THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKeR ..,061111410. 1 r- r fr. P14 Established June 1931 a OM 1-touSE A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers Incorporated, Box 4476 GPO, Sydney 2001. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening from 7.45 pm at the Ella Community Centre, 58a Dalhousie Street, Haberfield (next door to the Post Office). Prospective members and visitors are invited to visit the Club any Wednesday. To advertise in this magazine please contact the Business Manager. * * * * * * * * EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER PRODUCTION MANAGER [brag Ryder, Box 347 PO, Gladesville 2111 Telephone 809 4241 Anita Doherty, 2 Marine Crescent, Hornsby Heights Telephone 476 6531 2077 Helen Gray TYPIST Kath Brown ILLUSTRATOR Morag Ryder PRINTERS Kenn Clacher & Les Powell MARCH 1990 & Margaret Niven * * * * * * * * Page Office Bearers & Committee Members 1990 2 …A Load of Old Cobberas… by David Rostron 3 Why. the Bungles? Jo Van Somers 7 Bike Tripping - Rylstone to Singleton Dot Butler 10 Walking in the Top End (N.T..& W.A.) Jan Mohandas 13 Mailbag Patrick James 16 Ainslie Morris 17 The February General fteting - Barry Wallace 18 A Night to Remember Dot Butler 19 Lightweight Food Kath Brown 19 The:Good:Egg! jim Brown 19 Annual Subscriptions 1990 20 Advertisements Eastwood Camping Centre 6 Kakadu - Wet Wonderland 9 Canoe &-Camping - Gladesville & Kogarah Bay 12 20 Blaakheath Taxis and Tourist Service 16 The Sydney Bushwa.lker March 1990 -4 , f,' , S.B.W. OFFICE BEARERS & COMMITTEE 1990 “4. ?.; i The following Office '4. Club workei's were elected 4 on Wednesday, 14th March, Bearers andCommittee;w0,114i other, at the Annual General Meeting ofthe Club held 1990:-'- ' President VicePresidnet' - - Public Officer Treasurer' Secretary, Walks Secretary Social Secretary Membership Secretary New Members georetary Conservation Secretary Magazine Editor, 2 Committee Members 2 Delegates to Confederation.* ' Bill Holland * Kenn Clacher * Barbara Bruce * Tony Marshall * Patrick James * Maurie.Bloom' * Greta Davis Don Finch Carol.Lubbers * Alex Colley * Mdrag Ryder * 'W6ndy Lippiatt * Michelle Powell * John Porter * Deborah Shapira 484 6636 713 6985 588 2614 953,8384 44 2707 2jOonf4deration Delegates - (not on Committee) Magazine Business Manager Magazine Production Manager Printers . Assistant. New Members. Secretary Archivist Solicitor Auditor Search & Rdscue Contacts Gordon Lee Kay Chan This position is no longer necessary - the duties are carried out by the Treasurer and the Printer Helen Gray Kenn Clacher, Les Powell & Margaret Niven George Mawer Ian Debert Barrie Murdoch Chris Sonter Bob Younger 57 1158 Maurie Bloom 525 4698 Tony Marshall 7l365 Bob Hddgson 949 6175 Ian Wolfe Kenn Clacher Les Powell honorary. Kosciusko Huts Assn. Delegates Transport Officer NOTE: All Club workers are * Indicates members of Committee. For Annual Subscriptions see Page 20. ,111. Page 3 The Sydney Bushwalker March 1990 M LOAD OF OLD COBBERA PINCH RIVER TO THREDBO 22 - 29 APRIL, 1989 loint narrativei compiled by the party - Heather Finch, Byll Ord, Adrienne Schilling, Bob Duncan, Bob Niven, Tom Wenman and David Rostron (leader). Coastal precipitation frightened the participants off an intended Mittagong to Katoomba trek and there was much equivocation about other fields to explore. The leader did a sales pitch (con job?) on the splendour of the Cobberas and the party succumbed to the pressure, together with elemental interveDtion. Satugday April 22nd, 1989, found us in the Thredbo car park awaiting our bus. There was much weighing of packs, checking of gear and general ,pandemonium. We then departed, courtesy of the Cooma Bus Company, for a two-and-a-half-hour scenic bus journey to the Snowy River via Jindabyne and Ingebyra. We left the bus at a point -4 km smith of the Pinch River Junction at map ref. Sudden Buggan (249232). The leader told us there as a good campsite to the west, a short distance up the hill. Nine kilometres and 1100 vertical metres later, he told us-there were still only four kilometres to go!! A pack of dingoes was.heard howling in the distance. We arrived at a delightful, cleared area near a muddy creek and a loud chain saw. Further exploration, in , failing light, removed us from this'scene to the worst campsite of the trip on the Ingeegoodbee River. r. Day 2 Dawn with cloudy skies and light rain. Attempted to cross the Ingeegoodbee River with dry feet. Adreienne was the only victim of clumsiness and after a confrontation with a rock in the river, emerged with an impressbie gaping leg wound. The leader nearly faintectand envisaged'spending the remainder of the ddy 'enabling Adrienne to recover. However this fortunately not necessary. Our girls. were made of sterner stuff than we believed. - We left the trail and sidled arouhd the southern slopes of a peak in limited visibility through an open, delightful eucalypt forest, before descending to MacFarlane Creek (148175). Another 350 metre ascent; more ,idling and a drop to the Sudden Buggan River. Swam in the Sudden Buggan River - icy. cold. Day 3 A determined early start to gain the utmost from the day saw us ascending a picturesque ridge from the Sudden Budgan River for 350 metres before the dreadful realisation dawned that we were on the wrong ridge! The leader became a quivering jelly as he was forced to admit that he had made an err9r, the previous day, by not taking a compass bearing in limited visibility. The leader then made the brave decision to descend the depths to James Creek, where the party found a suitable emblem for the progress made that morning: a Rafflesia flower, colloquially knOw as a “shitting lily”. -,The flower is so named as it attracts blowflies by imitating the sthell of faeces. , .- - We ascended the ridge to the Cobberas Trail and followed this west. We met a Victorian
Page 4 The Sydney Bushwalker March 1990 Forestry Commission Ranger en routa, We all remarked on the scarcity of fauna; this was confirmed by the rangeras-qnormal for the area”. Two of the damsels enticed Duncan to eat fresh mushrooms. As we stopped for lunch, Duncan announced he was feeling sick and had an overwhelming urge to regurgitate his midmorning snack of fresh mushrooms! (This is a general warning not to put anything under Dunoan's nose because he is likely to eat it, however poisonous!) A three-hour lunch stop Was necessary to allow Robert to recover Campsite that night MS the tea so far. First alpine-type campsite 7 alpine meadow beneath the Cobberas, full, bright moon. Nought degrees overnight temperature, Flock of twepty gang-gang parrots atdusk. A pleasurable pastime included identifying solar systems and-we ha&the benefit of Bob Niven's erudition in explaining satellites. L,Superb sunny, days ,continued, with cold but clear and starry, starry nights. DaV', 1 n - We ascended the south ridge of the Coberras moving to the west around the base of cliffs, then pushedfgp :through spme,vegetation, Ithrutchedi up some rocks and crossed ledges to emerge on the,p.idoe. proper. Anreasy-ascent on snowgrass for the last 130 metres followed. We reached the summit(1820 m) at 11.00 am and then basked like lizards on rocks, absorbing one Of the best.iiiiidernees'OanoraMas in the country. Except for some small pockets of ckedred leha ticrthe distant South-east, wilderness stretched for 100-120 km in all directions with'fitouritt3ogbhg on the West skyline and Kosciusko to the north. The Snowy Valley where we had started four days beforehand was in the middle distance 70-80 km away. The summit ridge of the Cobberas is a bUshwalkers' playground, extending over about 2 km with the rocky outcrops of Middle and Half-Moon Peaks at the north end. Camp was established on a 6-star site on top of the ridge - snowgrass, scattered snow- gums and ample water in a soak 10 m away. Meals were enjoyed on the eastern and western terraces a few metres distant, soaking up the glorious vista. Part of the afternoon was occupied by an airy traverse and scramble on Half-Moon Peak, and then it was back to camp for a leisurely. dinner. The magic of this day - the highlight of the trip - was enhanced by some wonderful neng By Nib Duncan and Toth Wenman that evening. We lower beings - the pseudo singers - remained silent and captivated by the atmosphere in that environment. A day imprinted on the memory forever! Day' 5 . . Another beautiful day. We sidled around Moscow Peak and ascended Cobberas Two Had a long lunch and general ablutions in an open alpine meadow with tepid water. Then we descended to owombat Flat on 'a scrubby ridge. Inspection-of the wreck of the “Southern Cloud” plane at the clearing. Much hilarity arose during 'the photographic stop with the party having a foot in both States, straddling the border, over the Murray River. Sauntered-up Pilot Creek Ito another 5-star campsite. “T” SuPerb campfire location. 13“
Ascent to the Pilot; “enchanted forest” - ancient, gnarled tortured, windlown snowgums. Evidence of fire. (N.B. Few sightings of native fauna throughout this trip. Occasional
horses seen; proliferation of horse manure even outside of this party! Some evidence of
wombat and echidnas via droppings and habitats. Birds seen: Gang-gangs, CUrraWongs, Rosellas, Magpies, Kookaburras; heard several Lyre birds.)
Long lunch enjoyed in this attractive snowgum forest. Photos taken of Tom Wenman spitomising the Australian Swaggy/Bushman image were de-romanticised upon the realisation that Tom is a bloody Porn!
Ascent to the Pilot cairn. Views of clearfelled areas were apparent in Victoria. Comments in the Visitors' Book from notables such as Milo Dunphy about the multitude of four- wheel drive vehicles using the trails in the area. Magnificent views otherwise. Travelled
, ,
Page 5
March 1990
The Sydney Bushwalker
northong the sdrrim00,06.croMei
13161,1 '–h - anoifiWfi4nikArest:
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',. horaeltaItato'Tih'Min Creek'. Eabi
hin a:kilometre of the Tin Mine H'
.-.- - ,'-'6-:.
… ….tde awokejo- find the ,teitOgrptui,e:034:07,,,,,
40rees.A0dAheftentS colikOki: icejfioSt.?W.–i:
Haliaier Oi-:.WOW-0411 a iligWelb another perfect day weather-wise.
Visit to the Tin Mine Huts where Tom decided to take his 48th superb photo on a 36-brint film, only to realise that alas, there was ho'film in the camera! Furthermore, he had had no film in the camera for the entire trip!
Then foUowed 18 km aoong the Cascade Fire Trail through some beautiful Alpine Ash forest. Aroma of eucalypt filled the air.
That night, Heather and Gyll, fearing another freezing night, barricaded themselves in
–'—,: ,,–.
the Cascade Hut with a lacy gaiter. However it was a warmish night - at yet another beautiful campsite.
Day 8
Awoke to a pleasant morning but with high cirrus cloud. A passing ranger advised of an impending change in the weather. We headed north with the intention of going to the Upper Thredbo River Valley and ascending the Chimneys but we were soon enveloped in increasing mist and rain. The next option was an ascent of the Ramsheads to a known 5-star campsite, but by the time we reached Dead FCrse Gap, the stalwarts of the party had succumbed to the weather conditions. We retreated to Thredbo to the warmth, decadence and hot showers of an Alpine Lddge.
In the latest copy of the Federation Newsletter was the Obituary
of one of our oldest members, Paul Barnes. I am happy to say that the report of his death had been “greatly exaggerated” because Paul is alive
and well. In fact, he and Marj are about to depart for Western Australia
where they will spend two months touring five National Parks. As far as Paul can tell, the person who died on May 9th, 1989, was Paul Howard, a long-time member of the N.P.A. but not of S.B.W.
A THEATRE PARTY is being for Wednesday, 9th May. e 79 e 6.369
Shapira for the musical “CHESS” If intere4-a4, please ,phone
- g
organised by Deborah Tickets $40 each.
1mui- wh
:Out) rrriefrib'eiel
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. ” 14“. . 7 9 - zYP .
'.-: '
V fl,
QBB j\ Butter Concentrate
Beef Jer
Wilderness Equipment
Backpacks -
Goretex Clothing
Cycle Panniers
Rossi Avts
F1'zid s Baby Carriers
Outgear Backpacks Accessories
Feathertop Wool Shirts
Giant Trees Dried meals
Sleeping Bags
J & H, Mont,
Rainwear Mont, J & H, Superior
Day. Packs
High Tops, Summit Gear
Bonwick Caving Ladders f Holeproof
Undies 4 Socks
Trailblazir Hats
DB 5tuff
Cdnyon bags
National Maps
3 Trelawney St (PO Box 131) Eastwood NSW 2122
March 1990 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 7
by Jo Van Somers'
“Why go to the Bungles?” people say to me. I woke after Midnight with lots of mundane ,things on my mind and much to do the next day, but with the urge to write this story on me. No-one could forget their first sight of these magic mountains,: After what seems like days of bumping over rough tracks in a four-wheeled-drive - too londtAob fibt, too far, to 0 dusty - to swoop up a steep ridge and see the Bungles laid out before us - it was an inforgettable' moment.
- '- Perhaps you are a lover of rainforest, beach and surf, icy peaks, vast plaingp Yet y9u will be convertedto admiration of these bare rounded desert hills on first.sight.: The ! -hOriZOntal bands fblack lichen at regular intervals around the body obated with frail orahge
'-silicon sands, so fragile that one footstep decays; in ranks and serries clustered and crowded, creating a maze of gullies to explore. Some are captured at once, and canribtresistIthe siren call of the side canyon, and emerge at last silent and awed. For others; it needs aT longer exposure to the ambience of the place. In the beginning the hills are low, crowded together like rounded dancers in pale tu-tu's waiting to surge onto the stage - strange, ethereal, not of this world.
The first camp was made late after a long day of travelling, and I recorded in my diary - “Went to bed a travel-weary old bag and woke a woman in her prime: a tribute to the magic of this place.” Some are captured at once; others need exposure to the canyon, the high walls that develop as you walk further into the Piccaninny Gorge. Who knows why it was named so? I like to think it has something to do with the innocent charm of the place, the reward that
. one gets from children if you give yourself entirely to them, but is withheld if you also hold something back. (This is my way of explaining why not everyone succumbed to the magic spell!).
I remember sitting in front of a vast wall of pink rock, while friends tried to point out to me some aboriginal etchings in the rock. On that face I saw perhaps ,hundred things untirfinally-I Sew what they were describing. The photographs of that site show the vivid rock face mirrored in a pool of water so blue as to be unbelievable, so still it was almost a sacrilege to swim in it. Floating on your back in the red and blue, it occurs to you to ask how the aboriginalsot up there.- it is a sheer face - and of course the answer is that the drawings were made when the water was at-that level far above you on the sides of the cliff. For one cannot go to the Bungles. when one pleases. You must wait until she is ready. In the Wet the sides of the Gorge are wall-to-wall water and quite impassable; at the end Of the Dry there is no water left at-aIl. -There are Aboriginal owners of the area, far away at TUrkey Creek, which is itself,a:verY-Iong way away from anywhere else, and the owners only visited at the end of the'Wet,'as the. tourists do today.
Such an exciting place! Every day out from the base camp something unexpected, daring, rash, unforgettable. The day we sat in a cathedral-like cavern with the rays of the sun piercing through a hole far up in the roof of the cave - the day we swam and swam through endless mysterious black waters, sometimes with the cave roof just clear of our heads, sometimes beaching on a bank of coarse sand, sometimes coming out into a gap in the folds of the
Page The Sydney,. Bushwalker March 1990
hills so that the sun shone down onto the water and winked at the entrance to the next pool in the chain, beckoning. But what is this, all females at the end of the swim? We had dared go no further as the roof almost touched the water. Suddenly there is the sound of vigorous kicking, the splashes rebounding in the tunnel, ah,,at last we are joined by one of the gentlemen! ; An endless return, wishing we also had the male's flotation device as well as our natuDal,superioritY, emerging at last from the dark hole into which we had plunged, breathless,
counting each surfacing head rather ankiously, and glad that our companions had left us some
lunch before the explored eiseWhere.
Orthe mad glad day when we threw aside cautionand all our clothes and stirem through a long deep cave just to see where it went; and found at the other end a vast beckoning valley where even Russell, who knows the area so well, had not been. Running over red hot rocks without shoes is probably something you have done before, but have you tried plunging through spinifex wearing nary a stitch? The agony is exquisite! It seemed strange
to be,more concerned about getting sunburn. However, our new valley was not giving everything away at once; every time we had an attack of reasonableness and decided to turn back, it would offer some new enticement, another
hint that the hidden way to the top of its slopes would be revealed. But as each promising prospect ended in a cliff,
' or'waterfall, or closed tumble of rocks, and the shadows
– grew long, we had to return without finding a way up.- Here, I might add, the fragile striped crust of the rounded hills it the mouth of the main 'Gorge is not pervasive, and the prohibition against disturbing the skin by climbing to the tops could theoretically be avoided by sticking to the gullies and sparing the ridges, if only a way could be found.
After our exertions, the bliss of returning to the campsite, a bluff rising out of a deep cold pool, and our own little spot further away, at the warm pool which lost inches from its rim almost while you were watching it. We hung the mosquito net, all the shelter that is required, ftom a palm on a stretch on sand at the foot of a towering cliff with private waterfall, and made believe that we could stay there forever. The receding pond, and the concave basin of black lichen where the waterfall had been just two weeks before in the Wet, served to remind us,thatwe were living on borrowed time. The isolation of the place is very marked at night. Eerie calls come from the canyon, like a cat being tortured. Loud mopoke noises. I decide the next night that the mysterious strangled cry belongs to a cat being killed by a goanna, maybe even the large specimen who is the real owner of our pond and who was sighted gt sunrise. The cliff face is full of rock pigeons who give us their opinion of our presence by crashing straight through our campsite palm like missiles. I'm fairly sure there were no dingoes until our roadside camps on the way out
Supposing my little tale has made you want to visit this amazing place, why would you want to go on a guided tour when you have always been so independent? Well, you'll see more, the cost is very reasonable, and it wont take 'long to get quite used to being cooked for! If you have a sense of adventure youwill appreciate the moment when Russell decides that the stew looks a bit boring, so from the caverns of his mountainous rucksack he brings little bags of this and that, half the contents of an Asian streetstall, ingredients from every part of the globe, frozen and dried objects I 'suspect even he cannot identify, unexpected delicacies, little dried fish complete with heads and wicked eyes, eyerything becoming palatable through some mysterious blending process.
Our lot are pretty entertaining ourselves (I nearly said around a campfire but these are, not.allowed in the BUngles and there is very little wood anyway) but Russell adds new songs, new stories, in his own inimitable style. I was somewhat surprised to find I could do without a campfire as the moon was so bright and the air so still and warm. Russell likes time to think, and not to be bombarded with the same questions about options and plans that
March l9g0. The Sydney Bushwalker rage
he has just talkd about. So we all learn to interpret Russell-ese. Peter asks “Would this
be a good day to wear gaiters?” (note the tactful phraseology), and the reply is ”'Would'
could be too strong a term“. Joan has a better approach - “Ha, Russell's got his gaiters on
today, I'll wear mine.” Or Chris, our co-leader, “Russell has dropped his pack, it must be
lunchtime”. I found it very satisfying to have my enthusiasm for the flora reciprocated.
Time to leave our little Paradise. We strolled back down the Gorge, swam in a cold cavernous pool rimmed with waterlilies that looked like the flowers of the wattle. After we turned the right angle of the creek, the beehives return to view, looking quite different now in the morning light. A bumble of Bungles waiting. The waves of river stone follow
the same pattern but in grey; one feels like a giant striding over the mountain-tops when
one walks on them. The grey river rocks, the brilliant blue water and sky, sheaves of golden wattle, hills the colours of soft dyed homespun fleece, it's all starting to get to me. Is that a tribe of Bungles watching me solitary on their path? Bungles in honeypots waiting to lick me up as I pass their reflection in waterholes? A Bungle family of all sizes. A mogul slope of a most unusual colour and innocent of any snow.
The spell is broken by a helicopter hovering overhead, close enough for the occupants to appreciate the rude, sign I acknowledge them with The vehicles come into view and the Bungle family breathes a sigh of peace as we depart.
AT LANE COVE TOWN HALL A, BUSH DANCE in aid of Search and Rescue. The date May llth. Dancing from 8 pm until midnight, come and give S & R the support they deserve.
See it when Its green
See it without the winter crowds.
Why wait until June or July when the waterfalls are nearly dry? In February and March they are at their magnificent best. Wildflowers are at their most prolific. Those 'few bushvv,alkers who visit will have the wilderness all to themselve4,
February and rMai- f-i are
among the ,mtist. comiortable -rnoriths for Walking. Daily-maximum temperatures of 30-350are the norm but this ifrue 12 months a year. Cloudy ,clays feel cooler than sunny ones. It:dtteS not rain all day every day. The-hortnal pattern is for short sharp bursts which are a welcome relief during the heat of the day. Many days have no rain at all.
Picture yourself walking in a Kakadu that few people other than the original aboriginal -inhabitants ha.+6 ever seen. The land is:2Iush and green. Beautiful swimming pools abound. You stop to admire the art in a rock shelter then turn around and watch the rains come down juet as the original inhabitants have done for thousands of years.
Evening comes and after a hot meal you settle down to sleep in a dry bed, needing nothing more than a sheet to keep you warm. The cares and worries of the urban world seem a million miles away as you drift gently off to sleep.
/, Llit
12 Carrington Street Milner, NT 0810
Ph: (089) 85 2134
Willis's Walkabouts also offers extended bushwalking trips to Central Australia, the Kimberleys, Alaska & the Yukon and even South America. Write for details.
Write for the full 1990 programme.
170, we
Page 10 The Sydney Bushwalker March 1990
. .
The 1968 Marathon was from Rylstone to Singleton, which looks like 100 miles on the map, but was more like 120 when you count the ups and downs.
Bike trips can have their hazards - even the departure from Central was fraught with danger - a she-dragon tried to evict us from our seats so she might keep them for her Kempsey regulars. We put forward stiff resistance. The she-guard-conferred with a he-guard and
we were allowed to keep our seats. The train left at 10.15 pm and soon we were all asleep in our sleeping bags on the seats or on the floor, with Donnie and Lindsay being waffled in the luggage rack.
At 4 o'clock in the dark morning we pulled into Rylstone and heaved the collection of bikes out of the luggage van, then discovered a nice coal fire burning in the waiting room. This was all we needed to decide us that another four hours' sleep would not be out of place. We slept well, and at 8 am ilia were peddling out of the town. After three false starts we
asked directions from a couple of paper boys and eventually found ourselves on the road we were to follow for the next two and a half days, up hill and down dale, through the rough and the smooth, all the way to Singleton.
It was perfect weather for cycling, no glare due to a light cloud cover, but not cold. The prevailing westerly, when it
blew,wasalways at our. backs, and the 'overalLdrop from Mount Monundilla (4,000 odd feet) down to Singleton at a mere- 137, feet, meant that there was decidedly more downhill than uphill.
We had not been going long out of Rylstone when we got into the mud, which made for slippery going, and Rosso got the first puncture of the day. At a sawmill we saw the chance of water and the first arrivals demanded lunch, but Ross is made of sterner stuff and he insisted we push on for another hour or 'so. So we all shoved our lunch back into our packs and continued on to the top of Mount Coricudgy.
After lunch we rode on, with some pretty steep climbs, but also some ,marvellous coasting downhill. This was-what tested
, the brakes. One boy's brakes didn't work
so he did most of his downhills sitting
side-saddle; ready to leap off if he got
out of control. We whizzed down the boulder- strewn hilllside, coasting effortlessly, through theibushland with the birds shouting in the trees 8nd-an occasional wallaby boys saw a large black din6o-type dog, and Wade
, We rode on via the Kekeelbons, to camp the night in a couple of caves. It was a good
thlng our scouting party found these because it rained during the night and we didn't have tents.
We lit a fire at both ends af.the cave:so that no matter which way the wind blew we had smoke
in the cave. Water was scooped from a nearby trickle, but as this soon dried up we got the
morning water from puddles up on the trail.
hopping across the track. One of thr
spotted a wombat.
March 1990 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 11
Roger got off early as he was determined to get through that day and get back to work. I was net awpy. , All was quiet in the still bushland, when I suddenly came across a little brown ahi661,4padding down the track in front Of me. It didn't suspect my presence and was ride quietly right up to it. It was a little yellow spotted native cat, the first I have ever.seen. As I passed it, it made a stupendous leap for cover and disappeared down the hilldide.
Soon the party was on its way, with a few prangs on the downhill run. Norman, who had been riding his bike to school every day for twelve years, didn't get off.on any of the hills, but the rest of us occasionally dismounted. We were all together for lunch at a little dry creek where we managed to find water eventually. It became a race against time to catch the two o'clo0 train back to Sydney. Five got to the station with plenty of time to spare as the train left one hour late.
became warmer we called a halt by what looke
to camp here and get the morning train. J*1. We collect40,water from a-waySidg puddle by?' left of 6.07-Ood - mainly popcorn - then into
the night which sent me off in e'vain search O. the*O0k for caves, but nothing tifferedgp
'we put oU-v:grouniYsheetsover us and slept on In the morning' Ross founda Apod Cave jt.144-
- A
ea nice levet, Wturned out
ht of a burning:
Iteping bags.' It:Sprinkled.,sIightly;
a. We deo* 11 of burrs. 0 consumed wha
up the hillsfde.
We others had disintegrated into two parties. About
five miles out of Bulga darkness overtook us. We had a chat with the drivers
of two landrovers which hove
out of the darkness with headlights gleaming. They offered to help but we didn't need it. So we pushed on. Riding along by the dark creek was exciting. We'couldn't see
where we were going so just trusted to luck. The Chill air from the creek kept* on the move. White ghost g4ms gleamed with an almost luml escent glob /among tlie-h-W
- eel< and the
, We ate the rest of the popcorn for breakfast and took to:.the roe
Mburried4id0f. five miles brought us into Bulga. We made streig1-1,. 400, in hIP4Akness to get in, forgot he was carrying his Mudgarda 'inks ay#400s horns and wondered :0y he co4dn't through: p1.0;
in. Rasan0q the -
= 1-,r A c-?!: ,SSwise in hi,sryia'0 ;::WWeev&C
'Wedrank pints
,it-,, the ,,,, -,,
.., 11011$the proprietor rang station and1410,that our,, imp 1
with ipptt,cof it -do It
't.onArplenty of tiOWt6 speif
re-we excuses to te madap,the Bbxx for a day's absence from w04,..put P-'bushwalkers' BoaseaSeem to be geitipg conditioned Lo this, and what l'sbh'Alost-da'y in the 0 'laboratory or office mempared rinth the400ories of -a miOWt.T4 that will lastAIXiOhe's
* * * *
, TIGER AWN Those of you who were lucky enough tttea tbe t
, 1 'Oeter TresedeiWbuld enjoy reading Australian Geographic NpL.17. It ContslOw. -4'=)dgtailed account of the Cape York to Wilsons Promontory marathon, complete with a ,repro4
duction of Peter's gigantic map.
. -
,-(3a-1/P-4 several hours to do thethitteen mi. : 'eeffie Ttish countryside in dayli -Into
PHONE (02) 817 5590 HOURS - HON-FRI 9-5.30 TUNS - 9-7
SAT -9-4
PHONE (02) 546 5455 HOURS –HON-FRI 9-5.30
. THURS - 9-7
SAT - 9-4
'March 1990 The ,Sydney Bushwalker Page 13
Walking in the Top End (The Northern Territory and Western Australia) : Keep River, Bungle Bungle and Kakadu National Parks: May-June 1989 - Part III: ICakadu NP Koolpin Gorge to Twin-Falls Gorge
(Third Week : 21st May to 27th May 1989)
Jan Mohandas
Sunday 21st May 1989: -This venture involVed transporting 26 walkers (two groups of 13) from Darwin,' tO Kakadu 'NP and back. From the new arrivalsRob joined, our group on Neil's request to form a 'perennial'singing duo. Chris Cox and Kim Bierman were 'our guides. Andrew Griffiths' was the guide for the second group. Both groups did the same 2-week Kakadu circle trip, but in opposite xlirections. Our party went-anti-clockwise from Koolpin gorge. to the: Twin falls gorge ,(first Week) and then; to UDP falls (second, week). The second group went clockwise from UDP. falls to Tvvin falls. gorge (first week) and then.: to -Koolpin :gorge ,(second week). We; except KimileftDarwin at 8.30ain-sin two vehicles (a bus and aL,Pajero wagon)and- reached UDP falls hi Xakadu NPiati-1.30 pmt Kim 'joined 418 there. Both parties had lunch, hadlobel,distributed, had 'swims and got ready to (leave the UDP falls car park at 3.00:-pm. Tsvo yohicles:were needed to take ourparty to the starting point; 30 km away, near Koolpin: gorge. -The Pajero was driven brRussell and Kim took his Toyotar4WD hilux utility.'Andrew accompanied us, to drive :back the utility, after giving instructions to Mori Bloom to start the walk for his party from UDP falls car park and promised to join them afterwards. We drove through several creeks with water. At some stage we travelled through areas where the grass was still on fire. Russell 'pointed out to us several sites with huts and old -“machinery, where uranium mines were operating only a few years ago. The second half of the road was very' rough and the vehicles hit rocks underneath on several occasions. We reached the car park near Koolpin gorge at 4.30 pm. The fuel tank in the Pajero', was damaged and had a serious leak. Russell- ttied to fix it with; some soap but it didn't Work. Then: he decidedto -drive –off to get as far away as possible; Andrew followed-Russell hi the hilux to get to UDP.-falls in order to rejoin his party. We left to, go to Koolpin gorge and walked along Koolpin creek to go upstseanr and stopped to camp at 5.00 pm below the first Waterfall the gorge. Several of us went to adrnir-e the waterfalls, 'by ' then looking magnificent under the evening sun. After swims we stayed around there enjoying the scenery. There was plenty of dry driftwood around' for a-nice campfire. Neil and Reb, , the singing duo, c,ertainly made the evening very lively.
Monday. 22nd May 89 We left the campsite after 8.00 am and continued to walk upstream with Koolpin
creek on our left and had several swims in beautiful pools. At abbut 10.15 am we had a rest for half an hour and morning tea. After leaving, we were travelling towards north. Chris took us to an aboriginal artsite at labout 11.15 am. It was getting very warm and we stopped again a 11.35 am and had inure swims. There were many gum trees with orange
floviers (Eucalyptus mlneata or commonly known as
Darwin woolly-butt) all around. We walked along a side creek in an easterly direction. For the first time we saw a wild buffalo, about 50 metres ahead facing Us. All of us stopped suddenly and the buffalo stood there watching us. We wondered what it was going to do next. After a few minutes, it turned around and took -off to get aWay from us. Buffalo tracks were everywhere and we used them for easy walking and reached Koolpin creek again by 1.00 pm. 'We had plenty of swims, lunch and siesta. We left Koolpin creek at 2.30 pm to travel in an easterly direction towards a high point with large rocks at the top. We left the packs below and climbed up from the east to the top (about 100 metres). We came back at about 4.00 pm, picked up a creek further east and followed it upstream towards north. After reaching the saddle we walked about 2 km and got to a beautiful location in Koolpin creek. So many large rock platforms with water cascading down and plenty of beautiful pools for swimming. Everyone enjoyed camping in that absolutely serene wilderness.
Tuesday. 23rd May 89: We left at 8;00 am with Koolpin creek on our left to go upstream. The junction of the two main tributaries of Koolpin 'creek Was not far from where. we were. We cut-across east to pick: up the main tribtitary of Kookpin creek which came from our right ,as., went upstream, through speargrass which: was now low. We reached the creek at 9.00 am and bad lots of water to :drink and left to go further upstream. It was flat walking, follovving:buffalo tracks. Often we saw leaves enclosed into -nests of green ants. These green anti Were everywhere and nobody escaped their bite. The temperature reached 25 degrees. We left after a rest at 9,45 am and crossed over, with the creek on our right; and walked through speargrasS in a flat area beside the creek for.a, while until wecame to a, fork in the creek. Both. creeks :bad plenty of water, but not enough for swimming. Time was 10.10 am. Chris chose. the side creek On- our left. The creekbed was becoming rocky (small-rocks) and the creek turned into a small stream. At 10.30 am we
Page 147- The Sydney Bushwalker march 1990
stopped for:morning, tea And'had a -dip in the water lyinedown -flat. On both sides of the creek, there Were higher grounds. No flat area on the left, but a wide flat area on the right. We left at 11.10 am and stopped for an early lunch at noon. Chris was carrying a stove, which we used to make cups of tea and coffee at lunchtime. Where we stopped for lunch it was
monsoon forest. After lunch we left at 1.40 pm. We got to. the saddle -at about 2.00 pm. Then we started walking doWnstreamiralong a small creek 'with. water, which eyentuallyjoined'up with the minor tributary of the Twin ,Falls -creek:- We could see that water was: coining from rocksin the saddle area. At 3.00 teeent5buffalO. hoof marks were evident along Twin. Falls -tc.creek. –We 'crossed the creek on several occasion. All- around -us it was, monsoon forest. Easy to walk. through. kbit far away there,were speargrasS areas.; At about '4.00 pm we came to a relatively flat rainfOre,starea -with-tall trees and a small pool nearby and Chris..idecided to camp there…It-was- a beautiful spot,' inthe monsoon forest -with plenty of huge but magnificent Allysoncarpla lemata: trees and other large and small treeS all around.-There were plenty of beautiful :birds whereYer we Went in-Kakadu. We had a, Ablightfulf -campfire. :and everyone ,sat around telling stories 'and joka'and had a long session:Of singing; -
Wduesd 24 1LLNIAL/2: We left at 8.10 am and
walked downstream With:Twin Falls creek !on our left, tlirotighs sPeargrassT plains travelling' northeast We crossed ithe -creek–soon-and at a. rocky outcrop we saw some:aboriginal, paintings. Along the banks of the creek; :tall and 'green magnificent trees 'provided good shadeto walk =.under. Soon we found another aborngiartsite: We stopped there in. the shade at We had plenty of swims and a long rest there. There were signs of damage -caused by wild pigs. Here and there one could see termite hills So ninny different kinds of birds making all kinds of delightful- noises. We left at 10.00 am and walked towards ;north: There-were many-recently used buffalo' holes and beautiful billabongs.- with water lily in full- bloom. We .continued to, walk' downstream with the creek -on our right-At 11.00 am We stopped at a shady area'. and had morning:- tea: Temperature- was 30 degrees: There was. - also. another kind of orange flowered guni tree, Eucalyptus phoenecea, -and equally attractive as Eucalyptus mineata. One of the major attractions of ICalcadu was the large variety of flowers seen everywhere. We left at 11.40 am. The creek we were following downstream joined up with the major tributary of the Twin falls creek coming frOtiv the: eastern side. We walked on and stopped, (1230'pm) about 400 metres from the junction of the two creeks, near a broad flat area where the creek was cascading down, under the shade of a large number of tall trees. Being such a beautiful spot we decided to spent some time there, have lunch and stay away from
the sun and then walk to the camping area. Rob and a number of others had a go at 'Holing down the cascades. Kim found a camping area about 200 metres downstream in a large sandy area. A number of us left to look at the artsites at 3.00 pm. The major tributary of Twin falls creek split into two near the junction,
of them joined the minor tributary and the other joined further downstream, forming a sandy island (where we camped). We walked along the creek upstream, behind the camping area, crossed over the arm which was at the junction and walked upstream about 1 Km along the major tributary of the Twin Falls deck on the western side. There were several rocky–areas in that location. We spread out to look for artsites. The first one with paintings was only about 500 :metres from the junction. So many excellent drawings, - full size Kangaroos and others which we coWd not recognize. We continued on. There was about 500 metres gap between the first artsite we saw and the next location of rocks, with flat grassy area in between. In the second group we saw so many excellent paintings. By that time it was getting very hot (about 4.30 pm) and almost everyone was looking for a shady spot to cool down. Bill went on exploring further interior and came back later and took us over to a fantastic artgallery. Marvellous paintings, so many of them. We were overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of these paintings. We got back to the lunch spot at 5.15 pm, picked up the packs and proceeded to the campsite. Everyone went swimming in the large pool adjacent to the campsite. A very enjoyable evening around the campfire.
Thursday, 25th May. 89: We left at 8.15 am and walked downstream on the eastern side of the creek on rock platforms and through thick bush. The creek became wide with several large pools. On the way we saw thefirst fresh water crocodile, only the size of an arm. We stopped at about 10.00 am for morning tea. It was very hot in the open. Everyone found some shade for a bit 'of reprieve from the heat. Rob, Bill, Sue, Peter and Neil tried out the rapids on lilos. Others went Swimming. We continued on towards the first big waterfall in Twin Falls creek. This waterfall was not one of the Twin falls. The waterfall itself was big and impressive. That location around the waterfall, according to Kim, was one of the most scenic places in the whole of ICakadu. Many of us scrambled down the rockface beside the waterfall, without packs, had a dip in the water and enjoyed the view towards the waterfall. We returned up the rockface for lunch at 12.45 pm. We had a long rest on a large rockledge on the western side which was under the shade and left at 3.30 pm to get to the other side of the large pool below the waterfall. Ray and I climbed up the broken rock hill, about 100 metres high, and took long route to achieve that. The rest of the party Went down the slippery rockface and got
;11qa.rch 1.990 The Sydney Bushwalker Page lb
themselves and the packs across the pool. Everyone had a great time, liloing and swimming in that beautiful pool. Further downstream it started to look like a gorge with high walls on both sides. We left at 4.30 pm and walked through that gorge with the creek on our left. The campsite was reached at 5.30 pm and it was a sandy bank of about 10 metres high. That was a delightful spot for swimming and for enjoying the beauty of Kakadu. Around the campfire everyone had great fun. Rob, Neil and Judy started singing early in the evening and others joined in later.
Fiida 2y,..6jLyIMat12: We had a late start that morning
ancl left Only at 9.40 am- to walk downstream with the creek on our left. We stopped after crossing the creek at the end of that gorge. The view towards the gorge was very beautiful. We left at about 10.10 am. The river banks opened up and the river bed started to become rocky, We crossed the creek again at about 10.30,am ,ancl now the creek was flowing on our left. There were rough rocks, smooth rocks, sandy areas and small pools. We stopped at a shady spot with a nice pool nearby for morning tea at 10.45 am. Kim went snorkelling and picked up a small turtle (1 foot long) from the bottom of the pool. We only had to go for another 4 km or so to a location near the top of the Twin Falls to camp. We left that spot at 11.40 am and crossed the creek again in 13 minutes. We found an excellent sandy camping area, left the packs in the shade, took cameras and food for lunch and proceeded towards the Twin falls, about 500 metres downstream. The Twin Falls were spectacular. From the top one could see the first waterfall and the immense gorge with large pools. After spending some time watching and admiring the falls from above, the whole party? assembled under a tree on the eastern side near the top rock platform. Chris and Kim told us that we had to go through a break in the rock to go down below the first small waterfall and then we could steadily proceed all the way down in a zigzag manner to the locatioA just above the big waterfall. It was necessary to cpininey down carefully to get below the split in the iock. Kim went down first and helped everyone. We wandered around looking at the two waterfalls and the gorge from different locations, came back, had lunch and swims and after couple of hours returned via the same break in the rocks. After that we went to a fantastic artsite high above the hill on the eastern side of the waterfall. Then we returned to the campsite and went swimming. Then it was time to recall the events of the day, particularly, the scenery near the Twin falls and the fabulous paintings in the artsite, while sitting around a pleasant campfire.
Saturday. 27th May 89: Last night three of us (Jim, Rob and I) decided to go through the gorge early to make the 24 km optional trip to Jim Jim falls. Jim, Rob, Patrick, Kim and I left the camping spot at 7.30
am. Patrick came with us to provide support for Kim to get us through the large pools in the Twin falls gorge. After reaching the high spot on the western side of the Twin falls, we saw two gullies, one further to the west. Kim chose the gully closer to us and showed us later on that the other gully abruptly ended in a big drop. Just before descending, we climbed up to a high point between the gully and the Twin falls which provided excellent views of the gorge. When we got to the bottom of the gully, we had to go around a wet and slippery rock with a sheer drop (10 metres) into the pool below. We learnt later that we could have used the narrow passageway between that rock and the high wall on the western side. After swimming across the large pool below the waterfall, we went around the rocks on our right to avoid swimming the next two pools. Then came the long pool. We swam across to the end of the gorge and then Kim and Patrick went back to the start of the gorge to help the rest of the party. Kim told us there were fresh water crocodiles in Twin falls creek in the gorge, but we didn't see any. Jim, Rob and I walked to the Twin falls car park at 9.30 am and left to go to Jim Jim falls, 12 km away. We reached the falls at noon. It was a spectacular waterfall, about 160 metres high. We all had swims in the pools below and had lunch sitting on the rocks, enjoying that waterfall. We left at 1.30 pm and walked back along the fire trail. We met Ray going to Jim Jim falls after a late start to come through the Twin falls gorge. Further, on we were overtaken by Russell's Nissan Patrol, driven by Mirium. It was loaded with food for the two parties for the second half of the walk. We met the rest of the party at about 4.00 pm and crossed the Twin falls creek to camp on the western side. The second party had set up camp about 200 metres Tway from our campsite. Like us they also had a great time doing the first half of the walk in the Kakadu wilderness. Chris and Kim sorted out the food items for each one of us to carry. Russell had sent chops and fresh vegetables for dinner as well as plenty of wine. Mirium and Chris cooked baked potatoes, ratatouille, baked pumpkin and chops. Dinner was followed by portwine. All that time Rob, Neil and Judy were singing away. Others joined in later. Mirium told us that Russell managed - to reach Darwin in his Pajero with the leaking fuel tank, after several refti,illing- stops on the way. Andrew came over to have a chat with us and stayed for a while. Many went early to sleep and some hardy ones stayed late singing. A small party led by Kim went in the night to look for fresh water crocodiles. We heard later that they did see some red eyes staring at them.
No te: Maps (1:100,000) used were the National Topographic Map series: Jim Jim (Sheet 5471, edition 1) and Mtindogie (Sheet 5371, edition 1), both of Northern Territory. 1:50,000 maps are now available for the areas covered by the above 1:100,000 maps.
Page 16 The Sydney Bushwalker March 1990
The annual reports for the 1990 AGM indicate that the membership of the Club is getting ismaller and older. All organisations need to grow, either at a rate to offset natural wastage or at a higher rate to actually expand. The decline in membership will not change unless we do something about it. 7
, The problem is that Club membership is getting older in years and smaller in numbers.
. The solution is to attract and retain increasing numbers of younger, active walkers. To attract prospective members ,I suggest that we have information sheets at all of the city and suburban bush sport shops, that we ,advertise in the likes of “Metro” (Sydney Morning Herald on
'Fridays), bush sport magazines and other suitable journals. This may only require a limited
advertising campaign in every second issue of the publications.
, Our rules for prospective membership are reasonable and may remain unchanged. 'Where
there is provision for Committee diacretion I believe this should be exercised with the foremost 'intention of retaining prospectives. The hospitality we offer prospectives leaves room for :improvement. Not just the New Members Secretary but we all should make our prospectives feel welcome and valued guests. It must be quite daunting for an uncertain prospective to
enter, and perhaps be ignored by, a room full of very mature bushwalkers.
A vibrant, vital Club can only result from a more youthful membership. To achieve such
a meMbership We must all work together to attract and retain younger people. As we do this
we will alsoattract and retain the normal cross section of people who are interessted in the
Club. If the average age decreased by say five years it would do us all a world of good. Think of it, if we don't do something positive who will organise the Reunion and nostalgia nights when we are getting ready to hang up our volleys?
[The Committee has approved an advertisement to attract young ,,p,ampers. This will beAisplaysd in as many camping stores as possible.,..,As for being friendly towards newcomers - well, are we or aren'twe ,Come on
folks, you ,tell me.. EDITOR]
Share the Fare Competitive Rates
047-.87 8366
March'1990 the Sydney aushwalker Page 17
In 1957 I bought a Paddy made A-frame pack. After one or tyo weekend trips distinguished by the searing the back of my neck and cut shoulders, I left the delights of the bush to the 'happy-go-lucky lads' and one or two lasses, made of sterner stuff.
I say one or two' lessee-, as 1940's photos of the SBW Tigers show only two women. I have
talked to a, few women club members, who found the trips gruelling, the food appalling and the, gear,awkward.and inadequate. They called themselves The Rabbits, and after those youthful trips, most gave up extended trips.
Not so I. , Aftera 157yearrecovery spell, I dragged out the A-frame, bought a Paddy Era tent, high-tech telescopic.aluminium polesr.and plastic groundsheet, then again ventured forth. It was agony in neck.andshoulders.
s' Undaunted, the call of' thd-bOah took me to my SBW test walk in 1979. Right, this 'will
be really lightweight - no tent or even a fly, no foamy and a bare minimum of food:' I made it.!… But it was a smq11,piece of advice given by the leader which made me a regular and enthusiastic walker.- a hip belt.
This latest high-tech wonder was attached to my H-frame Paddy pack and I became a walking advertisement for APC powders - no neck pain! Ten years later I'm carrying my latest whiz-
bang hich pack, hardly, knowing it's there as .I boulder-hop, rock scramble and bush-bash along with the other, happy-go-lucky lads and lasses - looking forward to a tasty dinner, total comfort on my soft dry Thermarest and in our warm, light-weight zip-up tent.
And I still call that adventure.
(A phone call td Ainslie revealed that at the start of a walk her pack weighs only 7 - 8 kilograms. Very different from the 20 kg loads I have seen on some recent walk, and which 'Were, of course, the cause of my comment. ED.)
(In memory of Crayfish Ck.)
Page The Sydney Bdahwalker March'
by Barry Wallace
The meeting began at around 2021 with some 15 or so members present and the President in the chair. There were no apologies, but there were two new members to welcome. Maryke jonkman and Patricia Manusu came forward and were welcomed in the usual way.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read with no matters arising.
Correspondence brought a letter from Pam Allen acknowledging our letter regarding the Nattai Foundation and a letter from Warwick.Blayden requesting that he be permitted to borrow the Club minute books, one at a time, to permit research. The Committee has already agreed
to this request. There were also outgoing letters to the new membersThe Treasurer's Report indicated that we received income of $322 50, expended $1,428.94
and closed with a balance of $1,441.72. The rather high outgoings were largely.comprised
of rates for Coolana.
The Walks Report was presented by the Walks Secretary And it wept like this Over the weekend of 20,21 January Frank Woodgate's Brisbane Waters trip,had no report. Jim Percy's Waterfall to Heathcotewalk was conducted as a clean-up, with some 20 or so emus parading the beaches and retrieving lots of not-so-lovely rubbish. The-FBW Search-& Rescue based clean- Lip attracted 11 SBW - Gordon will be pleaSedf
The Australia Day weekend saw Deborah Shapira leading a group of.9 to 10 people on her. Jagungal walk. It seems the weather was cool to cold and there were some indecisive folk about. Bill Holland's Corroboree Flat trip went, with a party of 7 ric) George Mawer as
The weekend of 2,3,4 February saw “no goes” for Oliver Crawford's Colo trip and Ian Debert's Yalwal Hawaian Gourmet weekend. Not only that, but Jo Marton deferred his Faulconbridge to Springwood walk on the Sunday. It was a wet, wet weekend.
The following weekend, February 9,10,11 Greta Davis cancelled her Zobels Gully trip but Les Powell reported 9 starters making heavy going of it in the rain on Friday night, but managing to make the distance on his Rocky Waterholes Creek trip. Kenn Clacher even had to shorten his Lagoon Creek - Wheeney Gap day walk because of the flooding. There were, 13 starters on that one. Jan Mohandas's Erskine Creek trip was a mystery to the Walks Secretary, and the meeting, but we did notice that it did offer “plenty of swimming”.
The Walks Report was followed by a collection of slides taken on recent trips.
As to the FBW Report for this month, it seems there has been no meeting since we last :had a report. There was mention of the fact that FBW Search & Rescue section can provide 'explanatory letters for presentation to one's employer. These explain that ,'S &:R is a 'member of the SRA, which is a formally constituted rescue body under state ,legislation.
The Social Secretary was reported to be somewhere in New Zealand so we: peeeed on the Social Report. The Conservation Secretary was present and reported on a recent-peeting of MIttagong Council which Mr. Schloss had been invited to attend. It seems there was some opposition to the proposed features of the Barallier Trail. Alex also presented a draft of a letter which he proposed to send to NPA chiding them for the qualified nature of their support for the'Nattai National Park proposal. The meeting agreed that the letter should
indeed be sent.
A letter from Baradine Field Naturalists has brought the welcome news that NPWS now propose to purchase about 3/4 of the property “Wheo Peak” near Coonabarabran. Alex is to write to the Hon. Tim Moore MLA, the relevant Minister, supporting the proposal.
Of General Business there was nil, so after the announcements the President declared the meeting closed. The time was 2114.
* * * * * * * *
NEW MEMBERS - Three new members were admitted to the Club at the March Comm,ittpe meeting.. Their names, addresses and phone numbers will appear in nektmonthls.magazine.
March 1990 The Sydney Bdshwalker Page 19 -
by Dot Butler
The NOSTALGIA NIGHT on February 28 attracted over 60 people, mostly older members (and ex members) amongst whom were at least six past presidents.
Amongst memorabilia of Taro, Marie Byles and George Davison, old 3-pocket packs and maps and compasses were a number of photo. albums from the 1930s. The highlight undoubtedly was Rbg Alder's magnificent display of captioned photographs taken over the decades. His old transparencies from the beginning of colour contrasted with more recent ones of finer grain brought home forcibly how colour has improved over the years.
Our thanks to all.who contributed-to-the evening, especially to ever-willing young
Les Powell who hopped up on tables 'tofl tring up exhibits, saw to the erection of the screen and the lights.
It was an evening for the oldies but the newer younger members who didn't come missed a worth having glimpse of the Club's past.
by Kath Brown'
On weekend trips or longer, it is desirable to take lightweight food. One item that hasn't been mentioned recently but which in times past I found very useful is - KM.% Eggs are only about 65 grams each, are very nourishing, can be cooked in different easy ways (boiled, fried, scrambled), and, if you like eggs which most people do, are a tasty addition to a meal. They can even be eaten uncooked - as an eggnog, which on a rainy morning makes for an easy breakfast.
The big ,problem for some people, however, is how to carry eggs?' ' Well, it is just a simple matter of wrapping each egg in a square of newspaper and then carrying them in your billy - of course it is also necessary 6:i-take a small bag (calico?) to hang them up in when you want,to use the billy. If you need to carry four or more, why not carry them in the cardboard container that you buy them in? On a 1Png trip I have carried 12 eggs this way with no breakages. And even if they do get cractiqd*- well, you have to crack them anyway before you cook them.
So,' :4.eaSe consider taking eggs on your next overnight trip. A small rasher of bacon with altied. egg and dehydrated vegetables is very easy 63 cook”- and VERY TASTY.
* * * * * * * * *.
THE GOOD EGG! by Jim Brown
Relating to Kath's comment about carrying whole=eggs on a walk Having had (or refused) dried egg for breakfast daily for about four years (1941-45), I steadfastly refused to contemplate powdered eggs. Once, on a private walk with then President, Tom Mcippett, looking at places where timber-cutters had invaded the Mark Morton Reserve, we were descending off the western end of Mount Carrialoo (nothing to do with porta-loos), when I fell backwards about three metres off a small cliff and then rolled another ten metres downhill through thick scrub. I was scratched and lacerated from thigh to ankle, the frame of my A-pack buckled, the billy in which I had an egg for Easter Monday morning became an oval billy: the egg, wrapped in a 107cR square of newspaper, was undamaged and I boiled it by Yarrunga Creek next morning before Tom and I did the long bash into Tallong via Purnoo Lookout and Caoura.
The ELL/LsommilLslaraf-. are having a GALA DAY on 12th May to raise money; for the put-chase of a special.bus for the disabled. If you would like to help them make this day a success, contact the Centre on 798 5140 or 798. 5431. You-might like to run a raffle or a sausage sizzle - or send a cheque!
Page 20 The Sydney Bushwalker March 1990
The following annual subscriptions were decided at the Annual General
Meeting held on Wednesday 14th March 1990:-
Single active member $30.
Household $48
, Non-active member $ 9
plus magazine $21
Magazine subscription only
- $12
Entran0 -fee' $5
Alccordfng to the Constitution subscriptions must be paid no later than six months.ftom the beginning of the Club's financial year, i.e. 1st January. The Treasurer would appreciate early payment.
, - - -
The SA-R. BUSH DANCE held by the Confederation on Friday 11th May at Lane Cove Town Hall is to have a party from SBW organised by DENISE SHAW - 922 6093.
COME AND SEE NEW ZEALAND - as Jim Oxley saw it.
Having fallen in love with The Land of The Long White Cloud, Jim keeps going back for yet another trip. His collection of slides gets better each time - come and see why he keeps returning. The date - APRIL 18th.
A SLIDE kIGHT TO 'REMEMBER. when Jan Mahandas and other members of
his Great Top End Trek show the last of their slides. The date? 25th April Cancel all other engagements!
(Although this is a public holiday - Anzac Day - the Clubroorvwill be open.)
. -
CANOE/OUTDOOR SPORTS SHOP, established retail business.
Mbdern shop, 2200 sq.ft., good positijoR.on highway in southern Sydney. Thriving business - owner sOpling due to personal
circumst'ances. Training given if needed.
Contact JILL or RON 546 5455 (work) 559 4546 (home) 817 1136 (work) 982 2169 (home)
The following annual subscriptions were decided at the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 14th March 1990:-
Single Member. 6 $30
H(Ousehold . . . 4 $48
Non-active Member . $ 9
Non-active Member plus magazine $21
Magazine subscription only $12
Please send this notice with your cheque/bank cheque (NOT money order) to
The Treasurer, The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc, Box 4476 GPO, Sydney, 2001 NAME/S: (For ALL members in household)
If a receipt is required, please send a stamped self-addressed envelope.
TYPE.: (Cross out all not applicable)
Single - Household - Non-active - Non-active with magazine
Magazine subscription only
(NOTE: Last year 50 people paid twice! Do not forward a remittance if previously paid.)