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TEE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER .A monthly Bulletin devoted to matters of interest to The Sydney Bushwalkerss.5 Hamilton Street, Sydney No. AUGUST 1944 Al=1IPr-ic;e'Ed, Editor C. Kinsella -Production: Yvonne Ro:Ife Asst. G Jolley Asst. Alice Wybozn Bus.Manager: J.Johnson Sales & Subs:Retty Dickenson. CONTENTS Page 0.0 F.Leydon 2 Edna Garrad 8 D.Lawry 9 10 11 12 . Index 2nd Canberra Trip The Scurce cf the Thredbo Chatter 4.0 Fea,lration Report ,Lette-c e, from Lads '-GoodmanIs'Advertisement Paddy .4. . HOW RESTFUL. 'ARE MILS: How restful are the far-bills4 the gre,plains,to.:cityeyes

Tie. with iEe;:e ills . Of 7!-2a71%erbciard.,.: And to the skiest JviLot'd. - . The J.: nr-he o7reng'7.h will dissipate, Thd.27 tnrno.74tchedness AF 3.-.7 joy La. now elate.. And,7LL:71ieIou.-canyonof:the- street The :-,1:zet-, Cf this swift mOment ,soon will pass From consciousness. - PAUL GRANO 2. 2nd C1=RRA TRIP EAS=L By Frank Leyden. “Kosciusko Express, Platform 8. There's Colin, Hal” “Where's thc chart;? These two back carriages are full. The rest haven't 'f?,11 :. ,Launtod in,” “Come up tho flout,” “There's Johno and the Scotlands,” “Humphi” “Here she comeE:, Get ready”, “We're in. Good seats, Fancy coming an hour early.” “All out These carriages not going. Engine couldn't pull all these carriages” “Is everybody else getting cut? Come a couple of carriages back.” “He wont let us in 07)er the windows, Len, Put the packs on window sills ready to go in or out,” “No, she's going out ec:ain, Here's a couple of scouts going to Kosci. Come with us and welli all rush it together.” “Look! There's the sleepers on the other line. They've got to be put down the back. '7,:Jat's. wnat it is “There's George and Ken And Rolla in the sleeper. Doreen too.” “They'll all be telling, as usual, how they were asleep before the train got to Strathfield, son,” “Here she comes, the sleepers, too, Here's our window.” “Hal Hal We're in. Empty carriage.” “Colin came in with a swallow drive,” “I saw Johno with his face on the floor and his feet in the lugage rack.” Thought my boots got someone. I heard a klunk-klunk.” “No mine. A bunch of flowers, I think.” “I can't stid it I tell you I can't stand it' “Shut up Scotland. The window's going to stay shut,” “Good on you, Johno. Keep it down,” “Here's Goulburn, Look out for Cosgrove.” “He got the early train. Reckoned this would be half empty when it got here,” “Didn't know it was first stop Goulburn. Aha! Ahal” “There he goes! Out the window and get hiT, Jos.” “What! You haven't even got a seat for me. I had a seat down the back. Why was I persuaded to come up here.” “But you've got our company, Bill.” “Joe will give you his seat and get out in the passage.”


“Williamsdale at last. What a louse of a night.” “There are the sleepers getting out.” “Theres Alex on the rlatfo-om,” And with rfIGtan wt)nt civilisation. Surrounding us were those big r(-11-_,.n.,; -,nd 0711; -Ten spaces, much wider than the railway carrtbE-7, whio”.-1 ,/(1 eLlbedded all nigilt, Beyond the sheep country rose E. r:.nt c CiCOCc, Gu3enby K,?.11-y and the Brindabella - our goa,.. So across the paddocks and down to the Murrumbidgee for breakfast. The river is somewhat like the Cox above Black Jerry's - good water, good 3. flow, but a bit silted and with bare slopes. “'Dftving ,off in five minutes, Rolls. Come on Grge.”“Te won't be druv.” Crossing the low ridges to the Naas Valley we approached the 4500 ft. Tennent. This mountain is well isolated and thickly timbered, but has a rock outcrop on the summit, ,Would be interesting to climb. So would theosawtoothed peaks of the 5000ft Tinderry range/ the other side of Michelato, which we eoulet see so well in the clear morning air. Wa walked along an old road, We went through gates. We walked along a good road, We put on sticking plaster. Then we walked along an old road. Murmurinc;c and mutterings. Tennent went through all silhouettes and grew small in the distance only as our blisters grew large in the foreground. “Here is water for lunch.” “No, dirty. Keep going before the others catch up or they'll want to stop here.” “To think Michelago is just across the Mt.Clear Range there” “But that :climb would have been the death of us.” “Here's water. Look i there's a calf jammed between two rocks.” “Can't move it. Try after lunch when we're not so tired.” “Len and Joe will give it somewater. Bill ad I will go back to the farm. Ready to 'move off?” “What's up with you now, Joe? He had three raisins more than me for lunch. Now the rubber had slipped off his hip strap. I can't do anythin:; with him. See what you can do with him, Frank.” . “Hurry up. Gudgenby creek is a long _one. We'll never catch 'em up.” “Which track”? “To the right up the xidiKel of course, Len's not far behind.” “Where are you, Joe? Where are. you, Joe?” Me,climbed and climbed that steep ridge. We shouted to Len who shouted to Joe. We shouted to the others but our echoes died into silence as the 5/200- ft Booth grew an our left and the valley sank into an abyss in the shadow of dusk and the coming storm. A tree- -clothed ridge, straight as a ruler, ran from the Nas Valley over 3,000 ft. below/ ri ht to the summit of Booth. Far away _in the depths, deep in the abyss, growiqg fainter and fainter into the all pervading silence, like the wail of the banshee or the cry of -a departed - “Where aaare you, Joe? Whore aaare you Joe-000?” a IP OOOOOO 0 a 4: ftWhich wayld those ahead go, Bill?“ “We'll go flat out to catch the otters and tell 'em we've lost the Scotlands. Look, there's 'George.” “Hey, George i Something's happened.” George watts a little while/ out of respect, then plods silently on. We soon realized that, after that ridge, George was in no mood for anything happening. From the top we looked down into the wide expanse of the Gudgenby river valley. Far below us in the distance were the little black specks of those ahead. No shouts could penetrate the distance. No blisters could catch the fleet of foot. Threefold we were split. No shaft of hope in the gloom. Alas fr the lost ones/ When we reached the valley and the road, there was bother. Which way had they gone, up or down? Everything was in the wrong place. Map was wrong and George in a “go no further', camp right here” mood. So we rested George and went back to the farm where we learned our fate. This was Glendale and we had to walk “4-6” miles to Gudgenby that night to make up lost schedule through climbingthe wrOng ridge, Woe to him that leads up a wrong rUge. Perspiring with cur shirts off in a freezing drizzle- and ikith blister scorched t. wci ;:ctinc'.6,5. it ct I1P,that steep interminable read in a semi- Comatose conditicp, Lt the t6p'l then &min the other side with torches in the blaCis5.1.t,s-e,W%–3' had ;1.n6Ft abandoned hoDt,:. of finding those ahead and intended camping at'tLE.,catcs:r, LO; 1=c: cecretly -believed that Roley would havc rL ar d iouLd c:7Lt7Jh thezr_ At Rendezvous- Creek they were camped l Johm,;,2c ey ai dK,3r, ntar the roa A:d the other people further away for a littlo qui*H-.nt,5s, Tie cc o.tvyl the. rcads; everything was abused and the Scotlands whrever wor c74 were better off than us; especially seeing that they had boon given a map that morning. Beware of being given a map in like cirvumstances; - Gudgenby is a rolliHg grassy plain 3,000 ft high and surrounded by forested mountains topped with granite boulders above the tree line. Weeping willows and a clump of tall poplars, green meadows and a fine flowing stream were welcoming sights,. Welrampoi cver the tussock grass and through the fine forested slorm of “I think wei,ae c.:r14:,.T.nat must be Mount Kelly on our right. Nothing as high afi that an7,-hcre else.” “But the direotion ic w:ong, Look at the map.” “The map's ' Stop here fc.) 2.1.u a while we're sure of water.” “This climb ha e been worse than AannellS Spur.” “I donl t like iho look of things.” . After lunch we climbed again with more energy,till suddenly a little plain-came into view. Snow daisies and orchids, alpine plants of iarions., types were scattered in profusion in the snow grass of the natural clearing. Below to the right was the Cotter country and surrounding us high mountain peaks. Everyone was not happy with the spell of these beautiful surroundings and the uncertainty of the morning banished. A high peak to thi south was ,decided to be Mount telly and a section of the party proceeded to the attack. The remainder of the party headed-for Cr Cotter Homestead.:. Mount Kelly is one of the most satisfYing peaks I have climbed.-Itis - isolated and possesres an” uninterrupted view in all directions containing ioreground,,middTe cli-sta:ce and background, Photographs from there with good telephoto -a7.paratoz Tould be startling. In the-east is the golden coloured siaeep oollA7.:v) Gudgenby taain 3s000 ft below and Booth just behind i then T,Ils fa ltz,ptic sake of the Tinderry Range, like mountains in a fairy St6ry. AVid naarby are the and ridges of the Boboyan, Gudgenby,: and Scabby Range Tp_the south, Kosciusko's main range is conspicuous by the steep north west face of.Jagungal. From Half-Moon Peak and Bimberi, the Brindabella Range stretaheS* across the western horizon and deep below the thick forested slopes is the valley of the Cotter. Far to the west through the Murray gap is seen thT steep pointed peaks of the Fiery Range. Nameless peaks ir the foreground, endless ridges in the distance, all covered with a faint blue haze, but, shPrp and clear in outline and detail. This would be a great .p.15c e. 1;0 'be in winter, with the mountains' draped in a mantle of snow. An fines long steep ski runs,- tool are awaiting someone's skis. The PKi..11:7 eve.:4ually overtook “the rabbits” camped below the Cotter d, The raptures of Mou4t Kelly were received,with disbelief, criticism, c;,yaicism, sarcasm, ennui and eventually indifference; which only shows how -successful the raptures were. Next morning we beat it out down the Cotter with many desulory excursions up sundry ridges lookin for imaginery trchlsrand much flapping of groundsheets amid the pouring rain in the prickly undergrowth.- Lunch was in the rain at a place we decided to name Kangaroo Creek, so that, at least, some resemblance would exist betwe n the country and the map. “The rabbits are checking out “We'll follow up the creek if therel8 a track.- If not, we'll try the ridge. They'll have to get on the ridge.” “The creek looks evil”, “The ridge is going up and up:. We ought to turn back.” “Too late, We'll never catch them.”- “Ahl thats the finiidh,,We're separatec4. We'll never see them again now. an only keep going.” “Here's a bottle, Wonder if the track goes over the saddle.” “Not a sign of it.” “Gosh, that creek looks like the Upper Kowmung. Won't they be hostile.” “Coo-eel C9o-eel” “Listen! A reply. Can hear their voices, Must be coming up.” “Over there. Let's keep on following the ridge.” The voices died in the silence of the depths, A view magnificent opened up through the mists behind us. Tongues of white vapour rose from the valley of the Cotter and graced the misty diadem of the Brindabella range. Through the rifts in the mist gleamed the deep blue of the mountains Rna the bright shafts of the sunbeams emblazoned the ever changing scene. Huge grinite boulders, round as eggs, big as houses, jumbled together and bilanced on each other, toi-ped the ridge above US. Mount McKeahnie, 419O0ft. Ano4-1,er peak falls to the conquerors! “Its too dark now. I'll give Doreen the torch.” “I don't mind being behind. I can hear you crashing through in front.” “Its freezing, My hands are numb. We've been wet throl,sh all the afternoon.” mWish we knew where we really were. The others won't stand a ch nce down there. They'll be well and truly lost now.” “You better take Role's seat in the train, Frank.” “The food party is split and everything. All vegetables with me, and all the meat with Colin,” “Lookl the lights of Canberra throuh the glIa.” “That'll be our gar). Aha!” Then we left the ridge and plunged through the dripping jungle of a gully in search of water in the dark. Huge granite boulders formed Our campsite - a typical Colley campsite, but none the less a home from home with that blazing fire to quell the icy wind and rain. -7 - Next morning we found the Kangaroo Creek track in the gap and on it the footprints of our separated ones. After walking hard for seven miles down Gibraltar Creek (and the dog-proof fence) to Paddy's River, we discoverPa ';hem a mile ahead on the Tidbinbilla Road, No amount of shouting and waving could get them off the-safety of the road and we lost them again as we cll:abad the ridge. Hours after, 'while having lunch on the Murrumbidgee River, Goorg,.? turned up alone. Later we met the others in the paddocks after their qut,:r hour lunch. The car for Canberra was met at the appointed place. Ch. the station we met the Scotlands. They went to the Cotter via Crear37 Flats and returned through the Cotter Gap to Orroral, then to Naas and back to Canberra, E 304L,Afct.-1, ToE, rf,r,7:(I\)9,(.fe,E,4,fy!) /3EPI13 \ r1/41 r “TMEY 13E o q4Zy Iona e 0 rice”, cif '— e ury'LLftEvEci' A et, F u S “if- ) 7721 bc:,/1\ E__ Or/ R LL MAKE 7HE. (CoT1R -a; IV 6,7/47. P - \ + 0r,, r LfiAvF Jiic 1 To Yr. tAZ trvintocT 1”–1 ,11 ,S It , You ? \ , -Th .-\–, '- k i 106-LIC1) —-:- 1::“– \II \-1471 -ns544':' . _ {' ijiT) N /3 Li t3 p E S THE SOURCE OF THE THREDBO THE BIG BOGGY) EDNA GARRAD. There is something very fascinating about tracing a river to its source, and thc:re is eat:'_sfaction in reaching country that you have seen ficm anfl c;oyitu3.ed about. Last as wo he,.tt7el. against a violent and bitter gale on the Ramshearl we nzingHd pans,: awhile and gaze away to the east to a ]oveL.y tr%t can tr a viva green strip from the denths below(where we kno':i th Lhrc1 i'lcrid) to the horizon, All the year that valley was at t,F, ba. c;:t ovr Tinc3t1, and whan wa planned to go to Kosciusko again this Sumor 1J. 77;,F7 hod- to include this portion of the district, which we had learned he Jr,antime was known as The Big Boggy”, and was the source of the Th::ed:Dc.) From the hilt at Dead Horse Gap we set out one sparkling March morning. The f,:Thlt end ice c rec13. 0. beneath our feet, and the lovely irregular shaped tarns that were dotted along the river valley were coated with ice until about 10,30 arn. The Thredbo here was just a small creek, but as gay and lively as the river lower down, where the fishermen catch their trout in the pC)cls below the rapids and falls. This ,Ialley is very colourful and i-emiiscent of Barrington Tops. There was5rery ji,ainable shade of green 9,4d trown, and it seemed to us like the moors. AF in Scotland that one reads about. No doubt after rain this valley woulj be very “bogy, and it is easily understood how the name orirTinrIt but when we were there it was end of Summer and the cattle pads made p]. asant walking. The low, tree clad hills on either side had obviously made -,se c oln_parison with the brilliant green of the swamp that had impressed us frnm the Range We wandered up and up, thoroughly enjoying the morning, and after Gevdral false alarms came to the gan which separates the Thredbo from the Little Thredbo. This was a glorious sloot. It was a perfect day, with blue sky overhead and a good breeze, We sat in the midst of a carpet of snow daisies and around us grazed a number of cattle that completed the rural scene, And over the gap we gazed away to the Moonbah countrylequally deliqhtful as that which we had been travelling all morning. After a long time we turned and commenced our return journey of about six miles to the Hut. We were nearing home, when on rounding a bend in the track, we were faced with one of the most glorious vita e imaginable. The whole of the Ramshead Range lay b(:fore ie. fleaked with large 6Hfts of snow and surmounted by a blue sky acrose' who7 racej The wild rocky peaks of therange stood out bleakly, and at the s-r):r-At was Kosciusko, for once looking impressive, its snow anped dome yrg,atheca from time to time in cloud, It was a breath taking climax to a very delightful day. 8. SO MUCH CHATTER Most of us in the Club, (the cynical ones, anyhow) have watched with varying emotions, the distressing spectacle of a professed “woman proof” ba,cheloT in the throes of changing his opinions. And those of us who have been forced to listen on so many occasions, to the ranting and raving of this particular bachelor on the advantages of being single, must be forgiven if they now get a tremendous satisfaction from the fact that he has now fallen flat on his face. That is such an agreeable change from his previous attitude of leaning ton far backwards, that it is all the more enjoyable. We are telling you that Tim Coffey is engaged to Gloria Harkness. To Gloria goes our sincere admiration and to both, our wishes for every happiness. We haven't seen Len and Dorothy Webb in the Club lately, but probably their time is taken ulo with their brand new son. No doubt Dorothy will bring him in soon to join the Junior parade. Latest news from Beryl (English) is that she is with her husband in the far North droving. They are making quite a holiday of the trip although the life is not an idle one, Beryl's husband is out of the army as you may have gathered by the above. One large (and notoriously argumentative) party has left for the Alpine Hut, where we understand there is nlenty of snow, while yet another smaller (and more reasonable) party is gettir; ready to holiday at Mt. Franklin, where there is no sign of snow yet. The latter party being ready for all emergencies have %-;lanned a walking trip as an alternative should the snow refuse to co-operate. It is a long time since we have seen Joe Turner but we did see him last Friday in the Club, looking very fit. We are wondering if the Treasurer will have his report ready for the next deneral Meeting and if not, why not? And why Johnny Wood makes his report so long. News has just been received that Dick Jackson is the father of a Son, Unfortunately Dick is in Darwin and has not seen the baby. . i '.,' ' ' ' ;_ '-:._ _. ,,,,,,:…. :-,. ,- _ ,, , ,,, - r .., , , ; -i, '4 –c r , r'. '2,. n ' .: , ….4.1.i.:: +,6. d : _I j'..e t 6. GE5i).;lkil-yi q. Mf4ss,. B;',.1… '.s et.,–, e r, to ,-.4-,he .. ..– …7,.-7,–,-, -,-:, .. ..; + ,..;,..-3. , , ..”…, . 7,'., ,-' -,' -,i, :,,;..,- ',' ti._.1.“ -, ,,..' 5-,,,-.4-,,,.., -, c , to 1” ' L ' “ ' 8'7177 - -EL-71-”; s a c'1.-s-L=,'..1 a Np ,,J.ak.,e..Fti-cln.,.ryi 4, '..1 ,1-.):.?.,,i,….,…._.-.1. ,., n q. ,. ,. ,,.. ., ,…14_,., ,.,t 1, .,.i. , . , .–,…,- - r I, f , I r , , . r ' : rr , './. r r ..,. r r_ ,, . . r , r .. - , ; … : 4 .. . . . , _ _ .. . 9:…A hi-, ,DF“ro a-.”2: T-t' #g114-3' t t'.3 '474', cl' 't-le -imlt“-ae X_ ,.:..; -fit, 3_-!:t – 3fzr t,i.'.1 t A6 -1.,,,,,Fii-,-il T- '”' ' 17c' i ' ' ' .,.. ..L.,..= , 0. 0. .1.-1,i,…,:-….-z,- - n I, - 1- , _.. T -0.3 - – n ,3.:.. , ' LT 3- pr tt ./a- c -,,,,.v en .7: .' 0 1,-.1 : RS F;,-,,:.;,,,i t.,,,,,,t.,, LI; 4-, -7, ,..'!: 7't ,,,,r , ,.;;, !:. 4-,..-:,' :-..,,,.i.,-,f.',.: '…`1' s i'1.7-, – - –.'-'5,:i ,.'-' “-r,'!',t … 1, , L.._.1,, c) Q ,.,F (1.1:.;.,,. .L ' t 1:),.. ,,…:” i 7.. ,,,r 0 7-_cf.-; 71. a,..-.qe,,pf. ,..7,:1,11D-3-.. cri ,….-..,.,..:…2t J-..L.s t f or .. , r (-1 li'o ';.'-Li i-.., h. oo - '1.'c'-.:-.4.-. ' '-'`11-. 71-'. 42'1 ' ' -1 . …rz ,… ,., r., e c.4.,.-.)r o. :,_ on - w c, r..-.) ,.. o tlae CoG . ,. FE D.Sc. T . R-2; P cirz:2 .1fieeting ori_Mh at 6.30- Kos ci ris,ko,,, ta. The-1;4,s triustee s apppinted to.- manage this new park p .3 She'd t theitiT-gt c.57f' …. _ . FE' ,if.:,ip-1;L' C.3 zit 6.. ub t 3J ci!T7..- 47F' ' - Qf ter cLn6e rs. el-, _ - - . r r W; -L4:1.211 ,E7W 5 Z1, tftitr. . , Pc' r :AL P17.1; :7; r- #.1 ):$ & rt-ri e rr.? - tr e the SbT) trimbei. n . –. . 4;1.; ,tC1crireo r)o 1 -9;e, t c, 1:- 1 o f u w he, ' rwi 6 h. ci !.:71.1-…2,../`,7. Q-.h: c3- P. 1 ..;P&'1–e7i4r he'r t-Pe f _ t - . /1 7 ei buti -r -e, a-”, e r parv 4;– I:- 7L w c,;a 5,,,v;i11; D J. 10 4. of,all 1 1.7 o f r. 4 -, 4 . t , s c F:e r-at w6tiad e rate , the , C12.1) .?voiAld c 71_ –t he . ci519Ieto otir Club-T1J0, In a. oj. 11,6,W: the -F;te r are r a.,tioncs a acc3uats and 4 iy..)i1 7'01( Xt In 9 0 t a rfdonat-i'On -tiiwaids rreuntid 'the' 'Ern_ ,Land s D IRTY ITLP I regret to re-oor't that. certain members, of thi..6 Club have :s lip on. thems'eleS 'and :1i:he S,B.W ,Ijuring the di 1,3 c uE.F1 ioi O the .of the Youth Hostels' A.49 o an.; ,Pj1C 0 the C I(..-34-3a beteyrressed 'whtIer the.- merabc r of L..As , 121 0 ,..1:113 .1.,,.3-,`rfICT:ak-1 tit d ea. IS –ab ciu,t Fe ,=312)1111'77,tec]trl'Oef' rnbie ra% Clul; ) oii,1,3 :it a (~1.- r-) 1 03 irtrol;i-,11 interest everyoxie 'fa'. know thRt t1-.:e last vieck—ezla wh?.11 ho, 3 alit at 137;Dtr,-i) he 'saw: the 'dirtiest ca ntoPite he d e n. and 'an S B ' C 3,1“11.13 e' ias the :CaS t L L ; it 1-)e :1;0 -r e 0' he We nt across to the oarn.:0.=, e left 0 7 -:”) ? ,14 it was. filthy_ a' litter o-F,' e AS STTLT 81\5_0C1IDE5.-DTCi'ustC 71L'.–; to,ard t(-.)ok T12, 'has checo es but. d 7.-1.-.1rtr -1101)0 that 0 e S -11:y 1:11E.:. Club we-r-e cf r…e i 11,-; nl rf S La '7;- ,.rP3'aert o 11-9 t t1 CL1s NC -f- 'D f “t-ne ,<Er1V I and, he. c.:111! a not 1,,.c r.Ow the new rs. 2.y zhev e… no (ft:kr f i e..u71…ty in finding out, v,11-3,i),1-1 [-i o-cf”T'',31 ;C rjl D.:21:,P in June ,a nd s'v Bill 1 atsor there. They- a:ee o. l: 1 ac CtC and. to 1 ,appen to the; Club IL af ter nearly seventeen years pf wo2k. ari ateles pr opaganda. .7,-,rds fail me* LETTERS FROM THE LADS 'eND LASSES Letters were received during ,June from the following members of the walking fraternity:- Jack Adams Dick Jackson Alan Clarke Frank Freeguard Geoff Parker Bob Banks BennLe Bryant Doris Allden, Jack Adana'. 12eh lq-177. from London Mighty pleased to have your descriptige eLrgYaele oi %51;h Lnril (Anzac Day). Shall make 'Foneymoon Bay“ one of me -Ir=t, Lt isn't a tough one, for I'm sadly unfit for hikes like the: Pr)-7 1-711h1crs Barrington Trip., The crew Ethey are always heera) Inc, I ;,r), await that tin of sweets, hope its a big tin, Gre3dy! Were tr) uRatn on our 5th sortie. As I've 18 now including 6 in 10 cleTe the crew have been giving a hand in “softening up” preor ec. a eee,f, Front. As 81,000 tons were dropped at rate of 2 tons per triyri .- for '!0 days in April, you can imagine the RAF and USAAF have a 7,0-; head cr them. Parcels from home, mail too are coming along fine inc7a,diep; yeal bits and -eieces”, Heard of Nev Bruce's sad death - a grat 1r,d and walker too. Well good hiking now that autumn is here snd write eaaa'en soon, 27'ae23rd May from New Guinea. Its ages since I last h,d the chance of tracks back home, I'm still interested in the monthly magazine anrJ %ne (13iLRS of you folk who are keeping the pennant flattering, flm seirJew Guinea again for thelsecond time and sincerely hope the task fjej ened when we are due to head south once more, There's plenty of ]ereabouts whether one likes it or not, practice had by those in peace times ilas stood' onein good stead for the adventures unlimited tc 1 had in these places, No doubt there are a sprinkling of the various club members scattered around the north, all storing up the many tales to be told around future reunion camp fires. I for one look forward to such times and judging by the speed the “Honorable Gent” is fleeing north, that day isn't so far away now, As I have read of the letters by others who have trodden this Isle, you shauld know plenty about this spot. At least the temperature hardly changes and for lovers of sol the climate is ideal. Vee2tecians wouldn't go hungry by any means, fruit in particular, of all treleal varieties can be had in abundance at a mere cost of trade value, to'ea.-:ee, matches or razor blades and even coloured paper will satisfy the i:loabitants. Canoe tripe occur now and again when the occasion arises but J.iAe we know it back home. Its all smooth water either salt or free L,_1,1 the foaming rapids and grassy banks are missing. Such places ea C;ox or upper Kowmung or even delightful Bluegum Forest and the \Njrc] G-L'oe will always remain pleasant memories of bygone days, ,7a-e;ee;a-ed 26-5-44 from Cloncur_sz. Regrets at not having reelied to year aeae ':alder, Fact is the letter went on a tour - some so-and-so at &tee, -',:.,)coL where I am located or had been sending so many letters to the aaarzss that this one went the same way, The photos were very nicer theee ale? a few I shall have to Ire introduced to when I come down, Certainly the .E.IN, have changed - very sedate almost reminds one of a Religious Con- veneoll Suppose you will say I have been mixing with too many Yanks, Frank Cramp looks as if he will break out any minutelhowever. Apparently the photo ,JuL,Jr wunl; on a tour - some so-nnd_so 11. 11. tal,,:en before the show had got into top gear or had been going too long in top geaT, By the way what is biting The Bean? Left his article in the Bushwa'!Lcr till in the mood for some foolery and was surprised to find how outspoen iJOY1GOS he was, If the report is correct it would be a good idea to put a ciuk in occasionally to either slow up a walk or force the lead?r to abE.ndl:f4 same and make a picnic out of an emergency. After all what is the loss of on-,1)jective when there is a whole programme of objectives in a year? The ritie..17 m'Lght have been serious for the Club, Anyway if The Bean's report is 0:-;'crool: hei:ie is one who is with him all the way. The article “Over the Gap” we The remarks about the necks being valuable to country made ms T)J7i n1=_. that some of the necks being risked were also valuable to the country se.F.oeciy if loft unbroken. However it was a very entertaining ,.rticle, We are 11,1..rLn perfect North Queensland winter weather and although in the tropics find the cold. Have been out recently on a trip which tok us some hundreds of through scrub country-mostly plains. Tracks, fences, gates, stations (many miles apart), catle, trees amilcihrt about sums it up. Found ourselves on river bank where we had our first view of a Croc. Neidles- to say, we fer more Croce and were able to see a aumbr of the fresh water variety aLo; four feet long. A fresh water Croc, according to the Manager of the Scu 13 a harmless fellow ever to go in swimming with, We were infozriled that two lived, in the 'water hole in the creek from which he obtained his water supply - length six or seven feet. &L'a..7a-Z“-@e4i a..:!1@a5k.)@.:TXL;S.@@@Qc3@@@(3@(gc.'. - @ f-AcDt, es ceCc4)@_. (kk.@MD e . YOUR OPTOMETRIST F. GOODMAN, M.I.O. @ Optometrist and Optician @ 20 Hunter Street, Sydney. @ Tel: 33438 @ D @ Modern methods of Eye examination and Eye training @ @ Careful Spectacle fitting @ _ _ @ co @ Fixing an appointment will facilitate the reser- ._ , @ vation of time for giving you proper attention, @ but should you be unable to ring us beforehand, @ @ your visit will be welcome at any time you may @ @ et: va to call. C.,) @ @ — – 12, 4. BACKYARD We were talking about our bush-plant raising exerimntr and had got to the stage of building a “frame”. The experiment a great success. Most of the seeds that hld hitherto appeared so difficult to raise just came 1.1-) as easily as cabbages. Pink tea tree rd bottle brush, golden glory pea, waratahs, middle harbour pine, banksia (3 kinds) sturts desert pea and scycl-al others have germinated well and are developing into sturo4 little seedlings. Meanwhile life goes on amongst the wildlings that have to fend 'for themselves. The boronia (b, ledifolia) is now in full bloom, each tiny shrub appearing to consist solely of flowers. The Dillwynnias are crowded with buds and a few hardy pioneers are giving promise of the glory to come. The eriostemons too are just awaiting a few sunny days to relieve their dark green foliage with masses of star-like flowers. The red spider flower is making a brave show and black eyed susan shyly hangs her pretty head. A stranger who has made itself at home and indeed brings its own welcome is the Cootamundra wattle. It is a blaze of colour. The Sydney wattle is preparing to take up the torch to brighten soOre winter days. The proverbially busy bees are working on the wattle as though possessed. With pollen baskets full they speed from flower to flower with frantic haste, to fill the larder with honey against hard times to Come. Returning to mundane things, Paddy has a suply of cape groundsheets standard pattern 61 x 41 at 12/- (no coupons). He hoes shortly to be able to take orders for green extra li s.htweiht tents. (Phone B3101. PADDY PALLIN Camp Gear 327 George Street, for SYDNEY . Walkers.

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