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The Sydney Bushwalker

A Monthly Bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushwalkers, Northcote Building, Reiby Place, Sydney, Postal address : Box 4476,.G.P.O. Sydney.

Editor:Neville Page22 Hayward St, KINGSFORDPh. 34-3536
Business Manager:Bill BurkeCoral Tree Dr, CARLINGFORDPh. 871-1207
Sales & Subs:Alan Pike8 Sunbeam Ave, ENFIELDPh. 747-3983

September, 1967

No. 394, Price: 10 cents

In this Month's Magazine

EditorialPage 2
The August General MeetingJ. BrownPage 3
Anecdotes of a Central Australian BushwalkF. RigbyPage 5
ObserverPage 8
ObituaryPage 9
Socially SpeakingO. MarksPage 11
Fortieth AnniversaryB. HarveyPage 12
Mt. KellyD.R.M.L. & J.Page 13
Sunday WalksWalks Sec.Page 17
Brain TeaserPage 18
Book ReviewPage 18
S.B.W. Crossword No. 1Page 19
Church Greek TripPage 20
From Your Librarian

Page 2. THE SYDNEY BUSH7ALKER September, 1967.



The month just gone as been far from a happy one in many respects. We have witnessed what has probably been the most disastrous weekend in Bushwalking history when three persons lost their lives, one a Boy Scout who perished from exhaustion and exposure at Kanangra, and two girls who were drowned in the Meg along Valley. The fact that they were not all members of a recognised Bushwalking club should not make us complacent. Following only two weeks afterwards, a walker in one of our own parties was injured When she slipped on some wet rock and fell to the bottom of a cliff. A helicopter was required to lift her out of the Megalong Valley.

There is no point in discussing whether these accidents could have been avoided it is too late. That can be done though, and I think it is our duty to do, is to ensure that the risk of an accident is at a minimum. Good treads on boots and walking shoes would be a number one aspect of safe walking, yet how many of us would wear them beyond the limits of safety. We all know that a firstaid kit is an essential part of every Bushwalkers gear, but I wonder how many go away every weekend without even a BandAid in the pack. We should be ospeoially concerned with the way prospective members, particularly those who have done no walking before at all, and visitors, are equipped. We should be aware of these things before we start. Ninetenths of the time it is only commonsense which is require-1 to avoid an accident. If a party is stranded (by floodwaters or fire) they should realise that they can live, if necessary, for more than a week without food as long as they have water. Panic is our worst enemy. Whilst on this subject it would be opportune to mention the invaluabl'e work done by the Federation Search ad Rescue Organisation. On the weekend that the Cox was-in flood, seven seperate parties became stranded and as a result were overdue. Volunteer searchers and organisers worked continuously. from Saturday, and by the following Wednesday all parties had been located. Many of the personnel concerned got very little sleep in that time. S & R could do with a lot more support from S.B.T, members. Remember next time it may be you who is needing help.

If the present pattern: of-. intake to the. Club continues question amongst, male prospectiveS will :seen. be “Shall we- fein the ladies? - and August was no exception., with Helen Breakwell and Dorothy Noble as the latest recruits., - Arising out' of the July, minutes: caffe a 'challenge to the claim that

' Lord Howe Island boasted a 3000. ftJi-Waterfall ff Mt"	Since' the top of the peak is 'given on maps as 2810 ' ft Phil BUtt could. not swallow it - I don- blame him.

In Correspondence ib was mentdoned that two proposed constitutIonal amendments were coming ap. in September, a journalist Ian Thompson had requested information on the ClTlb for' article he Tas writing for “7alkabout”, and. the Director of the National Parks ana Seryico had accepted an invitation to address the Club, The letter to the Tasmanian Select Committee looking into hydro-3ectrio development which would flood Lake Fodder had been sent and an acknowledgment received. Enquiries about the journalist elicited that ho was cont.cting a number of clubs9 and Committee was sending him the details sought, , The Treasurer made a dual report acveing Juno and July, and Indicating a closing bal.:J.1'1/3e' of $519 in the Ciubs working account, . On Social activities the Music 'Hall evening yielded a profi.t but sore outlay d boon incurred in the 11:us:mi.:LT night), leaving g favourable end result of 317,, Frank Ashdown opined that the Social Secretary nshould not have parted with the money', The lifaIks Report was a sorry account of no starters” “ no report received”. However there were seven people on Geoff 1,TI00d's Ft. Solitary walk, and 25 attended the Instructional -Talk on jorrieknorra (“Og Tog) Creek9_ despite petrol shortage troubles which had people toting gas in every-bhin.g from water bottles to 44-gallcn drums, Seventeen went on Bill Mimi's Snow instructional and 26 on David Ingram's day walk of 30th July Federation eport relat.6d to the ” dual mooting“ Which normally forms the Federation Annual metingl the usual monthly 'business included advice of an Orienteering competition to bc held on 2nd September, the views of Bouddi Park Trust on a, proposal to extract sand for glass manufacture, and news of a final bid by petition to save the Church Greek limestone country,: At the Annual Meetingit ;was Stated 26 affiliatedy no financial statevionts were presonted,:the fees .were sot at the same rate as in the previous year (10 cents per member), and in the election Bill Moore became President, The S-&'ROrganising Committee was discussed, and a group of five appointed, Field Officer, his deputy, the Secretary, Cliff Rescue, and Medical Officers. Some discussion followed on the desirability of pressing for the issue of financial reports and their distribution to affiliated Clubs. Gordon Redmond said the statements would probably be available at the August meeting: if not, the whole question would be aired again.

In a special announcement about the 40th. Anniversary Celebrations it was reported that about 200 bookings had been made for the dinner, and the site chosen for the camp, on a suggestion by Honorary member Roy Bennett, was on private land in the Cattai Creek area, The locality was given a very favourable report. Owen Marks assumed the role of Transport Organiser and we learned that Dorothy Lawry would be flitting over from New Zealand especially for the occasion.

Opening General Business high waterfalls took another thumping. Those over 500 ft. in Australia appeared to be Kanangra, Tallamumbi, Tully, Ellehborough and Tomat, with Govett's Leap at 527 ft. holding prida of place. ralf Hilder announced an excellent guide book to the New England Plateau area produced by the University at Armidale, and spoke of maps covering the Goulburn Valley (Upper Hunter) area now due for release. The price of 50 cents was likely to rise to 75 cents, he told us. A two column sheet Oberon South, covering the Upper Kowmung, may be available soon. David Ingram mentioned a comment that the recent Instructional weekend in the Tog 7og area had been attended by a good many members, but a prospective had been unable to get accoMmodation in a car: he asked that Committee enquire into this. Frank Ashdown put the point of view that if an Instructional weekend involved travel by private transport, prospectives should have a priority. To wind up there 4i6re the “announcements”, including Owen Mark's advice of a Theatre Party to see Strindbarg's “Dance of Death” on 21st. September. Owing to the length of the performance, it commences early, and a meal is included. The library was reported to be a going concern under the management of Ivy Painter, opening each rrednesday from 7.15 to 8 p.m., With books at 10 cents per fortnight and magazines at 5 cents. Then, with a volunteering of the old brigade to serve again as Room Stewards, we were off the off at about 9.15 p.m.

QUOTABLE QUOTE —– A witty comrade at your side, To walk's as easy as to ride. Publilius Syrus.

Anecdotes of a Central Australian Bushwalk

by Frank Rigby

Back in Map-June, Joan and I went walking in the western MacDonnell Ranges of Central Australia. Although somewhat experimental, it was a success and we thoroughly enjoyed the two weeks' adventure; but instead of describing the trip from beginning to end, let me just give you a few anecdotes as I remember them. Some could arise from any long bushwaik but a few are peculiar to the Centre. The situations which develop when bushwalkers and orthodox tourists get mixed together are old hate yell, there we were on the coach travelling from Alice Spri/os to Ormiston Gorge for the tourists it was a oneday jaunt, but we were going bush for a fortnight. They had nothing more than a camera apiece while we were burdened with two rucksacks and three fourgallon tins of food. This in itself was enough to provoke some questioning looks, but it wasn't until the driver stopped to enable us to place our first food dump that the fun started. They watched unbeliev- ingly as the two oddballs (and one a woman at that!) carried off this mysterious thing wrapped in brown paper, hid it among the branching trunks of a river gum, and then returned emptyhanded. From then on we had to confess all our sins. A sample of the questions and statements could go like this: “You're surely not going to walk in this country?” “How will you ever find Alice Springs again?” “We've brought water from Alice. What are you going to drink for the next two weeks?” “you will perish from the cold at nights.” “What do you eat? Won't your food go bad?” Etc. etc. Talking.of food dumps. it's a small world, even in the Centre. l'Te placed our aecond dump at Ellery Creek, some hundreds of yards from the road. We felt that in such a place it would be safe for a hundred years. Returning a week later, we found to our concern that the Department of Works had moved in for road repairs. To get access to filling they had bulldozed a new road within twenty feet of our precious tucker l It was a close call. When is Central Australian fly time? In winter we reckoned it to be from about 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Much to our, relief, they didn't put on a show at all in the early morning, and generally speaking the great Australian outback pest didn't prove too bothersome. In fact, at times when we were on the track, we wondered where they were hiding; that is, until we decided to stop for lunch. As soon as the food came out, they homed in from everywhere and nowhere. Decoys were useless their only interest was whatever you were about to put in your mouth; the salmon tin placed at a distance didn't even draw a single fly.

Photography can be terribly trying at times. On the south summit of Mt. Sonder, Joan discovered just what she'd been looking for a bush which grew a particularly attractive flower and this one was the very best specimen we had come across, Te must have a close-up pictures It would have been simple except that our prize was sarrounded by an ant bed sporting some most ferocious looking ants. Just at the precise moment when the shutter should have clicked, an ant found its mark on the photographer with a vengeance. There follotea one or two unprintable words and.a,hurried retreat, and of course no picture. 7ell, you must try again._The'flower was just nicely in focus for the second time when the wind came up - Of-adlif'ge it's suicide to stay in such a place waiting for the wind to drop.The whole business became something of an ordeal but feminine staying power was at last rewarded. Thank goodness this story has a happy ending - Joan was quite proud of.the result You find some queer things on mountain tops. On the summit of Sonder we found one boot, a Peer Gynt Suite.grmophone record and an entry in the book for “Christmas Eve and Christmas Day”. I wondered about that boot; how did the owner descend the mountain with one boot on, and one boot off? Or did he do it completely barefoot - with all that spinifex too? We heard the Peer Gyntsrt,ory later. It seems this fellow had two great loves in his life - the Peer Gynt Suite and 1,1t Sender, so he decided to marry the two. Somehow he humped a record player up the mountain so that he could hear his beloved music on his beloved_ mountain,. Hmmm, understandable I suppose. No doubt he then made a ceremonial sacrifice ef the record to the mountain. Most creek boas in the MaoDonnell Ranges are very useful. Quite often they are the best walking routes, invariably the best place to light a fire, an excellent source of driftwood, useful for lunching and sometimes the only reasonable spot to pitch a tent, The one thing they are quite useless' for is a source of water. However, if you camp in a creek bed, keep a weather eye open, even in dry Central Australia…, Like the niLht we spent in a narrow valley in the Chewings Range, back of Standley Chasm. Te had. basked in the sunshine of a week of cloudless skies. That night, as usual, the stars shone with that special brilliance that belongs only to the Centre, and once aguin we admired them, Later, as we lazed around the campfire after dinner, the conversation went something like this Joan g “There's the Southern Cross? Me s “You know darned well where it is Joan: ”'ell, -there is it? You find it.” Me: “Stop joking, will you.”. Anyway, I looked up at the sky. That's funny, Where is the Southern Cross? Must be the smoke in my eyes, I thought..I rubbed them and moved away but there was still no Cross. nfact, there were no stars at all.. Ten we came to our senses, we realised that the whole sky had clouded over in less than ten minutes - low scudding clouds with a hint of menace now galvanised us*into action. Our'plarre for'the creek'bed were abandonedj–. instead we burnt but a couple of Spinifex Clumps on higher ground and put up the tent. P.S. It rained that night. Fortunately, the birds have made a wonderful comeback in the Centre since the devastating drought of 1958-66. Most prolific are the budgerigars. At Ormiston Gorge, one could feel the air vibrate with the beat of countless wings as the early morning flights soared up and out of the gorge. Te used to call them Flight 1, Flight 2, etc:, they seemed .so regular. If you have seen the brilliant green flash of sunlit wings against red rock faces, then you have seen beauty that yot7 will never forgot; and you will never be able to look at a budgerigar in a cage again. One day we were tramping up a valley and there ahead of us was an old, dead mulgar tree, its branches bare and stark. Just then a large flock of budgies settled on that poor old tree. Quite suddenly, it seemed the tree had come alive, as if by the tovah of 'a magic wand, causing the green shoots to burst forth in one splendid .explosion. I counted eighteen budgies on one small branch: I would think .there might have been upwards of two hundred birds on that single tree. Have yov ever been woken in the early morning by the notes of the butcher bird? Surely there is no more pleasant way to face a new day: Not so charming were three crows who followed us everYwhere. I don't imagine they were the same three crows, but there were always three: In a land where tragedies have occurred through lack of water, the thought of three crows dogging you in anticipation of a meal can be a little chilling: Talking of hazards, there are some cattle around the ranges. Just how hazardous they are is a moot point, but on the way out from Alice our driver told us a tale (and I wish he hadn't in a way) of a stockman who had been bailed up a tree for several hours by a wild bullock in unfrequented country, Naturally, every time we saw a cow we feared the worst and it is remarkable how at such times there is never a climbable tree in sight. “e are still alive. Much ado about nothing. I was awakened one night by a rustling noise, quite loud in my earthvaris ear. SOMETHING was under the groundsheet. If I moved, the noise would stop, but only to start up again. At that hour when rationality (and courage) fly out into the black of the night, one starts to imagine all sorts of horrible things. Unashamedly I woke Joan and with a torch on the job we osttiously folded back the groundsheet, ready to do battle with the intruder. That a surprises A tiny frog, apparently eager for company, peered back at us with two big innocent eyes. Billy baths are a bit of an ordeal, but well worth it. After about four days, it becomes difficult to live with oneself and it is time to do something about it. The contrast between “before” and “after” is so astonishing that billy baths, at least in retrospect, became one of the Page 8. THE SYD1tEr BUSH”TALKER ember,. 1967. sweet experiences of a long suppose it's sOMething akin to that. .; idea of “pleasure being the cessation of pain”. “This time, lot's bed dawn where we'll got the early morning sun”, said Joan, “I think this spot should be just about right.” Fahcying myself as a pretty smart sunrise surveyor, I went into some abstruse calculations and had to contradict her. “No, we would be right in the shadow of that big gum.” I reckoned. “Over here is the place,” Unfortunately my science won out. 'raking to the sunless chill of a very cold morning, we found ourselves right in the shadow of the big gum; the spot Joan had selected was, of course, bathed in the warm rays of the rising, sun. It seems that a man can't win. Even privations can have their pleasures. For our sidetrip to Mt. Sander we expected to be without water for possibly two whole days. This is no joke when you're walking hard and climbing mountains in such a dry (although generally not hot in winter) climate. Every drop must count, 7re carried six pints from Ormiston Gorge and managed the first day's walking without yielding to the temptation to drink. After making camp, we carefully measured out our precious water for a brew of tea. And what a brew it was: I have never enjoyed tea so much in all my life. By comparison, tea at home is only a habit out there I enjoyed the pleasure of every sip. Then there was the can of boysenberries we opened fnr lunch on Sonder's summit. After a stiff dry, fourhour climb, every single berry, every drcp of syrup was nectar of the gods I had not realised such beautiful things existed, least of all in a tin cm. As with most other things, we lose our true appreciation of food and water when they are always on tap and when we can satiate our appetities. rhat's that line from Banjo Patterson, something like: ……pleasures that the townsfolk never know.” It was the end of the trip. 'e came into Standley Chasm the back way after days in the wilderness and ran slapbang into tourists. One lady. looked sympathetically at Joan and gushed out “You poor woman!” At the same time she gave me a withering look as if it was all my fault that my mate was rather grubby and had to carry a big pack. And on this whimsiCal (to us) note, we ended a colourful two weeks in the HacDonnell Ranges.


Unfortunately Observer's column does not appear in this month's magazine due to the fact that he is recuperating after being clouted by an enraged reader. We hope that he is soon well on the way to recovery.


It is our sad duty this month to record the passing of Mr. Perce Harvey, brother of Club Member Brian Harvey, and onetime Club Member himself.

Perce joined the Club in April of 1936, after interest engendered from the popular Sunday walks, subsequent to trips to Blue Gum Forest, down the Cox, and the Dogs. He was very active in the following years, with vacational trips on the 7ollondilly and out to Kanangra before the road was made. One of his favourite Meccas was Carlons' homestead, which he used as a base for many trips in the surrounding country. He was a keen exponent of the blackandwhite photography and had his work published in the Kodak magazine. Increasing pressure of work with the advent of the Tar forced him to reduce his activities but he resorted to some car camping later. Deterioration in health did not permit him to resume walking. Nevertheless, he was still very interested in wild life and conservation. He retired from work three years ago and in the intervening period suffered poor health. More recently we saw him down at Ye Olde Crusty Taverne for luncheon on Monthly General Meeting days with some of his old walking associates. He was greatly looking forward to attending our Reunion Dinner on 20th0 October, but that was not to be. He fell gravely ill on 28th0 July and passed away on 12th. August. He left a

LATE NEWS's - Just to hand is the news that on 3rd September Club member Mr. Wilfred Chambers passed away aged 74 years. He was a very active member of the Club in days gone by, and a regular subscriber to the Club magazine. To his wife, relatives and other friends, we offer sincere sympathy.

Everyone who goes Bushwalking or Camping knows of the chances they have to take with the weather. Now and again along comes some really bad. weather and very often just when you are least prepared.

For this sort of emergency, or trips in tough places, Paddy has turned out a “Blvvie” Bag. These cable in proofed nylon or plastic film and are large enough for you and your sleeping bag to it into:and give,that vital . extra warMth and protection that can.mean.the e.ifference between a comfortable-nightls rest and a miserable one. Nylon : $7.65 Plastic : 75 c. More good news for walkers, Just out is'the latest edition of Bushwalking and Camping“ brought completely,up to date for today's Bushwalkere 75 cents, or 80 cents posted. PADDY PAILIN PTY. LTD. 109a Bathurst St., SYDNEY 117'41\ PADDY PALL!. .1Z. Lightweight Comp Gear BM2c,F5. r- p

Socially Speaking

by Owen Marks

Just a few introductory words on the Federation Ball last Friday night. It was a great success, and the twenty Bushwalkers representing S.B.W. certainly kept up the pace, no one leaving before 2am. Michael Brown had some trouble when he became afflicted by an attack of hiccups, though he quickly cured himself by gargling champagne. Honours though, must definitely go to our beloved President, Frank Rigby, who was the gay young blade of the party, (it must be that beard. I think)..

Last month in the Club room we were all entertained by our film star member John Worrall doing his stunt: 300 foot vertical cliffs and our handsome hero dangling on the end of a rope. In the same vein, the Police Rescue Squad talk was very informative. This talk was an appetiser for Ray Tyson's talk next month (18th Oct). The annual slide competition only just managed to get off the ground due to a lack of slides. It seems that there are less cameras on walks these days, and slides appear to be going out of vogue (a good thing maybe?). Peter Lanigan, my old mate, won the prize of a rare '67 muscat.

There are three social events this coming month:

20th September A lecture on the Snowy Mountains by the Publicity Officer from the S.M.A. I am not quite sure what aspect the lecturer will introduce to us, but I just hope we don't have too many of those diabolical diagrams, with multicoloured water flows and levels. I can't make head nor tail of them.
21st SeptemberMy. Theatre Party at the Independent Theatre - Strindberg's “Dance of Death”. It is a very long play (4 hours) so it commences at 6.30 p.m. and dinner (2 hot courses and sherry) will be served during interval. The price is $2.50 each (this includes the dinner), a saving of $1.009 and you are cordially invited.
27th SeptemberFour films on Israel will be screened. Three of them deal with water conservation and usage, and desert cultivation in the Negev Desert. The fourth film is a tourist type film on the sights to be seen in Israel.

Fortieth Anniversary Celebrations

A progress report on proceedings from our Birthday Convener, Brian Harvey.

Only a few unsold tickets remain for the Dinner and Social Reunion at Ye Olde Crusty Taverne on 20th October. To delay is dangerous. Book now by telephoning our Social Secretary Owen Marks, home telephone number 30-1827, or Brian Harvey, home number 48.1462, business number 41-8880. The tickets have been specially prepared so that the reverse side can be used for autographs, for which a number of the old hands have expressed a wish. The tickets therefore, are not required to be handed in on arrival but those who have booked will be presented with a lapel name shield, prepared in advance. The shield will bear a number on the back - this could be lucky when the number is drawn from the hat during the evening!

Cocktails will be served on arrival “on the house” from 6.30 to 7 p.m. when members will be invited to have dinner commencing with a hot entree, and then to serve themselves from Ye Longe Bearde - an amply laid out smorgasborde of a wide range of cold meats and salads, to which you may return for a second helping. You then have a choice of two sweets, and collect coffee, with thick cream if desired. We recommend your meal be accompanied by a wine of your choice, but for those with other tastes, fruit cocktails and the like are available.

Members have a complete choice of tables at which to sit during the dinner, after which we hope they will circulate in cocktail party fashion for the rest of the evening until 10 p.m., reuning with their friends and meeting the old hands, who have booked in strong force. A piano accordionist will be there to play request numbers and lead singing, although we believe from past experience at Ye Olde Crusty, the result will be spontaneous. We know why.

The Reunion Camp

Members have received circulars containing full details of the camp for the weekend of 2ist/22nd October. We make a correction to a typographical error in the circular. For “years” read “800 yards”. (This was created to test your ingenuity!). It is not the intention to publish details here as we have been accorded a great privilege in receiving permission to camp on this private property when many others have met with a declinature. In this way we can respect the owner's rights and privacy. However, if any past member requires the necessary location details, please telephone the abovementioned and a copy will be posted. We do want names of volunteers for camp preparation on the weekend before so that the function will produce the most enjoyment and convenience for those attending. Those prepared to render campfire entertainment items should contact Edna Gentle as soon as possible.

We have just landed a range of woollen garments for walkers and climbers:- Thick WOOL SHIRTS by Kaiapoi, N.Z. Norwegian style WOOL MITTS and BALACLAVAS. Also PULLOVERS AND CARDIGANS designed specifically for cold, wet weather. These are made from coarse greasy wool in - natural colours and are a 'MUST' for winter and Christmas trips. Don't forget too, that we have big stocks 'of MILLERS ROPES at special club prices, Also just arrived are OILED JAPARA OVER- TROUSERS and the revolutionary BEAR SPACE BLANKET. NOW OPEN ALL SATURDAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. TUESDAY & THURSDAY EVENINGS 7.30 p.m. - 10 p.m. 4.14;41, 0 MOUNT STREET NORTH SYDNEY N.SX. M T IN EQUIPMENT COMPANY Page 14. TI SYDIL6I BUSH7ALICER. September, 1967, MT. KELLY Dot Butler Ross Wyborn , Jerry Sinzig Maggie Dogteram Lynn Drummond. Sittin' in the Chinese cafe at Goulburn, Despatching Chinese food to our belly, Suddenly the thought came into our heads That we ought to write up our trip to Mt. Kelly. Yippi-i-ay, Yippi-i-ay, Yippi-i-ay for the snows of Kelly! Granite boulders, swamps and slush. YiPpi-i-ay for the snows of Kelly!. .. . … “I have a biro,” says Maggie, “but where's some paper to write on? Let's ask the waiter.” “Certainly,” says the Chinese waiter, eager to be of service, “Black pepper or white pepper?” “Neither,” says Dot in her best English accent, “Writing peppahl” The waiter retreats into the kitchen and reappears with a large sheet of (transparent greaseproof) writing paper. “Make it sound good,” says Rosso, “so that Donnie the Sparrow will be sorry he didn't come. I don't know what's come over the lad; fancy going on a moon-watching cetbemony,when he could have cane on a mighty trip like we've just done.” We shovel down another mouthful of rice, pen poised above the greaseproof paper. “Begin at the beginning,” says Rosso, “so's you'll get your facts right.” Right! About 8 p.m. (:;12 Friday night the five of us left from Bankstown in Jerry's car, and about 1 or 2 a.m. we piled out at the homestead gate at Gudgeriby and prospected. round for a campsite. Dot favours high bivvies. She sells the idea of getting above the river flat with its daMp mistd and frost, so the party climbs a few hundred feet up a bouldery hillside and bed down. Ross and. Margaret are soon dead to the world among their own private heap of boulders. The other three share a bit of flat ground under snag gums. Jerry produces an occasional .snore; Lynn gives an orchestral performance as on a muted Wurlitzer organ; Dot heaps black curses upon their unconscious forms but can't overcame her state of inertia to move out of earshot. September, 1967. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 15. No watch in the party of course0 we get up two hours after bull call. Says Rosso, “Now put this down: At dawn, there was the leader trying to whip the party into action,…” (Not likely: He was still in his fleabag when the rest had finished breakfast). At last we got the leader up and away. As we passed the homestead we exchanged a greeting with a lass who was scattering food scraps on the grass for a great flock of excited currawongs. We walked a couple of miles through golden paddock grass where small flocks of kangaroos were feeding along with the fine conditioned cattle. Pink and grey galahs were feeding on the ground with black currawongs, and one white cockatoo bustled among them like an overseer. Ducks rose from the swampy river flats at our approach and a scarlet breasted robin performed his little fluttery dance on a fence post. rie approached the wooded hills through a ringbarked forest of snow gums, hopping and skipping over a great scattering of dead fallen branches. We came to a ridge flanked on either side by creeks bright with snow Rater picked up from wild places in the Alps. Rosso decided in favour of the ridge, which led in the general direction of Mt. Kelly, so we crossed Middle Creek, and the up, up, UP progression began. Te-stopped for lunch on a flat area where Jerry was delighted to find that all the trees bore a coating of lichen on the south side, just like he'd heard about but never seen 'before. Then away we go again. Soon we come to the first snow and stop to put our boots on. “Eh, aren't we glad we didn't decide it was a sandshoe trip,” says someone as we plug through the ankle deep snow. Soon we leave the treeline. The ridge now consists mainly of huge granite boulders, well plastered with :snow. Our prospective, Lynn, with the short legs arid large pack, plugs manfully upwards. “Don't forget you're going to ask for this to be counted as a Test Walk for me Ross.” “It sure is a test walk,” says the leader, clambering over the mountain's knobbly backbone. He is going like a threshing machine* Soon Lynn is left behind. Now she is stranded on a granite boulder twen-by feet high, wondering what to do next. “Jump”, says Jerry, kneedeep in snow covered bushes below. “With heavy boots you always land feet first.” From the top of our ridge (unnamed on the map, so we called it Nobbler's Knob) we could see Kelly ahead, spotted with snow patches, but down in the valley below was a mighty grassy campsite, so we voted Kelly as the objective for tomorrow rather than this afternoon and headed down. There was much sliding and glissading among the snow gums and verglassed granite boulders, till at length we reached the creek. Page 16, T1* SYDIVEY-BILTSHilALIMR - September., 1967.. It didn't take long to agree on .the perfect campsite. And now to put up the tents. “Pitch her low aud. wide,” say. d Dot. “We've got three to fit in.” “Pitch her high,” says Jerry, “That if it snows tonight?” The tent sighs in the night wind, lamenting the uncertainty of the situation. The sky has clouded over, which brings forth the remark that Owen Marks' moonwatching ceremony this same night might be all ceremony and no moon. As daylight fades the mountains wrap themselves in a sheet of mist, which soon appears to be doing peculiar things. We can't decide whether it's raining or snowing higher up. Ah well, off to bed to make up for a late night last night, and see what tomorrow brings forth. We had compromised by pitching the tent neither high nor low, but it was not steep enough. It snowed in the night; the snow built up on the roof and caused it to sag ominously. Large Jerry slept snug and dry down the centre. You would have thought he would have been happy, but No; as,the two small femmes on the outer felt the clammy japara coming in contipt wi-th their sleeping bags they shrank away from the sides towards the middle,, arid' poor Jerry, not wishing to put his feet in someone's face, spent an anxious night wishing he could stretch out his legs. Next morning, while the leader gave orders from the shelter of his . tent, the three from the other tent spent -an iriterminable time fanning and blowing and gently wooing an unwilling fire. When at long last it was going, Ross deigned to get up and cook his breakfast. Soon we were off for the 1,400 ft. climb to the top of Mt. Kelly, with NO PACKS! There were no problems as the mountain is not particularly steep, and before long we were enjoying the view from the top; the beautiful vistas of unsullied snowfiolds, granite outcrops and snowgums, and in the distance . the Main Range at Kosciusko gloaming in the sun. But now we must be on our way. A glorious run. dawn. “Downhill Bush- walking is always best,” says Maggie - figures flitting through the trees, dawn to the marshy creek bed and the tents. We ate lunch, took down the . dried out tentsvand then. off on our way dawn valley, keeping up a bit out of the creek bed and undergrowth: wallaby tracks, and later on cattle tracks, made for easy going. Now comes the ring barked forest and then the :cleared land. Very pleasant walking in the late afternoon sunlight, a-lyre-birds strong vibrant call sounding from the forest thicket. 71e went off at a tangent over the paddocks so that we could. get al_ast long-distance view of snow-capped Kelly which Jerry wanted 'to photogiaph. This detour meant that we found ourselves cut Off from the'homebtead -paddock -by .a reedy swamp. Page 17. THE SYDNEY BUSFqLKER Page 17. “All or nothing,” says RossO, Remember we have to make this as difficult as possible to make it a test walk for Lynn.” So we pick our way gingerly at first -jumping from tussock to tussock through the mud, but at last, thoroughly wet, we abandon care and just plough through the mud and cold water, A flock of crows flap overhead, jeering at our plight. Back at our homestead Maggie says a last farewell to the two beautifgl horses, Jerry revs up the car and we're away, first stop Goulb.grn for a Chinese meal. That's where we entered the story and that's where we'll,leave it, singing, Yippiiay, Yippiiay for tha snows of Kelly. * .. SUNDAY TALKS FOR THE COMING MONTH. Talks Sec.…….1.1……1.11.11/10111,11,1414.,W1.30.44.1111111410114..11111,6,111011011. -,1211114,71.111,1.4.111,…,1,11%. 17TH. SEPTEMBER. Spring is in the air, and the wildflowers in Kuringai Chase should putting on a good show for this Sunday walk to be led by Gladys Roberts from the Sphinx down to Cowan Creek along the horse trail, and from there to Mt. Kuringai, passing through Bobbin Head. It is a very pleasant and easy 8 miles. The map is the Broken Bay 0.S. Electric train leaves Central at 910 a.-12a for Turramurra, where transport to the Sphinx will be by bus. Tickets should be purchased to Et. Kuringai return in order to take advantage of excursion rates. 24TH. SEPTEMBER. Prospectives wanting to do a day test walk should mark down this one of Jim Calloway's, 7y) route is Royal National Park, Winifred Falls, Deer Pool and Bundeena, I assume that the ferry will then transport walkers back to Cronulla. Catch the 8.20 a.m, electric train from Central and change to the rail motor at Sutherland. Map: Port Hacking Tourist. Grading: 10 miles medium TEST “WALK. -Leader: Jim Calloway who can be contacted on 2-0961 3077 between the hours of 9 and 11 p.m 1ST. OCTOBER. No Sunday walk scheduled. 8TH. OCTOBER. David Ingram is going north to Tondabyne. From there he intends walking to Kariong trig, Lyre trig. and Koolewong. This T77 '%I7 '271 ' is Gosford Military. Train is 8.30 a.m country train from Central. Tickets return to Koolewong, Leader David Ingram telephone number 635-7733 (during business hours). Page 18. TI. BUSHWALEER September, 197. BRAINTEASER. Answer to last month's brain teaser: Berry gave the wren to Holly, and received the holly from Finch, Finch gave the holly to Berry and received the berry from Gold, Gold gave the berry. to Finch and received the finch from wren, Holly gave the gold to Wren, and received the wren from Berry, while Wren gave Gold the finch receiving from the gold. Sounds complicated doesn't it! If you had ago at solving it you'll know that it fact it was complicated. This month's BRAINTEASER. Three Bushwaikes went away on a trip, and as it turned out, they wore away from civilization for a total of 17 days. Their names were Peter, Owen and Bartholomew. Unfortunately Peter had forgotten to bring along any soap. Because the problem associated with remaining unwashed for such a long time was bound to arise, Bartholomew lent his cake of soap to Peter, and shared Owen's. Later on Owen and Bartholomew swapped their cake of soap with Peter. At the end of the trip Owen and Bartholomew had a quarter of a cake left, while Peter had a third of a cake left, Each person used the same amount of soap per day. The question is, when did Owen and Bartholomew exchange cakes with Peter. If that's top much for you, try this: Insert one letter 13 times to make sense pf this. HEHATOAETHEAETOFRIITERETATE. Answers to both of these problems in next month's magazine. BOOK REVIEW Reviews Editor. “Bushwalking and Camping Paddy Pallin's HanEbook on Australian Bushcraft” 75 cents. Recently released is the seventh edition of Paddy Pallin's little green bk..ok which most Bushwalkers will have seen at some time or other. This booklet was first published in 1933 and apparently is still in demand. It certainly deserves any fame it has acquired, being a goldmine'of information and tips on walking, camping, canoeing, climbing, caving, and all the other things of an outdoor nature.. This new edition has been rewritten in parts, as well as being rearranged into what seems a more clear cut ordei.. Compared: with the previous edition i it is about the same size (82 pages as against the old 76). One pleasing new feature is the addition of an alphabetical index in the back, making for easier location of relevant chapters. The book deals with everything the new Bushwaiker would want to know about this sport, including what to wear, ' September, 1967. THE SYDNEY BUSH7ALKER Page 19. what to eat, what to carry etc. The booklet is also jampacked with hints and those little things which seem unimportant, but which can make the world of a difference like how to fold a map, how to make a damper, or how to waterproof a tent. All these things add up to what is invaluable knowledge. The section on ski touring, a relatively new aspect of outdoor sport, has been completely rewritten and enlarged, obviously reflecting newer techniques etc. It is pleasing also to see that the thoughtful little comments interspersed throughout the book haVe not been deleted from the new edition. For example “Take care of the ounces and the pounds will take care of themselves” and “A nick in the back of your knife near the point enables you to lift hot billies off the fire easily” and “Let no one say, and say it to your shame, All was beauty here before you came.” To sum up, this is necessary reading to every now Bushwalker, to be reaq not”only for pleasure, but as he or she would read a textbook. For experienced Bushwalkers who haven't yet read the book, I guarantee you would learn something you didn't know before by having a glance at it. At 75 cents9. excellent value; * CROSSWORD NCI. 1. N.P. 1 SOLUTION NEXT MONTH CLUESs 1. Levelled withstone. 2: Gift of the…. 3. FroliCksame. 44 Comes from Judaea. 5. Test. 6. Australian river. 7. ….. general meeting.T6 complete the crossword you require 26 letters of the alphabet/ each being uded once only This is an easy one; next month's will be harder. Page 20. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER September, 1987. . . CkdRCH CREEK TRIP There are you going for Labour Day weekend, September 29th., 30th., October 1st. and 2nd.? Let me tell you about my walk in the Church Creek area. At Church Creek there are outstanding limestone formations Whose'beauty and sanctity are threatened by the controversial mining leases granted by thp Government to a local cement company. Despite a spirited fight by conservationists, it looks as if the cement company is going to win; so this may be our last chance to see these unique formations unmarred by the horrible mess that must surely, before long, develop in the area The walk also takes in a beautiful stretch of the Kowmung River on which it is hoped to make two camps, and Mt. Colong with its magnificent views. At twenty miles over three days, it should be a fairly leisurely affair with plenty of time for explorations and pbotography at Church Creek. For further details, refer to the Walks Programme. It is hoped to provide transport for all who wish to come and I would like to hear from both carowners and nonowners as early as possible (Preferably ten days in advance) so that proper arrangements can be made. ….Frank Rigby. * FROM IMUR LIBRARIAN _ You are reminded that your library is now open from 7.15 P.m. to 8.15 p.m. on all Club nights. The Committee has approved the reduction of fees to 5 cents to cover all publications for a lending period of two weeks. Inspect your library next time you are in. There are typed lists of all books available. These books. cover varied topics of particular interest to Bushwalkers. Prospectivps will find the instructional books most helpful. Your Librarian is here to help you and will appreciate suggestions and information regarding the type of literature you prefer. * OCTOBER MAGAZ= Articles and contributions for the Fortieth Anniversary issue of the S.B.T. Magazine ars still required (urgently). The Editor would be very pleased to hear from you if you have any ideas. THIS MONTF!S CONTRIBUTORS The Editor .wishes to thank the following contributors to this month's magazine: Jim Brown, Frank Rigby Brian ,Hary.ey, Oweh Marks, Dot Butler, Ross'Wyborn,'Jerry Sinzig, Lynn Drnmmond, Margaret Dogterom, Ivy Painter.

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