A Monthly Bulletin ef matters of interest to the Sydney,Bushwalkers, Northcote Building, Reiby Place, Sydney. Postal address : Box 4476, G.P.O. Sydney.
EDITOR: Neville Page; 22 Hayward St., KINGSFORD, Ph. 34-3536. BUSINESS MANAGER: Bill Burke, Coral Tree Drive, CARLINGFORD, 871-1207. SALES & SUBS.: Alan Pike, 8 Sunbeam Ave., ENFIELD, Pb. 747-3983.
10 cents.
FEBRUARY, 1968. No. 399.
Editorial Page
At Our January Meeting Alex Colley Quotable Quote
Hide Your Bottles Kath McKay The Reunion A Few Notes
Martin's Creek, Nattai River
and the Elusive Surveyor's Crag.
Orienteering at the Gallop Ken Ellis 12.
Walks Don Finch 14.
All That Glitters Fly on Wall 15.
Obituary 15.
A Pageant of Progress Part 2. Jim Brawn 17.
A Letter to the Editor 20.
Crossword Puzzle 22.
Omen's Page Owen Marks 23.
One More Month Observer 24.
Page 2. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALUR February, 1968.
If you don't know what the Noises-off Club is, the chances are
that you're new to S.B.W. Or you don't come to meetings very often, particularly the General Meetings, The Noises-off Club is a group of unidentified individuals who gather in the ante-room at the Nurses'
Association Hall of a Wednesday night, and talk while the Sydney
Bushwalkers are having their meeting inside. This noise can be heard
in the meeting room, and is most annoying to those people who are interested in the proceedings. The general result is that the meeting is interrupted, and its natural course and continuity are disrupted.
Alsd out of this arises a disunity within the Club. Quite apart from this,;.the perpetual din of loud conversation just outside the door is
a gross insult to the Chairman and to any guest speaker who has given up his own time to cane along and address the Club. The activities of this Noises-off.ClUb seamed to reach an all time high at the January General Meeting, and something must be done about it.
The difficulty is-in determining where to start. Ma or what is
at fault? Observation will reveal to anyone that the persons causing
the noise are not the some from week to week, but just happy people Who, like all Bush Walkers, love to talk to their friends. Their only
fault is their thoughtfulness, and who of us can claim to have never been guilty of this misdemeanour at some time or other. Thoughtlessness is hardly a punishable crime, so we must look elsewhere for an answer.
Can 'our procedures be revised? Here may lie a simple solution to a
serious problem. This is only a suggestion; it has not been tested, and in fact may prove unworkable. It is as follows:-
1. All magazine selling and equipment hiring should be completed
by 7.55 pod, In this way, the magazine seller and equipment hire officer could lock away their gear by 8 o'clock, and if not interested in staying for the meeting, they could go. Prospectives could be made aware of this arrangement, and it would be their duty to hire gear before 7.55,
2. The door to the storeroom should be shut and locked at 8 o'clock.
This would stop people from congregating around the map cupboard.
3. At 8 o'clock an announuengent should be made in the ante-room, in a loud voice, that the meeting was about to commence.
4. The outer pair of doors be closed, but the middle doors be left wide open.
5. The lights in th-o “…mte-room should then be turned off. Late-comers and visitorn- could come through the outer doors by
opening them, and then they could enter the meeting without making the
middle doors squeak. The big ash-trays should be moved out of the wall aisles so that people don't trip over them. .
The above plan may not be practicable, but on the other hand it may be-. It Would possibly push the Noises-off Club outside,to the of the
staircase, and hopefully downstairs into the street.
liOtrua.vy, 4968. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKEIR Page 3.
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xxxxxx By Alex Colley xxxxx*xxxxxx
The meeting commenced with apologies from Ivy Painter, Gordon Redmond, and Jack and Edna Gentle, and a welcome to new members Les Davidson and. Barry Zierer.
At this point attention was drawn to that everhappy band, the NoisesOff Club, who sounded to be celebrating something, or perhaps holding their monthly reunion, in the anteroam. Ern Farquar was despatched to deliver the time–honoured ultimatum to shut up, come inside, or go away. In response to a stggestion that they be permanently banned, David Ingram reminded us of a Motion to this effect, moved by himself somewhere round 1949.
In correspondence was a letter from the Newcastle Bushwalking Club, inviting us to participate in a 24 hour bushwalk to be held in May. A list of rules was attached, Rule 3 is that “competitors must
run, walk or crawl the whole journey, according to the state of
exhaustion.” Rule 5 obliges competitors to visit two hash houses for periods of 30 minutes at each house. It was decided that May was still a good way off and we would be in a better position. by March to accede
to a request to let the Newcastle Bushwalkers know how many teams we would be entering.
A letter was received from David Ingram, who was unable to attend
the December meeting, on the subject of the summer walks programme. It
was not intended as a letter of “complaint or criticism”, but rather to
“draw attention to the scrappy walks programme just issued, and to, protest that such a sad, limp effort should be offered to members”. David drew attention to the lack of day: walks for-the benefit of the inexperienced and those who do not yet have weekend equipment. “Surely”, he wrote, “this is the time When it would not be unreasonable to
expect some of our new members of the past 12 months to offer some easy walks which they should, by now, be capable of controlling”.
Several walks which had been offered were left off the programme. In
conclusion David himself offered to lead a walk from Governor Game lookout to Era, Bald Hill and Stanwell Park on 25th. Feb.
The President said that the Walks Secretary had done his bes% to induce members to put walks on the programme, but the programme must be as good as members cared to make it. He hoped David's letter would “prod_ members' consciences”. It was regrettable that three walks
offered. had been missed on the programme. This was due to an error in
transfer from the draft to the printed copies. He pointed out that the programme had to be reproduced rather hurriedly in the spare time of those who did the work.
Page 4.
,February' , 1968.
The Treasurer's report,revealea a healthy-balance:for so late in the financial year $271 after meeting expenses of $106. The 40th-. Anniv-
ersary celebration cost $724.71, reduced by the sale of tickets ($393) and
-the orchid raffle ($33) to $298.71, Qr $1.29 below the Treasurer's budget
estimate. This inspired the. comment “Money 'well spent” from Frank Ashdown
and the reply”Yes, for those who ate 'the dinner“ from you know who.
The Walks Secretary's report started on an aquatic note. Twelve “bads” had attended the fishing expedition to Berowra Waters. Fish were 'few (when pressed, the catch was given as 2). Drinking (soft) then set
in (because of the heatwave conditions), and' surprisingly led to a
.discusiiion on devaluation, its effects and repercussions on both the devaluing and other countries, its advantages and effectiveness, as well . as the economic and moral issues of the matter. Roger Gowing, Neville Page's coleader', iiaaa16a across Berowra Waters on his sharks
, notwithstanding, to join the party. Twentyfive, including 16 prospectives, went on Jim Callaway4s walk to the Tbronora on December 17th. Over 'Christmas Roger Lockwood took a party down Kosciusko way and aid. day walks from a base camp. Ramon U'Brien led a small party down the Kowmung,
were they .met Frank and: JoanRigby. At New Year Barry Pacey took a party to Pretty-Beach for spear fishing. A “feW” fish were speared and one was
given to Frank Ashdown, who immediately dug a hole in the sand and buried it. Not as silly as it sounds; the flies couldn't get it there and it was cool. On New Year's Eve another. party of Sydney Bushwaikers (as reported in January's “Bushwalker”) came around from Merry Beach, and some 60 persons in all celebrated the occasion, On the following weekend Doone V-Aolorn took a lilo trip down the Komung,
Members were reminded of the approach of the Reunion and a'conVener for the Reunion -Committee sought. It was dOcided to ask Jack Gentle to '.do the .job again, if 'willing.
Wilf Hilder drew attention to several new raapsg a 1-250,000 of the Dorrigo and Hastings, ,a number of new Victorian maps, 4 provisional
2” io the mile Moss' Vale maps, a colour 2“ to the mile of Burrier and a 1-50,000 (1. Bendethera.
At the conclusion of the meeting the President referred to the editorial in the December Magazine, on the subject of including magazine subscriptions with Club foes. He asked members to give the subject some thought as it would be debated at the AnTaa3 0neral Meeting.
The woods made for the hunters of dreams,
The brooks for the fishers of song;
To tho hunters who hunt for the gunless game
The stream and the woods belong.
…. S. 7. Foss.
Folprwyt I 2.40.f, TEF PP= MISEWALK4lis . rago 5,?
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By Kath McKay xxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxx-,44
At the end of every Walks Programme there are instructions to walkers, ending with the words: “Hide your bottles just as though they were your sins.”
Thereby hangs a tale.
In Summer, 1932, Marie Bs and I went caml4ng at Kosciusko. We – journeyed first to Bet s Camp beside the main road, and joined sundry members of Marie's family and friends for a night, then went off on our own for five days.
The family drove us to the top of Kosciusko, whence we plunged into Wilkinson's Gully, at the back. The going looked deceptively easy, but proved to be a mass of large boulders masked by low growth, so we made slow progress. We could_ hardly find enough level ground to pitch our tent the first night; I lost my toothbrush in a mountain torrent and honey escaped all over my pack.
Next day we-made Geehi Flats. Now, they tell me, you can drive there easily and it is all very civilised, but in those days it was quite in the rough. Grazing cattle wandered up to stare inquisitively at these strange creatures, and. black snakes abounded. It was lovely weather, and warm in those lowly regions, so we rose early and dried the little bluebell tent as well as we could after the heavy dew. Marie was noted for getting up early. There used to be a joke in the Club: “Why doesn't Marie Byles use plain flour? Because she knows all about selfraisingi”,
We toiled up Hannel's Ridge, therefore, in the early morning, with a little billy of water and a slab of chocolate to sustain us. Ganggang
parrots cocked an eye at us as we struggled up through snowgum saplings,
and our flyveils protected us but little from the besieging multitudes.
We met a lone cattleman miraculously steering his horse down the 500 feet to Geehi, and arrived, distinctly warm, near the summit of Townsend in the early afternoon.
We camped there on violets in bloom all the flowers were wonderful at Kosciusko that year: they probably still are, despite the roads. There is a small creamyyellow flower growing in tight cushions on the ground, and it smells heavenly. The tame perennial phlox is like it.
When I take a whiff of it I can say, “Thank goodness; now Itra going to Kosciusko.”
By Albina and. Blue. Lake we came back eventually to Betts Camp and human society. I don't know what the place is like now, or whether it
Page 6. TIM SYDNEY BUSHWALICER Faruar7; 1968.
still exists, but in those days it was a primitive wooden structure with bunks in two tiers, American style cooking stoves and (a gracious touch this) a bathroom. A snow stream, shudderingly cold, was piped into the tin bath and splashed away continuously. To have a bath, you had merely to put in the plug till there was enough water. There was no danger of the tub overflowing, as you were only too glad to pull the plug out again at the first possible minute.
Betts camp, sad to say, was in a state of grime and disrepair
when the Byles first came. Walkers were generally in a hurry and used the Camp merely as a stopping stone to heights beyond. In residence, as it were, the Byles family had made marvellous improvements. On our return from the wilds, Marie and I and the others tabulated the results in verse, which were, I believe, nailed up for the edification of future walkers.
We all contributed lines - make it scan,” said Marie's father .anxiously) but I am happy to say that the concluding words are mine:
If you feel inclined to chuck
All your rubbish and your muck
In the little stream aflowing past your door,
Check the impulse - think again,
For with all our might and main
We have tidied up the gurgling streamlet's shore.
When we came back from our tramps
Dad had cleaned up all the lamps And Dave had soldered damaged kitchenware.
Mum had tidied up the store
And. had done odd jobs galore
While Dad made safe the broken front door stair.
When YOU come to Betts Camp
Follow well our good examp.
Burn or bury all your rubbish and your tins.
Scrub the tables, sweep the floor,
Leave it neater than before,
This year at the Reunion there will once again be a special treat
for the children. Races as usual, and there will be a prize for every one of the contestants. Races will be on for the oldies too, but prizes
only for place-getters.
Another regular attraction will be the damper making competition -
so bring along your flour. A new innovation will be a sand-modelling competition; this will follow the damper judging. Any questions should
be directed to Betty Farquar.
- rebruarys, 1968. THE SYDNEY BUSHWLEKKR*. Page 7.
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By Mike Short -x-x-x-x-x-x–x44-4(-)411(-x-x-x-x--kx.
The party consisted of Lorraine Mackaness, Lyn Drummond, Joanna Short, and yours truly.
Foraging amongst members on Wednesday night produced one maybe and one certain for an Australia Day weekend trip: Starlight's Trail Nattai River Sheehy's Pass. We were going to take two days to go from Macarthur's Flat to Min's Creek, on the third day the driver returning to collect his car, the rest of the party proceeding onwards to Sheehy's Pass where they would be picked up by the exhausted driver. I had. had. the Nattai Tableland in mind.. But, scrubby and dry, it is not recommended in the summer. However, it being cold and wet on the Friday, I thought that I would change the trip to: Nattai Tableland Martin's Creek Nattai River Starlight's Trail.
On Thursday the maybe rang to say that he was going to Fiji for
the weekend, so my thirteen year old sister was readily conned into coming along to make up a threesome. I called at Lorries place on Friday night
and found Lyn and.hor car there. Lyn had thought that she had to work
this Saturday but, on return from her holiday, found that the hospital roster had been changed so that the weekend was free after all. She wanted to go to Hilltop via the Hume Highway but was persuaded to go via Wallacia, this route being the shorter one from Blacictown.
We set off at nine fifteen, finding our way to Wallacia easily. However, after passing through, we made an unscheduled_ visit to
WarragaMba township. After finding Silverdale Road again, we made no more mistakes, but proceeded straight to Hilltop and then to the
turnoff to Coates' Farm, arriving at about midnight. The stars had decided
to come out so we didn't bother to tent ourselves that night. 4
Next morning, after breakfast, we proceeded by car exactly one mile back towards Hilltop. The fire trail was found a few yards further on. At this time, nine fifteen, the weather was overcast and cool. We parked our cars a short distance along the fire trail, off the road, and set off.
The road is level and follows constantly in the same direction as shown on the Mittagong Military map. This fact was a help when we came to forks. Near the end of the road wo came across the army, engaged in digging trenches. Shortly after we were passed by a jeep, and an officer jumped out, telling us that there were three patrols of eight soldiers in the scrub. On no account were we to engage in conversation with them.
Page 8. TET-12 SYDNEY BUSIMALMR February, i968
Shortly after, the road ended. we headed off in the calculated direction and ended up cn a spux cvorlooking Martin's Crook. This served to show us thai we weren't far enough advanced in the direction of the road. We readjusted bearings 5 and it was an uasy matter following the ridges northwards.
We came across a lone soldier in our tosavels. ':alking together in the same direction, we mnintainod the coda of silence when suddenly he broke it, asking whether we had seen a p-etrol e told him ne, but that we had passed through the ce,mI, lie was very .19.a to know where he was, and the direction of the camp.
It wasn't very hot weather, as there were scattered clouds in the sky. As a result, we dial2t need any of the two pints of water we were carrying. Our progress through the moderate scrub was good, beinj about two
miles per hour.
At eleven thirty, we were on to the Lands Department's two inches to the mile Nattai sheet and overlooked Martins Creek and one of the larger tributaries coming in from the right We had to Proceed up this tributary for a short distance in order to miss the low cliff on either side of both the tributary and Martin's Creekp
Lunch was had at a pool not far down Martin's. A large black snake with yellow spots and yellow underside overlooked the pool It was unmoved by our swimmingQ
There were many small yabbies in the creak which were conspicuous because of the clearness of the water, The larger pools were of a turquoise hue. The crack fell gradually for a time, with shallow, sandy bottomed pools and many ferns. But it was rot long before the boulders and waterfalls made themselves known. We found a splendid swimming pool further down with two small waterfalls feeding into it. With an early start, it could be reached for a one o elock
Reluctantly leaving this spot, we pushed onwards until five thirty, when we happened to be near a camp spot. This was in the vicinity of the canyon section which, however, we did not realise was a canyon. There were many dry leaves on the ground, so we cleared a large area around the fire. After the main course, bananas cooked in the ashes were enjoyed for dessert. Lyn had much to tell of her experiences in New Zealand that night. My sister and I retired early, leaving Lyn and Lorrie talking until all hours.
her three different natural calls in a tree fifteen foot above us.
Shortly after we set out at eight, we came across the much better campsite that is alwoys just ,a little further along the creek from 1:171are you think the best campsite is It had a stoneless, thick green bed, of grass ana tiny ferns, and was close to water.
In the morning we were woken by a female lyrebird which was making
February, 1968. -N THE SYDNEY BUSEVALRER Page 9.
It is very easy walking in the lower section of Martin's Creek. Long grassy flats with Paperbarks and_ Wattles are common. We reached the Nattai at ten. The day, Sunday, was already very warm, and frequent spell; we had from here on. The river was very low and we waded through it, going inland only to cut across Colley's Flat. At twelve o'clock we came across a pool deep enough for a fifty yard swim, and twenty yards wide. So here we stayed for two and a half hours, wwimming and lunching. Instead of flies, we had little black ants as lunchtime guests.
After leaving this pool, our next objective was the Allum River. Thinking that we were further down the Nattai than we were, we expected to see the Allum very shortly. But it kept on receding into the distance. We did eventually catch up with it and promptly lay exhausted in its few inches of water. Lorrie supplied us with grapes from a floating bowl. When sufficiently recovered, the party reluctantly dragged itself from this refuge and made tracks for the creek junction three miles below Macarthur's Flat which we will call crook X. It was four o'clock and we had four long miles to go
We ground to a halt at X at seven p.m. I went up X to try and find water, as the Nattai is polluted. by Mittagong sewage. A pool was found thirty yards up. The girls lit the fire that night. We camped in the middle of the river bed one foot above water level. Luckily there weren't any local thunderstorms at Mittagong overnight:
Next morning at a quarter to five, we were woken by a shower of rain. A tent was hastily put up high above the water level. I thought that I would shoot up to The Surveyor's Crag that morning, so, after a breakfast of raw porridge, milk and raisins, I left the others to sleep in and make their own way back. Up creek X I went without pack. The creek soon became steep and chokea with giant blocks of sandstone which made the going slow. There were many Bellbirds and a Lyrebird in the lower section. After an hour and a half the creek flattened and. became very leafmouldy and shaded. It was here that I heard a second Lyrebird, and crept up within sight. It was a male, with long tail feathers. He gave half an hour of song, imitating a dozen different birds but sometimes spending only a few seconds on each call.
As I was nearly up the main creek I decided to pull out up a side creek to the right. Unfortunately this one contained a waterfall, so, after unsuccessfully trying to find a break in the cliff I returned to the main creek.
I climbed out half an hour later, after having my last drink. After walking through moderate scrub, the main SouthNorth ridge was reached where the scrub was found to be heavy. After proceeding through it for half an hour, I thought that I had better see if the ridge out to the Crag was
on my right. There was a ridge to the right, and since it headed out for some distance it seemed to be the right one, when it suddenly petered out.
It toot half an hour or so of studying the terrain and the map before I would admit that I could be in but one place, only half a mile
as the crow flies, from where I got up. By this time the day had. become hirt.
Page 10. THE SYDNEY BUSHIVALKER February, 196a.
After returning to the main ridge and battling on a little further, I decided that the wisest .thing would be to get out as soon as possible. Surveyor's Crag was as fax away as ever and besides, this trip should never have been attempted in the Summer. On the back I stoPped.frequently for rests. Gullies going in the 'wrong direction were bypassed until a gully was found that could have been the one I had come up. Being too done in to go any further, I made my way slowly downwards in the creek bed.
Half an hour later, the creek was recognised as being the right one. Twenty minutes walking and ten minutes resting was done. I was nauseous twice during the painfully, slow progress down the creek. In coming up, I had placed stones prominently where the best route had been found. These were a help on the return journey.
Laurie .Rayner had;warned me.against this scrubby, dry country in the Warner. He was so rights I've learnt a lesson that I won't forget too soon…
I arrived back in camp at half past five Monday night after twelve :hours and rested. Another Lyrebird gave song. After a light meal was eateen
made my way with renewed vigour to Starlight's Trail and the car, arriving at my grandparents' cottage at Mittagong at eleven p.m. The others had arrived at six.
So the last traveller returned from yet another interestpacked trip through the Nattai area.
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(Sleeping bags) TENT CORD
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Page 12. THE SYDNEY BUSMATIER February. 1968.
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-x-m-WX-4t-x-ieHex Xxxx-x-x-X-x *X X By Ken Ellis '*-4(494”-
Paddy Pallin must be truly complimented on the organisation behind his Orienteering Contest held on 28th. October, 1967. The whole day went off without a hitch, although these events are rarely concluded without a
few harassing moments for the organisers.
Although anxious to keep the S.B.IL colours flying, Messrs Janssen, Cowing and myself nevertheless entered the competition in spite of grave misgivings as to our map reading ability. We soon had no doubt that these were well placed as we were looking for only the third checkpoint when we scrambled up the wrong ridge, and the flag we had hoped to raise Started to droop.
The checkpoints were ice-cream tins attached at eye level to trees. Searching for c,n: individual tree in the Blue Labyrinth may sound like an onerous task, but with good references and general description of the area it can be located, although sometimes only after a half-an-hour-seardtscrutiny.
Seventeen teams were started from Euroka Clearing at four minute intervals to do a round tour of specific tees in the surrounding hills.
Before we reached the first checkpoint we wealised something else
was lacking ; not merely map-reading ability. This was speed. While looking for the first checkpoint we were overtaken by a jubilant Mr. Finch and Dot Butler who had covered the mile to this point four minutes quicker than we had. When the ice cream-tin was eventually located a shout went up and about four different groups congregated around it to sign in. On
the way to the *second cheekpoint we were staggered to see groups actually
running along the fire trail. It was a blazing hot day and the heat was . overwhelming; far too hot for such exertion.
There was another shout as the checkpoint was found and again a queue to sign in. It was unfortunate that a certain nameless member of our party strayed in his search for “three red-.gum d on rocky outcrop”, hence we were late leaving the checkpoint and did not see which way the other groups went, although it would have been impossible to keep up with them anyway.
The result was that we headed off at a tangent although, as we expected, we did cross a creek and started climbing. Unfortunately it
was the wrong creek and wrong ridge. At the summit there was a road as per map, but no ice-cream tin. It took over an hour to inspect all the trees in the area in order to establish this fact. We were lulled into a false sense of security, and, later, also comforted in our disappointment, by the fact that we met two other groups on this ridge wandering aimlessly in search of the elusive ice-cream tin.
The Light of Understanding had just datned when we happened upon an innocent byitander, He was incredulous at the spectacle of people hurtling Pell mell up and down.scratchy hills in temperatures that must have been in the upper eighties. I was afraid tha t there is at least one Glenbrook local who is convinced that Bushwalkers arc crazy. We left him standing speechless as we went careering down the same steep ridge to the beautifully cool water holes of Breakfast Creek where swimming could not be resisted in spite of the leader's call for supreme efforts on bQhalf of the S.B.W. Up the ridge from Breakfast Creek made us realise that it was high noon on a hot day; the refreshing effect of the swim were soon over. Outstanding map reading enabled the next two ice-cream tins to be found without much trouble in spite of the lack of other searching parties. Thus we soon dropped down
bin. into 'Breakfast Creek (literally) to cool off. It was decided ,to. keep to the creeks and gullies on the way to the lunch spot so that we would have the benefit of waterand shade on such a hot day. However one rebel (there's one in every party) decided to .go it alone.dVer'the ridge.HUnfOrtunately he neglected to tell anyene with the conFequence that the reFlt,of the party spent a good half hour (and very welcome too) waiting for him to catch 11D. We eVentually aid arrive at the lunch spot, a gloriously muddy bnt cool dam
but found it deserted. Paddy, who we had met on the roadside, informed us that, being three hours late for lunch,we could consider ourselves disqualified. Actually we were all wrecked and pleased that we had a good excuse not t. finish the remainder of the course. However, to show initiative and fortitude, typical of S.B.W., we bashed down Euroka.Creek to the clearing (not the road) and arrived by carat Ironbarks to clock off.
In .spite of our failing in our mission, we had a reallyenicyable day. When we enter 'next year we will apply all our gained experieriCeYe4 ho padks,.and running 'shoes with spikes. .
In conclusion there are a few comments that should be made concerning the form and rules of the competition.
It is felt that too much emphasis was placed on the speed with-which the course was 'completed. Final times ranged- -from 285 to 450 minutes to comp-
lete the course, whereas the penalty points were less tha n quarter this, ranging from 50 to 100 minutes (although one party obtained 315)..If_the penalty points were increased it would give the slow, stun parties more of a chance - within reason, of course.
. The essence of .speed could also be reduced by placing more checkpoints
and closer together so that the distance travelled between them is not far. It was apparent that the slowest job was finding the exact location of the checkpoint. Thus., If a party keeps up with the other groups, accurate map
reading is not essential as, when the appromimate vicinity is reached, several people are already combing the area looking for the checkpoint. All these people set off for the next checkpoint at a lot less than four minute intervals so
that the advantage of the staggereLstart is partially lost. A crowded search for a checkpoint might be eliminated by starting each group at a different checkpoint from which they work in rotation, either clockwise or anticlockwise, round a central point. These modifications would not have helped us on this
Page 14* THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER February, 1968.
occasion but it is felt that, if adopted in one form or another they would help to make the competition more interesting for more people.
Maybe we should have entered the Ladies' section ??I
-* X X X -X X-X-X--*
On Sunday, 25th. February, David Ingramwill be leading the following walk: Waterfall Bus to Governor Game Drive Thelma Ridge Era Stanwell Park. The distance is approximately 8 or 9 miles, Time will be allowed for swimming at Era. Full details as regards transport times etc. can be obtained from the leader, whose telephone number is 635-7733 (during business hours). THIS TALK DOES NOT APPEAR ON THE PROGRAMME, so take particular note if you are interested.
The new Autumn Walks programme has nor been completed, and should be
in your hands shortly. So you can plan ahead though, here are the walks which are scheduled for the first two weeks in March.
1ST. 2ND. 1E2. Reedy Creek, Shoalhaven River and return. Ropework is involved
MARCH and the leader is Doone Wyborn. The trip is classed as
15 miles medium/rough and is a private transport trip. as
home phone number is 57-5218.
1ST. 2ND. 3RD. Kanangra Road, Boyd River, Morang Deep, Lundrigans Creek,
MARCH Boyd Trail, Kanangra Road. This trip is also of the 15 miles
medium/rough variety and is led by Ken Ellis (otherwise
known as Twinkletoes). Phone number is 74-1201 (Business),
MARCH. A TEST WALK. Woodford, Upper Glenbrook Creek, Sassafras
Gully, Numantia Creek, Linden. This is to be led by the mountain man, Karl Bossard. It is of 9 medium miles and is a test walk. Train leaves Central at 8,20 a.m. buy tickets to roodford. Karl is available on the stlaawkbox at Penrith 20712,
8TH. 9TH. 10TH.INSTRUCTIONAL 17ALK.Blackheath, Perryls lookdown, Blue Gum
MARCH Forest, Govetts Leap Creek, Blackheath. It is 8 miles in
distance and of medium type. The trip is to be coled by
Barbara Mackaness and Owen Marks, Their phone numbers are 622-1952 (Barbara at home) and 30-1827 (Owen at home). The train leaves Central at 6.08 p.m. on Friday night. Buy tickets return to Blackheath.
./ V
February, 1968.
8TH. 9TH. 10TH.
8TH. 9TH. 10TH.
WEEKEND TEST WALK. Yadboro Flat; Kaliana Ridge, Oaky Creek, Seven Gods Mt., Angel Creek, Hollands Canyon Creek; Clyde River, Castle Gap, Ya4boro Flat. The walk is of 20 medium miles and is to be lea by Roger Lockwood. His telephone number is 20234 extension 2777 (Business). It is a private transport trip.
A working bee will be held on this weekend to prepare the Reunion site. Full particulars will be available after a Convener is elected qt the next General Meeting.
ALL TILA.T GLITIMSBy “Fly on The Wall”
Two Travellers arrived at Hill En.cLane night,
Only to find there was no camp in sight.
So back to Sofala they drove in the rain, Noone was there so they turned 'round again.
With Hill End in view, they decided
And make a new search the following day, To coniplete this verse, as I have been told; Neither of them had the time to find gold.
* * *
To end this Sad story, I am hapjy to say,
They met with the campers that following day.
For weekends it's better please take warning, - To leave Friday night. and not Saturday morning.
It is with regret that 77/e report the passing of Mrs. Edith Truscott (Gruff), who joined the Sydney Bush Walkers in
the 1930's. She .died inolanuary, 1968 following a long illness
To her friends and family, offer our sincere vmpathy.
This is the new Lightweight
'Mountain Mule/ pack that was Wpecially designed for Sir Edmund Hillaryls 1966 Himalayan expedition. Due to it's immense strength and extreme lightness it was found to be completely satisfactory for the purpose for which it was designed. The suspension and weight
distribution of the FEATHERLITE is the same as the Heavy Duty /Mountain Mule', but the frame is made differently. The FEATHERLITE frame is constructed of Duralumin Alloy and it is Argon Aro welded to eliminate metal deterioration.
Though the bag is slightly smaller, the synthetic cloth from which it is made is lighter and stronger than the ordinary canvas normally used in packs. The material is waterproofed and bags are available in bright colours (red, blue, green and gold). The strapping is of Terylene, which
is stronger than leather, considerably; lighter and is softer on the shoulders. It weat1crs better and does not stretch.
Under the bag flaps-there is a nylon Itieup/ extension.
Models are available with nylon zipfastening pockets fitted with waterproof cover strip.
PRICE: $30.00
30 Mount Street,
NORTH SYDNEY, N.SO. Phone 49-3329.
February, 1968 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALTER Page 17.
-XXXX-*-XX- By Jith. Brown X X X *
(This is a serialised vedsiort of the Pageant which was performed at the Fortieth Anniversary Reunion held in October, 1967.)
The President, Vice Presidents and Secretary were appointed blackout wardens on Friday nights.
- Youth Hostels were being established, and the Club protested against the erection of one at Little Era.
The President pointed out that too many walks were being cancelled without sufficient reason.
Subscriptions were still at the rate of 10/
In September a subcommittee was formed to look into the purchase of portion 7, Era to frustrate the possible “development” of the area.
In July a letter was sent to the Police complaining of the behaviour of some of the other tenants of the Club room building. Suitable action was taken.
Years ahead of everyone else, as usual, Myles Dunphy was proposing a National Park in the ClydeBudawang area.
Emboldened by the successful approach to the Police over events in the Club building, some wellintentioned members invitied the Police to look into the disgusting practice of nude sunbathing by some people at Era. The Police pounced, and captured two Club Members. With red faces the meeting agreed to defray their legjexpensesr——f prosecuted. It cost 14.
If you go sunning on Era sands
You'd. better go in disguise.
There's bobbies there with telescopes
And frightfully powerful eyes.
They're specially trained for crawling on sand And spying on people who dress in what's banned, If you don't watch out they'll catch you redhand. I warn you.,….
Page 18. TIE SYD1tY'BUSIFALKER February, 1968…-
I See a.bareskin.
Only a bareskin, -
Yes, it's a bareskin true. .
Just wait a moment.
While I look again.“' ” . Ah me, there are bareskins two.
The Federal Treasurer wouldn't .give consent to the purchase
of Portion 7, Era at a price above the controlled figure, so a camping lease was arranged with the owner.
. Or is it? Peace had its troubles as much as wars. Our landlords, the Royal Life Saving Society, turned us out onto the streets. Followed a couple of months without a permanent abode, then…
INGERSOLL HALL, Crown Street - the Rat House, not only because our new landlords were the Rationalist Association.
We remained there until 1959, and in those 14 years the place hardly changed at all. In 1958 we could sing:-
This'place has hardly changed at all.,
The dirt and stains still on the wall,
New walkers, new ta*ers,
The same old hall.
See the old tables there that always fall And in each frame a shattered window
Held. by faith. alone - or maybe dust and cobwebs. Still the same,
It's just the same as ever I have known.
The sub rose to 15/, Mr. Ashdown was not a member and so did - not protest. The Presideht requested members to refrain from wearing
hobnailed boots in the Clubroom because of damage to the floor.
. .
It was resolved that Club members should not tumble in fireplaces at regular camping spots.
At this stage the Club's weekly rental was 1. 5. 0.
Committee viewed with disfavour the practice of deliberate hitch hiking to and from official walks.
Being reticent types we asked Dorothy Dix to refer any enquirers to her lonely hearts column to Federation, not S.D.w.
Federal Treasurer consented to a new valuation of Portion 7, Era, which became Club property and was thrown open to all who used small impermanent camps.
February, 1968. THE SYDNEY BUSHIPANCER Page 1 9 .
In July it was suggested to Federation that a memorial to walkers
lost in World Tar II should be a tablet at Splendour Rock. 1948. THE YEAR OF THE FIRST HOLDEN CAR.
working bees planted trees at Era and hemmed them around with timber and wire guards. Cattle got through the guards and deer jumped over them. The trees didn't prOpser,
At Easter a party going to Bendethra Caves was mislaid and three days overdue. Approaching oivilisation, the leader sent several of the
party on to report their safety. The “Daily Telegraph” reported:- “HIKERS LEAVE SICK HATE IN BUSH”
In March the Reunion was deferred three weeks owing to torrential rain. Cries of “sugar babies” at the Annual Meeting.
The big issue was whether it would be a good thing for the National Fitness Movement to acquire all Era by resumption. Some feared S.B.W. might find itself excluded.
A year of massive rainfall: 25 inches on Sydney in June, 13 inches in July. No-one was game to move for deferment of the Reunion in March, so we went ahead and were washed out at Moorabinda.
The song of the year was:-
Oh what a terrible morning, Oh what a horrible day.
I've got a miserable feeling It's going to rain all the way.
All the walkers are huddled in groundsheets,
All the walkers are huddled in groundsheets,
And I guess if the rain doesn't stop falling down The whole ruddy party is going to drown.
Oh what a terrible morning… etc,
Under threat of exploitation of Era by private enterprise, the Government acted suddenly and resumed the whole region.
A meeting in June lamented the dearth of enterprising walking, and one member described the Club au “ ast4gnallLzar.
In Mareh2 S.B.W. joined with Federation in frowning on “marathon walks”. Prdbably because we couldn't see ahead.
Portion 7, Era was dangled as a carrot before the nose of the Government - give Era to Garrawarra and we'll forego the compensation.
And, sad to say, a lot of the year's meetings were spent in rather acrimonious disputes. A year to forget, preferably.
Page 20. THE SYDNEY BUSH7LKER February, 1968.
In April an extraordinary meeting resolved to hold the Era funds
for use on a similar conservational project.
- Subs rose to El with a special rate of 30/- for Married couples. The Treasurer justified this on the score that there were “fifty two active people all married to one another.”
In October the 25th. Anniversary celebrations and the first Chronic Opera. Arising from the Reunion campfire two Members were asked to refrain from using erplosives at Club functions. They got their revenge by proposing the use of explosives to blow up trees lying across the river at Blue Gum.
At Easter Paddy Pallin's “Old Buffers” opened new territory With a trip crossing Ettrema Gorge.
The Editorial in the January issue of “The Sydney Bushwalker” on
the status of the Hagazine in the Club has provoked a great deal of discussion. Most of the opinion I have heard has been very definitely in favour of the Editorial's main proposition of including the magazine in the annual subseription, with a magazine being posted to every active member. The more one goes into, the details of the scheme the more attractive it becomes, at least to my way n-P thinking. Perhaps the advantages could be listed and discussed as follows
(1) The Club Magazine would be supported by all Club members instead of by merely some proportion as at present. All Club members contribute to the Clubroom rental (whether they use it or not), the printing an& distribution of the walks Programme, the purchase of equipment and so on. 7hy is “The Sydney Bushwalker” left out in the cold.
(2) As the Editor states, one purpose of the magazine is to disseminate information to members. This important purpose will 3
fulfilled only .when the magazine is distributed to everyone.
(3) The “humiliating experience” (I quote from the Editor's own experience as a former Sales & Subs. Manager) of trying to sell the magazine to members in the ClUbroom several evenings a month would be eliminated.
(4) There would be less wastage because the number of magazines required would be more accurately known.
(5) Clerical work would be generally simplified - only one subscription to the Club instead of two.
(6)The contributors, Editor and. production staff who, as the Editor rightly says, put a tremendous amount of time and effort into
February, 1968. THE SYDNEY BUSH7PLICER Page 21.
producing the magazine each month, would certainly feel a greater sense of satisfaction and reward. As one who has had a good deal to do with the
magazine, I know that this psychological aspect cannot be overemphasised.
(7) Because the magazine would go to every member, 7alks Programmes, Notices, etc0 could be included. This would eliminate the unpopular separate enveloping and posting of these items each quarter. The extra organisation and work, as well as the stationery and postage costs involved, would all be
saved. This procedure is, of course, already used by most organisations, and
to my mind is a tremendous advantage indeed.
Now lot's have a look at a few other points in connection with this proposal. Some arise only because of the unusual structure of our membership:
(1) True, more magazines will have to be produced. This will require only
a little more effort for a production team which is already organised on a routine monthly basis.
(2) As married couples pay a lower subscription per person than other
members, it would be logical to send only one magazine to a married couple.
(3) Nonactive members who subscribe to the magazine would continue to subscribe as at present, their magazine subscription remaining optional. There would, of course, be no change for subscibers from outside the Club.
(4) A certain number of extra magazines would be printed for cash sale to prospectives and visitors in the Clubroom. These could be available from, say, the Librarian and need not be “hawked around”. A Subscriptions Officer would still be necessary to maintain the posting list up to date, print the wrappers and look after posting as at present.
(5) Notices of meetings and the Annual Report and Financial Statements could become an integral part of the magazine. The 'Talks Programmes and Members List, items which it is desirable to have separate, could be included as inserts (This aspect has been checked with the P.M.G. Department and their inclusion will not invalidatethe cheap “periodical” postage rate). The Annual Report would not have to be sent separately to those nonactive members not subscribing to the magazine; as this involves only a small number of people once per year, this would be a small job. To suit the availability of the 7alks Programme (once per quarter), it may be necessar to alter the time of issue of the magazine from the second 'Tednesday in the month (as at present) to a later date. This does not seem to be important.
(6) Finally, it goes without saying that the Club Membership Subscription
would have to be raised to cover tho cost of the magazine. As the subscription rate is a matter for the Annual General Meeting in March, the whole scheme
will depend on the verdict of this meeting. However, it should be remembered that for those members alread bu i the ma:azine Club membershi costs
would remain about the same unless, of course, a general increase in fees was considered necessary for other reasons.
At present there is a Constitutional clause tying the prospectives' application fee to the annual subscription; as prospectives would not receive the magazine, it seems quite unfair to load them with its costs but a simple
amendment would overcome this difficulty. In the case of nonactive members, there is already sufficient flexibility in the Constitution to prevent this loading.
Summing up, I see nothing but good in this scheme for the Club as a whole. I hope that there will be many others sharing my view.
Signed: Frank Rigby.
Page 22.
.THE SYDNEY-BUSHWALR .–*-February, 19684
Ken Ellis.
The year is 1935. “Bramble Meade” is Squire Collings' Ancestoral Mansion. Mrs. Bullock (his sister;-in-law) lives with him and his family. It is the Squire's daily habit to walk three (3) times around the paddock which is rectangular in shape.
III 1111110,01111111
11111 : . 7 mil
… :::1:::i.::5.: 1111.11111111
t5- iii .7.:-.::::%;:, Mill .111
1. Area of paddock in sq. yards.
5. Age of Squire Collings daughter, Helen.
6. Difference in yards between length and breadth of paddock.
7. No. of horses in paddock multiplied by 9 down.
8. Year when “bramble IZoaCte” came into possession of allings Family.
10. Squire Collings' age (he is more than 3 times Rachel's age)
11. Year of birth of Rachel, the youngest daughter.
14. Perimeter of paddock in yards.
15. Cube of Squire Collings' walking speed in miles per hour.
16. 15 across less 9 down. .
1. Value of paddock in shillings per acre.
2. Square of Mrs. Bullock's age.
3. Rachel's age.
4. Value of paddock in pounds.
6. Ago of Squire Collings' eldest daughter, who next year will be twice as old as Rachel is now.
7. The square of the number of yards in the breadth of the paddock.
8. The number of minutes the Squire takes to walk one and one third times round tho paddock.
9. See 10 down.
10. 10 across times 9 down.
12. One more than the sum of the figures in the column marked x.
13. The time in years that BraMble Meade” has boon in the possession of the Collings family.
February, 1968. THE. SYDNEY BUSHWALICKR Page 23.
1/ /
w* By
Owen *44*
This coming month there is to be a lecture by a bushualking botanist. Roger Carolin, a Prof. from Sydney University and a member of the Coast and Mountain Walkers, will be speaking on various matters, and no doubt some af you will be amazed to hoar that the aborigines used to chew variou5 leaves
for their narcotic effr)ct. This should be very interesting. There is a supper for the hungry ones, but hash and pot won't be provided.
Also on the last Wednesday of the month there is a 11EMBERS' SLIDE FIGHT. This is the first Members' slide night since last May, do it follows that - there will be;quite a number of slides. Bring them-all in, and help by . participating,.: and not just spectating. Do YOU want to be known as a watcher but not” a doer.
= 0 . 0 0 0 0 = 0 . 0
Make a note of the SWIMMING CARNIVAL date! On Sunday 17th February, Lake Edkersiey in the Heathcote Primitive Reserve, our swimming carnival will take plaoe. According to the walks programme, it is a weekend trip, but this is NOT S011 All the races will take place on the Sunday, but of ()curse there is nothing'to stop anyone coming dawn on the Saturday and making it a restful weekend.
There will be races, a peanut scramble, the lon-d plunge, a holding of breath oomp. and even some normal races, like relays and suchlike. There is the Mandelberg Cup, the Henley Cup and the FarqUar Cup to be won, and the only way to win is to come along and participate.
TRA1TSPORT: The train leaves for Heathcote at 8.20 a.m. Be on itili
Nan Bourke will be in the second carriage from the front and she will vide you all.the way down to Lake Eckersley. If coming by care y-6 drive past Heathcote station for about a mile and when the road does a. little climb, you angle to the right, and park at the end of the road.- P.S. Don't forget to bqUg…lim..;14,QT.so.ppts_pimilq;7.
PLACE: Her Majesty's Theatre, Railway Square.
TM1E: 8.15 p.m. Monday, 25th. March, 1968.
SEATS: Quite good, 12 rows from the front in the centre.
PRICE: Only iS2.80, each (a saving of 70c. on 'normal price of 33.50)
Th=e are only 30 seats'available, so BOOK NOW Owen Marks, tel. 30-1027.
Page 24.
\,, \ k
. -
February, 1968.
*4', By observer and his spies ***
On Frank Rigby's Instructional to 7-beds Creek, two members were
seen with large black umbrellas. Alas, that isn't all. One of these members even managed to organise an umbrella carrier who dilligently followed the said member around all weekend keeping the rain at bay. Observer feels that this sort of thing is most undesirable on official walks, and particularly Instructionals.
Rumour has it that an Annual Club Dinner is being considered by certain members in the Club. A motion will be put to the Annual General Meeting, to the effect that another Crusty Cellar type evening be held. In any case, hold open the-30th. August.
The Club lost another prospective meber at the weekend when Carcble Richmond sailed for her homeland, South Africa i following an all-night bon voyage. We won't name the Bushwalkers who were last to leave.
On a recent trip through Tasmania, a well known S:B.T. member was so exhausted at the end of an 8-day trip through the National Park that he only just managed to get to Lake St. Clair where he was helped into a boat by Lesley Brown, who also carried his pack the remaining 15 miles to the far end of the lake. The boat trip cost him $1. He also obtained some information about the pump station on Lake St. Clair. Did you know that in that pumping station there ate four pumps, each painted red; each is capable of an output of
ACKNOIMEDGEMENT: The Editor wishes to thank the following contributors
to this month's magazine:
$44 ,+ti'?'? VP'$$$)$$'$$$'4”rs$$
Q QQ0 0'04004 0 ',?Q$$444$
If your name does not appear on the above lists
your article will be gratefully accepted for nexr month's issue.