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The Sydney Bushwalker.

Established June 1931.

A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers, Box 4476 G.P.O., Sydney, 2001. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening from 7.30 pm at the Wireless Institute Building, 14 Atchison Street, St. Leonards. Enquiries concerning the Club should be referred to Ann Ravn, Telephone 798,8607.

EditorHelen Gray, 209 Malton Road, Epping, 2121. Telephone 86,6263
Business ManagerBill Burke, 3 Coral Tree Drive, Carlingford, 2118. Telephone 871,1207
TypistKath Brown
Duplicator OperatorPhil Butt

July, 1981.

Said The Leader “Hours Behind!”Barrie Murdoch 2
Mittagong to Katoomba - David Rostron's WayJohn Redfern 4
The Paddy Pallin Foundation - 1981 Grants 6
Background To Bushwalking - 1968-1980 - Part IIJim Brown 7
Social Notes For AugustPeter Miller11
Eastwood Camping Centre Ad 12
The June General MeetingBarry Wallace13
Changes To Day Walks 14

Said The Leader "Hours Behind!"

by Barrie Murdoch.

Boyd Range Track - Lannigan's Spur - Kowmung River - East Christy's Creek - Cottage Rock - Gingra Track - Kanangra - 15,16,17 May.

Participants: John Redfern (Leader), Jim Laing, Tony Marshall, Oliver Crawford, Scott Crawford, Greta Davis, Len Newland, Ainslie Morris, Bill Holland, Lawrie Quaken, Gary Huish, Margot Huish, Jo Van Sommers, Geoffrey Broom, Don Williams, Roy Higginbottom, Brian Holden, Bruce Campbell, Barrie Murdoch.

Saturday….We left Boyd's Crossing at about 8 am in cars to find the start of the Boyd Range Track and thereafter to do a car swap so that almost all the cars would be at the finishing point of the walk - the car park at Kanangra. We made a mistake as to where the track started and a confused passing and repassing of cars took place. The Keystone Cops could not have done better.

About one hour later we started down the track and arrived at the northern end of Wheengee Whungee Swamps. Here we stopped while John Redfern and Tony Marshall investigated a route which would take us down the eastern side of the swamps. This process provided an entertaining spectacle as first John and then Tony would suddenly appear out of the bush. As he passed the stationary party the one would enquire whether the other had been seen. Decisions were made and we walked down the eastern side of the swamps to some stony outcrops. We had some more fan here as first John Redfern, Tony Marshall and Roy Higginbottom combed the area looking for the track and then we all combed the area looking for Roy's pack which he had put down somewhere and couldn't find. Eventually the pack was discovered and we started again. The trip was taking on the appearance of a Leader's Nightmare. John Redfern was heard muttering “Hours behind time, hours behind!”

There were no further incidents as we moved along the track past Mount Goondel, Mount Savage and down Lannigan's Spur to the Kowmung. There was some debate about whether water from the Kowmung was fit to drink. Everyone decided that it was and showed the courage of their convictions by drinking large quantities. Almost immediately afterwards we found a good reason for not drinking Kowmung water - one very sick Hereford apparently shot in the jaw.

We then did some rock climbing up a ridge forming a neck to Billy's Point. The rocks seemed to be of the consistency of crumbly breakfast cereal biscuits. Just as we were enjoying our elation at surviving the climb, John Redfern pricked our respective balloons by telling us that a much safer route had been worked out but we had blundered on without waiting for the good word. Chastened, we scuttled downstream to a campsite at the junction of Shadforth Gully and the Kowmung.

Sunday. …We left about 8 am and making frequent river crossings we passed over the hallowed ground of Murdoch Point and then on to Church Creek. There was some dispute as to the identity of Church Creek but let it be remembered that Redfern was right. It was here that while wading across the river, Greta fell in. The rest of us didn't laugh (well, not too loudly). After all, we might have been next.

Cambage Spire soon appeared and we stopped for morning tea at Christy's Creek. Oliver Crawford and Tony Marshall left us here to climb Cambage Spire and Bullhead Range. The rest of us (minus one who had made an unannounced bolt never to be seen again; are his bones whitening beside some branch of Christy's Creek?) rock hopped up the cork-screwing bed of Christy's Creek.

Following Christy's Creek proved an easy way of climbing about 850 vertical feet enlivened by interesting things to do such as:-

(1) Wading across a deep cold pool with pack in plastic bag and then climbing through a gap.

(2) Rock climbing across a sloping rock.

(3) Climbing across a small waterfall.

(4) Wading across a deep pool followed by clambering around a rock and further wading.

(5) Climbing over a smooth rock (convenient foothole provided but you needed to be about six feet in height).

(6) Climbing across the mossy face of a rock using a convenient tree followed by further rock climb - optional Redfern rope lift for packs.

This was all good fun, spoiled a little by heavy rain after lunch.

We then scrambled up the ridge to Cottage Rock. We were rewarded on the way by the sight of a five inch long grey moth newly hatched from its cocoon. At Cottage Rock about two-thirds of the party who had the required skill, energy or assistance climbed to the top to enjoy the view by sunset.

We than moved quickly along Gingra Track to the Coal Seam and then up through a cleft on to the plateau. Darkness slowed us down as we crossed to the Walls and then on to the car park, where we arrived at about 6.45 pm.

Thanks, John, for an enjoyable walk and excellent navigation.

Constitutional Amendments.

Are there any proposed Constitutional Amendments to be presented at the Half-Yearly General Meeting in September? If so, notify Secretary Sheila Binns no later than the August General Meeting.

New Railway Timetables.

New timetables came into force on 5th July and there are several changes, particularly on the Illawarra line, that may affect day walkers. Members should check train times with the leader for the rest of the Winter Walks Programme.

Mittagong To Katoomba - David Rostron's Way.

by John Redfern.

I became interested in this walk when David told me how, when flying into Sydney once, he was attracted by Lacy's Tableland, Bimlow Tableland and Broken Rock Range as a route for a Mittagong to Katoomba walk. Flexitime allowed me to take off the Tuesday following the Queen's Birthday weekend, as four days were required.

All four starters i.e. David, Ray and Fusae Dargan and I caught the 5.23 Southern Highlands Express on Friday evening. Fusae, who arrived early at the train, bravely kept our seats. It was a very pleasant two hours to Mittagong in the nicely warm carriage. After we spread out the maps, David outlined what was in store for us! At Mittagong, the cab driver whom David had contacted, said he wouldn't mind if we had dinner before we started. It was a very cold night there, however, in “Charlie's Place” it was warm and very pleasant. I thought of how we could have been caught up in holiday traffic, and wondered if we should not plan more trips like this.

The taxi was soon out on the Wombeyan Caves road. The driver expressed, somewhat to our surprise, that he would give the Wanganderry road a try. It fell to me, being next to the driver, to open and close the gates - I don't know why but this seems to be traditional. Jumping from the warm cab into the cold night was my biggest challenge so far. The driver seemed to be really enjoying himself, and I think would have tried to drive us to Katoomba had we not persuaded him to turn back, when we were 1 km from the start of the Burnt Flat Creek fire trail.

We camped right on the fire trail, just down past the second creek crossing. The night, after threatening rain in Sydney, was perfectly clear and since we had dropped off the High Range area not all that cold.

We had just finished breakfast on Saturday morning when the rain, which remained around all day, started. We soon picked up the Water Board road and set off at a fast pace around the bottom of Bonnum Pic. I have never been right under it before and found it quite imposing. Fusae, who appears not much taller than the length of David's legs, had to jog frequently to stay in line. We waded across the Wollondilly at the junction of Bonnum Pic Creek at 9.25 am and followed a road downstream. After skirting around the Jooriland property, much of which looks deserted, we picked up the Sheepwalk Road and later crossed the Jooriland River. About 2 km before the junction with the Yerranderie Road we dropped off to the left down to Byrnes Creek for lunch. It was raining, cold and the creek was dry. I figured it would be rather nice back at “Charlie's Place”! However, after dome searching we found some water and, sheltered by a willow, soon had a fire going and some hot soup made.

After lunch we crossed the Yerranderie Road and started on a bearing for Lacy's Gap in the Tonalli Walls. We walked across one-time farming land and passed three lots of ruins. I imagine these places were cut off when Lake Burragorang was formed. It was pleasant walking through the long, soft, golden grass. There were many kangaroos in this area, including one herd of forty. After the Tonalli River which we reached at 2.45 pm, there were several deep gullies before the climb of 520m to the Tonalli Walls. We reached Lacy's Gap at 4.10 pm. The wind up high was cold and the rain had returned. Phil Butt had told us of the possibilities of caves in the walls, and we quickly found one. Really it was an overhang, but well protected by scrub and black boys. With a fire going it made good shelter, we all slept for ten hours.

On Sunday there was a big improvement in the weather. We quickly climbed through Lacy's Gap and on to Lacy's Tableland. From the western rim we looked out on to the end of the Axehead Range. I think it is from this area that Jim Brown considers you get some of the best views in the Blue Mountains. The scrub is heavy around the walls, however towards the centre it is more open with some quite tall trees.

We crossed a low rock shelf on to the narrower and rougher Bimlow Tableland at 10.00 am. From here you can look through Green Wattle Saddle to Medlow Gap. About 11.00 am we came to the “Amphitheatre”, a way down to Green Wattle Creek. The north-west walls of Bimlow Tableland are broken, fragile and exposed - we were reminded of the Red Rocks. Behind the walls the scrub is thick and creeks that flow down to the lower south-easterly walls create deep gullies. About mid-afternoon we checked out some gaps in the walls in order to descend to Green Wattle Creek, but we were beaten by lower cliff lines. We decided to high camp. Ray and I filled one wine skin from a lone pool in a creek and David filled one from rock pools. I noticed Ray scooped out quite a trough where his tent was going and I thought Fusae may have introduced some Japanese method of sleeping! We were all pleased finally that we had camped high as the sunset over Broken Rock Range was magnificent.

First light an Monday saw us away. Our purpose was to find a slot that Phil Butt had once used to descend to Green Wattle Creek after crossing Bimlow Tableland from Lacy's Creek. The sunrise highlighted the great fog coverage over the lake. Later it illuminated the vast Green Wattle valley and we could see the whole of the massive Broken Rock Range in isolation. The going was slow, we reached a slot that exactly fitted the description given by Phil. However, David did have some worries about the map reference. The thought crossed my mind - could Phil Butt be wrong?! It proved to be a good way down through the cliff lines and probably not used since Phil was there, as it was knee-deep in leaves. We had an early lunch on Green Wattle Creek, then climbed through a saddle underneath Black Coola an the end of Broken Rock Range. It was 4.30 pm when we reached Butcher's Creek. Of the twelve hours since we had arisen probably ten had been spent walking and we were ready to stop. We found a good flat camp spot. I noticed Ray seemed to be guarding the only ditch and I thought he was going to put his tent over it! Actually he was putting the fire there.

David and I were awakened on the Tuesday morning, before 5.00 am, by that terrible sound of breaking sticks. Ray, who has an alarm watch, and seems to like getting up early, was busy with the fire. We thought we would let him get it well established, however our consciences soon forced us out as we had another long day ahead. We climbed to the Scott's Main Range road and strode out for Mt.Cookem, diverging only to look at the view down the Kowmung to the Cox from Cookem Walls. Personally I find this one of the best views in the Blue Mountains. Mt. Cookem was reached at 10.00 am and we descended to the Cox. First we crossed the Kowmung then the Cox near the weir. Both rivers were high and flowing fast and we needed good poles to retain our footing. After an early lunch we set out up White Dog and finally along Narrow Neck under a cold purple sky soon after sunset.

We had time for dinner and a couple of bottles of wine at Young's before catching the 7.20 pm train for Sydney. All of us agreed it was one of our best walks.

The Paddy Pallin Foundation - 1981 Grants.

The Committee consisting of Wilf Hilder, Tim Lamble, Peter Harris, Colin Watson, Robert and Paddy Pallin, approved only three of this years applications to receive grants. The successful applicants were:-

1. Federation of Victorian Walking Clubs $1000 towards the costs of holding an initial national conference to hopefully form a national bushwalking body from the state federations.

2. Rainforest Action Centre $500 towards administration expenses to fight the important battle for retention of the remains of rainforests in N.S.W.

3. South West Tasmania Committee (N.S.W.) $1000 towards a “Major advertising campaign to increase public awareness”.

The making of only three grants does not mean the committee considered the other applicants unworthy but in most cases funds were available from other sources. The committee felt strongly that members of clubs and organisations should be willing to contribute to their own smaller projects, since many of the proposals submitted were for sums that should have been easily raised within the respective groups. On the other hand, the aims of the Foundation limit the funds to be spent on conservation because the modest scope of the Foundation is unable to meet the enormous sums required in this very worthy but never-ending work.

The committee considered an important area for funds to be allocated at this stage is for land to be bought suitable for bush camping. Because of this interest the committee has held back $5000 as a starting point. The Foundation would be pleased to hear from organisations or persons with suggestions on this matter by June 30th 1981. There are some unallocated funds available which may also be put to this use.

The committee feels any such land should be vested in the Federation of Bush Walking Clubs or similar body.

Any grants from previous years that have not been claimed will be available for reallocation by the committee.

Grants for 1981 should be claimed by December 31st, 1981, or will be available for reallocation.

1st May, 1981.

Background To Bushwalking - Part II.

by Jim Brown.

(An abridged version of the presentation covering the years 1968 to 1980 as played at the 1981 Re-union in March)

DonThen we were into 1971.
JimResearch has failed to produce any big news items for this year, so we feel the following, which might be called hardy perenniels, can be mentioned…
BarbaraThere was a rumour in the press of a romantic attachment for Prince Charles.
BobThe Vietnam war dragged on, as did the Paris Conference, seeking a basis for peace. The usual war threats in the Middle East…
DotIn April the Australian Defence Minister, a Mr. J.M. Fraser, resigned, declining to continue serving under Prime Minister John Gorton.
JimThis brought down the Prime Minister, and set the said J.M. Fraser on the path to Prime Ministership…. Of course, there had to be quite a deal more under-arm bowling before that came to pass.
DonThis was the year the Club twice changed its residence.
BarbaraFirst, in June, we went to Anzac House, because there seemed a likelihood our old home in Reiby Place would be demolished.
BobThen in September, when Anzac House proved unsatisfactory - no guarantee of an assured meeting night and nowhere to stow our records and equipment - we came to St. Leonards. At first the shift was not well received by some eastern and southern suburban members.
DotTree planting continued at Coolana, but a bush fire wiped out the old hut which had been there at the time of the purchase.
DonMyall Lakes became a major conservation target - sand miners and local land owners set on “development” were the villains.
BarbaraAs always there were a few members who didn't do the right thing. A scattered party on the Wollondilly left gates open and the farmers were not amused.
BobWhile the President, referring as delicately as possible to the unhygienic disposal of human waste, urged members to “emulate the cat”….

All (Song - to “Wrap me up in my tarpaulin jacket, and bury me deep down below….”

We agree that you can't take it with you;
To burn or to bash were absurd:
But at least you can do what the cats do
And be sure that each turd is interred.

DotTwo trips in the Budawangs at Anzac Day came together for the Saturday night camp, where there were no less than sixty-two members.
BobThen it was 1972.
DotU.S. President Nixon was elected for a second term.
JimAnd dialogue began between the United States and Communist China.
BarbaraAt the Munich Olympic Games terrorists attacked some competitors.
DonVarious battles raged in the conservation field - there was Lake Pedder in Tasmania…
BobAnd that was one round we lost to the spoilers.
DotNearer at hand we heard of a power line to go through the saddle just south of Clear Hill.
JimAnd of a possible natural gas pipe line in the Wollongambe area.
DonThat last one was stopped.
BarbaraFor the first time we find mention of petrol shortages and trips cancelled for lack of wheels.
BobOne day walk was alleged to have gone through a patch of hakea “to prove it wasn't impenetrable”.
JimAt the Reunion at Macarthur's Flat, the newly elected President was seen hurrying around with a can of kerosene, proposing to light the campfire “with a small girl”.
BobThat was me. I'd got tired of rubbing together the oldest and newest members.
DonCame 1973.
BarbaraIn the Middle East the “Yom Kippur” war - Israel versus the Rest - with a narrow win to the Israelis.
JimAn agreement reached over South Vietnam, and the withdrawal of the half-million U.S. and Allied troops began.
BobThe oil-producing countries got together, and in 1973-74 there were huge increases in petroleum prices.
DotIn October the Sydney Opera House was opened.
DonA very wet year wasn't confined to Sydney. A S.B.W. party in the Macdonnell Ranges, Central Australia, was washed out by a flash flood one wintry dawn.
DotThe Water Board told us completion of the Tallowa Dam would inundate about 16 acres at Coolana. In compensation they offered a bushy 27-acre block plus $700 cash… We accepted.
JimAs we planted trees at Coolana the Water Board cut down the trees on the river banks.
BobA walking party on the Nattai found a signed and uncrossed cheque for more than $200 lying on the trail… they tore it up.
DonAccess to the Budawangs via Sassafras was closed by the Army, ostensibly because of unexploded shells and bombs towards Folly Point.
DotBut we noted that timber millers were still using the trail.
BarbaraAnd we didn't really believe the authorities felt that timber cutters were expendable, and bush walkers were not.
JimAt the August General Meeting there was no Social Report - the Social Sec on holidays; no Walks Report - the Walks Sec's boss had appendicitis, his child had measles and his car a broken crankshaft.
DotEven more convincing - no Treasurer's Report - the Treasurer was having a baby.
Bob1974 followed.
DonA new political regime in Portugal freed its colonial possessions, leading to strife in some African ex-colonies and later in Timor.
BarbaraNew Guinea secured its independence.
….President Nixon “abdicated” following the Watergate Scandal. (This item was missed from the script for the Reunion performance)
JimThe Club year began with an assault on a prospective member - the aggressor a pugilistic kangaroo at Era.
DotAnother soggy year, with heavy rain from January through to July.
DonThat with high water in rivers and overgrown tracks, a party on the Grose River in March reached their destination at Faulconbridge at 2.0 am an Monday, after an eighteen-hour day.
BarbaraWinter gales stripped most of the sand from south coast beaches.
BobAnd more petrol shortages…. this was becoming the recurring decimal.
BarbaraAnd next, 1975.
JimInternational tensions seemed to focus an South-east Asia, where North Vietnam quickly overwhelmed the South, and the infamous Pol Pot government took control in Campuchea.
DotWhile Indonesia intervened in former Portuguese Timor.
BobIn the Australian political scene, November 11 assumed a new significance. Refused monetary “supply” by a hostile Upper House, the Whitlam Labour Government was in difficulties, and was ousted by act of the Governor General.
DonMetrication of weights and measures was proceeding.
JimA party in Davies Canyon reported members had to jump 50 ft into a pool: within a month the boast was challenged by a Jerrara Creek party claiming 60 ft.
BobThose measurements are much more impressive than 15 or 18 metres.
DotIn April it was decided to build a shelter at Coolana, with George Gray as architect, consulting engineer, builder and works foreman - quite a Pooh Bah contract.
DonShoalhaven Shire sent us a massive document “Requirements for a dwelling”. To which we replied “No dwelling….just a shelter”.
BarbaraWe protested against a Council plot to establish a garbage dump on the hill above Coolana.
BobIn conservation, a triumph over proposals to rip up the native forest on Boyd Plateau for pine plantations.
DotIn May it was reported of a party coming up to Evans Lookout after a Blue Gum trip that “two prospectives didn't make it”.
DonWhat happened to them?
DotThe leader didn't say. I hope the lyre birds covered them with leaves like the Babes in the Woods.
BarbaraAnd in the report for one weekend, it was claimed Claustral Canyon was too wet to negotiate and the Cox River too low for a li-lo trip.

All (SONG) To “Rock my Soul….”

So dry you can't go li-loing,
So wet you can't go canyoning,
No gas to go out motoring -
I'm staying at home.

Too hot to go bushwalking,
Too bleak for downhill ski-ing,
Rail strike, there's no trains running -
I'm staying at home.

Frayed rope - can't go abseiling,
Lost my torch, I can't go caving,
Sunday night will find me raving -
I'm staying at home.

JimLet's press on to 1976.
BobIn June a hi-jacked French airplane landed at Entebe in Uganda. When the monstrous Idi Amin dallied over release of the hostages, the Israelis mounted an airborne assault that released the luckless people with minimal loss of life.
DonJimmy Carter was elected U.S. President.
DotThe death of Chairman Mao allowed some reform in the style of government in China.
BarbaraMore recent reports make one wonder if Mao is now looked on as the fifth column of the gang of four.
JimAt Soweto, Johannesburg, negro demonstrators came under gunfire.
BobConservationists saw logging the Border Ranges as part of the ugly face of the timber industry. A lot more was to follow on the score of cutting in rain forests.
DonAnyone who was anyone in S.B.W. was in India that year. You could hardly walk the streets of Delhi without being jostled by a Bushie.
DotOne was shipped home with a suspected heart condition - all a mistake.
BarbaraA magazine story begins “We entered India as illegal immigrants…“
JimThere were only two reasons they were not slapped into the Black Hole of Calcutta… (1) Surah-ud-Dowlah had died about 200 years before and (2) They were a long way from Calcutta and the trains were too crowded.
BobIn April founding member Jack Debert died, aged 76.
DonAmongst the more rugged trips was one where the party arrived home Tuesday after being cut off at Barrallier by the flooded Wollondilly. Their escape route involved a 16 km walk to Wombeyan Caves and the hire of taxis for a 200 km drive via Goulburn and Berrima to the River.
JimThe Club's first toreador was in action doing a bull-dogging act with an intractable bull in the Grose valley.
BobFurther down an even more intractable land-owner refused the same party passage across his property.

Bob and Don (SONG) To Toreador's Song .. Carmen.

Toreador, walking down the Grose,
Don't be verbose
Or comatose.
You'll need all yours wits about you to defeat
Farmers or bulls you may meet.
But you'll be evermore
Our own Victor -
Our lone Toreador.

To be continued…

Social Notes For August.

by Peter Miller.

August 19th

Arctic Doings (Slides and Films).

Dot Butler will show slides and two films on canoeing the Yukon and climbing in Norway and Lapland. This will be a very interesting evening showing areas visited by few club members.

Dinner before the meeting will be held at Chehades Lebanese Restaurant, 270 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest, at 6.30 pm.

August 26th

Musical Evening - The Scrub-bashers.

The Scrub-bashers will sing us some of the new songs they have been practising. There will be musical items by members of the group who will also accompany the singers.

If any other club members would like to contribute musical items they will be most welcome. Please contact the Social Secretary.

The June General Meeting.

by Barry Wallace.

The clock lounged at an angle of 2020 hours, the President lounged in “The Chair”, and about 15 or so members sat bolt upright when he rang the gong and called for what is loosely termed order.

There were no apologies. New member Karl Lockman failed to present himself, but Mary Unwin answered her call and was welcomed into the Club. We also took the opportunity of welcoming James Field who had been unable to be present at a previous G.M.

The Minutes were read and received, with no business arising. Correspondence comprised outgoing letters to the Lands Office in Nowra regarding a reduction in the area of our permissive occupancy at Coolana, to the N.P.W.S. regarding the Plan of Management for Morton National Park (penned by the Conservation Secretary) and to our new members. We received letters from: Chris Percy advising of her move to Broken Hill, Colin Broad advising on status of Coolana account funds as Club property, Australia Post advising changes to requirements for bulk postage and Paddy Pallin Foundation advising on grants for 1980-81.

The Treasurer's Report indicated a starting balance of $2091.17, Income of $609.50, Expenditure of $348.00 and a closing balance of $2352.67. The Coolana account balance was unchanged at $50.10.

Our captive Federation Delegate (Peter Franks) advised that the last meeting had been brief, and covered only routine matters.

All of which was mere preamble to the event of the evening - - the Walks Report. John Redfern opened the whole thing by reporting that his Boyd Trail to Kanangra via East Christie's Creek had been a good walk despite some minor navigational difficulties. There were 13 members, 5 prospectives and 2 visitors, who kept trying to hand in their tickets. The other weekend trip was Ian Debert's Megalong Valley trip. When 9 members, one prospective and one visitor turned out for the occasion, Ian lengthened the walk in order not to disappoint such a crowd. There was no report of Peter Christian's walk from Leura to Katoomba, but Jim Brown had 16 members and one prospective on his Waterfall to Lilyvale trip on what was described as a good day. There was no report on David Cotton's Bee Walk.

The following weekend, 22,23,24 May saw Tony Marshall keeping his powder dry by driving all the way in to Yerranderie and staging an easy weekend with a party of 7. Gordon Lee's Camping Made Easy trip failed to attract starters. There was no report of Peter Christian's Sunday walk to Bluegum, but Sheila Binns' Waterfall through waterfall to Audley attracted 8 starters for a ver-ry wet trip. Two people dropped out or sank during lunch, one climbed to higher ground at Heathcote and the survivors struggled out to Loftus and the train – in rain - from Spain.

Peter Harris had 5 starters an his Budawang Wilderness trip an 29,50,31 May, one of whom required hospital treatment after a falling-rock-type mishap. The Peter Miller bicycle trip was reduced to a rather wet Sunday trip with an unknown number of starters. John Newman was unable to lead his Otford to Lilyvale Sunday walk and one can only suspect he had inside information. Jim Brown was substitute leader of 20 people in rain, rain, rain. The twelve who opted out at lunch were joined by the remainder of the party on the early train home. Joe Marton led 5 members and two prospectives on his Waterfall to Lilyvale jaunt in the same rain. They met Jim Brown's party on the early train and were able to compare notes on the wild leeches of the area.

The following weekend, 5,6,7 June saw David Rostron and 4 others competing (?) in his Mittagong to Katoomba 4-day trip. They reported some rain on the Saturday and herds of 'roos in the Wollondilly area. Ian Debert's Yerranderie base camp had 6 members and one prospective, and they reported snow, sun, rain and fireworks, although not necessarily in that order. On the Monday they returned to Sydney via Wombeyan Caves. Peter Franks' trip from Newnes did not go.

The Coolana Committee Report brought news that the land swap for our front entrance area is now complete. The National Trust, in a response to our request for monies from the Marie Byles Estate to purchase contiguous land parcels, has offered to buy up our permissive occupancy and lease it back to us. The Committee believe that our per. occ. is secure as it is and recommend against accepting the offer. Our rates notices require correction yet again. George Gray has been asked to check out problems with the Coolana water supply and a large scale contour map of the property is to be obtained.

Of General Business there was none, so once the announcements were done with, the President closed the meeting, for he was so inclined, at an angle of 2059 hours.

Changes To Day Walks.

Sunday 2nd AugustLeader: David Ingram. Minto - East Minto - George's River - Bushwalkers Basin - Minto. Easy. 13 km. Transport arrangements: 9.04 am Riverstone train Central Electric - Lidcombe. Change at Lidcombe: 9.29 am Campbelltown train to Minto. Tickets - Mini fare to Minto.
Sunday, 30th August. (Not Saturday 29th)Leader: Jim Percy. Waterfall - Engadine. 13 km. Medium. Train: 8.06 am Electric. (Note new train time).

Found: A colour slide of the Opera House, with a green sticker 64, was found after the last Members' Slide Night. Apply to Don Cornell.

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