Table of Contents
The Sydney Bushwalker
Established June 1931
A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers, Box 4476 G.P.O., Sydney, 2001. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening from 7.45 pm at the Cahill Community Centre (Upper Hall) 34 Falcon Street, Crow's Nest.
Editor | Ainslie Morris, 45 Austin Street, Lane Cove, 2066. Telephone 428 3178. |
Business Manager | Bill Burke, 3 Coral Tree Drive, Carlingford, 2118. Telephone 871 1207. |
Production Manager | Helen Gray. |
Typist | Kath Brown. |
Printers | Phil Butt, Barry Wallace & Morag Ryder. |
November, 1985.
Page | ||
“De Non Apparentibus et de Non Existentibus Eadem Est Ratio” | Phil Butt | 2 |
Additions to Blue Mountains National Park | 5 | |
What Now? Series on First Aid | Ainslie Morris | 6 |
The Wollangambe Wilderness | Oliver Crawford | 7 |
Eastwood Camping Centre - Advertisement | 9 | |
The Associations Incorporation Act | Barrie Murdoch | 10 |
Impressions of a Prospective | Margaret Niven | 12 |
Yerranderie 11/12/13 October - Walks Report | Ray Hookway | 13 |
What Now? First Aid Answers | 14 | |
Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be…? | Ainslie Morris | 15 |
Fireplace Design for Coolana Hut | Peter Miller | 16 |
Notes of Committee Meeting 6/11/85 | 18 | |
Social Notes | Bill Holland | 18 |
New Members | 18 |
"De Non Apparentibus Et De Non Existentibus Eadem Est Ratio"
by Phil Butt
Illustrations by Morag Ryder
As it is now virtually the third anniversary of my most recent journey to the South West of Tasmania I am of the opinion it be appropriate that I should endeavour to recount some of the experiences I enjoyed on one of the better walks in which I have had the privilege of participating.
And so it came to pass in the year of grace Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Two, having finished my conferences and other businesses in the city of Hobart, for which purpose I had travelled thereto, that I did set out Southwards to commence an expedition along the South Coast.
As it was well nigh impossible to travel by public conveyances to the small settlement of Cockle Creek, the elected commencement of my expedition, and similarly difficult to inveigle strangers to give me free passage, I called upon a fellow conference-goer to convey me thither. To this proposition he agreed with the greatest alacrity, deeming it a most pleasurable diversion for the afternoon.
In my preparation for my proposed expedition I was cognisant of the ecological damage occasioned to camp sites in the South West of Tasmania by large parties and therefore I considered it behooved me to take proper notice of this. I therefore did decide to travel alone without horse, dog or divining rod. In further preparation for my proposed expedition I did also organise certain foods for my consumption, equipment for my protection against the diverse elements and equipment so that I might reasonably convey the said items. To assist in navigation I took compass and maps, together with a route guide, which I now believe should have properly been called “A Canoeist's Guide to the Bushwalking Tracks of South West Tasmania”.
In brief, I carried some eighteen days' food of a mass of approximately one kilogram per diem, with an all up pack mass of no less than 38 kilograms, which included such luxuries as an SLR camera, a Gortex parka, a modicum of Scotch Whisky and some coffee beans. My tent system, anticipating the normally dismal weather, was a three person Golden Tan South-Wester, together with a two person tent fly, borrowed for the occasion from an esteemed member of the Club. In spite of daylight saving and a relatively early start from Hobart (approximately 1730) it was at nautical twilight-in fine weather that camp was made but a short distance from the Southern Ocean (some two hours walking beyond the aforesaid Cockle Creek).
The next four days were fine and friendly as I luxuriated in extremely pleasant late November weather, valiantly endeavouring to devour some of the mass of my food, prior to my ascent of the Ironbounds, at camp sites at Granite Beach, Osmiridium Beach, Rocky Boat Inlet and finally Deadman's Bay. Although I was very much aware of the deteriorating weather pattern as I strolled along Prion Beach and as I followed the track between Rocky Boat Inlet and Deadman's Bay, I should perhaps have taken more notice of these facts and that no less than six crustacean boats did moor in Deadman's Bay on the night I was there.
I should perhaps observe at this juncture that I was particularly fortunate to traverse Prion Beach at low tide, as there was but little beach extant, owing to the extremely severe storms that had lashed the South Coast that preceding winter. The storms had not only swept the beach away but also had swept out to sea the Westernmost boat at the New River Lagoon crossing, never, as I understand it, to be recovered.
On my fifth day out, I departed Deadman's Bay and proceeded upwards to the top of the Ironbounds. Memories literally flood back to me, even now, of the damp and cool conditions obtaining on that first day of inclement weather as I strolled up the rivulet to High Camp. It was not until the ensuing day, and this dé jà vu did repeat itself daily for the remainder of the trip, that I realized just how halcyon the conditions were each previous day in comparison.
Upon reaching the vicinity of High Camp, a modicum of time was spent in locating the track where it turns to the Camp site and the long Westwards sidle in the 8/8 cloud/fog/semi-blizzard conditions (approximately 200 mm of snow fell that night). In these blustery conditions I continued Westwards off the Ironbounds to a rather soggy camp on the new and very much safer crossing of Louisa River. The next day was spent crossing the rather flooded - to use an euphemistic appelation - button grass plains until just North of the Western end of Louisa Bay, where a left-hand turn was executed Southwards in rather high winds, reaching a one person, low tide only, sea cave at the Western end of the beach. This was the habitation for the night.
The afternoon was spent frolicking about and investigating the isthmus to Louisa Island, but in 40 knot winds and horizontal surf/spray, study from a distance rather than inspection at close quarters was the order of this desolate afternoon.
Some days later, many kilometres West, I did reach Ketchem Bay, of which place I have noted in my diary that I had three hours of sunshine at a stretch. The next day was on to Wilson Bight, where I did set up camp to wait for an improvement in the weather. At this stage there was the occasional sleet storm amid the rain storms that teemed upon this very protected camp site. After two days I did venture up towards Mount Karamu with my equipment to determine positively if what I had assumed the weather to be was, in fact, what it were. Actually it was even more exhilarating than I had anticipated. Given that the route to Window Pane Bay traversed Spot height 800 m and Mount Karamu at 439 m and that I was only at 340 m, and finding I had certain difficulty walking into the 20-40 knot Westerly wind, together with the visibility down to 50 metres with incessant drizzle/rain occurring, I formed the opinion that although others with splendid fortitude would tackle this portion of the excursion with great brilliance, some caution on my part was called for. In brief, following some two hours' deliberation, I decided upon retreat.
I therefore repaired to my previous camp site at Wilson Bight, enjoying the occasional sleet shower. Upon gaining said camp site I waited a further day should there be a remission. There was not. With a certain feeling of despair, for having been repulsed now twice in this area from my projected itinerary, and although having been to Window Pane Bay heretofore, I had not been to Noyhener Beach and the Pascoe Range, which were on this excursion's Schedule.
I proceeded, with only a slight improvement in the weather, to New Harbour. From here it was Northwards to Moth Creek and Port Davey International Airport, where the weather, concluding I had had my baptism so to speak, decided it were time to become a little more serious. And it did!
To Be Continued.
Additions To Blue Mountains National Park
(Reprinted with permission from The Colong Bulletin, September 1985.)
When opening the Blue Mountains annual Spring Festival on September 1st, Premier Neville Wran announced that Mount Werong and 16 km of the Blue Mountains escarpment would be added to the Blue Mountains National Park. Mr. Wran said that the additions will not only ensure that the land involved is managed properly, but will bring the Park well within the reach of the two million visitors who are attracted to the mountains each year. He said his announcement was in line with the Government's continuing commitment to extend and diversify the National Park estate in New South Wales.
“Sine 1976” he said “we have increased the size of that estate by 100%. More than one third of the coastline is now safely under the management of the National Parks and Wildlife Service. National parks, state recreation areas and other reserves now cover 25% of the land area within a 100 kilometre radius of Parramatta. No wonder our National Park system in New South Wales is rated among the five best in the world by the International Union of Conservationists.”
Mr. Wran said the additions included all the escarpment land from Wentworth Falls to Katoomba, incorporating the: Three Sisters, Katoomba Falls, Leura Cascades, Gordon Falls and the Valley of the Waters. It also includes the Narrow Neck Plateau south-west of Katoomba.
“The escarpment addition runs for about 16 kilometres. It is one of the most spectacular scenic areas not only in New South Wales but anywhere in Australia. The great naturalist Charles Darwin, when he visited Australia in 1836, said in his usual conservative way that the views were 'quite novel and extremely magnificent'. Tourist enthusiasm for the Blue Mountains last century initiated calls for the natural features of the area to be protected in public reserves and parks. Late last century a number of reserves were established along the southern escarpment around Katoomba and these were progressively added to over the years.”
“Protection of the wider wilderness of the mountains was first formulated as a Blue Mountains National Park in the 1920's by the late Myles Dunphy. Although he presented his national park proposal in 1932, he had to wait 26 years for the first stage of it to be established.”
Mr. Wran said the front page of The Katoomba Daily on August 24, 1934, in a special supplement on the proposal Blue Mountains National Park said:
“The Blue Mountains of Australia are justly famous for their grand scenery of stupendous canyons and gorges, mountain peaks and plateaux up to 4,400 feet altitude, uncounted thousands of ferny, forested dells and gauzy waterfalls, diversified forest and river beauty, much aloof wilderness, and towns and tourist resorts replete with every convenience for the comfort and entertainment of both Australian and overseas visitors.”
“As the Premier of the Premier State of Australia I am in the unique position to not only agree with those words, but also say that my Government is very proud of today's historic achievement. For the first time since this national park was proposed in the 1920's, through the highs and lows of tourism, and now in the midst of a revival, the missing links of the Katoomba section of the Blue Mountains National Park have finally been joined.”
We congratulate the government on these notable extensions to the Park. We would like to be more specific on the areas covered, but on inquiry from the N.P.W.S. for maps of the additions were assured there was no map. A diagrammatic map was published with Mr. Wran's statement, and the Mount Werong addition appears to agree pretty closely with the area proposed by the Canopy Committee. However it does not appear to include the Tuglow Caves Reserve in the north, nor to abut the Wombeyan Caves in the south. The Canopy Committee urges supporters to write congratulating the Premier on the additions, but to request that these two reserves should be included.
The escarpment addition appears to end at the cliff line. It is important that abominations such as the road down to Kedumba, the bulldozing of Nellie's Glen, pipe lines and the once proposed road along Narrow Neck be prevented, but even more important is the prevention of structures such as the Leura resort, near enough to the escarpment to intrude on its natural scenic beauty. This will only be achieved if the Council, and the Government, restricts development to environmentally acceptable sites zoned in advance for the purpose, rather than letting developers pick the sites they want, then legitimising their choice by legislation.
What Now? Series On First Aid.
by Ainslie Morris.
Try to work out what you would do if you were on a walk when this happened.
There is more than one way of handling the situation - if you want to give another opinion, write to the Editor.
Situation 3:
A person carrying a weekend pack slips on a rock in a creek bed.
PLACE: A very steep-sided, very narrow creek about 150 metres vertical and l.5 km horizontal to a firetrail.
SIGNS: Swelling of knee, cannot bend or straighten knee. Face is pale.
SYMPTOMS: Pain in knee. Nausea.
What is your -
(a) of knee?
(b) of patient?
Answers are on page 14.
TEST WALK WANTED Would anybody be willing to put on a MIDWEEK or SUNDAY/MONDAY Test Walk? It would be greatly appreciated. Please phone Tom Moss 389-5583.
The Wollangambe Wilderness.
by Oliver Crawford.
Trip Report - 27,28,29th September.
Leader - Oliver Crawford, party members - Jim Rivers, Jenny Brown and Steven Brown.
Map: Wollangambe.
Bob Hodgson said passes through the streams running east in the Wollangambe Wilderness were few and far between, and tricky at that. So it was with some trepidation that I decided on this exploratory to find a good negotiable pass through the first of these streams, Yarramun Creek. This and further exploratories are to form the basis of an extended walk from Mt. Wilson to Newnes, following a more or less direct northerly course from Mt. Wilson.
So with the Guru's words ringing in my ears, I studied the Wollangambe map closely and chose a route over the ridges more or less in a direct north bearing from the 'High St' crossing of the Wollangambe, where all the summer li-lo parties start from down that stream.
To maximise our available time in exploring, we camped down by the Wollangambe, having enjoyed a wonderful moonlit walk down from the top in the usual time, camping under the stars by about 10.30.
Following breakfast on a clear, bright Saturday morning we set off downstream for about 100 metres and entered the valley of a stream coming in from the north at 545915 and proceeded up this for about 300 metres until the cliffs on our right gave way to a slope, which we sidled up until the top was gained. This ridge was then followed until we came to point 938 where we had nibbles at about 10 am. The ridge had been a little broken and scrubby in patches, but not as bad as experienced elsewhere in this area.
Having gained the main ridge we followed this northwards and ignoring its deviation to the right after about 400 metres continued on the spur still on almost due north bearing. Walking was easy with some large flat slabs of rock encountered. Several cairns were noticed, one a particularly large one. The edge of the escarpment was reached at 548955 from where the slope down to the right was seen to be steep but not precipitous.
So down we went until we reached the small dry creek bed running north on grid 550. Some rearrangement of the vegetation was necessary in this creek bed, but apart from that, it proved to be an easy access to the main creek. Perhaps a half hour was consumed in taking in the delights of Yarramun Creek and finding a camp site, whereupon we had lunch at about 12.30.
Some clearing of bracken, dead branches and stones was necessary to put up our three tents and clear a fire place, but this was achieved in quick time (no cave of any worth was found in the vicinity), and we set out on an afternoon stroll to find a ridge out to the north for the next leg. Believe it or not, the one immediately above the camp site proved to be quite easy. There were only a couple of spots where 4WD had to be engaged, just to get over a couple of low ledges. This ridge then followed the familiar undulating pattern, but we turned to the right as soon as we headed the creek and came back down the next spur over a conical hill. This proved much harder at the bottom and when compared to the previous spur, I would not recommend it as a good route. However the views from the peak of the cone were worthwhile. Mt. Cameron and Tambo Limb were visible to the north, also Mt. Wilson to the south.
In the evening our small group enjoyed the usual conviviality around the camp fire. Jim had brought wine for four but only two of us partook of it so the ground that night became really soft.
On Sunday morning the cloud that had threatened the evening before had cleared away and we set off on the return with high spirits. We decided to try the nose of the same ridge we came down the previous day and found it to be very negotiable with only one spot requiring hands and feet together.
On arrival back at spot 938 we again decided to vary the route and chose the next ridge to the west of our outward one. Apart from going too far down the nose and ending up at a vertical drop into the Wollangambe and then having to sidle to the left to find an easy way down, the ridge proved to be the easiest and the most interesting, with rock pinnacles similar to country west of The Crater.
A leisurely lunch and afternoon nap was enjoyed at the Wollangambe from which we departed at about 2.30 to arrive back at the cars about 3.30 pm.
I believe that all four of us enjoyed the walk which turned out easier than at least one member thought. He envisaged us following the streams all the way. If that were so, I believe we would still have been walking, or swimming, or something!
Use Stoves In Tasmania - Please.
The Tasmanian National Parks & Wildlife Service is asking walkers in the State's South-West and Central Plateau areas to carry and use portable stoves instead of lighting campfires.
Tasmania's rainforests and highland areas are unique. Escaped campfires can destroy these areas forever. Many of Tasmania's highland plant species do not regenerate after fire. Much of the State's ground surface, particularly in South-Western and Central Tasmania consists of peat. Peat fires can burn underground for many months.
Firewood is a diminishing resource around many highland campsites. Please help to conserve our heritage. Carry and use a stove.
Welcome To Visit.
Don and Jenny Cornell have moved to Queensland, and have said they'd like to see their old bushwalking friends. They are at 2 Palm Glen, 21 Martin Street, Nerang, 4211. Phone (075)58-3826 for directions. Nerang is on the road to Brisbane behind the Gold Coast, and is where you can turn off for the Lamington National Park. I hear they have bought a bush block nearby.
One More Printer Wanted For 1986!
A second volunteer has agreed to help print the Club magazine next year when the present printers take a rest from the job. But a third helper is needed.
Please consider whether 1986 is the year when you undertake some work for the Club. You will be in good company!
Phone Phil Butt 94-6333 (H) or 339-7179 (B) or speak to Barbara Bruce or Ainslie Morris in the clubroom.
The Associations Incorporation Act.
by Barrie Murdoch.
These days people tend to be more aware of their rights and are prepared to do something about them. The age of the energetic consumer is with us. New South Wales has for years enjoyed the distinction of being the most litigious State of Australia. Sydney Bush Walkers have suffered serious personal injury and death in the past and are likely to do so in the future. One of these days the Club will be on the wrong end of a writ seeking the recovery of damage for negligence.
I believe that the bundle of facts, assertions and prejudices set out above is not far from the truth. I also believe that the legal position of the Club, in the circumstances of a claim for damages, is a mess.
Let us assume that a visitor to a club walk has suffered a broken leg when a member accidentally dislodged a rock which rolled down on to the unfortunate visitor. After the visitor was capable of hobbling into his solicitor's office he would be advised to get a copy of the Club membership list if possible, or failing that, the walks programme, the annual report and the magazine. Dependent on the material produced to the solicitor all the members of the Club would be sued or everyone mentioned in the walks programme, the annual report and the magazine would be sued. Almost certainly the walks leader and the other participants on the walk would find themselves having special mention in the writ which would include particulars alleging that the leader was negligent in that he didn't find a safe route, didn't organise the party so that there were sufficient intervals between them, didn't ensure that one person wasn't below another, didn't keep a proper look out for falling rocks, etc, etc. In the event that a judgment was obtained against the people mentioned in the writ they would be left to their own devices to obtain contributions from other Club members.
The present situation is that the Club is not recognized in law as having any existence apart from the individual members of which it is made up. The property and funds of the Club belong equally to each member, but each member cannot transfer his property in them. So far as contracts are concerned there are often problems as to who is the person liable for payment on goods supplied to the Club or on agreements supposedly made on behalf of the Club. There is an assumption that members when joining do not propose to become liable for any sum beyond their annual subscription, which is all very well provided the Treasurer has done her homework when preparing the budget. Nice questions develop concerning the scope of authority of committee members, subsequent notification of particular transactions, actions for breach of warranty of authority, and the relationship of principal and agent in Club business. At first sight Sydney Bush Walkers are not greatly involved in contracts - we hire a hall and we supply some miniscule amounts of food and drink, but we did buy a printer for $3500 and we do own Coolana.
Having regard to the possibility of accident claims the Club at its September General Meeting resolved to take out a Public Liability Policy for $5 million, and resolved in principle to take out Personal Accident cover for members including prospective members. The question of the Personal Accident cover is to be further investigated and will be put to the next General Meeting.
In addition a sub-committee has recommended to the general committee of the Club that the advantages of incorporating under the Associations Incorporation Act outweigh the disadvantages.
The advantages are that after incorporation there would be a separate legal entity which could be sued in its own name in an action arising out of death or personal injury. The existence of such a separate entity would not prevent a plaintiff sueing such persons as the walk leader or any one else whom he considered should be joined in the action.
One disadvantage is that it costs money to become incorporated. The following are the fees at present prescribed under the regulations:-
Application for incorporation | $60 |
Application for reservation of name | $18 |
Application for approval of change of name | $18 |
Lodgment of notice setting out particulars of alteration of statement of objects and rules | $18 |
Lodgment of statement as to Annual General Meeting | $20 |
Another disadvantage is that various functions of the committee, if not performed properly, are penalised. The following are the maximum fines to be imposed for:-
Failing to notify change in committee membership | $100 |
Failing to notify alteration of rules and objects | $100 |
Failing to notify vacancy on office of Public Officer - each member of committee to pay | $200 |
Failing to advise name and address of Public Officer | $100 |
Failing to hold Annual General Meeting within prescribed time and furnish members with financial statements. Club and each member of committee to pay | $200 |
Failing to forward financial statement to Corporate Affairs Commission | $200 |
Failing to effect and maintain insurance | $500 |
I understand that the Bush Club and the Federation of Bushwalking Clubs have both decided that the Associations Incorporation Act is not worth the bother and certainly the fact that the Club has decided to insure does get over most of the problems.
On the other hand incorporation might save you from appearing on a writ. What do you think?
From The President.
With the seriousness demanded in “consigning a soul to the depths”, I entreat you to give the matter of Incorporation your earnest consideration.
To my mind, by incorporating (becoming Sydney Bush Walkers Incorporated) the Club is reacting to current world trends in sueing, and putting S.B.W. members in a more desirable position should such a suit occur.
Amongst the points to be considered are the relevant changes in our Constitution, for which it may be necessary to call an Extraordinary General Meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting to be held in March, 1986.
Please read Barrie Murdoch's notes carefully, and come along to the December General Meeting, when the subject will be given a full hearing.
Barbara Bruce. President.
Impressions Of A Prospective.
by Margaret Niven.
Chichester State Forest.
Party: Gordon Lee (leader), Colin Barnes, Valerie and Victor Gosbell, Vincent Joseph, Michael and Evelyn Elphick, Karl Lachmann and Kara, Bob and Margaret Niven.
When my husband, Bob, and I decided to apply to S.B.W. for prospective membership, we had already done quite a bit of track walking, involving some overnighting, usually accompanied by our two youngest children, so done at a very sedate pace.
On being given the walks programme, we were told that some of the leaders were hard walkers. So what did we do but pick Gordon Lee for our first week-end walk leader! In the programme it read “Tree-spotting walk in Chichester State Forest”, and sounded just right for us. Well, we did spot some beautiful tallowwood, turpentine, giant banksias and fantastic bird's nest and elkhorn ferns and orchids whilst scrambling through bush laced with lawyer vine and “wait-a-while”.
We finally reached the Karuah Creek which was our first goal, and after a very welcome lunch on the bank, our tree-spotting week-end turned into a rock-slipping criss-crossing of said creek. Gordon gave us encouragement and instruction, as we had not done much wading before. After 2.5 hours of this, it had started raining and dusk was falling, so we elected to set up camp in the first likely place we found. Gordon, despite the soaked wood and rain, soon had a good fire going and a “happy hour” drink soon had all of us admitting it had been a fun day.
After a good sleep and a hearty breakfast, we broke camp and headed off again for 7 hours of wading and rock hopping. On one scramble along a bank we passed a copperhead snake which was, fortunately for us, still sleepy from the cold.
Lunch was eaten perched on a group of rocks in the middle of the clear and-rushing stream. We got out our Trangia to boil the camp billy, and were all very ready for our “cuppa's”, as we were all wet up to a certain level, depending on our height, or in my case lack of height.
Finally at 4 pm we arrived at “the ford” which had been our goal, as cars had been left there, to transport us back to Evelyn and Michael Elphick's home, where their two lovely teenage daughters had a super high tea ready for the cold, wet but happy group. We perched around their dining room table and enjoyed chocolate cake etc. whilst recapping the highlights of our walk.
Then all headed off for home, Bob and I feeling that we had managed our first outing. How appreciative we were for all the advice and encouragement we had received from our leader, Gordon Lee!
Family Walk. Sunday, 1st December.
Woodford Station - Bedford Road - Linda Rock - Wilson's Glen - Woodford. Please bring water. Distance: 7 km. Train 8.12 (C) Central. Adult Fare $7.50. Leader:- MARGARET REID 94-2630.
Yerranderie 11/12/13 October - Walks Report.
by Ray Hookway.
WALK: Yerranderie via Batsh Camp, Kooragang Mountain, Colong Station, Mootik Walls, Yerranderie Peak - return via Colong Caves and Acetylene Spur.
PARTY: Ray Hookway (leader), four members, one prospective, one visitor.
Because of the recent changes to the Yerranderie Road the turn-off to the left to Batsh Camp can easily be missed. The first part of the last 3 kms of road to Batsh Camp is impassable in the wet and I would consider it even difficult for some four-wheel-drive vehicles. Once past the churned up mud the road is reasonable.
The country between Kooragang Mountain and Colong Station and also approaches to the bridle track through Colong Gap over the Mootik Wall has become very overgrown and harder to penetrate than last time.
When traversing the last section of Yerranderie Peak keep high to avoid the lower cliff line. The start of the route down from Yerranderie Peak to Yerranderie Village is now a well defined track which can be lost lower down if not watched carefully but the way is obvious.
The start of the route from the Tonalli Swamp over Colong Saddle and skirting Mount Colong up to Billy's Ridge is very well marked with metal tree markers and there is a defined track which at times almost disappears due to the lack of use. If the track is not followed trouble can be experienced with deep gullies and cliff lines if too low, and with gullies and scunge if too high.
The Billy's Ridge end is not marked but the track leads to cairns marking the track down Green Gully which runs down to Caves Creek and Colong Caves. This track is overgrown and there are patches of nettles.
The latest 1/25,000 maps do not show the bridle track over Colong Gap, the track from Tonalli Swamp to Eilly's Ridge or the track down Green Gully, but all three tracks are present.
The weather was very wet and misty and good navigation was necessary. The extra scunge which has grown up on the route since my last visit made the trip more tiring.
We camped at West Yerranderie on the old store verandahs and were watched all evening and in the morning by the largest crowd of large kangaroos I have ever seen in the area. Many joeys were in evidence and several large males put on boxing exhibitions.
Three members of the party made a brief inspection of the Colong Caves before tackling the 518 metre near vertical Acetylene Spur.
David McIntosh punctured a tyre on his landrover with a sharp stone on the road back from Yerranderie.
The party finished the walk with hot chocolates at Aroney's which was deserted of the other walkers due to the wet weather drawing them home early.
Paddington terrace house available to share, or to lease over school Xmas holidays. Phone JUDY MCMILLAN 331-2593.
What Now? First Aid Answers.
by Ainslie Morris.
R - Rest the casualty.
I - Ice (or cold water in the bush - try wetting a hat or shirt).
C - Cover with a pressure bandage.
E - Elevate the limb about 30 cm and support comfortably.
You cannot diagnose a bruise from a fracture, so take no risks.
1. Do NOT attempt to straighten the knee.
2. SPLINT if it can be done without increasing discomfort, along back of limb from buttock to beyond the heel.
PAD the splint (e.g. limb of sapling) with spare clothing, especially in the natural hollows of the knee and ankle.
3. Apply a PRESSURE BANDAGE to surround the knee joint (figure-of-eight crepe).
4. Secure the limb to the splint by a figure-of-eight bandage around the ankle and foot, broad bandage around the thigh, and broad bandage around the lower leg.
For shock (nausea, pale) - reassure the patient, keep comfortable but NOT HOT. Sip of drink only. Check pulse - if weak and rapid, medical aid is more urgent.
Carry the patient out. (This is the hard part - see next page.)
Oh Dear, What Can The Matter Be...?
by Ainslie Morris.
Ever had a close shave in the bush? (and I don't mean with a razor).
Ever been on a walk when an accident has happened and an injured or sick person needed the party's assistance? Ever heard of a rescue of a bushwalker?
The latest, on Tuesday 17th September 1985, was all in the news. A couple of S.B.W. members were in the party lowered by helicopter which finally found the severely injured, and lost, young man. His life was saved.
This well coordinated search and rescue operation relied partly on Bushwalkers of New South Wales Search and Rescue, which many who saw the news reports felt were not given due credit. But when it comes to the rough stuff in trackless bush and canyon, the fit and experienced walkers outshine most of the other members of the Volunteer Rescue Association.
Fitness of a reasonable level and some off-track bush experience are all that is needed to be of assistance on a “call-out”; you don't have to be an expert navigator or abseiler or superfit. You do have to be willing to be called out, but you can signify when, depending on your work. It is better to have your St.John's First Aid Basic Certificate - and you can get that knowledge at the Club's next instruction weekend in March 1986.
Practice is a good idea as well. If you are on the S. & R. list, it makes you familiar with the 2-way radio and search techniques, and also up-dates you on new and better rescue techniques. A good example was demonstrated on the 19-20th October practice near Campbelltown; a group of ten has developed over the past two years a method of rescuing a person from a rock ledge which is unique. This very active group also showed us how to raise and lower a person on a stretcher in rough steep country. One method uses a rope and pulley with jumah, the other is handing the stretcher up from one group of six to the next, with a rope round a tree above only for safety, not pulling.
These were two ways which Mike Reynolds and I found much less of a strain than carrying a stretcher up a steep slope as we did on an Easter trip in 1984.
If you are not on the S. & R. list, going to a practice gives you the confidence to see that you can be of help, even if you aren't the world's greatest bushwalker. Passing up a stretcher just needs lots of people, not strength.
At the last practice there were people up from Canberra, and Camden Club (total membership of 35) had 8 people there. S.B.W. had 4. Our membership is 440. This doesn't look good.
So we hope the next rescue isn't required by an S.B.W. member! How about making a special point of not planning something else on the next practice weekend, and do come and have an interesting, fun time?
Coolana Fireplace
There we were, fourteen wet and hungry bushwalkers washed out of the Budawangs trying to cook our evening meal over the fire at Coolana. Only two or three could get to the fire at one time and there was the ever present danger of boiling billies and hot frying pans spilling their contents.
We need a new fire place at Collana,and here is a design which can be discussed at the next general meeting.
1. The new fireplace is large enough for about six to eight people to cook in safety.
2. By placing it in the centre up against the back wall many more people can sit around it in safety and comfort.
3. The brick edging is required to contain the embers and ashes and to allow billies and frying pans to stand upright when removed from the fire.
4. The 50mm wire mesh would allow billies to be hung safely over any part of the fireplace.
5. The timber shelf could be used for utensils and candles, etc..
6. The stone back will protect the back wall of the hut. The back part of the chimney would protect the upper part of the back wall.
7. The vent could go through the wall instead of the roof if that is a better method.
8. The fireplace is not so large that it encroaches too much on the floorspace for sleeping and dancing.
9. It may not be clear from the drawing but the edge of the timber shelf would be level with the outer edge of the brick-work.
Please examine the idea carefully so that it can be discussed at the next general meeting. If the proposal gets approval, I am willing to make accurate drawings to obtain quotes for the ironwork and do all the work of installation.
Peter Miller
Members will be saddened to learn of the death this month of-well known club member, Jenny Madden. Our deepest sympathy to Stan and their sons John, Bruce and Peter.
Notes Of Committee Meeting 6-11-85.
Coolana has again had non-member visitors, including a 4-wheel drive vehicle going past the gate. It will be moved at the next General Meeting that a welded barrier gate replace the existing unlocked gate. Use of the property is likely to snowball and develop into abuse.
Trustees for Coolana will need to have all lots of land correctly recorded in their names; one advantage of an Incorporated Club would be that it would replace trustees as owner. Coolana would be owned by Sydney Bush Walkers Incorporated - a legal entity. This and other matters in relation to Incorporation will be discussed at the General Meeting in December; it is not a clearcut issue.
Insurance was again discussed and the matter of a Personal Accident Insurance Policy will be resolved at the next General Meeting. Members are advised to make their presence and views felt.
Public Liability Insurance cover extends to all programmed Club activities. This cover will only extend to an off-program activity of which the Committee has been advised in writing prior to that activity.
Social Notes.
by Bill Holland.
The Club Auction was a great success and raised $375 for the Club. Many thanks to our auctioneer, Charlie Brown, for his great performance.
December features the Quarterly General Meeting (Wednesday 11th) and the Club Xmas Party the following week. Please bring some Xmas delicacies - the Club will supply wines and juices.
Mark this date in your calendar, Wednesday, 22nd January '86.
The Minister for Planning and Environment, MR. BOB CARR, will join us on this date, first for dinner, and then to address the Club on the N.S.W. Government policies on National Parks and Conservation. These are matters of great concern and we are anxious to have a large audience of members prepared to show that they care. Please come on this special night.
Programme: | Dec 4 | Committee Meeting |
Dec 11 | General Meeting | |
Dec 18 | Club Xmas Party | |
Jan 8 | Club closed - Beach barbecue at Obelisk Beach (Please phone Bill Holland for details - 449 5189 (H) - 925 3309 (B)) | |
Jan 15 | Members' slides (own choice) | |
* | Jan 22 | The Minister for Planning & Environment, Mr.Bob Carr |
Jan 29 | Bushcraft |
* Dinner before the meeting at “Green Gardens Restaurant”, 55 Alexander Street, Crow's Nest. BYOG. 6.30 pm sharp.
New Members.
Please add the following names to your list of members:-
GARDAM, Brent, 29 North Parade, Auburn, 2144. Phone 648 5336 (work)
SCOTT, Chris, 8 Fletcher Avenue, Miranda, 2228. Phone 524 3126 (H)