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A MONTHLY BULLETIN OF MATTERS OF INTEREST TO TiE SYDNEY BUSHWALKERS, NORTHCOTE HOUSE, REIBY PLACE, CIRCULAR QUAY, SYDNEY, N.S.W. Postal Address: Box 4476, G.P.O. SYDNEY, N.S.W. 2001. Editor: Neville Page, 139 Riverview Road, Avalon, N.S.W. 2107. Typist: Lesley Page 11 P1 Club Committee Representative: Dorothy Noble. Office Boy and Production Manager: Owen Marks. Business and Advertising Manager: Don Finch. * JUNE, 970. Editorial The May General Meeting Thirty On The Deua At Easter Village In A National Park Federation Notes Mountains By Some Of His Bost Friends Are Paddy's Add- Coming Walks Mountain Equipment Add Socially Speakinr7 One More Month Colong Committee Notes Share Application Forms Page 2. Jim Brown .4. Spiro Ketas 80. Margaret Wyborn 11. Jim Callaway 14. Ramon U'Brien 16. Bushwalkers 19. 21. Alan Pike 22. 24. Owen Marks 25. Observer 26. 27.. 29. Page 2. THE SYDNEY BUSHWAIKER June, 1970. EDITORIAL It became known some years ago that alicence was. to be given to a cement company to mine limestone deposits at Church Creek. Bushwalkers and other ,conservationists protested. about the move, but all to no avail It seemed that there was no hope of Saving the area, and thai Mount Armour would disappear from the face of the earth. It was put dawn by most as a lost cause. But then a group started to organize themselves, later to become known as The Oolong Committee. A meeting was convened by the Sydney University Conservation group, and representatives of interested parties and individuals brought the first ray of hope by way of concerted actions and protest. Today Colong is virtually a household word; due entirely to the unfailing efforts of this group of dedicated people. Nothing has ever made such an impact in Australia before in matters of conservation. The Oolong cause has been brought “into every home5 one of the initial andiprime aims of the Oolong Committee from its inception nre than that, conservation has become a political issue, and it seems that this is the only way to stir up some action. But still conservationists have little reasbn to make then complacent about Colongc The battle is a long way from being won- The Associated Portland Cement Company is free to mine limestone at Oolong any da7 it wishes. Not only that, but the Kanangra/Boyd National .Park is being further explited and despoiled by what has now been called “The Rape of the Boyd”. Licences have been issued for the clearing of the Boyd Plateau in readiness for pine planting. Many people. . have written to the Premier asking for the Boyd Plateau to be included in the National Park have received a standard letter in reply. Mr. Askin says that the Minister for Conservation “has explained that the volume of present logging activities is no different from that carried out over the past 30 years” If this were true the entire forest would have disappeared long ago. June, 1970. TEE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 3. - The State Government obviously.intends to press ahead with its aim of planting the. Boyd Plateau with pine. That can be done in the.facc of such forces? The Colon Committee-has shown what ,can-'160'.done by mealas of persistent. anr1 continued protest, and by 'bringing thO:fac*before,the general pdblic. Unfortunately the great majority are content to 'stand aside and leave tho task to a hardworking minority. That can I contribute? is the question often asked. This is what you can do: 1. Trite to your locally elected Member of Parliament, both State and Federal, pointing out your feelings and pointing out your disgust at the whole scandal. And don't write just once; follow it up again and again as new facts and now confild'Jrations corm to light. 2. Send a te.egram to your.local.M.ember when you hear that a vote is to be taken on some Bill associated with the Oolong cause. 3. Obtain bmr.) share in the A.P.C.M. by donating $3 to the Oolong Committee Then enforce your rights by attending the Shareholders meetings of the company and registering your diapproval. This is a very effective way of drawing attention to the cause, as all the financial journals and daily papers give a good coverage of these meetings. 4. Write to the newspapers MAKE UP YOUR MIND NO7 TO THROW IN YOUR WEIGHT .110 HELP THE CAUSE. Turn to page 29 immediately, tsar out the form, and become a shareholders Make this your first tangible move to help save Australia for future generations. If you're already in there. helping, don't slacken up yet; there's a lot more to be done. *.*XxX*4-x OLD NEL GAZINES Pat Harrison is trying to build up his collection of past Club Magazines and old “Bushwalker Annuals”. If you have any you don't want, give Pat a call, or see him in the Clubroom . His address is 47 Sunnyside St., Gladesville, NS 7r 2111. Telephone number at home is 89-5352. NEXT MONTH'S MAGAZINE Putting together next month's magazine will be on Tuesday, 21st0 August. The venue will be the home of Craig and Marcia Shappert at Tamarama. If you can help, ring Owen, on 30i827 Closing date for contributions for publication will be 7th. August. Page 4. T. EL' SYDNEY BUSHWALICR June, 1970. By JD; BRovm*x x x* In the beginning we learned that Helen Lowry and Greg Thorn were the new members for the month, neither being present to be welcomed at the General Meeting. During this prelude Phil Butt was writing on a blackboard a_long list of possible names for the Kangaroo Valley land - shorter names than the 18 letters we now have to use to describe it. Correspondence told us that several changes of personnel had occurred, with Betty and Ernie Farquhar returning to the active list, Roger Gowing and Helen MoMaugh going non-active, whilst ex-Tiger of the thirties, Tim Coffey, had re-enlisted. There were also letters from National Parks Association in which Paul Barnes referred to a sewage treatment works likely to outflow into Wentworth Creek, a proposed fire trail through a wilderness area, and a need for another Trustee for the-Heathoote Primitive area. At Phil Hall's suggestion we nominated Jim Callaway for the Heathcote area trusts Paul Barnes other letter had been set aside for dealing by the Conservation Secretary, but the matter of Wentworth Creek came under notice, and on a motion by Alex Colley we decided to write the Minister for Local Government seeking an assurance that the sewage received adequate purification treatment before release into the stream. The Treasurer's Report disclosed 1058 in the trading, and was followed by a Walks Report recording a reasonable level of . activity in April. On the first week end Bill Gillam went into the Splendour Rock country with a party numbering 8, while Doane ITTyborn and team of four found the Budawangs fresh and green, except where a fire had seared some scrub in the Valley of the Monoliths. There were two Sunday walks that week end; Nancy Alderson and party in the Berowra 'raters area found lyre birds, and that even rarer avis - a made fireplace in Kuring-gai Chase. Jim Callaway's crew had four swims, he “did not kill anyone” and they were back to Waterfall by 5.30 p.m. The second week end of the month was Federation Reunion, attended by (was it 12 or was it 30? S.B.W.). Anyway Alan Pike scored a credit for the Club by coming third in the billy boiling contest. On the Sunday, Bill Hall, dputizing for Sam Hinds June, 1970. : THE SYDNEY BUSH7ALICR Page 5. who was Federating, took a party numbering 21 into te WoronoraKinadom Come countr7. The Friday evening trip on the following week end saw the beinning of Barry Pacey's trip to Little River (where the going was described as “scungy”) and to Sugarloaf in Mbgalong Valley-. Sam Hind had the day walk in the Bundeena. Ic.arley strip of coast. On the final week end of the month, there were two Friday starts, both on Yadbora Creel.ts Marion Lloyd took a team up to Pigeon House to find that the BiCentenary Celebrations had led to the erection of ladders and a direction “sundial” on the summit to commemorate the naming of the mountain from the Endeavour in 1770. Meanwhile Don Finch and party finally two parties went up Yadbora Creek, found a new access to the Corang plateau, and circled around the main vantage points. In Federation affairs it was said that the S & R Insurance Scheme was to be the subject of discussion with Police officials there had. been a bumper harvest of lost property after the Reunion (did someone mention a bike?). A warning was given about slantedface karabiners, and there were rumours of the demolition by the National Parks Service of huts in the Snowy Mountains. One old S/M Authority hut was reported to have been removed, and the destruction of Tin Minos Hut and Mawson's Hut were forecast enquiries were being made of the NP & WI Service. Now we had come to the recommendations of the Land Management Committee, which had been published in t3e March edition of the magazine. There was discussion on tl.e way of access to the Club land, which seemed to be in some doubts at present we came in through a strip of Crown land which was under lease to tlIc original owner of the riverfront blocks, but was now (possibly) being sought for lease by Mr. Holland, who owns the adjoining property. It was suggested that perhaps the official way in was in an access strip along the river bank, and the point was made that efforts should be directed towards getting a legally defined method of access from the top road. The President said the new Management Committee and the Hon. Solicitor would be asked to look into the sundry problems. All seemed in agreement with Item 2, that there should not be road access beyond the car park area when that is defined. Except that some felt the monetary aspect was unimportant we just didn't want a road and its associated vandals nohow. No. 2 was adopted. There was no room for real argument about No. 3 unless we bought a cow and became tillers of the soil, we had no real basis to seek a Crown lease of the intervening ground. Page TEE 'SYDNEY BUSITTALMR June, 1970. Item 4 had to do with the hut, and proposals for a water supply, either by tank or a plastic pipe from the creek. Fin- ally it was resolved that, for the present, no action in connec- tion with huts or water supply be taen. Item five was adopted after it was stated tat no camping fee would be charged others for using the areag the position is as it was with the Club land at Era - available for recreational camping by all, but no direct invitations. The next two items (6) preferable to camp on the river flats until the 7ater Bciard's flooding occurs, the choice of any reunion site being left to the conveners, and (7) the fencing of the area be avoided if possible, were both adopted in short order. Item 8, that rates should be aa charge on club funds, brought a few brushes g some sought to urge. that the new management committee seek means of escaping this impost, but t18 general think- ing was “how else can they (the rates) be met, ” and so (8) was adopted. Item 9, with the proposal to have the area proclaimed a wild life refuge was adopted, together with a rider by Laurie Rayner to have Warning signs erected. Items 10 and 11 proposed some planting of native trees and shrubs to mask old timber-cutters depredations and the retention for several years of the Management Committee, elected at the Annual Meeting, and both were carried. Amongst the more ribald suggestions at this stage was one that, instead of a wild life refuge, the area be dubbed a cem- etery or a seminary, and all charges therefore avoided. Owen larks said that farmers would believe a seminary was a stud farm. Now we began to look at the long table of possible names the hour was advanced and people beginning to wilt perceptibly. One group included the “name it tonight at any price” supporters - but stronger were those who wanted to daily. Bob Younger said in a casual way, “There's no urgency”, and the blackboard was hidden away for a month. Raalen U'Brien wanted “Banksia Terraces” added as a good old Anglo Saxon alternative to the spate of aboriginal names. Belatedly we were at General Business, and Owen Marks tolling us the walks programme, on a new inflated price scale, would cost almost z100 four times a year - about 25c. per copy. Ho suggested we investigate other means - if necessary a sten- cilled-duplicated version on rather stiffer paper inserted at the rear of the magazine. Pat Harrison thought we ought to pass over examination of other avenues and go straight to the dup- HF SYEgEY BUSH7ALKER - ' Page 7.- floated job, but'as Cds.cut across the intent of Owen's propoSal, and there was some time to shop around, his Original. Llotion was carried Several addit'ional mapping and first-aid questioners for membership applicants were appointed, and Alex Colley gave us details of how,. for a mere.$3 we could become shareholders in to Destroyers) Company, and throw our weight about at their highly entertaining annual meeting; also receiving a dividendof aboat 3 cents. Last shot of the meeting came from David Ingram who had been troubled. all-evening over a remark about prize-money for - the billyboi;ing contest at Federation Reunion. He heaved a sigh of relief on being told it was an order for goods at Paddy's empbrium,nd we all heav6d a final sigh of relief at 10.3.p.m. . --x:* 4 Page 8. TEE SYMEY BUSHWALIER June, 1970. * By Spiro Ketas LEADER: Prank Rigby; accompanied by 20 S.B.W.'s and 9 A.C.T. walkers. The hired Braid:Hood tourist bus arrived at 8.15 a.mi at our Araluen campsite, but as the leader and a couple of drivers had gone to park the John Vbite van (now proudly possessed by Don Finch) at our walk's proposed t'inishing spot, we had to keep the Obliging bus driver waiting. In due course we took off on what was to be a memorable bus jaunt. The driver was intent on pointing out things of local interest and we stopped first to examine the fairy's tree, a large white gum with .a hollow trunk in which the fairies dwell. It was obvious that they lived there as one r:ould see the furnishings; tiny cute beds, tables, chairs, .etc. A few miles on we entered the quiet town of Major's Creek and our driver took us on a “Cook's Tour” of the town, pointing out the old church, the old police station, the post office and the one and only pub, but despite despite desperate pleas from the thirsty members of our party our strongwilled leader sadly ordered the driver on as he was to reach our first campsite on the Deua that night. It was a perfect autumn day, and the warm sun penetrated the buse's windows as we turned onto the jeep track that took us past “Khan Yunis”. The long bulky Bedford merrily bounced along the narrow road as its sober occupants enjoyed this different style of bush transport. We passed a homestead and the farmer and his family gazed with amazement at the unexpected Good Friday sight. He jumped into his Land Rover and followed us in hot pursuit, cutting across country to intercept us, his hands waving furiously, his pipe blowing clouds of grey smoke into the air, and the hairs of his thick black moustache fluttering frantically in the wind. Any moment now we expected a blast from his shotgun, but he simply informed us that our bus would not be able to squeeze through his narrow bridges. Our driver was able to negotiate a mile or so further and we alighted at the next farm house. After paying our respects to the farmer we set off. June, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSH7ALKER Page 5. The. party's taste of luxury travel, the hot midday sun, and their heavy packs, slowed down some of its members as we climbed a couple of gentle slopes and then down to the Shbalhaven River where our leader halted the group for lunch and tried to count heads: a frustrating task when an exhausted party of 30 walkers engaged in various midday chores are strewn around the narrow upper reaches of a wooded river. But Frank didn't seem to mind, so long as he knew where Joan was, because he said, “She's carrying all my food!” After lunch we took off, our next stop being on a long high ridge. As Frank and a few helpers searched for a comparatively easy way dawn to the cree:, we took advantage of the position to admire the view. Indeed Nature, the supreme artist again Presented us with a breathtaking sight. Untidy, steep ridges, overrun with untidy native trees crisscrossed with equally untidy creeks and consequent untidy gorges combined somehow to give an overall picture of tranquility, and at the same time an awesome majestic balance miraculously attained from this collective untidiness. We stood and gazed in mutual admiration and I suspect in mutual philosophical thought. Reluctantly we left the tops and dropped down the very steep slope, slowly descending, sliding bottom first at times on the stony surface, the unfortunate vegetation suffering as thirty pairs of frantic hands and feet sought braking spots. Half way down the ridge we were surprised to hear loud gunfire and we hoped that the shooters were not directing their rifles our way. As it was close to sunset we decided to camp on the crook rather than press onto the river. In the morning we set off at 8.30 onto Bendethera Homestead whore we were kindly offered fried eel, home-grown water melon and sweet corn by the “weekend farmees” wife. We learned that the proposed steel works people of Jervis Bay were interested in buying up land in the area for its limestone, and very high tempting prices were being offered. Tre shuddered at the thought of yet another “peaceful retreat” being despoilt by “progress”. That day and the next two days we followed the Deua downstream at times walking along the not too distinct cattle tracks as they rose 1111 and over hills putting off some of the many curves in the river. At times the animal tracks disappeared altogether and we had to push our way through some thick undergrowth; i.e. the people in front whilst the tail-enders of the party benefitted from the trampling of many feet. On the rare occasions when all the Party members were together, we presented a strange sight as sixty, odd-sized feet supporting 30 Page 10. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKERS June, 1970. walkers of various and arguable aesthetic value marched one behind the other through the bush, an odd human caterpillar and an interesting study of enforced togetherness. The weather was glorious and there was no shortage of gnod campsites, though frequently'bur leader was accused of misrepresenting the walk as his promise of miles of lovely river flats did not eventuate. Much time was spent exploring the semideserted houses at “Candolie” and “Alpine”. Old ancient treasures such as rusty tools, butter churn (I suggested it was a portable LC.), cutlery, crockery, brass beds, picture frames, bottles, crocks, etc. ware unearthed and examined with a professional air of a Double Bay antique dealer. The Earth also sprouted forth its gobdies; mushrooms in their hundreds, blackberries and wild grapes, and although we missed out on our miles of “lovely' river flats we all enjoyed our 40 mile trip on the Deua. June, 1970. TIE SIDNEY BUSH-TALICTR Page II, 'CU k).;cs .L01 *i;-x*i:4'*By Margaret wyborn* As a couple, our hitchhiking efforts through the U.S.A. wore good. Business people wore our most likely sources, but holidayers also did their share in taking us to our destinations. The last snow that we had seen had been on the two extinct volcanoes in Mexico, Popocatapetli and Ixtaccihuatl. And now 3000 miles, two weeks and many deserts later we travelled to Yosemite National Park in the snow. Heavily fruit and grain grown plains in California were loft behind as we started to c1i4OD into the U.S. Coastal Range. At this time a young couple were driving us in a TIT towards the Park. 7ith 60 lb packs jammed onto our knees we only saw a bit of the scenery. We travelled along welltarred highway, winding its way high above the Merced Gorge through coniferous forests. Autumn was showing itself amongst the greenery in the deciduous trees. We passed through a tunnel and into the main Yosemite Valley. A beautiful sight! Waterfalls tumble from hanging valleys down the faces of shining granite cliffs, groves of giant seauoias (conifer, bearing its cone not before 100 years and grow to 3000 years plus) ?,,nd extensive forests of pine, fir and oak wore to be seen. Yosemite village was 3 miles further. On the way, we stop- ped to take numerous photos of the waterfalls, granite walls etc. What a wonderland! But we wore soon shot back to earth, when we arrived in the centre of the village. A supermarket, bakery, hairdresser, cafe, dining room, several souvenir shops, post office and finally Park Headquarters. All this in a National Park?!! We were both astounded at its enormity. We slowly dawdled Passed the shops and entered the Parks Visitors Centre. Here we learned how the valley was firstly formed. by the uplift of this cranite block and its wearing down firwt by stream erosion, then by glacial erosion. There was also a photo display of Yosemite historical background and today's activities in the park. 7e asked where we could camp for the night. Shc rattled off four camping areas ( out of nine) of which one was for pets also. c walked for a quarter of a mile. “It must be here somewhere.” Numerous questions and a mile further on we found camp seven (pets prohibited). While we were searching dogs barked from all abi-Drt Cap - 7076' Mt rodrick Nevada Falls 6706'\ erna A Falls rA'r 4/If 4092' Nevada Falls North Dome 400' Nat Centre ( Staircase (3i4y4 FPlls f ””;⇐9 ' am1)411:-1::V<I- il Glazier Pt. Glacier Hotel Falls Sentinel Dome 4'4 F.- Tarred road Track River Village Large areas - camp ng Yosemite Pt. 6936' Lower Yrspnmjto Scale 1:24000 June, 1970. THE SyDNEY BUSHWALIGR Page 13. ides. 7e picked a nice spot next to the Merced river. Aroad ran over a stoney bridge nearby giveing us a nice foreground for photographing halfDome a famous rock climbing face of 3500 feet high. The following day we decided to go up half dome during beautiful weather. We walked along tared road for one and half miles to the nature centre (naming vegetation and animal life in the park) where our track started. The 4-5 ft. wide tarred track led over a bridge giving a view of the beautiful Nevada Falls, 50ft. high. Higher up the Merced river one could see another waterfall, three times the height. Printed signs showed up like sore thumbs amongst the vegetation pointing towards intosting features along the trail. At the Nevada Falls, the paved track gave way to a dirt track. Numerous long zigzags brought us out into the open Where the track had been blown out of a rounded granite hill. Bear tracks were noticed on the fresh snow. We recrossed the Merced above Nevada Falls (with the aid of a wooden bridge). As it was getting towards lunch time, we de;.- cided to climb Liberty Cap, which was off the well beaten track. 7To clambered through thick brush and a foot of snow in sandshoes up to the top. Liberty Cap is also a granite dome, with large stumped pines growing in -the rock cracks. A 360 degree view of snow covered hills and mountains surrounded us. The camera was very- busy on the to8 that day. We raced back in the sunshine taking the track CU 2) tliat followed the Verced River very closely. Vernal Falls 700 ft. high spread its spray around us, and still reached us, mile further along the track. Instead of buying 'pressed logs' for burning in our camp fire we gathered a few twigs as them were much cheaper. 'Mile we were cc,oking the leftover dehyde beans from a corn motion near the public toilets attracted our attention. I needed some water so I got my torch and. billy, and walked off. Four black bears were raiding the garbage bins. There was one adult mother bear, plus three cubs (3-4ft. tall). They did not take any notice of the people flashing cameras and their screaming “Don't go any further, bears are out there,” a ten year old yelled at me. Some parents try anything to keep their kids inside their housecaravans. Walking back in the dark with the water, I could not help but notice T.V. sets in every trailer along the way. Thy do some people go out to these beautiful areas bringing with them, modern civilization. Is this not what we arc Page 14. TES SID111.7 BUS:FITA.T.,:KER .June, 1970 trying to escape during the 17)oekonds and our holidays? Disallusioned with the Park, which in fact contains a vilage of approx. 2000 -people, -,.,7c) rJuietly left for Vancouver. On leaving our impressions were that lb semite National Park was indeed, a place of c..)xtreme beauty. But is rapidly being destroyed by people. It seoris a shame Yosemite Village is :.–Atuatcd in one of the most 1.-i.c:autiful spots of the Park. It vies-mla be much bettor if comm:rci:-1.1ism was kept to the boundaries of the park. By Jim Callaway pall-Committee : Two more volunteers have been obtained; one from C.M.W. and one from C.B.C. Nin Melville .suggested that one delegate per Club bethe rule. Another request for volunteers was made. S & R Report . There were two searches conducted during the month, A party of Tahroonga Scouts were delayed on a walk over Mount Solitary. The other was for the Y.H.A. Campers in the Budawangs. The party had split into two groups while on the walk, and one section as late in returning. S & R was not informed when the delay& section returned at 3 p.m.. Arising out of this Nin Melville requested that when lost parties return, that they advise S. & R. likewise. A new stretcher has boon purchased for $65. At a meeting of the S & R Sectir-q-2 it was decided that the shortened name for the Section would be BushwalkersS & R. A new Rock Rescue Officer has been appointed, A new microphone and lead has been purchased for tha main radio set. Colin Putt aonated two Nandy Bully tackles. The S & R Demonstration will be held on 16th. 17th0 and 18th. October. Practice for the Demonstration will be held on 17th, 18th. July. A meeting of the Rescue Clubs was held at 7agga on 17th. May Jtne, 1970. TIM SY= BUSI-NA.MR Page 15. 1970. The meeting consisted of five rescue clubs plus Federation. The constitution was challenged concerning our position and it was stated that that we may join on a voluntary basis. Ten dollars was forwarded as affiliation fees J The Government Insurance Office is to be approached on the mattcJr of insurance cover during S & R rescues. aformation; Maps Apsley 211I mile has been issued by the Lands Department in six different colours. Araluen Provisional will be issued in August. Scale will be in meters: 1 25o00, Another map issued is Batemans Bay South. The Lands Department has a map showing expressways, etc. in the Hawksbury River area. The walk out th Cliff Trig does not have to be done via Jerusalem Bay as there is now a footbridge over the expressway, 50 yards north of Cowan station. 'Then purchasing a compass make sure that it is a compass for the hemisphere that you are using it in. There is a counter weight on the needle on opposing ends. General Business: There is a movement for the formation of an Orienteering Organisation which will include several clubs besides bush7ialking clubs. The Coast and Mountain Walkers will be shortly organising a “clean up” at Batsh Camp. Another of these cleanups will be held at Kanangra on the last weekenJ of Juno. Hr. Lang expressed concern over his dingo traps being set off and not reset. Paul Barnes stated that the Minister for Lands had refused the nomination of Mr. LumsdenTrustee on the as a Royal National Park Trust on advice from the local Committee. In reply to Paul's letter concerning nomination for the position of Trustee for the Heathcote State Park, Federation nominated Bob Sneddon and Jim Callaway, Nin Melville has a new telephone number; 41-1653. \Ulf Milder moved for the formation of a Federal ,Federation of Bushwalking Clubs. 0666ervation: The Mining Act and Wildlife Bill were dealt with. The planned Conservation display has been cancelled. The President asked if delegates could assist the Men of the Land Society with the water pollution problem. A special form is available. * * * Page. 16. THE STrDNEY BUSIT'FALKER June, 1970: Mc3 *-Y.*Xi(X* By Rampn uTrien i* The party: Laurie Rayner (leader), Francis 7indward,Smith, Beryl Hand, Lyn Faithful, Irene Upson, Hans Beck, Stephen Guth ridge, Doug Ackland, Enzo Tarloo, and yours truly. Friday, 11.30p.m., thick fog, very cold, on the Putty Road, 6 miles past the Putty turnoff. Sighted: one large white calico bag tied On tn tree right hand side of road, beside a roadside . mail box. 100 yards farther deem the main road is the sign “Owens Creek”. On examination, calico bag found to contain address of Laurie Rayner in Lahore. Doug drive's his V.. down the track while Francis, Irene and I look for signs of bushwalkers. Just near main road is one house on slope, 100 yards further is gate, then another house just visible through the fog. After 3 more gates we are in a large paddock and decide to camp. Saturday 7.30 .e.m. rays of sunshine pierce the fcig and we find ourselves alone in a wide flat valley. While we pack up, a frisky grey horse prances around us but won't let us touch him. Pack through the 3 gates to the house where we find Laurie, Stephen and Enzo just lighting a fire. During breakfast the others arrive and we are greeted by the farmer who says he will judge who is the best cook. This is Burrawaell, and the creelr., signposted Ovens Crook, is Burrawell Creek. The farmer allows us to use water from his tank and tells us he will escort us through his property. At 8.30 with the sun shining brightlywe set out down the creek escorted by the farmer on a horse and his two dogs, who have great fun chasing the cattle ahead of us. The first few miles are le.1 going over grass in the wide valley with rough barked apples, angephoras here and there and, as we proceed, groups of stringy bark saplings along the track. The ruins of an old hut are passed as the shadows grow shorter under the low sandstone hills. ' -hen we pause to take 5, we see two large wallabies ( or small kangaroos?) The valley has closed in at 11 o'clock and the farmer tells us that “It's too cold to go through the Gorge in winter” and that he will show us the way to the MacDonald River via the ridge. June, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSETALKER Page 17. However, this is a test walk and Laurie tries to explain this to the farmer as we leave him stunned and plunge into the icy shadows of “The Gorge”. This is delightful walking with lots of mossy rocks and green foliage along the sides of the sandy creek bottom. It is about 4 miles long and contains a magnificent stand of white angophoras. The only disappointing feature was that the creek was just not quite narrow enough to jump over in some places so everyone emerged onto the wide sandy bottom of the Mac Donald at 1.30 p.m. with wet feet. Opposite the ezeek junction there is a large flat sand bank where the tents were erected and lunch partaken of in the sun. At 2.505 all except Lyn, Irene and I set off withOut packs for Mt. Yengo which is about 2 miles and 1800 feet from the river to the top. . I vvent for a walk up the river which is dry with patches of c,uicksand here and there up to 18 inches deep ( one thong was lost in it by a prospective). The bird life is prolific and very tame, some birds coming to within a few feet of me when I stood still. There were cliffs on each side of the river which looked climbable in most places. Back to camp where a few Cwt. of firewood was gathered and then tea cooked. At 5.30 the sky which had had a few clouds rolling across it became pitch black and rain started to pour down. As it had been such a beautiful afternoon when the climb- ers left they had taken jumpers, but no protection from rain. Three quarters of an hour later the rain had stopped and the moon was shining bright]y from a clear sky. At 7 o'clock cooees were heard from above so I stoked up the fire and made some tea (the two girls had retired by this) before assisting the climbers down through the cliffs - very slow going in the dark and wet. Soon all were happily cooking tea, the conquest of Yengo being over. However, that was not the end of the day's excitement as Doug allow:ea his biry to boil dry and get red hot. In the billy was a one found tin of Caribbean curry which Doug aPparently decided to share with us in an unusual way. POW: went the tin like a bazooka - straight up, and suddenly it was raining again-curry! We were again joined. by the two “early birds” and activities continued until after 9.30 on a beauti- ful moon lit night. Page 18. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1970. The next thing I know I was being offered a free cold bath by Laurie at 7 o'clock Sunday morning so I was quickly out of my flea bag. At 8.45 we moved off and climbed up through the cliffs about 100 yards on the upstream side of Burrawell Creek. After about 500 feet of up, we were on the top of the ridge thnt the farmer had wanted 118 to take the previous morning and the walking was oRsy along the top, some of which had been burned in a bushfire last year, until 11 o'clock when we dropped down to a side creek of Burrawell and followed that down. From there it was top gear all the way back to the farm and cars which we reached at 1.30. After lunch, most of the party thought that the weekend had been strenuous enough, so only Stephen, Laurie and I set out to Climb Mr. Wareng while the others set out early for home. To get to wareng, one goes 8 miles past Owens Creek just Past the top of a steep rise where a road goes off to the right through a padlocked gate. This road is the Wareng fire trail. We set off along the fire trail at 3.00p.m. and met a man beside the Mac Donald River which it crosses. He was a timber worker who had been cutting timber under wareng. He told us that tho key to the fire trail was held at the Post Office which is the next house down the Putty Road towards Singleton and one should obtain permission there to go through the property. Mt. Wareng is owned by a man in Howe-to Valley but the timber worker thought it would be alright to go up without asking so we continued on. Fifty minutes after leaving the main road we were at the bottom of Mr. 'Varerlg and we went up the north ridge. A fork in the fire trail to the right just before Tareng leads to an earth dam and another ridge onto Wareng. The climb up Waren& took 30 minutes to the trig; from which there was a good view for about 50 miles. The scrub obscures the view, from MT. Yen8a I was told although it is a little higher there than Warong. Both ':Tareng and 'Tango are basalt intrusions which have been exposed by weathering and are about 3000 feet high. The summit of 7areng is quite small and rare of lush vegetation that is sometimes found on basalt tops is evident. Some very nice specimens of Fig and Currajong trees were seen near the top of the ridge and a pair of wombats was seen on the way down. 7e were back at the car at 6 p.m. after a nice moonlight stroll along the fire trail. June, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSH7TALI= Page 19. SOME OF HIS BEST FRIENDS ARE BUSH7ALKERS (This article, by journalist Alan Fitzgerald, is reprinted from “The Canberra Tines” as submitted by Frank Rigby. N.C.D.C. stands for National Capital Development Commis- sion; the authority responsible for planning and develoving Canberra.) “We are as dedicated as anyone to the preservation of Black Mountain reserve as natural parkland”, said an officer of the NCDC engineering section yesterday shortly before he neither admitted nor denied making the statement. “Don't quote me, but I'll fight to the death to preserve its integrity, subject to road engineering priorities. “It's nonsense of those bushwalking and fresh-air fiends to allege we have 'any -)ther designs on the reserve just because we've drawn some lines on a map of it narked 'Tuggeranong Freeway'. “You'd think from their hysterical reaction tlat freeways, concrete median strips, and flyovers were-somehow incompatible with kangaroos, trecs, and wildflowers. “One has only to look at the magnificent results achieved on Capital Hill by the NCDC engineering planning section to see the harmony with nature achieved by a subtle blend of bitumen and formwork with native scrub and eucalypts. “Any but the most biased observer would agree that NOG development of Capital Hill has improved the area aesthetically from almost every angle. “ItIs amazing what a good front-end-loader operator can do to an undistinguished and undeveloped hill if he works to a plan. “You'rVnot taking this dawn, are you? “I mean Black Mountain reserve is all right if'you like t:-at messy sort of thing in the heart of a city. “But apart from a few cranks - you're not taking not taking this down are you? - who really does? “mind you, I am the first to agree that it's a nice idea to talk about going back to nature, ecology, and all that sort of rubbish. “I'd love to have 1,250 acres of bushland in the heart of Canberra if only as an insurance against future demands of an overtaxed road system. “It's much mora efficient and considerably cheaper to be able to get your hands on a bit of parkland when you want to build a road, isn't it? I mean, it's the Australian tradition Page 20. TEE SYDNEY BUSHWAL.I2R June, 1970 ..m…..=da. . “But let's be realistic. The NCDC's job is to develop Canberra as a national capital. We would be failing to live up to our charter if we left large lumps of bushland around in an under-developed state, wouldn't we? “You can't win with these people. You give them an inch and they'll want to retain another 100 acres. “God knows we've tried to justify 'the Black Mountain reserve by adapting parts of it to useful purposes, such as the build- . ing of television stations, transmitter towers, toilet blocks, parking areas, water tanks, car dumps, and the like. “But do these people appreciate what we're trying to do? “You try to be reasonable but where does it get you? You tell them about the freeway and next thing they want to tell us where to put it. “And because 'Te tell thorn it will run from a point in the north to a point in the south they start to get very anxious to know about t'-e bit in between. “Everyone knows the shortest distance between two flyovers is a straight line of freeway. And anything in the way - in tiris case Black Mountain - must be moved to one side. “We have carried out secret feasibility studies to see whether it is better to (a) Move Black Mountain to another site on the outskirts of the city (b) Cut it down from the top to a point 7here it corresponds with the summit of Capital Hill and use the surplus to fill in tho surrounding area so as to make a first class road surface; or © Leave it untouched save for a series of roads around the base. “Frankly, I favour the latter. Both Black Mountain and Capital Hill by reason of being virgin land lend themselves to development as traffic roundabouts. “And once we started drilling and setting off explosives all the fuss about Protecting the flora and fauna would soon die away. At about the same time as the flora and fauna died away. “It saddens me to realise some people can't bee the almost limitless development Possibilities of Black Mountain reservo. “After all, God proposes - and the NODC disposes. “And remember, I didn't say that”. “Development for its own sake is not enough. We must also care for the environment we live in.” Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II broadcasting to the nation on Sunday, April, 26th., 1970. 21 , ' ,,..,:, . .c ; ' :, 5, W” : - , 1 When you tackle tough country and tough conditions, -*ink before you go. Take a real lifesaver from Paddy's in the form of a “BiVvy” bag. A heavy duty polythene bag, 7' x 3'; light in weight and light on the pocket at 75 cents. Ski.touriTig.1-sopopular activity for many bushwalkers. Join the swing. Ask at Paddy's for all information. PADDY PALLIN PTY. LTD., 1st. Floor, 109A. Bathurst Street, SYDNEY. N.S.W. The Walkers' Shop 4 The South West winds are blowing, with rain, sleet, snow and cold temperatures. Tough and often dangerous combinations for any walker or skier, whether he is slogging Ivo Yellow Pup, or ski touring on the Grey Mares. VECNTERtS HERE! ! $ ,,…-.C.,>75;;4`e”-,,,_; A, 1 4;:, ,oc, :,.-A.,,,:ge-e 470,4,, I. ,- ',. ' nt, i g il i t t a '.4,,,, 1. .— ,,,,, .,..:A 4t% '., 1,…;'. ki I }.! .. r $ i - ; - Z — ' 1 I ,. - , t ' t , ,,c, ! ,.:, , i; di: ,5,,y/ N 7.” :i ,,,,,, lit,,,,r. $,, ,…..r,::,,, d'd'N r ' !. , ””-% ' : l',, !{ , L .Z! -.—,- 4,4 .., IC,d:: .d, .tAi '- li' -, Z,'.”' c.'::-.L';' ,,,,,,,. ec..-54k., ._.. ., …,.”-',.. ,. .4i- , … N . .,.., ,.. ., . .n: , \ —.,,,,,–,.- \ , ,,,. —.- >01-,, ……-r, . ,..,..,-, v4 1,, ,..– e4P1*”. , 4 t q.'41,:. . . io ',.' oe”' :..*:','–, ,..,' 51.”. ' ,;57;:':, : –” '.4 ' …, '.)41 ip,-, .! 14 * Ar) f , - -,,'0” ; i :, .*:c,t,.. t f \ t 1, r,;$6,, \ fii I 7'4'6', 7E7:1::::07. :1 ?no/ i:::11:41 J/r,:,/ i, 0 ;ir V , ,9 47 ilti, t %: .0 ,'. .. '. 17ePt&?.1*-5 1 i r) D Ifr..,:Y PA LL1 I N rtdr. Lightweight Camp Geer 1 N. Floor, 199A Satilortzt t!trcet, Syclacy 7)' t, , ,'',,, , ..,, .. # 1 , ,, ? :1 i.,1 /.v .-,:,,,,,,,….;.,…..c4,,,,,,p…e………”..,……,1` 6 ' Z 6 85'4 .::, 7 -* 7.J tqln' ., Otett'444414vmemodb4444.14144447444444440tegm401AeblawromamOmmosemtporonmtnmekomebamen=r4Vbc”.3'm Page 22. THE SYDEEY BUSHWALKER June, 1970. * By the Walks Secretary Alan Pike JULY 3RD. 4TH. & 5TH0 Two fantastic trips on this weekend: Roy Higginbottom will lead a party to Bonnum Pic - an outstanding vantage point for views of the Blue Mountains and_ Burragoranf Lake. Laurie Quaken is leading one of his classic Blue Mountains walks taking in Splendour Rock, Cox's River and Galthag Creek. Although only 25 miles, it is quite a distance for these short winter days, however all of the miles are easy walking and provide wonderful mountain and river scenery. a test walk any prospective, can be proud of. JULY 10TH0 11TH. & 12TH. You can always expect the unexpected on a pat Harrison trip. Nothing more to say except that it will be a great trip, as all of Pat's trips are Ho even guarantees good weather for this one. (If you like sleeping in on Sunday monings, don't come!) On Sunday Heatherc Williams is leading her first walk, from Helensburgh, overland to E Era and back to Otford via the coast and Palm Jungle. Of course, she intends to drop-in on the instructional being held. down that way, where all members of her party will be given free tea and biscuits. JULY 17TH. TH. & 19TH. Doone - a member of the intrepid Wyborn family is leading the Annual S.B.W. bike trip. This time, from 'Newnes Junction, the iron steeds will bear their riders, or vice versa, down the old railway and into the historic mining town of Newnes. Here, providing the pub hasn't fallen down compl.etely, something will be available for the riders in need of reconstitution for the next day, which is all uphill, into Tallerawang. Note: All steeds should be equipped with regulation light, tyre repairs, and a courageous rider. The Sunday walkers are well catered for this weekend, whether they live in the south or the north of Sydney. Yorag Ryder is conductiong a Mystery Tour up Cowan way, and Bill Hall is heading south to Waterfall. Juno9 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSF7A1TZTR Page 23, JULY 24TH0 2y_2.1..L._& 26TH. Do you know. what Russell's Neefne is? Do you know where it is? Have you ever climbed it? Marion Lloyd 'is giving us the rare opportunity to find9 explore9 and conquer this mysterious peak on her walk, whiob. also covers Nattai River and Rocky Waterholes Creek. This will be a beaut medium test walk for any Prospectives who want somthing “not too hard. JULY 31ST9 AUGUST 1ST0 & 2ND0 Something for everyone this weekend.'Doone Wyborn hap .a great trip for keen walkers. From Batch Camp he take his party through Barrallier Pass and Oolong Gap to the Mootik Wall and famous Yerranderie Peak. Then, so that thu second day isn't too easy, a sprint up to Mount Colong. For the Flower People', that old. hppie9 Sammy Hinde has a Sunday walk to Wondabyne. Here you can meditate among the wildflowers and th'en blow .,your. mind in a genuine aboriginal Bave. Craig Sapper t is catering for the plonk-artists this weekend, He's taking rv.,m all up to the Hunter Valley where they can inspect vineyards9 drink a little -line (if its free) and have a very pleasant weekend9 thats for sure. 4:4 The SEPTEMBER, 0',,TOBER;cAND NOVEMBER walks programme is now being collated. ,ZIADERS AR'E 7ANTED - Take the plunge; cast offyour inhibitions and LEAD A TALK W 1.1111.0111111.1.1.1…..VIN.M….11 1.1111.4111. .141…….,…1,, 1 4 SPECIAL TALKS NOTICE SEARCH AND RESCUE L……4 1 Two Sunday walks on the i I current programE,3 are dated 16th0 17th0 & 18th0 October. 25th0 July (which is a Practice on 17th. 18th0 & Saturday. Please alter your 19th0 July. See _Jan Pike programme to 26th0 July0 i for futther details. A –…-…….-,..,….–…….—- DEMONSTRATION 0_ it….ItgieralAzxkonnosaagor.4. NEW 21-E SHOWROOM FOR WALKING GEAR. CENTRE”, A COMPLETE DISPLAY “GEOFF PARKER” CANOEs, 17a72,K8 Al)1. ACCESSORIES HIRE YOUR FAIRY DOWN SLEEPThiG BAG, MFRA22 PACK OR TENT FROM OUR EQUIPMENT HIRE DEPARTMEn.' CAI:,10E CENTRL USE OUR NEW, FREE LIBauy SERVICE FOR WALKERS AND GLIM:PERS. And just to make sure we are giving you top service: 77._; open at 830 a.m. on Saturday mornin - you can park right in front so make MG:NTAI EQUTaENT yaar first stop! 165 Pacific Highway, North Sydney. 929-6504. 7 enronsouronantimabx, tw June, 1970. TEE SYDNEY BUSHWALICER Page 25. xxx With the Social Secretary OWEN MARTS On 1st. July, Jack Perry is going to entertain walkers know Jack, and noono should be surprised at Around Australia”. For once there are no slides, and wonderful talker. Ther is only one request: throwing be frowned upon. JULY 8TH. is the General Meeting WEDNESDAY JULY 15TH. us. Most his “Walk Jack is a peanuts will Ron Knightley's belated talk on Angkor Wat. To those of you who have never heard of this name shame on you It is the greatest and largest religious structure in the world, and at the time of going to press is being occupied by the Vietcong. WEDNESDAY JULY 221W. Members' Play Night. This will be a rare night in the annals of the S.B.W. Not for many years have we had a play night at our meetings. At rehearsals the possums at Dorothy Noble's place went berserk. We hope you won't!! WEDNESDAY JULY 29TH. “A Trip to Everest Base Camp” by our own Paddy Pallin. After seeing and hearing this talk you will want to be on the plane to Katmandu at Christmas time. Supper will be served in the Clubrooms on this evening. Your suggestions and any new ideas for the Sotbial Programme would be greatly appreciated. You can help by indicating what your preferences are in Club social activities. Page 26, THE SYDNEY BUSIFIALICER June, 1970. A Miscellany of Dotty Jottings * BY OBSERVER Peter Kaye, who has been away for three years, has been sighted in the Clubroom recently, now accompanied by his English wife, Pat. Hope to see them on a walk soon Tony Carlon of Baxrallier Post Office made a special trip to Sydney for Dot Butler's talk on the Andean Expedition. Hardly anybody could recognize him in his Carnaby gear, but Dot saw through his disguise and bestowed him with a big welcoming kiss. Three walkers reputedly spent Sunday night of the long weekend on top of Mount Owen in the Budawangs. Intending only to do a short afternoon walk, they spent the night without any gear; not even a match. Club Member Enzo Tarlac) managed to alert Search and Rescue by being absentminded. He was deep in thought figuring out the problems involved in cleaning a chandelier and fell over a blade of grass in Tomat Creek.' The damage to his leg was sufficient to prevent him walking. Search and Rescue came out through Oberon to rescue him. Hearing voices in the early morn, Enzo jumped up. Lo and behold, his leg went “pop”, and the offending ligament jumped back into place. His leg was as good as new: We don't know whether the S & R men believed him, but it made a good story. Pity all those who were not present at the Brown's place on Friday night (19th. June) to hear the music and partake in the consumption of eleven pounds of cheese and an equivalent volume of wine. It was a very enjoyable evening, with the possible exception of the bed under the bed, whose opinion was unobtainable. Elaine Brown is flying to England for a couple of months. She leaves on 13th. July and intends to see as many places as she possibly call. Owen was giving her some tips at the classical music night. Tune, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 27. 1111 Roger Gowing and Ken Ellis have now reached Mexico in their globetrotting adventures, and when last heard of, they were sleeping on a sportsfield. In the morning they were surrounded by dozens of little boys who thought they were the touring British football stars. Roger and Ken played the part, and duly signed hundreds of autographs for the delighted children. There have been reports of water at Bluegum causing sickness. This is something to bear in mind when camping there. 4(44XYXX* 111 *.X Despite unanimous resolutions in State Council and State Convention of the N.S.V. Liberal Party calling for the lease tc be rescinded, no positive action in that direction has been taken by the Liberal Government. AP CM is legally entitled to commence mining at Colong any day it chooses. Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers already has 36 years supply at the increased rate of demand in its Marulan leases. Its reserves at Harulan, Portland, Charbon and Oolong must total approximately 200 million tons. If the Company can demonstrate that it really needs more limestone in return for giving up the 50 million tons in its Colong lease then more might be granted at Marulan. But the lease over the most highly dedicated public Reserve in N.S.W., the Colong Caves Reserve, at the heart of.the Kanangra/ Boyd National Park must be revthked. Dialogue is needed between conservationists and industry. The N.S.N. Government has failed to act as a responsible mediator between the two interests. Because of the Government's failure it has fallen to the Colong Committee to bring home to the APCM Management the Company's responsibilities to the country from which it earns its profit. THE RAPE OF THE BOYD PLATEAU On April 14th., the question of logging on the Boyd Plateau was raised in Federal Parliament. Mr. A. Grassby, M.H.R. (Labor, Riverina) asked the Minister for National Development, Mr. Swartz Page 28. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1970. …….. to appeal to Senator Cotton to stop Timber Industries Limited's logging operation on the Boyd. Part of Mr. Grassby's speech in the House of Representatives disclosed the following: “Timber Industries Libittd is owned 43% by the Cotton family. Senator Cotton is a director and his brother, Mr. M. C. Cotton, is the Managing Director. The other major shareholding is that of the North and South Broken Hill companies. So at least we have a situation different from the foreign cement company which is despoiling Uolong. We have an Australian company with a distinguished legislator and his family as a major force in it.” MINING EXPLORATION 1-2,i THE KANANGRAAOYD NATIONAL PARK!! On. February 24th0 the National Parks Association of N.S.W. ;wrote to the Director, National.Parks.and Wildlife Service referririg to occupation ofm a site at Boyd Creek crossing in the Park by employees of Catawba Exploration Company. The Association stated the camp had been there for two months and was expected to remain a further three. We asked for details of the lease or licence under which it operated and when would such be terminated. The Director was advised of the nit toilet within twenty feet of the only permanent stream on the Boyd Plateau and asked what action was proposed regarding firearms. . Research by meubers of the Association in the pane records of the'Mines Department show that three applications cover areas of the Par: No. 554 includes three areas of the Park and was approved on 1/8/695 No. 826 was approved on 3/4/70 and No. 766 is pending. However the men camped in the Park made available a map titled “Exploration Licence 118” which purported to allow exploration over the bulk of the park. No public record of a Licence.No. 118 is available in the Mine Department. Another map in use by the Company showed the location of over 50 sites within the 'ark from which samples had been taken, JOIN THE COLONG SHAREHOLDERS' “CLUB” Next year's goal will be at least 1000 Colong shareholders in Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers (Australia) Limited. The benefits of becoming a shareholder in one of Sydney's unpopular companies are many. You will make 6 cents per year on your investment, consisting of two 3 cent cheques per year. You will receive a oneshare Share Certificate which will probably become a collector's item in the future. You will be invited to the Shareholders' Meeting every year this is an enlightening .experience for all. You will receive a free subscription to the Colong Bulletin and continue to be informed of the latest happenings. And most important of all you will be participating in a form of Conservation protst unprecedented in Australia. OPPOSIT7 ARE TWO FORMS USE ONE AND GIVE ONE TO A FRIEND. 4 June, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 29. 1 ORDER FORM For a three dollar (3.00) donation to the Colong Committee I will receive in return ONE free share in ASSOCIATED PORTLAND MEM= 1 CEMENT MANUFACTURERS (AUSTRALIA) LIMITED plus a free subscription to 1 the Oolong Bulletin (N.B. These shares of A.P.C.M. are listed on the i Sydney Stock Exchange) FULL SURNAME For Registration Purposes . f FULL CHRISTIAN NAMES 4 PERMANENT ADDRESS I have enclosed cheque for ….dollars in order to obtain ….sharQ 1 in Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers (Australia) Limited. MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO THE OOLONG COMMITTEE and send to The Editor, The Sydney Bushwe,lker, 139 Riverview Road, Avalon, NSW 2107, who I will forward them to the Colong Committee. I.110. 1.1* .40 .4m. wri Air! 1 ORDER FORM For a three dollar ($3.00) donation to the Oolong Committee I will receive in return ONE free share in ASSOCIATED PORTLAND CEMENT MANUFACTURERS (AUSTRALIA) LTUTTED plus a free subscription to the Oolong Bulletin (N.B. These shares of A.P.C.M. are listed on the t Sydney Stock Exchange) FULL SURNAME For Registration Purposes 1 FULL CHRISTIAN NAMES 1 PERMANENT ADDRESS . I have enclosed cheque for ….dollars in order to obtain ….share(s) 1 in Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers (Australia) Limited, MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO THE OOLONG COMMITTEE and send to The Editor, The Sydney Bushwalker, 139 Riverview Road, Avalon, NSW 2107, who will forward them to the Colong Committee. 5 5

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