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347 NOVEMBER 1963 Price V- CONTENTS Page Editorial 2 The October General Meeting A. Colley 3 Wollangambie's Sweet Water W. Gillam 4 Day Walks Guide 8 Paddy's Ad. 9 Search & Rescue Weekend. D.Hull 10 Social Programme 12 Mountain Equipment Co. (Ad.) 13 Clarence A New Field to 13 Conquer Marie D. Byles Check List of New Maps T.Hilder 15 Federation Report October. 16 Enchanted Rainbow E.Biddulph 18 111.11……..11ww A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushwalker, The N.S.W. Nurses' Association Rooms “Northcote Building,” Reiby Place, Sydney. Box No. 4476 G.P.O. Sydney 'Phone JW1462 TIE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER 9t4 Editor Stuart Brooks, 20 Craiglands Aye, Gordon. 496262. Business Manager Alex. Colley. q:A7,1 6'7741/4 “ I 2. The Sydney Bushwaiker November, 1963 Hi, It is a reasonable sort of MQ.XiM that runs “Believe one-fifth of what you read and one-tenth of what you hear.” - In fact, on being presented with a dogmatic, statement from a supposed authority on some topicp the veriest beginner in analysis is taught to ask himself “Now just how much does this, character know about this subjeA?” The words of wisdom that follow should be approached in light of the foregoing. Apart from bringing on prickly heat and an urge to visit the surf, the warmer weather calls to mind one small PrOblem confronting walkers - snakes. Excluding possibly Messrs. Worrel and Kinghorn, it is difficult to rally a group of enthusiastic admirers of the serpent family. Unfortunately there are too many who have an obsession about snakes that is not warranted by the available facts. For example, there are a thousand persons bad1T injured by cars each voar for every one person bitten by a snake and yet you won't see anyone flinch at the sight of a car - typical human cussedness. If one examines the reason for people being-bitten by snakes, the following order of precedence emerges - 1. The character who, seeing a snake, must rush after it with a lump of stick and try to kill it. 2. Those pepple who reach into crevices and hollow logs. 3. Those who, inadvertently, tread on a dormant snake. Examining each of these in turn, one can only offer the following comments. 1. If you do see a snake keep well clear. Snakes are more afraid of man than the reverse and any move the snake may interpret as aggressive will be met by retalliatory defence. So, back off, and walk quietly around it, giving it a wide berth. (Just follow. me.) 2. This should need no comment. Never reach or crawl into places whore you can't see exactly what is there. 3. The only defence against this is vigilance. Here, the snake is on your side. They are more vigilent than you and being very sensitive to sound, will usually be well out of ynur way before you arrive on the scene. Just in case, you should learn to watch her you walk, keeping your eyes a few yards ahead. This requires a certain amount of effort, but should be practised. Above all, in a queue of people charging through the bush, try not to be first. November, 1963 The Sydney Bushwalker 3, AT OUR OCTOBER MEETING. A.Colley In the absence of President, Ron Knightley, Jack Gentle was back in the Chair for the meeting, which commenced with a welcome into the Club to Sheila Battye, Shirley Bamford, Peter Harding and Stephanie Sullivan, and a welcome back home to much travelled exSecretary, David Ingram. At the September meeting it had been decided to ask our Honorary Solicitor, Mr. Colin Broad, to explain to us the meaning of the Era Trust Deed. In response to our request, Mr. Broad attended the meeting and outlined the Trust provisions. Under clause 10 the provisions of the deed could be revoked by a three quarters majority of members of the Club present at a duly convened general meeting, but the fund would still have to be used to further the objects set out in clause 1, which were the holding of lands intrust for camping as practised by recreational walkers and the preservation of the native flora and fauna. In reply to a question by Frank Ashdown as to whether we could transfer the fund to the N.P.A., Mr. Broad said we would have to stiPulate how the N.P.A. would use the money. Such a transfer would put an end to the trust, and the N.P.A. would have to use the money in accordance with the Objects expressed in the deed, The N.P.A. would not have to use the fund as the S.B.W. directed, unless such an agreement was reached with the trustees. In reply to a question from Bob Godfrey, Mr. Board said that there was nothing to prevent the fund_ being increased by further donations, if desired, and in reply to John Luxton, he said that land could be acquired near a reserve and donated to the reserve, but that the transfer would have to be made by the Trustees. On behalf of members, Jack Gentle thanked Mr. Broad for devoting so much of his time to clarifying these and other points for us. In reply to a question by Frank Ashdown, Tom Moppett said that at present the N.P.A. had no funds in hand for land buying purposes, and that their funds were normally used for financing coach trips and for propaganda. It was considering a plan for a propaganda publication to cost E800 to E1,000. He suggested that the S.B.W. write to the N.P.A. and other bodies asking whether they could suggest where land could be purchased. Colin Putt told us that the Committee had decided that the three monthly walks programme decided upon at the last halfyearly meeting would cover DecemberJanuaryFebruary, MarchAprilMay, JuneJuly+August, and SeptemberOctoberNovember. At 9.30 p m. it was decided that there would be a charge of 1/ per week for Club ground sheets, after which the meeting closed. 4. The Sydney Bushwaiker November, 1963 WOLLANGAMBIE'S SWEET WATER. W.Giliam. “What seas, what shores, what grey rocks and what -islands.” , The creeks to the north of Bells Line of Road have a long and justified reputation for inaccessibility. Bowens Creek has a road to Mountain Lagoon gives- an opening into Theeney Creek but in each case a circular walk is indicated. WollangamMe Creek suffers fro m all these defects with the added disadvantage of not having a definitely accepted route to it. Mt.. Irvine offers road access to the middle section, the upper section at Newnes junction is sufficiently distant to make a weekend trip to the middle section something of a gamble and Bowons Creek is sufficient deterrent to a return to the main road. Access to Wollangambie and to the further country would seem then to be only possible from Mt. Irvine. Parties in the past have wandered along ridges until stopped by cliff lines, or having escaped the cliffs have followed ridges down to look longingly into the Creek from another line of cliffs. The classical method of navigation, sticking to the ridges, obviously does not work. Once past the cliff line of Nareow NeckTenthworth Falls the country is accessible as far as Kanangra where there are many recognised passes through the cliff line. The Grose is accessible from many similar passes. Why then doesn't the method work on the 7. The classical passes are through two or three hundred feet of standstone onto the underlying shale series which give finger shaped spurs leading right to the major drainage system. Admittedly the spurs are on occasions extremely steep; . Cambage Spires would possibly be the steepest final descent into a river, steep but easily negotiated. The stream system is that of an entrenched antecedent river maintaining its slope as the plateau was raised, the river bends are the meanders of an old, old river; there is n great area of land of middle height; it is either tops or the river bank.* All this is missing on the 'W. The topography is then not merely a difference of degree of ruggedness; the basic geology of the area is in truth vastly different. The basalt caps which form the high points ,of Mts. Irvine, Wilson and Tomah have been completely dissected, the basalt enriching the rather steep slopes over the Coal Measure Sandstones. This soil enrichinent allows a sturdy rain forest of syncarpias, sassafras and cedar to grow particularlv on the southern sides of headlands. The sandstones thems5lves are more massive, several thousand feet being exposed whereas the Katoomba sandstone are pinched out to a mere few hundred feet. The three creeks, Er, Bowens and Bungl6boorie run almost due East and in almost parallel formation; there are few side creeks and these join the main creeks opposite each other at right angles rather than in the familiar system of overlapping spurs, i e. the pattern of ridge opposing creek. This is the first clue to the structure of the country. The writer, as usual has a theory to fit.. Possibly the main creeks run in a major parallel joint system and the side creeks (watercourses) are in the joints at apProximate rig ht angles to the main system. The Hawkesbury Sandstones generally have joint systems with a very regular intersection of approximately ninety degrees, tovember, 1963 The Sydney Bushwalker 5 so it is reasonable to assume a constant system of joints in the Wollangambie series. Watercourses joining the main creek, or rather the joints which they occupy can be traced from the southarn side of Bowens Creek, across the watershed to Tollangambie then across the nextlwatershed to Bungleboorie Creek, all in one straight line. This pattern is repeated, judging from the Tallerwang Sheet; sufficiently oftdn to bear further investigation. The creeks flow in a rough straight line, swinging only slightly where a cliff face, possibly a joint block, is not on the main system of joints. There Wollangambie does do a large turn it is of two right angle bends, as though it has “jumped lanes” from one main joint line to the one immediately to the side. Below Tesselate Hill the large bend is associated with a cross joint and watercourse. What does all this technical jazz mean. Simply that the 'creeks themselves are not especially difficult, there are no waterfalls or rapids since there are no intrusive rocks to obstruct the erosion of the creek beds; the cliff faces can possibly be circumvented by trying the subsidiary joint systems and the upper level cliff faces are caused not so much by erosion as by the northsouth joint blocks. If the main ridge is followed, that is the ridge running parallel to the main creeks then the northsouth joints will cause obstruction and the necessity for sidling to overcome them leads either into rain forest on the southern side of the faces or onto a steep watercourse on the northern side. The official trip on 20.21,22 September stumbled onto this key to the system and emerged somewhat scratched, a trifle unbelieving that they had climbed through some very pretty cliff lines and a deal proud of themselves. Friday night's camp was made on Bowens Creek, where the tents were pu-p, up by car headlights. The leader acting on advice delayed putting Up his tent, the fire was burning very well, it was a beautiful night. He had in fact decided to pitch his tent in front of the fire and stood his ground there until everyone else had gone to bed. It paid off in the morning when he woke to fiAd the fire relit. After breakfast and another fiVe or six miles of car travel the actual walking started at 8.30 from the end of the road near Tesselate Hill. Maps and compasses proliferated, the sun was consulted to see that it was east of north and off we went. Tesselate Hill was reached inside the hour, its position checked and the formation, which gives the hill its name, examined. The hill is the last outcrop of the basalt flows and has cooled in the familiar columnar structure of such flows (as in the blue metal quarries of the Kiama area). When a “plan” view is obtained of these columns they appear as neatly fitting floor tiles or tesselae for the Latinists. Tesselate Hill itself is not cliff bound but the view from it showed the problems to be met. Along the same ridge the next cliff face was at right angles' to our path and the lowest cliffs of the Wollangambie could be seen… Neither inspired the party with great hopes. For a brief pleasant interlude we walked through some marshy ground covered in flowers and then were walking on the standstone on the northern edge of the ridge. It wasn't particularly rough or scrubby, we were going in the right direction and the sun still shone in the right direction. And then we struck the first obstacle. 6 The Sydney Bushwaler November, 1963 The ridge fell away to the north tle moment the headland was reached. No way up the front of the face, said. -t leader. Noway to north. -We'll-go to the left, there might be a ,y up there. The southern side was less steep, I'll grant him that, bua- it led irrestibly. into Bowens Creek. We sidled under the cliffs a f 11 of rock would force us downwards. We clung to the very edge of th%t fall and pushed our way through the lawyer vine. Now it is a funny thing with lawyer vine. If'the leader trips over it, all-the other members feel in duty bound to trip over it. Some fall over it twice to show thoir- affection. The party tripped over every vine and went further and further towards'Bowens Creek. There was a break in the cliffs: We pushed uphill against the 'lawyer vine and then decided it wasn't really a break. The next break would take us back to the right side. Down once more towards Bowens Creek, the lawyer vine routine again. This time the break looked more promising. A pool of water was found, a rest taken, hearts fortified and lo and behold we were back on top, or nearly on top of the right ridge. Not far away the next headland glowered at us but the map showed that the contours might be working for us. Previously they had all huddled together no doubt on the theory that unity is strength. There was a brief diversion while Nike Pace photographed a startling rock lily, as brilliant as a sunburst. We all felt happier. Just drop into this saddle, sidle to the north and presto, dinner,on the creek. A brief zigsagging down to the saddle,: a short rest in honour of . midday and off down. But not quite yet. There was a lower cliff face to negotiate, then another, and at last we were on a ridge sloping nicely and going in the right direction. No matter that it was covered in mountain holly. The holly was in terrific bloom. Then all too soon the ridge ran out and we were on the edge of another cliff face. I may have felt reckless so close to the creek. I slithered down some rock filled chimnies, did a few grevilliea absils and just in time decided to look before I leapt down a fifty foot face. Haha, a chimney. Town we go. A jump. Only ten feet. But would the otherswant to jump. I doubted. if I wanted to jump anyhow. Balance along here to another chimney, , this one just made for me. It widened and widened. I stopped and took my pack off over my head. I lowered it gingerly. I didn't quite reach a chockstone. Haul it back, undo a strap and lower it again. It reaches. It balances. Let the strap Away goes the pack to the bottom of the chimney, bounces once more where 1 can see it dnd disappears. I can hear o it bounding to freedom like the editor's wallabies. We-ill must follow 'where the food is and there is a bottle of claret cunningly wrapped in the pabk. At the foot of the chitney, I pickea up a singlet. Ten feet further down a broken cigarette, a large bound to one sock, a cigarette, whole, and a handkirchief. The seawreck becomes more concentrated; -the packet of cigarettes has come out bolus bolus thoughtfully with a candle and 'a, box of matches. Scarves, bits of string, the lid of my tobacco in (oh, I am going to be in agony for the rest of the trip) and then the trail disappears. At the font of the last drop before the creek, the pack, balanced upside upside down against a very dirty, burnt stump. It is much quicker to get down without a pack. At least I have found. it. Now open it. ' The

'November, 1.963 The Sydney Bushwalker. 70 wwww l ars.,a,ener o…WrAmemom inner liner reeks of coffee, there is coffee in my jumper. I carefully empty the jumper into the liner. The tea container is safe. One can't drink tea AND coffee at the same time. Claret, o my claret, is safe enough. Down to the creek. I shove everything back into the inner bag, swing the pack to my shoulder and collapse from appendicitis. The frame is not as Paddy fashioned it so many hears ago. In fact it looks like some free form sculpting. That can wait. Down to the creek. To Uollangambie's sweet water. The rest of the party, foolishly 'burdened with p-Lcks, lunched in the sun at two o'clock while I straightened my pack, shook all the coffee into the liner, picked out the clothes from the coffee and remade the coffee container. The only permanent damage was a broken pipe several broken cigarettes and the only lasting discomfort the fact that I had tobacco and candles in a mixture, which, while it was ready rubbed and burnt wel4 wasn't at all tasty. Progress along the creek after dinner was better than expected and the leader maganaminiously declared we would camp at the first good spot after four o'clock. In fact we catped at twenty past four. on a flat bank, well, elevated, fronting a nice deep pool, plenty of wood, and with tall, immensely tall sassafras meeting overhead. All ate, well. A sing song was started but lapsed. Not from lack of enthusiasm but from quite minor faults. Few could agree on the words, fewer knew the tunes and none could sing in key. The editorleader, the leader's wife and author decidea that it would be a waste of a fine night to put up a tent. A big foot stone was placed at the end of each aeeping bag 5 two side stones Dripped up and we . decided that the bank which wasn't all that flat wc's more pleasant than sleeping in one's pack while the pack 'hung from a piton. : The programme was revised on Sunday morning. The leader thought we would be pushing our luck too far to search for Lost Flat, the slower members were put-in. front to hack down the lawyer vine while the leader navigated at a liesurely pace from the rear. The flora was examined, the habits of lyre birds noted and one beautifully marked butterfly wing collected. The number of creeks coming in on either side counted the rate of half a river mile per hour established and the morning generally enjoyed. At a time when most people are contemplating lunch the party found itself on the horns of a dileMma. It had reached a: cliff face on the left bank. Progress was barred. The leader,,arriving on the scone, ordered a retreat to a fordable spot. The fora led to a cliff face on the right bank. Swimming was ordered. It wasn't' far but by heaven it was cold. Those who couldn't swim learnt, those who were modest, a few, swam with the minimum, but all negotiated the crossing safely. Somewhat refreshed the leader dashed on to the lunch spot, a large creek coming from under Tesselate Hill, dropped his pock and investigated the creek as a route through the first cliff line. He returned with the good news that it was, as of rockets, eo. 8. The Sydney Bushwalker Nov6mber, 1963 - 1.1.11ilim.P.10.1=r…m….. The creek in fact' was just difficult enough to require mutual help and careful balance in places and gave a wondorful view of the lower cliff line. In fact we looked at the cliff lino gil the way to the top of a gentle ridge, the only one in the area, which lead to the road on which the cars were parked. Thirteen scratched walkers ambled towards the end of the trip before four o'clock. Some of th6m are going. back. It's amazing how quickly you forget the alwyer vines.' . DAY WALK __GUIDE - November-December. Sunday Lilyvale - Burning Palms - Figure 8 Pool - Era - Garie - Bus to Nov.17. Waterfall. 8 miles easy. Now that the warmer weather has arrived you should come on this trip and start that sun tan. This is a delightful walk and Figure 8 pools can provide a good dip as also the surf at Burning Palms or Era. Train - 8.42 a m. steam. Pare 7/3 return for train - 3/- for bus. Tickets return to Lilyvale. Leader - Frank Leydon. Nov.24. Two walks this Sunday. A. Waterfall - Pt.Hacking River - Flat Rock Crossing - South West Arm Creek - Audloy. 12 miles - medium. Many walkers are not fully aware of the walking that National Park has to offer and this trip has been designed to fill that need as well as that of a test walk. Train 7.50 a m electric - Change at Sutherland. Fare 5/6 return. Ticket return to Waterfall. Leader - Gordon Redmond - FY4980. OR B. Bowen Mt. - Burralow Creek - Grose R. - Cabbage Tree Crk - Bowen 10 miles - rough. This trip will provide an excellent test walk but you must see leader early to ensure transport, which is privately arranged. Leader - Bill Bourke - Contact in Clubroom. Dec. 1 Lilyvale - Burning Palms - Era - Garb e - Bus to Waterfall. 5 miles - Easy. This is a swimming walk and all who would like an easy day on the beach are welcome. Train 8.42 am steam. Tickets return to Lilyvale. Fare - 7/3 return for train. Bus 3/-. Leader Jack Gentle XM6121 (H) LA6041 x 9 (Bu). Dec.8. Waterfall - Ulloola Falls - Karloo Pool - Heathcote. 8 miles Easy. Another swimming walk in the creeks of National Park. Train 8.20 a m. Electric. Tickets return to Waterfall. Change at Sutherland. Leader will join train at Como. Fare 5/6. Return. Leader - Dick Child, LLo411 x 66 (b). .reosamotzolgasiszuret tkcio ek,W0'

“ON THE BACK OF EVERY.BUSHWMKER A PADDY MADE PACK. We are happy to say the “FRIENDLY WALKER” will continue on his way across the back cover of the Buslawalker as WQ have accepted your kind invitation to continue this happy association with the magazine. It is not 'good advice, seen has long quality is so is reliable. just an ambitious slogan, it is A Paddy made pack wherever it is been our best advertisement. The outstanding; the service behind it PADDY PALLIN PTY. LTD. 201 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, Phone 26-2685. 101' PA DIY PAWN EZ: Lightweight Camp Gear 201 CASTLEREAGH St SYDNEY BM2685 sacslbera=darzlicaNztat&teistrattgitftwatoriarrszositvilesemsaig, 10. The Sydney Bushwalker. November, 1963 SEARCH AND RESCUE WEEKEND OBSERVATIONS OF THE ONLOOKER. D.Hull. The rescue part started quite early in the programme in fact at the first ford. One member timed her arrival at this point so well that as she neatly bogged herself in the sand, the next arrival on the scene within a very few minutes was the Police Rescue Squad what more could a girl ask! Congratulations vo Federation and the Search and Rescue Section for their choice of -* very lovaly spot on Webbs Creek for their weekend activities. Admfttedly, there were certain hazards en route for motorists but any temporarY inconveniences were very quickly overcome by the enthusiasm and good will of the rescuers, About 75 members gathered on Saturday afternoon to hear Nin Vielville's opening remarks which were apt and to the point with specjil emphasis on the need for the thorough first aid training of all members of all clubs. We all then moved to the shade of the trees on the river bank where Wilf Hilder and Alan Rigby gave practical demonstration as to the safes* way to cross a river, especially for those who were not strong swimmers. Perhaps the most colourful memory of the weekend for many of us will be the spectacle of Wilf restfully floating down the river on an inflated chaff bag with bright coloured balloons bobbing happily one by one out of the bag ail round him. Somehow,I had never before associated Wilf with the ethereal qUalities of gaily coloured balloons but we saw him in a now light that day. The Sydney Spelios worked wonders with ropes and weights and pulleys abseiling 'Alan Round showed how to improvise a bush stretcher and with various entertaining little skips back to the microphone showed a very simple and ingenious method of how to pickaback a weary bushwalker. Rescue in the Nuclear Age by Sgt. Ray Lyson of the Police Rescue Squad was addressed to a “mature public minded body of people” and forced one to do a little vivid thinking of what could really happen should a nuclear bomb actually fall on Sydney's G.P.O. the thought was not exactly pleasant. The Rucksack Club's address on Safety in Bushfires emphasised the need to conserve one'slenergy at all costs and not to panic in the event of a serious bush fir and then the Puttmobile demonstrated, amidst great hilarity some ingenious method of “debogging”. Perhaps it would have been more appropriate to have held this demonstration at the approach to No. 1 ford amny of us could then have put the knowledge accivired to really praotioal use almost immediately. November, 1963 The Sydney Bushwalker 11. Everyone then dispersed for a swim and tea to gather later round a truly fine camp fire built by qemcw and a singsong ably,compered by Min, Col and Howard. A Special mention must be made of the tuneful contribution of the Kameruka Club and their very enjoyable harmonising and of the original “hot dog” supper prepared by Y.HJ. ended for many a very happy evening. Half a sheep, slowly and odiferously turning on a spit over the fire by the Kameruka's was a gastromic pleasure enjoyed by those who lingered on to listen to the singing after supper. - Next morning was bright and hot and it was difficult to lure many of the members away from the coolness of the river, which was a pity as there was much of interest taking place. The Rock Rescue team under Col Putt gave a very vivid demonstration of climbing and of safety methods involved. Watching the team carrying an “injured” body in a stretcher up the cliff face lent colour to next mornings description in the papers of an actual rescue that occurred on Sydney's coast over the weekend. This was followed by a lecture on first aid by Mr. Greening of St. John's Ambulance - e, very comi=ehensive address that impresse4 further the need for all bushwalkers to have a thorough knowledge of first aid. Though some of his talk was not necessarily directly relative to actual bushwalking it certainly had a bearing for those many members who are car drivers. Canoeing sounded so simple and uncomplicated when discussed by Harry Savage till one realised it was only. simple and uncomplicated when one really studied the art - and using radio in searching was ably demonstrated by Bob Mead of the Rucksack Club. By this time one was beginning to wonder how Wentworth and Lawson ever managed to cross the mountains 150 years ago without all these modern safety devices - when the highlight of the day took place - (actually it took place earlier - but with poetic ofi- reporters licence or what you will it makes a much better climax here). The whirr of a plane's engine was heard overhead'- there was great activity from the ground radio - the Kameruka Club seemed to be wrapping themselves in orange streamers - Nin was pleadingthrough the loud speaker with car drivers to keep the centre area clear - and children and adults appeared from every direction. The plane circledi round and roun'ZI:- a brozd white ribbon drifted downwards over the tree tops and then wonders of wonders out of the sky appeared a gaily coloured umbrella - floating gently towards the earth - everyone watched breathlessly as the drifting-figure suspended underneath was slowly carried forward until it gently rested squarely on the orange marker set ready by the Kamerukas. 12, The Sydney Bushwalker NOvember 1963 Somehow, I think that all the childred and most of the adults felt as I did - that here at last was the man from Mars. Arriving in our midst complete w!7th all the trappings - spare parachute - radio transmitter - a 1:erfect ending to the day. Congratulations Nin, Heather, Col and all those whop, with Search and Rescue cont-ributed so ably to a most instructive and interesting week-end. 1111M.I.IMPIXIMIMMEWIIMIN1111111011 SOCIAL PROGRAMME - NOVEMBER. Those members who were at the club when Frank Ashdown presented his talk and slides on the North Island of New Zealand, will be sure to come again and bring their friends on 20th November when Frank will present Part 2. - the South Island. We had a glimpse of one or two of his slides of this part of the world in the Photographic Competition and they auger well for a most entertaining night. Bring your slides along on 27th November - a:bott 20 'per person - and let's see your latest efforts. Overexposed or underexposed trot them along and help to make the Members' slide Night the success it usually is. S.B.T. CHRISTMAS PARTY NORTH SYDNEY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - FRIDAY - 13th DECEMBER, 1963. DANCING - 8 p m. to 1 a m. FANCY DRESS -“MY SECRET DESIRE.” Tickets 17/64 Everyone of us, to be sure, has some hidden desire to be somebody else or something else. There is no need to spend money on psychiatrists, no need for lenEthy tedious analysis. Rid yourself of that passionate burning desire which all these years has been ltrking in your sub-conscience. Wake up on Saturday morning (maybe Sunday morning) refreshed; knowing that you are at last free because you haveS lived out (in the company of outstanding friends) the roll of the person or thing you would like to be If a fly lands in your Barossa Pearl, don't kill it, it could be ydur best -friend. MELD LIFE PRESERVATION SOCIETY, will hold a field'day-on November-16'at. Binnapurra Falls Reserve under the guidance of the Ranger, noward Judd. Mr. Osterberg (Tel. 417206) is organising the deal and would be pleased to assist anyone, including visitors, who would like to peer at nature in the raw. tmt Wt1,4 4rwir 0.4$0 v.,t11014 u ttaLa eiliff) , =1 akeiPleasure in announcing their appointment as sole Australian Agents ,L for

ARTHUR ELLIS AND COMPANY LIMITED, NEW ZEALAND Maklei'i of the'world- famous 'FAIRY/ down sleeping bags, parkas, ski jaCkbtsi alpine down jackets, sleeping bag outer covers and awide range of'cliMbing'and expedition equipMent.. down-quipment, used and recommended by Sir Edmund Hillary, -has been supplied to over fifteen major expeditions including the :111:ritish,Mount,Everest Expedition of 1953. We invite you to write for our 1963/64 catalogue or better still give us a ring and call out for an inspection duling evenings and weekends. MOUBTAIN EQUIPMENT COMPANY 12 ORTONA ROAD LINDFIELD 3M1440 im l…. CLARENCE : A NEW. FIELD TO CONQUER Marie B. Byles. . Clarence, the “If Required” stop beforeLithgowf is a district teaming with bushwalking and historical interest and it is hard to understand how it escaped attention during my bushwalking years. Perhaps the introduction - in the nineteen-twenties had been a. little too inauspicious. I had conceived the perfectly mad idea of walking out from Newnes Junction to Newnes alone along the disused railway line. After ten miles cf stepping from sleeper to sleeper without a single view, Iliad had 'enough of it, turned,baCk, slept under Bald Hill, with a,triCkle. of water and a padket of Weet Bix (called Granose biscuits then) and returned to the guest house (called a boarding house then) to find it septhing with mild horror, but not on my account. It turned out that two young girl guests had narrowly escaped. being run over by one of,the twice-daily trains. In those days the 'only walking tracks were the disused railway lines of the old zigzag and the Main Western Railway Line, both of which have ninny tunnels and most of -them curved. -These young folk were passing through one of the curved tunnels when they heard a train .entering it, but from which end they could notial. They should of course have lain down. flat' on their tummies between the railway lines and the tunnel wall. Instead they ran, fortunately in the right direction and fortunately Without falling, and got out just as the engine got out too! 0 14. The Sydney Bushwalker November 1963 Now-a-days there are far too many trains to. make-breakttg'the .railways. bylaws desirable, and 'far tob many tracks made during the electrification to make it necessary. My interest in Clarence was revived only a few years ago ieny brother purchasea th'e old Clarence boarding house, no, not to run-it - as a guest houss, though there is a cottage annex with eight rooms available for people who do not like camping, and who book up sufficiently in advance. No, my sister-in-law only runs a horse or two and a cow or two and geese which bark like dogs, and my brother merely goes respectably into Lithgow to see the Hartley County Council puts its poles in the right spots to spoil the landscape from the photographic angle. But he has developed into luite a bushwalker in his old a- is delighted to show people the walks of interest., 2 Ana how many these are! You can now take a car aTong that. uninteresting old Newnes railway line, park it before the glow-worm tunnel and then packs dn backs stumble through the tunnel ana emerge to find the Walgan your feet, and Mount Walgan and Crown mountain in the Capertee within reach. Or you could explore those fascinating open ridges betweepBungleboori and the Wollangambi and even end up at-Mount Irvine. Or on. the northern sida of-the railway line you could go along the spur above the Third _tunnel, find your-way down into the valley of Reedy Creek, pick up the Box Track, perhaps take in Hassans Walls and back by Gap and up to Clarence again. Unless you were “Tigers” that. might take more than one day, even if you withstood the temptation to inspect the little coal mines in the valley, but you could-shorten it by cutting out Hassans Walls and going up Doctors Gulley instead of Browns Gap. Oh there are endless possib- ilities. As I sat on the spur above the Fourth Tunnel and watched the sun rise over the Megaiong, my feet began to get itchy again and there arose the lonpl_heto explore the Untrodden - or at least untroddenbybushwalVvr - places. “Something lost behind the ranges - Lost and waiting for you - Go!” pRosPEcHvEi– -61.4u GEAR FOR iliii. Financial prospective members can hire gear from the club at the following rates. ' Packs ' 1/- per day - 3BeIRds g-allimiaYfirespective of No. of days. Gear can be picked up on Wednesday evenings and returned the the folloWing Ednes day. See FRANK ASHDOWN or SANDRA BARDWELL to make arrangements for hire . .-. _ _ —.—- .. n…….n. ., . .. 1'… November, 1963 The Sydney Bush*alker 15 CHECK .LIST. OF NEW-MAPS Wilf Hilder. to the milel.TOpographical Maps, 50 ft. (7 cblourS). - Quirinal A, B,.- 09 - D. Towarri - -Parkville. Scone.- Manobalai.- Coolanbilla - formerly Jenolan D. , H5/- each. Available only.) - Snowy Mts. Authority; 1 inch to mile, 200 ft contours, 4 colours. Cabraturra - Tantangara - Toema - Eucumbone –Indi - Nitmo Geehi - Jindabyne. (All the previous dyeline maps are deleted - stocks are very limited).-. 3/6 each. Available onlyat Ptddy's. Army Maps: 1 : 50,000 Series, 50 ft contours (5 colours). 5/- each. Available Paddy's and Robinson's. Temora Milvale –Sebastapol = Tramp-ton - Uunee - Bethungra - Collingullie - Wagca Wagga Wontabadgery Nangus - Thadungra Buila - Wombat - Young - Docrowa Frogmore Coota- mundra - Harden - Cooiac - Jugiong Gumdagai - Tumorrama– Goodradigbee - Currango Dimberi Michelago- Captains Flat - Tantangera Yaouk - Bredbo Jerangle - Nerriga - Tianfarra Corang - Ulladulla -' (Glen Gallic - Howes Valley - Olinda - CorIcudjy - Glen Davis - Hellong.) Lands Department; 2 inches' contours, finished editions Nellingen - B9 C9 - D. Murrunindi - Kar's Springs Breeza - Caroona. (Bimlow Paddy's or Lands Department Army Map: Milparinka Narrowmine Cootamundra 1 s 250,000 Series, 250 ft contours (5 Colours) 5/7:, - Ursino Yantabulla - Engon4 - Moree ) - Ona Drandh.- POoncaire Dubbo - Singleton - Newcastle - Forbes - Bathurst -.Sydney Goulburn - Wollongong - Jerilderie. Mines Dept. Geological Maps 4 mile to inch (7 colours). 7/6 (with booklet). Available Mines Department. Sydney Wollongong - Nerrandera - Mallacoota. 1 mile series - Ulladulla and part Tianjoi-a (Bulletin No. 17) with 68 pp book 25/-. apt. of National DezpIg52,1nL:, 1; 690009000 Series - Atlas of Lust. Resources - Maps: Physical Features - Geology - Mineral Deposits - Mines - etc. 5/- each with booklet. Available Robinsons and Dept. National Development only. Davidson Park: 35/16 inches to Mile, 5 colour sketch map. 5/- Available Paddy's and Lands Department. New England National Park: 2 inches to mile, dyeline sketch map.7/6 Available Paddy's. BEDFORD DORMOBILE (Like Ron Knightley's) . This is a 1961 Deford Dormobile. Lo W mileage. Now fully overhauled and mechanically as new. Low price. See Colin Putt J113128. 1 t Or ring Mr. Palm, 37-9269. 16. The Sydney Bushwalker November, 1963 FEDERATION REPORT OCTOBER 1963 W.Hilder. Limestone Minim. Nin Melville reported his finding'dori the limestone mining in the Mt. Armour area, Limestone Caves Preservation Reserve R29837 (notified Sept. 1890, parishes Colong and:Merlin rrostmoreland County. The Mines Department and the Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission had no 'record of any leases covering the diversion and pumping of Oolong Crk. through a 3” plastic rape from Colong swamp (through Squatting Rock Gap) to Mt. Armour, where it is being stored in tankaand used in test hole drilling. C.T. McElrdy7b surVeyrin 1957 (Geological Survey of NS W. Vol 5, 1957, Mines Dept. NSW) in Mining Leases, 14 and 44 Parish Colong'and M.L. 1 Parish, Merlin, Westmoreland County; after a thorough analysis reportdd the total Limestone reserves of over 13 million tons were available in the above mining leases. These leases are now'held by Commonwealth Portland: Cement andMetropilian Portland Cement.. The Mines Department have advised Federation to write to the Under Secretary for Lands, stating that Federation was an interested party in mining activity in the reserve, enclosing a sketch map of the alleged illegal water diversion anA requesting information on any special leases (for mining purposes) in parish Colong. :Both the Mines Department and Water Conservation and Irrigation Comm. will attempt to prosecute the offenders if Federation receives suitable information from the Lands Department. It is rumoured that the Water Board is strongly opposed to any limestone mining in the area, due. to the consequent erOSion, siltation and pollution menaces in the catchMent area of Warragardba Dam.. Search and Rescue: Only two alerts were received during the month and searchers were not called out. The P.M..G. have once again refused permission for a 10 watt transceiver as a base radio for S & R's radio. network. Federation' will keep trying until the PMG “see the light” and grant permission. Indeed it's the squeakY wheel that gets the General Correspondence. The Royal National Park Trust thanked Federation for the assistance in the tree planting 9.,tralpaign. The.NaturecOns.-Council letter re the agenda for the Annual Meeting held on 2nd November. The Outward Bound Foundation letter re Duke. of Edinburgh J.:Iward Scheme (see pp 19, 20 S.D.W. Sept. 1963). IL conference will be held at Fishermans Point (with Federations representatives) on 16th November. Encycaopedia Brittanica Research Service-letter wanting information regarding local:rock-climbing history and also on bushwalking. The query re rock climbing has been forwarded to Colin Putt (of Puttmobile fame).

, . National Parks Association Advised Federation that file' Painted markings on the Mt. Seymour area, (parish Thurat, Westmoreland County) were not connected in any way with the PYG or any other commercial undertaking. These markings were made by a naturalist (which is what the SBW's have been saying for years). The NPA.have.Over tealously sold Federation the “proverbial steer” and doubtlesa some Govt. Department's are still mystified by the “hornets nest” of criticfsm that came out of the blue. In fact the Federation were so sold on the idea of the PI\iO. towers at Mt. Seymour November 1963 The Sydney Dushwalker . . . ,(complete-With -iUrVeyed road) that when thaPMG denied all knowledge of the affair, -Federation claimed they were not brave enbugh to tell the truth and were covering up. The next broadside. was AireCted,at the Public Works Department! Maybe FederatioWs nPla Insurance Broker -could supply an insurance policy to cover NPA and Federation against “loss of face.” Blue. Mountains National Park t _The.Trust advised Federation that Euroka 'fiagteen resut'ed-dhd,is vacant Crown Land, which will be addedt6-the Park in due course… The Trust is carrying out improvement to the Glenbrook Woodford Fire road and have constructed a shelter shed at the Oaks. The Trust have also built many fireplaces and special water storage tanks in the Blue Labrynth area, as well as clearing a trail from Nepean Lookout road to Erskine ak, parish Warrangamba, Cook County and which joins Jack Evans Trail which runs from Erskine knoll road to Erskine Creek. It is a foregone conclusion that 'Jack Evans Trail” will now include both trails. The DP Trust have advised.Federation,of the next proposed addition to the DMNP - p6ition 7, adjacent to Linden Railway Station This would give the Park a small frontage to the Main western Highway. The Trust and Federation will confer on locked gate sites in parishes Irvine and Jamison, Conk County on 16th November. There Was considerable discussion on fire roads, locked gates etc. The meeting unanimously voted in favour of the “locked gate site conference” with BP Trust. Delegates we asksd to ascertain the feeling of their clubs on both fire roads and locked gates and report to Paul Barnes of the Conservation Bureau. Ball: Paul Driver reported that the B411 had been very successful - with 350 in attendance, and this meant a financial as well as a social success. The meeting authorised the Secretary to book the hall for the 2nd Friday in September next year as well as moving a special vote of thanks to the Chairman of the Ball Committee, Paul Driver. Letterhead: Federation require a new design of block for their letterhead and are calling for suggestions. The old, soldier suggestbd a bushwalker leaning on a locked fire road gateZ Tracks & Access: The Coast and Mountain Walkers have recently recut the old timber track from the 'Vines to Sally Ck (east branch) parish Endrich, St. Vincent County. A rough track has also been cut from Folly Point to Sentinel or Angels Falls Crk. in the same area. The Garrawarra Park Trust have completed the signposting of nob Liddles Trail which runs through the Palm Jungle, Dulgo Parish,, Cumberland County, This magnificent trail was blazed and cleared from the Lilyvale track through the Palm Jungle to the Ranger's Hut at Burning Palms, by the Y.H.L. Campers Club and it shows what a small club can do in keeping the trails and tracks in good condition. We, as the largest club in Australia have yet to show the small clubs how much trail and track clearing we can do 18. The Sydney Dushwaiker November, 1963 New Maps: Revised edition of George Elliott Dudawang Range map. Available at Paddys. There are still several obvious errors on this map which should have been'correctedmore thoroughly. aylsed edition of the Icotciusko State Park Map available at Robinsons. Scale 2i-4' to 4. miles. DlUe'Labrynth Tourist Map scale 2 inches to mile. This map shows the picilic areas, caves, roads, tracks, trails etc0 up to November 1963. Tracks compiled by Nin Melville and Wilf Hilder, who also did some field checking. This excellent map is available from Paddys. latett in the Land's Department 2 inch to the mile series are Gullifml, Manobalai and Scone. (Scale ,1 to 31,680) and are unbelievably “acourate, a bushwalkers 2elight. Available at Lands Department only. Also available on special request is the Lands Department free new map key for topographical maps, this also shows all the maps being compiled at present as well as maps now available. 0.=…., .. Len and Val Young a daughter. Shirley and Paul Hahke a son. Roy Cragg and Lyn White married. INIIIIIM. ' ENCHANTED RAI:M(3W. What is life, for young or old, Without some Wonder to behold?. What is sight if not for seeing Beauty in the act of Being? ….. Come then, young and old, and listen While I tell you of a Wonder Of pure beauty I have seen .. ….. 'Tv/as a rainbow in the mountains,- (The Blue Mountains, seen, from Leura) And this rainbow seemed to leap' From very joy at its brief moment' Of encounter with that warm an vivid outcrop Shouting at us 'cross the chasii' “See oh see inc in my splendour!” . ….. Then our eyes, half blinded by tha,t dullness: Forced on them by out; oWn creations Saw and rejoiced in awe and delight As that great bow bent for its plunge Down, deep and true, at one with the earth. Esme Diddulph. Sister Hull reports of some recent Hatches and Matches. …… =1.

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