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1117/71._ 11 CONTENT S. 7ax and 7ane Three Parts. Blue Mountain Passes Pat Harrison . The October General Meeting Jim Brom Mountain Equipment Ad. Federation News Fiji J. Peberton Paddy's Ad. Jenny and Stan Madden's weekend The Elusive Crater Allv,n 1.7yborn A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushyralkers7 Northcote BUilding, Reiby Place, Circular quail., Sydney Box 4476, G.P.O. Sydney. EDITOR : Ross 7yborn, 1/73 Harris Street, Harris Park,,N.S.. 2150 BUSINESS WACER g Bill Burke, Coral Tree Drive, Ciford, 2118. TYPIST : Shirley Dean, 30 Hannah Street, Boecroft. 2119 SALES & SUBS g Ramon UlBrion, 61 Nidason St., Surry Hills, 2010. 2 8 10 11 13 14
15 16 .17
-177- rl3 1 r ` 2 The Sycl_noy Bushweaker November
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November, 1968
The Sydney Bushwalker 3
ART ONE by Don Matthews.
In 1935, five Russian soldiers skied 4,500 miles from
Nerchinsk to Moscow. It took about three months with heavy skis
and with fifty pound packs. The leader was reported to have commented2 “we'd have preferred a downhill race of the same distance, As it was, it was just one of those cross country runs.”
It's taken me two weeks to recover from skiing, cross country,
for one ninetieth the distance in one thirtieth the time with half the weight. That doesn't say much for my condition, but as our President
has been telling me for years that I'm a has-been, it says something for my courage.
Really though, there's nothing to it, if you can ski, and have the right wax, the right weather, and know the route, and use the right sort of skis. There's no doubt that lightweight skis and boots,
weighing together about eight pounds, have it all over the danhill variety totalling at least sixteen pounds. John Morgan persuaded me that rattrap
bindings were quite adequate and eventually last year I took the plunge and bought my own lightweights. I was now committed to acquiring the
glorious art of longrunning. Farewell to the tows. This was back to touring with, comparatively speaking, winged feet!
I'carefUlly took the slender fragile planks, sanded off the protective paint from the soles, and lit the blow torch. Now to burn the base far in
“Heat until it drives and bubbles”, said the blurb. This took courage, but surprisingly the skis did not catch fire and the tar more or less soaked in dry. Admittedly this stage took several nights of rather tentative exploratory work, but finally I was ready for the base wax itself, a delightful orange in colour and very sticky. Like flypaper.
Some brave waving of the blo-rtorch and Smoothing with the scraper
.got me a layer of wax, the thickness of which was anyone's guess, but it seemed about right, so with a variety of running waxes in my pocket, I set
off. After two visits to the snow, and a good deal of trial and error, it was obvious that there was nothing to it - just point the skis and go! So flexible were the boots and bindings that you could just about dance in them.
There's no difficulty in deciding on location for scenic tours, either. Jagungal (6764 feet) dominates the Northern section of the Main Range.
The .wide sweep of the Valentine ana the upper reaches of Rocky Plain River (the undulating Oountry between Eawson's Hut and Jagungal), provide wonderful
skiing, and from the heights, superb views of the western side of the TwynamTownsend country.
4. The Sydney Bushwalker November, 1968
…:…: . -1…….0
The classic one way tours through this area are from Round
Mountain, just off the CabramurraThLancoban Road, or from Kiandra via Tabletop Mountain, but the Cabramurra Road is no longer cleared, and we
decided on a round trip, from Guthoga to Whites River Hut via the Rolling Grounds,.then Mawsons and Grey Mare Huts, (or vice versa, depending on conditions) vvith side trips where appropriate and with TI-agungal as the
central theme. The distance was about fifty miles and our loads about . 25-30 pounds. We tosSed the idea around one night at the Argyle Tavern and our wives smiled_ bonigay on because of course they didn't think we'd
do it, but somehow, despite all the things that can stop trips like this
happeninz, there we were one fine September morning, Geoffrey, Frani-. and
19 with bloetorch and flypaper, base 7axing our skis at Sawpit
70 had every wax in the book except Violet Mister, and if I'd taken Robert Pallin's advice we'd have had that too, but I for one had
forgotten just how slurpy spring sno-r:can get. Then a bloke at Guthoga stuck his head out of a hut window and said, “what have you got on, you ought to have Violet Klister”, but it was too late to worry about that0
rre worked on the principle that you waxed. as hard as possible for the expected range of conditions and then worked with Klisters just enough to stop backslip, and we met such a range of snow texture and temperature that on the whole, we did fairly well.
The day wes overcast and windy, but the Guthega Creek route, suggested by Paddy, was a gem, and we gained height slowly as we followed its course for a couple of miles until we reached the big bowl at it's head, then slogged up the eight hundred feet to the Consett Stephen Pass. Tate rose . majestically to the South, and its massive Northern ridge took a dive towards the depths of windy Crook.
To the North there were endless', snow covered ridges and valleys, just waiting to be explored.
The surface was now a wind eroded ice, and we skidddd and skated across the Rolling Ground, and then Doled down the softer snow of the long
funnel loading to White's, On our left a huge cornice towered above, with a greenish jagged edge where great blocks of snow had broken off. A
cautious run dune the soft snow of the main gully brought us to the hut, and 9 aswe wore first in on a Friday afternoon, the promise of a bunk with mattress.
PART TWO by Frank Rigby.
We got our banks all right, but only just, because in tramped five
members of the Canberra Alpine Club who were out to kneokover Jagungal in a
weekend. I thought 70 might end up like that pathetic fellow who composed “Double Bunking” until one of the newcomers produced a privileged key to the
locked half of the hut and, hey pl'eSto, four more bunks in the private boudoir no doubt about Canberra, it gets everything of the best. Now if you mix with ski tourers anywhere you will be bombarded by an everlasting rhetoric
41U 41ifOtV -44 ria 'e“;
November, 1968Tho Sydney Bushwalker 5.
about7,E.,zzos - it seems to flow out of their kg-Ts. But why lid those exports keep stressing. Violot Klistcr whei O had evor7thing but?
I wondered. if a mi-Kture of our blackcurrant jam and honey mightn't do the trick just a,s well.
Saturday turned. on a pretty nice morning for this past, of the
world and away went the Canberra bode for their marathon effort to
JagungF.,..1 and. return to Mawson Hut. Having more time and less ambition,
we rottc,,red about the hut and. again arzued the C64 question - ah
the purple had worked well enough yesterday and the colour .9,,cas almost violet, a..nr-Tay, so on it went Our leisurely plan was to tour to ivia.wson's and then decide the next stop. So it was up over Schlink Pass and around. the side of Gungartan with the sun beating down fiercely and
us down to our shirtsleeves at last which is a whole lot better than
battlin(;' with a blizzard.. At the head. of Two Mile Creek we stopped_ in awo foi. there was Jagungal rearing its noble -thito summit above all else. 7Tould vie stand. upon it? rrilo could. tell? But ambition had. begun to stir in our souls-. However, right now it was pleasant just to let our skis run down the broad basin to the Valentine River and the hut - no fancy
skiing, mind you, because with a pack on my back and those ITorlics on 1-.1y foot, I felt just like a ski bunny 'whenever the slope steepened. a bit.
As the Canberra mob had already laid claim to lawson's five bunks,
we hatched a plan to trek over to rkiey Mare hut after lunch. Maybe we would attack the mighty Jagungal from there, we thoughts the next day,
maybe. Don led. off on the run down from the hut and shortly he was coaling back, “ITE..,'tch out for that patch of soft —-”. It was too late for at that . instant I.. ploughed head-first. into the snow like a wombat bur:. owing an instant holc.). They told. mo later that a pair of skis waving in the air-was-the onay s ign of. life.; but that's- ski- touring- for youv- -The -ratite– – over to Gray Marc is complicated, particularly by the presence of Rocky Plain Ri,:rer which seems impossible to void Toll, there was this L'ushing stream barring the way, with littlo snowbergs bobbing up and_ devin just to remind us how, cold it was; we know it was our moment of truth Why had we
loft tile packed slopes and the comforts of the ski ld l_gos? But that. ski touring for you. The multitude of tracks running up and down the river banlf. would have told a dramatic story to anyone following - that
of a party searching desperately for a snow bridge. But alas, there were
none 'and vio became resigned to our . Don, gallant fello7.7 that he is,
led the v,ray across in his socks (I ta1.7o that ba.ck about Don being a has-boon) ana evon kicked steps up the steep bank opposite (yOs, still in his sock's).
Aft:.,,r some more complications, including, of course, some very. complicated falls (“Arc you says gnnf nninkly suhstitn-him,
6 . The Sydney Bushwalker November, 1968
lr.ext morning both vro and. tho ileather were rE.-i.th.Lix dull and there didn't S COM to be much inspiration to get moving. Finally G-oof was the honest ono “Look, fellas, I don't reckon I've got a, Jagungal in me today.” That settlod it. rTo would h.vo an “easy” day and amble back to Mawson.s. “Easy”,. did I, say? ,iol1, it did moan 3 hours on our skis, . 131,10 Ur2:;-1 ritvi 0 riAT)16ips and do rns, PIU.s a:ricther .',b20-8'0:n.e'. '9f t1.20.;:ROclar
P1cin O1 (rCS mo-
tsji 0
ra.'9'..att:-;LOi1Lflr 741 ”….~1.9e…4u:k rircF
IrT..s.ycrety geodp.
I h
ck . art,' 171-bms.iik'S We niboA-i t10 rotttof thd clay ro'aing .. debating (,–20.at philosophies.. 7,r.Te
dead 'easy at this hut you =rely 'opc.)n. the indow. and -shovel in:.the.. snow.
'clay turned into night, the clou.as disappearpd completely,
the wind. drorpod and the 'bottom da..ioppocl-out'.of the thermom.,:.,,tor0 r,.Pa the omens pointed. to 'a glorious morning; forJagungal,,,th:F.? -,plimax.of the .tour g but that is 'another story.- -ot
By 'Goof Tragg.
Crackling. flaMes and th:'.. soft C'.10v1.-Of:,:b….a,',-.3.hurrican-,:16.1.111, -meant :that Don.ld ii-1 breakfast :on the –triay.' Carad.:.B.tbys voiee' lfl tones, of Muffled. anguiSh..-
“Great Fie,….,-4veris! Man it's stil:Lt.110,- -middle- of -the night!”
[bore s your spirit of a,dventurc.,, Dig?.,” - Mumble. from, Di.gby Rigby 'followed by “Did I hear you. say-.somothi-1;:g about drinking chocolate?”
1.)13'by and I had. discovered that- Don.ald.!s erithusiasm ,roulcin t.lot him lay in bed and wc traded_ on it shamelessly.
Outside the sky was porfectly clear for the first time and the snow -so drisp ti t. our skis, scarcely loft a .mar as We ran down the slope,- I:ao the Valentine River 'Long light lit -bile–coarse ,snow crystals
-41.14movod. A I ,9v-11;
sudden,. i_appcaraneo bouncLQd c.r.oss..,,,c3,ir, path ..7,,nd.-up th'eTne.arby.r.
s 16:pe, usoa oned- . disappet_r ed. am-r4. the . ,::)…pc.
. move. '70 could hardly get him out for laughing.
Jln hour later in the Outl?ea car park I w:,-;.s picking myself up for the last time from the jaded brown slush that passes for snow to tourist. eyes when I suddenly appreciated tho indignity of falling into this stuff after the glorious snow I'd fallen into over the last few days. And .1 thought to myself
“Ah, yes, in the crackling crust of the Rolling Ground, the glittering purity of the Valentine Valley ancl in the gloaming ridge of Jagungal – I've left my mark, I've cortain17 loft ity mark.
FLU: 3:0UNTI,Jvc:,' Pat Harrison.
1. GETTLL'S PISS is the moans of getting from the High to tho Low Gangorang. A rope is not needed to negotiate this pass, but it could ho possible under very wet conditions for a bit of pack cora to come in handy, for tho pass is mostly a steep earth slope which would become slippery after a lot of water had cascaded down. Care is needed at ll times however, to guard against bumping your pack against the wall o tho way down and thereby knocking ,7 yourself ',.own the last few foot head first.
The pass is easily found from tho bottom by following the .c.lift lino' around to the break in the wall as shown on Dunphy's map of the Gangerang
and wild Dog Mountains, but from the top it is somewhat harder to lad. owing . to the fact that the top entrance needs to be gained by crawling under a chookstone; consoquontly some kind person has made a cairn nearby. '
The topography of 'rile area is -Jell shown on thc Kanangra map 13, ' Lands Department in a scale of 2 inchoo to 1 mile.
V9vember, 1968 The Sydney Bushwalker 9.i
2. COMPAG-sTO-ZI'S PASS, provides easy passage between Mountain and TiWilla Buttress, A few pitons and a chain wore fixed in position by the University of N.S.7. Bushwalkers in March, 1963, and thus there is now no problem in negotiating this place.
There is a very steep scrubby slope below the pass, and further dawn, whore the ground levels and broadens, vigilance is needed to make sure that you change direction on thq the Buttress, otherwise you find yourself in Ti-7 011a Creek: hence the admonition on the map to “rratch your Step.”
Dunphy's Gangerang and the Lands Department Kanangra are the maps
3. LACY'S'PASS is the name I propose for the pass which gets you from the Tonalli River to Lacy's Creek. The Lands Department Burragorang Qap shows a Lacy's Gap 5 but I think this needs amplification, for in reality three names are needed to give an accurate impression of the topography of the area.
As you climb the steep spur from the Tonalli you discover that there is an isolated headland above you. This headland could well be called Lacy's Head and the gap between the headland and the plateau would properly be called Lacy's Gap, for it is the only gap around hero.
L scramble up on to the hea7land is worthwhile for the.views it provides not only of the amphitheatre through which the Tonall twists and turns but also further afield to the r-ollondilly country. The headland is clothed with Malice Gum and the loaf mould of centuries.
7alk along the western side of the isolated headland just below the cliffs, go across Lacy's Gap, then go up a narrow ramp which you will
immediately see, and the rest of the way is straightforward. As you go up the ramp you will notice a piece of wire netting and a rabbit trap. Apparently in preWarragamba Dam days the Yerranderie rabbits found the only way down to Lacy's Creek!
Having got up on to the plateau, you can get into the South Canyon
of Lacy's Creek by steering N.E. to the side creek at 293910 or by steering NORTH for 1200 yards then NE toile creek.
7hichever way you go you will be enthralled by the really magnificent
Blue Gums in the creek and by the prolific bird life which is so tame that
you will receive inquisitive visitors at lunch time.
The South Canyon has a reputation for strange noises, but they
no doubt aro explainable by the acoustical qualities of this overtoremain-
unspoilt valley.
10 The Sydney Busbwaiker Novalbor, 1968
Jim Prawn.
There were two new members to ,7elcome .Pat Harrison and Peter Mac In-bosh9 although we had the feelinL that Pat was already an “old member n at least in exiperience orc1 background.
Tho half yearly minutes evoked no comment, nor did. the Correso:,ondence which contained a letter from the Wild Life Preservation ASsociation inviting all to a gathering on 6th November when Allan Strom would be guest of honour, and an acceptance by Kath.Mckay of Honorary Membership.
In the absence of the Treasurer, the Secretary road an entirely acceptable financial statement marking an in=ease to i?682 in the current account during September. The Walks Report showed that activity in September started sedately, but rose to a climax. Lawrence Quaken's walk in the 7ald Dog Mts0 lapsed for lack of starters, but on the samo weekend Alan Pike took a party of 13 to Bluo Gum and Lockley's Pylon g and Doone wyborn made a successful descent of the Grose from Blue Gum to Richmond. There were 25 people on a day walk in Heathcoto Crook area lead by avia Ingram.
On the following weekend Dot HoblcOs trip to the Barren Ground brought 169 and Don Woods had a party of 10 in tho Corang River area, while Doone wyborn was again active on a trip in the KowmungYerranderie country. There were 13 people on Jack Gontle's day walk from Holonsburgh. Barry's Wallace and Pacey had no less than 16 prospectivos on their Instructional to Govett's Leap Creek, and a car swap trip in the wild ColoAng=arra CroekWellongambie Creek country lead
jointly by Don Finch and Joan Rigby producod a total of 17 people who hopped many more rocks than usual.
Gl-dys Roberts on a day walk of 22nd September had a small party in the Cowan Crook area, while on the 1,-1st weekend of the 'month Margaret Wyborn conducted a bicycle jaunt from Rylstone to the Putty Road via fire tfails. Military bridges consisting of narrow planks provided tho element of hazard to the riders. To conclude, David Ingram's day walk from Wondrjbyne produced the month's record
attendance of 37.
Barry nallace outlined Federation activities, including advice of now
caves in the Church Crook area which had been made known to Sydney gewspapers,
but not published; the support of the Conservation Committee in efforts to save Lane Cove River banks from becoming an expressway request by the Rock Rescue
team for new equipment, and advice that Federation's S & R organisation would
cooporate with Police Department exorcises. There was also a representation to
the National Park regarding the condition of the Uloola Falls track, and a request that entries in visitor's books be kept fairly polite as the books finally went
to the Mitchell Library,
,* NE7, B
77 -MS 0
And just to make su
top service we ope
Saturday mom: igs
in front so make
your first stop
o we are giving you at 8.30 a.m,oi
you can park right OUNTAIN EQUIPMENT
Phone 929-65
NT PTY. LIMITED hway, North Sydney.
12. The Sydney Bushwalker November, 1968
Frank Rigby interposed to point out the National Parks Association's request for volunteer bushfire fighters, saying about 100 people were registered, but many more required.
So to General Buginess, where Jack Guntle spoke to recipi4 events
includinc the formation of a:Club for,senidr,membersl-and,suggested-the Club give
consideration !toMbans of maintaining, the interest of dembpi's iof'long :Standing. This provoked'diScussioi.1, after some'initialTenbive.heSitatidki: 'Frank Ashdown.
ventured.the view that the Club already etered reasOnably for hose who actually
attended, and could not assume what would be popular for old members who did not
appear Kath.Brown suggested that old members retaineath.6ir membership on sefitiM6n't41'gtounds; and it may be wisr.r to try to accommodate people still
capable Wwalking;':but,temporarilyPinned down by family responsibilities. Barry Wallace. felt there was' merit in the PropoSal'to keep older members keen
on Club affairs, while rilf Hilder considered the Club already aid its best for anyone who was not bedridden and should look instead to its intake of new and vigorous people. In his reply Jack said his motion had achieved its purpose of
bringing people to consider the problem, and while he could not suggest possible
lines of action, his motion related to members of long standing, not only the elderly. It was then carried.
Frank Ashdown asked what of the unfinancial members, and the President stated they had. been crossed off the books at the October Committee meeting, but
was hoped some at least would seek readmission. The Secretary said 31 active, 1 associate and 6 nonactive members had been removed from the records.
To conclude there were announcements. From Wilf Hilder advice of new maps induding the Yalwal 2” to one mile and certain publications available from the Lands Department, including the management plan for Bouddi, and a poster.
regarding Dorrigo National Park. The President said Doone Wyborn's reorganithation of the map cabinet was almost complete, and it was proposed to wheel the cupboard
into the mooting room on Wednesday nights. The bushfire regulations were again in force until the end of March, although complete ban. on cooking fires had not
been imposed except in Kuringgai Chase. It was suggested members should not start fires until there was water hane:- for quenching, if necessary. Sam Hinde
said a large part of Burning Palms had sustained fire damage, although access
tracks wore still clear. And finally David Ingram mentioned changes in the timetables for Illawarra Lino trains at weekends.
Despite the docile beginning it was close to 9.30 when the curtain was drawn on the October meeting.
articles to the following address
ROSS wYBORN, 1/73 Harris Street, HARRIS PARK. N.S.W. 2150.
November, 1968 The Syclney Bushwalker 13.
The Federation's S R Section has been invited to cooperate in an exercise involving the following organisations:
Federation of Bushwaikers' Clubs, Land Rover Owners' Club. Divil Defence Organisation.
Ambulance Services.
N.S.T. Police Department's:
. Officers' Course Group.
. Flood boats.
Rescue Squad.
We would be pleased if members of the Sydney Bushwalkers would cooperate. A rendezvous point in the area north of asemans Ferry will be advised later. Please inform your club S & R representative if you are
available. He will in turn inform me of the total numbers of your club.
N.M. Melville.
Field Officer S & R.
Forthcoming walk 14-15th-December
A walk in the mountains southwest of Canberra, where there are alpine meadows, granite boulders, snow gums, long days, crisp nights, good views, and where it is still springtime at 6000 foot on Morgan, Bimberi and Murray.
SEE PAT HARRISON 895352 H. or 251670 B. for more details.
14. The Sydney Bushwalker November, 1968.
Letter to the Sydney Bushwalkcrs from The 7711d Life Preservation Society of Australia.
“It has been drawn to our attention that two of the camping sites used by visitors to 'Oolong Reserve have boon spoilt by the amount of litter and rubbish loft by campers.
“Whilst we realise that your organisation encourages members to
leave camping sites clean and tidy could you also bring to your members attention the need to see that all visitors to our natural areas leave them clean and tidy and ask your members when ever possible to clean up some of the rubbish which has already been spread about.
“Our committee is afraid that the present condition of Batsh Camp and the entrances to the Oolong Caves themselves in the Oolong Reserve could be usaa as an argument against those who are at present fighting to prevent limestone mining in the area.
Miss G. Hanley, Hon. Secretary.
J. Pemberton.
7alking and climbing in Fiji can be very hard work, but also very satisfying. Have you thought of trying it? The main island, Viti Levu,
is about 60 miles by 80 miles and roughly circular. A road runs round the island with a few roads penetrating the interior to provide access to
the mountainous tropical bush country which delights the members of the Fiji Rucksack Club and could delight you, too. Suva is the principal, in fact the only city and many good walks and climbs are available on day outings from Suva. Mount Korobaba (2i hours from Suva) gives a wonderful view of the Suva peninsular, harbor, lagoon and reef. Joskels Thumb is a fairly hard day and involves a little very elementary rock-climbing. Tho thumb also gives superb viers and a great sense of height, being so steep in the final stages. The rivers provide easy but still scenically
beautiful journeys by motorised “punt” and cross-island walks can be arranged. There are no good swimming-beaches within 30 miles of Suva, by road, but a group of people could hire a launch and sail away to smaller islands where the swimming is superb.
Tempted, and not worried about the humidity and 120” of rainfall pi.
(some of which is sure to fall on you)? I suggest that you drop a note to
Samuela Levu,
CA, Lands Department,
rho, I'm sure, will be pleased to help.
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It is important to' Choose camping gear that will ,.. suit you individual r'equirements. Your comfort and safety on camping trips will depend on the
.'It t'l 1 equipment you carry.
.. I 1
,I Call at PADDY'S shop and get honest advice before you buy anything. You will receive every courtesy, whether. you buy a whole outfit or spend nothing.
1;; 1 ; ,
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PADDY WLLIN PTY. LIMITED, Paddymade Camp Gear for walkers
1st Floor, 109A Bathurst Street, r
SYDNEY. r,s.. 2000. Phone: .26-2685
. , re
Li 3 httAie4 C
tt. 7Q)r r r
-d 1 “6.35-
- - - . ”
16. The Sydney Bushwalker November, 1968
. 5
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2——\ THE
From Gosford take the Terrigal Road for 2 miles, then turn right to Kincumber. Here turn right to EadMasters Beach, continue uphill on Bitumen from MacMasters Beach until the crest of the road is reached - about 20 yards before the Bouddi National Park notice - a road turns off to the left marked “S. Madden”.
–nAlmbbr, 1968 The Sydney Bushwaikor 17,
by Allan 7yborn.
70 have been fascinated -by this “crater” on the Upper 7ollongambe Crock near Boll since first discovering it on tho 7a11erawang military
mnp some years ago. A general view in this direction can ho obtained
from Du Faurs Rocks at Mt. ilson, and then lately we saw some of it on an aerial survey photograph. Hence it was that on an official walk started out on 26th October to explore the region.
It was blowing a howling westerly as we parked the cars just before the ZigZag Hill leading to Mt. 71i1son. 71e were a round dozen with
John and Rosalind Blanche, Doug. Frower, Ann Ireland, Margaret King,
Peter Moss, Laurie Quaken, Laurie Rayner, Eric Rhodes, Peter and Jill
Whitmore and yours truly. Leaving the road to the west at the bottom
of the Zig Zag we followed an old timber trail for a mile to the Green Hill. From here the trip was trackless, and 70 looked down on our first hurdle, the Octobcr Creek. Like most of this 7ol1ongabbe country the creek was at the bottom of a sheer gorge, access being obtained by a
smaller side gorge, to make an easy crossing at GR339593 Katoomba. It was then straight up and over a 700 foot high ridge to lunch on Upper Bell Creek supposedly, as we lo,ter found it was only a large branch of
Bell Creek. The going was slow following the creek downstream until the usual canyon74-7*Er -cotq-ci'.;.,.1,H2'.1; appeared. The walls went
up a few hundred feet forming a beautiful cirque about half a mile long
on the south side. At creek level the walls were only a few feet apart
with deep water. Some of us were not prepared for compulsory swims,
being without canyon bags, and also the water was very cold so early in the season, so we scrambled out on the north side to the top of the ridge. Here the wind was so strong we could have been blown back below.
Unlike the lower 7ollongambe area recently reported where you can “go
all the way without getting your feet wet”, the upper stretches of Bell and 7ollongambe Crooks ensure swimming through gorges so narrow that lilos would be a nuisance.
It was three miles of ridge bashing to reach a good camp site on the real Bell Creek just as dark approached. “rith the present drought all
normal small creeks were dry, and we were very pleased to have plentiful water from Bell Crook. The campsite itself was very good amongst beautiful waratahs, there being a good “verandah” of overhanging rock for about a hundred feet long giving wind and rain protection. In this typo of country one can easily do without a tent. After tea as the weather cleared we enjoyed a long campfire where everyone joined in the singing.
18 The Sydnoy Bushwaiker Novomber, 1968.
Next morning was clear and still in centrast with the Previous day. As canyon slimming tas Out becauso of roasmis above mentioned, we left our pocks and started up the other side of Boll Creek through a narrow cleft to look for the Crater.
Rocky tops and gorges su=ounded us in all dirootions, and we were ablo to got a r proper fix on landmarks fo-r the first timo on the trip. The rock formations hero are fanilastic, consisting of “curly” windblown sandstone from the smallest size to huge cliffs.
There Was the “Crator” only -L few miles away on the other side
of the r'ollongambe hut separated from us by an unbroken line of, cliffs on eit7lor side of the crook. Nobody really believes it is a volcanic crater, but the contours suggost a hollovvod out shape like a crater. I-1.th more time and ropes it would have been possible to make it, but wo'roluctantly turned back to Boll Crook.
(For a future trip access would bo much quicker from Bell Trig GR283578 Katoomba leaving cars on the Boll Lino of Road.)
After lunch we started off down Bell Crook walking in the crook boa until the canyon narrowed to a few foot wide with a long pool at least ten foot deep at its beginning. In therie pools the clarity was amazing due to lack of rain in drought, Bronze carp were swimming near the sharp sandy bottoms and lazy red crayfish were very plentiful.
rre climbed cut again up the cliffs and the rem,?.indor of the journey consisted of backtracking to Mt 7'ilson, which 70 reachocl at 5 p.m. Evorybody votod it good country.
It is pleasing to note that the whole of the 'ollongambie and Boll Crooks and Yarromun and Bungloboori further north, havo recently been added to the Blue Mountains National Park. The exciting and inaccessible nature of this country, should ensure its future preservation and will make it very popular for bushwalkors.
—–Old walks programmes to complete a set for clUb records.
ELRLIEST on fib o is Juns-Novomber, 1936.
MISSING November 1936-Juje 1938.
March-June 1941, July-February 1947
Most of the 1950-1966 period.
AVAILABLE for exchange, some'sPare.programmes from 1941 onwards.
CONTACT Joan Rigby, Club Archivist at 391161 Et. 013 or 392741 if you can fill in the blanks.
att ent ion to two half gro7In pups 1.41 n t1L19.: ,vaUo L
A short climb brought us to a r.;lorioas run into the. upper soction of Rocky Plain Creek which we were roli ov ed. to find, completely covere.d. Our roLto noi7 ran on a gently olinfoing course through undulating s novfLi e cis of a moat il,reci,se.beauty artistically -2elioN-cd vrith -snow gums and granite groups.
About here we were joined b the: two day 'ola tracks of the Canberra,
November, 1968 The Sydney Bushwalker 7
.1pine Club group but ,rhere we hardly dontod the surface they had sunk 2 or 3 inches deep. Soon the climb bogan in et!.rnest and 7e became more OXDOS0a to the biting wind. By tho im we paa.ked our skis and ran the last 50 feet to the tric;7it was ono o_ those lay winds that goes straight through rather than all the way rou:11..
The trig itself was a confection in wind blown snow more like some exotic cake decoration than anything olse but Digy and I were happy to . huddle, by the rough stacked stones of tho base in spite of the sunshine while Donald stumped about, bristlinz his moustache and saying,
“Ah, yes, there's so and so” and “Still plenty of snow in Victoria on whatsitsnamo” In the end we wore cuito glad to get him away because although woia been very enthusiastic about getting to Jagungal, the summit wasn't exactly the most comfortable spot, oven with the view on this glorious day. Besides there M.,,S still the descent. The upper (steeper) section was quite icy and some of us still werent too confident about turning on langlauf skis.
Donald managed it in broad., dignified sweeps standing erect like a captain 'going down with his ship. I loroceedod in a sz4ries of frantic swerves punctuated by holes in the snow and Dijoy played it very cool with skis under rigid control and himself apparently frow,)11. in the egglaying position. All this made us feel very good and when tho excitement was over we found some snow grass in the lee of a granite boulder and basked in the sun and ate all the food we'd brought with us which incidentally was nearly all the food we had.
Much later 7e pressed on, oith the snow getting softer by the minute. Digby tried some new wax on his skis a concoction about the colour and consistency of marmalade. They looked like nothing more than frozen flypapers but the experiment proved a great success and he took to climbing the ridges beside our route just fo:2 ,loui ol skiing down. Don and I voted he should carry the rucksack0
lamest back at the Mawson Hut we saw the two dingo Pups way down the Valentino river and even closer to the hut a bitch with a much younger pup still at the fluffy stage.
By 3.30 we were sitting round the fire drinking tea after a perfect day that none of us had really expect6d us to get.
The next morning.was another early start because we had a long haul to 7hitels River Hut first of all then over the Rolling Ground to Guthega. 70 were finishing the last of the food at this stage in fact the porridge was so thin that Digby (the gourmet) refused to eat it.
8. The SyJnoy Bushwalkur 1Tororri ,a968
On the stretch back to “Idto's flivor we had a firm snow surfacL, ana found it very good going oven with 1 ;Look. -ro had gninca a lot of confidenoc in the last fol.-, days hut at loast one of as found it was still possible to fall acy.7m in a disorGanisca heap from the standing position.
In the saddle above TT-Aitc's the sno-7 wes oft and the heat almost oppressive as we allowed on sidling course toards the Rolling Grollnd. Soon,
however, we met the wind again ana thick banks of driven cloud which brought . conditions back to a normal freeze and gave us a surfacc of frozon crust, This scotion seemed to L.00 on for over but than the high ridge of Ht. Tto rose ahead of us and we woro soon running ac,in into Guthega Crook. '
.nout a mile short of the dam we lunchcd in a charming spot, a grassy island in the middle of the creol: and hero Dig-by entertained friends by doing balancing tricks on a slab of snow concluding with a _slow dignified subsiding backward lurch which loft him pinned down, una4o't.