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……..1'. '/ lL\..,..,;;.. \ .02…. “e ,..,..,–':::^X.1, 7.-) / - \ \ \ \\-4,431 ,11,1 Aft… \t, TEE SYDNEY DIJSHWALICER A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney,Bushwalker, The N.S.W. Nurses' . Association Rooms”Northcote Building,” Reiby Place, Sydney. - Box No. 4476, G.P.O. Sydney 'Phone JW1462 Editor Stuart Brooks. Business Manager Alec. Colley 346 OCTOBER 1963 Price 1/ CONTEN'T S.. Page Editorial 2 HalfYearly Meeting J.Brown 3 Financial Reports 7 Paddy's Aa. 11 Darwin to Sydney B.Hull 13 Social Notes 14 Day Walks Report 14 On Going “Abroad”. D.Ingram 15 Septemlaer Federation Report W.Hilder 17 Science Naturally Common Salt. 19 The Five Per Cent Park A.Colley 20 armuippw=1.1 2. The Sydney Bushwalker October, 1963 Hi, have been watching with a jaundiced eye the slow and stately re-erection of the G.P.O. clock tower. As a taxpayer, I have felt that there must be more useful applications for so much public money, despite the towering grandeur of the chronometrical monument so slowly being assembled. As an example of bureaucratic benevolence I felt that this was the last straw. Then a friend of mine inside the P.M.G.'s sanctum sanctorum passed on the news that all this architectural activity was none of the P.M.G.'s doing - they, in fact, being bitterly opposed to it for a long list of technical reasons. Pressure from some public- spirited body bent on the restoration of historic buildings had apparently been the prime mover in this modern miracle. I began to feel better about it all. Here was a go d example of impassive officialdom being goaded into action by a minority group with sufficient purpose relentlessly to =sue their objective to finality. I began to feel better about this latest brushstroke on Sydney's skyline. But then, more recently, I was talking to a member of the National Trust of Austaislia OSW). While admitting that the restoration and preservation of historic buildings was one of their prime aims he denied all complicity in the G.P.O. affair. Once more I was up in the air, watching with a jaundiced eye the S. and S. re-erection of the G.P.O. clock tower. Be this as it may, the National Trust is a body well worthy of our attention as its aims, particularly in the conservation of our natural heritage, are parallel with our own. Being a Government body, they carry more prestige and power than do for example the N.P.A. or the SB.W. and as such, a greater interest in the activities of this trust could serve us well. This magazine will deal at greater length the aims and achievements of the Trust elsewhere, but at this stage we need only mention the Trust as one avenue of support to which the Era funds could be beneficially employed. Marie Byles who drew up the original Era Trust Deed (and is still keenly interested in our conservation activities) is adamant on the fact that our Era funds can only be used on a three quarter olub majority' for a purposeidentical with that for which the funds were originally raised - the purchase of land for conservation purposes. “It would be most improper” she said “to pass these funds over to the N.P.A. as this is_not an official body, unless the N.P.A. were to set up a separate and dedicated banking account expressly for the purchase of land.” Perhaps it wOuld be better to hold our Era funds in trust, slowly accruing interest, until the occasion arises when we can act in consort with or on the advice of some such body as the National Trust in some important conservation work. Ootober, 1963 The Sydney Bushwalker …atmlam. AT THE HALF YEARLY GENERAL EEETING. Jim Brown Coming after the tranquility of August's meeting the Half Yearly began on a deceptively lethargic note. The prefatory business included a-welcome to Bob Smith, Lean Reinsma and John Powell, and transfer from Nanette Bourke to Rosi Wyborn of the Mandelberg Cup. Then we romped through minutes (nal:business arising) and correspondence (nothing of consequence except an invitation to Mrs. Crisp of Tolwong to become an Hon. Member). The time was barely 8.15 p m.1 But now - ah - now. The Treasurer rose to give (a) his monthly report (b) his forecast of the residue of the year and © report of the Financial Sub-Committee. As the figures are to be published in the magazine, we'll dodge repetition here, except to say that (a) disclosed our current bslance to be up about 20 at 218 In (b) a deficit of E6 was threatened, and we were told of the way our Depreciation policy was functioning. The Treasurer also pointed in a voice of doom to the 47 (21%) Active and 33 (49%) of Non Active unpaid subscriptions. Frank Ashdown challenged the depreciation programme and (almost) offered to pay 30 for the projector which had been devalued to about 24. After some explanation of the differing procedures affecting depreciation as against market values, the question lapsed. Bill Cosgrove queried a remark that the Era Funds were not a Club asset, and asked whether it was true that the Club could decide the use of the Fund by a majority at a properly convened meeting. The President said We were coming to the question of Era Funds“ and -lordon Redmond went into part © of his report - the deliberations of the Financial Committee. Recommendation 1. was that the present 200 of Bonds, maturing in October be re-invested in Special Bonds, the amount being built up by closure of a Savings Account (86), and transfer of about 114 of the current account - final total about 400. Then this was formally moved, Frank Ashdown wanted to know if we could readily get it back if needed - it was pointed out in reply that the terms of the projected. Loan were not yet known, but it may be assumed from previous issues of Special Bonds that the capital could be withdrawn at a month's notice after a preliminary deposit period of 6 months. Questions were asked whether a bettor paying investment could be found, and it was pointed out that initially interest was only about i% better than ordinary Bank Interest. The replies were that it had to be a gilt edged security. Bill Cosgrove refused to be druv into saying he was for or agin the motion and had a bit each way, but the motion was finally carried. Now the 64-dollar (600) question - Era Funds. The Financial Committee had consulted the Hon. Solicitor on this one. The Trust Deed clearly stated that the Club controls the fund, and none of the original contributors could seek a return of his contribution. The Committee felt that the 3 4. The Sydney Bushwalker October, 1963 ' Sw…n +- Club would desire to use it for the pue ehae of land In the manner of Portion 7, North Era, and questions to be considered. W,D20 land adjoining an existing National Park, co which may become the nucleue of a reserveg whether it should be outright purchase (with funds augmented if necessary by new contributions) or as a :Long term leasen Some areas had been suggested for censicleration Ysola the Colo and Upper Macdonald River areas. The Committee put forward a three–pronged recommendation, and we immediately began debate On point (1) that the funds be transferred on to separate books as from 1/2/63, Thie was purely a matter of administrative machinery and after; an amendment by John Duaton (that the Treasurer also maintain the Era Fund Books) had been accepted, it was carred. So that the iggeruTat Club members could read of the Finance Conmittee's proposals in the magazine, Geedon Redmond now moe7ed that they be published This struck a few sparks from people who thought the :a;aitor should be an island9 inviolable Lo Club direction. After a gag motion it was decided the Editor was just a vassal who may be told to print it, Next recommendation up tht the Funds be retained until disposed of in accordance with the tenor- of the Trust Deed (could we do otherwise, I wonder?). Bill Cosgrove was up agkn to aril,: were we limited only to buying land. Th6 President's reply was a good old politicians 'answer if someone came up with another proposal it would be necessary to see if it were in accord with the Trust Deed probably by legal consultation, This opened the way for Frank ,.ehdown to bring on his foreshadowed motion that we give the money over to N.P,A. our logical heirs and successors in the field of conservation. The Prese,'.dent said we should have to find if this was a legal disposal of it also that the_ decision would have to be by a :.-majority at a special meeting after notice had been given, After a bit of discussion back and forth the motion was rendered into a direction to the Financial Committee to look into it and report on the legality next month, and as there was no urgency, the matter could perhaps be programmed for the Annual Meeting in March. Frank Barlow said he would oppose the proposal tooth and nail was construcing roads in a National Park Ale7 Colley didn't like the idea of losfLng centrol ofebhe Funds, and Bill Gillam felt we should regret Passing the money on. Bob Godfrey asked what happened -If the motion were lost and the Presidentasked not oc,reue the question of legality of transfer of the Fund had that made the position clear? Bob said, no, I'm complutely confused, At this stage another gag motion and then the Ashdown motion (as re-arranged.) was eexried. The President 'reminded all to be on the qui_ vive for likely tracts of liand. Bill Burke proposed that the Trust Deed be wblished in the magazine if necessary in instalments, (Lost) Alex. Colley moved a copy be sent to each member with the net Walks Programme (Lost). It' was moved that 5 copies be produced and made available in the Clubroom amended one copy go on the notice boardjamendment lost) anended that 50 copies be available in the Club Room (amendment lost) and the eriginea motion (5 in theTlub) Carried. October-1963 The Sydney Bushwalker 5. Edna Stretton suggested-the Bo ara_be asked to come-to the next meeting to “explain the Trust Deed”. 1Kath.BrOwn voiced the view that any final meeting on the funds'dhould NOT bp held at the Annual Meeting - or we would, be there. all ni:ght, Elaine Mbtcalf asked if further contributions to the Fund wer.04ght - and Gordon Redmond recoiumended against it until - and unlessa negd-fOr'mOre mbney,was apparent.

At last - at almost - 10.10 p m. we were ended with finance and with Era, and on to the Walks Report, which told us that Bob Godfrey and party on 2-4th August went frpm Newnes via Wolgan River and Rocky Creek up on to Galah Mt. plateau and back to Newnes on the old railway formation (4 members, 1 prospective, 1 visitor) Jack Gentle, starting noon Saturday with 14, including. 9 prnspectives, traversed the traditional Mt. Solitary trip and reported that a sign “Kedumba Pass” defines the junction of the original track and the fire road toward Loura. A new trail has been made in the vicinity of the landslide, but drops about 1000 ft towards the valley floor. A report on the 4th August day walk was still to come. Dave Balmer led areprogrammed walk on 9-11 August from Kanangra Cloud, maker - Thunder Buttress - Paralyser to the Kanangra Road; The party of four enjoyed a good test walk in grand scenery. Peter Rempt with 5 pros- pectives and 2, members made the 11th August day walk from Lilyvale to Werong and via the Palm Jungle to Burning Palms and Garie. The new track proved pleasant to follow and only leeches and gale force winds marred the day. On 16-18 August the Walking Trial was based on Canons. The winning:party (Sandra Bard:well, John Powell, Ian Jolly) came from Wentworth Falls via Kedutba, Et. So;itary, Go/den Stairs, Clear Hill. Another party, Brian Matheson and John Walker traVelled via Dixon's Ladders, Blaak Jerry's, Cox River, Galong Creek and Tinpot Mt; (the report-adds that “Brian did very well as he was badly 'handicapped byJa broken ankle.” Yes, I think so!) Wilt' performed a solO-maraihon whioh inoluded Korrowall_Buttress, Cedar Crk, Mt. Mouin and Black There,wad.,als& a-“spectator colony” Canons to see the parties in on Saturday night. - Grace Rigg conductad..a..PP.,,FIy_of unknoWn strength,.bVt including 5. prospectives on her day walk of 18th-Itie*.taTirotrWaterfala to Hoathcote via Heathcote Crook 'afid-Like-Eck6ftliq,.On.. 3450,411.4s.-t, the walk was re- programmed as Ruby-ateek.'–AAt…WPir.40-Ruby Falls 7, ab,crson Stock route - Ilimeburnera Road– Narruit Crock.. .4-Lithef5*-lers Rd - Mt.: Shiver- - Oberon Stock Road.' Wilf had 3 mgrallers onr-this-ra,orinaissance arid. found the Mt. w eiongminebTvery interting. The Oberon stock route is ' now practically impadsibl(iito. ordinary vehicles from g point; one mile. west of Mt, Were-rig “ghost town Margaret Wilson took 6 members and one prospective from Sutherland to Woronora R. and Engadine. Good swimming pools-in the river and a fine show of early wild flowers were reported. 6. The Sydney Bushwalker Octpber, 1963 At this advanced hour the routines of Federation and Social Reports were covered very swiftly, and coming smartly to General Business at 10.20 p m. Frank Ashdown plumped for the purchase of a “speech reinforcement” system of the type demonstrated by Frank Leyden one evening in the Club. Frank suggested it would do our job for us even though Eddie Stretton suffered from “slight distortion” on the trial run. Tony Queitzch was opposed if we couldn't speak lodlyi enough, we didn't deserve to be heard (a cry of “speak up” from the mob). Gordon Redmond didn't think we could afford it, after other commitments we had undertaken, while Bill Cosgrove felt Frank's test equipment was “only a toy” and not worth having. Then we tossed it out and flexed our laryngial muscles in preparation for the next time we have to talk. Bob Godfrey proceeded to move a three month's walks programme in place of four. Immediately it got tangled up with the groups of months to be included in each programme, so we decided to take it in two bites first three or four months. Bill Burke felt it meant more work for the organisers, and Bob Godfrey said there was difficulty in getting people to commit themselves up to six months ahead. Tilf felt there would actually be less. work in putting out a three months programme, and because it would be closer to the date of operation, it would mean that other events (such as S & R practices weekends) would be more likely to gain inclusion. Colin Putt said he understood programmes had once been based on three months and it was considered an improvement when it was changed to four. It was then decided to try the three months period and Bob Godfrey suggested leaving the actual dates of issue for consideration by Committee. This proposal, too, was carried. By now little was left (either to do, or time to do it). After Bill Cosgrove asked about the proposed chair lift at Ayers Rock and was told Federation was already moving in the matter and Tom Moppett informed us that N.P.A. Christmas cards, with a choice of 4 different views, would soon be available, the night's business was wound up at the very advanced hour of 10.28 p m. FOR ALL YOUR TRANSPORT FROM BLACKHEATH CONTACT HATSWELL'S TAXI AND TOURIST SERVICE. RING, WRITE, WIRE or CALL ANY HOUR DAY OR NIGHT. hone: Blackheath W459 or W151 BOOKING OFFICE: 4 doors from Gardiners Inn Hotel (LOOK FOR THE NEON SIGN) SPEEDY 5 or 8 PASSENGER CARS AVAILABLE LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES CATERED FOR FARES: Kanangra Walls 30/ per head (minimum 5 passengers) Perry-vs Lookdawn If Jenolan State Forest 20/ ff If Carlon's Farm 12/6 T! WE WILL BE PLEASED TO QUOTE TRIPS OR SPECIAL PARTIES ON APPLICATION October, 1963 The Sydney Bushwaiker 7. …11104.. Treasurer's Report. The opportunity to present information concerning our financial position is welcomed. STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND' PAYMENTS FOR AUGUST 1963 Opening Balance .01.1NIIMIIM…/MIN.IMIN/.. 196 19 3. Add Income Subscriptions 46 0 0 Prospsctive Fees' 200 Entrance Fees 1 5. 0 Badge Sales 10 0 Donations 10 0 Eire of Gear 1 1 0 Opera Books. 20 51 8 0

  248 7 3

Less Expenditure Rent for September 21 0 0 Federation Affiliation - Fee -8- 7- 3 Telephone 1- 6 8 30 13 11 Closing Balance 217 13 4 FORECAST OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR TO END ON 31st JAN. 1964 Normal Club Activity TOTAL 457 ACTUAL 7 months to 31st August 1963 Income 357 Expenditure 236 Add Depreciation ESTIMATES,, 5 months to 31st January 1964 100 140 87.10 0 Estimated Deficit 463 6 M1.1. It will be recalled that several years have produced deficits. Recent attempt was made to correct this position, however, those members present and voting at the last Annual General Meeting substantially negatived the proposal for Subscription revision. This proposal was designed tO-produce a yearly surplus of approximately 75. Members are reminded that Present fees are Active Per Week Per Year Single Adults 9. 2. Single Juniors 43 kl. Married Couples 1/2 . NonActive. 2id 10/ 8. The Sydney Bushwalker. October, 1963 A WORD ON DEPRECIATION. This iS necessary charge against our yearly income and continues the policy commenced last year and improved upon by Frank Barlow's _Anotjanaipprov,c4:0y the Annual Meeting that depreciation be rrovided at 20% on the cost of capital asssts. The position after the accounts for the year ended 31st January, 1964 are ruled off, is now explained. Depreciation Amount still Provision ' to be Written ASSET 1964 Accounts Off Subsequent to 31.1.64 Old Typewriter 27 NIM Map Cabinet - 10 Projector,Reel,Screen 12 24 Duplicator 28 ,


New Typewriter 10 10-0 48 87 10 0 154 Remarks' Future Provision NM.

Eliminate by 1966 2._years at 12 each yp. 1965 28 - 1966 27 1967 27 Eliminate over 4 years at 12 per ,annum This means that by 1968 all 'present depreciable capital assets will be fully . itten off. This will assist any required replacement or purchase of additional equipment and is dependent UpOn- a strong policyconstantly maintained. Cash Position Cheque Account. A. brief comparison of cheque a/c balance. 31.8.63 218 31.8.62 206. SUMMARY OF PRINCIPAL ASSETS. At 31.1.63 ' Interest Since Total Added. Era Funds. Bonds 530 0 0 Savings A/c2128 49 12 6 579 12 6 13 6 8 592 19 2 Savings Account $863 80 1. 9 5 16 9 85 18 6 Cheque Account 217 13 4 Commonwealth Bonds 3 maturing 15th October 1963 200 0 0 Equipment Cost 31.1.63 367 1 0 Less Typewriter sold 62 0 0 305 1 0 Ada - new typewriter 58 10 0 363 11 0 . October, 1963 The Sydney Bushwalker 9. Less Depreciation Provision Balance 31.1.63 184 1 0 Less - old typewriter 62 C 0 written back 122.1 0 Add - qepreciation 87 10 0 year to end 31.1.64 Net Amount Unrecouped as at 31.1.64 154 0 0 k 657 11 10 Era funds are not to be regarded as an asset as they are held by the Trustees in terms of the Trust Deed. This is dealt with in more detail in the Report of the financial sub-committee. Now for,a comment on unpaid Subscriptions. The present position is - Unpaid Potential Income Active Non-Active Total 47 33 80 101 k19 120 Percentage of unpaid subscriptions to Total membership 21% or Ration of 1 in 5. 49% or Ratio of 1 in 2 Our Constitution states that subscriptions are due and payable at the Annual General Meeting. Any Member whose subscription is due and unpaid for two months shall at the discretion of the Committee, cease to be a Member. A21 subscriptions should have boon paid no later than 13th May, -1963. Non-paymerit of subscriptions by the required date is tantamount to acceptance of the rights and privileges of membership without accepting one of the responsibilities as an accompaniment. The remedy is in the hands of those tardy, casual members, alternatively, with the committee, whose members may not be benevolent in the future. Thank you one and all for your attention to the foregoing observations. Honorary Treasurer. REPORT OF THE FINANCIAL SUB-COMMITTE. Members - Ron Knightley (exofficio), Colin Putt (ex officio) Fred Kennedy, Alec Colley, Gordon Redmond. The Purpose of the Sub-Committee. To consider any financial matter affecting our Club, and, if thought fit, recommend to members particular attention. 10 The Sydney Bushwalker October, 1963 The details of subject matters discussed are; Commonwealth Bonds aTe, face value X200. maturing on 15.10.63. (ii) Cash balances held in Dank-accounts. . _ The decision and recommendations of the SubCommittee is, and I accordingly move that (a) on maturity the 3-i% Commonwealth Bonds be trdnsferred to Special Bonds adding to the proceeds thereof k.200 0 0 (i)the amount obtained by closing-Commonwealth Savings Bank Account S863 to produce…. 85 18 6 (ii)from Commonwealth Trading Bank Cheque Account' . 114. 1 6 400 0 0 to produce X400.0.0 for investment by the Trustees on behalf of The Sydney. Bush Walkers. in the next series of Special Bonds. In explanation of that motion The Bonds are due for redemption on 15th October 1963. There is no need to have both a Savings Dank ana a Cheque Account (both are interest bearing). This action will close the Savings Account. We have -some surplus funds' in the Cheque Account. The consolidation of those amounts will produce R400.0.0. The third subject discussed was the pros and cons of a new typewriter submitted by Alec. Colley, the Magazine Business Manager.- The action taken is known to all and does not require repetition. The fourth and vital subject considered was North Era Trust commonly knaWn as ERA.. FUNDS. Your SubCommittee has examined the subject along the following lines: 1. The authority given to the Trustees by the Trust Deed dated 11th July 1947, fortified by advice givenby our Solicitor, Colin Broad. The Sydney Bush Walkers controls the Fund, and can direct the Trustees, acting within the conditions of the Trust Deed,. any Club decision to be approved by three quarters of those members present and voting at a duly convened meeting, at least 14 days' writ:ten notice of which has been forwarded to each member. If Era monies are intended at any future time, to be used. for the purchase Of land, the Deed of Trust should be amended to provide for the monies being so used, and for the lands go acquired. being held upon the same trusts as the 'Era funds. Original contributors are bound by the terms of the Trust to agree to any use of the funds, within the conditions of the Trust. No contributor can seek now the return of money contributed. Any future use of the funds could be advised to the original subscribers, not to seek approval, but conveyed as a fait accompli. WISISNIS=VE=VONFrearlaketsieRMWIERaiMarelVarriviiMAWMMMT mosimh-mOmmems~mmmoteaftwiftwilMftValagftliam=wz, 11. Looking ahead Pays Off. When you think of it, the successful conclusion of most events involve planning. For those who are locking ahead, planning trips long or small, make sure you can fully rely on your camping equipment. It is the number one factor in the success of any walking or camping expedition. Once again, Xmas approaches and many will be planning trips away. For those of you who are going off, heed this friendly advice. Repairs to equipment, special orders for tents, rucksacks, sleeping bags etc0 can be taken only in limited numbers owing to the heavy demand on our manufacturing capacity. For your camping and walking trips plan early and make your purchases now. We'll be happy to help you.' Paddy Pallin Pty. Limited 201 Castlereagh Street, Sydney. Phone 26-2685. tigliwtort**1400101100114.01100~40100.4.1.0,0040,210bmaiLi…scikii.,,se_iftw saramcAno iiii , PA DV P. LUN lightweight Comp Gear 01 41:7, 2 CASTLEREAGH Si SYDNIEY gq A M Z685 /1' , ; 12. The Sydney Dushwalker October, 1963 Should Sydney Bush Talkers wish to add to Era Funds by its own funds it may do so. Three quarters of members present and voting at a duly convened meeting can authorise the Trustees to act. Our Solicitor would prepare the Resolution to be part of the Notice of Meeting. FLIRT= CONSIDERATIONS ARE 2. The type of land we should seek (i) land adjoining an existing National Park or Reserve to be added to such area in due c-urse. (ii) new land which later could become the origin of a future reserve (iii) new land to be held for conservational purposes. 3. The type of tenure freehold or long lease. 4. The method financing, in principle, acquisition of land (i) Era funds (ii) assisted by Sydney Bush Walkers contribution (iii) other methods of raising finance. 5. It is recognised that a considerable time could elapse before land is acquired recognising (i) the size of funds in hand or likely to be available. (ii) high rrices that may be required by potential vendors accented by the possibility of use commercially. 6. Several areas have been mentioned Yeola Colo Upper Eacd-nald. The original cost of Era land was 350 subsequently resumed for 440 The asset is now worth k592.19.2 represented by – Special Commonwealth Bonds 530 Balance of special bank account to 31st January 1963 49 Interest earned since that date 13 592 It is necessary to remove from the books of account of The Sydney Bush Walkers all figures pertaining to Era, as it is a separate legal entity formed by the Trust Deed earlier referred to. This proposal is supported by our Solicitor. The financial subcommittee therefore recommends 10 (a) the Era Funds be retained until disbursed in accordance with the tenor of the Trust Deed (b) all avenues to obtain a suitable tract of new land by freehold acquisition be exclored, all members being invited to advise the members of the subcommittee of any likely tract. 2. That as from 1st February 1963, all accounting references to the North Era Trust be transferred from the books of account of The Sydney Bush Talkers to 4 separate Cash Book and Loderg maintained by the Treasurer of The Sydney Bush Talkers, and to be subject to audit. G. Redmond for Subcommittee 11.9.63 0 0 12 6 6 8 19 2 October, 1963 The Sydney Bushwalker 13. DARWIN TO SYDNEY Denise Hull. My six weeks at Mulingimbi came to an end only too quickly and once again I was en route for Darwin. Mulingimbi having been an R.A.A.F. station during the war, was the refuelling depot for the planes on their round trip of Arnhem Land. I was therefore able to do the complete trip of the coast line as far as Groote Eyelandt before returning to Darwin. We landed at Groote Ey., Yirrakalla and Elcho Is. on the way round. The water is so clear that one could see from the plane the rock formation of the coast line extending under the sea. Particularly noticeable was the red colouring of the rocks round Gave Pen. with their rich deposits of bauxite. Darwin had a special attraction as the Eisteddford opened the night before I left for Alice and I was fortunate to see in addition to the European items, the very popular native dance section in which both children and adults from Mulingimbi were taking part. As I watched the performance on the stage my thoughts took me back to Eulingimbi, to the circle of dark faces lit by the camp fires, the sound of the didgeree doo and clap sticks and in the centre of the circle in the rising cloud of dust so much part of the native dancing the figure of Yirpidy bringing his feet down with that wonderful muscular precision and rhythm of the native dancer a study that would have delighted the sculptor Rodin and must have also delighted Fer Majesty the Queen when Yirpidy was chosen to dance for her in Townsville in 1954. And so to Alice reached by plane or what I thought might prove more interesting, the 3 day trip by mail coach for 20 including meals and accommodation. 300 miles a day does not allow for any pauses to admire and explore the countryside but was still a most interesting trip. Every 50 miles or so the colour, formation and vegetation of the countryside seemed to change the trees, cycads and pandames palms of Darwin gave place to a , more sparse but ever changing vegetation gutta pucha trees, mulga scrub, spinifex red earth, semi desert boulders in a never ending kaliedoscope of change. A knowledge of botany and geology would have been invaluable. The meals and accommodation were surprisingly comfortable and we arrived in Alice to cold mornings and evenings and glorious sunny days. Ayers Rocks was a “must” and I decided to do the trip by Connellan Airways small planes and was very pleased I did. The flight over the McDonnell Ranges was magnificent via Stanley Chasm, Hermansburg Mission and Palm Valley and the extraordinary formation of the ranges in the clear mivning air was unforgettable. But then rising out of the flat red earth qead of us was Ayers Rock and what I thought was really scenically more interesting the Olgas. The 30 included overnight accommodation, a trip round the base of the Rock with an inspection of the native rock paintings and also a 30 mile coach trip to the Olgas with their surprising varieties of wild flowers. And then home by air via Adelaide and Melbourne to be greeted by the glittering many coloured lights of sprawling Sydney after one of the most interesting four months that I have ever spent. 14. ' The Sydney 117,',IShwa-lker October 1963 SOCIAL NOTES 'IT'OR OCTOBER The Free Night on 16th October will be welcomed by most members. Such a night gives an opportunity to catch up on gossip, to review trip b and to talk about new , Judging by the number of members Who come in to the Club on these nights it is indicated that they are appreciated. HOwever, if this is not the caso9 drop a line to the Social Secretary and entertainment mIll be provided. Joan Elliott, the Principal of the Outward Bound Girls Courses will be at the Club on 23rd October. She has some interesting information for us and an excellent night is assured. “Kommung Night” on 30th is not a new idea9 but with so many people anticipating Kowmung' trips this summer, such a night will give valuable assistance. Many people will pool their ideas to make your trip as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. DAY WALK GUIDE. OCTOBER NOITMDER. ' OCTOBER 20 - Heathcote - Lake Eckersley - Trailers Lake - Woronora R. - Engadine - 9 miles - Easy. The swimming season is about to make its debut - come along on this pleasant trip and enjoy the wildflowers as well as have perhaps the first dip of the season. Train 8.20 a m. Electric. Tickets return to Heathcote. Fare 5/6 return. Leader - Margaret Tilson. XM0444 x 229 (B). OCTOBER 27 - Lilyvale - Palm jungle - Burning Palms - Era - Bus to Waterfall. 11 miles - Medium. This coastal walk is largely in the Garawarra Park and takes in the Palm Jungle Track which has been re-opened. Excellent surfing may enjoyed at Era. Train 8.42 a m. steam Tickets return to Lilyvale. Fare - Train about 7/6 return. Bus 3/-. Leader.- Alan, Round. NOVEMBER 3 Coalcliff - Stanwoll Tops - Kelly Palls - Otford. 10 miles medium. This walk commences on the edge of the Illawarra-Ranges and provides panoramic views of our near South oast. It is a good test walk for this time of the year and will provide a good days outing. Fares 12/3 return. Tickets return to Coalcliff. Train 8.42 a m. Steam. Leader will join at SUtherland..- Leader Edna Stratton - Phone LJ9586. NOVEMBER 10 Waterfall - KAngaroo Creek - Karloo Pool - Audley.. 10 miles - medium.

The Royal National Park can always provide good walking and waterholes and this walk will show you how. Fares 5/6. Tickets return to Waterfall. Train - 8.20 a,m. Electric Change at Sutlial-lnd. Learic?r Ern. French. October,' 1963 TheSydney B ushwalker 1 ON GOING “ABROAD” Episode I. “David in Manila”. The best method of approach to this article keems to ibe, commence by saving that, all gear being shipshape and the ship well found, S.S. “OrsoVa” left Sydney on May 22 for Manila, Philippine Islands, and I was one of the 700 passengers. As the number on board was only about half that required to fill the ship's passenger list, there was no crowding at any of the functions organised for our entertainment. Uiling day was the first Wintry day of the season, cold with bright sunshine and a brisk Westerly wind. The weather warmed up quickly as we steamed North and there was a general exodus onto the Sports Decks to enjoy the Queensland Coast and, particularly, the lovely Thitsunday Passage and points further North where the ship sails quite close to portions of the coral formations of the Great Barrier Reef. The Pilot and the ship's mail were dropped into a small launch manned by a native boy near Thursday Island late on the third evening out from Sydney. From this point to Hong Kong the weather remained very hot and humid. After rounding the Western tip of Test Irian, the sea seemed full of tropical islands, including Amboina, where there were lotlof native fishing craft and outriggers and the North Eastern porti4 ,r the Celebes, until, after 8 days' steaming we entered Manlh's famous, /. lather featureless harbour. A waterfront dispute had been in progress 1,… A couple of weeks. There seemed to be armed officials and wharf worke, everywhere. Food kitchens had been set up to supply the needs of the strikers. It was considered indiscrete to attempt to walk into the City. In these circumstances, most passengers were content to await the arrival of the tourist buses to take them on organised excursions. The Philipine Islands became known in Europe” after the voyage by Magellan in 1521, who although Portuguese, was in the service of the Kin.3 of Spain. The islands were named'by a later explorer, Villalol-)os, after the Spanish Prince who later became King Philip II. In 1565 Miguel Lopez de Legazpi made his first settlement on the island of Cebu and it was he, who formally established Manila in 1572. The islands were colonised quickly and by 1600 the area was unaer Spanish control except Mindando, Palawan and the Sulu Archipelago, which remained strongholds of a race of Malayan stock and Mohammedan religion (“Moros” to the Spaniards) until they went down finally in 1850. About 1890, a nationalist movement headed by Dr. Jose Rizal, came into prominence. After various Skirmishes between the Spanish, the nationalists and the Americans, the islands ended up und,r American control, who chief concern seems to have been to grant independence to the islands. This was achieved on 4th July 1946, significant aate! I had chosen a tour to Tagaytay, about 40 miles out into the country and 2,000 ft. above sea level. Our first stop was the Intramuros, or Old Spanish Section of the City, almost bombed flat by the Americans in an effort to dislodge the Japanese from the area towards the end of the last war. Very little attempt appears to have been made to rebuild here, but D.Ingram. 16 The Sydney Bushwalker October, 1963 there are a lot of shanties for homeless refugees in the area. The city proper is bustling and hero are a number of new and imposing buildings. The streets are crowded with “Jeepnies”. These are exArmy Jeeps redesigned to carry 8 passengers, painted in the brightest colours, which ply from one part of the City to another carrying local passengers there are local bus services also. Next stop was the Women's university for a display of handicrafts, refreshments (nonalcoholic) and a display of Philipino dancing. The participants were gorgeously bedecked and performed with enthusiasam and grace despite the heat. Most Australians are familiar with some of the dances through an excellent short film of them, which is sometimes shown on the National T.V. However, the actual performance is so much more colourful. At the time of my visit, there was talk of a company of dancers coming to the 1964 Adelaide Festival. Then out into the country where the presence of a number of horse drawn vehicles created a traffic hazard on the narrow roads. The rice paddies were dry, awaiting the commencement of the “wet” in July and water buffalo were on hand to assist in the work when the time was ripe. Several good plantations of pineapple, coffee, coconut and banana were passed en route. The native houses seem to be made chiefly from Bamboo poles and are thatched with palm leaves, and have many windows open to every breeze that blows. How the homes stand up to a typhoon, I don't know, but feel that, in the event of destruction, rebuilding would be accomplished rapidly. At Tagaytay, there was an excellent hotel ready to serve lunch. After the meal, cock fights had been arranged for the delectation of the visitors, but not wishing to see the game little roosters destroy their kind, my friends and I didn't attend preferring to look over Lake Taal and Taal. Volcano from a height of 1,000 ft. During the return journey, a stop was made at the old Catholic Church at Las Pinas, to see and hear an organ containing 950 pipes made from bamboo in 1821 by one of the former priests. We were being ushered into a gallery to admire the instrument when a little native boy about 10 or 11 strolled past and down steps to the organ where he settled himself and played a simple tune with all the confidence of a master. After a quick look at some of the beautiful modern homes in suburban Manila where housemaids are said to be available for about 5. monthly and good cooks for E7.10.0, the buses arrived in the “Downtown” area in time to be driven slowly through the peakhour traffic, which is thick. We finally reached the ship, where, after a brief and successful skirmish with native vendors on the wharf, the passengers were hapy to go on board into airconditioned comfort and sail away to Hong Kong. =1111s…1. ..M.I.Nlomm11….ftwall….m. REMEYMER S.D.W. CHRISTMAS PARTY, FRIDAY 13th DECENDER. NORTH SYDNEY COUNCIL CHAIMERS. October, 1963 The Sydney BuShwalZer 17. FEDERATION REPORT SEPTEMBER 1-963. Wili Hilder. Six Foot Track. Nin Melville gave a report on his investigations re the. Six Foot Track, Cppk County, Megalong parish. This well known track from the Ekplorer's Tree (Katoomba) to Jenolan Caves was marked and blazed by William Cooper, Surveyor of Parks in April 1884. Subsequently in 1893 it was surveyed as a public road 1 chain wide, with certain sections 2 chains wide, by the Metropolitan District Surveyor and this land was resumed in 1901. Under special circumstances fences may be erected across a public road (sorry pal, not across Pitt Street) subject to a small annual fee. Federation is writing to an irate farmer in Megalong, pointing -clit the, facts of the case and pointing out to him (tactfully that is) that he is not entitled to stop anyone using the Six Foot Track. Federation would like to hear from anyone who has been prevented from using the Track,'and prompt action will be taken. Kosciusko State Park. K.S.P. Trust has thanked Federation for their prmaPt support against the outrageous proposal to cut Alpine Ash in certain areas of K.S.P. (See August issue of National Parks Journal) and their support of the Trust in the “cold” war with the S.M. Authority. The Trust do not expect any official action supporting the proposal, as their opposition to it is being felt and heard in high places. The Trust informed Federation that the Forestry Commission has undertaken a survey of Minable timber and reports that ample timber is available for many years to come, outside the K.S.P. another pat on the back for the Trust for good work done. Marie Lyles' brother has an excellent collection of Slides on K.S.P. from earliest days to the present and is willing to show these to bushwalker clubs. His address is 26 Telham Street, Beecroft. Lands Departments Federation was advised that the Kedumba Pastcral Co's application to purchase a section of public road, Cook County, Kedumba parish was refused.. Both Federation and the Lands Department Were strongly opposed to the purchase, which was a test case. Federation has written to the Lands Department expressing strong opposition to the startling proposal to rename Campfire Greek, Cook County, Strathdon parish. The proposal is to change the name Campfire Creek to Red Hand Greek. Past and present usage by the local inhabitants and/or persons who visit the area (that's us) have 4ways restricted the name of Red Hand Creek to the branch (side) creek in which the Red Hand Cave is situated. In fairness to the Department of Lands it should 'be noted that this proposal was from someone outside the Department. As the surveyor General is the Authroity for place names in N.S.W. all matters relating to these matters must be sent to the Department. Nin Melville, who brought the matter-to Federation's notice, urged prompt action as the Lands Department were preparing a map of the Blue Labyrinth area. Boyd Kanangra National Park: The National Parks Association has sent a copy of its plan for the D.K.N.P. to the Minister for Lands, for his approval. The N.P.A. have advised Federation the Kiama Municipal Council and the Main Roads Board are to reconstruct the Jamberoo Pass Road, Camden County, Kiama and Tallaya parishes, The N.P.A. are trying to get 8,000 acres of vacant Crown Land, Fallaya Parish, Duderoo plateau, reserved as a Faunal reserve or National Park. 18. The Sydney Bushwalkers October, 1963 Blue Mountains National Park. The BMNP Trust is all in favour of Federation's proposal to prevent unauthorised vehicular traffic on fire roads in certain area of the Park. Federation will arrange to meet DMNP Trust members on a suitable day to decide where the locked gates should be installed. The Trust now has its own Bush Fire Brigade, which is a special brigade for fighting fires in the park. The Trust has taken over an area of approx. 200 acres from the Blue Mountains City Council. This area is between the Railway line and the Blue Pool, Glenbrook Creek, Cook County, Magdala Parish and is now part of the D.M.N.P. The Trust (the bushwalkers friend) are carrying on the extremely good work of track and trail building and clearing; the Trusts latest effort is the chainsawing-and clearing of numerous fallen trees on the Dluegum. Forest Junction Rock trail, Cook County, Blackheath parish. Conservation Unlimited: The Federation expressed keen interest in a proposal put forward by the N.P.A. that bushwalkers could help the conservation cause considerably by walking threugh certain areas of N.S.W. which are vacant Crown Lands, and noting any det%ils of interest, which would help.N.P.A. to get these areas s'et aside for National Parks, Faunal Reserves etc. There are quite a few areas in the State, some of the nearby areas to Sydney include Sassafras, Bendethra, Drindabella Ranges, MacDonald River etc. Anyone touring the backblocks at Christmas, could do an enormous amount of good by visiting one or two of these areas. For further details see Tom Moppet, the N.P.A, Federation, or myself. Tom will be giving some details in the magazine shortly. Search and Rescue: Er. R.J. Course of “Waratah”, Jane Street, Hilltop, has organised a local S & R group to search for lost persons in the Hilltop area (not much use to us though; we don't get lost). This year's S & R. demonstration will be rather different to previous years, as well as being held at Webb's Creek, Hunter County, MacDonald parish on 18/19/20th October; full details will be to hand shortly and will be available for general issue. Special emphasis will be placed on First Aid this year, as experience has shown that bushwalkers do not have a very gond knowledge of this subject. Ayer's Rock: Federation's letter of protest has been shunted from one Govt. dept, to another, however it is now on the way to the man with a plan the Asst. Administrator of the Northern Territory. Federation has however been advised that the proposed Chair Lift at Ayer's Rock has been abandoned, due to strong opposition. This scandalous proposal, was quite unofficial it pears now. Armidale University MountaineerinE Club: Federation resolved to write to A.U.M.C. suggesting the advantages to be gained by both parties, if they become affiliated with Federation. A party of SBW's met an AUMC party in te Warrambungles last year and were very impressed with the hospitality and cooperation of this Club. Magazines Etc. The Secretary of Federation has requested a copy of all publications issued by affiliated clubs. Limestone Mining: Pat Harrison informed Federation that considerable mining activity was going on in the Mt. Armour area, Westmoreland County, Oolong Pamish. Oolong Creek was being diverted and pumped through a 3” plastic pipe through Tonnali and Squatting Rock Gaps to storage tanks at Mt Armour. The whole area showed considerable activity, so Federation is investigating the matter, but it is doubtful whether anything can be done as Fedbration has tried on previous occasions to stop the spoliation of the area. The Mining Act has precedence over all other acts, that is until the National Parks Act is passed. October, 1963 The Sydney Bushwaiker 19.. SCIENCE NATURALLY. Common Salt Its Role in Health and Disease. One of the most important things a medical student learns when he begins his studies is how common salt is necessary for normal health. Body fluid, whether in the cells (about 52 pints),. bathing the cells . (19 pints) or the fluid in the blood. stream (5 Tints), is a salt solution similar in composition to that of the sea millions of years ago when life began. The fluids of the body make up 65 per cent of. body weight-, and the most important dissolved substance is sodium chloride or common salt, of which the total body content is approximatelyIrlbc The total amount, and its concentration in the fluid, are both vital to life and must be kept constant in spite of variable amounts taken in the food or lost in - the sweat. The balance is maintained by the Kidney, which eliminates the requisite amount of water and salt in the urine. In maintaining the balance of body water and salt by the kidney it is, surprisingly, the salt which is more important. Salt, in effect, holds water within the body. Salt Excess Causes Oedema. If the balance is disturbed and excessive amounts of salt are retained in the body, excessive water is automatically retained as well. This causes oedema, a term meaning excessive water in the' tissues, with swelling, Particularly in the feet and. legs. The,word dropsy has been used in the past but is little used nowadays.. There 'are many causes for such a disturbance, some harmless and temporary, others more serious. Where a doctor is treating a patient with oedema of serious cause (heart disease may be such a cause), his aim is to get rid of the excessive salt. by reducing salt in the diet and giving drugs, known as aiuretics,.which stimulate the kidney to excrete salt. It is not usually necessary to restrict water intake, and this often surprises the patient. The degree to which dietary salt restriction is necessary varies. It may be sufficient to avoid adding salt at the table; it may be that the food should also be cooked without salt. In rare cases food containing salt (butter, bread, etc) maybe forbidden. Such diets are unpalatable and doctors do not. usually prescribe them if the salt can be eliminated in other ways, for example, with diuretics. There they are necessary some, thbligh not all, patients appreciate salt alternatives Which contain potassium rather than sodium chloride. Salt Deficiency At times the balance may be disturbed in the other direction. Excessive sweating or other causes of salt loss mco,y- lead to depletion of brAy salt content and, automatically, loss of. lepcly water, a condition known as dehydration. Tiredness, weakness, lassitude and exhaustion result if this is severe. Most people are aware of the need to take extra 20 The Sydney Dushealker October, 1963 reIsrom…..wair…~6 salt when conditions lead to excessive sweating. The very young, the very old and the very sick are more liable to this troUble9 and whore :the condition is severe, as in heat stroke, for instance, it may be necessary to admit the patient to hospital and administer salt solution by vion9 a procedure which restores normal salt balance with dramatic, even life-saving, effect. It should be stressed that a person in health, in a normal environment and. on a normal diet, takes sufficient salt for the body's needs without a thought on the subject. Apart from taking extra salt in circumstances leading to excessive sweating, it is wrong deliberately o interfere with one's natural habits. In disease, modification of dietary salt is very much a matter for the doctor's supervision. ,= THE FIVE PER CENT PACT. - Contributed by Alex Colley In 1944 the State Government created the Kosciusko State Park and we had visions of 2,000 square miles of scenery preserved for posterity. But it wasn't long before the bulldozers were at work and they have been tearing into it ever since This, like all other money producing “improvements,” was accepted as inevitable. Nevertheless something was done to protect the area. Most importantly, grazing was prohibited in the uplands in the face of strong local opposition. The Park Trust went to great lengths to stop erosion. For example, wheeled traffic was prohibited off the road in the Summit area, obliging skiers who had spent a lot of their time and money erecting the Albino Hut to carry in their provisions on their backs. Such measures look futile in the face of the latest plans. It has been reported that sections of the Kosciusko State Park Act-are to be revoked to allow Alpine Ash to be sold to local sawmillors (shades of National Park). And when it was a question of preserving the unique Summit area, or increasing the power output of the Snowy Scheme by 5% the Trust (under pressure from the State Government) yielded its most precious area. This is what Dr. W.R. Browne thinks about it (see “The Living Earth”, July, 1963. “The S.M.H.E.A. wishes to put aqueducts in the high country in the very heart of the Primitive Area and is confident that no harm would result, this view being supported by the Minister for National Development and the ex-Commissioner for Soil Conservation in New. South Wales. These assurances, however, are entirely worthless. The soil cannot be adequately retained and restored, as the Authority's efforts on the Guthega aqueducts at lower levels aptly demonstrate. Exotic grasses introduced for stabilisation might be ousted eventually by native snowgrasses, but no one knows if the process would take 50 years or 100 to 1,000. Swathes cut through belts of snowgum for aqueducts might in time be revegetated by young trees, which would be for ever out of harmony with their age-old neighbours. Slow- growing Podocarpus clinging to the tumbled glacial boulders would not be replaced within 500 years, and all the Authority's bulldozers and all the Authority's men could never restore the boulders to their places again. Diversion of creek waters into aqueducts would inevitably be detrimental to downstream vegetation, and the noise incidental to the engineering operations would scare away the timid native fauna. No harm indeed!”

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