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A monthly Bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers, 0/- Ingersoll Hall, 256 Crown St., Sydney. 7 No.16k! 1).e c iievEmp,g-Fb 1948. Price 6d. Editor: Alex Colley,55 Kirribilli Ave., .Milson'5 Point. Production and Business Manager: , Brian Harvey.Production Asst.: Peter Price Sales and Subs.: Betty Hurley . Typed by Jean Harvey'ana c+rac.e. jcAley (.4 CONTENTS.

Editorial - Are Firearms Necessary?

At our October Meeting Social Notes for November

21st Birthday Reunion, by Dot Butler.
Melee in Martin Paace1 by Grace Jolley.
Letter from Mountain Trails Club President
The Ballet Business, by "Ballerina"

The Bushman's Handbook, reply by H.A. Lindsay Accident Column , Federation Notes, by Brian Harvey Extracts from Parks & Playground Movement Report Paddy's Advertisement

EDITORIAL. ' …110.,.1.1. Page 1 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 11 11 . 13 14 Are Firearms Necessary? At our last general meeting it was reported that some of the Federated Clubs like to carry guns (in lorries presumably), and that the-subject was a cause of frequent argument at Federation meetings. At our own meeting too there was some rather confused discussion, though how anybody who subscribes to the objects of the Federation could possibly argue in favour of shooting in the bush is beyond comprehension. One of the most popular arguments in favour of carrying firearms is that they may provide food in an emergency. This seems to be based on the common belief, aPpaDently shared by the local 'bush- craft' experts, that if you miss a couple of meals you will die; whereas, in fact, people live for many weeks without food. The rAsk of death from starvation is negligible, but accidental shooting is an ever 'present risk to the party with firearms. 2. Then there is the “destruction of rabbits” argument. Any farmer or grazier will tell you that shooting is a perfectly futile means of controlling rabbits. Occasionally farmers may shoot a fox, or if they are lucky, a dingo. Sometimes marsupials become a costly pest. 'There is therefore a case, though not a strong one, for allowing farmers the use of firearms. Others describe Ehooting as a ,“sport”. Anything less “sporting” than the steady, calculated aiming fie. rifle or a shotgun at a defenceless animal, is hard to imagine. The truth is that the p-rImitive hunting instinct of man still thrills for -the blood of the iquarry. It is 'more “sporting” to shoot at someone in an enemy uniform, as he may have al rifle too. ,Practice for this art is accounted a civic virtue. But .22 rifles teach you very little, and shotguns nothing, abot the use-of a .3,p3 military rifle. Here the individualist protests. To ban firearms is to interfere with personal freedom. Most individualists, however, will agree that there are two good reasons for restricting freedom. The first is that freedom may be harmful to the person indulging in it (e.g. freedom to buy drugs). The second is that one person's freedom may transgress on another person's safety or-wellbeing (hence traffic regulations). Firearms qualify for restriction under both heads. In 1938, When ammunition was cheap and plentiful, 138 people wore killed by firearms in N.S.W. They included 94 suicides, 11 homicides, and 29 accidental deaths. Probably not one in a hundred of the people who carry firearms has been taught the elementary safety rules to be Observed by the shooter.- e.g., never to cari-y a-rifle cocked, never to point it at anybody, even if he knows it is empty, never to leave it loaded, always to carry it pointing towards the ground (not at his foot or at the person in front), how to put it through a fence without risk of catching the trigger, etc. The risk of the amateur marksman shooting himself is high - just watch the newspapers for reports of accidents and deaths. The risk of shooting someone else is even higher, particularly when lorry load's of youths with rifles pull up and shoot by the wayside, as do members of one of the affiliated clubs. Furthermore shooters nearly always choose a spot near a road, and naturally gravitate-to the popular camping spots, where the danger of shooting someone else is greatest. Apart from the danger, the sound of gunfire is .most unpleasant to the seeker of peace in the bushlands. Shooting is no more than a passing interest to most ct those who indulge in it. There would be no hardship if the Rossession of firearms were confined to members of rifle clubs and farmers, and the latter would welcome such a measure. The prolonged shortage of ammunition a-id recent good seasons have enabled the bush animals to multiply until they are quite numerous in some districts. They will soon disappear when the lorry loads. of sportsmenli get amongst them. 3. AT OUR OCTOBER MEETING. The ?resident was in the Chair and there were about 70 members present. Ten new members were welcomcd - a record number we believe. Tliey were Gwen Jewell, Gladys Martin, Jean Mowbray, Margaret Stoddart, Don Read, Alan Hill, David Harvey, Don Frost, Bill Kinley and Harry Goyne. In correspondence was a letter from Marie Byles saying that two freehold Portions on the Narrow Necks had already been sold. The letter went on to say “I propose to try and get the Parks and Playgrounds Movement to carry the work of reservation nominally while leaving the actual work to Harry Waite, Alan Hardie and myself, and anyone else interested to help. It is suggested that we get the Tourist and Immigration Department, the Wild Life Prservation Society, the Federation, and the Blue Mountains City Council to lend their support, and also of course individual clubs”. Myles Dunphy said that all bodies should be banded together and that the land should*be resumed,on behalf of the general public under the auspices of the Greater Blue Mountains National Par. The Narrow Necks were the main entrance to the Dogs, Thurat, etc l The Boundary of the pity, of Blue Mountains was now at -Clear Hill and the Mayor was heartilyin accord with the Greater Blue Mountains National Park. Ee realises that scenery should nOt be cuttabout. Both the Katoomba people and the City of Blue Mountains Council realised the danger of somebody getting it and improving, It. ' Alan Hardy thought that it might not be psychological to approach the Lands Department just now. But the Parka and Playgrounds Movement could, and this would encourage “the legal luminaries and wits” of the Department to make investigations. The meeting then approved of Marie Byles ' proposal. , A report from the ,photographic section stated that because of the large number of 'engagements the &lucation,Department galleries could not spare a night for our photographic exhibition. The report went on to suggest that the Club Treasurer should make the Section a present'of half the money saved. The President announced that the Ski-ing Sub-Committee would be elected at the next meeting. Phil Hall.announced that he had collected ,8 for the Save the Children Fund. Jim Brown appealed for more members of the Search and Rescue .Section, Which, he said, contained some old and enfeebled members and Others who wouldnft go out anyhow. It was good fun, he said, “snooping about in the bush looking for bodies”. 4.. Laurie Rayner then introduced contentious matter by moving “that this Club feels that under no pretence, rabbiting or otherwize, . should anybody-carry a rifle in the Cox's- River area befween the six foot track and Burragorang”. All the armies with all the rifles . in the world could not exterminate the rabbits, he said, so why not forbid rifles? Eric Rowen asked whether we were going to send a motion to the Federation about rifles every month. Gil Webb thought some bush- walkers might like to go on shooting parties. He suggested that what was needed was more rangers. Myles Dunphy said that he carried a rifle - in fact he once owned an arsenal. It was supposed to be a free-living country. Why have a motion which stipulated one valley while leaving all the others? He would not carry 'a' rifle in a park. He wouldn' shoot at dingos - “they're my friends”, he said. He did not believe in killing snakes in parks, though once, at 'David Stead's instigation, he had been known to eat black snake in a park. He was against Laurie Rayner picking on the Bushwalker. One danger was the type of thing practised in the U.S., where parks were treated as game preserves - they were protected for several years so that men wearing red caps, could go out and shoot the animals in an open season. 14'his:repay Laurie:referred' to the' difficulty of 4100tin. into the.rabbitst;holes and the .“Don'ts”of pai!ks. The motion, however, was lost… Renee Brown asked.' for “helpers for the- Chri Stmas Trea,t icularly ,young men wha.would Watch tlie kiddie's the wa'ter: . . s- . - art- The mee:ting,,closed at -9420, p;:. ;.,: . ,SOCIA1.1-.NOTES FOR -1\TOVEMBER.' Coming to the “do” on' 19th November?:\ We have gone all secretive and are not telling you a thing beyond the fact that the night will be full ,of surprises.. Ther0.11 be entertairment for young and old, with prize tool. .Harry Whitehouse from the C.M.W. is coming along on 26th November to talk to us about Talbingo. Have had good reports about same. Don't forget the Christmas Dance at' the clubrooms on 17th December. , Edna Stretton. Two engagements to announce this Month. JNorma Barden is en-. gaged to Eric Rowen and Ll' nny Fmelshow is engaged to Stan Madden. We wish them all the best… - 5. 215T BIRTHDAY REUNION. Dot Butler. Everyone was there - even Debert found time, after the evening milking of his cow, to com:along and help make the nighi. raucous till dawn, when the cows called him home again, thank God,' and I was able to get to sleep. Those who built the camp fires did a marvellous engineering feat - huge logs stacked lengthwise and crosswise to a height of 6 or 7 feet. Two fires were thought necessary to keep the huge crowd warm, but they had this disadvantage that they tended to split the party - groups edging in towards one or other fire as the night grew cooler, leaving a No Man's Land in the centre - at least so I am told, for though I was awake to see the fires lit (with ordinary matches - quite a novelty), soon the stresses of the previous night's party took effect and I slept through Fire's Burning, Little Tom Tinker and the rest. I have no excuses to offer; I think a goodly portion of the assembly were do_ng the same. The amen of hot coffee woke the dreamers to the reali3ation that supper was being served. And what a supperP. Little red vermiform p.ppendices dipped in tomato sauce, followed by a most superior fruit cake and coffee. Various entertainments were put on after supper, but the fun-makers were backing a dead horse - in ones and twos and groups the exhausted audience drifted off to their tents to repair the ravages of the long-draNn-.0ut festivities, leaving a mere handful of die-hards round each camp fire to see the night out. The large coffin-like b.ox in which rested the remains of the cake still lurked by the fire,-and those still up had a mid-night supper of cake and tomato sauce. I can recall another issue at 2 or 3 a.m. and the same again about dawn as distant cocks were beginning to crow and some bogus barnyard rooster by the campfire (Len Scotland to wit) was making hideous strangling sounds supposedly ii imitation, egged on by Taro. Tali() was working offan accumlated spite against the camp in general for having allowed the musicians (violin and uke accompanist) to be driven off early by vocal opposition. But the musicians didn't bring their instruments in vain, for next day they gave a very fine lunch-hour concert to all the music lovers gathered around their tent. Then someone came round hawking bottles of tomato sauce - at l?-d. cheaper than shop price and carry it home yourself! It made no sale with me; I don't wish to have any fUrther truck with cake crumbs and tomato sauce till the Club's Golden Jubilee. Dave Stead, having cleared an area of wanderg small fry, had to blow up the usual kerosene tins -with the usual vile chemical mixture; Golden Youth, and Maidens Fair disported in the river; fond parents shepherded their offspring from carp to amp swopping notes with other f.p's; people went round meeting folk they hadn't seen for some 15 or 20 years and marvelled (outwardly) how they hadn't changed a bit and (inwardly) how fat they'd grown, Ray Bean being particularly noteworthy by having added a pound or so of unexpected 6 flesh to his erstwhile sparse: rame.,..: Is now no longer Ray Narrow-Bean, but Ray BrOad-Beans.tiil,say he's skinny!) After all that folk began to break camp and depart for the station, and so ended the Club's first 21st Birthday Party…What - next? MELEE IN MARTIN PLACE . _ : ….. . , . . by Grace Jolley . The preliminary entertainment of the 21st Birthday week-end- - was the dance held at the Dungowan' on the Friday. night.. . . . v , The tickets said that it cpmmenced at .9,p.m.; so we wandered: dawn Martin Place about .8.55 p.m., feeling rather foolish for . arriving so early and wondering how long we'd have to wait before $nyone eilse came along. In the distance we heard a lav murmur which, as we drew'nearer to the Dungowan, grew into a steady buzz, being given out by a large number of people in evening dress. Interested by-standers said that this had-been going on since 8.30 p.m. and wasanything wrong? We were drawn into the crowd and soon recognised the faces, but not the clothes, as belonging to Bush Walkers who apparently intended getting their moneys worth. Whether the door was opened at, ,9 or whether someone fell down the stePb at' the correct time, we ,didn't find out, but we were all sucked into the opening,. down the steps and -came up sharply against' Tam and Team Moppett,' who, together with Renee Brown were giving charming Welcomes to everyone as they entered. , As is usual when Bushwalkers faegather, there was no standing - around in 'frozen gro-6iPs waiting f-cr something to begin. The dance was on. The floor certainly was rather crowded, but this made for more cosineSs in the long run. So many odd scraps of conversation could'be heard without difficulty. The tickets also said “Dress Infamal,” but this was taken with as much 'seriousness as the time of admission, for some dresses were quite formal (a male member of the Q.M.W. wore a three- quarter length fur coat) and were very lovely. So were some of the hair do's. Unfortunatelly nothing could be heard of the President's speech when he was cutting the birthday cake, due to the very poor loud speaker system. This microphone really was a drawback because nothing could be heard from the M.C. either, and we should have done things in the Anniversary Waltz which we didn't, not from a disinclination to co-operate, as the M.C. (Ron Knight- ley) might suspect, but because we simply couldn't hear. It did pass through our minds earlier in the evening that inaudibility was caused by a heavy marine growth which the M.C. had allowed 7. to encroach an his otherwise good looks, but after our clean- shaven ?resident and other “Announcers” cat through just as indistinctly, we put this thought from us as unworthy. Then of course there was the Male Ballet. For the benefit of those unable to hear and thus completely in the dark, this was intended to be the life of a Bush Walker, Annual Meeting, Discovery of Era etc. This could have been placed a little earlier in the entertainment with some benefit to both dancers and audienge. We couldn't keep an eye on all of them all the evening till they were due to appear and no doubt the abandon with which they danced; though of the bottled variety, added somewhat to the fun. Anyway that is a point rather verging on the moot. So the evening went on and could have gone on till dawn, but the ,staff ofthe Dungowan in desperation turned the lights off and the crowd adjourned to Martin Place. By this' time evei.yone was in the sentimental stage and showed it and kisses were exchanged and given away indiscriminately. It is quite possible that some elegant,socialities from ?rinces (turned out approximately the same time as us) received tokens of esteem not intended for them. We do not apologise'. By the way, our Social Secretary drove home with her feet in the kerosene tin intended far 0000a on Saturday night. Sol . And who inheavena'Was breaking ten lccks at the Dungrowan?, At least that's what they tell us, - LETTER FROM MdTiNTAIN TRAILS CLUB PEESIDNT . . .. 'To The President, The Sydney Bush Walkers.. ' . , The members of the Mountain Trails Club of New South Wales. With to join in the congratulations and felicitations 6e, this . .21st anniversary of the founding:cf your Club-. In thete. days which now seem:far away th:o:fpundations_were-laid fdr. the future . which now seen in retrospect fulfilled the ideals' of yoUr found- era. The funding and funCtining of 'your Club has :meant to. so many people- the countless hours of enjoyment of thie-blishlan4 and ..tie means 'of &ecuring:fOr the future :generatiOnt Some of the.: .beauty of our homeland:. We wish you continued success in:the future'yeart and. trust.; that many: generationswillenjOy.;:the benefitsyour existence.- ” .. . . . I , . , ! Alan P. Rigby. 8. . THE BALLET BUSINESS. By “Ballerina”. There were urgent :matters under discussion at, Admiralty House. Respectable citizens had reported that for several weeks a surly band of plotters, very reckless by their looks, had been gathering just down the road. In frantic dumb-show fearsome men and fearful women shouldered axes and guns, rushed hither and thither and gesticulated wildly, in fact, frantically, at a huge book labelled “Constitucion” until they finally sank to rest on a communal mat. That else but violent rebellion and sedition could this portend? Even if they only blew up the bridge there was a dire threat to the publicis morals in the way they shared the mat. Some mothers had already imposed a strict curfew on their daughters. A police seargeant had just dusted the Riot Act when he discovered that it was the S.B.W. ballet rehearsing. The prime instigator was Aay Kirkby - the guiding but evil . influence behind it. “We are putting.on a little act at the party”, he said, “would you care to be in it?' It was spoken so innocently and so guilelessly that I was damned before I even opened my mouth. With 'pitfall and with gin” he lured five others and once securely secured we all repaired to Kirribilli. There was dissension in the corps from the start. No one wanted to be the surprised bather, all wanted to be the worker. Never before did Lord Randall have so many mothers, but the choice of the dying “Tiger” was natural. Much hair (pity it is, 'Us false) was rent on teaching aspiring ballerinas to point their toes at the carpet rather than-the picture rail. The arabesque was nearly abandoned for a fireman's lift after many ribs had been buckled, the chaperone needed a ski- stock instead of an umbrella to protect her charges, To everyones' detriment the “little swans” couldn't make up their minds which way to go, although they tumbled into a nwr,li whichever way they went. The Federation tableau became a thing of beauty and a tower of strength, united and immovable. (Unfortunately the lampshade was in the middle of the room - my head ached for days after colliding with it.) That an anti-climax that the contorted face of the central tower was hidden behind a pink skirt during the performance: The comments of the “conmere” were rather caustic and pointed - after order was restored they were toned down a lot. And so with light hearts and lighter heads we tripped along to the Dungowan. After drinking everyones' health the “worst of the few” were helped up to the dressing room, a long, cold draughty corridor. Here a large sign “Insure at Lloyds” nearly lost its “at” from an “axe” wielded by an “early bushwalker” playing golf. There were fits of laughter, now easily induced, as the “women” assumed womanly appearance. Then the usual last minute titivation for the “women”, a bracer for the “men”, and we leapt into the limelight. THE BUSHMAN'S HANDBOOK., Reply by }I A. Lindsay. In giving-the other side of the case; I prefer to do so by stating facts with as little comment as possible, as facts speak a language which all save the wilfully blind can understand. My book has now gone all over Australia and the only adverse criticism has ,come from one place - Sydney. All these criticisms bear a striking. aimilarity; they air the same theories, attack the same! points ,wad ignore the identical ones. This could mean an almost miraculous unanimity of thought and outlook -671–the part of the critics, but those used to analysing propaganda regard this as an almost certain indication that it originates from the one source. The attack on the book is clumsy, ial-advised and is misdirected; that is the hall-mark of the crank. Diagrams for making snares and instructions for their use appear each month in “Outdoors & Fishing”, and in “Bushcraft” by “Wontolla”, in Donald cDonald's “Bush Boyis Book” and a,score of other publications, but only my book is singled out for attack. You can now work it out for yourself. No active steps, beyond the writing of a few letters, have been taken to counter these attacks, because the attackers have sought to harm my book by giving it what money cannot buy. - publicity on the front pages of the leading newspapers of four States. When anyone does that for an author he can only hope that they will continue to try to kill the dog by feeding At on rump steak.- Every book, . review to date has been most fatourable save the one in the October“ “Bushwalker”, and even that would have been fair - and welcome - criticism if facts had been quoted instead of theories being ,80 out Actually, there is nothing so calculated to bring derisive jeers from the experienced bushman than the idea that a map and compass is the substitute for knowing how to find food and water in an 'emergenoy. Hitchcock and Anderson had a map and a compass, but that didn't.stop them from dying of thirst with water six inches under the soles of their boots. It was in the tree roots b'at they had never been taught how to get it. Recently, Adelaide Bush Walkers had as their guest speaker Mr. W.F. Johns, the S.A. Commissioner of Police;1 who was one of our most famous outback police troopers in his day. When he was introduced, Club members were informed that they were going to “Hear the voice of experience”. They did:, and it would have been highly interesting to have heard some of the “Map and Compass” school trying to convince that old bushman that he could have avoided hunger, thirst and privations by the use of those two things. The same thing could be tried on survivors of the Rabaul garripun, men who went through the Burma campaign and airmen .who made,forced landings in bad cauntry. To counter that criticisM from one small section of the people of Sydney there has been quite a. fan-mail of letters from real' bush- men and scientists; the former have only nice things to say while the latter seem to think that years spent in research on the water- yielding trees and plants of Australia has made a definite contribution to useful human knowledge. All criticism has most conveniently ignored the bearing which my book has on the defence of Australia; good bushmen are not made by giving them a few talks on the subject. 10. It has to be learned in the practical school of the bush& I have pleasure in announcing that I am now collaborating with some of the Empirefs most famous so1dier6 in the preparation of similar books dealing with other parts of the world in Which our men may be called upon to fight if we have the frightful calamity of a third world war. The book was not written to be used as a guide in that small corner of Australia adjacent to Sydney, but for those who would venture into the far places. Week-end walking in the Blue Mountains bears the same relation to seeing Australia as harbour sailing does to an ocean cruise, althovgh nobody can deny that in each case the former is good training for the latter. I admit to one awful blunder; I thought that Bushwalkers would be interested in Bushcraft because they would like to learn how to be as much at home in the bush as an aborigine. I was right about the walkers in every place save one - Sydney. The error will not be repeated. All those Who have attacked the book have donned the prophets mantle and have forecasted that it is “calculated” to incite people to destroy; it “will cause” harm, etc. But no case of such harm being done has yet been reported. I do not see that it is wrong to make useful knowledge or scientific facts available per medium of the printed word; that is the function of all text-books. If any members of the N.S.W. Federation disagree with me, I suggest that we leave the decision to that impartial opd incorruptible judge, Old Father Time, for only Time can show if I did right or wrong in putting the knowledge d7 a. lifetime into print. To this we reply - , (a) The people of Sydney are sometimes right. (b) On simple issues they often think alike © The S.B.W. have always opposed any “bushcraft” which involves the cutting of green timber or the killing of animals, whether it is practised by the Boy Scouts, the Bushcraft Association or any other body. (d) We never gave the sales a thought. (e) Our main criticism was that if a lot of people did what Mr. Lindsay wants them to do they would destroy a lot of fauna and flora. What is the answer? “The superintendent of the National Park TrIst, Mr. F.E. Stringer, said the fire had destroyed .a wide area of bushland, but no buildings had been endangered. (S.M.H.) It would have been an awful pity if the fire had endangered a building, 11. ACCIDENT COLUMN, This month it was Frank Young, a prospective member, -h got hurt. Roy Davies' official party wasimaking its way up the Knife Edge to Mount Solitary when, somehow, some stones started to roll, Frank looked round,and before he could get out of the way a big -one knocked him off his feet. The others soon realised that he had probably broken his callar bone, so they made him as comfortable as possible while Ray and Allan Mayblom set off'fcr Eatoomba. They made the foot of the Scenic Railway in the very, good time,of 50 minutes. Above this the arc lights were revealing the beautiea of Katoomba for the benefit of those who dont like daylight, and tracks and ladders ed to vantage points and lookouts, , but they sped upwards and eventually arrived, panting and exhausted, at the top of Orphan Rock. Down they came again, 'like hungry, ants, then up again and so to ' Dr. Dark's house. Dr. Dark was away, but Dr. Boyd was looking after his practice, and, though not a young man, he consented to go out straight away: Four policemen and two detectives joined the party, which arrivedat the scene of the -accident abolit'l,a.m. They took Frank back to,Katoomba that night. Roy lc to be congratulated on :keeping most cf this out of the newspapers. The Telegraph got out its “rough mountainous country” .block, and quoted every figure wrong, but it didn't mention the S.B.W.-

(Complaint to readers: Unless walks leaders or others send,!,
in a report you wont have any accident to read about next month.;. Ed. )

FEDERATION NOTES. By Brian 'Harvey. NATIONAL PARK. The Federation is perturbed at the'alleged removal of gravelfrom within.the rark area and enquiries are in hand as to whether the gravel is being utilised on park roads or outside roads. A meeting of all conservational bodieo and interested 'individuals will be held at the Union Hall, Sydney University, on a Wednesday night in December to discuss the National Park 'administration generally and with particular reference to the absence of any representative of the conservational bodies in the Trust, and to decide on any action to rectify the present unsatisfactory position. All correspondence on conservation addressed to the Trust is completely ignored. AN ADVICE AND INFORMATION PANEL has been suggested to augment the T761-6-5TraFk inTormaYion afErfable at Paddy Pallin's shop, with a view' to making available to outside walkers more detail of routes to prevent their becoming overdue or lost with consequent imposition on the S.,& S,ection. A joint meeting has been arranged at Paddy's on Monday, 22nd November, at 5.30 p.m. when interested Club representatives may air their views. The rroposal is sponsored by 12. the Warrigal Club and is wortb.y lof deeP. inquiry but may be full of ritfalls should information prove inaccurate or misleading. PROPOSED WA.RRINGAH NATIONAL PARK. The Federation !has given its support to fhe proc1Eria7tiori -6r-1 National Park involving the watershed of Deep Creek (from Narrabeen Lake to Mona Vale Roayd. This scenic area contains rock-carving' ri and a great variety of: wild flowers and is of no use to rural pursuits, but is entirely. suitable for a Park as suggested loy the Wild Life Preservation Society. A SLEEPING BAG: was lost', stolen or.,stf,ayed from the.Federation. RerTnTOT.i7In the absence of iti..retUrn by the “acquirer”. the Federation is reimbursing the oWn(.3r as the bag was loaned to the Camp 'Committee. for use in a competition. The nworthy action of .. the holder is to be deeply deprecated as bushwalkers in the past =: have always. placed. implicit faith in one another's honesty. ; Re-union, 'however, was not limited to Club Members and we hope :a.n..- outsiderls responsible'. '113CISR1,11AN /S. HAITDBROOKSu ' This Plub .has, always taken a dim view 75r=6 ',7”-d-.76=iiicTi-o-n7=vild life for any reason and I have reason - to believe that the Bushcraft Asso ci a t on or a member thereof is about to bring forth a publication on similar lines of a certain.. =, “interstate” handbook, and no doubt containing the diagrams of log- fall traps and snares as emplified by the ne.f,ari.ots ramrhletsdistributed willy-nilly to children a shor,t time ago, and in respectof which this Club and .Other preservation-conscious an& humane bodies voiced a strong rofest. I was disturbed that th.,0' official bushwalking movement has been linked with this latter book and that the uninformed reader, thereof may have gained the unfortunate impression that manyof the..suggestions therein are in common practice among.St buShWalkers in this State. The publicity given the matter in the ',Sydney, Morning Herald” was not to our advantage. The deep-thinking and responsible walkers who, by their noble efforts in the past, have elevated the movement to its present position where it is respected. Att. C+overnment Departments (a no mean will find their endeavours undone by any such publication which .ass ocia ted itself with the Federation, particularly without its approval. How futile and ludicrous it would be for the Federation to, report a breach- ot-,-th'e.' 'relevant .Act's while permitting an affiliated body to pubIih'-the means of the destruction of the .animal,s.,. birds or plants protected by such Act. With this in mind, at the 'Octo-ber meeting of the Federation I moved “That this Council disa.pproves any reference to or any remarks purporting association with the N. S.W. Federation of' 13ushwalking Clubs or Bushwalking Movement in general in any publication whi'ch advocates the destruction of 'flora and fauna as a means. of self-preservation”. The more recently formed Clubs,naturally including the Bushcraft Association, opposed that motion on the grounds that some bushwa.lker may become overdue' and this knowledge may be useful..,and that they might welcome wild duck (-caught-on-the-hook of course) in their otherwise meagre ration. However, we have found that properly equipped and organised, parties have never had -the necessity to .live off the land and do not require the calling out of the S.& R. Section, the police and innumerable .civilians, as on a recent occasidn.. -Tb.e. Proposed. Advice and Information Panel 'may be of great help to“ thee clubs. The Motion was lost by a small margin so no we are faced- with the problem created by Clubs whi ch on affiliation with the Federation 13. expressed themselves as conservationalists, but who apparently do not realise the meaning of the word nor are conscious of the fact that they subscribe to certain objects drawn up by solid responsible walkers on inauguration of the Federation. RABBITS AND NETTLES. To make amends the Bushcraft Association moved that the-F7d7ration write to the Minister for Conservation pointing out the large number of rabbits on the Cox River and the growth of nettles on the banks thereof, and requesting the Govern- , ment take steps to eradicate both. They complained that they had been stung, and that the rabbits were instrnmental in the carriage of the nettle seed. Opinion was offered that rabbits did not eat nettles - onlythe Bushrraft Association members did. However, we do not anticipate the Government will see fit to send working parties with scythes to clear the 'track of nettles, and the Cox Valley (from Hartly to Burragorang) of the rabbit. In any case I can only !resume the Association was being facetious as such an approach to a Government Department Would hold up. the Federation to riditcule when millions of fertile rural areas are cryin'g out for aid to com!iat the rabbit pest. The Bushcraft Association also thinks rifles should be carried ad lib to clear the Com: of the bunny, and despite its subscription to the Federation's objets, cannot see any harm in bushwalkers carrying rifles and firing bullets in all directions in our previously peaceful bash. Dampite the Federation's recent approach to the Premier's Department at the instigation of this Club to amend the Firearms Act to control the use of ;lilies, this motion was carried. Apparently delegates' memories, were short. OUT delegates voted against it. EXTRACTS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS MM-117M-7 From Mrs. Hilda Stoddart, S.B.W. Delegate to the P. & P. Movement. “Two years ago, the Movement, at the instance of the Bushwalkers Federation, submitted to the Government and,tne Warringah Shire Council, suggestions for provision fora 1,000 acre park adjacent to the Wakehurst Parkway, the new main road between the Spit and Narrabeen. The greater part of the land is precipitous and some sections in the vicinity of Deep Creek and Middle Creek are real jungle country. There is a considerable area of river territory - comparable with the river section of National Park. The proposal was rejected on the ground of lack of the funds necessary to purchase the land, which is all privately owned. A favourable opportunity is awaited to again bring it before the authorities.” Mr. Hume, Secretary of the Movement, would be glad to see someone start the ball rolling in this matter. Deep Creek, Narrabeen, is part of bushwalker territory, and a letter written to the daily papers would help the good cause. (Some further extracts of interest will be published next month.) 14. WHAT HA :5' PADDY GOT? ' Here are a few items much in demand which Paddy is pleased to say he can supply TENTS. Orders can be taken for stock pattern white japara —– tents. RUCKSACKS. Good supplies on hand with and without frames. Stocks may be difficult around Christmas so suggest getting in ealdiy. BILLIES: Squat and upright aluminium billies in stock, all wanted sizes. Prices from.4/6d. to 8/3d. each SCREW-TOP JARS AT LAST. Plastic 8 -oz3 screw-top jars -for etc. 2/6d. each. PONCHOS. :Unused TS. Army ponchos about 7,X4f6” plastic prinfed sheets. , Can be used as capes, waterproof ' sleeping bags or. two may be press-studded together.. to make a tent. Weight 2.1bs.20z. Price ga each Treble Hobs ) Take your choice of name. They are Triple Hobs 1 all the same thing, at 3/- lb. Shamrock'Nails ) PROOFED NYLON GROUNDSHEETS. Reduced in price. cape groundsheet, mow 30/… PADDY PALLiN , camp Gear for Walkers 327 George Street', 'PHONE: BX3595. SYDNEY.

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