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A monthly bulletin of matters of interest_ to the Sydney Bush Walkers, C/- Ingersoll Hall, 256 Crown St., Sydney.

JUNE, 1951
Price 6d.

Editor:Bill Gillam, Berowra, Creek Road, Berowra
Reporters: Jim Brown, Kath McKay.
Sales and Subs:Shirley Evans.
Production and Business Manager:Brian Harvey (JW1462).
Typed by:Jean Harvey.


Editorial - “How To Spend Money” 1
At the May General Meeting 2
Social Notes for June 5
Bennie's - Upper Rose River, by Ed. Garrad 6
A National Parks Authority, by Allen A. Strom 7
Federation Notes, by Brian G. Harvey 9
Paddy's Progress (Advertisement) 10


“How To Spend Money”

The approach to financial matters is a wondrous, changeable thing, which would make an interesting research for a psychologist. Members will become eloquent for hours, if allowed, on how much prospectives should pay, whether married couples should be charged as one, one and a half, or the same as ordinary unattached members. Two and sixpence, or even a few pence on Club badges,will bring the least vocal member to his feet. The negotiations for the charter of a launch to convey re-unionists must be explained as lucidly as a Keynes Report on dollar trade. There must be something underhand when the Secretary is exhorting members to ride rather than walk.

Then mention “two or three thousand” or “four thousand at least”, “raise debentures”, “appeal and unite the Club”, and members will be tumbling over each other for your ear. Would the Club be prepared to pay one hundred pounds, quickly and with only a little wrangling, on a new duplicator? A ski hut is a “vision splendid” no doubt, but a duplicator can only churn out endless magazines for which you are expected to pay without question. That the Club did buy one without turning the proposal inside out, emasculating it, amending it, damning it, or even praising it, will be a continual source of amazement. If a Business Manager has any qualms of asking for a new machine in twenty years' time let him have no fear. All he need do is to get members thinking in terms of thousands, and they will spend a mere three figures, and rush on to “Pollution of the Hacking” or some such, impatient of the delay.

Something in the way of a funeral oration must be said over the departed machine. An eulogy would be misplaced, for in its declining years the “old machine” was an irascible invalid. It groaned and complained its way through a night's work, then when it was put to bed, with the door locked, the staff would tiptoe away as fearful as any nurse that the patient may wake before its proper hour. At times it would seem to mend, then thrash cheerfully through its ordained several thousand revolutions. It tenders, or tenderers, would then go off to their supper quite happily, even offer to pay for the coffee and tram fares. Then, inevitably, would relapse, chew the stencils, spit ink, scratch the maps, cough out “blanks”, offset for twenty pages, sometimes just stop. Supper those nights was a dismal affair. We walked, thought “let the other - pay”, and woke with a headache in the morning.

Staff, seeking easier and more pleasant jobs, would not stay. Girls were rather embarrassed by the names the machine was called, and generally kept out of earshot or talked to the cat. Everyone else felt inexperienced and just out of school when the lineage and present state of the machine was described.

Happily most of our tribulations are over. We have summoned up the courage to ask, and having received, are extremely grateful to those who voted for the expenditure. I might add that anyone volunteering on publishing nights will have their tram fares paid and will be taken to coffee, in gratitude.


Scarcely had the President called the 60 or more members to order for the May General Meeting, when it was announced that ash trays were now available and the Club’s smokers were invited to acquire their personal butt-bin: he read a notice from the administration of Ingersoll Hall requesting that the floor be spared in future.

We read the minutes and confirmed them, and a few matters cropped up. Brian Harvey queried whether the “prizes” for the winners of the Photographic Exhibition would be reproduced in the Magazine as before. Roley Cotter, organising the Exhibition, declined to advance an opinion, and it fell to Dormie to move in that direction. Gil Webb contested that opinion, not because of expense, but because he felt the prints suffered in course of printing. Dorothy Lawry remarked that members who could not attend frequently appreciated the publication of the best photographs, and Brian Harvey explained that if the exhibitors would produce a glossy print, the standard of the reproduction would be improved. The motion was carried.

Owing to matters domestic Don Frost was giving up his post as Convenor of the Alpine Hut Sub-Committee, so we sought a new convenor and a new member, only to find stilly, stolid un-cooperativeness. Eventually Bill Cosgrove was elected Convenor, despite cries of “He's against the hut!” but we couldn't acquire a fifth investigating committee-man knowhow. So we went on to the Correspondence.

Three letters drew comment: of one - the correspondence with Dr. Gardiner of Helensburgh on the score of the allegedly dangerous sanitary depot there - Dormie counselled us not to provoke the matter too much, or we may find a sewer constructed with its outlet at North Era. Dormie was also to the forefront in connection with the control of firearms suggested by the Wild Life Preservation Society. He referred to the Club's activity in conjunction with Federation on this same subject about five years ago, adding that an acquaintance recently arrived from England was shocked at the lax control of firearms in this country. In England only a member of a recognised rifle club may possess such a weapon. We agreed to support the Wild Life Preservation Society in their policy.

On the suggestion from Kevin Ardill we heard briefly how David Ingram had sought to represent us on a conjoint walk offered by another Club. Unfortunately they had reversed their walk and travelled by another train, and David, who had notified his intention of attending, was left forlornly on Glenbrook Station. He subsequently joined his parent Club's Instructional Walk. Hence the apology in our correspondence.

Social and Treasurer's Report was received in comparatively non-committal fashion, but the Federation Notes, with its reference to the Blaxland/Ardill combination brought applause. No doubt the Club thought it only befitting that one of our members should be first across the Blue Mountains (by road).

General Business gave us Kath Brown's motion that a sub-committee consider producing a Club Song Book; a sub-committee was desirable to consider how to operate the finances, to look into the question of copyright, and to decide the contents of the book. The success of the Re-union Camp Fire showed how people would respond if they had the words. Dormie seemed a little doubtful of the worth of a song book, but Ron Parkes argued that S.B.W. often proved to be “song less bright birds” around conjoint campfires, and Brian Harvey recalled happy evenings of song in the Club Room in other places and other days. We assented to the general notion, and appointed Kath Brown as convenor, with Mrs. Stoddart, Ron Parkes, Ken Meadows, Bob Chapman and Frank Young as members, with the customary power to co-opt. Kath then appealed for suggestions for songs, and added that the words of “doubtful” songs should be supplied if possible. The word “doubtful” struck a chord in Bob Chapman’s mind, and he asked “Will we have censors?” The President assured him that the Committee would look into the affair.

Brian Harvey advanced the next item: our duplicator, he told us, had given up the ghost: it was second-, or third-, hand when we acquired it about four years ago, and although it could be repaired to some extent, he considered we should buy a new machine. Now: these cost between £90 and£120. Here a pause, to let that sink in, and the meeting drew breath audibly. However, compared with the cost of having our duplicating done outside, it would be far more economical, and anew machine would be sound for perhaps 20 years.

Dormie asked where would we get £100, and the Treasurer explained that we had a reserve fund for purchase of equipment, amounting to about £110, at present in bonds. There was no further debate, the meeting being completed dazed, and the motion to allocate up to £100 to the purchase was given assent. “Has anyone a drop of brandy for Mr. Harvey?”cried Kevin Ardill.

Taking advantage of our stunned condition, Gil Webb, stepping down from his Treasurership, reported on a working bee attended by a number of S.B.W. the previous Sunday: some good work had been done inclearing out a section of Paddy Pallin’s new workshop premises in Harris Street. There was to be a second working bee on Sunday 13th May.

We finished on a conservational note, with Bill Cosgrove’s report of a party of Sea Scouts bound for Waterfall, one bearing a huge axe.He had been unable to find out the cause - whether it was for building rafts, chopping down trees, or simply exercise. Bob Chapman said yes, Scouts did carry axes, but they were instructed not to use them to chop trees down. Frank Young had doubts - look at the Macquarie Fields Re-union area, which had been a Scout camp, he said - saplings cut for tent poles, little bush tables made from cut wood, and so forth. Ron Parkes contributed a comment that Scouts seemed to make a hobby of cutting down trees in Lindfield Park. Dorothy Lawry observed that at Waterfall there were reserves on both sides of the railway line, and cutting timber there would certainly be an offence. She moved that our Federation delegates enquire and ascertain if the Rover Ramblers could enlighten us. (Carried.)

In this placid mood we ceased our deliberations at 9 p.m.


As railway time tables are continuously chopping and changing it is difficult to lay down a reliable train schedule for our programme. Leaders are well advised to check train times about two weeks before the walks take place.

Jim Hooper,
Walks Secretary.


This half year of social activities closes with two gala events:

On 22nd June, the Fancy Dress Dance. We are asking you particularly to come disguised and we are hoping for a better response than we had at the Mad Hatter's Dance. We would like you to bring your own supper, but will provide you with a cup of coffee. Soft drinks will also be available. Make it a grand night! It’s up to you!

On 29th June, the Photographic Exhibition. This year's will be better than ever before. See Peg and Roley for any information concerning same.

Ed. Stretton
Social secretary.


At the Federation Re-union on 19th and 20th May, the eldest unmarried son of Paul Barnes drew his father's presidential attention to Malcolm MacGregor who lit a small fire during pouring rain in front of his tent. When brightly burning, it was removed, by shovel, to the main fire place.

Jack Wren, in the same downpour, kindled a fire in his tent and then removed the tent!


Flouting Freud, the Club appears to be of the opinion that SEX has no place in walking. Thus, bowing to opinion, all, barring the burnt cut, inexperienced or decrepit, are welcome to wander down Green Wattle Creek with me on 22nd, 23rd, 24th June.

I hope it is “wander” but just to be sure bring your long pants or (sexless) slacks and your seven league boots because we have to be at Bimlow early to get the bus back. Bus and car fares will be about £1.

Let me know a week before, will you?

Leader, Ken Meadows
Phone No. B0259 - Ext.522 (Business), FJ3741 (Home).


When Harry Ellis was organising our recent Victorian trip he had the usual delays and unsatisfactory replies to letters written in connection with transport and other trip arrangements. A happy exception was the friendly letters written by Mrs. Rose Bennie and the tenor of same made us look forward to meeting her. We were not disappointed. The weekend spent with Mr. and Mrs. Bennie at “Rivermount” is one of the most pleasant recollections of the trip.

The farm is situated in a delightful valley, surrounded by hills and with distant glimpses of mountains. It was explained to us that the home itself was, originally intended to be a fodder shed - very high galvanised walls, etc. - but during the dreadful fires of 1939 it was the ironwalls that saved the Bennies and their possessions. Mrs. Bennie has never wanted any other type of home.

For many years Victorian walkers and trout fishermen have had firm friends in Alan and Rose Bennie. They have several small one room huts - wood with thatched roofs - and also tents, which are rented at very low cost. The huts are covered with climbing roses and must be a delightful sight when the flowers are in bloom. Mrs. Bennie supplies the most excellent meals and large enough to satisfy any S.B.W., which is a wide statement! Sitting around their large open fireplace it was easy to imagine the hundreds of walkers who have finished trips - probably many in bad weather - and arrived to be warmed and fed at this hospitable farmhouse.

Arrangements can be made for Mr. Bennie to pack food in to Cobbler, and we took advantage of this. It saved carrying our full packs up about 2,000 feet, and as we spent two nights at the Cobbler Hut they were a little lighter when we again set forth.

Behind the home is Mt. Type - recently referred to in an article by Allen Strom. It is quite extraordinary the views you get from its summit, because it can be climbed in half an hour or so. Apparently it is just the way it is situated in the valley that enables one to get really lovely glimpses of Mt. Buffalo, Cobbler and lots of other peaks. I was there in the afternoon, after rain and storm, and the deep shadows, with shafts of light on the ridges of Buffalo were most spectacular.

Anyone planning a trip to this area - Mt. Cobbler, Cross Cut Saw, Howitt, Wellington, would be well advised to use this route - via Whitfield, Upper Rose River, etc. - if only for the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs. Bennie, and enjoying their friendly hospitality.

- Ed. Garrad.


Everyone is asked to send in their favourite songs, words as well as titles, to the co-opters of carrolling, namely Kath Brown and Ken Meadows. Doubtful songs will eventually be thrown out by the Committee, but if they are contributed they will expand Ken's repertoire before they are condemned.


By Allen A. Strom.

In the Federation Report for the months of March and April one heard rumblings of discussions surrounding the matter of a Parks Board to act as an advisory body to the Government on the subjects of Park administration and facilities. This is no new business, as it has appeared before on the agendas of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement, from where this new approach has come. The annals of the Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria have also carried records of proceedings and recommendations on the advisability and work of a National Parks Authority in the southern State.

I am sure that every bushwalker who is worth his boots will be interested in the establishment of a National Parks Authority in this State, and I was somewhat disappointed to note that the topic went unnoticed with all the other frills of the Federation Reports when the time-old question “any business arising” was asked.

Through its National Parks and National Monuments Standing Committee, the Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria was able to bring together “a substantial cross-section of the community“ and to have this body agree to a number of important resolutions aimed at ensuring “adequate control and management of Victoria's National Parks and Reserves of a like nature”. These resolutions are quoted in full in Volume II, Number 2, of the Wild Life Preservation Society's Journal, and I list them hereunder to show their ramifications :-

1. That the Victorian Government be asked to enact legislation to ensure the adequate control and management of Victoria's National Parks and Reserves of like nature.

2. That all the several types and classes of Reserve dedicated to the use of the public and the protection of nature and to the preservation of historic, scenic and natural monuments be defined in and covered by the Act.

3. That the projected Act provide for the creation of a single corporate authority to administer the Act effectively.

4. That the Authority be endowed with sufficient funds from general revenue to administer the Act effectively.

5. That the Authority be empowered to recommend the acquisition and proclamation as a National Park or Reserve of any object, site and/or area which, in its opinion, should be so reserved in the interest of posterity.

6. That the Authority consist of five (5) members, one representing the Government and the other four (4) appointed by the Government from nominees recommended by (a) Committees of Management of National Parks, (b) Natural, History Societies, © Educational Bodies, and (d) Recreational Organisations.

7. That the members of the projected Authority be appointed for a limited term, up to, say, five years, with eligibility for reappointment and that provision be made for continuity by staggering the terms of individual members.

8. That the functions of the National Parks authority be -
(a) To develop the general policy concerning National Parks and National Monuments.
(b) To recommend the acquisition and proclamation ad a National Park or Reserve of any object, site and/or area which, in its opinion, should be so reserved in the interest of posterity.
© To administer funds for the preservation and development of all National Parks under its control.
(d) To appoint such personnel as are required to carry out the detailed supervision and development of the National Parks.
(e) To maintain overall supervision of detailed work carried out by Committees of Management.
(f) To control membership of Committees of Management under prescribed rules.
(g) To report annually to Parliament.

9. That the present system of appointment and functioning of Committees of Management of our National Parks and Reserves be modified to provide for -
(a) Limitation of tenure to five (5) years with the right of eligibility for reappointment.
(b) One representative of the Local Governing body or bodies of the district within whose boundaries the Reserve is situated.
© One representative of a Government Department.
(d) The selection by the Authority of nominees from a panel of names submitted by interested organisations or groups of citizens.

10. That the functions of the Committees of Management of the National Parks and Reserves under the control of the Authority be -
(a) To ensure the preservation and to promote the development of the Reserve under their charge in conformity with the general policy formulated by the National Parks Authority.
(b) To control and direct such personnel as are allotted to them.
© To regulate traffic in the Parks and to collect charges for the various facilities (parking, camping, etc.).
(d) To report annually, to the Authority.''

Latest information from Victoria does not bring news of any real success, but it would seem to me that the recommendations reproduced above might well be taken “in toto” for New South Vales, and we should ask Federation to accept them forthwith; further, that the Parks and Playgrounds Movement be requested to bring the matter to fruition with all speed and along the proposed lines, so that the appropriate Minister may be approached and consulted.


By Brian G. Harvey.

MAY MEETING was poorly attended, the quorum barely being exceeded.

BOUDDI NATURAL PARK Trustees advised that a deputation had waited upon the Under Secretary of the Department of Lands regarding the reclamation of alienated frontages on the road boundary.

BUNGONIA GORGE. The Department of Mines reported that in their opinion the quarry does not infringe upon the Gorge and that the landscape is not being despoiled. The Federation is not content and a further party will visit the area, photograph and report.

THE BUSHWALKERS’ BALL was reported as a great social and financial success, but accounts remain to be finalised. Federation is indebted to Sydney University Bushwalkers for the use of the Union Hall. The Hall is being tentatively booked for next year.

RE-ENACTMENT OF CROSSING OF THE BLUE MOUNTAINS. The walking movement is proud that affiliated Clubs supplied most of the personnel taking part, and hopes to further public relations and the Greater Blue Mountain National Park project thereby. Four Clubs were represented.

DEPARTMENT CONSERVATION. At the behest of Federation, the Department is making an investigation into the cutting of timber within one chain of a certain creek at Barrington Tops.

NATIONAL TRUST President, Mr. King, will address the June meeting of Council on the activities of the Trust. It is hoped the Trust will soon include scenic areas in its scope of conservation projects.

WILD LIFE PRESERVATION SOCIETY was given unanimous support in their' approach to the Chief Secretary to have strict legislation brought down to control the sale, use and licensing of fire arms.

MOUNT VICTORIA SIGHTS RESERVE TRUSTEES advised that the Victoria Falls Track is indefinitely owing to the lack of funds and labour. It appears the damage is beyond the efforts of a suggested bushwalkers working bee to reform the track. It is understood an alternative route exists but is not well known.

SALES TAX. Federal Treasurer was unable to afford any relief from the heavy Sales Tax on sleeping bags, but Federation is now writing to the “Special Committee” which imposes the Tax.

HELENSBURGH SEWAGE. The Board of Health states there is no pollution of the Hacking River, but it would be well to err on the safe side and boil before drinking.

PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS MOVEMENT has inspected the proposed Trades and Labour Council campsite at Currawong in Ku-ring-gai Chase on the Pittwater waterfront. It has also given the Wild Life Preservation Society support in its campaign for firearms control.

SEA SCOUTS. The S.B.W. delegates were informed the Scouts had an official camping area on Heathcote Creek, and it may have been to that area that the axe-carriers were repairing, as reported at May General Meeting.

INFORMATION SECTION still lacks a convenor who would be interested to carry on this important post in the collation of track and transport information, which is now pouring in from the affiliated Clubs. Any volunteer should see his/her delegates.


Well folks we’re getting on slowly. All the contents of the “museum” at 623 Harris Street have been sold and taken away. Soon the builders will be in making the place habitable and constructing staff amenities.

Then the “Paddymade” factory moves in.

In the meantime things are a little difficult at the temporary factory, and we are hard put to keep production going. We therefore regret that for the next couple of months we shall be unable to handle repair work. So please”make do“ for a while.

The builders Start work this week in the basement of the C.E.N.E.F. Centre and soon Paddy’s shop will be there.

In the meantime supplies are much as usual plus gear for skiers.

Don’t forget, no repairs for a couple of months.


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