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A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers, C/- Ingersoll Hall, 256 Crown St., Sydney.

Price 6d.

Editor:Bill Gillam, Berowra, Creek Road, Berowra.
Reporter:Kath McKay
Sales and Subs:Shirley Evans
Production and Business Manager:Brian Harvey (JW1462)
Typed by:Jean Harvey.


Editorial - The Walks Programme1
At or October Meeting 3
Social Notes tor November 4
Walks Announcement 4
Christmas Party Announcement 5
Bush Recipes', by R. Cook 6
Bivouac, by K.M. 7
Where's Your Hat: by L.S.B.A. 8
Social Notes 8
Seven Weeks to Christmas (Paddy's Ad.) 9


The Walks Programme

Issue of the Walks Programme for the period November-February shows the disturbing fact that there are five unfilled walks. Of the five one is the very important Anniversary Week-end, to fill which every effort should be made.

Before examining the possible reasons for the blank spaces some of the effects should be examined. The most serious consequence was demonstrated quite recently when a totally unsuitable walk was placed on the programme at the last minute. Many who wanted to go could not and then found difficulty in organising their own trips or joining private ones. (That the seriousness of this was afterwards recognised was the announcement of a “semi-official” trip on the following holiday weekend for those who weren't too sanguine at the prospect of a minor marathon from Jenolan to Katoomba.) Yet if the walk had been submitted earlier it is quite possible it may have been modified and not accepted with a certain amount of “take-it-or-leave-it” merely for the sake of filling the programme. It is obvious that there are members who will go walking whether the programme suits them or not, and there are others who rely almost entirely on the official walks. The programme must be designed for the latter who can ring up a fortnight or so before a trip is due to make all arrangements in a matter of a few minutes. To expect anyone to make several trips to the Club to find out if there is a trip actually going is not giving the service that has come to be expected from the Walks Programme and its organisers.

All walks, whether they are the easier Sunday walk or the toughest test walk, must be submitted to the committee long before the date of publication. This is to ensure that proposed walks receive a thorough “vetting” and that the leader is capable of bringing back his party safely and on time. Acceptance of walks under duress will be to throw overboard this necessary practice; it will break confidence in the walks programme and will be most unfair to the new, inexperienced members.

What are the reasons for these blanks? Admittedly two of the weekends are notoriously hard to fill. Holiday weekends and those immediately preceding and following them are unsuitable for official trips: most members usually go on private trips and spend the previous weekend preparing or the following one recuperating. Unfortunately it is usually left to the last to fill those spaces by which time there is a certain amount of resentment that no choice of dates is offered. Or again, leaders have volunteered to lead walks only to find that they have been “fitted in” to just such an awkward period. As the day of their trips draws nearer they find they can't muster sufficient to go whereas there would have been no difficulty in finding a party on the date for which they volunteered. Once this has been done to anyone it is only natural that they are rather shy of leading further walks.

The position of Walks Secretary is one of great importance requiring more sacrifices than the actual work involved in collecting the programme. He has been given the duty of preparing three walks every weekend. If the programme can't be filled by volunteers it is clearly his duty to lead any vacant walks. Letting things slide in the hope that someone will be shamed into volunteering and accepting walks which should not appear is plainly a dereliction of that duty and is to be deprecated at all times.


The President began the meeting, speaking from the floor of the house. For a moment I thought someone had snaffled the presidential seat, although the bone was still in evidence. About 50 members, most in the same state of wonderment as myself, saw Peggy Wade and George Lingand welcomed. Jane Putt was called, but no, I mustn't pun, did not appear.

Then the mystery of the President rampant was made clear. Mr. Hume of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement had been invited to address the meeting on the work of the movement. For nearly an hour Mr. Hume elaborated on the chief walls into which they continually run; that“open space” requirements always fell short of needs, the intransigences of Lord Mayors and their pet schemes, apathy in creating new reserves and the ever willingness to find old ones in the metropolitan area.

Mr. Hume having departed, we sat forward in our seats to hear the minutes of the August meeting read and confirmed. Correspondence was read and Dormie produced a letter which he thought should become Club property. No, it wasn't a relic of past and glorious days, but a reminder of the present and, to Dormie, mournful days. He had received a reply from his local M.P. acknowledging the safe receipt of Dormie's petition of protest, and a promise that Sir Arthur would review the sales tax on sleeping bags before he framed the budget. Alas, the wool-gatherers received more attention than the feather-carriers, and we may yet have to build a fire in the tent to keep warm. Copies of many other letters from M's.P. and M's.P. secretaries were received, all in the same vein.

I waited anxiously to hear the social report, having heard a whisper that the tickets for the Christmas Party were moving only slowly and that they may be offered below par to help things along. Strangely, mention was made of neither party nor discount. The Treasurer was counting his own money in another place so we did not hear the rattle of the few coppers in the Club's moneybags.

Not dismayed by the coldness with which the letter from hisM.P. has been received Dormie was to ask a dramatic “question without notice”. “Was it true that the Ranger's League had been refused admission to the Federation?” Wal Roots, deputising for the head of security and representing the Foreign Office, replied that there was only a question of normal procedure and checking of qualifications taking place and that quite possibly the Ranger's League would become a member.

It was announced that there would be an election at the November meeting for one Vice-President due to the resignation of Alex Colley.

Barry Frecker produced a map of Narrow Neck and though I can't read the bottom line of eye charts I gathered that 640 acres, Portions 14 and 15, Parish of Megalong, had been reserved. He then moved that now was the time to press for a primitive area or at least a recreational reserve of the region Kedumba Creek-Katoomba Walls and the western perimeter of Narrow Neck to Clear Hill. Myles Dunphy, in his absence, was asked to lead a deputation to the Blue Mountains City Council.

There was a lull for a few moments until Dormie seized the opportunity to redeem his two previous filibusters. He suggested that we praise Mr. Clive Evatt for his work of protecting our flora and fauna in his capacity as Chief Secretary. Victory for Dormie - the motion was carried.

We had our cases in our hands when Edna Stretton reminded us(I might have known she would not forget) of the Christmas Party. No discount and tickets examined.

We were at the door when Bill Cosgrove rose to declare we were committing mortal sin and breaking the deed of the Era Trust Fund by not calling a special meeting, of which all who had donated, had been notified, to decide what to do with the money.

There was a babble of tongues by now, I heard the gong go, and was down the stairs at 9.15. “Luke Hansard”.

(Owing to several unforeseen and unavoidable difficulties it is regretted that publication cannot be made of proceedings for July, August and September meetings. - Ed.)


On the 16th November I will have great pleasure in introducing to club members Mr. Ramsay who is an authority on the Snowy Mountain Scheme. A great many walkers have already expressed interest in this lecture and I feel sure the hall will be packed.

“Slides of North Australia” will be presented by Ira Butler on 23rd November. Ira’s work is known to all of us and I know that these new slides of his will display the same excellence as his previous ones.

The Free Night on 30th November will be appreciated by those members who are planning long trips over Christmas and the New Year.

Ed. Stratton,
Social Secretary.


Malcolm MacGregor desires to make it known he will not be responsible for the torn shorts or broken backs of those who wear hobs on his Galong Creek Walk. If you have sneakers or sandshoes Malc guarantees your safe return. (6,37 p.m. train to Katoomba, 9/11/51.)




TICKETS 12/6d.

Reservations Arranged

Edna Stretton
Social Secretary


By R. Cook.


(A welcome change from damper on a long trip.)

6 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon soda,1 teaspoon cream of tartar, 1 egg (can be replaced by a heaped dessert spoon custard powder and a little water on a long trip), enough milk to (with beaten egg) nearly fill 1 cup. Mix soda and cream of tartar with egg and milk and pour over flour and sugar. Mixture should be consistency of batter. Put spoonful on a greased pan and when little bubbles form on top turn carefully, and cook till golden brown.


2 cups flour, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup dripping, 1/2 cup currants, 1/2 cup raisins, 1/2 teaspoon each of soda, cream of tartar, spice and cinnamon, sufficient milk to mix.

Rub dripping into flour, soda, etc. Add sugar, currants and raisins and mix with milk to make a dough slightly stiffer than that of a fruit cake. Place in a greased cake tin, cover with plate or frying pan and bake in ashes as for a damper - about 30/40 minutes.


2 ozs. butter, 2 ozs. sugar, I egg, 2 tablespoons milk, 2 level tablespoons cocoa, 4 ozs. self raising flour.

Cream butter and sugar, add beaten egg, then milk and blended cocoa and flour. Steam in covered basin for half an hour.


1lb. rice, 1 pint milk, 2 oz. sugar, 1 oz. lemon peel cut in very small pieces, 1 egg, breadcrumbs, sugar, jam, butter, salt.

Simmer the rice in the sweetened milk until all moisture is absorbed. Add the lemon peel and when cold shape into balls. Dip in egg and breadcrumbs and fry in very hot butter until a golden brown. Drain and dust with sugar. For variety a little jam may be placed in the centre of the balls when shaping them.


Here for a span of three short days was home,
these few square yards of canvas, and some cord
tautened by casual sticks and metal pins,
the earth itself OUT anchor. Here we lived,
tramped the bush tracks, prepared prodigious meals,
pursued our pleasant necessary tasks,
ate, drank, were merry; and when evening came
stretched limbs well-wearied to the friendly fire,
and warmed our hearts in kindly comradeship.

Now, we depart; and on the springing turf
scarce lingers yet the imprint of our bed.
Only a wisp of fern, some blackened stones
remain, mute witness to our sojourn here,
and in the sunlit silence blue wren flits,
prospecting with his little brownie wife
for morsels hidden from the human glance.

There have been conquerors who swept the earth,
and men acclaimed them: but the embittered soil
brought forth no harvest where their feet had passed,
and the torn hills might wait two decades long
before the deep woods clothed their flanks again.

Paltry ambition this, and negative,
but fame enough: when we pack up at last
our bivouac of threescore years and ten,
sufficient if we leave no hurt to mar
earth's face or man's; but only, where we lived
may there be sunlight, and such sense of peace
that wanderers who come upon the place
must pause, and say: “Someone was happy here”.


Reprint, January 1950.


By L.S.B.A,

Sunstroke is no respecter of persons, however tough that individual may think he is. Wear a hat during the next four months on your walks even on overcast days, for the rays still pass through the clouds. A predisposing factor is the carrying of a heavy pack on a very hot humid day, with its attendant exhaustion. The onset of the symptoms may be gradual, with complaints of headache or drowsiness, dizziness and nausea, with flushed face. On the other hand the victim may suddenly collapse. The pulse is rapid (normal 72 beats per minute) and the breathing ceases. Temperature may rise to 107F. The patient should be laid in the shade with head and shoulders raised. Douche the body with cold water, apply wet packs, especially to the head and spine, as these parts are congested. Continue until relieved and temperature reduced, when patient should be given plenty of fluids. It will be wise for the recovered patient to avoid the midday sun by walking in early morning and late in the afternoon on the return journey.

Reprint, November, 1949.


Suddenly - to Bill Carter - a wife, Ann (nee Evans) on Friday, 7th October. Both doing, well - now resident in Parkes. Now there is only one member of the “Oxo” group still enjoying single freedom.


Comment on the new season styles in bathing gear, and old seasons' standards of celebrating, at Frank Young's 21st Party. It is reliably reported, by the only sober person present, that the former are improving while the latter certainly aren't slipping. About 50 members signed “The Key” and 1 drank Frank's health before rain caused the withdrawal but not abandonment of other festivities.

The Six-Hour Day Official trip struck slight bother finding its bearings early in the proceedings :

With faces turned to a distant strand,
The stars look down on a weary band;
Somewhere in between Sydney and Bourke
Lost and forlorn fin the midnight murk.
Ah rescue comes: a lantern light;
A shadowy figure looms i' the night;
Comes the leader's cry of desolation:



Twenty-one years ago Paddy Pallin started making camp gear for walkers. He had hoped to be able to celebrate this anniversary in a fitting manner. Fate however stepped in and upset any such ideas. Nevertheless in a minor sort of way we are celebrating the fact that we are safely installed in new permanent premises after a long and wearisome battle. There are still many problems to be ironed out but thanks to the splendid co-operation of the staff, Paddy can offer an almost complete range of the major items of gear for the Christmas Season.

He can even take orders for a limited number of super-down sleeping bags.Tents of all stock patterns are available.Rucksacks with and without frames are also in stock.

Proofed japara cape groundsheets are on hand again.


It is almost certain that demand will outstrip supply. Therefore please secure what you want at the earliest possible moment. For a small deposit any article will be put aside until required.


JACKETS. Paddy has supplies of Grenfell clothfor jackets in Drab, navy blue, green and maroon.Delivery three weeks from order. Green japara jackets also available to order.

WATERPROOF BAGS. New plastic film bags available which can be sealed with a hot knife or a match. The bag is air tight and watertight. Ideal for supplies of salt, coffee, biscuits, spare matches, etc. Prices - 8 for 6d., 4 for 6d., and 2 1/2 d. each.

‘Phone: M2678 (Yes, it works).
Camp Gear for Walkers,
C.E.N.E.F. Building,
201 Castlereagh Street,

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