A MONTHLY BULLETIN OF MATTERS OF INTEREST TO TIM SYDNEY BUSH WALKERS, BOX 4476, G. P.O. SYDNEY, N. S. W. 2001. CLUB MEETINGS ARE HELD EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING FROM 7,30 P. M. THE WIRELESS INSTITUTE BUILDING, 14 ATCHISON STREET, ST. LEON.ARDS. ENQUIRIES CONCERNING ( THE CLUB SHOULD BE REFERRED TO MRS. MARCIA S-LAPPERT - TELEPHONE 30. 2028. * * * * * * * by #* * * EDITORS: SPIRO KETAS, 104/10 WYIDE ST. POTTS POINT. TEL. 357. 1381 NEVILLE PAGE, 14 BRUCEDA LE AVE. EPPING. TEL 86. 3739 BUSINESS MGR: BILL suRKE, 3 CORAL TREE DR. CARLINGFORD, TEL 871. 1207 TYPIST: KATI; BROWN DUPLICATION: FRANK TAEKER. * Drawing by Dot Butler, The Bushwalker- 1937. s OCTOBER 1975. Editdrial Cow Dung Down the Kowmung Paddy's Ad Federation Notes Half Yearly General Meeting Sonnet to the Editor Mountain Equipment Ad Coming Walks What Kind of Bushwalker Are You Extra Special Notice Sacred Cows Colcanck (no;ce.. O4-rXi L14C4113 Page 2. Spiro Ketas 3. 6. Barry Wallace 7. Neville Page 8. Jim Brown 11. 12. Bob Hodgson 13. 15. 18. 18. we0<cnc-) Page 2. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER October 1975 Regarding the recent problems associated with the New South Wales Federation of Bushwalking Clubs, it now appears that the body is alive and well. Not only that, but all appearances are of a new phase of activity and enthusiasm. Already it has been decided to change the name to BUSHWALKERS' FEDERATION OF N.S.W. , or simply BUSHWALKERS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. This is good. Also, Volume 1, Number 1 of a newsletter to members (le. we Bushwalkers) has been published and is available in the Club room. A full resume of the specially convened meetings is included in this magazine on page 7, and we suggest you read it carefully. Below though, is reprinted the first newsletter editorial for those unable to pick up a copy themselves. Perhaps later the newsletter could be distributed to all S.B.W. members as an insert in our own magazine. “ A large number of people believe that this Newsletter is the key to the continuation and success of Federation. Federation cannot realize its full potential unless every club member is aware of the relevance of Federation to them personally, and gives support accordingly. Thus the Newsletter's primary task is to keep club members informed and interested in what Federation is doing. Secondly the future of the Newsletter in one sense uncertain. There will definitely be a basic bulletin, such as this issue, to follow each council meeting. Whether it grows to something rather more than a mere information sheet depends, as always, on the sunport given by clubs and their individual members. That is, you If you know of something which you think would be of interest to walkers in general, tell them about it through your Newsletter. Letters to the Editor and the like will be received with infinite gratitude. In particular, any comments on the Newsletter itself will be most welcome. For instance, there are several references in this issue to the TriState Trail. Are most walkers aware of the basic proposal, or would they like to see this sort of thing discussed in more detail in the Newsletter? This Newsletter will achieve its goal best if it contains material that walkers want to read. Please let us know what you think that is. Send any contributions or comments to the Publications Officer, Peter Tuft, 3/27 Tramway St., ROSEBERY, N.S.W. 2018. Phone 669-3872 ” We should offer our best wishes and do what we can to help! Page 3 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALIMR October, 1975. cx-77.- DUNG ON TI-2 7,:0711.117G., - wgt. by Spiro Ketas. I decided to celebr-,te my come-back into serious walking, after an absence of some years, by purchasing a new super-light, bright-red, Paddy Alpine sleeping bag and a blue and red frameless Karrimor rucksack. Then I set about selecting a suitable walk, and by chance Snow Brown's August 1st 60 kfil Gingra - Cox 's - Paralyser Kanangra walk, which I thought I had missed, was going two weeks later. Other enthusiastic starters were Dot Butler, Geoff Wagg, Tom Wilhoir, a very new member Klaus Leivert, and my Greek friend of Tasmanian fame, Theo Penglis. Upon reaching Katoomba, I, with Tom and Theo, headed for Snow's parents' home only to learn that the other car had gone just two minutes before. “You must have passed them down the street, Bill,” remarked Mrs. Brown. “Sit down and have some tea.” We talked of old times and present, thanked them for the tea and headed off into the cold misty night. Some time later we arrived at the Boyd River crossing on the Kanangra Road and sighted Snow and Geoff tucked into their sleeping bags under a tree, Klaus putting up his tent and Dot sleeping soundly- in her station-wagon. Theo elected to sleep in the back of my station- wagon whereas Tom and I chose the relative roominess of my tent. We had a big day ahead of us so we awoke at 5.30 a m., lit the fire with some difficulty, very little firewood in the area, and about 6.30 a m, jumped into our vehicles and drove to Kanangra Walls, remarking on the ve2y heavy frost, similar to a light snowfall. We parked the cars and after convincing Klaus to leave his tent and water bottle behind (as it was, his pack still weighed 30 pounds, almost twice as heavy as ours) we headed off, stopping for the customers' view ofKanangra Deep, well deserving the cries of “Mighty!” from Geoff as the sun's rays and the mist coML'med to enhance the spectacular majesty of Kanangra Gorge and_ Thurat Spires. “I remember our first trip over the Thurat Spires,” remarked Snow, “It was that time many years ago, Dorothy, when we had a light plane booked to fly us to the Warrombungles but it didn't turn up, so as an alternative you took us for a trip over there, remember?” Dorothy answered in the affirmative and our leader headed us off onto Ht. Maxwell and down towards the start of the Gingra Range. On the way we passed the overhang cave with its two plastic bins full of water and the boney remains of an unfortunate cow which I remembered from two years ago that then smelt to high heaven. mills is where we should have camped last night,“ commented Geoff. “It would have saved us an hour or so.” And with that he skipped off down the track singing merrily. This was Geoff's first hard club walk for quite a while and he was evidently enjoying his freedom. I suppose one could say, a tiger walker who had bean locked up too long. Not to be outdone MB all hurried off after him, clearing the fallen timber in Page 4 TEE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER ,octoloor; 1975. our stride and dodging protuding branches with the grace of agile ballet dancers. We finally reached the Kowmung, its clear, cold water quickly flowing over-countless river-stones, a picture of absolute beauty, literally glistering in the brilliant, midday sunshine. Lunch was had a couple of miles downstream, our leader allocating a half hour for such. A large herd of cattle in front of us, disturbed by our advance, forged ahead of our group, forming an involuntary trail-blazing vanguard, knowledgably crossing the river at strategic spots in order to cut off long corners or to avoid scratchy vegetation on the wrong side of the river. “The cows know best, follow the cows, Spiro.” Dorothy reassured me. “Paddy sayr, , always follow the cos.”p So we continued to follow the cattle being careful to avoid the fresh droppings and on some occasions hurrying on the tail-enders by encouraging calls or handclaps. Eventually the cows tired of their role and stood aside to allow our party to pass. It was also at this point that progress down the river became slower, no longer river-flats to walk on, but many interesting rocks of all sizes and shapes to scrabble over. It was also somewhere near this time that Tom informed us that he-had stumbled whilst crossing the river a few miles back, his walking stick catching his left eye. Fortunately it was a good hefty piece of wood with a large base, otherwise the damage could have been serious. Most of the party appeared tired and stiff by the time we reached the Cox's but after a drink of coffee and a piece of Clarabelle's delicious fruit cake we were quite rejuvenated and started off again at a steady pace. At about 5.45 p m. we came 11-15on a suitable camp-site just short of Kanangra River and as it was becoming dark we stopped for the night. As we had no tents to erect we busied ourselves collecting firewood ana when the large fire had subsided enough we cooked our food. After our dinner we had some more of Clarabolle's delicious fruit cake, and a cup of thick Turkish coffee. Just a hundred. metres or so away from our camp a herd of cattle started to bellow at us. Someone suggested that it was because we were camped on their favourite sleeping spot. Then, possibly to show us their fighting ability, two huge bulls gave us a bull-fight demonstration, nudging each other with their horns. Soon after dinner we decided to retire for the night into our unprotected sleeping bags, the theory being that if it rained we could head for the lean-to on Konangaroo Clearing. Fortunately, it didn't rain, in fact in contrast to the previous night we enjoyed a warm night's sleep and the two duelling bulls nearby awoke us with their bellowing at 6.00 a m. sharp* Instantly we all arose, proceeded with breakfast and in no time at all we were on our merry way. The walk down Kanangra River was indeed pleasant with spectacular views of Ht. Strongleg, Mborilla Page 5 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER , OctObex. 1975. Buttress and the challenging east ridge of Mt. Paralyser. The sunny yet cool morning made conditions perfect for walking and once again we all were awed. by nature's seemingly unlimited beauty. “Good to cane down here one week -with my brushesand easel and paint really soak up the atmositere,” exclaimed Geoff. “Well, don't come down in the summer,” warned Dorothy, “The Rostrons came down last summer to camp here for a week but were driven out by the flies after only two days.” Shortly we arrivedat the Kanangra Creek junction and although it Was only 10.00 a m. We started lunch and cooked a delicious- soup made from three different packet, which We ate with generous servings of Theo 's fathers homebaked bread (from his cake shop). :“Drink your fill now, or bring some water with you,” Snow instructed, “Next water in about 6 hours time.” We then began the long, slow climb up to Paralyser and in a very short time we were feeling quite hot and sticky in the warm winter's sunshine. Klaus regretted that he had left his waterbottle behind, but kindhearted_ Tom gave him a drink from his partly filled waterbag. Threequarters of the way up we stopped for a breather and admired the panoramic view stretching for miles. The top Of Paralyser came as an anticlim4x as it came to a very gentle end with trees blocking the view. We signed the logbook, wondering at a vague reference of some lone bushwalker doing the three peaks trip eight times in what seemed to be a short period of time. From Ht. Paralyser it was just a short hop, skip and a jump to Mt. Cyclops, then Mt. Carra Mernoo. The scrub from here on became very thick, Unlike what our leader remeMbered over the North Thurat Range. Taking direction from the sun Snow forged ahead through the undergrowth, expertly steering us unto the fourwheeldrive road that eventually ledsus back to the Kanangra Road and so to our cars at about 4.45 P.m. Altogether a good long weekend walk in ideal conditions through a beautiful part of the Australian bush. ALTERATIONS TO WALKS PROGRAMME. …… Hans Stichter's trip to Mt. Solitary, a test walk, changed from 18/19th October to the following weekend, 25/26th October. Kath Brown's day walk to Little Marley, Sunday 2nd November, now to be led by Sheila Binns (Te1.78,3788 H), train changed to 8.20 E. Hans Beck's trip from Hilltop, 14/15/16 NoveMber. Please contact leader in clubroom telephone no. shown is no longer correct. Page 6 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Ocbob er 9 1975. Lightweight hushwalking and camping gear. CLOTHING FOR ALL OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Pouch Parka: Pullover type hooded jacket in proofed nylon. Front zip pocket and zip at throat. Draw cord in hem. So compact it fits into its own pocket. Weight 8qzs. 'Eidex' hooded oilskin zip front parkas, considered by experienced walkers to be an indispensibie item of their gear. Weight 1 b 7ozs. Improved model, made to Paddy's specifications. Al) sizes, Everything for the 'well dressed' bushwalker heavy wool shirts, wind jackets, duvets, overpants, string singlets, bush hats, webbing belts etc. BUNYIP RUCKSACK This ishipediiiicksack is excellent for children. Use- full day pack. Weight 14ozs. SENIOR RUCKSACK A single pocket, shaped rucksack. Suitable for overnight camping. Weight 11/albs. BUSHMAN RUCKSACK Has sewn-in curved bottom for extra comfort in carrying. Will hold 30lbs. 2 pocket model 11/41bs. 3 pocket model liAlbs. PIONEER RUCKSACK Extra large bag with four external pockets and will carry about 401bs of camp gear. Weight 2%lbs. KIANDRA MODEL Hooded bag. Extra well filled. Very compact. Approx 3%lbs. HOTHAM MODEL Super warm box quilted. Added leg room. Approx 41Mbs. SUPER LIGHT MODEL Half the weight and packed size of regular bags. 9” x 5th“ dia. 2lbs. Everything for the bushwalker, from blankets and air mattresses, stretchers, boots, compasses, maps, books, stoves and lamps to cooking ware and freeze dried and dehydrated foods. 69 LIVERPOOL ST. SYDNEY 26-2686 61-7215 Page 7 THE SIDNEY BUSHWALKER Octdber, 1975. FEDERATION NOTES. by Barry Wallace. EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF THE FEDERATION OF BUSHWAU(ING CLUBS l6thSEPTER 195 The Federation Extraordinary General Meeting was held at Conference Room 1, Scots Church, Margaret Street, Sydney and attended by approximately 56 persons, comprising Club Delegates, Presidents and Secretaries and interested club members. The retiring Federation President, Warwick Daniels, chaired the meeting, assisted by the retiring Secretary, Phil Butt. The meeting began at about 7.00 with the election of Murray Scott as Minutes Secretary and immediately went into committee to permit a freer debate of matters for consideration. The points raised in Federation letter of 25th July were each taken in order and discussed. There was much comment on the lack of communication between Federation and member clubs, and vice versa. A newsletter was suggested to improve this situation and this idea met with general acceptance. There was some discussion of a possible approach to the N.S.W. Sport and Recreation,Minister for funds to support the financing of a paid parttime secretary. The meeting then passed on to a discussion of the Synopsis of Minutes of the meeting of 8th September held at N.S.W. Environment Centre. (A copy of this synopsis is presently displayed on the club notice board.) Here again the suggestion of a newsletter was mooted and someone suggested federation meetings be held at the premises of member clubs in rotation. The general feeling here was that it was difficult enough to get Federation committee together at the same place each month without adding to their problems by moving the location. The hour was already growing late when it was moved, seconded and passed that we adjourn the Extraordinary General Meeting and reconvene the Federation Annual General Meeting. ANNU The meeting began with the election of Murray Scott as Minutes Secretary and then moved to the election of officers. Bruce Vote (C.M.W.) was elected President, and all other positions were filled. (I did not note the names as I have no doubt we will be advised in the Federation Newsletter in due course.) The annual capitation fees for member clubs were set at 30c per capita with a $15 minimum and $60 maximum. It was further decided that a future meeting would consider changing the name of Federation to “Bush Walkers Federation of N.S.W.” as this name. carries a more immediate meaning to strangers and those encountering it for the first time. Page 8 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER October, 1975. The Federation will make application to the N.S.W. Sport and Recreation Minister for a grant to enable Federation to obtain the services of a paid parttime secretary. The meeting then moved on to the September Federation General Meeting. All nonnrgent matters were adjourned to a later meeting, and after passing various accounts for payment the meeting closed. *Xx TEE HALFYEARLY GENERAL Tiiirl:-NTILTG. by Neville Page. Whoever it was who said that marathon general meetings are a thing of the past for SOB W. had better think again, because this particular meeting certainly put up a good showing. In fact it was rather reminiscent of the meetings of a few years ago which went on and on late into the night. It got under may at 8.20 with a welcome to new meMbers Barbara Holmes and Klaus Lievert. Minutes of the August meeting were read and received. Correspondence inwards included a letter from the Electricity Commission of New South Wales referring to our request for compensation in respect of their proposed transmission easement across our Kangaroo Valley land. They advised us to forward an official valuation to them in support of our claim whereupon they will give it due consideration. Also an annual report from Natural Areas Pty. Ltd., details of a proposed Frazer Island Environmental Enquiry, and publicity for functions to be held by the South West Tasmania (New South Wales) Committee. A letter and cheque for $19.60 was also received from the executor for the Estate of the late William Burns of New Zealand the cheque represented a legacy to our Club plus accrued interest. Correspondence out included a letter to the South West Tasmania (New South Wales) Committee asking them for some information about their aims and philosophies. Figures man Frank Roberts then rose to inform us, in suitably sombre accountanteSe, that we had but $1671.02 in the bank after collecting a few subs and paying the normal bills like rent and postage. Next on the agenda was Bob Hodgson with his walks report for the month. First report was of Snow Brown leading his party of seven by skipping down Gingra at breakneck speed on his 60 km Mount Paralyzer walk. A shortage of firewood at Kanangra Clearing was reported. The same weekend Peter Miller had a Sunday walk from Hartley Vale down into the Grose. Peter reported scratchy going initially, but this was because they missed the Engineers' Track. John Holly had 18 members and 4 prospectives on a pleasant day walk in the Woolwash area. The following weekend Hans Beck was to have lea a walk around Barrallier but this being unable to go, Barry Wallace took over ,Irdth a walk in the Megalong Valley. August 24 had Carl Bock visiting Darug National Park, and viewing the carvings at Flat Rock after having obtained permission from the ranger. Mike Short's walk on August 29-31 was described by Barry Page 9 THE SYDNEY BUSHWILKER October, 1975. Wallace as an “experimental” walk (the experiment worked apparently) down Jellore Creek and camping below Russell's Needle, which is showing signs of collapsing with avalanches. On the Sunday Gladys Roberts took 29 people on a walk in Royal National Park, and reported an excellent display of wildflowers. September 5-7 saw 12 people on John Redfern's walk in the Glen Davis area, They reported finding an overhang to sleep in on the Saturday night. Bob Younger's Mt. Solitary walk the same weekend also went, but no participant was on hand to report the event. The Sunday walk which had originally been planned to start at St Ives was changed to TurTamurra because of changes in the bus timetable. Leader was Mary Braithwaite. At this point Gladys Roberts advised that if the bus, does not meat the usual Sunday bushwalker train at Waterfall, to ring Mr.Hodson at Engadine Bus Service and he will ensure a bus is available. The Federation Report, involving as it aia the involved question of the body's future, was deferred till later in the meeting. Next we had that normally controversial question to consider where to hold the 1976 Sydney Bush Walkers' Reunion. With the rapidity of machine gun fire we had nio following contenders for the venue: Wood's Creek, Coolana, Blue Gum forest, Spencer's Creek (proposed by who else but Gordon Broome), McArthur 's Tilat and Evan's Crown (on the Fish River). The first vote eliminated the obvious “noncontenders”, and second vote left us with 16 votes for Wood's Greek and 19 for Coolana. Joint Convenors of the great event were decided in the persons of Spiro Ketas, Peter Scandrett and. Barbara Evans. President Barry Wallace announced that the next item of business was the ticklish question of the New South Wales Federation of Bushwaiking Clubs the reason in fact that cuite a few members were present at the meeting. He outlined the impasse that presently existed in Federation and the lack of contendors (or should I say volunteers) for the senior offices of the body. Federation itself had referred the matter back to member Clubs, asking them to decide what they wanted, and to discuss the matter at a forthcoming deferred annual general meeting. The President of Federation, Warwick Daniels, was present, and he explained briefly why Federation had found itself in its present moribund state: lack of interest by club delegates, lack of communication between Clubs and Federation, and too heaqy a work load placed on the shoulders of too few people. He suggested that the secretarial tasks could be divided up, but it couldn't be seen how any of the functions of Federation (traeks and access, conservation, search and rescue) can be done away with. The President then called for discussion from the body of the meeting', stating that the Club should give some direction to their delegates to take to the specially convened meeting. He needn't have worried about a lack of discussion, because just about everyone wanted to have a say. Alex Colley was the first to speak, and his view was that if Federation folds its functions could. be taken over by our own Club if necessary, except Search and Rescue. Alex expressed disappoint- ment with Federation's Conservation effort, saying that when he was their Page 10 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER October, 1975. Conservation Secretary he gave up because he had to do everything. In days gone by FOB W had done a lot in conservation measures but this had tapered off. He felt that the Oolong Committee had done a much better job and F.B.W. conservation work could be transferred to that body. Pat McBride, a one time Federation delegate, felt that the effort that went into F.B.W. affairs was wasted. Peter Harris felt that the bush- walking movement as a whole does not have a strong voice in conservation affairs and therefore a need continues to exist for F.B.W. and in fact to expand its voice and influence. Laurie Raynor pointed out that whilst the S.B.W. can claim to speak for only a few people, F.B.W. can claim to represent a much larger number (it's all a numbers game after all). He felt that the prGoant moribund situation is nothing new, but Federation should continue to exist as a pressure group. Ray Hookway rose to put forward his views, leaning on his experience as a past president of Federation and a delegate for our own club. He pointed out the fact that Federation delegates are always the last office bearers to be elected at annual general meetings, and therefore tended to be those individuals who are left over after all the other positions have been filled. As a remedy he suggested that all clubs elect their delegates first, and therefore get the very best talent. ,Ray then moved that this Club support the continuation of Federation. Alex Colley spoke against the motion. It was then Put and carried. It was then moved by your correspondent that our delegates suggest a reduction in the number of formal meetings, and more authority be vested in standing commtttees with powers to co-opt non-delegate members. Peter Harris felt that the number of meetings is determined by the amount of business to be discussed. He felt that standing committees would require more people than at present and those people just aren't available. In the right of reply it was pointed out that standing committees would involve specialist skills and interests, and people may be forthcoming to help in these areas, whilst not wanting to be full delegates and therefore involved in the whole range of Federation activity, The motion was carried. Ray Hookway had another suggestion which he proposed in the form of a motion. This was that the Jxecutive of Federation be the executive of member clubs in rotation. This received a lot of discussion, including Alistair Battye who thought the concept was good but it wouldn't work in practice. Club office bearers if prese'ed into other duties wouldn't do a good job. He also felt that smaller clubs wouldn't have the expertise to carry out the functions adequately. Alex Colley felt that club office bearers were overworked as it was without having to carry out extra duties. The motion was lost. After all that (and a bit more too) the President and delegates felt they had enough material to go along to Federation and present a picture of our Club's thinking on the matter, so we moved on to General Business. And if anyone thought that at this juncture it was time to close the meeting they were soon proven wrong. We had much to discuss yet. Dot Butler raised the question of applying to the Lands Dept. for a lease of 80 acres adjoining our land at Kangaroo Valley. It was moved that in the event of Mr.Holland's lease being forfeited and the opportunity arising for the lease to be taken up, the Club should do so subject to endorsement by the Coolana Manegement Committee. The motion was carried. Page 11 THE SYDNEY BUSHUALKER October; 1975. Gordon Broome then reported on investigations he had made about Ausventure charging people for trips in the Kosciusko area using refuge huts for en route accommodation. It was moved that we write to the Kosciusko Huts Association objecting to this type of commercial venture. The motion was carried. Peter Scandrett next introduced a very long motion which in effect proposed that the Sydney Bush Walkers publish their own song book. The motion was carried. Maybe Alex Colley thought that by this stage everyone was in such an affirmative mood that he'd throw in a money bill just for good measure or maybe it was that everyone just wanted to be getting on home. The motion was that the Club donate '$50 to the Colong Committee. With barely a murmur of dissent the motion was carried. Frank Roberts asked for Club permission to pay some bills and that was that. The meeting; exhausted all9 closed at 10.20 p m. XXX* SONNET TO THE EDITOR by Jim Brown Dear Edit For epic For dogge Or even b or: I note you plea for verse poem that hardly scans or rhymes, rel, couplets, or a lim'rick terse awdy ballads of the times, This offe No Milton My brow I The end r ring is poor, or rather worse. here: no noble word that chimes. furrow and my lips I purse. esult? One of my lesser crimes. Dear Editor, I wish I might produce Some poetry that you might find of use; Instead my mind is sluggish and obtuse Yet give me time. Out on a mountain peak, By lonely campfire or by murmuring creek The words may come to me that now I seek. * 4 T!-,31- “rodar:1 r Se ;JO 0<o:n, .2M41,2: R !AG E Lewcto:f.,. C,Calar 1'01 LI 4 ort _ t s iL- Pater' Scoridreit ERo6in Preston, er13.9e rnent Qfl Ocl-oLer` 4)- ” r bL`,- (3 NJ 0 Ve. mber Ist w r-11-ty, wiqa Page 12 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALOR October, 1975. -x-*48i-x-*-x-* M OUNT A IN *-X-*-X-X-*-K.-*4Hi* *-X–*-X-X4R--X7X–X- Y,-* EQUIPMENT -X-*iHHHH-X-* IF YOU ARE BUYING OR HIRING HIRING- OR BUYING BUYING OR HIRING KRUG OR BUYING GEAR. FOR WALKING 00100,30 CAMPING CLOW.) CLBEETG odooD06 CANOEING wATKING 0000000 CAMPING 069G*00 CLEEING 0000000 CANOEING THDTK OF MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT 17 Alexander Street, Crow's Nest, 2065 (On -i;he corner of Falcon Street) Telephone 439-3454. for FAIRYDOON SLEEPING BAGS HIGH LOAD PACKS (Weight 3 lb 10 oz) AND ALL THE OTHER THINGS YOU COULD POSSIBLY NEED 004000 * * * * * * * * * October 1975 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Page 13. COMING WALKS By Bob Hodgson October 31, November 1 2. This month we start with a gem of a walk studded with limestone outcrops and other goodies. As your leader I intend taking you over the top of Mt. Colong with its “lighthouse” cairn then down to Church Creek with its scattered limestone caves. An interesting narrow spur then point s the way to Chiddy Obelisk from which there are good views of the Blue Preaks. All in all a trip well worth the effort The same weekend Peter Miller leads an excursion down Explorers Brook starting at the heathy headwaters. Canyon bags are a must as there will be several places where swimming is the only way. The brook becomes a beautiful canyon at the bottom of multicoloured broken sandstone cliffs but without the waterfalls of most of the nearby canyons so that abseiling is not necessary. Sunday November 2. It appears that the ferries are still running to Bundeena, t so the two walks scheduled for this day will be going. Joe Marton's walk to Otford via the coast all the way has terrific scenery, good tracks, and presumably congenial company. What more could you want, except the exercise. For those who like to take things a little easier, Sheila Binns has taken over Kath Brown's Bundeena trip. You will follow Joe Merton's footprints to Little Marley where the decadence of a lazy picnic lunch whilst sunbaking and swimming will take place. November 7, 8, 9. It has been a long time since this walk has appeared on the programme so Roy Higginbottom believes it deserves another showing. Spectacular rugged scenery from the edge of Whalania Heights with the beauty of the mountain brook in Mumbedah Creek. A walk to be enjoyed. The same weekend just go to Carlon's and turn left onto the Bob Younger Track. In ten year's time this is how thesd notes will read if Bob continues to walk this route as often as he has done recently. But who can blame him. It is a glorious walk with tremendous variety of scenery. Page 14 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER October 1975 Sunday November 9. Lilyvale to Otford via BurniOg Palms and Palm Jungle. A nice easy Sunday stroll with Fran Christie. Lots of good coastal scenery. November 14,15,16, Unfortunately Hans Beck is having a little ligament trouble so there is some doubt as to whether he will be able to lead his Nattai test walk. There will be a substitute leader though if Hans can't make it, so pack your bags and be ready. A walk as good as this one shouldn't be let slip by. Sunday November 16. Peter Scandrett is giving you the opportuniity long denied all you day walkers; that is, to walk the Cox's River, that bushwalkers' Mecca, on a day walk. As well as this, the more enthusiastic may join a campfire on the Saturday evening at Megalong Ci ossing. November 21 22 23 The presidential walk of the month is a saunter into the lower Jenolan and Little Rivers. Except for the saddle between the two rivers, it's good river walking all th.,- way. So come along and enjoy the beauty of these mountain streams. Saturday November 22. A Saturday test walk? Yes it's true! This is a repeat of a very interesting trip from last year out to the Woliongambe Crater, There's one enforced swim after lunch. Sunday November 23. Bill Hall plans on it being a beautiful warm day for his little trip down to the Woronora River, so bring your swimmers as you probably won't be able to resist those becoming crystal clear pools. November 28,29930. Day one for 3im Vatiliotis's Gingra trip will be easy with good tracks and easy going all day. The second day makes it all worth while, with beautiful Gingra Creek and the terrific views from the top Of Page's Pinnacle. A memorable trip! The same weekend a short burst down Pierces Pass and that's it. The rest of the weekend loafing or enjoying the natural beauty of the Grose, Peter Miller is the organiser of this get away from it all and relax weekend. Sunday November 30. A short National Perk walk with plenty of wildflowers to keep you happy, Sheila Binns will be the party's coordinator. r I r- c' ci . WHAT KIND OF BUSHWALKER octobe r 1975 ARE YOU ! (The Following item arrived in the mail from Phil Butt. It is alleged to have appeared originally in “The News of the Melbourne Bushwalker”, but we think Phil wrote it himself. The editors take no responsibility for the allocation of points in respect of particular answers to questions. Eds.) ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS DEVISED BY OUR PANEL OF EXPERTS. ADD UP YOUR SCORE AT THE END AND FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF BUSHWALKER YOU REALLY ARE 1. When you receive your copy of the “Sydney Bushwalker” do you: (a) read it fully and put it away for future reference? (b) use it to light a fire on some future walk? © read half of it and screw it up? 2. You've just finished a large meal of dehydrated stew and dehydrated prunes and you belch loudly, do you: (a) go red in the face and try to look innocent? (b) apologize profusely and say it will not happen again? © make an evil grin and do it again? 3. It is pouring with rain outside your tent and you know that someone has to get up and get a fire going, do you: (a) jump out of your warm sleeping bag, gather wood and get a fire going? (b) turn over and go to sleep again hoping someone else will get up? © make an evil laugh and get your choofer going? 4. How often would you go walking in six months? (a) 10 times? (b) never? © 20 times? (d) once? 5. You are walking along a hot dusty road at the end of a particularly hard trip and a tourist comes along in his Mercedes. He pokes his head out the window and says “Been hiking eh? Rather you than me!” Do you: (a) laugh and say yes? (b) patiently explain the difference between bushwalking and hiking? © hit him? 6. What are your thoughts concerning a bludger? (a) a cursed nuisance? (b) a funloving stingy moron? © a self portrait? (d) a misinformed character, someone to feel sorry for? Page 16. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER October 1975 7. A gorgeous girl visitor has considerable trouble pitching her tent. (THIS QUESTION TO BE ANSWERED BY MALE BUSHWALKERS ONLY.) Do you: (a) sit back and kill yourself laughing? (b) go up and assist her, then suggest that you sleep in her tent to make sure it doesn't fall down? © put up your tent slowly and show her the correct way to do it? 8. (AND NOW ONE FOR THE GIRLS). A handsome male prospective has the same problem as above. Do you: (a) snigger quietly? (b) assist him then slap his face when he suggests you could sleep in his tent? © methodically go through the various stages showing him the proper way to do it? There has been a lot of contoversy as to what should be worn on the feet. Do you wear: (a) sandshoes? (b) nothing? © thongs? (d) none of these? 10. Everyone has to cross a slippery log over a raging waist deep torrent. Do you: (a) wade into the torrent and help people across the log? (b) run across and get your camera out? © get across and throw stones into the water near the log? (d) panic and refuse to cross? * HOW MUCH EACH ANSWER 1S WORTH 1. a 5, b-1, c-3 a 3, b 2, 2. a 1, b s, c 3. 6. d 5. c p44, 3. a 5, b 1, c 3. 7. a 1, b 3, c 5. 4. a 3, b-0, c 5, d 1. 8. a 1, b 3, c-5. 5. a 5, b-1, c-1, d 3. 9. a 3, b 1, c 1,
d 5. 10. a 5, b 3, c 2, d O.
* October 1975. THE SYDNEU BUSHWALKER Page 17. HERE'S HOW YOU RATE ! …… …THE HORRIBLE TRUTH. 40-45 You are a bloody perfectionist; a Flawless walker who never puts a foot wrong. What a bore! 35-40 You are an extremely good walker, perhaps a little too good, but most definitely one to look up to. T You are experienced in all aspects of walking and a great asset to the Club. The halo will be given to you at the next meeting. 25-35 Average person, one who makes up 90% of the Club; a fun loving, easy going member who enjoys getting away on trips and meeting people. 15-25 You have a few things to learn as you are new to the game and will make a lot of mistakes. You are unsure of yourself but with a bit of practice you will come good. 10-15 You are basically useless. Why did you aver try bush walking as a sport? You lack ambition; you are a leader's curse and are pretty hopeless. (if you are P girl and you are crying at this stage, see the Social Secretary and he will make you the star of some future social event.) Under 10 I'd give up if I were you. Why not try collecting stamps. TASMANIAN BUSHWELKING TOUR SOME VACANCIES STILL EXIST FOR THIS GRAND BUSHWALKING TOUR OF TASMANIA. COME ON GIRLS! THIS IS INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S YEAR. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW THE MEN YOU HAVE AS MUDH GOING FOR YOU. LEAVING SYDNEY ON 2ND. FEBRUARY 1976 AND MELBOURNE ON 4TH. FEBRUARY. TRAVEL BY CAR CONVOY FOR A MINIMUM OF THREE WEEKS WITH OPEN RETURN TICKETS ON THE “EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA”, MAIN FEATURE IS THE FAMOUS CRADLE MOUNTAIN LAKE ST. CLAIR NATIONAL PARK. EIGHT ENCHANTING DAYS ON THE TRAIL. COST $43 RETURN PER PERSON $116 PER CAR UNDER 6 FEET 6 INCHES TALL. DEPOSIT OF $20 IS REFUNDABLE WITHIN SIX WEEKS OF SAILING. CONTACT THE LEADER, VICTOR LEWIN FOR DETAILS. HOME PHONE NUMBER IS 50-4096. Page 18. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER October 1975. EXTRA SPECIAL NOTICE The Wozziborns (Rosso and Margaret) are coming home from Canada for a holiday from 7th. November to 9th. December. (Margaret has been working last summer looking after deer - she had 39 fawns 1!!!) A welcome home barbecue will be held at Dot Butler's place, 30 Boundary Road Wahroonga on Saturday 15th. November. Bring your own meat. Come any time in the afternoon. PLENTY OF CAMPING SPACE FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO STAY. Ross has some beaut slides to show of his climbing expeditions in the Canadian coast range. For further information, or in case of any unforseen change of date contact Dot during the first week of November. Her telephone number is 48-2208. SACRED COWS This is a new version of some old political definitions, currently popular in Stockholm. -4, SOCIALISM : You have two cows and give one to your neighbour. COMMUNISM : You have two cows, the Government takes both of them and gives you milk. FACISM You have two cows, the Government takes both of them and sells you milk. NAZISM : You have two cows, the Government takes both of them and shoots you. BUREAUCRACY You have two cows, The Government takes both of them, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. CAPITALISM :You have two cows, you sell one of them and buy a bull. *** Next bu Id 'Inc' to 1.7),F, 811; 911. of' Pecse Geo,-cie CL;roy onEk. 6263 (at Plorne) r de t.L,' is