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Camden 69251 (B) Editor - Bob Duncan - Camden, Price 1/- 354 JUNE 1964 A monthly bulletin of Matters of interest to The Sydney Bushwaiker', The Y.S,W.-Nursesi- Association Rooms, “Northcote Building,” Reiby'Place, Sydney. Box No. 4476, G.P.O. Sydney. :Phone JW1462 Business Manager - Alex Colley. Ila ….. C ONTENTS At the May General Meeting - J.Brown Sweetie Nuggetheart - Episodc, 2. The Mount Banks Canyons - Padly Pallin Bonnum Pic - Peter Cameron Paddy's Ad. The Bushwalker in Society - I. A. Wartime Trip to th3 Wollangambe - D. Lawry. Report of The Sydney Bushwaikers Subcommittee on National Parks. Sweetie Nuggetheart - Episode 3. Day Walks Federation Report Mountain Equipment Cr). (Ad) Klimpton Ad. Page. 2 3 4 7 9 10 16 18 19 20 21 22 -…, A ,…;1' ) …….'….“ r ' \

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, , , –14. 4 , : , .4i ,. N…., - - - THE SYDNEY BUSHWALICER - \\>,11121_,…..,1;1 f ; 2. The Sydney Bushwalker June, 1964 ..Pmr.+0 THE MAY GENERAL MEETING. Jim Brown. About 8.IC p m. the earbashing session for May got going, first business being a welcome to a lone new member, Peter Carrington. we were advised that letters had gone to the Lands Department (i) saying we disagreed with the Bulge land being added to National Park and (ii) what price the bit of land on n.,e Kowmung we were aftor. So far we had- not written to the owner of the Bendethera property, because we couldn't trace his address. Esme Biddulph recounted something cf her stewardship at a Parks and Playgrounds meeting, where the filthy state around Karloo Pool was reported, and interest was shown in to dispcaiatien in Blue Gum Forest wrought by small tomahawks, The Movement will write to the suspected offenders. (but no names pleasel) Mick Elf ick reported that 1;1-.0 no reJJs programmes displayed on the Notice Beard was short of Sunday wallcs and- the President added that there was increasing trouble in getting Se,ttIrday starts, but some very good Friday evening trips were included. After hearing a summary of the Federation bulletin (publis7ree, in the May nage,zine) the sundry reports were received. So we came to General Business, preceded by a statement from the Chair. Heather announced that in order to clarify the present membership admission procedure, Committee had re(yee8ted that the facts of prosrective life be made knnwn, Broadly, there were two issues the time of prospective membership and the walks requjremnts. The miniezua, time is three months, and normally the maximum is 6 menths. The Cltire considered it was not asking a great deal in requiring p?ospective members to complete the three test walks needed for qualification in that period. Committee may .rant an extension of time, but was not be regarded as a right. Sc far as the test walks themselves wore cencerned, those were indicated on the Programme nna wore trips coinciding generally with certain “pattern” walks determined many years ',pack. Generally they were of a fairly easy standard, and suitable for newcomers to the game However, it was desirable that members should try more amitious trips if possible. There were often trips on the programme that were not marked as test walks because they may be rather Severe fer n5w walkers but these might be accepted by Committee as test walke. Also, prospectives who carried out only weekend test walks would find those were acceptable in place of the day walks mentioned in the constitutien. There may be occasions When a leaL:r would decline a request (especially from a newwalker) to join a rather difficult trip. Heather emphasized that her remarks applied to the present system Committee had been asked to look into the whole question of membership, ancl this could Iossibly lead to changes later. :mut) 1964 Tito Sydney 5ushwalkev 5 Now Frank Ashdown had a problem - if prospective members, applying for full membership had to indicate that they subscribed to the aims and objects of the Club, haw could they know the aims and objects without a copy of the constitution. Heather Joyce pointed out that a document titled “Hints to Prospectives” was given them, and outlined our creed. Frank felt they should get a copy of the constitution on first coming to the Club. Ramon U'Brien suggested, if the whole scheme of membership admission was under review this could be one of the facets to be considered. Jack Wren felt it would be a good move if any member with some ideas on the subject of membership put it in writing for Committee to consider. Ron Knightly clarified the position, quoting that prospectives had to indicate support of aims that wore mentioned in the “Hints”. New member Peter Carrington said, judging from his experience in another orgrInisation, a prospective could be disqualified on grounds which were perhaps quite reasonab17,.but unknown to hid', whereupon Heather suggested a copy of the Constitution on the Notice Board would suffice. Wilf Hilder said he understood it was difficult to get prospectives to read the “Hints” - what hone for the Constitution? Audrey Kenway reported that the stock of “Hints” was low and proposed they be revised before re-issue and on a motion by Alex Colley the original motion was adjourned until Committee presented its report on membership generally. 7ilf Hilder rose to comment that the question of reports from Federation delegates was a matter he wished to bring up. A Club which sent delegates tn the Federation should receive reports over and above the bulletin. At this stage the President intervened to point out that the Federation Report 11,d been received and dealt with earlier in the meeting, and after a few exchanges, the discussion lapsed. All that remained was the usual sequence of trip annoiinceme-nts,. and a report by Stuart Brookes that he could obtain supplies of Volley sandshoes by a “famous brand” makcr at 25/- a time.0 when Room Stewards were posted, and we closed the record at 9.0 p m. ,,m Ll L SWEET! E N UGGETHEART HAW 1.-1AWt IT WA5 ONLY A.BIG 'METEOROLOGICAL BALLOON I fILLED 1.r WITH HOT BY WOLDING IT OVER \I 1.6/OFFLING W! LLtE'S .110LITHP u%s-r. Ni–,IG AS HE TALK_A -ED itq 4I5 SLEEP. (.1716.:467-4”'“5.4—44\4' '4k…vr I ? 4. The Sydney Bushwalkor June, 1964 THE MOM BANKS CLNYONS. y Paddy Pallin. It is curious how, for year, we write off a piece of country as of no importance. Then a party explores the area anq finds that what was regerded as just a “bit of bush” is packed with interest. It is only a couple of years since a Kamoruka Club party started exploring the Canyon country just East of Mount Banks, and since then I have heard the young fellows describe this fascinating area. Yet so inadequate are words to describe the extraordinary that I could not build up a mental picture of the area, and I was not satisfied. I wanted to see the area for myself, but, to tell the truth, was somewhat scared to face what seemed ahazardous under- _- taking _The -matter-was cli rc how e,whoPic ffns ff-65ced t- mako up a party including mo te go through one of the canyons. A date was fixed and it was to be ea day trip. There was zeme vague talk c-f- 60-f.7Dot -abseil; so the week before I got son Bob to accom)any me to Lindfiell reeks to get in a little practice. At 4.45 a m. the following Saturday Ric picked Rob and me Up. The party eventually assembled consisted nf two John's, Dave Roots, Ric, Rob and me. John Hodgson and Dave had their portraits published that day in The Sydney Morning Herald showing them in the act -f abseiling down the face of a building in the University of N.S.T. The builling was 200 ft. high (so it said in the “Herald”) so I reckoned they'd have no trouble with a 60ft. drop. Apart from their known prowess at rock climbing. Having aspnsed one car at the Mount Banks turnoff, (for the return), and the other at a fireplace about a mile west of Mt. Charles, at map reference Katoomba 362528, we went about south along a ridge thence down an easy spur into Thunder Creek. It was a typical crook of the sandstone area, with steep but not precipitous sides. In the first pool we saw a yabbie - only a small one, but the first of dozens of yab'eies ef all sizes from littlu nippers (how well the word fits) to sturdy veterans who challenged our right to distrub the serenity of their private pools. We started to wade. Imperceptibly the stream lost height but the sides did not and soon we wore in a canyon only a few feet wide, with almost vertical walls 100 feet high. The going became rougher and the gorge deeper. For the rest of the day we were hemmed in by almost unbroken vertical walls, varying between 100 and 200 feet in height. We got no sun, of course, but it was a pretty sight to see ferns on the lip of the cliff glowing gn3d and green in the sunshine. The going now was over great boulders green and s:_imy with moss. It wouiCT have been hard. going-with-the-extra -weight of-CEfffihic-;-PE6kiut we were travelling light, with minimum clothing, lunches and ropes. (In deference to my, years I was exclused from taking my turn with the pack.)- Presently we overtook a C.M.T. party consisting of Ray Jerrems with Joy and Meg who were handling things very compotently At about this stage complications set in. The creek which had somewhat impatiently boon June, 1964 The Sydney Bushwalker 5 mambil….11…1.11… wending a tortuous way around b-ulders, suddenly got fed up with things and disappeared through two holes in the ground. More slippery boulders in the dry creek bed, and then suddenly appeared our first abseil an easy 20 ft or so. A few yards ahead was a real drop ef 60 ft. Vie knew for certain it was 60 ft. plus because the 120 ft. deubled nylon rope failed to reach bottom by 3 or 4 ft. However Ric assured us the rope would stretch that much, and so down we went. I went down foot by fort cautiously, but Dave and John who had the previous day been romping down the face of a 200 ft (alleged) building took it with gay abandon in eaglelike swoops. At the bottom was the creftc pouring out of a great black cavern which went underneath the rock from which we had abseiled. No wonder my young friends could not paint a picture of this area. Words somehow seem inadequate to cope. TO waded waist deep in the inkblack water following upstream. Ahead of us we could Lear the roar of the stream as it plunged into the subterranean grotto. Two members of the party swam ri,^ht up to the plunging waters. When all the party was down and ropes put away we proceeded downstream. The going was now pretty difficult. My sandshoes were smoeth soled and slippery which made things worse. Having descended the crop we were now forced to keep going as we could not return. Only pretty Skilled rock climbers could have scaled any of the walls, so a nermal party of walkers must keep going until a break in the walls is reached. Ropes were used several times for tricky descents, and we had some deep wades. Presently we came to a pool too deep to wade, and we had to swim. The water was cold and John Hodgson gave tnngue and emitted a mighty bellow which was magnified ten times in the echoing canyon. From that time on it was easy to gauge the: depth of the particular pool John was in by the amount of noise he made. The walls closed in further and further until we were in a dark tunnel swirming towards a gleam of light at the far end. The cold was intense, but suddenly, as I came round a bend I was rewarded by a wonderful sight. At the end of the tunnel was a small sandy beach and on this spot Ray and the two girls were standing. A ray sunshine was slanting down on them like a spot light, illuminating: their hair into golden haloes and highlighting a cloud of water vapour which was rising from them after their immersion. It was one of those vivid scones which become etched on the memory to be recalled again and again with pleasure in the years to come. At this spot Claustral Canyon comes in from the left so we dropped packs at the junction and went upstream. Claustral is even deeper and darker than Thunder. We pursued our way in a dim twilight which made the very air seem colder. There were numerous deep wades and a few swims. At first I took off my shirt and swam with it held up in one hand. Alas: The effort was wasted. Ray had the best idea. He wore a woollen sweater which thouct wet gave some warmth. Near a waterfall coming in from the left down the face of a cliff (which we were tola was the way into Claustral Canyon, we went off to the right and into Calcutta. That an apt name we were soon to see the Black Hole. This new canyon grew narrower and narrower and finally we finished sitting on a boulder at the entrance to a dark cavern from which gushed a swift stream of inky water One by one we plunged into stream iL The Sydney Bushwaiker June, 1964 beating up against the hurrying water. It was completeli dark now, with only enough room for one at a time. After 30 or 40 feet of swimming the channel turned and came to an end in a circular chaMber. Far above was a gleam of daylight illuminating the stream as it plunged a few hundred feet from the sun drenched world above. This was a fittingly dramatic climax to a distinctly different sort of trip. But we were in no mood to dwell on these extraordinary sights for by this time we w-re all pretty chilled and conversation went something like this “17ah-wah-wah Terr-err-iff-iff-ic” “Yea yea yea wu-wunderful”. The effort was too much and conversation lapsed to sign language and even that stuttered because our very bodies were convulsed by shivering. So we lost no time in retracing our steps to the junction and going a little way downstream to Glow-worm cave where the gorge widened and the warm sun reached the floor of the valley. How glad we were to soak up warmth from the sun while the billy boiled. It seems all enjoyment depends on contrasts. How welcome a cool plunge after heat, and how good the sun after our cool plunge. Glow worm cave is hardly a cave, but a sandy floor about 30 ft. above river level at the foot of a 100 ft. cliff which had a slight overhand - sufficient they say to give protection in all weathers. After lunch we descended to the creek and a couple of hundred yards further on we cme to another tunnel swim. The water seemed colder than even after warming up in the sun. However, it was soon over and the going was now easier. The gorge widened out and after another hour or so of rock hopping we came to a break in the cliffs on the right bank. After washing the sand out of our shoes we started the ascent. The going was fairly difficult at first but ropes were not needed and finally we got clear of the gorge and merely had to contend with a steep slope. 7e had suffered from cold in the eanyon, but as we ascended the air got warmer and warmer. Ric led 118 to the left at the base of a cliff, and we came to a small trickle of water. Large quantities of water laced with lemon and lime plus glucose revived us, and we soon climbed the rest of the way up to the plateau. Here we found the rescue track cut a year ago and 5 miles later we came to the Mount Banks turnoff and our car. The time was about 5.30. So ended the Canyon trip. My description is inadequate but at least it is an attempt to put on paper some record of this unusual piece of country. Maybe it will inspire someone who wields an abler pen to go on this trip and do it literary justice. Colour Slide Competition to be judged on 29th July. Members are invited to enter a maximum of 6 transparencies. There are no categories. alides, clearly labelled, are to ke handed to Ed. Stretton no later than 15th July. June, 1964 The Syiney Bushvralker 7. BONNUM PIG. Peter Cameron. ,Dste: Third weekend in May 1564. . Characters: S.B.W.s andjguests. SnOw Brown, Dave Rostrum, Ross 7yborn, Scruffy, Jim Jellybean, Alan Barclay, Peter Cameron, Michael Short. University of N.S.7. Bushwalkers. John Nagy, Paul Hinckley, Bill Dowd, Dick Marshall, Barry. I told everyone to meet at Joe's Cafe in Mittagong, but when Alan Barclay, John Nay and I got there in my Hot Hillman on Friday night we realised it was called “Chp,rlies”. The others took hours to arrive like stray cows so we passed the time drinking coffee and rock climbing on the Eastern Face of the council chambers. Getting desperate we finally went for a walk around Mittagong, and found Bill looking for Joe's Cafe sure he'd seen all the picks and my car outside of “Charlies”, but he thought it was other bushwalkers with a similar car —-. Finally the last man, Scruffy, arrived and we zoomed off for Tanganderry, jumped out of the cars and into our fleabags. The next thing to be heard was Ross Tywasheborn trying to light a fire his. first effort for 18 months. Those who weren't woken by the noise were soon heard to make coughin noises as the smoke screen started to asphixiate them The early morning rise had disastrous effects on Snow an he became all energetic and frothed at the mouth; he wanted to go to Belloon Pass and back, for the weekend. After we'd given him a sedative he settled for Bonnum Pic and we moved offtowards the Wollondilly via Burnt Flat Creek. About half way down the road we came across a coalmine but this one was on fire, and has been burning for at least eight years! The roof was red hot and smoke was pouring out of the entrance. We arrived at the Wollondilly after a couple of hours so we had a half hour rest. Snow, Dave, Ross, Scruffy and Dick weren't going to bludge so they pushed on. But we caught up with them later and found them sunbaking9 snoozing and bludging. Paul and Bill went for a swim and nearly froze. Snow claimed that all of his bunch had been in, but I don't believe a word of it, because it's a battle to get Snow into a hot bath! After a short stroll we came in sight of Bonnum Pic. The sight terrified most of us and we had to sit down and recover but Tossiborn got all excited and wanted to camp at the very base so we could get an early start. This demoralised the party, but we managed to restrain him. 8 The Sydney Bushwalker June, 1964 Being only '3.30 p m. we decided to push on and after 300 yards or so we came to a very nice camp site with a view of the front of the Pic. The tents were pitched and a fire lit. Ross had to climb something so we walked up a hill nearby to see the sunset. An enjoyable tea was had by all and out of 12 walkers there was a dozen proficient bludgers. This made it difficult, especially for Jim Jellybean. However, the fire was stoked, the fermented prunes passed around, and the singing commenced. As the fire died, the cold forced us to go to bed. Those who slept (9) in Dave's abdulled tent, found next morning that the abdul stopped at ths,ir knees and the rest nf their flea bags were covered in frost. Dick and Tossiborn Were so cold that they got up at 5 a m. and lit a bonfire'. Dick went to sleep by it and Wos siborn had breakfast and went back to bed. But got upset when his tent f,ell down and so the rest were forced to get up or get wet. After a tasty breakfast we were away by 10 a m. and headed for our objective Bonnum Pic. It was a steep scramble with a bit of climbing thrown in to give the yaks a thrill. Wossiborn said the last pitch was up a chimney. I could only see two rocks about twenty feet apart and thirty feet high; I spent ten minutes looking for the phantom chimney. We finally made the summit after an airy traverge and a short slab. After admiring the view we moved off over a Rum Doodle Paradise. But this was to end and the scrub set in. Dave led a party of four and Tossiborn (he's been here before) led the rest. I was with Tossiborn and after going round in three circles and two doglegs we sighted the cars about half a mile away. But a knee deep bog separated us from our vehicles. Dave and his followers had arrivel half an hour beforehand and had eaten all the peaches and cream loft in the back seat. We moved off in dribs and drabs, had coffee in Mittagong and headed for home. However, Bill, Alan and myself dropped in to see R.A. (the Hon. editor) at Camden where we ate a saucepan of soup and a chocolate cake, the price of the meal being some padding for the magazine “500 words per p9,ge, at least 3 pages, plenty of detail, bring it in next week ” was all we heard as we disappeared down the drive. .11 SOCIAL NOTES FOR allNE On 17th Jun you are invited to share with the Brown Group adventures of underwater exploration in a coral domain that most people will never be able to visit themselves. The location is Lori Howe Island Lagoon, and emerging from this presentation in a way that lay minds will appreciate are interesting aspects of marine biology, botany, ecology and physiology. There are many excursions into the realm of natural science with brief philosophical implications, that relate the work, with much of which is generally considered necessary for man's healthy, effective existence on earth. Dave Ingram will present the second part of his holiday in U.S.A. on 24th June under the title “1000 Miles a week U.S.A.” Those who saw the first half of Dave's trip will be looking forward to this group of slides. rartzemborwsupoilmrsoommoativ…,,…..wagumourroin ft,, -4,..”.–…..,,77,-vr.A-. %-..,-1.,,,,,, . ._ . ,…………., ..—-.1.- -4,-*#, —'“` .600,71.4-,. Awc,Aviwonpri~rwromerevzwmammesim,,,vlsxtrar c.,…gr=c4=—;.7. “T. !…Warnetr. It 1 / 4 ill ly, 1 L. r'N., ,- 7,,',/ V 41IS4 , 1;51; 7' 71)4 ”:,,,. ; SOME LUCKY PEOPLE 2 ' ', ,:: A tt. ' 4 '1 ' HAVE FOUND WHAT THEY-WANT , :-'4e x.. 4,,,,, L h; ”'ZS , 1 4 1 5i f ' , 1 r:r ,..( y AT PADDYS. i ; 41,-\ N. ;i ,,,.. -,2,..,,,,\Ni.,:, f4t.., fl.,:.=7.–'0 If You'd like a pair of these classic boots, ko=v“ 0,,,, r ;, ,,—ivw,, v ,,, finished in traditional European Style you'd. 5 , 4.,.sr'r:ec, l -ik ,A be wise to come in now, our first shipment ds _ lt, ,49- r,t /11\ 4c already half sold and no wonder at the very t;, \ , reasonable price of 10.10.0. Ask especially to see the Kastinger Mountain Boot. ”.“ s:t.) kgroe' .7)1 WHO LI:E A EUROPEAN MOUNTAIN.B0011 ' PADDY PALLIN PTY. LTD., 109A Bathurst Street, Sydney. Phone 262685.. .. z 4. ,4'05.,… 7.-….k.,..11, 4.,,scg.4 ._,t,, 14't “4 ”:77r2; Z.:7: 04 -1.'N. : ,,,,l0:A,,,I,, ;'.., A .. , ,. ',,,I g;41.4.',X ” ,.N. ' i A, 1 )a i .1…,47 7 4 .., iI il i '. ' k,.. - L-1,41 ., i.: i.:, … - - 1 /11 ……,,, Klm—- , 4,….._,e 1 ::-.*' 14 h P 4: I ……..1……….,… A\ . '.. ' it, F pty. -f P ..y I —ii PADDY - pri, Li 1 N Ltd. _ .. .. ,.,, . 1 . . I 1 it ,i, i. 4 1 4 . I SY 'i 4 :4; \ . , . .- ,if 4. ,i'llIr, LIghtweight Camp Geer t -..,,,,,,?………../4/ 07 - - -.. ,,.. .. . , . - CO,:C.-F… eiF , t g … .. …. . - , . . .:j ,-,.). - 0 $ & ':, e t! .e.–…,….,A. …, .. … ,.., ill; i -,–Arezorsqpitarco b7,—.-ftm:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,…-,,,.. Y f g.' ( t t.'15,7 ^-^CT-rj …Vag:, ftotamottPwAse: 10. The Sydney Bushwalker June, 1964. THE BUSHWALKER IN SOCIETY. I. / In this series of articles leading experts will examine the position of Bushwaikers in a modern Plural Society. In the first two articles the groat pogonological psychologist, Havealot Ellis, examines the question of the Bushwalker's proneness to distinguish himself from society at large by growning a beard. The Psychology of.Ziffs. Havealot Ellis. A beard is a natural adornment in company with the hair and eyebrows. Why then do some men shave? It is only recently that the question has been answered and -bhp conflicting drives of p-,gonomania and pogonophobia under- stood. These di-dyes are best understood from a study of case histories. We shall first study the case history of a well known shaven member of a much shaven club, the S.D.W. Next month we shall study the history of a bearded member of a much bearded club, the Kamerukas. Case I. Mr. F.Bt.A. is a robust man though rather razor scarred. There is no history of family weakness of any kind. His history is given in substantially his own words. “Before the age of 21 I had never seen a bearded man, though, when visiting a circus at the age of 6, I had seen a bearded woman. I was particularly revolted by this sight, as the woman was fat and wore nothing but her sparse beard, evidently that none might question her genuine female- ness. My father never told me the trIADfacts about men, beards and shaving, and when at the age of sixteen my first bristles began to come through I was terrified. I imagined I had contracted some terrible disease as a consequence of my sin, and at first tried to hide the symptoms of this malady from my family by the use of the scissors and tweezers. The position soon became hopeless; for every bristle removed six would seem to spring up in its place and my face became quite weedy. On my seventeenth birthday, a girl with whom I was acquainted gave me a shaving set, but I had no idea of its nature or purpose. On our next meeting she said “You WHISKERY ape, why the hell didn't you take the hint and have a SHAVE?” I had heard these two words only once before, and that in a lewd jest about the circus woman. I collapsed distraught, and this girl seized the opportunity to Five me my first shave. The experiences of my youth, and the manner in which the intimate facts about beards were first revealed to me have left me with a disgust of all things whiskery. All beards, hair brooms, poodle cut dogs and unmown lawns revolt me, and induce violent nausea. 11. The Sydney Bushwalker June, 1964. I am regularly worried by dreams in which I am a laboratory attendant in charge of cultures of penicillum. I have been told that these dreams gratify a subconscious desire to grow a beard. If this is so the craving is certainly completely inhibited during my waking hours; after my first experience I began the habit of having an allover shave twice daily. I shall be 82 years of age next St. Patrick's day, but I have carried out this practice to the present time. Twice a day (and thrice on Sundays) I shave my whole body, save only my pate, where nature has long since given up the uneven struggle, end my eyelids, from which the lashes, proving troublesome to the razor, were removed by electrolysis at the age of twenty five.” 10 ROSS WYBORN CONTRIBUTES COUNTER CARTOON. DRUNKEN READY FOR THE OBJECTIVE THE BEE HIVE. \,/ VV1i \AIV: \I \I\ V*4V`i \r' \I NN Ot t BEES READY TO ATTACK. <11 / ii \ \ ' ! I t 1 . \ 1 W , )71-.11-alripli d14', ! ( fii.?“… i i NOTE 1 tl I I :51.__I ,,,TROUSER LEG OPEN C_P/ t..:-.) 1. DRUNKEN STEPS IN AND BEES ATTAC (/ /i l / \ i , ;) C.,.) i,' v.> i ' ' f v ', itt(1.4. Y..”——–+ ii iv 3trf zri..-.1–??/1 v ,v, ii. N. ( LI-6:\\\I-) v 1 v i cz,-… V 111 iir. 1 r v- v ,i , i., - :.,,./3 4 ii VT; \i v v I , r 1 v I i vo , i-,7- …….–……… -c:— –f \ i ..“- 1- u t, e= ll 1, f - r v ?.. DRUNKEN , … z.- k… .i , -0.-,_ ,. , ',./ v v - vki ,,ii ,1 , r- r—1 RETREATS TO .1–← 'V v. -,,,. ,,, —– i t–+, 2 L…..- THE GARAGE. 3 korne,`74: 4 12. The Sydney Bushwaiker June, 1964. P.WART= TRIP TO THE waLANGAMBE. Dorothy Lawry. (Editor's Note4-. Hero Dorothy Lawry recalls an sarly_trip of hers to the TollongaMbe- This is topical, as the area is now receiving much attention. Llex Colley and. Stuart Brookes are well known Wollongambe :walkers. Three weekends ago (May 22-23) Ross rlyborn, David Balmer, Bob Duncan . and Barry Higgins walked from Mt. Irvine to the Newnus Pine Forest via the 17ollongaMbe - Bowen Creek junction, 7:t. Mistake, Pommel Hill and MtCameron. Another party set out on -ble same weekend tn do the same trip in the opTcsite direction, but becausc. of a series of bungles, the chief of which was to choose Dot Butler and Snow Brown as navigators, they failed to mc,ke it The route now scorns even roualrthan it was in Dorothy Lawry's time; there is now no track from lit. Irvine to Tesselatc, Hill and the Bluff.) On Saturday, 16th 1day 1942 Edna Garrad, Grace Lftgeonmto (now Noble) and I - all of the S.B.7. - together with my aunt, took the district's only hire car from Pell to Mt,,,,Traza.Ilerte we left my aunt to stay a few days at tho guesthouse run by the Misses Sorivener in their old home. Their . brothers had a sawmill and the sisters ha,1 the :It. Irvine Post Office and the Guesthouse0 we had quite a ccm8ultation with them before leaving. They knew of 3 routes down through the cliffs to the 7ollangaMbe Creek but these were all within a half-day /s walk of their home. They also knew the Tesselated Hill but no iii of the wild country further out; they were interested in our idea (f exploring out there with the help of two military maps 7/allerawang. and St. Areans lue decided to follow the ridge between the Viollangabbe and Bowen's Creaks to the north over Tessolated Mill and on – with an easterly zig opposite to Bungleboeri Creek then a north-north-west zag - until both ridge and Tcllangambe turned e-i,st and then north-east (nn the St. Albans map). Soon after Getting on to thl'_s second map we should see a side creek (dotted in) heading north from our ridge to the VicjilanF:ambe. Here the contours were not quite so jambed together Llad we decided to try to reach the Creak by this route. Grace had suggested keeping on to the end of the ridge and going down to the junction of Bowen 's Crook with the 7allangambe as there were no cliffs shown at this point. However, a closer look at the map showed a gap of 800 or 900 feet in the contour lines. 7o therefore decided to try the descent down the side creek and an ascent up the point. If this proved impossible, we could return upstream and out by the way we had got down to the TollAngambe. Having promised to report back to the Scriveners on our luck and our findings on the trip, we set off and camped for the night at the first water after the road. had degenerated into a tradk. June, 1964 The Sydney Bushwalkor 13. On Sunday, 17/5/42, after crossing Tesselated Hill by track and following it to the start of the main ridge, we made the mistake of leaving this track as it seemed to be continuing along the western side of the ridge while we wanted to get on top. However, we soon found that the eastern side was much too steep for comfort and had to clamber up a chiffiney and very steep slopes to the top of the knob (marked “bluff” on my map which I traced later from the two military maps). After that we kept to the top of the ridges without difficulty ,tnd made a dry camp at a flat rock at the point where we intended to turn north off the ridge. We had carried water all day so were all right for cooking that evening. Monday, 18/5/42, Edna got up early -,nd took the waterbags down to get water for breakfast. This job took her two hours, but she got good water at some sm-,11 rock pools. The camp was at about 2,100 ft. and the pools about 1,500 ft. with the Wallanr7aMbe at this stage at little more than 1,000 ft. according to the contours on the St. Albans military map. After breakfast we set off down to th.D pools. It was typical sandstone country with small cliffs interspersed with easy slopes and plenty of chimneys in these cliffs. Beyond the pooas the creek (as it would have been in wet weather) flattened out and swunt3 to the nor-west for a short distance. These two or three small pools were the only water in that creek at that time, being not long after the end of the summer, and we were lucky that its bed was bone dry for it turned north again and dropped over what should have been a waterfall. As these rocks were dry we were able to find footholds and climb down the waterfall till it dropped away on our right into a sheersided hole We had no rope, of course, but found that by clambering out on the loft bank we were able to descend by a convenient slope of talus and we reached the main creek in time for a bath and lunch. In the afternoon we rock-hopped what seemed like three rz four miles down- stream before camping on a sandy spot on the right bank. There was a good flow of water in the Wollangambe and the rocks were large blocks that had to be clambered over so each crossing was quite a difficult one. Fortunately, in many places, these sandstone blocks were lying scattered on flat rock ledges which gave easy walking, My photos give a good idea of the nature of the gorge at river level at that time. On Tuesday, 19/5/429 we continued rockhopring until we reached the junction of Bowen's Creek with the 7011anf-ambe, then returned a little way upstream to a sandy spot for lunch and a washing day. During this return I slipped from the ledge on which I was walking but caught at a sapling and pulled up on the next lower ledge. Fortunately, no damage was done, except for a jar to my nerves. In the afternoon Edna and Grace prospected up the start of the nose of the ridge while I levelled the sandy floor of a good cave we found and in which we camped that night. When Edna and Grace came back to the cave they told me they had been “nearly to the top” of the nose and it was a climb but negotiable. However, text morning I found they had only reached the place where we rested. The 14. The Sydney Bushwalker June, 1964 worst and longest part of the climb was above this place. It was here that I got a bit of a shock – I clambered onto a lar7e block of sandstone to get a photo looking back upstream and showing the tr at the foot of a sheer cliff on that side. The rock moved under my ipetii Hastily I stepped back to a safer position, but that rock aid not go over the cliff that morning. This day, Wednesday, 24/5/42, was still fine and we spent the whole morning climbing back up to the ridge, mostly on the Bowen's Creek side of the nose. In many places we had to pass packs and mine was so heavy that neither Edna nor Grace could lift it; neither could I lift it from ledge to ledge, so each time I had to take off the tent, which was rolled and strapped on the top, and the two gunny sacks that wore attached to the front straps, pass these up to Edna separately cma then heave the pack up to her before clamberimo up myself. Then, while I was reassembling all my gear, Edna would go on round the next corner and up to where Grace was waiting, try a bit further, come back and lead Grace on that bit which had-been found to be all right. If I had not caught up by then, Edna would come back to see what was holding'me up (probably a very narrow place 157xere the gunny sacks were nearly pushing me off into Bowen2s Creek) and so we proceeded. By the time we were really on the narrow ridge, at about 1600 ft. it was 1 p m, and we were all very tired and thirsty but we had no water with us so kept going until we reached our previous camp by the flat rock at 2.45 p m. It was easy walking up along the ridge but Edna and I lay flat on our backs for a while to get up strength to go down to the pools for water. Grace said she was so thirsty that water ws the first thing so, without any rest, she took the two waterbags and set off at once for the pools. I promised to follow soon and help her carry the water back up to camp. To my surprise there was no sign of Grace when I reached the pools (where I had a drink from my hands) ncr on the somewhat different. route I took bck Up to our campsite, calling all the time. Then Edna and I took billies and went down again, searching all the way to the pools and back to our campsite, calling all the time, Then Edna and I took billies and went down again, searching all the way to the pools and back to camp unsuccessfully. By this time we were very worried, At first I had thought Grace had made a very fast trip, until my return to Edna; then we feared she had twisted an ankle, or had some other sort of accident, but then we would have found her on our trip to the pools with the billies. Now, apparently, she was lost. Which way had she gone? Leaving Edna to erect the tent and get dinner on, I went searching and calling along the ridge westwards, taking a torch with me as by now it was about sunset. Soon I was delighted to get a reply from about a quarter of a mile further on from poor Grace, who came back still carrying two empty waterbags. She has no head for heights and after the strain of the climb, and in her exhausted state she had not been able to find, any easy chimneys to go down to get to the water. How glad we both were to see Edna and the fire on which dinner was cooking l Three very weary girls crawled into bed that night. June, 1964. The Sydney Dushwalker 15. On Thursday, 21/5/42, we made a late start after getting water from the pools for breakfast and laying out a diamond of large stones on the flat rock to mark the turnoff from the ridge. We carried enough water for lunch so, when we found we had gone a little too far on the southward section of the ridge before turning west again, we had lunch there before cutting back from the spur to the ridge. Before we reached the “bluff” we picked up the track which we had left on the outward trip and followed it up and over and down the western side to the water at the south of the “bluff”, then on over the Tesselated Hill and into Mt. Irvine. Dy now it was raining heavily so we decided to stay at the guesthouse for the night. That luxury: Hot baths, a delicious hot dinner and-then soft :beds and our breakfasts cooked for us next morning before we gave the Scrivener girls a full account of our adventures and then set off for a workingbee in the Blue Gum Forest. That King's Birthday Weekend Alex Colley and a t-brong party crossed Bowen's Creek to the ridge and dropped down the nose in about half an hour – they knew it could be done and they were ra3ing the dark to camp on the WollangaMbe. The next day, I understand, they proceeded down the WollangaMbe to the Colo River. Blac3ff' WC. \ Rain–C'E.:—–1 Y-44, Wolla – 1' .

-= ' , .,% , .*:' ” ' 44, ' .? , .4. -…..v, ..'00. ' ' I Bunglebo Dorothy Lawry. Auckland, N.Z. April 7.964. .7. to ad fr6E Mt.Wilson f flpit0 Sze“ ,slated Hill Viat 'r r) I e) rape d to Bilpin. (C) Camp. 16. The Sydney Bushwalker Junp7 1964. REPORT OF-THE SYDNEY BUSH 7ALKERS SUBCOMYITTEE ON NATIONAL PARKS. At our Annual General Meeting in March, Federation delegated informeca the meeting that Federation desired to know the attitude of the cnnstituent Clubs to National Parks management, in particular their views on buildiness and other improvements in parks, The MeeTila, appointed a sub-co mittee consisting of the Conservation Secretary, 7i1f Hilder,. Ilan Ry7 The . Club President, the Club Secretary and Alex Colley to formulate a policy and present ta a sUbsequent meeting for discussion, The rcert of the sub-committee is as follows:- General Principles: Te believe that National Perks should be i!rincipally ;laces where mar can enjoy nature. This means that the parks should servo the joint 1)urese' of conserving nature and providing man with a natural recreation area and a sanctuary from modern civilisation with _its accompanying noise udliness: worries and responsibilities. the order that man can enjoy nature, we must ensure the cservation of the original and often unique Australian flora f-Duna This is des- irable both for ascetic reasons and for historic, scientific, cultural, educational and recreational reasons. It should be re7arded not lust as an impractical aim of a few so-called “selfish” idealists, but as a very important and practical abmition of those of our present c;en-ration who are fighting to preserve the natural beauty of the Australian bush for future generations. We say “fighting” because this idea of conservation will inevitably conflict with private enterprise and commercial exploitation acting under the subterfuge of “progress” aye, hdevelopment and with the Australian attitude of If it moves', shoot, if it doesn't, chop itc.,wn”, and even with the lazy attitude of comp:remise. All National Parks should be complete sanctuaries for native fauna and flora. Protection should extend to aboriginal rock carvings, middens and other relics, fossils, rock faces, caves and all other natural features. The decree of development of National Parks should be balanced between the conservation of nature and man's enjoyment of nature,- 70 stress, therefore, that roads and buildings must be limited to inconspicuous areas on or near the perimeter of the park. Al]. development should he kept unobtrusive and of material in keeping with its surroundings; the ruling that all ski huts be of natural timber and not gaily painted is preferable to the ugliness -f The toilets recently erected at the most scellic spot at the Stanwell Park lookout. Roads:- We recognise the need and even desirability of roads built to the perimeter of National Parks2 but no road should renetrate far into the park. The building of roads within a park begins a chain of 'events which Tune, 1964 The Sydney Bushwalker 17. inevitabiy'leadS td the-splitting up of the park, the despoilation of the bush by fire and the creation of parking areas, erosion, dumping of garbage, cutting down of trees, shrubs an,-I wildflowers and killing of birds and. animals (e g. the road to West Head). Fire Trai16: As approximately 99.95% of fires are started by human agencies, it is our belief that keeping vehicular traffic out of National Parks will alleviate the need for fire trails, and that fire trails merely destroy- bushland, create erosion and even actually encourage fires by creating access into a bush area, 170 advocate, therefore. that gates be placed at the access points on all present fire trails and that these gates be kept lockod We would stress the need for better liaison between Bush fire Committees and National Park Trusts so that any fire trails built in the future will at least be properly surveyed, thereby avoiding unnecessary erosion and spoilage of the scenic-Jush. , Tracks: re advocate the building of a limited number of tracks to areas of interest, providing these tracks are narrow (less than 3 ft. wide) hanrImade, walking tradks. Along them signs me y be erected to identify trees, and. to illustrate the birds and flowers native to that district. It is our belief that the public should be educated to appreciate and enjoy the bush as it is . in its natural state, not that the bush should ho changed to suit the public. From education comes appreciation. -We' are not in favour of the building of a multiplicity of tracks crisscrosSing the park; it may ho necessary to mark the beginning of a track by means of a cairn, but we lo nnt think' it necessary to completely mark the - full length of every tradk in the park. Buildings: Buildings should. be kept outside the park, or in inconspicuous areas hear the perimeter-. To approve heartily of the building of educational centres of information around the perimetar of the parks, provided these buildings fit into the landscape and are manned by rangers. It is most important also that the effluent of toilets drains, where possible, out of the park and not into the Park, thus avoiding, pollution. We object to development within the parks such as the proposed hostel and sports arena at the Ironbarks and the proposed swimming pool at Euroka. Commercial Interests: No commercial interests should be allowed within the National Parks to exploit the areas. No public works should be allowed in National Parks. (One member of the Committee disagreed on these two points. Heis of-the opinion that a limited number of short, unsealed roads should be alloWed to points within the park and that pul-lic works should be restricted rather than excluded). This includes repeater stations, aircraft beacons, Electricity Commission power lines, etp. Unfortunately, high peaks are regarded as the natural position for such ceoections, but generally it is possible at extra cost to build them elsewhere outside the parks. 18. The Sydney Bushwalker J.une, 1904. Mining:- All National Parks should be exempt from the provisions of the Mining Act. Timber Cutting:- No commercial timber cutting should be allowed in National Parks. Stock:- No stock Should be permitted to graze in National Parks and domestic animals should be excluded.' Rangers:- All National Parks should have sufficient rangers to educate the public, patrol the park, prevent despoliation, rubbish dumping ana other damage. Summing Up:- All these points are important and should be given serious consideration by all those who love the bush and sincerely wish to preserve the native flora and fauna in their pristine beauty. .1111 JULY INSTRUCTIONAL WALK - 3-4-5. The instructional walk for July will cater for all tastes- Those who think 8 miles is about the right distance for a weekend will follow John White from Carlon's Farm down Breakfast Creek to the Cox. Those who like to stretch their legs will latch onto Snow Brown At Katoomba and chase him along Narrow Neck, out to Splendour.Rock, down Brindle Dog and then along the Cox to meet and camp with the first party at,Breakfast Creek Junction. On Sunday the united parties will walk up Galonp; Creek, the best granite canyon in the Mountains. Party ',will finish at Carlons and party 2 will hike it back to Katoomba. All prospectives mUst-ittend an instructional so got r=717 for at. First aid will be in,the C:)b' Room at a later date. –fru c 4r, crr..

ARE YOU Ti-IERE 7 S WE ETI ? (ov-c7–sJ&/1) YOU CAN COME UP NOW f .\\:\ 4:ec ARE WELL SWEET Lt –vAr vAr I 1-4-4 SHUTi ED:EYES AND ikia,* UPS I i< SS MEE FOND GOODBYE June, 1964 The Sydney Bushwaiker 19.


DY.Y TALKS. MOillAIMEN1010………….f WM. JUNE 21 Bundeena - Jibbon Head - Marley Beach - Bundeena. 8 miles. A ramble along the coast near the entrance to Port Hacking, then across some of the heathlands of the Royal National Park. Harley Beach is mainly unspoiled and opportunity may be taken to have a look at the roconstructod Youth Hostel. Just the thing for new meMbors. Train: 8.50 a m. Cronulla train from Central Electric Zi''ation. Tickets: Cronulla return @ 5/9 plus 3/- return boat fare. Map: Port Hacking Tourist or Port Hacking Military. Leader: Margaret Child9 who will join the train at Como. JUNE 28 Tahroonga - The Ponds - Bonin Head - Mt. Kuringai. 10 miles. This walk traverses part of the South-Western end of Kuringai Chase. Pleasant bush surroundini;s. Recommended for new members. Trains 8.40 a,m, Hornsby train via Bridge from Central Electric Station. Tickets: Mt Kuringai return via Bridge @ 6/-. Map: Broken Day Military. Leader: Gladys Roberts. JULY 5 Lilyvale Burning Palms - Palm Jungle - Otfora. 7 miles. Goes through the Garrawarra Primitive Area and affords some lovely look-out points, i steep climb in and out of Burning Palms. The Palm Jungle track is not as easy as the sign posts would have one believe, especially if wet. Suitable for new members. Trains 8.42 a m. Uollongong train from Central Steam Station. Tickets: Otfcrd return @ S/-, Map: Port Hacking Tourist, Leader: Ron Knightley. JULY 12 Campb-elltown - The Toolwash Wedlerburn North - Pheasant Creek - O'Hare's Creek - Campbelltown. Once a favourite haunt of Club members, this area has been neglected somewhat of late., There are, normally, some beautiful pools of clear water in O'Harels Crook. BRING A TORCH. Train: 8.25 a m. Goulburn train from Central Steam Station. Tickets: Campbelltown return @ 7/9. Map: Camden Military. Leader: David Ingram. WAFTED TO BUY one second hand. flea bag - contact Snow Brown - 251927. TANTED - Keen Alert Mind to produce cross word puzzles with bushwalking flavour. contact Editor. WANTED TO BUY - 1 pair of snow chains - suit Holden - see Editor. 20. The Sydney Bushwalker June, 1964.

WOMEN'S PAGE. With the exciting skiing and. bushwalking season coming on, young mothers everywhere are getting out their sewing machines and making parkas. Hare is the pattern which kept Ron Knightley warm for one year on Blizzardly Macquarie Island. Join Front and Back of Sleeves.

Stitch the line on Throat Section

3. 6. 7?. 2. Join Sleeve to Frnnt Piece and Back Piece. 4. Join 2 sections of hood. 'Join Throat Section to hood. Join hood section to back and front. 7. Face hood with bias. 80 Join sides and underarm seam last. 9. Finish Twists and hem. PATTERNS AVAILABLE ON APPLICATION TO EDITOR. Price 1/6. Ju464 The Sydney Bushwaiker 21. , MEN ,CLIMB MOUNTAINS DEGAUSS THEY'RE THERE And. they call on Mountain Equipment Company because they are there too! Thero to serve your most exacting requirements. What do they have to offer? Firstly the world's finest sleepiLg bags. - 'FAIRY' Down - a name that's common campfire talk in the shadows of high mountains and in the face of the tough trips, And they offer the largest range of pure down sleeping bags in Australia. Expensive! Not at all, our new price list will soon tell you how reasf.-nablo they are. -There are also Swiss made braided nylon ropes (Write, ,and we will send you a sample). And now PRATE= GRIVEL t'pliobing equipment. , . Maybe there is some hard to get, specialised piece of equipment that you need– Drop In and see us'or'drop us a line, our overseas contacts and associates can probably get it for you. NO FURTHER AWAY THAN YOUR TELEPHONE Weekends and. Evenings!, MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT COMPANY, 12 ORTONA ROAD LINDFIELD 46.1440. NOW MkKE AND SELL UNDES LICENSE i5 USE ON HIS PLUS THE NEW TERYLENE RIPSTC? CANVAS) TAN OR MEEN STIVTDAaD TAIECEE. MODEL Z14/17/6. POST FREE. KIMPTOWS trFIDFRLITEI) SLEEPING BAGS RE kkDE IN 37ToPULAR MODELS - ARCTIC: FOR SJB-ZERO TEUPERATLIEES. Cellular ',14yps with ivtrior walls - this ensures a complete urbroken cell of Superdown arOund the sleeper, it is 6'6“ x 30 and is filled with 2i. lb. of Superdown. The yrice$ post free, is 13/13/0. SNOW: Tailored hood - 36” niokel'ziPP 1.41) chest. Circular insert for the feet. Cut r 30“ plus hood filled with lt lbs. Super- down, 10/7/- or 9/9/6 feather dawn filled. Poat free. COMBINATION QUILT - SLEEPING BAG, Can be used 365 days each year as an eiderdown quilt, and if required for a sleeping bag it ie folded in half and zipped across the bottom and 0 the side to make a bag. Two of these zipped toget4er make a doub3e. Superdown filled 01/8/6. Faatherdown E9/9/6. Post free SLEEPING BAG XITS: Make it yourself - all components cut to size. SAVE ga on each of the above models by sewing and filling your own bags. Eaquiries welcome. t A eiave 3'4 41 3964 LTD. 5 Budd st coningtiood-,VIC.

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