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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushwaiker, The N.S.W. Nurses' Association Rooms “Northoote Building,” Reiby Place, Sydney. Box No. 4476, G.P.O. Sydney. ?Phone 5W1462 Editor - Stuart Brooks, 20 Craiglands Aye, Wahroonga. 496262. Business Manager - Alec. Colley. 350 JANUARY, 1964 Price 31- (4/

CONTENTS From Your Editor 2 Social Notes 3 January General Meeting 4 Paddy's Ad.. 5 Letters to the Editor 6 Bungonia Gorge. Fifth Anniversary Blues. “Housebound” 8 Mountain Equipment Co. Ad.. 9 Day Walks 10 Investigation of Land Tenures in N.S.W. 11 Science Naturally 12 The Cox's River - Once Again. 14 Federation Report - December, 1963 16 January, 1964 17 Kimpton's Feather Mills Ad. 18 The Sydney Bushwaiker February, 1964 2. Hi, Those of us who like the wellarranged existence where each event follows the next in order and precision ao not go bushwaiking in our spare time. There is any nuMber of fat (and prosperous) managers of hotels, motels and boatels to cater for the least whim and to see that nothing falls oljt of place thereby disturbing the peaceful procession of the daily routine. In walking, it is difficult to predict whether you will ever get from point A to point B or the chances of your getting lunch before 3 p m. To the easygoing individualist this is quite acceptable, even enjoyable, and most bushwalkers you meet have this characteristic reasonably well developed. This, of course, as many a Social Secretary rues, makes walkers almost impossible to organise. “What the hell,” I can hear you saying, “is Brooks raving about now?” Well, all I am trying to say, in my own incompetent fashion, is that I think our Walks Programme needs a bit of organising. If Mr. Hilder thinks this is a personal attack on as own good self, let him be reassured. He may be blameworthy, but only the blameless can criticise, and that eliminates a fair nuMber myself included. Rather should we learn, by our mistakes, and seek continually to improve. (This looks like being an 18 page editorial). Our present walks programme is a creature of whim like Topsy, it just grows (with a bit of badgering from Wilf). The veteran walker of this club can and does look after himself with private walks. But we, as a club have a responsibility to our younger members, and prospectives, to offer a walks programme of interest, of reasonable challenging difficulty, and of education in bushlore so as to prove him (or her) right in selecting us as an avenue of recreation. Briefly, in the past, I have mentioned two ways this could be done. Firstly, by a regular carefully selected programme of graded walks designed to introduce, and train, the novice in the delightful ways of simple living, and secondly, by having a series of excursions (easy or difficult) to look at possible future natural reserves. Each of us solemnly, nervouslY assures the interviewing Committee “Of course I'd love to lead a walk!” Ask Wilt, and you'll get a slightly different reaction as to members' desire to lead a walk when the pressure is put on. The responsible body in this club is the Committee and they have the task of solving the problem of how to bridge the gap between these assurances and the ultimate result. Till we have to organise the bush walkers?

February, 1964- The Sydney Bushwaiker 3. You, and 1.,,kmw of a good number of members who vow neyeF to lead another walk! These are people crpable of loading dimqting and interesting walks, but for one reason or another, won'tmb in it. We, as a club, fail if we can't convince them otherwise. While on the theme of offering prospectives or new members walks of interest, for heavens sake let us abolish the “Instruction Weekend”. These portray to introduce the new member to the hidden mysteries of first aid ana map reading. There is only )rp e place to learn first aid, and that is at a St. John's Ambulance class. There is only one place to learn map-reading, and that is out 6n a walk, in the middle of a tangle of creeks and ridges. I have never been to an Instructional Weekend I didn't thoroughly enjoy, but don't let us persist in forcing prospectives to atteLd. (before we accept them for membership) a weekend “walk” that can be thoroughly boring, or completely bewildering, depending upon your standard of bushcraft. Personally, I feel that no one should join this club until they have done a series of set graded walks ranging from an easy Sunday walk to a hard three day walk and finally led a weekend walk, selecting the route themselves and actually finding the way and organiing the party. If wa insisted on this principle there would be no problems with walks programmes. Just one parting shot on Instructional Weekends. The only Instructional Weekend I can see that would have any use would be one on Safety in the Bush, and this would largely resolve into correct procedures on steep slopes, so as to avoid accia3nts from dislodged rocks or persons falling from exposed positions. We, as bushwalkws should know more of the use of ropes from belays as safety lines, and. the gentle, and easy art of abseiling. 1=i'lkir- ; INNIM11111MIIMINI.. ,SOCIAL NOTES FOR FEBRUARY. a Many of us are members of the National Parks' Association and for that reason I feel Tom Moppett's visit to the Club on 20th February will be enthusiastically received. What he has to tell us about the aims and work of the Association should be of great interest to members, new and old. Dave Ingram took us to California per medium of slides last month. This month the U.S.A. is again featured since Laurie Rayner will entertain us with “Walking in the U.S.A. on 27th February. 4 The Sydn ey Bushwalker February, 3964 AT OUR JANUARY MEETING.. As the President and both Vice-Presidents were sojourning on a tropic isle, nominations were called for a Chairman and A lex Colley was elected. (prolonged applause). In the absence of so much debating talent the meeting was a short one. There were no new members. Federation delegates reported that S R had agreed to draw Up a notification of trouble procedure, as requested at our last meeting. Federation thanked us for our letter advocating locked gates ot fire trails and said that it would strengthen their case for having this done. A letter was received from Mrs. S.A. Green, thanking us for searching for her daughter, and it was resolved that this be forwarded. to Federation. After a short debate it was decided to ask the National Parks Representatives who are to address us on February 20 to bring along copies of their financial statements for the past four years. Reports were receivea on only one walk in December. Dick Childs lead a party of 2 meMbers and 2 prospectives from Waterfall to Heathcote via Uloola Falls on December 8. It was a watery trip. The falls were in flood and there were yabbies on the track. A report was also received from Frank Ashdown on his November 22-3-4 walk from 'Clam to Shellharbour. This has always been a popular walk, but Frank reported that, though it was still very pleasant trip building was encroaching, and water harder to find. After the election of Denise Hull, John Powell and Gordon Redmond as room stewards, the meeting closed at 8.35 p m. . 1164 CAR TRIAL - FOURTH OF A SERIES. February 15 - 16, 1964 Assemble at Strathfield Picture Theatre (Moseley Street) reaay to start at 1 p m. Trip approximately 100 miles. Maps - Streeth Directory essential. Other maps. N.a.H.A. Touring Grounds around. Sydney Oil Company Road Yap Military Sheets (Liverpool and Camden) THERE IS NO PEED TO HAVE A CAR OF YOUR OWN. W. Rodgers.. J. Gentle. jr4r- 101:4G121101W ' tr.32~41-1-.7 PADDY IS MOVING 0 ur lease is up we can't renew New quarters have been found Which cater for all walkers needs We hope to see you round. Call in for a look around, tell your friends. P.S. Our latest 111' frame pack weighs 5i lbs. It has been warmly complimented by many walkers. It's worth a look at PADDY PALLIN PTY. LIMITED. 109 A Bathurst Street, SYDNEY Phone (as before) 26-2685. Town Hail Plac Dorteli House PdtAing Station t att6 Exits B2lhurs1 it. PADDY PALO Al P D DV PALLIN I 201 CASTLEREAGH St SYDNEY - eg lightweight Camp Gear '4,a”'“40*”“'I't”“t”“op=orozrznrmzoecwzzsstrau:raacsaabwzzorapcaagkniom,coasxer zaGtz*p=ua*wm,..,-t-.. ' BM2685 , 13.18.6. 6. The Sydney Bushwalker February, 1964 Letters to the Editor. Dear Stuart, Extract from letter received from Mrs D.F. Spencer, Canberra. “My sister, Evelyn Higinbottom, wishes to be remembered to any old members of S.B.T. She is now in Washington 'U.S.A.” Pa Pall t1.; ”. ; . . Dear I refer to the article “Kowmung Crossing” by “Odyssey” in the January 1964 issue of “The 'Sydney Bushwalme., Except for the first three,introductory paragraphs, in which “Odyssey” .drew on his imaginatic)n, the article was first published in the Catholic tu-shWalkikj-Clubl-smadazine, “The Waysider” in its issue of December, 1951, and subsequently printed in “The Catholic Bushwalker,” a magazine pelished in 1953 to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the C B C I an sure that following upon this information, you will be pleased to make the customary. acknowledgement in the next issue of your valued magazine. The article was written by Jack Murphy and relates to experiences on an official C.B.C. walk for King's Birthday Weekend, 8.,11.June, 1951. The route progrElmmed was Kanangra Cloudmaker Tiwilla Scotts Range Kowmung Canyon White Dog Mouin Katoomba. Du 0 t6 floods, the party did not recross the Kowmung, but went niund. Popes Mountain to Bimlow and were ferried across the Wollondilly by boat. Jack Murphy was a member of the Ca?C. and of the Sydney Rock Climbers. He was killed in”Glenbrook Gorge, while rockolimbing, in 1955. Fra14( Cooper, who is mentioned in:the article, was also a member of the C.B.C. and of the Alpine Club in New Zealand. ,Frank was killed on Mt. Cook in 1955. Of the others mentioned in the article, 'Dud O'Gara and Jim Weston remain members of the Catholic BushwaIking Club. Youi faiithfUlly; Hugh Smith, President, Catholic Bushwalking Club. Ed.Note. It was ten years before the wandering Ulysses (or Odysseus as Homer called him) returned home after the capture of Troy. Since that time, any journey of particular incident, peril or severity (like me getting to work in the morning) has been referred to as an odyssey. It was not intended that 'An Odyssey' should have been taken as the author of “Kowmung Crossing”. The Sydney Bushwaiker 7. BUNGONZA GORGE. February 1964 You call it grand; “Look down” you say, and stand and stare, Half fearful of the darkness there Of Limestone crop and drivingair; And grip the rail With fingers chill as Autumn frost, And know yourself a fragment tossed Within the arms of space, and lost. Yes, its grand. “Look up!” You say, and point to where You gripped the rail and paused to stare, A pygmy on the summit there; And turn away, To clamber where the ages slept And chancing time her torment left In limestone tears within. the cleft. =.4.1..e.M.O On 2Ath February (a Friday) two official wqlks start for Bungonia Gorge: (i) Snow, sorry, David, Brow/13s walk via South Marulan, Jerrara Creek to Lake Louise, through the Gorge, with,a modicum of wettailed abseiling thrown in and (ii) Bill Burkels Long Point Lake LoUise Bungonia Gorge Lake Louise. No one, least of all your Editor, will be surprised if these two parties happen to meet at Lake Louise for a pretty reasonable sort of heydown camp fire on Saturday night. For this reason alone, either of these walks can be recommended as the S.D.W. magazines “Pick of the Month”. (No prizes awar(led). In addition, Bungonia Gorge is at present the centre of a medium sized controversy-between the mining elements (limeburners) on the one hand, and the conservationalists WLPS, National Trust) on the other. The former wish to tear down and incinerate the 1000 foot sheer limestone cliffs to feed the cementhungry building inautryl. while the latter wish to preserve a unique (in this world) geological and national monument. Abseiling through Jerrara Creek or walking along: Lake Louise, this weekend provides -You With an ideal and enjoyable weekend opportunity to see what the -fight is all about.' 8. The Sydpoy, Buchwalkor rebruarj, 1964 FIFTH ANNIVERSARY BLUES. “Housebound” Five years ago, I maae a blue, When I evaluated you, My future life was meant to be,. Just walking, skiing, all pack free, Firewood gathered, campfire lit, My job simply, to just sit Ana gaze at sky and wonder why, all the little birdies fly. The first two years were jolly good, You took my pack ana gathered. wood, The extra weight the baby made, Did not dis'turb plans carefully 'laid. When No 2 was imminent, We found ourselves more indolent, No more waking, any more, Except, upon the bedroom floor. I do miss skiing down the slope, Even though I was a dope, My only trip is shopping honey, And that's no fun if you have no money. Ana still I have that old. desire, To get ourselves out of the mire, And do the things we used to do, When you and me were only two. I must away, the baby's crying, The garden need S water, the grass is dying, There's dinner to cook, plus other chores, Goodness gracious what a bore. Five years ago I took the vow, And if I knew then what I know now, Your value would have seemea to me So very very differently. But still I enjoy it every bit As much as when I used to sit, And gaze at sky and wonder why All the little birdies fly. Editorial Note. The auth-or'eSs, through modesty or natural cunning, wishes to remain anonymous; she feels that she has given away sufficient clues for any of her walking friends to recognise her. Would it be pedantic for us to point out that SW membership includes a large contingent of parents with young children, and it shouldn't take much organising to arrange a weekend swop of babysitting, so as to enable the parents to have a weekend away. We will publish FREE any advertisements to this effect.' OUNTAIN E QUI1).1:21IT C 01.:PILITY 12 02TOITA 30.AD, LUMP I3 LD 46.4 440 kfamous name…….. 'world fnmouz not: thr,t PAII dorm sleciAng bngs 7.1ve been tried c nd tested on the 7orld's highest mountain-Lveresto EVEREST 20 BELOW EXPLORER ARCTIC SNOWLiNE These names Lre fr-mous… 7lecognisee, throz:ghout the KAmPnowN 7orld. Seven ills:jor modzls of FAIT/ down sleir,Ding bgs designed to meet your most excxting requirements., SCOUTE.R As usee. by AUVRALIAN ANTA2CTIC EXPZDITIONS - 1954-5.6-9-60-61. 10 The Sydney Bushwa1ker February, 124 -r, -2; DAY WALICS. FEBRUARY Turramurra - bus to Bobbin Head - launch cruise:Q/1 Cowan Ck. 16. - An. opportunity to see one of the loveliest parts f the Hawkesbury River without exendin,g a lot of ,energy. An excellent chance for some of the new prOSpectivelmeMbers to meet some of the “old 'and. Train: 8.1041m. to Hornsby -Via Bridge from Gentral Electric Station. ?.52 bus Turramurra - Bobbin Head. Tickets: Turramurratpturn @ about 5/- plus 4/- return bus fare. Allow at leaSt-10/- for launch hiring charges. Leader: Brian Harvey 481462 (H) 271661 (B) FE BRUARY Heathcote - Lake Edkersley and return. 6 miles. 23 Lake Eckersley is one of the best swimming holes on the Woronora River and there should be ample time to indulge in that healthful pastime. Recommended for new walkers. Train: 8.50 Cronulla train from Central El9ctric Stn. CHANGE at SUTHERLAND for rail motor to Heathcote' Tickets: Heathcote return C4' 5/6. Leader.: Helen McMaugh (NOTE: correct business Phone No. is BU4272 or 274272). MARCH 1 Pymblelous to St. Ives (Douglas St) Middle Harbour Gk. Bungaroo Lodkley's Point - Lindfield. 8 miles. A pleasant walk through Lady Davidson Park, an extensive reserve taking in most of the headwaters of Middle Harbour. There should. be, time for swimming in the fresh water reaches. Recouaended for new walkers. Train: 9.10 a m. to Hornsby via Bridge from Central Electric Stn. 9.46 a m. bus Pymble - St. Ives. Tickets: Pymble return @ about 5/..- plus 1/1 bus fare. Leader: Gladys Roberts. MARCH 8 Helensburgh - Wilsons Crk - Bola Heights - Burning Palms - Lilyvale. Plenty of ups and downs on this one with at least one very scrubby section. A quick surf at Burning Palms, if time permits. Genuine test walk material. Train: 8.42 a m.-for Wollongong from Central Steam Station. Tickets:. 111yvale return 7/7. Leader: Peter Rempt. 111~1MMII.M11.11111B NATIONAL PARKS SCHOOL AT -UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND Week-end 5.30 p m. Friday 14, 15, 16th February 1964. LECTURES AND DISCUSSION designed for the interested layman. Cost E7 including meals and accommodation at University. CONCESSION TRAVEL CERTIFICATE gives one third reduction with East-West 4rlines. . February, -1964- , The Sydney Bushwa lker - 11 INVESTIGATION OF LAND TENURES IN N.S.W. Prepared by the National Parks Association of New South Wales. Before making any proposals to the Lands Department, it is necessary to outline the boundaries of the area of interest on what is known as an Administrative and Cadastral Map. In respect of Non Urban and Rural Lands those generally used are the Parish (2 inches 1 mile) or County (i inch 1 mile). The “CRdastral” information on the Parish Maps includes the surveyed boundaries of “portions”, reserves, State Forests etc., and these maps also show the nature of the holding or tenure of both alienated (freehold) and Crown Land under some form of leasehold etc. The Administrative information shown on the County and Parish Maps includes boundaries of Shires, Municipalities, Lands Boards, Pastures Protection Boards etc. Since the tenure of lands is subject to change, it is not possible to purchase a parish or county map which is quite uptodate. To establish the present tenure of any land it is necessary to refer to what are known as the “Office Maps”, which are freely available for inspection at the Map Room on the 3rd floor of the Department of Lands, Bridge Street. This is under the charge of Mr. George Grove, who is both knowledgeable and very helpful. Parish and County Maps, although not showing contours or much other topographic detail, do show railways, , roads, trig stations, streams etc. If, therefore, a tourist or military map has been used to outline an area Of interest, it is generally possible to locate it on a parish or county map._ ,There are “Standard Topographic Maps” available for a very limited part of the S tate these give contours and other topographical detail as well as cadastral information. All maps maybe purchased from the /-nformation Bureau on the first floorl costing 10/ if on one sheet, or 6/ per sheet if on two or more sheets. A word of warning : 'Freehold “Lands are generally coloured light blue or blue grey on the “Office Parish Maps”. It is important to know that the -name shown on each portion is that of the ORIGINAL GRANTEE, not necessarily the present ownar.- The name of the latter may be obtained at tha Registrar General's Office or the office of the Shire Council involved. The names of occupiers or lessees of any Crown Lands, however, may be obtained from the Tenure Branch of the Lands Department, who can also advise the nature and currency of the tenure. If any of the portions of the area of interest have a number in a circle, the Reference Notes on the Map must be consulted to see if some change in the form of tenure is involved. Runs of aerial photographs maybe examined at the Air Photograph Library on the ground floor. Copies may be purchased by ordering. The whole S tate is not. yet covered. T. 12 The Sydney Bushwaiker Febr4779 1964 SCIENCE NATURALLY. DANCING BEES n B - - -6—,-: -,.., PL 17. 4f, +,2 A 41 C E S N 'SUN' 01,…*.aftetrnraersr.- .re:!.77,,TO/IVC FEEDING As.T. ACE X - - 7 Z./fitik ”.. ,5U.At You probably couldn't care less about wht becz lo but don't get worried, this is about normal. However certain types of people have always been interested in bees and their goings On, but little was really known until. Rosch in 1925 published an account of the division of work inside a colony of bees. Then in 1945 C.G. Butler published an account of the foraging habits of bees and this was followed in 1946 by von Frisch's article on how bees ommunicate with one another. The. diagrams used in this article were a result of von Frisch's researches. Basically, thd method was to put out a dish of syrup near the hive and watch ,results. An individual bee can be marked by a dab of quickdrying enamel on the thorax. Who held the bee while all this was going on was not made clear. Once a foraging bee finds a good source of food (e g. the dish of syrup) the 'number of bees visiting the dish increases very rapidly. Originally it was thought -that the first bee left a trail, from the food to the hive, or-led others back to it but both of these theories were proved vurpng. It was von Frisch who discovered that bees actually pass on information, by dancing in various patterns. The foraging bee returns to the hive, having filled her pollen baskets or honey stomach as the case may be, and proceeds to the nearest cadb. Here she dances a little dance, the vigour, of which indicates the abundance of the food supply discovered. Peibru ary; 1964 The Sydney Bushwalker 13. The dance consists of a series of figures'o'.eight. If the source of the food is about 100 yards from the hive, the two circles forming the “eight” are exactly equal. As the distance grows less than this, one circle flattens, until, if the source is very close to the hive, the bee flies a complete circle, then repeats the top half of it. At distances beyond 100 yards, while the bee does the central “run” to complete the figure 8, she waggles her abdomen rapidly from side to side, so that, in effect, she flip a curved path (as shown in the diagrams). The number of curves is an indication of how far beyond 100 yards lies the source of the food. In such a manner, an exact measurement of the distance to the food is relayed on to the other bees. While this dancing nonsense is going on she collects quite an audience. You do it, and you would tool From time to time she hands out free samples of the nectar or pollen, and these contain enough of the perfume of the source to pass on some idea of the exact location of the food (normally a particular kind of flower) to the other bees. “Ah yes” says the sober, astute reader “but how does she indicate in which direction to fly”. You chuckle in a superior fashion “It's really quite easy”. If the bee, in her central “run” completing the eight, flies vertically upwards on the conib, then the source is in the exact direction towards the sun at that time. (e g. figure A). If the source is in a direction from the hive, away from the sun then the bee flies her central path at a suitable inclination to the -vertical to indicate how far from the sun you (i e. the bee) should fly so as to find the food. (See diagrams B and C). If the source of food is in exactly the opposite direction to the sun, then the central run is performed vertically downwards (Diagram D). . In such a way the bee is able to inform her sisters of the richness of the source of food, the kind of food that is whether pollen or nectar, of the perfume of the flowers in which this food is to be found, how far it is from the hive to the food source, and its exact direction from the hive. In some experiments, to test the correctness of such theories, a dirty trick was played on our friends, the bees. Having put out the dish of syrup, and seen it discovered by a bee, the experimenters moved the dish towards thp hive twenty yards or so. Before long, a squadron of bees arrived straight from the hive, flew-right over the dish of syrup and landed (on a very-barren patch of grass) just where the syrup dish had previously stood. It is not reported what happened to the original bee. of 14 The Sydney Bushwaiker. February, 1964. THE COX'S RIVER – ONCE AGAIN. “T he Gent in the Tent” comments. –!. A party of the over-40 group visited the Cox's River during the Labour Day week-end. The names of the members of the party shall remain anonymous as far as this scribe is concerned. Sufficient to say that there were 9 in the party. Train to Blackheath, car the Black Jerry's, then down the old Black Jerry's track to a very comfortable camp site on about 300 yards up from the Cox's River. Saturday afternoon was spent in locating the original Black Jerry's horse trail which ends up South of Galong Creek. The route. has been faithfully drawn on Miles Dunphy's Gangerang map, although, on location, the track is grassed over in parts. Sunday morning, being cool and pleasant, the party walked up the Cox to River to the Little River Junction, crossed there, and up the fire trail to re-join the Cox's near Gibraltar Creek. The Cox's was well up, but not in flood, and the water was reasonably clear. Jenolan and Mt. Quea hgong were prominent to the South West as we climbed to the gap. Early lunch on Gibraltgr Creek, then up the Six Foot track to Dyson's Clearing, where a number of cattle were grazing in picturesque surroundings. Then back to the Cox's for a somewhat damp crossing at Gibraltir Creek. Mort of the fire trails in the area have been damaged by water during the recent wet season, and for this reason, are accessible to four wheel drive vehicles ONLY. No cars on the Cox this trip, but the remains of 2 vehicles which didn't get away, were evident. In all we saw a dozen walkers - the place was literally deserted, except for bird life, which was prolific. Three snakes and two goannas, and one troo comprised the wild life sightings for the week-end. A pleasing feature is the regeneration amongst the Eucalypts and Casuarinas in certain parts of the valley. Back up the Cox's on Monday to the Six Foot Track, then up to Megalong Creek Crossing in Mogalong for cars back to Blackheath. Contrary to recent furphies, the Six Foot Track is still open through to the Megalong Valley Roads except that the last mile or so - travelling east - follows roughly the Southern Bank of Megalong Creek to come out on the Megalong Road just north of the site of the old church (now demolished). The cars arrived at 3..40 p m. and so did. Wilf and Pearl ChaMbers Calf is a member of many years standing), Unfortunately, wv had only a minute to exchange greetings with them because 2 members of the party, February, 1964 The Sydney Zushatralker 13. who are, regret0)1y, always in a hurry, had found out that there was a train from Blackheath at 4.12 p m and were anxiously asking the driver whether he could arrive in Blackheath in time for them to catch it. Obviously these folk are not motorists themselves or they would not have requested such a feat on the winding, crowded, Ebgalong Road on'a public holiday. Incidentally, this is the second time in 2 wooks that Wilf Chambers has, without having any idea what was afoot, stumbled upon Club parties. The second occasion was whilst John Holly's party were lunching at the Red Hand Cave on September 22. Wilf had come out by car on the Red Hand fire trail and walked down to the Cave. These meetings suggest that most Bushwalkers agree on what constitutes a good spot for an outing. Those of the party, who live,at a somewhat more leisurely pace, met John White and Chris McMaster, by prior arrangement, at Blackheath, and retired to the Gardiner's Inn where the pianist was most obliging with request numbers. A couple of our ladies impressed him greatly by their gaiety, resulting in a very fond parting by all concerned in time to hurry for the 6.20 p m. train. During the journey, the door leading from the compartment to the corridor became temporarily jambed. Most of the party with great agility, demonstrated their ability to climb through narrow windows when the necessity became urgent. John reported that they had encountered lots of walkers and others in the Blue Gum Forest area. Evidently the outofdoors types had- congregated there, as they certainly weren't evident on the Coxs. The light loading of the return train suggests the possibility of a flooded Cox's had sent walkers to other parts of the State or perhaps they just stayed at home! ECOLOGY. This is not some loathsome disease, but the study of plants in their natural environment, and all those factors that affect their wellbeing the local climate, geography, geology, the other plants around them, and the animals, including man, that also come into contact with the plant, and influence its. development. Be assured, there is no more fascinating study. The Wild Life Preservation Society has Ecology for its general theme this year, and will hold a series of evening talks and field days on this subject. On Sunday March 152 there is a Field pay to study the ecology of Rain Forests at Bola Creek and Palona Brook, Royal National Park. Meet at the junction of Garie Road and Lady Carrington Drive at 10 a m. Organiser 3. McKern 6358485. February, 1964 The Sydney Bushwalker 161,

Federation Report - December 1963 - January 1964

Wilf Hilder

Canyon Guidebook: A special committee convened by Rick Higgins (NSWUBW) has decided to issue a Canyon Guidebook, sponsored by Federation. The committee was formed to collate information on well known canyons and to coordinate exploration of the Wollangambe country with its countless canyons. To limit the guidebook to small canyons the committee defined a canyon as follows: A narrow creek with little or no banks with sheer cliffs on both sides. The guidebook would list canyons, equipment, access, grading of canyons and climbs out of difficult canyons, major obstacles, compulsory swims, length of rope required, special equipment, approx. times etc. Proposed standard canyon gradings are: EASY - Hat Hill Canyon; MEDIUM - Arethusa Canyon; HARD - Thunder Canyon: VERY HARD - Danae Canyon. It is proposed that all other canyons should be graded by comparing them with these standard graded canyons. The committee has made arrangements to get the key to the gate in the Newnes State Forest. The committee has also divided the Wollangambe Country into 6 areas. Each club will explore their area and submit reports. The areas are as follows. Wollangambe Ck - SBW; Upper Bungleboori Ck - CMW; Dumbano and lower Bungleboori Ck - SUBW; Upper Nayook Ck - KBC [Kameruka Bushwalking Club]; Sandy Cave, Black Cliff, Rain and lower Nayook Ck - NSWUBW.

Federation Treasurer: Dick Higgin (Mountain Trails Club) has resigned as Treasurer owing to his transfer to Queensland. The Federation received his resignation with regret and have asked all clubs to help them fill this vacancy. There is not a great deal of work involved, but some knowledge of accountancy would be a help.

S & R: Nin Melville reported that he was getting police cooperation to get the 10 watt base transmitter he needs for S & R. Nin also reported that the Army Signals Corps were experimenting with dipole aerials and were getting long range signals with a very low wattage. The Signals Corps offer to help S & R when required. S & R will convene shortly to revise their “modus operandi” and all clubs will be advised of the new procedure.

Federation Club Rooms: Stan Cottier advised Federation that club rooms would be available shortly in Martin Place at a rent of £700 per year (including day and night tenancy). Federation will look into the matter bearing in mind (i) the rent would be £14 per week for 1 clubroom seating capacity 50, with stage and kitchen, (ii) many clubs are paying £3 and over weekly rent for smaller rooms for 1 night a week, (iii) the many advantages to Federation in having full time club rooms, which would greatly assist in closer cooperation between clubs (iv) all clubs have been asked to consider the matter.

Burning Palms Ranger: Stan Cottier advised Federation that Garrawarra Park Trust needed a part-time ranger at Burning Palms as their present ranger was transferring to the Warrumbungles National Park as a full time ranger. The position carries a small salary and the use of the Rangers Hut at Burning Palms.

Federation Bulletin: Federation resolved that the Federation Bulletin should be supplied to all affiliated club members. The Hon. Sec. Graeme Mitchell requested all affiliated clubs to ascertain the number of copies each club required. Bulletins will be forwarded to club secretaries.

Blue Mountains National Park: One delegate criticised the erection of toilets, fire places, rubbish bins etc in BMNP. It was stressed in the discussion that unless the public was given access to areas of crown land it was impossible to get them set aside as a National Park. Paul Barnes said that the BMNPT had left about 98% of the BMNP in a primitive state; the public had access via the fire roads and without fire places etc the park would be reduced to a smouldering rubbish tip; also that the toilets at Garrawarra aroused no criticism. He felt that bushwalkers did not do anywhere enough thinking, discussing and finding out about National Parks and Reserves.

Conservation: Alan Strom advised Federation of the National Parks Convention at the New England University, Feb 14-16. Alan also sent Federation literature on the preservation of kangaroos. The Lands Dept has advised the public that organisations should not rename crown reserves and has laid down conditions restricting notices erected by club in crown reserves.

Fire Fighting: A delegate suggested that Federation take on fire fighting in parks, reserves etc. It was stressed to him that volunteers had been called for on recent occasions for BMNPT fire fighting duties in BMNP and Royal National Park, Heathcote Primitive Area respectively. Volunteers are urgently required for these firefighting brigades. For Sutherland area, ring Group Captain R.H. Watchorn 5208789. To the suggestion that Federation could form special firefighting brigades to fight fires in faunal reserves it was pointed out that by the time the firefighters had got to the fire, the area would have been destroyed. Graeme Mitchell reported serious fire danger on the Bogong High plains where cattle are not longer allowed to graze above 4,500 ft so the grass is now feet high and very dry. Fire danger in the Blue Mountains is also extreme and one spark could easily cause a repetition of the disastrous 1939 fires.

Code of Ethics: Federation has advised all clubs that it is seeking their assistance in revising Federation's Code of Ethics which has not been revised for 15 years. Considerable discussion took place when Ninian Melville wanted the old S & R clause deleted from the code of Ethics. Nin said he wanted to remove the clause which read that S & R should not be contacted until after 24 hours after someone is missing. S & R should be notified immediately (as soon as possible) when someone is lost.

S & R: The Federation granted Nin Melville £6 for the purchase of photomaps to be used by S & R in searches. Ninian stressed that parties should leave clear details with someone whom S & R can contact. Anyone requiring information on canyons should consult the Canyon Committee mentioned earlier and not pick up vague or irresponsible information.

New Maps: The Lands Dept have issued Toubouree - a 2” to the mile 5 colour map with 50 ft contours - formerly provisional map Ulladulla D - has been produced to the same precision as its illustrious predecessors. Pat Harrison reports that 3 new SMA 1 mile to the inch maps are available in Cooma -Batlow - Gladstone and Cumberland - contour interval is 200 ft, map is in 3 colours; price 3/6. This now makes a total of 12 SMA 1 inch to 1 mile maps available. There is a special 2 inch to 1 mile map by SMA of Lake Eucumbene at 6/6.

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