Monthly Bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bushwalkers,,Nort_icote BuildinG, Roiby Place, Circular: Quay, Sydney. Postal address 8 Box 4476, G.-2.0. Sydney.
wwar....111. 10 Cents.
,1469..ienaCY, ima ET THIS :WNW' S
At the February General Meeting J. Drown. Z. No Compass, No Hap Lyre Bird 4; Fishing? J. Martin 7. The Fortyfold Flurry Taro 9. Day Walks 11: Short Thought ti; LiLo Trip R. Lockwood 13. A Few 'fords from the Dditor A Pageant of Progress J. Drown 16 An Apllogy. 19. Swimming Carnival Results. 20. 'aldornoss Bay X. Armand 21.
EDITOR: Neville Page, 22 Hayvard St., KINGWMD. Ph, 34-3536. BUSINESS IliVaC128 Bill Burke, Coral Tree Drive, CARLE7gT0RD. SALES & SUBS: Alan Pike, 8 Sunbounl Ave., -.:14FIETJ).
By Our Political Roundaman, Jim Brown *
There was a.rather extraordinary state of affairs at the February
General Meeting,as the Preident was walking in Tasmania and both Vice Presidents temporarily absent.from Sydney. Having announced his parlous situation, Secretary Ian Stephen sought a Chairman, and ex-President Brian Harvey was elected. for brae meeting.
First there were five now members to .welcome, four of them being
present. These were Nancy Al'.erson, Jennifer Fletcher, Anne Rutherford and Sandy Persi. The fifth, Rona Woods, was not with us. –
No dispute over January's minutes, whi7- as a matter arising Jack
Gentle regretted that pressure of other activitipq prevented his Lr Reunion Convener. In correspondence the only point of real interest was an enquiry from the Australian ConservatiOn Council asking about our policy and our vital statistics.
The Treasurer told us that an income of 3164 and expenditure of 01
in January left a balance in operating funds of 3354 at the close of the Club year, and the Vralks Secretary presented his account of activities in January. A gold-seeking expedition led by Don Woods in the Sofala area brought out 17 people, including some who -wore deluded by fool's gold. Frank Rigby had 22 on an Instructional which was to climb to trig 1499 overlooking the Grose River, but the ascent was abandoned owing to filthy weather. There were 9 people on Ramon U'Brien's Shoalhaven walk, and 3 on Lorraine Mackaness' trip, whilo Jim Callaway had a successful day walk on the same weekend. Over the Australia Day Holiday Owen Marks had 30 people on a coastal jaunt between Bawley Point and Pebbly Beach, and there were 13 on Barry Pacey's jaunt along the Cox, which couldn't be negotiated by li710 owing to the water lying low. Over the same weekend Gladys Roberts conducted a leisurely spine-bash camp in the Garie-Era area.
. There were no Social or ParksAlaTrrounds reports, and Barry
Wallace recorded Federation activities, including a new likely headquarters at 265 Elizabeth Street; Federation had protested to the Fire Commissioners regarding a fire trail carved not wisely into Nelly's Glen. Search and Rescue had an alert in the recovery of a body in the Otford area (New Year 77eekend)9 and were carrying out repairs and improvements to equipment, including the stretcher,/ which should be more comfortable for both patient and carriers in future.
Also reported at Federation were changes in the ownership of
Yadboro House, and'ofticiaaj? WhP1'0 thP illOWbent had some misbegotten notion that passing walkers may pay a small fee. Federation is to Re-tune
March,.1968:. TIE SYWEY BUSHWAL1C$R Page 3
at Blue Gum on' 29th. 31st, March weekend. .
._ The Chairman announced that -the Seeial and Membership Secretaries, . . ,
the Assistant Secretary and two Federation delegates would not seek re-electien in Harch.
As an opener to General Business, it was stated-that Treasurer
Gordon Redmond had two notices of motion to be brought Up at the Annual Meeting. Gordon sought to go into some detail, but on tho score that it would be bad enough te hear the whole recital once (at the March meeting) let alone have to put up with it now, various speakers prevailed upon the Chairman, and we were told about the motions only. Briefly it was proposed that subscriptions for normal members be 36, for full time students :?4, and married couples O. This would also include magazine subscription, but members who lod two official walks during the year would be allowed a rebate of 2. The second proposal provided that entrance fees go to 5 for full time students and ;10 for all others.
Brian Harvey announced a scheme to hold an Annual Dinner, this year
possibly on 30th. August, at a cost of 3 per head.
The Secretary, on the score of members travelling by car to trips,
said legal advice indicated that there would be no liability attaching to the Club in the event of an accident. Various speakers suggested this was not the real question - rather, it was the obligation and liability of the driver and the situation of the passengers and it was agreed to enquire further.
There was a stony silence ,Then a convener and organising committee
for the Reunion was sought, and Jack. Gentle suggested the Vice Presidents and members without portfolios on the Committee should be asked to administer the event. Ron Knightley said hewas prepared to get a team to assemble the campfire on the day of the Reunion and Bill Burke assured us that he would provide supper cooking utensils.
. Frank Ashdown temarked.on the lack of Reunion, enthusiasm amongst some
.young members, and suggested they arrange a sports meeting to keep them- selves gainfully occupied on the Sunday Morning,
7ilf hider reported new maps of and Caoura covering portions
of the Shoalhaven Gorge were becoming available, and revised maps embracing parts of the old Katoomba and Windsor 1“ = 1 mile sheets which should soon be on sale 9 together with Oberon South, which showed a good part of the Upper Kowmung.
Then, after Barry 7Tallace had reminded starters on his trip of the
need to. organise postal votes in the coming State Mections, it was all over at the very decent hour of 9.05 p.m.
- -*
I 1175_ tr,
*4t By Lyre Bird I am making quite a habit of going into unknown country without map or compass. It is quite exciting as I found out recently on'a Blue Mountains trip. But this was bound to be even more thrilling as it occurred on a tramping trip in New Zealand not so long ago. As the trip was decided upon about a day before leaving home, we could not acquire a map of the river Greenstono River we were going to walk down, but we did got some information on where bridges, huts, etc. were. New Zealand rivers can, be quite treacherous as many people have drowned in flooded, fast fldwing rivers. After a few inches of rain in the mountains small creeks become raging torrents in a few hours, and then return to their original form a few hours or a day or so later. Thus, when it is raining, people usually stay marooned in the mountain huts, or glutton themselves if close to a town. Having waited for 3 days for the weather to clear to do some rock and snow climbing we all (12 Aussies) decided to move on, although I had no choice, having to catch a flight from Queenstown to Christchurch that Friday afternoon. iVednesday afternoon it was still drizzling and snowing on the mountains a mile away. Ten of the mob were going along the Routeburn track which in good weather has beautiful scenery of snow capped mountains, the Hollyford River valley stretching out to the sea, and other features such as glacial tarns, waterfalls and a large lake Lake Harris, etc. But this time the only scenes they saw were mud puddles, mud bogs, and more puddles, as I later found out. Gwen, a member of the Adelaide Busbies, and myself had earlier joined up to do some climbing (unfortunately VO didn't do any) and we decided against a repeat of Routdburn. we had both walked along the track in good weather a 1' ow seasons prior to this year. we picked on the Greenstone track through which many trampers travel, and part of the' way there was supposedly a good track. Decisions made, I thought I had better find out what to expect in this valley. Pfe had to meet and catch a ferry on Friday morning at 11.00 p.m. as that was the last ferry I could catch in order to be in time for my flight on Saturday. It was 11 p.m. by the time I got hold of a map and glanced through it. “c also got some very sketchy first hand accounts from people who had previously been there. After packing our gear we made a hasty retreat into our fea bags at mi4night. Up at 7 o'clock we caught a bus from the main road which is 500 yards from the hut, to the beginning of both Routeburn and Hollyford tracks. March, 1968. THE SYDNEY BUSH-TALKER Page 5. Two of the Routeburn party had decided to 'PIKE' and go to Q'town by bus all the way. By coincidence one of the chaps had a very appropriate name Pike. We said au revoir and raced away from civilization into the bush as fast as our legs would take us. At 11 p.m., approximately 1 hour after we had left the bus, Gwen and myself parted from the main party to start on our epic trip. 1:re thus had 24 hours to do the 20 mile trip. The muddy traok MRS just .passible in some parts around Lake Howden. “e soon arrived at the flats with open beech forest through which the track meandered. It was very pleasant walking oven though we often got stuck in the mud, and it was misty and raining. ANOTHER LAKE! “Did anyone mention a second lake, and it seems much larger than Lake Howden!” “Rpm… Dot saia she camped at a lake, but that was near the end of the track.” Came the replyg “Oh well, we'll find out sooner or later.” “e trudged on having two 5 minute (approximately) breaks on the way to the river flats after the second lake. The flats came as quite a surprise as one minute we were walking through beech forest and the next along grassy flats of the river, approximately t mile long. To anyone not knowing what an actual New Zealand beech forest is, I will try to explain as briefly as possible. Beech forest can vary from one extreme to another; flairly open with the moss covered trees a yard or so apart, and the smaller scrubby beech which grows so thick and low it is quite difficult to gain any ground (horizontally). The type of beech forest I have bashed through was wet with moss growing on the trees:, huge boulders, :bhe slippery. roots, and holes through Which you would always put your foot. It took us a;Whole day to travel 3 miles. So At is quite handy te have a track through the forest. As it had_ been raining for 4 days now the river was well above its ordinary level and the whole of tho grassy flats were sodden. “e skirted the river flats all the way right along side tree line where the going was only slightly wet underfoot. lath the constant drizzling rain we didn't sec any peaks but we did see very stoop snow couloirs descending into beautiful waterfalls. It scoed MD were making quite good time (although time was unknown to us as watches weren't present) along the flats.fle had a quick lunch and a few miles further on we crossed a small creek. A fairly large side creek came in on true (R). “Did that chap say a suspension bridge was after a creek junction or do we have to ford to true side and cross a bridge later?” Page 6 THE SYDNEY BUSHTALKER March, 1968, “I wonder where the track is supposed to be?” Question, questtons, ,and more questions. As the river wab in slight flood we kept on a high side of flats on loft hand side. A mile further we came back to the river. The river seemed to have gone into a gorge. The mist banks surrounding the valley cliffs were slowly but surely thinning out, but not for today. rre continued to race on during the rest of the day looking out for a camp spot with a tree. It had suddenly become ominously dark and Gwen suggested we had better look for a camp, spa. The whole day we had_ been travelling a few yards from trees and now that we wanted one we couldn't see a tree for a mile. 7o ended up camping under a very large tree (the home of some cattle) next to a small erqdk. Quickly we put up the tent, cooked tea and were ready to crawl into our flea bags again when it appeared lighter in the sky. It seemed it had just been a dark rain cloud covering the sky for half an hour. 7e had no choice but to stay where we were and sloop it out. Breakfast wascooked at a terribly early hour it seemed (calculated later as 4 aolla.). The sun's rays shone through the thinner cloud layers and away we ware. The Greenstone turned to the left and into a canyon. It would be _impossible to cross the canyon; the bridge must be here: Pe came onto some sort of track (probably a deer track) and blundered through the bush along the most probable way to this bridge of ours. The river was roaring. A side creek ended our scrub bash which I found to be impossible to cross by ordinary tourists which follow the track. Trudging back to the second hut we had passed earlier we saw a slight cutting on the opposite bank of the river which may have been a track. In hope of finding the track and getting to our boat before 11 a.m, we forded the river where it split into two just i before the canyon. Indeed, it was the 1 track. 7e continued on the 2 yards wide Imuddy track for 2i hours until we reached Lake Wakitipu, crossing the bridge on the way. The time was 10.30 a.m. Ve met the pthers On the boat and had an unevent- ful trip badk to our sleeping bags under the pine trees. P.S. Found out from 2 other Australian 'walkers that our way would have been the only possible creeks on the true right bank we in flood and not .Fordi46jhe rAsht wax) crossable. March, 1968, THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 7. By Jess martin *p *1'*
"We/11 take a oouple of lines and do some fishing on this trip: fish
will be a nice change frem the dehy.” Fishermen are true optimists!
In the days before Kilcare and that stretch of coast became popular
with weekenders we had a favourite campsite at the north end of Putty
Beach in the thickly scrubbed and treed area behind the sand dunes, beside
a very pleasant little running creek with meet water. 'Je would swim, surf,
sunbake and scramble around the heights above, visiting Maitland Day and
other beautiful spots.
It was time then to fish, mainly from the Rocks north of our campsite,
and one of my jobs was to help gather and cut up oungevoi as the menaigais
forget bait. On my first attempt to catch fish I was told: “Give me that line,
we don't wish to lose it” ; in casting the line I iad nearly followed it. More
bait and hooks were lost than fish caught, but occasionally there would be
a small haul of rock cod and perhaps a crab or two. The men prided themselveu
on their cooking ability, so were encouraged to practise their skill.
The silver eels in the MbruyaiDeua River on the South Coat were
prized as a food, and the catching as good sport, by the locals. After dark
small parties waded throu gh the shallows in the clear water, each armed
with a bright lantern and .a hardened sharp spike on the end of a pole. A
quick movement, a splash and a thud as an eel landed on the bank There is
some skill in spearing a quickly moving slimy eel and securing it.
This inspired the organizer of our trip to Bendothera from Moruya
over the ranges by George's pack trail, to carry a homemade spear in
anticipation of many a feed of eel. The idea was good, but the spear had
not been hardened sufficiently and bent on contact with the creature, and
all that was acquired was a piece of slime on the spear prong.
River Canoe Club folk carried a line and spinner on their trips
down the Shoalhaven and other rivers: so we had a line and Spinner with us.
Luckily finding Mr. Randolph George in the kitchen, the only
remaining portion of the Dendethera homeptead, and yarning with him for a
while, we went up river to a deep hole where the George family (according
to Mr. Randolph) had always caught fish. It was not long before a good size
perch was caught, the angler's estimate being 2 lbs., and this was carefully
put aside on the bank whilst the line was again thrown in hopefully and
another sizable fish caught. As it was late in the afternoon and dinner an
lawent thought, a move was suggested back to camp. The fishermen decided the
is n would be better off washed as they had been lying in the dirt of the
bank, so clutching the first fish in,both hands, he waded into the river and
dipped hands and fish into the water. The look on his face was indescribable,
.Page.8. . THE SL'DNEYBUSIEALKER March 1968
as the fish, with a powerful thrust of its tail and moving. its fins rapidly, shot into the safety of dee-13 water. The second fish was washed in a billy back at our camps
We moved down river next day and, after a hearty.welcome from Mrs.
Rankin and the two girls, (being ipvited to lunch), camped on-the river not far from the house. That evening Mr. Rankin Snr. and Mr. Jim George rode in; they having been away all day at a cattle sale in Krawarreo. After dark Jim George invited us to accompany him whilst he fished for next day's dinner, it being the season of Lent. We quietly fellowedshim up river anti' .1i6 cam. to a deep poollying at the base of a steep bank. It was a beautiful, still, dark night and it was very peaceful sitting listening to the small seunds of the night creatures ana the river running in.the distance. The lines were ready and cast in, and ye* soon we understood why a trace of piano wire-was tied betWeen hook and line, The eels snapped everything off the' end of the line not so protected. It seemed no time before we had a couple of big eels and a fish.
On returning to the houso we were shown how easy it is to skin an eel.
Mr. George cut the skin juin below the head with a sharp knife, continuing the cut right round. Then he hung the eel on a large nail in a post and just pulled the skin off, like removing a stocking. Next day we were again invited to lunch and were served eel and fresh vegetables. I wondered whether I could eat my portion but it was delicious; a crisp white flesh. Kathleen Rankin told us the best was is to parboil and then fry the eel.
*Have you over “tickled” a trout? It is very tempting to try, because I have always seen trout in very clear water. I have read of “tickling” and understand one of our previous members has boon successful.
When it is decided by one of the men in the party that trout shall be
on the menu, and he decrees grasshoppers shall be the bait, have urgent business elsewhere. I can assure you it is very much harder to catch the bait than the fish. I have vivid recollections of the party darting here, stooping and then springing into the air after,the insects, while the fisher- men out and trimmed a whippy sapling for a rod. When sufficient bait had been gathered, he crept up to the stream quietly and carefully and sheltered behind a bush on the bank and cast his line into the clear cold water. We had three trout for dinner that night. I understand it is illegal to catch trout without a licence, and to use grasshoppers as bait.:.!1 Tha.e was no risk of being caught by an Inspector in the high country between Brindaboll and Tumut.
Then, of course, fishermen try to catch fish from our beaches and the
rocks of our South Coast. I prefer to comfortably sit and enjoy the pulse and surge of the sea, the green of clear water as a wave breaks in a white lacy foam, and see birds wheeling over the deeper dark blue sea further out. But when the fisherman gets wet to the waist and the wind turns cold, on our out- lying beaches one can usually opt enough driftwood together to build a fire by which to thaw out. Now and than a few fish are'caught.*
As you can guess I have not enough enthusiasm to be a Fisherwoman! -x-x:***.ie*************,;(.**
March, 1968. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page. 9… .
Mr. Neville Page, Dear Editor,
The great event has joined the shadows is not much mentioned, so
why not lot it sleep. But since that night, I have often thought of the groat “Might have been”.
Space.... Light..,. Air.... the throe fundamentals of one of Lifols
finest activities; we call it Bushwalking. Yet, for this rare, moSt memorable occasion the Plotters of the Club went hard into reverse. SO hearken to tho tale of the
Sad Sardine Seminar, If this title is not clear, next time you ope a tin, observe the .
compression, and you will exclaim why there was the night at the Crusty;
With October still afar, the Plotters went into long cogitation and
exploration, and at last came to an expensiVe hideout below ground; a,scrappy nest of cellars in an old building, in the north end of George Street. For generations, these had served for the storage of merchandise cobwebby and candle lit, Eventually, the ground floor became a wine shop, and later, after a little clean up, those cellars became a fake ye olde Cookie.
The -place became a resort for Gourmets; these cr6aturos who spend
large slices of Life in plotting, concocting, consuming truckloads of fodder that has little relation to the normal simple needs of that most overworked slave; the stomach!
So elaborate has this religion become, that it approaches obscenity;
that is to a happy ancient trouble free broad and bu;btor baby: The latest equipment at the P.A.H. indicates a suspicion of the virus in the S.D.W.!!!
To complete the misery, these gloomy-cells were lit by a few fluttering
struggling candles; to find a pal in that mass of Moat and meat, was a tough job. So few wandered around, once in a place they stayed mesmerised; did not Edwin Markham have solaething to say about this? “Bowed down by the weight of tukker and likka they crouch, happier far than any Joey in its pouch”!
For the pleasure of meeting and yarning with old, and cherished friends,
this night was a total loss.
Most of the chinwagging was fox', the maceration of tucker rather than .
for past memories and present notions. What rich spicy wordy morsels we missed by not hearing from the so many really mature ones there.
Page 10. THE SYDNEY BUSHFALKER . March, 1968..
And the final crash - 10 R.m. closing! It had some virtue; it.prOved
how good was the sky and.the air of old George ptreetr . . , t . . . . .. -, --,...,:, Ana,sothe .gre.a: dinner came -b,b its end, in 'a most inapproprlaTe
spot, 'for the Maturity Party of that magnificent matrimonial association
that has produced,-(without'adVertising) moro beautiful fruit to themile than any other groul5 of-citizens. .
But everyone seemed satisfied. It is not much mentioned,.so iftP.P. '
comment! Hearken to the tale of the fortieth that wasn't.
For such a night,ffiat' took 40 years to grew, it should have bean
in a suburban Town Hall; say in the Phrramatta district,. Such halla have
abundant space, light, free seating, and plainly labelled spots to find.
Catering could bo private or professional. These halls have kitchens for
billy boiling, and tables and chairs could 3oe, random. for .any
congenial group,
What revivals we could have had with a hall that included stage
and piano! Rene - that tireless fount of quality could have made the
piano sing for hours. Such treasures of the many musical and artistic triumphs, of the past could have delighted the young of the-species. .
Strangely, so many of the singers and player were there at the Tavern.
Peter Page, still a lyric tenor, fiddlers Olive Greenacre and Hilda
Liacartney, Ian Ualcolm, great actor and verse reader. Enough there to
revive.momories of practice nights at Reno's Artarmon nest. Yes - even
Albort,Crandon of the mouthy was. Quite'modestly - with Rene as conductor,
we called it an orchestro...(But what a sour memory of Hilda Mac; she left
,.her 4ddle in a tram!! Fiddlocidel)
Beginning at 4 on to 12. All that time to see, hear, mix, do, eat,
drink, and make merry, and coming out, how the car drivers would have
discovered they wore well on the way to the other half of the Roune, which
reached every expectation, and rewarded the faithful with perfect wer:ther,
and many with the supreme luxury of campfire chairsill
If ever our Editor is short of script,- he should reprint the programs
of S.B. shows at St. James in Philip Street. For quality and variety, oven
drama - these programs are the most amazing dopuments in the archives of the
SOO. How they would show the youngies what the oldie's used to do, when
they were youngies.
Signed' Taro
February 6, 1968.
P.S. And wasn't Jim Brown's choochoo night a knockout. Little we knew -Uhat
such a non driver, fireman, shunter, guard.or signalman, could know so much
about man's greatest invention,.the.Steamy! But how terrible to think that
the trusty unfailing friends of over a century should be wiped and shoved
down the drain: Note: if going by train, near Springwood - on the left, is a
fine sandstone cottage put there for.the-ghnger of that 'stretch; look at the
March, 1968'4\ THE SYDNEY 713.1.5-egviAncm Page. )1.
_gable, and ,sce chiselled, 18671 JiM . , .s1,ides gave a splendid night..
and a certain wise Womatiofjlahroonga reMarkod "hat .a. superb touch was jWs ever smoking pip such realisiiii arinr the dangers.of'nicotine for the humour of showbusiness1".
- * AeN t kg_ CCIAcc, AAC: rI/V`,1Ajts 17TH. MARCH. There is no Sunday walk. programmed for this weekend due to the Reunion. 24TH. MATCH. Mr, Laurie Rayner's name makes an appearance on the current walks programme, with this day walk from riest Head (other- wise known as Commodore Heights) to 7est Head via Arden Trig, Salvation Creek and Refuge Bay. There will be an opportunity to do SUMO swimming, and also plenty of views for photographer (viz. Lion Island, Pittwater and Palm Beach Peninsula). Private transport is the order of the day, and Laurie can be contacted on telephone number 36-5344 (Home). The map covering the area is Broken Bay (Military) and the approximate garding of the walk is 8 miles Medium. 31ST. MARCH. Stanwell Fark Stanwell Tops - Scarborough Lookdown - Coaleliff. This is the route proposed by Jim Brown (the Choo-choo man). The walk is classified as 8 miles Medium. The train to catch leaves Central Country Platform at 8.42 a.m. An further information can be got from Jim by ringing his home telephone number, 81-2675. 1224_01a, Sammy Hinde will be on his old tramping ground when he leads this walk from Lilyvale to Garie9, going through Palm Jungle, down to Figure Eight Pool, to Era and thence to Garie (bus to 7aterfall). Map is the Port Hacking Tourist, and grading of the walk is 10 miles Medium. Once again, the train is the 8.42 a.m. from Central (Country Platform). Sammy can be contactedon 789-2145 (at home). N4 SHORT THOUGHT (NOT SNORT) He walks withyature, and her paths are peace. … Young - “Night Thoughts” samairomornaliarsrefetwv;, . PADDY PALLIN ,The shop with everything fof, BUSIMALKERS CAMPERS ROCKCLDBERS SXIERS. -A wide choice of footwear from boots to .Kletters to Volley OC's. Laces too Cooking gear, nesting billies both squat and tall. Stoves in.miniature, both petrol and gas._ Also matches waterproof. Food for camping. All sorts of dried foods for fancy face feeding. Tent pegs, tent cord, tent poles.;. tent bags; even tents. Socks, famous for 20 years among walkers, popularly called Paddy's 'Pinkies (Ye Gods). Jackets and.Parkas in practical variety, a remarkable range (To be continued). There? 15T0 FLOOR 109A.BATHURST ST” SYDNEY, N.S.7b Phone 26-2685. irilinute from Town Hall Station. I DYV PLLR Lightunight Camp Gear .1st Flier, !OSA $etherst Street, Syhey 3W03685 * By Roger Lockwood *
Dates New Year Weekend, 1968.
Party: Doone Wyborn, Colin Burton, John Millthorpe, Roger Lockwood.
We left our cars near the end of the sealed road on Mt. Irvine and made our way to Tessellate Hill. From these we were able to drop down to the Wollongambe, downstream 200 yards and up a relatively easy ridge onto Lost Flat. There are no landmarks visible once on the flat and in spite of the warning implied in the name, we did actually become disoriented for a short time. When we had re-established our bearings we were obliged to make a 180 degree adjustment to our course. Following this we could commence our descent into Yarramun Creek, a tributary of Bungleboori Creek. Both the descent into the Wollongambe and into Yarramun Creek are cut up by low bluffs on the ridges and waterfalls in the gullies and it required some re-tracking and a lot of persistence to complete this leg of the trip by nightfall. About 100 yards from our proposed campsite (at the junction of the creek we were following and Yarramun Creek) we were confronted in this hitherto almost dry canyon by a short pool through which it was necessary to swim. Doone tested the water temperature with his toes, apparently a three foot eel suddenly swam out from under a rock to investigate. Though Doone had elected to swim through first and get our packs to the other side dry he now rather reluctant and there was some discussion centring on the eating habits of eels, their alleged timidity and so forth. Eventually be plunged in and we fortunately saw no more of the eel.
The next day the three miles of Yarramun-Creek took us all morning at an average speed of a mile an hour, our way being hindered by boulders and great masses of vegetable debris. At the Bungleboori there seemed to be reasonable li-loing conditions though it did involve a fair amount of carrying. I was sceptical of the feasibility of li-loing in general and preferred to walk until it became clear that I was working a lot harder than the others and travelling slower. There were parts of the gorge indeed which would have been impossible to negotiate on foot. In places tremendous cliffs over 300 feet high rose abruptly from the water.
We found that by wearing the pack and sitting upright so that pack rested on the cushion of the li-lo with the legs resting on the rest of the mattress we were able to keep the unwaterproofed pack and the upper part of the body fairly dry. We camped halfway along the Bungleboori and arrived at the junction with the Wollongambe at 10 o'clock on New Year's Day. Our speed on the Bungleboori averaged a mile an hour, as on Yarramun Creek. However there was very little vegetable debris, it only being encountered at the rapids between the long pools. It was due to such debris that Doone's li-lo received several large holes, but no-one-else's was punctured. The flow rate below the junction of Bungleboori and Wollongambe was at least as great as the Kowmung, so Wollangambe Creek really deserves the status of a river.
The way out onto the ridge leading back to Mt. Irvine was very devious. We followed a small side creek which cut through the cliff line about 300 yards upstream from the junction. There were several waterfalls to contend with, one being quite dangerous, but we eventually got to the top. On the ridge itself were two tricky bluffs which necessitated the man handling of packs. We reached the cars just after 6 o'clock, being slowed up by very hot conditions on the ridge.
This type of river trip can be recommended, though one should undertake it it this area knowing that there will be difficult travelling and map and compass work to get to the sections of streams which are suitable for li-los. A good three day trip from the Newnes road right through the Bungleboori Creek is a must for next summer programme.
This being the last magazine to be published in my term of office, would like to say a few public thank-yous, particularly to those people who don't got their names into print.
Firstly, we are indebted to Don Finch, Ketas and Boat, who did most of the duplicating work; and that can bp hard work with our duplicator. Also, I want to thank Joan Rigby, who arrange's the production schedule, ' and:lends. her time and home for duplicating collating. stapling, wrapping etc, Joan ' also has the job of rounding up helpers, and has graciously provided us with supper every lilonth.
Thank you also to the "helpers" who did all the production work '
too many to mention individually. Further, Alan Pike has had the unenviable job of selling the magazine, and typing names and addresses on wrappers every month.
Next, I want -to thank the contributors, without whom.tliero would be
no magazine at all. Although they have the hondur and glory. (?) of getting their names at the top of a page, I still think they rate a great deal of appreciation for their efforts, Particular thanks I would offer to those people who contribute something to the magazine month after month (and I think you know who I mean).
Well that's/about it. To sum up, may I say thank you to everyone
who has in any way helped to keep the magazine going, and to everyone who has offered encouragement.
In conclusion, may I say that I have enjoyed immensely being Editor,
and I hope the new Editor gets.the same level of satisfaction. I-offier the nowEatoz my full support, and I express the hoPe-that 6,14, who-havo supported me will support Rose to the same degree.
March, 1968.THE =CY BUSHULKER Page 15.
We would like to advise all our patrons of a change in the address of our showrooMs. The new rooms are at 165 Pacific Highway,. North Sydney.
We would like alsoto advise that we are now open during normal retail trading hours, namely 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, and 9 a.m, to 12 noon on Saturdays.
By JIM BROWN : The Fth1.1 InStalmeht of a Pageant Turitten,fOr-OA0fire
performance at the Fortieth Reunion of
Despite walkers pressure, Era was added to the National Park,
A proposal to change the Club's meeting night from Friday to Thursday was defeated. The "Lovaduck" made its famous voyage - four members in an inflat-
able rubber dinghy covered 8 miles of Wollondilly in 2 days. Of course, it could have been walked in 2 hours, or driven in 15 minutes. But not now; you'd really need "Lovaduck".
Our landlords wore hard to got on with, and told ua- WQ 001.114 nO lohaxe the Club room on Fridays.-We a4tched to Weclne/440713f
The Club endorsed a Parks and Playgroundwviow-,that t'h.P PPPra HOMO should not be built in the PomaXP, We thought. the Ortcl Ottbp 014 tram depot at Port Macquarie would be all right,'
Geoff gagg revived. Tiger walks with the 85 miler from latoPm'Oa to Picton via,Cox's River and Burragorang - appropriately it staxied on 1st, April.
In September Federation expressed its disapproval of SalW, Marathons. go said ours were not marathons as oonducted by lossbreeds; we just did long walks,
'feets of motorisation began to .ppar country that was little trodden before camo within rah, Trips that needed 3 or 4 days could be reached and dope in 2, The Corang-Castle area 'became popular and some daring souls tackled filoctions of the Colo.
Members' attire was still a good point for dispute. In May it was resolved that the removal of shirts by male members should be loft to the discretion of the member disrobing. It was announced that a nudist colony had been discovered in
MYtina Crook. The Walks Secretary promptly announced that no walks were set down .1,n that area on the next programme.'
March, 1968. THE SIDNEY BUSHWALKER Page -17..
In DecdMber an enthusiastic ski group proposed a scheme to-buy or build a hut in the Kosciusko area.. - -
The summer of 1957/58 was marred by -more savage bushfires. In December several mombers,of a Scouting party lost their lives while climbing out of Blue Gum. On 16th. February tho inaugural meeting of the National Parks Association was held. At long last prospectivos were permitted to attend Reunions. A motion to donate E5 each year to the Opera House Appeal was lost.
The then Minister for Lands declines mining leases at Oolong. A different story nine years later. After a year of exploration and considering, the Club ski hut project lapsed. During a discussion on investment of the Club's surplus funds, Mr. Ashdown opposed purchasing stocks and shares, and said that if the Clilb needed more money, it should not bother about interest from shares but should ' orea subscri tions. s In Juno a JUd0 o'bnstration was held and two of the floor boards were broken. It was rumoured that this was due to the many white ants ih the Club. Two strenuous walks came to notice: a hundred-miler from Hill Top to Katoomba and the Three Peaks (Cloudmaker, Paralyser, Guouogang). We weren't happy about our landlords: attention was drawn at one meeting to-the plates of cat meet and the sand trays around the room. The trouble was the cats knew what the meat was for, but didn't seem-certain about the sand trays. We had nowhere else to go, so we decided to suffer in silence.
Wo found a Club room at'Reiby Place and moved there very smartly. The rental was 5.5.0 per week. In South West Tasmania a S4B.W. party was in difficulties. Snow Brown and Mick Perryman made news with a fast dash over . rough country to bring SUCQOUT to Bob Duncan, injured in a fall. At Easter a party camped in the slot between Mounts Renwick and Roswaine spent the wettest, washed-outest night ever.
- A motion to buy a public address system was thrown out, Ah, but
you can still hear the echoes of that debate.
The Club was advertising again. In the telephone directory we had entries Under B7 nushwalkers, The Sydney" and St "Sydney Bushwalkers".
Page 18. THE SYDNEY BUSH1VALICER March, 1968,
The Era Funds were invesfed in Special Commonwealth Bonds. In July Colin Putt led a party exploring the highest mountain ranges of New Guinea: the Carstenz Peaks. A pool of camping gear for loan to prospectives was,.creatbd. Members were warned to beware of dog traps, on Cedar/Road.
THE OPENING OF THE A.M.P. BUILDING IN SYDNEY. S.B.W. members took part in the rescue of a climber injured in a fall in Kanangra Rivulet, In Septemlaer the Treasurer drew, attention to the unhealthy state of Club finances, Mr. Ashdown asked if this was a preliminary to an increase in subscriptions. The %ter Board started to take a hard lino with people trespassing on 7arragamba Catclmient. In "Stored vatee we wrote: You are not camped where you oughter; At least two miles away. , You are camping on stored water. And the penalty must pay. From the sewerage farms at Leura Prom theigutters of Moss Vale '.o 'have draln this water purer 'Map the sno'w' upon the gale.. . But to practice these ablutions ' In the brew that Sydney swills. Could produde untold pollutions Filling the city with di....direful ills.
Exploratory parties were still reaching out into areas only rarely touched before: the Upper Deua9 'Iollongambe Creek. Car swap trips and canyoneering jaunts began to appear on the walks programme. In September it was decided to adopt walks programmed of three months duration instead of four. Subs rose to 29 with a special 3 rate for marrieds.. Mbo ested the increase? well, we won't tell you, see. It was decided that examiners of prospectives in first aid. and map reading should be selected from people Who didn't answer their own questions. ,
TH: YEAR OF THE VOYAGER DISASTER. Drought was increasing over Eastern Australia. The Treasurer foreshadowed a possible rise in subscriptions, , -which met with resistance. walkers were showing increased interest in the country around Mounts Coricudgy and Monundilla. An attempt was made to purchase a key block in the Deua River Valley at Bendethera9 using as a nucleus the Era Fund. At an auction we couldn't go high enough.
March, 1968, THE SYDNEY BUSITAIKER Page 19.
The Reunion was deferred until September owing to the fire hazard. The possibility of securing land on the coast south: Of 'Pretty - - Beach was discussed; it was discovered all areas not already developed were likely to be reserved. Despite the fires early in the year there were two parties in Blue Gum Forest during mid-July who had a difficult time extricating themselves from one of the severest snow falls recorded in the area.
Walkers, always good on the tooth, excelled themselves at the first Gourmet Weekend in November. A push-bike trip from Mittagong to Katoomba left a trail of busted cycles along Scott's Main Range and the Mite Dog Track. In July the Club suffered a heavy loss in the passing of Alan . Rigby; one of its founders and a man still marvellously young in spirit.
The Sydney Bushwalkers celebrate their 40th. Anniversary with a dinner at Ye Olde Crusty Tavern, and a special Reunion. They say that life begins again At forty years of ago. Although tonight we've looked behind, "Oro not afraid of what we'll find "hen we have turned the page. Let's have no hates or doubts or fears Let's walk into the coming years. *****************
- by.. pli VW* .%i MUNI. ou.A.
Unfortunately this month's magazine is a week late in being published. The Editor wishes to apologise for this state of affairs, and offer the eplanation that he has been on holidays in the Central West of New South "ales, some hundreds of miles from his typewriter and obligations. Ho hopes that you will find it within your hearts to forgive him.
Page 20,. THE SYDNEY 'BUSMIALICER '14aroh9-1968:-
* By The/sporting Editor 4 The following are the results of the 1968 S.B.W. Swimming Carnival held recently at Lake Eckersley. The Carnival was organised by Nan Bourke and Owen Marks jointly. IZODIEN FREESTYLE: 1st. Places Bronwyn.Secombe. 2nd. Places Nan Bourke. 3rd. Place: Lyn Drummond. MEN'S FREESTYLE: 1st. Place: Laurie Quaken. 2nd. Places Rolf Janssen. 3rd. Place: Barry Wallace. WOMEN'S LL-.L0 RACE:1st. Places Bronwyn Secombe. 2nd. Place: Lindsey Gilroy. 3rd. Place: Nan Bourke. MEN'S LI-LO RAGE: 1st. Place: Neville Page. 2nd. Place: Laurie Quaken. 3rd. Place: Rolf Janssen. CHILDREN'S FREESTYLE1st. Place: Penny Dean. 2nd. Place: Chris Brown. 3rd. Place: Julia Younger. 'OMEN'S LONG PLUNGE:1st. Place: Nan Bourke who plunged 50 feet. 2nd. Place: Lyn Drummond who plunged 47 feet, 3rd. Place: Kay Kywood who plunged 43 feet. MEN'S LONG PLUNGE: 1st. Place: Rolf Janbben who-plunged 43 feet. 2nd. Place: Owen Marks who plunged 42 feet. 3rd. Place: Laurie Quaken & Barry 7allace, who both plung6d 41 feet. CHILDREN'S PEANUT 1st. Place: Rosemary Bourke with 28 peanuts. SCRAMNR: 2nd. Places Penny Dean with 24 peanuts. . 3rd. Place: Chris Brown with 20 peanut's. 'OMEN'S PEANUT 1st'. Place: Lyn Drummond with 28 peanuts. SOMME : 2nd. Places Jan Stacey, Lindsey Gilroy, and Nan Bourke, each with 21 peanuts. 3rd.. Place: Bronwyn Secombe with 19 peanuts. MEN'S PEANUT 1st. Places Rolf Janssen with 38 peanuts. SCRAMBLE: 2nd. Place: Laurie Quaken with 27 peanuts. 3rd. Place: Alan Pike with 22 peanuts. March; 1968. THE SYDNEY BUSIMALKER Page 21.. +1101.1=md DUAL LILO RELAY:. 1st. Places Bronwyn-SecoMbe and. Neville Page. 2nd. Places LynTrummend and Rolf Janssen. (PFARQUAR CU ) 3rd. Place: Nan Bourke and Barry 77allace. The trophy for this race was donated: by Bett abd Bit Farquar, and their name attaches to it as a consequence. On the basis of the Above results, it was awarded to Bronwyn Secombe and Neville Page. TELEGRAN RELAY: (NAPDETRERG CUP) 1st. Placqs Bronwyn Secombe and Rolf Janssen. 2nd. Places Kay Kywood and Jim Callaway. , 3rd, Places Lindsey Gilroy and Laurie Quaken. On the basis of the above results, the Mandoiberg Cup II was awarded to Bronwyn Secombe and Rolf Janssen, THE HENLEY CUP: This Cup is awarded to the competitor who gains the highest aggregate point score, taking into account all events in the Carnival. The 1968 Henley Cup winner is Rolf Janssen, who gained 14 points. * IFILDERNESS BAY. By Kareno Armand, Class 5A (1967) Padstow Park Public School. Teachers Miss J. Hallman. OFF TO riILDERNESS BAY. The train stopped off and I went through the tremendous crowd hoping to find my cousin Faye who was off with merem my journey which would take us to alderness Bay. Ve stopped and asked a friend of Faye's which road to take and he replied, “To the right.” So we turned right, off on our long journey which would take six long, dreary hours of our time. 7e made sure we had everything, including plenty of water to drink. Before long we were happy to find that four hours had gone by and there was hope of reaching wilderness Bay at five o'clock. Very soon we saw between tvro mountains the .rough rugged bush and a bright, blue silvery river running through. Faye thought if we hurried we would reach there in half an hour instead of fortyfive minutes. After a while we finally reached “ilderness Bay so we found a suitable spot to set up our camp which was' on the banks of a river. Soon we both became tired and so we put up the tont and slipped into our sleeping bags to have a sleqp. “hen we woke up we found it was now dark, so without saying anything to each other we made ourselves some scrambled egg on toast and a cup of hot chocolate. re then undressed and got into our sleeping bags again. 'e could not sleep because we were so excitthd, so we sat up and waited till morning and then we cooked ourselves some sausages and tomatoes. SETTLING D01.”1. “hen we had finished our breakfast we started off into ti bush to explore it. Soon we came to a beautiful patch of wildflowers !larch, 1968. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page but we did not toueh'them because we did not want tD harm thep# Further along the stream, We came to ,a flock of wild birds Q,Qfl41 to get a drink, because the water wa0 fresh. Soon we grew hungryand:fol ()Wed the stream upward. An *oon as we reached theiie we washed our faces with water and made ourselves some nandwie:les and a drink of lime. After dinner had gone down We felt like a swim so we get into our costumes and hEia a swim. soon time had passed so we went baek to camp and had our tea. VNDING FAYE.. After tea we went to bed. We went to bed at seven thirty so we could get up early. ,In the morning whcm I woke up,Faye had gone and she had made her breakfast. I quickly got dressed and had some breakfast and then wont after her. Soon an hour had passed and I had not found a trace of her anywhere. Then I found her water bottle. Then I heard a sound oming from the bush and there was Faye, trying tp release a bird which was caught among the branches. We both pulled down one end each and the b.abY bIrd had' been released. When we got back we sat dewn and 1.1a01.s rep. After a while we theught whai YIP *0W explore the 'stream. We set out at the beginning arid started to eXploro. First We came *o a lot of little fish W1ich;w6r0-b14.0. with yellow &pots on thoir backs. up further We found s-Ome bierds. Soon we came to some shiny pebbles which were on the bdttom pf the water. Faye pulled up her sleeve and pulled them oUt. They were Valewf green, black and white. Up further we co to a little lizard which Watf basking in the spl., I quickly got up and it loolced,liko it was gding to ,run at us, but we quickly turned back and hurried away. We eamo to a trek) W11141 had three nests in it so we deOded to climb it,, but the i?other cailie back and we had to go. After sem time we thought we had bettor go back. HELFTN FAri. The n(P=t mernipg We woke early and made ourselves a _q4ok breakfast-. When we had finiihed we went out. -Faye and I seParated. SO.Qn f heard some serpaping pp I quiekli raP4 c4x1 then stepped OlAdderaY 1?ogause there was 4 b,ig, hole. iinthe grellnd- and . Nre hid fallen So ran back, found oeme V4e, and went t6 the *cue'. I tio it te a tree the ;est' ciown t4osh-ple. Then IbrtlUghi it IV and pulled Faye to the top. Faye. wanted to have a real p4d 411-4 go wheo we get Imek I made her one. The Faye remembered that we on had tomor*Av left and we had to ge. GO:01q*KE. The not morning we arose bright and early so we could, get off a good start home. When we had started we romemtered that we wore going to hurry home. When we arriyed vo WelN PAP.a4R4 tQ P90 C:11.r p4Fent91 ceouppl and aunties ratting or us to atrtye. They wore z*1,370 us I;(50.0 cit160!401 41 at 011c0;. s9M-0 ef 14110M Were Y.4.01).PerP. When we gt hglie 411 our fti6nds 644e to see us. When we went back to 0011.04 the teacher told us that we sOuld tho 014$s. about our tAp. *if0***