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A Monthly Bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushwalkers, .Northcote House, Reiby Place, Circular Quay, Sydney. POSTAL ADDRESS s Box 4476, G.P00, Sydney, N.S.7:T. 2001, Australia. AUGUST, t976 EDITOR: Neville Page, TYPISTS Lesley Page. BUSINESS MANAGERg Don C/ Philips, Box 2703 G.P.O. Sydncy. Finch, 6 Royce Ave., Croydon. IN THIS ISSUE 1 The July General Meeting Cycling in Spain Obituary Mountain Equipment Aa. The Birds and the Bees With Reference To… Paddy's Ad. Federation Notes Colon g Caves The lay Pxrson One More Month Coming Walks Socially Speaking Notices Crossword Puzzle Solution HalfYearly General Meeting For Sale Notice Jim Brown 2. Dot Butler 4. 7. 8. Mary Davidson 9. Jim Brown 10. Jim Callaway -13. 16. 18. Observer 19. Alan Pike 20. Owen Marks 21. 22. 22. Agenda. ,23. .24.

Page 2. THE SYDNEY BUSH7ALKER August, 1970. *,20.41d By Jim Brown *xxxic A greeting to two new recruits, Lyn Faithfull .and Hans Beck, was the first move of the July meeting, followed by.the traditional minutes of the preitious month's doings. These inspired Dot Butler to record that the Club .should write the Lands Department concerning survey of, and access to, the Kangaroo Valley land. The Department was obliged to ensure that a property owner has access. The President indicated that the Management Committee would take tare of this. Other byproducts of the June minutes were Phil Butt's enquiry about voluteers for the Federation Ball Committee no takers; and advice from the Secretary that at least one of the quotations for printing of the walks programme was only half the cost of the last production. Correspondence told us the Local Government Department had received our letter and was looking into the release of sewage into Wentworth Creek. The monthly financial report revealed a trading balance of $19338 at the close of June. Alan Pike presented the walks report, commencing with Frank Taeker's jaunt early in June from Mt. Victoria to the Grose and Blue Gum; the Pass from Mt. Victoria was recorded as dangerous owing to erosion,. and the water in Govett's Leap Creek was polluted (someone suggested a dead. boy scout upstream). Seven people attended Bob's working bee at Coolana, as reported last month, and on the Sunday; Sam Hinde conducted a largo party into the Care's Creek country. Came the Queen's Birthday Holiday weekend, with eight people on Peter Franks' ColongYerranderie walk, said to be an easy trip in good weather. Another 13 went skitouring with Doone wyborn,, but because the weather highup was rather severe, it was mainly local skiing around Guthega. Sheila Binns had the easy jaunt into Govette Leap Creek, and more pollution victims. The third weekend in June saw Alan Pike taking a party over Lockley's Pylon, up “11' Creek and back over Mt. Hay, where Henry Gold was once believed to have succumbed to a very near bolt of lightning.. The same weekend, on the Sunday, your reporter had taken 35 clients on the day walk around the hills behind Coal Cliff including a final descent through some quite dense lantana. For the final weekend of June, Owen Marks with 9 S.B.W. was leagued with a C.M.W. party in Dharug National Park to look at aboriginal carvings s included was an employee Angus._ IL1970. T SYDNEY BUSHVTALRPage of the cement manufacturing oompany interested in Colong, and he had been invited to speak to the Club later. David'Cotton visited his bees and conducted a day walk in Darkes Forest, with a party Of 14, and it was Understood that the Ski Instructional had gone as planned; but details were not known. In all, fourteen trips programmed, and all carried out In addition to announcing immediate attractions, Social Secretray Owen Marks asked members to consider what they wanted on the programme and' to contribute to the socialising. Later he spoke of.00ming theatre parties, and a longrange forecast of an Easter walk to Lamington Plateau, complete with rails sleeper reservations each way, was made. .Jim'Callaway reported on Federation matters, including affiliation of Macquarie University Mountain Society, and enquiries for affiliation from Wollongong Tech. College. A seminar on Pollution is to beheld. at Sydney University on 1st. August, and Paddy Pallin had spoken to Federation pointing out that the response to orienteerinecontestswas not good considering the number of affiliated organisations. Out ofi. this Jim Callaway moved four propositions. (1) That orienteering be considered a worthwhile activity, compatible with bush walking, (2) That the Club arrange an orienteering contest. annually, (3) That Federation seek information offered by the Melbourne 'Orienteering Club,eand (4) That Federation establish' a small committee to foster ,interest; At Jim' S request,.Phil Butt furnished some information on the nature of the -contests, and finally all four motiens.were carried, number two being slightly amended to provide that the Club endeavour to organise a competition annually. Also on Federation business, Jim Callaway had another topic; One of the Club's delegates had not been present at Federation meetings since election in March. The President pointed out that the Constitution provided for removal of office bearers who did not attend, but did not - cover Federation delegates. A motion moved 'by Jim Callawa7 was then carried, and a replacement elected in Ray Hookway. President Spiro slImmoned Phil Butt and Anne O'Leary to receive prizes as winners of one section in this year's Orienteering Contest arranged by Federation. Nancy Alderson reported that, when acting Conservation Secretary, she had attended a meeting arrenged by a group of Municipal Councils to consider the pollution menace to Sydney Harbour and Parramatta River, as a result of which a public meeting would be held in the Lower Sydney Town Hall, City, on Thursday, 27th. August. There followed the usual announcements, and the usual closure, at 9.22 p.m. Page 4. TIE SYDNEY BUSITTALOR August, 1970. …r….1minni=1 ,+ fil&-yli-kf *4cxxxx By Dot Butler XXXX*XXXX* Australia has just been celebrating its two centuries of history, but Spain has thirtytwo centuries to boast of% The earliest inhabitants of Spain were the Iberians. In the long passage of time since the 11th century B.C. have Coma successive waves of invaders: Phoenecians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, the Germanic barbarians (Alans, Sueves, Vandals and Visigoths), Arabs in the 8th century and Moors? Austrian kings took over in the 17th century, French in the 18th5 General Franco arrived from Africa with his troops in 1937 and finally I, an Australian, arrived on 15th November 1969 to see what all these others had been doing to the country and its people. Since leaving Australia eight months ago I had been “mixing the cultures” in Peru, Bolivia, Columbia, Jamaica, Ireland, England, France, Germany, Holland and the U.S.S.R., now it was time to add another to the list and practice in its home territory the Spanish language I had laboriously learnt at the University of N.S.7. all the previous year. I spent a week in Madrid with a Canadian called Ann seeing the museums, art galleries, palaces, parks, university, fascinating bookstalls and street markets where all the junk in the wprld changes hands. Ann was interested in paintings but I was on the lookout for a pushbike. One pleasant rogue had a great stack of rusty 'bikes which he offered for my selection but I finished up in a proper shop bwring a more reliable one. It weighed exactly the same as I did (55 kilogrammes) and next day, with my pack on the handlebars I bid farewell to Ann, who was sad because she wanted to come too but her husband thought it was a monstrous idea, and away I peddled south through the province of Castile, taking a radial road hoping thereby to avoid the mainroad traffic. It took most of the morning to get away from the urban outskirts of Madrid. For lunch I ate a huge plate of tl-ick goats meat soup and a bread roll at a little wayside restaurant filled with hearty Spanish workingmen downing their local beer. The Spaniard is the complete extrovert. The thing visiting women first notice in Spain is the “rpirope”. This is the compliment or flattery that every Spanish male feels i8 his right to pay to the opposite sex something like the wolf whistle but with much more imagination. Amongst the many nice things I learned about myself with some surprise was that I was Queen Christina (apparently ti-is Danish queen also rides a bicycle.) All afternoon I travelled south through the olives and grapevines and about sundown started looking around for a campsite. I headed off .August, 19700 TIM SYDNEY BUSHITALKER Page 50 over some rocky ground to the top of a hill which gave a good view of a sistant lake or reservoir. The hill was completely covered with dwarf oak trees hauling the bike through this was quite a job. Then I found a flattish spot I laid out my groundsheet, got into my sleeping bag, ate my breadroll and cheese topped off with a swig from the water bottle, and shuggled down in an aromatic hollow thickly crown with the little plant from wh.:.oh we get our “mixed herbs”. There was enough on that one hillside to fill a million boxes. All night small creatures russlod through the undergrowth, perhaps mice eating the fallen acorns. Actually the acorns are grown as food for the goats which wander around in the daytime in the care of a small goatboy or girl, the whole flock tinkling merrily with bells of different pitch tied around their necks. Came the dawn and I avirse to find my sleeping bag covered with a layer of ice; it is lery, cold on the high plateau in Autumn. A beaut downhill run than many miles through desolate country, the only people I saw being a couple of boys on a motorbike with guns and a quaildog on the handlebars, all out for a days hunting of the little Eround birds that apparently are in great numbers all over the barren earth. There are notices up everywhere to say t::at hunting is prohibited. Some miles out of Toledo I was having a rest in a paddock devoted to the raising of bulls for the 'bullfights. I had left my bike by the side of the road and was surprised when a couple of police came LID to Sj(2 who owned it. A long conversation in Spanish followed Yes I was tlearelling alone; No, my husband was back in Australia; Yes I had two sees; No, they wore also back in Australia studying at the university. The censtabulary thought I should have had a male escort. Throughout la7 travels in Spain never saw a femme on a bike. Toledo was a fascinating place, and I stayed there three days. It is an ancient walled city, dating back to the days of El Cid, the 12t1- century heroic figure ef ancient Spain. Toledo is famous for the 2,1cazar, stronghold of the Nationalist troopc during the 1937-8 Civil 7ar and now a national monument, and also famous for the many paintings by El Greco, the Greek who lived most of his life there. Also famous for the many tourist shops selling “genuine” El Cid swords, cora?lete with rust and chipping to prove they are ancient. On the way again south. There are many limestone outcrops, Up on the high. plateau the main crops appear to be olives and grapes, Further south, as it got warmer, I came upon orange and lemon orchards, and dawn on the warm Mediterranean coastline sugarcane plantations, home of a

thin grey snake with an orange underbody. The plantations were irrigated with numerous irrigation channels whore tiny tortoises clambered around the muddy edges. There were custard apples, loquot trees every-
where, asparagus under a fine green nylon cover like an orc'.iid house,

exuberant proliferating cactus bordering many fields and F,11 bearing a luscious winered fruit which, however, nobody appears to eat although it tasted all right to ma. Page 6. THE SYDNEY DUSHWALKER August, 1 970 . Some 200 miles of the coastline down south is called the Costa del Sol (Coast of the Sun). It is very picturesque with little white- washed fishing villages nestline among the red rock, 'often with thickets of gum trees here and there - I don't know how some of the world's dry countries would manage for timber if it were not for the good old Aus- tralian gumtree). The tourists have apparently just “discovered” Spain, and the Spanish equivalent of the Hooker Development 0-. is madly building 15 and 18-storey skyscraper blocks of flats in rerdiness for a big profit rake-off in the coming season. All these great ompty ugly buildings are rapidly spoiling the very sights the tourists would come to see - as though Era and Burning Palms ,ore to have a hearily-trafficed road right along its seafront with monster htels right down to wave-lap edge of the sea and a wall to fence off their own private bit of beach, and 15- storey blocks of appartments up the hillside all bloeAng each others' sunlight and view. So far the development is restricted to the half- dozen best beaches but no doubt it will become continuously built-up all along the Mediterranean if it proves profitable. I pottered along the coast at an easy pace and enjoyed the vary Variable scenery. The mountains of the Sierra Nevada close by were heavily covered in snow and clear clean rivers came down to the sea, much of their water being tapped on the way down for irrigation purposes. Nerja, a small settlement along the way, had a notic9inviting one to see their caves. I did not expect much but paid my 30 pesetas entrance fee and waited for the guide to finish his 3-hour siesta. However, the caves wore magnificent - there is nothing at Jenolan better - enormously high ceilings hung with formations still in their wet and glistening state. The cave has only been discovered about 5 years 5 it was found by five young boys out rabbiting with their dog. The Government gave the boys a reward of 300,000 pesetas and the dog got nothing. Another side trip was to the ancient city of Ronda, up in the mountains about 25 miles inland from the coast. I walked the bike uphill all the way for a whole day through pine forests. Darkness over- took me still some 8 miles from Ronda, just as the pine trees were giving way to a very desolate bleak high plain over which an icy wind blew. All I could see in the distance were white jagged peaks, actually lime- stone, like Frenchman's Cap in Tasmania. It looked too liauch like now so I beat my way down a side valley, leading my bike as it bounced down the rocky hillside, till I found a plantation of pine trees which gave me shelter for the night. Next morning I pushed on to Renda, arriving in the early morning. The last 5 miles were continuous downhill and my hands nearly froze stiff 5 I had to stop once or twice to thaw them out. Ronda is built, like most of the ancient 10th and 11th century towns, to be impregnable to raiding enemies. It is surrounded by a high wall. The streets are narrow and cobbled, the houses on either side almost meeting overhead on the second storey. A real picture-book, romantic place. August, 1970. THE SYDNEY EUSITALKER Page 7. I returned the same way as I had come, and out to see Gibraltar floated in a gold haze as the sun was setting into the sea. It was a glorious sight, seen across range after range of pine-clad mountains - very like our own Blue Mountain scenery. The next day I returned to my coastal cycling with the wind at my back, to tl'e little town on the mainland which is as close as you can get to Gibraltar 3 troops guard the road to The Rock and it is closed to traffic. The sea from 'now on becomes the Atlantic and is much rougher, and tho'beaches are now white or yellow sand instead of grey sand and pebbles. The mainland had now lost its tourist touch and appeared more concerned with the business of growing crops and cattle. It was quite mountainous until the outskirts of Cadiz where the country flattens cut to dreary-looking sea marshes, cut by hundreds of channelsas part of a draining project. Cadiz was full of young Naval ratings, a very gay seaport with lots of old hulks lying in boat-harbours awaiting resudsetation or eventual sinking. From Cadiz Columbus sailed out some 500 years ago to prove that the world was round. You could appreciate his sailors' fears that the ships would sail away to the west and drop off the edge of the world, just as the sun was doing the night I watched it. From Cadiz I headed ncrth-east to Sevilla, a beautiful city whose street tress are oranges and mandarines in full bearing. The population seemed young and vital and gay. It would be a nice place to stay. Time was mooching on, so I made all speed back to Madrid, thus completing a full circle of the southern part of Spain. It is a very good country for Bushwalkers, being cheap and sunny and not overwhelmed with restrictions 'like other countries of Europe. The time to laugh and shout and sing and slap each other on the backs and kiss each other with gusto in greeting, is something that these people have time to do. I like the Spaniards - like a whole country full of Geoffrey 7aggs.


OBITUARY It is with regret that we report the passing of one of the Older Members of the Sydney Bs/1h Walkers Mr.- Frank Cramp, who died on 24th. April. Frank joined the S.B.W. in the early 1930's and was a ver enthusiastic walker. He will long be remembered for his recitations at camp-fires and for his ability on the stage at the Club Annual Concerts in the pre-war era. Following some cardiac trouble last Spring, he retired from his painting business after nearly 50 years in the trade. The Club extends its sympathy to Thelma and to his two children, Susan and Peter. Thelma is now living at 21 Riverview St., Concord, Tel: 73-5089 and we are sure would welcome contact by her many friends in the S.B.W. .Mottorctrectatimonttrnittrirvrociergatrvvt..TAloyvacronerviraarrmarmunramoL=mmutimmtmontstmemzermastrIMMTVF=Vmalmicromnim' .vz,,,attmoWaritirrmrrrnivi; A ITEITT BIGGER SHOWROOM FOR 7A7KTNG GEAR. ”.THE CANOE“ CENTRE, A COMPLETE DISPLAY CENTRE FOR “GEOFF BARUR” CANOES; KAYAKS AND ACCESSORIES. HIRE YOUR FAIRYDOWN SLEEPING BAG, HFRIM. P.OK OR TENT FROM OUR EQUIPMENT HIRE DEPARTMENT. USE OUR NEW, FREE LIBRARY SERVICE FOR WALKERS AND CLIMBERS. Ana just to make sure we are giving you top service we open at 8..30 a.m. on Saturday mornings you can park right in front so make MUNTAINNUIPMENT your first stop! 165 Pacific Highway, North Sydney. 929-6504. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page Ovvtd *xxx By Mary Davidson xxx* After learning ..of the birds from Keith Hindwood at the Club we thought we would complete our education by going on David Cotton's bee inspection tour. A party of fourteen set out from Sutherland at about 9.30 and followed the highway along to the Darkes Forest turnoff, 7Te arrived at the orchard where David keeps his bees at 10.30. A reciprocal arrangement between David and the owner of the orchard is that David's bees pollinate the fruit trees whilst the bees collect the nectar to make honey for David Whilst David prepared everything for the hive inspection Morag Ryder took us on a short walk to a picturesque waterfall which eventually runs into the Toronora River. On returning we found David had been busy writing all the vital statistics about the bees on a blackboard on the side of his shed. He then proceeded to show us how to use the bee keeper's smoke lamp which he used to quieten the bees so that we could examine the hives. It was most interesting to see how the bees “behived” in the bee hive. (Apologies to Jim Brown), David showed us the queen bee and the workings of the hive, After the inspection, which lasted about an hour, David provided lunch which consisted of wholemeal bread, butter, and large pieces of honeycomb straight from the hive, ably cut from the frame by Morag. This was followed by plenty of billy tea also provided by David. After a sweet and sticky lunch we went for a walk in Darkes Forest where, we were assured, there were deer, wallabies etc. We had to take David's word for that, but of course the noise of fourteen pairs of boots on dry leaVes and timber would frighten a herd of elephants. We did hear some birds and on the way back, at the bottom of the orchard, saw some strawberry finches and Parrots. The four mile walk sharpened our appetites so we had afternoon tea which consisted of wholemeal bread, butter and more honey with tea, again supplied by David, and fourteen people finished the day in a sticky mess. We left the Forest at about 5 p.m. and a good day was had by all. Full marks must go to David for a well organised day ably assisted by Ebrag. XXX Page 10. THE SYDNEY BUSH7ALKER August, 1970. We,61, XXXXXXXXX* By Jim Brown xxx During July I dragged the bones down to Burning Palms to speak on maps at the Instructional weekend organised by Barbara Bruce and Marion Lloyd. Just getting over a somewhat soupy cold, I had a feeling that I was not being as lucid as I should, but it was only afterwards when Marion said something about six-figure map references and the part they played in tae misfortunes of at least one party in the orienteering contest, tat I realised this was one topic I'd totally overlooked. Well, partly to salve my conscience, and also because it's lieful for anyone using maps to know about, I thought I'd say something in the magazine. After all, the magazine often contains trip stories - notably those by Pat Harrison - that use map references to identify points and _places that cannot be located precisely in any other way. Anyone interested will find the method of working out a map reference at the foot of any military map or any of the recent Lamle Departm&nt maps which are covered with the cries-cross lines which form a square grid pattern. This grid is based on a series of squares, each with a side 1,000 yards in length. Each grid line is nUdbared, working from west to east, and from wouth to north, the-numbers appecring in the margins of the map and also in large figures on the face' of some maps. In working out a map reference for a particular point, the grid line west of the point is taken first (let's say it's the line running north and south and numbered 38). .0ne than estimates how many tenths of the square lie between the line and the point: if it is about half-way, then we say 5-10ths,aad the first part of the grid reference becomes 38.5. Now the procedure is repeated working from south to north. If the next southerly line (running east-west on the map) is 07, and tie point is 6bout ono-third of the way to- wards the next grid line (08), then the second half of the reference will bo 07.3. The full reference then is 38573. Remember that the name of the map should be given, as references repeat themselves at distances of about sixty miles. Since the basic square is 1,000 yards, and this has been subdivided into tenths, the reference should be accurate to about 100 yards. For most of the walking fraternity, it is sufficient to be able to work out a map reference fairly quickly and accurately to save time in orienteering contests, but no doubt there are some who will wonder how these figures wore arrived at. . August, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 11. To put it very briefly, Australia is divided for mapping purposes into eight zones, huAoered from west to east, so that the New s outh Wales coastline comes into Zone 8 ( you can see this on most of the local mars). Each zone covers five degrees of longitudevand,in of Zen. 8 .th3 151 st-tGridian east forMs 'the centre line. Grid lines drawn in relation to this central meridian mean that there is only slight distortion of the curved surface of the earth, although the lines are straight. , Each zone has an “ori n”J.7,cm wh#h.a;1, PPintaAs.,,c14M4C-42.go, rn Zdild'e-if is the junction of the central meridian, 151E. with the 34th parallel of latitude south. This junction is not far from Menai, and at the south western corner of the Sydney one inch to one mile mili- .- tary area.mmg.therpsoztimitteRosthstmgoiatttg”“eirirfrEteMielltrn. Camden (NE corner) and Port Hacking (177 corner). However, if all grid references wore counted from the origin, some would be “plus” values, while others (those south or west..of the origin) would be “minus” values. Also, there would be identical map references very close to one another - one NE of the origin, the other SW. So, having chosen an origin within the zone to keep the grid lines as close to true north as possible, a “false origin” outside of the zone is selected. The false origin, purely for numbering grids in Zone 8, is located in Bass Strait, 400,000 yards west and 800,000 yards south of the true origin. If you look at the SW corner of the Sydney military map, you will find -b]-at the full co-ordinates are 400,000 yds, east and 8009000 yds. north. For references, however, the first digit is ignored, and the second and third, which give tens of thousands, and thousands of yards respectively, are used. The person working out the reference adds the last digit (100 of yds). Trusting you are now thoroughly confused. Also on Federation business, Jim Callaway had another topic; one of the Club's delegat had not been present at Federation meetings since election in March, T4e '.,?Psident pointedout that the Constitution provided -fdr removal of office bearers who did not attend, but did not cover Federation delegates. A motion movedioy Jim Callaway was then carried, and a replacement elected in Ray Hookway.

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ir - Therers nothing quite so comforting as a thickt wool shirt when winter winds are keenest. Paddy has a gOod stock of famouS N.Z“Standfa Mountaineer” wool shirts at *12.00 in Red or Blue checks. Also available now N.& NorSewear heavy greasy wool socks, always popular with walkers and skicrs NY,4,4cor ' at $1.65 pair. 4- For all your trip food requiremants And campi gear call at Paddys. Deep eyes and ears alert for news of our move to new premises. For not we are still at 109A BATHURST STREET, SYDNEY. N.S.T. 2000 Phone 26-2685 4 647,47,^ Atr.—, 4 t II vi f

il':i,- . .F ! PADDY PA L L I N CZ I 1 'rk 1 i AI Lightweight Camp Gear 1st noir, MIA liathurst Street, Sydney 1 ( '2wegalaigniggwattrawawmassopoteramimmenapposa2se iimonami August 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 13. By Jim Callaway THE JULY MONTHLY MEETING The President welcomed new delegates and accepted apologies. The.Minutes were read and received. Business arising from the Minutes: The Newnes.hotel was operating without a licence. The question of acceptance by Clubs of the formation of an allStates Federation of Bushwalking Clubs was deferred until the next meeting. Most of the Clubs accepted the idea of Orienteering. The formation of a small committee on Orienteering was also deferred to the next meeting. Correspondence In: The K.B.C. suggested that as cleanups had been carried out at various locations recently, a similar cleanup be held at Bluegum. A letter was received from the Blue Mountains Trust setting out their plans for Bluegum under the following headings 2 r)No camping at Bluegum for 3 years. 2 A new track would he cut into the area. (1 A new camping area would be mad. (4 Any necessary signs be erected. There was discussion on the pollution of Govett's Leap Creek. It was stated that a few parties had been affected after camping at Bluegum. Suggestion for possible cause of this condition was that the tres could be dying in Bluegum, and possible sti2ring of sediment. The House of Representatives sent a letter asking for cooperation on the question of pollution. Nin Melville voluteered to attend a lunch- time meeting of the Wollongong University College Bushwalkers regarding their suitability for entry to Federation. Phil Hall sent a report from the Nature Conservation Council. In it he stated that the Nature Conservation Council will hold their Annual Conference of the 17th. October. Anybody wishing to have anything raised at this conference should contact Phil before 12th. September. There was a rumour that mining leases had been granted in some National Parks but the Minister for Lands denied that this is the case. The Heathcote State Park Trust said that Bob Sneddon's nomination was accepted. His name would be forwarded to the Minister for Lands with other nominations. The Secretary asked for various details on Bob. The C.M.W. will attend to this matter. Page 14. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER August, 1970. The Minister for Lands advised' that the following had been appointed to the Royal National Park Local Committee:- - Sir Ivan Dougherty, Director. of _Civil Defence' Er. C. M. Toogood, Principal of Woolooware High School Mr. N. D. Walker, M.L.A. Dr. McMillan stated that the Superintendent of Kosciusko State Park would investigate the question of huts within the Park. The Treasurer had no report to make. The only,account for payment was $19.85 for Nin Melville. The Ball Committee had adopted the following slogan for the Ball on 11th. September: “Two Hundred Years of Bushwalking”. The Ball will be held at Paddington Town Hall; dancing will be from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. A raffle will be held at the Ball to raise funds for S & R purposes so Clubs are asked to refrain from running any other raffles. A search was commenced after the last meeting; and it was successful. R. Mathews, realising that he had become detached from the party, made his way to the Cox, He continued down the Cox to the Kowmung Junction because he thought that there he would have more chance of being located. On 13th. July a Scout was lost at Kanangra. One of the party of three decided to go ahead and became lost, but was eventually found. Yin Melville stated that a small type radio was required for rock rescue work. He thought that this type of radio would cost about $43. He was given authority to purchase what he thought was required. Nin Melville' gavea report on the S.& R Practice weekend. The search was successful; there were six parties out searching. One party had to be helped out because of the lack of torches when darkness came. Nin made an appeal that all day walkers carry torches. On Saturday there was practice on lifting an injured person up a cliff, and on Sunday, a demonstration of new equipment for Rock Rescue. The new stretcher has been received. Bags to cover the stretcher were , donated byApseat Pty. Limited of Pyrmont. There were some new stickers showing S & R identification, which can be seen in the dark. Some delegates mentioned difficulty in going by car to Batsh Camp and return with enough petrol. Ray. Hookway stated there was a slot machine petrol pump miles west of the Lett Junction along the Great Western Highway. ' An. effort would be made. to have. the Constitution republished. It was stated that the Seventh. Day Adventist had done this work very cheaply on previous occasions. If there is anybody who knows somebody to do this work cheaply, please come forward. August, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page, 15. FEDERATION Akillat_l\METI1RILL' VG 1970. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The President gave a short report. He said he thought that enthusiasm for Federation was increasing. There were no reports from the Secretary, Conservation Secretary, Publications Committee, or Tracks and Access Committee. The Treasurer gave his report 9 the main point being that the Conservation Bureau Legacy Account now amounted to $465.94, the last deposit being made in 1945, since which date interest has been accruing. Nin Melville gave the Search and Rescue report. He said that he had received an alert at the rate of one per fortniFht. All searches were successful, two being for nonbushwalkers. The gear was in order although a few ropes had been condemned. He wanted to thank Gladys Roberts for her donation towards S & R funds. OFFICE BEARERS FOR 1970-71 President : Phil Butt Senior VicePresident: Nin Melville Junior Vice President: Treasurer: Ken Lowe Gordon Edgecombe Secretary: Allan Barry Minutes Secretary: Jean Edgecombe Information: Wilf Hilder Assistant Information: Paddy Pallin S & R Field Offr. Nin Melville Rock Rescue: Colin Putt S & R Secretary: Heather White Conservation: Gordon Edgecombe Tracks & Access: Warwick Daniels Bob Sneddon, Bob Buck, Paul Auditor: Terry Foster Barnes. Executive Committee: Warwick Daniels, Ken Lowe, Gordon Edgecombe, Wilf Hilder, Phil Butt. There will be no alteration to affiliation fees for the coming year. Some Clubs have not as yet paid their current affiliation fees. Dates of Functions; Annual Federation Ball, 11th. September, 1970. S & R-DeMenstration,-16917,8th.' September, 1970. Federation Reunion, 26,27,28th. March, 1971. S,& R Praetice 16,175,18th. July, 1971. 1971 Federation Ball, 10th. September, 19714 December Monthly Meeting, 8th. December, not 15th. A request was made that all rubbish accumulated on a walk be brought back home for .disposal*, * Representatives.Of the Sidney Bushwalkers at these two meetings were Ray Hookway and Jim Callaway. Page 16. TIM SYDNEY BUSHWALOR August, 1970. By Suzanne Reichard The first mobexpedition to the Oolong Vaves was made in 19349 when our .party of twentyone, led by Tom Williams, did the trip. Previous to this, the Caves had only been visited by a select few. The expedition left Sydney on the Thursday night before Easter. Tom had arranged that we should do the eightyodd mile trip from Camden to Yerranderie and back in a lorry for the very reasonable sum of 10/ per head. But the jamming of twentyfive 'people, plus a similar number of hefty rucksacks into that lorry, caused us to resemble the proverbial sardines. I was so wedged tl-Lat I could neither completely sit nor completely stand, and spent the night uncomfortably vacillating between the two. However, rolling through that magnificent valley in the frosty Easter moonlight was an experience not soon to be forgotten. Arrived at our destination at 3.30 a.m., we literally threw ourselves down on the grass. No one so much as thought of pitching a tent. ,FOrtunately the raingod decided' to overlook such defiance of his majesty. At 7 a.m. the dead almost simultaneously came to life. After much washing and breakfasting, we tramped the remaining mile into Yerranderie amidst a fine drizzle. Yerranderio is a very- old settlement. The first exploration of the country was made by Lieutenant Barrallier in 18024 He managed to reach a spot south of Mt. Colong, now known as Barrallier's Pass, but did not succeed in his objective of crossing the mountains. Settlement gradually took place during the next fifty years, but it was not until 1871 that the first discovery of silverlead ore was made. Since then the district has chiefly been noted for its silver mines. . After pausing in front of Mr. Golding's store sufficiently long to give the natives time to admire us, the expedition set off on the seven miles' trek to the Caves. Our route was via a bridle track, which passes through the Colong Swamp and skirts round to the north of Ht. Oolong. We reached the limestone bluffs at Cave's Creek at about 4.30 p.m., and camped just above the entrances to the Caves. Our trip had been waterless, and we had not bad a proper meal on route so that our tempers, which were already pretty bad, were not simmered_ by having to belt dawn the nettles in all directions before we could so much s lay a ground sheet. However, a good dinner set us all to rights, and some even felt sufficiently energetic to follow the indefatigable Ninian Melville when he afterwards proposed to take AugUst 9 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHTALKER Page 17. a party into the Cave. One rather “stout cove” found the squeezeholes and abYssos so terrifying that he fell out of the Cave into a clump Of'nettles from sheer exhaustion. On reaching camp again he fainted, and there were loud cries for brandy, which I duly proffered. Ninian 'considered himself also so exhausted () that he swigged a good half before offering the remainder to the patient. The first survey of the Caves was made by O. Trickett in 1899. They wore already known to some local residents as the Bindook Caves“Bindook” being the native word for a made waterhole. Trickett requested that they be called the Colong Caves after Mt. Oolong, the most prominent landmark in the vicinity. Colong is derived from the native word “Colung,” signifying the _home of the Bandicoot. The Caves are situated in a belt of .limestone. atout:five, cil.OS long and a quarter to a half-mile wide, running b.etwean:Lannigans Creek and Church Creel:. The Caves arc the Clang or Key ,Cave, the Onslow Cave and Lannigan's Cave. Their general direction is S.S.V. The Key Cave has two entrances. The southern one lies about sixty feet, and the northern one about one hundred fact above the creek. It,is sixty to eighty feet wide, and about two hundred feet long. It reaches a height of perhaps seventy foot. Stalactites hang from the arched roof, and near the southern entrance there arc four large pillars which, have sunk with the floor, thus becoming separ-Aed from the roof. Twenty to thirty feet below the Key Cave is the opening to the Onslow Cave, which is a series of narrow passages. On the wall in onw passage there are numerous shawls which, though earthy and opaque, are not wanting in beauty. Ninian Melville found a second entrance to this cave, .a little to the south of the original one. About thirty feet above the level of the southern entrance to the Key Cave is Lannigan's Cave. It is probably seven hundred feet long, and contains many branch passages. From the entrance the cave slopes steadily downwards until a spiral turn with a Inca() to the right is reached. Having negotiated the spiral by means of a TODe attached to the wall, one continues in a general south-south-westerly direction. After one has successfully wriggled through the first real squeeze-hole and slithered down a sharp slope, one finds oneself in Ting Solomon's Temple. This is perhaps the most imposing chamber in the caves. At the entrance stands a squat stalagmite, while a single column and two magnificent twin clumns stand guard at the end of the cavern. They are about forty feet high and delicately fluted. One of them shows the fan-tracery effects reminiscent of a Gothic catherdral,. Page 18. THE SYDNEY BUSETALKER August, 1970. A little further down the passage and just before the entrance to the King's Cross cavern stands another single pillar. King's Cross was very aptly named by Oliver Glanfield,who has alro-dy made a survey of a very large part of the Caves. It seems to be the centre of the known part of the Caves, and numerous passages leading into the Onslow Cave, the Maze, Penelope's Bower, and The Terraces, open into it on all sides. Those last are one of the finest sights of the Caves. They OCCUT on a sloping floor which they cover for a distance of perhaps eighty feat. They form a series of crystalline basins enclosed' within frilled and delicate rims, once of marble whiteness, but now muddied by visitors. 4E*' THX KXY PXPSOY My typxwritxr is an old modal and works quitx vx1l :copt for (Dna kay thx “a”. I havx wishxd many timxs tat it workad pxrfxctly. It is truz that tharx ara fortythrxx kxys that function .wall xnough, but just ona kxy not working makas thx diffxrancx. Somatimas groups of pxoplx act lika my.typawritar. Xomxtimxs a parson' is apt to say “I am only onx parson. That .I do won't mak,x or braak a group. If I don't attxnd thx nxxt sassion, no onx will.bx affactxd but mysxlf.” Now, this is NOT so. Xvxry mambxr of avary group has a distinct Obligation, bxcausx avary group, to ha affactivx, naads and must havx thx actima participation of avary =mbar. This is GROUP participation and, thxrxfora, tha prasanca of ALL group mxmbars is assantial at .LLIJ thx sxssions. Plxasx undxrstand that your obligation is not only to yoursalf, but to all tha othxr mxmbars. So, if during thx txrm of offinx thx idxa xntars your mind that you an only ona parson and that your prxsxncx and affOrts an not . =dad, plxasx ramambxr my typxwritar and say to yourself “I am a kxy parson in thx group and my prxsanca is =dad vary Much.” $ .X' Submitted by Barbara Bruce. August9 1970. Tab, SYDNEY BUSITALKER Page 19. *4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx By Observer *XXXXXXYXXXX One of the mosVinteresting parts of the recent bike trip to Nees and Wallerawang was the condition (or not) of the machines. Dot Butler's tinplateandwoollensock bike saddle apparently made its presence felt for some days afterwards, and Lesley Wood's Bucking Bronco sent her flying on all fours to the roadway. A visitor had a machine whose mechanics left much to be desired and whose tyres suffered the only two Puctures of the trip. Meanwhile Norman's Heath Robinson assortment sbed along in spite of the disc bzalces (which don't work), the twelve speed gears (of which two work) and the front suspension (which may). *# Good news for older members wino will remember Betty Heywood (nee Pride). Betty is. back in Australia after, an absence of twntyfive years in America and other faraway places. X-* An unfortunate accident has befallen our skiing Social Secretary. At the weekend he fell down and injured his back, and to be taken by car and plane (flat on the floor) to Sydney. We hope the injury is not serious, and wish him back to health as soon as possible. Meanwhile, send your condolences by carrier pigeon rather than telephone, as it takes him at least 15 minutes to reach the instrument. *XX-X The ClUb's Play Night was quite a success in spite of the petrol strike, rampant influenza and various other, hazards. In fact, an hilarious evening was had by all, actors and audience alive. Ken Ellis and Roger Gowing are still travelling, but separately following the disappearance of Ken's passport. While Ken was trapped in the U.S.A. Rog went up to Canada. His latest despatch describes his travels on bike and'on foot through England, with next stop Scotland. At last report Ken hp,a replaced his passport and was back across the seas in Northumberland. Les and Mary Davidson also have been entertaining their itchy feet with a trip to Fiji, where, I've been told, they have been treated to right royal larptiaity by the friendly villagers. Barry Zieren, who accompanied them caused a bit of gossip when he was found swimming nude in the swimming pool of the Fijian, and the local girls told tales. Page 20 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER August, 1970. *# By Alan pike xxxx* SEPTEIBER 4TH9 5TH. & 6TH. Although there are two good weekend walks going, an easy one to the aboriginal carvings at Sugee Creek and a harder type walk in the Megalong, the important event this weekend is on Sunday. We usually have 20-30 people on Sunday walks and this time they .0puld all be at “Coolana”. There is still a lot of work to be done tree planting, scrub clearing, and a water tank to be installed. Bob Younger is organising transport and he will get you home at a reasonable hour if required. If you would just like to come for a look around, you're still welcome. SEPTEMBER 11TH. 12TH. & 13TH. Snow Brown is making a comebackll In great style too, with a rather unusual sort of walk over Mt. Paralyzer. For those who don't know of Snow Brown, up until a feT years ago he was a very active member and most mighty leader. This walk is quite a lone one. Saturday is all downhill from Kanagra, Kowmung River to the Cox's. On Sunday the party proceeds up beautiful Kanangra River to Mt. Paralyser, then around the tops to Kanagra Road. The details of 7i1f Deck's Ski Tour have yet decided and depend on road access to the Kosciusko area. At the moment it seems that two trips will be made on the Main Range from a base camp near Dead Horse Gap. SEPTEMBER ISTILIELL2217-1. Laurie Quaken is leading THE trip this weekend, to the most interesting parts of the Budawangs. Highlights of the trip,are firstly, very little climbing to be done, then some wonders of geomorphology such as the Monolith Valley. here you will see several strange formations, somewhat like abridged editions of Ayer's Rock, Also a huge natural arch tucked away in the rain forest, and only recently discovered. Ilention should also be made of the Corang River and the beautiful open country through which it flows. Its worthwhile taking a camera on the trip (and extra film). ZE22231112a- 26TE & 272E This weekend we have a “Cloudmaker” trip led by that controversial figure in Keith Muddle. Kanagra Walls, Mt. Berry, Rip Rack Roar etc and then lunch on Mt. Cloudmaker (a small amount of water should be carried). After lunch, a lovely stroll through the open heathland on TiWilla and then a great downhill run to the Kbwmung River. On Sunday the trip goes August, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 21, back to Kanagra by way of Gingra Creek and Pages Pinnacle, Gingra Creek is easy going, and has much to offer in the way of scenery open grassy banks, tall river oaks, and a miniature canyon. Also, tracks of an old cedar road can be followed up the creek for some miles. This will be a really mighty trip, and with Keith as leader there shouldn't be any early morning starts. xxx* With the Social Sec. Owen Marks *** The folloWing are the coming attractions on the Social Programme please diarize. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 16TH. “Bushwalking in Victoria”. Geoff Mattingley (a recent escapee from Bolteland who has been granted asylum in New South Wales by Barbara Bruce) will show some slides on Victorian hidden haunts. For those who know Geoff, it should be a memorable evening. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 23RD. For those who have read recent articles against immigration in “Nation” or heard Charles Mitchell's A.:B.C. “Forum” talk will be interested in the theory that overpopulation can ruin the environment just as readily as overdevelopment. Our speaker for this night, Mr. Sharp, is a clear and precise talker, and a firm believer in stopping immigration to maintain or improve the quality of life in Australia. Mr. Sharp was on my aboriginal carving walk earlier this year, and I can thoroughly recommend his lecture. 71:53D1\1. John Lough needs no introduction a dedicated lovable crackpot whose theories and photographs have proved what the Australian Museum refuses to acknowledge. His slides (on a double screen) will be an eye stopper and popper. SPECIAL NOTEg The Music Hall Night has been altered from Monday November 2nd. to Tuesday November 3rd0 If you are interested just tell me and I will ket you all organized. The price is $4.30 which includes the dinner as well as the show. August, 1970 mHE SYDNEY BUSHwALKER Page 22 …….a…… TASMANIA TRIP Have you visited the Apple Isle? If not here's your opportunity. Ramon U'Brion is planning a 3 to 4 week tour of Tasmania next Christmas. It will commence with a relaxing sea cruise and will encompass most of the scenic historical relics and nature areas. If you are interested you can contact Ramon by photing 88-64444 during business hours. FOR SALE 1 Pada.:,Tmade Mountaineer Pack ( as new condition) Contact Phil Hart, 11 River Road, Chatswood Phone 412-2659(H) 88-64444(3)- . CROSSWORD PUZZLE There were 3 winners in the crossword: Rosalind Blanche Heather .White Enzo,Tarlao The lucky-winners of the -,crossword will receive free Music Hall Tickets. C The Sydney Bushm4ker. August 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSH WALKERS _ - (Foundod 1927) Notice is hereby given that the Half-Yearly Gener-1 Meeting of The Sydney Bush Walkers will be held b.'t the N.S.W. Association Auditorium, Reiby Place, Sydney, on Vednc..,7'Ay, 9th September, 1970, at 8.00 p.m. AG-.7 DA 1. Apologies 2. Welcome to membors 3. Minutes of the August General Meeting h,ld on Wednesdayp 12th August 1970d 4. Correspondence 5. Reports: (a) rt s Report (b) Wa.140 Report (d) Sb4a1 Report F*deration Report 6. Selection of site for the 1971 AnnuJal Reuniob 7. Constitutional amendmenis: (i) It is proposed Jim Ca,110,,y #azt 94pq-4on 9.(bh) of the constitution by iitered byth'e 440tion a -0e fullOwing words, “Two of the olected Federation deiegatPP 'Who 40 not otherwisP occupy positions on the committee shall sit on ormmittee to represent Federation affairs” (ii) It is proposd by Mr. Jim Callaway that thP ,–Litution be amended by the addition of the fell' - -,:ction 9 (bbbb) “Absence of e1.nt,.+1 P. _AIDA. delegates from three sou% of five consec-.7. .Jout reasonable excuse shall .cAtibe that delegP. lot..i6 GIcaiI. 1;0 be der,” vacant. 7. Generai Business Page 24. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALITR August, 1970. OF INTEREST TO BUSFULKERS AND/OR OTHERS. As a means of income or for a retired couple, or even a haven for those wishing to get away from it all FOR SALE A SMALL CITRUS ORCHARD AND COMFORTABLE AND ATTRACTIVE HOME AT MOUNT WHITE. Just off the Pacific Highway at the Et. White exit from the SydneyNewcastle Expressway, 20 acresTorren2 freehold of which 5 acres are under oranges with good prospects of a good crop navels, valencias. Good shedding, tractor and other plant. Excellent underground water supply 5 electric pumpd FD3R0 COTTAGE, TILED ROOF, BEDROOMS, LOUNGE AND DINING ROOMS, .XITCHEN, LARGE SUNROOM, INTERIOR' AND EXTERIOR TOILETS, NET ELECTRIC STOVE, WASHING MACHINE, SOME FURNISHINGS, CURTAINS ETC. Delightfully situated with views. Post Office Store and School are both close. Located in the SydneyNewtattle Complek.this. property has decided potential for increase in value. PRICES $22 000 Enquiries in the first-place should be directed to J.V.(Joe) Turner, 46 Ocean. View Parade, Charlestown,. N.S.T. 2290. Tels Newcastle 4.1079, who ib iprepared to assist in arranging finance. ENQUIRIES BY AGENTS WELCOMED. -r

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