A Journal deveted to matters cf interest to members of the Syiney Bush Walkers, Sydney, New Seuth Jales.
list. August, 1931,
Luisses Larjerie Hill (iditcr), Dorothy Lawry brenda
Fublishing Ccmmittee.
Waite, Rene Brown, and Lr. lyles Lunphy.
iz our Club you'r: joining
sigalth ycu will be coining,
And some happy hours you'll spend, Packs are necessary,
or your needs will vary.
lake the most of your week ends,
Come wusuy vome then, Join our Happy thrceng,
Raise your hearts and your voices in this
Leauty soe enthralling, wushland calling, calling Come and make the best of friends.
From the 1930 Concert.
Leaders. We Purnell
Wednesday, 24th Lecember, 193C, and - after extract-
liigs. we Drewell, Miss Vv. .shton, & F. Mort.
Our party left oydney at 1.45 p.m. on
ing little satisfaction and less warmth from an ob- Stinate footewarmer ~- awcke frem a deep dream of peace“ at Gunning.
Pd Cleared, undulating country; relieved by protean splashes of chcocolate~coloured earth, ver: dant lucerne fields, and animated wheat patches, k= tending on both sides of the line, By noon, after an endless repetition of this type of country, the train, taking to stilts, waded the Murrumbidgee and staggered into Wagga.
There we invaded a rail-motor, and from Umbango Creek onward passed through enchanting mount- ain scenery far superior to any visible from the train on the Blue Mountains.
At 1.50 p.m. we arrived at Tumberumba, after 15 hours' travel (402) miles, and received a hearty welcome from the local flies, The township proved to be about a mile from the station, on the banks of the Tumberumba Creek, and surmounted by hills.
Gcme 6 miles along the Tooma Road we came to Burra Creek, where we found an ideal camping Site. sxceptionally cold rain, however, fell shortly after our arrival, and sontinued vigorously: throughout the night.
Next morning we set out at 9.15, and at Greenwoods turned off the main rcad and were soon amcngst hundreds of crientally plumaged birds. The track descended rapidly through heavily timbered, mountainous country to Paddy's River, and shortly after we debouched intc a partially-cleared valley, drained by the Tumberumba Creek, The valley grad- ually widened till it was bounded by the foot-hills of Lt. Maragle und Mt. Garlard, becoming a series of grassy undulations, Here we interested a large herd of steers, who seemed anxious to play “chasings” with USs aS the paddock was several miles long and a noisy bull occupied the cther side cf the nearest fence, we felt cbhliged to Jecline.
After scme freakish weather; brisk, cold rainstorms of 25 mins. duraticn followed by intense heat, we arrived at Tecma (1C) miles. Here we met the famous Lr. Macginty, the local pcstmaster, public- an, etc., etc., whe, it is said, strictly limits his customers to one glass only of anything stronger than milk,
Six miles of dreary road brought us to Tooma Homestead, where we were permitted to sleep in the shearing shed, The manager, Lr. O'Keefe, was very generous and nearly sunk us with butter and milk. 3.
Next merning we reluctantly parted company with our good friend and comfortable quarters, and spent a most arduous, uninteresting walk past Greg Greg Station Lighthouse Mt. and Bringen Brong Station. The sountry Was cleared and mcuntaineous; good cattle land, but hard on bushwalkers. We camped that night near a creek feeding into Swampy River (16 miles).
Starting early next day, we were soon ccn- fronted with a mest execrable road which meandered threugh typical grazing ccuntry, paduled in streams, climbed all available hills, and zigzagged weefully.
By 11.45 a.m. we made Khanccban (Can-co#=ban) Post Cffice where the road came tec a mest inglcricus end in an expanse of icng grass. The sight cheered us tremend- cusly, as also did these mysterious mcuntain ranges in the background, graduating to our cbjective, Mt. Kesciuskc.
The inmates of the Post Cffice received us very hospitably, fortified us with with milk, and gave us explicit directiens as to finding our track.
The latter preved most erratic, and shct up and down most impossible slepes in a marvelcus manner withcut cither waggle or warning. The scenery, hewever, more than compensated us for this atrocicus conduct by its ineffable verdure and splendour.
At four ctclack we were delighted to see ne less than seven kangarocs and two joeys, which let us approach to within stone-threw befcre bounding off. We later disturbed a large grey mcuntain eagle, and shortly after, gct cur first near view of Mt. Townsend (visible frem Tumberumba), which appeared tc be lightly slad in snow,
Ths track, in @ characteristic manner, sucdenly dived cver the mountain side and sprinted down a clayey-Slcped watercourse amid prclific fern growths, te the bank of a fast running river. This cbhstacle preved both swift, ccld, and hard to negotiate. But imagine our dismay when, with both spirits and bocts thercughly jamgpenei, we fcund it functioned, Y fashion, with the Swampy Tlain River, nearly twice ag wide and equally as swift!
We camped, that night, above flocd mark, amidst an all-pervading dampness, and rotting vegetation wet with mist from the rapids. ene hiles for the day)
Jnable, next merning, to find a suitable ercssing-place, we tcck a gcat-track along a steep slcpe flanking the river. Near Geehi the river, about 5C yards 4,
wide, was broken up by rapids. Here we managed to force our way across, through water at times waist deep, which plucked small boulders from under onets feet, and could be guaranteed straight off the ice,
We picked up the track to Tom Groggin (a patch of ring-barked trees) after waiting some time to thaw out in the Sun, but, owing tc brumby tracks, lost it entirely by nightfall. (1C miles), ”
After checking our provisions next morning, we set off and, some hours later, fcund ourselves cn top of a mountain range, with the Ram's Head duc east at the head of a vulley, and with the lhurray River (like a silver thread) in the west, behind, and far below us. After negotiating the valley, at some i - i mile per hour, through dense undergrowth and a tangle cf fallen timber, we dismally surveyed an indescrib- ably monstrous gash in the Scenery between us and our cbhjective, with a slepe facing us some 5,0CO ft. high…
fy travelling south down a spur through virgin bush we ultimately intercepted the monaro Track and all breathed a sigh cf relief.
From there onward we climbed like four thirsty automatcns, feeling anything but sorightly. after meeting scme horsemen, we came to 4 tree blazed
W, dropped some 3CG ft. down to a mountain stream, and camped there the night. (15 miles, height abcut 3,0C6 ft.)
Instead of cocntinuing across stream next morning, we retraced our steps to the top of the rasor- back, and, owing to this misvake, added encrmously to our task. At about 4,500 ft. (anerosid), the trees began to die cut, whilst later we passed by thousands of dead, bleached trees like myriads of gigantic zlothes props, As we gct higher these were replaced by wiry shrubs about 5 ft. high, while cn tcp practically the whele surface was covered by bushes ubout l ft. high, strong enough te support cne's weight without flattening out ~ but tiring tc walk over. These, in turn, gave way $0 snow grass covered with small orcwm grasshoppers, whilst everywhere the scenary Literully cczed water.
We envered a bleak valley, bcunded by stcney crages, which led us to a seccnd valley even mere waterlogged than the first, and with cone side well plastered with sncw,
lake May, or Cootaputamba, made its appearance at this stage, and, shortly after, we struck ~ D
the road tc the summit of Kosciusko. Distanacn ater very daceptive up there as one Javkn familiar obicets to gauge them with. We Gawped that night in the remains of the Tourists! Hut just belcw the summit - a geod 7,000 ft. above sea level,
Cr visiting the Summit next day, we got a fascinating view ct a huge tract cf country, spread cut beneath us like a vast plasticirne model, extending pack past Tumberumba, and encroaching far into Victoria. a large rain clcud ambled alceng at this juncture, and bictted out the fine view by sitting down cn the summit. Tiring of waiting for it to shift, we slid down a snow sicpe to our abcde, and were socn on the way to the Ketel.
Near Bett's Camp we met scme cf Miss Lyle's arty, who offerei us accemmedaticn at Eett's, Ve callec in at tue Camp, and were made very welsome by Balder and Larie byles, but at our leader's reyguest, set out to find a hut cn the Crackenback River,
after a 2,CCC rt scramble to the river, a rather wet cressing, anJj insessant rain, the hut failed tc put in an appearance, ani we were cbligei %9 camp en some swampy grcuna. To cheer us ur, however, a pligzard sprung up during the night, wnich fcught desperately with cur tent, and hewled miserably. i have a vivil revcllection crf encearouring t9 snsove whilst balancing on an aluminium plate, hanging on to the tent witn beth hanaa, ani scaking my feet ina small pool of water meanwhile.
3 n -4
next morning we set ctf witneut broakfast but cn meeting a trout-fishing parvy furtiner decwn, and perceiving tnem ergagei in the prcecess of eating, the Sight proved toc micn frr use, and we succumbeu. Another party ther teck cur vasks by trailer to Jindabyne, to our great satisfasticn, and depesited them av the Pest Office, where, severul hours later, (tired despite cur absence cf burder) we vicks3 them up.
Ye spent urt1i c'slcck tne next day at Jindabyne, which unlevely spct we gladly left behind as the Ccoma mail car sped us tc the railway terminus. Here we pickei up twe of Lyles Lunpny's party, andi swepped experiences, and ate, all the way back te Sydney. TO Ni MisMRuRS AND OTH ahs -
GUUD ntloko never borrow camping gear, and simply
hate lending it. squip yourself ncw for the coming season, and remember that you have got to carry it all on your back, so see that it is light weight gear.
“Take care of the ounces and the pounds take -care of themselves!
Preered Japara, net affected by sun or Breas. Absolutely waterprocf. In brow: and black.
Weight 14 oz.
Price 7/64.
LUCLOACHS : in khaki proofed duck:
Vithout frame 15/- Cane frame 39,76 Steel frame 5C/~
LIGnTWsIGutl Tus Tp:
of all patterns wade tc crder.
made to measure oy First-class bootmaker. uxtra stcut uppers, with decuble soles. Fit and satisfaction guarantees,
Prices? 22/64. ey 64. 37/6.
a Card tc the addrees below will bring me inte the Club any Friday.
Farewell to one new silenced quite; Sucked cut cf hearing, cut of sight;
hy Lill cf Bills whom I shall miss - No mere on the fire he'll steam and hiss!
Oh, = shall drink frem him nc more! he gurgles 'neath the Kowung's roar,
For Temmy dropped him from the shore, we now he's gone tc rise uc mere.
+ ~
shall net for his less complain,
but whe shall step the patient rain?
nis fate shall leave my heart intact,
Fut who shall carr, the eggs uncracked? alas, vecr Villiam!
ee ee
barling Jditress -
+ doen't knew much about writing for papers, but 1 vresume this is the usual way of address- ing such.
here's a bit cf benzine fer your magagine. sicpe it's of scme use ~ if not, give my love to the Ww. E. EB.
Now next line is the really and truly start.
why shouldn't I make a few observations abcut the 5. Be. W. - I've knocked about a bit with most cf them in the last few years, Some cf them want towell- ing up, and I'm just the lad tc do it. When they read about themselves they will flush with anger, or tlush with pleasure - what do I care ~ it's the same old blud.
Neither age, sex nor lxoks, or the lack of one or all, will swerve me from my path ~ so
here's at it -~–+– Take > the big stiff, thinke
because hets big enough for a ccepper he ought to be a
force in the camp, - if he were half his Size, and I
were twice mine I'a land him one some quiet night, even
if he was snoring.
Then think cf
All they think of at meal times is eating;
they stcp that only fer drinking, and when they are not doing that they are talking - a happy inoffensive rabble + out with them!!
Then take 'em all as walkers + Once upon a time we used to talk cf 50 miles a day, and found it quite vasy. Now– by starting late, stopping tc look at everything, taking tons of time for meals - and tons of tucker toc + ani finishing up early =~ all we knock off is about 20 miles a day. We are certainly gceing to the dogs. (Nay, net even The Black Deg).
Then what about the surfing fanatics — They travel umteen miles away from the surfers. They strip - and then scmetimes cover up as fine a ecllecticn ef tcrsos as you cculd find on any Corsc. Straight, clean limbs, Jeep chests, innumerable hairs strong and wiry, eyes magnetic, crisp golden curls scmetimes -~ one and all tanned to the celour of zentury-old bronze - think of all this, then think of the shccking waste of it. Never a press photcgrapher has had a shet at them!
~ Mm ns
ee ara ee - al 9s Now take _ the
eyobrows of the Club, the debonair debaters! A man gets up in a vasuel Wuy and s.ys his say - it my ve weak, illogical, disjointed - wht happens when he sits down? The Ds Dts stand up and with clecr, cold calculating cynicism pilus smcoth mohilesque facility, they tcar a man's werds to millions of syllables and thon actually win ona shew ef hunds! Skumb!!
And then, vhat cf the gambling cliques?
Tis whispered thet a very privite party mect weckly somewhere uweress the bridge und rob each other till tk small heurs and the smull change got that mixed they can't tell cne from the other. Certainly, owing to
the depression, the currency is mostly lima beans -
still the fact remairs tht they win c.ch other's beans which, diverted from tue focd markot thus add te the grim tetal cf pOverty to-day. Vultures!t onume on them!}
Woat wocut thut dread disease - private partyism? Once upen a time wher ve were c1l going te- eether wo went teguthr. New tis rumoured that certain parties carry false ziffs ond false packs so they can nick thrcugh Central Staticn on Friday nights. Anyway,
I won't crack them tec hurd, I may want to join em any time.
Then think :f __
e ee _
and then you finish thinking cf them, think of
scmething clse. -~ Sufficient for the day is the drivel
therecf. TAROCWAR.
a ee 1O,
ow ULP ho NT:
The very latest thing in syuipmentt Tay the photographically inclined is a smart, little attache- case about lz” x 6“ x 4”. It should be just large enough to hold the camera, gadgets, and supply of films, and if a pair of small straps is rivetted to the lid, the tripod can be strapped tc the outside, thus complet- ing the neatest, most compact and convenient geat yet devised for carrying the camera.
For a fortnight's trip with a Sanderson and filmpacks for 6 dozen photcs such u suitcase weighs about 9 lbs., and can be comfortably“ carried in the hand – according to the cwner cf the only known specimen.
The said hefty Lushwalker, ccmplete with pack and gunnysack, and carrying tne little suitcase in his strong right hand, wus aptly described by cne of the party as lcoking “Like a little lad with his playlunch going off to schcol”. fe wonder how many Bushwalkers would nave been so polite about a man going for a fortnight's trip with a suitcaset
This suitcase is the very latest thing in equipment. It is not recommended. THE S. B. W. WHITZ WAY. il.
Brenda, our 0. . in walkers, is sometimes deceived by talkers, she thinks if they talk they can versa; which may be good arg. or worse. ay she
picked on me is a-mystery - dc I look like a poet?
O stowit
“C Tare”, she coced - “Just stir up the mood. We want stuff for the maga, you could give us a saga”. I protest, fair dame, for it's not my game.
I admit I'm thrilled when the west is filled with sunset glery (sounds semething like a story) with azure deeps across which lvaps, flame, shafts of radiance ~ tints indefinuble - gold (net coinable) (ocosh)! shapes illusive, magical weaving - wondrous curtain, now I Am - certain that versing is not for me. o ease off, lil Prenda, I may be a spender of words by the hour ad libitum, but when it ccmes to verse I'm worser than V.orse. I simply and surely can't givitem.
Tilt ECDILsSS S Vac,
On june 2lst five members of the official party had a thrill, ani learned that the other nineteen or sc were neither stickbeaks ner readers of Hdgar Wallace,
It happened like this. We five were a bit ahead of the main party, and were making our way up the right bank of the Vcronora towards Heathcote Creek. We were about 150 ft. above the river, and you can imagine cur surprise when we came upen a heap of gear - badly weathered as though it had becn there a long time, and lying as though the swag had been cpened, ani left! way ? Had there been a tragedy? Cr foul play? ma
The youngsters began picking up the things , “looking for clues”, while 7 vomptly started Suatching round for any signs of a budy, or anything else which might show that it was a matter for the nolice. I had read enough detective yarns in my youth to know that pulling the things about would destroy mest clues. tiow GVer, there was no Sign of a body, no Sign of any strugel and no dufinite Sign of any tragedy, although at one place on the outer edge of the terrace on which the swag lay there was a line of rocks showing whiter than tuose around - ag though each ef them, right down to the river bed, had teen dislodged and fallen a few fect. Still, though I held to 4 nearby trec and leaned far out over the drop, I could not see any Sl_n of a body,
lasanwhile tuc others were examining cur find: a blue shirt (weathered almost to erey) &@ pair of blue drill shorts, and a towel and Cuke of toilut soap, lay on a grey blanket, with a picce of Tope nearby, also a round mirror, (badly smashed), a toothbrush, rusty remzins of a platc, rusty table knife, fork, 2-pint billy, and enamel mug; wrapped in a picce of nuwspaper which bore the date “Wednesday” lst Cetober, 1930. A couple of small tins, one of which was full of sugar, and two smull, Screow-topped bottles completed our find.
Vu were just trying to decide what it Was the two bottles contained (both 8s trange-looking though dissimilar substances) when we noticed the rest cf the purty muandvring along on the next terrace GLOVE USeeee
“Com: down here and Svu what wetve found” “What have you got? “All but the body!”
Yes, we rupeated it - all but the body!” ~ and, would you believe it, they lined the edge of the rocks about 10. ft. away and 6 or 6 ft. ubove us, talked to us for a few minutes -=- and strolled on!!
We had failed to fina any cluc, except the date on the paper, which only told us that what- ever had occurred had happened since the lst October 1930, We were utterly at a loss to understand why anyone should leave a swag at that spot, 150 ft. above the river, about 200 yards down stream from a big creek, and perhaps 75 yards below a little onc, ye Had he intended to camp there? .e thought that very unlikely as it was an open spot, ona sloping terreacc, and with no sign of a cave any- where nvar. It wasn't reasonable to think he had left his swag there while he went for a drink or u swkm, ←–
Tt really was a mystcry. We were full of surmisus und conjectures — but we tailed off after the rust of the party.
Yes, we reported our find to the care- taker of the pumping works, who did not know 4 thing about the svug ulthough his hut was not more thun 100 yards from it. and we duly reported it to the police (through Joc Turner, the lvader of the official party), but, so far as We ure con- curned, the mystery is still unsolved.
be wsalry.
ee eee
Nuubering fifteen good mun in all (including five vomen), we startcd on the evening preecding Good briday by tue 7.15 train at 7.30, pound for tie wide open spaces where Curangutans revel, Hippopotami wallow and Jaguara slink.
By tus uxercise of much strutegy, we wana,cvd to share chy .fole carriage wita the officiul purty (orf on a light jaunt) and one or two Others e
Viortly after vu had shaken the dust of the city frcem our fuert, some unknown person unlockcd the “\wheopee cage and let loose the Ourang-utans; – things happened then! and how! It is on record tunt mny toes beenme chilled through tue need of coverings, and mMuny Nuwe- papers answered ths oft repouted question of juoriarty - without bein, esked!
Tio Orficiuls” did not relish being turned out at Valley dviglts (or was it Bally Ice?), but that was quite a mistake!
rom Blackhvath we had un uneveut- ful trip by motor to the Sawmill above Jenolun Caves. Uneventful that is, if wo disregard a blowout and toc freezing of 3C fevt,15 noses and 30 vars. at the Sawmill we Culipecs, avsking to find a wondcueriand of frozen grass, Water aud cx tromitics. Hildu had her usual bath, tiie others said they did! At any rate, we ail had broukfust,
an avant to Kanungra, Crisp frosty air und delightful Sunli,ht mede tnose heavy packs a feather weight. 40 Wo trovelled! Liles vere reeled off in a fine style. Slowly however, gravity reusserted ltsclf, so uc plused awhile at luyles' blazed tree in ordur to trunsfor come Weignat from our packs to another location.
On again, past Whalants end so to our goal, - Kanangra, the Majestie!: luscles Vere creaking a little perhaps, but all that ves for- gotten; LKunangra udmits of no fevling other than wonder at its beauty.
A charming camp site we hads tinkling mountain stream, erassy slope (albeit a little rocky) and ample rations, ~ what more could man require?
The next day (our “casy” day it was to be,) we commenced by absorbing more of Kanangra's beauty and then along the Jingra track, past the coal scam, th while keeping @ wutehful eye for a blaze mark (made by one, Mylos) which warks the turnoff of a short cut to the kowmung. oman and blazes have one thing in common - clusiveness! Much deliberation followed. All ridges load to Kovwmung we decided, so we followed tuc first one down – to perdition. Ch what country! - Glorious in its virginity, but ulas, We were strangely unappreciative just then,
Seven of us found the lownung by divers ways, the last tivo being ewissaries from the rest cf us, who had ccollectea on tue Jinru track and were pushing on to Huchues' wut -~ the day's objective. We were instructed to ruke nughes! Hut at all cost thut hight -~ just a mers nine miles. Followed much quaffing of tea, catin. of curry and girding of the lcins,
Three miles had flown neuth our trudging feet when we met the others. Oh elusive Jingra track! - the recorder's mood is kindly tonight, so we'll ring down the curtain on this episode. Tea We made for then and camp fires, poor hunery souls, - no bite or sup since morn and then 7e30 Poems A. Bracken bed, a peaceful sleep and nourishment aplenty induced a condition of body and soul exsbling appreciative appraisal of the manifold beauties of the Mewmune. Who cared that we were six miles xrum the GQodaur track and so twenty-two miles Prom our day's objective?
Downstream we weat past the “Giants! Sec Saw! and to the Cedar Track. here we bathed and ate. The Leader of the Hippopotami, Lima, (so chosen for reason cbvious) wus truly in her cloment.
On up the Codar hill, past Bran Jan and sc to Kowmung Houses thence by Moody's short cut te the Cox and a camp by Moody's stution. Footsore und not. little Weary, we reduced pur packs by sutisfying the nevds of the inner man, and then retired to the arms of Morpheus.
Tex. merning, sly glances tneath long lasnes nud their cftcct and the ladies were ferried across the river! On past hills! farm to laxwoll'ts (he of tne mighty handshake), and lunch on Kedumb.. oreck, the gruveyard of the re- coraur's spure secks.
Then followed the climb up Kedumba the mighty and on to Wentworth Falls, where ended a Wenderful trip, notuble for tne delightful weather, beautiful scenery and truce comradeship.
wena COCO000——+
Lest by uw purty cf Guntlewen, between Clear Hill and Cox River, Black Deg Track. known to uave been picked up. Ruward if returned premotly to
LOST in vicinity ef Dyson's, track to the Black Range, by Lady just reulising ambition of following it. Finder please return to,
OTaTION 2D, 256 George St. CITY,
LOST by young Lady uid Gent, cn Sunday stroll, Bushvialker's Lasin. Will be glad if re- turned witnout delay to
box, $.U;5:, Sydney Bush Walke: PANGHRS' LWAGUE.
The Rangers! Loasue inc heldapag om Exhibition in the Blayland Galleries during the second weck in September. AS an organisation connected with the Bush, our Club has been asked to contribute one or two items which the Soc. Sec. is arranging, If our members would advertise the Exhibition it would be very much appreciated,
me 0007-
The “Bushwalker” offers its con- gratulations to Miss Vera Rankin and ir. Charlos Kilpatrick on their recent engagement.
Mr. and Mrs. Roots are to be con-~ gratulated on the birth of a Son. We hope he will net put Gwynneth's nose out of joint too much,
me Oe ee ee
We also extend feclicitations to Mr. and Mrs. “Bill” Chowne. May their marricd lifc be long and happy.
ee ee eS et ee
Mir. & Mrs. Stanwell Park desire to cxpress their grutitude for the number of beautiful gifts showered upon them in their recent sad bereavement.
The Club held their second dance this svason on the 15th July. There was not a large attcndance, but there wore enough to make the evening very jclly and enjoyable. Mr. Roots had given the Social Secretary a photo to be given as a prize. When framed it looked very well. Miss. @, Lawrie was the lucky winner.
There was a torch dance with prizes which were won by Miss. Vera Tankin and Mr. F. Rice, The Club pennants were in place as usual and gave our distinctive touch to the room. Mr. Roots was serenaded by tne orchestra in honour of the birth of his son and heir. The returns showed a slight profit.
ae eee O OOOO eee oe
A most enjoyable day was spent by both members and friends of the S.B.W. at their nd Annual Sports. There were 68 persons present and the entries in all the events were quite satisfactory. Some of the events were keenly contested while others were the source of much amusement. Some of the onlookers as well as the competitors in the billy-can race found that the water from the tacking was both wet and cold. (uite a large percentage stayed for the campfire at night. All were unanimous that a fine sports day had been indulged in,
Rene D. Browne, Hon. Soc. Sec.
Quite the most fashionable and best dresscd wedding cf the season was celebtated on Friday 17th, July at 8.15 p.m.. The Ceremony took place at the Bushwalker's Temple and was perfcrmed by the Right Rev. Dr: Hitchemup. The Bride, Lily Valv, sole surviving daughter of ir. and Mrs. Canley Vale (who are thankful that they only had one) lookcd a dream in oyster white satin and window-net lace. Her bridal wreath and veil were lent for the occasion, and were the cause cf much worry as accidents will happen. She carried a sheaf of arum lilies, white turnips, and choice pease and beans in soft trails, reaching to the ground, and tied with crepe paper.
The bridesmaids, the Misses. Mona Vale and Niagera Park, were dressed alike in sea foam green lace frocks with bandeaux of tulle on their heads. They each carried a charming sheaf of carrots, Brussel sprouts, and parsley, with trails of mandarins in yellow shades. The trainbearer, little Miss. Warner Vale, a neice of the bride, looked sweet in blush-pink satin and carried a cushion. The Best Man was Mr. Harris Park and Mr. Hartley Vale was the groomsman. During the signing of the register, an cld friend of the family, with a truly wonderrnl voice, Miss Rose Hill, sang “Reeause!' in a romarkable rendering. She looked charming in flimce velvet. after the' ceremony, Mrs. Canley Vale received at the Breakfast when she unturtained, about 100 guests. She wus frockud in chet chiffen Taffeote, with a white felt hat und pink shawl. Both Mrs. Canluy Vale and Miss. Rose Hill carried early Victorian posics of Spanish onions surrounded by Brussel sprouts, (really intcrnationsl bouquuts) p-rsivy, and red crepe puper. The Briduroom's mother was unable to be vresent on account of being dead. The Crganist, a great musiciin and m.stur of his instrument, Professor Lisa Row, played the Wedding March, und certuinly the orgien was =—– Atif. well, devine. There was & three tiered Wedding Ceke and the usual toasts Were honourcd. Tne Bridets mother, as usual, wept copiously, snd every cne enjoyed themselves. There wie a rather rerpretuble incident ezrly in the ccremony, when a person, & womin, rushed into the Yumple brandishing a child and demanding thut the cerumony be stopped. Some cf the guests mn.gcd te put her out cfter c time. A rther surprising f ct wis thet the Groom left for the honuymoon som. time before the Bride, and us . result the gaseivs are talking, thougu of course there isn't snything in that, tho! oue never knows, dees onw
The Bride received numerous beautiful and ecstly presents of which, cne in purticulir wes & beautiful cxunple of German Art.