LJfj H i.1I 'PEEP LEff (e7/' );* L77 L,7 t -t a) i1 ',\.if-1 n C ONTENT S. .The November General Mooting Jim Brown. Blue Mountains Passes Pat Harrison. The Last Throes of *ant= “Fred”. Paddy's A(5. Mountain Equipment Ad. Book Review. Bill Gillam. 1../0111WIftwfilM….. A monthly bUllotin of matters of intorost, to the Sydney BuShwalkers 9 Northcoto Building, Rofby .Place, .Circular Quay, Sydney. Postal Address : Box 4476, G.P.O. Sydney. EDITOR : Ross 7yborn9 6 Harris Street, Harris Park. BUSINESS MANAGER s Bill Burke, Coral Tree Drive, C'ford. 2118. TYPIST s Shirley Dean, 30 Hannah Street, Boecroft. 2119. SALES 110 SUBS Ramon U'Brien, 61 Nickson St., Surry Hills, 2010. 2. 6. 7. 10. 11. 2. The Sydney Bushwalker December, 1968. I1 ar THE NOV7MRER GENERAL MEETING. Jim Brown. Vice President Bill Kotas occupied the chair, presenting an urbane and cheerful countenanco to his first assemblage of walkers. For a change there was a quartet of males as new members, including oven one with that name Ted Van der Males there were also Doug Frower, Ross Hughes and Eric Rhodos. There was an early call for announcements, in ardor -I* got some walks information over boforo anyone left, the Minutes of October wore confirmed, ana from this, and Faso from Correspondence there was no business arising. The Conservation Socrotary had joined in the barrage of correspondents, writing about limestone mining at Oolong to the Ministers for Lands and Minos. An amount of $25 had boon voted for Betty Farquhar to organise children's events at the Reunion. The Treasurer reported current funds at $540, a reduction of . $140 on the previous month's figure. The dinner dance had cuased a loss of about 68, and there appeared to be some discrepancy in the number of tickets printed, sold and returned unsold. Jack Gentle moved, and it was - carried, that the missing tickets be sought, as our funds, were accoUntanble. Talks Revert revealed reasonable high activity in October, commencing with the Labour Day weekend, when Ken Ellis, deputising for Owen Marks, lad a party of 15 in 7ilihdy weather around the Castle area, and Ross 7yborn had a large party at -'atsonls Crags. David Cotton replaced Sheila Binns as loader of the Blue Gum trip, and. reb,ortod 5 people and very dry conditions. Ivy Painter and Owen Marks both load day walks on October 20th, 19 being on one trip in the 7ondabyne area and 20 on 07en's Kangaroo Crock jaunt. Don Finch's trip to the Bendothera area on 25-27th October was curtailed owing to bushfires, and the same weekend saw Jack Perry with 10 people on a day walk at Hal7kesbury River. The opening weekend of November, Alex Colley's Baron Ground trip was cancelled owing to fire hazards, and Allan ryborn's jaunt on the Upper l'ollongaMbe Creek had 12 people, and some difficult going which prevented them reaching The Crater. Barry Wallace queried the absence of comment on the fatality which occurred on the Watson's Crags snow tripe the Talks Secretary exIdained that he had not yet recoiged an 'official report“, but was olio to furnish some information, indicating it had boon an unfortunate mishap, involving a fall on an iceaxe. The victim survived some time, and the actual cause of death was considered to be pneumonia caused no doubt by exposure. December, 1968 The Sydney Bushwalker Federation Report mentioned that Rock Rescue required eauipment costing $500 somewhat in excess of current S & R funds. On Conservation matters it was mentioned that the pieces of land near Colong -which had been rechiored to the park were the “bits the cement people didn't want.” There was also dismay at the beach mining proposals along the North Coast. A S & R practice, in cooperation with police and other avid defence organisations would be hold either near raseman's Ferry or in Dharug National Park on 30th November and 1st December. In General Business, Jack Gentle proposed that the Dungalla Club be invited to affiliate with SB7 since the new Club was basically mado up of exST7 ex SB7r meMbors. Some discussion followed, and it was mentioned that the Club had asked for a copy of the Dungalla constitution which was still awaited. Gordon Redmond said a copy was being forwarded, but the motion.was lost. David Ingram suggested a couple of measures that might be adopted in following the previous month's resolution to provide activities likely to keep the interest of old monborsg there could be a deliberately short walk on a fixed weekend each month, and some organised theatre parties. ralf Hilder reported the presence of some trails on the BulliCoal Cliff area which had boon “exposed” by the bushfires. He also sought any information members may have about Black's Ladders (near Nelly's Glen) -nd advised that a reprint of the veteran Blue Mountains/Burragorang map, also maps covering the Kaputar Mountains had been released. Then it was 9.20, and all over, and the Bone was put to rest. THEATRE PARTY. “THE FACE AT THE 711\TD017” on Thursday, February 13, 1969. Owing to an exhorbitant increase in the meals over there, it has been decided to have a theatre party without dinner. The show starts at 8.15 p.m. and costs only $1.10. Please contact. Owen Marks, 30.1827 or Social Secretary Barry Pacey at the Club. All members are invited and are welcome to bring as Many . friends as they wish. 4. The Sydney Bushwalker December, 1968.
BLUE MOUNTAINS PASSES Pat Harrison 4. CRO7N MOUNTAIN is the Mount Solitary of the Caper-too Valley and well deserves its name, for it is like nothing so much as the circlet that crowns a kingly head. As you drive do-vn the valley there are evorchanging views of the mountain, and from some angles it appears to be a complete circle. This is not true of course, for Crown Mountain is about a mile long and somewhat narrow,, its general dirpction being northsouth. Viewed from any vantage point the Crown seems impregnable and unassailable, but in actual fact there are passes at the northern and southern ends and all that is necessary to find them is to walk up the steep buttresses until tho cliffs are met and then look for the break. At the Southern and the pass begins in a cleft. arid after a scraMble culminates in another cleft with a slight overhang., The northern ond is a walkup, apart from two places Where short,.-logged People might need a push. In favourable times water may be found in a soak at the north- eastern corner of the mountain. A good way to traverse Crown Mountain is to pick up an old vehicular track near Genowlan Mountain, follow it down to Airly Greek, then go up Coco Crock (usually dry) until you meet the spur which swings you around under the. southern cliffs of Crown Mountain and .. Bob's your uncle. . The topography is shown on the 150000 military map Glen Alice 5, THE GLO7 7ORM TUNNEL is the second of two tunnels on the disused Shale Railway Line between Newnes Junction on the Main -restorn Railway and the old village of Newnes in the 7olgan Valley. This railway lino, which was something of an ongineerinL feat when it was built about the turn of the century, was lased to transport the products of the oil shale from the walledin Uolgan Valley. The shale mino fell on bad. times, and the railway tracks were pulled up and taken away, but the tunnels still remain as a reminder of past enterprise ana as a -prosOnt handy moans of access to the beautiful, walled valley.of,the 7olgan. It is about 24 miles from the signposted turnoff on the Great Tbstern Highway near ,.Clarence to the mouth of the second tunnel, along,a road which is in good condition, and which appears to be kept that way since the Prisons Department took charge of the Pine Forests out there. You drive through the first tunnel but walk through the second one and come out under high cliffs whence there is a magnificent view of the valley. The 7olgan, like the Caportee valley, has its isolated mountain, known as Mount 7olgan or The Donkey Mountain. 6 December, 1968 The Sydney Bushw lker 5. The old hotel in the valley is still licensed but only sells the amber fluid in bottles; however, it tastes just as good after walking down the old permanent way. The inside of the hotel is more notable for its picture gallery. Maps needed are the military Wallerawang 163360 and Glen Alice 150000. 6. GREEN GULLY PASS is the shortest way from Nownes in the Wolgan Valley to Glen Davis in the'Caportee Valley. This pass has also become known as the Pipeline Pass, from the pipe which carried the shale fuel from Glen Davis before that town was .abandoned and the shale works broken. up. The Past on the' Wolgan side begins about two miles downstream from the Newnes hostelry and gobs up, over, and down Green. Gully to the Caportee side. Some care is necessary to ensure that the beginnings of the pass are found On either tide. There are good views of the Tolgan cliffs from the top. Maps needed are the military 150000 Glen Alice and Glen Davis. ; “AFRAID ROSS IS PAST HIS PEAK.” - 6. The Sydney Bushwalker December, 1968 TIE LAST .THROES OF. I71.IPTER “Frecr The last day the snow at the top of the duplex was, shaved . smooth and then frozen with the wind. You balanced against the wind as it blow you towards the cornice, getting loops straightened, bindings checked and hoping you could do all'these thingsbefore the wind took you ever the edge. I was wearing gloves and my hnnds.would sweat and then freeze again coming up, so I always had difficulty getting my. hands back through the loops again. The wind, coming over the top, was very rough. Everyone was skiing over the cornice, then swinging across the moguls which were frozen too, and were dangerous to turn on with the wind taking your balance and freezing the track and everYone going so fast. The 'cornice was very stoop but safe and it was like rounding out, mushing dotn in an aircraft so after you were coming up your heart and lungs and stomach, especially your stomach, were still compressbd and your knees were compressed and starting to run apart, hands beginning to Sweat a lot, then having to: swing before the crusted snow, swinging, then on a just balanced traverse and the wild excitement coming back after the sweat. Later in the day the moguls softened and I could turn on them and swing in great arcs under the duplex, going fast and safe, clattering right onto the lift, co that when we stopped just 'after two I was tired, and knowing something could crack at the pace, content to go home. They had' been four wonderful days. On the days we went into Perish= there had been overnight drift and some new snow and the air, very early in the morning was cold with frost crystals sparkling on the hard crust and, leading, I went very cautiously through the trees. On the second any the drift was in the air with the blizzard coming and with white Skis, no horizon, no visibility, the snow hard and very fast. I thumped into the Perisher Greek without seeing it and felt the pack roll up my back, then I was out of the crock and still moving. The others, cominc, behind, saw me go into the creek and could stop. 7e had lunch on the first day at the top of the chair lift, behind a rock, in bright sunshine. Biscuits and ipaste and cheese then with honey, fruit juice and fruit cake and then more fruit juice. Looking out over an isnmensity of snow and then at the aolicate.world of frost crystals and snow plastered on old lichened rock. The. second day Phil brought hot water in a thermos and r we made Bonox. 7re had that meal sitting on our skis, all the food set out on the snow in front of us and the very proper people in the queue looking at us rather oddly. Both days TO -until late then across all the tows and the runs, through the trees arid around lodges, on hard snow and caterpillar ruts, over buried and half buried-tows to the creek and then trudged slowly across the flat, sliding skis, pushing down hard for heels to grip, then sliding skis on again. On the road the caterpillar tracks were hard and 7 STOP PRESS Available shortly in a series of booklets. Route Guides to South-West Tasmania produced by Hobart walking Club as a guide and general information on tracks in this area. Also available from Paddy's all maps and general information on S.w. Tassie, Field 'West, The Arthur Ranges, The Federation Peak area., Picton La Perouse, Cox Bight-Iron Bounds, Lune River, Precipitous Bluff. PADDY PALLIN AND STAFF EXTEND TO ALL BUSHWALKERS THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. 8 The Sydney Bushwalker Decomber1968 rutted then towards the end of the road the tracked vehicles had made immense corrugations like undamped harmonics. They werewild to run over.
At night it was mild and we could sit by the fire in stockinged feet. ”'Milner slept by the fire and would wake long before light and puSh more wood into the fire, then go back to sleep. He was in Paddy's Langlauf and still training. It was sixteen or seventeen years since he had been in a race. He was older by that much and more sunburnt and garralous. Then I made introductions everyone had met some7here or other. Bertie had found two bushwalkers in the race. He brought them down in the evening and we sat by the fire ana drank beer and Bertie and the bushies discussed their training methods. Bertio'had run for miles everyday and then on thc morning of the race had eaten a peculiar mess of Milo, custard, born sugar and fruit - juice. Just to make sure he wouldn't “burn out” dui-in,g-thO'race he had a packet of Sustagen'as he drove up the mountain. The bushies had eased off their training by running up and down all the tracks to Blue Gum and then, finishing at Govetts, had run back around tho road to Perrys. It was twelve or fourteen thousand feet in a Iv. Ray and Bertie had both done two hours and thirty minutes. We had seen the start of the race from the chairlift. From a distance they were ants on a honey trail. Trudging home that night they ghosted past us. I would stana outside the crusuesmoking a cigarette watching for the others, pibking them out by their steady precise skiing watching them come down the long. smoothed slope under.the duplex. I saw. Helen run into soft snow, then on the oppositb traverse she stopped and.kick-turned. Then she came down I said, -You cheated. -You saw that kick turn? -Yes -I hurt my knee. -Badly? -Ton bad for houseworko Not for skiing. Isn't that a reasonable distinction? At night we would pick up conversations, . th)ughts, scandalous, scabrous stories of our contemporaries that we had begun on the lifts. I
had done all the cooking and catering. Sylvia did the camp work and Helen . washed up. After we had eaten I would put on a cauldron for washing up water. When it boiled I would take it off, Helen would let it cool until it needed boiling again, until a lull in the stories corrosprnaed with the correct toMperaturc, damn it. wo were having coffee.
-This is beautiful. How do you make it? cold water, don't lot it boil, fairly strong. -Any special blond. Mocha? Konya? -Just fresh. -George came home and said”Bill Gillam makes beautiful coffee.“ He had me try everything, new blonds, percolating, boiling, not boiling. New pots. Still he said it wasn't as good as yours. -Then did I give him coffee? -Before the winter. The Budawangs. I remembered the night-, Wo 1qnr1 firisile(1 LP7:, ,2 721,,aetary December, 1968 The Sydney Bushwalkers 9 “lotions and were on to the synergistic affects of drugs. Especially the improvement in the flavour of coffee if whisky is added to it. I said, There is whisky in that coffee. I always put whisky in ooffeb. This is beautiful coffee. I told the story f the young husband who complained that his wife couldn't make gravy in the style of his mother. She tried all ways then in desperation one night she threw a handful of flour into tho pan and said ”— him”. The gravy was just as his mother made it. '1-Te brought the children down at the end of the week, but there had_ been a blizzard all the time. Then it came on to rain and blow very hard. Two children died in the snow at Thredbo and others ran into trees in the high wind. The cornice had avalanched along its whole length but it did not matter because tho lifts wore all under snow and the snow itself was soft and dangerous so we went home again. IlmOmm1.1 NOTICES: The editor would like the words for the following song d for the song book : Dinah, Eumarella Shore, Gypsey Rover, .Isle of the Apple, Old B91rk Hut, On the Banks of the Condamine, Trampers Lament, 7aakor Love, Wandering .the King's Highway, Vhere have all the flowers gone?, The Wagg family have again Scored with another addition to the family. - The now arrival, .a girl, Oatrina brings the total score for Geoff and Grace to four (two of .each). Congratulations to Grace and Geoff. Another Bushwalkink Link. Bob Pallin and Nancy Moppett were married on Deo-ember 7. Nariby ii the daughter of Tom and Jean 'Moppett who have been members of the SB7 for Many years. Bob of course needs no introduction. AlI the best,..Bob and Nancy. Rona Butler and Jack Pettigrew were married on December 6. The occasioQ. was celebrated with a Maori Oven typo barbecue. Rona and Jack of all places arc going to yes, you guessed it south west -bassi for their honeymoon. Congratulations, Rona and Jack. Another rroddin.2 Kerry Hero married Bo Anderson last month. Kerry has boon a mombor of the club for a few years. Be has also been soon on some club walks. Congratulations are due to Kerry and Bo. - , - ' The now 'foathalitel Mountain Mu1e-E4rame Pack. Inspoct at our showroom. Price $290000 Our own make of superb quality..dry. Japara Parkas. Those are either lined or unlined at 17.50 and.. gl6k50,:each.
tRolax' brand oiled Japara Parkas, one-'ef the' lohg time favourit6s with waikort.. 03.50. Try a couplo-of Pairs ,of our natural_ oiled tEverost' walking sock 0.- Tho.sock that.is designod.for walkers and is pxpedition proven. Nylon reinforced. 41.65 pair. THE HOME OF FAIRY DUT SLEEPING.BAGS. Sole distributors for “Geoff Barker” canoes and kayaks. N6REAL TRADtNG HOURS, 165 Pacific Highway,. NORTH SYDNEY 2060; 9296504. Decembers; 1968 The Sydney Bushwalker 11, Book Review BETTTEEIT wOODJIL AND TOR. Barbara York Main; Jacaranda Press, Landfall Press. 1967. Science, when I made that fateful turn into Harris Street, was Physical Chemistry; Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes wore very new and Nuclear Physics had really big letters. Zoology and Biology were for girls and, as I failed to perceive, were more often than not taught by girls, or more precisely young women. .Phys.Chem. had been terrorised into generations of Tech. College students by a male, born old, and the matured, like Prometeus, on his rock to which he was bound by surface tension-and the concept of fugacity. In the adjoining lecture room Zoo. and Bio. were the province of a woman, barely of voting age, audaciously blonde, tall, smiling, sunburnt. Student unrest is not an invention of the present generation. Perhaps to compensate for that obviously wrong choice of career, I am now a compulsive reader of the life sciences. Colong showed Conservation is by no moans dead; that some are prepared to trot daintily down Parramatta Road in its defence, or to shake their Party Tradition in its preservation. If we had possessed an integrated study of Colong similar to Barbara York Main's intense study of a small area we may have done better. The campaign salvaged for the time being some of Colong. We know vaguely what is in our National Parks, botanists have classified the flora, in some parks a start has been made on the faunal populations, and geologists, only incidently, can toll us what is under our feet. But nowhere can we readily produce a body of knowledge to show why one area is unique and how the intrusion of civilisation, for want of a better word, by destroying one component will destroy the whole. Dr. Min's loving study of a small area could well be the modeltWba wild Life and National Park Service might sponsor. The book is a fascinating account of a small area marginal to the, wheat belt of riestern Australia. The land is bounded on one side by the fences of successful wheatfarms, to keep stock out, aid on the other side by a granite outcrop. Before the discovery of trace elements the land was “too poor” for wheat and the unrealibility of the rainfall and increasing aridity saved it from exploittive grazing, The vegetation is “wodjil” a climax vegetation of acacias, mallees and a prickly assortment of hakeas, grevilleas and casuarinas; in many ways similar to the flora of the heaths of our closer National Parks, 4.f in fact climax floras have been preserved.' The fauna living on the edge of a soaring desert are markedly different. Dr. Main's particular field of interest has been the trapdoor spiders and the planktonic life in the seasonal, normally dry, ponds an the techniques evolved to survive in incredible but recurring sets of conditions. 190 The Sydney Bushwaiker December, 1968. …………..w Survival -through. the summer for both fauna and flora is normally by two ways; aestivation or summer dormancy or through an inter phase in the life cycle. Aestivation in animals takes the form of preferred temperatures and some means of storing food P.,nd waste in the body until the preferred conditions of temperature and humidity are met. In the trapdoor spider of estern Australia, the male does not survive throughout the year, whereas the female is long lived spending the-summer insulated from the heat, her body in contact with the deep mist ground. The male trapdoor will only “wander” on nights uhen'it is adury with an air temperature of 17'C, conditions which also9 specifioall,- stimulate the _female to reed,.. _Allure among the arachnids. Allied with this tight reproductive control is IIadaptive pdlymorphism“ some the offspring will lino tlieir burrows with twigs and so escape drowning, but will sucCuMb.to sobe'of the offspring will have an earth lid and will survive the .fire but not rain. Thd.spedies of lizards all have different temperatures' at which they are most active so forage only when their preferred foddis available and do not compete'uith other species.. In turn these lizards have heat .andcbld resistant forms so that some will survive the occasionalyears of unusual frost
or more than extreme heat 5 ome terMites and nitrogen fixing.bacteria live only:* on casuarina needles -shod by the tree to' reduce waterless. In short interdependence of rainfall, temperature and climax pdpulationis demonstrated.
The 'Vegetation has adapted to a ' fireregeneratieri!;' cyclemalice rooted or dormant buds on the roots giving sucker growth' to edcalypts or “dehiscent” fruit', fruit which sheds its seeds after mechanical damage or fire damage to the parent; the seed preferably germinating in an ash bed. This is a cycle adapted to lightninginduced fires, certainly predating . agricultural “burningoff”. It works, I fool, because 'of the winter nature df the rainfall, light gentle fells and the existence of a peneplain of low relief. A tentative method similar fire control is used in the Jarrah and Karri forests to avert disastrous “bush fires”. In the Sydney area, although a similar flora is fire regenerated the violent nature of our autumn and early winter rains causes such-intense runoff after litter removal to silt, with sand, our rivers. Soil conservation studios of the Cowan Hornsby ridge show fantastic sand silting after 'fires in the Hawkesbury estuary.' Similar studies of the.Colo.and MacDonald Rivers indict burning off and timbergetting activities as far' west as Coricudgy; disruption of one parameter or. factor will alter the appearance, utility and beauty of a whole bEtsin system. The Hacking River siltation is not unrelated to the Royal National Park fires. . The .line drawings in the wide margins Lre of a disciplined b.revity after years of colour photegraphy, Test Australian wildflowers are deservedly popular; to read of them in an integrated scientific study was, tome, challenging. I have failodHmisdrably to'orminate 17A wild flower seeds. Now I shall try again. I.,eschenaultia will' flourish here, calothamnus ' and Hakea multilineata gracC many a-garden. Verticordias are like Arabs in Melbourne's winter, a triumph if they merely keep.breathing;-.
December, 1968 The Sydney Bushwa,lker 13. Dehiscent seeds are habit forming once you start collecting thom. Bottle brush capsules arc the typo. Once I visited a famous native plant garden on hearing they had a wonderful display of Native Rose. (It will remain nameless since I want to go there again). The Rose was wonderful but the seed capsules were irrostiblo. Calothamnus Gilosi went into one shirt pocket, Calothamnus vilosa into another. Hakeas and melaleucas into another, huge eucalypt bobbles unto shorts. A child was sent back to fetch a jacket to hide those unnatural bumps. The day was hot, the car an oven. The seeds dehisced. I Undressed that night like a Beruit courier taking off his solid gold underwear. No seeds, alas, came to maturity. If you can legally acquire a capsule of Xylomolun, the moody Pear you are sure to be off on a dehiscent jag. The winged seed as you drop it will float in the air like a Calder Mobile. I wonder what strange beasties roam in Blue Gum when the temperature is 1710, there is dow on the grass and a full moon is soaring over Mount Hays 'I shall consult tho stars before I go there again. Bill Gillam. .1…..lemamOIMMID MORE NOTICES. Peter Lannigan of the Sarr and Gloria Tripalski of the Kamarukas made a gorgeous couple at their marriage at St. Andrew's Chapel at Sydney University. The guests included fellow workers from A.C.I. and the Veterinary Physiology Department, Climbing Clubs and vTalking Clubs; the food and grog filled even the bushwalkors who were present, and now the happy couple are heading north to see a bit of Queensland before departing in January for the U.S.A. where Peter has a job lined up.
A surprise going away party/was held for Roger Lockwood at his flat on December 2. A variety of Roger's slides were shown which produced quite a few surprises of well known beds swalloring in the lower degrees of decadence. Roger left by MSA 707 the next day for Djakarta where he was going to spend a night with Ia Stephens. Then on to Singapore, Rome and Frankfurt where he hopes to get a job. He has no plans as to the duration of his absence, however, I suppose we will soo him within ton years or so. Engaqement. Troll, the Club has done it again, another two who mot through the club have announced their engagement. They are Barbara Mackaness and Peter Finch congratulations to both. ow,11 Snow and Clary Brown move into their new home this weekend. Snow refuses to comment on the five bedroom split level design. To find out details go and see them. THE SYDNEY .BUSHWALKER KURINGAI CHASE: A full list of the fire regulations which . apply to Kuringai Chase have been received from the National Parks and Wildlife Service, and they are reproduced below for the benefit of III.e,mbe'r6 and PrOspectives planning to walk in.. this area FIRE REGULATIONS . , The park fire regulations are strictly enforced to prevent damage to the bushlands, to protect all visitors, to protect property outside the park and to avoid the waste of time and dangers that firefighting involves. Our regulations are simple. They are in force throughout the year. You may light fires and cook with portable appliances only where a square red sigli is set up, reading “CURING-AI CHASE AUTHORISED FIREPLACE”. You may not light fires anywhere else within the 'Park. Note that the “fires' regulations apply equally to the use of gas and kerosene stoves, charcoal braziers, spirit burners and wood fires. Generally you will find authorised fireplaces at recognised picnic grounds, near roads and along the western phorp of Cowan Water, but none exist on the :Lambert Peninsula (except at the Basin) whbre fire is totally prohibited throughout the year. Total prohibition may also apply if weather conditions become dangerous. If in doubt check with a Ranger before lighting your fire. PLEASE * Do not make large fires at the authorised fire places. * Do not destroy trees and shrubs for firewood. * Extinguish your fire COI_PLETELY after use. * Be careful with cigarettes and matches, especially When driving. - * Report all wild fires immediately - they :mast be put out before they spread. The regualtions provide a maximum fine of <J100 for an offence. Telephone numbers are 450-1701 (Illawong Bay), 450-1450 (Akuna Bay), 919-5150 (West Head), 919-4036 (The Basin), 47-9017, 47-9019, 47-9185 (Bobbin Head). SQUARE DANCING : Arrngem.ents are being made for people who may be interested in learning American Square Dancing to take it up as an organised actiVity. If squares of eight people can be organised, they will be taught the steps right from the beginner's stage, and advanced together to higher stages of efficiency: Anyone who might be interested should speak to either David Ingram or Neville Page for furthe:r details, Other information may appear elsewhere in this or future magazines PRESENT THE FULLY WORTH) 0 TA1 ” Art v LE' ACK FEATHERLITE No. 1 has single bag strapping and two outside pockets. Post Free' Double vvaterproof bottom. Weight 2Ib 14oz FEATHERLITE No. 2 has double bag strapping, larger capacity bag, camera pocket and map pocket on top flap. Double waterproof bottom. Weight 31/i lbs. Post Free KIMPTON'S are Australian Agents & Distributors for the famous range of Ten is & Sleeping Bags by 'BLACKS of G R E EN OC KIMPTON'S also stock the lightweight N.Z. WINTEST Tents in Nylon or Japara. SLEEPING BAGS ARE MADE IN 3 POPULAR MODELS BUGS OF glEBOCK 47 If iNt Snow: Tailored hood 3ii” nickel chest zipp. Circular insert for feet. Cut 6' x 30“ plus hood filled with Super down, Feather down. Combination quilt Sleeping bag: Designed for ail-the-year use as either an eiderdbwn quilt, or sleeping bag. Simply fold in half and zipp the bottom and side and presto! your quilt becomes a sleeping bag. A double sleeping bag can be made by zipping two of these quilts together. Super down or Feather down filled. Arctic: FOR SUB-ZERO TEMPERATURES. Cellular walls form length-wise flutes top, bottom and at the side joins, thus a complete cell of super down gives the sleeper warmth all-round. When tied the end allows no heat loss, however in hot weather the down can be compressed to the bottom of the bag and the end left open for ventilation. This makes the Arctic a dual purpose bag. Cut 6'6- “x 30” plus hood filled with super down. NOTE ALL PRICES ON FRONT CPVER NOW OUTDATED ——- 'Obtainable all good sport stores and scout shops if not contact KIMPTON'S FEATHER MILLS, 11 Budd Street, Collingwo'od, Victoria, 3066 PHONE: Melbourne 41-5073, Sydney 69-3560, Adelaide F.:7-8624, Brisbane 2-2354. All sleeping bags are obtainable in Aquascadc, the new waterproof terylene material that breaths. S3 extra 5