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The Sydney Bushwalker.

A Monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers, Box 4476 G.P.O., SYdneY, 2001. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening from 7.30 pm at the Wireless Institute Building, 14 Atchison Street, St. Leonards. Enquiries concerning the Club should be referred to Ann Ravn, Telephone 798-8607.

EditorHelen Gray, 209 Malton Road, Epping, 2121. Telephone 86-6263.
Business ManagerBill Burke, 3 Coral Tree Drive, Carlingford, 2118. Telephone 871-1207.
TypistKath Brown. Telephone 81-2675.
Duplicator OperatorPhil Butt

February, 1981.

Morong Deep - January 1981by Bob Duncan 2
Social Notes for MarchPeter Miller 5
Advertisement - Eastwood Camping Centre 6
General Meeting NotesBarry Wallace 7
The Coolana FireGeorge Gray10
Kosci N.P. - Xmas 1980Meryl Watman11
Paddy Pallin's 50th Anniversary Outdoor Photographic Competition 12
Federation B.W. Clubs Re-union 1981 14
South-West Tasmania Committee Newsletter 15
The Annual Re-union - “Coolana”, Kangaroo Valley 16

Morong Deep - January 1981.

by Bob Duncan.

The Morong Deep section of the Kowmung River is always a wonderful summer trip, but as I get few chances to walk these days, I looked forward to it especially eagerly. I also looked at the weather especially anxiously, for the leader was the notoriously fair-weather ski-tourer and walker, David Rostron. Friday dawned cloudy and a little threatening, and so to forestall a last minute cancellation I removed the phone from the hook. However at 7.30 pm David Rostron and Peter Harris picked up John Redfern and me at John's flat, and I felt that the trip was really going.

Approaching Wentworth Falls, we entered a little mist and drizzle. Our leader began to mutter, but Peter, anxious to reach Leura and call in on the wife of a climbing friend of his (away in N.Z.), drove on. At Leura Peter rushed into the house, and a few minutes later Vanessa (for that was the lady's name) appeared at the door and invited us in for supper. After this pleasant break Peter drove on, and we rode, and reached Budthingeroo Clearing at about 11.30 pm. We were the last to arrive, it was drizzling steadily, so we erected our tents and slept.

In the morning we met the other members of the trip. In alphabetical order they were: Diana Bucknell, Don and Jenny Cornell, Bob and Margaret Hodgson, Tony Marshall, Rob Mason, Alan Pike, Fazeley Read, and Barry Wallace. Knowing his usual skill and efficiency, we were shocked to see the state of Barry's tent: poles askew, tent a-sag, all in all a very poor erection. Barry himself looked bedraggled. The weather was still uncertain. The drizzle had stopped, but low cloud and mist remained, and in breaks through this we could see high wind-swept cirrus. Most experts thought this a sure sign of impending storm, but as the leader offered:-

(a) A fast 50 km traverse of the Axe Head Range, or

(b) A cold Kalang Falls abseiling trip

as alternatives, the party voted solidly for Morong Deep.

The leader announced a pack limit of 20 lbs, and brought out his spring scales in an attempt to enforce it. Most packs weighed in the range of 15 to 17 lb, but John Redfern's weighed only 11 lb, and Peter Harris, because of his insistence on carrying a Lilo, a fresh rock-melon, and a pair of special sidling boots, weighed 30 lb.

The weighing done, we re-entered the cars and drove a little further along Kanangra Road, and then along the fire trail which leads towards Morong Falls. A little short of Morong Creek we disembarked. A leader with only normal route-finding ability would have cautiously followed Morong Creek down to the falls, but our leader, without help of compass or visible sun, led us boldly across the featureless plateau in a bee-line which missed the cairn on the right shoulder of Morong Falls by only 4.6 metres. Here we looked down onto the Kowmung and saw its drought-stricken appearance. It contained no white water at all; possibly it was not even flowing. We began the steep descent to the river and from a vantage point looked back at Morong Falls; it was completely dry.

Reaching the Kowmung we found our progress seriously impeded by blackberries and loganberries. John Redfern feared they were bad for the stomach, and walked around them unimpeded; the rest of us stopped and feasted every few metres. The Kowmung was flowing, but low; it could be crossed anywhere with ease; what is normally a tricky trip was one of simple boulder-hopping.

However Morong Deep becomes narrower and wilder as one goes downstream, and soon we came to reaches where the easiest progress was made by bombing into pools and swimming. In time we came to a fall of 3 or 4 metres which, because of submerged rocks, looked dangerous to bomb. Here, with some difficulty, David Rostron and Bob Hodgson set up a climbing tape. Less aquatic members of the party, led by Peter Harris and his Lilo, began a high sidle to avoid the fall. When David reached the pool below he had a bright red tape burn across his body, at the sight of which further members took off for the high sidle. I threw David's pack down to him in the pool below, only to be abused because he was protective about the fresh eggs it contained. Then Margaret Hodgson, Diana Bucknell, Rob Mason, Barry Wallace (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone) and I climbed easily down the tape. Bob Hodgson came last and brought the tape with him.

All in all the trip down the river was easy and pleasant, with boulder-hopping interspersed with pool bombing and swimming. At the best bomb, most of the party piked and climbed down a poor old casuarina which had already lost much of its bask from previous hiking parties. The trip was almost without incident. John Redfern (I was told) fell into a crevasse but was recovered. Barry Wallace almost surmounted a smooth granite slab only to go back to the river on hands and knees in a stately long slow slide, leaving four barely discernible trails of skin and flesh behind him. By dint of Lilo and high sidling Peter Harris did the whole trip without getting wet above the navel.

It was still afternoon when we began leaving the narrowest part of Morong Deep; here we made camp on a small forested ledge. We were amazed to see John Redfern unpack not only food and sleeping bag, but a tent fly; that his pack should weigh only 11 lb defied all laws of physics. It being so early, four of us walked back to the last big pool for another swim, and here David and Barry gave Fazely lessons in bombing. A cunningly graded series of educational techniques was used - explanation, reassurance, praise, persuasion, ridicule and hesitation, shame at failure, verbal threats, encirclement and physical threats - and after a little time their efforts were rewarded; Fazely jumped three times from a height of about 2 1/2 metres - without being pushed or thrown.

We returned to the campsite and prepared our evening meals. Mine was tuna, deb, and surprise peas, but others ate more luxuriously. Various varieties of tea were brewed and compared. Peter Harris's reputation, which had sunk because of his use of a Lilo to cross pools, rose markedly when he brought out his fresh rockmelon and shared it around. After tea our leader, David Rostron, told us something of his enviable experiences during a recent phase of his employment which involved testing water beds.

Then we retired to our summer sleeping bags. It was a balmy night, an idyllic campsite, and after a day's pleasant exercise all slept soundly. All, that is, except John Redfern, Peter Harris, and Fazely Read. In the morning these three complained of a sleepless night. John complained that he had been constantly attacked by possums. Peter complained that he had been kept awake worrying about a joke which our leader had told him before bedtime. Fazely complained that she had been kept awake by my shouting blasphemies in my sleep.

However, it would seem probable that all three sleep problems were related and to some extent self-induced. Before entering his sleeping bag John had been seen fretting, and improvising devices to prevent possums climbing his tent poles. Similarly, Fazely had been seen wrapping herself in a protective device. Peter had indeed been told a joke concerning dogs and Hoarbound beer by his leader, and had indeed failed to understand it, but one may suspect that this failure was in part subconsciously prompted by resentment of the leader's criticism of his use of a Lilo to cross pools. The most likely explanation of the troubles of all three persons would seem to be:- (a) That Peter kept trying to wake Faze to ask her to explain the joke. (b) That Fazely, half asleep and justifiably annoyed, swore blasphemies at him, and that her subconscious, wracked with guilt, subsequently attributed these blasphemies to me. © That John, his mind already resigned to attack, attributed both disturbances to the long-dreaded possums.

After breakfast we set off down the river and after about only five minutes came to the last good swimming hole. We spent an hour or so here and then set off again. The Kowmung now widened considerably and we were once more in blackberry-eating country. At the foot of Megalith Ridge we stopped for morning tea.

A steep climb up the ridge took us to that remarkable place where Hanrahan's Creek comes to the edge of the escarpment and within an ace of dropping into the Kowmung, only to turn away again. The Kowmung is perhaps 300 m down on one side of the ridge and Hanrahan's Creek 2 or 3 m down on the other side. Here we dropped into the creek and began to follow it up. Despite the drought, Hanrahan's contained many pools, not big enough to swim in, but big enough to dip in and cool off. Over all, our leader had arranged fair, but not perfect weather. Yesterday, while we were swimming the Kowmung, it was overcast. Today, while we were climbing, it was hot and sunny. Still, the pools made things very tolerable.

We stopped for lunch and then set off up the creek again. It was now that Peter Harris's reputation as an expert on Amphibia suffered a blow from which it may never recover. On being shown a specimen of frog excreta by Rob, he proclaimed with a great show of confidence that it was that of a green tree frog (Hyla macrocopra). However, unknown to him, it had been seen by Rob and several other members of the party to have been produced by a lesser spotted river frog (Bachytra rivula) which had jumped out of a pool as a red-bellied black snake slid in. The snake could still be seen in the pool. When confronted with these facts Peter tried to cover himself by muttering something about the difference in feeding conditions between the Kowmung and the Ettrema.

Hanrahan's Creek is beautiful and becomes steeper and steeper as one goes upstream. We hurried past one section where the cliffs above looked very unstable, and where the creek bed was strewn with recently-fallen jagged rocks. Soon after we had taken the apparent left branch at a sharp V-fork, the creek had become almost as steep as the containing walls. Here, while our leader and Bob Hodgson debated about the exact position at which they had left the creek last time, we left the creek and climbed up the side. We had followed the creek up so far that this climb of only about 300 m took us onto the tops. Soon after that, we were on the fire trail which led to the completely dry Morong Creek, and then our cars.

From start to finish of the trip some members walked so competently, and caused so little nuisance, that they have scarcely caused mention in this report. Yet these members were the mainstay of the party. It should be said therefore, that Alan Pike could certainly hike, that Tony Marshall to the rough going was partial, that blondie Diana climbed like a goanna, that her friend Rob outdistanced the mob, and that Don and Jenny were as adroit as any.

Back in the car, David Rostron, John Redfern, and I were so grateful to have Peter Harris chauffeuring us again that we completely forgot his Lilo, his naive response to jokes, and the gaps in his knowledge of Amphibia. We sat back and relaxed (except Don and Jenny) for a magnificent meal at Young's Chinese cafe in Katoomba, Peter called in to say goodbye to Vanessa, and then we were home. David Rostron had done a magnificent job arranging and leading the trip, and a very fair job arranging the weather.

Social Notes For March.

by Peter Miller.

Wednesday, March 18.

Indian Night.

Now is a chance for those members who have been to India to show all their artefacts, books, souvenirs, etc. and a few colour slides - limit 1/2 hour. We may be able to arrange some Indian music as well.

The adventurous may even bring along some samples of Indian cooking (and the more adventurous will eat it).

Please advise the Social Secretary if you intend to participate.

Dinner will be held before the meeting at “Rajah Indian Restaurant”, Pacific-Highway, Crow's Nest, 7 pm to 8 pm. Meet inside.

Wednesday, March 25.

Slides of China by Paddy Pallin.

Paddy will show slides of his three week trip to China. While he was there Paddy visited temples, palaces and factories as well as the town of Kweilm set in limestone hillsides.

This will be a very interesting evening, giving us an insight into a country which has been visited by few club members.

General Meeting Notes. December and January.

- by Barry Wallace.

December, 1980.

The meeting began at 2025 with 35 or so members present and the Pres. in the chair.

Jeff Rigby, David Samuels, Leone Vella and Barbara Bruce had sent apologies. We welcomed, or attempted to welcome, the following new members: Anita Doherty, Jeff Rigby, Jill and Geoff Sillar, Ann Percy, Fusae Dargan, Bill Gamble, Jerry Leitner and David Samuels.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and received without any matters arising, and correspondence brought the following rather small haul of letters to/from: two letters from members advising change of address, a brochure from the N.Z. Govt. Tourist Bureau and letters outgoing to our new members.

Matters financial were reported upon by the Treasurer to the effect that: We started the month with $2472.96; spent $162.77, received $223.00 and ended up with $2533.19. The Coolana account received $333.60 and closed with a balance of $794.52.

The Federation Report indicated that a decision on logging in rainforest areas is expected from the N.S.W. Government sometime in February, there is still controversy and lively debate over the various proposals for either totally or partially destroying the wilderness area in South West Tasmania, and the N.S.W. N.P.W.S. is seeking views on a proposal to close the Tuglow Caves to unauthorized entry.

All of which brought us to the Walks Reports. Yes, Kath, there is a Santa Claus, and yes, I will write notes on the walks for this month. Whether it gets published this month or no is another matter.

We started with Tony Marshall's Arathusa Canyon scrub bash and vertigo extravaganza of the 14/15/16 November. We are told there were 8 people on the trip with some slight trauma in the pools of Grand Canyon on the Sunday. There was no report on George Walton's Cox River trip that weekend, so either they are still out there somewhere, or it didn't go. There is a third, and possibly fourth explanation, but I leave those to you to mull over —- no prizes this time. Bob Younger reported 14 people on his Bungonia Gorge trip for that same weekend and Kath Brown had 7 people out on a cool, but enjoyable Sunday trip from Lilyvale to Otford. Vic Lewin reported 7 members, 3 prospectives and 2 visitors on the other Sunday walk in the Evans Lookout - Grand Canyon area.

The following weekend, 21/22/23 November saw 8 people out in the Kanangra area, with or without Craig Austin and some 50 or so bods slobbing it up at Coolana for the hut's birthday. Hans Beck started his Faulconbridge to Glenbrook Sunday walk with 9 people, but 5 of them dropped out for some reason even though the area was green and pleasant. Sheila Binns had to re-arrange her Waterfall to Heathcote trip somewhat, because of a train strike but the 7 people who attended are reported to have had an enjoyable stroll - wherever they went.

The following weekend, 28/29/30 November saw Don and Jenny Cornell leading 12 members and 2 prospectives on their Shoalhaven-Ettrema Creek walk. They reported fine weather and deep, clear pools. Bill Burke cancelled his Yerranderie walk after checking the flows of some of the local creeks - I think zero was one of the more prevalent values noted. Peter Christian did not appear to lead his Bundeena to Otford day walk that weekend, but a 3 person group did the trip anyway. Joe Marton had 12 starters on his Blue Labyrinth walk, which went as planned.

Ainslie Morris reported 3 people plus Mark on her Shoalhaven River trip for the weekend 5/6/7 December. There was also something about two people with car trouble and a savage rabbit but I can't work out what my notes mean. Two people attended the Federation S. & R. practice that same weekend, but I can't tell you how good it was or you'll all want to come to the next one, and they have enough trouble trying to keep people away as it is. Gordon Lee's mapping instructional got lost - er no! It didn't go! Len Newland led 6 people astray on his Coolana Brook - Bedford Creek day trip and Hans Beck stood in for Ann Brown and led the 16 people who turned up on an easy day walk from Waterfall to Waterfall. All of which ended the Walks Report.

General Business brought a report of a recent Coolana Committee meeting and news (?) that the timber industry is gearing up to persuade the general public that we need rain-forests, preferably in the second stack in from the gate at your local timber yard.

The announcements came - - and went, and so did we, at 2105.

January, 1981.

The meeting began at about 2024 with the President in the chair and about 25 members present. Brian Gayner was the new member to be welcomed with badge, applause, etc.

Jo Witts, Jo Van Sommers and Marcia Shappert all sent apologies.

The Minutes were read and received without comment or controversy. Correspondence brought a letter from George Davidson, donating both a land survey for portion of Coolana and money to cover the transfer of this portion in exchange for another. There was a letter from Milo Dunphy pertaining to proposals for mining operations within National parks, a letter from F.B.W. regarding the 1981 F.B.W. Reunion of 28,29 March. There was also a returned copy of the club magazine - “not known at this address” - the name was not familiar, but there again we posted that particular Magazine in March 1975. One wonders where it has been ever since.

The Treasurer revealed that we started the month with $2533.19 in kitty, spent $175.28, acquired $357.00 and ended up with $2714.91. Coolana Account started with $794.52 and closed the month with $979.52.

All of which brought us to the Walks Reports - yet again. The results appear below in tabular form:-

December '80
12-13-14Mark DabbsYalwalUnknownHot
13-14Jim VatiliotisCox RiverUnknownWhispered
Sun. 14Peter SargentGarie2 members, 6 prosp.m.Good weather
Sun. 14Roy BraithwaiteBurning PalmsLotsNil
Sun. 14Bob HodgsonClaustral14 members minus 2 plus 2Fine - warm
20-21Bob YoungerGrose RiverFourVery hot - slob trip
Sun. 21Jim BrownBundeena16 - 3 - 1Very hot - swimming
Sun. 21Len NewlandBilpin CANCELLED
Sun. 21Joe MartonCox RiverTwelveHot - swimming
26 Dec. - 4 Jan. '81Gordon LeeSnowyTwoNot printed
27 Dec. - 2 Jan. '81Vic LewinSnowy16 - 2 + 1Storm and fine
31 Dec. - 4 Jan. '81Peter HarrisBen Boyd N.P.17 - 3 - 4Hot
January '81
Sun. 4Kath BrownBurning Palms24Nil
9 - 15 Jan.Roy BraithwaiteSnowy IN PROGRESS
9-10-11Don FinchWollongambe22Perfect
Sun. 11Len NewlandHeathcote7* See below
Sun. 11Bob YoungerWaterfall9All males

* N.P.W.S.information that area burnt-out proved inaccurate - walk pleasant.

Well that's another way of doing it, but rather constrained, I thought.

There was no Federation Report, so we rushed on, on - to General Business. Of which there was none - well - almost none. For some curious reason we found ourselves voting on whether we should still re-une at Coolana or not - - what with the bushfire damage and all. I don't remember a motion being moved but we voted to stay at Coolana anyway.

Announcements were confined to upcoming walks, the Paddy Pallin photo competition and a Peter Miller visit to Sydney Observatory on 3rd March.

The meeting closed at 2103.

The Coolana Fire.

by George Gray.

On Wednesday 10th December the club meeting was notified of a bushfire threatening “Coolana”, “Lazy Acres” and “Werona”.

Subsequently it burnt a large area in this vicinity and was held by the local bushfire brigade. This group did such a splendid job that the owners of affected properties each donated $100 to the fire fighters funds. The bush is burnt up to the main road, to “Lazy Acres” house, all the gravel pit and the central section of “Coolana” where it was held with a new firebreak.

This break is like a bush track or road in that it has been scraped clear of vegetation, down to bare earth, green one side and burnt on the other. The break branches off our access road and goes down to the river flats. Also a second loop surrounds the intact hut. The water pipe has been burnt or damaged in the places where it was exposed, such as along the rocky creek bed section, where it will need replacing. The underground part, from sample excavations, seems to be undamaged.

Several large burning hollow trees along the road or firebreak have been felled to stop the sparks from crossing the break.

Another loss is the complete destruction of the toilet. Has anybody got a replacement box? The last re-union site is burnt over but is regenerating well and should be sufficiently recovered by next re-union, or an alternative site is the river bank grassed area which is nearly intact.

Many people must be thanked for their care and concern for “Coolana”. Thank you, Lloyd Wi1liams, who rang me at midnight to inform us that the fire was approaching and kept us up-to-date with news; and thanks to Steve Piper at “Werona”, Derick Lucas at “Chakola”, Ted Lang of Kangaroo Valley Police, and most of all fire captain Keith Nelson and his crew who worked for 16 hours non-stop to contain the fire.


To Leone Vella and Toni Mizzi who announced their engagement in December.

To David Ingram (Jr.) and Sue Butters who announced their engagement in January.

Kosci N.P. - Xmas 1980.

by Meryl Watman.

In the Xmas/New Year period Bob and Christa Younger and I did a 6-day walking trip in the northern part of Kosciusko National Park leaving our transport at the Round Mountain turn-off along the Kiandra-Khancoban road. Although neither Christa nor I had done any extended walking trips for many years we found this walk well within our capabilities and can recommend it to any club members wishing to do a trip in this area that was not too strenuous.

Day 1.

Clear and sunny. At 6:30 am we left Round Mountain and headed south towards the Toolong Range on a gently undulating grassy trail. North of Pugilistic Creek we made a early camp on higher ground just in time to shelter from a short heavy thunderstorm which happily cleared the air of flies and our legs of troublesome ants. Then we bedded down at dusk to make a 7 am start the next morning.

Day 2.

With a tantalizing glimpse of Jagungal to the south-east, Bob steered us west through pleasant woodlands, then down hill through tall timber with the ground cover heavy in blossom, until the trail petered out 100 metres above the junction of Hell Hole Creek and the Tooma River. From there we went bouncing over the snow-grass, crossing and recrossing the Tooma River until just after lunch we picked up the track which follows Bulls Head Creek to Pretty Plains Hut. It was Bob's plan to photograph this and other huts but he had miscalculated his film supply. Here Christa was able to charm a roll from a Melbourne chappie who, he told us, had found scrambling down Pugilistic Creek tough going. The very warm day brought on one of Kosci's specials - lightning, thunder and rain. We chose to sleep in the hut, luckily, as the night turned really foul.

Day 3.

We were up at 5.30 am to breakfast, pack and stoke the fire for the 20 or so outside campers who came up wet, cold and miserable and planning to spend the day drying out in the hut. At 10 am - a small blue streak - “We're off!” said Bob as he exploded from the hut with les femmes hot-footing after him. Up the creek to the main trail, then a long haul up, a snooze in the sun, and down to Grey Mare Hut where there is much of interest in the massive 19th century mining machinery scattered about.

Day 4.

7.15 am. Packs up - the Geehi River to cross on the way to Valentines Hut, then cross country to Mawson's Hut, both rather grubby but with some surprising Australiana at the latter. Then through “moonscape” rock splinters below Cup and Saucer Hill, and we made early camp high up, sheltered by rocks and banks of orange pea flowers, with the setting sun highlighting Jagungal north and Townsend to our south.

Day 5.

Another early start at 7 am. We crunched through heavy frost with the day rapidly warming as we manoeuvred through spongy swamps and meandering streams. We then climbed over three low saddles, sidled around the eastern slope of Jagungal and had lunch in the shade of a twisted old snow gum, the view wide and clear. After a lazy meal we dropped down to a branch of Bogong Creek to O'Keefe's Hut with ample time for chores and cooking and we also replenished the hut wood supply.

Day 6.

Another fine morning, we made our usual early start to enjoy the best of the day. By trail to Farm Ridge Hut (ruins), then easy walking along the ridge. We waded the Tumut River, followed by a steep pull up to Round Mountain Hut. We bathed and had a big “cook-in” with Christa supplying most of the “goodies” from her portable “deli”. In the cool of the evening we strolled the last few kilometres to the car and so to bed.

A delightful six days - thank you, Bob and Christa.

Paddy Pallin's 50th Anniversary Outdoors Photographic Competition.

Entries Close 5th March '81.

In September 1930 Frank (Paddy) Pallin started manufacturing lightweight camping equipment in Sydney. Now in 1980 we are 50 years old. To help celebrate our 50 years as manufacturer and retailer we invite you to enter our Anniversary Photographic Competition.

Photographs that are related to the rucksack sports, including Bush Camping, Bush Walking, Canoeing, Climbing, Caving, Canyoning or Cross Country Skiing are eligible for entry. And as we are Australia's oldest surviving Alpine Ski Shop, we want your Alpine Ski photographs as well.

Prizes. Each Class: 1st Prize $150 gift voucher on Paddy Pallin Stores. 2nd Prize $100 gift voucher on Paddy Pallin Stores. 3rd Prize $50 gift voucher on Paddy Pallin Stores.

An additional prize will be issued to the 'Best Entry' of the Competition of $250.

N.B. Three prizes will be issued in each class; employees of Paddy Pallins are not entitled to prizes.



Status: Professional ❑ Amateur ❑

Please X one box only.

CategoriesPrint No. Entered Slide No. Entered
A) Photograph Containing a piece of Paddymade Equipment
B) Human Interest (Related to Rucksack Sport's or Skiing)
C) Scenic
D) Historic (Hunt out your old Prints - Don't worry how faded they are)

Mark number of entries in each.


1) Photographs must be original and solely your property.

2) Colour slides: print your name and address and the category you you are entering on the border of the slide.

3) Prints, Colour or Black & White. Print your name and address on a slip of paper and tape it to the reverse side of the print.

4) As we cannot promise the return of any slide or photograph we suggest you supply us with a duplicate.

5) (a) Amateur Category:- All entries become the sole property of Paddy Pallin Pty. Ltd. We therefore maintain the right to use any photograph. Any entrant whose photograph is published but has not been awarded a prize will receive a $20 gift voucher.

5 (b) Professional Category:- All entries become the sole property of Paddy Pallin Pty. Ltd. We therefore reserve the right to use these entries. Standard fees will be paid for any photographs that are later published.

6) We reserve the right to hold a public showing of all photographs and slides for which no fee will be paid to take colour prints of colour slides.

7) Employees of Paddy Pallin and associate companies other than judges will be able to enter photographs but will be ineligible for prizes. In the event of an employee's photograph winning a place the prize will be awarded to the next entry down and an extra place will be awarded.

8) Entry in the competition indicates acceptance of all rules and conditions.


Finalists will be chosen by a panel consisting of:-

1) A professional photographer.

2) A representative of the Paddy Pallin Group.

3) A representative of the Federation of N.S.W. Walking Clubs.

The photographs will be on display at Paddy Pallins Sydney store from the 10th March to the 14th March.

A public showing of slides and photographs will be held in the Law School Assembly Hall on the 20th March, 1981. The Law School Assembly Hall is on the corner of Elizabeth and King Streets, admission is free and the time is 7.30 pm. Light refreshments will be served.

If you wish to attend the slide night please give your name to the shop staff personnel, or phone on 264-2685.

Entries Close 5th March, 1981.

N.S.W. Federation of Bushwalking Clubs - 1981 Re-Union.

(Arranged for F.B.C. by Central West Bushwalking Club (Bathurst-Orange)

Place: Bottom of the Six Foot Track, Megalong Valley, junction of the Cox's River and Murdering Creek.

Time: From noon on 28th March, 1981 to noon on 29th March, 1981.

Why you should be there:-

1. Over the years bushwalkers have become a less cohesive group (sure, everyone wants to do their own thing) but once a year we should get together.

2. It is a good spot. It is a comfortable walk even when laden down with those creative comforts deemed necessary at a re-union. Plenty of flat level area to camp on right next to the Cox's River.

3. A commemorative T-shirt will be silk-screened. Those wishing to have one of these kindly write to Box 357, Bathurst, enclosing cheque, money order or gold dust to the value of $6.00 (all profits to F.B.C.) and enclosing your name, address, club and phone number together with shirt size. Alternatively send your own T-shirt with other details. A light colour would be best.

4. A world renowned bushband, Cambage Spire (alias Peter and the Tufties) will be playing: two 40 minute brackets of bush music for dances on Saturday night. Dances will be called. Those who attend the dance at Boyd River Crossing will know that this band is very good. There will be a campfire sing-song in between brackets of dancing. Please bring your bushwalkers songbook.

5. The usual games - tug-of-war, rock-hopping race (prizes for 1st in girls' and men's sections), volley ball playoff club by club.

6. Each club will perform one short skit, play or other form of dramatic presentation or whatever. Only one recitation of Eskimo Nell please (no more than five minutes).

7. Possible talk by Milo Dunphy on current conservation issues.

8. Transport from Blackheath railway station available by arrangement.

For further details contact: H.R. Packham - (063) 662343 or S. Turner - (063) 315344

Coolana Re-Union Working Bee, 7TH and 8TH March, 1981.

Help wanted to replace pipeline and rebuild toilet. Clearing and wood chopping may also be involved. Please bring tools for digging, clearing and cutting. Contact - George Gray 86 6263.

South West Tasmania Committee (NSW) - Newsletter - January / February, 1981.

Since our last report on the Franklin River debate, a number of important events has taken place. Tasmania's Legislative Council has rejected the House of Assembly Bill for a Gordon-above-Olga power scheme, and has voted in favour of the Gordon-below-Franklin scheme.

In the week ending 18th November, after much acrimonious debate the Lower House passed the Government's Gordon-above-Olga Bill for damming the western rivers. On December 11th, the Council's Select Committee brought forth a flimsy 19-page report - full of assertions but containing no facts. Its recommendation was for an immediate start on the Gordon-below-Franklin scheme, plus a vest-pocket sized National Park on the Middle Franklin. The reasoning behind this recommendation was weak, distorted and meagre. Yet the Council was expected to vote almost straight away. They did so within a week, voting 13 to 5 in favour of flooding the Franklin. This was despite a public outcry and against the legal opinion of the Council's President, its elder statesman (Bill Hodgson, QC), the Attorney General and the Solicitor General. This action has created a Constitutional deadlock between the two houses of Parliament The Government called the House of Assembly in the early hours of Saturday morning and, amid unprecedented scenes of uproar, rejected the Council's amendment. A meeting of “managers” of the two houses failed to resolve the difficulty and after three weeks the deadlock remains.

Both sides are adamant that they will stand firm. Mr. Braid, the Select Committee Chairman, who travelled down the river last summer and said that he wanted the river saved now says that the Council will use every means at his disposal to flood it. Mr. Lowe refuses to budge and has said that there will be neither referendum nor election on the issue. No one, least of all the combatants, seems to know what will happen next.

One glimmer of hope is possible Federal involvement. There is much interest at the moment in the possibility of linking the NSW, Victorian, South Australian and Tasmanian electricity networks. This would allow cheaper operation of all of them and would please the Federal Government, who have to sort out the financing of new schemes. It would obviate the need for any new power development in Tasmania. Most of you will have a copy of Free Currents, in which the cable is explained. We urge you to write to the Federal and Tasmanian Governments asking them to consider the cable as a way out of the present crisis. Write to:

The Hon. D.A. Lowe, Premier of Tasmania, Parliament House, Hobart,7000.

Senator Carrick, Minister for Energy, Parliament House, Canberra, 2600.

Last month, in the region of the Gordon-Denison River junction, tools of an early man were discovered. This brilliant discovery is yet another reason why the South West should be preserved at all cost. Your letters to the Tasmanian Premier, Mr. Doug Lowe and to the Tasmanian press will help to emphasise this point.

The Annual Re-Union.

"Coolana", Kangaroo Valley - March l4th & 15th.

This year “Coolana” again won the vote for the Re-union site. The bushfire which partly burnt the land (see George Gray's account) will be three months in the past by the re-union date, so will not really worry us. Already (i.e. in mid February) the river flats are lush and green and there is a coverage of greenery over all the burnt areas. The water supply pipeline will be completely restored before the re-union.

Here is a bit of information for those unfamiliar with “Coolana”.

Cars are left on the side of our access road and from here it is a walk of a few hundred metres down the hill. The hut sleeps only about 20, so tents are needed. Supper on Saturday night is provided by the Club, after an evening of music and sketches around the campfire. (If you have any sketches or other entertainment suitable for campfire entertainment, please come forward!) On Sunday morning there will be the traditional damper competition, so bring your own S.R. flour. The river is deep, and suitable for swimming and canoeing. There are over 103 acres of S.B.W. land to explore, as well as the beautiful surrounding countryside.

The drive from Sydney - via Mittagong - now takes only about 2 1/4 hours, thanks to the new expressway. For more details, or if you require transport, or if you have an empty seat in your car, please ring me, Helen Gray, on 86-6263.

The map below shows the route from the main road in Kangaroo Valley. There is an alternative route, not shown, on the opposite side of the river, via Bendeela Power Station, but this requires wading the river.

All Club members, prospective members, past members and their families are most welcome.

198102.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/20 16:17 by tyreless

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