A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers, 14 Atchison Street, St. Leonards.
POSTAL ADDRESS: Box 4476 G.P.O., Sydney, N.S.W. 2001.
Meetings at the Club Roams on Wednesday evenings after 7.30 p m. Enquiries regarding the Club - Mrs. Marcia Shappert, Tel. 30-2028.
JULY9 1974.
Editor: Spiro Ketas, 104/10 Wylde Street, Pott's Point, 2011, Tel. 357-1381 (Home)
Typist: Kath Brown
Duplication: Frank Taeker
Business Manager: Bill Burke, 3 Coral Tree Drive, Carlingford, 2118.
The June General Meeting by Jim Brown Page 2
Federation Notes - June Nike Short 3
Easter Quintet Judith Rostron 4
Paddy Pallin Advertisement 6
Central India Helen Gray 8
Letter from Allan Wyborn 10
“Sure by Tummel ” Allen Wyborn 11
Mountain Equipment Advertisement 12
Walks Secretary's Notes for August Bob Hodgson 13
by Jim Brown.
The approaching winter solstice was celebrated by a descent from Olympus - with the President and Secretary seated at tables at floor level instead of in the Pulpit. Three new members were named - Ailsa Hocking and Gee Putting, together with Judith Rostron) who was unable to be present.
The minutes for May were signed as O.K., and after hearing of a small budget of correspondence, resolved to renew subscription to the Australian Conservation Foundation. The Treasurer advised that the working funds at the close of May stood at $11549 having risen somewhat as a result of annual sUbscriptions……..unfortunately, very many were still unpaid.
Quite early in the evening we were at the Walks Report, a sorry account of almost incessant rain and abandoned trips. On the weekend of 17-18-19 May Frank Taeker headed a party of 5 down Springwood Creek to the Grose and back to Faulconbridgeg there was rain, the going along Springwood Creek rather slow, and night camp on Saturday made in an overhang. Hans Beck, scheduled to conduct dne of the day walks was abroad, but Meryl Watman's National Park trip went, although details were unknown.
The same lack of information applied. to Malcolm Noble's Carrington Falls trip, postponed from 17/19 May to 24/26 May. The other two weekend trips set down 'for 24/26 May were plagued by dirty weather, which induced David Rostron's party to switch. from the Guouogang area and join Jim Vatiliotis' team at Kanangra. Here storm and tempest and even some snow put paid to any idea of doing the planned trip and moSt of the crew retreated on Saturday. The same weekend Paddy's Orienteering contest was truncated because of shocking weather, but 17 people competed and veteran “orienteerer” Phil Butt was numbered amongst the winners.
There was no report of Bill Hall's Sunday walk from Waterfall, but it was known that Barry Zieren had cancelled his West Head jaunt, mainly becauSe of storm damage at home during the savage Saturday night.
For the opening weekend in June, with conditions still Exceedingly wet and the countrymciStly awash, Bill Burke cancelled his Splendour 'Rock exploit, and Wilf Hilder's proposed ski tour was also abandoned. On
Sunday, amongst intermittent' showers, Carl Bock took 11 people on his
Dharug Park walk, and if the episode of “stealing” oranges can be over looked, it was a successful venture,
For 7-8-9 June Jim Vatiliotis had Barrington Tops in his sights, and went there with five,citizens,.and actually covered most of the trip despite another snowfall. (Is “Vatiliotis” the original Abominable
Snowman?) Peter Miller's trip also made it to Devil's Rock (or was it
Devil's Rock, asked the reporter). Anyway there was a rock with some fine aboriginal carvings. Finally Sam Hinde's trip had some 18-20 people on an easy stroll along Cowan Creek, with an uncommonly early finish about 3.0 p m.
Practically all the remainder of the meeting was taken up with discussion of Federation's proposed statement on its conservation objectives. These had been pre-considered by our Committee and the Conservation Secretary, and there were comments on each of the six major points in the Federation proposal.
General agreement was to be found for Point 1, that the principal goal should be preservation of areas of bush parkland, while Point 2 was accepted as a statement of method rather than policy. On Point 39 relating to development of existing bushland parks, the view was taken that the target should be acquisition of additional bush reserves while land was available, rather than expenditure on facilities in established parks. Point 4 - fees for use of parklands - brought comment that it was difficult to define the status of people entering bush parks, and perhaps not our function to advise the Parks Service, but a case might be made
for small entry fees for those who obtained passive enjoyment, as compared with motorists, whose activities required expenditure on certain facilities. In Point 5, the Federation sought a policy of equality for all - if limitations had to be imposed on the number of parkland visitors, then it should be “first come first served”: this brought some debate in which it was suggested that Federation's aim was to get away from preferential treatment of any group or type of park visitor. Our general feeling again was that the walker or preservationist should perhaps receive some favoured consideration over, say, a trail-bike rider. With Federation's final point 6 we were in full agreement - maintenance of liaison with the Park Service in order to express walker opinions and also to obtain notice
of proposals to restrict usage of parks or portions of parks (e g. camping at Burning Palms).
When all that was said, we could call a closure with the clock showing 9.20 p m.
FEDERATION NOTES - JUNE. by Mike Short. Federation of Bushwalking Clubs meeting held 18th of last month:
1. Lithgow police have roomfull of gear donated from 300 cars in the area. Please contact the Lithgow Police 063-512-229 or Lithgow 2229.
2. Storage of log book on Cloudmaker will be improved by C.B.C.
3. The Federation conservation committee will re-hash its policy on Parks.
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: Full Members $7.00 lasa. Harried Couples $9.00 p a.
Full-time StudentS $3.50 p a.
Non-active Members $1.50 p a.
by Judith Rostron.
Nobody. was' really optimistic about the weather for our trip to Jagiangal:, aS dark forebodings had been.-relayed over the media for the past few, days. …However,- our spirits were high as David and. I -collected MalcO/M Noble from his home in pelting rain and we proceeded to Jindabyne where we were to meet up with Spiro Ketas and. Rosemary Edmunds. We all breakfasted and tried tc*make jokes about 'the weather as we looked across the lake at Jindabyne .'for I shoul& say, where the lake 'should have been, becauSe it was raining so. hard that all. view was -obliterated! I. However, it was
decided to. go to Munyang Power Station, and at least, in Whatever weather (z)
walk up the achlink Pass to the Schlink Hilton. Here at least we could
pass' the time playing'. cards, reading or“. whatever, and no matter what the' weather did. we: would. have dry beds and' luxuries like an inside loo, and', we would_n't feel 'we had come all. the way from Sydney merel3r to turn around and: returns
There was always that remote possibility of ',course, which we. didn't
like to think about too much, that the weather might actually clear. :Superstitiously we didn't discuss this matter very, much in case we jinxedourbelVes.
_By the time we. reached Munyang the weather had. given way to only occasional spitting showers, but still looked very threatening and dark. It was sufficiently cold that we didn't suffer very_ much from overheating when we made.' the .steeP climb., up the pass., We were very -well equipped at this stage to meet all eventualities we, had brought a pack of cards and.- a few ,books,, and the,lothers had brought reading matter as well,. Rosemary' was.,thost, considerate and. brought her umbrella!!! She reasoned that -if-we were going to be stuck in a hut all weekend in the rain we n;Light as- well have an umbrella for brief forays outside without having to get completely rigged up. Still, we had quite a laugh, because there is no doubt a. - bushwalker strikes quite a comic figure wearing a haversack and carrying an umbrella!
The Schlink Hilton looked most Welcoming'and was fortunately empty when we arrived. After a couple of hours we felt quite at home and rather possessive with all our things scattered around and a warm fire glowing in both the kitchen and the living' room,. Between us we must have had about enough food for 20 people because I think we had All felt, that eating would have been a very'good war to spend some of the time in 'a hut all weekend. This thought must have jinxed our solitude because about, 4.00. p m. in trooped six people 'three couples, who as well as being very noisy, seemed to have twice'as' many things as we did. Confusion reigned. We' finally sorted ourselves out, but by then about another four very wet people staggered in and the whole Process was repeated. We Managed to prepare” 'a meal and scuttle out of the way as quickly as possible. Unfortunate;y,the.:three
couples hadn't done much Walking before and' had Come prepared to'really'
LIVE IT UP, and had brought with them quite a few bottles of wine, liqueur etc. to help them recover from the rigors of their walking. So they caroused until quite late and must have felt rather annoyed. when we turbed them early in the morning
The next day looked rather brighter and. we thought it was worth while
Page 5 . THE.SYDNEY BUSHWALKER . July, 1974.
pushing on towards Jagungal - anything to escape the overcrowded hut. So we set off along the road and soon turned off to go cross-country over the Kerries and then to Mawsons Hut. Maws ens Hut made us realise what luxury we had experienced at the Schlink Hilton. None of us wanted to think about what it would have been like to spend the night at Mawsons Hut with 15 people!
There were some interesting old maps and photographs at Mawsons which pro-
vided a diversion, and we also discovered some very old tins of bully beef which must have been rations left over from the last war. Pity help the poor desperate souls who have to resort to them! The weather at this time was breaking, with patches of sun, although it was still very cold.
We crossed the Valentine River and found a truly beautiful camp site
in amongst the snow gums within sight of Jagungal. This was bliss after the musty mattresses and dust of the huts, even without an inside loo. We had to dive for cover now and then from icy rain, but Fm sure we all appreciated the tranquility of this lovely spot.
We set up camp and after lunch we made for Jagungal, and had fine clear views when we reached the top. Of course we had the odd bit of sleet, but I found myself more affected by the altitude than the weather. I had to stop every 20 yards or so going up the steep grade to catch my breath and everyone else left me way behind, However I took advantage of these enforced stops to take some photographs which later turned out rather well,
We didn't take long with our climb, and managed to get back to the camp before dark. We had the most magnificent dinner. All I seemed to do all weekend was eat, and actually came home weighing more than when I lefty despite all my exertions! As there were only five in the party there was a lot of pooling of food which made life more interesting when you could taste a bit of everything, and everyone joined in the conversation without anyone staying in the background just listening..
On the Sunday morning the weather was bright and clear, although our tents had frozen stiff overnight. I wasn't as clever as David who had put his shoes under the groundsheet, and I found that even though my shoes had been actually inside the tent, they were frozen too. I then discovered that it is very difficult to put on frozen Volleys, and there was many a huff and a puff before I could stagger around with my shoes on, creaking at every step, The Finches had offered us the hint that if there was snow on
the ground, wearing plastic bags over your socks kept your feet dry walking
in the snow, even though the shoes still became wet. So we had come prepared with our plastic bags, and these kept our feet protected from the frozen shoes. -
We took off towards the Grey Mare Range and felt as though we were on top of the world. Walking along we noticed that some ice crystals had been raised 4“ off the ground by the frost. With the weather bright and
sunny we couldn't have hoped for anything more, Jagungal seemed to change
in shape and colour from every aspect and I collected quite a few photographs of its different moods0
We made our way to the foot of Valentine Falls. I felt like some
Page 6 THE SYDNEY BUSHWAMR July, 1974.
Lightweight bushwalking
and camping gear.
This capacious pack can comfortably carry 70 lbs or more. The bag is made from tough lightweight terylenet cotton, proofed fabric with special P.V.C. reinforced base-. Bag size 20' x 17” x 9“ and has proofed nylon extension throat complete with double draw cord for easy positive closure. The large protective flap has full sized zip pocket of waterproof nylon. It has liberal sized outside pocket. The whole bag is quickly and easily detached from the frame to form a 3' sleeping bag cover for cold, wet conditions. The frame is specially designed for comfortable load carrying with complete nylon -web back harness and chrome tanned leather shoulder straps and three inch breeching strap for long hard wear. Weight Bibs.
This 'shaped' rucksack is excellent for children. Use- full day paak. Weight 14ozs.
A single pocket, shaped rucksack. Suitable for overnight camping. Weight 11141bs.
Has sewn-in curved bottom for extra comfort in carrying. Will hold 30Ibs. 2 pocket model l'Albs. 3 pocket
model 11/21bs.
Extra large bag with four external pockets and will carry about 40lbs of camp gear. Weight Vilbs.
Hooded bag. Extra well
filled. Very
Approx 314Ibs.
Super warm box quilted. Added leg room.
Approx 41Mbs.
weight and packed size of regular bags.-” x 514“ die. 2lbs.
Everything for the bushwalker, from blankets and air mattresses, stretchers, boots, compasses, maps, books, stoves and lamps to cooking ware and freeze dried and dehydrated foods.
69 LIVERPOOL ST. SYDNEY 26-2686 61-7215
explorer breaking unknown territory. They seemed so remote and wild.
We had lunch at the foot of the falls to prepare us for the ghastly scrub bash up the side of the falls. This was my unfavourite part of the weekend, and I won't dwell on this dreadful ascent, Enough to say that the falls were a sight that made it all worthwhile.
Our campsite for Sunday night was back past the Schlink Hilton and right up on the Pass. Again we were in amongst the snow gums but we were in a more sheltered spot and didn't suffer quite so much from the cold weather this night.
Monday morning was spent walking across the Rolling Grounds. Again
I had the sensation of walking on top of the world. It was just delightful to be able to walk over grass, grass and more grass in every direction. Sudden outcrops of huge rounded boulders were grouped in such a way that. they looked as though they were holding “conference” on the top of hills. We came across a lot of what looked like huge telegraph poles. That were they? Where had they come from? We speculated as to how they had even got there, but couldn't come up with any constructive ideas.
We were up the side of Mt. Tate when all of a sudden David said he was in the most awful pain. In fact he lay down in the dead snow daisies and looked as if he was in absolute agony. It seems he had hurt his back some way or other and all at once he couldn't lift his feet without
experiencing very bad back pain. However, after a while, he said he could go on slowly as long as he didn't try to lift his feet, but just slid them along the ground. (Think about trying to climb a mountain without lifting
your feet!) I took over his pack and Spiro very kindly took mine (which
was lighter), and eventually we arrived at a sheltered spot where we could have some lunch, We left David wrapped warmly in a sleeping bag, lying down, while the rest of us climbed. Tate. Another clear blue day and we had excellent views looking down onto Guthega Dam.
After lunch David said he would go on ahead while we cleared up, and would meet us later. So when we took off we couldn't see him at all.
Eventually we scrambled down through horrible thick damp scrub and arrived
hot and muddy at the stream at the bottom of the ridge. All this time we were thinking, “Poor David having to stagger down through all this ghastly scrub”. Poor David nothing He had managed to find the ski tow route which was a cleared path straight down the next ridge further around!: So luckily he had been able to come down without too much pain.
Rosemary and I were feeling rather tatty after our rough scramble down, so we sent Malcolm and Spiro off to Where Da7id was and plunged into this very inviting little pool to try to freshen up a bit. We didn't linger there I really felt I might have frozen solid if I had stayed any longer; It was a most invigorating dip and we both felt much better for it.
David and I then left for home and the others returned with Spiro in his car. I believe they had an interesting time comparing notes with
SOB W. members of Phil Butt's loila party when they all met up in Gouiburn.
CENTRAL INDIA. by Helen Gray.
Illustrations also by Helen Gray.
The temples of Khajuraho
in Northern India were not the only
ones “lost” for many centuries, escaping the Noghuls sweep of destruction. At Sanchi, in Central India, a group of stupas (large
solid hemispheres containing relics of Buddha) was built about the 3rd Century B.C. A number of shrines, monasteries and temples were added
over the next 1,000 years, and then……? The rediscovery in
,=, 1818 gave “archaeologists” a
- chance to gather much loot.
However, the ramaining stupas,
with their encircling stone fences,
and gateways so intricately carved, are in remarkably fine condition today.
After leaving Khajuraho, Frank and I had spent the night perched
on chairs (to get away from the rats) in a railway waiting room; by morning the night train was still not in sight, so we caught a bus
heading south. On this bus we befriended a Sikh who, on being questioned about food cooking on street stalls, insisted on buying us samples. Of course we had to eat them.- and they were delicious! (Since arriving
in Delhi we had eaten only 2 breakfasts and 2 teas in 5 days, plus some bananas, guavas and peanuts, and those few “spicy things” - e g. chillied potato crisps - given to us in another village.) After this day, we bought anything We SaW and fancied, and never suffered a moment's illness.
(Well, Frank did have stomach cramps after eating 6 unripe guavas, but India's hardly to blame for that.)
We changed buses in picturesque country towns, and had plenty of time
to wander through the markets and talk to people. At Lalitpur, we had about 100 people encircling us, staring; they Obviously saw very faw. Europeans. One young man who was talking to me casually reached over and pinched me hard on the breast, without even pausing in his speech! At the next village, Frank was given betel nuts with pan leaves to chew, and for the rest of the day had the bright red mouth and lips, and purply gums characteristic of the addicts, and looked just as repulsive.
The last leg of our journey to Sanchi, that night, was in ,a taxi (a minute car) with 7 others. We were soundly abused by people in the
car and out for not moving up (where?) to make roam for more; they shouted, we shouted, and the car radio, with a large speaker behind the back seat, played Indian pop-music at ear-hurting pitch. The yelling and pushing
(3.2 4 31
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went on for half an hour, one more was finally squeezed in, and we moved off. That 20 minute journey - the crazy fast driving and the din - is probably my only really unpleasant memory of India.
N, 1m.
We woke early in Sanchi, and walked up an avenue of lemon-scented gum 'S and silky oaks to the hill with the shrines. As Owen had promised us, there was no one else there. We each wandered in separate directions, enjoying the peace and silence, and the beauty of the stonework, and of the countryside below. The area has a religious calm even today.
Alanta and Ellore.
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The 10 hour train journey across Central India was mainly in the night, perched on a slatted seat (already mentioned in a previous article). We were far from fresh when we arrived at Ajanta, although our sense of wonder was not diminished. Here the artists of 2,000 years ago carved temples oUt of solid basalt. In a horseshoe-shaped cliff are no less
than 29 temples, some of the rooms spanning 100 ft. (George says it can't
be done hecause rock has little tensile strength. Luckily, the sculptors knew neither physics nor George.)
In 18199 we are told, a British hunting party stumbled across this horseshoe-shaped gorge, with its waterfall and cascading river below. The gorge itself must have been a spectacular find, but the caves….1 Even more exciting must have been the moment when they entered them and saw the wonderful wall paintings depicting the life of Buddha. The figures in
the paintings are beautifully life-like; there are no rigid poses or fixed expressions, and the colour and tone is rich and bright. Even today the temples are not lit, except by hand-held lights, and as we wandered about with our torches we understood the excitement of that discovery last century.
!VP .fflf Iwo 1MM
, Our day ended at nearby- Aurangabad, in a lodging house. Two of the
. rules of the house were (1) Hot water for Showers available at 7.a m. (2) Premises must be vacated at 7 a m. We were too weary to care.
Page 10 T. BUSHWALaa. July!, 1974.
When we flopped into our 'beds we had had 42 hours without a sleep.
Ellore cave temples are just as fantastic. The Buddhists, Hindus
and. Jains all carved temples here, 34 in all, once again in basalt. (Ever
tried even chipping basalt?) Suoh religious fervour mubt surely have no
parallel. Ellore has one temple that defies comparison. (As with the pyramids of Egypt, one doesn't even. try.) It is the Kailasanatha Temple. Starting at the top of the cliff, the Stone cutters removed some 3 million cubic feet of rock, forming a pit 107 feet deep, 276 feet long, and 154 feet wide, leaving a huge block in the centre, whioh was carved into a colossal temple. The temple itself is multistoried, and haa courtyards, staircases and balconies, and all are intricately carved.
At dusk, when all other tourists and buses had gone, we wandered (very slowly, as I'd fallen earlier and wrecked my ankle) past the temples
and up and over the hills to an old Moghul town 2 miles away. From here
we caught a bus the first leg of our mad rush to reach Mysore, in Southern India, and meet George, Owen and Marion Lloyd.
1,500 kilometres, and 2 days to get there: Did we make it? See
the next episode.
4th July, 1974. S.B.W. Dear Editor,
Herewith an offer for the magazine. We are 60 miles above the Arctic Circle, in dull weather, 'waiting on the midnight sun, which
is supposed to shine 24 hours a day for 6 weeks. However, it is light all the time. As I write this in daylight it is almost midnight. We are camped in the wilds, surrounded by snow peaks. Outside our van, about 50 yards away is a magnif-!_cent silvertailed arctic fox and three large
cubs, running about and otlivious to us. Now a larger male fox has joined
them with a large bird in its mouth. Norway is great, with fjords, lakes, waterfalls, mountains and fine forests. Animals are here but timid. We saw two moose only 70 yards away last night.
Enjoying our trip, we have already- tcured the Americas from Alaska to Patagonia, We came across from Now York by boat to Spain in March,. crossed to Morocco, then back through Spain, France and the British Isles. Back to Belgium, Holland, West Germany, Denmark and now Norway. From here, we are going south around the rest of Europe, before going to Katmandu.
Alice and I are both well and having a great experience. Cheerio till 1975, (Ps. 170 will be at the following address till the end of
September, if anyone would oarr to rIritc. I would like to 1-ear of the Club.)
Allan Wyborn, 40 Ludlow Way, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth, Herts, England.
by Allan Wyborn.
Highland Scotland can be very beautiful in the spring and if the weather is good. The glens and vales have trees and grass of a soft
green not usually seen in Australia. Offsetting this is. the brown heather of the uplands, bare of trees, capped with light grey rocks under clear blue skies. The spring of 1974 in Scotland started out very dry and finished wet.
The turnoff to Loch Tummel and Loch Rannock is two miles north of Pitlochry in the Scottish Highlands, and just before the beautiful pass of Killiecrankie. These names had been like a legend to me ever since I was
a boy, and now we were about to see them. We had even just “come back from
the Isle of Skye. The weather had been unkind to us at SnoWden in Wales, at Ben Nevis and the Cairnghorms in Scotland climbing in thibk mist is never very rewarding and now we hoped for some walking, as the weather was improving. A few miles along from the turnoff on a glorious late afternoon we had our first glimpse of Loch Tummel from the Queen's View, a wonderful sight, as the loch stretched away well below us for six miles through a wooded valley.
Camping by the loch shore that night at Ardgualich we had a marvellous view from a grassy bank one hundred feet above the water, and an island with many trees right in the foreground. Cows and blackfaced highland sheep wandered at will around our van. The lambs were intriguing with their black legs and heads and snowy white body fleeces. It was still light at
11 p m. as we walked around the loch shores and watched the colourful sunset.
Next day, however, the wind and clouds were there again, but without the rain. We drove on up the valley along Loch Tummel, the River Tummel and Dunalistair Reservoir, and noted several power stations ed by aqueducts from lochs high in the Grampian Mountains. Loch Rannoch then stretched about eight miles up towards the snowtipped Grampians, and is about one mile wide. At the eastern end of the loch is the picturesque village of Kinloch Rannoch, with sturdy houses, hotels and a church all in grey stone. Walking along the north side of Loch Rannoch among beautiful trees and fern undergrowth, we looked. back on the south side of the loch to see a sharp pointed mountain. Weather permitting we would climb this mountain. Returning to Kinloch Rannoch we made enquiries. It was Mount Schiehallion, a mere 3,547 feet high, but starting almost at sea level, it is quite something for Scotland. We crossed the river on a stone bridge built in
1704 by Hexpress command of His Majesty King George 111”, and with “moneys extracted from surrounding estates”, and drove seven miles east to a house called Braes of Foss.
The presence of half a dozen parked cars indicated this was the start of the walking track up Schiehallion, and although the weather was threatening, and it was 4 p m., we started off, knowing there were still many hours of daylight. The sharp point of the mountain was not seen from this aspect, and it looked more like a heathercovered sugarloaf shapes with a relatively level top ridge about two miles long, barren and stony like
* *-X-*-X-*-X-*X X XXX
MOUNTAIN x x x*.x-x-x–x-x-x
X X X4-*
17 Alexander Street, Crow's Nest9 2065. (On the corner of Falcon Street) Telephone 439-3454.
HIGH LOAD PACKS (Weight 3 lb 10 oz
* * * * * * *
most of the mountain tops here. The track up is well graded, and is a delight to walk on because of the heather, grass and soft earth underneath. Being May the heather was not in bloom, and was a drab brown colour. August is the time for their beautiful pink blossoms. On reaching the top ridge at about 32000 feet the track became very stony.
The vistas opened up from here on both sides were very extensive, with Loch Tummel and Loch Rannock surrounded by heathercovered hills,
pine forests and fields for many miles. Way over in the Lochaber district about thirty miles to the west was Ben Nevis, Great Britain's highest mountain at 4,400 feet. Although the weather was dull we enjoyed the views, but the cold wind coming over the ridge from the south was biting, and fog was starting to close in on the topmost point. It had snowed yesterday, and we had visions of more snow, so beat a hasty retreat to the comparative shelter of the north side of the mountain.
Most of the mountains we have seen here are relatively easy going, having nothing very precipitous, with perhaps a few exceptions such as the Black Cuillins on Skye, and some of the Cairnghorms. The biggest hazard is fog, which is often present or closes in very quickly. Walkers often get lost for days in such conditions. To us the heights were very small after being at 17,800 feet in the Andes.
by Bob Hodgson.
29 39 4 - Now that you have all got over that nasty flu, it's about
August time you got out there for a bit of exercise. And Kathie Stuart's test walk out along Narrow Neck to Splendour Rock is just the answer. Good tracks and terrific scenery all the way.
29 3, 4 August
Sunday 4
Sunday 4,
99 109 11 August
9, 10, 11
Come along and knock a little of that rust off your crampons with Malcolm Noble practicing ice and rock climbing techniques on his ski tour from Guthega to Blue Lake and return. Non climbers also catered for.
Sunday is fun day with Owen Marks on his delightful day test walk out along the Wanganderry tops from Malcolm's Farm to Bonnum Pic, with its panoramic views of the Wollondilly. Owen intends to camp Saturday night at Malcolm's Farm.
Sam Hinde invites you to accompany him on his Sunday stroll in the Heathcote Primitive Area to Trailers Lake.
Get away from it all for a weekend with Rosemary Edmunds in the ever popular Cox's River country. Camp at beautiful Konangaroo clearing good tracks most of the way.
Wilf Hilder is off to the snow country, touring from EucUMbene to Mt. Jagungal2 a long hard trip but worth every ache and pain on Monday.
10, 11 - A Saturday morning start on this classic test walk with Bob
August Younger over Mt. Solitary, encompassing the view from Echo Pt. to Wentworth Falls.-
Sunday 11 - David Ingram invites ygu to join him on a stroll out to Bush- walkers Basin from Minto, an excellent opportunity to revisit
an old favourite area.
16, 179 18 - George Gray and Snow Brown each leading a party will plod off
August down the Wolgan and Capertee rivers respectively. If the cartographer and their cartology i8 correct they should meet and camp together half way.
Sunday 18 - Bill Hall, that gentleman bushwalker, will welcome your company in that much walked area from Waterfall to Otford. Lots of fresh air and sunshine?
239 249 25 Myall Lakes again. If you missed the June trip now is your
August opportunity to join Tony Denham to visit this uniquely-beautiful area with its aquatic. wild life and breathtaking views.
239 249 25 - August
A spot of ski touring up the northern end of the Snowy Mountains with Wilf Hilder from Kiandra to Nine Mile Open Cut. Book
early for this trip.
Helen Gray and Owen Marks are combining their talents on this HawkeSbury River views walk from Wiseman's Ferry.
Heathcote to Engadine, a nice easy Sunday stroll with Meryl Watman'along good tracks and pleasant Royal National Park scenery.
Sunday 25 -
Sunday 25 -
30, 31 - Mike Short has selected his favourite walking country to
August, welcome in the spring. The Nattai from Hilltop, returning
1st Sept. by aroute that Mike knows best.
309 31, 1 - Spectacular views await the viewing on this Glen Davis, Wolgan and return by two different but energetic routes. Peter Miller will be there cracking the whip to make sure you derive maximum enjoyment.
Sunday , Gladys Roberts will be conducting a tour of the Kuring-gai
1st Sept. Wildflower Garden on this, the first day of spring.
Sunday - Bundeena to Audley with David Ingram is the theme on this
1st Sept. day test walk. Views of Port Hacking and the big smoke.
The Spring Walks Programme (September, October, November) is being prepared. Please see Bob Hodgson to let him know what 'walk you intend to lead. Or send details by post to S.B.W. postal address Box 4476 G.P.0.2001,