Table of Contents
The Sydney Bushwalker.
A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushwalkers, 14 Atchison Street, St. Leonards. Postal Address: Box 4476, G.P.O. Sydney, N.S.W, 2001.
September, 1971.
Editor | Jim Brown, 103 Gipps Street, Drummoyne. Tel. 81-2675 |
Typist | Elaine Brown |
Business Manager | Ramon U'Brien, 7/25 Dartbrook Road, Auburn, Tel. 888-6444 (Business) |
In This Issue.
Page | ||
From the Editor | 2 | |
Membership Notes | Barbara Bruce | 3 |
The August General Meeting | 4 | |
The Clutha Project - notes of the Protest Meeting | Nancy Alderson | 7 |
The Timeless Land (poem) | Errol Sheedy | 10 |
Echoes from the Past, “Finding the Castle” | Kevin Ardill | |
Coming Walks | Pat Harrison | 15 |
Sundries | 18 |
Enquires regarding Club….. Marcia Shappert, Tel. 3-2028
Page | |
Paddy's | 6 |
Mountain Equipment | 16 |
From The Editor.
A Constitutional Contradiction... (2) "Sociability and Stamina..."
The August editorial closed on a question - in view of the implied invitation extended in the “Objects” of the Constitution to all people interested in walking and the bushland, and the levels set for entry elsewhere in the Constitution - whom do we seek to exclude, and are we on good grounds in doing so?
Exclusion, of course, is not achieved only by the exercise of Committee's power to “elect, defer… or reject” an applicant. There are three ways in which applicants can be deterred - the guillotine, where they are rejected by Committee; the freezer, where they are given the cold shoulder; and the hot box in which they are burned off. The guillotine is rarely used, it has grown rusty and can almost be ignored. The freezer and hot box treatments are comparatively painless (for the Club and its Committee) because their victims don't get to the stage of applying for full membership.
The freezer is most likely to be used on the temperamentally unsuitable. Most members will agree that, if you get a group of people and isolate them for some days or a week or more, as may happen on lengthy walks, all sorts of eccentricities and personality quirks are likely to come to light. Some of these foibles, of little consequence at other times, can become sources of irritation and rancour in these circumstances.
It seems desirable, then, for the good of the many, that the people with major personality flaws - the misanthrope, the hypercritical, the irascible, the inveterate whinger or drone - should receive the cold shoulder, and be persuaded to take themselves off.
The freezer treatment is also sometimes self-applied, in which case no one is hurt. This relates to the prospective who has no idea of what bushwalking entails, tries it once and doesn't like it; or the person who cries “enough” as soon as the going gets a bit hard. These folk may be compatible enough, but the material is wrong, and it would be futile and foolish to persuade them to persevere.
There remains the group that is seared in the hot box. It is important to remember that newcomers to the Club range from fit and experienced young men, who would find most of our programme trips a “push-over”, to middle-aged women and men seeking a new interest when their families have almost grown up. Some of these people are in reasonable physical shape, but quite unused to walking across trackless country or carrying a pack up a steep, scrubby ridge.
It is almost impossible for the fit and experienced walker to conceive that one may be almost at the end of their physical limits after seven or eight miles of fairly brisk walking across moderate country, yet in fact many novices find the early walks a veritable ordeal. If they have sufficient determination, they may persist and ultimately some will undertake quite ambitious trips. Others certainly become disheartened and convinced they will never be able to complete the test walks, and so abandon the quest for membership.
Do we want to discourage these people? This can scarcely be the case, for the Club does not have only one uniform level of energetic, enterprising walks it caters also for many people who are content to do modest walks in the bush in pleasant company. Some of the Club's most diligent workers of bygone years have come from this stratum of moderate walkers.
This, of course, introduces a further question - whether we can square the invitation of our Constitution with the need to possess whatever degree of physical ruggedness is required by the membership qualifications. Obviously, it also relates to the nature of our test walks - how they are selected and the manner in which they are led…. all matters for some discussion in further editorial comment.
Prospectives' Page - September.
Barbara Bruce.
Our one and only new member in September is a young electrical engineer, Peter Charley.
Peter is very fortunate - more fortunate than any North-side member even - because he lives only 1/2-mile up the road from our latest rooms at St Leonards. Peter is a very able walker and is very easy to get on with, being in possession of a rather subtle sense of humour. He appears rather quiet and retiring on first acquaintance, but when you got to know him…
Peter seems to have quite a few interests other than bushwalking, one of these occupations being that of the Publicity Officer for the Ngunnagan (yes, that's how it's spelt!) Club, a social club which has its roots at the University of N.S.W.
Welcome to the S.B.W. as a full Member, Peter.
The Club also welcomes these new Prospectives:
Hugh Ferguson, Neville Lupton, Margaret Merretsy, Alan Rice and Charles Sudek.
I seem to have jumped gears last month, as the Prospectives I should be warning to be ready to come up before Committee on 6th October I warned to be on their toes last Month. Just to be sure, I'll list them again:
Ron Howie, Laurence and Sylvia McGeochan, Mitch Meyer, John O'Rourke, Jeannette Pannell, George Porebski, Richard Saxby, June Tyrrell, Linda and Tom Wilhelm, Barbara Young and Kelly Zicsmor.
The August General Meeting.
Perhaps because it was a Tuesday night instead of the orthodox Wednesday, the attendance was very small - indeed at the beginning there was barely a quorum of full members, but later in the night, and by the time the piece de resistance came up, there were 30-odd present, including perhaps 27 or 28 members.
Two new members were welcomed - Don Hitchcock and Ray Carter and three names of previous admissions were called without result.
After dealing with the July minutes, we heard from correspondence that the Military Forces had written us warning about artillery activity at the Holdsworthy area, where some day walks go, that the Nurses' Association had allowed a small refund on rental at our old rooms during the difficult days when the space was curtailed, and that we had sent a reminder to the agency for whom our members posed in a QANTAS advertisement pointing out that we still had to receive our dues.
The Treasurer told us that our funds at the close of July stood at $715, and Pat Harrison then presented the score on last month's walking. It commenced with a trip inherited by Peter Franks which went from Kanangra to the Kowmung and back up Gingra Range, carried out by 11 people in nice weather. On the same weekend Phil Butt's ski instructional (up and down innumerable hills) had six members, and on the Sunday Meryl Tatman with 24 in party went from Heathcote to Audley, finding some thicker growth than usual in places.
An instructional week-end was held at Macarthur's Flat on the Nattai on July 10/11, with 12 present, and lovely days but a very frosty night. The same conditions were reported from Peter Franks' Capertree Crock-Mount Dawson walk, attended by four people: it was understood that Owen Marks' day walk in the National Park went as planned, but details were unknown.
The third weekend included Phil Hall's snow country trip, which was amended because of severe weather conditions, and included two day trips based on Sawpit Creek. The Federation S & R practice took out 7 or 8 S.B.W. in a total gathering of about 80, and on the Sunday Jack Perry with six people went around the coast from Stanwell Park to the north. Bill Gillam reported poor snow conditions for his week-end down south on the following week-end, while Peter Franks went with a party of nine into the Coricudgy area: Pat mentioned that one of the points en route, Jones' Hole, differed from other similar formations in the area, and was not a volcanic hollow, but just a swampy junction of two streams. Jim Callaway's day walk had 11 people and set out from Waterfall as planned, but the end had to be altered as the Bundeena ferry was cancelled in rough weather.
For the final week-end, Ray Hookway and party of 18 explored around the Colong area, including an ascent of Chiddy's Obelisk above Church Creek. Pat added that Frank Leyden had contributed an additional day walk on July 18, out from Berowra, and that the ridge towards Want trig is fairly well grown over.
Federation Report (reported in the August magazine) was followed by congratulations to Ray Hookway, elected President for the current year.
Now Don Finch cleared his throat, and made a statement for Committee. Because there was a good deal of dissatisfaction with the present club room, several members had investigated a number of alternatives. He listed about 12 places, some of which were far too expensive, most could not give any guarantees of availability on Wednesday as a regular thing, while virtually all could not provide storage space for Club equipment and records.
As a result the Committee considered that a trial should be made of a building owned by the Wireless Institute of New South Wales at Atchison Street, St. Leonards. It was proposed that the first two meetings of September be held there, and on the second (Half-Yearly General Meeting) the desirability of remaining be considered. The main hall was described as spacious and reasonably comfortable, there was space for storage and various other facilities, and the rental be $12 per night.
The question was discussed in a sensible (unemotional) way for some time it was evident some of the few members present were not really happy about the suburban location, and all acknowledged it would be less convenient for members from suburbs south of the Harbour. Some thought it would affect our intake of prospectives: others felt the time was coming when dearth of City halls would force organisations like ours into suburban addresses. Finally Committee's proposal was adopted, with the rider that as much publicity as possible should be given to ensure that there was a good and representative roll-up at the September meeting to make a choice.
With that ended the business side of the meeting, with the time only 9.15 p.m.
News From The Blizzardly, Rugged, North.
At the August General Meeting, Allan Wyborn had some very recent news from Ross and Margaret, who had just come back to their North American address from a mountaineering trip in Alaska, including an ascent of Mount St. Elias, one of the three 18,000ft. peaks of the Northern Rockies. Margaret was believed to have been the first woman climber to top it.
The climb had to be made from sea level, and a good deal of it was over a glacier. During a blizzard the party spent four days in a snow cave at something over 12,000ft. A final camp was made at 14,500ft and the climb to the summit and return had to be made in one day. During their time on the high slopes an avalanche buried one of their intermediate camps, and with it a lot of gear, including skis, and a rapid descent became imperative.
Paddy Made.
In the Spring a walker's thoughts lightly turn to…
What shall we do on the October Holiday week-end?
That long summer holiday. New Zealand? No. Well, Tasmania? Or perhaps just the high country of Kosciusko or 'cross the border around Feathertop and Bogong.
All good places to put your feet during the high summer. Just see that a hard winter and spring trip programme hasn't left your gear run down. And if it has, why, there is
Paddy Pallin Pty. Ltd. Lightweight Camp Gear
69 Liverpool Street, Sydney. Telephone 26-2685
Public Meeting On The Clutha Project.
(When, on the evening of June 28th, a public meeting was held in Sydney Town Hall to consider the implications of the Clutha project member Nancye Alderson was there with her shorthand pencil. The following notes are excerpts from the statements of the speakers)
The meeting was chaired by Alderman Parkinson, who said in his introductory remarks that the deep public concern about the Clutha Development Act was reassuring evidence of the growing public involvement in matters relating to the environment. The view was now held by all responsible people that, in planning for the future development of the State, we must have regard for ecological as well as economic factors. Any Government which ignored this was out of touch with the desires and aspirations of the people.
Alderman Parkinson added that the purpose of the meeting was to examine critically the provisions of the Clutha legislation within the broad context of environmental planning of the welfare of the people.
The next speaker, Mr. D. Thompson, Secretary of Ecology Action said this group had been formed recently by people concerned that action should be taken to protect the irreversible destruction of all forms of life on earth. People did not want to hear that this action (industrial development) was necessary to obtain money for building schools and hospitals, etc. - they wanted to know what was being done to protect the country. An open letter from 700 scientists and technologists published in newspapers recently had warned that the capacity of the environment to renew resources and repair damage was limited, but the Clutha Act had not been drawn up with this in mind.
Continuing, he said the Clutha people had said the main problem was to avoid coal dust, but the scientists have put the issue in the area of environmental disaster. Dutch experts had stated that an expenditure of $28-million was necessary to repair ravages to parts of the Gold Coast through operations like those expected from Clutha.
Mr. Reg Walker, Director of the National Trust claimed the Clutha Act was one of which Parliament should be ashamed. The existing mines surround Lake Burragorang, Sydney's main water supply. Apart from the effect on the water supply, damage has already been done to the landscape, and as the mining is stepped up and the cliff faces crumble, there would be obvious pollution on a grand scale. At Scarborough up to one million tons of coal would be dumped on the escarpment, to be blown by winds who knew where. This coal dump would cover the Domain and Botanical Gardens to a depth of 20 feet.
Mr. Walker asked why the Government was willing to hand over the land to be used by the Clutha concern. He said he thought the answer lay in acceptance of the idea that maximum economic growth was a good thing. However, economic growth had to be judged as much for what it destroyed as for what it created. A few more Cluthas, and there would be nowhere left worth going to.
The Minister for Mines, Mr. Fife, who spoke next, was given a rowdy reception until the Chairman appealed to the meeting to give him a better hearing. Mr. Fife agreed that in a democracy people have the right to question the decision of the Government and to protest. Ho claimed that the need for additional coal loading facilities to service coal fields had become more acute. The export of coal was of great importance to N.S.W., the total demand in 1970-1 being expected to reach 35-million tons. Connected with this was the aspect of employment - there were at present about 14,000 people in the industry, and their continued employment was dependent on the growth of the mining.
Mr. Fife denied that the matter had been decided lightly. The Government felt funds for schools and hospitals should not be utilised to construct such facilities, and it would be best if they were provided by private enterprise. The first meeting with Clutha resulted in rejection of a proposal by the Company, and also one put forward by the Government. An alternative offer to Clutha had been accepted. No part of the Clutha Act would confer any mining rights: proposals submitted by the Company would be open to scrutiny by all Government agencies concerned. Many restrictions had been imposed, and covered control for every conceivable aspect of the project from which pollution might arise.
He was followed by Professor H. Wootton, Faculty of Law, Sydney University, who expressed concern at the way the law-making machinery had operated. He considered open discussion should have taken place before the passage of the Bill. The Account of the debate in Parliament showed how ill-equipped it was to deal with a matter like the Clutha project, and he considered there should be an independent tribunal to consider such schemes and make recommendations. The negotiations, he said, were undertaken in secret by the Parliamentary Ministers, and the nature of the Act would remove the whole project from normal controls.
Dr. Hagen, representing South Coast residents, stated some people came to the area to get away from a place like Sydney. They came on holidays, at week-ends, or on retirement. These people were concerned because of the suspect nature of the proposal, and the arrogant attitude of the company and the Government. He took the view that there had never been any proper examination of alternatives, and considered the Government should institute a full enquiry.
The final speaker reported was Mr. J. Bullbeck, representing Clutha, who also received a noisy reception. He stated that the Company was aware that it is subject to control in every phase of its project; that the Act did not give unlimited powers, and that it would be necessary to measure up to its requirements. He asserted that the Company could contain pollution, that the stockpile on the coastal range would be a carefully engineered arrangement, with a maximum capacity of 600,000 tons. This could be concealed in one of the large depressions on top of the escarpment, and dust-suppression techniques would be designed into the facility.
Mr. Bullbeck claimed that the project would not have any significant deleterious effect on the environment…..“and if you find this hard to accept, we ask you to withhold judgment until you see our final plan”. He also referred to the workers in the industry and their dependants, and said another 1800 jobs would be created in the mining area, and 200 jobs in the Coal Cliff area.
Federation Notes - August 1971.
Ray Hookway.
The August meeting was well attended by 27 delegates and 4 visitors from 15 clubs. Nin Melville immediately moved that the meeting be kept brief to enable members to visit the Wildlife exhibit at the Sydney Town Hall.
This exhibition was quite successful despite poor publicity; the Federation display was well patronized and the comments of visitors were most favourable. Federation wish to thank all those who assisted to make it such a success.
Arnold Ray Legacy.
Arnold Ray's Sister Mrs. Jean Edgecombe made a donation to bring the legacy up to $500.00 prior to donating it to the National Parks and Wildlife Foundation.
Blue Mountains Powerline.
Federation is to seek more details regarding a reported proposal to build a powerline from Minto to Wallerawang via Medlow Gap. Views of the NPWLS, the Water Board and the Blue Mountains City Council are also to be sought on the proposed line.
Any SBW member with knowledge of this proposed Power line is requested to contact me.
Morton National Park.
Wilf Hilder and Spiro Ketas represented Federation at a meeting in the Morton National Park on August 11, to clarify problems of access from the Mongarlowe-Nerriga Road.
The -proposed entrance is via an existing road located about 100 yds east of where the old road entered. Because of the clearing of land the old road is hard to find.
“Corang Trig” and “Bridle Track” signs are to be erected as will also be “No Trespassing” signs, but these latter can be ignored. Walkers are welcome to enter and to camp on the property called Wog Wog but no shooting is permitted.
A visitors' book is to be placed at the end of the road by the NPWLS to check on its use.
Myall Lakes Protest Meeting.
A meeting is to be held at the Anzac House Auditorium in October. See the special notice elsewhere in this magazine.
Have you written to your local member about Clutha yet???? Write about Clutha…. Talk about Clutha…. Keep the protest alive.
The Timeless Land.
by Errol Sheedy.
(As a new member of the Club, I would like to share this poem with my bushwalking friends. You will notice, Helen, it has no rhyme.)
Timeless is the land that looks upon the scene
from unsullied crags of sandstone bluff
and golden green grass against burnt black stump.
Ancient evolved and adapted eucalypt leaves
draped scythe-like in the sun
softly hear the song of the tale eternal.
They are forever,
passing not to oblivion
under the cry of the currawong
seeping through leaning filaments of light
into the clear and rippling plains of time
made endless by no knowledge of their being
hidden in the smoke of the sunlit air.
And ageless are the wanes that surge upon the sand
where footprints make no impress in the bubbling foam,
clearly transient but outlasting
the slowly decomposing seagull
white upon the sullen sand
where skyward grasping talons
tear their way unmoving to the vaultless blue.
A Reminder…… Don't forget the farewell barbeque to the Putts at Dot Butler's home, 28-30 Boundary Road, Wahroonga, 7.0p.m. Saturday, 24th September. Dot says: “Bring your own steaks and eating irons… and sleeping bags if you want to stay the night … plenty of space in the back yard bush.”
And a Smoke Signal from the Putts themselves. Jane writes: “Colin has been transferred to England for 2 years, and leaves at the end of September. The rest of us follow at the end of November.” They have the following disposables.
1. 23ft. ship's longboat built of Kauripine offered for sale at $200.
2. 1958 Dodge 18-cwt. van with side windows, reg. July 72. at $300.
3. A large model electric railway - available either as components or mounted on a board.
There is also Putt Lodge, 65 Burdett St, Hornsby, available for rental for up to 2 years from December 1st, at $40 per week - “a large house, furnished, suitable for a bushwalking family one acre ground in lawn and native plants, 10 minutes walk from Waitara Station with shops school and hospital even closer.”
Telephone 47-3218 if interested in any of these items.
Echoes From The Past - IV.
"Finding the Castle"
by Kevin Ardill.
(Returning to the series of early walking trips in the Northern Budawangs……
After Ray Kirby's exploratory jaunt in 1948 - reported in the May issue - S.B.W. left the Northern Budawangs severely alone for a few years. When others headed in that direction, it was a case of “starting from taws”, as is evident in this story by Kevin Ardill, first published in July, 1955)
I've finally lost my pyjama pants and though this news may not be startling, you're going to hear the story even if it hurts you more than it hurts me. A gent by the name of Frank Leyden is the cause of the sad loss. Would I be interested in a car-cum-walking trip for the Anzac week-end? I had been promising myself a trip with Frank for some time, so, after a short discussion with my car, I pronounced my willingness.
Friday evening saw me dining on de fish and da chips close to Newtown station. I almost choked myself on a large bone when Edna Stretton poked her head through the car window (open), wished me a safe trip (why?), and then headed off to the pictures. Frank and Bill Cosgrove arrived, stowed packs, and at 9.30 p.m. we threw out the anchor at Nowra. There we window-shopped, had coffee, and dozed until an Austin arrived with Jack Gentle and Len Fall. The two cars headed south 12 miles to the Tomerong turnoff. The road from there is not sealed but is in quite fair condition. A large wallaby (or small kangaroo) created a diversion by trying to suicide, but sudden braking allowed him to escape with only a slight bump.
Midnight and Tianjara Creek coincided so we camped alongside the road on a good spot about 60 yards from the creek. Next morning after breakfast and a good look at the falls we continued driving, and about 8 miles beyond the creek stopped to ascertain the whereabouts of a timber track. By a stroke of luck we met a gentleman who has a first hand knowledge of the area. Frank had met him on a previous Ettrema trip, and in no time a pencil and paper was produced. Mr. Sturgiss has a mountain close to the Castle named after him. He drew a map for us, describing rock fissures, barely squeezable, Yadbora watershed and Corang Creek ditto. Mesas and swamps were pencilled in as Mr. S's large black dog sniffed around my lily-white legs.
Thankfully I slid my dry and unscathed legs behind the steering wheel, and bidding good-bye to the spry and helpful Mr. Sturgiss, we swung left along the timber track. For those interested, the turnoff is 23 miles from the main highway and opposite a house. The timber track is reasonable, had had sections of touch-and-go- when the sump touches the ground you go steadily. After one such section, nine miles from the road, I stopped Len and we decided to park the cars. We walked the next two miles on a road that was almost perfect. The rest of the team were beginning to talk to me again as we reached the timber mill. The mill was deserted, but extensive plant, milled timber, and a small hill of burning sawdust showed recent activity (This was the old mill near The Vines, about four miles past Newhaved Gap. With the abandonment of activity at this mill a year or so later, the last few miles of the timber track deteriorated rapidly).
The track continued up the hill and over, and the headwaters of a creek provided an excuse for lunch. I must confess that a glimpse of the country ahead made me extremely dubious of my choice of footwear. I had reckoned there was still a trip left in my Cox River sneakers and had worn them, and now as I chewed I was conscious of the impressive array of sprigged boots surrounding me. Above each boot the shins were encased in gaiters, Jack being the only exception. Somehow my Vita Weets didn't seem as tasty as usual, and when the walk was resumed my feet dragged a little. They dragged a darn sight more when the track ended at the top of a steep slope clothed in thick scrub. Quite casually Frank suggests we shoot down to the creek and up the other side. The 'other side' looking something like the end of Mount Solitary. I'm encouraged no end.
Jack discovered the lawyer vine first, which no doubt inspired him to find an easy way via rock faces down to the creek bed. Vigorous sapling growth and a diagonal course assisted us up the 45 degree slope to the law of rock faces on the other side, where we sidled east. The sidling stopped soon afterwards, and as I sipped water at the foot of a small waterfall, the gang went ahead. By the time I caught up Len and Frank had found an accessible route to the tops and were almost up. The rest of us followed and after ploughing up a scrubby, rocky slope we were rewarded by magnificent views. Below us were the various creeks feeding into the Clyde River, sandstone cliffs yellow in the sun, and Pigeon House majestic in the background.
Then the ridge began to perform like a ridge shouldn't orter. We negotiated two shallow crevasses, but the third was deep and steep. Rock faces to the east wore impassable but the western side seemed to have prospects. Flank produced about 20-foot of sash cord. This, plus teamwork, plus a little gripping with the eyebrows, took us down about 60 feet into an amazing valley (Later called Hopalong's Valley, now Hidden Valley).
There we found ourselves surrounded by rocks of a shape and kind most favoured by producers of Western drama. After waiting a few moments for the non-arrival of Hopalong, we proceeded to the end of the valley. It was quite dry underfoot, and after pulling through medium scrub to a low saddle we caught glimpses of a most extensive valley below us. We plunged immediately into some extremely thick stuff. At the risk of being drummed out of the Brownies, I'll admit I cursed the vines, the ferns, the rotting trees, unpredictable holes, and most the protected legs of my companions. By the time the creek turns into a swamp that blocks our way I am hungrier than a leech for blood - anyone's!
From the head-high brush come complaints of mud and water, so I slip off my socks and seek a crossing elsewhere. I find a good one, and do I tell the others? I do, like H..l, and I'm on the open, dry sward before the damp ones emerge. The timber looked an inviting camp spot, but thick scrub made camping impossible, so we found a spot in the open surrounded by sally gum and scrub. Bill and I walked about a quarter of a mile before the swamp narrowed enough to fill the buckets. (This was the head of Sally Creek - now Styles Creek).
We had decided to leave the tents as a set camp, so at 8.0 clock next morning we packed lunch, etc. in sleeping bag covers and slung them across our shoulders. This valley is about a mile across, so with rock faces to the east, we headed south-west towards a creek and a saddle. There is not much water in this creek - there's no room for it - but there's plenty of 6-ft. sword grass, scrub and fallen trees and at this point I produced my pyjama pants from my pack and put them where they would do most good. We gained the saddle and looked down once more to a creek, and a steep slope up to another rock face. In the creek we encountered thick stuff, but the going from then on was comparatively good. At the foot of the rock faces, we found a series of caves; in one place it was possible to walk under cover for several hundred yards. In the dust were the prints of all types of birds and animals - as Frank expressed it “everything in the bush” - and because of its similarity to another place it was christened “Dingbat Parade”.
After several fruitless attempts to ascend the rock faces we finally found a possibility at the next saddle. Frank and I chimneyed to the tops and after a short looksee we were joined by the others. A quarter of a mile south brought us to a drop of some hundreds of feet, and oh boy! - what a view! Immediately under us was a vast area - probably the headwaters of Corang Creek - then a ridge masking Yadbora Creek, backgrounded by Currockbilly and Budawang Mountains sharply clear. Nearby rain-water pools provided water and with the billy boiling our eyes travelled eastwards to what surely must be the Seven Gods Mountain, and then onwards to two large mountains, one of which could be The Castle. Frank's colour shots will be on show some evening, and I hope some expert can elucidate (The lookout point reached was on the southern tip of Castle Rock massif reference Corang 173466 - not to be confused with the Castle itself, which is about four miles to the southeast. The Castle was probably one of the two big mesas which they sighted).
After lunch we regretfully headed back to where pyjama pants hanging from a tree indicated the position of the chimney. With tender memories of sections of the morning's walk we returned by a somewhat different route. Jack and I considered we should have gone south-east instead of southwest in the morning, so we did a side trip to have a look-see. We got the biggest surprise of the trip. We expected an area ahead somewhat similar to the vast plateau at our back, and instead found the ground falling steeply into rugged deeps of about 1,500-feet. Not one line of rock faces but two rows of them met the eye. A breathtaking view, my little ones: something to be seen to be appreciated.
We returned to our camp feeling extremely contented, had early tea and then talked on the outskirts of a beaut. log fire. A light shower during the evening didn't improve the rest as rain could easily turn the timber track into a horror stretch. The morning was clear as we broke camp and started homewards. When we came to Hopalong's Valley we decided to go straight through instead of returning to the tops. Sure enough, the creek we followed terminated at the shallow waterfall near where we had ascended on the Saturday. So near and yet so far! We could see the smoke from the timber mill on the ridge opposite, and here we were stuck 15ft. above a miniature waterfall.
We turned right, and up we went. We must have spent two hours looking for our original route. We had some wonderful views of Pigeon House, but after a while got sick of charging up and down blind creeks so returned to the waterfall. I had noticed a tree growing close to the rock face and it was still there when we got back. As a special privilege I was permitted to try the tree first. There were no branches between me and the bottom, so I gingerly wrapped my arms and pyjama-clad logs around the trunk, and let gravity do the rest. Then I scouted around and found the way down, instead of letting the others bark their limbs on the tree. A draughty sensation below brings my eyes to my pants. There are more holes than stripes - in fact a complete write-off. I've no heart to continue the story; decide yourself whether we got home or not. No trip is worth such a sacrifice, but if by any chance you are down that way you could do a lot worse than have a stroll around. Valleys on top of ridges, surrounded by rock faces - a topsyturvy area with magnificent views - that's the Castle area. See it yourself.
Of dogs and intelligence……
On a recent day walk, the subject got around to dogs. After someone had averred that greyhounds had less intelligence than most other canine species, Meryl Watman was heard to say her dog (presumably not a greyhound) “know the address of every cat within a radius of two miles”.
Wanted To Buy.
26“ or 28” female dependable bicycle. Heather Williams.
88 9065 (B)
2nd October (Holiday weekend)
Kangaroo Valley
Rodeo & Bush Ball (Sat night)
Youth hostel facilities Available.
Ring 88-9065 (9-5) Heather Williams.
Coming Walks.
- by Pat Harrison, Walks Secretary
October 1,2,3,4 | Snow and Ice climbing Instructional at a location yet to be determined. The snow has been better latterly and no doubt Doone will be well aware of the best place to go. |
October 3 | Meryl Watman has an easy 7-miler on a good track from Waterfall to Heathcote. Ideal for those who cannot get away for the full weekend. |
October 3 | Peter Levander's walk which was programmed for September 26 has been put back to October 3. A very good trip for the genuine walker. |
October 8,9,10 | After being a member for years Jim Vatiliotis at last put a day walk on as a weekend walk, so if you don't turn out I shall never get him to put another one on. Morning tea at Cloudmaker, lunch on Kanangra Creek, a day's loafing, then a half-a-day back to the Walls. |
October 8,9,10 | Federation Search and Rescue Demonstration. Get in touch with Spiro for further details. |
October 10 | Bill Hall has a Test Walk through the Royal National Park from Waterfal1 to Lilyvale. |
October 15,16,17 | A reconnaissance of Growee Gulph and the Bylong Valley. Information gained this weekend will be put to good use on next year's Spring programme. |
October 15,16,17 | Doone Wyborn has a great walk down the track on the Boyd Range to the Kowmung, up Christy's Creek (a short swim through Tagla Rift), then up on to the Colboyd Range and back to the Kanangra Road. |
October 16,17 | Also on the same weekend Jim Brown and Barbara Bruce have an Instructional on and around Mount Banks (the King George that used to be). I doubt whether anyone could think of a better place for an Instructional. |
October 17 | Glenbrook to Glenbrook via the Creek, the river and Euroka. Bit of rockhopping along the creek, but a very pleasant walk from the river back. |
October 22,23,24 | My persuasive powers must have worked well for this programme. As well as Jeemy, here's June Tuffley breaking the ice and putting on a good walk through the best of the Budawangs. A Test Walk, great country, and a fair leader. What more could you want? |
October 22,23,24 | It's Ladies' Weekend without a doubt. Helen Rowen is going to the Bong Bong Picnic Races at Bowral. Stay at the Rowens' at Bundanoon. I don't know whether the Bong Bongers will ever be the same again, after an invasion by the S.B.W. |
October 24 | Owing to unforseen difficulties Peter Levander's walk has been re-programmed to the Colo area. The route will be:- Culoul Range - Boorai Junction - Colo River - Culoul Range. A very good day walk in and out of the impressive Colo Gorge. |
October 29,30 31 | Bill Burke leads a Test Walk over classic ground. Valleys, Mountains, rivers, waterfalls, to delight the eye of the newcomer and to tug at the memory strings of the old timers. |
October 31 | The Honorary Editor concludes the month with a walk in Clutha Country. |
Please remember the December-January-February programme, which is now being compiled, and swamp me with all kinds of walks. Plenty of scope for extended trips over the Christmas-New Year holidays as well as weekend walks to the high country or river trips to the Kowmung, Shoalhaven, Wollangambe and other rivers.
Words of consolation from Bill Cosgrove to Frank Leyden, on the point of the latter's sailing for a couple of years in England; and on the Continent-
“Well, of course, Europe's full of New Australians”
Some good news…..
Natural Areas Ltd. was poised to bid for a desirable piece of land near the northern end of the Myall Lakes area - actually between Wallis Lake and the Ocean - but the glad tidings were received on September 15 that the blocks concerned had been withdrawn from sale, and were to be acquired by the Government as part of a National Park to be established in the area.
….. and some bad news.
The Club's Kangaroo Valley property, Coolana, has suffered the effects of an early bushfire.
As far as can be determined, the burn occurred during the week 6-10 September, and was caused by a fire which started further south-west and came in generally from the direction of the road above the property.
Larger trees are reported to be practically unharmed, and still with green crowns, but is seems likely that most of the small trees planted during the working bee at the end of August have succumbed.
The hut was burned down to its foundations. Some of the adjoining properties are believed to have also suffered fire damage.
Don't forget to ask Bill Gillam -
for his recipe for Chocolate Mousse. As far as can be recalled from his comments in the Club the other night, you take one super tanker ship of over 100,000 tons capacity, wreck it, or blow it up, and scatter its freight over the ocean.
Something between 20% and 40% of the crude oil will not get dissolved or broken up by currents and tides, but will become “Chocolate Mousse”, a disagreeable heavy oil slick, up to some acres in extent, swilling about with the sea for a very long time. Just another disagreeable bit of pollution, and not at all suitable as dessert.
Supplementary Page A
Decision On The Club Room.
As a result of e resolution carried at the September General Meeting, the Club will move to the hall owned by the Wireless Institute of Australis, 14 Atchison Street, St. Leonards for a period of twelve months, and then review the desirability of remaining there.
Because this is a matter of importance to most members, and since the September meeting was held sufficiently early in the month for notes of the debate to be prepared, a summary of the discussion on Club Rooms is given below: it will be excluded from the normal meeting notes in the October issue.
About 62 members were present including people from eastern, southern and western suburbs. In opening the discussion, Don Finch said a tentative agreement with the owners for 18 months' occupation had been prepared but could be cancelled at a week's notice. In answer to a question, a list of other halls in the City area which had been examined and passed over for various reasons, was read.
Craig Shappert then moved the resolution given above. It was supported by Alex Colley, who considered the hall a good one, not much more difficult of access than a dingy place near Darlinghurst we had used for many years. Phill Hall was of the opinion that the room was the most attractive the Club had occupied in his 27 or 28 years' membership.
Your reporter said the lack of storage space at other places for maps, Club records, and particularly the gear loaned to prospectives, was a serious drawback. Club officers might be prepared to bring this stuff in nightly for a few months, but could not be expected to do so indefinitely. Phil Butt moved an amendment that the tenancy be reviewed after 18 months to coincide with the period of the agreement, but his proposal was lost.
Max Crisp was of opposite opinion, and suggested a six months' trial, but after discussion this amendment was also lost.
Almost all speakers agreed that the movement away from the City area was regrettable, and could cause some inconvenience, particularly for members from eastern and southern suburbs. However the concensus of opinion appeared to be that no other really satisfactory alternative was available, and the original motion was adopted without any dissentients.
The diagram published in the August magazine showing the location of the Club room is repeated overpage. Some information regarding public transport services arriving St. Leonards between about 7.0 and 8.30 pm and leaving between 9.0 and 11.0 pm on week nights is also provided.
Supplementary Page “B”
Immediately east of St Leonards Stn. a lane leads off Pacific Highway to the north. Pass this, and continue to Christie Street (hotel on corner). Turn into Christie Street, and almost immediately right into Atchison Street.
(See over page for public transport services into the St. Leonards area)
Notice From The Myall Lakes Committee.
A number of copies of a circular prepared by the Myall Lakes Committee have been received by the Club, and should be sufficient for a notice to be enclosed with most copies of the magazine. An accompanying note from the Acting Chairman of the Committee reads -
“The October 7 meeting to be held by the Myall Lakes Committee will be of vital importance to the campaign for a major Myall Lakes National Park free from mining. It is imperative that we fill or overfill the auditorium, so as to impress the Government with the high degrees of public concern which we know now exists.
Would you please take every opportunity to help conservation achieve another breakthrough, by taking every possible step to persuade members of your Club to attend.”
Supplementary Page “C”
Trains from City
Burwood | 6.46 | 7.9 | 7.25 | 7.41 | 7.55 |
Central | 6.58 | 7.21 | 7.38 | 7.54 | 8.10 |
Wynyard | 7.03 | 7.27 | 7.45 | 8.00 | 8.15 |
St. Leonards | 7.15 | 7.39 | 7.57 | 8.12 | 8.27 |
Trains to City
depart St. Leonards at -
9.21, 9.36, 9.51, 10.6, 10.21, 10,44, 11.12
Trains from Hornsby
Hornsby | 6.43 | 6.54 | 7.08 | 7.23 | 7.38 | 7.53 |
Gordon | 6.56 | 7.07 | 7.21 | 7.36 | 7.51 | 8.06 |
St.Leonards | 7.11 | 7.21 | 7.36 | 7.51 | 8.06 | 8.21 |
Trains to Hornsby
depart St. Leonards at -
9.21, 9.27, 9.42, 9.57, 10.12, 10.27, 10.47, 11.07
Buses from Manly, the Spit & Taronga (via Military Rd.)
Route No. | 144 | 250 | 144 | 250 | 144 | 250 |
Manly | 3.25 | 7.00 | 7.28 | |||
Seaforth | 6.41 | 7.12 | 7.40 | |||
Taronga | 7.06 | 7.49 | 8.27 | |||
Spit Jct. | 6.51 | 7.11 | 7.20 | 7.54 | 7.48 | 8.32 |
St. Leonards | 7.08 | 7.27 | 7.35 | 8.10 | 8.03 | 8.48 |
Route 144 buses to Manly depart St. Leonards at -
9.28, 10.8, 10.48, 11.28
Route 250 buses to Taronga depart 10.8 and 11.10
Buses from Lane Cove, Epping Road & North Ryde
Route No. | 290 | 253 | 288 | 290 | 286 | 290 |
Epping | 6.17 | 7.2 | 7.26 | 8.8 | ||
Denistone East | 7.51 | |||||
Pittwater Rd | 630 | 7.18 | 7.39 | 7.59 | 8.21 | |
Lane Cove Shops | 7.08 | 7.25 | 7.46 | 8.06 | 8.28 | |
St. Leonards | 6.48 | 7.16 | 7.33 | 7.54 | 8.14 | 8.36 |
Route 290 buses to Epping depart St Leonards
9.32, 10.12, 10.52
Route 286 buses to East Denistone depart St.Leonards
9.52 and 10.32
At night Routes 290 and 286 buses divert through Lane Cove Shopping Centre. Route 250 buses to Lane Cove also leave St. Leonards at 9.48 and 10.50 p.m.
Buses from City via Pacific Highway
Route No. | 253 | 290 | 286 | 253 | 290 | 286 | 290 |
Wynyard | 6.34 | 6.42 | 6.53 | 7.07 | 7.15 | 7.35 | 7.55 |
North Sydney | 6.43 | 6.50 | 7.01 | 7.15 | 7.23 | 7.43 | 8.03 |
St Leonards | 6.53 | 7.00 | 7.10 | 7.24 | 7.32 | 7.52 | 8.12 |
Buses to City (Via Pacific Highway) leave St. Leonards-
Route 286 or 290 at 9.13, 9.33, 9.53, 10.13, 10.35, 10.53 and 11.05