THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushwalker, rleSbillr. Associ,.tion Rooms “Northcote Building,” Reiby Place, Sydney. Box No 4476 G.P.a, Sydney. 'Phone J1N1462 342 JUNE 1963 Price 1/- Editor: Stuart Brooks, 5 InE,;alara Rd, Wahroonga. 04343 Business Manager: Alex. Colley CONTENTS. Par,e
Editorial 2 At Our May Meeting - J.3rown 3 Letters to the Editor 6 Paddy 'o Ad. 9 Northward Bound - Denise Hull 10 April Federation Report 12 Down Kanangra Gorge gc 1Nhalania Chasm. Dot Butler 13 Jine Day Walk Guide 17 Social Notes 17 Science Naturally 18 May Federation ReDort 20 The Bushwalker - Synca rpia 20 2. The Sydney Buehwalker June 1963
Our sub-committee on club finances has not been idle and has given a lot of thought to the several problems engaging their attention. It seems reasonable to assume that we can expect an early announcement from the chair summarising their deliberations to date and possibly recommending some lines of action. Bushwalkers are a lousy lot, myself included, and would rather walk a hundred miles than spend two bob.
But we should be ready to accept any such recommendations as may come from the chair as they represent the considered opinions of well qualified people that we have elected to do our dirty work for us. General meetings tend to be a bit unwieldy in arriving at decisions (particularly concerning money) and committee working provides the most efficient solution of problems of this kind, provided always, of course, that the body of members maintains its confidence in the committee they have elected. If they don't, then a new committee should be elected.
I think we can expect some move on the E3.1 Funds which have been languishing in bonds for years pe,st. Seeing that we can only buy land with this money, and some considerable effort will be required to locate a suitable tract, it would not be unreasonable for each of us to be asked to lent in some time and miles, looking around. “Lend searching walks may become the new vogue, and walkers may have to learn a little more about the exact title of land through which they walk, if they are to make an intelligent appraisal of any area that takes their fancy. It would be optimistic to expect to buy anything suitable for E500 and when the ideal area is unearthed, it may well be that we have to raise some more cash to purchase it.
The original money for Era was raised by subscriptions from walkers and I, for one, am confident that we could repeat the performance when the situation demands it. Of course, we would all expect the Committee to lead the way and set a good example in such a crisis.
The yearly club-subscriptions may well rear up again, as I fail to see how we can battle along at our present rates for much longer. To join a golf club, for example, would coat you ten times as much as we pay. With a bit more money in hand there are a lot of things a Committee could do to improve our club, a modern up-to-date library being just one.
With all their deliberations, I hope the E100 for a new typewriter for the magazine has not been overlooked. Patchy reproduction in the magazine is only due, we assure you, to the worn out keys on our present machine, which is in worse condition than your Editor.
June, 1963 The Sydney Busliwraker 3. AT '11HE 111-.Cf 2vfE71177:11-11 Jim Brown
Up to the present sta,2e of Lhis year, t'Lle Club's new members appear to be distinguished for their bashfulness - or is it that they are determined nothing will be pinned on them? At all events, on the evening of May 02 they weren't there. After reading and endorsement of the minutes the President announced that, because of pressure of business, the May Committee meeting had not advanced with the Library proposals. Further, the special meeting arranged for reponsible “junior” members had been thwarted by a total absence of the juniors,
Out of correspondence came a letter from Tom Itoppett telling us one of the members of the Fauna Protection Pond l WE',8 retiring on account of age, and he —ended to us Allan Fcx a foundation member of L,,P.A. and one time Caloola Club member as our nomination. A regular procession of members agreed lhat Allan Fox would be a very worthy representative of the conservation bodies, and we voted aecordinc;ly,
The President referred to the ding-dong between the Snowy Mountains Authority and the Kosciusko State Trust and said as it seemed certain to become a political football, the Committee recommended that we write to Senator Spooner in protest, or Sir G:A.1-tiad (as a member of the Trust) in support of preservation of the primitive area at the Summit, It was suggested that the letters from the Club he signed by as many members as possible. Alex Colley felt our letters should answer a question that was bound to arise - viz- the State Government, in spite of representations, had neglected to proclaim the primitive axon until work on the Summit had commenced, Jim Brown said the Club's attitude had boon consistent, and he c.:1-11d not see why the Club should attempt to explain why the State Government had or had not taken certain. action. He moved endorsement of Committee's recommendation. Reg Ylbakim,sad from correspondence he had conducted with Mr. Monaghan, pointing out that the works in the Primitive area would not add to water storage and only a minute amount to electricity generation. The President pointed out that conservation bodies had urec:t the deduction of a Primitive Area for years past and Aleer Colley said the C'ob's letter should make this quite clear The Committee 's recommendations were then adopted and the President said the letters would be bralght in for members signatures at the next Club night. Correspondence was no in:Lshecl- a letter from Snow Brown. and signed by a group -)1b members asked for the reading c he ra1s Report to be resumed end sugEasted that loalers of wallLi miht be asked to narrate the tale of their trips to meatil-,Es, Frashc':own was ar,an it - a business meeting should be a business meeting. if leaders were to hash our lugs it Should be after business was; wer Math frown Moved that revert to the old drill and, road the Vallcs Fccolto Bill lurke not sure whether the Report was business or entertaint. Jack Wren didn't wish to hear long
lists of statistics of the numbers on walks. Frank Ashdown said he was for the motion, but not the added talking proposed in the letter. Snow said the telling of the story by leaders worked well in other Clubs he had visited, and he felt it was worth a trial, but realised that was outside the terms of the motion. Bob Godfrey was dismayed that we could change our minds so quickly, but Eddie Strotton felt we should hear about walking activity, the most important aspect of the Club. After which we carried the motion. The first statistics of the evening followed instantly with the Treasurer telling us our cash in hand had increased from E185 to E215 on the month's trading. Subscriptions to the tune of 54 had helped it along. So to the Walks Re9ort, which first included two belatedly received reports from March, both to do with the Royal Tour Holiday of 2-3-4 March. Bob Godfrey had a party of on a canoe jaunt on Fish River, which was too shallow for good boating. (Bob complained of a female bow-man who didn't even notice when he went over into the drink). A party which owned to no leadership wont to fee Jasper Caves. The eight members explored the Dip Cave involving (1 60 ft descent en wire ladders, and reported some good formations. The party swam in the Geedre,digbee river - a good trout stream but infested with liver flu]ze, necessatinc boiling.
Coming to April, Dot Butler with 6 members, 3 prospectives and 4 visitors coverad two day trios on 5-6th April. The Saturday jeunt was Kanangra Gorge, NUrdering Gully, KrinenTra ,Inc-1 Sunday was Oldham's Selection, Whalania Chasm. Dot expleinec, that the climbs are best mt:asured in hours rather than miles, since only about 12 miles were covered, but total descent and climbs of over 5,000 ft were concerned on the same week-end John Luxton led 8 members and 1 prospective from Katoomba via Scenic Railway, Ruined Castle, (exploration of Shale Nine shaft), Katoomba. The Golden Stairs up to the let Narrow Neck are reported in good condition. The Sunday's walk, Ernie French led 14 (8 members, 6 prospectives) down Glenbrook Gorge up to the Nepean Lookout, Euroka and back to Glenbrook. Ern reports that scrub along the Glenbrook: Gorge tops is heavy after several wet seasons. At Easter the Nattai walk:programmed was cancelled but the Annual Safari to the Castle Area, conducted by Bill Rodgers, brought out a party fo 21. The Route was from Jerricknorra Creek:via Corang Peak to the Roswaine, Renwick and The Castle and return. Over Easter, too, Wilf Hilder took a small party on a Tiger Walk from Hill Top down the Nattai, over the Baleen Gap (Travis' Pass), over the Wbllondilly and up to Yerranderie, then south via Nt. Colong and New Yards Creek back to the Wollendilly and finally through Bullio and High Rnni:(-) to hittacong. Wilf commends it as a long but very scenically attractive walk, with a good cycloramic view from High Range just off the Wombeyen Caves Red. June 1963 The Sydey. 5. Quite a fuw membrs cr2C71 EasL, r with the 7,2It'cy near Kanangra, doinp, day tri-)s from . Vialf ::epiatd on. th 19 to 2l. t-dp was revised as a tral 3-13ak trip. bLlt E,E! st:f:tro didn't attend, 1-,e “went-it- alone” with a- 151 pac rc_a-ds, John TJ:Lt,ns Saturday walk Dril 20-21) with 7 mom1A_,rs Ln7,_ 2 pl:;:::2Deives was J31ack1aL-ath - Perry's - Blue 'Gum -LCLPyl,T 1.12 The 13:.ty cnfirms that the fire trail has been ex),:endd from the o Yount Tlay. $even members, 9 lorospectivos and 1 visitor formed Ron Kni[ht1c7's d:v walk on 21st - Warrim,-)o Road - Cowan Cree7-L. - Terry - ft, Ives Many fire trails now penetrate the area the Roach Trig, track is ono, and thel-c is a bulldozed track along the loft bank of Bare Crook - this should not be follom,,d where it noes uo a ride as it 1L:7,ids back- to St, Ives Sh:-pfund Very -wct cond4t1ons JITDril 27-8 disruDtd walidnL -01-n-,7), 37;11 Ketas' week-end wi2,11: -was cancoiled and so wa3 the 17,11ay Saturday trie. Ross Iltrborn led a 3 -eal:s r(JcoLmissance, altered te a Splendour Reach trip. The two walkers on the trip used caves on theVLst side f Mt, Dingo and reported tracks were awash - Dava d Incram with 8 would-be starters for Heathcote station. the day walk confessed that the weathor was ji.,:st too much and &dn't leave At the cc c lusion of the readin7 of the We-ike Report, Bin. Cosgrove, explaining that he didn't often gi;A:, in for rneetinE;s, e rJrussed astonshment that anyone wanted t3 aurLail readin of the report, In the Foc:erLtion Lc:port we were reminded that the Search and Rescue Practice 'wuld be hold on 1)-20-21 July and th..? rest V..1F “tabled”. Eddie Stretton had popos::11?.; for two Theatre Partios, One to Orpheus in the Underworld” ac ld thc) other, a7ro 'C;11;7.nk s'AcEestion to “Iedy A udlay's Secret” chow of hric.-; Env,-3cr.Lco facie c7-idnce of enouEh starters to just:ifymak-IncrJcn Cemin: to G.en,3ral 17_sin5 the President told us of the czatin of loJ: into the C1u7)'s finanoial affairs: the m7ltuIinE ,,Df a -pctrcul Jfi:Lnd this, ye:-,1 mode it desianble to consider tho whiL2 structe of the Club 'f,; inv,istrnts. The member of the 8u7)-cnitteo aloe-cor-(Jn Fred LInnedy and -Llex Colley, plus Prosider:t and Sec try offic Prank Ihdflwn vint,..3d to Pr:os of t7-le r-DsolutioTn on redinE the Walks Report) M-lother there wo r:ny o;.1 Inotion roecin rf Drovicus resolutions, Th,2 Pridem], adv-isoc3.tht or H eurtnin fer2tu-oc defined in the Constitutim we c.:11.1d cc)ntinu ix ith our clean innocot fun of =kinE and broakin i'eso:lations at will. Publicrltion of the L51-1.vIniker Anui). -L was annineed and Oct BUtJr told us to buy and buy until i. hurL - Fc1,73e7:atl,L mnLco a finoncial success with this ec'!itinn, 6. The Sydney- BuL,hvalker June 1963. Eath Brown drew attention to the subscription rates published in the notice of list of officers and said several fiLures were wroix. The married ceuples should be 3, ILIA Z3.10.0, the non-actives should be 10/- each, irrespective of and the maLazine subscIiption when retained in the Club, was also 10/-. The Treasure/ said he was only accepting the correct amounts and returnini: any surplus money received, but it was resolved to issue an amended list with the next Leneral circular issued. Jack Gentlo sug:Lested that the circulars should be signed with the name of the Secretary, not merely initials. Will Hilder said he had a letter from n Pr. Jemieson, contininc, nn outline of walking trips he considered suitable for scouting Will expressed the view that the notes as received wore somewhat inadequate and possibly misleading and he asked assistance in revising them. Then, with the clock standing at 9.25 p m, those old faithfuls, Gentle and Rodgers undertook:Room Stewarding and we closed down. 11…011.1
Letters to the Editor. Keen Motorists All.
Several of your correspondents have inferred from my letter in the March magazine that I don't like motor cars. In this they are right, but they need have no fears that I will bore them with my reasons for this pre-Cambrian attitude. To cast aspersions on the wonderful machine that is the backbone of our economy, keeps us all working to pay for it, fills our hsopitals, and best of all, saves us from walking, would seriously deplete the circulation of magazine. As we need a new typewriter, this wouldn't do. However, whether we like motor cars was net the point at issue. “Curious Headhunter” asked what had happened to the mainstay of the magazine - accounts of walks. I replied that there were two reasons for this - that there is nowhere to walk, and that Club members, like everyone else, prefer motoring. I didn't say this was a had thing - just stated it as a fact. If it was not a fact it could easily have boon disproved by a few good articles on recent walks. But only the cries of wounded motorists were raised in response. “Dissembling Hot li:od” offered business advice and speculated on the views of my ancestors. As to business the first thing to learn is to mind your own, and as to ancestors*, mine may well have occupied a larger cave than his. One thing is clear - he is glad to have avoided that “4 or 5 hour scrub hash to the Kowmung from Kanancra”. Why he wants to got to the Kommuns, I can't understand. Surely, having avoided the “scrub bash”, he doesn't intend to clamber along that awful rough river gorge?
…..,.. Donald Bryson Taylor tells us tht there is 00d wnlkinc c,:untry the other side of the Kowmunce So there Is, at my :ate for short rdks, but whetheT hc,vinc. trave11e6 so frz'indback jy cLr, you have been for a drive or a walk, is a matter f opinien, nHitchhircer cluAes the taxatien paid by m_torists. Ts he infeirin that motorin::,unlike drinkin7 (tr=ation fZ120,136,000) or smohinE (talvrtien Z79,074,00), and other pleasures, sh7u1,4, not bear its share of taxation? Since “Hitchhiker” is pleased to let car-owners bear hiL m-tprin', costs, he should be ,7171d that they help pay his taxes trn. Nobody has yet said they would rather walk than drive. Alex Colley c, Bushwalkers' Younr: Folks, .aw,m Members may be interested in the progress to date on the formation of a Sji;VV,, Young Folks Group,. The proposal to form such a group has been put forward in the past, but there was no general agreement and no action was talmn, It was discussed again more recently by a few of the older members during the Annual Reunion in March Subsequent34y an article on bushwalkinc, appeared in one of the daily newsioap(32s, possibly stimulated by the recent movements abroad (Pros ideAt Kennedy, etc). to imnrove health by walkii:L, As a result of this article, about 120 letters were written to the Editor of the newspaper by folk interested in takinj up bushwalkimz. 62 of these wore yainL folk between the ages of 12 and 15, These letters were and replies were sent. on Wednesday, ApIil 17. arrived given by the Editor of the newspper to Heather Joyce The yLrung felk wore invitecl to a meeting at 6.30 p m. There wore no replies ma(f none of the yeung folk In spite of thiS setback we are ce,nvinced that there a demand for a Young Folks' group, especially by the children of older members. We are considering the posability of bw-inning, with them r,.nr1 a=n[inc a few weekend camps with them, as a trial It would be appreciated if members with children in the appr,:priate age-group would give some thought to this and let us know their views, either orivately or at a Club Meeting. Mfene Pridham. Reg. Yeah-ins. 8. The Sydney Bushwalker June, 1963 EXtract from letter by Joan and Frank Eir,by ae they continue their wander around the lucele. Austria. March, 1963 Vial, here we are in Lech, in the Arlberg region of Austria - this is a real ski paradise if ever I saw one. In fact, the whole villece exists almost solely for skiin. It is not a very place. but I would estimate that there are over 1,000 shiers here. Lech lies in the bottom of a valley at about 4,500 feet, suri-unded by majnificent slopes and mountains on all sides - and there's snow, stew, snow! In fact, about 5 feet or more on the Lround. Our bed and breekfast guest house sits up on a slope above the main part of the villae and from our windows it looks like a fairy-tale place, especially at night. The hotels, pensions etc. are set out at re-er:lom and with a thick 1Pyor of snow on the roofs you can imagine how leretty it ell loeks. There are no fewer than 10 lifts starting from the villne or on the higher slopes (2 cable cars, 2 chair- lifts, 6 T-bars) and by taking a cable car and then skiing down to the next village of Zurs, one has access :,c) 6 or 7 more lifts and it is possible to do a big circuit back to Lech, Get in a bus and ride 20 minutes or so and you have St. Anton and another great batch of skilifts. Of ceurse all these lifts open up a terrific variety of ski terrain and take one up near the tops of the mountains - as some of them are quite long and gain up to 3,000 feet in eltitude, the downhill runs are really worthwhile and may take 2 hour or more to do. There is a big ski school here with dozens of instructors and to see the army of skiers assembling twice a day is an impressive sight. Classes range from 63 (beginners), then.6A, 53, 51 etc. through to 1A. We are in 511 so you see we have a lone way to go by these standards (but you should see the l's and 2's) There are two 2-hour periods of instruction each day (mainly exercises in the morning and free skiing with the instructor in the afternoons, each 2-hour lesson costing about 6/- Aust.) We find lifts cost is about 18/- Aust. per day - sounds expensive, I suppose, bxt that's skiing,. As for food! We have our evening meal out at a restaurant or hotel - we have found a couple of places which serve the kind of food that I didn't think possible. Austrian cooking at its best is terrific, I can't say more. From all this you will have gathered that we are strictly downhill shiers at the moment - this is our spot of luxury for two short weeks. Depending on weather conditions etc. we may do a week's touring using the LeC., (Austrian alpine Club) huts but this can be difficult without a guide, apparently. Failing this we Loinc;. to Innsbruck to see if we can de some cheap ,skiin based on the Youth Hostel there. But back to us -.from Austria, we're off to Rome where we aim to buy perhaps a Wspa G.S. tour parts of Italy, Frence, Spain, Germany, Scandinavia, back to Britain (about 1st July) for six weeks or so, then back through EUrOpe (a week's walking in the Swiss Alps) to Greece, Lebanon, through to India, all on the scooter (we hope!) liepo to be back to Aussie by Christmas. If it comes off it should be great fun. Joan and Digby.
Why a tent? May net a bark humpy, the materials are handy-enough in the bush. Or a waterproof oilskin or plastic bac to slip into overnight. Or a handy cave, hollow log or brush shelter. Well, nearly all of you have used a tent at some time and know most of the reasons you prefer one for your overnight shelter.
Have you ever lain in your tent at night listening to the falling rain drumming steadily on your roof and marvelled at the wonderful efficiency of that fine, almost flimsy, piece of cloth that makes the difference between a comfortable camp or a miserable one.
Of course, the cloth used in Pnddymade tents is somethinr: special. It's specially made in Finland from igh quality raw cotton and contains not less than 00 thread in the wnrp n nd weave of each square inch. Ok cod cloth, carefully cut to a well designed and U1'12 hoose your tent from a selection of 20 models all ….., bc –“,N 6.7 uaranteed for quality and good workmanship. Complete trvc,\ fter sales service for repairs, reproofing, additions r alterations. 1-L…7.,._ ,,k /4,szs., t 4,,,,,,4 , Iv, i Al ! 1 , ested pattern, sewn with high quality thread by killed hands and reinforced properly at all stress oints. That is at makes a ,good tent, a Paddymade ent. f you need a snow camping tent for this ski season can do that too, and have a wonderful range of cssories for this. PADDY PA LIM ta Lightuteight Comp Gear 201 CASTLEREAGH Si SYDNEY E3M2685 -cae4woftizo 10. The Sydney Bushwalker June, 1963 NalificvliAED DIDUND. Denise Hull. For those contepplating a trip to Cairns and wonferini about ways and means the following may be of interest. It is 1,75-J miles from Sydney to Cairns and May to October - the dry season - the best for travel. The five means of locomotion available - walkinr-, car or air,beinE ruled out by lack of energy, lack of a vehicle and lack of money - other means were investigated. These were - b3.7- train - a surprdeKnply cheap trip - f24.10.0 single for the 3 days, or alternotively, what' should be a most interesting trip by cargo boat from Brisbane to Thursday Island.,. (one way) in a 3 berth cabin and all f;und for 11 days. Calling at several ports en route and through the lovely Whitsunday Passage. J.-Burke & Co. of South Brisbane provide all particulars to 12 months ahead of the monthly sailings. If sailing times had been opportune would have chosen this way myself as it sounded most interesting.. An overnight coach trip from Sydney mould probably be the cheapest way of picking up the ship in Brisbane. On the Railway, breaks of journey are allowed in both States provided the whole journey is completed in one month of commencing and the fare is the same by the North Coast or by New England and Wallangarra. The train reaches Brisbane at midday and the Sunlander leaves that night and provides a comfortable berth in a,3 berth cabin both nights but no bedding on the second class sleepers. Air conditioned, iced water, and free hot showers are availeple in each carriage and H. & C. water in basins in each cabin. A dining car was attached to the 14 carriage train, but a pkt. of vita weet biscuits, butter, cheese, nescafe and tongala and fruit provided my meals with a thermos of hot water for 3' at the various (2/- if tea so take own tea) A hot meal - 3 courses for L1/6 on the second night held me together. Sandwiches are 10' a sandwich on Queensland Points of interest on route - being unexpectedly farewelled at Hornsby by Bill Cosgrove off on his mid-week walk - Demwra way. “What no rucksack!' said Bill eyeing my decorous luggage - almost felt I was letting the side down. While staying at Walcha the opportunity of rereading with greater appreciation after meeting him - Heinrich Harrerrs “7 Years in Tibet.” The perusal of the Hastings and Dorrigo Military maps (4m to 1”) with an eye for the possibility of someone (not me) walking from Apsley- Falls near Walcha to Nempsey - 60-80 mi3es as the crow flies. Enquiries would probably dhow some timber tracks through the 40 odd miles of jungle cuntry my friends think. June, 1963 The Sydney Busll_warzer 13- The perusal on route of the Q'ld Rnilway Timetable. A fascinating source of information for 1/- Corpses carried at 10 a mile - no transistors allowed on 3risbano suburban trains (no mention of country areas, but not a poop did I hear from one in 1200 miles in Q11d). Quadruple cycles??? 4 times rats of ordinary cycles. Gold - treble ordinary parcel rat, List of protucted birds and animals (r1nd incidentally various posters at all stations from the Government Fauna and Flora Protection board) amberra regarded for Railway purposes 4s a “station in ILS,N') and of great interest to Dushwalkers and others - the times and fares of all motor coaches and mail cars running from the various railheads throughout the State - it all made fascinating reading and scope to plan trips per rail and coach even to the Gulf 'ccuntry, While in Brisbane was most fortunate in meeting Dr, vi,i,er7ir of the Flying Doctor Service - a very alive and interesting personality. The ccuntry north of :Brisbane very green with frequent flood areas - at Rockhampton the train fascinated me as it trotted eDun the centre of one of the main Eltree4.:3 thrugh miles of young sugar cane - a paddock full of hundreds of conical ant nests - and hundreds of miles of completely uninhabited c And last, but :lot least - my fellow tr,Lvejlers - No. 1 cabin mate a garrulous woman anxious to toll all and sunry the story of her life. I left her to T1,; 2 to say y-L=.:s and n. in the right places while I pe cused Lady Chatterloy's Great e..:ccitemunt after we left Townsville when No. 2 found that No. 1 had purluined all her money about 5”.;J before she alirhted at Townsville. So we were duly interviewed by the Police at the next stop. Life is not without its little excitements. Cairns - I haven't suon it - its sUll Trifling! 7 inches since I arrived, ,-3 COLCilc =111-2, The results of the annual colour slide competition will be made-hi-1mm on July 31. Is-n-Lors are invited to submit slides - a limit of 6 2er_member - by Tednesda July 17. Hand them to Edna Stretton., slides mast be initialled to facilitate return; Thore will be no categories. The 1 judges will be Dill Rodgers, Laic. McGregor and Arthur Gilroy. 22. The Sydriezr 13usb wa1ker 3une, 1963
FEDERATION REPORT APRIL 1963 Kedumba Pass Road Closure.
Apparently it was the Lands Department who recommended protest against the proposed closure of this road. Their reason for so doing is not known.
Search and Rescue. The question of press coverage for S. OcR. activities was discussed. Mr. N. Melville said that in his opinion had coverage was the fault of the parties themselves and that a better liasion was needed. Exercise week-end is to be held July 19-21 of this year.
Proposed additions to the :Rue I,Luntins National 1=411-k were :Aatlined. Pruposed aations to the Boyd National Park were also ,Jutlined. National 1.-',rks Association. Reported that the National Park Act was now draftee but not yet public. Expressed thir pleasure at the fine response to their request for letters on the Kosciusko Parks Area. Federation Ball. The Ball Committee was elected for 1963. I, FOR ALL YOUR TRANSPORT FROM BLACKHEATH CONTACT HATSWELL'S TAXI AND TOURIST SERVICE. RING, WRITE, WIRE OR CALL, ANY HOUR - DAY OR NIGHT. 'Phone: Blackheath W459 or 1N151 Bookinc Office: 4 doors from Gardners Inn Hotel (LOOK FOR THE NEON SIGN) SPEEDY 5 or 8 PASSENGER CAIIS AVAILABLE. Large r small parties catered for Fares: KANOGRA MITS 3C1V-.. per head (Minimum 5 passengers) PE 'S LOOKDOM 4/- JENOLAN STATE FOREST 20/- If CARLON'S FAHH 12/6 UIE WILL BE PLEAS-RD TO Qum TRIPS OR SPECIAL PARTIES ON APPLICATICN
DOWN KA.N.LITGRA.GORGE ADDVTNL CHASTI. Dot Butler. The three cars with their 17 passengers reached Kanangra Walls on Friday April 5, about midnight more or less, The 'less” applies to the cars belonging to Stan Madden and Duncar Whose occupants smartly hopped down and bagged the best sleeping places in the cave. The “more” applies to Bruce Withers Vanguard which had developed a puncture on the way, which meant putting on the spare wheel, and a further delay vainly trying to get petrol when Bruce discovered his tank getting low. Bruce has only been out from England two months and had not yet learned that petrol stations in this country can be few and far between, and the occupants aren't always at home to be knocked up at midnight to dispense petrol, In some trepidation with the tank registering E for empty, we wound round the steep descent to Jenolan Caves House. Getting petrol at Caves House seemed a forlorn hope at that hour of the night, The place was in utter darkness except for a light around the back which, on closer inspection, proved to be the toilets. No amount of ringing on the front door bell produced results. Just when we were giving up hope, a car arrived bringing a couple of late guests for Caves House. The driver, an ex-bushwalker, offered to give us petrol from his tank. Just then, however, the elderly factotum of the hotel opened the front door and agreed, after escorting his guests upstairs, to sell us 10 gallons and so the situation was saved and we sped on our way to bed down beside the rest of our party in the cave, as I said before somewhere on the “mere-ish” side of
The leader, that is to say, myself, got the party up at daybreak and even lit a fire to urge the tardy ones out of the sack. Jenny Madden and her three little boys stayed behind to entertain themselves around the tops, and the other 13 of us were ready to take off at 7.30 a m. enutifully unhampered with nothing but our lunches, a box of matches and two 120 ft. nylon ropes to descend the whole length of Kanangra Gorge and return via Murdering Gully in a day.
We made across the plateau to Kanangra Falls, visible less than a mile away. The Falls make a spectacular 500 ft, drop down sheer granite walls into a deep gorge, and the water then flows down over a serieS of 5 or 6 more falls in its incredibly steep descent to Kanangra Creek, nearly three thousand feet below, The weather was magnificent - a change from the weelm of continuous rain we had been having and the amount of water pouring over the falls made a sick with eeinv.
A very steep gully on the nearside of the top falls seemed to offer a possible descent route so we set off, the young Butler twins, Wade and Norman, leading off like a couple of young hunting dogs that have just spotted their prey. The rest of the party strung behind, clinging to bushes to break the speed of their progress and being careful net to dislodge loose bits of the mountainside onto the heads of those below, and before very long we were all reunited in the spray at the foot of the falls. A little bit further along we looked like being baulked by a very steep drop into a hanging gully: so we sidled round to our left and climbed over a kind of saddle on a huge isolated gendarme. This put us into a secondary gully which led us steeply down till we were within view of the historic waterfall and rescue route where young Dick Donoghqy was brought out after the accident last year.
The party perched on top of a rock ledge where the stretcher had been laid while the leader gave an illustrated address, ose# were, of incidents that had happened during the rescue: “Over the area of steep faces and gorges we are about to descend we used a thousand feet of pylon rope to bring the stretcher case and the forty two helpers to safety. In addition we used slings and combiners and rock pitons and eye-bolts, and every bit of this machinery was necessary.” Having thus worked ourselves up to the right pitch of caution we heard a faint call from below, and there way down in a pool below the waterfall are Wade and Norman having a swim. They had swarmed down over the moss and succulent vegetation growing on the lizard-ledges of the near-vertical wall and were already down.
Lucy, who had sought to follow, found that weighing more than the boys 5 stone has its liser'vntne-es, and there she was spreec'eefled ever a bit of vertical cliff-face, clinging on to an insubstantial succulent, calling out to be rescued. We promptly threw her down a rope, and down this the rest of the party went to the ledge below, then we tied two 120 ft. ropes together and abseiled down these to the top of a scree slope. A scramble down this brought us to the pool where the young lads were having their swim. Another two or three waterfalls on a par with the one we had just passed made us realise what good judgement (or good luck) the rescuers had shown last year in deciding to bring the injured boy out by climbing 2.2R the gully instead of down. It would have been three times as difficult and taken ten times as long to bring him out via Murdering Gully.
By 11.30 we seemed to have passed all the difficulties, so we settled down on a nice sun-warmed heap of loose rocks and had lunch. Then we sauntered on to Kanangra Creek by 12 o'clock, found some nice swimming holes, and swam and sunbaked and slept for an hour or so before setting off up Murdering Gully to the tops. The normal way, of course, is straight up the creek, but I had suggested, rather as a joke, that those who felt like it could go straight up the new landslide Which has appeared just under “the most photographed rock” at Kanangra, end thence up the crack behind the rock to gain the tops.
We toiled up the steep sides of EUrrderini: Gully in the afternoon heat; in small parties of twos and threes, all taking our own time. Those of us Who reached the top first went round to the look-out rock to see how the others were progressing. We could see some small, ant-like figures down among the bushes but could not distinguish what they were. Suddenly out of the crack at our feet, appeared two boys with the seat out of their pants, They had come up the “quick way”, chimneying up the crcnc, what do we see down below, but Duncan and prospective Peter Cameron who have followed in their small wake This posed a problem_ A rope would be necessary to get them up, but we up top didn't have on Snow had not yet appeared with his rope, and Doan down there had the other one Norman solved the problem by dlimbing half way down the 'rack again and loworinE about 50 ft of cord, onto which Duncan tied the rope. Itve hauled this up, and then St'in and Geoff took-it in turns belryin up the bqys below and so the cly's trip er,ded, at about 4 p m. It W2S a great achievement for the three prospectives, Jim. 21nn n Pctor, and we have assured them it will be cunted as a Test w-11 We new proposed to rio b-ck to the crs, pc: in ,)1.11' ;:ear, and returl; along the Ehn:1n.7ra heLld to the turn off to i/halan's Clerlrinc or “thu Pea farrD. This is situated just 2 miles off the 2d. and is an spot fur a paitz, planninc to ro ownWhalpnia Chasm. vie wuld hove nice ti;.1J to hr,ve ter- Dcf)re fark, and Sc be ru:ly for an cqtrly st,mt the fellowinEmrrin Next e.:7 we follower” the fence of the pen frm to the erz( of the cle rin then kept to the low c,-,..ntry. skirtinn the swamps till the s anil. Jf a waterfall on the richt was we were Pt t'ie. ont.:rf-,-2ce to Whalani? Chcsm. We slid C.own. the hillside, densely covered with water vegetation and tree ferns, then followed Com thO creel; te the ',7xt high wtterf.-al; a distance of Perhaps a ni ae Here; althr,uL:h it was only about 10.30, we had lunch, then left packs and 6hoes and everythinL; anC.c.-c)wn we went on a glorious rock-hop, over falls, reciv water terraces, 711onu rock viadects deep2s worn 7:Y,f conturie3 of eourin&; wat,r till we came to the rock-slide to end all rock sii(?cs it is about 50 cr CO ft hich, and the water caL;cades over it in a contina:Ja cover t'-ireiJ or fJur inches deep, then falls irAo a de cp pool. DJ the time w got here we dociC.ed there was no neud to go any furthex:, The j'inetion With Dr1ViCE C2nyon was less than an hour av'2, but et wouls“, be ra.),e!'l more ple:5;:rrA-, Erpending the next couple of hour de-un tho water slluto Those who had costumes put them on, and tho3u whn didn't have ceFtui-2.cs slide in then underpants, We started off from a point b(Jut a third of the distance the pool, hut as couracrc ilicrensed the (astnncL, :c-c higher and higher till gac.::e, Norman,. Guc-)ff, Snw 1)117-,cnn and Jk'.773werecsuin right fro thc waCinE out intu the nriZdao of the w-lt,Jrfall, oittinff (2n their 1-11_;..nche.;=.1, rnc.' then sailinr avuoy uvca:. ne curve :.iLeyOU see cirT:piLeups 7oehavinc in a shootinc, callely, Stan :111,2. I, after onc: tr7, sat nursicw: a bruised behind (each our own) and gave the ethers 77,=,Tb:_l eno_ur:Iger.Jela! whilc the three prospective lads, thf_nkin_ nu a2 iit7et , tossr:. e own stec fo gullies hurleC J7L,3- w terf:lj dna. godthr,,Lh izlerotrble scrub- .. trippL) owen m,nLy vine6 thr ugh DittleJslid down mud sliCes.,, we'll just sit nere in the sun on toIo,ur picooLi:c. in a mcre moderate fnsiJn ns S?dctatcra)t and s thy fi(L 16. The Sydney Dushwalker June, 1963. =11110.1.IM. After a couple of hours of this sport, it now being 2 o'clock, we started back up the Chasm, and wore back at the pea farm at 4.30. Here we left the Madden family havinr7 tea, While the rest of us sped homeward throuEh the gathering dusk, stoppinc. off for the best meal in the mountains at La Boheme, Blackheath. Here the story should rirhtly end; with everyone returninc home to their snug buds at a reasonable hour. But alas, we can't oblige with such a story-book ending. About three miles short of Parramatta, just as Goof and I were pressing on-.02.uco the merits of his returning to Dee ay (a) via Central Station, which would be raest convenient for Goof, (“I have to start work at 7.30, remumbor!”) or (1)) via H,.rnsby, which would be most convenient for myself and the boys (wh o have to L'ot some sleep and then net ui early in the morning to finish their h,mcw,:rk, pool'. little fellows), suddenly the car be, an to wander all over the road, and, yes, you've guessed aright, we f unr', we ha'a puncture. So the Fates decided the question for us. We rrmn for r! taxi, put Lucy and Geoffrey into it and waved them off to Parramntta station to 7ot the tr^in back to Central, and also Bruce with his deflated to to get off at the nearest garage a mile away and effect ropairs while the little boys got into their sleeping bags and bedded down, on the back seat of the jacked up car and Dave and I sat on a box outside a fruit shop eating apples and watching the hands of the Clock go round,. An hour or so later Bruce appeared through the gloom, bowling his tyre up the footpath. He and Dave put it on, then we were off again in a homeward direction. NILD LIFE PRESERVATIONSOCIET7, JUNE 17 - Meeting. Report by Mr. H.J. Stanley Administrator of Parks and Reserves in N.S..W. on the “First World Conference on National Parks”, at which he was the official representative of the Ccmmonwealth as well as Delegate from the W.L.P.S. SCIATICA STRIKES. Frank Leyden's Easter walk went precisely according to pl-?.n with one'minor exception - Frank wasn't on it. A b.)ut of sciatica had laid him low, and changed him overnight to a str ictly armchair strate(ist. (Acti. ally, the )arty was halfway down Mlimbodah Creek before it was discovered that Frank was missing). Alex Colby filled the role of naviEat,,r, raconteur, whip-cracker and campLsite s :.cct.Jr with a zeal and efficiency that would have made Frank proud, even jealous. ThRnks to'Frank2s carefully laid plans and intensive initial research everone present, nine in all, had a thoroughly enjoyable walk. (aunninghams, Mumbedah'Crk - Harry's River, Cox River - . _ Danae Kanangra Tops.) June, 1963 The Sydney 2u si 17. JUIJE D ,LK GUIDE. June 16 Bowen Burralov Ck. - Grose R. - C-Lif)age Tree Cr. - Bowen Nt. 12 miles -Rough. This trip provides an excellnt opportunity for a good test weak. The country to be traversed is outside the “popular area and will provide good views in the Grose River area as well as a variety of vegetation and undergromth. This walk will certainly test one's walking and rock-hopping ability. Private transport will be used so see the leader well in advance to ensure accommodation, Windsor Map (Military) Leader: Bill B urke - NTS:5617. June 23 Engadine - Kangaroo Cr. - Peach Tree Trig - Uloola Falls - Hacking River - Flat Rock Crossing Audley. 13 miles medium. If you would like to explore the Royal National Park, come along on this walk. The excursion is of test walk standard and an excellent fore runner to a weekend trip. Ridge and river walking with vegetation from lowscrub to heavy timber. Port Hacking Tourist Map. Fares -L 5/6 return for train Return ticket to Engadine - 7.50 am. Electric from Central - Chance at Sutherland for rail motor (8.32 a m.) Leader: Gordon Redmond - FY/980. June 30 Waterfall - Uloola Falls - Audiey - Ferry- to Cronulla. 8 miles Easy. good introduction to ihr-14nL; with. a pleasz nt ferry trip to complete the day. Geed tree': -,,!;e:lkint. 11enL iiff ces LInd'creel:s of Royal Natioml Pi:. Pert HackinL Tearist Fares: Treir, return to Waterfell Single. Cienuila to Sutherland 1/1- Tata 7/1. Ferry ;a-p?ro. 3/-. 8.50 am, Electric from cheni:e at S utherinc'. te leil .motor (932 a m.) Leader: Dick Child - LL0411 Ext. 66. (business) SOCIAL PE.OGRIM JUNE. The social programme for June offers two most entertaining nights. On 19th Alan Rigby will be showing us some slides which will introduce to some members and reintroduce to others,, glimpses of our beautiful walking country. Such names as Buddawang, Kanangra, Kowmung and the Wild Dogs, to mentiononly a few, will be old favcurites to some axd to others they will provide avenues of exciting discovery. We have seen snippets of Alan's'wOrk ongeneral aide nights and are now looking forward to aDending a little more time with him while he takes us along our most dierised trails. . Mr. Den Nurse will introduce a diversion on 26th when he will present an illustrated lecture on caving. Most members are interested in this aspect Of walking and alth'puc,h only a small section actually indulge in this type of recreation all will thoroughly enjoy what Den has tu say and show. 18 The Sydney Bushwalker June, 1963 SCIENCE NATURATTY. S.N. has been appearing in this mazine for about 15 months and in that time your Editor has received no criticism of it, no comment about it are no contribution for it apart from an odd snicFor around a campfire. It was with somethin: akin to a delirium of joy therefore that a letter was recently receive, ebvieusly in direct response to We now feel a bit like the mother ,.:,uck when it first saw the ugly ducklip,. It's not qaite what we wanted, but it's the best we can de…. “Sir, re - The Descent of 1) rnassus. I was expecting to rend Science Neturelly. And then on two successive pages 'Discovery of authentic examples sheu1,7' be reported immediately to Mr. McCarthy of the AnthropoloFical section. a..' Not Senator McCarthy I know *hat sort of authentic examples he was after. Does the Anthropological Department contain the clue. A live, or dead (what does it matter) editorial assistant. Collatus erroneous. No, no. The turgid phrasing must indicate something much more menacing than that. The Australian Museum is to go to action stations as soon as an authentic sighting is reported so 'that steps may be taken immediately to protect it as far as possible from damage by vandals and stray stock.' Really it is time I feel that we Should turn to the classics of our common language to purify ourselves. If we are to be scientific let is express ourselves in an exact language. If not in the tone of the Xing James Version let us employ the same grammar to avoid authentic examples of ellipsis, sollipsis, tautology, change of tense, number and sex. I do not imagine that Henry Miller has met the sub-family Nacropodinea even though he wrote The Tropic of Capricorn. I venture to say he would disagree with the science correspondent as violently as he disagrees with the Boston censor. Stockily built bedies haunting the rough muuntain ranges for many generatiens. Sir, those are my fellow walkers. Unless of curse the peratr-aph was intended as on aLent-:dieveteur to bring in paragraph sized contributions. If this is co I offer the following quotations culled from a lifetime of unscientific reading. (Many times I found I was without a foryd party or from necessity, had to cook:my own food, On such occasions being neturally unsocial I cooked vith canned heat or such in the priirncy of my tent and read by the light of a candle. The volumes were Slim, th6 less ribald ones alweys are. The Decameron or the other hard covered, beamed ones were too bulky. June, 1963 The Sydney B 1Jshmalkor 19. .r……4 Vbry often the words were very apt T report some authentic examples - Oh, this awful quench, Dante, Why didst they promise such a beauteous day And letme tinvel forth without my cloak, Pity :7.nd what wu'll :iv ,J them. HeminLymy. I have a little 1Jry, thc stranEer G. home Green, T,Nics hot 'In'. twies cold. Chuc,,)r. A few vultures lc) (-.)-cn with shnby in(7ifferenco; he wasn't carrion yet. GrThame ro=. One can always eat ei ol7s. Nitnsen. SYDNEY MATHER, EDITOrLS. REUNIONS. NVIGATO.L, Sir, inform :a-, McCarthy I will stand G ur rd over the Australian Museum the moment vandals or al-Jock approach it Sinakletono
Ci-NESE PHILOSOPHY Kath McKay, Hilaire Bellock once contributed to “The New Statesman” a Chinese Tabloid of Moral Philosophy, consisting of the Nine Nines, or Novenas; the Seven Sevens,.or Septets; the Three Threes, or Triads, the To Twos, or Pairs; and the One Thdni7 of Gaud and Evil Effect (which, incidentally, is Honour Preserved) The followinc, although compiled for ordinary mortals, mid-it be of interest also to bushviLlkers. THE NINE Liz a.J.F.TTEh1JLE rca WiLiCf IN THE COUNTRY. Not to fear beasts. Not to walk without an ohjoct. Not to become solf-enscius when another approaches. Not to hasten Dr linper but to P.clopt a Ain stride Not to avoid trepass Not to avoid mud Not to avoid hills Not to brood on trouble Not to walk when you can ride drivo or be carried. $04,, opoper 0$100400 00410 #1,411 MAY FEDERATION REPORT Correspondence included a letter of appreciation from the police for the assistance given them by the Search and Rescue Section of the Federation in the recent rescue of two scoutors from Arethusa Canyon. Treasarer's report revealed the sum of 661.702 in hand. Search and Rescue section reported their plans for a S&R Demonstration Weekend to be held on October 21-22; possible site may be in the Webbs Creek area but this will be confirmed ct a later date. The S&R Practice Weekend is to be held on July 19-21 at an undisdlosed site; six parties willing to act as lost parties are needed, Other news included a letter from the Sky Divers Club (parachutists) offering their services to the S&R; we hope to arrange for them to drop in on our Demonstration Weekend. Tracks and Axes reported that horawall Buttress had now been made more safe and that the cave at the end of Clear Hill had been enlarged to sleep 12 bushwalkers in comfort. Fixing now chains and pitons at Canons Head is in hand. Publications Committee rueorte0 thet the Bushwalker sales were going well and that the totel cost should be about Z400. TI-.1.0 Federation Meeting moved a vote of thanks to the Publications Committee for their fine magazine. Blue Mts. Parks Trust spoke of the proposee Glenbrook-Euroka Development. Area; this is to consist of 3,000 ft of roeds, dormitory type huts, toilets, sports area and refreshment store. The area is spread over 150 acres of land one mile south of the Glenbrock Creek Causeway. The meeting moved that a letter be sent to the Blue Mts. Park Trust deploring the choice of the site and offering to suggest a better site within the Blue Nts. Park. The Meeting also resolved to give 75 donation to the Blue Mts. Park Trust towards the cost of a shelter shed and concrete water tank at Flat Top Trig on the lit.T:w road. Kanangra galls markings on lit. Seymour were also discussed and it was decided that Federation should write to the PTE- enquiring about their plans for Kanangra Walls. Paul Barnes reported that the C'wealth Dept. of Works had already started exploratory drilling for a VHS Repeater Station on Wbronora Trig. Shooting of native fauna at Boyd Tops was reported to the Meeting. It was decided to write to the Chair Guardian cf Fauna as this area is within the Wildlife Sanctuary Faunal Reserve. …1- THE BUSHULLKFR 2=TILL. Syncarpia. As an armchair walker of long standing I eagerly devour anythinv written on walking, skiing, mountaineering and allied forms of adventure. Small wonder then that when the Bushwalker Annual awoke from its long; sleep last year I was tickled pink. After reading it several times, (once is never en:eugh; these stories improve on acquantance) I phoned Edit en Geef etLL and congratulated him on his effort. He seemed grateful that someone het:, expessed enthusiasm, (Editors need a lot of encoureLment for e thenkless task). Then a few weeks n.[,c) whilst window shop:finc at Paddy's, the “now” annual caught my eye,,end hero I found, was a full, flavoured journal which lived uu to the high standard set last year. Within its 48 pe.Ees there is a. balanced blend of high adventure (a thrilling rope descent of Bunronia Creek: the epic Kanangra Gorge rescue, mustering in the snow in NZ,) and enecotes end stories full of the fun and philosophy of bushwalking. There are fine photrz-raTphs and line sketches by Geoffrey W. I felt like phoning the editoress to cmcratulate her, but dame, the un17)replele Dot Butler had fallen off some sulu-4.ban sandstone cliff and was being patched up in hospital, so the best way to show our gratitude is to see that every copy of this years annana is sold,