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The Sydney Bushwalker.

Established June 1931.

A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers, Box 4476 G.P.O., Sydney, 2001. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening from 7.45 pm. Until the end of January, 1987, the meetings will be at the Cahill Community Centre (Upper Hall), 34 Falcon Street, Crow's Nest.

EditorAinslie Morris, 45 Austin Street, Lane Cove, 2066. Telephone 428 3178.
Business ManagerBill Burke, 3 Coral Tree Drive, Carlingford, 2118. Telephone 871 1207.
Production ManagerHelen Gray.
TypistKath Brown.
PrintersFran Longfoot, Morag Ryder, Stan Madden.

December, 1986

In This Issue:

Editorial 2
Cape Horn or Cape YorkBob Hodgson 3
Conservation Corner - Summary of Issues & Xmas Gifts 5
Book Review - “Selected Writings of Myles Dunphy”Alex Colley 7
S.B.W. Conservation in the 1960's - VerseJim Brown 9
Report of the November General MeetingAinslie Morris11
Letter to S.B.W.Reg Alder12
Social NotesNarelle Lovell12
Peter Patter 13
S.B.W. 60th Anniversary Commemorative Port 14
Wanted… Urgently… New Club Room 14
Search & Rescue List 14


Canoe & Camping, Gladesville 6
Eastwood Camping Centre10
Blackheath Taxi13


I have had another good year as Editor of our magazine, made so successful by the fine team spirit of our volunteers, and the contributions offered by our members prepared to “have a go” at writing.

As I receive your articles and check them for layout, grammar and spelling (it has to be said), I take them to Kath Brown together with assorted short “fill-ins”. Over the month she types them up - in her spare time - until our deadline of the Committee Meeting - the first Wednesday in the month.

We meet to decide on the order of articles and fill in spaces with oddments, an approach necessary as Kath cannot type all copy up at once, or spend time on layout. Then Morag Rider drops in on her motorbike to pick up the typed copy, and with Fran Longfoot and Stan Madden organizes a night for the printing.

Fran delivers the printed pages to Helen Gray's place at Epping or the Duncan's at Eastwood, or the Clubroom once a quarter, and ten or so regulars turn up to collate the pages, put on the covers, staple, paste on postal sheets, stick on addresses, bundle and count, and George Gray takes the magazines off to the Post Office.

Your job is to read your magazine!! Important notices or information are often included.

We'll need to consider the increasing cost of paper and whether to make the magazine shorter - although we have our advertisers to consider here.

Possibly a paper instead of a cardboard cover, and an increase in subscriptions, would help to keep its length to the present 18 to 20 pages. To make it shorter, I would have to reject or cut articles, and for voluntary efforts of members, this is not desirable.

Let us know how you feel in a letter to the Editor or the Committee.

Morag has provided our illustrations, but I would welcome more, in pen or pen and wash.

Thank you, one and all, for your support, and my best wishes for a Happy Xmas, and great walking in 1987!

Ainslie Morris. Editor.

Cape Horn Or Cape York.

An account of the Western Wolgan Escarpment trip of the 16,17,18th May, 1986.

by Bob Hodgson.

Cape Horn or Cape York juts eastward prominently into the upper Wolgan valley, and the escarpment skyline to the north, when viewed from the Newnes road, inspired the route. A skyline broken by vast turrets and yawning gaps yelling “traverse me”, “traverse me”.

Cloudy Cape.

Ten sturdy walkers answered the call and, despite the threat of inclement weather, set out up the nose of the cape, up into the clouds. Even the partial view of the walled valley with cloud splotched haphazardly, more than amply rewarded the climbers, but the route led ever higher and into thicker cloud so that by the time the group reached the area of the first obstacle visibility was down to 15 metres.

McLean's Pass is a small saddle with low cliffs either side, usually very easily negotiated, but from the cliff tops nothing was visible and a sense of gloom set in with the rain. In total reliance on the compass a decision to proceed down a narrow ramped crevasse was made, which positioned the party in what appeared to be a sloping gully. A 50 metre walk up this gully placed them in a saddle which the leader pronounced was McLean's Pass. The sceptics were unimpressed. “50 metres to the south of McLean's Pass is a huge tunnel cave” - stated the leader. The party bolted for proof and shelter. A magnificent cave, but very cold with the foggy wind blowing through, was the venue for morning tea stop. There was a slight delay whilst the dreaded duo of Bill Capon and David McIntosh performed the first of their absent minded antics whilst collecting water which ended with the net loss of one compass. Using backup compasses the hardy group pushed onward into the soupy fog, past a spot recognised as the lunch site of a previous party, ironically chosen because of its fabulous views.

Suddenly the air cleared revealing an amazing kaleidoscope of turrets and tors, domes and crevasses, sheer cliffs and distant valleys. Lunch was called immediately. For an hour the party drank in these glorious views along with several convenient pools of rain water from the rocks, whilst the weather steadily improved.

A Double Whammy Gap.

After lunch and Mt. Davidson, whose summit has to be compared to a giant fiddlestick pile under the regrown forest, came the scrambling highlight of the day:- Blue Rock Gap. Just when you think you have conquered the seemingly impossible yawning vertically-sided crevasse which dissects the ridge, it become apparent this is a real double whammy of a gap with the second part even more frightening looking. A short length of rope allayed much of the fear and the party was soon heading for the anti-climax that was Hughes Defile (I mean with a name like that one would have thought it more exciting than “Blue Rock Gap”).

After the non-event of Hughes and about 1 kilometre of ridge walking, the party emerged onto the rocky tops overlooking Woolpack Rocks - a worthy spectacle itself but overpowered by the sheer magnificance of the view down Red Rock Creek, with the low western sun colouring the cliff faces, visible all the way to Point Nicholson.

Bolting Bill and Daring Dave.

The original plan called for the party to pick up water at the only known reliable spot and camp on the high tops between Woolpack and Collett Gaps, but as the party hurried off down the known route along the tops Bill and young David momentarily lost sight of the party and headed off on a direct but unknown route into the gap. Fortunately for them the route was negotiable but this left the rest of the party sitting at the bottom of the known pass waiting. After much “Day-oh”ing for half an hour and a return trip to the last rest spot, a “Coo-ee” was heard from the depths of the valley. Decisions were made in the twilight and the main party set off at a gallop down the creek in search of water and the strays.

The impending darkness spurred on the now weary party. The junction of the creek, whose source is in Woolpack Gap itself, was reached; both creeks were bone dry. As camp was made in that failing light and waist-deep bracken fern at the junction, the party morale was low at the prospect of a dry camp. The leader, figuring that the known pool couldn't be far away, made a dash up the second creek, to be rewarded with the sight of the small crystal clear pool, only 100 metres from the camp site.

During the night lightning, thunder, wind and rain made the sheltered camp site seem quite cosy by comparison with what the tops would have been like, but nevertheless it was a rather damp party that arose the next morning. After formulating contingency plans which only included the finishing of the planned trip as a minor option, the party climbed into the rapidly improving weather and by the time Collett Gap was reached the vote to continue was unanimous.

Out of the Dingle.

The next major obstacle was a horseshoe-shaped ridge top, dissected by crevasses and huge rocky tors, which had plagued a previous party. In the light of experience the decision to stay on the wombat walk below the main cliff-line wasn't very hard and before long the party was enjoying an extended morning tea (breakfast for some), drying tents and sleeping bags in the warm sun, secure in the knowledge that the rest of the trip was the proverbial piece of cake.

After lunch on the windswept cyclorama of Mount Dawson, the party succumbed to David Rostron's proposal that Capertee Creek looked much more scenic than the planned Little Capertee Creek route, and besides he had once, years ago, reached Mount Dawson that way. The party filed off in pursuit of David into the rolling hills of the upper creek section. But it soon became apparent even to David that the narrow water-filled canyon was anything but a viable route.

Retreat to the ridge tops and a stocktake enabled a more likely route to be planned that would bring the party down a gully into a side creek. The start was promising until the gully suddenly closed in and the way was bored by the deep black split of a canyon. This had to be the low point of the trip.

Rick to the rescue.

Exhausted at the thought of another retreat back to the tops the party welcomed Rick King's volunteering to explore as an excuse to rest. Amid sighs of resignation Rick was lowered on a short piece of rope into the unknown and disappeared. Twenty, or maybe it was only ten, minutes later (it just seemed like a long time), there was still no sound or sign of Rick. Obviously he had found something, but the two who followed came to a dead end in a narrow black slit.

Upon groping in the dark a small passageway was found leading off into the solid rock, around a corner at crawling height only, and behold - distant light at the end of the tunnel.

It was a much relieved and happier party that moved out into the spectacularly beautiful cleared valley of Capertee Creek, recounting stories of parties not so lucky (or was it judgement), and put on the pace for the cars and home.

Map: Ben Bullen 1/25,000.

Conservation Corner.

Summary of issues.

1. Tasmania - Walking there this summer? How about extending your stay? Every body counts! Be a demonstrator to help - save Jackey's Marsh, Lemonthymne State Forest and other National Estate areas (seen from Cradle Mountain - Lake St. Clair National Park). The problem? - Clear felling! Contact - The Wilderness Society at 57 Liverpool Street, or phone 267 7929 and ask for Peter Markham.

  • Register
  • Do the NVA (Non-violent action training)
  • Find out what to wear and take, and childcare details
  • What areas - or if in Tasmania, just contact T.W.S. Office in Devonport, Launceston


  1. To publicise the plight of the forests.
  2. To put pressure on the Federal Government to protect them.

Further information - Leaflet: “A Call From the Wilderness”.

2. Forests of South-East N.S.W. and East Gippsland.

Clearfelling for woodchips. Walks on this summer 5-17 January. Details T.W.S. - 267 7929 and Total Environment Centre 27 4714.

3. Kakadu - Mining in Stage III ?

Xmas Gifts.

1. BookSelected Writings of Myles J. Dunphy” by Pat Thompson $29.50 - Proceeds go to the Colong Foundation to carry on Myles' work. Orders to Alex Colley in the clubroom, or T.E.C. 27 4714.

2. Book Tasmania's Rainforest. 56 page pictorial (49 superb colour plates) $11.95 - The Wilderness Society shop, 57 Liverpool St. Sydney.

3. Book Lake Pedder - 48 superb colour plates $19.95. T.W.S. shop.

4. Total Environment Centre - 18 Argyle Street - books, calendars, diaries - proceeds to T.E.C.

5. St. John First Aid Kit for the Australian Motorist - $29.95 plus $2 postage - order from St. John Ambulance Association, 225 St. Paul's Terrace, Fortitude Valley, Q1d. 4006.

6. Gift Membership to The Wilderness Society.

From: ….
Name: ….
Address: …. Postcode: ….
Phone: …. (Home) …. (Work)

I enclose $ (cheque/money order) to cover membership fee in the appropriate category. Please tick the appropriate box.

  • Concession
  • Regular
  • Household
  • Corporate & overseas
  • Life

Canoe & Camping.

265 Victoria Road, Gladesville, 2111. Phone (02) 817 5590. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Thurs. 9-8, Sat. 9-4. (Parking at rear off Pittwater Road).

A large range of lightweight, quality, bushwalking & camping gear:

  • Lightweight food for backpackers and canoeists
  • Cold weather protection clothing and raingear
  • Maps, books and leaflets
  • Information service for canoeists and walkers
  • Knives
  • Compasses
  • Survival gear

We stock the largest range of canoeing gear in N.S.W.

Quality touring craft of all types. High quality, performance competition craft.

  • A huge range of paddles for all types of canoeing
  • Wetsuits
  • Surf skis
  • All types of spray covers
  • Wide range of jackets & cags
  • Face masks
  • Footwear
  • Many types of buoyancy & life vests
  • Helmets

Book Review.

by Alex Colley.

Selected Writings of Myles Dunphy - by Pat Thompson.

The Sunday Nov 16th the Hon. Neville Wran Q.C. launched Pat Thompson's book “Selected Writings of Myles Dunphy” at a gathering held in Centennial Park. It was appropriate that he should do so because the addition of Wollemi and large sections of the Southern Blue Mountains to the Blue Mountains national parks system brought into being nearly all of Myles' most cherished aims: The Greater Blue Mountains National Park, together with three other of Myles' projects - Werrikimbie, Clyde-Budawang and Deua.

The Sydney Bush Walkers were well represented. Members and ex-members present included David and Doris Stead, Enid Rigby, Tim Coffey, Len and Gladys Fall, Neville and Denise Raymond and John Scott. The Colong Foundation (of which Pat is Vice-Chairman) and the Total Environment Centre, including the Director, Milo Dunphy, were also well represented.

The book is of Myles' writings, introduced, classified and put in historical perspective by Pat Thompson. This raises the question - why didn't Myles do this himself? He had nearly 30 years of retirement in which to put it together. His writing is vivid, accurate and imaginative, though a little addicted to cliches. One reason is that, given the limited interest in nature conservation, the market for a book would have been small. He was a person of acute observation, phenomenal memory and computer-like ability to marshall his facts, but he was no conserver of words. His beautifully hand-printed journals, photocopies of which are available at The Total Environment Centre, fill 79 springback folders.

To reduce this to a meaningful summary, in Myles' own words, was a mighty task. Pat, however, gained his complete confidence. He spent many days at his home and became the only person trusted to take away the diaries. Over a period Pat assembled the most meaningful passages and summarised their significance. He received valuable help from Margaret Dunphy (Myles' wife) and from his sons Milo and Dexter. Enid, Roger, Byron and Jeff Rigby all assisted, and it was Roger who worked closely with Pat for a year to achieve a high standard of design.

The first two chapters, on bushwalking and conservation, cover much of the early history of the S.B.W. This has been fully covered in earlier issues of The Sydney Bushwalker magazine, but it will make very interesting reading for the newer members.

The first traverse of the Gangerang, by Gordon Smith and Max Gentle, is described and is accompanied by a photograph of the “Tigers” on Tiwilla Plateau. The theme of the chapter on conservation is the same as that in the wilderness pamphlet “No Second Chance” (which should accompany the next issue of the FBW Newsletter). “Act before it becomes too late.” Myles writes. “These opportunities do not recur.” Describing the assault on the natural environment Myles wrote “There were no half measures about the way our forefathers dealt with the landcover or the creatures thereof…. Progress here has been built on ten million log fires, half a million bright-edged axes and a continuity of steady effort….”

It was the bushwalker conservationists, led by Myles, who started to reverse this attitude of hostility to the natural environment. The Bluegum campaign is described in detail and mention is made in later chapters of Garawarra and Bouddi, but the Era campaign is overlooked.

Myles' “infinite capacity for taking pains”, his imagination and his artistry were best expressed in those cartographical masterpieces, the maps he produced mainly for the use of walkers. Large sections of these maps are reprinted in the book. Because most of the places mapped were unsurveyed and unclaimed he had to devise a system of nomenclature. It was, derived from local names, aboriginal names if available, mythology, observation, description, and names of pioneer bushwalkers. Many S.B.W. names such as Debert's Knob, Gentle's Sheerdown, Gordon Smith Pass, and Dorothy Lawry Pass were used. Persuading the Surveyor-General that there were a lot of walkers, and that they needed a special walkers' map of the Blue Mountains, was not easy, but it was done. After a year's work Lands Department draftsman, Arthur Cooke, with Myles at his side, incorporated the vast store of detailed data that Myles had accumulated into that indispensable gift to bushwalkers - The Blue Mountains and Burragorang Tourist Map.

In the chapter on War, Religion, Politics, Family and Work, much of the description of the first perambulator trip to Kanangra Tops, when 20-months-old Milo was the passenger, is reproduced from the October 1962 issue of The Sydney Bushwalker.

The description of Myles' journeys bring home what a different world it was for walkers before roads and cars made most of our walking country accessible within a few hours' walking time, when there was no light-weight equipment and there were no detailed contour maps - in fact often nothing but parish maps consisting mostly of white spaces delineating land holdings. Humping a 60-70 lb “dungal” pack, a large billy and a rifle (standard equipment in the early days) is hard enough on the flat; a tremendous effort in mountain and rough country. It was no wonder that Myles suffered a heat stroke on the Kowmung in 1934, at the age of 43, and had to be carried out on a stretcher.

A full description of the rescue is given. One episode, related by Jack Debert, but not reported, was that as the party ascended the Armour Range, Myles suddenly sat bolt upright and said “By jove, that's a mountain I've never seen before!” After this rescue Myles, believing his heart to be weak, confined himself to less strenuous walks. But he never doubted that it was all worth it. As he wrote in Journal No.58, in a passage quoted by Neville Wran at the launching:-

“The Bush teaches you to be humble in spirit yet big in ideas. Humble because you are surrounded by the ceaseless activities of Nature - in the power and glory of the storm, the tranquil day, or the minute life, under the stones and grass you learn the great lesson of your own insignificance.”

Perhaps the most interesting part of the chapter on national parks is the list of 20 parkland schemes proposed by Myles' conservation organisation, The National Parks and Primitive Areas Council, and since achieved. The list covers most of our favourite walking areas. Only the Nattai Division of the Greater Blue Mountains National Park scheme is still outstanding (The Colong Foundation has this in hand). Sections on Garawarra, Bouddi and Heathcote Primitive Area, which parks were largely S.B.W. promoted, will be of particular interest to Club members.

The book concludes with a chapter on the purpose and appreciation of wilderness and a moving epilogue in the form of a poem by Milo Dunphy. Of particular interest is his view on roads, expressed in 1935. He describes the road as “the greatest avenue of damage to forests and destruction of wildlife habitat”.

One aspect which the book does not cover is why the two organisations which Myles founded - the Mountain Trails Club and the National Parks and Primitive Areas Council - faded out after Miles' retirement in the mid sixties. A third organisation for which the Mountlin Trails Club was partly responsible - the Sydney Bush Walkers - has never 1ooked back. In its early days it was thoroughly indoctrinated with the N.P.P.A.C. ideals, but in the sixties there was a kind of hiatus in conservation activity, which culminated in development permits for the Colong and Konangaroo reserves. A new organisation, the Colong Committee, was created to oppose this, but it took seven years before the status quo was restored. Thereafter the wilderness conservation movement has greatly strengthened. One of the most active workers in the new movement was Pat Thompson himself, and it is a pity the story was not carried up to the present, at least in summary.

(Alex Colley will be pleased to take orders in the Clubroom for “Selected Writings of Myles J. Dunphy”, price $29.50. Proceeds will go to the Colong Foundation to carry on Myles' work.)

S.B.W. Conservation In The 1960's.

About the time the Colong Committee was formed with their main aim at that time being to prevent the mining of limestone at Mt. Armour, near the Colong Caves, the S.B.W. were also conservation-minded. A satirical set of verses, putting words into the mouth of the then N.S.W. Minister for Lands and Mines, written by Jim Brown, was sung at the 1962 Re-union to the tune of “The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo”.

As Minister for Lands and Mines I was in my element.
Did you say Bungonia's spent?
That you need some more cement?
Why, I've land on hand that's really grand
And will let your industry expand -
I'm the man who leased the limestone at Mount Armour.

Some people say that limestone mining is going to spoil the view.
I think they are only a few,
I wish I really knew.
Just the same I'm game to make my name
To let myself go down to fame
As the man who leased the limestone at Mount Armour.

The interests of my constituents I always try to serve.
It takes a steady nerve
To carve up a bush reserve.
Never rash or brash when interests clash
I'll be on the side of the man with the cash -
I'm the man who leased the limestone at Mount Armour.

(These days the bushwalkers are happy that N.S.W. politicians, especially Mr. Carr, N.S.W. Minister for Planning and Environment, have very different views about conserving bushland. Editor)

Milo Dunphy speaks on woodchipping.

Monday, 8th December - Tom Mann Theatre, 196 Chalmers Street, Surrey Hills - an evening to see and hear what they want to woodchip!

Guest speaker - Milo Dunphy. $5 or concession $3 (pensioners).

Eastwood Camping Centre.

A huge range of gear to cater for everyone's needs, whether it be for…

  • Bushwalking
  • Canyoning
  • Caving
  • Skiing
  • Climbing
  • Travelling
  • Cycling
  • or Car Camping

Eastwood Camping Centre.

3 Trelawney Street Eastwood 2122. Telephone (02) 858 3833. Proprietors Jack, Nancy and David Fox. Established 1970.

Report Of The November General Meeting.

by Ainslie Morris.

About 30 members were present to welcome our three new members.

Our present meeting hall will be available until 15th February, 1987. An electric stapler was costed at $180, and a decision is still to be made about buying one.

The Treasurer reported that there is a deficiency this month of $108 ($700 in and $808 out). Surplus is $872 for the year to date. The only income still expected is from about 20 outstanding membership dues and prospective and new members' subscriptions. The magazine has cost $3,600 for the year ($7 per head so far this year, expected to become $10 per head); advertising income was $845 for 1986; the Committee is considering this matter. The Treasurer will attempt to combine our Club and Coolana insurance policies for public liability.

A motion was put that the Committee explore putting the accounts on to an income and expenditure basis.

The Walks Secretary gave a report on 10,11,12 October that George Walton's walk was in interesting country, Gordon Lee's did not go because people did not ring by Wednesday before the walk. Helmut's “hungi” satisfied their hunger, Errol's Waterfall to Otford day walk was good but too long, Ralph's Harbour walk tribe couldn't find water so went home (too many bus stops and not enough bubblers). The Coolana Barn Dance on 17,18,19 October was a flop - pity, as the band was great. Do people know what it is? Don's walk went, and 27 went on the Waterfall on 19th.

On 24,25,26 October there was an S. & R. Practice but no report, nor on the Hat Hill Creek or Coastal Walk, or Engadine day walk. George said there were 9 on his Jenolan walk which went well. On 31st Oct, 1 and 2 Nov the South Coast trip led by Ainslie and Mike with two day walks had 15 in a new area for the Club in beautiful weather. Ian said his walk in Yalwal had 9 people in a good area in raining weather (as he had postponed it until the following weekend). No report on Wollemi Creek led by Bob King; Greta's did not go, and Patrick's mystery walk was demystified as Camden Park with 16 takers.

In November, Tim took 7 to Kanangra but not per program due to weather, Gordon's abseiling will be on the following weekend, no report from Peter on Hat Hill, Derek's walk went with 28, and Malcolm's Katoomba group decided not to descend into the cloud and went home.

Volunteers to lead walks for leaders who cannot do so will be asked to go on a list - let Alan Doherty know soon. A formal report on each walk is required.

The Federation Report from Spiro concerned its newsletter; a dangerous rescue in Claustral Canyon; liaison with the Police on rescues; 4-W-drive vehicles which have been blocking roads to bushwalkers' vehicles; asking people to write to Bob Carr supporting the Wilderness Act; the road to Glow-worm Tunnel is in poor shape; the Environment Centre is moving to The Rocks; T.A.F.E. may/may not start the Bush Tours Leadership Course next year; Bushsports will be abandoned and a non-commercial venture replace it; the Ball made $1,000 profit; a DO and DON'T pamphlet will be printed for newcomers to the bush; and Federation will not be in the Yellow Pages Telephone Directory because of nuisance calls. Whew! The report was greeted with applause.

Conservation Report. Alex Colley reported as mentioned in the November magazine. A N.S.W. Government grant is needed for a consultant to prepare a submission on the Blue Mountains proposed World Heritage area.

60th Anniversary Sub-committee. Ian Debert is hoping for more ideas from members.

Letter To S.B.W. - Reg Alder.

45 Starke St.,
ACT 2615
6 October 1986.

President, Sydney Bushwalkers,

I understand the Club is carrying out some archival research into its history and one thing I would hope to be recorded would be potted histories of the names of members who have left their names on the various features of the then un-named areas through which they pioneered many walks.

One name which may however escape recording is Louise Reach (Caoura 1:25 000) below Tallong on the Shoalhaven River.

I first visited the Shoalhaven on a Club walk on the Anniversary Day Weekend of 1939. We left Sydney on the Friday night by train, slept under the pines just outside the station and went down to the Shoalhaven at Badgerys Crossing. The river was followed upstream as far as the cliffs under Mt Ayre, side trips were up Bungonia Gorge, Bungonia Caves and along the knife edge of King Pin Mountain. We returned to Tallong via the Long Point track.

Returning to the origins of the name Louise, at that time there was a flood of pictorial posters of Banff, Canada with Lake Louise in the foreground, lined with pines. The Shoalhaven River then was very pristine with extensive grassy banks until a big flood in the 40's scored them out to leave only sand and boulders. Young and impressionable I saw in a small way with the long lines of casuarinas a resemblance to the pines in the poster and called it Lake Louise - the name has stuck with a small change. I thought this would be worth recording.

I was also on the first complete river bed walk over the full length of the Kowmung during Xmas / New Year 38/39. Other surviving members would be Bill Hall, Grace Noble, Claire Kinsella. I do not know whether Mary Stoddart and Roley Cotter are still alive. Others now deceased are Hilma Colley, Gordon Smith and Jack Debert.

Yours faithfully,

Reg Alder.

Social Notes.

by Narelle Lovell.

As the year winds down your Social Secretary wishes everyone compliments of the season and thanks you for your support during the year. Particular thanks to Patrick James for a sterling job during my protracted absenses, and to Margaret Reid and Barbara Bruce for keeping up supplies of comestibles when neither Patrick nor I could make it.

Collect up slides of people for January 21st. There are no restaurants booked because I am not sure where we will be in the New Year.

28th January - Natural Health Society. Broad talk about food and a few specific points. Think, eat and be active for a more successful life.

Don't forget that the clubroom will be closed for 24th and 31st December, but December 17th is the XMAS PARTY. Bring plates of party food. Hope to see you all then!

Peter Patter.

Peter Tressider, known to many S.B.W. members who are active in Search and Rescue or Federation of Bushwalking Clubs, has been running solo this month (November). Paddy Pallin sponsored the run from N.S.W. to Victoria.

His extraordinary marathon times are:-

  • Barrington - Mt. McKenzie Sat. 7.29 am
  • Mt. Wilson Sun. 9.26 am
  • Kanangra (Coal Seam Cave) Mon. 1.00 pm

Total 53 hours

  • Tallong Tues. 6.43 pm
  • Major's Creek, Braidwood Wed. 2.08 pm
  • Kiandra Thurs. 2.30 pm

Total 5 days 6 hours.

Average over 120 km per day. As he was ahead of schedule, he took extra rest at Kiandra.

Belvedere Taxis Blackheath.

10 seater mini bus taxi. 047-87 8366.

Kanangra Boyd. Upper Blue Mountains. Six Foot Track.

Pick up anywhere for start or finish of your walk - by prior arrangement.

Share the fare - competitive rates.

S.B.W. 60th Anniversary Commemorative Port.

Bottles of port will be available for order at the Xmas Party - $6 - All profits will go to the Club funds for our Anniversary Celebrations - so bring your cheque books!

Search & Rescue list.

An update is needed, so if you are a new member, or an old one who is feeling fitter, and would like to be on the list for “call-out”, contact Kath McInnes 86 4254 now.

Volunteers should not feel guilty or try to explain if you cannot go on a “call-out” - it's just nice if you can help.

Inquiries: Ainslie Morris 428 3178.

Wanted.... Urgently.... New Club Room.

From about the end of January, 1987, or perhaps early February, our present Crow's Nest Club room will not be available to us. Enquiries from North Sydney Council about quarters in another of their community halls have not been successful after all, but Committee officers are still enquiring around.

All members are asked to seek around, and if any reasonable prospect is found to get in touch with President Barbara Bruce.

Desirable Features for a Club room are:-

  • Available regularly once a week (preferably Wednesday) from 7.30 to 10 pm.
  • Accommodation for up to 80 people and with kitchen facility.
  • Within approximately 10 km of the city.
  • Suitable annexe for Committee Meetings once a month.
  • Suitable place to conduct new membership interviews (could be same annexe).
  • Space for storage of cupboard containing certain Club equipment & records.

It is appreciated that a room with all these desirable features may not be procurable, but they are set out to give some idea of the accommodation sought.

We are now 59 years 2 months old and counting.

Keep these dates free: 21, 23, 25, 31 October 1987.

For our sixtieth Anniversary celebrations.

198612.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/20 10:22 by tyreless

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