Table of Contents
The Sydney Bushwalker
A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers, C/- Ingersoll Hall, 256 Crown St., Sydney.
No.224. July, 1953. Price 6d.
Editor | Jim Brown, 103 Gipps St, Drummoyne |
Sales and Subs. | Jess Martin |
Typed by | Jean Harvey |
Production and Business Manager | Brian Harvey (JW1462) |
Page | ||
Editorial - How to Create a Wilderness | 1 | |
At the June General Meeting | 2 | |
National Parks of Victoria | Allen A. Strom | 4 |
Getting Govett's Goat | Capricorn | 11 |
Saprophyte | G.W. | 12 |
Porridge is Horridge | G.W. | 14 |
“Trikes” | “Two Toots” | 14 |
The Photographic Exhibition of 1953 | 16 | |
Federation Notes - June Meeting | Allen A. Strom | 17 |
Page | |
Siedlecky's Taxi and Tourist Service | 3 |
Leica Photo Service | 11 |
The Sanitarium Health Food Shop | 13 |
Scenic Motor Tours | 15 |
Bushwalkers' Best Seller - Paddy's Advertisement | 18 |
Editorial - How To Create A Wilderness.
Almost six years ago, on a trip from Putty to Mount Uraterer, on the northern catchment of the Colo River system, we crossed Wirraba Creek at the point where it joins Putty Creek and becomes the Wollemi Creek, which is the main northern-rising tributary of the Colo. Farmlands then extended down the Putty Valley to within about half a mile of the junction, but Wirraba or Wollemi Creek was as unspoiled a stream as one could wish to see. It resembled some of the nicest parts of Heathcote Creek, or parts of the Nattai above Starlight's Track.
Very recently, coming out to Putty from the Wirraba country we emerged on Wollemi Creek at almost exactly the same point. The difference was appalling. We agreed that never had we seen a virgin stream translated into such a desolation. The original banks had practically disappeared, deep beds of sand had been piled up along and over the lower slopes, which had in places broken down and collapsed into the river. A great tangle of fallen trees added to the miserable chaos. It was a poor, ruined creek and we camped away from its depressing and uncomfortable surroundings.
No natural agency could entirely account for the destruction: and in any case there was plenty of evidence to explain it. A timber cutters' road had been driven up the Wirraba (or Wollemi) for some miles, and most of the good timber had been taken out. Bush fires had ranged the ridges, and the cycle of ruin had commenced. Floods had finished the job far too well. In that barren sandstone country, with little left to bind the slopes and river banks, countless tons of sand had moved with the fast waters. We wondered when the timber getters had begun operations, recalling the Chief Secretary's publication of 1950 which forbade cutting of trees on almost every stream in New South Wales for a distance of one chain from the banks. We pondered the futility of such laws which are not policed.
We were told in Putty Valley that the timber getting along the Wollemi was nearing an end, and the cutters would abandon the job within several weeks - and no doubt look for some other unspoiled creek to defile. Will time and healing powers in nature restore Wollemi Creek? Perhaps, but it doesn't seem very probable. It appears almost certain that the shocking erosion we noted will extend down the stream towards the Colo, a monument to the avarice and stupidity which parades as “development of resources”.
At The June General Meeting.
Rather less than 50 members were present for the June meeting, and since we couldn't pin anything (not even one small flannel flower) on new members, swung right into business, and despatched minutes, correspondence and the customary reports with speed and with little comment. In fact, the only extraordinary comment during the opening session of the meeting was the Presidential apologia for the Secretary who was “detained by his parental duties” (cause duly recorded elsewhere in this issue).
When we came to the Conservation Report, however, there was a slight stirring. Had the news regarding the allocation of Era to National Park been available, no doubt the stirring would have been considerable. However, after presenting his report and following on some discussion, the Conservation Secretary moved that we submit a case to the Lands Department for the resumption of Werong. Since the owners were seeking a sale for something like £1,500, and toying with ideas of getting this amount from timber cutters or guesthouse proprietors, the resumption plot won the support of the meeting. There was also the question of the Mark Morton Reserve which was receiving attention from the Forestry Department. There was a movement to have it dedicated as a Flora Reserve, administered by the Department. This may have certain advantages in that the status of a Flora Reserve could be revoked only by Act of Parliament - but there was some grounds for doubting whether the influence of the Forestry people would benefit the Reserve, since it would certainly open it to “selective” timber cutting. It was resolved to write the Minister for Lands, setting out our views on this Reserve, and request support from Federation and allied conservation groups.
Grace Noble lamented the lack of day walks, which, she said, penalised those like herself who could go out only on day trips as a rule, and newcomers to the Club who could best be acclimatised to walking on day trips. She suggested new members be required to take a day walk on the next programme after their admission, but it was pointed out from the chair that we could not properly make any condition of that kind. Kevin Ardill commented that even those day walks on the programme were not always well attended, citing the case of a recent trip he had led, when only three of his friends and a prospective appeared. This, he declared, was hard on the prospectives.
Len Scotland urged that notices be placed on the board a month in advance, showing the names of leaders, to simplify the procedure for anyone wishing to attend.
Kevin Ardill moved that a water jug and six tumblers be obtained for the use of speakers addressing meetings, and that the Social Secretary become curator of the drinking vessels. Motion carried.
With the usual quota of announcements concerning introduction of winter train time-tables, blank spaces on the forthcoming walks programme, and reminders of the Photo Exhibition, the night was sped at 8.45 p.m.
Congratulations To:
Jane and Colin Putt - a daughter, born 5/6/53.
Gwen and Don Frost - also a daughter, Julie, born 6/6/53.
Some More Fruggyisms:
At a 6 a.m. winter reveille: “Who's got some matches? It's too dark to find two sticks to rub together”.
To a party of thirteen, clawing their way up a steep coal chute at some abandoned workings near Red Ledge: “If anyone up top slips - just spread your legs apart”.
Cheers for Walter Galahad Wagg. Walter because he carried a lady's pack up the last steep pull off Red Ledge. Galahad because he also (in the same lift) carried Roy Bruggy's pack, so proving that his strength is as the strength of two, if not ten.
We've heard of collar-and-tie workers, but now we learn an ex-Walks Secretary, ex-Membership Secretary and ex-Editor has become a collar-and-tie walker. Or perhaps Ken found it just too cold to remove the garment - day or night. Does it carry the colours of his dear old Alma Mater?
Who put the rinso in the stew? We hope to have the answer to this intriguing problem in a later issue. It happened 'way back last summer at Tahune Hut, we gather. And although the stew was thoroughly washed and swilled and rinsed, Jack Wren avers he could still taste the rinso.
National Parks of Victoria.
by Allen Strom.
Allen Strom has kindly made available to us stencils of his report on the National Parks of Victoria, many of which have been visited by Sydney walkers in the course of summer holiday trips. Owing to the length of the report, we are obliged to publish it in serial form spread over three issues of the magazine, but we feel it is a most valuable piece of writing, not only from the viewpoint of the conservationist, but for the comments on places attractive to the walker in a neighbouring State. There is also a sting in the tail where Allen Strom suggests perhaps the most extensive recreation area yet envisaged in Australia.
Report on the National Parks of Victoria.
“It was in 1870 that the grand idea of the creation of National Parks 'for the benefit and enjoyment of the people' was conceived in the United States of America by Judge Cornelius Hedges.
“The important historical significance of this is due to the fact that the idea was vigorously developed and translated into reality by the creation by Congress in 1872 of the Yellowstone National Park, an area of over two million acres… the first National Park in the world.” (V. Grenning in the foreword to “One Mountain After Another” by Arthur Groom.)
In the eighty years that have elapsed since 1872, the world has toyed with the concept of National Parks and numerous countries have made various attempts, enlightened and otherwise, to follow the American lead. General1y, failures have been due to a lack of understanding of what a National Park should attempt to do… or else steps to dedicate lands to the people were taken too late!
In its report on “National Parks in Victoria”, the Town and Country Planning Association of that State has said… “A National Park is generally considered to be an area of land reserved for the preservation of its natural features, its flora and fauna, and to provide facilities for popular enjoyment and open-air recreation for the people.” I can't agree that this is a good definition, although it certainly contains some important observations; it also indeed poses the problems that administrators have had to face. For how long for example, can “the preservation of natural features flora and fauna” remain compatible with “the popular enjoyment and open-air recreation for the people”. The usual fashion in which the latter is interpreted would mean Sports and Playing Fields, and the destruction of naturalness to provide so-called developments and tourist facilities. On the other hand, we would be the first to admit the need to encourage the popular enjoyment and open-air recreation” if it means contemplation of natural beauty and the study of wildlife; and indeed, no area of natural primitive land should be locked away entirely from the people (although there is a strong case for some areas of very limited access).
So we want a scheme “for the protection of landscape beauty and the encouragement of open-air recreation in wild and unspoilt country which would be a great national investment yielding unlimited returns in health and happiness, in opportunities for the enjoyment of country pursuits and interests and in new growth of understanding between town and country.” (National Parks Committee Report, England, July, 1945.) It is interesting that this statement from England might be taken as another interpretation of the ideal of Caloola.
A National Park should be inviolate… remaining for all time for the unborn generations. How ridiculous the recent “swap” of a portion of the Mt. Field National Park so that a paper-pulp firm could “develop” the timber! A National Park should be a closed environment… an ecological equilibrium that will not, of itself, be destroyed. The solution would appear to be in areas of extensive size so that plants and animals and the “feeling of the wild” are satisfied in all respects; but some small areas may serve to protect places of geological or other interest… these would be National Monuments.
I think it is quite plain that we waste our time with reservations that can be lost to the people by a Ministerial minute. Any area of land that is worth keeping should be dedicated by such an Act of Parliament that requires the whole matter to be ventilated before action is taken to revoke the dedication. This would allow the people to speak and to know what is afoot. It presumes of course, that there would be sufficient public interest to prevent robbery of the nation should it occur; and this in turn throws the onus onto ourselves… we, who know the “call of the wild”…
“1. The need to preserve for the use of the people, reserves where individuals may relax in the enjoyment of scenic beauty and natural surroundings.
“2. The necessity to conserve for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations, fauna, flora, national wonders, historic landmarks, and objects of historic, scientific or antiquarian interest.”
It seems apparent that the appreciation of these things and the realisation of their value comes only with education… a specific education that aims to bring the pupil face to face with the beauty of the primitive and the need to preserve it. For our own part, the enjoyment of the wild is not enough… we need to pass on the book of knowledge with the left hand and the sword of vigilance with the right.
A National Park should be truly national… perhaps, in the enlightened years to come, international! What Victoria or Tasmania or Queensland or Where-you-will does with her primitive lands is as much my business as the New South Wales lands. In these matters at least, the whole nation or the whole human race, is as one.
Victoria has sixteen National Parks (See ITational Parks of Victoria Town and Country Planning Association of Victoria) and some of these, together with certain proposals, came under review in our Victorian National Parks Tour during the 1952-53 Christmas - New Year Period. We moved into the Kinglake National Park from Seymour through Kerrisdale, climbed up the Main Divide along the magnificent King Parrot Creek skirting Mt. Disappointment (made famous by the exploits of Hume and Hovell) to West King1ake (Tommy's Hut). The Kinglake Plateau extends for about twelve miles along the crest of the Plenty Ranges, a portion of the Main Divide travelling east-west at this point, and varying from 1600 to 2100 feet in height. Practically the whole of the Park lies on the southern slopes of the Divide… about 22 square miles (14,000 acres) of splendidly timbered spurs and thickly wooded valleys. It is pretty evident that the gullies would contain a wealth of native fauna including the lyre bird.
To the newcomer the Park is a mystery. There is little to indicate the extent or nature of the various points of contact in the parklands and it was very difficult to obtain a map of the area. When a map was obtained it was some years old. This map showed that the park was a disjointed affair consisting of two incomplete and unconnected parts (a third at Wombelano Falls is small) giving the impression that the park has been thrown together from the “left-over” Crown Lands. The reservations in most parts, cover portions of ridges and valleys which would appear to have but one evitable result when full development of alienated lands takes place in the district… the exposure of the habitats of plants and animals it is desired to protect. In some instances, the heads of creeks are not included in the reservation and in another only one side of a valley comes in the park. We paid a visit to Sugarloaf Peak reputed to have “one of the finest views in the whole Kinglake District” only to find that the growth of scrub completely obscured the view. (Even the intrepid climbing of trees was of little avail.) We camped the night at Masons Falls… a pleasant spot.
The Main Range is but lightly elevated plain, west through Kilmore, Lancefield and Woodend with Mount Macedon rising in no uncertain manner. Macedon reminded one of that outstanding South Coast landmark… Dromedary… the Camel's Hump of Macedon completing the illusion. It is little wonder that the Mount attracted the attention of Sir Thomas Mitchell on his return from his meeting with the Henty Brothers at Portland. It is recorded that “while the boat carriage was being repaired on the Campaspe, Mitchell made an excursion of about 30 miles to the South… climbed and named Mount Macedon, from which he viewed Port Phillip.” Unfortunately, the haze prevented our seeing the Port but we could determine the outer northern suburbs of Melbourne and enjoyed a magnificent view westward along the Main Divide through Trentham and Daylesford. Like the surrounding districts of Kyneton and Woodend, Macedon is basalt-capped. All the Central Highlands are rich with lush feed and green pasture grasses… a most impressive piece of country. One wonders what the tenure of the land about Mt. Macedon is… there are numerous farms and houses, but the tops should surely be a National Monument.
In the Report of the State (Victorian) Development Committee on National Parks, there appears a recommendation for the establishment of a Central Highlands National Park. We visited a number of points of interest within the area suggested. The proposed Park would be bounded on the south by the Main Divide from Trentham through Bullarto and Leonard Hill to Wombat, and would cover the headwaters of the Coliban River and the Loddon River as far downstream (north) as Vaughan Springs.
“It has been estimated that 80 per cent of the mineral springs in Australia are concentrated within a radius of 20 miles of Daylesford. Of these, the radioactive Hepburn Springs are, we believe, of such excellent quality as to be unsurpassed by any other spa water in the world” (From the Report).
Our route through Trentham and Bullarto showed us delightfully timbered upland country and then north to Mt. Franklin, an extinct volcano, a prominent landmark in the district. The interior of the crater, which is reached by a gently graded gravel road from the Daylesford-Castlemaine Road, is a large amphitheatre, unfortunately filled with tall, dry weeds when we saw it. The Mount is a popular venue for picnic parties and facilities are provided for this purpose. A road leads from the crater and follows the rim for about one-third of its circumference, from where a magnificent view is obtained of the high peaks of the Divide, east and west. As a geological feature, the Mount is said to have no equal in the Commonwealth… there is certainly plenty of evidence of the volcaneity in the rocks around the rim.
Following along the Jim Crow Creek, we passed through Hepburn to the famous Springs… a hive of visitors indulging in the “benefits of the Spring waters”. Our party also indulged… and not everybody was certain that it did them well… in fact, one would assure us that the spa waters were poisonous!
The country through Daylesford to the crest of the Divide is gently rising and altogether delightful one of those satisfying lands, not spectacular but restful. From the Divide draining south are two streams of immediate importance… the Werribee and the Lerderderg; the slopes are gentle down the road to Ballan and the run that afternoon will be remembered as a traverse through groves of tall gums.
That of the Central Highlands National Park proposal? One wonders whether this is not a new conception of the title “National Park”. Settlement appears to be most extensive in the area suggested and Crown Lands would presumably be limited and isolated. Such a park would not fit… “the wonders of Nature unmolested in the gurgling mountain streamlet, the majestic forest trees and the glorious panoramas… all part of an entrancing whole.” There also appears to be wide areas of untouched land in the valleys of the Werribee and Lerderderg (particularly the latter) that could quite profitably be added to the proposed National Park. Unfortunately our trip did not take us into the Mt. Blackwood Area, but from various high points we had looked across what appeared to be well-timbered and undeveloped land… we shall have to depend upon our Victorian friends to enlighten us further; we look forward to the reception of this information.
But back again to the proposal… we certainly, can agree with… “The planning of the area, on the Dividing Range, and its systematic development are long overdue. The area, which abounds with mineral waters, is a national asset apart from its health-giving values… and should have greater availability at the source of supply in the attractive surroundings of the countryside” (Report of the Town & Country Planning Assoc.).
From Ballan, the land drops in a series of step faults to the plain around Bacchus Marsh; the plain continues to the shores of Port Phillip. This faulting has caused the Werribee and Lerderderg Rivers to cut steep gorges (of short length) and it was to the Werribee Gorge that we now directed our attention:
“Situated in the Shire of Bacchus Marsh about 30 miles from the metropolis, the Werribee National Park, with its area of 573 acres, is, by reason of its inaccessibility, one of the most secluded of our National Parks.
“Apart from the outstanding scenic beauty of the unique gorge, its geological character has achieved world-wide fame. Here was first discovered the glacial scores that proved Australia had once had an ice age. Visiting geologists insist on seeing the Werribee Gorge.
“The chasms are sheer, the steepest being about 800 feet. Wild scrub and wattles grow from and cling to the purple-tinted rock and present a delightful sight in the flowering season.
“The last appointment to the Committee of Management was made in 1923, and, as far as can be ascertained, no control of the park has been attempted for some time. The Werribee Gorge National Park is literally locked away from the people as access is gained only by crossing private property.”
Access is indeed difficult, and since the Park is of small size strictest control of use and despoliation is vital. It is primarily a National Monument of geological interest and its use should jealously guard its scientific features.
Getting Govett's Goat.
By Capricorn.
It is very seldom that bushwalkers are troubled by wild animals on their mountain walks, but we (two females) had bother with a goat at Govett's, and it was quite wild enough for us. Large, brown, with two sharp curved horns and a beard, it barred our path - we thought he was a Billy, but later discovered she was a Nanny (the original bearded lady, no doubt).
Whether she was friendly, curious, or hungrily interested in the contents of our rucksacks, we didn't know - she certainly attached herself to us, following after like Mary's Little Lamb. We found it rather nerve-racking to hurry down the steep steps towards the Junction with a large goat bounding down behind us - we felt that the next bound might connect with the rearmost pair of shorts, and one of us would go a long way in a short time.
The technique of descent was to go for our lives down a flight of steps, then turn hurriedly and each wave a large stick at Nanny, who usually stopped at this sign of unfriendliness, giving an opportunity for our next quick dash. But nerves were getting frayed and legs very tired when deliverance came around the corner an a dozen pairs of youthful legs - a party of young girls going in the opposite direction.
They didn't know they were deliverers - at that moment our goat was still around the corner negotiating a fallen tree - and they must have wondered at the beaming smiles as we sped by.
Since then we have often wondered how they got on with Nanny, whether it is as worrying to be followed UP a steep slope as DOWN, and if they took our goat all the way into Blackheath. Ah, well, it was very peaceful as we went our goat-less way to Blue Gum.
By G.T.
Hooray fer
Neil Schafer,
The hunter of fungi
That shoots
Out of boots
Or ancient cow-dung: he
Will gather it -
Rather it
Even to women,
Though why for
He sighs for
Is something that's dim in
My mind,
When I find
In a book I have read
That it lives upon -
Thrives upon -
Wood that is dead.
Heaven knows
When it grows
In that obvious place
The “Probiscus
Upon his own face.
(A saprophyte is a fungus living on the decaying remains of other animals or plants.)
The party of twelve which set off on May 29th for Kosciusko were “seen off” by thirty other Club members. The seven who returned after Coronation weekend reported that the snow was icy at first, improved by Sunday afternoon, but was again ruined by rain an Sunday night. Probably those who stayed on for several weeks (Beverly Price, Betty Swain, Ross Laird, Peter Stitt and Brian Anderson) found better snow conditions later.
At the beginning of a roughish jaunt into the Northern Blue Mountains Alex Colley decided to go really lightweight, and hid 8/- in silver under a stone at the roadside near Putty Post Office. The rest of the party comprised an economist, an insurance officer and an employee of an impecunious Government Department, and there was great conjecture who would get there first on the way back.
At the end of the same trip, a domesticated cat gone bush attached itself to the party - in particular to Ira Butler's bacon. Ira remarked that he couldn't understand its hunger, it was well filled out, he couldn't see its ribs. Said Ray Kirkby: “Send him over here and let him have a look at mine”.
From The Bush Fire Bulletin:
Bush Fire damage in New South Wales during the 1952-1953 season totalled £460,000. In commenting on this figure the Bush Fire Committee said that the mild summer had contributed substantially to the relatively small losses compared with the tragic total of £6-million in 1951-52. Altogether 349 outbreaks were reported and total acreage destroyed (including State Forests) was 351,075 acres.
About the time this goes to press, Keith Renwick and Peter Stitt will have packed their traps for New Zealand. It's to be a working-cum-walking journey, probably of six months' duration.
Porridge Is Horridge.
Ode To A Terry's Meal.
By G.W.
Now some people are mighty fussy what they eat for breakfast:
Some like Fluffy Crumsies with a fricassied egg first:
And some say that if that's all that's on they'll sit in the market place and beg first.
Others consume a whole side of elephant steak,
Drink a gallon of coffee with a pound of cake,
And still think they've had something less than an even break.
But I've got a friend whose second name is Barr
And he vows that he would travel distances that might be considered both wide and far
Just to be where a plate-full of TERRY'S are.
And so, in reply to requests from various
People, we have ascertained that on one plate of TERRY'S
You can go twice round Cloudmaker and half way up Perry's.
Also it is the only food that you can give with immunity
From blame to maiden aunts, nursing mothers, babes and sucklings or any other member of the community,
And retain your impunity.
I would like to state that this unsolicited testimonial you will find
Was obtained without force of any kind,
Except thumb screws, the wrack and large quantities of TERRY'S, which brought about the desired state of mind.
By “Two Toots”.
What are Trikes? The last two Federation Reports would give an inkling, and the latest information, straight from the hot-box, is that Trikes are on. The word “Trike” is a combination of “Tr” as in Train, and “ike” as in “Bushwalking”. Quite clear? A Trike, or Train Hike, is scheduled for one Sunday in July. Whether the Federation is giving anything except advice is unknown to me, but it had been suggested that some club members may be used as leaders.
Does the Railway Department know the risks it is taking with its trainload of trikers? The new hikers are sure to pick up some of the habits of their Bushie leaders. For instance everyone may want to travel in the leading carriage going to the hike and be just as eager to patronise the rear (of the train) when returning. An eight carriage train therefore may have to be shunted and recompositioned (cop that, Mr. Windsor) eight times so that all could have a turn “near the injun”.
We may even have the spectacle of a bulging front carriage with the rest of the train almost empty. Workers with experience of peak hour travel would feel at home but imagine when the leaders decided to change to shorts. We are all aware that each carriage is equipped with a convenient compartment where travelling trousers are exchanged for walks wear. Emulating the leaders could only lead to serious congestion in the passage ways. By-law 1542, section (a), clause (d) distinctly states that passengers must not wilfully obstruct any corridor or passageway, so less harrowing methods of changing will have to be adopted. Ladies and Gents at destination stations would resemble the Black Hole of Calcutta if utilised, so here we have a problem for the Railways to solve. Junction stations en route with “Change here” boards will have to cover them carefully till the Trikers Special has passed.
In planning the walk I suggest the Railway Department consider starting from a publess town and placing the finishing post in a town with a pub or two. The males thinking of beer, and the ladies determined to keep an eye on the thirsty ones, would ensure a fair percentage concluding the trek.
The choice of leaders could lead to some interesting situations. Fancy losing a whole trainload of walkers. What fame! Did someone whisper St. Helena? On the other hand, with one notorious duo as co leaders, I can see one portion of the hike arriving at Leura, the other at Blackheath, with the train waiting impatiently at Katoomba.
It is inevitable that trikers will be influenced by the habits of their respective leaders. I can see Bill Rodgers leading a trip and leaving behind a trainload of converted vegos. Pity the leader on the following trike as he produces a large steak in front of hundreds of converted celery crunchers. The poor blighter would be lucky to escape with his life in the face of a meat hungry stampede. Or “Clem's converts crunched cucumbers, cosily, comfortably, contemplating country cycloramas”.
On the personal side - the whole lot of trikers might all grow beards. If the wife caught the habit poor old hubby might even have to Schafer. Oh, wouldn't it?
There are so many thoughts passing through my mind, but perhaps better not expressed, so in parting could I hope one trike ends at Blaxland. With the Ladies Room in its usual locked condition the resulting confusion could lead to a little more consideration for our fellow bushies.
The Photographic Exhibition Of 1953.
At a rough guess eighty or ninety people (including a few visitors) were present for the night of the Photo. Exhibition. The display was slightly smaller than that of the last two or three years, and there was a dearth of material from some of the “old faithfuls” amongst the Club's Photographers, but most of the exhibits were on show for the first time, and several new names appeared under most attractive studies.
Someone of waggish tendencies had produced the only 3-D subject “Dogwallop Leap Railway Station” (it deserves mention, if not a photograph, we plead!). John Bookluck, following the habit of pavement artists, submitted a note that it was all his own work, and in some cases he hadn't even had the benefit of timing supplied by Ken Meadows. Of a group of nude statuary taken in a hot house in Bathurst he commented “they are beautifully exposed”.
Judging was by popular vote, and the placings were:
- “Old Charlie” Malcolm McGregor
- “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes” George Grey
- “Spring Morning” Shirley King
- “Syncarpia Siesta” Bruce McInnes and “Morning Interlude” Bill Rodgers
- “Lord HoweIsland” Brian Harvey
The Federation Ball - 1953.
will be held at Paddington Town Hall on Monday, September, 14th.
Tickets 17/6d. Dancing 8.30 to 12.30. See Social Secretary.
Federation Notes - June Meeting.
By Allen A. Strom.
Railway Hikes:
President and Secretary have interviewed the Traffic Manager. The Railway Department is only interested in Hikes that would require some considerable travel by rail. Negotiations may therefore lapse.
Morton Primitive Area:
Following a report that it had been suggested that Morton Primitive Area should be gazetted a Flora Reserve, the Federation will write to the appropriate Department and ask for a voice in arranging “the working plan” for such Flora Reserve.
Gravel From National Park:
The Trust has agreed to sell gravel to the Sutherland Shire Council.
Era Lands:
These will be added to the National Park.
Everest Expedition:
The Federation is to tender congratulations to the successful party.
Search and Rescue Section:
Another practice weekend has been arranged for September 19/20th. Plans will be more or less as previously arranged. Waterfall area has again been suggested.
The Section reported that an affiliated Club had left an injured member of party at Splendour Rock; the leader had failed to notify the S & R Section as arranged with the injured person. A full report will be presented to the Federation later.
Social Report:
Organisation of the Federation Ball to be held at the Paddington Town Hall on Monday, September 14th, is proceeding. Tickets at 17/6d. are now available. Guessing competition to be drawn on July 2nd.
Paddy Pallin is particularly anxious to obtain information on transport facilities to various walks areas.
Editor of “Bushwalker, No.12” outlined general form proposed for publication. There will be 48 pages to sell at 2/- per copy. A pamphlet will shortly be sent out to affiliated Clubs asking for articles.
Warrumbungle National Park:
The Department of Lands will be asked to give Federation representation on the Trust when the Park is gazetted.
You know the old fable of the prospective giving the leader a cup of tea in bed? Well, it only happens once in a while, of course. However, Eric Pegram, when in Christchurch, N.Z., lately, was lucky enough to have complete meals served to him by another S.B.W. member. Yes, he booked in at the pub where Pat Sullivan was ekeing out existence as a waitress (between trips). Pegram, cad that he is, was trying to photograph Patsy from beneath his table as she produced the viands.
Paddy Made.
Bushwalkers' Best Seller.
There is in the press the fifth edition of that modest little volume “Bushwalking & Camping”. Just twenty years ago the first vest pocket edition of this work was published at 6d. per copy. The next edition was completely revised and re-written and each edition since has been re-edited. In all 11,500 copies have been sold.
Paddy wishes again to acknowledge those who contributed to the success of this work by writing specialised sections of it, namely, Myles Dunphy, the swag expert, 'Mouldy' Harrison, the super light expert, Dorothy Lawry first-aider, Oliver Moriarty, Tom Moppett, Frank Adams, snowmen, Took Kaske, Ken Baynes and the late Les Harwood canoeists, and Bob Savage camera man, and finally my good friend Dick Graves who prodded me into writing the book and gave invaluable assistance in producing it.
So here's to the fifth edition and may it soon run out.
Paddy Pallin. Lightweight Camp Gear.
201 Castlereagh St. Sydney. M2678.
Return Train Services - P.M. Sundays.
This abbreviated time table is prepared for the use of walkers who wish to carry on trips information concerning trains returning to Sydney on Sunday afternoon and evening. It is a club issue, distributed through the magazine for convenience only, and copies are available in the Club Room for those who do not receive the magazine.
Only those stations in areas commonly used by walkers are shown. Train times do NOT apply on week days, Saturdays or Holidays. Where frequent electric train services operate, no details are given.
Information correct as at June 25th, but subject to alterations. Note “d” denotes - stops to set down only.
Nowra | 1.50 | 5.28 | ||||||
Berry | 2.10 | 5.48 | ||||||
Kiama | 2.35 | 3.02 | 5.08 | 6.22 | ||||
Albion Pk. | 2.59 | 3.30 | 5.36 | 6.50 | ||||
Wollongong | 3.00 | 3.37 | 4.27 | 5.09 | 6.26 | 7.05 | 7.39 | 9.10 |
Thirroul | 3.26 | – | 4.53 | 5.35 | 6.53 | 7.31 | 8.06 | 9.36 |
Coal Cliff | 3.50 | – | 5.17 | 5.59 | 7.18 | 7.57 | – | 10.00 |
Stanwell Pk. | 3.56 | – | 5.23 | 6.05 | 7.25 | 8.03 | – | 10.06 |
Otford | 4.02 | – | 5.29 | 6.11 | 7.32 | 8.10 | – | 10.12 |
Lilyvale | 4.05 | – | 5.33 | 6.25 | 7.38 | 8.15 | – | 10.15 |
Helensburgh | 4.13 | – | 5.40 | 6.22 | 7.44 | 8.21 | – | 10.23 |
Waterfall | 4d26 | – | 5.53 | 6.35 | 7.57 | 8.34 | – | 10d36 |
Sutherland | 4d39 | 4d55 | 6d08 | 6d50 | 8d11 | 8d53 | 9d12 | 10d50 |
Hurstville | 4d54 | 5d11 | 6d24 | 7d07 | 8d27 | 9d08 | 9d27 | 11d05 |
Sydenham | 5d04 | 5d24 | 6d34 | 7d17 | 8d39 | 9d18 | 9d39 | 11d15 |
Sydney | 5.15 | 5.33 | 6.43 | 7.27 | 8.49 | 9.28 | 9.47 | 11.25 |
Local service from Helensburgh at 3.10, 7.10, 9.40 (Change Sutherland)
Local service from Waterfall at 3.20, 3.50, 4.30, 5.05, 5.33, 6.05, 6.20, 7.20, 7.45, 8.20, 9.50, 10.50 serves Heathcote (add 7 minutes) and Engadine (add 11 minutes) change at Sutherland.
Goulburn | 5.35 | 6.42 | ||
Marulan | 6.14 | – | ||
Tallong | 6.22 | – | ||
Bundanoon | 5.52 | 6.49 | 7d65 | |
Moss Vale | 5.25 | 6.22 | 7.23 | 8.04 |
Mittagong | 5.45 | 6.42 | 7.42 | 8.20 |
Yerrinbool | – | 7.02 | – | – |
Bargo | – | 7.15 | – | – |
Tahmoor | – | 7.26– | – | |
Picton | 7.14 | 7d40 | 8.34 | – |
Douglas Pk. | 7.30 | – | – | – |
Menangle | 7.40 | – | – | – |
Campbelltown | 7.55 | 8d15 | 9.11 | 9d29 |
Liverpool | 8d14 | 8d32 | 9d32 | 9d46 |
Strathfield | 8d36 | 8d54 | 9d53 | 10d08 |
Sydney | 8.53 | 9.09 | 10.09 | 10.23 |
Service from Unanderra / Moss Vale Line: Wollongong 5.00, Mt Murray 6.29, Robertson 6.45, Moss Vale 7.10, connects with 7.23 ex Moss Vale.
Note: Train leaving Moss Vale at 8.30 for Wollongong does not make connection for Sydney.
Service on Mittagong - Picton Loop: Colo Vale 6.06, Hill Top 6.20, Couridjah 6.48, Thirlmere 6.57, Picton 7.10; 5.25 ex Moss Vale runs via Loop Line - continues from Picton as 7.14 to Sydney.
Local services Southern Line:
From Camden (change Campbelltown) | 4.09 | 5.41 | 7.25 | 9.35 |
arriving Sydney | 6.13 | 7.43 | 8.53 | 11.48 |
From Campbelltown (change to electric train Liverpool) -3.13, 4.13, 4.41, 5.13, 6.13, 7.13, 8.43, 10.12 (Add 4 minutes Leumeah, 8 minutes Minto, 14 minutes Ingleburn, 18 minutes Macquarie Fields).
Lithgow | 5.55 | 7.00 | |||
Bell | 6.24 | – | |||
Mt. Victoria | 3.26 | 4.39 | 5.37 | 6.40 | 7.57 |
Blackheath | 3.35 | 4.48 | 5.46 | 6.49 | 8.06 |
Medlow Bath | 3.42 | 4.55 | 5.53 | 6.56 | 8.13 |
Katoomba | 3.51 | 5.04 | 6.03 | 7.05 | 8.22 |
Wentworth Falls | 4.02 | 5.15 | 6.14 | 7.16 | 8.33 |
Lawson | 4.12 | 5.25 | 6.24 | 7.26 | 8.43 |
Woodford | 4.20 | 5.33 | – | 7.34 | 8.51 |
Faulconbridge | 4.31 | 5.44 | – | 7.45 | 9.02 |
Springwood | 4.36 | 5.48 | – | 7.50 | 9.07 |
Warrimoo | 4.44 | 5.57 | – | 7.58 | 9.15 |
Blaxland | 4.48 | 6.01 | – | 8.02 | 9.19 |
Glenbrook | 4.55 | 6.08 | – | 8.09 | 9.26 |
Emu Plains | 5.06 | 6.19 | – | 8.21 | 9.37 |
Penrith | 5.17 | 6.31 | 7d18 | 6.39 | 9.44 |
Blacktown | – | 6d49 | – | 8d48 | 10d01 |
Parramatta | 5d45 | 6d59 | 7d45 | 8d59 | 10d12 |
Strathfield | 6d00 | 7d14 | 8d03 | 9d14 | 10d30 |
Sydney | 6.17 | 7.30 | 8.20 | 9.31 | 10.44 |
Local service ex Penrith
Depart Penrith | 3.52 | 4.54 | 5.23 | 7.24 | 8.45 | 10.44 |
Arrive Sydney | 5.27 | 6.28 (X Parramatta) | 6.54 | 8.08 (X Parramatta) | 10.18 | 12.28 (X Granville) |
Local service ex Richmond.
Depart Richmond | Arrive Sydney |
2.03 | 3.47 |
5.16 | 7.11 |
5.46 (X Parramatta) | 7.28 |
6.51 | 8.39 |
8.20 | 9.49 |
(X) - Change trains
Wyong | 3.05 | 3.40 | 4.20 | 4.58 | 5.15 | 5.57 | ||||
Ourimbah | 3.18 | 3.56 | – | – | – | 6.10 | ||||
Gosford | 3.36 | 4.05 | 4.25 | 5.05 | 5.26 | 5.43 | 6.05 | 6.28 | ||
Woy Woy | 3.54 | 4.23 | 4.38 | 5.18 | – | 5.55 | 6.23 | 6.40 | ||
Wondabyne | 4.04 | 4.33 | 4.48 | – | – | – | 6.33 | – | ||
Hawkesbury River | 4.15 | 4.44 | 4.59 | 5.36 | – | 6.15 | 6.44 | 6.58 | ||
Cowan | 3.19 | 4.35 | 5.04 | 5.19 | – | – | – | 6.17 | 7.04 | – |
Berowra | 3.26 | 4.43 | 5.11 | 5.26 | – | – | – | 6.24 | 7.11 | – |
Mt. Ku-ring-gai | 3.32 | 4.48 | 5.17 | 5.32 | – | – | – | 6.30 | 7.17 | – |
Hornsby | 3×43 | 5d01 | 5d30 | 5d45 | 6d15 | 6d31 | 7d00 | 6×41 | 7.30 | 7d37 |
Strathfield | 5d25 | 5d56 | 6d12 | 6d39 | 6d57 | 7d26 | 7d56 | 8d00 | ||
Sydney | 5.42 | 6.12 | 6.26 | 6.56 | 7.13 | 7.42 | 8.14 | 8.17 |
Wyong | 5.34 | 7.00 | 8.19 | – | – | |||||
Ourimbah | 6.48 | – | 8.32 | – | – | |||||
Gosford | 6.45 | 7.12 | 7.28 | 7.43 | 8.50 | 9.12 | 9.32 | |||
Woy Woy | 7.02 | 7.25 | – | 8.00 | 9.07 | – | – | |||
Wondabyne | 7.12 | – | – | 8.10 | 9.17 | – | – | |||
Hawkesbury River | 7.23 | 7.44 | – | 8.21 | 9.30 | – | – | |||
Cowan | 7.43 | – | 8.32 | – | 8.41 | – | 9.34 | – | – | 10.43 |
Berowra | 7.50 | – | 8.39 | – | 8.48 | – | 9.41 | – | – | 10.50 |
Mt. Ku-ring-gai | 7.56 | – | 8.45 | – | 8.54 | – | 9.47 | – | – | 10.56 |
Hornsby | 8d09 | 8d28 | 8×56 | 8d33 | 9.07 | 10d08 | 9×58 | 10d16 | 10d32 | 11×07 |
Strathfield | 8d31 | 8d55 | 9d00 | 9d29 | 10d32 | 10d38 | 10d57 | |||
Sydney | 8.46 | 9.12 | 9.15 | 9.44 | 10.47 | 10.53 | 11.14 |
Note: “d” - sets down only. x - change trains.
Electric trains leave Hornsby via North Shore at 1, 16, 31 & 46 minutes past each hour to 10.31, 10.51, 11.11, 11.32. Electric trains via Main Line leave Hornsby at 20 & 50 minutes past each hour to 10.50, 11.15, 12.02.