e Sy US walker. A MONTHLY BULLETIN OF MATTERS OF INTEREST TO THE SYDNEY BUSH WA LKERS, - -BOX 4476 G. P. O. SYDNEY, N. S. W. 2001. CLUB -MEETING. S..- ARE HELD EVERY– - WEDNESDAY EVENING FROM 7.30 P.M. AT THE WIRELESS INS'TITUTE BULLDING, .14 ATCHISON STREET, ST. LEONARD& ENQUIRES CONCERNING THE CLUB SHOULD BE REFERRED TO MRS. MARCIA SHAPPERT - TELEPHONE 30. 2028. APRIL 1975. Editorial Page 2. On Top of Old Baldy Jim Brown 3. Paddy's Ad 6. It Was Hell Out There Peter Miller 7. The Annual General Meeting Neville Page 8. Obituary 11. The Wallaby's Walking Stick Kath McKay 11. Mountain Equipment Ad. 12. The 1975 S.B.W. Reunion Neville Page 14. Coelana Hut Dot Butler 16. Scial Notes for May Spiro Ketas 16. Walks Secretary's Notes Bob Hodgson 17. Federation Notes 18. EDITORS: SPIRO KETA S, 104/10 WYLDE STREET, POTP S POINT. TEL. 357. 1.38 / ( H) NEVILLE PAGE, 14 Bill./ C.EDALE AVENUE, EPPING. TEL. 86. 3739 (I-I) rant: KA TH BROWN DUPLI CA TION: FRANK TAERER Page 2 TI-.3E SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1975. EDITORIAL. SPIRO: Congratulations Co-Editor Page on your appointment to Joint Editorship of this august journal. NEV: Thank you Co-Editor Ketas; it is an honour indeed, and may I congratulate you also. SPIRO: Your wishes are appreciated. Let us hope our joint-gfforts will be..fraitful. NEV: Let us hope so Co-Editor Kotas. SPIRO: The question, Co-Editor Page, is how to divide our respons ibilities. REV: -That-shbUldn't present -too great a problen-C6-Edito'Ketas. That would you like to edit. SPIRO: Since you've given me first choice, Co-Editor Page, 1 would like to edit, evergthing to do with food and drink. I'll be the Editor of Gourmet matters, especially restaurant review6'4 NEV: An excellent idea; and talking about reVieW, I coUid'do bOok reviews,.provided of course that the publishers Provide free. copies of the books to be reviewed. And what about entertainments.;-plays and-conoertsouldbe -in your line no doubt. SPIRO: Indubitably so, and you would look after the opera and ballet. NEV: How kind of you to suggest it Go-Editor Ketas. But did I hear someone mention something about Editorial writing. SPIRO: Editorials: Don't look at me, I can't write. Anyway you need ideas to write editorials. MIT That's terrible! I'm no good at thinking. Let's forget about editorials for the time being. I suppose someone should be responsible for social notices and announcements. SPIRO: And Federation notes and general meeting reports. REV: Not to mention walks announcements Co-Editor Ketas. SPIRO: That reminds me Co-Editor Page; I suppose we should have some articles on Bushwalking. REV: Great Scott Co-Editor Ketas, C almost forgot! What should we do about that? SPIRO: I have a wonderful idea. REV: Yes, Co-Editor Ketas? SPIRO: We could leave all those things for Kath Brown to look after. 11EV Brilliant my good man, brilliant! You know something Co-Editor Ketas? SPIRO: What is that Co-Editor Page?
MTV: I think we have the beginnings here of a good magazine. SPIRO: I'll drink to that. xxxxx* aiEe 3 THE STINEY BliUnALKER Ai'rii -19754 ON TOP OF OLD BALDY. by Jim Brown. From Wog Wog Mountain the Budawang Range turns south, and rises towards Currockbilly (3707'). Next there is a deep saddle, then another higher section, a further saddle and finally the ridge climbs to its crown at Mt. Budawang (3727'). Of course, the Budawangs north and. east of Wog Wog /lave been OUT regular playground for almost 20 years, but this southerly extension, which includes the two highest points in the range, is comparatively little trodden, although in a club magazine circa 1;47-8 there is an account of a visit by Prolix and his wife Prolixia (I think either the Kirkbys or the Nobles, but I wouldn't swear to it). Perhaps one reason why walkers don't pay much heea to this area is because the logical way to “do” Mts. Currockbilly and. Bu-lawang is as day- walks from the liongarlowe Road on the western side, where the average height of land is about 2200 ft and the climbs steep but not very long. Any approach from the eastern side involves heart-breaking scrambles up ridges littered with broken cluartzite rocks. Any attempt to follow - along the crest of the range is the sort of trip you would wish only on your worst enemy: apart from the two high tops there are few vantage spots and the going is pretty rough. I can say this much without having done more than a fraction of the range-top between Wog Wog and Budayang. So day-walks are the sensible way to the high spots of Currockbilly and Budawang and the views are most spectacular and rewarding - that is, if ever you can catch them without clouds dwelling around. I tel3 you, Mt. Cloudmaker doesn't get to first base in his profession when compared with these two south coast cousins. I first came to Currockbilly over 13 years ago, and although the mists swirled over from the east just as I reached the top from the west, I sw enough to came back half a dozen times in the intervening years, each time hoping to get favourable photographic conditions. So far I have succeeded only once and then the back plate of the camera became detached in a knock against a rock on the way down and everything was hopelessly fogged. My last bid in September 1974 was like one of its predecessors. Clouds blew up when I was within 500 feet of the C-wn so I stopped where I was for half an hour and descended through mist which hung around all night and into the following morning. However, in discussions with the farmer at the property Valeston on the Mongarlowe Road I heard that a jeep trail had been pushed through to the top of Mt. Budawang, a few miles south. Budawang has a top covered with scrubby heath and so it is locally known as Balay; or affectionately “Old Baldy”. Ebbarked on a week's walking in the Budawang country during February, I planned to devote two days to Mts. Budawang and Currockbilly (7th repeat). For the first few days I fed the leeches in the eastern segment of the range, while the weather wept almost daily, then made my way via Bat emans Bay, Clyde Mt. and BTLIamood to the villago of Mongarlowe. Enquiry elicited that one takes the Toad turning east at Mongarlove, continues .-N rage 4 THE SYDNEY BUSIIVIALKER April, 1975. left at the fork marked “Budavrang”, then bears right at a couple of subsequent road jun ctions, passing through property gates marked “Bud aw-an g” (how obvious!) and finally coming to an old farm hou amongst pine trees. Here I should leave the vehicle (unisass it was fourwheel drive). An e3derly man apparently lives alone at the old farm and he assured me that bulldozers and graders had been working on the track to the mountain and it should be feagible to drive another couple of miles to the foot of the first steep pinch. On his advice I continued about 300 yards past his gate to a left branch road, which descends as a red soil surface across his paddocks. One look at that slippery trail and I left the car there. After rain it would bog a Centurion tank I believe. ThereIs not much to re,lord about the way up. At first the track iveaves around a Mt, working its way on to a suitably graded ridge, then it rises pretty steeply. For February it was a cool morning., but I didnIt hurry, as the sky was showing patches of blue and with a fair wind I was hopeful the cloud cover would disperse later. The ascent took about 21 hours, the last few hundred yards being on the “baldy” heathy top. Right on the summit is a firewatcher's lookout, about 15 ft. above the ground, just a squarish box without any furniture, about 8 ft. each ways with the whole upper half c: *the walls made of sliding glass panels. The wind was nippy, so I pulled a jumper on and found I could slide the windows and get into the cage. The view was a true cyclorama. How do you compare it with Cur-rockbilly? Tell, C`u_rrockbilly is more dramatic, because of the rockspined buttresses that cascade away to the east. Budawang with its flatter crown offers no immediate charms it is the tremendous distant views that grip one east to the sea;. north and northeast over the whole Budawang region; west and. outhwest to the farmlands around Braid-wood and. beyorel towards Canber ra, including the Tinderry Deaks, zouth over the coastal ranges that lie inland from Batemans Bay and tioruya. There was a fly in the ointment, of course. Streamers of cloud were catoldng at most of the high points. Storm clouds, savage black and white cum-lonitibus, hung around. on three sides 7 trailing grey veils of rain smalls at half a dozen points. I took a couple of slides for the recori and then several others which I hoped might capture the threaten iw mood_ of advancing storm. Then I sat on the floor of the elevntedbat and had lunch, rising periodically to check the progress of the cloua formations. It took quite a while for the storm to develop more than an hour. after I Ise reached the hut but when it did it was sudden and furious. Visibility dropped to a hundred yards of' cowering, rainsoaked heath, -6courgedly a wind which drove sheets of almost horizontal water before it. It girt colder. In the hut was a thermometer used to calculate relative :timidity 8nd the dry bulb showed 14C. The wet bulb, ridiculously, skowed 16 C9 but the wick which brings water up from the little reservoirigas dry and so it wasn't functioning correctly. At least during the next couple of hours I studied the tables for calculating Pace 5 THE SYD:TEY BUSHTALKER April, 1975. humidity from the comparative readings and became satisfied there couldn't be a relative humidity of about 110% as suggested by the two columns of mercury. - It had been about 2.30 p m when the squalls hit, and by 3.0 p m. I was getting fed up with the repetitive naturJ of lashing wind and rnin. It was also colder - 120 C on the dry bulb, so I sat down on the bare wooden floor and pulle& around me my sleeping bag. (Thank Heaven, even on day walks, when alone in infrequented places, I always carry my sleeping bag as an item of survival kit.) I consulted maps, looked at my watch at intervals of about 3 mins. and finally curled up on the floor and must have dozed, awakening at what sounded like the excited barking of a small dog. As soon as I was fully aroused I realised it was just the aluminium ladder leading to the tower squeaking in the battering. wind. It was past 4.3D p m., the storm unabated, the temperature down to 10C. As Daylight Saving still applied, there would be light until almost 8.30 p m., so, theoretically, I could afford to wait till about 7.0 p ro..,to depart Old Baldy, but would it be better to quit soon? Going out into that maelstrom seamed quite unthinkable so: I settled down again and read the instructions for using a small wind gatige I had found behind the thermometer. It wasn't working either. Even the.70'knot gusts When I opened a window wouldn't shift the little white ball which should creep along the graduated tUbe. Five p m. and no improvement. Where was it all coming from? - surely there had been clearer sky below those clouds I had seen on first arriving on the mountain. Temperature 9C. With a sudden access of resblve, I shoved everything that might be damaged by wetness into a garbage bag which had. already once saved me from complete saturation of my gear, climbed -through a window and down the ladder with groundsheet blowing up around my shoulders, and started back. Thankfully I realised that my way was north-west and the wind southeast, so the bulk of the mountain soon protected me from the worst of the fury. Even the rain seemed to ease as I slithered down the steep jeep trail and back across the red:soil road, now the consistency of porridge, back to the car just after 7.0 p m. The next round. will be Currockbilly (repeat 7) and Budawang (repeat 2) Watch out Old Bald y, I'm after your scalp on a fine day. XXXHE-*-X- ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE 110W DUE - SEND YOUR REMITTANCE NOW: Please note that annual subscriptions for The Treasurer would therefor like to hear from subscription are:- Single Member Married Couples Students (full time) Non-Active Mmibers 1975 are now due and payable. you soon. The rateu of $7.50 p a. 0.50 p a. $4.00 p a. C1.50 p a. Page“ 6 BUNYIP RUCKSACK This 'shaped' rucksack is excellent for children. Useful day pack. Weight 14ozs SENIOR RUCKSACK A single pocket, shaped rucksack. Suitable for overnight camping. Weight 1%lbs BUSHMAN RUCKSACKS Have sewn-in curved bottom for extra comfort in carrying. Will hold 30 lbs. 2 pocket model 1%lbs 3 pocket model 1 lilbs KI AND RA MOD EL Hooded bag. Extra well filled. Very compact. Approx 3341bs. am. PIONEER RUCKSACK is an extra large bag with four external pockets and will carry about 40lbs of camp gear. Weight 2/41bs MOUNTAINEER DE LUXE Can carry 70Ibs or more. Tough lightweight terylenei cotton, proofed fabric with special P.V.C. reinforced base. 20” x 17“ x 9” proofed nylon extension throat with double draw cord for positive closure. Flap has full sized zip pocket of waterproof nylon. Outside pocket. Bag is easily detached from the frame to form a 3' sleeping bag cover for cold, wet conditions. Weight Gibs CARRYING BAGS P.V.C. or nylon. MOUNTAINEER Same features as de luxe model except for P.V.C. bottom reinforcing. Weight 5%lbs Compasses dry, oil filled or wrist types. Maps. Large range. Bushwalking books. Freeze dried and dehydrated foods. Stoves and lamps. Aluminium cook ware. Ground sheets. Everything to' the bushwalker. 'A' TENTS One, two or three man.. From '2% to nibs TRAMPER FRAME RUCKSACK Young people and ladies will find this pack a good one. It will carry sufficient camping equipment and food for 3 Of days or more. Has 3 pockets, capacity about 30 lbs. Weight 4lbs. Lightweight bushwatking and comp gear HOTHAM MODEL Super warm. Box quilted. Added leg room. Approx 4%lbs. WALL TENTS Two, three or four man. From 33 to 4%Ibs 69 LIVERPOOL. ST., SYDNEY 26-2686, 61-7215 Page 7 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1975. IT WAS NITILL OUT TIME. The Editor - Dear Sir, The following is an account of one of the most harrowing walks ever attempted by members of this club. I was one of the few survivors and I am writing under a pseudonym to protect my family. It all started at Glen Davis. After a night of high speed driving and a taste of the good life at the Olympic Fish Cafe, Lithgow, the party was flogged into action by 9.00 a m. and drove all the way to Running Stream Creek. This fantastic journey through the creaking ruins of the old refinery was only a taste of what was to came. As we alighted from the cars the members' faces were white with fear as they gazed at those awful cliffs and the rushing torrent of the Gapertee. One of the younger girls, less inured to hardship than the rest, flung herself at the leader's feet and begged to stay at the cars. With a sardonic smirk she was ordered to her feet and told to get back into line by the leader, Hellfire Miller. The pace was a killer. By morning tea time theparty had advanced overra kilometre and the strain was beginning to tell. Barry Wallace was the first to crack and stopped for a spell. The leader was the only one in good condition as the rest of the party dropped from exhaustion. After a mere forty minutea rest the party was flogged on for another five hundred metres and finally made camp as the sun climbed towards lunchtime. By now food was becoming a problem so two of the more experienced walkers wont off in search of yabbies only to return gaunt and empty-handed many hours later. After dnrk a strange pagan ritual was enacted. One of the party (she shall remain nameless but you can recognise her by the Canadian accent) had carried a chocolate cake the entire 1,500 metres from the cars and this was cut up into thirteen pieces and decorated with candles. There was an ugly scene as the party jostled for their share, some of them had not had food past their lips for ten minutes and the strain was beginning to tell. The next morning Brian Hart staggered into camp having walked the entire distance from the cars non-stop. He ras speechless with exhaustion and had to be revived with fumes from the empty rummy port bottle. Aware of the terrors that lay between til3ir camp and the cars the Party made a reluctant early start at 1.00 p m. Only the strongest made it back, even they are broken in health and scarred in mind-by their shocking ordeals. Margaret Nikid. is a shadow of her former self and Donald Finch may never walk again. If the club is going to stage a killer trip like this again there should be a special warning in the walks programme. Three kilometres is impossible in two days - man cannot live at that speed. Signed - Ex bushvra lker - (Peter Miller). XXXXXXXX40( Page 8 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALICE.R April, 1975. THE .;LNIVAL GENERAL ILLLITING. by Neville Page. The S.B.W. political reporter Jim Brown was away somewhere on Wednesday 12th March 19759 and thero'fore unable to attend that most auspicious of occasions when Bushwalkers, many of whom attend no other meeting during the yea-1., gather together to discuss the trivia of the moment at the Annual General Meeting. That being the case (Jim Brown's absence I mean) Editor Spiro had seconded (or should I say conned) yours truly into recording the occasion for posterity and those unable to attend. I reluctantly agreed to his proposition, not knowing that before the night was out I would be sharing with him that onerous task of seconding and conning others into writing for thiF-worthy publication. So let it not be said that I haven't experienced it from the other side. The meeting got away to a 23 minutes late start at 8.08 p m. with a welcome to new members Peter Harris, Wendy Lippart, and Wayne Steel. Brian Hart and Victor Lewin also presented themselves for welcome later during the evening. Minutes of tho February General Meeting were read, accepted, and passed over fairly auickly. Correspondence inwards included letters from Colin Putt requesting transfer to full membership once again from the nonactive list, from Ivor Cainan requesting reinstatement as a member, from Kath Brown requesting that a new typist be found for typing the Walks Programme, from the New South Wales Lands Department and-the Water Board in response to our letters of protest regarding establishment of a rubbish dump near the Coolana land. The Lands Department simply acknowledged our letter and said they would reply in due course, whereas the Water Board said that Shoalhaven Shire must refer all such rubbish dump proposals to them prior to taking action, and although they hadntt at this stage received any such notice from the Council, they would, at the appropriate time, do everything necessary “to ensure the purity of the water supply”. A letter was also received from Er. A. W. Thompson of the Lazy Acres riding school at Kangaroo Valley advising us that they carried insurance covering their people whilst on and off the Lazy Acres property. A rates notice was also received from the Shoalhaven Shire Council in respect of Coolana; total amount due being $219.61, a substantial increase on last year's $50 odd. At this juncture Dot Butler advised the meeting that investigations were under way by the Coolana Management Committee to see what action could be taken to reduce the burden of the high Council rates. Natural Areas Pty. Ltd., a proprietary company which buys land for the sole purpose of preserving it in its natural state, advised of a course of action which could be followed. Apparently the idea is to apply to have the land in question rezoned, some possibilities being “private recreation area”, “forest land”, “open space” etc., these categories attracting a lower rating (presumably through a lower valuatiOn) than under the present zoning. The rezoning also eliminates the temptation of the later club members to sell the land at a future date. Natural Areas Pty. Ltd1 had succeeded in having rates on some Dee Why land reduced from $2000 to about $200. We then moved on to the Annual Report with President Barry Wallace asking for a motion from the floor that it be taken as read. Ray Hookway said he had to oppose the motion because he wasn't able to read his copy Page 9 THE SYDNEY DUSH:1.-LKER Lpril, 1975. of the report (duplicator problems again?). The invitation for discussion on the report brought a comment from Owen Marks who deplored the bad grammar embodied therein, and in a more serious vein Gordon Broome expressed concern at the small proportion of prospective members who were ultimately achieving the level of full membership. The latter subject generated a good deal of discussion, including comment from Kath Brown that day walks are deluged with new prospectives, and that the members on these walks do their best to offer help and assistance, but when those same prospectives go on weekend walks they seem to disappear. Khth felt that members going on weekend walks could do more to help the prospectivcs. Gordon Broome commented that prospectives often come away with the wrong equipment and have obviously been ill-advised on how to equip themselves adequately. This brought a rejoinder from the President that all prospectives are handed a list of gear for walking when thwfirst come into the Club. Jim Vatiliotis summed up the discussion very well by saying that none of this is new to us, and in fact we've all been through it ourselves. The only difference is that those who became members have the perserverence to battle their way through the difficulties. Treasurer Frank Roberts moved that the annual accounts be accepted; this being done no further discussion of a financial nature ensued. .a this juncture of the meeting standing orders were suspended to enable election of office bearers to proceed whilst other business was conducted simultaneounly, Bill Burke and Jim Vatiliotis were appointed scrutineers and elections proceeded, with very little competition for particular postings, one might add. Since a list of office bearers appeared in the March magazine, there is no point in repeating the details here. Determination of the amount of annual subscriptions, that thorn in the side of many, came next. This item is always guaranteed to produce differing viewpoints, and this time was no exception. Treasurer Frank Roberts pointed out that although a profit was achieved in the year just gone, the rigors of inflation (postage, Printing, etc. up) forced him to recommend a 50 cent increase all round. The magazine (note it well) was what gabled up the money we were told. Someone suggested that we hold magazines in the clubroom to be picked up and thereby save postage, but Spiro Ketas riposted by saying that it just wouldn't from a practical point of view, and in any case his car would be continually jammed with magazines awaiting collection. The upshot of it all was that the motion to increase subscriptions was carried by a narrow majority (22 for, 19 against). The Treasurer made yet another entree to report that February financial finoogles culminated in approximately $1200 being in the bank at the end of the month. Walks Secretary Bob Hodgson was away on holidays, so Frank Tacker stood in, although he had to rely heavily on reports from the floor since only two written reports were to hand.. On the weekend of 14/15/16th Feb. Hans Beck led a walk from Lit.Victoria to Bluegum and back up Grand Canyon, whilst Margaret Reid had 6 members and 1 prospective on a trip around Patonga on Broken Bay. The planned route, it was learnt, was rather Page 10 TEE SYDNEY BUSHIVALKER April, 1975. swampy, and the National Fitness supervisor had suggested cji alternative which Margaret followed. Peter Levanaer's li-lo trip into the unknown didn't go that weekend because the unknown was short on liloable water. The President mentioned an alternative trip to Weeney Creek but no details were to hand.. The day walk that Sunday was led by Kath Brown and was attended by 10 members and 16 “others”. It was a rather wet day by all accounts: Lilyvale, Burning Palms, diverting to Otford via the top track instead,of Palm Jungle, and the leeches were out in force. The following weekend, 21/22/23rd February, Alistair Battye led a walk from Newnes, Constance Gorge, Rocky Creek and. back to Newnes. Nine people on the trip consisted of 4 members and 5 Drospectives. Alistair reported that Rocky Creek is “overgrown” and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, and that elusive wombat parade just couldn't be found. He Obviously doesn't believe there is one. Jim Vatiliotis from the body of the hall declared that there is a wombat parade if you go high enough up. The same weekend Ian Gibson had a li-lo trip programmed from Wollongambe Creek. Three persons set forth but the.Tain sent them home again. David Ingram had 6 members and 2 prospectives on his Unto - Bushwaikers Basin - Minto day walk on 23rd. They had lots of rain and everyone got wet, but at lunchtime they had a good opportunity to light a fire and dry out in a well known cave at the Basin. The following weekend (28th Feb., 1/2nd March) Bob Younger conducted what sounded like a very easy trips Beecroft Head, short strolls, Target Beach, inspection of the naval target area including the double decker buses used for targets and back home again. Ray Carter led a Sunday walk on 2nd March from Otford to Palm Jungle, Burning Palms, Bola Heights, Waterfall. No accurate reports were forthcoming, although it was stated that a large number had attended 3 estimates ranging from 17 to 25 persons. John Campbell's Claustral Canyon trip was cancelled due to too much water whilst a replacement li-lo trip led by David RoiAron found too little water in the Cox's. The weekend of 7/8/9th March saw Hans Beck lead 5 members and 4 prospectives to Splendour Rock, whilst Peter Miller had 13. on an easy trip in the Glen Davis area (see separate article this issue). Brian Willis had a day test walk to Grand Canyon with 7 or 8 people, whilst Kath Brown's surfing walk to Garie was somewhat spoiled by the rain. General business included notice that the police are trying to contact a group of bushwalkers who were in Bungonia Gorge a couple of weeks prior and who saw men in overalls with insicnias,bearing guns and accompanied by a dog.. Apparently the incident was reported in a local Gouiburn newspaper. Bill Burke raised the question of what price to charge for single copies of the Sydney Bush 7ra1lter magazine. He proposed an increase from 10 cents to 20 cents and this was accepted by the meeting. Gordon Broome reported on progress to date regarding the Snowy Mountains hut project, indicating that some good results have been achieved so far. After a few Re-union details the meeting closed at 10.01 p m. Page 11 THE SYDNEY BUSHWAIKER April, 1975. ,…………TM. . On 14th February, 19759 Sydney Bush Walkers member iAlan Hedstrom passed-away as the result of a protracted illness. ? Alan was well known by many Club members who had occasion to 1 share in Club activities with him and he will be sadly missed. 1 Alan became a member of the Sydney Bush Walkers in August 1 19652 although he had walked regularly for some years before , I that, including trips with the Y.:Y.1.0.A. Walking Club. Like all i , bushwalkers Alan dearly loved the bush and the outdoors, and was i deeply affected. by any wanton destruction of it. Essentially 1 a loner, he undertook many one and two day walks in the Dora 1 1 Creek and M3rall Lakes regions, two of his favourite walking areas. i Alan also led Club walks in the Myall Lakes area at the time of i i the mineral sands mininE controversy, thus acquainting members Iwith the circumstances of the case first hand. Such was his ' concern for the environment. I , Not one to be only on the receiving end of Club activities, i Alan worked hard to ensure the successful running of the Club. ! In 1971 he was elected to the position of Honorary Treasurer, a job to which he applied himself energetically in spite of 1 periods of ill health at thzLt time. In 1972 he was reelected 1 to a further year's term in that position. 1 As a Club and as individuals we have reason to regret I/Alan's passing. We can but salute him as conservationist, as lover of the bush, and as one who derived enjoyment from the ' simple pleasures of walking. And we express our sincerest sympathy to his family on the occasion of their loss. THE WALLABY'S WALKING STICK. by Kath McKay. George Alexander McKay, my Uncle Alec, was a Federal Land Tax Commissioner, and died in Melbourne in 1916. He and a lot of other well known men, wise (as all walkers are!), formed the Wallaby Club and spent their Saturday afternoons walking and talking and enjoying themselves, when saner (or insaner?) mortals were playing Organised Games. They probably rambled merely in the' suburbs of Melbourne., and knew nothing of the wild ways that Bushwalkers pursue, but never mind: the spirit was the same. Uncle Aldo was also born rhyming, and naturally-became the Club Page 12 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1975. *-KX*XXXX M 0 UNTAIN XXX* EQUIPMENT XXX IF YOU ARE BUYDIG OR HIRING IIIRDIG OR BUYING BUYING OR HIRING HIRING OR BUYING GEAR FOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WALKING …. CAMPING we. CLIMBING WALKING … 0. CAffPING ….. CLWRING CANOEING CANOEING THE,Tlf. OF MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT 17 Alexander Strcet, Crow's Nest, 2065 (On the corner of Falcon Street) Telephone 439-3454. for FAlRYDOWN SIPEPING BAGS HIGH LOAD PACKS (Weight 3 lb.10 oz) AND ALL THE OTHER THINGS YOU COU LD POSSIBLY NEED * * * * * * * * * * Page 13 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1975. poet laureate. He gave mc nany lovely books which I still treasure, in-scribed in his b-autiful handwriting. A nice soul. Among other words chiselled on his tombstone were: “The world was his garden, humanity his friend.” Appended is “The Wallaby's Walking Stick” which I like - and I'm sure his club mates did too. I don't know the reference to a waddy and a matrimonial chase, but perhaps other S.B.17.s do. THE WALLABY'S WALKING STICK. Ye gentlemen of the road I sing The song of the staff you bear, A sceptre fit for a Gypsy King, A wand for Titania fair. To Wallabies facing the outward track Or tottering home by the same, A stick is a help to a sinew slack Or a prop to a portly frame. 'Twas ever thus since the world_ began Ikr e Babel was built on the plain. The hoariest history written, by man Refers to a brand. of Cane. When Children of Israel carried a hod And dined upon Passover cakes, The brebher of Moses threw down his rod And Pharoah at once saw snakes. A waddy was once of material aid In a matrimonial chase, And better than many a martial blade For spoiling a rival's face. And even now you must give good heed That your cudgel is fashioned aright, For everyone knows who has leisure to read That a Falsestaff's no good in a fight. So on to the end when the very last drink Is served at the very last pub, The very last man at Oblivion's brink Will boast of his WALLABY CLUB. by G.A. McKay. Page 14 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1975. THE 1075 S.B.W. REUNION. by Neville Page. By virtue of long held tradition; the April issue of this magazine always includes an account of the Annual Reunion just past; of the people, the activities, the campfire, the damper competition and the general cameraderie of the event. I am going to depart slightly from tradition on this occasion, and propose this question: “What do you think about the concept of a Club Reunion?” Do you think the concept is out of date, does it exclude certain sections of the Club from effectively participating (e g. prospectives), or is it satisfactory in its present form. All letters received will be published.. It would be nice and easy to sit here and wHtc-that the 1975 Sydney Bush Walkers Reunion was a mighty turn, we all had a wonderful time, and although there weren't too many people there, it was probably because of the threatening rain. But that woUldn't be quite true, and if we don't believe What we write is true, it might just as well remain unwritten. I'm sure everyone who was at this Reunion enjoyed themselves, but it didn't quite have the exuberance of past similar events. Maybe it was because “everyone” only added up to about 70 bods in all. This Club of ours has 246 acti-ye members, so where was everybody? Which leads one to the question “Should we continue to hold reunions?” Has the annual reunion become an anachronism, performed like a ritual from force of habit? For certainly if cDmething is totally irrelevant to the times, and is perpetuated purely out of reverence for the past, it should be done away with. . Is this the case with our 01Ub Reunion? Upon reflection I think not. The cameraderie amongst bushwalkers is something unique, and there is nothing a bushwalker likes more than to have a long chat about walks past, present and future, preferably around a campfire and interspersed with a few good old campfire songs. So what is the problem? It's a truism to say we get what we deserve; that the effort expended will be repaid in full but not more If we believe in the concept of a Club Reunion, let's be a bit more enthusiastic about it, as far as effort, preparation, and forethought are concerned:, and from the Club as a whole rather than the overworked few. Let's make certain we deserve what we get. Saturday, 15th March, 1975 did indeed turn on a threatening face from a weather point of view, and in fact in the afternoon we were confronted by a wild and windy rain storm. But that passed auickly to be replaced by a clear evening and the rain stayed away. Most of the S.B.W.s camped on the upstream end of the Wood's Creek area, and it says something about the number attending that we shared the site with the University of N.S.W. Bushwalking Club who were also having their annual reunion and no one got in each other's way. A rough count at the campfire was 70 people, and there's no doubt the participants enjoyed their singing even if there wasn't any campfire leader. Never let it be said you can keep down a good Bushwalkers' singsong. The singing moved from one song to the next using the song sheet provided, Jim Brown did a magnificent job of demonstrating to all (with the help of some poor Page 15 TIE SYDNEY BUSIN/ALKER April, 1975. unsuspecting volunteers) how one sets about making a damper. “Knead with the hands” seems to have been the underlying message and secret of success. There would be an opportunity next day to test the theory out Then we had some of those brilliant songs out of the past, rendered by Jim Brown, Don Matthews, Geoff Wagg and Colin Putt. Oh, what wonderful lyrics they were. Thanks for a magnificent supper idea must go to my co-editor cum Social Secretary, Spiro Ketas, In place of the usual kerosene-tin-brewed coffee or cocoa plus biscuits, we had kerosene-tin-brewed coffee or cocoa plus sausages. And what fantastic sausages they were. Three hundred sausages consumed by 70 bods is not too bad an average. The usual chin- wagging continued after the official part of the campfire and oh, let's not forget the investiture ceremony at which Barry Wallace was invested with the badges of office, the carved bone emblems. Yakking went on until late in the night, memories, reminiscences, plans, and eventually everyone drifted off to their tents as the enters burned low. The next day's activities consisted of the usual Re-union type things: mainly swimming in the Grose River, and for this purpose the weather was perfect. The sun shone down to warm the body and soul and children and adults alike romped in the water and generally enjoyed themselves. A bottle of whisky was being raffled off to help provide funds for Coolana, and this was won by nth McInnes. Following this event came the ever- popular damper competition; judged with Solomon-like wisdom on this occasion by Colin Putt. There they were, lined up together: golden browns, not so golden browns, paler and aerker, some quite ashen (that one of Bill Burke looks positively petrified). And was it Heather Williams who mixed hers up with beer? Big ones, small ones, and medium. The venerable judge gave a fair assessment of each one, using as toolS of trade a huge steel skewer and. sandstone saw, although one must admit he favoured the larger specimens. The outcome wns a win for Spiro; for the second year in a row no less. All who tasted the offerings would have to agree that he did indeed have a winner. It was fun, that weekend, and those who weren't there missed something, but why can't we organize our Re-unions to attract many, many more people. I guarantee that with proper publicity, organization and encouragement we could increase that attendance of 70 to 250. How about it then for 1976? I hope you'll take my opening remarks seriously; jot down your thoughts and send them to me. MAGAZINE RATES. The Annual General Meeting considered the question of what price should be charged for the Sydney. Bushwalker. Magazine. The prices set were:- Individual Copies 20 cents Yearly Subscription (including postage) $2.50 These rates do not apply to Active 1j:embers who automatically receive the magazine as part of their subscription. If you're not an Active Member but like to know what's going on in the Club, WE'D LOVE TO HAVE YOU AS A SUBSCRIBER. Send your remittance NOW to the Treasurer. Page 16 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1975. COOLANA HUT. At the April General Meeting the Club voted to definitely go ahead with the erection of a shelter hut on our land at Kangaroo Valley. Now we want everyone with ideas about materials and contruction to send them in to the Coolana Management Cammittee. Already we have some very interesting suggestions. Let your ideas be incorporated in the finished production. rfTe plan an indoor fireplace and an inbuilt tank and the whole construction must be bushfire proof and CHEAP. Other than that let your heads go and let us have your suggestions preferably in writing with sketches if possible. And don't forget the working bee on 2/3/4 May where we will be preparing the site. Dot Butler, Convenor. *XXX-X SOCIAL NOTES FOR MAY. by Spiro Ketas. There will be only two social events next month, but the lack of quantity will be replaced by that ever desirable element of quality. Firstly, on May 21st, a grouD of members who visited. Java and Lombodk last year will present their Indonesian Night. This gathering promises to be the climax of their many slide nights before the Club, culminating in an interesting art show and a sumptuous spread of delicious Javanese food. Secondly, on May 28th, that Ubiquitous globetrotting trio Frank Tacker, Claire Howden and Heather Williams will present their Samoan and Tongan night of slides, etc. The “etc.” being the many revelations on social aspects of these warmhearted people and colourful incidents of their reaction to typical Australian behaviour. Club Auction, Apri1,30th. Another reminder to come along to the Club Auction details last month's magazine. 4ocxxx CHANGES OF ADDRESS ETC: The Secretary advises the following changes of address, telephone numbers, etc. Please alter your List of Members accordingly. Nancy Alderson, Unit 18, Eastwood Gardens, 13 Ethel St., Eastwood. Tel 858-3317 Peter and Pat Kaye, 14 Therry Street, Avalon, 2107. Te1.918-2446 Christine Kirkby, 6/b Gaza Road, West Ryde. 2113. Brian Willis correct phone number 20,333 Ext.612 Page 18 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1975. Sunday 18 - A good Wilf Hiner day testwalk'. Easy going down Bob Turner's trcks then several wading crossings of the Colo are necessary. -Untracked but reasonably clear with good views up -to Mt.Townsend. 23924,25 - A good solid trip to keep you in trim with plenty of famous Kowmung scenery is David Rostron's recipe for this weekend. From Kanangra David intends to go over the top of CaMbage Spire down to the Kowmung, then past the now safe Church Creek Caves, up to Chiddy's Obelisk, then to Tonalli. The return route to Kanangra is not specified but I suspect it will be via Mt.Feld9 'crossing the Kbwmung below Bulga Denis, then up to Gingra Range and track. 23;24;25 - We hope that access for Frank Taeker to the escarpment fror return. Frank has club room if at allis arranged through Wog Wog Station in time put on the classic Budawang walk following 7orang to Nt.Owen and Monolith Valley and requested that starters contact him in the possible rather than telephoning him at work. Sunday 25 - David Ingram out pounding the Heathcote Primitive Area from Waterfall down Kingfisher Creek to Heathcote. A much walked area with good reason for that title. 30931 May, -.Laurie Quaken is off on a grouse Grose trip from Mt. Victoria 1st June trampling the track (ono slippery washed out section) to Blue Gum Forests then up Lodkley's Pylon to Leura. Spectacular cliff scenery. 31 May, - Ray Hookway is doing two day walks in the Barren Ground primitive 1st June area vicinity with the overnight camp by the cars. This is a rare opportunity to visit the Barren Grounds as entry to the area is now strictly controlled. Juno 1 - A delightful walk in the western Royal National Park. Meryl Sunday Watman is your leader on this walk from Waterfall to Engadine by way of the Uloola Track. Brief Notes - Federation of Bushwalkplubs - Meeting held 18/3/75. A new map drawn of Kosciusko National Park. Letter returned correcting data on maps and suggesting they increase the scale (map suitable for car tourists only). - - The Federation requires an Auditor for this year only. - The Federation Ball will be held on 19th September at the Petersham Town Hall. - - A letter sent to new owner of Wog Wog Station to try to settle the matter regarding access to the Budawangs. - - Letters sent to all necessary Govt. Depts. regarding pollution from treatment works at Wentworth Creek which flows into Jamieson Valley. - - - Requests for all clUbs to give a monthly walks report on walks in the Boyd Plateau Area. - - Provisional Federation policy on camping and access in National Parks sentto clubs for endorsement., - - A new type of plastic paper for Visitors Books in National Parks. Page 17 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER April, 1975. …………….. WALKS SECRETARY'S NOTES FOR KAY, '75. by Bob Hodgson. Well! I'm back on the job again so this month your q going to have to go on the walks to find out all about them Many thanks to Frank Taeker who filled in for me last month. 223,4 May - John Broome heads the list for this month with a very interesting but quite strenuous little walk out along the Coiboyd Range, scrambling down to Christy's Greek, then up to Barrallier's Crown. Much scenery of rugged splendour. 29394 - Your help will be appreciated at this working bee which is a preliminary to the building of a new hut on our Kangaroo Valley property to replace the one which was burnt. For details contact Dot Butler at 48-2208. 2;394 - John Campbell heads this Kanangra Grand Gorge abseiling trip, on a test of nerves for himself, as this is the area where he put himself out of action for a long time after a nasty fall. No swimming involved but lots of exciting rope work in the most rugged area of the Kanangra-Boyd. Sunday 4 - For the more sedate a pleasant Sunday stroll by the mangroves of Cowan Creek to Bobbin Head and return to the Sphinx by the old road with Gladys Roberts. 9,10,11 - Hans Beck is your leader on this expedition to the very heart of the Blue Mountains - Ht. Solitary. Fabulous views from Narrow Neck, then down into the green of Cedar Creek, then a return by way of the Ruined Castle. 9210,11 - An epic car swap trip traversing the mysterious unknown Colo River. Not many walks go to this area because-of the extremely rugged terrai@, so Helen Gray and yours truly have researched a not too difficult route. Sunday 11 - A day test walk in the Heathcote Park with Bill Hall as your guide - sounds idyllic, doesn't it? Engadine to Waterfall via Scout ers Mountain and Lake Eckersley9 an arca that Bill knows better than the back of his hand. 16,17,18 - Tony Denham is off to the Budawangs, that area of fascinating rock formations, for what should be a really excellent test walk. Tony plans to visit such places as Hidden Valley and Sluice Box Falls and Newhaven Gap. 17;18 - Peter Scandrett is leading one of his overnight day walks combined with the C01.1011Y. After an overnight camp at Malcolm's Farm there will be a day walk out to the scenic panorama of Bonum Pic. Come and meet some new faces.