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XXXXXXXXXXX-XXXX*-XXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers, Box 4476 G.P.O., Sydney, 2001. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening from 7.30 pm at the Wireless Institute Building, 14 Atchison ptreet, St. Leonards. Enquiries concerning the Club should be referred to Ann Ravn, Telephone 798,8607. * * * * * * * * * * EDITOR: Helen Gray, 209 1VIalton Road, Epping, 2121. Telephone 86,6263. BUSINESS MANAGER: Bill Burke, 3 Coral Tree Drive, Carlingford, 2118. Telephone 871,1207. TYPIST: Kath Brown. DUPLICATOR OPERATOR: Phil Butt. * * * * * * * * * * MAY, 1981.

In the Shadow of Jagungal and Roy Braithwaite Easter on Tallowa Dam Advertisement - Eastwood Camping Centre Sunday Morning at Goolana Reunion Background to Bushwalking - Volume Two The April General Meeting Letter from Sutherland Bushwalking Club Travelling with Children in India - Part 3 Social Notes for June Page by Bill Gamble 2 Peter Miller 5 7 Nancye Alderson a Jim _Brown 9 Barry Wallace 13 14 Marcia Shappert 15 Peter Miller 18 Page 2 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER May, 1981. Iff THE SHADOW-OF-JAGUNGAL-AND,ROY BRAITHWAITE. by Bill Gamble. My first walk with the Club was in June last year - Bundeena to National Park Station via Deer Pool and a few other points. The leader was Roy-Braithwaite.In.July,I was to meet-him again on-agunday'walk *hen 42 prople trailed him from Cowan to the pub at Broo4yn.,,,Ire met again over Easter when I joined his Round Mountain walk in Kosciusko National Park. His party was small. Besides me, there was one other Club member - his son-in-law Guy Vinden. , Members who were unable to join the walk through lack of transport, or decided that the high country was no place to be in the autuMnmissed a, good walk in fine weather. Also, it was an Opportunity to be in the company Of a man who has had a walking affair with the Ibsciusko area extending back more than 30 years. There was plenty of time to talk and hear a little about the Snowy Mountains before the National Park was formed. The relatr ionship between the summer stock routes and today's walking tracks became apparent and the impact on those routes during the construction of the Snowy Mountains Scheme could be appreciated. It all seemed much clearer with Ray's comments along the way. All walks have to start and end somewhere. For the purposes of this account, Bradleys Hut alongside the highway just short of Round Mountain is as good a place as any. It was after 9.00 pm on Thursday, 16 April, before We reached the hut. The night was cold and clear. The hut colder and drafty to boot. We decided to bivvy insiae and slept close to the fire. 7.e were glad when morning came. By 8.15 am an Good Friday we had left the Round Mountain trailhead with Jagangal our destination, via Farm Ridge. The route was by turns clear and Unclear, although undoubted. We 'in-sPectedcRound Mountain Hut and found it to be much the same as the others we would pass (but not use) along the route, the log hut at Pretty Plain excepted. The Ttmut River was crossed with -; dry feet and lunch stop was alongside a small creek just down from the..old: stock yards where Farm Ridge Hut was once located. .0= little wOrld-of silence was broken by a trail bike - a couple of people, and out looking for dtray cattle so they said - but we were soon left to ourselves and-saw, nip One else until the following day. Shortly after passing O'Keefe's Hut and now in the 'shadaw'.of Sagungal, we left our packs alongside a small meteorological hut and scrambled up a - ridge to be sitting on the trig point at 2061 metres shortly before 4.00 pm,: Above the bush line, scrambling on rocks, it was cold and windy. We waste4 no time in entering our names in the log book and then hastily descended a few metres to a sheltered place on the lee slope for a snack and-to enjoy the view. As an expatriate New Zealander used to high ridges above the bush line, I found the surroundings somewhat reminiscent of other places across the - Tasman. Briefly, I felt quite nostalgic. The long view to an Australian'. iandscape and Roy's reminder that a campsite had yet to be found brought me back to Kosciusko. We descended quickly an much the same route as we came' up, and fauna a flat, grassy campsite among the snow gams just off the track, about 2-3 minutes walk from the met. hut where we retrieved our packs. Water came from a small creek flowing down a gully from high on Jagungal. It was Page 3 THE SYEITY BUSEVELLICER May, 1981

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after sunset before we had finished evening meal, but the full moon which was to follow us during the walk made cleanup 3chores easy. We retired from a warm camp fire and awoke to a freezing dawn. On Saturday morning we pushed south beyond Jagungal, on open plain at' -first then through rolling snow graas country to reach Grey Mare Hut for lunch. We stopped for a late morning snack at Back Flat Creek below the hut and had intended to go farther before lunch, but the diversions were many. Twenty-mine years had elapsed since Roy's last visit and there waa much for him to rediscover in the remains of the gold mining operation in the gully up behind the hut. Notes within the hut reminded users that rats were the permanent residents, and that a copperhead snake frequented and/or lurked about the toilet out back. In the warm sun we surveyed the rolling country to the east and had lunch. Grey Mare Hut we cut across on a rather indistinct lateral track to join the Grey Mare trail coming up from the south end of the Park, in the process disturbing three or four emus browsing. We followed the trail through to the turnoff to Pretty Plain Hut. The fork is unmarked and the track does not pick up clearly for about 100 metres. A cairn or other sign would be useful to pick up the fork. All I would suggest for those coming,. as we did, from Grey Mare Hut is to be alert for a steep descent through Mountain Ash into a saddle which climbs again steeply to the west. On the 'far side of this short saddle is a small snow grass meadow and the track runs north down the western side. For those coming up from Pretty Plain there.. should be no doubt. It was late afternoon by now and the coolness which came with the ehadows seemed an incentive to make a fairly fast pace to our campsite - Wherever that might be. We made an:inspection of the log cabin at Pretty plain and found it in excellent. condition. The occupants seemed to consider it their own - gear was spread out in such a way as to make it awkward for atecamers - and we sensed that they really did. not care for our being there. Put our intention was to camp farther on. Already pretty Plain was cold - it was only about 4430 pm - and the dampness pointed to a freezing night if we stayed low. We dropped our packs about 5 minutes downstream from the log hut and scrambled up a low ridge to. the west looking for flat ground. Atop the ridge and about 10 metres off. the lateral track connecting Pretty-Plain Hut with Dargals trail was an oxcellent campsite. Flat, grassy, protected by some scrub and snow gums and plenty of dead wood for the fire. In one carry, we drew enough water. from Bulls Head Creek for the evening and breakfast and returned with our packs. The night was a carbon copy of the previous one. The morning sun hit the camp .early white we were having breakfast. It would have been quite easy to. have sat around the fire sipping tea indefr aut we were away about 8.15 am. The original plan had been to walk down Pretty Plain towards the Tooma River and then on towards Patons Hut. Roy figured we were in too good a shape to be let off with such a short walk, so the amended route was to continue along the lateral up to Dargals trail; and then down the north end of the ridge to a lunch stop by the Tooma River. Until we reached Dargals trail the track was indistinct and not helped by a recent !fire which had obliterated most of the track Page 4 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER May, 1981. for about a kilometre. We negotiated the spur without getting too sooty, then turned north to follow the ridge top trail. The view to the west was, sweeping, to the Murray River far below and to mountains beyond, but the price was a chilly wind. Away:to the east, Jagungal stood high in the sky- . line, distinctive and dominating all around it for many kilometres. Along the way we continued our speculations about soft pads of dung containing undigested berries which had been scattered regularly along the tracks. They seemed about as regular as the wombat holas and w.e pondered the connection. Guy led the plunge off the ridge to the banks of the Tooma River. Before lunch, Roy led the unclean into the cold waters of the Toomai Guy followed less enthusiastically - the third member who does not believe in washing on walks (the natural oils must be left on the skin to protect one from the cold) lighted the fire then, reluctantly, washed his feet. Which proved to be quite unnecessary as we were obliged to cross the Tooma River after lunch and it was more than knee deep: Up the ridge on the other side, we passed another party having lunch and then followed an easy trail to the fork with the Round Mountain track. Actually, it was a road to the old Thiess construction village and obviously built to take heavy trucks. Nevertheless, new growth on the old road was prodigious aad will certainly destroy the route for vehicles if the trees are left to grow. It may make progress for the walker a little difficult too. As we climbed away from the snow-grass-covered flat at the fork, there was a transition to gums, then into a magnificent stand of mountain ash, far grander than that encountered the previous day for a short. distance before turning off on to the Pretty Plain track. On a flat saddle an Out Station Spur covered with a mature stand of these trees we camped.. It was a fine campsite. On a grassy flat among the tall trees the light was filtered and the air still. A red sunset added to the light show, and we sat back from the task of cooking evening meal to sip, on a brew and watch the light change in the trees. Roy declared it one of his best 'campsites and noted the place for future reference., And this time, water was running no more than 3-4 - minutes walk away on .the,east side of the saddle.. Convinced that Monday's walk would be easy graft, we lingered at the campsite and did not leave until around 9.00 am.. Without much thought, we - wandered down the old.road.talking, and convinced that the route would be undoubted. I suppose it is, whan one goes the right way - we went the other and ended up in some of the thickest scrub-bashing any of us had got into for some years. It did not relent until we reached a short track which took the highway about 12.30 pm. This is not the place for a confessional. Suffice to say we got ourselves far enough off the route for it to be necessary to sit down and discuss our lot. We decided to turn the Morning into a cross-country navigation exercise instead of backtracking, even if it meant a bit of a the process. It was possible to establish our position exactly and also where we wanted to go - Round Mountain. Our route, in a shallower() to the east, took us up and along a thickly tree-covered ridge skirting some steep gullies. About two hours later, maintaining a compass Page 5 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER May, 1981. route, we emerged on a low ridge at a small hut below Round Mountain. With time pressing and satisfied with our route-finding efforts, we stopped playing games and-dropped onto a short track-md-were-abbn-dat-bh-the-bleiway and walking back to the car at the Round Mountain trailhead about a kilometre away. Back at Bradley's Hut we stopped to have a light lunch, a brew, and tidied ourselves for the drive back to Sydney. Club members should be on the alert in future for a walk in the Snowy Mountains with Roy Braithwaite - it is an interesting combination. Map reference: Kosciusko 1:100,000. * * * * * * * * * * * * EASTER ON MUGU DAM. by Peter Miller. We started off from Bendeela camping ground in beautiful sunshine with four kayaks and one canadian. Helen Gray was there to see George off. and “assist” in packing an extraordinary amount of gear into his kayak. (Getting gear into and out of kayaks was an art but we improved with practice.) In review order we paddled slowly past the car campers. In the van was the flagship steered by Admiral Miller with midshipman Robert up forrard. Next came Tony Marshall in a kayak with go fast stripes which flashed ahead very quickly. George Gray was in a kayak which carried all the comforts of home including a camp oven and cold beer. Gemma Gagne was in a well worn but worn well kayak and Fiona Moyes was in a slalom kayak which proved to be unsuitable for flat water paddling. . We found that about an hour and a bit was all we could stay in the canoes as our muscles had not adjusted to the cramped positions. We made camp quite early as a strong headwind made the going very difficult. The campsites on the Kangaroo River arm of the dam are delightful end- we were able to find a clear creek running into the dam next to our grassy spot among the wattles. Each night,there- was a bright moon and each day the sun shone all the time. Paddling across the glassy water and breaking up the reflections of the fleecy white clouds and the trees was a truly delightful experience._ On Saturday we paddled down to the dam wall by lunchtime. On the way we passed several sailing canoes doing Zero kilometres per hour in a very light breeze. There were quite a lot of canoes on the dam and lots Of people camping. The Shoalhaven arm is in direct contrast to the Kangaroo arm. The scenery immediately changed from rolling park-like country to very steep hillsides with unclimable cliffs above. We found a small sandy campsite left by a big flood and off-loaded the gear. We looked at the gear, the river and the cliffs and pondered on the horrors of having to walk out from such a location - nobody offered to go first. Page 6 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER May, 1981. George and Tony paddled up to where the Shoaihaven runs into the dam and spent some time shooting the rapids. Fiona, Robert and myself went as far as Grey's Point and returned to camp rather worn out. The view from the campsite was quite remarkable with the steep hillsides 'plungingdown into the water and the cliffs above. It was a perfect night for sleeping out followed ,by a glorious sunrise. On Sunday we paddled back down the Shoalhaven and up the Kangaroo. We paddled up Bundanoon and Sandy Creeks among the dead trees. The main arms of the dam have been cleared of trees but not the side creeks or some of the steeper parts of the Shoalhaven. We continued along the Kangaroo arm past the narrow rocky section and back to the open country to another perfect camp spot. There was a full moon and an unbelievably beautiful sunrise. On Monday we made a leisurely start and paddled back to the cars at Bendeela. Flat water paddling lacks the dash and excitement of white water Canoeing. On the other land it is a delightful way to see the countryside without actually killing yourself with effort. The Canadian was excellent for carrying three people with gear and we could take it in turns to rest and admire the scenery. The kayaks are better in windy conditions because they have a lower profile. It is a bit complicated getting gear in and Out of the kayaks but not impossible. It was one of the very best Easters that I can remember. I enjoyed it so much that two weeks later I went back and did almost the whole trip again in two days. * * * * * * * * * * _* * FOR SALE. Set of snow chains - suit Mini Minor $25. T. WENMAN, Tel..-(home) 477 4122. eastwood camping cen BUSHWALKERS 1 Lightweight Tents Sleeping Bags Rucksacks Climbing Et Caving Gear Maps Clothing Soots Food. CAMPING EQUIPMENT Large Tents Stoves Lamp$- Folding Furniture. DISTRIBUTORS OF: Paddymade Karrimor Berghaus Hallmark Bergans Caribee FairOown Silva *Iri.mus Companion and all leading brands. Page 8 THE SYDNEY BUSHUALKER May., 1981. SUNDAY MORNING AT COOLANA REUNION by Nancye,,Alderson. — I am lying in my tent 'And through the opening I can see the white mist Shrouding the trees. The smoke is drifiing Up from the fires As the bushwalkers are Cooking their breakfast. 3. Mums, dads anechildren Cook steak and bacon My toast is burnt- On the log fire. We are sitting here lazily And enjoying the scene. Now we make damper and Everyone kneads the flour., 2. A kaleidescope of tents Is scstterda around _And eyerybne enjoys The stillness of the bush. -Thia sun s shining. Through the trees and Cobwebs are heavy with dew Birdsong is an unbroken melody. 4- , What a big decision Where to put the damper And such great care To heap coals on the lid. At long last the Judging of the dampers Large and small are tasted The prize goes to a young lad,f 6.. Li-los and swimmers They move along The deep of the river Which carries them away. Back up the hill For a hurried lunch Then down comes my tent For folding. 5. Damper and honey What a spread As everyone mingles And enjoys the cooking. .Then down to.–.4the river Fora swim -1 A ciuick plunge And we are wet. 7. All too soon: I am packed' 1 And ready too Back home. - As I push up: he track With the pakion my back I feel r . At peace. 4c- * * 4E; * * * * * Page 9 THE SYDNEY BUSEWALKER May, 1981. BACKGROUND TO BUSHWALKING VOLUME TWO - 1968-80. Jim Brown. This is an abridged version of the item presented at the 1981 Reunion. INTRODUCTION: In October, 1967, at the Club's 40th Anniversary Reunion, a grup of-members presented a programme we called “Background to Bush Walking.r To understand the significance of the title, it is necessary to bear in mind that the term “Bush Walker”, which is now known and used and understood all. over Australia, came into being when we adopted as our Club's name - “The Sydney Bush Walkers”. The term just didn't exist previously. Thus you could say that everything that has happened since 1927 is part of the background td 'bush walking. - In the 1967 reunion play, a summary of events from 1927 to 1967 was outlined. It included noteworthy news items from Australia and abroad, interspersed with comment, gossip and scandal from the Club's archives. Some items were serious, some frivolous, a few just plain interesting. Before bringing the story up to date for the years 1968 to 1980, we intend -bO re-play two or three specimen years from the first volume, hoping to give you the feel of the thing before we come closer to the bone. Here we go then Jim The year 1934. Bob Celebration of Melbourne's centenary. Barbara The Centenary Air Race from England was won by Scott and Black, in just under three days elapsed time. Jim In the Club, a year of sin, sex and sensation. Nine members were hailed before the Committee in January and reproved over incidents at a Christmas ,oamp. One for nude su4bathing, three for insufficient costume, one for petting…. Barbara (cutting in) Why only one? Surely you need two, like a quarrel? Jim (ignoring interruption)… .and four for co-tenting. Bob In February a letter was sent to Canons concerning two people who spent a week there, purporting to be married and members of the Club, when in fact they were not Don What… .not married? Bob Not members either. Dot And in May a member was rebuked for attending a meeting in an intoxicated condition. Jim Sometimes, in addition to the news items, we threw in a kind of topical song, as in 1938. Barbara That year opened with-SSFdney's Sesqui-Centenary (150th Anniversary). In September British Prime Minister Chamberlain returned from a conference in Munich forecasting (hopefully) “Peace in our time”. In February a member was suspended for six months for cutting down a sapling at Burning Palms. Don Bob Page 10 THE SYMEY BUSEWALKER May 1981. Dot April saw the ClUb securing of the cP.mping-siteat Morella Kaidrig, just off Heathcote Creek. Barbara But by September there were so many strays using the side track that parties were advised to go there by different routes and,a working bee was held to disguise the track. Jim (SONG) If a campsite takes your fancy, and you want it for your own, You must hedge it round with dangers And discourage wandering strangers With a track that's overgrown overgrown overgrown. Bob Christmas/New Year saw the Tigers undertaking the first “in-the- water” trip .down the Kowmung, including Morong Deep, Dot In 19419 that darkest year of the 2nd World War, the topical song had.a.ring of the protest songs that were popular 20 years later. Jim Disasters in Greece and Crete, redeemed to some degree by the stubborn defence of beleaguered Tobruk in North Africa. Barbara In June, Germany invades Russia. Bob December 7th - Pearl Harbour and the U.S.A. becomes involved. . N. Dot Signs of the times were Don) in quick The June General Meeting cancelled - no quorum. Jim j succession Subscriptions of 25 members on Active Service waived. Dot/ The Club's maps stored in a Bank Vault - maps had become virtually Secret Documents Barbara In March it was reported that people were shooting rabbits during the night at Era. Federation was asked to investigate - - Bob The walkers didn't want to be the Bunnies - SONG (to Norningtown Ride”) (Barbara sings verses… WI sing chorus) Bombing raids on cities, armies plunder Greece, Ships at sea torpedoed, when will this torment cease? (Chorus) Bombs and mines and shooting, any place you stray Even down at Era Beach killers seek their prey. Bunnies being slaughtered over all the earth, Even down at Era Beach….now that's a cause for mirth. (Chorus) When will human bunnies find they can enjoy Lovely things surrounding them, and not have to destroy? (Chorus) Jim WELL, AT'S HOW IT WENT IN 1967. NOW LET'S HAVE A LOOK AT 1968 TO 1980. FIRST 1968. Dot Australia was still getting-6-(Ter the shock of the disappearance of Prime Minister Harold Holt while swirming in Port Phillip Bay just before Christmas 1967. Don Elsewhere, important people died violently….In the U.S.A. Martin Luther King, a Negro rights leader, was assassinated. Page 11 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER May, 1981. Bob . A few months later, Robert,Kennedy, brother of the former President, who had also been assassinated, was shot .and . _ . . Barbara Apollo 8 became the first manned space vessel into Lunar Orbit. Bob At the Annual Meeting, .subscriptions were set at ;'35.50 Active, ,7.50 Married Couple and $3.50 Student. Barbara But in June there were still 193 unfinancial, including 143 “Actives . Jim. Battle was joined in company with other conservationists to prevent limestone mining near Oolong Caves by a cement company. Dot The Club magazine truly became the official organ with a decision. that it be part of the subscription and mailed to all full members. Don . ONWARD TO 1969. Bob In July Amerida put the first man on the moon - while Astronaut Collins orbited in the mother vessel, Armstrong and Aldrin made the small step that was a big leap on to the moon. Jim The world of finance was shaken by the mining boom in Western Australia. Shares in the Poseidon Nickel mines rocketed from about $1 to more than 0200, then slumped. Dot At an Extra-ordinary Meeting in February, we decided to go ahead with the purchase of about 90 acres of land in Kangaroo Valley, using the Era Trust Fund and other donations. Barbara Our co-purchasers of the total block were the Society of Friends (Quakers) who said they liked us as nice quiet neighbours. (PAUSE… .THE PLAYERS LOOK AT ONE ANOTHER…. THEN SONG - to “Silent .Night”) ATT1 Silent Night: Bob Holy cow: What a din, what a row: Don Fiddles and bagpipes and hullabaloo Jim Down on the shores of the Kangaroo Barbara) That is our nice quiet neighbour & Dot / 'Holding re-union once more. Don Anyway, we bought the land for about 33,900. And the August meeting decided by the narrow margin of 17 to 16 NOT to build an access road. Bob During June/July the Australian Andean Expedition, including S.B.T. members Dot Butler and Ross Wyborn were climbing lofty South American peaks. Their main triumph was on Mt.Lasunayoc, about 20,000 ft. Dot Later that year oldest member Walter 1arr - Taro - died just a few months after his 90th birthday. He had been taking part in selected overnight walks until only a few years before. Don There was a complaint at a meeting about the mis-spelling of place names in the Walks Programme. SKETCH Jim Oh, hullo, are you going before Committee for achlission, too? Page 12 Jim Barbara Bob Dot Don Jim ……… Barbara Yes. Tell me, what did you do for your week-end test walk? This one here - see. KANG4 WALT,S - LEG - COOKS LIVER = KOWDUNG ROVER - to be about 60 KILLERKETRES. Ah, yes. I did quite an easy one. and climbed out over MR. KING GORGE. On to 1970. The commencement of Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (S.A.L.T.) gave some hope of a lessening in world tensions. And (very timely, it turned out) the first big discoveries of North Sea oil were made. Perhaps the years numbered in the 70s were those when conservation. made its big leap. Instead of a few dedicated souls striving, often in vain - it became an issue that most governments had to make at least a show of taking seriously. Barbara There was the continuing fight for Colong. Some conservationists bought one or two individual shares in the cement company and managed to provoke Donnybrooks at the annual meetings over a few years. Don There was a proposal to call the Kangaroo Valley property rTandandian” …a name said to mean “home of the lost lovers”. Barbara But we turned it down - it sounded too permissive. Later we called: it “Coolana” - meaning “happy meeting place”. Jim In a debate an payment of shire rates, it was suggested that if we classified it as a “cemetery' or “seminary” we wouldn't have to pay! Bob And one member said if we called it a seminary, farmers would think it was a stud property. Dot Meanwhile, a party doing Claustral Canyon was joined by a stray dog, which had to be lowered down the waterfalls in a pack. It , was reported the dog didn't enjoy abseiling and at the end of the trip was mattering from “Claustralphobia”. (END OF YEAR 1970) * * * * * * * * * * * * * *, To be Continued. THE SYDNEY BUSHULKER May, 1981. _ . MOUNT CLODMAKER - STRING GINGER FLITGE. It's supposed We camped in GLUE BUM FOREST Page 13 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER May, 1981. THE APRIL GEiER-AI:MEETING. by Barry Wallace. The meeting began at about 2023 with 30 or so members present and the President in the chair. There were no apologies so we welcomed new member James Field in the traditional way and moved on to the Minutes of the previous meeting. These were read and received. Correspondence brought requests for transfer to non-active status from Jacqueline Bruen and Fran Christie, a N.P.W.S. circular relating to the proposed plan of management, and access for, the Morton National Park, and the usual outgoing letters to new members. Matters arising saw the meeting eiect Alex Colley to co-opt members to a committee which is to produce recommendations on the proposed plan of management. , The Treasurers Report indicated that we had started the month with $2248.43, spent $323.08, earnt $478.00 and ended, the month with $2403.35.. The Coolana account closing balance was $31.28 after payment of rates. , The Federation Report indicated that the Sydney Rock Climbers Club is withdrawing from Federation and that F.B.W. will provide no further financial aOsistance to the proposed vala Rivers Club. It appears that there will be no significant action on the S.W. Tassie issue until next summer and that there will be no moves on mining under national parks until after the N.S.W. Government elections. F.B-.W. intend to issue a newsletter in May and are ibeking volunteers to help with production. The Ball survey is now complete and the format of the Ball will be in accordance withthe survey results. The Walks Report began with the Reunion, held over the weekend of 13,14,15 March. The weather was fine and warm, and about 130 people attended. We are promised a full report in the magazine. David Cotton's 9-day ramble on Wallemi Creek failed to start. Over the weekend 20,21,22 Bill Burke led people on his Megalong Valley7Cox's River trip in fine weather with “no problems”. Peter Harris had 16 starters on his Ettrema Wilderness walk and Ian Debert had 13 people on his 2-day trip on the Upper Grose. Of the day walks, Tony Marshall led 8 people on his Upper Grose trip and we have no report on Ann Brown's Stanwell Park trip. The weekend of 27,28,29 March saw Pat McBride lead 9 people on his Budawangs walk. The walk was described as good, although there.was some shortage of water on Warre Head. Gordon Lee's rock climbing day was cancelled but his abseiling instructional attracted 10 starters. Peter Miller's KOwmung trip was described as flbeaut”, with 5 people attending. Bob Younger's day walk in the Royal National Park attracted 13 members and 11 prospectives with the water being described as O.K. There was no report on Peter 8argeant's West Head walk. Ray Hookway's Crown Mountain - Tyan Pic walk over .3,4,5 April attracted 12 starters on a weekend that turned out a rather mixed bag of weather. There was no report of Peter Christian's programmed Marley to Otford walk but Jim Brown had 10 starters on his Glenbrook Creek walk. Jim had to modify the walk somewhat due to flooding in Glenbrook Creek. There was no General Business and after the announcements, the meeting closed at 2110. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Page 14 THE SYDNEY BUSHWAIKER May 1981 The Club has received the following letter from SUTHERLAND BUSHWALKING CLUB; P.O. Box 250, SUTHERLAND. 2232. May, 1981. To all Federated Bushwalking Clubs, The Sutherland B.W.C. has chartered a coach to take a club party to the Warrumbungles National Park on the October long weekend. Itas anticipated . that about 20 seats will be available for other clubs to use. . Details of transport are as follows:- * Cost - $30.00 per seat. This covers coach, driver and a small allowance for postage and paper work but no profit. *. Coach departs from Sutherland 6.30 pm on Friday October 2nd. Pick ups will be arranged accoreing to requirements of passengers - probably Parramatta about 7.15 pm. * Arrival at Camp Blackman about 3.0 am. * Return from the park at 1.0 pm Monday, arriving back at Sutherland by 10.0 pm. * Local transport in the coach can be. arranged e.g. for a day walk in the vicinity of Mt.Naman or Tonduron Spire. Points to consider:- 1. Private transport would cost at least the same. 2; Provision of a driver allows you to plan through' trips using coach . pick up at the other end. 3. The distance would be prohibitive for a 3 day weekend without driver so the worst of the crowds from Sydney can be avoided. The Sutherland Club would prefer members of your club to organize their own walks at the Wa.srumbungles. There is plenty of time to include this trip in your program of trips for October. It does place a strain on our club's resources if we have to provide the trip leadership as well as the coach seFvice. Please do not hesitate to discuss possible plans with either Joy Scott 52090750 or Don Rice 528,4095. BOokings. Deposits of at least $10 per seat required after July 27th. Balance to be paid by 1st September. PLEASE SEND A STAMPED, SELF. ADDRESSED ENVELOPE AND PHONE NUMBER. Block club bookings will be most welcome on the same basis. NOTE: The Walks Secretary would be glad to hear of any club member who would be prepared tO lead a S.B.W. trip to the Warrumbungles for the October holiday weekend, making use of this coach transport. Page 15 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER May, 1981. TRAVELLING WITH CHILDREN IN INDIA PART 3. by Marcia Shappert. We had to get up at 4.45 am to catch the 6 am train from Columbo to Poloanaruwa, where we would then catch another bus to Sigiriya, the ancient PJ had bought a digital watch duty free, so this was one time when we really depended on the alarm. We crept out of the house where we had been paying guests, and got to the train station just as it was getting light. (We had several of these very early morning starts, and the kids never complained once. I guess they were as curious to find out what the - next town held for us as we were.) _Trains in Sri Lanka are something elseLL You can't book seats, so it's push and shove with all the many Sri Lankans who always are travelling. We became more experienced as the weeks wore on, but this first experience with the trains was one to remember. As the huge old steam train came rolling into the station, a porter who noticed how lost we looked said to - follow him closely and he would help us to get seats….for a price. Before the train stopped he jumped onto it and held four seats for us, which Was quite a job. . He was a bit put out that we didn't follow him “closely”, but had waited for the train to almost come to a stop before we jumped on. Once we got on however, the trains were a lot more comfortable than the Indian trains. We arrived in Polonnaruwa about 1 pm really tired and hot. A little boy attached himself to us, insisting he would help us get a bus for the 2t hour trip to Sigiriya. He stuck to us like a leech; even going to a greasy spoon for lunch. After much discussion between us we decided we really were too tired to make the effort to get to Sigiriya. We checked into anice little lodge and rented bikes to ride to the ancient sites at Polonnaruwa. PJ and I each had a bike and Jenny rode on the back of Craig's. We missed the turn-off into the ancient sites so went in the exit instead. This the kindly gateman let us do, but only with the understanding that we came out that way again so the main gatekeeper wouldn't know we had been let in without paying the entrance fee. PJ pooped out about this stage and said he would sit under the tree and wait for us. The three of us continued on into the site and were really fascinated with the ruins. There were three Buddhas carved from a. huge rock face, the Recumbent Buddha is 44' long, the Standing one 23' high; the seated figure is slightly smaller and once had golden finger nails. Dense jungle now covers much of the splendour of Polonnaruwa which dates back to 368 A.D. We strolled around the remains of the Palace, the Royal Bath and a massive “stone book”. It must have been really something way back then. After about 45 minutes to one hour we rode back to where PJ should have been waiting, but he wasn't there. After talking with the gatekeeper, who said PJ had gone into the site, we decided that since it was getting dark I should wait for PJ to come back while Craig and Jenny cycled to the bike shop in case he was there. Another man came along and talked to the gatekeeper and then told me that he would send the gatekeeper into the site to look for PJ. He came back with the news that PJ had gone out the “in” Page 16 TI E SYDNEY BUSHWALKEn May, 1981. gate. Poor man. I think he was :worried:he wula now lose his job. as feeling rather angry as I pedaled back to the bike shop, only to see PJ standing out in front. He explained that he waited “hours” for us and then started looking for us. By this time the front gate was closed, so we couldn't pay the entrance fees or explain the situation. We were leavi4g the next morning, so PJ agreed to cycle over early and pay the fee. As it turned out the next morning, everyone knew what had happened and were not angry at PJ and thought him rather nice to make the effort to explain the situation. It was at a little street stand across from the bike shop that we had our fill of “egg hoppers”. I had been raving about these for the past five years, since I had last been in Sri Lanka. They're made in a hemisphere Shaped pan. A thin batter is poured in and swirled around the pan. When this is slightly 000ked an egg is dropped into the centre. They really are delicious and we all ate our fill for 70c4:. The 4-hour bus .ride to Anuradhapura was hot and dusty, but we all got seats. At one point 'though, Craig, who was sitting in the seat just behind the driver, had to stand When a Buddhist monk claimed the seat. . That one reserved for Monks. We stayed at a nice little “paying guest” place for $8.50 for the four of us for bed and breakfast. (Sri Lanka is much more expensive to travel in than India. We didn't see the grinding poverty we saw in India, however, The people, in general, looked much more prosperous than in India, and many wore Western clothes.) We started walking from our “house” to the Sacred Be Tree (2,000 years old). Both PJ and Jenny pooped out this time, so we left them sitting along the side of the road watching all the monkeys who were running around. (We would never leave the kids like that here, but we felt quite safe doing it there.) They were given strict instructions not to move. When we got back about an hour later, they said they had a lovely time talking with all the - people who asked them where their parents were and watching monkeys. The next morning we took a three hour taxi tour of the more distant ruins - all very interesting, but after seeing one stupa you've seen them all. We spent the afternoon shopping in the local bazaar for Christmas presents for each other as we didn't think there would be any shops at Wilpattu where we'd be heading the next day, December 24th-. Wilpattu Hotel, near the national park, was very “touristy”, but we enjoyed every minute of it. We had a lovely room with a balcony overlooking aH crocodile infested river. The kids thought it was great: We did see 1 some crocs, but we also watched the monks from the monastery across the river bathain it They must have known how many crocs there were, or were fearless. PJ can testify to the good fishing. He caught a few using only bread' as bait. The help all made a great fuss over the children and they were put in charge of feeding the tortoises. These tortoises ate green chillies: - and really seemed to enjoy them. -THE-SYDNETBUSEWLIKER May, 1981. , 'While the kids were out rafting on the river with someone from the hotel, Craig and I decided to have a walk. As we were passing one mud hut, a young man invited us in. The hut had several rooms, with a thatched roof. The furniture was built right into the walls of mud. It all looked very primitive, except that they turned on a transistor radio blaring laud as soon as we walked in. (This happened quite often in our travels and -te never figured out why they always had to be so laud.) They made us a Cup of tea and although their English was very limited, made us very welcome. They were delighted when I asked if I could take their photo and all ran to change from the native clothes they were wearing into Western ones. I felt it would have been a better photo in their native clothes. We decided to decorate our room for Christmas, and so collected lots Of flowers (mostly frangipani) and strung them on thread we hung across the room from the fan to the mosquito netting. Craig put up the stars and streamers we had bought for the occasion in India. We still had lots of 'lowers left, so I made an arrangement to hang on the front door. I also made an arrangement for the table on the balcony. It all looked pretty and smelled beautiful. The kids wake up early the next morning so we sat an the balcony and watched the sun comeup while we exchanged Christmas gifts. That afternoon we took a jeep safari into the park itself. More like a forest than jungle - similar to Chitwan National Park in Nepal. We saw' jots of spotted deer, an eagle, mongoose, lots of birds, but not a spotted leopard, which the park is known for. We did see fresh paw marks though. It will certainly be a Christmas we'll always remember. * * * * * * * * * * * As Ann Ravn, the S.B.W. 'phone contact, and Marcia Shappert her predecessor, can tell you, some unusual 'phone requests and enquiries have come their way. Ann rang your editor a few nights ago to report on her most recent 'phone call. A film producer rang to ask if S.B.W. could supply a stand-in stunts-woman willing to climb along a ledge 10“ wide and 100' above the ground, for $200. The only requirements were that the woman looked 26 years old and be slim, 5/ 7” high, and brown hair. Ann .and .I were immediately attracted to the $200 but agreed we were both too old, too big, too tall and too fair and dark re: spectively. (And we's possibly fall off.) We thought of Dot Butler but she is too short, and besides she was out of town. Unfortunately, this magazine has gone to print too late to publicise the job, so to all you females, who missed out on an easy $200, keep your eyes and ears open, a similar job may come up sometime. * * * * * * * * * * * Page 18 THE SYDNEY BUSAWALKER May, 1981. ./1111MIIMM11.111MIIIIIIIIMI SOCIAL NOTE'S- FOR JUNE. by Peter Miloer. —-/1–.171;1114ethlesa2.11-32-2&. Slides of Russia and Asia. Peter Dyce will show slides of Russia and. Asia. Peter has travelled extensively and the slides cover a wide variety of places and experiences. DINNER before the meeting will be held at Chehades Lebanese Restaurant, 270. Pacific Highway, Crows Nest at 6.30 pm. Wednesday, 24th June. Members Slide Night Mid-Winter Feast. The ever popular stand of the Social Secretary - members' slide night - is on again. This time the emphasis is on slides of members. Funny slides, serious slides, action shots, inaction shots are all 'welcome. Other slides may be shown as well as slides of members. As this Wednesday is the closest to the shortest day and therefore the middle of winter we will celebrate with a grand supper, a mid-winter feast like they have in the Antarctic. Please bring along a plate of something interesting to eat and the club will provide the drinks. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONGRATULATIONS to Christine and Craig kustin on the birth of their first child, a boy, DANE. ENGAGEHERT.' Club member Debbie McInnes, a,student nurse, has announced her engagement to Tony Odium, a student doctor. Congratulations: REMEMBER! Friday, 29th May. at Ashfield Town Hall. 'Dot Butler's Anniversary “DO”. -,:-,..,-y,,*,,-..k.*.*….:

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