, be sure that the whole of the tick is out and do not to leave the tick head in the skin. Leeches can be removed as for a tick, with salt, insect repellent, or with a small flame. Bee (hornets and wasps) stings should be removed by scraping with the blade of a knife or a long finger nail. Ant bites can be considered as bee stings. For all bites and stings, except spider bites, apply a cold compress to the affected area, rest the casualty, apply antihistamine cream if available. Keep the patient under observation for anaphylactic shock. If bitten near the mouth, throat or neck be prepared for transfer to hospital. (Allergic reaction could cause swelling and blockage of the airway.) For mosquito and sandfly bites use antihistamine cream. Better still is to use an insect repellent and minimise the amount of exposed skin. 
-Continued next page. + 
-Kimberley Coast EXPEDITION +**Burns**\\
-'1?'"'ste +
-ome north and join us on our +
-longest and most ambitious : Australian expedition. See the land when it is green, when the rivers waterfalls are at their incredible See for yourself what makes this so special. +
-Highlights include +
- A boat trip through the 20 km long Berkeley Gorge. +
- King George where the rir plunges 90 metres into the sea at the head of one of Australia's spectacular gorges. +
- Drysdale River Gorge, waters have left debris"20rn up the clts +
-And, of course, thereis niore. Small waterfalls and gorges, beautiful pools we have all to ourselye,,,,,,,, +
-rock art some of which oarnever ha been seen before by rfori +
-eyes. +
-Those who get in early get the chance to 'help plan the route and determine the length of the trip. As in the past, we may finish with a six-day loop along the 1bWOr Drysdale and some of its tributaries or we may extend the trip to a sixth week and explore new territory by walking.::all the way through to the Abcwigtnai icommunity of Kalumburu. +
- five is too long for you, +
- dpnt The trip is divided into +
- Three Os any of which may be ::dOne on 'n "Own. The seaplane that +
- brings  +
-'ur two food drops provides flsbrt for those doing only part of +
-likkintt progran contact: +
-12 Carrington St Millner NT 0810 +
-October 1906 YDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 9 +
-From page 8. 9 Burns+
 There are three grades of bums: superficial, intermediate and severe. (Previously termed first, second and third degree bums respectively.) Superficial and intermediate bums may not need medical attention. Severe burns require medical attention. In all cases of bums do not prick or burst blisters and do not use ointments or creams. There are three grades of bums: superficial, intermediate and severe. (Previously termed first, second and third degree bums respectively.) Superficial and intermediate bums may not need medical attention. Severe burns require medical attention. In all cases of bums do not prick or burst blisters and do not use ointments or creams.
-Superficial Burns+ 
 +Superficial Burns\\
 Scalds from hot water, moderate sunburn. Scalds from hot water, moderate sunburn.
-Signs & Symptoms + 
-Reddening of the skin, perhapS minor blisters. The skin is not broken. +Signs & Symptoms\\ 
-Treatment+Reddening of the skin, perhaps minor blisters. The skin is not broken. 
 Cool immediately with cold water, continue cooling for five to 10 minutes depending on the extent of the bum. Cover with a dry dressing. Cool immediately with cold water, continue cooling for five to 10 minutes depending on the extent of the bum. Cover with a dry dressing.
-Intermediate Burns+ 
 +Intermediate Burns\\
 Scalds from boiling water, severe sunburn. Scalds from boiling water, severe sunburn.
-Signs & Symptoms+ 
 +Signs & Symptoms\\
 Blistering of skin. The skin surface is not broken. Blistering of skin. The skin surface is not broken.
 Cool immediately with cold water, and continue cooling for at least 10 minutes depending on the extent of burn. Cover with a dry dressing. Cool immediately with cold water, and continue cooling for at least 10 minutes depending on the extent of burn. Cover with a dry dressing.
-Severe Burns+ 
 +Severe Burns\\
 Severe scalds from boiling water or cooking oil, direct bums from fire, burning clothing etc. Severe scalds from boiling water or cooking oil, direct bums from fire, burning clothing etc.
-Signs & Symptoms+ 
 +Signs & Symptoms\\
 Severe blistering, damage or burning of the skin. The surface of the skin is broken. Severe blistering, damage or burning of the skin. The surface of the skin is broken.
 Cool immediately with cold water, continue cooling for at least 10 minutes depending on the extent of Cool immediately with cold water, continue cooling for at least 10 minutes depending on the extent of
 bum and the situation. Carefully remove clothing from the burnt area; cut away clothing with scissors or 'knife; leave clothing which is stuck to the skin. Cover with a dry sterile dressing and bandage loosely. Seek medical attention. bum and the situation. Carefully remove clothing from the burnt area; cut away clothing with scissors or 'knife; leave clothing which is stuck to the skin. Cover with a dry sterile dressing and bandage loosely. Seek medical attention.
-10 Dehydration+ 
 +**10 Dehydration**\\
 This can occur under strenuous exercise in hot weather or as the result of vomiting or diarrhoea. Re- hydrate with drinking water or weak tea. For vomiting and diarrhoea do not give solid food until the casualty This can occur under strenuous exercise in hot weather or as the result of vomiting or diarrhoea. Re- hydrate with drinking water or weak tea. For vomiting and diarrhoea do not give solid food until the casualty
-has stabilised, that is within 12 hours (or overnight) being able to retains liquids. If not stable continue re- hydration and consider giving simple, easily digested foods, seek medical assistance. Mild dehydration is usually experienced on most summer walks. The sign is that one's urine appears to be more concentrated. Treat by re-hydration with water and refrain from excessive quantities of tea, coffee, soft drink, beer, etc.+has stabilised, that is within 12 hours (or overnight) being able to retains liquids. If not stable continue rehydration and consider giving simple, easily digested foods, seek medical assistance. Mild dehydration is usually experienced on most summer walks. The sign is that one's urine appears to be more concentrated. Treat by re-hydration with water and refrain from excessive quantities of tea, coffee, soft drink, beer, etc.
 To be continued next issue. To be continued next issue.
-TOMORR a W +===== Memorabilia Information Required ===== 
-what was used yesterday + 
-what we have today +What was used yesterday\\ 
-what lies ahead for tomorrow+What we have today\\ 
 +What lies ahead for tomorrow\\ 
- photographs +  * photographs 
- equipment (tents, cooking utensils, footwear, +  equipment (tents, cooking utensils, footwear, clothing, ropes) 
-clothing, ropes) +  navigation (maps, compasses) 
-navigation (maps, compasses) +  publications (books, brochures, leaflets, etc) 
- publications (books, brochures, leaflets, etc) +  songs/poetry/games/pastimes 
- songs/poetry/games/pastimes +  war time memories/memorabilia 
- war time memories/memorabilia +  conservation 
- conservation +  club meetings (rooms, activities, social events) 
- club meetings (rooms, activities, social events) +  rescues, first aid, weather 
- rescues, first aid, weather +  reunions, Coolana 
- reunions, Coolana +  geology/aboriginal rock art/native bush 
- geology/aboriginal rock art/native bush +  transport 
- transport +  * or any other memorabilia 
-* or any other memorabilia+
-Judy O'Connor: Plr.9929 8629 or Peter Miller Ph.9456 5326 +Judy O'Connor: Ph 9929 8629 or Peter Miller Ph. 9456 5326 
-We specialise in the latest light weight gear for your outdoor. adventures. Whether you require Tents, Backpacks, Sleeping bags, RainWear, Stoves, Abseiling gear or Accessories, we carry the best brands. + 
-We offer you personalised knowledgeable service to help you purchase the correct equipment for your needs, naturally we offer the best prices too. +===== The September 1996 General Meeting ===== 
-Advice is only a phone call away. +
-mac ac +
-1111101ibce +
-RI +
-ber +
-ias +
-BlueWater +
-[=:231 +
-Eureka!lent +
-`Jhe SlormShield. +
-We stock the latest range of skis, boots, bindings & poles for backcountry and telemark skiing. +
-Backcountry ski hire +
-;I:gct +
-A Macpac Tents Backpacks Sleeping bags A Rainwear A Trangia Stoves A. Thermarests +
-Special prices for club members. Week pr weekend rates. +
-rEll trangia +
-legettw +
-1K WAX +
-re/te41.:'-:7.7 +
-tr11 WrLD STUFF +
-rigRNA REST Drinkinrg Water Syglerns. ciazna=scraomen +
-Outgear +
-NSW 2114. PH: (02) 858 5844 +
-Ismoes msztwanwsittm _ +
-,moszatemsocest +
-PTY. Lb. +
- ,- +
-. J.: +
-October 1996 . THE SYDNEY. BUS4W_A.14CE_R Page +
-The September 1996 General Meeting+
 by Peter Miller by Peter Miller
-With ith the President, Tony Holgate, in the chair and Secretary Michelle Powell back from her overseas trip hastily scribbling notes, the September General Meeting kicked off at 8.10 pm. There were no apologies and the meeting started with seven new members (Catherine Mulane, Ric Shorter, Donald Wills, Bruce Gilbert, Diane Richards, Kaite Matilda and Don Troy) being welcomed to the club. + 
-Minutes of the August General Meeting+With the President, Tony Holgate, in the chair and Secretary Michelle Powell back from her overseas trip hastily scribbling notes, the September General Meeting kicked off at 8.10 pm. There were no apologies and the meeting started with seven new members (Catherine Mulane, Ric Shorter, Donald Wills, Bruce Gilbert, Diane Richards, Kaite Matilda and Don Troy) being welcomed to the club. 
 +Minutes of the August General Meeting\\
 The minutes of the August General Meeting were read and accepted with an amendment to the Treasurer's report by Greta James. The only business arising from the minutes concerned the Draft of the Tasmanian Permit system which will have an effect on walkers accessing Tasmanian heritage areas. The minutes of the August General Meeting were read and accepted with an amendment to the Treasurer's report by Greta James. The only business arising from the minutes concerned the Draft of the Tasmanian Permit system which will have an effect on walkers accessing Tasmanian heritage areas.
-Correspondence In and Out + 
-The item of greatest interest was a press release from Senator Hill publishing the results of a survey showing overwhelming support forthe conservation and preservation of our natural environment +Correspondence In and Out\\ 
-Correspondence out concerned the catchment for the Sydney Water supply and the continuing problem of feral pigs in National Parks. +The item of greatest interest was a press release from Senator Hill publishing the results of a survey showing overwhelming support for the conservation and preservation of our natural environmentCorrespondence out concerned the catchment for the Sydney Water supply and the continuing problem of feral pigs in National Parks. The subject of the Tasmanian permit system which is intended to come into operation in the 1997 - 1998 summer season was explained and it boils down to a proposal to charge walkers a fee to access selected heritage areas and limit the size of walking parties. An interesting statistic showed that only five percent of walks in the affected areas are either organised by clubs or commercial operations and the remainder are privately organised. 
-The subject of the Tasmanian permit system which is intended to come into operation in the 1997 - 1998 summer season was explained and it boils down to a proposal to charge walkers a fee to access selected heritage areas and limit the size of walking parties. Aninteresting statistic showed that only five pet 'cent of walks in the affected areas are either organised by clubs or commercial operations and the remainder are privately organised. + 
-Treasurer's Report +Treasurer's Report\\ 
-Greta James reported that we started the month with a balance of $12,133.18 And after outlaying $8330.34 (Including an investment of $5000) wefinished the month with a balance of $5064.84 +Greta James reported that we started the month with a balance of $12,133.18 and after outlaying $8330.34 (Including an investment of $5000) we finished the month with a balance of $5064.84
-Conservation Report + 
-Alex Colley reported that he had good news from Senator Hill in the pressrelease recognising that wild rivers had beconie a mainstream issue. (There must be a vote in there somewhere.) According to the survey more than 90 per cent of those surveyed supported the preservation of wilderness areas for future generations and around 80 per cent were in favour of banningactivities such as road building, tracks, mining, four wheeled vehicles and buildings. +Conservation Report\\ 
-Alex also had a letter from Pam Allan, the Minister for Conservation, concerning the protection of old growth forests +Alex Colley reported that he had good news from Senator Hill in the press release recognising that wild rivers had become a mainstream issue. (There must be a vote in there somewhere.) According to the survey more than 90 per cent of those surveyed supported the preservation of wilderness areas for future generations and around 80 per cent were in favour of banning activities such as road building, tracks, mining, four wheeled vehicles and buildings. Alex also had a letter from Pam Allan, the Minister for Conservation, concerning the protection of old growth forests 
-Confederation Report + 
-Ken Smith reported on the +Confederation Report\\ 
-Confederation Meeting held +Ken Smith reported on the Confederation Meeting held recently in Canberra which saw Bill Holland elected to the position of Secretary (congratulations Bill) and that the changes to Confederation's Constitution mean that General Meetings will be held only once every three months but the Management Committee will meet monthly. Ken has been
-recently in Canberra which saw Bill +
-Holland elected to the position of +
-Secretary (congratulations Bill) and +
-that the changes to +
-Confederation's Constitution +
-mean that General Meetings +
-will be held only once every +
-three months but the +
-Management Committee will +
-meet monthly. Ken has been +
 elected to sit on Management Committee (congratulation Ken). elected to sit on Management Committee (congratulation Ken).
-The organisation TOPs (The Outdoor Professionals with a membership of 150) is to be admitted the Confederation once they have submitted their constitution for approval.+The organisation TOPs (The Outdoor Professionals with a membership of 150) is to be admitted the Confederation once they have submitted their constitution for approval.
 Confederation has regular meetings with the National Parks and Wild Life Service and has requested the service that blanket consent be given to its member clubs to engage in risky activities such as rock climbing and canyoning. The proposal is that all clubs engaging in risky activities send their programs to the district officers where the activities are to take place and reasonable limits will be placed on numbers. This is a subject which we will hear more about at future meetings. Confederation has regular meetings with the National Parks and Wild Life Service and has requested the service that blanket consent be given to its member clubs to engage in risky activities such as rock climbing and canyoning. The proposal is that all clubs engaging in risky activities send their programs to the district officers where the activities are to take place and reasonable limits will be placed on numbers. This is a subject which we will hear more about at future meetings.
-Continued next page. + 
-4100, +Walks Reports\\ 
-crr +Eddy Giacomel started off in his inimitable manner by reminding us that we had only 44 thinking days left to get walks on the summer program.
-N...0 1 Ap +
-October 1996 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 12 +
-From page 11. Walks Reports +
-Eddy Giacomel started off in his inimitable manner by reminding us that we had only 44 thinking daysleft to get walks on the summer program.+
 There were no reports on the extended walks in the Cooloola National Park led by Paul McCann from August 10 to 23 and only a comment that Bill Capon's walk in the Budawangs went but there were no details. There were no reports on the extended walks in the Cooloola National Park led by Paul McCann from August 10 to 23 and only a comment that Bill Capon's walk in the Budawangs went but there were no details.
 Wilf Hilder's Circumnavigation of Port Jackson on August 18 (postponed from the previous Sunday) attracted 17 people and was described as long and tiring. Wilf Hilder's Circumnavigation of Port Jackson on August 18 (postponed from the previous Sunday) attracted 17 people and was described as long and tiring.
-Jan:Roberts reported that her On social weekend in the Hunter Valley oil August 17 18 the only walking was a stroll down a hill to sit on a rotk and _then a stroll back,uP the same hill to the cars. The pace c10- not seem to be beyond the capabilities of those who attended. +Jan Roberts reported that her On social weekend in the Hunter Valley oil August 17 to 18 the only walking was a stroll down a hill to sit on a rock and then a stroll back up the same hill to the cars. The pace did not seem to be beyond the capabilities of those who attended. 
-On the same weekend Wayne Steele led a party ofsix out from Canons Farms and down to the Cox River where they saw several trout fishermen who were reporting good catches.It be ,faddy strenuous walk and it rained on the way back. +On the same weekend Wayne Steele led a party of six out from Carlons Farms and down to the Cox River where they saw several trout fishermen who were reporting good catches. It was fairly strenuous walk and it rained on the way back. 
-Elwyn 'Morris had no startersfor her Walk at Blackheath but Ian Debert had 17 on his walk down to Blue Gum Forest with wonderful views from Lockleys Pylon. +Elwyn Morris had no starters for her Walk at Blackheath but Ian Debert had 17 on his walk down to Blue Gum Forest with wonderful views from Lockleys Pylon. 
- Peter Miller had a party of 18 on his walk in the Dhurag National Park on August 18. It was all Off track and the views along the escarpment overlooking the Hawkesbury River were quite spectacular. +Peter Miller had a party of 18 on his walk in the Dhurag National Park on August 18. It was all off track and the views along the escarpment overlooking the Hawkesbury River were quite spectacular. 
-,Wilf Hilder's walk on August 23 around Mt. Kiera went but therewere no details given. _+Wilf Hilder's walk on August 23 around Mt. Kiera went but therewere no details given. 
 Peter Miller had a party of 17 on August 24 - 25 on his walk to Bungonia Gorge. Barbers Creek was reported to be completely dry and the party decided to camp in the gorge. He reported that the limestone boulders had grown somewhat since he first clambered over them as a teenager. Peter Miller had a party of 17 on August 24 - 25 on his walk to Bungonia Gorge. Barbers Creek was reported to be completely dry and the party decided to camp in the gorge. He reported that the limestone boulders had grown somewhat since he first clambered over them as a teenager.
 There was no report on Morag Ryder's walk on the 24th to Campfire Creek but Bronny Neimeyer's Sydney Parks Walk on the same day had 19 starters and was described as a resounding success. There was no report on Morag Ryder's walk on the 24th to Campfire Creek but Bronny Neimeyer's Sydney Parks Walk on the same day had 19 starters and was described as a resounding success.
 Geoff McIntosh led a party of 11 in brilliantly fine weather down Walls Pass and Cedar Head on the 25th but there was no report on Ron Watter's walk over Scrubbers Hump. Geoff McIntosh led a party of 11 in brilliantly fine weather down Walls Pass and Cedar Head on the 25th but there was no report on Ron Watter's walk over Scrubbers Hump.
-Errol Sheedy led 16 'walkers from Bundeena to Waterfall on the 25th and it was reported -that three hardy souls braved the watei at Marley Beach for a brief sWim.-.+Errol Sheedy led 16 walkers from Bundeena to Waterfall on the 25th and it was reported that three hardy souls braved the water at Marley Beach for a brief swim.
 Jan Mohandas' Six Foot Track walk on the 31st was cancelled because of bad weather and the risk of hypothermia. He postponed the walk to 28 September. Jan Mohandas' Six Foot Track walk on the 31st was cancelled because of bad weather and the risk of hypothermia. He postponed the walk to 28 September.
 There was no report on Steve Ellis' trip down the Gingra Track or on Ian Woolfe's Ski Touring trip. There was no report on Steve Ellis' trip down the Gingra Track or on Ian Woolfe's Ski Touring trip.
 Ken Clacher' Cross Country skiing trip went in "foul weather" but there was no report on the numbers. Ken Clacher' Cross Country skiing trip went in "foul weather" but there was no report on the numbers.
 Sandy Larson's walk to the Woronora River on September 1 was cancelled and Wilf Hilder's walk in the Mt. Kiera area and Greta James walk on September 6 - 8 to the Kowmung failed to attract enough starters. Sandy Larson's walk to the Woronora River on September 1 was cancelled and Wilf Hilder's walk in the Mt. Kiera area and Greta James walk on September 6 - 8 to the Kowmung failed to attract enough starters.
-Eddy Giacomel led eight walkers in the jaunt to Blue Gum Forest intraining for the K to K walk on the 7th and Rosemary MacDougal had seven walkers on her walk to Mt. Mouin.+Eddy Giacomel led eight walkers in the jaunt to Blue Gum Forest in training for the K to K walk on the 7th and Rosemary MacDougal had seven walkers on her walk to Mt. Mouin.
 Finally Ken Cheng reported that he had between 12 and 14 walkers on his trip from Wondabyne to Patonga finishing with a ferry ride in perfect weather. Finally Ken Cheng reported that he had between 12 and 14 walkers on his trip from Wondabyne to Patonga finishing with a ferry ride in perfect weather.
 Peter Miller gave a brief run down on the activities of the 70th Anniversary Committee (see next page for a full report) and, urged on by Tony Holgate, concluded with the news that Jan Brown is to become Jan Miller on November 23rd. The ceremony will be held at St Matthews Church, Windsor. Peter Miller gave a brief run down on the activities of the 70th Anniversary Committee (see next page for a full report) and, urged on by Tony Holgate, concluded with the news that Jan Brown is to become Jan Miller on November 23rd. The ceremony will be held at St Matthews Church, Windsor.
-Don Brooks made a plea for more help from members with the continuing weeding needed at Coolana which was supported by TonyHolgate.+Don Brooks made a plea for more help from members with the continuing weeding needed at Coolana which was supported by Tony Holgate.
 Peter Miller announced that he is acting editor for the October issue of the magazine and that entries close on 1 October to allow the magazine to meet the new schedule of being delivered by the second Monday of the month. Peter Miller announced that he is acting editor for the October issue of the magazine and that entries close on 1 October to allow the magazine to meet the new schedule of being delivered by the second Monday of the month.
- Denise Shaw asked for people to join her for a Confederation Bush Dance and Tony Holgate announced that a new permit system is being put in place for the Nadgee and Croagingalong National Parks which limits party sizes to eight people. +Denise Shaw asked for people to join her for a Confederation Bush Dance and Tony Holgate announced that a new permit system is being put in place for the Nadgee and Croagingalong National Parks which limits party sizes to eight people. 
-All that remained was for Tony to dong the gong and rearrange the room for a slide presentation. + 
-r +All that remained was for Tony to dong the gong and rearrange the room for a slide presentation. 
-Have you sent your walks for the + 
-summer program to +Have you sent your walks for the summer program to Eddy Giacomel ???
-Eddy Giacomel ??? +
199610.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/07 14:17 by joan

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