Table of Contents
The Sydney Bushwalker.
Established June 1931.
A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers, Box 4476 G.P.O., Sydney, 2001. Club meetings are held every Wednesday from 7.45 pm at the Ella Community Centre, 58a Dalhousie Street, Haberfield (next to Post Office). Prospective members and visitors are invited to visit the Club on any Wednesday. To advertise in this magazine please contact the Business Manager.
Editor | Patrick James, P.O. Box 170, Kogarah, 2217. Telephone 588 2614. |
Business Manager | Anita Doherty, 2 Marine Crescent, Hornsby Heights, 2077. Telephone 476 6531. |
Production Manager | Helen Gray - Telephone 86 8263. |
Typist | Kath Brown. |
Illustrators | Morag Ryder. |
Printers | Kenn Clacher & Morag Ryder. |
May 1988
In This Issue:
Page | ||
Editorial | 2 | |
Book Review - “The SBW - The First 60 Years” | Chris Sonter | 2 |
Bill Capon's Touring X1 - Easter 1988 | Bob Younger | 3 |
“Coolana Gets Under Your Skin” | Barrie Murdoch | 4 |
Nature Conservation Under New Direction | Alex Colley | 5 |
Social Program for June | Ian Debert | 5 |
What's in a Name“ | Jim Brown | 7 |
Annual Subscriptions 1988 | 7 | |
“Tassie Walks Summer 1988” | Rudy Dezelin | 8 |
The April General Meeting | Barry Wallace | 11 |
Federation Meeting Report April | Spiro Hajinakitas | 12 |
New Members | 12 | |
Bird's Eye View | Brian Harvey | 13 |
Footnotes | Patrick James | 14 |
Page | |
Eastwood Camping Centre | 6 |
Belvedere Taxis, Blackheath | 9 |
Canoe & Camping, Gladesville | 10 |
(Deadline for June issue - Articles 25 May, Notes 1st June)
Ho hum the more things change the more they remain the same. We have a new committee and a new constitution but it all seems much the same. Except that now instead of saying aye or nay we raise our hands, a little bit like being back in school. Our Club year now corresponds to the calendar year which makes it easier to plan, our Christmas stocking will include the annual reports as a bonus present to be avidly read by our news-starved selves. The Sydney Bushwalker in its 57th year of publication will also remain the same reporting and publishing news, events, articles and information and maintaining its position at the leading edge of the bushwalking movement. Really we are always in need of articles, just how many nom-de-plumes can one person have? Some light-hearted, humorous or even funny reports would be most welcome. New to this issue is the inclusion of the deadline dates for the next issue. These dates are given on the index page and should help authors, reporters and others to get their copy in on time. Two dates are given, one for articles and one for short notes.
Book Review "The Sydney Bush Walkers - The First Sixty Years."
A review by Chris Sonter
Published 1987 by the Sydney Bush Walkers Incorporated, in a limited edition of 500.
Editor: Ainslie Morris
Authors (in alphabetical order): Brown, Butler, Colley, Gray, Rigby, Wenman,
The Sydney Bush Walkers is a book to celebrate the first sixty years of the Club. Each author has taken a decade which has enabled them to capture the spirit of a period they knew well. Generous extracts from past magazines have given added flavour to these memories. Numerous photographs, memorabilia combined with spacious layout and attractive presentation make for an enjoyable, relaxing read.
It is a pleasure to meet past bushwalkers and to read tales of epic walks and of humble day walks. Walks that have triumphed and walks that have failed. While reading, the temptation is to reach for the Dunlop volleys and start walking.
There are two quotes from the book that particularly please me. The first of these by Frank Rigby epitomises the importance of the Club in the lives of its members. “The best single thing I ever did in my life was to join the Sydney Bush Walkers. I express the hope that I will still be in the Club's ranks when they carry me out”. No longer acceptable in this ecological age but what a joy to hear Kath McKay's poetic line - “Then hide your bottles as though they were your sins”.
It would have been nice to see included in the contents a list of members during the formative years and a list as at the Club's sixtieth birthday. I intend to keep a note of the current membership with my copy of the book.
I have always felt that simplicity and happiness are synonymous. It is interesting to note that during the Great Depression when unemployment was as high as 30% the Sydney Bush Walkers were enjoying their weekends as usual, far removed from the traumas of the period.
In her preface Ainslie states that “each decade had its own character and development”. It is a book of change and yet its real strength is the lack of change. In essence it is a story of people that love the bush, their comradeship and in many instances their courage. Indeed a celebration of all we admire. Congratulations to all concerned. A great work.
(See Page 14 “Footnotes”)
Bill Capon's Touring X1 - Easter 1988.
by Bob Younger
Ground: Moore Creek - Bundundah Creek - Monkey Ropes Creek - Nine Tails Creek - Ettrema Creek - Hamlet Crown - Billy's Pass
Captain: Bill Capon
Vice-Captain: Maurie Bloom
Manager: Bob Milne
Photographer & Technical Adviser: Christine Scott
Players: Barbara Bruce, Brian Goldstraw, Jeff Niven, Jim Oxley, John Porter, John Stuart, Bob Younger
The 'Touring Eleven' gathered at Sassafras on Good Friday morning. There we met the manager of a property which we must traverse to reach the crease. Leaving some vehicles at the homestead we bowled along the track which leads to the old flying fox stand above the abandoned mine in Jones Creek.
Entry by this track had been denied by the previous occupants but Bill had met the new manager during an earlier reconnaissance of the route shown on the walks program. Captain Bill and Manager Bob had traversed the intended route and decided that there must be an easier way, so the trip had been modified to save this party a lot of suffering.
Play commenced on the headwaters of Moore Creek and we were soon sliding through a steep and rocky defile towards Bundundah Creek. The pitch was wet and slippery due to the persistent but light showers. We then came to what appeared to be a chasm. The tailenders tried to traverse along the high ground to avoid such a perilous descent. Alas, this route ran out to a sheer cliff and the Captain declared a luncheon adjournment. Those already in the chasm were directed to light a fire whilst the cautious players back tracked to catch up. We now realised that although the rock face was wet it was user friendly and provided plenty of hand and foot holds.
Our adjournment was short due to another shower so we did not linger after the billies had boiled. On reaching Bundundah Creek we pitched camp on a sandy patch next to a delightful pool.
Saturday morning saw us bouncing towards Monkey Ropes Creek where we had a quick look at the falls which block progress up its lower section. The Captain now decreed that the team should split in two for the steep climb to Manning Saddle. There were many loose stones on the ridge and small parties keep close to each other and thus minimise danger from any rocks dislodged by those above. Vice-Captain Maurie took charge of the second party. For some inexplicable reason Bill assigned one of the females to each party. Was this to keep the runs on the board should either or both of the parties become lost and never return to civilization as we know it? Or perhaps he had gained inspiration from the Royals and similar V.I.Ps who rarely travel in the same aircraft. Could he afford to lose one but not both?
We did eventually meet up at lunchtime on Manning Saddle, then navigated across the scrubby plateau towards Paul's Pass. This is one of the few ways into Ettrema Creek from the area. The first section of Paul's Pass comprises a narrow platform projecting from a vertical wall. There is an unforgiving drop to eternity on the off side of this platform. Bill rejected the eternity option and led us to the adjacent Dog Leg Cave.
This cave was occupied by a party of two men and one woman. Being April Fool's weekend, they were advised that they would soon have eleven companions. Their faces dropped but we magnanimously declared that we really intended to camp in the open on the rocky tops.
Our next objective was Possibility Point which juts out from the cliff line and affords wonderful views of the surroundings. Here Maurie found a notebook in a bottle and in the spirit of the day recorded “This S8W party stumbled upon this place whilst searching for Folly Point 1/4/88”. Could this now become Silly Point?
The many small rock depressions at our high camp were full of rain water and so we had a comfortable night in the protection of the scrub which grew some short distance from the cliff edges.
On Sunday morning we prepared ourselves for our entry into Ettrema Creek via Nine Tails Creek. Apart from dodging a small colony of stinging trees we each slid down the steep creek bed. Oh, that nature had given us one tail each for assistance in grasping anything handy on such occasions.
Ettrema Creek provided plenty of pools in which to clean ourselves up. Unfortunately we could not clean up our clothes which were rather dirty by this time.
Another innings of rock hopping upstream led us to an early camp. Tomorrow we could climb Hamlet Crown and head for home.
The ridge we chose to Hamlet Crown provided a steep but short climb of about 400 metres. Once on top we crossed a saddle and struggled up Billy's Pass. We used one of Billy Capon's ropes to haul our packs up the vertical sections of this Pass. During these evolutions the opening players once again lit a fire and after pooling the water from individual containers we enjoyed morning tea in an elevated cave.
On the way back to the cars we dodged as much scrub as we could and detoured to the flying fox site above the mine in Jones Creek. From this vantage we had good views of Hamlet Crown and Jones Creek. We could also admire progress over the past few days and marvel. With the light fading late that afternoon we pulled up our stumps, with some difficulty, and placed them in the cars for the journey home.
"Coolana Gets Under Your Skin."
by Barrie Murdoch
Having scratched thirty itchy tick bites after the 1987 Reunion, I was determined to avoid the problem at the 1988 gathering. So…. I enquired of various members and got an almost unanimous recommendation for Muksol. When asked for this marvel, the chemist made enthusiastic noises, disappeared behind his shelves and returned with something already wrapped. For a milli-second I thought, “That's strange”…. When I got home, I found he had sold me, not Muksol, but Rid.
In '87 the little nasties bit me in the groin and round my waist so I plastered Rid liberally on those places. All seemed to be well, but Monday morning revealed seventy-six bites on my legs, arms and shoulders - those on my arms being suggestive of an active hypodermic user.
Ride-on mowers, spraying and staying away in March have all been suggested as remedies. It's obvious some effective ideas have to be scratched up.
(The nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat. Barrie must be good eating if the number of diners increased from 30 to 76! Editor)
To Margaret Wood and Nigel Weaver who were married on 7th May last.
Nature Conservation Under New Direction.
by Alex Colley
In the days of the Askin Government the energy of conservationists was entirely absorbed in preventing the development of previously reserved areas such as Colong and the Boyd. All this changed under the Wran Government, which was responsible for a 100% increase in parklands, including the rainforests, and progress under the Unsworth Government culminated in the Wilderness Act. Those chiefly responsible for this progress were Messrs Wran, Landa and Carr. Until recently they were opposed by the Coalition parties, inspired mainly by the National Party, though in 1985 Mr. Greiner wanted to “allow non-national park uses to be conducted in national park areas”.
Mr. Tim Moore, a bushwalker, was appointed Shadow Minister for Planning and Environment after the 1984 election. For some 18 months after this the Coalition had no policy on the natural environment, but by October 1985 he had succeeded in securing agreement to a pro conservation policy. Elements within the National Party, however, continued to advocate reduction in the area of parkland and grazing, logging and mining in the parks. It is not surprising, therefore, that the policy consisted largely of what the Coalition would not do, rather than what it would do. Mr. Moore stressed that there would be no logging or mining in national parks, no reduction of boundaries and no opposition to the expansion of parks. Liberal party members absented themselves during the vote on World Heritage listing for rainforests, and both parties restricted their participation in the Wilderness Bill debate to a simple announcement that they “did not oppose” it.
The fate of two of the five parks announced by Mr. Carr earlier this year is clear. The Coalition are enthusiastic supporters of woodchipping, so Coolangubra and Tantawanglo are lost. Yengo is gazetted, so is probably safe. Mann is not gazetted, and because forestry lands within it may not eventuate, Ettrema awaits a boundary survey. As there is little freehold within it it will probably go through. There has been no time for examination of the Nattai proposal.
There can be no doubt that the Hon. Tim Moore, now Minister for the Environment, has had a hard row to hoe. In a recent letter to me he said he was anxious to maintain a regular consultation with the voluntary conservation movement, and to be readily accessible for more urgent discussions (as he has been previously). He is a strong advocate of a bi-partizan approach to conservation and gives full credit to Mr. Wren for his environmental priorities. A bi-partizan approach is what we need. As the environmental group said in their election advertisement - “The environment is not a single issue. It's all we've got.”
(Alex Colley is the Club's Conservation Secretary)
Social Program For June.
by Ian Debert
15th June
Mid Winter Feast. Yes, it's on again, come along and enjoy yourselves. Bring along a plate of food the Club will supply drinks.
22nd June
Wild Life Information & Rescue Service - Mikla Lewis. “WIRES” as it is known, is a Rescue Service for sick and injured native animals - even those who are orphaned and misplaced, through a network of trained volunteer Rescuers, foster-carers and veterinarians.
29th June
“Eat Well for Fun & Fitness” - Natural Health Society - Roger French. Come and listen to Roger talk to us again. This time he will tell us what types of food we should eat so we can enjoy ourselves and be fit at the same time.
Eastwood Camping Centre.
Australian Made is great!
- QBB Butter Concentrate
- Beef Jerkey
- Wilderness Equipment Backpacks
- Goretex Clothing
- Cycle Panniers
* National Maps
- Rossi Boots
- Flinders Baby Carriers
- Outgear Backpacks Accessories
- Feathertop Wool Shirts
- Giant Trees Dried meals
- Sleeping Bags - J & H, Mont, Romans
- Rainwear - Mont, J & H, Superior
- Day Packs - High Tops, Summit Gear
- Bonwick Caving Ladders
- Holeproof Undies 4 Socks
- Trailblazer Hats
- DB Canyon bags
- Blundstone Boots
3 Trelawney St (PO Box 131) Eastwood NSW 2122.
Phone us today & say “G'Day”.
What's In A Name?
by Jim Brown
Looking again through the Club's (Association's) 60th Anniversary History, I re-discovered the catalogue of places named for (or by) SBW members. There are several names on that list that I had previously failed to recognise as SBW members: also, of course, there are a few other places on the maps which bear the names of members of other walking clubs (Associations, perhaps).
In turn this reminded me of sundry vagrant thoughts I have had over some years about the names of places where we walk, and I found myself contemplating a few occasional essays on this topic. It would be nice to be able to say “This has all been researched. It's all correct and I'm just telling you.” But it's not like that at all. Some of the things I will write are established fact, some will be conjecture, some may be nonsense (perhaps even some deliberate nonsense). It will be up to Dear Reader to sort out grain from chaff, and of course I'd be pleased to hear if any of my theorising can be verified. So on to Essay No.1 which is called -
Anger over Angorawa
A few km north of Colo Heights (formerly known as Parr's Brush), a big creek rises and flows roughly west to join the Colo River. It is often used by walkers as an access route to or from the Lower Colo, but when they speak about it or show slides of the rather striking sandstone benches just above the Colo Junction, they sometimes call it Ango-WAR-AH.
Which transposes the last two syllables and puts the W before the R. That's worse than putting carts before horses. The spelling on all the maps of the area I have seen, right back to the 1932 St. Albans one inch / one mile, has been ANGO-R-A-W-A.
How should it be pronounced? I don't know, and quite a few differing pronunciations are possible, but certainly never Ango-WAR-AH.
I was first introduced to Angorawa Creek on a trip led by that supreme bushman Max Gentle in September, 1947, and I only wish I could remember for sure how he pronounced it, because he often talked with local inhabitants and picked up a lot of unusual information. I rather fancy he called it “Ango-RAW-AH”, but I can't swear to it.
Another strong contender must be the one that places the accent on the second syllable “An-GORR-a-wah”.
Let's have no more anger and anguish about Angorawa Creek - just a little angst from those who have corrupted its name.
The Sydney Bush Walkers Incorporated - Annual Subscription 1988.
Single active member $25
Household (Single plus $15 for each extra person)
Non-active member $ 6
Non-active member plus magazine $18
Magazine subscription only $12
Please attach your cheque/money order to the form provided on the last page of March or April magazine and post to The Treasurer, S.B.W. Inc. Box 4476 G.P.O., Sydney, 2001. If a receipt is required please send a stamped self-addressed envelope.
"Tassie Walks Summer 1988."
by Rudy Dezelin
Here is a brief account of two very interesting walks led by Ian Wolfe and successfully completed during my January and February holidays on the friendly “Apple Isle”:-
Saturday 23rd January: It was a most welcome relief to escape Sydney's unbearable heat and humidity by flying to beautifully cool Hobart! It was quite a change of climate; from Sydney's quasi tropical 34° to Hobart's invigoratingly cool 22°!
Originally intending to fly out by Cessna that afternoon, we were forced to camp overnight at nearby Sorrell, as low cloud and drizzle grounded most domestic flights.
Sunday 24th January: We awoke to another grey showery day. Thankfully, however, the pilot of our “TasAir” plane decided to take off regardless, and we experienced a somewhat bumpy flight to land around noon on Cox Bight beach, in the vicinity of South West Cape.
From this starting point, the party of seven - Ian Wolfe (leader), member Bob King, myself, plus four non-members, Grahame, Marie-Anne, Martin and Paul - shouldered our very heavy packs and our walk of the “South Coast Walking Track” started in earnest. A fairly short afternoon walk through mostly buttongrass saw us reaching Louisa River, our campsite on that first night.
Monday 25th January: We emerged from our tents to face another wet and cool day. The day's walk was the hardest of the whole trip, involving a very steep and exposed climb up and down the Ironbound Range. On the tops we were greeted by very muddy conditions and difficult walking in cold, windy, wet weather with a mist reducing visibility. We were very glad when the sun appeared in the late afternoon, enjoying a refreshing swim to wash off mud-soiled clothes and bodies at our pleasant campsite at Deadmans Bay.
Tuesday 26th January: Another bleak, cool showery day! We waded for three hours along the east shore of New River Lagoon to reach our sodden campsite below Precipitous Bluff, our next goal. Cooking and eating was done after pitching flies to keep us reasonably dry whilst in camp.
Wednesday 27th January: After perusing the early morning mist and cloud shrouded mountains our leader decided to abort the proposed climb up the Bluff. We therefore set off to return along the Lagoon shore to rejoin the main walking track. However, by mid morning, the sun emerged, affording us tantalising rear-view glimpses of the majestic Precipitous Bluff.
This day we enjoyed beautiful beach walking along deserted beaches, diverting inland to avoid the headlands. Whilst walking on the inland heath we encountered some leeches and biting flies.
Tonight's campsite was the most beautiful and best of the whole trip, at Osmiridium Beach. We enjoyed excellent swimming in the bracing and wonderfully clean surf before settling down to dinner and bed.
Thursday 28th January: A beautiful sparkling sunny clear day after a cold, clear, moonlit night greeted us this morning. A burning hot, pitiless sun bore down on us all day making for tiring walking in some muddy spots and quite steep climbs around headlands. Very annoying biting blowflies were out in full force, as is usual on hot sunny days.
A most welcome cool swim at Surprise Bay whetted our appetites for lunch which we enjoyed on the beach. A fairly short walk up and down a headland saw us emerge at Granite Beach, tonight's campsite.
Friday 29th January: Another warm and sunny morning, but haze and thin cloud in the afternoon was on today's weather agenda. Due to very still conditions and a lack of any breeze, the march flies were out again in full force.
The party set out to explore towards South Cape but the attempt was abandoned due to impossibly thick and scratchy scrub.
Saturday 30th January: An overnight cool change brought a cool, cloudy and rainy day. We trudged on in unpleasant, muddy, leech-infested conditions for about five hours, to arrive at South Cape Rivulet, the night's camp. There was to be seen lots of beautifully scented flowering Leatherwood trees along this section of the track. Tassie's famous honey is made by bees feeding on these flowers.
Around dusk, we were very lucky to see a small Platypus swimming along the creek near our campsite!
Sunday 31st January: Another bleak, cold, grey wintry, windy and showery day greeted us as we emerged from our tents. We took it easy today as the day's walk only involved about a three hour walk east of last night's campsite.
Monday 1st February: Our last day was another partly cloudy, cool day, with no rain, thankfully! We emerged back to civilisation at a small hamlet known as “Cockle Creek”, near Catamaran. This is the southernmost settlement in Tasmania. A special “bushwalkers' bus” took us back to Hobart. A lunch stop was made at Dover, where we “pigged out” on delicious fresh bread, fresh fruit and other delicacies we had done without during our long walking trip.
A most welcome hot shower and bed greeted us at Hobart Youth Hostel, and that night we dined in style on huge platefuls of steaks, schnitzels and “crayfish” (lobster) at Hobart's “Black Buffalo” Restaurant.
The following day we caught a coach along the Lyell Highway to commence a four day walk up to Frenchman's Cap, starting at a point around 20 km west of Derwent Bridge and returning to the highway four days later near Victoria Pass.
All in all, two most enjoyable walks, highly recommended for beautiful scenery and interesting landscapes.
Belvedere Taxis Blackheath.
10 seater mini bus taxi. 047-87 8366.
Kanangra Boyd. Upper Blue Mountains. Six Foot Track.
Pick up anywhere for start or finish of your walk - by prior arrangement.
Share the fare - competitive rates.
Canoe & Camping.
265 Victoria Road, Gladesville, 2111. Phone (02) 817 5590. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Thurs. 9-8, Sat. 9-4. (Parking at rear off Pittwater Road).
A large range of lightweight, quality, bushwalking & camping gear:
- Lightweight food for backpackers and canoeists
- Cold weather protection clothing and raingear
- Maps, books and leaflets
- Information service for canoeists and walkers
- Knives
- Compasses
- Survival gear
We stock the largest range of canoeing gear in N.S.W.
Quality touring craft of all types. High quality, performance competition craft.
- A huge range of paddles for all types of canoeing
- Wetsuits
- Surf skis
- All types of spray covers
- Wide range of jackets & cags
- Face masks
- Footwear
- Many types of buoyancy & life vests
- Helmets
The April General Meeting.
by Barry Wallace
The meeting began at 2011 with around 20 or so members present and the President in the chair.
There were apologies, but your reporter was absent from the room at the time. Of new members there were none.
The minutes of last month's Annual General Meeting were read and received, with no business arising.
Next came correspondence, with a letter of thanks from the Colong Committee, from Ron Compagnoni reminding us of the proposed 50th Anniversary Walk to Bluegum Forest, from the NSW Corporate Affairs Commission on changes to our Constitution, and from Dot Butler and Alex Colley on the accounting procedures used for interest to the benefit of Coolana.
The Treasurer's Report indicated that we began the month with $858.36, spent $1350.80, received income of $2997.00 and closed with $2504.56. We were also regaled with the joyful news that the 60th Anniversary Committee has reached the black side of the ledger. Well done!
The Walks Report would normally have come next, but the new Walks Secretary begged off until after General Business, as he had slides to present.
The Federation Report noted that Federation are trying to arrange a meeting with the Minister for Conservation and whatever in the new State Government.
There was no direct report on conservation matters from Alex Colley, but there as an indirect, if somewhat enigmatic message, that “all is not yet necessarily lost” on the conservation front.
General Business brought advice from Don Seymour that the Mt. Wilson camping ground opposite the Cathedral Of Ferns appears to have been closed by the Lands Department after complaints from local residents. A motion was passed that the Club write to the Lands Department requesting clarification and protesting at the closure.
Then came the Walks Report. Unlike Geof Wagg I do not feel equal to the task of describing the slides in detail, but the Walks Report began at the weekend of 11,12,13 March with the Reunion. The President dwelt at some length on the discomfort afforded him by the attendant ticks but also managed to mention the damper competition and the rapidity with which the entries, winning, or no, were consumed by the assembly of damper fanciers. Of the day walks scheduled the same weekend Morie Ward reported no ticks, 6 starters and the same glorious weather as blessed the Reunion, for his West Head walk. Alan Mewett had 17 people on his Springwood area walk under fine and pleasant conditions.
The following weekend, 18,19,20 March, Carol Bruce reported 10 walkers and fine conditions on her Arabanoo Canyon trip, while Oliver Crawford's Mt. Wilson base camp trip was cancelled. There was no report of the S & R practice at Newnes area and although Jim Calloway's day walk from Waterfall to Otford went, there was no report of it. Greta Davis did somewhat better on her Bundeena to Otford walk, with 9 starters defying the wet morning. Jan Mohandas and his crew of 11 lepers defied not only the wet, wet, wet weather but also the warning from the scenic railway attendant that a German tourist had “fallen to his death in that area recently”, to complete his Mt. Solitary leg stretch walk.
George Walton's weekend trip in the Mt. Solitary area over 25,26,27 March was cancelled, although whether this was due to the aforesaid warning, or the intending starters inability to procure suitably sized panty hose for the leeches in that particular area as recommended in the Walks Program, is unclear. Debora Shapira had no such problem with leeches for her Sublime Point day walk, but some of the 26 walkers who attended in the general vicinity are reported to have struggled against certain physical disabilities as a result of a pre-walk party on the previous evening. Dave McIntosh's exploratory walk to North Bungleboori Creek, having been deferred from the previous weekend, produced no report. Ralph Pengliss reported 17 starters in pleasant conditions on his Otford to Bundeena walk, and Cathy Longfoot had her 10 starters covering a total of 55 km for the day on her Minnamurra Falls area bicycle trip.
Easter weekend was wet. Carol Bruce was forced to cancel her Apsley Gorge trip, although a hardy sub-group retreated to Glen Davis and walked in the rain there. Bill Capon varied the route of his Budawangs walk slightly from program for the 11 starters, but they did not have much to say about the weather. Hans Stichter was dragged kicking and screaming from the car, but finally got to enjoy his three day Splendour Rock trip along with the other 12 walkers. Wendy Aliano's Six-Foot Track family walk attracted 6 starters despite the weather, and Ralph Pengliss reported the 14 people on his Sydney Harbour Foreshores walk as completing the walk quickly in the heavy rain that drenched Sydney that day.
The following weekend, 8,9,10 April Barrie Murdoch cancelled his Kowmung River trip, and of the day walks Morie Ward reported sighting several new creeks and waterfalls in the St. Ives area with his party of 6. Alan Mewett and his party of 5 had to re-route his Brooklyn to Wondabyne walk when the ferry was turned back by high seas, and Maurie Bloom and a party of 7 completed his drenched-for-the-second-time-in-a-row Towra Point walk in short order. Jan Mohandas wisely cancelled his Grose River Linden Creek walk, to bring the Walks Report to an end.
So after all that, it was just a matter of the announcements and we were free for another month at around 2132. Amen!
Federation Of Bushwalking Clubs NSW.
Report of April Meeting.
by Spiro Hajinakitas
The attention of the meeting was drawn to a notice of motion in the Canberra Bushwalking Club's newsletter “IT” as follows: “That, in an effort to focus management activity on rehabilitating severely eroded areas of the Budawangs National Park, the Club donate $1000 to NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service specifically for this purpose”.
Kowmung Committee Report - Warragamba Dam: 1. Letters to be sent to the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition. 2. Committee to draft submission, similar to EIS, to pass around Clubs for comment. 3. Future trade off to increase in Warragamba Dam could be dam at Welcome Reef on Shoalhaven River.
Newsletter Report - Editors are disappointed by lack of articles from bushwalkers. Please address articles to Gordon Lee, 2/22 Sunbeam Avenue, Enfield, 2136.
Search & Rescue Report - 1. March practice washed out by rain, next practice 23/24 July in Budawangs. 2. Next First Aid Course 21/22 May. 3. S & R display took place in the Police Pavilion Royal Easter Show. 4. Climbathon at Three Sisters, Peter Treseder climbed west wall 21 times in 12 hours in wet weather. 5. Keith and Tony Parr lectured at Duke of Edinburgh Award weekend. 6. Volunteer Rescue Assn. has predicted that past Government's “foolish persons” legislation will be allowed to lapse. 7. S & R Officers are available to talk to Clubs - ring Keith Maxwell 622 0049.
Tracks & Access Report - A motion was passed “That we write to NPWS re the installation of extra steel spikes and the replacement of rusted spike on Tarro's Ladder, Narrow Neck”.
New Members.
Please add the following names to your List of Members.
- Blackwell, Bill - 3/6 Elizabeth Parade, Lane Cove, 2066. Phone 428 3156 (H), 436-0500 (B).
- Blackwell, Suzanne - I3/6 Elizabeth Parade, Lane Cove, 2066. Phone 428 3156 (H), 519 8761 (B)
Bird's Eye View.
by Brian Harvey
Well, here I am sitting alongside Wally Roots in a 4-seater high-wing “Cessna” at 0930 on the runway of the Schofields Flying Club, with CMW members upfront, Gord Edgecombe at the controls with his good wife Jean with a handful of maps as observer. Behind us three “Piper Cherokees” are grouping for take-off immediately after us and will execute a fly-past salute at Splendour Rock of three abreast in formation. These planes are piloted by three young members of the flying club who are delighted to be able to take part in something novel to them and to help the Edgecombes stage a really worthwhile display for those walkers assembled at the Rock.
We're off and do a circle of the airfield to enable the others to get aloft and line up behind us in single file.
Our immediate objective is Katoomba and now we're following the Western Railway Line observing mountain townships with their development spreading out along the ridges, but they are only a part of the overall scene of reserved bushland stretching as far as the eye can see. We bank to the left and fly along the Narrow Neck Peninsula with the Second Neck below us. As we turned, there was a brief view of the “Devil's Hole” and the “Nellie's Glen” ravine. Then away to the right is the Carlon Homestead as we leave the Neck between Clear Hill and Galong Head, running along the western edge of the “Dogs”.
Whilst we all are familiar with the profile of the “Dogs” from the horizontal position, up in the air they lose their height and it's difficult to distinguish, especially when they are seen through that haze which masks everything when you are whizzing along at 150 km/h. We were on the western side whilst Splendour Rock is situated on the south-east corner of Mt. Dingo and thereby hidden by Dingo's trees.
However, we banked left at the appropriate moment, followed by our formation, and flew east passing our objective on our left. The three escorting planes then made off home and we executed a wide turn which gave me a great view of the Cox Valley for the first time in 30 years, to circle back and pass the Rock with its waving figures. At this point, Jean committed two sheafs of Australian wild flowers through the window, one on behalf of the Federation and the other for her brother, Arnold Rae, who died over the North Sea in the RAAF and whose name appeared on the card attached to the laurel wreath just laid at Splendour Rock.
I managed to secure a photo as we sped past (I hope!) and as we turned left again snapped Konangaroo Clearing and the Kowmung Junction where Mount Cookem looked like a pimple on the landscape. It was very interesting to observe the Lake Burragorang snaking up the Cox Valley down which we used to walk to catch transport into Camden. Those were the days!!!
On our return route we passed over the “Blue Labyrinth” and I could well appreciate how the early walkers easily became “mislaid” in the tangle of bumps and creeks weaving in all directions. Seen from the air, one soon realised what a great playground we have so close to home, right on the edge of an area which is becoming densely populated. Old Myles Dunphy had great foresight in pressing for the Greater Blue Mountains National Park and all bushwalkers should be taught to appreciate that vision.
I put forward the suggestion that a suitable appreciate memorial to Myles might be installed on a prominent location, perhaps the summit of Mount Cloudmaker, from which eminence Myles could well have surveyed all the bush comprising this Park. Our Federation delegates could be instructed to raise the matter at Federation.
Corrigendum. In my contribution entitled “Their Splendour Shall Never Fade” in the March issue I mentioned incorrectly that Paul Driver was the Federation President when the Splendour Rock Memorial was unveiled in 1948, the incumbent President was Stan Cattier. Paul Driver officiated at the 10th Anniversary commemoration in 1958.
Footnotes is a new feature of the Sydney Bushwalker which with luck, good management and sufficient content will become a regular feature. Footnotes is the location where all those snippets of news and vital trivia can be assembled into a useful whole.
Fazeley Read came off second best in a collision with a vehicle in Military Road Mosman, thus demonstrating the hazards of city life. The accident happened on Friday 29th April. Fazeley is in Ward 7b at RNS and is comfortable and progressing well; she should be home by the time the magazine hits the letter boxes.
Luke Starwalker walks again. Accidents happen under the strangest circumstances. Young Bob Niven, an avid stargazer, whilst searching in the depths of the Milky Way for the meaning of life as we know it managed to fall off the first floor verandah and broke a number of bones. The response to Margaret's 000 call was two ambulances, two cars of uniformed police and one car of detectives. Bob is now out of hospital and mending slowly but surely.
Inland fishing licenses, for fishing in creeks and rivers above the tidal limit have been scrapped by the NSW Government. Now no longer do you have to remember to put the license in your pack.
What you missed. On Wednesday 27th April the Hard Rock Cafe opened its occasional doors to about 35 members and visitors. The draw card band was unable to attend; its place was taken by “Two's Company”. Between the duo they played guitar, banjo and mouth organ but not all at once and sang a selection of blues and ballads. Coffee, cake, tea, wine and milo satisfied the baser needs of the audience.
Coming soon, the ultimate of decadence, a bludge weekend walk with the minimum of cooking, no tents and hot showers. Wendy Aliano is organising a walk in the Blue Mountains. Base camp is in the Clarendon Hotel (047.821322) Katoomba with day walks on the Saturday and Sunday. Wendy can give you the details but the idea is that you book yourself into the Hotel and be prepared for some hard strolling, book for Friday and Saturday 1 and 2 July, walks on the Saturday and Sunday.
We understand that the Club auction (No, the Club is not being auctioned - the Club is holding an auction) will be held in July. Keep your eyes peeled for further details of this annual bargain bonanza.
New authors are more than welcome for these pages. Put your hand to it and try to write that article you've always said you would. Of late the Magazine has been a bit short on humour, ie intentional humour. Something to lighten the load and put some spring into our collective steps is definitely required. I'm sure the Editor would ghost the article if asked.
The Sydney Bus Walkers - The First Sixty Years (see Page 2). Copies are still available (contact Carol Bruce phone 797 9784). Price is $10 if collected at the Clubroom. When ordering by mail, please add postage at the rate of $2.05 for one copy, $3.15 for two and $3.50 for two copies posted interstate. Postage includes 55c for padded Postage Bag. Send your cheque or money/order with your order (Box 4476 G.P.O. Sydney, 2001).
Annual Subscriptions 1988.
An error in the subscription for non-active members in April's magazine has been corrected. See Page 7 for full details of subscriptions.
Best wishes to Patrick James (our Editor) and Wendy Hayden who recently announced their engagement.