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A monthly_ bulletin. of matters of. to the Sydney Bush Talkers,' Northcote House, Reiby Place,,Circular',Quay, Sydney. POSTAL ADDRESS: Box 4476, G.P.O. Sydney, N.S.W. 20012 Australia. DECEMBER, 1970. EDITOR: Neville Page, 7/44 West Pde. West Ryde, TYPIST: Lesley Page BUSINESS MANAPER: Don Finch, 6 Royce Ave., Croydon. OFFICE BOY: Owen Marks, 68 Hastings Pdo., Bondi. Tel. 2-0223 (B) Tel. 30-1827 (H) IN THIS ISSUE Editorial Neville Page Page 2. The November General Meeting Jim Brown Socially Speaking Owen Marks One Year in Canada Ross Wyborn 6. Review Nevill6 Page 100 Paddy's Aa. 11. A Pomme in the Bush David Peacock 12. Dungalla Club News 15. Mountain Equipment Ad. 16. 0' To Be A Member Barb,ara. Bruce 17. Prospectives' Page Barbara Bruce 19. Coming Walks Alan Pike 20. One More Month Observer 22. The November Federation Meeting Jim Callaway 23. EDITORIAL Another year has come 'and very nearly gone, and ( looking at it in retrospect we may ask “That

have we,' as' Bushwalkers gained during those twelve	Bushwalking as an activity is,. in a.sphse,.timeless, We are doing tOday what.

' walkers were doing 'hen years, 20 years, 30 and

even 40 Yours agQ.. Wb go on.the. same walks, arid

adopt basically the same ways and methods as before.. . Certainly fashions .change-,and'certain come into vogue and fall out of favour again; routes are, rediscovered and retravelled after years of neglect. But always the enjoyment is there always the same old spots, the same old trips give that sense of freedom and of belonging to Nature that is, after all, the essence of Bushwalking. But there is something different about today as compared with yesterday or tbmorrow. That difference is associated with people, because today's walkers are not the walkers of forty years ago (with a few hardy exceptions) and so the old things are looked at in new. ways. —-Some people. in the Club' a:tb -tLig-gost-Jai-Itliii a film be made, recording what our Club is like now, for the benefit ofliuture.Bushwalkers, so that they may compare their current situation with what we are experiencing now. After all, the S.B.T. will probably be here in 100.yeard, se . shouldn't we give those future Bushwalkers a glimpse of Bushwalking in the 1970's. If you are interested in such.a project, or have any ideas,as to how it could be implemented, please let 'me know. . And leaving you with that thought for 1971, it.only 'remains for me to wish everyone &very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Here.'s hoping that your holiday trips turn out just the way you hope. . they will, if not bet-Eer. . MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NET YEAR. December, 1970 ThESYDNEY BUSH-TA= Page 3. 0 *Jim Brompf* The intake of new members in November was entirely feminine - Jennifer Inglis, June Tuffley and Rosalie Saunders, so helping preserve one of the features of SB7 which has contributed to its unruffled longevity - and no doubt its regeneration. a matter stemming from the Minutes was discussion of.replacement duplicators, with Owen Marks as spokesman for the sub-commiftee .pumping solidly for a Gestetner model whithlaad a potential for printing magazine covers and walks programmes as well as normal literature, and could lead to a worth-while saving in printing costs. The basic cost would be about ',3350, less certain possible reductions, and the old machine could be disposed, of for about $30. The meeting agreed it would be a good thing. In correspondence we were told that Kosciusko State Park was hold= ing.a meeting to discuss the future of some huts erected by the Snowy Mts. Authority, and the Dungalla Club had contributed another donation towards the purchase of trees for the Coolana property. The Treasurer's Report revealed an upward trend, with a closing figure in the Club's working kitty of $1558. Alan Pike, with assistance from some of the trip leaders outlined walks activities for October, starting with the holiday week-end trips. Five people were on Laurie Rayner's longish trip to the hills behind Kempsey, where day walks to vantage points were made. There were twelve on Julie Frost's Shoalhaven jaunt, and some fairly deep crossings on the way up-river to Tolwong Mine. Seven club members went to the ski and . snow .instruction at Watson's Crags, and in the warm weather found a considerable melt in progress. The ensuing week end was wettish, as Alan Pike and party of 12 found on the trip down Merrigal Creek to the Cox. “Everyone got wet” said the leader lugubriously. According to Davis. Ingram who had the day walk in the Commodore Heights area, some of the newcomers would not have been so wet if they had brought sensible anti-rain gear. No less than five trips were scheduled for the third week end, and four of them went as programmed. Dot Butler, amending plans for a localised jaunt, took a crew to the Uyall Lakes area, 7here conservation enthusiasts are attempting to acquire about 400 apres near the lakes for ultimate addition to a national park. Peter Franks and party visited Page 4. TM. SYDNEY BUSHTTALITB. December, 1970. BbbhUM-Fid and-th-e-adjacent pa,rt-or-the'lbllondilly, but the camment was inau,dible, while Pat. Harrison's crgw in raddin B rook. bad some fun and, games, with a straying 'member, but found_ the .valley lovely, and- most

of'tbe_going largely on fire trails -.quite easy.	.

For the less pnergq#C,Pheila.73inps haka leisurely camp at .Woods Creek, the Old'reUnion site, 'and-:PhiI:Hali, substituting for Sim:Callaway,. took tha day walk4n,-.Heathcote_Creek,. One of,the-two walks. on thefollowing:week.-end was Ramon UrBrien.l.sventure into little-trodden country.= the_Turon.River. Some, volved car-placing was necessary, the partywas once challenged by a farmer who_probably:took it as a shooting..crewi.but4t was generally a pleasant and attractive-walk For Sam_Hinde's walk. to .Marley there were no less. than-31,starters. Came the finalweekend, with RossHughes':team on Danjera, Creek,. and thedisappearnce of. Bunbundah FallP,which raisea..the question from some, present. - “What. creek- were they really on?”_Rossreported.that a - Mr. Monahan of Yalwal claims to awn large portions of thesevalleys, and would like to hear from any people going there. On the Sunday Sbeila Binnsdeputised forBobJones, who was i,l, and took a.crowd of 33 along..4angaroo Creek. And that, said…Alan, was the score, except.. that Frank Leyden.had cOntributed one.extra day walk on the_holiday weekend_ and_ went to Borowra 7aters with 17 people. Pat Marson reported from Federation that a patron and a solicitor . to care for S & R affairs were still sought g the visitor's book from The Castle has been received by the Mitchell Library and a replacement bookie required there.. Federation Ball produced. a profit ofabout $140 ana the total attendance at the -S &. R. demonstration..was in.theorder.of 150 people. On the medical side, therewas a. recommendation to use potassiurn. inotead of soaium salts in cases of heat -.exhaustion, while a Canadian authority has advocated.a.loose. tourniquet arid, some _incision. in the treatment of snake-bite.. There was:still some doubt the exact location of the Six Foot Track from Megalong Valley to the .Cox River, ana suggestions were sought for the venue for the next Federation 2eunion to occur on 26-28 March 1971.

.	.

David Ingram described the approach. to the. Six Toot Track, and Till' Hilder.adaed that a new map shortly issued would:shawthe reserye. through which the_trail-passea. , It .was, reported that the 'auction” bad. preducea.47.8. for .ClUb:funds, the.. President havingbought items, -(or junk) tQ-a value (or 'price). of $11., It was indicated that the president some members.. who may be able to attend the hut demolition debate at White's River. December, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHITULKER Page 5. The meeting gave assent to a party of children, under adult supervision, camping at Coolana, and Dot Butler said the title deeds should be re.. ceived shortly. And just before we closed at 9.30 Wilf reported on new maps coming out, and Owen Marks spoke of a new booklet on the Southern Blue Mountains now available at Paddy's. * nc.4,,cv7 * With ()wen marks May I take this opportunity of wishing you all a happy new year, and to start the year we have JANUARY 20TH. Colin Watson, an old friend from the C.M.W. will talk

on the Budawangs. The newer members may not be aware of the fact that Colin was responsible for the map of the Budawangs, which
in turn brought this fascinating and beautiful area to the eyes of the bushwalking world, and who knows, a National Park of great importance in the future.

On JANUARY 27TH. Er. F. Hatfield will be giving us a talk on how to grow Australian wildflowers in the garden. Most of us householders have often wondered, as ITC look at our gardens and those of our neighbourhoods, why no native shrubs grow, when only a few years back, just a scrubby plot, it was covered with the blooming things. This should be a most interesting talk. ae* NEW HEBRIDES TRIP It is possible that a party of bushwalkers may be going to the New Hebrides in February, 1971, provided sufficient people can be rounded up. In ordr to get group reductions in the air fare, fifteen boas, are required. With this number the return air fare is only $149, and with camping on the island, it provides a relatively cheap holiday in the South Pacific. So' far we have a possible eight starters, so at least seven more people are required to may it a viable proposition. New Hebrides is still in a relatively unspoilt and uncivilized state, so it promises to be a real “awayfromitall” type holiday. If any people are interested9 please get in touch with Owen at the Chit, or ring at home (30-1827). The only requirement for air fare reduction is that the person must have been a member for six months, of a Club affiliated with the New South Tales Federation of Bushwalking Clubs. Maybe you have friends belonging to another walking Club who could be interested. Page 6. THE sYDNEY BUSHWALICER December, 1970. fi k\ i 0 0- * Ross Tyborn 4: . It is now November and there is 8“ of snow on our front lawn. The peaks aro plastered with new snow; winter is here again. We have been in British Columbia, for over one year. The weather is unsettled; - the snow”iri the mountains is too deep for clining but not enough for good skiing. I now have time to lift my pen to record some of our trips which have highlighted our year here. 7e are living in port Coquitlem -Which is like an outer suburb of Vancouver. MT. GARIBALDI 8 787ft. Just north of Vancouver is the Garibaldi Provincial Park. The third highest peak in the park is a glaciated, old volcanic peak - Mt. Garibaldi. We drove about 40 miles up Howe Sound to the small town of Squamish on Friday night. It was winter time (end of February) and we had arranged a snow-mobile to take us as far as the Diamond Head Lodge. The road zig-zagged high above Squamish to the point where we would meet the snow-mobile. We waited in the cold, clear, starry night for about an hour for the snow-mobile to arrive. When it did we stacked our gear inside, put skis on the back and started the 7 mile trip. A drift of snow blocked the way at one Point and we had to get out and shovel. There was a strong icy wind whipping snow in our faces arid we doubted the sanity of our trip. At the lodge some of our friends tried to get us to stay but with determination 4 of us skied down a hill for a short distance and pitched camp in a sheltered hollow. The next morning was perfect and we had a good view of Garibaldi, dressed in its beautiful white winter coat. We were heavily laden and our friends from the lodge offered to help carry some of our climbing gear on the first section of the trip. We skinned up the hill behind them to reach a spectacular col. Then skins off and a run down. At the bottom the icy wind hit us again as numb fingers replaced the frozen skins. Then upwards again. We picked up the gear the others had left and traversed towards our Peak. A. steep descent onto the glacier required climbing with skis off t Then upwards again until we reached a camp site. We had. gained a lot of height;.the weather was cold but clear and we had a magnificent panorama of peaks in front of us. . The wind blew. that night, flapping our tent almost to its limit. I had to got -up to tighten the guys at one tithe but thanks to Paddy's tent it still stood. Next morning the weather:Iooked bleak. We used ol_i skis as tont poles and when we pulled the tbnt down'we had to Shovel December, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 7. snow onto it to stop it blowing away. The other two were away first; Mgrgriet and I followed, skinning up the icy slopes. We made our way between some big crevasses. The sky was clouding over and we didn't know wheter to keep on going or to turn back. We kept on and soon reached a slope too steep for our skiing ability. We roped up and cramponed up. It was straight forward climbing but enjoyable. The weather started to look better and we pressed on as fast as possible. We enjoyed frontpointing up a steep snow couloir but the others did not have front point crampons and. were a little slower. Soon we were on top fortunately the wind had died down a bit. The view was fantastic but it was cold and we didn't linger long. We galloped back to our skis. One thing about skimountaineering trips is that the descents are always quick. It takes all Saturday and half of Sunday to go up, and only a few hours Sunday afternoon, to go down. “Whoops, just missed that crevasse:” As everyone knows our skiing technique isn't too hot, and in #e conditions we generally did traverses and kick turns. Our knees were knocking by the time We reached the Lodge and we weren't too proud to take the snowmobile down as darkness was nearly upon us. MT. BAKER 10,778ft Vancouver is very close rto the U.S. border, and the State of Washington has some of the most spectacular mountain country around. The North Cascades is generally a range of jagged rock peaks but the highest peaks are big, isolated, glaciated volcpos Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, Glacier Peak and Mt. Baker. Mt. Baker is the furthest north, is clearly visible from Vancouver and only 2 hours drive away. Our first attempt at the summit was thwarted by bad. weather but a couple of weeks later Eargriet and I were back again with Pete, a University student. Leaving our car at an altitude of 3,000 ft on a logging road (North America's equivalent to the fire trail) we continued up the road on skis and up a trail to Kulsban cabin, at an altitude of 49700ft. (“Koma Kulshan” is the Indian name for the mountain meaning “steep white mountain”.) Often the hut is crowded but it was the beginning of May and nobody was there. It is 6,000 ft to the top so we had an early night's sleep. Next morning we didn't get away until 6.15am because the “alarm didn't work”. Our route lay up the Coleman Glacier. The slope' is relatively gradual and most of the crevasses were endless. Finally we reached a col at 9,000ft her we left our skis and continued up on foot. The final 1,700ft was slow going as we kicked steps in soft snow. Finally at 2.00pm we literally collapsed on the huge flat summit. It's the highest summit in the area and snow covered peaks stretched away in all directions. We soon recovered our strength on the descent. In 15 minutes .we Slid back to our skis then started a terrific ski run back to the car,. 6,000ft below us. We did a series of swoops of about mile long traverses. We were really moving. It was probably the most fantastic ski run we have ever done. Page 8. THE SYDREY BUSHWALKER December, 1970. Late in May we returned to Mt. Baker with a Canadian Alpine Club party. The winter snow had now hardened into spring snow, and with the good weather people were swarming all over the mountain. The ranger's intentions book showed 150 were heading for the summit. Fortunately we weren't going by the normal route. We were going to climb the north face. We camped on the Coleman'Galcier at the foot of the face. It was a steep snow and ice climb for 2500ft and we really enjoyed the steepness with the exposure, knowing that with good belays we were climbing safely all the way. THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS One draw-back to living in Vancouver is' that you only get 2 weeks annual leave. By mid June we could take one week so we planned a trip to an infrequently visited part of the Rockies. From jornals and articles 7e cose the Alexandra Valley which is just south of the boluthipia ICefield'and'about'midway between ]Banff and:Jasper. There was only Margriet and I and our newly gained Golden Retriever Dog. His name is Buck and he is trained to carry a pack. He can carrY up to 241bs and on weekend trips he usually carries the tent, rope, primus etc. However on this trip he could carry little more than his own week's supply of dog food. We found that the track marked up the lower sectioh of the valley was actually a road (with a locked gate) and this upset us somewhat. After leaving the road we continued up the Alexandra River to the junction of the Castleguard River. This was flowing swiftly and we used a rope for safety when we forded it. A short section of forest then led us to the outwash of the Alexandra Glaciers. We set up our camp on a grassy flat near a pool of water. The view was fantastic. Above towered Mt. Alexandra with the main Alexandra Glacier tumbling to the valley floor in a spectacular series of icefalls. The East Rice Glacier flowed in from the right and the East Alexandra Glacier tumbled over a cliff on the left. Our first Objective, Mt. Lyell (11,520ft) was hidden from view. The weather was threatening on the next day and we decided to make a reconnaissance. At the foot of the glaciers there was a huge lake which wasn't marked on our map. V Buck jumped in to chase the icebergs which were continually breaking off from the East Alexandra Glacier. This was the glacier which we planned to climb to the summit. The lower icefall looked very difficult so we looked at a route beneath the cliffs on the western side. We kicked steps around a steep snow slope. Duck had no problem with his built-in crampons. We were re. warded to find the route led back onto the glacief. above the icefall. Next day we left some food at our lower campsite and carried tent and gear and camped on the galacier below the second icefall. The weather was clear next, morning and.we.left Buck tiedl up at camp so he wouldn't follow us. We fond a good route up one side of the second icefall weaving in and out to avoed the crevasses. Soon we were at a December, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALRER Page 9. Castleguard \River Gop Camp TWO- 11.113. zighwaY - - (l'itor01 Mount Alexandra 11,214 Ea's..-t- 3:16a-C1- acier Ast…0.0.14-)- “>— .cle–i-ce-SET.a River , , ….. , …. –11*-1'>::——-1 \ …… ..\.L11/4E-\\/ \ .1., Lake i 1\kbs,t .pli..t.'-:….,../:..-T:,-”' -I.' , ) % .., 1W144. f , ,,– , - \ _,,,,-Alt—4.,,“ Ft,. ' - ' ' %.–4z47 .-/- 414-1A,t . ( Glaciers 0 i. EdS-61 .'Al*andra 1 '-',-',a. 77., 4., I .Glacjier () “1,7?-,J i -., 'f-' \ .1T–/,,f X .- '. ii ,…, \..c.? n i . / *I ' 11 1, /17:, tr.i>Ct3lt ,. ,,. .04_ …. ”. 1 .1 !=.1..iik '”, __ Mt. Farbus n,'.“ 1'i -/ ( -: —`\ r 'I f, il , s\ 0.-2,…0:…… po.3 No.2 No.1 British Columbia ONO. 4 o 1 No. 5 Alberta MAP CF THE HEADOF THE ALEXANDRA RIVER CANADIAN ROOKIES Page 1P. THE SYDNEY BUSH7ALKER December, 1970. col on the main divide. After a short rest we_cramponed along the broad ridge to the col between two of the summits.. Actually there are 5 peaks. We chose the main peak and quickly cramponed to the top. It was cold and windy but it was a rewarding climb. On the way dawn we climbed one other peak of Lyell and the easy surmit of Mt. Farbus. The rest of the week we spent going up the East Rice Glacier0 We climbed above the glacier to beautiful alpine meadows. We camped on thick lush alpine grass near a clump of small wind-blOwn pines. The meadows were literally covered with a vivid array of beautiful wild flowers. This area which was about 1 mile long by mile wide could only be reached by climbing up the glacier or up cliffs_- probably only half a dozen people have ever visited the area. We failed to climb Et. Alexandra because of a dangerous icef all so we spent our time exploring the meadows. The contrast of snow clad peaks and the greenery made it a true fairyland. XXX4K* REVIEW Publication: “Gundungura” Price: 31.00 64 page:. Published by the Sydney University Rover Crew Distributed by Paddy Pallin Pty. :Jimited, This recent addition to available bv.shwaling literture is, according to the title page “A guide to the Greator Southern Blue Mountains and the major part of the Kanangra 2oys National Park, N.S.W. A description of,walking routes, canyons, caves and roct climbs, with notes on History, Geology, Flora, Fauns and Larbhropolou - to be used in conjunction with the Gundungura Bushwalking (Sketch) Map of the Greater Southern Blue Mountains.” It is divided into nine main sections; these (1) History: going back to the original Gundurzura Tribe and later discovery and exploration by thp.white man. (2) Kanangra Canyons: Kalang Falls, KarEr.gra Creek and Danae Brook. (3) Kowmung Country: Gingra Range and Christys Creek. (4) Routes East and South of the Kowmung River: Sootts Main Range, Colong Caves etc. 72,11dookriglilands: Tomat Ck., Muyruin Ck., Bindook Chasm, Bats Camp. (6) Eastern Access Routes: Sheehys Creek, Starlights Track etc. (7) Yerranaerie (8) Blue Breaks: Butchers Creek, Tonalli Range, Chinamans Bluff's. (9). Local Politics: This last chapter is a useful summary of local .restrictions, landowners npmes, and general cautions. The booklet is well researched and very attractively presented, generously sprinkled with black and white photos 16y Henry cola, David Eden and D. Hilyard. It is a pity that the need arose to c.aa a rather long list of Corrigenda, presumably through inadequate proof reLdinz. On the Whole though it is thorough and comprehensive, and,rerresents a worthwhile addition to any serious bushwalker's library. ”;,..a:M====.=041M=MV=M=1,7=1“311367* HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL 7ALKERS All at Paddy's hope you have a trip at Christmas whether it be gbroad or locally,

FOr your trip.we hb,vo.some really good Norwegian jumpers at only

All sorts. of other good news at Paddy's new ac1ress 69 Liverpool Street9, Sydhby. The telephone numbers are the sameg 26-26859 26-26869 and 61-7215.

69 Liverpool Street,

irSYDNEY, N.S.T. 2000. ALLDI' Lightugogitt. c nip Geor. 6/ LIVLRPOOL STREET 5Y DIVE Y 26 2685 Pagi: TIE SYDNEY BUSHtT.A.Lktct December1191Q. (Or “To be a Prospective Now that * xxx Spring is Here 1) By David Peacock My first contact with the bush was on Don Finch's Instructional which I enjoyed greatly (liar!) apart from the first night. rre, the four of us in Dons car, campea on the roadSide, whiCh poved!to-be a mistake. The trucks roared past ana the drivers, apparently having varying degrees of epilepsy, changed gear about six times. The whole earth shook and I think I trembled the next morning, not with nervous anticipation, but with a delayed reaction from the night before. It also rained during the night and 19 being a very lively sleeper, rolled against the tent wall and subsequently awoke to_find the si'de of 'my sleeping bag soaked.. '!Ph well? I thought philosophicallyIIso this is the bush!” I crawled out of the tent blearyeyed and, once again, was quickly brought out of my lethargy by a huge truck roaring past. I began to look for firewood. but decided against the repugnant idea and cheerfully left it to the others to light a fire. The other members of the party joined us during breakfast and eventually we cliMbed-aboara the cars and drove to Drip Rock. After a brief discussion on mapreading we moved off, My first bushwalk had. begun ll the drama of it . It was pretty easy going at first; well, until we reached Angowara Creek. That really got me. I must have boon out of condition who said “You still are? you're just jealous ” and I made very heavy weather of it. “Never.agaie I thought, as I crawled onward, forever onward. Eventually I staggered into camp that evening and gave a good impression of a corpse but recovered sufficiently to oat my tea, accompanica by the melodious sound of several dingoes. To no their howls are beautiful, perhaps only because thoy'r,so eerie, and to a Pomme,also because of their strangeness. And so to bed. The next morning we discovered, perhaps fortunately as the next section was supposed to be difficult, that the Colo River was too deep and we retraced our steps. 170 made good time and Don gave us a crash course in First Aid. I'm still as ignorant as ever. Anyone who succuMbed to my treatment would surely die! Owen Marks had a pretty rough time during lunch because, owing to tho'fact that he found himself on the opposite side of the creek, every time he lit a fire it was ruthlessly extin:uished with water bombs and rocks thrown by Don and company. It was all very entertaining. The final approach-te the -cars. was fraught with danger as we had been informed. thatthe 16Cal landowner had objected to our crossing his land. I halfexpected to see a huge 'farmer with 'a 12-,bore ready to blow December, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSI1UALKER Page 13. u6 to Kingdom 'Cote,' but fortunately'we absconded safely. A.fortnight later I joined Laurie Rayner's trip to the Bellangy State Forest.. It started off rather badly with Lynn Faithful being left behind. Laurie never really gave her a chance. It was 'a very long haul taking us about seven hours, and during the trip Laurie tried to persuade me that .-,–Australian.girls.are the most. beautiful in the world, but I'assumed A.- . gosition of comfortable. neutrality (I cant afford to. offend the natives)._ The following morning was spent trying to locate Geoff Mattingley and Barbara Bruce, and it was mainly due to luck that we did meet. . 'Thers. wera five of us in the party and I, personally prefer small parties. Being a newcomer it easier to got to know people (whether, or flot.they want to know me is another matter which I now quietly forget). The afternoon was spent conquering Mt. Banda Banda - I get carried at times with visions of myself planting a Union Jack upon some distant peak and they sometimes get carried over into everyday life so I hope you'll .excuse me. It was a very hot day and,I could almost see myself evaporating. It was.quite hazy and the view, therefore, was not as good, as it might have been, which was unfortunate. Laurie took us to the Negro Beech Reserve that evening but I feel that it was wasted on me: I can't tell a Beech from an Oak, but the trees wore .still magnificent. It was then but a short drive to the campsite which was already in the possession of untold numbers of, apparently invisible frogs. Sunday morning heralded the ascent of Spokes Hill and my only complaint was that the leader talked continuously about the disadvantages of married life and women. The next stage, to kemp's Pinnacle, was very rough, . probably through virgin bush, and it was almost 5 o'clock before it - was rdached. I almost bisected mself on a log on the way back but we, . somewhat luckily, made it to the track, before it became really dark. It had been another very hot day. but I fortunately, for me, that is - survived to walk. another day The journey home took the greater it of Monday and on the way we passed through Ellehborough: the sign Ver. tho store is a real gem; it has to be seen, it's really something. The thermometer inside was reading over 90 F, and that was in the shade. For me that's quite hot enough. I was given a lift back by Geoff, door-to-doorService, and he couldn't be bothered working out how much. I owed him, so I was probably undercharged. I'm waiting for him to demand an extra couple of bucks at any minute now,:- me and my big -mouth!. And that was that. XXXXXX T'agq .HE ,33D1TEY BUSHWALTKER. December, 1970. Peter Franks' and Heather Smith's joint trip to the Wollondilly was next on the agenda and a very interesting walk it was too. It started off with Ian Guthridge placing Peter's pack up a tree because he had allegedly woken us up too early. I was expecting that we'd soon have a leader with a broken back but it wouldn't have been too great a mishap as Heather could have led the trips, We had a good climb up BonnUm Pic, all exceptin Owen Marks who white- anted it along the road. There's a Very fine view from the top, and quite a long drop Peter twisted his ankle, or so ho tells us, on the descent, and ho still has my crepe bandage. Whatever was the matter with him, he still outdistanced me. At lunchtime I proved to the sceptical Barbara Bruce that tadpoles can be caught by hand, and more fool me, I hadn't taken off my waterproof (?) watch and it subsequently gained three minutes in the hour. It cost me 2.50 to catch that tadpole. I was also chastised by Heather for killing ants - she has boss in the bonnet if you ask me. At camp that evening I was given instruction in how to cook a galah by the “old boot” method, the “garlic toe',' and a bianyip's taste for Pommes - a very intelloctually stimulating evening. Sunday brought forth the prospect of rain and looking down upon the rearguard of the party, resplendent in capes, trudging up a hillside near thc camp reminded me of the choir in “Lord of the Flies”. It was really awe-inspiring to me, but that's a bye-and-bye. We reached the Wollondilly , at about 10 a.m but no-one felt in the mood for a swim and so we setson up Burnt Flat Crook. The day ended with an invigorating (for the healthy that i9) climb up the creek to the cars. My most recont walk was Ramon U'Brien's in the :Bathurst district. On Saturday morning the drivers took the cars up to a place near Sofala; a rdund trip of nearly forty miles, being brought back in Peter Kaye's VW. It was therefore about noon before the walk really gOt started. During the intorval Miko (?) took me gold-panning in the Turon - and I found some But don't all rush at once; it was oply a tiny speck, so tiny that my landlady couldn't even see it. I wrote homo and told my fols I.'dstruck gold but they haven't beaten a path to my door yet (if they can find it).. Anyway, back to the walk, which was quite easy; almost up to highway standard, The Turon Rivar. seems to be very popular with fishermen, gold prospoctors, and just anyone-who-wanted-to-go-to-the-Turon. I'd hate to have boon there on the long weekend. We camped early that evening at about 4-30 p.m and that was very pleasant. I .eagerly lit a fire but there evolved a disagroomont as to how big it should be-between myself and certain others, who shall remain nameless but they know who they aro. The outcome was that I lost and I was told “you can keep your fire”, whereupon they built their December, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 15. own. Only the good grace of the leader and Lyn Faithful saved the evening. Later in the evening a singsong was started and I was made io endure recitals of “Botany Bay”, “500 Miles”, and “My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean”, all of which were compered by that wellknown and muchliked entertainer, Barbara Bruce. Seriously though, it was a very enjoyable evening, and that is one of the rosons I dislike the idea. of day walks. There is beauty' in being around the campfire which is hard to find elsewhere but all bushwalkers will know what I mean. The cars .were reached the next day at about 3 p.m. after a very pleasant and easy walk which is what one needs between tougher ones. We stopped off in,Sofala On-the way back to Sydney and it made a deep impression on me. 7Te. don't have anything like it in England.'– Ana that ends a very roughandready description_of_the walks I've been on.::Ydil “Will notide tIatI'Ve-giV6n very scant regard to the geography and physical aspects of the walks but I feel that pnyone who wants to know such things can look at:a map or talk to the leader. I have been more concerned with the people on the walks .; Who'after all, make it or break:it. To close I would like to thank the following people. Firstly the leaders von the Whole I've enjoyed the ,–ralks 9 due mainly to'the leader; Owen Marks for being himself; Geoff Mattingley who has an uncanny knack of finding the easiest may around Obstacles and who is, therefore, good for 'a slipstream; Barbara Bruce, a formidable adversary in, I hope, not too serious a vein; and finally all the people I've met on these walks, the majority of course being Australians. Thank you; you've given me a very favourable impression of the country and its people. And nor I suppose. I'd better do some test walks or I'll soon be given the inglorious boot from the Club.

  • *


The ,Dungalla Club has held its First Annual General Meeting, at which new 'OfficeBearers were elected-to carry on the good work of the Foundation Committee. President is Mx. Ray Bean, VicePredidents are Rene Browne and Harry Savage, Secr'etarVTrea.durer once again is Brian Harvey, The Club has continued its policy of easy camping, sightseeing and relaxing trips, and in recent months they have had excursions to Coal and Candle Creek, Eureka Clearing, North Head and Swan Lake. *XXX 'Page ANY rEws AT M. E. ? We think there is Have you seen yet our NEW HIGH LOAD PACK, superlight (31b. 10 oz.) at 27.50. An excellent range of both AVONCRAFT and GEOFF BARKER canoes can be now obtained from us (Have a look at that RED 16- Motor CANADIAN) Seen our preXmas SPECIAL (7th 19th0 Dec Genuine N.Z. wool shirts INCREDIBLY reducea. Sizes M and OS. If you haven't got our latest catalogue yet, ring us and we will send you one. Mountain Equipment… 167 Pacific Highway NORTH SYDNEY .929-6504 December, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 17. B arbara Bruce xxxxx* xxx*xxx


' This is the first time an article has been samitted specifically on the activities of the Membership Department, so I feel it would be appropriate to explain first of all how it functions. The Membership Department consists of the Membership Secretary and a secretariat of a few willing assistants who are interested in communicating with visitors and new people to the Club about the Club's activities. We inhabit the desk which resides inside the anteroom of a Wednesday evening and_ bears the sign “S.B.7. Inquiries” and a green box full of Membership propaganda. To start at the.beginning. All of you who are members will remember, if only vaguely, going through the stage of being a Prospective Member.. Most of you would have come into the Club one Wednesday evening, feeling very unsure of yourself and wondering where to go, who to see and what to do. You might have looked up “Bushwalking Clubs” in the Pink Pages, or have been talking to a friend who was a member, or been a member of a bushwalking club in another state or another part of the world, or you had passed the .sign outside the entEance to the Northcote Building and decided to come and see what it was all about. No matter how you first came to the Club, you were usually mat by or introduced to the current Membership Secretary or one of their assistants. You would then be taken in hand. by this person and given some basic literature, followed. by a chat when you would be told about the requirements you would have to fulfil before you were accepted as a full member. Everyone who decides they would like to try bushwalking with the Sydney Bushwalkers is initially signed on as a Prospective Member and pays a fee of :2.25, unless he or she is a fulltime student, when the foe is only 4;1.25. They remain Prospectives for a period of from three to six months (but may see the Membership Secretary to request an extension from the Committee if necessary) during which time they must complete two day test walks, marked by 0 on the Walks Programme, one weekend test walk, also marked 0, and an Instructional weekend where they are taught the rudiments of first aid and map reading, and are also advised on camperaft like putting up tents, etc. The Prospective is advised to do a few day walks at first especially if. they have done little or no walking before. They are also encouraged to try some of the easier weekend walks to build up t'-eir confidence and stamina before trying anything harder,'which would be dterimental to their morale and most likely cost us another member. On all walks they should make a note of the members they walked. with. This has a twofold purpose in practices it encourages the Prospective to speak to people and thereby get to know them., aad gives the Membership Secretary a choice of names of people to endorse the Prospective when they apply Page 18. THE SYDNEY BUSHIALiR December, 1970. for full membership. -Detending on ho* experienced the Prospective is, afairly comprehensive rundown on gear, clothes and food is given. I personally tell them never to'hesitate to ask myself. or.any'other member should they wish to know .anything specific in this regard. From my own experience other members, have always been more than just helpful; even after one becomes a member there is still a lot one can lean out of interest rather than necessity. The Prospective is told he can hire rucksacks, .groundsheets and tents.from the Club for a minimal charge, and if the Gear Hire Officer is handy he is introduced. (As is the case at present, if the Gear Hire Officer is also on the staff of the Membership Department, a help;) If they need to hire sleeping bags we direct them to Paddy Pallin. I usually advise a Prospective who intends to go on a walk to come into the Club on Wednesday night before it is scheduled, to see the leader and find out any special instructions. If they are unable to come in, however, they are asked to ring the leader as shown on the programme before the 7ednesday night, so that if transport is to be arranged they can be tal:en into consideration and contacted later. I point out that there is gond-ally, except for Committee Meeting and General Meeting nights, something interesting organised, and that wealso have an active Social SeeretaTy who organises theatre parties, and other interesting ao's. Tlilo I'm showing them this side of .the programmn, my eye is always caught by he rioreed on Search and Rescue, so that I brief them . on this as well. Around about this stage I outline the process for undergoing application fol. full membership. I explain that tier the Prospective has completed all his test walks and the instructional, the applicant has to o tests in elementary first aia and map reading After these have ',Jeen passed, his partially completed Membership Application form is initialled, by his examiners and he pays his joining fee and membership fee. It i.e then up,to the Membership Secretary,to complete the form, check his teEJt walks and present his application to the next meeting of Committee on the first Wednesday night of the month. After considering his/her application the Committee then asks to meet the Prospective so that both parties may meet one another and each may ask the other questions. Text thing you know you are no longer a minor Prospective, The President, at the first monthly General Meeting after you have been interviewed by Committee, has shaken hands and presented you with the . Australian Flannel Flower Badge inscribed with the gold lettering “S.B.T.” which is the Club's distinguishing insignia, a copy of the CiUb's Consitution, the Annual Report an TAst,of Members as at 31st. January that year It is a proud moment who, joins in hearty applause as you return to your s-eat no-7 a fully fledged MEMER. -December, 1970 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 19. Barbara B ruce * MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY The Committee, at its meeting on 2 na December 19709 interviewed and accepted the following new memberss Leonard Berlin Nax Crisp Jan Hall Beryl Hand . Clare Howden Pat Kaye Liz Priestly Len, who prefers to be called Leonard because he thinks Australians have a penchant for abbreviating names, works in the Department of Surveying at theUniversity of VOW South Tales. He has managed to scrape through his Prospective membership period despite a foot injury and a small amount of reluctance from his wife, kho has now taken up Bridge in revolt. Max, who works at 0.T.0 with Ray Hookway, like Len, prefers to go on weekend walks, but his work seems to keep- him rather busy. Jan is the youngest daughter of Phil and B etty.Hall and is still studying. at Jannali.Girls' High School. Nonetheless she is a very keen and capable walker and she.can look forward to some good times ab'a Club member. B. eryl has an almost grown-up family, the.youngost being 14, and works at the Royal Automobile Club. One of her older daughters persuaded her to join a club as she did not like the idea of 'her mother walking on her ownl . Clare has become a member the second time around in the minimum time. No wonder.with walking company like peter Franks,- Heather Smith . and Donny Finch Clare works at the Lands Department. Patis the wife of reinstated member Peter Kaye and is,currently working in the same Department as the author at the Universityof Sydney. She seems to have taken to Australia and Australians very well, as they have to her. Page 20. SYDNEY BUSITTALIR December, 1970. Elizabuth Liz for short is a nurse at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital but hails originally from Melbourne.. While in Melbourne ,she walked a 'couple of times with the Melbourne Bush 7alkers, and she has been very active since joining our Club. She has tried to give others a taste of her 'enjoyment by introducing a fow of her colleagues to the Club as well. Congratulations to you all! During November the following people joined the Sydney Bush Walkers as Prospective Members: Denise Amaral, Charles Barnes, David and Robyn Boxall, Gavin and Janet Fox, Alan Fraser, Game Hardy, Janet MbManuS, Peter Martin, Paul Notholt, Stephen Procter, Errol Sheedy and John White. I would like to welcome these people on behalf of the Club, and hope that they too will learn to enjoy tho bush and the companionship that, comes with bushwalking, with others in the Sydney Bush Walkers' Club. * Below are the names of Prospectives whose 6 months terminates at the end of December and who Should now apply for full membership, having completed all their requirements, or who should request an extension of time in which to complete them: Robert Armstrong, Kate Brooks, Bruce Edds, Ann Emery, Len Garland, Cheryl and Ian Hamilton, Jorgen Hansen, David House, Peter Hunt, Frank McCauley, Catherine McConnell, Greg Ryan, Heather Salisbury, Annotto Scarf, Bill Terpstra and Irene Upson. * ! *x By. Alan pike CHRISTMAS TRIPS * KEITH MUDDLE is arranging something in the Kosciusko area about 6 days walking. He then intends to do some touring and walking in Victoria. The details have not yet been finalised, but you could do one or other of the walks, or both. Keith's phone no. is 412-1430 (H). OWEN MANLY has something on in Tassie see the Club notice board. * PETER PRATO is leading a trip during the Christmas holidays - 3 days, but I've forgotten where it is . (Editor's Note: Peter Franks' trip is a swimming, liloing and bludging trip on the Cox's River). December, 1970. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 21. Owing to a printer's error, test current walks programme. They are: January 159 16, & 17. February 59 -69 '& 7. Please mark these two test walkswalks were not marked on the Peter Levander. Brian Griffiths on your programme. COMING TRIPS: JANUARY 8TH. 9TH. & 10TH. The trip to Bouddi National.Park, lea by Marion Lloyd this weekend involves only, a few miles of walking so you can take tons of food., your camera, fishing rods, snorkling equipment, surfboard, a few books, and don't forget the mosquito repellant! The Park is on the northern headland of Broken Bay, only 'a few hours drive froml-Sydney. There aro two Sunday trips. Bill Hall leads an easy walk with plenty of swimming on the Woronora River, and Gerry Sinzig has Obligingly discovered a new canyon running into Govett's Leap Creek. We don't know of anyone having descended this canyon previously, so here.is_a trip for the intrepid. Gerry”reports that it has a few abseils,- some swimming sections and a mighty BCNB! (If you don't know what a bomb is, you'd better not come). JANUARY 15TH. 16TH. & 17TH. Peter Levander is leading a very interesting walk in the Barrington Tops, west of Newcastle. This area is not often visited by the S.B.W. However it isn't any further to drive than Kanangra Walls, so there is no reason why we shouldn't spend more time there, for both summer and winter trips. Height above sea level exceeds 4,000 feet in places and the country is similar to the Snowy Mountains hero and there. This trip, though not marked as such on the walks programme, will be accepted as a test walk. There will be plenty of opportunity for swimming as the weather .should be quite warm up there. JANUARY 22. 23RD. & 24TH. _Once again Peter Levander is leading a great trip. TYis time to Bell Creek Canyon., Lilos are necessary, as the creek contains very long stretches of aeep water which must be negotiated. The canyon itself can only be described as transcendental. No ropework is necessary. On Sunday afternoon there will be 8_2,000 foot climb up to Mount Wilson, but this incomparable bushwalk is well worth it! JANUARY 2 th..30th. 31st. & FEBRUARY 1st. LONG WEEKEND) Julie Frost's last long weekend bludge trip on the Shoalhaven was so successful that she has decided to repeat it this weekend this time in collaboration.with our star photographic model,-Peter Franks. Between the two of them; a very eventful weekend should ensue. Though not on the programme, they should take a trot up Barbers Creek to the famous bombing pool. If anyone intends photographing Peter, make sure he's Page 22. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER December, 1970. -standing-on a flat, safe grassy bank. . Also on this weekend is Pebbly Beach. If you haven't been there you must go and find out why. It is a oncea.year must for our Club. From Pebbly Beach to Bawley Point is a string of unspoilt, unpolluted, surfing beaches, some beautiful campsites, and impressive headlands. The rock pools at low tide are fantastic and if you don't possess a mask or snorkel be sure to include these items in your Santa Claus letter. Some of the best camping beaches are some distance from fresh water, so for convenience,a water bag or similar device is advisable. Keith 'Muddle is the able leader. / (7-1 .)/1,–J CS By observer * Owen Marks has just led the “trip of the year” by taking a record of fiftythree people on his walk up Bindook Creek. If you are intending to go down Tomat Creek you will find that you now have a choice of 53 different tracks down the mountainside. A recent outcry on the subject of gateshutting should be heeded by all. Remember, if you open a gate, it's up to you to close it. Don't leave it to the last car in the convoy. Noticeable in the Clubroom at this time *of the year are the small groups of walkers huddled around maps and lists. They are all planning Christmas trips. There are trills to Tasmania, Now Zealand, and later on in February to New Hebriaes. If you're thinking of something closer to home, keep an car to the ground, or even do your own thing. On Don Finch's Danae Brook trip last weekend there was a performance of the Indian Rope Trick in reverse. The man who went down the rope failed to appear at the bottom. The next man down did not pass him on the way, so where was be? Various calls, etc. elicited that he was about 20/ up the cliff on a lodge which he had mistakenly thought was the end of the abseil. On being reunited with the rest of the party, he commented that he did find it a wee bit lonely-for a clipoff point. Mabel Pratt 9 our able English yodeller, has just departed for an eight week trip to visit her homeland. 77e wish her wall, and hope she has a white Christmas if the electricity is on by then in England. December, 1970. TIE *SYDNEY' nUSTILLIER . - THE NOVEMBER FEDERATION MEETING

By Jim Callaway 'After the apologies were read, the Minutes of the previous - meeting Were read and rebieved. The Search and Rescue Report followed which consisted of one rescue in the Kanagra area. The walker rescued was Denis RitSon. This reScue had been given a full report in the press. Upon request a police. vehicle was supplied which provided radio contact with Sydney. Nin Melville had been to the Government Insurance Office to make enquiries about individual and special Helicopter insurance during search and rescue operations. To cover approximately 40 people the ,'-charge would be $1.60 per person. This cover allowed for a maximum of $109000 for death; and a Varying scale for loss of limbs. The sum of $400 was allowed for medical expenses and a maximum of $80 per week - while incapacitated adcording to weekly salary. The person insured was covered frnm the time he left home to go on the search or rescue till the time he returned to his home. The sum of $509000 per annum was the makith'um'that could be claimed in one year. The Helicopter Cover required Federation to deposit $30. This ambunt would be reduced by the number of flights.taken'in the year. Insurance fnr the equiPment held would be 2% of its value per annum. Nin thought that the radio aerial needed repairing. The Australian Gas Light Company and Lysaghts had donated 2 and 1 stretchers respectively. 600 ft0 of rope had been purchased for $109. 'nen this rope was divided into a 40,0 ft. piece and a 200 ft. piece, it was found that the 200 ft. piece only measured 170 ft. This piece also had many flaws in it and was returned to the itanufacturers. Nin requested that the following items be agreed to by the Meeting. (1) That he be acids to the list of people who can make out cheques on the S& R Abcount. (2) That ho be allowed to negotiate for Federation in regard t the insurance policy on the ground and in the air. (3) That he be allowed to organise and procure gear for the S & R section. These items were agreed to. The President welcomed Peter Burgess:wh.o had attended the meeting as an observer from -6he'Sydney Bush Ramblers. A letter was received from Frank Macken9 President of the 70E.A. Ramblers, who complained about the fact that Federation aid not organise transport from the nearest railway station to this year's reunion for those who aid not have private transport. Delegates thought that it was the individual Clubs' responsibility to organise this transport for their members., Page 24. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER December, 1970._ The Minister for Lands acknowledge receipt of the letter from Federation complaining about the propose& road through the New England National Park. An invitation was received from the N.P.W.S. to the President inviting him to the opening of a new ranger station at Glenbrook. As the President was unable to attend the Secretary volunteered to represent him. A letter of thanks was received from David Welldon who had become lost on the October long weekend and had been found after a successful search. . The Treasurer reported that there was about $1,750 in the General Account and, about $400 in the Search and Rescue Account. Ho also reported that there were four Clubs who as yet have not paid their affiliation fees for this year. Dunlops have released a new type of sandshoe selling at 5.50. Stuart Brooks has revised the following maps s Snowy Plain, McAlister River, Baw Baws Watershed, Jamison River and King Howqua areas. A new edition of the Melbourne Walker has been issued which has an interesting article on the Grampions and it sells for 30 cents. Kybob (University of Queensland Bushvalkers) is on sale for $1.10 and has 110 pages. The leading article is on the Mt. Barney area. The N.P.W.S. have issued a new map of Lambert Peninsular which shows the location of Aboriginal carvings; it costs 10 cents. Mountain Equipment have now acquired a stock of Borde stoves which are very lightweight. They cost 46.50 each. There is a new Church Point Lambert Park ferry timetable' out. The departure times from Church Point are: A.M. 8.00 9.15 10.30 11.30 P.M. 2.30 1.30 3.30 4:30 5.30 6.30. AS there was no Conservation Report Paul Barnes gave a short report on conservation happenings. The Blue Mountains National Park Trust will'be taken over by the National Parks and Wildlife Service in February 1971. The section of land between Toronora Dam Road and the Heathcote State Park has been added to this park and now brings the total area to about 6,000 acres. A proposal made by Alan Fox and Alan Strom Of a Tri State Trail through the A.C.T., N.S.7. and Victoria will'be discussed at a seminar at White Rivers Hut on 5th0 December. There is. a new Superintendent at Kosciusko State Park. The N.P.A were trying to build a case to form a Park at Nelson Lake near, Begs,. Should there be any person who can help in this project would they please contact Paul Barnes. The following suggestions have been made for the site of the Federation Annual Reunion to be hold on 26-27-28th. March, 1971: St. Albans Common, Woods Creek, McArthurs Flat, Sugee Bay Creek, Kangaroo Valley, Wolgan Valley, Scotchman's Creek, Konangaroo Clearing. The December meeting of Federation will be held on the 8th. NOW Maps: Military 1/50,000 Byron .'Bay Lands Dept. 2us 1 mile Tamworth; Dun, Tibbuc and 7alcha. 125,000 Metric grid Durras. There is-a special offer being made on Silva No. 3 Compasses. The cost is $4.15 which includes a book on Orienteering.

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