rs“), A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushwaiker,-Tb e N.S.7. Nurses' Association Rooms “Northcota Building,” Refby Place, Sydney. Box No. 4476, G.P.O. Sydney. 'Phone JW1462 Editor - Lob Duncan - MIRO, Camden. Camden 69251 (D) Business - Alex Colley. 355 JULY 1964 Price 11- C ONTENTS 2 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 f 204 At the June General Meeting - J. Drown National Parks And Nature Conservation - A. Strom Federation eport - June. Paddy Arl. A Long Story - Ross Wyborn. Day Talks South Africa - Rayner Mayer Social Notes for July The Bushwalker in Society - II. Lil Sweetie Nuggetheart (contd) Our First Two 'rears As Sydney Busbies - Betty Farquhar From Jerricknorra to Yadboro - Wombat Lil Sweetie Nuggetheart (contd) Mountnir Klimpton Ad. 4.1 'M SYDNEY July 1964 The Sydney Bushwalker 2. AT THE JUNE GENE= 1f7.72ING, Jim Brown. Zeout 0 people were on deck to see three now members welcomed John Worrell, Michael Short and Jim Basilies (refl.:1.13d as heara with - apolocies) and to har (vile Lgenda) a “Presilential ilddress” on the evils of scattering cigarette ash etc over the Club Rocm, and the even ereatel? evil of leavin fires alive. (C.:cull tl-ds rea117- happen in S.F.:Tx? what speeies of oaf cull it be?) In correspondence there was an el airyfrom Eleanor Bra, seeking photos of Lake rill (near Barn Bluff in 'Jhe Cradle Mt. area) which was named for her father. The Yature Conservation Society advised it would hell its Annual Conference on October 10 an'L roauir':d. early notice of any motions aad from Lands Department 7hich was handAal,v- our Kowmung enquiry back rml forth “between Sydney and Orange. Dulreo portions 9 & 10 had definitely gone to Royal Eational I-xk and notified in the Gazette of March 20, The Scouting Novemout expressed reil ret for the treefelling incident at ET-t and said that a tree rlrnting would be undertaken by the Troop concerned the National Park Truet had “been advised. In matters arising, several 7cople felt we micht fellow 1.17: with an offer to lecture to the offending Scout Troop, but overall opinion preferred not to rub salt in the wound. The Talks Report showed a quite hearteiling ameunt of activity, with about 20 Docile on Stuart Brookes Doss Mountain trip, and 10 prespectivos (apart from the members) on Peter Rempt's day walk. David Inram had 22 en the Terry Hills area 11 wont on Bob G-)1frey's trip from 7aterfal1 over towards Campl:elltwon, Ross 1?jybern on ,3,-A unprogrammed trip to Donnum Pic had a party of 12 (including 6 visitors) but no numbers ef Jack Perry's trip to Jerusalem Bay was known, There had 'een an ambitious trip with two cars and two parties to a- the Mt. Ir=e 7o1langambe a Nt. Cameron Pine Forest from opposite ,nd. One Party succeeded (congratulations 1) but one had to return an,' tetil teams finished up at one car at 10 T..m. Sunday! Again in the Well q.nen2be Creek area 111-m. Reund had a team of 5, whi3,;.e Roy Eraithewaite's party of 8 wont over the Blue Gum Lockley's Pylon trip. Esmc Biddulrh topped the poll eiltle 34 on a “Northern Suburbs T,ur”, whilst Wilf Milder and one -eros-,:ectivo tackled a “Peur Peaks” trip and made very good time back from Ti Tilla to Zatonmbar Mt. Solitary hal, reappeared on the programme in a trip with Peter MoNmara stoneling in as leader for Geoff Boxsell, aria the instructional trip to Eureka breue ht out 32. Two day walks on the 1,,,st weekend were load by areaie Trench with 9 and David Balmer with four, From Federation Report we learned that about 18,000 acres north of the Dell Road were being added to the Blue Mountains National Park, bringing its total area to nearly million acres. Federation he7eed to obtain added representation on the Trust a little later we e,sked our delegates to nominate Wilf Milder. Complaints about a farlaer whc tried to prevent walkers from using the Six Foot Track had been referred to the Oran:e District Surveyor. One problem was that the existing trails do net follow the exact line of the original rightofwe y, which is shown fairly accurately on the Katoomba military map. 3 The Sydney Dushwalker July9, 1964. A fire lookout tower has been erected near the Narrow Neck road - quite an imposinr structure it was said and the sua;ested name “Dig Brother”. The Water Board was considering an oxtensien of the White Do.'s road while the Old Ceaar Road was being reconstructed from Dram ;fan dom to the Kowmunc: River. Then we were-up to the piece de resistance: you may recall a request from Paul Barnes for Cluls to indicate to Federation what they considered a suitable policy for Natienal Parks, In S.LJjf. a stile committee had 1:-Jon set up and its report was Dullished in the June maem7dne, 70 wore now asked to consider the adoption ef this report. 21fter formal recciPt and “taking it as read” (which very fow people had actually (lene Eet that stage) we took the rerort paragraph by tJaragr,-Th. Lobate was pretracte2, and it was soon evident that many members were trying to square two different viewpoints (1) that parks slieuld be ke,rb quite -trimitive (2) that reas-nablo access should be thero for all and sundry Unfortunately your recorder come to an end of his scribbling re:J:3er abut half way and could take only vital notes thereaftsr. However the essence of the deal was - The paragraph headed “General Princiles” was al,-pted, but “Roads” drew long discussion, when Frank Rigby su:gested t:Lat In a parkland of considerable extent perimeter roads wore unrealistic nd denied the area to the majority. This drew the crabs from the eaclusionists, who wore still careful to say Kosciusko State Park was semewiaat of an exception. However Frank Rigby's amendment that 'a minimum of roads should penetrate far into the park” was carried. “Fire Trails” was the next sub-title, Ron.Knightley making the point that fire trails aid net necessarily becOme public roads, and, after comment by 711f HiLdor, we a2 reed that “fire trails MA: (net =rely) destroy bushlancl” and amended the report accordingly. Apart from that, we adopted the report's pror-srqs Next 'Tracts” anti discussion on the second paragraph of this section which opl,osed “buildinga multiplicity of tracks. It was suce;ested this was eren to misinterpretation, and even that the second p”aragh was reaundant But finally 'Tracks” was loft substantially as originally framed. w_reuildinr!s“ was the next sub heading. After thhort discussion we deleted only one word “proposed” befere the “swimming pool at Eureka”, We deleted it only because it was repetitinus! “Commercial Interests” came next. We deleted the wording in brackets, which was actually only by way of explanation antmay. Alan Round seeme-1 to believe there would be little harm in talsing river gravel, but this mot with no favour. There was some debate on whether “rul,-)lie works” included rends, which we had previously accepted. However we agreed that we sheulc', souk as primitive areas at least 50% of any National Park, -tni in recenition of the difficulty of tying this yroviso on to certain areas, agreed to add to the final paragraph the thought that “we rece,enise tiler is a public damrma for areas incorporating roads and. such improvements, and suggest such areas should be established as 'recreational parks'”. Your reporter's paper heving long' note any of the tidying up business of policy disposed of an the evening well put forward anything of consequence as belated end since given out he was unable to the evening', TAlt with the Parks advanced, no one was inclincel to the June meeting aMbled to a 4 The Sydney Bushwalker July, 1964. NATIONAL PARKS AD NATURE CONSERVATION A.Strom. The statement on National Parl- Policy published in “The Sydney Bushwalker” has prompted me to reflect, as I have often done recently, upon the real significance of National Parks as a contribution to nature.Conservation. Because the statement on policy didn't do this, I have the feeling that it has missed a valuable opportunity to be- 'something more than an expression of a bushwalker's point of view, Definining “National Parks”. Unfortunately, “National Park” is not defined in the legislation of New SouthWiles and as a consequence, every commentator is free to have hi S own opinion and does so, with gay abandon. This unfortunately is actually a r-eflection of world policy, believe it or not. - The Americans talk o, groat deal about thenature conservation values of their National Parks hut in fact, they are always stressing (and using) their Parks for recreational activities associatedwith natural conditions; and this concept of nature conservation seems to have engulfed the - report of the committee of The Sydney Bush Walkers. Conflictia:Interosts. There is a great and tremendous difference between National Parks for recreation and National P-,,rks for th,: preservation of the biota preservation of the IO.ota for human values that transcend the sensuous pleasures of lacing in the quiet, the beautiful and the aesthetically enriching places. The Americans appear (and I say “appear” because I have been denied the opportunity to see at first hand) to have all their eggs in one basket. Their National Parks are to provide for all kinds of recreational activities from hotels to hikers as well as scientific research. This mie-'; work if 1. The National Parks are large enough (and perhaps the United States wins out here). 2. The Pressures of people can be held at bay (and information seems to show this is a losing battle). 3. The National Park System samples all the various kinds of environments in adequate quantity (but unfortunately scenic values usually come first). Now Great Britain has another approach. There is a National Park System and i National Nature Reserve System. The first provides open space for recreational and other usbs, the s&cond system to hold environ- ment for true, sound and wellapplied nature conservation. July, 1964 The Sydney Bushwalkor 5 .. 111. True, Sound and Wellapplied Nature Conservation. I think I have come to the conclusion that true9 sound and well applied nature conservation cannot be resolved by a National Park System. Firstly, because National Parks must provide for recreation. I know that the term “recreation” can be difficult to define and this indeed, spools disaster for the bushwalker's intention to keep the “wilderness” for their private enjoyment. Those of us ,7Tbo saw the wild lands as places miles from nowhere are indeed, very, very privileaged people. It cannot be repeated, and each year and each child which is born9 puts this kind of experience further and further away from succeeding generations. Secondly, because we select National Parks for their “national park values” (a kind of combination of scenic, wildlife, geologic and topographic qualities which give pleasure to those who would be amongst them) National Parks do not even try to supply a system of samplings of biotic communities. My guess is that staking our hopes on National Parks, particularly National Parks in Now South Wales, will only lead to the loss of many wildlife species. Admittedly, National Parks can contribute to a wildlife conservation programme but “can” is not enough, if the species are to survive. Many of the places of little “national park value' must be reserved and held as national nature reserves, Environment wherever it occurs is worth holding and not mark you, for the usual emotional pleasures of recreation but the long term needs of biology in its application to the human needs of medicine and agriculture. Experts on Nature Conservation. If the bushwalkine; fraternity is to have a policy for national parks, it must face realities. The most threatening reality is overpopulation of the world and the demand for living conditions that need land and more land. This is not a country of vast open spaces but just a region awaiting exploitation. We are failing as experts on nature conservation because our policies are not attuned to reality. Lilco all bushwalkers I like it lonely and I like it rough; but my experience has told me that most of my “loneliness” must be largely imaginary if the children of the future are to have anything at all. Because we were and are, too concerned with getting pleasure from the wildlands, we've lost a valuable opportunity to integrate nature conservation into land usage. By the turn of this century, there will be no more wildlands anywhere to select for our National Parks and Nature reserves. 6 The Sydney Bushwalker July, 1964 No policy on National Parks is worthwhile that qoesnt recognise the changing living of Man. The early Americans called their National Parks “pleasuring grounds” and that's what you'll get If you really want to conserve wildlife - honestly for the wildlife values that transcend pleasure - National Parks are not the answer0 Let's not fool ourselves and think we can keep the thousands out whilst the few score pretend to be “lonely”. WE MAY TELL VIN THE BATTLE FOR NATIONAL PARKS BUT FAIL TO CONSERVE THE-IToTA. …..aa”,, FEDERATION REPORT JUNE 1964. Blue Mountains Yational Park Trust. Federation has resolved to nominate Messrs. Alan Rirby and J. 777711der as candidated for the vacancy on the Park Trust. Nature Conservation Society will hold its Annual Conference and Dinner on Oct.10. The after dinner topic will be Rutile Mining. More details later. Six Foot Track. Federation 2s letter to the District Surveyor, Lands Dept. has now been referred from the Orange office back to head office in Sydney. Apparently lots of “referring” but little action yet. Search and Rescue Practice Week-end. Oct 17-18-19 July, 1964 in Kuringai Chase. A Search and Rescue Demonstration will be held on October 17-18. “Bushwaiker Annual” Any contributions in the forthcoming issue should now be submitted to the Editor, Bill Gillam, Old Bush Road, Engadine. National Parks Association. The Ezplorars Groups, which investigate possible sites for National Parks, will give an exhibition of their work at the November Meeting of the Association, A new rem'', is under construction by Army units in the Yeola - Upper Kangaroo River area. Heathcote Primitive Area. The Trust is nootiating with various authorities who wish to :- (a erect another power transmission line across the area. (b) erect an aerial beacon on Woronora Trig. (the highest point) © wish to drill for coal within the area. A government grant of 1,000 will permit the employment of a full-time ranger. Blue Mountains National Park. Mr e Alan Strom has been appointed a Trustee. All campsites were overcrowded during the Easter Holidays and the establishment of more has been suggested, About 20 acres of the Blackheath Water Reserve close to the Western Highway are to be transferred to the Trust for the establishment of a Park. Information and Management Centre to cost about Z259000. 10,0 00 has already been granted toward the cost. Federation is to supply notes on bushwalking in the Park when required for publication in a booklet to be prepared as a guide to the features of the Park. Annual Ball. This will be held on September 11, 1964 and assistance by anybody willing to wrrk on the Committee will be gratefully accepted. We have always found most bushwalkers to be very practical people especially when it comes to buying their equipment. Thrt's why it's always a pleasure explaining to them the features of Paddymade equipment, they so quickly appreciate the practical features and design of our gear. We have always collaborated with walkers in designing and improving many of our items of equipment, that's why so many walkers recommend it. It's the best a walker can buy: PADDYMADE. 4.7 , 1r s, t5 PADDY PALLIN PTYLIMITED. 109A Bathurst Street, SYDNEY. 262685. PADDY PAWN tZ, Lightweight Camp Gear Guly, 1964 The Sydney Bushwalkcr 8. A LONG STORY. Ross Wyborn. “See you at 7.00 at Penrith” 1 told. everybody. I was to go to Penrith in Snow's car and after getting lost near Auburn eventually got there about quarter to eight. Then it started; who was to travel in whose car, where? Te set the maps up unaer a light outside the station and I explained to them as bost I could the route. They all sort. of agreed saying it was only a 'biscuit toss. We were to swap cars before the trip so we would have tho right cars to go home in. This was- a result of waiting 3 hours on alnday night at Nowra after a similar triy (which worked), The trip vols for one party to walk from Mt. Irvine via a maze of ridges and Mt. '2,ameron to Dinner Creek (near pine Plantation Road) ana the other party was to do the trip in reverse. After much arguing and shouting we agreed upon the parties and which car was going where, except for Snow who had differert ideas (argue ,argue). Eventually Snow was Pushad into a car and we left. Dave Balmer drove Barry Higgins, ne honorable editor and myself in John Powell /s car to Mt. Irvine. On Saturday morning Dave and Barry who braved the cold night air in the scrub draoTged us OUT cf the car where we spent a warm comfortable night. It was not yet 12stt and Duncan protested but we told him “It was the tough ones you remembered” and he finally got up. When it was light erough to see we started out along the ridge to Tesselate Hill where we found some interesting-rtessalations” (patterns on flat rocks). Our ridge went up a&I down, backwards and forwards, but We managed to navigate it with only a couple of very minor faults whore we wandered a hundred yards down the wrong ridge. Soon we got to the long narrow part of the 177' e which led straigLt to the junction of Tollanrathbe Creek and Bowen Credk. The views hers were fantastic. We could see P. arOV in front of us and we thought we were n-arly at the junction but when we'(;.ot there it was only the top lino of cliff and we could see where the junction was still a couple of miles along the ridge We pushed on through the thick scrub and some time later suddenly emerged at the tor of a sheer cliff which dropped into the WollangaMbe. Everyone looked astounded “Have we got tn go down there?”, “The ridge must go down at the end so let's have a lode I said. “Oh, no, even more of a drop down here” From where we were standing there were two possibilities, a knifeedged. buttress which runs down to the WollangaMbe closest to the junction; which apparently had been used by at least one other party, or another spur further upstream. But our problem was not only to get down, but to get up the other side. Barry said it was impossible to get down without a rope and if we did get down we would never get up the other side. Ve chose the second spur as it led us closest to a promising spur on the other side and alsooto some it looked easier. After climbing down and making a six foot jump. to get past the top cliff line we found the going fairly _simple and. edged. our way down to the “Gathbe” in good time. The Sydney Bushwalker July9 1964* The sun had not reached the bottom of the gorge here all morning and we froze as we nibbled our lunch and slurped drinks amongst the wet rocks. After lunch we walked around the corner to find the sun shining. We left the creek on a spur where there was an interesting 5 foot waterfall in the main creek. The way up entailed a bit of climbing and pack passing up rocks on a narrow spur which on one side dropped into the “Gambe”. Once past the first cliff line we bashed up through the thickest entanglement of scrub I have ever bashed through to the second cliff line which seemed more continuous though not as high as the first. After looking around a bit Duncan spotted a good way up and a few minutes later we were scrambling up to the top of the ridge. We had been expecting all sorts of things but it proved just another ridge. The ridge was easy to follow being rather sharp and occasionally we burst through the bushes to the edge of the cliff where we had a good view into the Wollangambe Gorge. About 5 p m, the sun was fading (in the west too, we weren't lost yet!) and we could see Mt. Mistake our meeting and camping place with the others far in the distance (or we thought it was Mt. Mistake, it proved to be a closer hill). No chance of making that tonight, we said, looks like a dry camp on this ridge somewhere. About 10 minutes later we climbed onto some rocks just before a saddle and there was a pool of water. As we shouted water, Dave came bounding through the scrub with a new least of life. The pool was only 1 inch deep and had mud on the bottom, but it was wet so we camped there, lighting a fire on the rock, and later sleeping in the bushes below. On Sunday we were again up before light and after a bite to eat and a sip of water (plus mud as the pool was emptying) we left at first light. Mt. Mistake proved much further than we thought. After one hill there was another. After about 3 hours we finally reached the right hill which was Mt. Mistake. Navigating got more difficult now but after we negotiated a very scrubby low saddle the scrub improved. There were many low ridges everywhere but only one led in the direction we wanted to go. One small escapade in the wrong direction led us to water se we were pleased, but there were many arguments as we made others. Duncan showed from a scientific view point that if you take larger steps with your right leg, than your left, you walk in anticlockwise circles and viceversa. Dave our mathematician enlarged on this to say that if you increased the length of your right step and decreased the length of your left step you will finally end up walking in anticlockwise circles in the same spot. This didn't help our navigation much. We climbed another bump and when we reached the top we found it was grassy on the small basalt cap. It must be”Blady Grass No sign . of the others, I wonder where they are“. We had giVen- up yelling by this time. Maybe they will go home before we arrive at the cars anq leave us here. Oh Well, we must go on now We covered the ground to Pommel Hill_ July, 1964 The Sydney Bushwalker in good time but were slightly mixed up thinking that Pommel Hill was Tambo Limb. In actual fact for the whole trip we were looking at Tambo Limb and calling it Mt. Cameron. Just below Pommel Hill we-fOund Volley prints going in both directions. “The cowards have only came here then gone back” we thought. We climbed Pommel Hill and had lunch on the track at permanent water. “It's 'straight track walking from here” we said as we left our grassy lunch spot. 15 minutes later we lost the track but we soon arrived. at Nt. Cameron_ which is a beautiful spot with tall slender Blue Gums and soft grass. The road bash was uheventful and our thoughts were centred on whether there 'would be any car whiting for us. “Snow couldn't be that much of a dill” we all hoped. We were relieved when we heard shouts and started to run along the road. In our hurry we lost the road in the dark but soon found it again and saw the glow of the fire. It was them all right but no car. With a few strong words we soon got the full story out of them. They had got onto the wrong ridge nna ended up in a monstrous creek, which John Powell had a liking for ana wouldn't leave, so they camped on small ledges alongside. On Sunday they located Blady Grass Hill and then not, having enough time to complete the trip went back to the car. They had only arrived an hour ahead of us and John Powell and Rona had gozbto get the other car. John and. Rona exrived back at 10 p m. and we were soon on our way home. DAY WALKS. JULY 19,_Waterfall Uloola Falls - Karloo Pool - Heathcote. 8 miles. The area around Uloola Swamp, seen on this walk, is to be set aside as a primitive area by the National Park Trust. It is of particular interest as are the several sets of aboriginal rock carvings to be seen en route. Suitable as a first' walk for new member. Train: 8.20 a m. Cronulla train from Central Electric Station CHANGE AT SUTHERLAND for rail motor to Waterfall. Tickets: Waterfall return @ 6/- each. Map: Port Hackinr; Tourist or Port Hadkkng Milit. Leaders :Betty Farquhar.. JULY 26. Waterfall -Hacking River - Flat Rock Crossing - South Test Arm Ck Audley. 12 miles. Interesting cOuntry with good possibilities. for map reading practice. Should be some good stands of wattle and other early wild flowers. Scratchy in parts. Bring a torch. Train: 8.20 a m. Cronulla train from Central Electric Station CHANGE AT SUTHERLAND for rail motor to Waterfall. Mar.: Port Hacking Tourist or Fort Hacking Military. Leader - Gordon Redmond. AUGUST 2. Bundeena Jibbon Head - Marley Beach -.117attamolla Garie.. 12 miles. The correct route of this walk is shown. above. The leader proposes to explore the coastline between Jibbon and Marley instead of taking the direct track across the moors. Very scratchy in parts and gaiters are recommended. Train: 8,50 a m. Cronulla train from Central Electric Station. 10.0 a m. ferry Cronulla to Bundeena. Tickets: Cronulla return @ about 5/6 plus 1/6 ferry fare and 2/6 bus fare Garie to Waterfall. Maps Port Hacking Tourist or Port Hacking Military. Leader: John Holly. AUGUST 9: Lilyvale - Era. Beach - Stockyard Grk - The Burgh Track - Hel nsburgh. 12 biles. A.Walk in very familiar country, but with a difference. The scramble up Stockyard Creek is strenuous but interesting and the return trip via The Burgh Track provides a welcome change. Train:8.42 a m. Wollongong train from Central Steam Station. Tickets: Lilyvale return @ 7/7 return. Map: Port Hacking Tourist. Leader: Jack Gentle. 11. The Sydney Bushwalker July, 1964 SOUTH AFRICk. Rayner Mayer. “In Africa, there is no Past or Future:, only the present”. A traditional saying. At the very foot of Africa lies a ceuntry, with (71-eat similarities to Australia. South Africa is a larce country, relatively underdeveloped possessing great mineral wealth. 7ater is an all Laportant commodity and where there is water, there is life. Lare sectinns of 1he interire2 are semidesert and desert supporting only very scanty grazine;. The most populated region in the country is the Titwaters=nd complex, the most important mining area in the country. Johanl'esbur7 has a population of about l million and Pretoria , Oeout half a million. The rest of the population live mainly around the coast. Few South Africans include Australia in their trevels prefering to travel northwards rather than eastwards. Yet whenever Aussies learn that I come from Seuth Africa, semothinR seems to click. For through hearing or reading, well nigh everyone has learnt cf the current treuieled times in South Africa. In simple terms, the fact is that there are srmo three million Europeans and twelve million Africans, each with their own standard of living. The problem is whether the two croups could assimilate and if so how. The Europeans arc themselves divided on this point: a majority seem to favour complete separate development whilst a minority (but still a fair proportion) would favour integration The proconists of separate development point out, for instance, that even in the Dec; South of America where the Yogroes and Mite have lived together for a century or more, 'apartheid' exists in -)ractice even if nel; on the statue book. On tiae other hand, the integratierists arcut that separate development is not practical because in fact integration has'alromly taken place in industry. The eventual outcome is di cult to ferteli because the pressure exerted by the outside world on South Africa is (Treat and only complicates an already difficult pro,elem. A compromise might be a federation of a large number of small states each with their own white or 'elack Government. But Time alone will tell. The topography of South Africa is much more rugged than Australia. There is no extensive coastal plain and there is generally at least one folded mountain range before the escarpment is reached. is thus much more up and down rather than along u Rock climbing is rather popular and there are some fine areas especially round Cape Town with good soli a granite. The finest climg area in South Africa is the DrakensburgMaulti area in SW Natal. Here emtend some mighty ranges for over one hundred July, 1964 The Sydney Bushwalker 12. .1101…arriMINIINolOwl….*now. miles and up to 11,000 feet in height. The centre of this area is Bergville and Royal Natal National Park, where a splendid mountain amphitheatre is flanked on one side by the Eastern Buttress and on the other by the Sentinel with MontAuxSauces on top of the plateau. South African public orinion is much more enlir;htened on the need for and use of National Parks, There is a National Parks Board (a Federal Body) and each state also has its own Department of Nature Conservation. The most famous of those parks is tae Kruger National Park in NE Transvaal. The wild animals are in their natural surroundings and one drives throunh by car in easy stages. Rest crimps are scattered around the Park and the best time for viewing is early in the morning or in the late afternoon when the animals wander down to the water holds. Other lesser kn-vvn Parks include Etosha Pan (some 40,000 square miles in area and even better than the Kruger Park), the Kalahari Gemsok National Park and the Golden Gate National Park. Finally, Africa in general as well s South Africa is a fascinating and interesting place in these 'years of (ane-7e'. It is well worth a visit, perhaps on route to Europe one 7-111 hardly be disappointed. SOCIAL NOTES FOR JULY. Those bushwalkers who move in N.P.A. circles will know Len Hainke and the contribution 713 is making to the work done by that group. On July 15 Len will feature a programme “From. Coast to Mountain” beginning with some fine shots and conmentary on Nadcree and followed by his impressions. of Barrington. Bushwalkers will T)e particularly pleased to see Malcolm McGregar's name on the current proramme. I have no need te'explound on the quality of Malcolm's wild flower transperencies and an excellent 'night is assured on July 22. The Annual Colour Slide Competition will be with us again on July 29. The judges will be Bill Rodgers, Alan Rigby, and George Gray. The limit is 6 slides per person, with no cateries, but all slides should be clearly labelled. Slides should be handed to Ed. Stretten on or before the 15th July. The Sydney Bushwalkers are invited to attend a Social Evening to be held at the Roseville Scout Hall, Martin Lane, Roseville on Saturday, 25th July, 1964 at 7.30 p m. in aid of The South Indian Ocean Expedition to Heard Island, Donation 7/6 single, 10/ double. Please ring Shirley Dean 843985. July, 1964 The Sydney Bushwalkor 13. 71,11 THE BUSH7ALKER IN SOCIETY. IT. This month the great pogonolocical psychologist, Havealot Ellis, continuos his study of Bushwalkin7 Man's -eroneness to distinguish himself from Normal Man by indulring in poconoeulture, or beardgrowing. 212_22y212212f2lof Ziffs. (centinued) Havea-1 t Ellis. “Beards are like good ideas t Women an,l,cildren never have them.” We continue now with another case history of bearded SOB ' men. Case II, Mr, N.P. ic a particularly tall man, reaching a heicht of six feet one and one half inches. His case history is ,earticularly interostin7 as it reveals the development of Home sapiens when free from the complex socioeconomic influences of modern western civilization. “My father suffered from a strong desire te grow a 'oeard, but lackin the courage to grow one at heme9 he wont on a lonely antartic expedition to Bird Island, taking me, then only ono month old, as his sole companion. On this island he grew a beautiful beard but try as he would, he could make nothing of his moustache. He was irked. bythe fact that the walruses which basked on the shore in great numbers greatly excelled him in this department, and he determined to discover their secret. One day he alDrroached an onormoui bull walrus, vihich lay sleeping on the beach an)_ he began to examine its moustachio. His natural jealousy would net allow him to believe that the beautiful growth was genuine, and. to test this point he gave the growth a sharp tug expecting it to come off in his hand. This partially awoke the animal which yawning lustily swallowed him. Thus it was that I was left an orphan at the age of eir:hteen months. I grew up on Bird Islancl and as I crew my leard grew toe It was never cut but:the:hatural-abrasions of life seemed to prevent it ever attaining a length greater than six feet one and one half inches. Luck was not against me for in my twentieth year the island was visited by an American tourist ship on a world. cruise. The tourist viewed me with great curiosity but the captain ceuld not take me aboard as I ceuld not produce my fare, and there being an excess of males in the ship's ballronm already, none of the passengers was anxious to help ma. Two years later another ship called at the island ana took me aboard. The captain of this ship had been sent areund thewcr1;1, to collect strange . animals for a big circus company. The circus mane.,,;or had heard of me from one of the tourists and thought I might' be an attract ien in his show. At this time I could not speak a Word. of any language, so the captain put me in the hold with the parrots that I might be texd)t the rudiments of basic English. July, 1964 The Sydney Bushwalker 14. .1.11m….1. At first the captain was very-impressed with the length of my beard, but he soon became greedy and demanded to know why it grew no longer than six feet one and one half inches. I could not tell him because the'only phrases I could utter were “cocky wants a drink” and the first six lines of the Lords Prayer. He camo to the conclusion that I suffered from a hormonic deficiency, and thereafter I was subjected. to an injection of 100 grammes of testosterone daily, cut onions were rubbed into my chin four times a day and I was fed on nothing but goats flesh. Far from having the desired effect this treatment, and in particular I suspect the cut onion massage, made my beard fall out completely and irrevocably. At first it seemed that my circus career was ruined,, and the captain had me cut to half rations, lut then it was decided that the performing horse would like quite well without a tail and my rations and hopes of fame were restored. On reaching America I was put into show business and I was an immediate success. I have married the circus hermaphrodite and we have five children, three and a half boys and one and a half girls. My”bOard” is attached to my upper lip and I have learnt to lift it in a most natural and spontaneous way to allow the ingress of food. I do not approve of people who grow beards for frivolous reasons, but I believe, and everybody with whom I have discussed the matter has agreed, that I am perfectly entitled to grow my beard as, after all, I have been to Bird Is/and. 11 Lil Sweetie Nuggetheart. T - . , 1 it MEANWHILE'. On ancri-bar face: i above +ha valizy -floor, Ftewee con:a0V4011k +,..-s— 1 of the mountain, 720 feqk- 1 …11.1.4.- i— Sb4…. –.,– 3 .1 Carrotnoggin, a mernb ciwomPirP rzr oF f-………… ma the Famous Kzrner- 8, ruka Cheesechornpers, does a 720 Pi-. +i-averse, brealilin he aro for which the. KB ) If are famous, and iV safely belayed by his friend Owl Pipeclay. 7Th/4122…1 1 The Sydney. Bushwalker. . . ari:37-; '1964 - OUR FIRST-TWO YEARS AS:SYDNEY-BUSHIES. Betty.Fargahar-. Just two years? Surely it must be longer, all-the wonderful walks we hve had, ,the beautiful cOuntry-we have spen and the ever- interesting and delightful coMpanyof other S.B.W's-that we have enjoyed. Our family mostly married, Frn,and I mid:noaged (r,unF middle aged we like tothink), that to Jo for an interest cin. limited A glimpse of Paddy Pallin on T.7. giving a talk on btishwalkin6, waS– this what we could do? Hiking? Yes, we called it that 'We had both been interested in walking when we had first met and married. Several outings on our own, limited of course thronc..7,h lack of knowledge, were very enjoyable, the bush was a wonderful place, yes it was a delight, we liked it but how much better with other company? Friendsl of long. standing, relatives, we looked around at them for company. Not interestr)d in walking, some physically not able to attempt bushwalking, several still tied down with families (we were likcky we had ours when we were young) others who preferred the comfort, so they said of doing their sightseeing by car. What about the girl who bought her paper from me each morning, hadn't we seen her with a pack on one Saturday morning hurrying for a train? Edna Garrad, yes she-belonged. to a club – comein she said any Wednesday evening, Reiby Place, S.B.70's. We went that very Wednesday. A wait at the door, nobody taking any real notice of us, Ern stopped a fellow and suddenly we were under the wing of the membership secretary. Papers handed to us ali the club rules etc. being explained to us. That had that girl said? A NAP READING TEST., heavens, I'd never make it. Ed. Garrad arrived, “1:7011, bellow, meet Dick Childs” she said, “Dick, Ern and Betty would like to go on your Sunday walk”, “Delighted, very ple4sed to have you”, said Dick our first club walk all arranged just like that. A.trip to Paddy's for necessary gear, a map, a compass and a couple of Paddy's books. What was it Paddy sPid in his bonk “Bushwalking around Sydney:” most people took one look at a military maD and recoiled in horror, I did just that, noI'd never make tha-test. We read and reread cur paper books and maps, went on as many day walks as possible, we looked and learned, asked questions, met new people, saw new country, it was wonderful. Our -test weekend. What excitmont, did we have onouch food, too much, too many clothes, were we padkedjon heavily. We east furtive glances around at Central no our packs looked the same as everybody's. The new tent reposed in ErnIs pack as yet not unpacked ba:1 weather and overt imo having pretented a-preview pitChirig. Would we be able t6 get it up alright without -looking too green at-the job? I had, had valuable verbal instruction from Edna. Arriving at Era close to tea tine,'we observed the man in front of us collect is first tent pb-lo. some minutes before camp site, we'd ask him for advice, yes he was p1oase4 to help. E2n. French how helpful he was, stoutly-declaring later round the camp fire that we were fooling him surely we had pitched a tent before, what a glow it gave us. July, 1964 The Sydney Bushwalker 16. More interest packed day walks, Wednesday Club evenings always something new, something different, an instructional weekend a source of great information and learning to two very green would be bushwalkers. Then our tests, firstaid, general questions on bush craft and that map reading!! (the examiner would say according to my Ern that my pass if it was one open to debate) Ern, he admits was not much better. However, I am sure we have both since acquired a lot more knowleage onrthe sUbject,of learning, , listening and being hel:ped by other club members. in three months our badges, what a thrill. Our family? well old mum and dad hadn't really gone off the deep end, fancy a S.B.W. badge in only three months? (we of course glossed over the map reading, it wise not to tell kids everything). were they proud one daughter telling all and sundry her ,parents had taken up hitc7ahikinoll We have maCe good friends in our short time as Sydney Bushiea and our lives have been enriched by their company. Such names as Barrington Tops, Era, Burning Palms, Blue Gum, ox 's River and many others mean so much to us now, yes it's really great to be a S.B.T. , FROM JERRICKNORRA TO YADBORO ITIL RENWICK AND THE aSTLE. – Wombat. Snow had been raving about a swapcars trip for ages and at last it was arranged. One group was to drive to Jerricknorra and walk to Yadboro; another was to drive to Yadboro and walk to: Jerricknorra,- and carand owners were to be sorted out at Nova on Sunday night. My job was to drive Dave Balmer, Jim Jellybean and Alan Barclay to Jorricknorra. Alan couldn't get out to Camden till late so after tea on Friday I crawled into the cot for a pretrip snooze'. Immediately the phone jumped off the wall, and there was Dave Balmer saying he was at Campbelltnwn and there was no bUs. Then I had to pick up Alan and Jellybean. By 11 o'clock I was worn out but we set off with the passengers in their fleabags and snoring loudly.-At 2 a m. we reached Braidwood and Dave Balmer woke briefly to tell me it was quickest to go via Mongarlcwe. What a joke! We didn't reach Jerricknorra- till 3 a m. and I fell out of the car and crawled into a fleabag myself. One hour later, at 4 a m. it was sparrow chirp and an enormous mixed flock of galahs and crowd settled on the trees above us anq squawked till the air trembled. They flew off after a while hut then, at 4.30, my passengers, who had been sleeping in the car all night, got up, anal on that vast plain, lit a fire not 6 feet from my head, cooked breakfast, and yak yak yakked. About 9 a m. Snow, Sandra Bardwell, Helen Gray, Heather. Joyce and two new 'members, John and Ric arrived they had been camping on the-Endrick River and we set off. We roared up Jerricknorra Creek and up onto Corang-Plateau. It was a cool clear day with a stiff S.W. breeze, and the views were magnificent. Currockbilly looked a monster. Nobody. climbed Corang Peak but we all went down to see andascramble over the great natural arch. Helen said George had a photo of Corang Peak framed in the arch. ,Jellybean and I weren't going to be outdone so I held his feet while he hung down to the vantage point and then he did the same for me. 17. The Syalloy Dushwalker July, :1964. .AS we walked on we-. could see c: series of 'fires back across_ the plateau. Evidently a grazier was following us with a flame. thrower. It was 'nc i'6'the sort of weather in which it would be easy to start fires. A plague on him and all his kind. We had lunch on the tussock plain and creek at the -foot' of the conglomerate slope and then pushed. on till we reached-the base of Roswaine at about 4 o'clock. Now began a big argument we had arranged to meet the mob led by George Gray walking from Yadtoro, and swap car keys, in the big cave between ROSW.9.1 ne and Fletcher. Snow and Helen wanted to f-T.) out to the and of Renwick first; some of the others, including Rica said they were vrrocked and. they wanted to walk straight around to the cave. In the end we all climbed up the big crack onto Renwick but some 'took their packs and. others Thos;.-_- who hril_Ln't brought their packs scouted around a bit and then went rdown agail-:. while Snow F_.i nd Heather and Helen and John and I trotted off across the swa::::p7 tussock tors to the terrific,..lookout at the end of Renwick. By the time we got back to the crack it was Past sundown. Climbing up the other. side onto Roswaine was a bit 11.7..iry but Snow led the way. The light was failing, rapidly now and we raced across Roswaint.:3' at the (1,-,uble. Even so darkness fell as we reached the other side an,2L,we stumbled the rock slabs, easy in daylight like drunkards. Lhead we could-see a black sawtooth of rock peaks against the. night sky; Helen. said we should go between the second and 'third peaks.- That little maze of valleys and. rocks between Roswaine and Fletcher is tricky but as we stumbled through the darkness we met Digby, who walked from Yadboro,_ and he led us to the cave. The camping cave was full of bodies, Ross Wybc…rn, Mick and. Evelyn, George Gray, Joan Rigy, Joe Gore and. dozens of others, but We squeezed in too and cooked. our tea. Then the ceremonial swapping of car keys took place. was to drive Joe Gore's Puegot He wasn't too happy about the_ idea, but there seemed no alternativc…, He gave me a long lecture on its idiosyncrasies, IIAnd remember“ he said “You're got to pull the starter knob right out”. Ross Wyborn said. that the road on which, the cars were parked didn't come right down to Yadboro Crook, but we would know where to go up because there was a red cow standing in the creek. Next morning we were off, through those fantastic p-,ullies between Irambang. and Pata ird and then around the wombat parade on irambang.. There were beautiful little waterfalls and fern gullies on this section.. The Castle hides itself well from this side; you don't see. it until you are almost on it and then when we clic” roach it we had. trouble in finding a way up. But at last we found a wall worn route up the tail; I'd never been up this way before. -On top we met the President of the Karnerukas, Ted Hartley,, and two girls. And what a fantastic view there is from the top; Talaterang, Pidgeon House, Byangee Walls and Corang are all below you. Only -Curockbilly in the distance is higher. Coming down onto the tail of the Castle again Snow jumped the last - six feet, landed. in a crack, and badly i kranched. his ankel. That a nonR. And no one _0014d find the tunnel through the tail. I poked up one cleft, July, 1904 The Sydney Bushwalker '.18. Helen 011ay pokhd up another, Jim Jellybean scouted around but nothing looka-iossible. We all had lunch and waited for Ted Hartley to *Due us. He'came down off the Castle in time and showed us the way. Tt was a crack we'd tried and rejected; it certainly isn't obvious from this side. It w a tight squeeze. Jim Jellybean wria;led and grunted and swore. that Helen would never Eet through, but by breathing out hard she managed. Snow's angle was swelling now; he was hobbling along on a stick, and he had the main descent of the Castle ahead of him. I decided-to race after Ted Hartley and drive to Nowra to reassure the others that we weren't lost and that they would eventually get their cars back. T temporarily lost the track and decided to drop straight into Oakey Creek. What a bungle. It was a terrific scramble down and once in the creek all I wanted to do was to get out. It was a big mess of waterfalls, thick brush and moss:- boulders. I:followed it down for about two hours an'a then climbed up out onto the ridge. Who should I meet there but Helen, Heather and. Dave Balmer and hop ping along painfully behind poor old Snow. By the tim.3 we reached the Yaaboro it was dark, and our troubles had only just begun. We had to find the cars and we were damned if we could see a red cow. By sheer good fortune we came across some bulldozer tracks and following these up we came to a road and then the cars. I took out the key Joe Gore had given me and tried to open the boot. The key turned easily in the lock but the boot woulan't open. I kicked and struggled for 10 minutes and then suddenly it opened. The door put on the same act but after 20 minutes we were inside the car. The interior lights wouldn't work and I couldn't find the ignition keyhole Then I founa it and pulled out the starter but nothing happened. I handed the starter knob back to Alan in the back seat and he pulled further 4 The car groaned into life and- after spending 15 minutes coaching the headlights into action we drove off for Nowra. Lil Sweetie Nuggetheart. rAREwSL.L.,, SWEET LIE. St4uTS '11Y EYES AND PUCKS MY Li P5 AND KISS 'MEE FOND 19. The Sydney Bushwalker July, 1964 THE WIDEST RANGE OF DOWN SLEEPING BAGS OFFERED IN AUSTRALIA. AND A PRICE TO SUIT EVERY POCKET; from g.6.7.0 to 27.8.0. from “SCOUTER” to “EVEREST” MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT COMPANY The sleeping bag specialists. WEEKENDS AND EVENINGS AT 12 ORTONA ROAD LINDFIELD. 46-1440. there's a FAIRY down sleeping bag to suit your most exacting requirements. NOW MAZE AND SELL UNDER LICENSE A5 USED V' Si OW 16116 LIND PAW Lay =PE ITIONS PLUS THE NiW TERYLENE KY-STU? CANVAS, TAN OR GREEN STAVTWID TANKER MODEL Ca4/17/6. POST FREE. ARSMADE IN 3 POPULAR MODELS K111PrON' S tt cl or RL1T SLEEPING BAGS ARCTIC: FOR SUB-ZERO TEMPERATURS. Cellular type with interior walls - this ensures a complete uribroken cell of Superaown around the sleeper. It is 6'6“ x 30” and is filled with 2i lb. of Superdawn. The price; post free, is E13/13/0. SNOW: Tailored hood - 36“ nickel zi op up c:aest. Circular insert for the feet. Cut 6 x 30” plus hood filled with it lbs, Super- down. 10/7/- or 1.9/9/6 feather dawn filled. Post free. COMBINATION WELT - SLEETING BAG, Can be used 365 days each year as an eiderdown quilt, and If required for a sleeping bag it is folded in haIf and zipped across the bcttom and up the side to make a bag. Two of these zipped together make a double. Superdown filled 11/8/6. Featherdawn 9/9/6.. Post free SLEEPINCI BAG KITS: Make it yourself - all components cut to size. SAVE Li on each of the above models by sewinE: and filling your own bags. Enquiries welcome. ) knit tett J Yeathele 104 j41 B661 PTY. LTD. 5 Budd $t., CollinEwood, Via.