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4 p . P. fh .74t1\77;.14</: . 3. rS4 L.5\AkAs11/ ( fq71' \\4 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER A mont hl y bul let in of mat ter s a interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers, Box 4.476 Sydney, N. S.W. 2001. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening from “. 30 p. rn. at the Wire es s Ins titut e Building, 14 Atchi son Teet, St , leonards Enquiries concerni ng the Club shL -Id be ref erred to Mrs. Mar ci a Shappert tel 30.2028. *1014 EDITOR: NEVILLE PAGE 14 Bruce(lal e Ave Eppi ng Telephor e 86.3739 BUSINESS MANAGER: BILL BURICE Coral Tree Drive Car lingf or d Tel ephon 871.1207 DUPLICATOR OPERATORS: Peter S andr et t, Owen Marks, George Gray *Olt *Lloit* Typist: Kath Brown JANUARY 1977 The December General Meeting A Note From the President Famous Last Words Paddy's Ad The S.B.W. India Trip 1976 Walks Notes Mountain Leadership Workshop Bushwalker Bob Club Guidelines on Bush Navigation Barry Wallace 2. Helen Gray 4. Bill Burke 5. 9. Marcia Shappert 10. Len Newland 13. 14. Len Newland 18. 19. Page 2,, THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER January, 1977. THE DECELEER GMERAL MEEETG. by Wallace. ,Cholera, typhoid, bubonic plague and rabies raged =checked. in the cupboard under the stairs, but fortunately neither Mae West nor Mahummed All were there to be affected as one of our vice presidents, Alastair Bettye, called the 35 or so members to order at 8.30 for the December General Meeting. (Nuts to Owen Harks.) First we had apologies, Helen Gray and Gordon Broome, then a welcome to new members, Denise Brown, Guy Binden, Ian.Watt, Roger King, Keith Bristow and a slightly belated Colin Houghton. A reading of the minutes produced comment from Dot Butler that Natural Areas Ltd. inteud to apply for the lease of land. between Coelana and the main road. Among the magazines in correspondence in there were two letters, one from Alex Colley -C.oncerning the proposel that S.B.W. take up meeting rooms in the new premises which the N.S.W. Environment Centre' are thinking of moving into,-and one from Kath Brown seeking clarification of the nature of the social function to be held to mark the 50th Anniversary. Both items were dealt with in business arising. The club is to dbtain more details of rooms and facilities available in the new environment centre promises-before making a final decision, but at this stage the room sizes sound inadequate. A motion by Kath that we impose a $12.00 per head maximum for the, function fulfilled its stated purpose by provoking considerable debate. The motion itself was lost on the voices, but keep your ears open at the Correspondence out consisted of letters to new members. There must be someone else out there we can write to once in a while. The treasurer's-report showed a slight increase in funds from $2659.52 at the opening date to $2771.23 closing balance. Incomings totalled $239.05 with azpenditure at $127.44. Federation report told of the accumulation of rubbish in huts in the SnoWy Mountains, and sugsested that unless there is more suipport for the proiposed 24 hour walk it might well have had its day. ,Neville Page has been nominated to provide a full report in the magazine. The walks secretary's suggestion that we have walks reports for October and. Noiromber combined provoked a shower of points of order, but the wily Alastair was already there with advice that a recission of the previous meetingts decision would be necessary if the October report was to be resuscitated. Len backed down with good grace and we heard of a high incidence of fuel shortage cancellations. Vic Lewin's walk of October 29,30,31 around the Upper Grose went, but there were no survivors there to reassure us of their eventual return. Page 3. THE SYDNEY BUSHITULKEE. January, 1977. Mary Braithwaite's trip of November 7 definately went an in fact we were regaled (after a little Prompting from Len) with a detalled account of some other tthip. Which seemed..fir enough at the time as Mary had been substituting for husband. Roy. Peter Harris took a sickie from his very hard trip of 19920,21 and there were no volunteers to take his place. The, other Peter (Miller that is) reported 17 people on an enjoyable ramble on the Shoalhaven for -the same weekend. Kath Brown's Sunday walk had 15 starters out in the wilds of Palm Jungle. The following weekend saw our very own walks sec. conducting three separate parties totalling 16 souls in Capertee Country. There was something about a late return to the cars but everyone seemed to have had a good time. Sheila Binns' Sunday trip was reported as a goer but I missed the details. Pat McBride had 6 people up in the Barrington area on 3,A,5 December, Joe Marton. led 10 on the day walk in the Megalong and Peter Miller. reported a hot day's walk around America Bay with a party of 5 to conclude the walks report. General Business saw a proposcl that we apply for an extension to our application for a portion of leasehold adjacent to the Coolana property referred_ back to the Committee of Management for a recommendation. proposal by Peter Harris that we protest to the Tasmanian Government over a bridge to be built over the Picton River to provide access into the South-West. Peter also advised that there was an application for mining leases in the Ettremah Greek, Jones Creek area and that N.P.A. would. be opposing this A motion by Jim Vatiliotis that we donate $100.00 to federation for use in preparation of a proposal for an extended Blue Mountains National Park got the nod and after announcements Alastair declared the whole thing closed at 10.p m. * SPECIAL NOTICE. It has been decided by Committee that the Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 16th March next, and the Reunion at Coolana the following weekend, 19th and 20th March. 0000000000000 WI. 41.0 Page 4 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER January, 1977. FROM THE PRESIDENT: HOW MUCH …. ? “How much will the S.B.W. 50th Anniversary dinner cost?” “If it costs $15_now, what will it cost by next October!??” “I'm not going! Too bloody much.” And so on Before any more of us complain, let's get a few things straight. The Menzies Hotel has been chosen because of so many requests for (a) a place in the city, (b) close to public transport, and © not closing too early. The choice was made after discussion during at least two general meetings, and voted on. Helen Rowan, a caterer by profession, first made enquiries on prices etc0 from dozens of hotels and restaurants. Owen Marks and I did a bit of asking around, too. The Menzies is no dearer than any other place. At present, typical prices for food at the Menzies are: Entree Main Course $4.00 Sweets $8.50 + coffee + grog.. WaPacm11-. We don't have to give final numbers until some weeks before the “do”, and it will cost no nore per head if 10 people turn up than if 300- plus'turn up. So let's make it 300 plus! HELEN CRAY. xxx Page 5 THE SYDNEY BUSHWUKER January, 1977. FAMOUS LAST WORDS. by Bill Burke. Chris rang on Thursday to check up that the trip was going - “There's been a-bit of rain.” “Not to worry,” says I,. “not nearly- enough to stop this tripe”. And so a:party of ten spread over three oexs set out on an ordinary routine easy weekend walk. Advance car (mine) arrived at the ford at 10 p m. The weather was fine but a few spots of rain shortly afterwards hastened the erection of our tents and soon to bed to be lulled to sleep by the steady drum of rain on the tent. Faintly heard some of the others ,arrive and. had. a momentary twinge of sympathy over thoughts of putting up tents in the rain before slumber reclaimed me. Morning dawned. with the rain continuing in a steady otreaD, the ground soggy and running with water, but memories of a pile of driftwood from,a previous trip proved accurate and I soon had a pile of dry firewood. A quick look at the river - low and clear - showad that all was well. Breakfasted to the accompaniment of steady rain and then into the cars and on our way to Barralier, only to have a flat tyre and then second thoughts about the possible condition of the road. Second thoughts were best and so we left the cars high and. reasonably dry near the old stone house. Lucky, as we would never have made it over the grassy road, and even if we had the road was subsequently cut by flooding and a fall of large boulders. No trouble at the river crossing at Barrallier - only knee deep - dropped in on the Cou6ins who now occupy Tony Carlon's old house, to extend the usual courtesies walkers should always observe when passing through private property, then off up Murruin Creek. Bindook Creek for lunch and Wattley Hollow at 4 p m. for the night camp. Wet rocks slowed some of the party and these together with cola saturated feet from the numerous creek crossings allied with the continual rain made conditions generally unpleasant and cold. Stops were only long enough to enable the tail-enders to catch up. No opportunity to to laze and yarn and enjoy the :nany green grassy flats that are such a feature of Hurruin Creek in sunny weather. Lunch was to be a 20 min. stand and eat5 a fire would have taken too long and it was too cold and miserable to stand around. Revived memories of a similar lunch break at the junction of Christy's Creek and the Kowmung many years ago. It was a Finch-WYborn trip. We had traversed the Tonalli Range and had seen nothing but mist and driving rain for 2V days on that occasion. I was half way through my lunch when the tail-enders arrived. TWO soaked and shivering with gear totally unsuitable for wet weather, and the third to quote “I'm freezing”. He looked it, and it didilIt take long to realize that another three hours up the ridge to arrive at a soaking wet campsite on the HiGhlands just on dusk was out of the question. we promptly suspended lunch, got a fire going, and put our freezing member to bed.. Page 6 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER Jqn11..q2a,..1977. It was an unfriendly, wet afternoon. Some slept and the remainder spent their time collecting firewood and standing around a fire built to withstand any amount of rain. A half-hour break in the rain gave us 'an opportunity to dry out wet E;roundsheets and other gear. Plans were made by the more energetic for a 7 a m. start to complete the trip as Per program. Tea was cooked in the rain and eaten standing up in the rain. Dark closed in with the rain, and bodies rapidly disappeared into the green, gold and red tents dotting the grassy flat. - Muxruin Creek was still shallow and. clear and. Bindook Creek still hidden beneath the boulders lining its mouth. Stacked some wet wood. between some sheets of old iron on the fire, and So, after 6 hours standing round in the rain, Chris and I - the last two wished each other a cheery goodnight and off to bed. Not for long, howeVer. My drying system worked only too well, and within half an hour the wood was not only dry butbux-Ang brightly. A hurried dash to scatter the burning wood in all directions and then stand on one of the burning sticks, before restacking the precious morning firewood. Awoke to the sound of roaring water down the creek. Other noises around the fireplace indicated that some at least were prepared to move' off 6,t 7 a m as planned. Some remaining coals and the dry wood made firelighting easy; soon dll were up bright and energetic, even ifnot brimming over with enthusiasm. Laurie had spent most of the night in a soaking wet bag due to theheavy rain. Murruin Creek was now a muddy torrent and Bindook had well and truly swallowed up the boulders at the _mouth. Beyond,the junction was a wide yellow river covering the valley floor, HT had hoped to send the tail-enders back down the creek, but one lookvias enough to raise doubts as to the wisdan of attempting to cross Murruin Creek at the Wollondilly junction, so decided to crops here and follow the right bank all the way down. Pat, Dick and. Hal called for volunteers to continue -on, and finding none decided to go anyway. Trip back was uneventful. Rain had stopped but a waist-deep crossing of the first side creek, together with constant contact ,with wet bushes and the numerous sidincs soon had the party soaked again. We did aotually have a dry (overhead) lunch break. Arrived back at the Cousins home to be greeted with, “You look a miserable lot. You won't be able to cross the Wollondilly - the river is 5' over the bridge.” “Have an old shed down there where we used to live; you are welcome to that - has a stove and there is plenty of firewood.” There really are some lovely people on the fringes of our walking country. Walkers should never forget this and rally to their support in the occasional dispute with the ultra pure envircinmentalists. Sensible land use both for recreational use and to earn a living is the best we can expect unless we are all prepared to go and jump immediately into the hereafter. Inspection revealed a palace carpet on t-hrl floor, two stoves, a pot-belly and a cooker no less, and with the assistance of lb. Cousins Page 7 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALE,IR January, 1977. the party was,soon settled in fires were going, wet gear draped round and the inevitable cup of tea in the making. Time passed, numerous. phone calls were made to acquaint all at home about our late arrival, and we wondered about Pat,and his party. The creek was checked and looked none too promising. Mr. Cousins had. mentioned. the possibility of using his boat. And lo there they were had crossed and were on their way to the bridge when the Cousins directed them down to the shed. Roll call,on the provision front revealed that we had enough for at lept one meal. Two heavy-weights produced a loaf of vogel bread each, and others contributed an assortment of riso-rioa, a potato,,peas,.soups and dried fruit, all of which ended up in a first class stew. Mr.Cousins offered us chop -s and. 'biscuits which we declined, and on another visit fresh milk, weetbix and. biscuits for breakfast, which we accepted with pleasure. John Redfern went up to the house to collect the goodies and numerous cups of tea, cakes, scones, jam,and cream later returned to describe all this to us with great gusto. Both Chris and Pat were anxious to get back to work and so a dawn start was planned in the hopes that the river would have dropped su'l,iciently to allow a crossing. Breakfast was a cold affair and we hurried away without even disturbing the dogs - they had. more sense. A check of our river marker revealed that the bridge would be still under water and so it proved to be. No sign even of the guide posts at either end. Cup of tea was declared - marvellous thing, a cup of tea - whilst we considered our position. Was soon consumed and as the rain started to sprinkle again I decided to head for the verandah of the Jock Creek Hut, information by courtesy of Mr. Cousins, whilst the others stayed to wish the river down. Was soon comfortable in a cane armchair midst the cow dung and other assorted paraphc-onalia. The rain continued and one by one the others drifted in. Dick was the last and finding all chairs occupied did a little further exploration to find an open room with - wonder-of wonders - a double bed complete with mattress. A proposal by him and Pat that all should head for WoMbeyan Caves receiving little support, he promptly retired to bed for several hour. The weather was getting bleaker and colder and my-burnt foot was starting to make its presence felt, so I slipped into my sleeping bag and made myself-even more comfortable in the armchair. A trick I learnt in the army; if you have no place to go, then lie back and enjoy what you can of the situation. -I once spent a whole day,in the Western Desert lying in an 18” deep slit trench watching 88 m m shells air-bursting over our company position and. wondering, not so idly, whether one had a piece of shrapnel-with my name on it. (An air burst is a shell timed to explode 100/200 feet above the ground.) My only activity for the whole day was a quick peek, between bursts of Jerryli.G. fire, over the edge of the trench to see if they were content to sit and fire and not attack. Fortunately they remained friendly and came nightfall the “Brass” reconsidered and ordered us to sneak out to a more comfortable location. And so the morning passed. The ever restless Chris and Pat decided to head for WoMbeyan Caves without packs and bring back taxis; made a Page 8 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER January, 1977. , further lengthy inspection of the river, reported a Police Car and much waving of arms and shouting which indicated that a lengthy wait was in progress, and then changed their minds and headed back to parrallier for news via the phone. Laurie Quaken wandering in circles was cajoled into lighting a fire for another ouppa. Mal, John and Alan Fall rechecked the river. . Lunch was served. One sweet bixie, - one dry bixie and one very small piece of cheese per person. , Come 3 p m. even I got restless and the whole party proceeded to the river to perform obtuse mathematical calculations as to the rate of fall and other probabilities or possibilities. The top half of the guide posts were now visible and an obvious pressure wave had formed over the bridge. Dick, the ever ambitious - the crossing of Diu::eruin Creek must have gone to his head contemplated swimming the river. As we had no wish to lose a good friend this was vetoed. Back to the fire to wonder over the fate of our iestless duo who raced in at 6 p m. more intent on regaling us with stories of sao biscuits thick with butter and cheese, tea with milk and sugar, etc., than with the information that the river would not fall at least before Wednesday and possibly not before Saturday. Decision made, we threw on our parkas and raced off the 10-odd miles to Wombeyan Caves. The first party consisting of Pat, Dick, Mal, Alan and myself arrived at 9,45 p m. and the remainder half an hour later. The manager of the kiosk remained guardedly behind his fly screen door and who can blame him, The arrival of 5 dirty smelly, dripping bodies enoased in parkas out cf the dusk 'elould be enough to scare anyone. No, 'there waw no local transport available. No he diun't think we could ring Goulburn, the exchange was closed. You people certainly get yourselves in a mess, don't you?“ Yes, he would_ try to ring Gouiburn - the atmosphere v's thawing all the time - didnt we want to know the cost? Yes, he would open up the kiosk and let us buy some food. The flydoor actually opened. A slight delay and then the taxis were on the way, kiosk opened, food purchased between much talk and laughter and then a friendly, affable soul raced off down the road to open up a pUblic shelter shed complete with electric light and water hot enough to make the inevitable tea and this time, coffee. Had. barely finished eating and cleaning up when The taxis arrived and we were off to Gouiburn. The driver was friendly and talkative, the others Cozed off to sleep and I was regaled with stories of the odd types of. men and women who hire taxis and other assorted woes bf the industry. He was dubious about getting down to the Wollondilly on the other side, but after I mentioned the police car promptly replied, “Where the 'fuzz' can go, we can go.” A brief stopover at the all-night B.P. gerage in Gouiburn whilst the drivers reported to base and then we were on our way again. By 2 a m we were back at our cars. A 7-arried whip around to raise the necessary cash, eaually hurried start up of motors and we were on our way for a 5.30 a m. homecoming - some to work and. others to catch up on lost sleep. In retrosPect, a lovely extended weekend and surely a 10 mile walk, a 130 mile taxi drive and $.14 per head must go on record. as the longest, costliest crossing of the Wollondilly ever. * * * * * * * * * * * * * Page 9 TIE] SIT= BUSHWALKER Januarys, 1977. BUNYIP RUCKSACK This 'shaped' rucksack is excellent for children. Useful day pack. Weight 14ozs SENIOR RUCKSACK A single pocket, shaped rucksack. Suitable for overnight camping. Weight 1%lbs BUSHMAN RUCKSACKS Have sewn-in curved bottom for extra comfort in carrying. Will hold 30 lbs. 2 pocket model 1 'Albs 3 pocket model 136lbs PIONEER RUCKSACK is an extra large bag with four external pockets and. will carry about 40Ibs of camp gear. Weight Mlles MOUNTAINEER DE LUXE Can carry 70lbs or more. Tough lightweight terylene/ cotton, proofed fabric with special P.V.C. reinforced base. 20” x 17“ x 9” proofed nylon extension throat with double draw cord for positive closure. Flap has full sized zip pocket of waterproof nylon. Outside pocket. Bag is easily detached from the frame to form a 3' sleeping bag cover for cold, wet conditions. Weight Bibs MOUNTAINEER Same features as de luxe model except for P.V.C. bottom reinforcing. Weight 5%Ibs HOTHAM MODEL Super warm. Box quilted. Added leg room. Approx 41/Sibs. KIANDRA MODEL Hooded bag, Extra well filled. Very compact. APProx 3%lbs, Lightweight bushwalking and camp gear CARRYING BAGS P.V.C. or nylon. TRAMPER FRAME RUCKSACK Young people and ladies will find this pack a good one. It will carry sufficient camping equipment and food for 3 or 4 days or more. Has 3 pockets, capacity about 30 lbs. Weight 4:b.% 'A' TENTS One, two or three men. From '214 to.'3%lbs WALL TENTS Two, three or four man. From 314 to-44:s Compasses dry, oil filled or wrist types. Maps. Large range. Bushwalking books. Freeze dried and dehydrated foods. Stoves and lamps. Aluminium cook ware. Ground sheets. Everything for the bushwalker. 69 LIVERPOOL ST., SYDNEY 26-2686, 61-7215 Page 1 0 TIM SIDNEY BUSHWALUR 2 1,977. P - 1 TRIP by Marcia ShappeLq. When I last wrote of OUT adventures in India, we had just reached our hotel in Madras* It was 11.45 p m* on New Year's Eve. The story continuess Ecom somowhere, Heather Williams obtained some fire crackers and sparklers.. We lit two on the balcony of our room, but they made big black ma4..ks on the balcony above, so we moved out into the parking lot. All the 1D'e1l boys, waiters, cleaners, etc. joined ust We had lots of fun, tut I'm sure-they all enjoyed it more. We all joinod hands with them in a, large circle and sang Auld Lang Syne. There was a special feeling there. Maybe we would all understand that everyone is really baslcally the same. The next day we spent wandering through the city, just taking in the slireet scenes. Eventually we arrived at Marina Beach. Nau rally, as soot. as we sat down a crowd gathered around us. We had a very. 6ntertain-: ing chat with the children, who kept offering us various unknown Tthings to c.,4t. finally tried something that looked somewhat like a pretzel, but it tasted like sawdust. We spent the rest of the day shc/Dping getting last minute Indian gifts to take home. The next morning we took a local bus to Mahabalipuram, about 2 hours south of liadras - lots of palm trees and grass huts. Mahabalipu:cau is known for its rathas, enormous carved monuments. Each of the rathas -_s carved, decorated, doulptured and hollowed out so that it seems more Lccrated building than a work of art carved from olidrodk. kcljoining the group are three life-size animals - a lion facing north9 qx elephant south and a bull on the eastern side. 1 We also saw the ie=in,tng temple of many that were washed away by a tidal wave a thousand yeas ' – We had a very enjoyable meal of curry at a little cafe. It 72a8 zerved on palm leaves and without eating utensils - so we ate with our That evening we left India on the 10 p m. flight to Colo,,,bo, -nka. By the time we got through customs it was so late (after mid,. night) we decided to sleep at the airport. In the other airports we had Saer,t in there were couches we could sleep on, but here there were only vol7 uncomfortable chairs. We asked one clerk if we could just spread c.or'sleeping bags out on the floor. He had a much better idea - he told us we could sleeP on the floor behind the ticket counter - our own pc?Lvato bedroom! The next morning when we awoke about 6 a m the air- r' 1Ia,c1 quite a few people present. They looked, and we laughed, as we popped up from behind the counter. Later, while having breakfast in the restaurant, we saw one fellow sleeping across 3 bar 'stools! Ho he did it, I'll never know, but he pi'013'61b1y used them for his bed eve2y night and was well practiced We caught a train to ColoMbo-(the airport is 23 miles away) and - , ck then out again as soon as we could. We really had had our fill bf7ditl!es Page THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER January, 1977. We eventually got to AMbalangoda4, about 50 miles south of Colombo. Here we just basked in the sun and lay on the beautiful white sand beaches for two days; the water,was so warm I “almost fell asleep while floating in the clear blue water. Ambalangoda is known for its mask-making. After a while, we finally roused ourselves and strolled through the town. We found the home of the most famous mask-maker and bought ourselves a few. “India on $3 and 4'il0 a Day” has this to say about masks. 'Mask-making and mask dancing (Kolam) had their origins in early times when, according to mythology, a pregnant queen had a craving for this type of entertainment. (We've heard of pickles and strawberries, but masked dancers?) Apparently she was so pleased with what she saw that to this day traditional performances include figures representing queen and king and dancers still try for their favourable reactions. The dancers tell an assortment of tales dealing with early mythology 5 exotic masks are used to portray good and evil characters.' On our way back to the lodge, we bought some pineapples and coconuts. That a delicious lunch they made! The pineapples were the most yellow I had ever seen and certainly the sweetest. We split up here - Heather going to the northern part of the island, Louise Rowen going south, then north through the middle of the island, Len Newland stayed in AMbalangoda and then headed towards Kandy, and Denise Brown, Wayne Steele and I headed towards Kandy and Sri Pada, which we decided to climb. It was a lovely train ride through the mountains that took us to Kandy. The mountains looked to be carpeted in green - all tea plantations. Kandy is a lovely town in the mountains. We would have loved to spend more time there, but decidbd to push on to Maskeylia and Sri Pada (Adam's Peak). Sri Pads. (72353 ft.) is revered by all of Sri Lanka's religious sects. 'The unusual formation atop is believed by Buddhists to be Buddha's footprint made upon his departure from the island. Hinduh say it's Shivas's5 Moslems claim it's Adam's. They believe he was put here by a kind god,' after expulsion from Eden to rest atop a country most equal to Eden in beauty. Christians get into the act by attributing the print to St. Thomas. I We started climbing the path and stairs about 11 p m. As we neared the top the stairs were very steep and the going very slow. We took our sleeping bags along so we could sleep at the top. With lots of rests we finally made it to the top about 1.30 a m. Later, we learned this was almost a track record. It usually takes about 5-6 hours to do the cliMb. It was freezing cold at the top and we took refuge in a little room we found, trying to make ourselves as comfortable as possible on the cement floors. We were up again at 5.45 a m. to watch the sun rise - it was magnificent! , We saw the shadow of the Peak reflected on the distant country side. During the season (mid-January to March) there are as many as 2,000 people per day doing the climb! There was one other family to share the tremendous view with us. Page 12. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER January, 1977. The ten of them (from grandmother on down) had cliMbed all night to reach the peak just before sunrise. At least we got some rest before going down. Within minutes our legs were like jelly, shaking uncontrollably. (Back in Sydney a few days later, my legs were still sore.) We got back to the Maskeylia Hotel and had a good wash (for some reason their showers weren't working), had a delicious meal and then started our long trip back to Kandy. It was one of the most hair- raising bus trips I've ever had The driver going as fast as he could (faster, I thought) with one hairpin bend after another. We finally reached Kandy and the boarding-house where we had stayed prcviously, only to learn there was no room. When they saw-how tired we were, they took pity on us ana gave us their son's room. We left Kandy the next day and returned to the Colombo Airport. It Was so good to see the others and all exchange tales. They all had some interesting experiences too. We boarded our flight to Singapore with real regrets. Not only did it mean the end of our trip, but we all loved Sri Lanka and would gladly have stayed longer. India had been brown and dry, Sri Lanka green and lush - it is really a very beautiful country. We did all the things every tourist does in our one day in Singapore. Spent all the money we had watched over so carefully before, went to eat all the good things in Orachard Road car park (food stalls. are set up at 5 p m. every day), and enjoyed showers and toilets that actually worked! We had left Australia almost a month earlier, not really knowing what to expect or even each other very well. We arrived in Australia glad to be back, but wanting to travel again soon. I've made six good friends I might not otherwise have made and have some wonderful memories. Hopefully, I'll be able to take my family back there soon. 00000000000000000 SONG GROUP. It is planned to form a singing group under the guidance of Christine Kirkby. The first meeting will be at 7 p m. at the Clubroom on the 16th February (before the third club meeting of the month). For further details contact Christine (phone 8093399 after the let February) or John Redfern at the club. All welcome. * * * * * * * * Page 1 3 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER January, 1977. WALK NOTES. by Len Newland.. Time is getting short for the close of the Autumn Walks Programme. In fact, it is due for Committee approval on the first Wednesday in February. At this writing, we have just seven weekend walks, and ONE Sunday walk. So I would like to ask each and every member please to ring, write to, or see me about putting at least one walk on the programme. Test walks especially are badly needed. WAIKS FOR FEBRUARY: Test Walks. Zilch: Base Camp. Myall Lakes is the scene on February 11212 and 13. Tony Denham, assures me that this will be an easy weekend, with plenty of swimming. Lilo Trips. This one is a nmaYbc”. Subject to river conditions, Hans Stichter will be leading a lilo trip on the Cox's River, on February 20th, starting and finishing at Canon's Farm. Swimming and hieing all the way with Helen Gray down the spectacular Bell Creek Canyon, on February 26 and 27. Weekend Walks. First up for February is Carlon's Farm on the 42 5 and 6. The itinerary is to be Breakfast Creek, Cox's River, Jenolan River, Galong Creek and. back to Carlon't Farm. The leader is Jeff Bridger, and if you like rocky creeks, this is the place to go. On February 11,12,13 David Rostron will be leading a medium walk in the Kanangra,Boyd area, starting on the Kanangra Road and going via Morong Falls, the KowmunG River, Morong Deep, Megalith Ridge, Boyd Crossing, and David advertises cascading and swimming will be necessary. This walk has been brought forward from 18/19/20. David is also leading Da Walks. a canyon trip on weekend. 4/5/6 February. xxx February 6th sees two walks on the programme: Faye Smith leads Waterfall to Engadine via 1.p.00la Track, Karloo Pool and Head of Navigation in the Royal National Park. Train U.N.OV, not as shown on programme. Christine Kirkby and Jo17.,n Redfern lead a Stewart's Selection round trip via Bob Turner's Track, Hungry Creek, Tootie Creek and_ lit.Tovnsend_. John tells me that the walk should have been advertised in the programme as medium rather than easy standard, but could be made easy for-those who desire it by leaving people at the bottom of the hill and picking them up on the return trip. * Msrk these alterations on your walks programme. Page 1 4 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALIME.. January, 1977. ,A day walk on a Saturday for a change John Fox is leading an easy one on February 12th from Waterfall to.Heathcote via Kangaroo Creek in the Royal NationalPark. JOn the following day (Sunday 13th), Jeff Bridger leas a walk with swimming in the Blue Mountains s Vale's Lookout, Cabbage Tree Creek, Grose River and backto Vale's Lookout, :February 20th, an easy walk from Lilyvale to Otford via North Era, Burning Palms'and Palm Jungle. The leader will be Anne ,Morgan. Also on February 20th, an easy walk at Tahmoor, via Couridjah, ThirImere Lakes and,most interesting of all, the Rail Transport Museum. David Ingram leads. Meryl Vatman leads from Heathcote to Engadine via Kangaroo Creek on February 27th the la ;t swim of summer. ADVERTISEMENT. FOR SALE. PACK:. 1(2 Intermediate Hframe for sale. Capacity 60 lb. Used once, Carol Byrnes, Phines 92-0331 (B) and 938-2987 (H) AROUND AUSTRALI A. Retired S.B.W.9-mebor seeks passenger for spacious Comer motorized caravan, share driving, runnings costs. Departure expected March April. Appreciate early enquiry. PDne 44-4080. Bernard Hall. MOUNTAIN LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP. Friday evening to Sunday evening April 29 May 1, 1977. Chakola Wildlife RelUge and Natu Retreat. Puru se. The aim of this workshop is to prepare group leaders for bush walking trips. into the mountainous country of eastern Australia. No “TeChnicall climbing is involved. The National Parks Association of N.S.W. wponsors the workshop as a public service, in the interest of better cliMbing and bushwalking srfety, and operates the program on a nonprofit basis. Page 1 5. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALICER January, 1977. Activities and Schedules. The Workshop begins Saturday morning, at Chakola Wildlife Reeuce and Nature Retreat, Kangaroo Valley. Both Friday and Saturday nights accommodation is provided indoors. Instruction will focus on leadership skills, clothing and equipment, mountain first aid, map and compass, and the apidication of leadership skills to the base camp situation. Participants -will also be introduced to the natural history of the surrounding mountains. Staff. Tha Workshop Staff is composed of experienced buShwalkers, climbers and mountaineers from the Federation of Bushwalking Clubs, NPA, and government organisations. Equipment. A complete list of equipmentwill be sent to registrants following acceptance. First Aid. Basic first aid training is considered essential to effectiVe mountain leadership. For individuals who have not been schooled, or who wish to 'brush up' on First Aid knowledge, there will be a qualified official to instruct over the weekend.. Fees and Registration. All costs, includinTmeals, accommodation, and other materials are: 6overed by a fee of t1)35.00, payable at time of registration. Send stamped selfaddressed envelope, completed regist- ration form, and cheque or money order to Er. Peter Harris, Mountain Leadership Workshop, 8 Lionel Avenue, North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113. Registration deadline is I March 1977. Lectures for Mountain Leadershik_Aprksh2p. Mr. Wilf Hilder Member S.B.W., C.M.W. responsible for the mapping of vast areas of N.S.W. LectRrino_n_p_4_Comps. Mr. Alan Fox Dr. Richard Mason Mr. Jim Dorrington National Parks & Wildlife Service. Leading authority on nataral history of the Great Dividing Range. Speaking on Natural Histau_aLth2 Southern Blue Mountains. President of National Parks Association of N.S.W. Medical practitioner. Strong bushwalker. Lec-ountain First Aid. Loader of many Himalayan and Indian. expeditions for Ausventure. Extensively bushwalked through. out Australia. LectU__ra o..a._C_12t,lj ne,_LaG E ui ment. Mr. Peter Harris Convenor Field Activities Committee, 15.P.A., member S.B.W., leader of eztended walks throughout Australia and New Zealand. Lecturing on Jioadershi ) Skills. Page 1 6. THE SYDNEY BUSHIVALI R January, 1977. ,,,,, MT. Shaughn Lowry Photographer. Pioneer of base camping extended trips to the islands of the Great Barrier Reef. Member N.P.A. Les:b. o_nLead_e_x_shi- Skills for the Base Caujituation. Mr. iergus Bell - Member Sydney Rock Climbers. Rock Rescue Officer for N.S.W. Federation of Bushwalking OlUbs. Pioneer of many rock climbs within this state. SpeakonLeadership Skills for RockcliMbing and -' I0.r19.2ina,* REGISTRATION FORM First New South Wales MOUNTAIN LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP. Sponsored by the National Parks Assn. of N.S.W. To be held at Chakola Wildlife Refuge and Nature Retreat, Kangaroo Valley, weekend of April 29 May 19 1977. Please enrol me for participation in the fully catered Mountain Leadership Workshop. Names Mr s/Miss060eao ooDeatleo0000006060066066 Address: o60600ooon00000Goo00000000000ow00000000c000000oo Telephone: 0000600006M Home Post Code ….. tt. Business I will/will not require transport to and from Chakola on both Friday and Sunlay evenings. ClUbaffiliation (if any) Brief history of walking ezperience as it pertains to this courses .. o 6.60660660006000060606096606060170600006eO0000000cao000b000bwOoo *o……………. 6000000000006000606660600006066666006060 oo e 0.0006 060066000000060006600660060066600600660006600600000:,oc o,,o600000 Enclosed is my cheque/money order for 4..e…9 being full payment for participation in the Mbuntain Leadership Workshop, and covering accommodation, meals, maps, arid other materials. Signed: ………………………………. Date …………. - (Parent's signature if under 18 years of age) Cheques/money orders should be made payable to the National Parks Assn. of N.S.W. Send completed registration form, together with stamped self addressed envelope, and payment to Mr, Peter Harris, Mountain Leadership Workshop, 8 Lionel Avenue., North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113. Registration deadline is 1 March, 1977. -* iffer you a full range of high quality gear for: IUSHWAUCING LIGHTWEIGHT CAMPING SK1T0URING CUMING CANOEING - –THE SYDINEY-BUSHVIAIMEEr L17 Fcamp Street, Crows Nest,2065 13,11. 439,2454 ,. JUST ARRIVED g SCARPA BOOTS - MODEL HERCULES (Lightweight) 3. 50 MODEL 904 TRECIKA (Medium we with stitched sole) 44.50 KASTINGER BOOTS MODEL :..DST (Le htweight) 345o “BERGHAUS - CYCLOPS” II MTALP '1.-u; PACKS 54 59.00 OILSKIN P–41 (including some heavy ty cloth) 7 P am Large Boys .XX DOTN G (D 'TS YE WOOL SI fl S NYLON P KING LEO RUG OOTS TASMANIAN MAPS DEHYDRATED POt IS BILLUS 1E, KIT.' ding a Y. SET from New Zealand going und the “AUNT SALLY”) 'UUTIMATE't TENTS IN STOCKS J about everything - RUCKSACKS ST,P;APING B WATER BUM…, CAPE/GROUNDSHEET duo at any moment PADDY Page 18- THE SYDNEY-BUSHWALKER Januar y 1977, BUSIIWAIKER BOB. 'V* .., . ^ t ,,., ^h. ” It Mi “Who did you say taught you to read mgps q”…,“ …………. ……… ……… i 1 i ,…,……. -.'”'“.1.-' '…..”“.. , .”..,.. 1 ……– ..“' ,:-. -1:- ….. ..,_,……. …. ……..' v….y.4i… *3 …………….., ,……….- …….,..- …….., '.. 1….1…. ' …… \ .. …,… ……No, L,. g CLUB GUIDELINES ON BUSH NAVIGATION For sometime now there has been considerable concern felt that the Club should be doing more to train prospective members, and even full members, in the basics of bush navigation and proper use of map and compass. To this end a subcommittee was formed to study the matter and come up with recommendations and a set of guidelines which could be distributed to all new prof!Oectives The following pages represent the culmination of that subcommittee's work, Please read them,; ** Page 19. THE SYDNEY BUSH WALK:RS._ THE SYDNEY BUSHNALKaR January, 1977. Notes for the guidance of leaders and prespectiVemetbers. LDADE13S of Test Walks are required -to instruct prospective members in map reading ancl bushcraft during the progress Of their walk. PROSPECTIVE hEMBERS-are required to pass an oral test In. elementary map reading and first aid in order to qualify for membership. LAPPING. The main. -reqUireMents are that the person concerned can use a map to I. Plan a wdlking trip and estimate the time required by a party to travel over different types of country. 2. Find his position and navigate through country which is 'new' to him, and trace the route of the walk after the trip. The leader should also discuss the followings- 1'. Why we use a map. - 2. Types of maps Eilitary, Lands Department, Walkers 'sketch map. 3. The importance of the date of compilation and the scale. 4. The meaning of grid north, true north and. magnetic north and how to orientate the map using a magnetic compass. 5. The signifioance of contour lines and other methods of illustrating topography. 6. The use of a silva compass and how to take bearings from or plot bearings on to a nap. 7. The use of map references. Maps and 9ass. Detailed instruotions on the use of maps and compasses can he found in the many books Obtainable from -shops supplying bushwalking gear.. The following notes should. be regarded as no more than an introduction to the _subject. A, MAP is a representation of an area prepared usually from aerial photographs and ground surveys. There are many types of maps but the ones most useful for bushwalking are the military ordinance, Lands Dept., and hikers' sketch maps. These maps have a number of Important features: Name … This defines the area the map covers. Scale …. e g., 1 inch to a mile, gives the representation of distance on the map. Date …. This is the date on which the map was printed. An old map can be misleading as man-made features can change, as can watercourses, etc., with time. Possible changes should be considered. when ma..preading. Grid. Lines …. These are lines drawn geographically (true) north-south and east-west on the map. Contour Lines are lines which appear to wander around on the map they ,join areas of' equal height above sea level and are marked. with this height. Contour lines therefore represent slopes, hills, cliffs, etc. Mountains and. valleys etc. can be seen on the /nap by studying the contour lines. Synthols… Because a map represents a picture, roads, forests, swamps, rivers, etc., are shown on a map by means of symbols. The symbols used are fairly standard on maps and are listed at the bottom of the map. Mao tio The magnetic poles of the earth are not in the same place _as tho _geographic poles. The geographic poles are the points around hich the earth rotates. The magnetic poles are the points of emerging magnetic field. A compass needle points to the magnetic poles. The reason for the geographic poles and. the magnetic poles being in different places is complicated and. unnecessary to know for navigation. It is simpler to consider it as being due to the perversity of nature designed to confuse the navigat_ra When using a com pass, which shows magnetic north-south, to plot a position on a map which is marked geographic north-south 9 the difference between magnetic and. geographic must be known. It varies from place to place. This magne-bic variation, as it is called, is usually, shown at the bottom of the mapfor the particular area. In the Sydney region it is about12 east of north. That is, a compase-L needle will point about l2 east of geographic (true) north. Note, Some maps are drawn with grids on magnetic north-south. This simplifies compass reading to some extent. COMPASSES axe available in many different forms depending on the use required. Basically a compassie., a magnet pivoted to swing horizontally. Such a magnet, will point north-south if not disturbed. That is, magnetic north-south. For bushwalking, compasses which can be used. range from simple pivoted needles in a round case to liquid-filled (this dampens the a,gitated. swingin g of the needle) prismatic bearing compasses. Probably the best compass available for bushwa,lking is the 'Silva,' liquid filled hiker's compass. It is reasonably priced., simple to use and automatically performs a number of the award Calculations required to convert magnetic bearings to grid bearings. Also the instruction sheet with the compass is one of the best condensed instructions on map and compass work available. TO USE a map and compass to plot a course across country, or to locate one's position, the following steps are taken. (Vie will assume a Silva type compass is used) g (a.) Decide the course to be taken on the map. a pencil line along the intended course). (2) Lay the compass straight edge along this course line. Page 21. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALK2R January, 1977. (5) With the compass edge along the course line rotate the compass dial until the paralle-1 lines on the dial are parallel with the NS grid lines on the map. Correct for magnetic variation as follows read the magnetic variation froffi the notes at the bottom of the map (e g.12o E). If the variation is east of north then turn, the compass dial east (clockwise) by the amount of variation (e g.12). If the variation is west then turn the compass dial west (anticlockwise) by the amount of variation. Using the compass alone, align the needle parallel with the lines on the cow:pass dial. The direction pointed by the arrow on the compass 'plate' is the direction in which to walk. this procedure in a place where you cantt get lost. is important. If you get it wrong you-will find creeks wrong way and the moon will rise when the sun should. (5) you must know which end of the compass needle points Otherwise you will walk backwards. mapreading with walks leaders. Read what you can on the These notes are only a very brief introduction to the art. The geographic or true northsouth poles lie on the earthts spin axis and provide long distance navigators and map makers with a usefu eference. The magnetic north and south poles do not coinciuo with the geographic poles. The magnetic compass needle points towards the magnetic poles. Department of Lands and Military maps are constructed on a grid system. The direction of grid north and magnetic north are shown, and the angle between the two directions is called the magnetic variation. T.1-,e angle varies from place to place and from year to year. Because the earth is not flat and the map is, corrections required to obtain true bearings are shown on these maps. Any point on a map containing grid lines can be located by utilising the grid line numbers, e g. 194.257. The gri,f, lines are considered to be ten units apart and the first three figures represent the position of the point from the left hand margin. Similarly the second three figures in the series give its position relative to the bottom edge of the map. The first two digits of each group are the grid line nuMbers. The last digit in each group represents the distance of the point from the grid lines. NOTES l , Practise Step (4) flow the For Step north. Discuss, subject. Page 2 2 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALICR January, 1977.

The examiner will check2L9,..14.:e owir to…pics;-1 * What is 4 map, what doles it represent, what are the various types of maps. * What are grid lines, how can the-Sr. be Used what is the difference between grid north and -magnetic north. * How. is distance determined. Using a map. * What important items should you check before using a map.. Given a map and compass explain how to orient the map correctly. * You are in a party not sure of their position the examiner will give you several magnetic bearings from prominent landmarks. Explain how you would find the party's position on the map. * From 6, point on explain how to read Off a Magnetic bearing to a given landmark. Hew are grid references determined. Explain what is a contour identify on a map spurs, hills cliff line, saddle and explain:theSe fecitures. * Given 1. a spur or ridge, determine the height of the ridge from the valley 'below. The examiner may draw a line on a map to indicate a route taken by a walking party ana you will he asked to describe The route and c stimate times taken. Alternatively the examiner may select a walk from the walks programme and ask you to work out the route on the map, _describe the -country and estimate the time required for a section of the trip.

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