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A monthly bulletin of Matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers, Northcote House, Reiby Place, Circular Quay, Sydney.

EDITOR : Bill Gill BUSINESS MANAGER: Bill Burke TYPIST: Christa Younger ILLUSTRATOR: Helen Gray.

NOTE: Please forward all contributions to the new Editor: Neville Page, 139 Riverview Road, Avalon, 2107.

March 1970 Contents The One Way River Don Matthews 2 Paddy’s Ad. 11 Kangaroo Valley Land - Report 12 Kangaroo Valley Land 14 February General Meeting Jim Brown 16 Mountain Equipment Ad. 17 List of Office Bearers 18

The One Way River

Don Matthews

That better summer occupation could a skiing enthusiast find than to canoe through (or should it be over) the water which, a few months before, he was skiing on. Purists may argue that it's not the same water, but the idea appeals to me immensely. The plan to canoe the Murray Gorge from Tom Groggin was the result of two main range tours and their later reunions, and the four members of the party were all skiers. Griff, a fast, very fast downhill man who also tours, builds fibreglass .canoes. Gunther, another downhill skier, who has magnificent cross-country potential if his still water paddling rate is any indication, used to have a heavy seventeen foot kayak, and can lift the lightweight Canadian fifteen footer with one hand, so to speak. George Gray, the complete all-rounder, is a canoeist of long standing. He used to build his own canoes and knows the sport backwards The thought of a white water canoe trip brought to mind some of my previous river trips without the benefit of canoe. The time, for example, when I built a raft to sail down the Cox's, or the flooded Shoalhaven Gorge trip one Easter with the Waggs. On that occasion the river below Badgerys was so fast and light that we’d tie a rope to Grace at different places and push her out to see if it was a goer (she was the strongest swimmer). The Kowmung had provided the most thrills, of course, in low water and high, with every misfortune in the book at one time or another. Then I thought back to my introduction to skiing in the glorious days of Illawong. “Put them (the skis) on with the pointed ends at the front” said Snow Brown, our fearless leader “There's Twynam up there; let’s go.” Getting up there was easy enough with skins on the skis, and once there, two thousand vertical feet and three miles from the hut, you just had to learn how to ski downhill. There's nothing like total commitment. The Murray Gorge seemed a fine idea. The only information I could find on the Murray Gates, as the Gorge is called, was an article in “Walk” the Journal of the Melbourne Bushwalkers for 1952 which described a walk from Colemans flat to Tom Groggin, following where possible the track shown on the current S.M.A. map. This track when it could be found, did not approach closer than a couple of hundred vertical feet to the river until it reached the top and of the Gates. Wading upstream was implied to be extremely difficult and the scrub around the river was formidable. Griff had lived at Corryong for some years and had fished at various spots on either side of the main Gorge. Generally, the river could be approached at specific places but progression up or downstream was hampered by the steep sides of the Valley and the thorny scrub liberally laced with blackberries. The locals, of course, laughed at the idea of getting the canoes through. My own experience of the river was limited to a memory of the Murray at Bringenbrong which didn't help much and at Tom Groggin where it is an amiable though swiftly moving stream about forty feet wide and, at this time of the year, a couple of feet deep. I had jumped across the Murray at Wombat flat which means that up there it was about five feet wide but that bit of information didn't help much either. It was George who commented on the remarkable rate of fall of the river. We studied the Murray Gates more closely and divided the trip into sections according to the fall per mile. The steepest section, according to the two hundred feet contour lines, was of one and a bit miles just inside the Gates. This you might say, was a fair drop for a canoeable river! The profile of the river, dropping eight hundred feet in the forty miles of the trip was something like the graph opposite. For comparison, the Con's River between Sandy Hook and the Heartbreaker bend is shown by the dotted line. The steepest bit is the two mile section below the Megalong Creek junctions Ted Constable of the River Canoe Club described a canoe trip through the Cox's in “The Bushwalker” for 1948: “The Billy Healy Range next claimed our attention for several lays. This is the most spectacular part of the river and is the most difficult to negotiate…….our speed at times was reduced to little more than a mile per day….” Our first day at Tom Groggin was largely spent in preparation, including the ferrying of a car to the finishing point of the trip, and of the gear to a road bridge a mile or so downstream It was after three, on a steaming hot day when we pushed off. The first obstacle, just downstream, was a six foot waterfall down which the canoes were roped. Then we enjoyed an easy paddle to the bridge which was a few feet above the water. It might have been three feet, but it looked a lot less. It was obvious that if the canoe rose in the water for any reason I'd whack my head on the bridge. We stopped to wait for the others and to have a closer look for hazards. In the middle of the steam below the bridge was a large boulder. My imagination ran wild - if we didn’t hit our heads, we'd be so busy not hitting them that wets lose control and bolt into the boulder. George was unperturbed and glided under the bridge Solo with a foot to spare, neatly skirted the rock and sat waiting for me with a grin on his face. We loaded the gear and paddled downstream for a few miles over quiet water until we found a beach to camp on. It was after six o'clock but still warm enough to enjoy a swim. 70 sot off very late next morning and a group of six or seven canoes appeared isb as we were leaving. George recognised a friend from his early canoeing days and we chatted for a- 2hile while they prepared for an early lunch. After a few miles of easy going, we reached a milestone, a prominent rock bluff on the right hand bank at a sharp bend in the river which seemed to proclaim “I am the Gate of the Murray” and to prove it gave us a quick push downhill in the form of a steeply angled race strewn with rocks. We had entered the Gorge proper! It was in the following stretch that we found the remains of two wrecked canoes and it seemed thatTot of caution was going to be needed. We stopped for lunch and expected the other party to arrive at any minute. Suddenly, George sprang to his foot and leaped into the water.

ollmowom.r.ormr A coil of plastic rope was floating downstream and he retrieved it for the owner. Then a piece of gunwale floated past. It looked as if the Gate had claimed another victim. We heard later that the other party had lost a canoe just below the bluff and that was why, despite our own leisurely progress, they didn't catch up. The rope was invaluable in allowing long linings and in various rescues. The obstacles now became more frequent and it was necessary to walk and line the canoe more frequently. George has lining down to a fine art, and it was a pleasure to watch the precision with which he guided the bouncing craft throughhe tangles of boulders and thundering jets of water. At about five 'o'clock each evening we would say “next campable spot”, but the time before reaching one could be as long as two hours. On this occasion we found one at about six o2clock, and gratefully trod theearth again. The next day was again fine and hot and the louldery section continued. We stopped for late lunch at the wildest section of all near Hermit Creek. The water coursea furiously through a moss of gigantic granite boulders, and the narrow outlet was a twisting spout of foam. Below was a deep quiet pool. On each of three flat rocks, the only flat space in sight, were the remains of camp fires and odd bits of canoe flotsam. It l'ooke,1 as if another party, which we know to be ahead of us, had. stopped to lick its wounds. It may have been possible to line through but the risk was too great, so we carried the canoes and gear up thirty feet or so and along an undulating rock shelf for a hundred feet. Our caution was vindicated by the sight, at the far end of the pool, of a broken canoe cached in the rocks. Dark clouds had been piling up during the afternoon and halfway through the portage the heavens lot loose. We huddled older ground sheets as the rain bucketed down, and saw the river rise a couple of inches as we watched. After an hour, the rain eased as we pressed on A few strokes of the paddles across the deep pool and there was another roaring fall which was negotiated with a long line. This was a sight to see with the members of the party spread out for a hundred and- fifty feet down the river, standing on a zig zag of vantage points to guide the operator, who couldn't see what was happening, by sign language. A mighty bit of tearOrork,as Griff put it. It was now six o'clock, overcast and still threatening, with little likelihodd of a comfortable camp. Then at the end of a pool was a likely looking bend, and we spotted a possible terrace ten feet above the river which merited a look. It was flat and covered with bracken and grass. Homes

Griff was up early to fish and we breakfasted on trout from one of the least accessible but best stocked pools on the river. It looked as if we could throw away our hard tack and liVe off the land, or rather off- the water, bUt fortunately, as it turned out later, we didn't. This was the morning of Griff2s encounter with a black snake, variety unknown, but very active. Griff, deciding that attack is the best means of defence grabbed a Imddlo and leapt. Wallop! The Blade wont one way and the shaft the other with Gruff still hanging on to it, I just had time to get out of the way as a pair of spectacles with very wide oyes behind them came at me across a large :log. Under the log came the snake, but as Griff thudded to earth it turned and fled. rre moved around the camp vary carefully after that. This was also the morning that marked the en-1, sartorially speaking, of my brand new wide brimmed sixty cent straw hat. This may not sound much of a tragedy but then you haven?t seen my hat, which now looks like something out of the 7izard of Oz or an impoverished coolie's crLst out It flew off my head during an encounter with a “stopper” as I believe the best British canoeists term a wave large enough to stop CT capsize a canoe. Duo to our superior skill we weren't “stopped” but I did lose my hat, We waited in a still pool for it to catch up. It floated becauseit had a piece of foam plastic sewn to the crown. I pulled it out and it looked a little dishevelled but not seriously so. By next morning, though, some bits had shrunk and others had expanded; but it was still functional. George, proud of his well blocked similar hat, kept bursting into gentle hysteria at the sight Then during a portage he threw his own hat up onto a rock ledge and it landed in a pool of slimy green water. Ha, I thought, he who laughs last laughs longest, but the immersion was too slight to affect its form, and the slight green mould effect even added a little to it's splendour I can't win. This was the third day and for a start it was necessary to walk the canoes here and there. Then half a mile below our camp we came to another difficult section and pulled in to investigate. I was on a boulder fifteen feet above the main torrent and George was in a similar position alrapy.e. the next pool when around the corner came the other canoe. They-ipulled in to an awkward spot and in back paddling to a more secure position were swept willy nilly into the main stream. The lurch of the canoe threw Gunther out and he was swept downstream and ended up spreadeagied and half submerged on a sloping boulder. He looked safe enough to us, but he was yelling to George and although we couldn't hear a thing above the roar of the water, he obviously wanted Lap. His leg was stuck in a crevice and he was sure that if he freed his leg he's be swept under. So he yelled until we got the message.

Meanwhile, Griff, somehow unaware of his loss was still shouting instructions to his stern man. Then he looked around as if sensing a lack of motive power, and than with a desperate grimace, started to backpaddle frantically. For a moment I nought he might make it, but the effort was too much. He stopped paddling and hurled the rope at me as he swept Past, but it fell in a tangle well short of the rock0 wgtched helplessly as he leaped out and grabbed the stern of the canoe; and then in a flash it was wedged firmly broadside on a boulder, in mid fall, with water cascading over each end and a ten foot drop to the pool below. Griff managed to drag himself onto the boulder, and then pulled some of the gear out. Then he dived into the pool to retrieve the bow rope. The canoe now full of water was firmly stuck and it looked an impossible task to pull it off. George lassoed the stern with all our might. The 'canoe didntt budge0 re kept trying, and at last could feel movement. We managed to rock the canoe slightly and then with an almighty heave got it moving. Down it plunged into the pool below and floated out right side up. George scrambled downstream to cl.rag it into the shallows but it was drifting in and out of an inaccessible backwater and on one of its trips met a stray current and turned turtle. Out came the gear, and off went Griff to retrieve whatever floated. The fishing gear, and all their hardware, did not float and disappeared forever. Tith it disappeared our dreams of trout for breakfast. Of more importance was the state of the canoe and the canoeists.

The latter wore cold and exhuasted. I waded to where I'd left my day pack cum mae west and took the matcho9 out of their waterproof j Then on the way back I tipped on a snag and fell flat on my face in the water. Wet matches….Back for the second box. Thi51 time I scrambled through the prickles on the bank and banded the bon to Griff% He opened it but was shivering so mucc that ho spilt the lot fortunately on dry land. Warmth and nervous energy restored, we surveyed the canoe. A broken gunwhale and a gash in the fibreglass were the only signs of damage and the repair kit could cope with these. During repairs we paddled around in the other canoe to look for lost gear and spotted the best campsite yot. We ferried the gr across and set up camp early. There had been enough excitement for one dayo Then came the next problem, the gear Griff had left on the boulder in midstream. The only way to reach it was to leap into the Water, upstream, be dashed against he boulder an clamber onto it There were no volunteers. However, Griff and George had a trick up their sleeves. They each perched on a high rock, one on each side of the river about sixty feet apart and holding the ends of the long rope. In the middle of the rope was an overhead loop, For a trial they tried to recover a peanut tin about three inches in diamoter' Down came the loop and hovered over the tin, Then slowly down a6in9 then phfft went the rope and there was the tin held firmly in the loop. After this the other bundles were catsmeat and were soon retrieved. By now it was apparent that we were out of the toughest section. Some walking and linings were necessary but mostly the rapids were fast but negotiable. The rock bed changed from granite boulders to a vertical jointed fine grained rock which frequently formed bars p.cross the stream The drop in level was two hundred feet in six miles per the day's run and it was quite remarkable to be able to look ahead and see the noticeable downhill slope of the water.

,C- /—– - , —–. At mid afternoon we rounded a bend and N, , ,. ., i ,i Itl_ \ \\\,;\ v , ) T 1 , Pi \,,, d ___ t `,..'” I pulled in at the top of a short fast

,1 q	,	_,	,...,, 	,

fall. Below it was a cam;cot on shin,csle , . wi ,,, .v ,–

,Iyr. /"..-.	'	and shreds of fibreglass which meant

. —_. . , . . . . . '

,..,.=	.	.	.7.''

/ that someone had stoppecl. for repairs,

._	-'',"---77.-=,- 
,\	, ,',------ a/,/,,, ,	It looked dubious to me, L "stopper

' i I thought. “Canoe down that I said, calculating the amount of water wo7d ship when we hit the big dipper. “T”Thy not” replied George', “that's what it's there for.” Then he added, “7(3211 backpadile into it” and 1 breathed more easily. Next thing we were in midstream and back paddlfng slowly. “This” I thought, “is total cooritmenti'. In a fl=esh we were nose down in the trough; then up again with a leap :Lill%) a salmon, and surged forward with the waves thumping down the length of the. canee. It was a delicious feeling. Like skiing moguls 2-2,ey this is living” I yelled “let's do it again” but Geecge was too buoy .:ailAn to take any notice. The ridges were now opening out, and grassy slopes appeared high up, but the riverside was still very rocky and over(2rown with few obvious campsites. 17e stopped at Bunroy Creek and found a sandy spot tucked away in the rocky platform. The canoes could be hauled up onto the rocks but first had to negotiate a small COrl:STOW typo fall with a seemingly safe and predictable outlet, 1,-.Ted had a raRcnificent day's canoeing; we were dry, tho gear was dry al:1,3 we were capeing comparatively early. George and Gruff wore magnanLmous, “You fellows needn't come, we'll bring them throu,th solo.” Gunther and I strolled casually to the rock ledge to watch. George pat:idled Into the mainstream. Then, in the twinkling of an oyoa the canoe dived under and then seemed ta leap out of the water sideways and-to climb four or five foot out of the water, up a sloping rock. I expected to see it finish on top ,of the rock, like the Ark on Ararat. The result was inevitable. It slipped baCk with George still in it, en,“ turned over. Gunther dived in to help, and during the salvage operation Griff appeared around the corner, unaware of Or unconcerned by what had happened, and equally confidently plunged in. The path of the canoe was somewhat different, but the result was the. same. Fortunately the victims found the affair as hilarious as the spectators0 rre heard later that the following party had fared similarly0 l'ot one canoe got through without mishap. Below Bunroy Creek the river was easier, although it stillL maintained it's rate of descent. There Wore two early linings and then a- seriesof shingly rapids as we followed the four big bends at the :tail end of the gorge. Obvious campspots appeared for the first time Lnce the Gates and then suddenly we Were in grazing-country, It was now about two o'clock with twenty miles of moanderinz's willow lined river, still fast moving, to our finishing point. 73 could certainly do it by clerk, and the fact that Gunther had run out of cigarettes a couple of days ago, and that he and driff had an irresistible hunger for steak and eggs, was reason eneugh for them . George and I were not in a hurry. Our plans were settled by the weather, which 'suddenly become very wet, and by our meeting with some old mates of Griff who were fishing on the river and haa cigarettes to srare. A little later we Were entertained. by some campers who plied us with stacks of toast and toa. This, and the rain which was now pelting down white anted the Bringonbrongorbust movelowt and we camped in the wet about half way from home. There wore enough easy rapids to give some interest to the trip and the fact that t7c, s3e47'p water ran under willows caused some thrills and spills, but aftzr the Gorge it was pretty tame. There was no stopping zutber and Griff on the last morning. We wore away in record time, and with double padals.flashing, our mates took off and disappeared. A couple of hours later we could hear distant yodelling and as we came in qight of the Bringenbong bridge, could see two figures leaping up and down with great exuberance. Across the water came Griffts melodious voice: “They said we'd never make it, but we aia, Yippee!”. PADDY PALLIN ORIENTEERING COMPETITION All walkers please note that the Annual Orienteering Competition sponsored by :Mr. Paddy Pallin will this yoar be held on Saturday, 23rd, May, 1970. Now is the time to organise a team to compote under the S.B.W. banner. THE DATE AGAIN: SATURDAY 23RD. MAY, 1970* See Alan Pike and next monjffits magazine for further details. From Paddy Pallin Pty, Ltd,, 1st floor 109A Bathurst Street, SYDNEY. N.S.T. 26 : IS SWNP . - . ',..: -Nif,4; . ',;.1,';, .:- ,..,–.., t, ' ' '.*,I.. i\ , :,. -li 4 1 ,:. ,,Pr ie k, “ThelOSt tert cloth yet”! 111 ' ip 1 - # I Ask for 2 3 4 man sizes in “Stormtite. 11 Paadymade “stormtito” specially developed by “the old firm”. Tents mac, from “stormtite” have proved to be utterly reliable under extreme conditions in the tougY,st tel%rain in S.W. Tnsmania, The unique method of proofing results in a tnu.zh9 lightweight cloth that.”broathes” yet withstands the heaviest rain and resists dripping when ruiSteri PADDY PALLIN Lightweight Camp Gear lat Nor. 1B9P Bathurst Struet. SwhitY . . I6MOR'T The outgoing Management Committee of the T.ni2ge.roe_Valley-Land has submittedja-rdPoft. 'At'th6-Znnual.eneral Meeting it-was resolved that “the whele. tatter of the Kangaroo Valley land be -left Until the General Ivieeting after the Reunion”. Therefore, for the information of members, the Report is given hereunder: At the time of its final meeting your committee was unable to answer two major.questions: the physical boundaries of the land and the Water Board's intentions. Although the land use is not entirely dependent on the boundaries initially, the boundaries will influence the accesSto the land fram the nearest public read, This is the subject of a recommendation. The intentions of the Water Board are far more relevant. There are conflict- ing reports of the dam height, site and whether the storage ,area is, to be “open” or '61osed“ to accesS When the initial moves tO.p-archase the area were made the Valley scheme was to pump water to an intermediate storage and then to the Wollongong area in which case open access was almost certain. There is a possibility now that water will be reticulated directly 'to Nowra which means that restricted or no access to the stored water could.become _a reality. Any consideratioes of a long term nature or of a charge 'on Club funds, apart from rates, must depend on the final Water Board plans. Your committee has been able to arrive at the following proposals: 4,434aVoicag tmee$Alsokral009m1LIOPETemmlazhfoRaftstiumnr9.., (1) .Whenethe'EtottaaTng'6PPInq'tg7F*Orbeen established definite legal access be obtained through the property of John Holland by the existing access road, such acces's to alloo the clearing of a reasonable are for use as a car park. It is thought that P.Cesent _gocaville,aPd.negotiation,irfill provide this. (2) Continued vehicle access through the land is not feasible. To esta-. .. blish a reliable road would involve a large initial expense and continuous maintenance. This implies that vehicle access, such as four4,wheel drive vehicles be allowed only for initial work on the land and that thereafter access be not allowed. (3) Between the boundaries of our land and the lease held by Holland _there is an area of land available for Crown Lease Our possible use of the land is not acceptable in the terms generally necessary to obtain such a lease. (4) The hut on the land should be kept in repair as shelter and the galvanised iron be re-erected as a roofed wall-less structure for further .shelter both structures to be kept clean by people using them. Both buildings. could provide adequate rain run-off to justify installing a 1000 gallon tank , , 13, The Sydney-.5\isla.walki.3..1. at a cost of about po plus pad, This work could. be mariagod by T:io:':ng, bees. As n alternativc: to a,. tank s7..ipply the; poslity of a -bL.1.stic pipeline :.fro.t. the Creek'l_De' (5) The siestion of uso by othc:r.organisq.tions a_Lideopl,….; 1,-/:2.s cif.s,–2-.1.7.8&J.., ., Such use ..r.'or, 1: ,pr.Ri.ic;;0-1.3.71..i ,q,tircik,T1.48.- #je,-Ft,rfai_:,.litalf”-ifign,fitli,k1,,:.-;;,2.a rs,ziouid . be welcomed' 'f'S'ut`l '5_4('- ig tholig.14-3,-biclai.: r-aGy_ il4F-1.- 1Z CarlItit rri.ti6i1 S:' ;#10.1-i1,4. . . - F.:…C., IF.0-,P5,1. 1 Gerier,i.ri.u.g… lc.f.-2..c.d.:Ii5E07 (6 ..):.,31.5.1.-..ti-,':,. ,hr: ix: . . . -….,-, …f 7 fr,su..-.1..;-:-…1.-or_.1.0 / . .. '1-1-q r ,Ya;r12-147: AT'IPMf-1-4,..1144cLo.1Qc.p:Rg'it7,t4i-1 4,71.zcciv:_'..1, il-1- `;,-;-kirl7.1.i.2.–,i.-1'11,rt-iiril ,:.–, . QY., L, -…,,I. ,..i,,,.. , ,,-,-,, 1 . , ,..- , -,. , . . flooding'7nen in an'ait:a aovinsl.ream nf tht., nut. nearer t..ilth.o.1?- _ . ,rhere, sLm-ple fireplaces could be bullt and tbei-c. u,.3e e2- nc.; — '- .: . _ our-LRucL, .The of 're–uniCt.'sit,e.far the com.-1.g; :reunion ang:.-1 reunions on th land left- to c- .;


(7) The '-cp..-1,estibn Of“ferrz..,Ing.. 'is bol.rad” t.) of by John Holland anc] thc., intervenin Crorn Lease, As a general fencing should be avodd.J.:a. (8) Current rates on the: lazid arc.:'g20-30 l'hese s:iaould be a charge. on club funds, .(9) The advantages of declaring the area a Tina Life EY_-_,fure are str,-esser'_, and steps should be taken to have the land so aeclared. (10) The land is some\-that scarred bi traeks male by timbE.:1—-gotto.-,–s replanting of native trees -L-nd shrubs is rccommeraud init:112.!.-,7 to r.,rotLiat reclaim these areas. (11) It . is thought that -a Management ;Committee. be r.. ..13.-Ltadmed for several years at least and that such a corLittoe be looted at the Annual Gelleral Meeting,: The use and. enjoyment_ of the land is recommended to all members,“ .. . .. . . . .,,,, (…\ .,,, ::: 1,.. ,r.,,. ra..,,,,,,,..,..-;..-…r,…-Z.C– , ,,: - '.- –' 'L - r '.- - - ' L ' :'-' '-' - - 1-…fF's..,..-;/*-,. -….': '-.7., TJ:-.5.,-,:' Clr.:f”1,X7J',.f;17. Or_if,' -.i',:nir,'_LP:. ;.. .C;:i: .,.i,.r.,'..:,…i… . :.,-.-;:',' .1-:;';'::5 0 -, :..- ,t!,-.,.'….-,::::.4,'…:,..f.:.:..;. '-i-c_.1-.' . '…. oc:.:_o,..',. .bli…..:,::…,, .:7.-,7J,..-.1…-:'–,,..,…: :.f.,..:,..1..-_.) ..L'..–.,.;.-:.x-;.:-..,1::,-:……–.J-.,7'.:b-:. …-5.i=.-. 14. The Sydney Bushwalker March 1970


At the January General Meeting it was resolved that the Club write to the Water Board to ask what their present policy is in regard to the use of waters after the dam is constructed in the Kangaroo Vally area. The following is a copy of their reply: “The proposed Yarrunga Dam has now been replaced by the Tallowa Dam which is to be constructed at the junction of Shoalhaven and Kangaroo Rivers. Tallowa Dam will be a concrete structure,. approximately 125 ft. high. The Board has not yet determined what recreational uses of the stored waters of the Shoalhaven Scheme will be allowed. Various uses are still being investigated, and it is likely that no final decision will be made until at least 5 years experience in operation of the Scheme has been obtained. With regard to properties affected by the stored water of TPke Yarrunga, holders of current pump licences will be permitted to continue to dray from the river and new licences will be considered. The rights of land holders upstream of the stored water of Lake Yarrunga are not expected to be affected in any way. I am enclosing for your information a brochure on the Shoaihaven Scheme, and a copy of Board's Plan H17/100.00 detailing the proposed works.” At the Annual General Meeting held on March 11th, it was resolved that our land in the Kangaroo Valley be given an abori7inal name., Wilf Hilder volunteered to lookup and submit a list of names, and suggestions from club members would also be welcomed.


First a greeting to the new additions to the membership Heatherlilliams9 Roy Higgenbottom and Jim Dawson: and then acceptance of the January minutes, and no matters arising. - Inward correspondence related to the request by Betty and Ern Farquhar for transfer to nonactive membership, to an offer by the Dungalla Club to support the tree planting operation on the Club's Kangaroo Valley property, and a Proposal originated by the Coast and. Mountain Tallrers that Federation should takE a more vigorouS line in assisting and promoting bushwalking, apart from its already active S & R functions. As a result of discussen at the January meeting the Water Board had. been asked to clarify its intentions on construction of the Kangaroo Valley dam, The Club had been happy to accept the Dungalla offer, while the question of a New Look Federation was left for the meeting to contemplate. The Treasurer gave his report, with a final balance in ready cash of $9539 but as noone could hear it was repeated by.theH. Secretary. , January's walks report disclosed that the first trip, Owen Manley's Kowmung jaunt did not take place, but Bill Bourke 's walk on the Shoalhaven River on 9th. 11th. brought out 10 people who (by acciden9 it was said) found a new exit route from Barber's Creek, Lynne Wyborn. with a group of 5 reached the “Crater” near Wollongambe Creek the same weekend, and recorded that the longsought area ';as euite unvoicanic in appearance, being a hollow about 1/3 mile across encircled. Thyhills. There were 9 People on Meryl Tatman 's Hacking River day walk. . On.themIddle weekend of January, Joan Rigby and party of 6 walked on'Angorawa Creek and the lower Colo, which was low and muddy9.making.their way out by steep but negotiable side creeks. Doug Ackland 'inherited from Bob Jones the day walk and with only one starter as-a party went on to Glenbrook instead of returning to Lapstone from Glenbrook Creek. Australia Day weekend saw a major rally of about 36 on Barry Pacey's Pretty Beach camp. There were mutual accusations of whiteanting as the President organised a day walk Instructional to Pigeon House, on which 10 propsectives and 3 members scaled. 16. The Sydney Bushwalker March, 1970.. the mountain and returned to Clyde River via Landslide Creek. For the last weekend the Kowmung trip was cancelled after reports of flooding, but Lynne Wyborn's party went caving (and mud fighting) at Wee Jasper, spending 5 hours in Punchbowl Cave and 2i-hours in the Gong Room. The day walk topped the pole with no less than 39 On Jack Gentle 's Burning Palms trip, when there was ample rain but a dearth of rain garments, and one starter retired after a mile or so. There could be no Federation Report, as the delegate present had toted it around for a week, but left it at home onmthe meeting night, so it was straight on to General Business and a report from Gordon Redmond on the completion of the Kangaroo Valley land deal. The final cost had been $3,897, leaving a surplus of $311 from the total of Era funds, Club and member donations and other contributions which had been placed in a special account. Gordon moved a vote of appreciation to Harold English (agent), Colin Broad (solicitor) and Dot Butler for their work and the free services giVen in carrying out the transaction. In seconding this Alex Colley saj.d Gordon's considerable work should also be recognised: Jack Gentle moved accordingly, and this was carried. Gordon now sought to reply in open meeting to some statements made privately to him by another member who evidently disapproved the whole purchase. However the meeting generally regarded this as a personal matter, and didn't want to buy into it. To wind up aw, what the hell it will all be over by the time this is printed anyway it should probably be said Don told us there were six feet of grass on the reunion site, but John White was going down in advance with an outsize lawn mower: also that President, Walks and. Social Secretaries, and Jack Gentle, Wilf Hilder and Alan Round would not seek reelection at the Annual Meeting. Spiro Ketas moved that we write to thank Joan Rigby for unstinted labours on production of the Club magazine over recent years carried; and when someone mentioned the swimming carnival at Lake Eckersley to be held on the following weekend, a cautionary note was uttered the Army had been laying land mines on the western side of the Woronora in that area which seemed as good a conclusion as any to a tranquil meeting. *** k r , V ! . ! A , I ' k+1 t if ; 1 , I ( , .

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11…….4 LIST OF OFPICERS Results of the elections at the Annual General Meeting are as follows: Presiden-b: Vice-Presidents: Secretary Treasurer Walks Secretary Social Secretary Membership Secretary Committee Ladies Men Federation Delegates: Conservation Secretary Literary Editor Magazine Business Manager Archivist Keeper Maps and Timetables Equipment Hire S. & R. Contacts Trustees. Hon. Solicitor Hon. Auditor Kangaroo Valley Land Management Committee: Spiro Ketas (I) Bob Younger (2) Phil Butt Sheila Binns Jim Vatiliotis Alan Pike Owen Marks Barbara Bruce Dorothy Noble, Ann O'Leary Craig Shappert, Sam Hinde Pat Earson, Jim Calloway (on Committee) Wilt' Hader, Rolf Janssen Mike Shorn:, Neville Page Don Finch Phil Butt Peter Franks Laurie Quaken Heather White, Elsie Bruggy, Doone Wyborn Heather White, Gordon Redmond, Bill Burke. Colin Broad Nan Bourke George Gray, Dorothy Butler, Bob Younger, Bill Gillam, Alan Wyborn.

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