Table of Contents
Established June 1931
A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers, Box 4476 G.P.O. Sydney, 2001. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening from 7.30 pm at the Cahill Community Centre (Upper Hall), 34 Falcon Street, Crow's Nest.
EDITOR: | Evelyn Walker, 158 Evans Street, Rozelle, 2039. |
BUSINESS MANAGER: | Bill Burke, 3 Coral Tree Drive, Carlingford, 2118. Telephone 871-1207. |
TYPIST: | Kath Brown |
DUPLICATOR OPERATORS: | Barbara Evans and George Gray |
MARCH 1984
Page | ||
Office Bearers and Committee Members 1984 | 2 | |
Kanangra to Carlons | by Morag Ryder | 3 |
The February General Meeting | Barry Wallace | 6 |
Bushwalker Recipe - Humus | Evelyn Walker | 7 |
Advertisement - Eastwood Camping Centre | 8 | |
Great Western Tiers & Central Plateau, Tas. | A Pawn | 9 |
Avagoodweegend | Jim Brown | 12 |
An Ode to 18-tonne Tess & Spindly Sam | Peter Harris | 13 |
The Alpine Walk - January 1984 | Meryl Watman | 14 |
Ferry Trip on Hawkesbury River | 15 | |
Annual Subscriptions 1984 | 16 | |
Social Notes for April | 16 |
The following office-bearers and committee members were elected at the S.B.W. Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday, 14th March, 1984:-
President | * Jim Percy | |
Vice-Presidents | * Barry Wallace | * Barbara Bruce |
Secretary | * Barrie Murdoch | |
Assistant Secretary | - - | |
Treasurer | * Carol Bruce | |
Walks Secretary | * Bill Capon | |
Social Secretary | * Roger Browne | |
New Members Secretary | * Joan Cooper | |
Committee Members | * Ainslie Morris | * Tony Marshall |
* Lynne McDonald | * Bill Holland | |
Federation Delegates | * Gordon Lee | Ainslie Morris |
* Spiro Hajinakitas | Tim Coffey | |
Substitute Federation Delegate | Peter Harris | |
Conservation Secretary | Alex Colley | |
Magazine Editor | Ainslie Morris | |
Magazine Business Manager | Bill Burke | |
Magazine Production Manager | Helen Gray | |
Duplicator Operator | Phil Butt | |
Keeper of Maps & Timetables | John Holly | |
Search & Rescue Contacts | Tony Marshall | Kath McInnes |
Ray Hookway | Bob Younger | |
Archivist | Phil Butt | |
Auditor | Gordon Redmond | |
Solicitor | Malcolm Steele | |
Trustees | Heather White | Bill Burke |
Gordon Redmond | ||
Coolana Management Committee | Disbanded | |
Kosciusko Huts Assn. Delegate | Bill Burke | |
Projectionist | Frank Woodgate |
* Indicates members of the Committee.
January Long Week-end, Led by George Walton
by Morag Ryder
George arranged to meet us at Blackheath, about 8 pm. Here the drivers would take two cars to Carlon's and return to Blackheath in the third car. The redoubtable Blackheath taxi service was to take us to Kanangra Walls, where we would sleep in Dance Floor Cave.
It was chilly at Blackheath, and threatening to rain, when we arrived. We bought take-away fond, and while the drivers set out for Carlon's, we retired to the Ivanhoe to eat. The party consisted of:- Our Fearless Leader, Brian Bolton, Jeff Coleman, Frank Trissie, Jodius Rubijono and Joe Marton, who had given Yours Truly a lift.
Shortly after 9 pm the taxi arrived and after loading up we departed. Arriving at the Walls about 11.30 we tripped (literally) down by torchlight to the Cave. A smell of smoke told us we were not the first. There was a large group of teenagers, and further along a father and son duo, settled comfortably into a snug spot.
Saturday. We planned an 8 am start, but spent some time talking to the twosome at our end of the cave. They were on two weeks' holiday and had spent it exploring the Kanangra area. I envied them… The teenagers were still a-bed when we left. They had an esky and a spare carton of beer, so I guess they didn't plan to go far that weekend.
George decided that going down Murdering Gully would be too steep and slippery. Instead we went down a long spur leading from Mount Berry. Thick nettles greeted us at the bottom, so it was 'gaiters first'. I had not walked the upper part of Kanangra Creek before, and was pleased to find the spur was an easy one, with a nice view of Crafts Walls. The sky was still overcast as we started down the creek. During the drought thousands of casuarinas had sprung up along the shrunken watercourse, and now that the water level was high, they crowded along the water's edge. This meant we had to wade through the creek most of the time. I found it pleasant to wade through the cool, calf-deep water, admiring the vivid green banks rising steeply on either side. Three members of the party, including George, had the misfortune to be wearing a design of jogger which has no tread on the ball of the foot. As a result, they found creek walking very tiring, for they were slipping and sliding at every step.
By lunchtime the clouds had dissipated, and we sat in sunshine on a pebbly bank, boiling the billy and watching the prolific bird-life. Now the sweeps of each bend became larger, with vertical rock faces an the concave sides. The casuarinas were taller, and to our joy, almost every thicket had a clear 'wombat trail' running behind it. Our speed increased considerably, for now we had only to ford the creek at each bend, instead of constantly wading. Further down the casuarinas were so tall that the lower branches were already dying By bending down we could get a clear view of what lay ahead. In another five years it will be delightful to walk in the shade of these young trees.
The water steadily became deeper, as every side gully was flowing. While looking for another crossing, I glanced up at the cliffs on true left. A waterfall. Not a little, mingy waterfall, but a spectacular affair with three distinct streams which repeatedly divided and combined as they fell in a series of dazzling white cataracts down a huge rock face.
“Carra Beanga Falls,” said Brian, while I hastily took a photo.
George wanted to camp at the junction of Kanangra Creek and what we were calling Sally Camp Creek. (Actually, this junction is of Kanangra Creek and Kanangra River - Sally Camp Creek flows into the Kanangra River.) 4 pm arrived, and no Sally Camp Creek. George reckoned we were nearly there; BGOODWEEGEND.
by Jim Brown.
In the February and March magazines you will find a group of bushwalker recipes, featuring a mixture called “PESTO”.
On seeing this word my first reaction was “Ah, good, something to discourage the flies that swarm along the Kowmung”. Then I discovered people were actually supposed to eat it, even when it is four days old. As it contains a clove of garlic, even my jaded, pickled and smoked taste-buds would certainly reject it as totally unfit for human consumption. On the other hand, I suppose, if you were to eat it (especially when it is four days old) it is possible that the Kowmung flies will leave you severely alone.
I recall an old walking crony of mine, Roy Bruggy, used to say “The bugs are pretty smart, you know. They know what they're doing. Take dried potato, now - you can keep it for months and they won't get into it. They know what's good for them.” Another Roy (Braithwaite) always used to describe the dehydrated meat and vegetables we took on longer trips as “fertiliser”.
Amongst the recipes I also see one for a “healthy spread for bread or biscuits”, the major ingredient being humus. My concise Oxford Dictionary tells me:-
“Humus - organic constituent of soil formed by decomposition of plant materials.”
Well, anyway, the “healthy spread” requires that lemon juice be added to the humus. Lemon juice goes well with tea, coffee, rum, whiskey and even muddy water. I think I'll just take the lemon juice.
Getting back to the Pesto, I think I can foresee a future for it, and perhaps even T.V. advertising like - “When you're on a good thing, stick to it”. Maybe - “Don't forget to take your Pesto……AVAGOODWEEGEND”.
(Pool of Siloam, Walls of Jerusalem; January 1984)
by Peter Harris (with appropriate apologies)
I was down the Walls of Jerusalem, knockin' round the lakes a bit,
And bedding down in camping spots, where camping wasn't fit;
And lookin' hard to find a site that wasn't pretty full
Of hardened walkers arguin' assorted kinds of bull.
And on one of these occasions while scouting far and wide,
I chanced to come across a tarn, and searched its southern side.
And heard a conversation most peculiar in its way,
'Cos it's only 'round the Pool of Siloam you'll hear a lady say,
“Where ya bloody been, ya drongo? I haven't seen ya for a week,
An' me girlfriend's lookin' for ya, since she come up from the creek.
She's been lookin' up Damascus Vale, and down where Lake Ball flows,
An' even up The Temple where she bloody never goes.”
Nell, the other bloke said, “Seen 'er, owed 'er 'alf a bloody quid,
Forgot to give it back to 'er, but now I bloody did.
Could used the thing me-bloody-self, around these bloody lakes,
T'buy canvas-bloody-gaiters for these tiger-bloody-snakes.”
Now their conversation was quite loud, and listening I heard
Their peculiar integration of this adjectival word.
But the lady was enormous, and to laugh I wasn't game,
So I stood around and let them think I spoke the bloody same.
But neither of them were interested, she asked him for some more,
How many tiger-bloody-snakes he bloody went and saw?
And the spindly bloke said, “Bloody hell, the trip's been bloody rough,
Saw eighty-bloody-seven and that's bad e-bloody-nough!”
And with this kindly rejoinder, which gushed forth from his gob,
I stopped my bloody listening, and got on with my job -
Which was lookin' hard for campsites, where there wasn't none at all,
'Round boggy tarns and into scrub, where there wasn't room to crawl.
And as for me, I'd have to hope that every walker takes
Some canvas-bloody-gaiters for these tiger-bloody-snakes.
by Meryl Watman
Leader; Bob Younger. With Christa Younger, Shirley Dean and M. Watman
From Valhalla to Tom Groggin, the Victorian sector of the Alpine Walk, is approx. 400 km - 160 km of foot tracks, the balance access fire trails, old logging tracks and short distances on road. The countless peaks and radiating spurs seem from the tops of Feathertop and Bogong give a bird's eye view of what must be a very challenging plod yet walkers, many alone, cover it each summer in four to six weeks.
Bob's plan was to recce the area, see something of the settled river valleys, and do parts of the Alpine Walk. Marj and Doug Johnston, active in S,B.W. in the 1940s, arranged combined N.P.A. and S.B.W. accommodation in a comfortable Hotham lodge for the first week.
Monday, bright and sunny, saw everyone except Doug start out on that part of the Alpine Walk which leaves Hotham northwards via Mt. Loch Spur. We detoured to the top of Mt. Loch 1875 metres and rejoined the track on Swindlers Spur. Passing Derrick Refuge Hut we left the heath behind and entered the park-like snow gums, under which were masses of magenta trigger plants, rusty sorrell and daisies of many hues. Soon this gave way to tall ash and peppermints. Then steeply down to Dibbins, a rough old cattleman's hut at 1400 m. Returned up Swindlers.
Then followed bad weather - three days of it.
Below the clouds excursions were made to Omeo and district (cherry plums for the picking), and on a side trip to Victoria Falls we were all but mustered with a herd of Herefords! Also by car we visited Cope Hut, Falls Creek, Anglers Rest, Bogong High Plains, Mt Mackay, the Ruined Castle, Mt. Beauty village and Bright.
By Friday the weather was fantastic - Feathertop 1922 m at last - not part of the Alpine Walk, but a must - it's the second highest in Victoria and a beauty. Along its razorback to the summit the track sidled around its little knolls through flowers in massed array between the groups of twisted snowgums. Looking to the east the craggy ribs dropped deeply down into the Diamantina, and to the west far below were the dredged flats of Harrietville.
Saturday. We had an easy day along Machinery Spur to the operating Red Robin Mine - again not on the Alpine Walk, but an interesting side trip.
Sunday. The lodge emptied. We four then set out on a five-day pack walk starting from Langford Gap after lunch. The yellow-tagged snow poles marking the Alpine Walk follow the Mt. Nelse fire trail fairly closely. After being warned by a ranger of approaching storms we branched off at 4 pm down into the snowgums to Edmonson Hut.
Monday 30th Bright weather, on the track early. Immediately past Mt. Nelse the Alpine Walk divides into two separate routes to Mt. Bogong. One via Timm's Spur and the other via Duane Spur. We would do the round trip. The narrow foot track down Duane Spur drops a vertical 700 metres below Roper's Hut to the Big River, the lower section criss-crossed with shattered timber brought down in last year's storms. About 100 metres downstream we found the overhead support chain. When Christa launched herself from the grassy bank, her shorter reach left her dangling like a string puppet with legs pedaling wildly, searching for the river bottom. Bob to the rescue. Lunched, then we faced the:long slow 700 m climb up “T” Spur. Thankfully the track flattened out then sidled gently to the left past a few sheets of iron (Maddison Hut), through stoutly built stockyards and finally another 2 km to Cleve Cole Memorial Hut.
Tuesday 31st. Soon we left the gums behind and followed the snow poles on to the treeless bulk of Bogong to the summit cairn 1986 m. Here was a feeling of isolation and a biting breeze which hurried us to, then down, the beautiful Quartz Knob Spur. Leaving it at Bogong Saddle we took a little-used track, edged with bluebells and violets, 3 km to a protected corner at the junction of Cairn Creek and Big River.
Wednesday, 1st Feb. A steep pull back to the Alpine Walk track, crossed Big River, lunched in the warm sun, then made a leisurely stroll up a graded fire trail to Roper's Hut to find that the Roper family had called the previous day with a salt “train” (for cattle).
Thursday, 2nd. An easy day retracing our steps to Langford Gap, on the way going to the top of Mt. Nelse, carpeted with white everlastings. Then drove to Mt. Buffalo camping ground for afternoon tea and biscuits shared with the rosellas and currawongs. Called at the old Hotel in the evening.
Friday 3rd. Packed and drove to the Horn for a scramble to the lookout. Then it was home via charming old Yackandandah.
At age 62 it was quietly satisfying to have made the tops of Victoria's three highest peaks, and in good company too.
400 km of Alpine Walk - well, that remains a challenge.
How: Comfortable modern Ferry:
When: Sunday, 15th April. Boarding from 8.30 am and depart at 9 am (7.15 am train from Central - tickets to Hawkesbury River).
Where: Brooklyn to Wisemans Ferry.
COMMENTARY on natural history, area history and economics of the river from among others:-
Dr. Wyn Jones NP. & W.S. and
Dr. Alan Jones Assistant Curator, Australian Natural History Museum.
Questions to be put to these acknowledged experts of the area will be welcome (in advance if possible).
Light REFRESHMENTS will be available or bring a picnic lunch.
COST is $10 per head - Any profits from the trip will be divided among the partaking groups, in proportion to their representation.
For further details contact SANDY JOHNSON - Tel. 48-3500.
At the Annual General Meeting' on 14th March the following Constitutional Amendments, moved by Gordon Lee and seconded by Bill Capon, and discussed and voted on jointly, were CARRIED:-
Clause 10 c be amended by deleting all the existing wording and substituting - “In addition to the Annual General Meeting and Half Yearly General Meeting, General Meetings shall be held in the months of June and December each year for the transaction of General Business and the filling of vacancies.”
and also that -
Clause 9(b) be amended by deleting all words after the word “notified” an inserting in lieu the words, “and filled at the next General Meeting”.
Please alter your copy of the Constitution accordingly.
The effect of the amendment to Clause 10© is that the Annual General Meeting will continue to be held in March; and the Half-Yearly G.M. in September. Written notice mast be given to all members of these two meetings and after due notice Constitutional Amendments may be brought forward at them. Other General Meetings will be held each year in June and December, but notice will not be given and Constitutional Amendments will not be dealt with. In special circumstances the Constitution provides for the calling of Extraordinary General Meetings.
The effect of the amendment to Clause 9(b) is that vacancies amongst Club Office-bearers are filled as expeditiously as practicable having regard to the reduced number of General Meetings.
The Constitutional Amendment to Clause 5(e) of the Constitution moved by Spiro Hajinakitas and seconded by Jo Van Sommers, was LOST.
April 4 | Committee Meeting |
April 11 | Due to the passing of the amendment to Clause 10 c of the Constitution (see above), there will not be a General Meeting in April (or May either). Instead, Wayne Steele will show his slides - “Walking in the Wilkin Valley, New Zealand”. |
April 18 | Wine, Cheese and Nuts Night. The Club provides cask wine, but everyone is asked to bring a small plate of cheese or nuts, labelled, and preferably of an exotic type. |
April 25 | Anzac Day - being a public holiday, the Club will be closed. |
The annual subscription6 decided upon at the Annual General Meeting on 14th March are as follows:-
Single Member | $11 | |
Married Couple | $15 | |
Full-time Student | $9 |
The subscriptions for Prospective Members, Non-active Members, and Non-active Members with Magazine posted will be decided by the Committee and notified in April magazine.