Table of Contents
The Sydney Bushwalker.
A monthly Bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers, C/- Ingersoll Hall, 256 Crown St., Sydney.
No. 200. July, 1951. Price 6d.
Editor | Bill Gillam, Berowra Creek Road, Berowra. |
Production and Business Manager | Brian Harvey (JW1462). |
Reporters | Jim Brown, Kath McKay. |
Sales and Subs | Shirley Evans. |
Typed by | Jean Harvey. |
In This Issue:
Page | ||
Editorial - “Conservation and the Jubilee Tree Planting” | 1 | |
At the June General Meeting | 2 | |
Social Notes for July | 5 | |
Beyond the Main Divide | “The Gent in the Tent” | 6 |
Why Don't We Do It More Often? | 8 | |
Open Letter to the Club - Duped by the Duplicator | 9 | |
The National Trust | Brian G. Harvey | 10 |
Map showing Chief Reserves in N.S.W. | The Wild Life Preservation Society of Australia | 11 |
Federation Notes | 12 |
Page | |
Paddy News | 13 |
Editorial - Conservation and the Jubilee Tree Planting.
One of the brightest stars of the galaxy of the Jubilee cups, competitions and drives is the Tree Planting scheme launched by the Governor General several weeks ago. Conservationists and tree lovers generally will welcome the scheme not because it is all that should be desired, but because any scheme, no matter how small its chances of success, will present some of the ideas of conservation to general notice.
If townsfolk can summon up sufficient energy to create tree-lined avenues in their own suburbs it is reasonable to expect that some of them will become increasingly sympathetic to the efforts of Federation and other bodies to preserve our diminishing forests and primitive areas.
On a more practical plane, however, it is doubtful whether the Government Departments in whose hands rests the fate of these areas will undergo any great change of heart. True, Mark Morton is safe for two years at least; others, well… Kuringai Chase is still ransacked every year for its flowers, the National Park is administered indifferently and staffed inadequately, our city and suburban parks are constantly being filched for railways, halls and parking stations, the P.M.G's Department adopts a petulant attitude when there is opposition to their tree destruction schemes, and puts the complaints down to, in their view, the sinister publicity of the Jubilee scheme, which wants the streets adorned with things other than bare poles and wire festoons. The preservation of our present park space would be a far greater gesture of the Jubilee spirit than the granting, gratis, of thousands of seedlings which have less than an equal chance of survival.
The capital difficulty of getting the trees to grow till they are large enough to withstand the ravages of rabbits, live stock and general neglect is the greatest stumbling block to the scheme. From our own experience at Era we know that the chances of a seedling surviving for a few years is very low, and we fenced in the plantation. Imagine then how difficult it would be to cover all those ridges of dead ringbarked timber where there is no possibility of the seedlings receiving any protection from netting or wire. Even suburban avenues are a constant battle before an decent show can be expected. Granted immunity from telegraph wires it takes years of diligent attention by local councils before such things as Grafton's Jacaranda festival, or the pleasant shade of Albury's Camphor Laurels rewards the farsighted.
Work for more National Parks and primitive areas must go on. The planting of new trees may eventually re-timber parts of our countryside, but would it not be better to proclaim more national parks: it would be easier.
(Views expressed in articles and editorials appearing in this magazine do not necessarily represent club opinions or policy on any matters discussed - Ed.)
At The June General Meeting.
The June meeting promised (or threatened, depending on your taste in meetings) at one stage to be one of the most abbreviated in Club history. Commencing at 8.15 p.m., with the President in the chair, and about 60 members present, there was a time When it bade fair to be wound up by 8.35.
In keeping with the truncated fashion of the early stages, two of the three new members were not present to be welcomed, and John Thornthwaite alone heard the applause for his admission. We rattled through minutes and correspondence, the President announcing that the Hon. Solicitor had received a firm offer of £440 as compensation for portion 7, Era, from the Lands Department, and had accepted in accordance with the Club's earlier decision on this valuation. We may soon expect to hear a jingle in the Club's piggy bank.
Reports were received in almost disinterested silence until the views of the Alpine Hut Sub-Committee were sought - then the meeting came to life. Bill Cosgrove, convenor, reported that there was one hurdle in that the abbreviated committee was evenly divided on the practicability of the plan. Cost appeared to be a nearly prohibitive factor but, with the destruction of Hotel Kosciusko, it was possible that the State Park Trust may relax its building regulations to permit something nearer the Club's pocket. We could, of course, build elsewhere, but to be of real value to walkers, the hut should be in the Summit area.
Allan Hardie joined the debate smartly, the words of two motions almost stumbling over one another. We sorted out the first as a suggestion that we invoke Federation support in building a combined bush walkers' hut near the tops. The motion was not favoured, Bill Cosgrove contending that the bigger the hut the bigger the cost (let's build a hotel! cried the interjector). Jenny Madden wondered what finance could be expected and Len Scotland how many volunteer workers. Gil Webb, as the big bad Treasurer, said the Club had only £30 or £40 to outlay on any project, and members would have to find the rest of the cost - several thousands. Kath Brown saw no good in bringing in Federation and other Clubs, which would only mean competition between the biggest contributor (ourselves) and small shareholders for occupation of the hut. Motion One was lost.
Next was the old chestnut to invest £25 or more in shares in the Lake Albino Hut (the same one which has haunted recent meetings) if shares became available. Graham Harrison raised a doubt whether our miserably small share or two would give us unlimited summer tenancy, and urged that this be checked first: Len Scotland replied that one share would entitle one person to winter accommodation, but during the off-season the skiers would have no interest in the use of the hut. He promised to enquire into the likelihood of summer occupation.
Gil Webb played the heavy Treasurer again and told us the Club's coffers were low, half of us were unfinancial and prone to be crossed off as such presently, and he could not stomach the thought of sinking £25 or more in a hut to which we may or may not have access. Suppose some damage were caused to the hut during the summer, we may be blamed and possibly have to foot a repair bill, and perhaps find ourselves limited to the same privileges as any other shareholder. Alex Colley questioned whether the motion was in order - if so, he opposed it anyhow, because only a few members of the Club would be capable of reaching the hut in the snow season. Kath Brown concurred with the Treasurer, remarking that a small portion of the hut would be left open for shelter against bad weather in any case.
Frank Duncan thought we could perhaps reach agreement with the Lake Albina Hut organisers to control sub-letting of the hut during summer months without buying shares. The proceeds of the summer rentals could be passed on to the owners of the hut. Perhaps the idea merited more consideration than it received, for we shot on to Kevin Ardill's comment that we should be in Youth Hostels, looking for summer hutments, and Colin Ferguson's reminder that Albina was above the timber line. After all this Motion Two was lost also.
Assent was given to one motion in connection with the Snow Hut, however. Jenny Madden moved successfully that the notice of the Half-Yearly Meeting should ask interested members to signify and indicate what financial support they would be prepared to offer. In the meantime it was agreed that the Alpine Hut Sub-Committee should remain in existence and hold a watching brief.
“Money, money, money” was the motif of the General Business. Gil Webb felt that our almost prodigal spending of £93 on a new duplicator, however necessary it was, should be considered more soberly than at the previous meeting. So much work had been put in by old members ten or fifteen years ago to accumulate reserve funds it seemed wrong we should dispense it without making some bid to cover current outlay. He outlined a scheme for organising Theatre Parties where large blocks of tickets (face value, say 12/6d. ) could be bought for about 7/6d. and retailed for about 10/-, and finally moved that we endeavour to contribute £50 towards the cost of the new machine by similar means. Len Scotland suggested we should have done a little gentle “scalping” on tickets for the Rugby Tests. Kevin Ardill asked if any difficulty was expected in redeeming the bonds covering the reserve fund and, if not, why the agitation over spending money we had available. Gil reiterated that it seamed wrong to purchase equipment from the profits of the work of others.
Dormie, with great tenacity of purpose, said it would be good to get the money because we could then buy two shares in the Albina Hut. However, he was about to refer to Mr. Jeremiah Webb, crying shortage of funds one moment and then enthusing over a project to obtain £50 the next. He really didn't believe the theatre party scheme would work, for past Social Secretaries had tried it and been left holding the bag.
Kath Brown supported the Treasurer and said the old members had put much time and trouble into accumulating the money as a fund for equipping and furnishing a Club room. Perhaps we should not need it for obtaining and furnishing a room, but it may be needed for other items of gear and it seemed unwise to expend all on one machine.
Roy Bruggy wanted to increase the price of the Magazine but met decided opposition from the Editor, who pointed out that last year's magazine profit had been measured in shillings, increase in price may reduce the number of subscribers, while many Club circulars were produced on the same plant. He favoured a levy of say 2/- per head as being more equitable. The Treasurer couldn't see himself collecting a levy in addition to the annual subscription, and at this stage his motion was put and carried, and we looked for a “finance sub-committee”. Treasurer Webb was a natural, and he wanted assistants who worked in large firms, surrounded by potential theatre parties, and suggested Ken Meadows and Bob Bull: they went into conference, reached an impasse, tossed a shilling and said “sorry”. Generous to a fault the Club gave the Treasurer power to co-opt his sub-committee, but happier times were at hand for him.
Money, Money, said the Social Secretary, proposing that a hat be taken around at the dance on June 22nd for contributions to the duplicator fund. Protracted debate followed whether it should be “silver coin”, “minimum fare l/-”, or “no ceiling” (also no basement and no compulsion). Eventually the motion, with “voluntary” added before “contributions”, and without reference to any amount, was carried - Jess Martin having told the meeting she was ashamed of us, quibbling over shillings and spending pounds on ourselves.
Bill Cosgrove spoke of the filching of city and suburban parks, suggesting that individual members should write to members of Parliament and that the support of Federation should be enlisted to save the limited park space from the encroachment of miscellaneous buildings. We agreed to write Federation, and also assented to a motion asking our Parks and Playgrounds Delegate to address the next general meeting on or best means of conservation of urban parks.
Alex Colley referred to the “quasi-official” (Dormie's phrase) King's Birthday walk and suggested we invite Dormie to tell the meeting what had occurred. Having restrained Allan from starting until the meeting approved, we heard from him and also Jim Hooper that the walk from Kanangra had apparently failed because most of those intending to go had cried off owing to bad weather, which left the leader with insufficient people to pay for the motor transport to the Walls. Dormie said that Club trips were never abandoned owing to bad weather (what, never?) but it was generally agreed to be somewhat poor to walk out where costly transport had been organised, and Committee was charged to enquire into the case.
At this late hour the financial sub-committee suddenly came into being when Ken Meadows and Bob Bull indicated that they had reversed the decision of the toss, provided another sub-committee member could be found. Jean Schoen was nominated and accepted, and with the convenor absolved from the grim necessity of co-opting his entire team, we called it a night at the advanced hour of 9.55 p.m.
Social Notes For July.
The new social programme will get away to a wonderful start on 20th July with a film night by Walter Gruse. Mr. Gruse has some wonderful material, including Burragorang, skiing and canoeing. Mr. Gruse appeared on a previous programme and we liked him so much that we signed him up there and then for the entertainment that you will see on Friday 20th.
Another old friend, Harry Whitehouse, will favour us with an illustrated lecture “Talbingo, Kiandra, Kosciusko and Corryong”. Those who heard Harry's previous lecture are sure to flock to the Club on Friday 27th.
Put this one in your diary: - Christmas Party, 1953 - Wednesday, 12th December, 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. “The Coronet” (same place as last year). Tickets will be slightly dearer so start saving right away.
- Ed. Stretton, Social Secretary.
Beyond The Main Divide.
“The Gent in the Tent”.
Last year a party of walkers, lured on by one fine day between two cyclones, went to the Barren Grounds for the King's Birthday weekend. During the second day out the weather became so bad that they returned from Berry by 2.20 p.m. train. So as not to be caught in similar circumstances this year much discussion and consideration was given to suitable localities, and the outcome was a plan to walk from Tarana to Blackheath via Fish River and the old Bathurst Stock Route, a distance of about 45 miles. By going beyond the Main Dividing Range we hoped to get away from the influence of any bad coastal weather.
How fortunate was the decision! On the Thursday and Friday prior to the holiday week-end the weather along the coast was windy and very wet. As we all had reservations on the 7.25 p.m. Coonamble Mail for Friday 8th June, we were not dismayed at the announcement that no extra trains would be run for the holiday weekend. The overcrowding on this train can only be described as disgraceful for a so-called civilised community. We finally reached Tarana at 1.40 a.m. on Saturday morning (1 hour late) and the only way to get our bulky packs out of the “cattle truck” (not in one's wildest dreams could the conveyance be described as a railway carriage) was through the window. When the flurry and struggle to descend from “the vehicle” had subsided, we noticed that the clouds were breaking and numerous stars could be seen. The Station Master said that Friday had been very wet, so, with his permission we camped in one of the waiting rooms in case cur proposed campsite on the Fish River was flooded.
Saturday dawned full but fine. We were up and away by 7 a.m. and had breakfast about 2 1/2 miles out where a small creek crossed the road. The country is fairly open grazing land to the Fish River Bridge with some fantastic granite formations on what the locals call the Crown Range to the East. As the Fish River was running fast and high we kept to the North Eastern bank to avoid fording further upstream. There is a good campsite right at the bridge. As we now had to traverse a few private properties permission was sought from the owners. They seemed very wary about granting permission to proceed until assured that we had no firearms. Apparently holiday week-end rabbiters have done a lot of damage in the past.
We followed the Fish River up for about 5 miles through mostly easy going. The river was a fine sight as it rushed down to join the Macquarie. There were many English Willows along the banks and one particularly fine stand of Lombardy Poplars. Rabbits were about in hundreds and their numerous burrows required careful stepping in the long grass. At a spot called Phil's Falls by the Military Map we came upon a wide ford where the old road from Bathurst via O'Connell and Fish River Hill crossed the river. Fortunately we were on the Eastern bank and didn't have to battle with the torrent. In the next 3 miles the track rises about 1,000 feet through mostly cleared country. The old road is apparently still gazetted as a main road, although suitable for equestrians and pedestrians only, and trees have grown up on either side and down the middle in parts, making a delightful avenue. Local tradition says that it was a Cobb & Co's coach route to Bathurst. This I doubt because Cobb & Co. didn't flourish until the 1850's, although the route may have been used by earlier coaches, and it certainly seems to have been used as a stock route. Bindi Hill was a prominent feature to the South as we climbed.
On top the going was easy. Several trees, torn down by the previous day's gale were strewn across the track, which soon became a country road. We passed several reasonable camp sites to reach Antonio Creek, which was the worst of the lot as far as wood supply went. However, permission to camp was readily given by the owner and we settled down to do battle with rain soaked firewood. Apart from misty mountain rain the evening was uneventful.
Next morning was foggy with promise of a fine day. Away about 9 a.m. a short sharp climb out of Antonio Creek brought us to the top of the Dividing Range, at about 3,600 feet above sea level. Here we passed through a gate, where a timber getter assured us we were on the main road, which was really a delightful forest track skirting cleared paddocks occasionally. Down a pleasant ridge to Mary Anne's Creek, then up and over to Jock's Creek, which is a lovely camp spot. Up again on to a ridge where a sudden twist in the track brought the Blue Mountains, all the well known country around the Gangerangs and Kanimbla Valley into view. It was fine and clear, so we spent five minutes deciding which mountains were which. The ridge turned North and slowly dropped to Lowther Creek just under Mt. Blaxland. A double hairpin bend on the way down must have been a headache for any coach driver coming down when the road was in use. Lunch on Lowther Creek was doubly pleasant - keen appetites and another excellent camp site.
It was only 1 1/2 miles to the Cox River where the Lithgow - Jenolan Road crosses by a large wooden bridge. From this spot to our overnight camp site we were plagued by rabbit murderers, who seemed to waste their ammunition on most objects except rabbits. A pity they hadn't gone into the country we had just traversed where rabbits abounded, but then they would have had to walk a few miles from their motor conveyances.
The Cox was running strongly. It is just as lovely up here as in it's lower reaches, but without towering mountains to climb to get out. Seeing so much water so far up we gave thought to our friends who had planned to cross the stream much lower down on trips to and from the Kanangra area. We followed the river, then cut across a grassy hill to the Jenolan Caves Road Bridge at the Lett River Junction. Then ensued a lively 15 minutes finding a way across the Lett in order to reach the Northern bank of the Cox. We were able to cross safely knee deep and then made fast time along the Cox to a comfortable camp not far from Deep Ravine Creek. As we had recovered by now from the lack of sleep on Friday night, the camp fire was a great success with a definitely intimate conversation.
At 8.30 a.m. next morning we climbed an easy ridge behind the camp spot to enjoy some lovely views across Kanimbla Valley before making for “Moyne Falls”, the oldest standing house West of the Blue Mountains (erected 1819). Here a young bullock caused a mild flutter by looking very ferocious, but he wilted before our combined approach. On to Barber's Creek for lunch. The road between Little Hartley and Wilson's Glen has been put into excellent order, apparently for timber hauling - the concrete box culverts are most impressive. All went well until the swamp below Centennial Glen where, in trying to avoid getting bogged, we mislaid the track. Ernie French followed what he described as animal pads and gave us an anxious moment until he was safely restored to our midst. Centennial Glen was at its best after so much recent rain. We arrived in Blackheath just in time to see the 4.24 p.m. train, which the Railway Department had assured us would not run, go out. However, a spruce up, a beer and some hot food, fortified the party for the assault on the 6.9 p.m. which ran as tabled, even if 15 minutes late.
The country around the Main Divide is well worth a look at especially when the coastal weather is bad. It can be approached from Lithgow (bus to South Bowenfels) or Rydal, although the train service to this station is poor. Go and see for yourself!
Why Don't We Do It More Often?
The Social Evening on 25th May was something we have not had in the Club for some time.
The evening started with games and was interspersed with musical items, which were enjoyed both by those who appreciate music and those who like 'a bit-o'-fun'.
Molly Gallard, ably accompanied by David Ingram, opened the programme with several items on the violin. Eric Rowen, accompanied by Norma, gave us several songs and finally David obliged with a pianoforte solo.
There must be more such talent in the Club and it would be nice if we could have another such evening on a bigger and better scale.
Kids up at the Blue Mountains have been caught up in the wave of exploratory re-enactments. They're now playing a game of Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth. It's a simple and wholesome game. All you do is hoist an imaginary but immensely heavy pack on your back, totter wearily from one tree to another, sit down and sigh, talk about the perils of the journey, hoist up the imaginary pack again and move an to the next tree.
Open Letter To The Club - Duped By The Duplicator.
After a pre-publication peep at Jim Brown's notes “At the June General Meeting” I was sorry I had been absent from that notable gathering in order that some simple light might have been shed on the subject of the newly acquired duplicator. Apparently there was never a greater amount said by people who were more ill-informed and should really have known better than to make the statements attributed to them by the Honorary Secretary's recordings (and so mislead the meeting).
It is indeed very amusing to read of the “prodigal spending” of £93 on the new duplicator from a reserve fund which was created for the very purpose of purchasing equipment! Our last duplicator was second-hand when bought by the Club, and when traded in was aged about 25 years - and then it wouldn't lie down. This new machine, not having been manhandled by a previous owner, should have at least the longevity of its predecessor. By “shedding the load” over 25 years the new machine costs less than £4 per year!
And now to confound the babbling economic wizards. The last Annual Report and Balance Sheet was wholly produced by the Club - typed, duplicated, collated and stapled. It was a 13-page affair, of which 350 copies were struck. To have 350 of each of 13 pages, and not even collated and stapled, run off by a commercial duplicating firm costs £13. 6. 9d. This Report cost the Club the mere sum of £3. 8. 0, thus effecting a saving of £9.18. 9d!! Multiply this by the estimated life of the machine at 25 years and we have saved £248. 8. 9d., i.e. £155. 8. 9d. more than the machine cost. I can save you another £4 or so on each Walks Programme if run off on stiff board as in other years - £12 per year X 25 years - another £300. You have had song sheets for re-unions, club forms, “Hints to Prospectives” and now the proposed 25-sheet song book - all at little cost. The club magazine has been produced at no cost to the Club, in fact it had accumulated assets of £27. 6. 2d. at the last official balance.
Therefore, had we not been the proud possessors of a duplicator, the cost of the Annual Report and other items would have been hidden under the sub-heading of “Printing” in the Income and Expenditure Account from year to year and the Annual General Meeting would have bemoaned the rising costs of running the Club and no doubt increased the annual subscription to offset the money we now are actually saving. Have you been duped?? Definitely.
It is laughable to consider the debate on raising a “new duplicator fund” when the need to purchase a new one won't arise for a couple of decades. The Honorary Treasurer would do well to refund the “voluntary contributions” made at the dance last Friday week, or forever hang his head in shame. Anyway, the principal of calling upon the regular group which frequents the Club room to donate money for the benefit of the Club in general is entirely wrong.
I might say as a member of 15 years standing (or walking) that I have no knowledge of any special effort ever having been made during that period to raise funds for the purchase of equipment - we were merely fortunate in the days before rising costs hit us to have a surplus of income over expenditure and that some far sighted member had the wisdom to have a reserve earmarked for that specific purpose.
As a final shot, it won't be long before the Club will be asked to consider the purchase of a typewriter for the cutting of stencils for the magazine and general club stationery. But that's another treat in store. In the meantime, think up all the arguments you can against it.
- The Official Duplicator Operator.
The National Trust.
Brian G. Harvey.
The June monthly meeting of the Council of the Federation of Bushwalking Clubs was privileged to be addressed by Mr. King, the President of The National Trust, and, incidentally, the President of the Rangers League. There can be no doubt as to Mr. King's intense enthusiasm, both for the preservation of historical buildings and the conservation of the wild bush flora and fauna - projects which demonstrate his wide diversity of interests.
He told us The National Trust (N.S.W.) had been modelled on the parent body in England, which has done so much in the Old Country in not only preserving historical buildings but in the conservation of areas of scenic beauty, e.g. the famous Lakes District. The English body has, however, the great advantage of the authority of a special Act of Parliament in its favour which gives it a power in the land with a right to control and police places under its jurisdiction. Being now fairly long-standing, its work is well known and many bequests have added to its acquisitions and swelled the success of its untiring work in securing buildings or areas it considers fit for preserving for posterity.
The N.S.W. Trust has now been incorporated, which gives it the right to possess freehold as a body and frees its members from personal legal obligation.
Mr. King intimated the Trust has two main objects, viz.,
- The preservation of historical buildings or places, and
- The preservation of natural beauty,
but at the present time only the former is receiving attention as the field in this category is of great magnitude and presents a task which cannot be given all the attention it merits, much less can bushland areas at present be discussed. It must be appreciated that many of the historical edifices around Sydney are in danger of demolition and urgent steps have to be taken to save them. Once they are gone the position is irretrievable.
During a visit to England he found that tradition had a big bearing on the success of the Trust there, but this attribute was sadly lacking in Australia, not through any fault of ours, but due to the youth of Australia as a nation, and it was up to us to cultivate a background. It was, for instance, tradition not to interfere with the “King's Swans” on the Thames. How easy it could be for the average man-in-the-street to adopt the same traditional view on the protection of our wild flowers and animals. When the famous No. 10 Downing Street was in danger of collapsing there was no question of demolition - the walls were merely buttressed and the building should last some hundreds of years more.
It is not the policy of the Trust to interfere with the aims or projects of its affiliated bodies or direct them along a certain line of uniform action, but the Trust will certainly call upon the affiliated bodies if their influence, strength and enthusiasm will assist the Trust in achieving an object. Similarly the Trust will lend its support wherever possible to help the Federation if and when the occasion arises.
It therefore behoves bushwalkers to take an active interest in the work of the National Trust, as they can't expect to receive support and give nothing in return. Unless members are prepared to became members of the Trust and expound their conservation knowledge and experience accumulated over the years, and perhaps become the authorities under the second category of aims and objects, the Trust cannot become the many sided body the counterpart today holds in England. They are at present battling for the preservation of the old Mint Building and St. James' Church as examples of our early architecture. The S.B.W. as a Club can't do anything, but as an organisation of 275 members, each and every one can do something - help swell the most powerful weapon today - public opinion.
“And I have no desire to walk, for I am acquainted with almost all the rustic sights and sounds of this neighbourhood, at least over the weekend. The sights of our beechwoods afford at this season are the thousands upon thousands of pallid but assertive industrialists which touring car and motor coach deposit in every mossy dingle. There they lie, prostrate grubs in unsightly cocoons of greasy paper, mineral water bottles and empty sardine tins. The rustic sounds contend with their gramophones and wireless portables. The rills may laugh, thrush or linnet sing, the “sweet wind” may “gently kiss the trees”, but the voice of the Amorous American negro will drown them all. But what our visitors like best is to read the newspaper to jazzy accompaniment. In this fashion concentration upon harmony is diversified by an intelligent interest in politics, while the brain fag induced by the study of our social and democratic conditions is alleviated by the strains of music.”
- Kenneth Hare.
Federation Notes.
Brian G. Harvey.
The Federation Annual Re-Union report indicates 120 souls signed the log book but many more present. A complaint has since been received that the function is held too late in the year, and Clubs are asked to consider a suitable time delegates.
Federation Annual Ball. 321 patrons were present and the net proceeds should be around £85. Are there any suggestions for next year's event?
Grand Canyon. The Blue Mountains City Council advised the Horse Track would be well signposted as an alternative route to Evans Lookout in the event of flooding of the creek. The Council will provide anchored stepping stones across the dangerous rock creek bed in lieu of a wire rope, which they consider would be a potential cause of a blockup.
S.B.W. Letter Re Urban Parks was considered. It was decided to ask Clubs to urge individual members to protest to the Sydney Municipal Council re alienation of Hyde Park for restrooms and the proposed parking station. The Federation as a body could not make a protest as it was considered outside the scope of Federation's activities.
Tree Planting. Clubs are asked to convey their ideas to the Federation as to the implementation by bushwalkers of the Governor General's Tree Planting Scheme, which should interest all conservationists. Trees and shrubs can be obtained at very cheap rates from the State Nursery at Pennant Hills.
Information Section. Mr. Gordon Adams, of the St.George Club, was appointed convenor of section which is collating useful information for reference at Paddy's shop in the future.
National Trust. The meeting was addressed by Mr. King, the President of the National Trust, on the aims and objects of the body. (The text of his address is reported elsewhere in this issue , see Page 10.)
Garawarra Park. The field unit of the Rangers League has planted hundreds of Waratah seeds in the parks, which were supplied by courtesy of the Superintendent of the National Park. A check-up is to be made to as certain results.
Re-Enactment Of Crossing Of The Blue Mountains. The various mountain authorities expressed their grateful thanks to the bushwalkers for supplying personnel to play the parts of the explorers and congratulated the Federation on the choice of their representatives.
Paddy News.
The wheels have turned and the Department of Whatever it is has given the all clear to go ahead with shop and factory. Now remains the comparatively simple job of getting the work done.
Those good folks who penetrated the dust and helped clean up at Harris Street will be pleased to know we had our auction and the place is now nearly empty.
What Has Paddy Got?
Rucksacks with and without frame available from stock or at short notice.
Tents. Willesden, green and golden tan lightweight japara available. Tents in stock or at short notice. Ounce counters please note the golden tan lightweight material is an especially good cloth and weighs only little more than half the weight of the ordinary japara. This cloth is not likely to be repeated for a long time to come.
Ski Gear. Full stocks now available. Come and see.
Tasmania. For Tassie fans - magazine of Launceston Walking Club - “Skyline” - price 2/6d. - now on sale.
Paddy Pallin.
Still at 1st Floor, Y.M.C.A. 325 Pitt Street, Sydney.