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9 z Ark77 et- \ THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER' A monthly-bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushwalker2 The N.S.W. Nurses' Association Rooms “Northcote Building,” Reiby Place2 Sydney. Bo:cll.. 4476 G.P.O. Sydney. 'Phone JW1462 , Editor Stuart Brooks.. Business Manager Alec. Colley. 344 AUGUST 1963 Price CONTENTS Page. Danger in Numbers (S7B) 2 The August General Meeting 3 Day Walk Guide August 6 A Long Vet Day The Fossil Hatswell's Ad. 10 Paddy's Ad. 11 Winter Journey's Claretless 12 Letters to the Editor 14 Social Notes for August 14 Millingimbi Via Darwin. D.Hull 15 Federation Report July 18 .1.M1, '41 ck:cs 41A1 2. The Sydney BushwaIker Lugctst 1963 Hi, Recently, there was a flurry of =i_tement and a certain amount of literary activity over the gradual dspersal during the day of a group out on a Sunday walk. This was due to a number of factors which includes mediocrity in leadership, the lush summer growth, the variation in excitability between individuals and the large number present on the walk. Over the first three of these we have but little control, but something could be done about the fourth, perhaps to our mutual benefit. Anyway this is the way my mind ran on and so I set myself to pondering on this problem of just how many constitutes the optimum number to have on a walk. None? One? Two?…. Twenty? no knows? For those who have the embarrassing habit of going around talking to themselves the mental exercise in pondering on such a problem can prove most beneficial and in my case there was the added advantage that any conclusions could well help fill the magazine. So, in spare moments between tirades from the Boss I took to jotting down my thoughts on the subject, and before long I had a sizeable collection. As the folder containing contributions for the magazine was a little lean it began to appear that the eighteen page editorial I threatened a short while ago would emerge earlier than you or I had anticipated. However, a timely letter from Denise Hu-11 and an article from the prolifio Mr. Colley have saved the day (and the reader), but I have not thrown away my bundle of jottings and they continue to sit in my drawer at work (occasionally being added to) against the day when they may be needed. I was doubly pleased to receive DailiSe2S letter as we have had some flattering comments about her previous efforts. In OUT Editorial vacuum, it is exhilirating to receive any comment, 072'e-tic:al or otherwise, but our reading public is generally too acute to put anything in writing, and so I am afraid you and Denise, will have to take such comments as read. Anyway, to revert to my original meanderings, I don't know whether you regard numbers as sweet young things, a tedious school topic, a chance in a lottery or something for being up, but if you are interested in the exercise of finding the most suitable number to have along with you in the bush I would welcome your communications on the subject, even if they may not be fit to print.' The exorcise may be purely academic hut with this, as with so many things, you can never really toll, and anyway I woul,l, like to share my eighteen page editorial with as many co-authors and ghost writers as possible. -e7/1 it August, 1963 The Sydney luf-lhwalke,:. 3 71MMAIVIN.I.; ,OMO TT:1 AUGUST UNTIAL YEETIY Jim Brown. We were away to a late start F the Pr dent explaining that there were several items from last month :s meeting to be clarified in the minutes, before Cliff Parry and Lan Jlly were welcomed to membership. One (not so new) member was gemmoned for the fourth or fifth successive month, but was still missing. The minutes were signed as a correet reoord after it was decided on a comment byJohn Luxton that it was not correct to say of-an'over-large day walk that the party split up and some became lost”. After all Bushwalkers can never b e druv and never become lost. From Minutes, Alex Colley reported on the hard. bargain' driven with the typewriter agents, who evidently concluded we were goinE tO acquire a battery of typewriters and let us have a superseded model at E581-: then found we wanted only one. ' -The Presid nt repor-Led that an amplifying system, of thrtype suggested . by Maurice Berry would go to between 70 and 5:100 after whip the whole affair was “left for the -present”. (Frank Leyden may have-4timu1ated fresh argument on this a fortnight later at a Sliderlieet) The President also called attention to a reprj nt in the Magazine on “How'to Put it over at Meetings” by one who doesn't. Lon told new members not to be shy of airing their viewo - even old and new membors may somet.:Lmes be right. From Correspondence we learned that the Kuring-gai Civil Defence Organisation would hold a full course of Pjrsb Aid Lectures at the Council Chambers at Gordon, commencing August 19 - all invited; that Federation was to hold its Annual Meeting on July 16 and that Brian Harey had set up his own insurance business to wl-lich the Club was transferring its affairs. Treasurer Gordon Reluc,nd produced figures to show our cash in hand had risen about 25 to 246 at the end of June. So to Walks Report -vhich mg,. be summurised;- Over the weekend 31st May - 2nd June, Snow Brovin ana party of 13f in spite of a “northern hemisphere” compa5s and some deu btful wbathar wont in fm The Vines to Mt. Renwick and found that the tithbor road from The Vines to Sally Creek clearing is not cerrectly plotted on the Burltwang alp. Some fairly good vie w despite the poor weather. Over the snme weekend Wilf and on companion went up the Lower Kowmung to Cedar Road returning via the road, Mt. Cookem, White Dog and Katoomba. The eIejeot was to check the damage done by flooding in the Kommung and the whereabouts of the foot of the Cedar Road - incorrectly recorded on some naps. On Sunday 2nd June Stuart Brooks took - hold it - 40 Yqs 4011 from Thornloigh to Hornsby via the zullius. The water is suspected of pollution and the trip, though pleasant', too short to be a test walk. 4 The Sydney Bushwalker August, 1963 lf………….. on Inne,=u, Queen's Birthday Holiday saw several parties ,broad. Frank Leyden's taking the place of Alan Rigby, who was convalescing f:.:om an illness - lead the official jaunt, but a report was not received to the date of the Talks' report. Jack Wren had a party of 7 in the West and East Wolgan Valleys, to Bird's Rock Trig and Tolgan Gap - an Interesting trip among ferny gulleys. A detailed report on the trip and sketch map as supplied covering the walk. Ross wyborn and party of 4 were afield in the Mount Jellore - High Range - Bonnum Pic - Beloor Pass - Nattai River - Couridjah country. Fine cycloramic views are to be had from Jellore and High Range, and a successful descent was made from Bonnum Pic - another fine vantage point. The other holiday weekend jaunt from Glenbrook to Warragathba lapsed due to lack of starters. Flood conditions the next weekend caused alteration to. the Friday trip which went instead from Mt. Victoria down the Upper Grose, Pearce's Pass - Mt. Barks, Coal Mine Greek - Grose River and Creek - Mt. Hay - Levra. Wilf and party of 3 found Pearce's (Pages) pass had been reformed. “Y” Creek was a good route to the ridge east of Mt. Hay and from the latter point the Fire Trail was followed On the same weekend Geoff Boxall and 2 members also went from Et. Victoria to the Grose, thence Blue Gum Forest, Grand Canyon to Blackheath. John Luxton was joined by 2 members and 5 prospectives and 1 visitor on a saturday morning trip to Narrow Neck - Splendour Rock - Megalong - Katoomba. A very satisfactory test walk9 but it was noted that the log book at the Rock is being filled with unnecessary scribbling. Sunday saw Bill Burke (15 in party) doing Burralow Creek and Cabbage Tree Greek from Bowen Mt. It proved slow, scrubby goings but the party were given a fine lyre bird serenade. On 21-23rd June the weekend walk was deferred and quite a few possible starters went out on a S & R search on Saturday 22nd. Same weekend Brian Harding went it alone on a “2 peaks” trip. Edna Stretton took 3 members, 12 prospectives, 1 visitor from Perry's to Blue Gum and back via Grand Canyon starting noon Saturday 22nd. Taxis proved hard to acquire at Blackheath and prior booking is advisable. Gordon Redmond was unable to lead his scheduled day walk which was deferred till July 21. Wilf was substitute leader from the walk on June 28-309 from Minnamurra Falls - Electricity Commission trail and ladders - Carrington and Gerringong Fails - Barren Ground - Kiama, Two in the party. Fine views were found, but the erection of T.V. antennae on Knight's Hill will not improve the landscape. Useful track clearing not fonished to date has been done by Rucksack Club members on Hoddle7s Track down off Hoddleback Mt. The other walk on 28-30th June was Alan Round's trip in the Danjera Bunbundah Gks area - report to come. Dick Child had 18 from Waterfall to .Audley on June 30. Tracks are reported as becoming overgrown, but pleasant walking was had.

August, 1963 The SydneYBdshwaikai; 5.0 Edna Stretton rdported a successful night at “Music Hall” and :Lamented the poor rollup of slides for the Annual Exhibition to 1 :that date4 The President said there was now room in the Clubs cabinets for some of the Library. He proposed that discussion of the orating conditions of the Library be left to the HalfYearly Meeting, but appealed for a librarian to which Ernie French responded. Sandra B'ardwell, from her experiences as Membership Secretary, reminded meMbers,'especially prospective members, of the need to prearrange tent ,acCommodation and spoke of the Club's equipment hiring facilities. The President, having pointed out he didn't want to do too much moralising, said it was a bad. business when members of walking parties hurried on ahead. It was also common politeness to tell a leader you wished to join his trip and to ask permission to bring a visitor. Another thing which was sometimes overlooked was leaving word where you were going and who you were going with the failure to do this lea to an embarrassing position recently when parents of a prospective who was with an overdue party could give no indication of his whereabouts and company. Bill Cosgrove sought some enlightenment about the Club's financial position and the Treasurer's remarks on the cost of the public address systath. On learning that the financial commi5tee hoped to produce the rabbits out of the monetary top hat soon he expressed his satisfaction. Frank Ashdown complained that the Talks Programme was difficult to read. (We have noticed the same, also that maps are printed small and hills are higher than they used to be, but hadn't realised the Committee was responsible). Jess Martin explained the technical problem and it seems the next programme will be easier, provi3-irl. a suitable typewriter is available. Frank was also concerned about a clash of train times on the programme, coupled with the lack of a magazine write up: Jack Gentle said he was reporting the advance data on day walks and would arrange, so far as possible, to provide material covering from midmonth to midmonth to avoid any gaps in magazine coverage. Will' Hilder-reported the next Walks Programme wqs under preparation and mentioned Some of the latest mapping developments, inrLuding reproduction of the four sheets covering the area of the old Jenolan military survey. Bill Cosgrove asked the latest on the T.V. aerials at Kanangra and Heather Joyce said Federation was enquiring 'from the PMG Department. The President undertook to make some discreet enquiries via a personal grapevine. Will' Hilder said Clear Hill may acquire a Water 1Boarcl tower and also mentioned that a T.V. beam station was being erected jimt outside Heathcote Primitive Area no one consulted the trustees, although material for the work wqs being taken through the Reserve. Bill Burke comPlained of prospectives coming out with incomplete gear and one prospective Graham Hogart h yoiCed the view that too much was 6. The Sydney Bushwalker August, 1963 expected of prospectives, who were often treated as “Second Class Citizens.” This lead to a good deal of debate without any motion before the meeting. Some held that prospective members must conform and learn the right thing to do: others said that the members who “breathed down their necks” were only trying to be helpful', and after all every prospective was given his list of “Hints” and if he read it would know our guiding principles. The discussion drew to a pointless conclusion, which was about all that could be expected. At this late hour Frank_ Ashdown lashed out at the Era Fund and had almost got a liotion accepted that we give donations back to original donors who wanted it and put, the rest into General Funds ,when it was pointed out this was all quite irregular and ultra vires, and the night wouhd up at 9.50 with a reminder of the Federation Ball on the night of October 11. ,11.0.MM.1.%1= DAY WALK GUIDE - AUGUST AUGUST 11. Lilyvale Werong Pt. Palm Jungle - Era - Bus to Waterfall. 9 miles - Medium. This will be a pleasant Sunday outing for all. Many delightful views of the near South coast may be enjoyed and photographed. The locality is the edge of the Garawarra Reserve. Train 8.42 a m. Steam. Tickets return to Lilyvale. Rail Fare 7/6 (approx) Bus Fare 3/- (approx). Map: Port Hacking Tourist. Leader: Pieter Rempt. LX3949. 663-034 Ex.312 (Bus). AUGUST 16 Waterfall - Heathcote Creek - Lake Eckersley - Heathcote. 9 miles - medium. This is a good walk for beginners and will provide an opportunity of visiting the Heathcote Primitive Area. Train 8.50 a m. Elec. Change at Sutherland to rail motor. (Note: Time shown in Walks Programme is incorrect) Map: Port Hacking Tourist. Tickets return to Waterfall. Fare 6/-. Leader: Grace agg. XY3518. EU4021 (bus). AUGUST 25 Sutherland - Toronora River - Engadine. 8 miles - Medium. This section of the Woronora River is not often visited and will provide a pleasant days outing for all. Train 8.50 a m. Electric. Tickets Return to Engadine, alight at Sutherland. Fares 5/6. Leader - Margaret Wilson XM0444 Ex. 229. SEPTEMBER 1 Hornsby - Tunks Creek - Galston Gorge - Hornsby. 11 miles - medium. This will be an interesting trip in the Hawkabury area and should provide a good showmof early wild flowers. Plenty of creek walking and a good introduction to the sandstone area. Train - 9.10 a m. via Bridge. Tickets return to Hornsby. Fare 5/9. Leader - Jack Perry - See Leader in the clubrooms on Wednesday August 28. August, 163 The Sydney Bushwaiker 7 A LONG WET DAY by The Fossil, Uraterer on the second night of the cyclone. In the tent it is dry and warm, Outside, the rain seems to be reaching its pre-dawn climax. It isn't light yet, but soon I'll have to crawl out into that everlasting downpour again. There is a long day ahead of is. Our reserve of time used up finding our way over the flat ridges in the mist; no reserves of food. Packs gradually getting wetter inside and out - matches just dry enough to strike. Somewhere at the end of the day there will be another warm dry bed, under a roof - perhaps - if we can find our way down the ridge to the volcanic ramp leading through the cliffs to the Capertee, if we can cross the Capertec, if the road isn't flooded, if However, no use worrying, we can only moot our difficulties one by one as they come. Danger? No, we won't even get a cold - no germs out here. The vstst that is likely is another night in the rain. tre would still be wa:rm in our bags, and missing a couple of meals wouldn't do us any harm. But people at home might worry, though goodness knows, if anyone Should be able to look after themselves in the bush, we should. Yes, it's getting light. Must prepare carefully if we are going to have a fire this morning. Do everything possible under the shelter of the tent. Then get out and prepare the fire, and when all is ready, get someone dry from inside to come out quickly, light the fire before he starts to drip, then get back and keep the matches dry. Just light enough to see. Out into the rain now. That wet heap just outside the tent? My long pants and socks - couldn't be wetter and couldn't be dried, so just left them out. Move quickly now so as to keep as dry as possible. Takes a long time to find twigs, but there's a pile at last. Out with the meta tablet and stand over it to keep it dry. “Righto Bill! Duck out with the matches!” Meta tablet lit. Little twigs on top. Plenty of smoke - should. be right. But no, even a meta won't start it. Try the candle. Another few minutes make, still no fire. Well, someone has a bit of newspaper - surely it couldn't be dry enough to do any good, but it is. By this time the twigs are nearly dry and they burn. A good hot breakfast, pack up in the tent; then, at the last moment, dry clothes into the pack, wet ones on wet tent into the pack, and we are off, glad, in the cold, to be moving. Reg, who was here at Easter, knows the track to Green Hill, and for the next half hour or so we follow it. Then Wilf's cairn and the long ridge down to the Capertee. Wilf's “twigging” pretty obvious - some of the “twigs” about 2“ through but we had be tter watch the compass just in case. Not in favour of track marking - part of the enjoyment of walking is finding the way - but would gladly have hitchhiked in a helicopter today. Mile after mile, hour after hour (only four really), always on the look out for the tell tale dead leaves. 8. The Sydney Bushwaiker August, 1963.., ,arLNImemilmMI Occasionally one of the twiggers had been off the beam a bit; there follow compass readings, consultations, searching, but we find more broken brandhes leading in the right direction, and we are on ourway. On and on in our little circle of visibility in the Pouring rain” no landmarks visible, but there's only one way down, and Wilf has been all the way, Sc we. follow the trail of the broken branches, our only clue to position being time it would take something over three hours altogether, provided we don't spend too much time finding the way.. At last the ridge narrows, the ground falls away into a gully on:the. left. Soon we look clear through the trees to the clouds beyond -and are. on the edge of the Caperteo cliffs. About 1 p m. now, and we spend valuable time finding the start of the route down, and here's a small overhang anyway. Let's light a fire (if we can) ana have lunch.. The' wind is tearing up from the valley now, and its nighty cold gathering wood on the mountain side in soaking clothes, but the miracle is accomplished Rgain the fire lights. Thank goodness for a few dry clothes to put on and that lovely warmth. After lunch the route of the twiggers becomes obscure, but there, below the cliffs, is the volcanic ramp down which we have to climb. More time lost looking for broken twigs. We find them, but they lead to a 10' drop definitely off the beam didn't come up that way in 1946, no, it was round to the left. Bill and Reg hardly believe it at first, but - yes, there's the track through a break in the cliff line. Then some very rough steep going over slippery volcanic rubble and mud till at last we are on the green slopes leading to the river. The River itself no. 1 hazard wide, muddy, but not so fast. I've been bluffea that way before; it night be only 3' deep. Try that 50 yard wide stretch with pack on top of shoulders. No go 3, 4' and shelving steeply. Well, how about staying on this side, crossing Running StrenTo. Creek, and going on to Glen Davis, where three strands of wire tape, remains of an old bridge, span the river? Yes, but it would be near dark, or after when we came to Running S trog4, and, besides, a small strewn cascading over boulders would be much worse than a big smooth one. There might be a log across the river we saw one on the way down. Another half mile, no log maybe an hour to dark there's a narrow stretch only 20 yards wide and not so fast must be deep. River smooth for 2-300 yards below better give it a go no, before dark. Off with everything and tie the pack in the groundsheet with cord from Bill. Not cold because wet through-anyway. Talk in as far as possiae, a'good push off. Moving down fast but getter over. Forty yards and. 1 Can touch bottom. Over hooray! _“ Tie Bill's cord to a stick and throw, it badk over. Some shivering under the groundsheet while Bill and Reg get ready, a little help with Bill's pack, and we are all over. Surely nothing can stop us now? We push on and find. the track, oress -two er..the three little streams that flow in from the South, The valley is filled with the sound of August, 1963 The Sydney Bushwalker rushing, pouring water. But now a roaring sound. - the third little creek from the South. Looks three or four feet deep as it boils over the boulders. A log takes us over about a third of it to rocks in the centre. A stick might help for the rest. Getting dark quickly now. Searching for a stick, Bill loses his grounasheet - we find it, luckily, in the water. It all takes ages. A stick at last, some very careful groping across the torrent and Reg is across, then Bill and I. Surely this is the last obstacle? But where is the track rim? Out with the torches. Regis torch padked up the previous night - Bill's dim. Where is that track? Up the hill? No. Along the edge of A steep rocky bank - down to the river - over boulders into blackberry through barbed wire - how deep's that cut? Can't be much. Right back to the river, still no track. What hope save we got with one small dim torch? how about settling for that beautiful dry cave for the night? But Bill thinks we might still somehow find the track up the hill behind the cave. And somehow, with a one hundredth-candlepower torch, he did.- I walked right over it with a stronger torch, Now we are on the way again. Torches very weak. A little further and we stop to change my batteries. Bill's torch almost useless and Reg following in my footsteps, Switch on torch again - won't work at all. Oh, damnation to get this far and then be left in inky darkness in pouring rain, surrounded by rocks and blackberries: Its always some fiddling detail that stops you - the speck of dirt in the carburettor, the loose lead, the perished stopper of the fuel container, or just a soaked torch. No hope -f finding the faint track without light and darned hard even to camp here in the dark. But Bill comes to the rescue again. Gives the torch the right twist and there's light, and the track. Now we must move as quickly as possible so that the batteries will last the distance, and we musn't waste time looking for the track, or lose it. Some anxious moments when the track peters out in open flats, but we are lucky again. If we can only make the old shale road to Running Stream Creeks - but torch failing now - just a little blob of light about 6” across, just, and only just, enough to pick out the track. Weaker and weaker, batteries almost gone, but what's that? Bits of tin and old iron, then a black patch. Are those wheel tracks? Yes, they are - we're on the old shale road at last. We can get along without a torch now if we have to. Half an hour along the road and the skeletons of the Glen Davis works are around us. Along the concrete road to the tennis courts, turn left and we are almost there. But why, oh why, did I leave the car keys under a rock in a paddock 50 yards from the road and 300 yards from the car? Fool that I am - never thought of getting back in the dark without a torch. Only hope now to go back to the car and retrace steps. Torch light now hardly visible, but grope my way slowly past the standing ruin, over the fallen ruin - yes there are the rocks, and there's the stone covering the keys. Lack along the road, through the little floodea creek, and now, will the Land Rover start after three days in the rain? 1 The Sydney Bushwalker August, 1963 .0itImmewlslolm.11C First try, no go, Second try, a little putput and then the engine roars into life. Another downgradew n our swichback ol-stacle race, And from the kind farmer and his family , '?ook us in and gave us hot coffee and toast and we learn of another piece of luck no open crossings between us and the main road., but the Bridge at Richmond will probably be closed that means another hour's travel 140 miles to go through rain and fog and its 9 p m. before we start. Twenty m p.h. plenty on that muddy wahsed out road. Eleven thirty ana we are in Lithgow. Let's go along Main Street and ring up home. That phone box will do. Familiar, yesp of course the house behind the box is where 1 lived for my first ten years. Hedge replaced by shrubs, another room at the sidev otherwise no change. Same shop across the road, same name. Then to the post office conflicting reports of Richmond bridge better go by Penrith to make sure. On we go mist, rain, reflections, glare. Getting sleepy now, curse it. Rog would to over, but its a bi7, tough driving some one elses nottoofamiliar car on a night like this..Thump i 'a big hole washed cut of the bitumen. Alert again now. Clarence, Bell, Mount Victoria, Katoomba, Springwood, Penrith, Blacktown, Parramatta, Ashfield. Wonderful, how quickly we go through the metropolis when there is no traffic and all the lights are green. Now at last we are going up Pacific Highway heaviest rain of the trip driving across horizontally in sheets a buffet of wind at every intersection. Home, a bath (how on earth do you get dirty in the rain?) and to bed. by 4 a m. Arest, but not a sleep, and its light again. Seven a m. an,1 the sun is shining on the trees. Anice fine day for sitting in the office. FOR ALL YOUR TRANSPORT FROM BLACKHEATH CONTACT HATSWELL'S TAXI AND TOURIST SERVICE RING, WRITE, WIRE or CALL ANY HOUR DAY OR NIGHT.' 'Phone: Blackheath W459 or. 7151 BOOKING OFFICE: 4 doors from Gardiners urn. Hotel (LOOK FOR THE NEON SIGN) SPEEDY or 8 PASSENGER CARS AVAILABLE LARGE OR SMALL PART= CATERED FOR FARES: Kanaligra“Talls 307– Per head (minimum 5 passengers) .Perry Lookdown !? Jenolan State Forest 20/ 1! 1? Carlon's Farm 12/6 1 WE WILL BE PLEASED TO QUOTE TRIPS OR SPECIAL PARTIES ON APPLICATION 1 MILITZlergellaallPtIr .40001101100140 'IMWOOMMO' 1W1 ' -;.+Ges ft F. ON KEEPING WARY Whilst musing through a train window on a wet cold morning my thoughts, naturally enough, turned to methods of keeping warm in similar conditions, perhaps somewhere between Kanangra and the Cox. Fueling up the body with plenty of good tucker and moving at a brisk pace is O.K. but how to conseze that precious heat. Emulate Ti-hetian monks who are reputed to be able to keep warm by sheer will power? Sounds a dubious method to the likes of me. Just have to resort to insulation, that's pretty well proven. Now what's i stock at the shop to answer that one? Feet a, pair of those Norwegian greasy wool socks will certainly do the trick. Pretty reasonable too at about 14A a pair. Or perhaps a knee length pair in the same wool would be better still: A sock like that has always been hard to get, they'll be go to have this winter. 26/6 pair. String singlets, can't miss out on these they're absolutely amazing 21/ & 30/. That greasy wool jumper from Norway I bought last year is a beauty, It would solve the problem for anyone for less than a fiver. Certain to be popular this year. Balaclava, come cap 'or Commando type beret, a very versatile piece of head goar,that will be handy in an icy westerly on Kanangra at 21/ a gift. On top of all this I'll need to keep dry.. What bett than a dependable Kiwi type oilskin parka at 7/10/ ; Ys, I'm sure we'll be able to cater for you too for winter walkin6 gear at PADDY PALLIN PTY. LTD; 201 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. - . Al'14. 40. lea .t; mv 0.6 PADDY PALLIN DX: Lightweight Camp Gear 201 CASTLEREAGH St 4YDIIEY 13M2685 lottmletx 12. The Sydney Dushwalker . August, 1963 WINTER JOURNEYS - A MIDWINTER MEMORIAL - Claretless. ,..-_eAEae onae-,itc tvrgaysmasmeluys egati-Jlvkgivtrh-svre'ves's4-rttireri rg','f-i't't''' 'Which I was quite unable to stop, and which took possessibn of my body for many minutes at a time until I thought my back would break such was the strain placed upon it. They talk of chattering teeth; but when you body chatters you may talk of cold. I can only compare the strain to that whidh I have been unfortunate to see in a case of lockjaw. One of my big toes was frostbitten, but I do not know for how long. Wilson was quite comfortable in his smaller bag and Bowers was snoring loudly. The minimum temperature that night Was - 69; and that taken on the sledge was - 75. That is a hundred and seven degrees of frost.” (Appsley-Cherry-Garrad). When one has grown old so to speak with the one sleeping bag, the approach of winter is often regarded with mixed feelings. Sleeping bags do represent investment capital and those people with a summer and a winter bag I regard in the same class as those with two cars. The only justification of two cars is that your wife could conceivably do the shopping in one The only justification of two sleeping bags would be to put one inside the other, and possibly take less food. It is a horrible dilemma. The effectiveness of an ailing bag can be increased by all manner of methods; finding a heavier lining, wearing balaclava and gloves to bed or persuading someone to knit or crochet a cummerbund. Cummerbunds, or kidney rumors, allow for a really artistic treatment and if sufficiently long can dramatise the situation. A cummerbund sufficiently long and gaudy and properly wound can give one a splendidly Oriental effect. The diversity of behaviour among bushwalkers is an absorbing study, in deb9te on parliamentery rules, as in their behaviour in the bush. Margaret Mead, who can erect a social system on the way women walk to the banana patch would surely be tossed if she attempted to classify and 4 v- postu,laAq.,;b1,e,marres-4,:twialawalkime.,..-.1n asative'lamertrellairnmunities&-P' there is a knot for affixing the roof beam, a way of stirring the traditional fermented beverages and a separate way of preparing a snack fld a feast. Uniformity is insisted upon the ground that fragmentation of custom would eventually fragment the community. Consider the bushwalker. If one shares one's tent with another bush- walker, one side of the tent will be halfhitched to the peg and the knot itself driven into the ground as added anchorage. This is the sensible, simple way to do the job. It is the way I have always done it. The other half of the tent will be dependent on a complicated system of loops, tight knots and surplus string which, since no one has been able to tell mc the official name, I call a half-fixed semi-running bowline. Some will not cook without a tripod, some eat only stick-bacon. Casual observation August, 1963 The Sydney Bushwalker 13 will show that the tripod people spend their cooking time rummaging through their packs to account for the least morsel of the food they were told to bring; the stick-bacon eater leaves home confident that he has packed everything. Since he inevitably walks alone the loss of a morsel is nothing; as soon as the fond is warm it can be gulped down ana the stick thrown into the fire. Tripod people justify their rig by having stewed apple and custard; the stick man eats raw dried prunes and apricots in the warmth of his sleeping. bag. Winter journeys bring out the real diversity of the species, or is it genus. The argument as to how, where, why and when to camp starts soon after midday. There are those who argue scientifically and say that since cold air is heavier it will roll to the lower ground, ergo camp on a ridge where one will be at least warm. This can be refuted by observing that rivers frequently throw up log dams that one comes upon just as it really gets dark; that is half an hour after one should really have camped. By dismantling the dam a service is done to conservation and an immense fire can be built. These are the extreme viewpoints on campsites. Inevitably one falls between the two and camps on low frosty ground where there is no wood and if one is really lucky just a modicum of water. The choice of campsite is strictly speaking the leaders domain. It is when the crew is camped that the real diversities appear. Mittens-on-a-string appear around necks, a 'clava hide the luxurious locks of the only girl on the trip and cummerbunds and kodney rags of all description are drawn from hidden recesses of packs. The fire is piled high with gusto and then the serious business of preparing for the night is undertaken. Souls are shrived, bags toasted by the fire until an instant more would singe the feathers, bootlaces loosened and the tent space aligned to allow the convulsive leap into bed. Then the tossing and turning commences. Those who put off the purchase of a new bag until next winter curse the summer-made decision. Perhaps they cough on one of the loose feathers or their hip stretches through to the only stump on the camp spot. In a closed tent to stop draught the tormented souls see the warm comforting flicker of the fire. The abdulled tent cleverly placed to catch radiant heat becomes a reverbatory furnace, the parboiled sleeper wrestles with the great decision to reduce the number of garments knowing that at some unpredictable time the fire will go out and conditions will approach the ideal. Those who donned long pants find that the warmth really didn't penetrate to their skin, those who persisted in shorts find the warmth of their bags illusory. There will be someone in the camp who is indifferent to cold, has said so loudly before bedtime and then proceeded to demonstrate the fact by snoring immediately. The stick bacon man will lie in front of the fire, emulating his own bacon; turning, spitting, warm on one side, roasted at the end and his body-fat slowly congealing at another extrimity. The only warm, confer-table person in the camp will be the middle one in a three-man tent, one who has eaten well, stood in front of the fire in shorts after mortifying the flesh with a cold wash, has bought a new sleeping bag that very week-end, has made a double silk liner for the bag and has carefully warmed it and is sleeping between two people who neither toss nor turn nor snore. Ah, blessed memory, this happened to me only once. 14. The Sydney Bushwalker August, 1963 Letters to the Editor. In reply to the editorial in the July issue of this magazine, I wish to strongly protest to the remark that “the President should put away his bow.” Does our editor realise to what an appalling extent our Club's courting and matrimonial status quoes have declined? Since statistics show (happily, for women) that the world is populated with more “eligibles” of the stronger sex than otherwise, why is it that our Club (which, after all, should aPpeal to more males than females because of its activities) has such a poor springling of same? Could it be that the idea of a rather robust girl who may prove to be his equal on a walk, frightens a prospective boyfriend on to the more scientific side of walking or perhaps the majority of our “eligibles” are nonactive members. The fact may nnt be realised by some of the male S.B.W's that a girl may not only walk to enjoy the scenic beauties of nature but that the charms and beauties of the opposite sex can often be equally as appealing. As for our editor's observations as to whether or not matrimony should be considered a necessary function of the club, he should realise that a matrimonial partnership of 1 bushwalker (male) + 1 bushwalker (female) is bound to inevitably result in “little bushwalkers,” a thought that may please our treasurer and his future successors. Therefore, Er. Editor, please refrain from swaying our President from his matchmaking ways. “Ito Lamenting La” LEY) N.B. The stronger sex is the weaker sex Decause I the weakness of the stronger sex for the weaker sex. (There was one isolated occasion L.L.E.M. when I was able to influence detrimentally as it turned out, Mr. Knightley's course of action, and I have never been forgiven. You should have no fears, therefore that anything I happen to say or write will, in anyway, sway our good Presi- dent from his carefully, casually, th6ughtout line of attack. You may be equally well assured that I dm conversant with the biological facts referred to in the latter lines of your letter. Ed.) 1.4,1 SOCIAL NOTES FOR AUGUST. There will be a change on the August social programme. Instead of the T.A.A. films on August 21i Frank Ashdown will be talking to us and showing us slides about the North Island of New Zealand. Frank has entertained us before and I'm sure this presentation will be of the ' usual high standard. In a later programme Frank will 'feature the South Island. Another everpopular Members' Slide Night will be held on August 28. Don't worry about your shots being underexposed or overexposed, just bring them along and let's see some slides of the country through which you have been walking. DON'T FORGET FEDERATION BALL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11. Paddington Town hall. August, 1963 The Sydney Bushwalker 15 MILLINGIMBI Via DARWIN. Denise Hull. It was cola enough for a cardigan and coat at Mt. Isa aerodrome when I left at 7 a m. for Darwin. The big T.A.A. plane was loading up for Sydney and across the tarmac was the five seater Beechcraft which was to take me in the opposite direction. There was a flurry of activity as a trailer loaded with mail, parcels and luggage was trundled across to the little craft. One of the accompanying men in shorts, whom I later discovered was the pilot, called out to me to weigh myself and let him know the result, and the next minute my fellow passenger and I were aboard and off into the sunrise. Miles and miles of flat, harshlooking country with the fringe of the Barkly Tablelands away to the left, and later we came down at Borrooloo, the Native Welfare station over the border in the Northern Territory. In the centre of the flat wilderness was the Welfare Officer's house and nothing else except a very inebriated gentleman, who tottered across the airstrip as we touched down and draped himself across the wings. A blast from the pilot brought him to his feet with a request for a lift to the next stop. What astonished me was where he had got it at that hour of the day in all that wilderness. As we had half an hour's wait for the plane, my fellow passenger, a diamond driller, undertook to enlighten me and led me along a irmile bush track to the local “store”, a wonderful hetrogeneous collection of clothing, spurs, tin foods, laps etc. hidden in the trees. Here I was offered a can of cola beer and as it was obvious that no one had the faintest intention of offering me a glass, I did what every one else was doing and upended it! The next stop was Roper River Mission where we picked up a native girl en route to the Dentist in Darwin. The natives in the Territory are as home with the aeroplanes as the town dwellers are with a bus service. One could clearly trace the course of the Roper River as it flowed through the mudflats into the Gulf of Carpentaria along which we flew for quite a distance. Roper, I discovered later, was a member of Leichardt's party in the overland trek to Pt. Essington. Next was a call at a cattle station en route, a two hour stop at Kathrine and then Darwin. Darwin I found an attractive town with some pleasant buildings, a good public library and quite a bit of history if one bothered to poke about. That something like seventy airraids were made on Darwin during the war years was something that 19 for one, had not realised before. But what I found probably even more interesting, were the people I met, particularly some of the women who were staying at the C.W.A. hostel women from the outback who really knew the country and who were greatly interested in it. One lass was a champion rider and crack shot now married to the manager of her father's cattle station, 1000 sq. miles in area. She was most interesting in her account of the shooting of buffaloes by means of the 16 The Sydney Dushwaiker August, 1963 'tranquilising gun so that the animals could, be brought i..n to be s1aughtere4at their- own abbatbirs on the property and chiliad for export. They had the first 'Australian licence issued for overseas e=ort of buffalo meat for himn consumtion - previously it had only been sent south to be used as pet food. The other woman, an English- woman, had lived in the Territory for over twony years and in a varied life she and her husband had managed a gold-:mine near Tennants Creek ,nd now they owned a store on the track between Katherine and Wyndham in the north-west. In the evenings after tea I enjoyed getting them together about their experiences and the people they both knew in the Territory. I was only sorry that I did not have a tape recorder with me.' My ambition had all along been to find work outback, either on a cattle station or on 4 mission so that I could see something of the life in the Territory. I was therefore very pleased when I was offered the position of relieving sister for a few eeks at a Methodist Mission station in Arnhem Land. Milingimbi is 350 miles east of Darwin on the north coast of Arnhem Land ana it is another 150 miles further on to Gove Pen. where the bauxite is to be mined. It was so exactly what I ha a hoped for - and above' all would offer a wonderful opportunity of seeing the aboriginal in something of his natural surroundings - that I felt if I did nothing else it was worth alone coming for all this way. Milingimbi is built on the shore of the bay of one of a group of islands close to the mainland. All around the area for quite a distance along the shore are dozens of shady tamarind trees planted oil-or a hundred years ago by visiting Maccassan sailors. There are about 430 full-blood natives in all - 150 of them children attending the mission school - but even after 40 years association with the Mission they are still tied in so many ways to their, old tribal customs. Soon after I arrived one of the old men died in hospital and the sudden piercing wailing of the women was shattering in the extreme. After Sister and I had attended to the old man we wrapped him in a sheet and he was taken to the native camp. Here the body was painted-.according to the native custom, re-wrapped in the sheet and the next day the burial service was hold. by the mission in the little church cemetery. I noticed that the name of the man was not mentioned throughout the service and discovered this was in deference to the native custom as the name of those who died are never mentioned to ,aoid distress to any relative who may be nearby. After the grave was filled in, large stones are placed on the top to keep the spirit in - a curious mixture of old and new beliefs. . The local people are famous for their bark ', and the greater number of th….se displayed at the recent exhibition at Farmer's during the Queen's visit came from the Milingimbi area. The hark is taken from August, 1963 The Sydney Bushwalker 17. .T…….1.Mr.MtanNraia-llaant,..1,…m.17.01CRf…..#7=71 . the stringybark tree and the red, yellow and white colours from the soft sandstone the black from charcoal,, The brush is simply a few strands of human hair tied to a twig and a hollowed stone holds the colours for painting. Every bark painting tells a story mostly dealing with the age old ceremonial rites of fertility. It was an experience to watch the men sitting absorbed in their work with such infinite patience and knowing one was watching an art whose origin was centuries old but which was fast dying out The , 7d men will only teach those of the younger ones who are prepared to go through the various initiation ceremonies beforehand where they are taught the hidden meaning which underlies the various ceremonial rites and legends depicted in the paintings. As these ceremonies are not encouraged by the missions owing to their pagan origin, the art with all its deeper meanings must eventually die out. The other day I saw two young women being pained by tle older ones in preparation for a “purification” ceremony. The upper part of their bodies was painted with the juice of the stem and root of the orchid and the pattern of red, white and yellow then painted over the breasts and back and as amulets and bands on the forehead. The hair was powdered with white chalk and the result was very effective. Both girls had young babies and during their pregnancy were forbidden to eat the eggs of the mudgoose. The ceremony was conducted by four of the mon whose “ceremony” it was all ceremonies are traditional and can only be performed by those who “own” each particular ceremony. One of the men played the didgerido and the other the clapsticks, while two others performed the ritual dance in the clapsticks, while two others performed the ritual dance in front of the two seated women, breaking the mud goose's egg (which was bad!) and smearing it on their lips, showing that they were now purified and free to eat the eggs. The underlying meaning in this case was probably to indicate that the women were now ready to go again with their husbands after the birth of their child. Life is not without its ups and dawns at Miliaa'imbi. The weekly air mail service and the 3 weekly mission boat with stores from Darwin, the ship from Brisbane on its quarterly visit with heavy stores film companies 2 in three months anxious to get some concrete reminders of the ways and crafts of a fast disappearing rac:.. and stranded on the beach are the two Indosian praus that arrived here two years in succession with their “shipwrecked” crews, apparently all looking surpringly healthy and oddly enough the second time with the same man in charge! Isolated in hospital for quarantine purposes until the authorities arrived from Darwin, the good sister, finding they tended to have the roving “eye” where the native girls were concerned, gave them a nice dos of Pot.Drom. to settle them down. This not only had the desired effect, but also the somewhat unexpected one of loosening tongues that earlier had denied all knowledge of the English language! Ail in all, one leaves Milin4mbi with much feted for thought. 18,, The Sydney Bushwalker August, 1963 FEDE'R.ITION 11.17)0Pm JULY 106'

Shelter Shea on Mt. Hay _Track. Federation has now donated the sum of k75 out of the Arnold Raylegacy.Trust Fund towards the cost of erecting a stone shelter shed and concrete water tank near the Mt. Hay track just before the drop down to Fiat Top. Grose Minina_peases are now reported to be refused. Kanangra Tops, The Postmaster General replied in person to our query regarding the reported erection of a tower at Kanangre, He denied that the PMG were involved in any surveying in this area nor did they know who was. A member of Federation suggested that it might be an aircraft beacon. The meeting resolved to write to the Department of Civil Aviation, the Commonwealth Works Department and the Department of Interior to verify this suggestion. Stony Range Reserve, Depwhy. We are invited to visit this reserve from August to mid October in order to see the wildflowers. National Parks Association. EPA reported an exchange of 33 acres of grassland for 80 acres of heavily timbered brush land in the Now England Park, and also reported that Cabinet has appointed yet another subcommittee to review the proposed National Parks Act. BlueNfountains National Park. The 150,000 acres originally gazetted in 1958 have now grown to 170,000 acres g additional land now either already included in the Park or else proposed for inclusion are Red Hand Cave, Glenbrook Crossing, Colo Shire Crossing (north of the Grose), Blue Gum Forest, Hawkesbury Lookout Sir Edward Hallstrom Reserve, Hat. Hill and top of Perryts. It has also been suggested that Euroka and Reserve 627 near Glonbrook Creek be added. A Bushfire Brigade is to be formed by the Blue Mountains National Park and all Federation members are invited to volunteer even if they do not live in the Mountains. Clear Hill. It was decided to investigate the rumour that the Water Board was planning to erect an 80 ft. high radiofiretower on Clear Hill. Search and Rescue reported on the month's activity and wish to thank all those who helped in the search for the body of the schoolgirl at Hammondsville. Report of Annual Meeting of Federation of Bushwalkg Clubs Hold July 16, 1963 Election of Officers. Most executive positions are the same as last year, Paul Driver –1'resident, Grahame Mitchell Secretary and Dick Higgins Treasurer. The Meeting decided to leave the affiliation fees at 91 per head with a minimum of kl for city 3lubs6

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